Trisha & Ethan Have a Huge Fight & She Storms Out - Frenemies #5

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I had a friend with BPD, and seeing the way she turned on Ethan really reminds me of the way that friendship ended. That person gets upset about something - instantly you're the worst person ever and there's no hope of resolving the situation. Sucks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 506 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catsandgoldfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think her internal clock of ruining anything good in her life is running out of time β€” and it’s sad I really enjoyed this podcast.

But I think some of us knew deep down it wouldn’t last.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 236 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow he actually shaved his hair and his eyebrows. Dan and Ethan should now put mayo on the dome together

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 318 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1ROYinHD1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

lmao she went after jacksfilms

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 488 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aidanEJB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œ I can see why you’ve been with the same person for 12 years”

Because they love each other probably..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 820 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crazyripps πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

im at the part where Trish said she shovels shit out of her ass with a dildo idk if I should continue

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chuckmeow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was waiting for this to happen, been watching her content for some years now.

She projects all of her issues to others all the time. Wears her mental illnesses as a shield which imo is a shitty thing to do. A lot of people struggle, not everyone weaponizes it the way she does. It's toxic. All the low blows made me sad.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pajamacat66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yikes, that was a mess. Trish really had a triggered moment. Wonder if they will continue next week...

I understands both sides, but Trisha really did not have to bring up the pill popping. But she felt like she was backed into a corner because Ethan called her crazy. Sounds like a mix of a mental episode, a trigger word, and a bad day. She probably was miffed with Ethan being so spot on -- she would be a terrible mother and doesn't have her priorities in order. Meanwhile the costume idea was hers and she can't even beat Ethan in that. Must be frustrating for her.

But I guess that's what we signed up for lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 505 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rave-light πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So that last 25 minutes or so was hard to watch, but can we at least acknowledge how surreal/kind of funny it was to see such an emotionally-heated argument between Megan Fox and Uncle Fester?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dcisthewall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi uncles i'm uncle fester so i did a high uncle okay love that i'm not letting the james charles thing go i love it that's your thing though is like not letting things go like that's your that is your job i think it's funny you know that and also that it upsets people so much but today i'm uncle i am uncle fester from the adams family what is this uncle fester nobody knows who i am which is so crazy except for tick tock hey um i am jennifer from jennifer's body a great movie by diablo cody starring amanda seaford megan fox um she's a zombie eating cheerleader zombie eat wait you eat zombies you said zombie eating boy eating she's a zombie everyone says vampires like you crapping feeling the zombie she's not a zombie actually i thought that was half dead i thought that was a really interesting premise someone who eats zombies that's kind of cool it's like fresh and unique i mean that would be a cool one yeah i mean maybe that could be a concept yeah i just wanted to be cute for tick tocks and only fans so like when i came up with the i came up with the idea to do halloween episodes i did not think you would participate but i wanted to forewarn you that i was going to be in costume not knowing you were going to take it to this like extra level that you have taken it yeah i was just going to ask if you're embarrassed for the second week to sit next to me had i known you were going to be like so intricate first of all i didn't think you had hair makeup people which you didn't you asked for my hair people just totally fine love giving them work but i'm just saying yeah i didn't think oh he's not going to have the hair makeup like i do that's what i do that's my thing i always look like the character and then you were all of a sudden once you got my hair makeup people just like oh he's gonna like really step it up and so i literally i messaged you and i said just so you know well you should have known from last week after i showed up as james charles you should have known i said just so you know i'm going all out again so don't say i didn't warn you i know but and then the first thing you say when you show up is like oh somebody should have told me yeah i shaved my eyebrows and i shaved my whole [ __ ] head this is not a prosthetic there's not some kind of [ __ ] part of the trick i shaved all my [ __ ] hair off i was ready to shave my my eyelashes but everyone said no don't do it yeah well you also should have done the eyebrows because when you take the makeup off you're gonna look crazy yeah it takes like five months apparently to grow them back yeah i have a fault you want to see me just normal yeah wait oh without with no eyebrows yeah i took a photo before oh my gosh but the thing is i kind of wanted them to do um i don't know why nobody proposed doing that here that's what i look like you don't look bad not that bad right who do you look like you kind of look like someone like paul giamatti maybe who's that you know who called your money is who's paul junior are you being so serious we're on your mother's life [ __ ] is paul gioman are you kidding do you think i would waste time precious mo oh that's okay you're a [ __ ] that's the worst photo of him he is actually so hot and sideways if you talk while you're married sideways like he's so hot in that movie like he's actually you're comparing me to pig vomit oh okay yes knowing that that's his name from you know i know wait why don't you like mention howard stern you're like have this like this weird thing you said your audience comes for you when you mention howard stern like i love how i was learning like refuse to talk about him like you don't like talking about him you don't like mentioning like his name talk about him cuz he said like oh that movie like you don't really say his name howard stern's private parts i just referenced the character in the movie um he's jewish him and adam sandler read the torah on his show like the other day they literally or what was it torah something i don't know so anyway um hey so i went all out and uh i'm gonna regret it but i i i was like listen you know i wanted to look good i wanted to go out but if she would have suggested maybe doing it with glue but does it look as good with glue no you definitely definitely committed more with shaving the eyebrows but now you're gonna have to be for all the episodes to come till march you're gonna have no eyebrows i think it's funny though in a way oh i have to just live through the mystery of having no eyebrows for a while to look at and you have an anniversary trip this weekend like you're not gonna have sex this weekend like i could never have sex with someone no i'd rather she'll bag me no offense anyone what what she'll bag me bag she'll be back bag over your head yeah is that what you do is that a thing i've never heard yeah she'll bag me i could see that for sure i could see that is that a thing i it yes so what so how was your weekend it was great what is this what are you doing i just want to like okay so uh we have i made this special candle okay you remember gwyneth paltrow smells like my vagina candy i remember you talking about it i don't really remember i made a candle i said [ __ ] her why does the girls get all the fun i just made a candle smells like my butthole this is a real one are you really selling it yes i swear and all the prophets go to prostate cancer wait are you serious yeah how did you get this made how do you guys have it took a while because we're [ __ ] because we take things seriously we make some connections like this no try it oh my god but it's unique right it's not just it's not like just farts it's like a real smell oh my god that's so disgusting yeah what who made that this is everything yeah oh my god so anyway this is iconic last year when gwyneth made her candle we're like this is [ __ ] stupid this is gonna light it no don't light it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be worse it'll be available in like a month but we first of all we worked with the essence company to perfect the perfume scent and um oh my god i was just i was specifically like i don't want just sulfur because you could just get fart liquid and smells like farts but i was like no no it's got to smell like musky pubie bioefficient yeah that's what my butthole smells like it doesn't smell so bad it doesn't smell like a fart it smells just more like yeah like a moist butthole like you have a shower for the day yeah exactly and so but so i really was trying to be true to form here and uh and yeah all the profits are going to go to prostate cancer awareness or research whatever all of it all these poor men with ass cancer that'd be awful wait it's asking oh it is yes cancer yes the ass cancer and so they'll be available in a month or so okay now what try this watch no what i don't want to smell it why are you blowing it my way oh my god that smells so bad i hate burps i hate oh my god that sounds so horrible that when it burn when it blows out is oh my god i hate that stuff like anything like that like oh so anyway how was your weekend oh that's so you know i almost didn't agree to even do this podcast because moses told me like you burp a lot and i hate burping so much he said you burp a lot i don't burp almost at all oh well farting all of that and i hate all of it i mean i don't burp or fart in front of my guests but have you ever seen me burp or fart i just got nervous have you ever seen me burp or fall i'm not a guest anymore this is our fifth episode i know is it yeah yeah wow congrats all right let's get to some business this is stupid this is boring i hate that you already downplay everything like what the hell you were the one that convinced me that our last episode was like trash and then everyone's like we love that episode so you should i didn't really follow my lead okay let me pull up my notes happy anniversary by the way i'm congrats on marriage thank you you guys are very sweet actually you're very open-minded that you don't care that i do only fans last week you thought that we weren't romantic and you thought our relationship was a sham i noticed you stepped it up on instagram now you guys are like love her hottie i've always listened to you i have it i followed you guys for a year and you never okay so here here i've got it it's like love him i've got a bunch of stuff i want to get to today so let's cut through the [ __ ] oh my god first of all last last um last week you admitted you don't know what the holocaust is or why oh my god are we really gonna go so i asked you to watch schindler's list even ask me watched schindler's list and i was like no but also okay let me just do it like you said yes i'd love to that would be awe i said it would be funny you watched endlessly okay yeah stop with the [ __ ] no my initial reaction was like yes i'm excited to watch this because everyone's got it and i don't know so initially i was like yes i'm down liam neeson ralph fiennes i'm down i'm in for this movie do you have questions about it were you surprised that a movie about the holocaust was sad oh yeah it was way too sad we started like watching it and then our dinner arrived and i felt really sad eating like mac and cheese while someone was getting blown in the seat eating the mac and cheese is sad enough it was i felt so fat that day because i'd panda express it that for lunch and then i had the mac and cheese for dinner i'm like wow i'm really fat but then um we watched it and it was really sad and it was audibly hard to hear like just my only critique schindler's list is like i get it it's sad and it was like it was