Pop Culture Trivia War & Friendship With Shane Is Over - Frenemies #18

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trisha putting ethans bread crumbs on her plate so that he can have a clean plate to eat off of is very wholesome

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 176 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kara-thraces ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œI donโ€™t like New Yorkers... no offenseโ€ next Trisha paytas scandal before our own eyes

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 90 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/princessofsalt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Its not fucking Motown!" Next question from AB "who sang the motown classic 'my girl'" Also Trisha's Jason Alexander's story that it was a short bald guy from NY hitting on her so it probably was jason alexander was great

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hinkil ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Trisha and Ethan singing Motown together followed by that acapella conversation, all while wearing matching t-shirts. It really drives home the point that (platonic) soulmates exist.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 190 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kyrgyzbathrobe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My favorite day of the week because of this podcast. Did anybody else notice Jeffree posted his video โ€œIโ€™m cancelled so I went shopping!โ€ A couple minutes after this came out?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 87 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CountdowntoEcstasy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 36 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/moosegoose90 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Trisha asked who Soulja Boy was and AB throws out "Kiss Me Threw The Phone"????? What the fuck

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 37 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ciilk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Her ยซย donโ€™t I look like Bonoย ยป LOOOL good god I canโ€™t lie I think she looks a LITTLE bit like Samuel L Jackson with no makeup on

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 61 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/adventurelillypad ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Shoutout to AB for contextualizing Tricia's noises as "Tricia is stretching" for the very confused audio listeners.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 45 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/idefyphysics12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] welcome to frederies your favorite show online that's our tagline now your favorite show online yeah okay cool we could probably do better than that i like that tag your favorite show online today's episode is sponsored by honey we got another sponsor heck yeah enjoying honey and honey's like pretty legit so i love honey i actually use it i've never had an ad read before but it actually is i love it i love to shop and i'm lazy and it's perfect because it saves you money and you can be like we'll do the ad read yeah not even but i actually just love it i don't know what the attorney is i love honey love honey okay we should have some honey for our grilled cheese okay so today's pretty actually exciting episode last episode if you guys watched to the end we started playing the trivia it was super fun i have to say i'm pretty impressed by how competitive i was i'm feeling much better i lost my cash i don't remember the cash say what but we can still donate or something well you brought three thousand dollars cash what do you mean you lost well we're like in the middle of a move and i don't know where it is i lost the broken out it was in which is more important but the cash was inside but it's fine it's in a box somewhere you think um yeah somewhere so you you think it's still in your possession it's just you yeah yeah yeah for example okay good good good good i've got to bring it i also love the tank oh yeah so also so i wanted i wanted to be supportive and i got my sad boy t-shirt but i was kind of perplexed because i've never got a shirt where the tag why are there two it's inside out okay people have been emailing me they're like i need to read like i swear they asked me and i'm like that's all it's supposed to be we're supposed to be edgy you're just supposed to cut the tags off dude i was like what the [ __ ] thank you for supporting i was so i was there solution oh easy yeah they they're easy to rip off but i was just like i thought they made a mistake i was like wow no but let's see how edgy we are we're inside out okay no i like the idea i mean it's cool i just didn't realize we were the same shirt there's so many options i could have chosen i like that we have the same shirt you can get them at savages.com i'm a sad boy fan are you you have a new music video out mall and drive it's our last one for a couple months but hey that's a it's a good push it's good out there i did in yeah go check out the new sad boy song i am a sad boy is that what you call your fans sad men i'm a sad man what's the name of your stance oh our stands yeah we don't really have any sad boy i'm a sad boy okay yeah i like that i mean i'm the sad boy so i think of them as just like sad my depressed friends oh no you gotta think i know i like the idea i'm trying to think of a title for them like pathetic losers i'm a pathetic loser do you want to do a sad boy 2005 music collab because you're very musical you're really good at music actually i'm in what kind of music did you listen to because everyone was kind of pissed that you did not know mcr in gerard way i know i said listen i can't control i can't go back in history and change history i don't know what to tell you i like classic rock like what what do you know what i was listening to back then i was listening to like motown and oldies and stuff really yeah i know you wanna leave me but i refuse to let you go that kind of stuff if i got a begging bleed for your sympathy i don't mind cause you mean that much to me let me have to pray sweet darling we don't come girl then we're gonna get claimed for being so on pitch i think we're pretty good i think we're like above average we would make such a f if funny horrible but funny we should do something no acapella group can we do acapella i love acapella i love acapella so much i love that what's the one that was like that one she's got eyes that seems to me reminds me of you know what i'm talking about from step brothers what that's not you motown that's gunnings and roses yeah step brothers they have a family of four that do that song yeah but you know that's not the original song that's like a rocks okay we established i'm the rocker and you're not you're the most okay but then why are you singing a cappella acapella song from step brothers it's a classic scene oh my god really gross ethan in the comments we're not knowing this either because this is a famous pop culture reference that every single person knows i don't even like them brothers are you kidding me wait are you trying to claim the stepbrothers the cornerstone of of cultural norms thank you a thousand percent i don't even like will ferrell johnson that much but like i know all the scenes and lines from step brothers i do think that's unusual that you're so familiar with step bro you don't have one quote you know from step brothers it's the [ __ ] catalyst yeah i can say this more activities more space for activities is that our life yeah hello okay and they moved the bed over yeah okay so you know so it's classic i'm gonna disagree on that but i think we should do acapella group okay honestly i'm really good at it i have some friends in pentatonix mitch grossi's a friend of mine oh well then people will not even remember who they are once we started we saw they're like grammy award winners i dated i'm just you did avi i threw yeah i threw his stuff out of my house because he was an [ __ ] but did he ever sing to you he was one of those don't ever date a singer he just sang all the time and he'd always have his guitar out just ready to sing is that annoying it's annoying it's like get a life dude for a minute because he was awesome so all he did was like dated we hooked up on tinder and hung out a lot so i don't want just to clarify we weren't like boyfriend girlfriend but we did like hook up he's like lived with me because he was cheap and like all this stuff like that but wait so are they they're not making money those guys because there's so many of them he quit no mitch is balling mitch and no that's that's the problem with being in a band with like 20 people though is that like even if you make a ton of money you're not you're not going to get that much there's like 20 people are you gonna make a living why pentatonix is five penta oh okay that's a lot hey we could have mitch and scott teach us how to teach it and we could perform they sold out the hollywood three nights he's not even part of pentatonic no he is not obviously not loser he's jewish though he was the jewish member of the band yeah well they cut him out not surprised more [ __ ] racial inequality um yeah but if you're serious i have a whole list of ideas if we want to ever do like on the field stuff we did the goat yoga i guess that wasn't a big hit but i think we should go to hollywood stand on the corner and do doo [ __ ] acapella or do up it's the same it's really not there's very different oh my