Is Trisha Smarter Than A 5th Grader? - Frenemies #4

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Dan: "An animal without a backbone is called a... Ethan?"

Trish: "That's right, called an Ethan."


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 128 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anormaldoodoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best episode yet, why do I love this duo so much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 241 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/plantmamaramba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan: "What do you mean we don't need gravity?"

Trisha: "What if it was never invented?"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 202 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlueEyesWhiteDjesus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When they’re talking about rosa parks and trisha says β€œironic, because the cool kids at my high school would sit in the back” i couldn’t breath omg this episode was the best

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 264 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fred3CampFred πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan having a rage blackout at grade school questions in drag makeup is gold

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 304 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MadameVonShartqueef πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hate myself for how much I cheered Trisha on during trivia 😳

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 141 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poison_ive3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œYou WOULD know Milky Way” I damn near spit out my drink

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 181 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lherna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude. Ethan with this look of makeup is throwing me through a loop, I'm SO WEIRDED OUT. When I opened it I was wondering what the hell was going on. I feel my mind disassociating just looking at him, it just doesn't add up.

I mean, it nails that unnatural James Charles overly-makeupped look. But fuck.

EDIT: This is one of the best episodes ever. Ethan starting to rage when Trisha surprisingly pulled out some English knowledge and then the tables turning when Trisha says shit like she didn't know about the Holocaust or that gravity was invented and we don't need it. I'm dying of fucking holding in laughter this is gold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 171 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MovieTrailerReply πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan is a fucking genius.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 222 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Makispi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome welcome everybody to episode one of the october fest spook season hashtag spook season on tick tock i feel spooky my ass is fat james charles this week i don't think i think you've never looked better to be honest like you looked so good like i didn't want to be like over the top when i came in because like i have my boyfriend here but i was like whoa do you think that i'm attractive like yeah this is like no i'm not kidding this is like my ideal man like i like a mask but it was like femininity to it you look a little more manny mua because he's a little thick boy too and i think you look like him more i think i look like a monster just because if i shave my face so i'm not used to seeing myself without a beard oh the beard uh hides my face and so i'm insecure without it but then with the makeup and everything and i think i'm gained weight so i just look like a big fat monster i disagree with glamorous three no you're like you're like the traditional fat girl that has a pretty face like oh my god your face is so pretty like that is your face oh that's so nice of you yeah that girl with the pretty face that's what people say to me like you'd be so pretty if you lost 30 pounds like howard stern said it about me he said i looked like pamela anderson if if i lost 40 pounds like she looked just like family anderson i was like oh okay thank you when i was on america's got talent so is that is that a compliment i mean it's like a little insulting but like i mean it's better than being a fat girl with an ugly face right you know yeah right you look great you look your face is your money maker like honestly i think your face is your best feature and i think you should shave more um i like to hide my face well who are you who are you dressed as okay can i just say i was just prefacing that i was gonna start the halloween episodes because i was gonna come in costume in october anyways and i didn't really put much thought into it i just go with like the tick tock theme so i was like oh i'm gonna be like elwood's legally blonde it's like cute and funny but you're like all your costumes are overshadowing me and i already had my all planned so i'm like oh [ __ ] i didn't know which is funny because you were bitching out at me about not wanting to do it and now i'm i'm all in i know and then you kind of showed up i'm underwhelmed to be honest no because you know this is like what how you dress every day you're just like no i have bunny ears on every no every day in october i dress up in a costume i have costumes planned for every single day every day yeah i have every single day planned out well you should bring your best ones but i didn't think you were gonna dress up so i'm like you know what i'm gonna just bring like more casual ones but i just wanted to preface i'm coming in costumes so you're like why are you dressed like a bunny today so i was like prefacing that all of a sudden you and ella just went like full force i'm like oh my god we're gonna get his hair and makeup done i was like wait what the like i would have come to someone i kind of was like jeffrey stars i'm like i could have you know you shut up well i didn't no i can't yeah three more chances because you have to plan you guys are not planners i'm a planner i have to plan my costume my makeup my hair we talked ahead of time and and coordinated no i saved your guys's ass because okay whatever i look great we don't need to argue about the fact that i look great i know it's my makeup artist i gave you guys my second i gave you my second choice makeup artist and you guys didn't book far enough in advance so i was like [ __ ] and as i was like fine use my first choice i guess wait you didn't want to give me your your star player because you didn't want me to overshadow no no because then we couldn't start on time like we're starting three hours late and i have stuff to do so i gave you my second one because you guys don't plan very well he didn't get back to you in time but i knew my girl's on top of [ __ ] so i was like all right yours is her number so um i this is the first time i've gotten makeup though i do have dude you do this like every day um just like special days not every day i do especially days like how often do you do this she says she's at your house twice a week twice a week i was just gonna say twice a week a lot yeah because i do only think it takes like two hours oh my gosh three hours sometimes because of my hair your hair was like not your face needs more work than mine i don't think so i think we look identical actually which was so scary i was like i feel like we're gonna look the same because i do feel like i just look like a big fat james charles though like they nailed it and unfortunately i had a hair style i don't know if you guys can tell but i've got a thick fresh fade bro with the vanilla ice and everything here it looks good it looks good my only regret is that i cut my hair already because he could have done it like the perfect james charles like the poof yeah i heard he wanted to like dye it and add hair to it and stuff you guys don't know you should just like fall out and done it i wanted to do it but i don't have any hair no but he could have like added hair to it whatever anyways you look great and you do look like james charles you should do like i don't know maybe i feel like you love james charles loki like i feel like you're kind of like fond of him the way you were with me remember you kind of like hated me but then you're kind of like oh i kind of like fond of this person no i don't think so i think he's just a douche to be honest after interacting with him i don't feel like you're i feel like you're i feel that you're crazy but i don't think you're a douche no yeah i get you yeah i think he thinks he's a douche i don't know if you i don't know him well enough to say is a bad heart but like he's pretty evil that whole beauty community really like tattoos he's evil yeah what do you know about him you know i've never met him just everybody i know has like horrific experiences with him like horrific and i'm not trying to be that person be like oh i know stuff like i don't really know because i don't know but just like things i've heard i mean i heard he's like actually like a horrible person just like yeah but i don't know i mean well so so anyway the reason we're doing a couple of things today we're going to um by the way i have a lie detector because james charles he took a lie detector test and they asked if he ripped off teddy fresh he said no and the guy was like that's true so so he's g so he's absolved and i thought i would hook myself up to a lie detector like for example let's say um why don't you go ahead and ask maybe if uh james charles ripped off too fresh did james charles rip off teddy fresh yes that is true see ah so it's a conflict of the lie detector oh you're saying it like depends on the person asking the question yeah but you know the guy who well let me show you this video let me show you this teddy fresh here oh this guy he does everyone's that was true that's true they're like see oh see but you know this guy wait is he being serious or is he like trolling like is james charles trolling no he's being serious he's like i am absolved but he