probably a great movie that went oscars but like audibly i couldn't hear them it wasn't an accent thing it wasn't like i just couldn't the audio was horrible they didn't have subtitles you know you could turn on subtitles oh no stop you don't know how to turn off i don't have subtitles does this have subtitles yeah every well yeah actually it does it has captions all right stop i didn't know anyways aside from the subtitles like auto let me read this horrible and it's black and white which i feel was a cop-out whoever directed that film steven spielberg director okay i think he knows i think he cheapened out with it by not having to do it in color like you for blood you probably just use like chocolate syrup or something you know rather than like what you're saving on the budget literally chocolate syrup i think so because all right let me read what you want to do he would go full out shout out quentin let me oh yeah that that would be appropriate in uh the schindler's list some samurai sword [ __ ] and blood skirt and everywhere no but he didn't glorious batman i'd love to see yeah schindler's list should have uh really graphic or you're right and who they all look the same they literally all look the same i was so confused who and they all have they all wear the armbands not just the nazis the jews were the armbands everyone were armbands i'm like i'm so confused who's the good guy who's the bad guy and even the jews were on the bad guys side i was so confused like the jews were like on the the bad guys i was so i was just how do you this is insane do you care yeah he hated it too well this but this is like this is not the takeaway you're supposed to get from schindler's list we watched we did watch the ending on youtube but we couldn't understand the ending he was just really you skipped to that either he was upset or happy either he thought he could freeze he was stoked that yeah because he freed all those people and they're like thank you yeah that's exactly what happened why would he be sad how could you misinterpret that he said i could have sold this ring and saved more lives oh i did not hear i couldn't hear it i just know he started crying homework you know you are so that they saved all the people they're like thank you we got saved and i couldn't understand if he was happier is that and neither we could understand like we tried we tried i feel like i'm living through a second holocaust right now with me or just like without you here let me read your text message you sent me you said we only washed one third of it we tried i said you couldn't finish it no i watched the ending on youtube though so i kind of get it we were eating mac and cheese i felt weird to watch people's head being blown off from behind at the same time i was eating mac and cheese it was okay couldn't hear anything we could still talk might not be great at quiz though i get the [ __ ] of it well i thought you might quiz me so i was like trying to give you the heads up like i only watched like a third of it so i didn't know if we were cooperating so so we're recording this on monday is it indigenous people day or christopher columbus day oh today's christopher columbus day indigenous people day no what okay if you are way too pc these days that's not a thing like is it a thing i don't know it is a thing because christopher columbus well you know that the native americans was the group one of the the single largest genocide in human history 50 million i didn't know that 50 to 60 million native americans died because people like christopher columbus oh he killed them yeah disease and slavery and just straight-up genocide killing them did you know this or did you research this for today i think literally everybody knows that i don't think so why do we celebrate thanksgiving then we're celebrating the death of indigenous people well thanksgiving was more about the triumph of the two different communities coming together but christopher columbus is definitely celebrating someone who came and conquered the natives and committed genocide on them and raped them and stuff oh okay so we should not be celebrating today then well it's a it's it's a it's a tough one because christopher columbus is such an important historical figure but he's also you know wages genocide on on uh and killed 50 million native americans that's so sad yeah you wouldn't watch the movie though you just watched there's a movie on it you would skip it there's not a movie on it i watch i watch i watch historical movies i watch glorious bastards i watch like those kind of movies yeah but those are those are actually just fiction though okay but they're in a time era they're in time period okay so happy christopher columbus day but not to the people who kill native americans should we just say that well he did kill him so what do we say okay happy individuals indigenous people thank you for finding america right or being here i guess thank you for being here thank you for being in the mirror thanks for being here you're not anymore no they are like batanga and stuff they're all who was it that said this joke and i think it was chappelle he says put it this way when was the last time you saw two native americans together at the same time oh why because we [ __ ] well we i mean i was my ancestors weren't here at the time they were in the holocaust yeah we were over there getting the business on the other end that's so bad i feel so bad for the jews damn they're [ __ ] in the ghetto where's your family did were your family slave owners and [ __ ] no no but serious i shouldn't even say this because it's going to be too controversial but i i did do a 23andme and i have ancestors that were from africa how much yeah you're have some black i think it was like literally like 13 but that's like 13 african yeah but i don't want to say that like people are going to come for me like okay you're trying to people well why you're just stating your genetics oh look i have i have the breakdown because i sent it in a while ago and then i got the email like my spam because i was like hey i sent this in and like oh well we sent it to you so they resent it and went to spam or 13 black oh god don't make that a headline because i don't want it to be a controversial thing i'm titling that's a [ __ ] please don't everyone come to me if i think i'm anything i don't know if those are accurate i don't think they're are you going to make a video saying that you're you identify african-american no i don't and i don't because i don't know but like i my point is i don't know where my ancestors were but i i think like i think we i don't know no i think we all were like like slaves at some point we as in you and me because you were jewish and i'm what are you i think i'm 18. i don't know i think that's right i don't know what are you i don't know i think i might have a little bit in me but i don't want to say that like you huh no like african american oh so you think you're because you're 13 black that you were part uh you're a slave oh no i didn't know because if you're thirty percent black it's more likely that well your ancestors probably you know raped slaves i didn't know they didn't oh my god i'm not going there no but where's the what's the other uh what's the other night you know 87 percent um i have some i have mostly greek and hungarian and then there's like oh there's some there's some other stuff um no i'm not i'm not a mikey over here oh by the way can what happened to um first of all can we get dave chappelle on our show you look like uncle fester that's crazy maybe you could be in the reboot i know where's my are we going go ahead uh whenever you're in yeah i want to be i do want to be uncle fester would you actually like if they asked you to be in a new way yeah i did really i'll be uncle fester you'd be so good you look you look like it oh my god the ears and the face wow oh my god my camera this one that's how you were meant to be this is crazy and you would you should totally do it okay so as you remember i dominated you in trivia last week oh gosh and uh you sent me 1500 thank you very much and so as an act of redemption and charity to you i said okay you want to you say you have all this fast knowledge in broadway music oh no so i put together just for you broadway musical trivia you put these questions together well the guys did okay are you competing with me or no because i i don't know anything i'll just ask you a few wait why are we doing this it just makes me look stupid no i i i thought that you would look smart because you know so much out of this here we just wait for the fun for that and which musical does teenager tracy turn blad break the mold when she auditions to dance on the corny collins i was like what am i even reading it's called nonsense hairspray okay of course i know that which musical has won the most tony awards in history oh my god like this kind of stuff i don't know tony where oh hello hamilton no the producers the oh my god really we just watched it the other day which musical contains the song the story of tonight oh hamilton got him got him what is the name of the musical based on monty python on the holy grail spam a lot okay you're doing good which musical debuted on broadway the earliest kinky boots or hamilton oh kinky boots that's easy yeah these are so easy which music which musical contains the song sos oh mamma mia i'm impressed for which animated musical film did sir elton john win an academy award there it is which year did music movie musical chicago when best film oscar um say it again and which year did movie musical chicago win best film in what year yeah 2003 you got it what is the longest running musical on broadway oh fan of the opera that's right which music contains the song memory cats yep which do you like cats cause i hear i hate it i hate cats yeah i always hear people saying they hate did you see the movie i saw i mean the movie i just saw bits and pieces and it was just so horrible it was just unbelievable i wonder if they did that as a troll though to make it horrible like no they lost like 100 million dollars that's a hell of a troll that's like me shaving my eyebrows it's like i'm gonna troll everybody by shaving my eyebrows and then you're like [ __ ] i gotta live like this for five months it's iconic which musical is based on the book by gregory mcguire based on the oh greg mcguire i have no idea wicked oh wow i didn't know steven sondheim did the music didn't know who did the book so which character was played by zenai's renee zellweger and the film adaption yeah which group's music is featured in mamma mia which musical contains the song summer nights greece these are so easy i don't know any of these which musical tells the story of two drag queens and a transgender woman who are contracted to perform a drag show at alice springs oh they're gonna come from you priscilla queen of the desert i've never saw him sorry which musical contains the song do-ray means that's kind of music which rock musical with ages or is it a different one nope was it the great you want me to finish the question yeah with music by andrew lloyd webber school of rock nope wait what rock musical starlight express oh i guess i should let you finish sorry there's so many if my friends could see me now was the song from which musical um i know the song if they could see me now that little gang of mine i'm drinking dancing sweet charity yeah [ __ ] that's an old one which musical contains the song i dream to dream uh um oh i dreamed a dream uh les mis yeah which music contains the song seasons of love oh rent okay 125 000. you know what six hundred no i don't mean it's you don't know any of those wow those are those are pretty basic those are pretty easy well you got yeah you did pretty good i really was like lyrics and songs like i feel like that would have been my forte but thank you for reading my redemption do i get something from that no no you get a little more you just get a little you get to feel yeah a little street i can't be on broadway we should be on broadway they have adam's family on broadway we could both be in it okay so let's talk about some drama you've been in let's not let's talk about that's how you wanted yeah no i'm excited what do you want to talk about because i have more stuff you want make your car do you want to talk things i have so many things to talk about so many things um where do we start i don't even know like when i get heated i get like really like uh i miss doing these like rant videos because when i get heat i want to talk about it like here's the thing i just never want to insert myself into drama but now that i now that like our job is to comment on drama like i feel like i can i feel like joy behar on the view or something where they just like talk about drama just to talk you know what i mean just to talk about it so i feel like that's us so what do you want to talk about yeah um