god do up is like mr salmon yes bring me a dream daddy make him look cute yeah i know my [ __ ] so that's true that's both it's both it's a mute it's a it's a mouth it's vocal [ __ ] no acapella's harmonizing and like making the beats like that and acapella is not doo-wop is not like base it's not doing the instruments it's not doing that like like uh do you know what you're talking about do you know what you're talking about you need like a base you need like a bee up has instruments no acapella does with your mouth can someone fact check this he doesn't care acapella is not a genre it just means without instruments it means just doing music with your voice alone but there is a distinction between do up and acapella i think dan just should we get them on the show he loves front of me and i talked i talked to him the other day who the the jew no the the other one from the group the one that's like still in it and kicking it and killing it i have a bunch of um topics one day that we could do like pod but i can't find them i have so many notes well let's let's let's we have let's get to the i don't want to get distracted because i want to do the trivia yeah we need to and we got to make this sandwich we've got the sandwich no no hash browns today though no tater tots i can't i can't after last week honestly ruined my whole [ __ ] anyway we'll make this god what is that that was me i'm sorry yeah right yeah i'm sorry so do you want me to make yours before can you make mine because your this is your specialty trisha wanted to make grilled cheese and peanut butter sandwich the best way to eat is like you eat and you just go away from like however some would argue if you want asmr eating zach troy does uh yeah i don't want asmr eating i'm horrified and disgusting i was watching back our last episode where i was munching on tater tots the whole time and ela was like she was getting mad at me she's like ethan you keep chewing i can't watch this i was like i'm so sorry because they're supposed to be my handlers because i wasn't telling them to stop so today i'm going to tell you to stop every time you start doing well i need help with certain things you know it's it's everyone's responsibility right like to remember certain things so i'll get you because it's it's too much for one person generally speaking this cheese was already open did you already eat this do you want one or two slices on yours what you're the you're the chef so anyway before we get into the the pop culture trivia do you want to talk about um my instagram never came back deleted forever no not that not that not that the [ __ ] the whole shane stuff because a lot developed since last you were on yeah but you kind of like your your hd live is like the after show for frenemies that's why i watch it i'm always like oh okay i just keep falling off yeah i mean there was there was just so much to talk about i mean honestly there's nothing much to talk about rylan's a little weasel they they're gonna get away with this [ __ ] they're gonna glaze over it because they're rich and they'll keep being successful and um they lied rylan's a weasel he lied no one cares about your podcast that's only wake up views turn off the comments silence your viewers no one like that it's gonna go down your podcast will be over can i make a comment on his podcast it's called the sip it's like could you try a little [ __ ] harder the sip it's like it's like there's so many variations of tea styled podcasts and shows the ship the tea the the steam the steam the i've never heard the sip though like sorry dude that's just not cutting it we gotta the zip and also he's just like i love that the sip is all about drama and he's like i hate drama and also this is not [ __ ] drama this is something i told you guys as a friend that like affected me i didn't hear any drama i don't hey jeffrey i didn't hate you guys you guys just started becoming mean and then all this other [ __ ] by the way i didn't even tell you this like all this other [ __ ] well probably it doesn't matter who cares but i got i started getting voice memos from people over the years of [ __ ] talking me like his actual audio i didn't put it out there because i thought it was kind of weird but recap what he said and he basically like heard from shane's this is the first time i heard it because like peter man said that he called me associate oh he called me a sociopath which what like you're right i saw that video no everyone's a sociopath shane just cause you had a fake ass therapist on your series that was whatever that guy sounds like he's a sociopath if anyone is like for and also he called me a pathological iron associate path to peter mom because peter mom's like oh yeah tricia said she wants to hang out and he's like well she's a biological liar like i have nothing to do it's like i said oh shane's like this and he also like nothing prompted him to talk [ __ ] behind you is she he wasn't like can i trust her she's like oh i'm hanging out with her he's like oh cool i love her she's one of my best friends y'all have a good time he's like no she's a pathological liar that was it's like sorry and i hung out with peter mon after that so clearly i wasn't a pathological liar because i did want to hang out with him it was insane to me like that to me was the scariest thing like you expected from jeffrey jeffrey once again is going to get off the hook with this because he's a mean girl he's known for that that's his mo i think he kind of likes it shane however is a little too faced snake rylan is also a little two-faced snake and i don't you know i honestly would rather be best friends with jeffrey than have to see them ever well at least you know what to expect with jeffrey that's what i'm saying because like you said he's just he's just a douche that's just one his defining characteristic as a human being i get it hey i mean i get that i respect it more you know i should have known because everyone has these issues with them i should have known but shane they the so-called uh what is it yeah the empath this [ __ ] cracks me no one can call you can't call yourself an empath that's like saying i'm a good person like you you just you can't just say that you're obviously not if you have to say that you are it's like people call those rich like if you don't call yourselves rich you're not rich you're clearly not an empath by saying that no so anyway honestly don't care honestly i'm so over it like don't disable your comments your [ __ ] coward like okay so wait let me give it time imagine if we disabled comments on frenemies oh no what's the point i've been [ __ ] on i've been through drama i've been through the ringer disabling comments and likes is like the one thing you don't do because it's like yeah it's so is it's like dude you are such a [ __ ] it's like holy [ __ ] you gotta just own it bruh oh god because the whole thing on the his thing too like addressing it was that like i'm sorry trish can't express herself to us [ __ ] wouldn't have ever had a problem expressing myself to anyone i'm expressing myself right now like i did to you you're a little wheezy she oh if anything she overexpressed that's what i'm saying she's the world's fastest talker you know what i mean she got words per minute she sprecks her ass into the [ __ ] i'm shocked but honestly i'm in shock i'm just in shock by it honestly like don't give a [ __ ] so can i let's show the people what you're doing show me the butter so what is that process this is this is hard to spread so is that going down on the grill or is that on the inside okay you got to grease it up yeah yeah i'm just making sure i just want to know what's going on it's kind of hard to spread because you should use it i can't believe it's not butter um fabio in a music video can somebody plug in our our george foreman i once had fabio in a music video and he said every time someone says i can't believe it's on butter he tells me he gets like thirty thousand dollars i don't think that's why that's fabio's line remember he did all those commercials i can't believe it's not butter and so he told me we did a music video on maui together like a year ago and he was just like every time someone says that you have to pay me 30 000 so i just said it twice so i guess we owe him 60 000. yeah i'm not paying you [ __ ] bob you'll come for me that might be true it's not true nothing i can't believe it's not butter fabio come get me 90 000. i'm gonna go bankrupt saying i can't believe it's not better so anyway let me let me give it time and thank you for not using their name in the title although i did see that h3 live you guys used jane's name but that but that doesn't include you what did i say oh he said shane exposed himself or something so many shane ones was like okay i mean it's right whatever i don't care i literally i figured because you weren't in it it was fine because i was respecting you but we're still now i'm part of the h3o the extended universe yes dan yes we really did um yeah that's how we do it around here shane exposed it yeah and i don't mean and and what's what's interesting is what you guys didn't hear is that he he actually exposed himself to children no i'm kidding he didn't do that oh like but hey guess what they lie they're just live no one's getting in trouble okay okay let me give the timeline so rylan addressed trisha on this podcast he said he was confused and taken aback we haven't watched this together let's watch it oh my god this is why you're cooking so let's watch all these draw these vid not drama videos let's watch these weasel mother these sick sadists