Fixing Not Enough Goods with EPIC FISH ISLAND in Cities Skylines!

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oh i've just reloaded the game and something fishy is going on here what the heck welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer thank you for joining me today we're here in the city of new zealand and we're going to be dealing with goods our no problem at all expansion is going well but we're lacking for good some of the shops are complaining and disappearing and we don't want that and i thought why not let's do something a little bit different this time and we're going to take a whole island and turn it into a little fishing haven enclave fisherman's island is what i've called it at the moment but i'm sure we'll come up with some better names together and that will produce a load of goods for us so here we are just heading down towards is the area that we made last time it just looks absolutely beautiful now we're heading in the wrong direction so let's start following that truck oh look at that i haven't seen your feedback on this yet but i love it i love it but we're coming down here a little bit further along past the end of no problem at all to this island here we are gonna convert this island and get as many goods as we can coming off of here and coming into here so if we just come out of this view there we go and we'll come along here we've got see these little blue icons not enough goods not enough goods there's a few down here getting serious not enough goods this building has gone because of not enough goods to sell so yeah we are going to work on that so let's have a look here first of all i'm thinking i am just going to remove all the trees there we go from this island let's put that strength right up there we go excellent all the trees are going and they are gone excellent and we have a couple of rocks that we're gonna take whoa hang on a sec is this what i think it's gonna be uh no it's just one small floating rock i thought that was gonna be another one of those but what we're gonna do is um can i do props and just grab the rocks no which one can i use trees they're not i know they're not trees but i'm just wondering what they count as oh there we go i knew it was something weird it's buildings um so let's do that again let's just take these ones here that one there we're gonna leave this little bit on the ends here but we'll grab see look that that cancels the building these don't which is really weird so i'll put props on as well there we go and we'll get all the little rocks that are lying around the place and we shall zippy dee doo da doos over to oh man it's so far away alien rock park although they're not going to fit in in one go so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to drop them there there we go excellent whoa what's going on there we go we're back in the game right and then i would like to put a key wall around this and really turn it into yeah something sort of more industrial looking is that the thought i'm thinking um what choices do we have i mean of course we could use the bog standard key wall but i'm thinking the fenceless one here i'm pretty sure all the stuff will still snap to it so maybe let's pop a little stretch of that down and we go into our fishing and we've got all these different options here yeah they will snap to that if we manage to get it worked out well okay excellent so let me just get this place filled in i'm actually just placing some straight segments first because we want we want to have plenty of options for placing our fishing buildings up against if they're too curved then it's not really going to work so we will get some places like that and then in between we can use the curved option to join them up yeah not quite sure what i'm gonna do with the ends here yeah we'll see how that goes i'm just gonna add yeah let's change this i'm going to move that back a spot and i'm going to bring that in to there and that could perhaps go a little bit further yeah if we take that bit out there put that nice and straight up to there yep excellent okay that's good effing it's connected up let's organize the land in a flat fashion um also i want all of these the same height so let's do that first if we do that we'll do nodes and we'll grab all of those and i want them all the same height as let's go for this one there we go excellent let's flatten the land and yes shock horror i've managed to do a load of work around water and we haven't flooded anything oh oh it's amazing it's amazing i tell you there we go i think that he's probably oh let's undo that bit and not do it quite so far let's go up to there i think that's looking okay excellent excellent excellent i might just now we'll leave that at the angle that it is cool okay right what have we got down there we've got some weird sticks and things we're going to get rid of those right so what do we want to place around here i'd like to go for the most producing ones we've got so eventually we're going to get in here fish factories because they are going to take our fish and turn them into goods then they're all going to be shipped out um i'm just thinking actually how we're going to get these off of here we're going to need a road connection coming in here which is then going to spread out it's definitely going to connect to here somehow i'm just thinking about because we've got a train line right here whether we could run just a simple goods line coming from there coming to in here somewhere like this little spot and we've got no