there is mikey patrick starr james charles commenting crystalia there's so much to talk about and i don't know where to start whoa whoa whoa crystal yeah is he back in the news no that was my whole point though chris leon was on your show what happened to him do you know do you have inside information oh no i don't have inside information you never talked to him we haven't talked to him since the scandal where did he go and why is he hiding well i don't blame him for not wanting to be in the but what did he do that was so bad here's the thing right so he talked under these girls like hey i'm 17 he stopped talking to them right because he's like oh you can't really show it that you're afraid look i'm the first to condemn old creepy guys hitting on young girls but at the same time he didn't do anything wrong but did he do something wrong because he was hiding oh he did oh well there were stories like in the la times there were corrobor that peop like corroborated by people and like super credible where they like told this one story where he like met this girl and then he had her like drive out somewhere to give his friend a [ __ ] or something and there was another one where like was she under age no she wasn't so i guess it's just a little creepy he didn't do anything illegal right so it's a another one of like where two girls came over to his hotel room after a show and he like pulled out his [ __ ] he's like who's gonna soak my dick not a bit not illegal but they left and he didn't try to like force them to do anything just a little creepy behavior so he's creepy so he's going to hide how many creepy people are in hollywood woody allen is still making movies which i don't know i don't know but it's just that like he lost all of his gigs like he was doing this huge accent film on netflix that they're like recasting now oh my god he talks so much about that on his podcast and his podcast he just abandoned like he had such a popular thing and he's just like goodbye yeah you know he was on top of the world he can't just say like i'm sorry like i'm a [ __ ] creep like i have a white kid now but why are we talking about chris lee this is like old because you're friends with him when i was just like where did he go and i felt like you had inside information that you could tell i'm not i don't have inside information you haven't texted him hey how you doing man no i don't think he wants to hear from me we're not that close he was on your podcast a couple times you think he just used you for clout it's not you it's not everything is using people i think i hate when there's just like a using like relationship like i'm gonna go on their questions what am i i i've done over 200 well over 200 episodes i have to keep in touch with every single guest i think you should i think that's like the polite thing to do yeah but you can bitched about me texting you so what's your plan well i'm no longer a guest now i'm a co-host on this panel okay what else you want to talk about um we have patrick starr doing his beetlejuice tutorial okay first of all i'm a huge fan of beetlejuice my nails are beetlejuice i'm not a spongebob character patrick starr no i'm serious yeah isn't that his name that's not beauty guru anymore he's [ __ ] spongebob who's the city with the spongebob wait you don't know patrick star oh are you being serious i never know so everything you say to me you're like being serious when you don't know yes so you really didn't know paul giamatti i i the name was familiar to me and i recognized him but you don't know patrick starr let me look up patrick okay it's not shade i'm not familiar with this [ __ ] he was popular he was talk about shade okay so what about him okay beetlejuice he just did a beetlejuice video and he said oh today he's like i'm a huge fan of beetlejuice i'm doing this look inspired by beetlejuice today the great movie starring kevin costner wrong idiot i mean that's so offensive that's literally so that'd be like saying oh i love the movie selena like uh selma hayek did such a great job as her like you know what i'm saying that's like a little bit is it more or less offensive than eating mac and cheese during schindler's list first of all i didn't know there was going to be people's heads blown off in schindler's i didn't know that's why it's the holocaust i didn't know about the holocaust i didn't know what happened i didn't okay whatever yeah literally but you're you're more offended because this dude misnamed an actor and beetlejuice it's not just an actor and just beetle it's it's the most iconic movie ever and my whole house is dedicated to beetlejuice i spent all my money my health currently is beetlejuice the new house we're getting is going to be prince of egypt this one's beetlejuice wrong we love a theme you love it i'm trying to think how to put this delicately you're the one that's like oh i'm gonna go out for one freaking episode bro my house isn't [ __ ] beetlejuice things look michael keaton is literally the most iconic person that's ever lived and it's so insulting to say and you're gonna do a whole estuarine on beetlejuice and not know that well i'm surprised you kept it in it's like edited out or something you know what i mean that nobody around him he's like someone with a team he gets like 12 people around him at all times and no one said it i'm gonna get shaded for this too because i was like i know someone's gonna be like oh trash blah like james charles came from everyone's just coming for me look is this really drama though let's be honest is this really dramatic the drama i was pissed about was mikey like that's the drama okay so we're giving so hold on yeah we'll get there so patrick starr we are saying shame shame to you patrick star you piece of [ __ ] you inhuman scum forgetting what do you say michael keaton with no beetlejuice starring kevin costner you [ __ ] up that's like confusing like denzel washington morgan freeman like oh i love like denzel washington and like bruce almighty you know like it's like that's a little worse because you're like mixing black guys i'm saying people that are that are often confused michael keaton and who kevin costner are they often confused no that's what i'm saying though i'm just saying like okay if you have what to say one thing to patrick star say it into the camera thing which is this is my camera yeah patrick starr i love you you're doing it let's do that one yeah i love you you're doing great things but beetlejuice is iconic and it's cool if you're gonna if you're gonna recreate an iconic character at least put some respect on michael keaton and then you also mentioned broadway's beetlejuice and you didn't even mention alex breitman who was also iconic as beetlejuice who saved the winter garden last year so please with some respect on beetlejuice a movie by tim burton not starring kevin costner but michael keaton thank you ouch are you gonna tell us trisha peterson's message to magic star you use my name still in all the highlights that's the whole point of this show talk about no not what exactly i'm not i don't want to talk about this every episode oh my god but you did it again this week i'm gonna do it every week why don't you put ethan hates somebody you know i would i would if i if there was that of course you ever seen our normal highlights it's like ethan goes after the pope i have all this crazy [ __ ] who does the titles oh we do it as a team who's actually no i blame ian ian does it really i'll just absolve all responsibility i just let him take all the blame love that um yeah okay so far so we were saying star okay so who else let's lead up to the big drama so who's the other like is there someone else leading up before we get to uh james charles you know what i never had what happened with james charles i never had an issue with him and i really didn't but i can see why now pete why people don't like him because he's so condescending with his remarks look here's the thing i don't when people talk [ __ ] about me or whatever if i talk about someone i expect someone to clap back right like you can't just mention me and knock somebody to clap back vice versa if i mention you like you you can clap back be cute be snarky whatever but his condescending level is what pisses me off so like there was i think it was like on a spilling tea video or something like that like like spill the tea or something i don't know what it's some drama video that said like trisha paytas versus james shaw whatever um which i had no problem with him and he literally just commented well he must have watched the video because i said something like oh everybody i know has a problem with james charles and he commented just like so just so like he's just like oh everybody she knows i'm like that's your clap back like you can't think of something a little smarter like actually i'll say when i was bitching about him last week you were saying nice things about him you weren't being mean to him at all and all he said was everybody i know has a problem with him i always said i don't have a problem with him like i was like hey let's collab i need those tick tock views who comments on a t video like how [ __ ] sad is that [ __ ] i mean he must like love it like i feel like he loves the the drama of people talking about him right who doesn't like i watch i don't watch those videos because people are too harsh on me but um jeffree star unfollowed me i don't know why but that's wait i thought you guys were dogs yeah he unfollowed well i think we had like a little issue earlier this summer where i didn't like defend him as hard as i defended shane so i feel like maybe there was an issue there i don't know jeffrey i'm sorry we had a little issue in vegas hey he unfollowed you did that break your heart did you yeah unfollows pretty a pretty hard rejection like like i'm not gonna lie you know how many people does he follow um i don't know but it was like a big thing like you can mute somebody you know what i mean to unfollow someone's big like that's a rebuke right like i'm done with this person yeah but jeffree star always struck me as a [ __ ] freak but like no he's he's he's such a [ __ ] weirdo yeah i mean like just his whole yeah that's a good point so that's what i'm saying like i kind of like always related i think he has a little bit too much oh he only follows 95 people so that was like an epic rebuke of you yeah right and he got to just mute me i was like damn he follows taco bell yeah and not europe i know well who wouldn't honestly but the drama channels picked it up and i didn't know so i unfollowed him but then maybe i shouldn't have made it back yeah because i saw the dog was like jeffree star and paul's christian i'm like oh my god should i unfollow him too and i did but now i feel bad which i re-follow him maybe well no if he's not gonna follow you you know [ __ ] him yeah i don't know i mean it was whatever but he also strikes me not not nothing to do with the way he looks just as a very odd dude like in a i don't know he just he always gave me the heebie-jeebies uh i could see that i mean before i met him i felt that way too i mean he was always super cool to me until like the last trip he like made fun of my weight and skin and stuff like that so he made fun of your weight yeah the guy that was filming and stopped becoming friends with him and he's like filming him like talking what did he say about you just that i was fat i had greasy skin and my hair sucked what why would he say that about you i don't know it was shocking because he invited me on this trip and i didn't go out with him to the club he's also kind of like peace and love and everything but like if he's making fun of your weight he strikes me as like kind of anorexic he's like super yeah and i think he has easy i think he's sensitive to like people calling him that too you know like saying he has aids and stuff like that like people will say that i didn't even think about it no i know i mean but he looks like he has aids no i didn't say that but that someone pretending to be his last boyfriend said that i get it like like i never thought about saying wait his last boyfriend said he has aids his last boyfriend came up with like a fake twitter fake instagram like someone faked his last boyfriend this andre guy yeah they made a fake oh that was all fake yeah i guess that sounds fishy well i didn't really investigate into it really but he has aids though yeah i mean but i could tell it was like a troll account you know what i mean but we can't even talk about it jeffrey starts that he's gonna sue everybody that talks about this he can't sue us for talking about it well sue h3 podcast channel not me i'm not i'm just an employee you can sue me yeah that's not my first rodeo really you know but do you mind a lawsuit i'll buy nuns of course i don't want a lawsuit but i'm just saying i'm not going to be i'm not going to be silenced yeah i like respect