no this is drama look how happy he is that brian's like someone's actually talking about me what am i doing i'm like a [ __ ] yeah oh my god weirdo no it's like your bread has tourettes it's kind of funny my bread has tourette's can you want to explain what that means that's like your physical that's like the breads and version of your hand you know when you have your tourette's cause you were doing that right this is what i look like as a human being according to trisha just crumbs eviscerated it's fun though like it's fun when you like knowing that we're like cool and friends like it's fun to have someone like tourette's just like moses is like my middle eastern you're my tourettes you like having tokens around yeah but i'm like a token like mental case i'm the token person like you know there's like a lot of token things about me right so i've never been a token i'm a token jew i mean so is so is there's too many of those now i have too many tokens yeah i mean la's token jew you got you basically you i don't i never had a friend of tourette's though so i do think it's kind of cool because it's like fun we can make chat jokes about the bread and stuff i mean you're making all the jokes and i'm not sure they even make sense but i don't take offense oh is it offensive no i don't take it but would people take offense to that if it wasn't you i don't think some mate i think it's cute i think it's a cute thing when i watched your hp live i was like oh i know what this is it's tourette's right i like being table identify things like this non-binary thing that i am now you know when i thought i was like transgender like i'm like like full full like what is the word they say no cap no cap i love that there's non-binary out there i don't know that was a thing you non-binary means you can like switch genders you can be two genders genders oh should we let's put this in anyways i love this new woke world where we have labels on things i need to know what i am and i like it we need to identify them so that we can joke on them yeah it's just heating up okay okay let's watch rylan the weasel he looks like a weasel a little bit sorry whatever you look like a weasel and nobody likes you okay wow chris's friendship means more to me than can you pause that ttt he canceled the he erased the first episode of the sip because the first episode is all about how he wasn't friends with lizzie his co-host because she was with friends with someone that was mean that he didn't like that he thought was talking about oh and she said friends yeah he's like i didn't want to stay friends with you so for four years we didn't talk because you stayed friends with this person and then fast forward he's like i'm friends with jeffrey and trish can you see the smoke on the camera okay here i can i'm ready i think it's fine i think maybe there's just some yeah that's all right it just needs some here i'm i'm already putting it in let me put some peanut butter on it now it doesn't smell like smell i think it's just like steamed i think it's okay here i'm gonna put the peanut butter and we're ready to go okay oh okay sorry okay so anyway let's watch so yeah let's watch the weasel st a headlining story on this podcast i hate that we're a podcast that does hot topics and i've somehow i would think because i was saying live by the sword die by the sword [ __ ] you that's the how the game works trust me you can't just sit there on the sideline and just laugh at everybody i mean [ __ ] now you're in it and you did now that you're in it you disable the comments and likes i mean dude own your [ __ ] that's when the tea gets too hot and he he's like that girl at mcdonald's who spilled all over himself and got third degree burns you remember that no where was that also put the peanut butter on the other side of the butter bread so when people who didn't know about peanut butter grilled cheese it's a lot of peanut butter do this he would put it on the other side of the bread yeah you see how he died oh he had a heart attack home i'll definitely have a heart attack that's how i'm gonna die screenshot this when i'm like dead you can be like see she predicted her own death it'll definitely be a heart attack i can feel it well heart attacks is kind of easy to like prophesize because you're like i'm just going to eat you you're like okay i'm going to have a heart attack so you could definitely try to make that happen yeah i'm going to start owning a korean fried cheese place yeah so far you're it's gonna happen yeah yeah god bless i mean hey we all gotta die right okay so anyway do we have a flipper actually we have to flip it right or you just pick it up with your hands we need a little we need a spatula can you grab one great so anyway the guy has the balls to complain he's doing a tea channel and when he spills the tea on himself and gets burned he goes and cries grow up topic that i feel i have to address in some sort of way because i've seen i've been flooded on all you really thinks all elements of social media really really see this situation yeah also who care i mean with peace and love ryland we want to know what the [ __ ] shane thinks like the sip host of this sip am i going too hard not at all this is like comical i'm just like this was to me as it's like are you like are you an idiot like this we want to know what shane thinks this makes me like jay and jeffrey just be like this is nothing like what the hell like you're so yeah also apparently shane is sitting in the room while they film yeah he always says i was on the sip i was a guest on the hip and he just sits in there thank you baby it's kind of odd thank you it's kind of weird it's a disembodied hand just putting yeah i mean he also edits but he knows i mean they're like a duo he probably that's what i'm saying so ryland's out there like talking and then acting like shane isn't there like we want to know what shane thinks ryan i mean with peace and love i mean what the [ __ ] who are you trish is um mad at us right now and i guess the only i'm i'm confused i was taken back no no no a little bit and i understand like she's had drama with jeffrey and hair by jay who has hair by j obviously said horrific things that i don't stand by i don't support obviously i support trisha over here by jayla okay so notice this is a really illuminating comment i support trisha over here by jay not jeffrey he doesn't support jeffrey like of course you support trisha over here by jay you just said you don't even know him when he knows that it's all jeffrey said yeah the whole the whole issue is jeffrey yeah it's like wow bold stance to make dumbass followed this man i don't know this man i've met him once in passing yeah i met him once in passing so yes i support trisha over him but my whole issue had nothing to even do with jam just like oh he confirmed what jeffrey was saying yes like it wasn't even who care and before the record and jay even said this for the record jay didn't say anything bad in my face in vegas it was all and i told him geoffrey throughout my blondes yaga yeah yeah yeah the thing off my hand so he's like i don't wear things to her with jay he's repeating it's like it honestly like the fact that i'm so heavily involved with this really does break my heart because i love trisha so much yeah i consider her one of my closest friends we see her more than i see really anyone beside you because you come over weekly for this podcast and yeah i guess at the end of the day i truly no oh you don't need to wish she would have come to me as a friend by the way by the way rylan this is how much we care about you i'd rather grill a sandwich on the [ __ ] panini press then listen to your ass drone on and on about you know what i mean [ __ ] you dude you didn't know this is closed so it cooks it at the same time yes that's what a panini press is no yes i thought i had a football you're blown away by this technology i know to buy you this i'm gonna buy you a wedding gift a bedazzled george foreman grill our realtor already gave us one not bedazzled okay we'll give you our realtor for our housewarming gift he got us a panini i'm sorry that's a little bit of a ghetto gift for a [ __ ] new like millions of dollar house like what it's a panini press like 20 bucks well it was a bougie one how long does this take it's really fast so it's done no it's not done i'll let you know i'm sorry what i feel like you've got because his commission he made hundreds of thousand dollars from that commission you don't buy piniti press that's what you buy for like a [ __ ] wedding for somebody you don't care about you said you were getting well i was kidding i was kidding i wouldn't actually buy you that i mean we actually don't want presents for our wedding we have enough nobody needs to you could donate to something maybe the transit quality to the human fund reference nobody likes seinfeld he's my least favorite uh literally okay i'm not going to get into that i i can't i'm just going to forget you said that i'm just going to excuse me are you seriously going to talk [ __ ] about anyone's stereotyping jewish people jewish people are like a fetish to you is it done what do you think the butter is like what oh god okay but even curb like i can't watch because it's just like a little too much first of all curb has nothing to do with seinfeld okay right yes but we're talking about i don't like it i can't i just go back here before anyone calls me anti-semitic i don't like friends either i just don't like any of those shows in new york i don't like new yorkers no offense okay i can't we're moving on um what were we talking about