other place over here to put goods maybe we'll just as it's so close maybe we'll just rely on the trucks yeah we'll go with that okay so for instance let's have a look on here seaweed farm to grow and gather high yields of seaweed so that's 14 400 units a week algae farm 8 000 so they're basically not fishing they're just farms let's have a look at what fish options we have you've got anchovy and plenty of shellfish and a little bit of salmon okay that's fine so let's maybe pop some of these in out facing towards the sea so i'm gonna go for a couple of those and a couple of these are these are quite small aren't they and we're worrying we'll worry about the levels and things in a moment yeah there we go so they're going to grow all the all the stuff out here x and what i was thinking about was trying to get the fishing maybe sort of going this way in this way maybe over here add a little bit of interest to that so keeping in mind what we've got the main thing we've got over here is androvy so tuna shellfish salmon and anchovy so i'm thinking maybe an anchovy root or two let's see we can put one there and one there and if we keep it within the type of fish that it's got they have a high catch rating capacity as long as their fishing roots reach the correct type of fish incorrectly in the past i've said it really doesn't matter what fish they're going through but that is not the case um we've got salmon here and here so could we get a salmon it was this one here wasn't it going through there as close as possible over here as well haven't we look we got that on the corner like that we might be able to get that to go straight down through that and back again and catch a load of fish we need to keep an eye on what we're doing here um shellfish tons of shellfish over here so definitely i would think if you were making something here then shellfish would be the biggest thing that you would do that just doesn't really fit on that corner there does it no it doesn't okay let's do that again yeah there we go that's fine and i really would think a couple of these down here you you'd be looking at this thinking we are going to be buying shellfish for days because of all of this which makes me think about moving these now yeah do you know what we're gonna do a bit of a switch around hold your horses oh good grief okay and then what else have we got so we've got the farms down that's fine uh tuna let's have a look where the tuna is dark blue tuna no tuna no no tuna so we're not going to do that and then we've got everything else and then it just needs our fish factories right so i'm going to just level all these out so let's grab the movement mod again we'll go here we'll go buildings yep there we go so we'll grab our buildings oh that's going to grab if you think no don't want that let's do that again oh yeah i was seeing that out there and thinking it was rocks there we go let's have those let's have those excellent so i want them all the same height as this one there we go if you sort of drop down yep that is fine we do have some space here if you want to add some more but i'm thinking this is going to be the road on and off and perhaps the factory here as well right so connecting these up via road i mean they've all got just a bog standard road on there which is this one here uh this one here so i don't know whether some of these are going to be too close no they're fine excellent [Music] okay so they're all hooked up um so i'm you know these are going to produce a heck of a lot of fish so i'm just wondering whether let's get our main road in so this road along here um i want this to finish in a roundabout at the end so let's grab our raw road two lane country road okay uh let's grab this one and we're gonna go out to there out to there out to there and after that there we go excellent we'll grab our roundabout builder what have we got 40 radius 50 radius 48 yeah i think that'll be fine and then we can upgrade these roads here let's grab that one and upgrade to that there that's going to be that there i know it's a t-junction and you don't necessarily need a roundabout but it's just gonna help things run a lot smoother and then this one coming out here uh we'll go for a for you let's have a look what have we got avenue no parking four-lane road i mean i'm thinking actually let's just grab that it's going to be the same as this for now and then when we come to build in all of this area we may switch things around a bit so that came out to there we saved the rock because you know the rock needs saving uh that seems to be the high point i'm just wondering if there's a bridge that we could use across there that might just look a little bit more special so that's the six lane stone bridge uh that's a six lane so we always end up using this one don't we the four lane bridge the others just seem oh american the four lane truss bridge oh yeah that will be good and let's turn into bridge mode yep there we go let's just take a look at that yeah that's nice that looks substantial doesn't it i'm liking that very good that's got a nice connection over there straight across into our industry area and there's no boats that come through here at the moment these are farms so they won't go anywhere these boats will go out yeah so that's fine cutting that bit off and then how we gonna sort of do this bit up here um i'm thinking if we can bring all these roads in to a central part that's maybe one way they can come in drop off their cargo at the factories and then it can come out again so they're gonna be