that same i'll like talk about [ __ ] like jacksonville well he can sue you for slander okay what are we we're not slandering we're we're speaking hypothetically we're wondering i don't i'm not saying this this would be slight okay don't do it don't do it don't do it no but no i'm not saying it i'm just saying this would be slander take that clip and then no but in the whole comments jeffrey starr has aids and i have proof of it that's not good but i don't have proof but i don't have proof and for all i know he doesn't have eight he yes no but if i said if you said i'm not in this if trisha went online it said jeffree star has super aids and i have proof i don't condone this fyi you never said that but still you're just saying that it's perpetuating it it's like it's like igniting it more yeah okay okay but i don't have proof for the record and he doesn't have aids as far as i'm aware and then jaclyn hill said she was gonna sue me because or what because i talked about her for talking about her in my instagram story wait who's jacqueline hill now i'm trying to follow the drama she did a video on her last year on her hairy lipsticks remember the girl with the hairy lipsticks wait i did oh she had the [ __ ] the it had like rot in it oh [ __ ] so was she's back no she's not back but um well she just she just came for me oh she just i once people suddenly come for me if you're gonna come for me just say my name jeff too last year people don't say my name but they'd like to insinuate the person talking come on say it wait i don't want to call her a [ __ ] because that's rude so what if i call her a bad word a [ __ ] isn't a rude word i guess it depends how you use it yeah i don't like calling women [ __ ] because it feels very chauvinistic maybe for me but if i say batch comfort me batch that's okay batch bet yeah look yeah tell me what happened with jacqueline hill why is she coming for you um i guess because i made stories saying she threatened to sue her ex-husband because her ex-husband was talking to me about something and i it's just i'm gonna see you about what i i guess they have like an nda i probably shouldn't be talking about this they have an nda in their divorce so it's not your problem if they have an nda you're not an nda that's what i'm thinking too but if he's gonna sue you it's his problem jacqueline's gonna sue me for talking about no she can sue him for breaking it oh maybe that was it but i don't want her to sue him either him no i know he's a good guy i want the team there's no t there's just jacqueline is like did you [ __ ] her ex or something no well yes but that's not good oh no wonder she hates you wait when did you [ __ ] her up no this was like last year this was like last december this is a while ago but um no wait of course she hates you when did you how long after they broke up did you she cheated on him with his best friend kicked him out while he was you know that whole thing oh i can't keep up with this can i just say can i just say she thinks that he told me this no if you go in the photos of her current boyfriend he was friends with her ex-husband years before and then all of a sudden oh they get together all of a sudden like and he's kicked to the curb someone's by the way they got married when they were 17 before she had money kicked him to the curb and started dating his like best friend that worked in the recording studio like months later or something no absolutely not so he has a cringe youtube channel about cooking because he's trying to be like jacqueline now like hey guys welcome to my cooking show like he's not hot anyways she's a good guy she likes his companionship huh maybe he's a good guy oh really oh really someone that's gonna [ __ ] his best friend's wife that's a good guy no exactly so i don't mind coming for his cooking channel should i watch his cooking channel video sure cooking with barnum or something cooking with farnam so many people are going to go to this video farnam all right let's see what this idiot's up to wait where is it no wait cooking with foreign man oh farnam far far and hum no farm um num farn um hum um i type tom farnhum cooking with farnam well he doesn't okay oh his channel is called more seasoning exclamation [Laughter] all right you want a scallop risotto easy and amazing how many views did you get 20 000 from one week ago okay not as much clout wow it must be embarrassing to be him why because he doesn't get any views i know well you know it's fine if you don't get views it's just don't be cocky oh he's wearing a venti shirt what is he a baller why is he acting like he's rich she's a baller she's like i don't know what she was but she might still be i don't know they live in florida she's buying him clothes apparently yo for sure buying him clothes you know you're not gonna ever get there bro he might after today oh he passed it already oh yeah he smashed it that way why do i hate this guy again i'm like no we don't hate him we don't we don't i hate watch him because he's so cringy so this guy [ __ ] his best friend's wife yep they were in the recording studio together he used to film videos for him that's bad and now he's living in their house that they lived in together oh what the [ __ ] oh i know it's a little ooh so what's the exit so you [ __ ] the ex was it a pity [ __ ] or do you like him no i was like into him he was the one i told you when i first came on your podcast in january i was like oh it's kind of ruined the last guy's lives that i was with i ruined his life because i was kind of like you ruined his life i think so i feel bad i know why'd you ruin his well he was kind of seeing someone which i didn't know he was kind of seeing someone when he came out to stay with me for like 10 days over new year's and then i guess he tried to call her and i got pissed because he tried to call her while he was in my house being like oh my god look i miss you and i was like what the [ __ ] like what he we were like whatever and i was like what the [ __ ] and then he called me her name and whatever so i kind of ruined his life by telling the girl like yeah we [ __ ] right he's like don't tell her that well wait was he was cheating on her with you what's up look he's actually a good guy and like it doesn't sound like it no he's like he's just broken he's just like a broken guy which i can relate but i don't know i wish them well i hope they they get together but jaclyn's like obsessed with him still and so whatever i shouldn't be talking about this like i'm gonna get okay let's move on yeah no let's cut it actually no we're not cutting it why don't you cut anything because i why we cut sometimes look can we talk about someone you who don't like or that you hate mandy do you hate watch anybody oh do i hate watching i don't have that much time i don't watch that much youtube lately you knew about the mic you knew about everything you knew about all these things yeah because these guys do research for me and i looked up the most juicy one i'll say is um so anthony padilla yes let's talk about this he's excited his girlfriend mikey of glam and gore well because we've talked about this before and it's our most disliked highlight of all time is you versus anthony padilla him calling you out for faking mental illness or whatever and so it turns out that his girlfriend then the two of them are like the woke olympics you know yeah gold medalists oh yeah they just can't do no three-time world championships we're gonna social justice work for everything that's happening in the world we got your back we are always in the right you can tell when you go to like anthony's channel it's all about like the the uh woke olympics like everything oh yeah but is it he's also monetizing off these people he came from me for coming for did but also did you give her any of that coin that you made from that did video all about her multiple personalities no i don't think so and also how many personalities do they all get to cut or do they exactly do they share paycheck to each of them okay and it's like yeah i i i'm so happy about this he he all right deleting me put me in trash let's all right delete put mikey in trash i'm fine oh like what is that straight to trash i have no idea all right that's dan that's like when it doesn't go to the recyclable bin right i think that just straight up deletes it no recycle is that right did i okay i don't know i kind of just like i was going yeah they're always in the right or white okay so anyway so maybe you can you can recap this better but someone this one girl another swoop is that right did i get that right swoop watch her video uh here i've got it here oh wait [ __ ] [ __ ] cancel [ __ ] there's too much of this [ __ ] uh mother of god where is it okay here swoop yeah swoop made this video and she's like and it's an hour long dude you you i love it you beauty [ __ ] edit your [ __ ] i'm just yes you are oh can i just say you're wrapped up in all these people's lives and they all like it's an hour long i'm not but can i just and she just pulls every point like i'm interested in what she has to say but she pulls every point like out to the mat i loved every minute where i just wanted [ __ ] wrapped around my neck and hang myself i loved every minute i wish it was longer and kind of say i'm not in the beauty community but each of hollywood story reached out to me and they wanted they called me in for an interview on the beauty community i'm like i'm not in the beauty community but i'll like i'll go head-to-head with them all day long like i [ __ ] can't stand them i love that they're being brought down no one gets a [ __ ] about the beauty community anymore it's amazing so mikey glam and gore yeah wait what was the question okay so this girl swoop made an hour long video that should have been 15 minutes yeah but i was in trades because she says mikey is a homophobic oh this is what you said anyway she's like she's the worst person ever she uses people of color she hates gay people she says she's walk she hates james charles and then what do you tweeted this you said and i quote mikey is a homophobic [ __ ] that's the lowest type of scum on the internet she mocked mental illness before so no surprise stupid yeah let's cancel these fakes those who seem most perfect in pc are the evil rats behind closed doors i feel like you've said that about me to be fair for sure not you no no no because i feel like you've said something very similar you're very open about being kind of like not perfect not pc like so i'm not about canceling people that can like take accountability grow learn blah blah blah first of all this girl is not young so she's old enough to know better but two the fact that she's so high mighty her anthony they don't apologize for [ __ ] and you know what i'm gonna back that like this girl might not want me to back her the soup girl should i like trish please you're the last person because i know when i come to people's defense like trish you've also done and i'm the first to say like yeah i've done horrible shot on the internet i'm the first to say it but i'm also going to keep calling people other people out and holding accountability i think i've grown since people called me out so i will call out people too and this [ __ ] i think should be canceled because she's actually homophobic and evil like the girl this best friend released these private text messages right everyone was so scared jeffrey was going to release like talk he's like he's going to release all the receipts on us if you're a racist homophobic person behind closed doors you should be exposed what i'm never scared jeffy's going to release things because guess what i'm not a [ __ ] homophobic [ __ ] behind like i'm not texting people like oh they get [ __ ] because you know what my golden rule is on the internet is don't say anything behind closed doors that you wouldn't say publicly or yeah or why are they saying this anyways behind closed doors like there's never a time where i'm just like just trashing people oh they get [ __ ] before because they're gay or when they're back up [Laughter] so do you i kind of want to look at specifically what she said or yeah is that too deep no we can go but do you not just hate her because she's dating no absolutely not because at first then she rolled her eyes at me being like oh my god this girl thinks she has a mental illness which by the way [ __ ] you [ __ ] and i'm gonna say it again i said this dancing i'll say it to mikey you guys don't know my mental [ __ ] health like you like how she's like oh my god she's making a video about this hi mikey you're texting people behind culture's making fun of gabby hannah's belly button saying oh you have it so hard because you're white button yeah she literally texted something about gabby and i'm being like look at this look i hate gabby hannah too like i actually hate that girl cause she lied on me but i would never just in my freak