whatever so let's let's just send this dumbass uh roll on this really does break my heart because i love trisha so much i know i love anything consider her one of my closest friends we see her more than i see really anyone besides you because you come over weekly for this podcast and i guess at the end of the day i truly wish she would have come to me as a friend if she was hurting like the way that she is every time they hung out with me my birthday shane's birthday all throughout the summer when shane was getting canceled they came to house and all i kept saying is how jeffrey sucked and how i'm so [ __ ] up like upset by like how are you guys still friends but i i didn't even judge them for being friends it's like okay they need to get the coin or whatever because they're not gonna make videos anymore and i was like i wasn't even judging but like the fact that he's like she should have come to us and then when shane texted me about it i came to him and he's like well let's just forget it happen let's just i don't believe you what the [ __ ] do you want from me yeah it's like well obviously when you told them they didn't take it seriously which is completely evident by the fact that he says here we're friends with both of them and they're having a drama so it's like what what exactly did you expect her to tell you you know and for the record ryland was like oh yeah jeffrey is mean to me and morgan she doesn't give a [ __ ] about us like she or he only likes shane and like it's true like jeffrey just likes the people well to be honest who likes rylan no comment honestly it took me a minute i like being a [ __ ] now to them i mean for the ragged i really didn't talk to him that much i talked to him i talked to shane so what did he do if you're visiting the house what does roiland do he's very quiet which i don't judge i mean they asked me last year like this is insane to me this is insane this and then obviously all the spiral of him talking [ __ ] about me throughout the years it's insane i've never once said anything bad about shane and i like blind like and the reason i'm so vocal about this sounds like get over whatever the reason i'm so vocal about it is because i was so vocal for him being like shane's a good person all this no shane's like a piece of [ __ ] person and like i don't know any of this stuff because i didn't i blindly defended him so i don't know like these other things that were happening but honestly he's like a [ __ ] person so i just have to reiterate i do not defend him i do not stand by him he's an actual [ __ ] person i take back everything i've ever said because i thought it was a different person than i knew like he this is a different person so maybe he is has he not tried to reconcile and he locked him on everything so oh which is good respect my boundaries don't contact me thinking i think it should be more brown i like it buttery you don't okay i'll take however you like it oh my god you're playing with the crust i know it's disgusting i'm a [ __ ] psycho so as you're scooping i'll i'll keep bling wouldn't have played out on the internet like this i just am really honestly confused because i see her all of the time and even after the last time jeffrey was physically on this podcast i was at her house and we had a wonderful loving time and i understand maybe it's hard for her to express her actual feelings towards jeffrey to us or the gravity in which she's feeling feelings towards jeffrey um it's super condescending the whole thing i wish you would have told me she has a hard time expressing herself it's like shut up dude i was literally like gonna let it go until i saw this and i was like this is someone who's supposedly my best friend stuff like that like he knows all this stuff like he's so fake the fakeness is like insane to me they're literally doing everything they can to not condemn jeffrey to get that paycheck but guess what conspiracy palettes on sale everything that shane has on jeffree's site was up 50 off now so obviously they're trying to cut ties or something they bought too much [ __ ] that's what happened oh my god he knows we're specifically friendly with jeffrey so maybe it's hard for her to like ask me to cut him off but at the same time i do it's like what are you what am i gonna say don't be friends with him yeah it's so crazy but me i freaking if they don't like someone i blindly cut that person out of my life i'm just like yeah those people are [ __ ] too they're out of my life too like but they know in so much detail and then they also shane saying i'm scared of jeffrey ryland saying yeah jeffrey's not nice and then like i'm just in shock but not only did they they didn't have to throw jeffrey under the bus to defend me you know what i'm saying like they the fact that he's like putting it all on me the blame on me being like well trisha didn't come to us [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah he didn't see him going down no one [ __ ] cares you were irrelevant before now you're really irrelevant now shane's talented rylan is just marrying someone who's talented okay don't you how do you feel it's not melted off no it's good this looks melted verdicts out whoa is that right well i will say i don't like how it pressed down i think the flip would have been better oh the press because yeah but it's good you just can't taste them it flattened it too much do you like it with peanut butter though i'm processing i don't think so with a little bit of the texture you don't like it well you have two bites so you didn't hate it or you're just like trying i'm gonna give it a fair chance i'm out no it's like warm and like gooey i don't like the the cheese and the peanut butter is not it really not it elvis would turn over in his grave it's one of his favorite meals who elvis i mean he would fry it what do i gotta like everything elvis likes i mean he's kind of cool do you not like elvis are you not an elvis fan i'm actually not i don't like elvis i don't like anything about elvis i don't like his music i don't like his whole [ __ ] attitude and i certainly don't like the food he likes let me guess you're a beatles fan huge beatles fan i think they suck they're literally the four dancing elvises that's all well i feel like you if you say the beatles suck you you objectively have bad taste i don't like their attitude i don't like that they think they're they're better than god i don't like that they don't believe in god you're talking about john lennon how about all the beatles well i think john lennon is the only one that said that they're bigger than god they'll corroborate with it i don't like to be honest they kind of are bigger than god i think god is the biggest okay name one song he's made everything everything the beatles made that's god um nice exactly thank you oh i love when i win well that that means he made well if god made every music then that means he made um creed oh so question his question is creed i think creed i think creed is one of those bands that's this cool you like it i'm just fat i'm honestly just that that's so not true because i'm bad enough i don't like something i won't eat it that's not me i didn't i mean no that's not true okay let's watch this you gotta like just i don't wanna keep biting this is the eating part let's get it out of the way much better that time yep i think you had it too hot so you weren't tasting it properly [Music] so anyway when everyone started uh smashing on him he disabled likes and comments like a little [ __ ] that's crazy you're a drama channel bro you can't do that it's insane here's an example of some of the comments that he was uh erasing let's see they were saying i wish you would have come to me personally about it as a friend seeing someone literally break down in tears after disgusting monster picks her apart with such hatred online why didn't you think to ask if she's okay boom head shot the fact that lizzy gave a better apology than either shane or ryland speaks volumes to people she she looks in the camera and she's giving like and also i don't really know i met her one time i don't know anything about her i have nothing against her but she's in the camera getting apology and then right after she was like all right wow yeah i saw that she was like you know what i'm sorry we had jeffrey on because he didn't say that i didn't get that part oh she actually was really nice she's like i'm really sorry we had jeffrey on and that we did something to hurt trisha's feelings because i really like her and i feel like i feel very regretful and then he goes okay moving on you know what's crazy yeah what's crazy i'm going to say this one more time to reiterate and drive it home like jeffree star has tried to apologize to me like a couple times throughout the past year right i don't accept it because i heard you continue talk [ __ ] but but regardless he did try to apologize which is more than rylan or shane they never apologized they were always like well i wish he would have come to us i wish he would never once said i'm so sorry always it's insane it's so insane even here by jay this like crazy ass person was like texting me was like hey i apologize like so jeffrey apologized like last year like for a couple months here by jay apologize shane and rylan nope the empaths uh girl you should have talked to us before you took it online it's i apologize to shane for things that i didn't even do i might apologize like it's insane so you announced you're taking a break from social media how long did that take oh i really did want to but here's the thing people you said here i blame you actually