literally said oh yeah it is it is probably the same thing sorry like he said it to you so he already like he already admitted yeah but he steals a lot of things like you know like the makeup look i thought you were doing the white paint look because he stole it so i was like oh he's doing like stolen look so yeah someone like you but he has a history of stealing things so i'm like so confused as why people don't like call him out on it i was like wait but he's i guess because he has money but you know what people like that always like come down like he's gonna be like a toby turner or something like where the people just don't care or shay carl like one of those people where he's like flirting with like well i guess he's already flirted with people and got in trouble but he'll like be brought down somehow because they're like not good people do you think do you think do you want to ask me a yes or no question okay um do you think i'm hot no that's true um by the way this [ __ ] is scientific bro there is nothing wrong with this lie detector any more questions because it's so it's like ask me anything go ahead ask me anything how dare you this this this is top of the line [ __ ] go ahead ask me one more question anything okay um do you oh i don't know what to ask do you want to have sex with me wow really is just all about how much you really your mind is one place that's all i ask for uh no that is uh true oh you could have this such yeah that's such a lie like we know that's a lie like whatever no i definitely don't want to [ __ ] you you definitely do because you want to like i just feel like you either want to like be me or be in me you know like one day i don't want to be either of those things one or the other do you think that everybody wants to be you or be yeah for sure it's one or the other always so moses obviously wants to be in you yeah for sure always you cannot imagine a world where people don't want to be you or be in it's not there's not a world that exists like that like i swear on my life like everybody wants to like be me or be in me always and you don't trust me when i say i have no desire to [ __ ] you or yeah i know you're lying you look so pretty right now it's insane so here you want to do this uh are you smarter than a fifth grader yeah for sure but can i just say one more thing about the live detector guy i've been hooked up to him like check out like me on his videos like i've been hooked up to him and he literally will say like oh i can give you whatever answer you want yeah dude i knew that guy was such a scammer obviously he's in like everybody straight up just says you can say whatever you want yeah no he says oh tell me what you want me to say what yeah oh for sure when i got hooked up to it he literally was like oh like they're like no no say yes to that say no to that like i'm like okay he's not like real that is disgusting though i know this because he's been in shane's videos he's one of jason's videos he's been in david's videos he's like in everyone's like lie detector i think people just assume that he's trustworthy or something but the thing is like lie detectors are a pseudoscience they're not even allowed in you know court yeah it's a total suicide it just it just measures your pulse and stuff if you squeeze your butthole you send all the measurements wow because it increases your blood pressure oh yeah yeah you just squeezed your butthole you looked up on that too no i did it i had to do a lie detector test for a job i applied for in israel for an interview and it was so it was just so demeaning no it wasn't like i love israeli flex trust me it's not a flex it was like 30 000 a year it was a [ __ ] but they go have you ever used drugs oh i was like [ __ ] you next question and what happened well i was like you get the job no i didn't because apparently i failed on the drug question wait what oh because you said [ __ ] you you have to say yes or no no i said no oh and they said oh untruthful i was like dude go [ __ ] hot what is this the fbi is a dumbass job so maybe it was right you did do you have done drugs you told me yeah no i know i was alive yeah oh well then that makes sense why they didn't hide no but it's like it's just such [ __ ] that um yeah i agree i don't think it's not like the cia i was like writing articles for some [ __ ] israel you don't even speak hebrew how to get a job over there really who knew i did wait so now that you feel fat are you like not gonna have sex like all week no that won't get in my way i stopped having sex with my field father i haven't had sex in three days because i feel so fat really i'm like don't touch me it's just lately why have i been so fat lately well you told me on the way here you stopped at mcdonald's i couldn't stop eating yesterday i just kept shoving my face you know what it was i got depressed about something i can't remember i got to press and then once that depression kicks in i'm just like [ __ ] it like everything yeah i want to do that yeah do you do it i have pizza this weekend you do you know so you guys did a photo shoot i'm kind of kind of over this whole topic of like about you guys yeah like we know we love jews oh but speaking of jew real quick and i promise no but you guys took a only fans photo can i bring up something about a jew real quick that i love um rick morana's like why are more people not talking about i used to love miranda so much and he got hit he got punched in the face and oh why would that why who would want to assault him he's like such a sweet lovable dude yeah pure is gold i love just a random act of violence i guess but did you see the video it's literally broad daylight upper east side this guy just like like punches him in the face and nothing happens he doesn't get arrested nothing did they find him i heard they found the guy who did it yeah but he didn't get arrested no he must have gotten around no i'm a hardcore mercian if you watch my old videos like i always talk about rick moranis yeah everyone loves it here here's the photos you see what we did so we can show it she was butt ass naked and then ian photoshopped a dress on you so we could show it what oh you can't show the nudity no and then he did another one of you as a nun that's kind of cute though i like it i honestly i kind of like the photo i'm not even gonna hate it's pretty did you see the original the pamela anderson when i posted it yeah okay so it was like it was inspired by um the colors are nice it's got a gucci photo shoot vibe that's what everyone was saying thank you yeah it was cute we have another one coming up because we're gonna put these on some billboards but you know his parents are gonna freak did your parents say anything or your family i mean i know i know hey you're preaching in the choir no but here's the thing i'm dressed no his mom's on our side now she called him saturday and i was like glad you're in a relationship right i mean that's what you told me i don't speak your group just don't just don't show bro let's do are you smarter than a fifth grader because this would be fun i love this wait are we not having a podcast it's just like a fun halloween episode or what what are you what is that we're doing a podcast we are but like are we not talking about topics so we're just like this i figured as the person who actually does work and plans me that we would do yeah me i'm the one that do planning oh got it i do planning too no you don't my earring just broke okay let's do it let's start are you and the reason that i wanted to play are you smarter than fifth grade with you is because you have kind of a sometimes a pretty funny explanation for things thank you that's such a nice thing to say i think it's a nice way of insulting you i'll take it honestly i love you right now you look so hot today well i can't do any wrong this is crazy how beautiful you are that's why your baby looks so good we were talking actually me and the makers were talking like oh this baby's like low-key cute low-key what do you mean well you want to think that right no because you're like quirky you know what i mean you're like a quirky looking person but without your facial beard you look [ __ ] gorge yeah my baby's cute low-key but you wouldn't expect no he's hiki but you wouldn't expect it like loki i don't know anyways okay whatever whatever definitely don't want to [ __ ] you let's go so anyway i i you always have really funny answers to historical stuff oh historical i'm good at this okay great so so go ahead and give us some categories a or who's reading them off dan okay so give us some categories and trisha will choose i don't know the answers to any of these these guys put them together and we will both um we will both compete so what do we win how about whoever wins the other person has to sell them a thousand dollars so if i win today i sell you a thousand for real yeah i totally i mean you'll definitely lose oh my god no but will you actually sell me a thousand dollars yeah yeah but i i will win i will i mean you have no chance are you kidding me i'm way smarter than you and i know this like people think i'm stupid and i like that oh wow i'm about to make a g baby are you kidding me oh my god yeah i know i spent a thousand on this [ __ ] hair makeup so i'm about to recoup oh yeah that's true it is expensive but a write-off because you only can use it for another it's a write-off but you're still like i tell everyone how boutique you got all right i'm not really let's go ask the questions i saw ella's car i was like okay eva like so bougie by the way you guys can text me whenever moses told me that you guys like feel bad because i think you guys take some when i say he's like to heart like if i'm like don't talk about that but i'm not gonna text you past [ __ ] six okay but you can text me you guys like we're silent and i'm like okay you can text me like something i do the majority of my texting past six i'm just busy during the day and then i'm like hey what's going on forget about it well ela is better at texting so i'll just text with her i don't care about texting let's play the game go ahead dan give us some categories categories that we have available are um