coming in up this way yeah there we go so we'll bring that in there and then it's going to be i think to there and then we're going to have two i mean i'm just literally making this up as i go along let's go for small industrial roads and if it went in like that up like that up like that up like if it went something like this then everybody can connect to there but if there's a factory i suppose if they connected here there's going to be factories everywhere isn't there we're going to end up with some factories being used more than others perhaps a quick sip of tea look at that i pre-empted the autosave well let's let's see how that goes let's see how that goes and then what i was thinking was is one of these here three lane no parking i don't mind parking yeah let's go for this one so if that weren't like that yeah that's the right way around okay this is the factory isn't it yeah fish factory is gonna butt up against there so they're gonna come in there drop the fish off then they're gonna want to turn around and come back out and then i've got to go around the whole loop the one-way thing might end up not actually being uh something that continues we'll we'll see how that goes it was an idea that was in my brain um so we're going to pop that up to the end and then we're going to try and back where does that go up to yeah that goes up to the road back some of these up to here so let's see how many we can fit in is that on the same yeah that's on the same so we have two there we're going up before aren't we yeah okay let's do that then what's the length of that 840 is that gonna 620 is it going to jump and connect it is 842 will literally overlap that like that so we might just adjust those but for now we're going to put that there and we're going to put that there and then i am going to just adjust these ever so slightly back okay so we've got our big processing factories in the middle uh what do they say they do 8 000 units per week so i definitely think we're going to need some storage in between this and this i know we do have the fish market as well um they're better to be put so what have we got noise pollution 50 workplaces 33 they're better to be put around places like this in the middle so we've got a fish market people can come and visit to grab their stuff uh but we're gonna do it this way so let's just work out where these are going to connect we've also got these connections here um i don't actually mind if that sort of went in like that which it's not gonna do because i've turned the nodes off and that node is over there isn't it ah darn it that's annoying so what we could do is come in like that which road is that oh that's the asymmetric mode i didn't want that one nope don't want that one i want this one uh we may change it for a symmetry in a bit but i just think that'll be okay and then we can have this one it's not gonna quite match up to there yeah we'll go like that that one there they don't have to be a hundred percent even do they that's going to come down there maybe to there then we can have that one is going to go in okay yep that one there one in the middle to there there we go we've got lots of connections these guys are gonna have to travel a long way in fact no they're not we're gonna finish off this road for them there we go so they've got their connection there excellent okay oh people are coming in already what are you doing delivering fish to fish factory so even though they're not even working yet these guys are bringing in fish so they're coming in from outside fair enough if you're eager to get to work you may continue now i do want warehouses along here i love these old brick warehouses so what i'm going to do is sort of flank these roads here oh man these are going to cost me what are the cost on these things 64 a week okay that's next to nothing so we're gonna pop two of those on each of these roads where it makes sense because in a moment they're not really going to line up i'm going to put those in the middle there and then one for these ones over here so they've all got their own brick built warehouses and then for these now let's have a think because these are gonna be outputting commercial goods um and they're gonna have to be stored here because they're gonna be going out in that direction so let's get a nice big let's have a look some of these are very big aren't they do they fit in there they do so we're gonna leave a little gap in between and we're gonna pop three of those in excellent so working backwards on empty these are going to be commercial zone good so they're going to come out of there get stored here if there's nowhere else for them to go but it also means that for the goods to get into the city it's going to be these 11 trucks and these warehouses that will take them into the city not these 13 trucks here and because we've got such a load of them i think we'll be okay so commercial zone empty commercial zone empty commercial zone empty commercials so these are gonna be producing fish can i store fish in here oh there's not a dedicated fish storage thing is there that i'm completely missing here oh i don't think there is i thought i could store fish in here but i can't oh darn it well actually looking at these these have got 19 um yeah 19 trucks so actually if you're considering they're only going from here to here i think that's going to be okay so i'll tell you what we're going to do instead then is with these warehouses i'm going to just use them for decoration and we're just going to use a variety of sizes