what did you say about her belly button screenshot and she goes wow look at this bitch's belly button like where is it what's wrong with her belly button i mean i don't know let me get a picture of my belly button no no well i'm just curious if i mean like how incredible must it be to comment i've never commented on someone's belly button and gabby has a lot of ugly characteristics inside you don't have to go for her ugly characters on the outside you know what i mean and i would never be that hateful just like casually on my i feel like she would hear you say that and be like thank you she's like thank you are you being serious no i'm being serious yeah like don't go for that let's hear your belly button oh that's the picture she sent that's the one mikey sent to the girl in the group chat oh it's like it is i mean it's she's got a she's very fit i've got no comment okay yeah i mean that's the thing like she's fine what would you say you wanted to say something look i really don't look at people's appearances like that's not my particular taste of you know attractive but that's fine a lot of people don't find me attractive whatever but i would never just sit on my couch and text you look at this girl's [ __ ] up belly button like that all right but that's not the worst thing she said trust me there's like a whole lot of things it looks fine i think she's like photoshopped it i don't know yeah that looks photoshopped i think she just like raised her belly button it looks crazy like her hips but at the same time that mikey's texting this to her friend she's collabing with gabby and like being like turning into gabby hannah and she's clapping with james charles and she's collabing with jeffree star so the one that got me is that she did a collab video with james charles who is by the way enemy of the people except the tick tockers charlie and no no no no oh he is the enemy of the people now james charles enemy number one enemy number one i'm happy to clap with you that being said would you really sure yeah you like him he unfollowed you though danny or he trashed you yeah no i think he's just like everybody she knows yeah everybody i know [ __ ] well anyway i love you james i can't come for him i love you james don't hate me because i'm friends with uncle fester you do look so cool i think anyways so so he was tech he she did a collab with james charles and at the same time she was texting this girl whoosh about what a douche she is swoop yes swoop whatever i love soup by the way i love her i've seen her out and about i didn't know how calming her voice was i really like her but but wow am i right people who does that no but seriously though that is no but the thing she said it just was like hateful the thing she said it's not one thing to be like yeah we hate james he thinks he's so much better than people she's like oh he's popular because he's gay oh yeah that was another thing he was like jeffrey yeah they're like it's because they're gay and i'm straight and white and this is not fair she said it to her friend the swoop who is i believe she's african-american um she uh is she half black okay so she was saying she's out to dinner with all them and they were like literally saying like oh my god it's like so hard to be white like who like complains about that ever but also in like this day and age of like black lives matter like who complains about that like what a crazy [ __ ] that she doesn't believe well what she said i think you're taking it to the extreme okay what she said if i recall was that isn't it weird isn't it funny how the two biggest creators in the makeup scene are gay men that's what she said okay but then there was other texts about her to her friend swoop saying like like basically telling swoop the only reason she's getting ahead of her is because mikey is white you don't watch the whole thing because she knows that it's an hour long this is ridiculous she goes into details about how she constantly was like telling her like oh it's because like you're a minority and i'm white that's why like i'm not getting these things like it was crazy i was like the most insane things that i've ever heard and then also to be like it just feels kind of dumb the whole thing i'm sorry two of the biggest social justice warriors are are allowed to get away with this because what they're white and straight that's literally her whole point is people will be like it's fine we forgive her forgive her for what for being an actual racist homophobe in a private text message like you're actually racist it's not jokes it's not you know like the stuff that you got canceled for we're like yeah no these are text messages she said isn't it funny how the two biggest uh beauty people are gay men which sounds bad but it's was no there was more text than just that about them being gay hold up dan there was a time watching the whole no the hour long video is like oh i'm not gonna watch you know if she really cared she would have made it 15 minutes no but basically then when this girl swoop had a sexual assault thing about her she posted it on social media now she tried to check us mikey for seven months mikey never responded and then she finally made a made a thing saying like hey i was actually assaulted so mikey tries to get on that bandwagon because of course her and anthony have to get on every [ __ ] social justice warrior bandwagon she's like hey girl can i retweet your story about sexual assault like just trying to retweet yeah i don't need my permission for that retweet me so then the girl was pissed rightfully so she goes you fake [ __ ] like you're really gonna be like now that i had like a sexual assault case like you're now you're gonna white pony me what so anthony can do another series i sat down with a sexual assault victim huh what's a white pony did i say a white pony i don't know what i just i don't think i said white people oh you're just saying [ __ ] i thought you knew what you were saying i was like wow what's a white pony i've never heard that i thought it was like a white elephant or something a white horse what's a white horse coming in on a white horse oh yeah you were way off a white pony the [ __ ] that coming in on your white pony to save the day oh just go watch this video because honestly like just all this [ __ ] she's done like it's just constant gaslighting manipulation just being like hey was that about me and then having her manage your text is that about lauren like if you think it's about you then you're you have like what are the [ __ ] if you have skeletons in your closet like you know all [ __ ] like that like make sure the maids aren't coming you know that [ __ ] like it's like it's so [ __ ] up and like the fact that you don't care is the reason anthony and mikey get passes because they're straight and they're white and they're like whatever nobody cares about them that much so they get a free pass yeah nobody cares about them they're forgettable as [ __ ] you definitely just hate them because they trash you not at all because people trash me all the time but they got they got really under your skin no you know why because it was a personal thing like i literally had tried to kill myself like three times last year and i did not know how i did that i thought you might want to apologize after we did an episode like two weeks ago where you started crying and everyone in the comments was like wow i feel like i really got it and i feel like maybe he'll actually apologize for because you know a lot of people are like wow that really effective hair he actually doesn't care he just does this to get the views and my bet is him and mikey are gonna break up because he's so [ __ ] vain and like oh you think he'll leave her oh for sure that would be kind of for sure because there's if he's like he's like he's like will say that that's bad you are you are not woke like i thought oh yeah yeah but neither is he he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's fake as [ __ ] and everyone i know i'll use the same james charles everybody i know has a problem with him too because he's fake okay fake people no not whatever we have to keep going for them mikey should be okay what more's to say i mean you've been talking to them mike and logan paul should be the only two people should be canceled everyone else should be held accountable even david dobrik who i like whatever i don't really like him but he should be held accountable not canceled logan what does david dobrik do oh he's done a bunch of racist stuff and he never once called out for oh my god he did blackface with peanut butter him and zayn they did blackface they did a bunch of indian jokes asian jokes like that kind of [ __ ] they've done so he did an underage joke too he did one about like a five-year-old was cute no i get it but if you're gonna hold one person accountable they straight up cancel chain off the internet if you're gonna cancel chain at least hold david doberg [ __ ] accountable don't give him a perfume and billboards and all this money for tick-tock and his disposable shitty camera app like hold everybody [ __ ] accountable not just because he's cute and young and straight whatever i don't know but wait okay whatever i'm not kidding exactly i'm not gonna touch david dobrik i'll get [ __ ] buried alive he literally doesn't even like post anymore but youtube's dead i actually like david i met him once he was really nice yeah of course a sociopath is nice [ __ ] you think he's a sociopath he maintains a lot of friendships you think yeah why do you think because he has clout because you think people are all using yours look at jason he's like oh my god anything for you david i'll [ __ ] leave churchill for you yeah but you also hate jason they're just users they're just fake as [ __ ] i went at the night i went to the hospital they came and then i never heard from either like david never called me again i spent two years with him like every single day filming vlogs with them and then just never contacted me to say are you okay like hey you try to kill yourself like are you are you okay yeah and you got screenshots you want to read some uh that's so much i i haven't found a specific yeah it's a lot it's too much you got to edit that [ __ ] down yeah i need it can she re-release this as 15 minutes i think we'll get more videos check out deaf noodles channel he he recaps everything i follow him on twitter he's got such gossip good gossip yeah death noodles i like following him on twitter he has a ton of videos on me and i kind of he does a lot on gabby too and i can hear for them sometimes he he did it one of me or he did did he do one of you he did oh yeah oh yeah he i was like i don't like that tank but i still like him i was like i don't like that tech patch you can say a [ __ ] to a guy i think because you're a guy okay let me ask you something we've talked about all this stuff and i i feel like this episode actually sucks oh i love this episode because i would honestly just do this on my channel but then i look petty if i just do it out of nowhere but because we're on a podcast we're talking about current topics so it's like but i feel like if we talk about it it's better if we have the receipts where we can read the well there was receipts and you didn't want to read them well i didn't know we were going to go like in on it you know what i mean there's a video do i look like megan fox no not even close like literally not even close she's so tiny she's like 80 pounds i love skinny people i'm like really upset with skinny people it's very weird okay okay so there's a i've heard there's a video of you on only fans of you wrestling your sister topless with your mom in the reference we're not wrestling topless we're in swimsuits we're in like red swimsuits why is that only fans though it seems kind of [ __ ] yeah because i think it's more like well for money yeah yeah so are you comfortable with people beating off to you and your whole family that seems awkward yeah why i feel like that's a natural thing but i find i find it funny because you're like i didn't only fans remember when i did that only fans video with you guys in the background actually not i don't think i saw that thank god well it's a thing this podcast might not have been a thing if i saw that it was great i actually got a lot of people on it um you criticized elo's family because you're like oh my god my family accept me and they don't ask questions you know like meanwhile my family's doing only fans with me i mean let's [ __ ] they're so open i think they're too open is it too open no yes no people who critique and i'm just going off on another different tangent your sister wrestled you in a bikini and jello for dudes to beat off while your mom refereed yeah that's [ __ ] weird they're too open shaming sex workers i'm not shaming sex worker i just think it's weird that you're playing up incest with your family first not nigh