really um and yeah i am actually gonna probably take a break for like i don't know like a week and i'm taking a week off from posting on youtube and probably just any social medias so um i think you posted an hour after that announcement i think it was like a day a day i believe how was your break no you know why i wasn't going to be online i wasn't emailing guess what who get i get a whatsapp from somebody and guess who that whatsapp is from ethan saying did you see this and then i go the [ __ ] off because you're the one who sends me you got to know what's going on no i said tick tock hey just don't send me anything anybody and then three hours later i'm not i'm not i'm not getting my messages from tick tock well apparently you are there's my tick tock right there dude you post like 100 tick tocks a day anyone that watches every single one needs a [ __ ] life with peace and loves it's way too much for any person to consume maybe you need to watch it james charles in the biggest twist of the century he says it's so liberating when people finally start to see what you've been seeing all along and i said holy [ __ ] is this a turned into a pro james anti-shane podcast for pro james yeah [ __ ] them all let god sort them out remember when i was talking [ __ ] about james when he did the tutti frutti she stole your tie first time when that was all happening shane was talking to me and he'd come over and be like did you know he also stole this makeup look from a palette so then when i came in front of me i was all fired up i was like yeah you know what he also stole this makeup book i couldn't give a [ __ ] about james charles for all this like i didn't know anything about him but he ingrained it in my head that this guy was like awful i'm like yeah let's go that's like that's what i do like you heard like what did you say unless you're like if you heard one of my friends and i'm [ __ ] coming for you too you know what i mean mm-hmm i didn't care about james at all and i was just like he was like using you oh for sure even when i was mad at david he'd always be like oh like david's a sociopath did you hear this clip from this audio but like obviously i'm not gonna bring it up cause i don't give a [ __ ] but i was just like what a weird anyways whatever you let's do trivia he liked to trigger me but yeah oh yeah oh honey we love honey join honey.com these days it feels like online shopping is the only shopping we really do can i get a amen amen that's all you can do i'm not going i'm not going in store were you crazy but it's better that you do it online because you've got honey who's today's sponsors and if you love frenemies then please use honey to help support the show it's a free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and automatically tests them when you're checking out this is what i'm saying you can be lazy about it you don't have to search for i don't use coupons not because like i'm like baller it's 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today's episode oh my god our first like frenemies code yeah this is cool that's great i'm very happy i think that means the show's working yeah because adam and eve is like well they're weird because adam and eve is for like a lot of people are like oh trish is there like we got you when i was leaving well anyways that's all the pronunciation there's a sponsorship of them right here because they're not oh speaking of sponsors what whatever happened with fashion nova i got sponsored i have a six month contract with them not no mentions on the podcast though they did they did say they cut that part out because they saw the episode that's so funny so but they didn't say i just they like that conversation even though i was [ __ ] on them yeah they're like if you want to go through the podcast in the future and i was like i don't know if they were being serious or not i was like i can't hook you up i don't know like either look if you pay me i'll be out i'll be out here and all this skinny jeans and [ __ ] they sell you know i wonder if that was like a thing though if that was like a test and i passed it they baited you i mean i do shop from them for real for real like anyone could attest that like like we opened packages always some fashion overview i don't support uh right teddy fresh is only website that i personally shop from and they think that you shop from snapboard2005.com yeah this is exception yeah we got some cool stuff coming out so whatever we got some cool design stuff but like it's all right let's do trivia um also okay yeah well i'm just gonna say something ah it doesn't matter i can't remember i'm ready this is pretty good i think i prefer without the peanut butter though that's just a grilled cheese yeah trish grilled cheese i thought the elvis grilled cheese well i was like the bananas with the peanut butter too we could put bananas on it and then it becomes more elvis and he fries it that's disgusting i love it fried okay let's play i'm so excited what are we playing for um a thousand bucks this is stupid though cause you're definitely gonna win i'm basically just giving you a thousand bucks here let me transfer it now it's on no we can donate it we can donate it so who gets okay i like the idea i'm going to donate my transequality.org they find job placement for trans people help get them off the screen against violence they're such a good yeah so good they're so amazing i love them let's do i'll support them as well so whoever went oh so wait we're supposed to be playing for like separate charities otherwise [ __ ] trans rights charity my charity day i mean no it's fine but usually like on celebrity press everyone has their own charity they're playing for well i didn't really think about it but i really like planned parenthood they helped me in heal a lot when we were really poor with like uh birth control and stuff like that so i i always thought planned parenthood was great and i hate that they get like it's so [ __ ] up that like people target them because it's just such a great organization so maybe planned parenthood okay we just donate to both honestly but i think it's fun to like i wish i always thought it's funny i thought it was funny in these shows how they're like this money goes to this charity so don't [ __ ] up and then they leave with zero and it's like well it raises awareness regardless right because i just talked about transit yeah but just give the money dumb these like these shows are so cheap here's the thing i would not know about a lot of charities like people didn't promote it like i didn't know about broadway cara's equity fight aids i didn't know all that [ __ ] you know what i mean like it's cool it's such a cool organization but you have to talk about it so people can like know what to do but if they give the money still oh we'll give it yeah whatever where av where are you are we playing can i go yeah what do you want what do you want nothing that's so nice of you now i'm good what do you want nothing you said can i get a what you're in such a good mood today you guys are both in good mood what you said can i get a what can i get a what why are you in such a good mood i get pregnant no we're not you guys are both like beaming today i don't know you always say that and i'm not sure i ever agree no today you guys are like right super talkative where'd you get that oh i'll take it okay oh yeah sure put the money on the table no it's right we'll just donate it where'd you get all the money okay okay welcome everybody this is like a mouthful with the peanut butter and the cheese yeah they used to put it on mr ed's teeth so he could talk during the show i was just gonna say i feel like mr ed [Laughter] okay [Music] who painted these oh by the way pull up your sign we painted your spin i love the branding of this show thank you so much shout out once again to starkiller he loves it why do you know his channel name huh it pops up it kept popping up what the hell is this and then i saw it with him and i was like nope because you don't watch but you know everything that's right watching like you know everything about everything no i started watching the h3 after show because it's like it's really like a friend of mine because we just talked about you guys always talk about me and i get so excited once you stop that doesn't explain how you know it was starkiller though because it kept popping up i don't buy it no i swear i kept popping up and i was at that like you're more of a fan than you than you admit he's new i wouldn't even know i do watch now please don't make zach the bachelor though the bachelor no you don't think that's gonna be not he doesn't deserve love he's not ready for it he even said on the show he's like he's not looking for like love he said that might be true on the show he's not ready for it and you guys have such a good success rate of like fighting actual people i think i should be able to pick it for people because no offense to the h3 crew they picked some really bad contenders not really we had to go behind the scenes and hook it up it doesn't matter that's the whole point of the friend of me it never works out how you expect so i'll pick like ian's girl now girlfriend they're living together no i know he wasn't on the show either so you guys are doing something wrong there something's wrong but right sure somebody plays with him just stop maybe just stop like going with like the crew we love the crew on industry they're great but maybe just something outside of that i'm told i need to stop chewing i like it i find it comforting to be honest but i get you comments say it