we have history uh english and literature geography or science which which one would you like am i picking for him are we doing why don't we switch off you pick first and then i'll pick and we have to both do the same category yeah yeah yeah we'll both answer the question and then he'll tell us the right answer okay can you read the categories one more time so sorry sure it's history so sorry english geography or science okay we're gonna go with english english it is like billy madison at the end when like bradley whitford goes against adam sandler and then he loses and pulls a gun and like shoots up crap you really think you're gonna beat me yeah a thousand percent like that's a that's a given like yeah and if you lose will you admit that like not everybody wants to [ __ ] you no how can you not entertain the idea that there are dudes not attractive i've never okay yes not attractive but everybody would want to [ __ ] me for sure well why would i want to [ __ ] someone i'm not attracted i mean it happens all the time a lot of people tell me i'm like like afterwards after i stop hooking up with someone like you're gross you're chubby whatever i'm like alright but you [ __ ] me so like everyone wants to [ __ ] they all insult you afterwards oh but like i was like that's [ __ ] up it's really sad it's actually really yeah that is sad twice but it's fine i mean that's exactly i can guarantee you dan doesn't want to [ __ ] you but you say this to your navy yeah you say this to your little posse because i don't think everyone wants to [ __ ] you okay well that's cute like just because like you've been like marrying for 12 years i feel like you low-key wish that you could be single while you're famous and rich because i feel like you didn't get that out of your system like knowing that every girl wants to [ __ ] you because you're famous and rich um i mean the dating and all that is really stressful i hate that but don't you wish you could date now that you're known and have money but don't you think you miss out a little bit i mean yes you do it's fine it would be fun to date but like i'm not interested in that i'm very happily married but i'm saying yeah it would be fun to see what it's like today when you're actually have something going for you because when i was dating i was a [ __ ] i had i was broke fat no you're skinny when you eli i saw that yeah i was skinnier but i'm saying like yeah it would be fun to date when you actually have something going for you yeah but you just made a bunch of rapid [ __ ] well yeah you're missing out on seeing that everybody wants to [ __ ] you when you have like something going on i'm not gonna satisfy anyone sexually it's just gonna be embarrassing yeah but do you think adam chandler doesn't know it's because he's rich and famous that is true wait where did he come from how come i've never met him before i've never maybe he's you know oh he's new who did he replace he didn't replace anyone who's new okay bougie hiring new employees expanding the team but i know okay i love that um where's my check do i get a check today yeah i owe you i do i'm gonna calculate for you today tonight all right let's go ahead let's do the thing all right we said english right yeah english yes okay so uh first grade question um wait do we both answer this are we good that's how you want to do this you want to alternate questions because i got lots i got lots of questions no no we'll both answer it and then you tell us the right answer and why don't you get it no that's fine we both get a point all right so let's both oh you're saying because so what if you copy me on my camera and you're like yeah okay you're right you're right you go first you pick your category okay and a b can you keep going you keep score okay i feel okay all right here we go you're gonna send me a thousand bucks it's gonna be so happening all right first question i uh we'll start with trisha okay what is the plural of moose huh moose that's correct wow look at this [ __ ] uh how many letters are in the english alphabet ethan wait i didn't choose english no you have to do the same category i think it's 23. that's incorrect it's 26. 27. holy [ __ ] it's 26 sweating 6 or 27. in the story doesn't matter i got it wrong move on uh what is the term for a word that is uh similar in meaning to another word wait say that one more time what is the word oh what is the term for a word that is similar in meaning to another word synonym correct what type of words should be capitalized ethan what word should we capitalize yeah what type of words oh pronouns incorrect proper nouns so so far we're moving on to the second grade here okay uh yo those first graders are [ __ ] stacked okay second grade um trisha what type of literature features magical creatures such as giants gnomes and goblins mythology wait if she gets it wrong do i get a stab at it i like that yes because i just yours right i got proper nouns i got 26. you're right you're right all right that was a correct answer though so good job um wait what mythology how is that right mythology mythological what do you mean how is that right shouldn't be like fantasy no that would have been an acceptable answer as well but mythology is well mythology is like the study of like greek god that's greek mythology that's a different okay whatever next [ __ ] [ __ ] collusion okay ethan what is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word i know it it's like antonym that's correct thank god what is the uh what are the what's the score one three okay what are the five uh interrogative question words there's five of them oh who what where when why got it uh what are comparative and superlative forms of the word big ethan bro this is some [ __ ] this is first grade i don't even know what the second grade this is second grade say is repeat the question what are comparative and superlative forms of the word big i don't even know what the [ __ ] those words you said mean bro okay well the answer is bigger and biggest just [ __ ] this go ahead uh the person in a novel who tells the story from a third person perspective is called what trisha the narrator that's correct has a perfect score so far thank you abs uh uh ethan what is the name of the book about a friendship between a pig named wilbur and a spider named charlotte that's uh charlotte webb that's right shut up who is the author of james and the giant peach royal doll no no exceptions what did you say ronaldo ronald dahl is incorrect it's not ronald you have mcdonald's on your mind it's rolled doll is that what you're saying no no that's what i literally you said ronald royal doll no no no i wasn't sure what you said she's roth she's wrong i said it the first time i think she said okay whatever i'm going to destroy you in other categories move on he also wrote charlie in the chocolate bro you literally said ronald a doll playback played back the clip in editing because i literally said roll down he's like no i'm like oh ronald but like that doesn't sound right i knew his world dog we'll do an instant replay in editing royal doll royal doll you said james in the giant peach right go ahead yeah and finally the main series of events in a story is called what ethan the main series of events you know what i think like the climax no so what is those were you going to say i would have guessed like yeah the climax for the finale that's the plot that that's such a that's such an arbitrary question the plot did you get one right wait that yeah i did okay one the that's so stupid that's just a dumb [ __ ] question oh look i'm getting so mad oh my god that's so arbitrary [ __ ] the plot i've never seen you get like actually alright and i choose next go history i'm not mad i'm just we we still have the fourth and the fifth okay fourth fifth grade go ahead all right fourth grade um trisha what what is the main character of a story called oh um protagonist that's right um what uh what type of word is truthfully ethan um i might just say ethan's questions are [ __ ] i'm just alternating i'm not i'm not i mean i did get his question i think truthfully is like it's not it's like i don't know it's not an adjective or verb i don't know [ __ ] you dan [ __ ] you dan yeah [ __ ] you damn it's an adverb verb adverb this is the one thing i'm really bad at in the in the book titled the lion the witch in the wardrobe what is the last oh what what is the last comma called that's a weird question okay you have to see it to like really understand what that question is let's skip that no let's not skip it okay give her a [ __ ] question okay in the title the lion comma the witch comma and the wardrobe what is the last comma called oh see it's not that hard to explain fair enough conjunction no it's called an oxford comment duh did you know i wouldn't no i got wrong so sorry no i didn't know the answer what do you call a group of crows how was that literature i'm not really a group of crowd that's not common knowledge you want to it's called a crew obviously no it's a murder a murderer murderer don't give hints that's not funny i wasn't gonna i wasn't gonna pull it there's money on the line yeah literally don't give hands all right last grade fifth grade here we go this is the big time here um trisha yes who is the creator of the classic book characters tom sawyer and huckleberry finn huh sheet wow you really don't know wow wait i know this i do know this and that's so annoying oh my gosh i don't know she gives up move on tell me it's mark twain mark twain oh i thought it was a fictional character i literally go ahead all right who is uh ethan who is the author of the 1960 novel about social and racial inequality to kill a mockingbird who's the author yes who's the author of to kill a mockingbird some [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] harper lee is the answer it wasn't his real name though you know that was a pen name um i love i love that movie okay nick can we do a new category please uh we have two more questions here we go uh [Laughter] trisha what is the name of the most famous english playwright english do you know oh oh is it william shakespeare it sure is good this is so dumb go ahead oh what's