just to sort of decorate this area down here that's the plan [Music] [Music] there we go so i'm going for a random assortment of warehouses facing in different directions just to give a little bit of variety to the area yep i think that's looking okay um and then what else could we put in here i tell you what we need to do is to get these poor people water so let's just get that set up [Music] [Music] there we go so this will be hooking up our final water pipe under the road where they belong as city planner plays reminds us so often which i'm happy to do there we go so they're all covered in water in the good way you know obviously not because i flooded them which is fine i'm thinking of power what's our water availability yeah we're getting a bit low so i'll tell you what why don't we pop one of these that's actually on a road let me put one of these in here somewhere i mean we could just i mean there's going to be factories there isn't there i don't know whether they do they pollute do they uh it looks like they will although it's not sort of spreading maybe let's just go randomly in the middle there and then if we need to move them at a later date we can always do that let's come down here and across to there and then for power i was thinking can we sort of make this semi self-sufficient with the power look they're all going out tetley oh deadly oh my goodness when am i going to stop getting mixed up yorkshire yorkshire tea is bringing out the fish to go in the tea bags i don't know what they're doing there um but i've had a lot of comments about how nuclear power this was from the antarctica non-modded city nuclear power is pretty green um so we may be switching to that in antarctica but i think over here something like the geothermal power plant and or the solar updraft tower oh actually we've got so much power but yeah i just want to have something over here that i can just easily connect up to yeah so what we'll do we're going to use this little this little section here is going to be like a separate little power area uh let's have this one if i went like up there and along here and down there but the other way around could i still fit those in oh no i couldn't but that's okay because then what i can do off of that i mean the only reason i'm putting these roads up is just for interest you know it's no particular where's the middle one there we go if i go almost oh do you know what let's connect that to there why not and then we can pop these off of here to oh i could put three in if i move these down squeeze in a third no i can't do it all right i'll tell you what that's going oh it won't let me wait let me do it okay well let's just get this road all the way across to there and then it'll probably let me do it yep there we go let's go like that instead let's just barge these up there's a little bit of space there we go so that's going to add a load of power in this area we'll sort the roads out in a minute and then we've got some space here as well for any other things i'll tell you what we could probably do over here is with some trash collection because these are all going to get super super busy so let's add in opposite that a waste transfer facility oh everyone's getting busy everyone's getting busy then we're going to add in some of these just for the look again let's just grab a few random ones do that one there and i'm going to move this one up and over and then i might just add a few more down here as well there we go excellent and i'll sort out what's going to be in all of these warehouses off camera in a moment because that's going to take a while all right i know we've got to stop the fishing routes you know we should actually do that now because we're just wasting wasting valuable fish well these are making the fish aren't they but they're not making the power um can we get our power to jump across so that's all connected we just need the power to jump across down here so let us use our tried and tested hmm now we're thinking about it could we add some fire helicopter depots in this section here i might just leave this section free and then we'll come back to we're going to grab our earthquake sensor so i reckon if i can get a couple of these in here one there one there hey that connects all of those up and then we'll just go one there and one there for now just to connect those up everyone happy all the electricity we're ever gonna need one of my budget on electricity that can go down my budget on water yeah we'll leave that as it is yep that's okay everyone's happy so yeah let's have a look at the old routes on here and get all of these set up so as we're doing this actually i want to keep in mind where they're all heading so that is all shellfish shellfish shellfish and shellfish so let's get those done first and uh we have worked out in the past haven't we that there is a perfect route just to get a hundred percent but as it's actually going over the correct type of fish i don't know what that would be so i'm just gonna randomly just set some roots up and we'll probably just go with the flow i'll be honest and as long as they actually do get to 100 and it's not too not too far out i think we'll be okay so let's just wait for these to come out now they've been all hooked up there we go here comes one now so let's follow this guy oh i'm not entirely sure we're even going to get up to 100 not on this one no we need to make that a lot bigger um what about the next one along yeah and obviously this one's shorter because i did these in this order but he's