okay we're done we're playing the game all right welcome everybody to pop culture trivia today i am your host and contestant ethan the host i'm your contestant ethan with my co-contestant trish who's our host i'll be your host i guess yeah yeah ab starkiller okay first question list the four beetles are you serious did you just come up with this one right now why this is good no i think this is good because i can still look this way right because there's no answers over not that i can see anything i got on my phone thank god oh my god um you might actually get this wrong oh are you kidding me i'm not an idiot what was the exact word of the question list the four beatles i just have to go with semantics you know what i mean there's not much semantics just list the name well there's there's a very specific yeah okay are you going with the four original beetles or that's a good question the four beetles there's four beetles that everybody knows founding members are the it's the four beetles no trish is right you should get bonus points if you can name it there's no bonus points it's the four beatles who's the original drummer do you know him do you yeah okay so write a genius okay that's not the question though dan stop giving her bonus boys you don't even know what you're doing you don't know who you're not even the host who are you why are you even commenting wow okay a beetle stand okay here it is ready are ready ringo john paul george pete best trisha had more do you have more info it's not that question i mean that is the four beatles if you want to go with the original beatles it's pete best we both got it what am i who's the host somebody take control of this situation and it's definitely not dan dan i should listen more but the question was list the four beetles the four beatles okay but technically ringo is an additional member he wasn't the original beatle but whatever okay literally everybody knows what the question is asking okay question number two who is the supporting actor and kim kardashian sex sex tape kim k superstar was that the name of it i didn't know that i think i know it but i'm not sure they had a title for it i guess so yeah even wrote the questions but did they sell it oh they sold it i thought it was like supposedly like i thought it was leaked as well yeah damn i thought kim's mom leaked it all right you know what off the rails let's just say it right there ready go did i get it right ray j yep good correct he used to sponsor my podcast raycon who's keeping um who's keeping track moses okay good mo i trust moses dan i don't trust dan just here to humiliate me [Music] okay and it was sold by vivid entertainment so i was right on that one again what wow wow okay what is the name of the song used in the infamous rick roll meme online where's the motown questions temptations what is that his song huh rick roll huh number no i don't know phil spector died he dated somebody from motown remember one of the raw nets he just died in prison where is he ready say the question again tristan's confused the hell out of me why is he talking about motown what is the name of the song used in the infamous yeah oh wait i think i got wait hold on i i did the wrong thing wait hold on i don't gotta be serious about this so no one has points or we're just tied um i've never lost in pop culture trivia just fyi okay i got it alfredo is better for the record everybody he's perfectly fine okay ready never gonna give you up what'd you put that's not that you put it down you have to show it dopey i just wrote strangers to love strangers because that's like whatever it is yeah okay never gonna give you up yeah [ __ ] i'm such an idiot i should have thought about that more um that's good good though i mean he's got like a lyrics the reason that's so good is just because he's like this little dude with this extremely deep voice it's chocolate rain vibes for sure hungarian vibes yeah dangerous chocolate rain vibes for sure i thought it was literally the same person because that voice how did i get that wrong next moving on drake rose to fame as an actor on which tv show see i didn't watch all that disney [ __ ] either not disney i know he was in a wheelchair okay well that's good so you know he was in uh the sweet life i'm kidding i don't think i'm just gonna take a stab i don't know i miss like i never want was disney a premium channel because i never watched that no definitely not we had it because my dad was a cheap [ __ ] and he wouldn't spend on anything you guys didn't have like what channel was it on it wasn't nickelodeon or disney it wasn't a premium channel because it's a canadian show so it's like one of those weird was it a popular show it might have re-ran on nickelodeon pbs yeah something weird pbs who the [ __ ] watches pbs no i don't think it was a tvs no not tvs i don't know well that's even worse anyways do you know the answer jake and josh no um i don't i have no [ __ ] clue degrassi yeah what the hell is degrassi smoke degrassi okay particularly the next generation oh no point for trisha what is this star trek how many generations does the grassy need the civilization of the future say by the bell how like the college years the new all right next i'm losing i'm not happy trisha is leading by two yes i know ab which which sports figure met with kim jong-un say what which sports figure met with kim jong-un oh i know that my bff dude why do you know all this you should not know at least one of these i was on his podcast why i have no idea i never aired either and it was such a good podcast like okay i'm ready your boy dennis rodman correct our only hope to peace in uh southeast asia he's mr peace and love isn't that his thing i think he yeah no that's ringo's peace and love oh i'm thinking dennis roth met a world peace i get them confused peace and love okay moving on name as many disney movies released in the 90s as you can see why are you going to do this why are you going to do name as many we'll be here what the hell yeah what why am i a disney freak who says i'm a disney freak all the time i just because i go like disneyland doesn't mean i know what disney's right oh god you're gonna win why am i gonna waste the effort in my arm i'm kidding me be a good sport i'm angry i know perpetually and everyone's making fun of my spelling like when i wrote the the kardashians i misspelled all their names well that sounds like a you issue yes sure should thank you we watched a disney movie like every night me and moe's we watched so many of these holy cow okay so i don't know which ones are from the 90s or which ones are from like before that oh you we grew up in the 90s you shouldn't yeah tried i picked 90s to go easier on here right but maybe that made it harder good ones best ones i like the show where we just sit and silently right for 10 minutes because there's so many of them um we should have a timer yeah too i mean you're kind of going in let me see oh yeah uh what was that one called um oh maybe i should be like one of those sports commentators ethan looks determined he's trying to figure it out he's thinking back to his childhood well what is trisha currently the tiger oh i know i know maybe you have a total amount of movies don't give her a number how dare you i thought that's what we want to know yeah no just name as much as you can oh but we don't want to give you the photo okay god i gotta go yeah cuz i mean i mean i guess i could like really deep bit dive in like i'm trying to like dive in the 90s ethan's concentrating very hard in the 90s brad going back to his childhood thinking of all the [ __ ] 90s the 90s trish rugrats i wrote rugrats disney that's nickelodeon it's not even a movie i know it's a joke i didn't come out with regards to movie okay right you're right okay rugrats the movie here rugrats semicolon that doesn't count um there's got to be more hold on hold the [ __ ] phone i'm imagining all the prints there wasn't much princesses in the 90 was there that wasn't a princess decade hmm okay we need some princess decades heroines heroes hold on let me scan oh i just thought of a good one yes yes yes i got one i think i wouldn't need one more tricia i have one two three four five six how many do you have seven see that's not okay we're gonna be here all day just write something else down i mean i'm gonna be here all day because you guys didn't put a timer time i mean that's what i'm saying are we talking about all disney movies or specifically like cartoons no direct all right i added shazam and schindler's list and mechanically they said cartoons but okay not that i'm saying those aren't quite so many read them off ethan 101 dalmatians okay not from the 90s aladdin rugrats no nickelodeon doug nickelodeon i'm stupid i love dog though little mermaid uh i think unfortunately that one was from 1989. oh and then i just barely missed it that is beauty and the beast oh i forgot mulan beasts long counts hercules hercules that's on it yeah shazam nope nope schindler's list unfortunately shazam's automatic saving private ryan so how many did you get correct four right three three or four beauty and the beast mulan aladdin hercules hercules and shazam how do you feel beating the beast that was good one i don't even know how that's in my mind so i did i already i already eliminated a little mermaid for my list because yeah god your writing is hard oh lion king what you idiot pocahontas pocahontas hercules mulan toy story wait toy story's pixar doesn't count toy story does not count i'm afraid but it's disney it had was pixar a picture it was it wasn't uh disney yet unacquired at that