what's a bunch of crows dan this is so stupid are you trying to cost me a thousand bucks you're such an [ __ ] go ahead go ahead last question last question often seen at the end of a sentence the three trailing dots that indicate the omission of speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues are known as dot dot a [ __ ] couple dots dude [ __ ] it's called an ellipse in a little lips or ellipses ellipses right i knew that all right so that is that is english uh what what what what's the score a b the score is currently two for ethan eight for trisha oh god oh my god like there's a blowout yeah that doesn't even all right so let's move on it's your turn the first thanksgiving was celebrated by native americans and what other group of people oh native americans no well pilgrims sorry yeah pilgrims native americans we'll give you that one that's so easy that's so dumb okay it's first person uh trisha what country did mexico gain its independence from in the 19th century what country didn't mexico gain it's independent in the 19th century um you wish you know the united states it's spain let's go let's go history history next question i'm ready i'm prepared all right uh ethan who invented the light bulb in 1879 thomas edison that is correct this is [ __ ] i think oh my god this is [ __ ] revenge of ethanol god uh tricia um which language is most widely spoken in south america you wish you knew the answer spanish that's correct okay you got your [ __ ] all right second grade second grade second graders didn't know [ __ ] stupid all right uh ethan what are the three branches of the united states federal government judicial executive legislative legislative yes okay nerd nerd [ __ ] nerd over here i know this one uh which war was fought did you know that no i knew it but i think you look like you look what's a murder of crows that's such a stupid question go ahead go ahead did you know murder i didn't know murder actually you would free no that's the thing you learn that's like a basic thing everyone knows really yeah why do people think about crows so much there's like other things to life i mean it's in a lot of like literature like girls are very symbolic wow okay talk about nerd all right ask her a question she's gonna get it wrong all right trisha and what war was fought between the north and southern regions of the united states the civil war dude that is a dumb dumb question well it is for a second grader what was the alliance between italy japan and germany during world war ii called so it was called the axis powers that's correct wow okay that's the holocaust don't [ __ ] i lowkey got really sad about the holocaust this weekend moses explained to me what actually happened and i like started crying you just found out about the whole i had no idea that they like tricked them into going into showers and like killed millions of them that way have you seen chandler's list no you should watch that i feel like i got really sad when he said that because we were watching the producers and they had like springtime for hitler and i was like oh that's cute and then he was like telling me i'm like well what a hillary that was so bad oh my god and then he told me i have to beat you i have to beat you i can't lose you it made me cry i'm sorry i'm empathetic like i'm not like making a joke like i was like no i just think i just thought i just think you're i can't lose everything's tied up in this just go ahead you didn't you just literally asked me what did hitler do that was so bad i didn't know really but it's good to know and be educated so all right well uh on the topic of world war ii trisha the final second great question what city was the first to be attacked by an atomic bomb good luck dummy in the u.s yeah in the u.s why are you not given why are you giving her hits yeah anyway oh oh oh we was in the us it was in the us are you being stupid okay everyone there was a bomb dropped in the u.s a nuclear bomb was dropped on the united states during world war ii yeah this is like v-day or something okay i want to say this was in maui right yeah pearl harbor yeah they nuked pearl harbor no i'm sorry correct answer is hiroshima in japan as we've never heard i've never heard that city in my life all right world war ii oh my god i can't lose go go go i don't know i can't lose this the germans and the japanese they were teamed up america being so strong and winning that war against everybody we did that yeah well you know america was really they fought the japanese really amazing found it wow yeah we kind of killed it literally all right um third grade uh i guess yeah we're back on ethan um what type of feather beginning with the letter q did people write with during the middle quill next okay harry potter harry potter tricia julius caesar was the emperor of wendt empire good luck you don't know anything i know julius caesar um honolulu rome that's correct rome uh at two brutes wow i know ethan what is rosa parks most famous for uh she was a civil rights uh activist who refused to sit in the back of the bus we will uh overcome that is correct ironic because the cool kids sat in the back of the bus when i went to school isn't that funny it is funny yeah that is a really good observation about race what's the score anyways the score is eight ethan 10 trisha oh oh thank you babe wait what you're keeping score too what a freak wait why you have the wrong wait what what do you have moses no she got wrong so i'm at 11. did you not give her a point for rome oh i didn't hear her yep thanks moe's oh my god wow moses is [ __ ] ch fact checking your ass okay you're literally the fact checker over there with the lie detector dude what's going on all right yeah these fact these lie detectors are both [ __ ] go ahead dan i'm coming you're not gonna win i was like you can't catch me that quickly tricia trisha three points this is the final third great question um for me or him for you oh all right the first fireworks were invented in the seventh century in what country you wish you knew what is with that a firework correct you'll never go hiroshima i'm sorry hiroshima is not a country oh where uh it was invented in china i knew that china china invented next give me a question oh my god so competitive yeah i got a thousand bucks online i can't oh yeah i get loser trisha paytas she didn't know anything about world war two just because i don't know what a murder of crows is next damn let's go i gotta be surprised that english one [ __ ] me good i'm surprised how ignorant i am because you're creative and you do like i majored in english lit but i never learned but like i always had like a blind spot about all these weird like basic elementary school [ __ ] really that's so weird i never learned like advert like i never know i was like what the [ __ ] that like grade school no i never went to school oh they homeschooled you anti-vaxx no i'm kidding i went to school oh i just thought it was a weird question hey well people dumb school now yeah no i went to school i just i don't know what happened i just missed like the whole like third grade or something adventure has a bunch of dummies up there i look [ __ ] good you're right you do look so good i'm like gel because i look so gross next you oh that's kind of the hot one all right let's move on to fourth grade uh ethan what ancient civilization built machu picchu complex in peru that was would be the aztec that would be the [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] the incas was the correctness machu picchu uh trisha what ancient egyptian writing system what was the ancient egyptian writing system called we love egypt um who's we me and moses we watch from egypt you guys love egypt that's like the theme of our bedroom right yeah you have a bedroom theme yeah it's like prince of egypt themed fans yeah but not the holocaust because i don't know but they wouldn't think that you did that like going in the shower like but that was like so inappropriate no no no no oh my god that's not that's not what i'm saying so who would be going in the shower you were moses moses said he made this joke himself that he'd be the first to die in the holocaust because he loves showers like he showers three times a day he's like i'd be so excited to like go anyways that was his joke not mine don't come from me um that'd be hieroglyphics hieroglyphics is the correct answer we love egypt we love egypt why do you love egypt so much i just found out it was real on your show on h3 that's what i'm saying that's why i'm so upset that i can't lose that you didn't you thought egypt was a mythological place fake like cleopatra i thought was fake like i thought everything was fake and this is a whole new world to me shout out how are you real i like egypt now like yeah okay go ahead all right uh next up ethan from whom did the united states buy the territory in the louisiana franchise next oh okay i knew that too saka julia i was on it you are on the uh that is not related yeah unrelated okay go ahead um who wrote the national anthem of the united states of america tricia oh i know this it's like from hamilton right wave the betsy ross's flag higher betsy ross wrong that is incorrect she made the flag oh what the [ __ ] what was the something keys francis scott key oh oh got it good thing it wasn't my question that was not in hamilton by the way i was like oh [ __ ] is she really gonna pull a hamilton lyric out and figure this i know this that would have been crazy all right go ahead all right fifth grade last uh last grade this section are you getting nervous i got kind of like i really hate losing you know your hands and black face today no i try to scrape it off for today's episode that's good oh my god you can't see that we'll get cancelled your hand your hands are in black hand they were black hand i don't know okay i never lose yesterday on family game night did we lose once no i lost one every single time go ahead dan you're gonna lose all right fifth grade tell me a thousand and ethan who uh what was the name of the last queen of france the last queen of france correct um probably that uh probably that dummy who got her head dink donked off uh marie antoinette that's correct okay movies score 10 12. 