getting back before this one [Music] yeah so i need to make all of these longer okay [Music] always something i haven't seen before low fishing route efficiency i think the route has got too long yeah he's a hundred percent he's a hundred percent okay he's a 100 yeah so i just made them far too long haven't i and that's why this one's complaining okay next we've got anchovy this is gonna be a bit harder this one because we've got less space to work with i think as long as we stay within this area as much as possible oops let's try that one again let's try it for a third time what is the problem thank you that uh yeah we should be okay [Music] i mean what do you reckon is that nowhere near the same size as this is it it might be the best we're gonna get hang on i can put a few more wiggles down here [Music] that is an interesting fishing route now we've got to try and get this one working as well this one is salmon so that has got to stay on this pinky oh this pink all the way down here oh that's okay and what's that one there that's anchovy which is the main color all right let's get these done [Music] right we've got some boats heading back into these so let's have a look that's going to get to 100 this one over here that's getting there quicker yeah 100 almost there that's fine oh man that's going to be close 94 94 really i can't have that 99 100 perfect 100 yes that's nearly there so just this little one over here needs a tiny tiny little bit adding on i can literally probably just do that that that that and that and that will solve that so that's all those okay uh this one here i've no idea which boat well here it is it's this one here 100 already oh man how far so this one here oh that got to 100 well before oh that's 100 already oh my goodness what seriously that's not that's 100 go in there and then to there what flip your neck that's nuts um okay i don't need all of this then [Music] and there we go 100 just before it goes in excellent and this one over here is probably too big as well look yeah you can see they're steaming back once they're full up oh man i was really thinking we need to make these a lot bigger let's see how far that one needs to go oh actually i think it is this corner here so actually i'm thinking we're going to take all of that off up to that new guy there i hope he doesn't disappear and go around to there is he still going yeah he's still going he's still going hopefully he gets enough the time he gets to here because the root back is different fish don't want to be mixing our fish catching salmon ah cruising is he going to catch any others no okay there we go that'll be perfect and this one here is probably far too big as well look what are they up to oh man i've overdone it on these ones as well okay let me sort that and there we go 100 not too far off and then they cruise back to drop off the fish okay yep i am happy with that let's ignore all of these warehouses around here at the moment because they are probably going to be stacked with dummy goods uh it's another way of putting these down so i don't have to have anything in them i mean if i just put empty and commercial goods for all of them i could just do that are we gonna start getting trucks coming anyway i don't know let's let's check out our warehouses see how they're doing so they've got fish they've got fish i basically want to just keep these stacked with fish constantly and as we know there is no in between place to add fish um let's just have a look how are we doing here yeah i want to change something here i forget the traffic manager is now up there so dedicated turning lanes that one coming in that one going straight over just in case they need to and those two coming up thank you uh the same there and we're going to take off the traffic lights and we're going to do giveaway there don't be dedicated lanes there that is probably i don't think it's added traffic lights anywhere else it probably needs a load of dedicated lane stuff just adding around here just i mean it isn't backing up is it it isn't backing up at all that one and that one it's all going okay i'm pretty pleased to be honest waste transfer is working all right this is going okay now what is this one not enough buyers for fish right what that is telling me i'm going to pause the game there is these 19 trucks have gone out to deliver the fish and they've come around here to deliver the fish to here i would imagine if we do that and some of them have actually gone all the way down here i bet they've gone off to fish markets where are they going let's follow it oh they've all gone all the way up there and disappeared huh that is interesting i bet they have gone to a fish market and then come back again if i have other fish markets in the city but because all 19 are out it's now filled up with fish and it's got nowhere to go so that's what that means so when it says buyers in inverted commerce it just means trucks to take them somewhere now i was hoping that wasn't going to happen because of all these factories right here but that one is literally so what i'm wondering is is because we don't have somewhere to store the fish that's annoying that we're going to end up with all of these making so much fish and only these four so it means we either need more factories or some other place to store the fish let's engage my brain cells oh i've just reloaded the game and something fishy is going on here what the heck let's just start that up is that going to cause a problem the water is gone okay it's fine so it turns out