incest well why do you think people are i like it incest is having sex with a family member it's incest porn no you like it's it's in the if you were to if you if you were to categorize this porn if you went in like pornhub you're like let me look up the category it would be under incest now you're kink shaming well yeah some kinks should be shamed no that's about like pedophilia coming king shame pedophiles that's not that's not a king that's an actual crime age play is a kink yeah but that incest is a crime okay but that's not you can't [ __ ] your sister trisha it's illegal go to if we're going to talk about this don't only 18 plus you can get the video for the next 72 hours you keep asking for a commission on the highlights how about i get a piece of the only trish cause you that's gonna be a commission on the freaking highlights yeah give me a cut of your own i haven't promoted i haven't plugged it because i didn't think it's appropriate but now i'm going to we're going to talk about this and you're going to [ __ ] put that [ __ ] everywhere we're going to anyway your family's too open you have no space to criticize i hate people who shame sex workers i'm not shaming you sex workers you do you're just as bad as keemstar now keemstar shamed sex workers yeah you guys are all awful it's all middle-aged white men i'm not sure i think it's weird that you're making incest porn with your family it's like when we role play if i'm like hey pretend i'm your sister it's just a kink but she is your sister i'm talking about moses and me you guys could pretend you're siblings yeah so that's the oh that's fine but she's your sister first of all we're not having sex we're not even touching each other you guys were wrestling as i understood it i didn't do you want to tell us all my only fans no what if i give you a cut of that i think it would be funny if we wrestle do it because you would probably destroy me you probably i don't think i could lift you off me yeah i'm a great wrestler we're probably in the same weight class but no that's a hard note because it's not sexual though oh uh no i was trending last time i was here too for my only fans because of the toilet paper in my ass dude people actually okay yeah last week you were trending on twitter because apparently you so you had this picture where you pulled your you're showing your [ __ ] and there was toilet paper in your [ __ ] and i would think wow that's really disgusting and embarrassing but you got more signups as a result oh my god my only pants is popping i had to do like another toilet paper video so last time people like that people are so weird although to be fair i think the people on your only fans are the [ __ ] real purpose no they know it's clean then that's what people were saying like i like seeing however because i know you wiped who doesn't wipe their ass bidet users oh should they prefer the wiper yeah they're like i like to see that so you did another one where you have toilet paper in your ass moses did you take that photo no he's such a lie the rolls-royce one you took the one the original one i knew you took that in the back alley of his house yeah yeah i was like i guarantee moses took this photo yeah what was the video actually and he said you're i can't believe more people are going because you took that he usually tells me he but he couldn't see it in the sun but usually he'll be like oh like just rinse because you have something like toilet paper because i do wipe a lot i just like wipe a lot i have a lot whatever i like wiping making sure i'm clean so he'll tell me but i said now you can't tell me if there's a toilet paper in there like make sure there is some paper in there because that's like a thing now people like so that is so fast um that is so foul that you're that's like cleaning my ass no because there's no [ __ ] in it price hilton he's zoomed in he's like she's waxed and she's clean what's the big problem i literally put like dildos up there to clean it out so there's never [ __ ] in there it's the cleanest [ __ ] you'll ever see yeah i mean that's what everyone does like gay guys do it you clean with a dildo that's what you do yeah like you put soap on it and [ __ ] no i just want like like when i after like douching it out like putting the water up there then you kind of put the dildo into like to see if it comes anything comes out but nothing ever does i'm clean that's disgusting especially with your diet that's so i'm mean i'm trying to eat better now i'm trying to eat healthier how do you eat healthier i've been eating really what'd you eat today so far okay well it was my tick tock so i did my um my dunkin donuts and my hebrew cereal gross yeah all right we're coming to the end here what are you gonna do for your anniversary this weekend we're going to a hotel on friday okay that's good because when you guys said on your action anniversary you just went to breakfast i was like that's your interview no yeah no it it's just it's impossible because theodore's young we don't have help on the weekends watching them on friday we're going to bring them to my parents and the doggies do you want to bring him here to my house uh why so he can be in the background one of your famous [ __ ] toilet paper shots no i wouldn't do only fans with him no 100 no you don't trust his uncle you're you're not even comfortable around him when he comes out i love him he's like the best part of this house like that's the only reason i like coming is to see him because he's always so happy he's smiling like i love him i trust him with his grandparents how about his uncle at the end no i don't you don't want to trust moses to watch him i mean i would trust moses to watch him for a couple hours if we need to go not overnight no no wow i don't think he's shocked by that okay yeah so easy such a baby like it's so easy he would definitely i would come back and he would be dead that's so not true when you say that that's with me when i say when you say that i was like wow you would definitely he would be dead how long have you gone for it two nights yeah just two nights okay and what do you have planned room service that's hot i thought it was hot either level room service just room service and we're trying to um conceive yeah did you oh is that why you picked that weekend and not your anniversary weekend well actually she was doing this she was ovulating this she's like ovulating right now oh [ __ ] so you're gonna go back in this roleplay and be like hey ella yeah she what you really wanna [ __ ] me you wanna [ __ ] i'll go fester girl do you only have sex when you guys are ovulating i feel like that's you no you keep asking me all the time about this [ __ ] i feel like you just say it to like say face like oh once a week but i feel like you only do it when you're out she's not relating which is that i love it no no she did that i get honey hornier when i be late like i'll be later this weekend i was like can you just come and sign me disgusting you [ __ ] get her pregnant he did the day before the day after but not the day you're on birth control no are you doing a condom nope you're gonna [ __ ] get her pregnant you psycho do you understand what you're doing it would be a miracle because it is really hard for me to get pregnant oh right right i forgot seriously i mean it's not right i forgot i i swear like my last relationship you had fertility tests how do you know that yeah i did the hsg test which that's when they should i talk about this all the time and so they shoot that stuff in you see the neon stuff to see if it goes through and it's just like it's just i have some blockage so they can like scrape it off or whatever but i haven't done that yet but i mean it could go through so you're saying if i get pregnant it's an act of god no i don't think that i mean they said they're like oh you there's like you know you can get pregnant but it's just harder because your tubes are blocked right now but i was in a relationship for like two years and he came to me every day for like six times they never got pregnant so disgusting but moses thinks his sperm is like super sperm because he like is scared to do it on the day of so well i don't blame him you should not you should take more precautions if you ask me no we're like down i feel ew no but like the day after the day after is pretty risky and the day before there's basically like a five-day window moses just to warn you but she doesn't she doesn't explain to you she goes oh the day after is fine no you don't there's like why not show you when i'm up i even say i'm ovulating today like please come inside you guys really want to have a baby already go ahead tell the truth is everything could you imagine i'm so excited i just don't have a baby i just really i feel like that's my calling like [ __ ] everything i'll [ __ ] this podcast bye i'm gonna have a baby now like that would be me no nannies no offense but you know what i mean you'd get a nanny definitely not you would definitely get naked i don't want the baby to like connect with someone else like that only connect with me i don't even want to connect with the dad i'm just like connecting with me you hear that she's not kidding that's a joke that's a joke actually are you gonna leave her single mom yeah he thinks that he really thinks i'm going to like kidnap the baby you're like a black widow you're going to eat him when you get pregnant is that a prank mantis i mean a pregnancy oh my wait is that a thing yeah they eat the they [ __ ] and then they eat the mail kind of everything kind of iconic yeah wow i know so anyway that's about it i i don't know so we have an announcement in like three months be like hey i would tell you earlier i would tell you earlier like the five week mark i'd be like oh hey pregnant i know you're not supposed to but i'm trying to think of this is i'm really trying to be honest with like if you guys got pregnant i think you would both be really good parents but i don't think this relationship would work out if we had a baby yeah okay if we didn't have a baby think it would work out not forever just being honest why tell me i'm curious because i because i don't know i mean it seems like you have trouble well you both have trouble with commitment to be frank so ma i don't know but but like yeah you have a track record of not going the long run yeah i don't think it has anything to do with you guys personally i mean you guys i gotta be honest you guys are really happy you're really good together you're very cute and you seem very sincere right but i'm just saying the track record is that you have trouble in the long run i say that all the time i get scared about that and i think you're someone who gets bored easily yeah and also you're someone who's kind of like like you self-admittedly you're kind of like a sex addict and so you may get bored of sleeping with one guy that's not true i'm actually like i actually like a break like when we have my period you like a break now i do because that sucks too much well you guys have exactly but you guys have only been dating you're still new i'm taking a break from stuff after two years you might you might want a new dick no that's not true i think just in general i push people away and like that i think that's the thing i do um but i don't think it would happen with moses he's pretty good like sometimes i try and push him away and he's like still here you know so now i'm like oh this is a good one i think it pushed me away because of me not because of that i'm just like oh i feel like this person can like break my heart but i feel like i feel and also with a baby for me i even tell them it's like i would have a baby just on my own like without a guy you know what i mean like i just want to be like a mom i'd have like six kids like perez hilton i'd just like like have someone carry my baby or i'll carry it or whatever get a sperm donor and um so i think i just want kids but i mean also like i don't know but yeah but that's too much commitment to be like forever you know i don't want anyone else and it's so hard dating and i hate being alone but the baby yeah and we have a baby together so it's different i don't know i don't you mean i think i should wait on the baby though i can't wait much longer because wait like a year regardless like well you're pretty young how old are you you're like 32. yeah you're young but i already have problems with fertility like it's already hard for me to get pregnant and so that's why i was like oh [ __ ] and like the older you get so like regardless let's say memos broke up today i would like literally go to a sperm donor and get like sperm you know what i mean like i actually get like yeah i've done it before i went through fertility treatments before when i was single so i just want to be your family's gonna trip when they hear this now the house was bad enough the baby oh brother they've accepted me now that they