10 12. let's go that's right but i'm i what you went first so i have go ahead all right uh trisha the region known as the fertile crescent is located in present day what a fertile crescent right what it's such a hard question is it i don't know how anybody do you know the only reason i know is because like i read some really obscure thing it's super obscure oh cool i would say oh what's that state wave in the middle is that nebraska uh probably i don't want you know do you know say it it isn't is it i mean i don't want to say it the answer is not nebraska it is the middle east i'm sorry oh wait what yeah what oh good i thought it was california really yeah i did [ __ ] and i have a middle eastern boyfriend i shouldn't know that [ __ ] sorry babe go ahead dan um buck let's see uh ethan um the french and indian war which began in 1754 as we all know became the north american theater of this worldwide war that lasted from 1756 to 1763. dude where's the question what is the name of that what is the name of that worldwide war of which the french and indian war was one aspect oh what was the name of the worldwide war yes that the french and what was the year in 1754. oh um french indian war was probably part 1754 you said it started what was that that's when it started and then the war that it was a part of the wider war uh that came about was from 1756 to 1763. wow i think it was the french revolution i'm sorry that's incorrect it was the seven years war there was oh and uh finally trisha yes uh the modern day city of istanbul was known by what name in the 13th century it's the old name for istanbul like who even knows istanbul like i don't even know that i don't even know where it is like tel aviv i'm sorry is constantinople so that's simple what is that constant nipple yeah what was it so that is the end of uh the history section what do what score it's two or two i have ten twelve ten twelve what are we doing how many categories we're doing all the categories an hour long yeah go what what categories are left uh there is geography or science let's do you're well it's your choice trisha's choice that's not fair because geography science and history are all like those same there's no literally three totally you i guess we'll go with science because those are the four disciplines of uh of grade school where's like musical theater i don't think that's a core discipline it was in what is the lyrics to hamilton i don't think they i teach that in school that's so oh that's a lyric to hamilton i doubt they covered this in boarding school wow anyways okay what song is that from when philip is singing like he's about to get like shot he's like um that's gonna wow okay i'm sorry i know what you're like pressured oh you should have heard the [ __ ] he said about you i was not about to they don't cover this in boarding school oh yeah that's a banger right there that's a real banger two points are you nervous to lose yeah like this sucks i hate losing i don't even care i'll give you ten thousand dollars i don't care i just like hate losing you won't give me ten no it's okay i was like all right go ahead dan all right uh so trisha picked the category so she'll go first right are we doing all the categories like we're doing geography too yes i guess so yes it favors me the longer we and i don't know go that's so stupid like we should we should be able to pick the categories there is you did you just picked category who wants to be a smarter than a fifth grader there's a musical theater category there's literally not yeah there literally is why would there be a musical theater like music anything there should be something else creative it shouldn't just be like one english and that's it it should be like creative writing like something creative writing this is stupid science geography and history they're all those are the main oh let's find out dan go ahead i don't understand your argument go over there you know you're going to lose trisha yes it causes the tides oh you better know that but what causes the time you better know that the tides are caused by oh platonic plates love it see this is why i wanted to play this show this is what i want to do please have you heard of the moon that is the correct answer the answer is the moon the moon has the american causes the ocean you're just a [ __ ] nerd and that's why you want to play this check look how smart i might not be cute like christian not everyone wants to [ __ ] like trust me i can like know the moon let's see let's see how well ethan does in this category go ahead he's so nerdy oh my god like go ahead studies that's why you're actually getting mad yours being like oh look how competitive ethan is and now you're like look at ethan he's a [ __ ] nerd and everyone wants to [ __ ] me call me fat i dare you no because call me fast fat i can't yeah you want to call me fat don't you no go ahead in the comments that i was better than you which is probably true now i'm like pushing too like i feel like so what are we in competition to see who's the fattest can we get a sponsorship for a weight loss that'd be [ __ ] great you can lose the most i still would lose because i have such a problem that even if you paid me to lose weight i can't i have like such a problem with it i've been trying to lose weight for like three weeks and i've lost a single day yeah we should do something like uh and nicole like trim swap baby you know like one of those commercials we get no lipo no secret life okay obviously you were thinking about it go ask me a question ethan the uh the south pole of the magnet and the north pole of another magnet will do what the [ __ ] you say the south pole of a magnet and the north pole of another magnet will do what stick together that's correct this is so stupid trisha what is this trisha what is the force that causes objects to fall to the ground girl you better i know this because my titties are low thanks to gravity yay a personal anecdote can we just also say we don't actually need gravity but that's a different thing like do you mean i saw someone do this this is a tic tac we were watching something where someone's like we don't actually need gravity we're watching this to me like we actually don't need it what do you mean that we don't need gravity what if it was never invented invented by who sir isaac newton isaac newton created gravity whoever created gravity if someone did but we don't actually need it there was a time on earth before gravity existed yes who who created gravity babe dan it was isaac newton right you were in the right ballpark sir isaac newton perhaps uh first defined and discovered gravity what do you mean we don't need gravity i'm curious about that we just don't need it but like what do you mean the moon doesn't have gravity oh it does all bodies all celestial but i mean all bodies almost gravity anything with mass has gravity in fact some would say you have a sizeable amount of gravity what does that mean i'm fat you're calling me fat yeah attractive thank you moses well you're fat you're a fat fat fatty it doesn't bother me keep eating fatty oh my god go read a book and eat chocolate fatty we don't need gravity i don't understand that statement what do you mean by it like that we could exist without gravity yes you know we would just be floating around nothing would be anchored to the earth yeah but if that's all we know nobody would know any different how are you going to exist on this earth without gravity you'd be thrown into outer space there'd be no atmosphere there'd be no oceans literally i was talking about like i'm literally checked out of this conversation okay let's keep going let's move on what's the score well let me explain gravity is like a natural force nobody cares about this like everyone's gonna you want me to explain what gravity is nobody wants you to explain this i don't care about them i'm trying to i want it seems like you want to know what gravity is i have no interest in gravity you should know what gravity is trisha why i just feel like it's important to understand the world you live in that you have to know what gravity okay well you should know sutton foster and you don't know her so what you're right musical theater icon legend starring in the music man with chris jackman at the winter garden theater next march can i just explain what gravity is to you real fast no and she's like so how about learn your [ __ ] and then you can teach me i feel like gravity has more relevance in our daily life than tony awards all bodies gravity's award show like nobody like nobody cares no one's giving up this conversation about graphics i can't believe you're such a nerd that you can't this one's about gravity nobody cares i don't care audience isn't the carrot nobody in this room cares i'm over this okay let's just let's go ahead oh my god it's burnt we're almost there yeah okay the hour's almost up thank god thank god oh my god this is i knew you were gonna get you're getting so mad about gravity when i didn't know the categories otherwise like i wouldn't have even participated in this episode you wouldn't okay go next next sex before she leaves the caterpillar changes and grows into what ethan oh my god say again oh butterfly next i win so hard all right next question uh we're going on to second grade here wow what is h2o also known as oh my god water oh my god yeah okay so wait are we tied no ethan 12 trisha 14. you're still in the lead traditionally wait i gotta be panicking bill you're i think i'm only behind by one because i got one more behind by one but then when she just got okay go ahead go ahead right oh my god gas is in the air that we breathe oxygen great and what gas do plants breathe in that humans are you asking me no i'm asking nutrition what gas do plants breathe in that humans and animals breathe out i say that one more time what gas do plants breathe in that humans and animals breathe out humans breathe in and animals breathe out opposite no humans and animals both breed this gas out plants breathe it in carbon monoxide oh you're it's carbon dioxide not mono oh this is something it's co2 it's not [ __ ] let's keep it gravity exists and we need it uh what uh what galaxy is the earth located in milky way so hard you wouldn't know a milky way oh you have a lot of gravity so you don't even know what gravity is how do you know if you have a lot of it i know by the insinuation okay so what is this score go ahead ethan 13 trisha 14. go go go all right stupid hey uh hey oh i'm muted sorry um this one's a throwback to a previous one what phenomenon might be felt on the surface when two tectonic plates rub against each other tricia earthquake that's right yeah also the hardest naturally occurring mineral is ethan diamond that's correct what is the closest planet to the sun tricia who cares about space and gravity literally who does though who cares we don't need gravity mars i'm sorry it is mercury that's some [ __ ] everybody knows that the process by which plants eat and make energy is called photosynthesis that's correct are we tied game tie game it's tied game we're excited trisha get excited all right fourth grade here we go trisha what is the part of the eye that controls how much light enters the cornea no your corn it's through our cornea can you just shop jesus it's the pupil i'm sorry it's so annoying everyone this is so stupid nobody even cares this episode's gonna dude i don't care about them dang go nobody watch this go go go go go go go what planet is nicknamed the red planet oh mars give him the easiest yeah like everyone knows mercury is obviously the closest okay all right uh what animal uh or i'm sorry tricia animals that eat only meat are known as only meat carnivores that's right yeah yeah how long does the earth take to revolve around the sun oh my god 365 days one year that's correct this is so dumb you're giving me you know it's 365. yeah you're freaking dumb [ __ ] this is so dumb i'm winning um or am i in the lead uh the earth is at least how many billions of years old oh good question well let's see god made it and according to the bible jesus christ well if we go if we count the old scriptures and go back thousands i think they say about 6 000. i found out the jewish years like 56 51 or something like that um how many billions yes we are the earth how many billions of years old is the earth two it's four i thought it was six well you're an idiot well it says at least how many billion years i just want to like lose so i can flex i can pay him a thousand because i know he would never do it he knew an installment what i would pay you i would do an installment yeah i set up that payment plan i would do like after can i hit you with a little interest it's stupid should we call it off you want to call me the winner okay okay all right i'm ready you just said it go ahead dan we're almost there we're almost there i thought that's what you wanted i thought we were only picking two categories go ahead go ahead [ __ ] oh my god this is [ __ ] all right ethan stupid uh what are the three states of matter you can resign any you can end this any time you want do you know what the three states of matter are it's your question gas um liquid ground solid oh i'm so wet from that but you got laid all the time with that knowledge so [ __ ] hot i'm not trying to turn you on i'm trying to take your money sure do you understand how humiliating would be to lose to someone who doesn't know that egypt's real do you want whatever i'm trying to make look i'm trying to make an interesting show jealous of me it's insane i'm trying to make an interesting show i didn't want to sit here and talk about like what's wrong with trisha every episode i wanted to make it like more interesting yeah i like the highlights you always say trisha betas versus gabby hannah and you know i don't even get a percentage of the highlights you get all the highlights and you use my name every single time i mean i do that with everybody you wanna you want so you you want me to read i'm not a guest i'm not a guest you when you do with eli you're not like you love this it's always just like whatever the topic is you're discussing you think about that you literally dated me last time like who do you hate the most like who like all this stuff and you're like so you have an issue with anthony bring up drama from eight months ago for a shitty highlight no it wasn't for the highlight i was just curious you want you really want to cut it that highlight yeah i really want to kind of that highlight so are you so d you suggested maybe that i recoup the cost and then split it on the highlights channel yeah you want to do that or just put me in touch with people who do daddy fresh so i can make my own clothing line the people who make teddy fresh ela no like the people like manufacturing like a team too oh you mean our employees yeah and then that way you can have the podcast highlights and we'll call it even you want my team but my team they work full-time for teddy fresh okay well we can find can we find another team like put together another team like you guys did teddy fresh but for me oh my god dude it's not that easy it's very difficult i have an idea for a clothing bra fine whatever i'll do myself what is it von dutch wants to clap with me so maybe i'll just do that wait what's your idea i'm gonna wear it every episode and i'll promote one i'm not gonna tell you you think i'm gonna you think that we're competing in the clothing i'd kill you guys in the clothing i think that's what it is like i just would like murder you guys in that and not a group of crows so you want my team to make a competing brand what the [ __ ] how about we get a percentage like i feel like that's fair like take a percentage like you know anyways we can talk about later when we never talk we never talk outside this show it's like hey what's up bye can we just you wanna do you wanna resign it seems like you wanna resign no because you know i could actually win now let's go right all right i mean i just wanna end it so that we can we only have a couple more questions wait i thought we're doing no wait we have another we have another category yeah that's not fair [ __ ] don't [ __ ] end it just because i'm winning two hours in this category relax muscles what the hell really yeah is that impressive oh my god really you're pregnant you're waking you work out or no no well low-key impressed what are you oh it's because you're on top because you have more weight to hold yourself oh really yeah right now that i'm not yeah that's good though that's really good all right don't touch me that's insane also thank you so much for that sweatshirt i wear it all the time the last time oh yeah i mean i literally wear that all the time i'm really happy you like it because i don't wear it so it's amazing i never know if you hate or like me like genuinely i genuinely don't care about you but like you go i like you really convincing me that you hate me and you're going to leave and then you go thank you for the jacket i love that jacket so much yeah yeah but that's what i'm saying i'm indifferent to you like i don't think about you outside of this like i think it's cool because like oh you have like your own thing going and i haven't been going so it's cool we did like this collab thing but i don't think about you outside of this ever i'm guarded but like not a bad way like i'm not like oh my god i hate ethan it's just more like no i'm glad you don't hate me mm-hmm i just indifferent that's good like i leave here and like don't i have positive feelings for you i mean feelings for me not like romantic like friendship do you have something wrong with your head because you think that any interest a guy shows in you like there there's such a thing as like friendship right not ever all in male interest means they want to [ __ ] i don't think there's a thing it's like guy friends like if moses had a girlfriend i'd be like no like a friend that's a girl no yeah but we're not friends like that but like i like you as a friend it doesn't mean i want to [ __ ] i think you just like like me as like someone to do a podcast with because i can do both i mean i like like awkward afterwards like after we're done yeah we like talk even before you're just very like we had a really nice conversation i thought together out front of the house before you left no we didn't what about what we were talking about when i was looking at your yeah i was like oh i want this car is it cool let's just get on with it okay you're annoying me now you're annoying me and we're going to finish these rounds because that's not fair to just cut him off now that he's let's just do rapid fire because this shit's [ __ ] installing how many more questions we have just go just no more questions about meta questions you're the one that keeps saying it go down don't wait just go okay the earth has four layers it's just far this is for trisha the earth has four layers the thickest of which is the mantle what's the thinnest layer of the earth called the foreskin the thinnest layer of the earth correct oh thank you i got a point sorry no wait what you didn't answer no you were just clarifying the question your answer to the question was a question ah [ __ ] [ __ ] i thought i said something and i was like oh i got it right what is this what is the thinnest layer called the ozone that is incorrect it's crosstalk baby let's are known as ethan it's not as ethan yeah i am kind of sluggish um without without a vertebrae is called a invertebrate what's your answer invertebrate okay that's correct thank you all right that's the end of science uh i thought he went first you're wrong you went first what's the score it be 19 you pick science it's like 19 16. and you're suffering now let's go let's go [ __ ] jaggery i didn't abby did it all i had nothing to do this is so [ __ ] this is like when you guys picked my dates for the bachelor and i hated all the men look at you you're in a relationship you messed your boyfriend through yeah what the [ __ ] how dare you privately oh my god dare you question my matchmaker you should be you should be thanking me you should be saying all praise to ethan your life is good now because of me when i saw the people you picked for me i literally cried that night that anybody would