time yeah that one doesn't count yeah i think you still won what the [ __ ] does that say lady and the [ __ ] oh that's like meg old that's not from the 90s either when is it from so hold on this is actually close no she's still one one yeah two three she got one more than me that's crazy lion king well i love beauty the beast i don't know why i put that down like i watched at the ever like every day anyway you went again trisha wins again and maybe what were the ones neither of them got um you guys did not get the rescuers down under yeah nobody cares beauty and the beast right i literally wrote that oh you got beauty and beast the hunchback of notre dame tarzan really doesn't really count tarzan was like such a black sheep it was so [ __ ] i wanna know all right moses okay damn we just watched hunchback on monday night too that movie kind of sucked though yeah that wasn't that wasn't one of the classics we forget about those ones moving on celebrity was caught shoplifting almost six thousand dollars worth of goods from sex easy i think i know actually also people always like note that we only get along if we're like yelling at people or eating well then we know what we gotta do because we like go so hard when we like yeah like we went we went crazy on dan last episode i felt bad about the rescuers and we're like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ap nobody likes that movie take it off the list okay i think i know the then i think i know when i want to write okay good right correct everybody take screenshots of all my terrible spellings and make fun of me i mean i don't know if i spelled it already either i love her and mr deeds though such a good movie okay that's one of those things where i'm surprised i even know it but well that was a pretty big deal i'd be surprised if you didn't know it okay what was the first video played on mtv whatever first music video make a guess first music video is that pop culture or like dinosaur bones first video first music video famous it's pretty famous no hints oh [ __ ] should i get that rick roll um just because i knew this song i knew the that wasn't the it wasn't give us a little bit i can't go back and litigate i can't go back i'm never gonna give you where is he now rick ashley rick astley yeah where is he is that his name ashley and tly astley i was like ashley i think there's no way we should have spelling bee i'm so good at those i killed it in my spelling bee every year i'd be down to do a spelling bee you just said you smell horrible well there's i don't i'm not good with names because everyone's like right jared with a [ __ ] where the r is spelled with a y but you could spell like anti-disobedient absenteeism i could probably spell that because it's pretty very phonetic we have five seconds on the clock yeah come on let's go did you make something i'm writing three titles just to cover my eyes okay but you have to but i might be a song there's one specific song so what's the what did you what is it what did you put i'm putting you you show me first you don't show your answers you tell me what's the answer billie jean the answer is video killed the radio star by is it the bugles oh yeah i want my mtv what the hell that's actually that's the dire straight song it's not called i want my interview they go i want my mtv i thought that was the okay so you were way off i could i get can i get some bonus points for being closer than her dan since we were giving out bonus points all the time willy nilly yeah but i actually got something right you didn't even get it right so whatever whatever you whatever okay moving on it's stupid what dead musical artist was brought to life by a hologram at coachella in 2012 i know that one i know something you don't pop culture loser no i do know this no you don't write it say that one more time what dead musical artist was brought to life you heard the question at coachella in 2012. oh my god i hate coachella i like just about anything has to do with it uh it's pop culture oh oh no no no no no no god i hope you don't know it i need this okay ready i think she got it no i don't know show me tupac yeah you're right you got it i should i wrote it like more street oh he wrote like nothing but ig thing right or not i feel like she spelled it wrong can i get points no bonus points for the two pack i love tupac both answers are acceptable so sad about him okay what group was beyonce originally part of god easy i know it but just give me a second i'll eat my grilled cheese peanut butter sandwich he can't go back in history it's not [ __ ] motown your dad wasn't a pop music you told me on the radio actually they did a motown song they did emotions a lot of people do motown songs something like sister act sister act oh my god this direct too uh it is perfect i'd [ __ ] what is it destiny child right destiny what's the score of moses okay who's saying the motown classic my girl stupid i think i know it what did why did you write so fast i mean i think i might be wrong but for up four tops temptations temptations oh [ __ ] i knew that i can't even roast you because i kind of feel bad now because you said you like love motown and then you got a motown question wrong so i was like oh is it bad temptations of course okay what but don't you know that like that's the biggest roast like that's just now you're just being mean okay so i'll just be me next time yeah if you're like it's too sad for me to make fun of you that's mean okay i'll roast you next time yeah yeah okay what are the names of the two main characters in the twilight series why you asking me that ib blame ian why you asking me that [ __ ] i mean i never even seen twilight and i know this we just talked about the podcast literally it's [ __ ] like uh uh heather and uh jeff okay [Laughter] twilight series i can't even think of single one you're just edward and bella oh i didn't know i didn't know that well listen dan i don't have a photographic memory okay oh we just talked about it what do i just commit everything we talk about the memory i didn't say edward and bell i didn't know that was their names okay [Laughter] and the movie back to the future i love it what year did marty travel back to in the first one 1942 right before the start of the world war ii 1940 don't you think he should have gone back and tried to kill hitler not everything is about hitler you try so hard to push the ant hitler thing on the show of all the things you could go back and undo don't you think world war ii is a good one i think there's something in the rules like you can't undo them what roles back to the future rules i was at sex with someone from back of the future can you guess who that is don't care crisp and clever oh wait wait what year did he travel back to yeah yeah sorry oh i'm way off it's back further than that yeah yeah sorry my bad too i i i got the right okay wait hold on i'm going to run like okay 19 65 58. it is 1955. okay i knew i had 55. i knew it was a five at the end can i get some bonus points can i get bonus points for getting a five right okay next you got it right yeah no i don't i was like what i was trying to okay there were two british royal weddings this decade name at least one of the couples involved i can do that yeah i mean come on okay i love that i love the bonus point no there's no what do you mean bonus point okay this is great this is really good silently writing we'll just call this episode silently right you're so bitter that you're just like not getting anything wrong i'll voice it over yes our last one was like that too our last one was just like silently writing i'm gonna try you will i like the length to be honest people like a little silence once in a while oh my god okay okay okay harry and megan i got something wrong you get the bonus points there's no bonus point yeah there literally is there's no you don't know the other royal couple that got married this decade no i mean this the bald dude and the chick you don't know his name charles no will and kate correct i'm harry and megan harry and megan i have harry megan on there too so okay well whatever one point next what's the score don't tell me what's the score oh wait i just got a point i was at five no but she only got the bonus point now there's no bonus point i'm gonna flip this table if anybody mentions bonus point again wait i i have six now i just got one right so she has a thirteen and you have six because i only gave her one more not two so yeah okay but but she didn't have any bonus points right you have to decide you want to vote there's no bonus point i don't need a bonus point wait wait wait wait wait wait like what the [ __ ] i take control a b you're the host you're letting a damn date bonus points again there's no [ __ ] bonus points i'm the kid baby tell him all right i'll just do it to shut up we'll just stop trying to help out trisha think i know i know i know be clear about that dan has nothing to do with this game dan is not involved he's doing this oh yeah i don't know why it does okay the mic song it was dan it wasn't moses just for the record i think it doesn't have enough players okay name at least one team from each of the four big leagues nba nfl mlb and nhl just one what that so hold on so nb okay whatever basketball football baseball hockey one team i mean that's awesome okay so wait basketball football okay football baseball and hockey okay i got it i actually got this one well this couldn't be easier i could name 500 of them wow aren't you [ __ ] special genius well this is such easy okay lakers dodgers rams king snacks browns calves indians maple leaves