said that their happiness in a relationship that's awesome i'm really happy to hear that yeah how's the house shopping going we won't know until the 15th of october because my taxes get filed on the 15th so they need my personal taxes for 20 years oh right but i think it's i think it'll be good because the guy you gave us is so boring with the guy he gave us i think um i think is he's like he's optimistic we told him our hurdles and he's like optimistic yeah he's good he's the real deal and i feel like it's gonna be good like i feel although yeah cool we'll see i mean hopefully wait but if we have a house i mean that's like a bigger commitment than a baby wow you're [ __ ] really that's the that's such a dumb thing to say are you serious i mean it's harder to like split wow you're not ready for kids i think you're not ready for five kids i want at least three having a house is more of a commitment yeah i feel like financially that's a card like who's gonna leave like who's gonna be kicked out i guess the man usually gets kicked out do you know what it's like to share custody with the child i do i had divorced parents you think that's easy easier than a house uh yeah for sure i think they didn't want to give up the house more than they didn't care about giving us up that explains all this hey i turned out fine you know having two christmases two birthdays ain't a bad thing you're saying turned out fine i was like oh [ __ ] oh my god look who's talking hey i would never say i turned out the most dysfunctional family i literally would never say i turned out fine even though i did i turned out okay unfortunately just because you make money but you're way crazier than that that's so not true but you're way crazier than me that's not true bro that's objectively you're you hide it more just like mikey who hides [ __ ] oh really gets brought to the circle i don't hide everything i literally don't you've literally just said how honest i am and you respect that about it but you hide the crazy is what i'm saying yeah you care a lot i don't hide you do hide the crap i'm all out there with no [ __ ] eyebrows and everything you were into pills you never talk about that that you were a pill addict for a minute what yeah you said that you said you were really into pills and you don't talk about that why do i need to talk about that because that's being open that you're judging me for being crazy taking pills or whatever like i take out pills or whatever but you've done it too and you're just not open about it i don't think that that is a defining characteristic of who i am i think that is a big thing that makes sense why because you're on medication now and there's no shame or judgment in it but like hey if you're going to shame me for being off meds you should say hey i'm on meds i'm not shaming you for being off beds that's what it sounds like you just call me crazy but here's what you need you know what you just did you're trying to see this is why you are such a dangerous person especially to be close with because you'll take something that i've told you and you'll take something that somebody told you in confidence and you'll use it you'll weaponize it against them that's not true that's what you just did no and luckily for you i don't care and i'm okay with it but you go oh well you're i told you an anecdote about how i used to take like what's like tramadol back in israel when i was like bored in a dead-end job and you literally just weaponized that against me you call me crazy knowing my history bro we always call you crazy you're like up front you're gonna call me crazy then i'm gonna say okay once you open up to what you've done that's so crazy okay i'm joking around and then you go okay so what what do i have to weaponize against ethan oh he told me you should take bills in israel i don't think he's ever said that so here i'm gonna drop that on him you want me to weaponize you because i have things i could actually weaponize you with i don't know no but i don't do it they're certain you just did it moses said there's certain things about him i would never say threaten me with doing it more that's why you're so dangerous you can't do that no i didn't because you do that to everybody i know personal things about you and do i say it no you literally just did that's not that personal because you just called me crazy being off my medication so therefore i didn't say anything about being off your medicine and then you asked me i literally didn't mention being off your medicine then you asked me i said you're crazier than me oh i said i said you're not open and honest with everything you're like yes i am but i'm like are you though and then you were pushing not that i'm hiding that i took pills it's just you used it it's not a character push somebody to the level of like saying this this and this and then i'll be like now you're weaponizing me you push and push and push constantly you're [ __ ] you you're [ __ ] up you're the pusher and the gaslighter be like oh my god how could you say that about me meanwhile this whole time being like i'm not you're crazy oh we're just joking but then you go to another level no everything i'm talking about is on the table right okay mine's on the table too everything we always talk about so but you're like okay what can i use to really hit him right now that's what you do [ __ ] gaslighting one over bro i'm not gaslighting this is what you do to people no i'm just telling you you just push and push and push i don't know i'm not pushing it you do you do you push so hard you get that for everyone it's all here i'm not like crazy is goofing around that's so offensive okay i mean i've called you crazy a lot i don't know that it's offense of so offensive dude in this situation yes okay but i don't come for a meeting i'm weaponizing you when you put then say you know what i don't appreciate you calling me crazy instead of being crazy i'll tell you everything it's not what do i weaponize myself so why should i why should i ask myself by being like why should anybody ever confide in you i'm not saying you i never said you're offering you didn't invite me you're not like hey i gotta tell you something real serious like oh yeah god forbid anyone ever does that that's so rude well you know what no it's not your life is sad and pathetic and mine is happy thriving so good have fun on your beach weekend eating room service trying to get pregnant have fun with that that doesn't sound sad and pathetic that sounds like a good family life like i have good fulfilling and good deep roots with a wife that i've been married to for a long time i've got a family that we're trying to build and i've got stability in my life there's something right there i could weaponize but i'm not going to you know why because you push and push and i'm not going to push on your buttons the way you push on other people's buttons i wouldn't even say oh there's something i could weaponize i wouldn't even say that because you're saying i weaponize and i don't there's a perfect time to go in there and be like actually this well because obviously you have i don't know what you're thinking about but like and i don't consider weaponizing i'm very open about everything if someone brings up something that i don't want people to bring up with i'll openly talk about it fine whatever that's just [ __ ] me like i don't care i'll talk about it it's not weaponizing just because i bring something up it definitely i'm just being i'm just trying to tell you of something you do i'm just trying to be honest that i think you have why you're wrong on this one but why do you think that like all your friendships like a lot of your friendships for so many all of your boyfriends and relationships that's what i'm worried about moses is that she's got a roll of dicks of all this [ __ ] on you and then and then when [ __ ] goes wrong she's going to try to ruin your [ __ ] life i'm wrong and i don't expose stuff i know like well yes you did no i didn't well you did accuse him of [ __ ] kind of flirting with underage girls no that wasn't it that was not well that was kind of [ __ ] up no we you're like oh i had a fight i'm going to accuse him being with the underage group i'm not accusing him of everything the dm's were out there they were publicly put out there yeah they were they were posted by your all account and i had like three likes we know that that wasn't it literally had three likes okay but anyway not confirmed by me i'm just saying it's not cool to be like oh well you're addicted to pizza i've had friends for a very long time i have friendships that have lasted well over 10 years i'm still friends with andrew jefferson jeffrey i've been friends with for like a year and a half oh that's kidding see that would also be considered oh that's weaponizing against me but now it's a joke because why you're you're the one that told me he unfollowed you funny anything you say those are jokes those are jokes it's all on the table this is how guys do with girls oh my god you sweat pills the story i told you wasn't on the table okay but that's not weaponizing you yes it is oh oh really you talk about stuff all the time that's like what about when you push and push push with me to show you how much i made on that video you're like you do this you do this you were [ __ ] being and it's all on the table not on the table you forced me you were literally get your phone out [ __ ] do this right now like you couldn't you never told me no you did i said please don't please edit this out it's on the podcast i was like begging there's like tears in my eyes like please edit this out because like i really didn't know so that's me being an [ __ ] but it's all on the table it's not okay you weaponized it whatever it's not what you were you thought you pushing someone to do something they're not comfortable with that's what that's worse that's [ __ ] way worse i'm not saying i'm insane at it or i don't know all but you are you're awful you are awful yeah you got better i am all full but i'm just saying that you recognize people and push people like pushing people to do stuff they don't want to do and you've done it multiple times on multiple shows and it's just not cool i mean that's why people get so annoyed with you when you interview people which is probably why we don't have guests on this show because people don't want to be on this show or your h3 show anymore people just don't want to have people that's all every week oh really oh wow they're really killing it who was like i don't even know the doctor with coronavirus like good guys that was like five months ago okay well i don't even watch your thing but i'm just saying like all the guests you get they're not bill burr is not coming on bo burnham's not coming on crystalline is not coming on you know what i'm saying you're getting people that no one knows oh jack's films again great good job good guest just get all your friends idubs wow good job our guest track record but i feel like we've had some bangers lately happy though sure okay well that's all that's about it yeah sure let's see whitney comments was just posted when you came on is she acceptable to you yeah whitney's fine okay good job having a girl on that's the other thing you're very misogynistic can you help mommy and chris christine have no idea who they are how many people do you get no idea how many views andrew santino i don't think people know who these people are but hey famous comedians cool don't know any of them um stevo um also misogynistic but okay keep going bobby lee and kalila another female we've got some really good guests coming up too here i'll promo them right now okay promo that i hope i get some some more views to the h3 podcast oh you know i here just for you i'm gonna premiere i'm just gonna give this away for you right now belle delphine is gonna be on on the 29th whoa holy [ __ ] how did you get her exactly whoa so [ __ ] eat up unboxing her stuff is real great i'm gonna get a million views you know my [ __ ] it doesn't have toilet paper in it oh okay so you got better feeling when you unboxed off no one even cared and even get a million views so wow yeah that's dead and done just like james charles you're just trying to be but my life isn't about views it literally is about views all you care about is like working doing this you're literally projecting on me you call me money hungry and it's like literally all you do is just obsess over money i mean i'm not saying i'm not saying that see i hate when people that's [ __ ] weaponizing when people throw it back on me i'm not saying i'm perfect person if i call someone out for being gracious doesn't mean i haven't said racist things in my past it's also just being like hey you're awesome i'm holding a [ __ ] mirror up to you no that's not true that is 100 true okay whatever you it's not projecting like i'm not saying hey i love money too [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] give me money but like it's not just because you love money doesn't mean that you have insight to every single person you so are no i'm not we were gonna be 50 50 on the show originally okay here's weaponizing saying stuff that's not dude i gave you the most generous [ __ ] deal go ahead and said actually 45 out of 45 55 like and you said to pay everyone okay cool i get that cool but then to be like and i'm just going to keep all the highlights for for costs or whatever okay how about what like just reading we spent 50 000 on this set we have a full set of guys that are working all around the clock of our podcast and i literally and i and you get 45 that seems like a great [ __ ] deal of the highlights the highlights is nothing but it's just it's just really annoying to crunch the numbers for a couple hundred bucks over time it's gonna get money and it's just like hey that's fine i don't care but don't say i'm money i'm money hungry i couldn't care less like i'm like whatever i would do this for free so you're not money hungry now huh i like money i like money i'm not money hungry i don't okay whatever this is a stupid conversation i'm just i all i'm trying to do is give you an important insight to this is something to do you constantly like move on we're not talking about that this is stupid like how come you get to dictate what's stupid and what's not and what's worthy of a conversation if you want to talk about something bring a conversation yeah i'm fine i'm fine with them saying but this is what you do to your guests on the phone why it's dying which is why no one's coming back on which is why you don't get repeat guess who's the guy that was so offended when you were he was so uncomfortable i forgot his name we watched it and he was so uncomfortable he's like what are you doing like what's happening right now i forget the guy's name eric eric something air under i don't know eric eric eric andre is that a thing you don't even know who eric andre is no i don't know but he looked very uncomfortable i watched it i was like what the [ __ ] is happening like why were you being so [ __ ] like you know what i mean and it's like that's why people don't come back because you have this way of just pushing people always come back billboard was on twice by the way did you know that did not see the second episode well it was great that's good i hope it was better the second time around it was but i'm just saying in general that's why no one comes back like people always come back literally we regularly have people back jack's films good job jack's films has been on the episode the worst by the way so why he's really nice he's not he was an [ __ ] to be on the shane dawson well maybe he should have been before i was huh maybe he was right maybe he saw something no he's he's the most problematic and he what jack's film is not i gotta not be there no see this one's saying i stopped you don't you're trying to silence me but here's the thing just like mikey oh we're all woke and we're all pieces i'm not saying he's woke but he has a lot of skeletons in his closet no he doesn't and that's not me weaponizing that's just me saying i know no but like you did the pill anecdote that was you that was not oh my god but that okay so what what do you call what you did to me when you push and push a push when i say i'm not comfortable with something like that well you could accuse me of being an [ __ ] that's not being an [ __ ] like pushing someone when they say i'm uncomfortable it's not weaponizing private info that is that totally is because you have the power in the shop something obvious okay it's was my only question to you is um what who won world war ii who won world war ii was it the allies or the last episode was it the allies or the axes who won world war ii winning this episode i'm quitting you can put you can literally tell this last episode did the nazis win or lose world war ii i'm over this i'm so over this and yo i really am like 100 done with the show so this is it yeah so i'm gonna negotiate my terms and maybe i'll come back but that's it renegotiate you already have max terms you're maxed out i don't think so after this today i'm pre-negotiating you want to give me 25 000 for the set no so what do you want because i haven't seen the set i didn't have a say in how it was like built or anything i had my set designers like oh they're not available i tried to reach them all right whatever well good luck with this channel it's doing great is it okay yeah it's doing fine okay cool i'm not the first woman when mine's dying don't turn around like what's your view cause i'm the first time that my channel is dying my channel's not done oh okay cool love it doing better than ever yeah actually well we're posting more frequently but the views are up it's doing really good amazing happy for you but you're trying to see what you're trying is to upset me but it's i'm not i said good [ __ ] for you if you think it's doing bad i'm not i think that's amazing if it's doing good for you then really congrats yeah i can see why your relationships don't work out i can see why you've been with the same person for 12 years thank you you have no other options and quite frankly i don't blame you i have no wow that's a really so why would i want other options i'm perfectly content i can you know i could be mean like you but i'm not going to anything else we should discuss damn just went off the [ __ ] rails wow uncle fester and whatever this [ __ ] you threw together oh my god mine's more iconic we'll see why the tick tock view should we make up or are we hating i'm literally over it i'm so over it i don't think everyone breaks up with me over there bye why would moses break up over a podcast because i don't like his family and i don't like hanging out with you guys and you guys are awful and that's it and yeah i said it but you liked me when we started i was trying to be nice and fun but i actually don't really care that much for you really you never liked me nope i think oh you're the next to be canceled you're really upset no i'm not i'm fine so have fun good luck on the baby making thank you i feel that you're really upset huh okay you're shutting down no i'm good what else do you want to talk about let's talk should we resolve decisions no i'm okay i'm so over it you just said let's talk i'm not doing the next episode for real i'm over it you just said let's talk because you said oh you're shutting down i'm like i'll talk to you talk you got me for 10 more minutes no well we're over we're over time look it's too far this episode went 20 minutes too long oh some good content there tom [Music] anything else that's it moses do you want to have anything to say end it moses is warning me well just because i'm quitting this show don't fire moses because of meme why would i fire moses because of you i don't know people be doing that you overestimate your influence oh i know how you guys are with him oh my god trisha did this oh my gosh i shouldn't do that oh we should be scared of trisha it's like i've never said anything like that i've seen your group chat i literally see his phone well you bragging about looking through his phone isn't exactly the best look i'm not bragging about it i'm stating something because once again i'm open well i've never said anything like that i'm open about it like yeah i'm not a perfect person i'm a crazy person sometimes like whatever i'm open about it i'm sorry for calling you crazy i know this has been off the rails yeah i apologize i don't apologize for anything i said about you that's okay then i'll say it again it's fine but i know that this one off the rails i know you have issues because of your family and i get it i understand that i'm sympathetic to it so my apologies but that's it but i i can tell that when i said that it upset you and i was sincerely i thought we were goofing around because well you look unhappy in life so i really hope you feel better i know it came from a place that you're right i wonder i know yeah because i thought i thought we were i thought we were goofing on each other kind of thing but but i genuinely i i'm sorry for saying that i'm i'm genuine okay and um i'm like literally gonna leave that like once this is over no i know so i'm trying i just wanna i'm trying to resolve this because the more we talk about it the worst is gonna be like good luck honestly good luck thanks for having me on five episodes love it it was so much fun and i'm over it good luck and i'm sorry about your family situation i'm sorry about your situation no my name is no you are i can tell i can tell and it's sadness and i see you when i was around your family that you have sadness in you and it's sad okay and that's why you're so mean to people on the internet and i get it but also don't take it out on people and call them crazy and [ __ ] no i apologize okay cool great that's a wrap i think i do think you're a good person and i and i am sorry for calling you crazy well i'll weaponize you later then on my channel can't wait for the weaponizing everyone comes to me because i'm crazy and i weaponize against people like it's all me i never get provoked yeah no i i can see why why why i provoked you because i can be like asshole-ish it's not [ __ ] it's like literally like pushing someone to do something when they're uncomfortable that's like literally like it's an attack i mean that's literally like awful but anyways right okay cool okay well well yeah hey alfredo well we're going out on a high note here folks all for your viewing pleasure just wire me for this later and we'll talk never i will wire you the money that i owe you and i will wish you well because i've always wished you well and i could tell you're so you hate me so much right now but i don't hate you i know i like you still my feelings didn't change for you there's no way to calm you down i feel like i'm not i'm i'm fine i'm literally no but like there's no way you just hate me so much i just wish there was a way like yeah whatever there is because i just i i hate people just like that are you you're the person i hate in this world that's so just offensive and but they do nothing wrong and when people are provoked oh they're crazy calling girls crazy and stuff like that it's like but taking no accountability no responsibility you think everything's just an attack against you everyone's against ethan like oh my gosh i'm always right it's like ugh you and jacksonville serve each other so jax well i can't believe you're going after jax he's such a sweet guy i love you all right tricia it's not you don't have to choose between me and moses he can do both even if we hate each other he'll go with you bye yeah no he drove here in my car bye trisha are we gonna make tick tocks are we gonna make tick tocks we were supposed to make tick tocks she's leaving yeah i'll yeah well uh trisha left so this is our first fight our big real fight she snapped on me and she left i'm gonna try to do a post-mortem on this um i don't know maybe she's having a bad day but i do you want to comment moses moses came back you want to sit down go ahead get her phone yeah she's like moses you pic pick who you're staying with i was like go ahead oh moses is here just give it time okay yeah no i figure all right bye moses love you love you too buddy i was genuinely feeling bad because but i don't know because i feel like i always goof on goof with her like that right dan yeah yeah i don't know am i am i wrong to think that she was kind of like well maybe i shouldn't continue this conversation without her probably it's not fair probably not i think i said my piece yep but uh we hope to see trisha soon we miss her and i really genuinely am sorry i'm laughing because dan's laughing hmm i don't know what i could have done i was really trying to resolve the issue and i dude and trisha if you're watching this please come back uh we miss you already so that concludes this episode of frenemies more enemies today than friends that really went off the rails but i guess that's part of the thrill well we said this was gonna happen i'm actually surprised it didn't happen sooner i don't know i thought i was trying to feel like maybe this well i i hope she'll be back i hope she'll be back that's all i can say all right guys we'll uh we'll see you in i don't know what's the next episode but hopefully next week it might be a little longer than that might be never i hope not because like i said i spent i invested so i'm trying to recoup here at least but all right guys i'll see you uh i'll see you later
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,562,231
Rating: 4.8650289 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas
Id: 9xVGBL0_crc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 8sec (5228 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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