have been better than the people you picked like nobody wants me it literally literally cried you should seek help no everyone you cried yeah okay let's go rapid fire let's go all right rapid fire look we put the call out those are people those are the people that wanted to date your stupid interns pick them because they're also those types of people so they picked like you expected some a-list celebrities but like they just weren't interested i just have a first of all not sure because a lot of them they didn't apply jaymore hit me up on bumble okay i mean fine but j j moore's not a-list by the way but at least he's someone better than the 18 year old ginger from colorado that applied i thought you wanted a little [ __ ] i didn't think 18 you said the minimum age 28. oh well that yeah you're right they fell down yes exactly that's true go ahead dan all right here we go sorry how many continents are there uh ethan how many continents man i haven't thought about that in a while let's see just answer it this is so stupid one two three what country is paris the capital of france that's france in what country are the famous uh pyramids of giza ethan so repeat that i was insulted i was busy insulting what country are the famous pyramids of giza if they're so famous why don't i know it's stupid the pyramids of giza mexico no egypt you suck oh those are the pyramids i guess you don't know about it oh i have poor giza giza yeah you know there's pyramids in mexico yeah i got it great i forgot i haven't thought about giza in a while and i'm don't like have fantasies about [ __ ] a pharaoh or whatever you do in the bedroom we play that we roll play ramses and moses gross yeah wait moses was like castaway yeah they're brothers too so do you like put him in the bathtub in a basket and like pretend he's floating down a river like what how do you roll play that stupid like oh do you have a cane do you ever [ __ ] like yeah we have one at the house okay let's go let's go do you guys do you guys do [ __ ] with a cane like he's moses parting the sea always yeah yeah what city gross tricia what city is the white house located washington d.c that's right okay cool second grade here we go ethan what state is called the lone star state texas in what state is the grand canyon located tricia it is in nevada close it's in arizona that's not true it is true uh a vegas vacation chevy chase swings across the grand canyon and gets fresh it's close but it's not it's go ahead just tap out anytime go ahead dan how about no we could talk about something what three countries are located in north america mexico united states canada to travel from new york to london one must fly over what ocean tricia atlantic that's right got me nervous moving on to third grade here ethan what's the longest river in the world um that would be the uh the nile that is incorrect it's the amazon whoa what continent is the country of greece located tricia ah [ __ ] we talk about this too [ __ ] what's the question what continent is the country of course what our continent hold on oh my god i know continents what no i just find it interesting that you have like these huge we have discussions about like literally this i'm like where's greece like i asked all the time um the great greece is in the continent of europe that's right what is the name for a body of land that's completely surrounded by water ethan so stupid island what is the capital of new york trisha don't you say it don't you dare say it that's in hamilton that's a hamilton lyric it is i swear to god where's that musical theater knowledge for sure no it's not hamilton i swear to god it's in hamilton like many times the capital of new york i have like a couple of gases okay well take one what's one of them your first one is your answer but i'll entertain more what's the score a b it is 23 ethan 20 trisha oh it's closer than i thought albany that's right i was gonna say buffalo so thank god i don't think by definition buffalo's a [ __ ] game whatever city keemstar lives in the show where is albany in hamilton he always says the hamel albany's the seat of power there's corruption in albany you're singing that song well you're wrong that's nice you just lost the hamilton literally i'll play you the song okay play it for me when he's talking about how he's a good whatever let's not get sidetracked fourth grade uh here we go ethan what is the largest uh where is the largest desert in the world located that would be the largest desert in the world there's a couple options here there's actually only one is it uh my god why are you so what i mean you're the one who's like let's go rapid fire you just couldn't take longer on this question you know it or you don't i think it's either in i mean i'll say egypt that's not right wow well what is it i mean it's northern africa okay is it part of egypt or no yeah but i mean the desert is much more than just egypt so what's the answer the answer is northern africa yeah so no way northern africa is is that really a specific enough answer i probably would have even accepted africa of just general but egypt okay go ahead i'm not going to argue semantics it's the desert in egypt i mean part of the sahara does reach into egypt yeah so no but that's not all the whole thing they're saying so no oh right you would have said northern africa no i'm not saying that but if it's all right go ahead i don't i don't i don't even need um i didn't get carbon monoxide and it was close to carbon dioxide so whatever different conditions what is the largest country by size in the world the largest country by size by geographical area i would say russia that would be correct wow ethan how many kingdoms are part of the united kingdom so stupid these questions uh three sorry it's four everybody always forgets about whales what's the score tricia is behind by one oh closing in oh neck and neck uh right we have one more uh from this category um the united states and mexico are separated by this river tricia mexico separated by this river what there's a river separating us there's literally nothing there to tijuana what's um dude you either know it or you don't know it wait say it again say the question one time you know the question there's a river between mexico and america what or the united states what it you know it what do you just conjuring this no i know it it's a song not it wasn't that like oh my god everything like the river jordan wherever jordan river jordan there's a that's not okay well you're wrong i'm sorry that i think actually i don't know what it is though you don't know it's the rio grande the rio grande hello okay that's a restaurant in highlands orange colorado sorry go ahead uh yeah so uh this makeup is it's the last category it sits on your face you were like like a mask i feel like i'm starting to sweat and really you're not gonna keep it on does it look like i'm sweating no not at all you look like so mad really yeah you look good like you literally look like me you think i should be a drag queen i look like a drag queen i thought no you could be a boy that wears makeup you think this is attractive yeah i feel like you're gonna like really milk into a bunch of tick tocks and [ __ ] after this you're gonna be like oh i look good yeah why are you like feeling it no well i think it's funny you look so much better without the beard you look homeless with the beard now you look like you have some money kind of okay so okay let's go ahead i'm gonna have more money this is the last category this is it um what's the score i'm up by one you're up by one you're up by one this is way too close this is for all the marbles i can't i can i didn't expect it to be this close i have to be honest i thought it was gonna be a blowout so this is kind of intense these categories suck okay go all right so he gets us he wins what is the yeah what is the primary language that is spoken in the canadian province of quebec french stupid that's great he wins great we love it wait that's all of them no no wait i thought why are you trying to i thought it was the last one the last category oh my god let's just move on there's too much like preamble trisha what which country is both an island and a continent you wish you knew that stupid asia no i'm sorry it's australia asia's an island oh whatever i suck okay let's go all right uh what is the name of the sea bordered by europe to the north and north africa to the south a sea that's say it again dan please uh what is the name of the sea that's boring was exhaling dramatically oh my god it's my breathing what is the sea that is bordered to the north by europe into the south by north africa north of europe no no no it's a sea that is bordered by europe to the north in north africa okay europe is north of it yes and you and then and then africa south of it south of it mediterranean that is correct thank you we're going to get cancelled so fast this podcast is over like this is good like the one you think this is awful this is the worst i literally made fun of someone the other day specifically gabby hannah's podcast where they were like doing cards against humanity on a podcast like what the [ __ ] this is not a youtube collab well don't you think this is [ __ ] not going to work harder to make it more entertaining then okay but like a podcast is like talking and topics and that's exciting this is like i'm trying something new if you have stuff that you want to talk about you can tell me i mean i brought some stuff to the table to be honest i didn't expect this to go this long i thought i was going to blow you out that way it's not and blow me out no it's not sexual okay maybe is it sexual no it's not i love that he's back there oh my god why did i not know you're back there ask me any question you want oh my god is this it are we done is this last question yeah uh two more um oh wait no this is the last question so i lost i was bound behind yeah that's true let's just do bonus round all right what the humiliation rounds let's see there's three i have three questions left if you can get all three of these right tricia then you'd tie you want to okay what kind of [ __ ] rose is that i'm ready the mountain range that