that if you wish to add fish to your warehouses you need to add a mod that enables you to add fish to your warehouses so we are going to put these down as fish so what that means is is these trucks there we go we'll take the fish to here and it will be the trucks from the warehouse which is 11 trucks that will be taking them out over to here but because we've got so many warehouses yeah we're not going to run out of trucks but i'm going to put these on empty they will go to these first because they're closer and we use that other mod don't we let's just jump into our mods here it is called if i can scroll down and it catches my eye more effective transfer manager and it will go to warehouses first i have that option ticked so let me set all of these to empty and fish and then hopefully we should be good to go oh how i wish there was some sort of copy and paste function for doing this because it's just going over and over and over and doing my nuts oh do you know what i'm also gonna oh no we've got these for goods haven't we i was just gonna say i was gonna put some for goods but before in the past already thought of that excellent there we go and i think this is the last couple empty and fish and we're done let's just zoom out yeah there we go excellent we are all done we can see all the fish trucks look at them loads and loads of them all coming down here which is brilliant is there some sort of weird stop sign thing going on here yeah you give way and you keep going you give what i want all these side roads to give way yeah you give way because that's the main way out um and then you and then you and you and you and you and you just to keep this inner ring going that's what we want and i'm hoping that with this sort of one-way system we've got going on here this is far too close to the junction i'm gonna move that uh over there there we go that's much better why are they stopping is it because of oh do you know what it is i know what it is it's going to be these nodes are a little bit too close together so i'm going to say don't stop when you get there don't stop when you get there don't stop when you get there and just keep these going these guys can wait or do you know what as that's offered i'm gonna delete that that one's gone because these work better because they're off a side road out of the way and then hopefully that is everything working as it should do so what i would like from you lovely people out there watching is some ideas for decoration because we've got a lot of warehouses which is what i'd expect what other sort of things would you expect to see on an island like this let me know in the comments below look at all these lovely fish trucks they're all heading out i'm hoping let's just pause a sec that these ones here see they're actually exporting fish we are making so much fish see ideally i want just these uh these all filled with fish ready for this you know i'm gonna just slightly change some of this i think i'm just changing what i'm doing i'm gonna say some of these along here to be filled just a few not all of them because i don't want them because what's going to happen first of all is we're going to suddenly now put a calling uh cannot be imported oh okay fish cannot be imported that's fine didn't want a million trucks coming in from outside the city and then hopefully that's just going to keep so much available to keep these going and let's check how much money our fish fishy business is making for us well as you know it does go up and down a minute ago that was at 10 000. let's just speed the game up a minute and see whether that change has got a lot of expenses i'll come back to that look even these ones you put as empty are filling up i mean this only holds 43 tons but look that's a feel that's a feel 100 tons 100 tons they are filling up so quick i mean i really think we could have more fish factories in here i am going to add more fish factories in here you can probably see where that sentence was going let's see what we can do why not let's fill up this thing with fish factories that is not enough room to fit another one in there that's a shame uh i don't want to make those places too big and let's just really ramp this thing up and see how much money we can make oh and before it's mentioned we are gonna pop in a little fireman's let's have a look if i pop this over here let's pop it yeah let's pop it there so i know we're gonna do it here so we can get to anywhere that it needs to go and we'll also pop in a little police next to it as well i don't really want it on that junction yeah we'll go there and then a clinic just to get the land value up that's going to go around here i think that should be fine here we go the money from the fishy business is going up 9 000 a week 8 000 a week i mean we're up to plus 30 what's that 37 000 a week wow overall in our in our city but yeah the fishy business is getting over i've seen it almost up to 11 000 a week that is just nuts well i think that's a great use of that island needs a few tweaks need some decorations we will get back to that thank you very much for watching check out the next video on the screen subscribe be back here tomorrow for our non-modded are vanilla city antarctica and you have a fantastic day take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 95,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay, not enough goods, cities skylines not enough goods
Id: Hwv5DPDwUgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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