the mountain range that includes mount everest is called what you already lost it's kind of wise the mountain range i mean i see what the questions are in the mountain range at what mount everest the mountain range that includes mount everest all right come on you already lost let's talk about something else at least mountains right here i noticed so are you going to sell me a thousand yeah i'll do it right now i hate i hate when people are like no you don't have to just because we're both rich it's like [ __ ] that no [ __ ] when did i say that i was like you sent me that money i'll wear it literally right now i love selling people because i feel so baller i'm like oh yeah like that's just a thousand so what else is there anything else to talk about um oh there is oh yeah we already talked about everything right i don't know you're the one that seems unsatisfied with the conversation oh my god hamilton he will never be satisfied satisfied god i hope you're saddest do you like hamilton are you annoyed by it moses yeah wait what i feel like there's it's always like one person in a relationship likes it and the other person hates it oh is that you that is my phone number yeah i mean later says that is your that's my company yeah okay i'm selling you right now give me the receipt okay such a good idea that you propose to pay me i love this okay i'm gonna send you a note with it too hold on oh okay okay yes so uh come on wait i'm sending this to you oh now i need an authorization code hold on one second okay i'll wait patiently okay hold on oh my gosh okay um hey b who's that it's him who the guy up here in the back okay so i zeld you oh [ __ ] you sent me a little extra and i said 500 because you need it she sent me a 1500 an extra 500 because you needed maybe you could like take a lot of dates you can finally get laid thank you maybe you could buy her like a little cartier bracelet or something is this your way of trying to insult me because i won no no never so do you want to talk about anything else before we wrap it up i agree i don't know if that was entertaining but i'm sure the people in the comments will tell us literally i'm not promoting this episode don't ever but i will be to be like oh hey promote this i'm like no thank you and would you promote it if you want yeah probably yeah but i didn't and this is stupid because the categories are stupid watch billy madison at the end of the day okay let's do something a b just do something real fast look up he could just do musical trivia google is that what you want oh yeah well i don't know anything about that but go ahead gosh i literally don't know anything about it i mean but go ahead give me yeah three thousand no i wouldn't put a dollar on that just give us some questions also okay so can i make a plea for our first guest our only guest the only guest i care about i don't want any other guests can um sasha baron cohen has a new movie called borat too coming out and we love borat i love sasha baron sasha i saw him on a first class flight and he gave me like a look he was like you think he want to [ __ ] you obviously no i really love him sasha american i love you as borat my boyfriend's off like boy i literally was like oh my god he's something boring he's in the shower and he actually does like it's so funny yeah but i can't you sound like bora are you insulted by that it seems like an insult yeah in the tower but she's saying you sound like an idiot he does kind of the accent is not sexy and i tell them all the time like why is your section so unsexy like everyone else is accident sexy um joshua corn israeli though what's up anyways can we have him on the podcast is there anything that bothers you about her no he never gets annoyed again you would never dare answer that question if no he wouldn't there's nothing that bothers you about her what about the fact she doesn't know what gravity is no she would want she would win if she gave her the right category thank you babe he wins every day i do win every game that's why it's annoying that i didn't lose this what does that mean she would win if you gave her the right categories yeah if you if you cherry-picked every random trivia thing i know and asked me of course i would win that doesn't make any sense diverse enough like the people who know science history and geography all know that but if you know like creative stuff there should have been evil even creative categories versus like science some [ __ ] about yeah okay i got some music trivia which famous music group was formerly known as the new york i'm sorry the new yard birds wait first of all this is not musical theater this is just music it's got to be theater i mean musical theater music yes i mean i don't know but like knowing about theater is not like cultural literacy i mean beat the geeks they always had like musical theater movies television like there was multiple categories and then there was like what do you want you want television no i want musical theater okay go hurry hurry maybe you have five seconds wow great okay we're out right now oh wait why can't we have swash of baron cone on this podcast because i'm a [ __ ] nobody how about rick moranis i don't think he even does interviews how about mel brooks mel brooks he's like is he alive yeah he's alive but he's in his 90s and it's a pandemic anyone else how about jesus he's not jewish let me how about hitler he could teach you we'll bring him back reanimate his body do we have the same lashes trisha what broadway tricia what broadway musical features the song good morning baltimore hairspray good morning baltimore every day's like an open door dude this is a can of worms bro i don't know that oh we should yeah ask ethan ask ethan the questions yeah go ahead ask him get one right all right while the term broadway generally refers to venues with a seating capacity of at least 500 people smaller theaters are referred to off broadway that's correct see i know [ __ ] that wasn't really a musical theater broadway musical features the song and i am telling you i'm not going go no no it's your turn treasure no ethan chance because i know all these of course i know all these so it's like the uh what's the question what brought my musical features the song and i'm telling you i'm not going oh that was um spider-man the musical no okay reference and i am telling you i'm not going no i'm not living without you and you and you and you he all gonna love me so what's the answer trisha hello dream girls are you are you you're really into theater and um did you want to be an actress or like uh i always wanted to be an actress but i can't act or sing or dance so i'm kind of screwed right so you did the next because i pay people like beetlejuice i like paid a bunch of like professional dancers and stuff to like dance around me and pretend like i'm in a musical it works i was thinking in the kitchen today i was doing like things i was doing a duet to my tic toc and i was like singing like really belting i think i always sound really good until i hear myself back and literally yeah oh my god what is with these dogs what do you how dare you he's so sweet oh okay sorry i love you okay anyways i'm gonna take this off so we can pick up alfredo sorry uh can i pick up the brown one come here yeah shredder doesn't like being picked up oh my god he runs for me why does he hate alfredo's really sweet he'll let you hold him alfredo will definitely let you hold offense alfredo what he's so cute all right is there anything else we'll just wait here come here come on oh he licked my face okay that's fine so is there anything else okay let's do musicals with dogs in them go annie okay i'm done this episode is over um well we well okay i mean look we're trying different things are you glamoring shot with my dogs yeah i look really cute with this dog actually brad so cute hi i'm ellwoods and this is bruiserwoods we're both gemini vegetarians that's my costume today it actually goes with my costume wait you never told me what you're dressed up as l words from legally blonde huh it's not up to me just let me be all right legally blonde check out my tick tock just like fish 88 well thanks for watching everybody i am the trivia master obviously weak in the english department but came back strong and all the other departments that people bicep department too you know what i'm saying you lied about that oh no actually like loki you're strong and low-key hot today like i don't really care for you either way but you're low-key hot today okay whatever um ela was okay hot today too though oh yeah she always looks good this uh i was gonna try it i gotta wrap it up oh my god i just saw myself in the you look so gorgeous we didn't talk enough about your james charles look what do you want to say ask me something you never ask me anything i always come here and i'll deal with your [ __ ] and you're sinking and like oh hamilton and [ __ ] that's what i say hats and whatever this is my first time everything i ask all the time i'm like how much how much sex do you guys have a week which i feel like everyone said you were lying i said you had it once a week you definitely don't you think i have less for sure like probably wait what do you mean everybody's lying yeah everyone's like oh ethan's not telling who's everybody abe what am i telling the truth yes yeah there you go can i have him like for a week fred is that okay no he's not down why not he's definitely not done he's looking at me like save me no he loves me yeah let me put you up a little more oh fred is like save me please oh i love all right i'm over it get out no oh my god can we take talk real quick yeah sure oh are you ending the show do we get sponsored being a sponsor this week oh no thanks shane wait so come on let me out of this okay okay oh i thought we were done okay [Music] bye you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,629,275
Rating: 4.8979797 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, frenemies, trisha, paytas
Id: B6hF6w_sMlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 17sec (4877 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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