maple leaves toronto is that even an american team he didn't say american they are in the nhl though right what are you talking about of course they are i'm just trying listen i'm trying to get technicalities on you know okay okay they're in their own league i think ethan might get this one oh what was the first video ever uploaded to youtube about i know it ah this is your life it's just being a nerd about youtube videos for the record this is the only question i wrote thank you you're my favorite the first video ever uploaded youtube yeah what was it what was it about yeah okay it was some dude at the zoo right that's correct i said neon cat neon cat that was like only a few years ago oh my god you're such a nerd i got a point i got a point can she get can we minus a point from her score for being so far off oh my god next okay score thirteen eight how did he get two he was just at six why are you okay oh no no question moses no no she's questioning your integrity oh my god calm down i'm kidding okay prior to hamilton what was lynn manuel miranda's first major musical done and done you seriously you know it i think we talked about it i think you know it for sure can we get him on the podcast i'm sure he's i'm sure he's not busy yeah he's booked looking busy moana did you not write anything down what does it look like you were writing something though i erased it why i know i don't know the name i don't know what trish will finish him in the heights oh yes correct i mean annihilation at this point sometimes sometimes trivia is like not fun if someone just doesn't know anything it's just like okay i don't know it's not that i don't i know some stuff damn okay god which celebrity said the following the jews are responsible for all the wars in the world oh my god sorry which celebrity said the following the jews are i mean i heard you the first time but what that's insane some celebrity yes said the jews are responsible for all the wars of the world i mean i think i know i mean there's one guy that comes to mind i thought you'd know it who's kind of always got the right takes is it i don't okay okay i think it's mel gibson the one and only i have sasha baron cohen it is mel gibson well i feel like he might do it for borat or something maybe he says oh the jewel i don't think that's i don't think that's a joke no mel it's my boy mel gibson wait he said it to him yeah mel gibson's a psycho he's he's like a crazy anti-semite nice to me like when i met him i met him one time and he was couldn't have been sweeter why do you have stories about everybody i don't support the anti because he's a catholic not that i was he's also like super racist he he famously said you can bleep this dan and please bleep this but just so you hear what he says he says he said to his ex-wife i hope you get on the phone is it real yes he said that he's crazy you could just bleep the crap out of that dude he's so [ __ ] i would not get that vibe from him i meant him a couple times make sure yeah no i'm sure he's can be a nice guy but he's a psychiatrist total racist but he's catholic uh so was hitler no taylor wasn't catholic weren't they all about cat when weren't they all about jesus god oh equal that was communist [ __ ] that's not true hitler was definitely not catholic i'll tell you that yeah he was great they like to okay whatever who might have just argued this point okay what did ariana grande accidentally tattoo on her finger in japanese oh my god i know nothing about ariana grande i know nothing about that was ian he's such a weirdo dan's like obsessed with ariana grande like bro sorry weirdo men are obsessed with ariana grande it's like e like back off i don't i have no idea yeah i agree i i find it odd like how you hide it as if i already admit that i don't know i mean there's not even a guess i could have in my heart i wrote big farts all right i'll guess p p and big correct answer is small barbecue grill dude that is so dumb stupid fire everyone make fun of ian for that then i'll hate the ian for that question okay this is super easy what christmas song is mariah carey best known for so easy i know that one at least i'm not it's [ __ ] brain dead okay it's long title right all i want for christmas is yeah correct easy shouldn't even be in there at least i have one iq point i have one operating brain so this is so much fun i like i could do trevi all day long i love it so much okay why is it i i don't know if you heard me the first time but i finished my sandwich and you still have half years left why is that oh well actually i never eat the butts of anything like the ends of chicken fingers the ends of burgers i don't like the ends of it i like then that's a good part just don't eat the crust why are you hating on the end i think it's a way to keep skinny dolly parton once said she only eats the first bite with peace and love it's not working i mean i just lost three pounds this week thank you very much and guess what i just i just people i mean with love is not working for you either whatever you're doing and you're working out i'm not even working out and i'm skinnier than you scale right now i'm not calling you fat i'm just saying you're you're human no but you you make tick tocks every day this is what a chubby girl is who doesn't want to lose weight yeah that'd be like quirky i'm not chubby but yeah i just think it's funny that you're like i won't eat the ends of the sandwich because it makes me skinny i'm skinnier than you and who ate the ends of their sandwich go on the tail right now i better weigh less than you i am fat i openly admit that and i finish my [ __ ] sandwiches next question how many mistresses did tiger woods allegedly have oh what am i keeping track of tiger woods affairs i mean i mean 52 right that's how many you get in afterlife yeah where's your wood should we have him on the show cool tiger woods yeah would you ever come on anything yeah promote stuff yeah what about o.j simpson oj for sure oh he did block me on twitter i think oj reached out to me one time but i don't know if it was real or fake but i got an email from moji simpson one time what did he say it could be fake i did a song about him and like i wrote a song about him and he like wrote to me but i don't think it might what did he want um just congratulating me on the song would you go on a date with doj uh at the time i thought about it when i was trying to be like a troll and i probably not now no it'll be awesome to like go on a date and make him wear gloves like black gloves that's your role play with him yeah some girls i'm sure into that first oh they're like we'll put on these black gloves no there's so many girls people like love murders look at the menendez brothers like they get so many fan mails dude i was watching actually on netflix there's a really good series called the night stalker and this guy had all these girls worshiping this guy first of all he was like like a murderer and a rapist okay but he also and you may need to bleep this but he boy so he killed the dad raped the mom and and women are attracted to that sorry like murdering murdering and rape is one thing but sorry not sex okay well there's obviously sick people in the world oh that's beyonce i that is he killed people at the hotel then at the cecil hotel yeah i think you're thinking of someone else definitely the night soccer richard ramirez that's yeah i believe i believe trish is right because he killed people at a hotel they didn't mention that a documentary they didn't mention the documentary but i know that ahs based it off of that at one point because he's in that season why did they mention that in a documentary if he was killing people at a hotel i don't know maybe why it's where it's where the girl got in the water tanks remember that like liza lam or whatever that the asian foreign exchange student that came over she was in that elevator remember she was like looking around and then she was found in like the water towers it was the same hotel and richard and mirrors like killed murder bunch of people and i was at the hotel and i almost got murdered for real i almost got drowned to death by a ghost for real so ghost yeah oh i mean i was on drugs but i definitely think it was real because i was wet right the drugs didn't have anything to do with that it's a sticky situation have you ever been trying to be drowned by a ghost when you were sober no but it was at that hotel before it got renamed to maine on stay on main or something all right did you put your answer 18. what was the question again it wasn't confirmed that it was him i believe but he did stay at the hotel and a lady was found strangled yeah okay uh 11. who cares who knows how many yeah it was eight oh i thought eighteen because we were giving him too much credit step your [ __ ] up tiger woods i was so oh god number one 18. that's a busy man i love it i wish i was one of those mysteries i would write books right now i'd be like doing like press tours just doing all just taking full advantage of it should i just say no i can't i feel like your career you're elevated beyond just being a mistress to somebody you know what i mean i'd still take it like joe biden's mistress like i would be getting like book deals i'd do it what would you say just like about sex with him and the size of his wiener and stuff i don't know maybe i wouldn't be an expert but that's not true because you've slept with famous people and you won't say who they are so you have that opportunity already i don't really love like shaming people for sex things that are like listening was great i just want to make a bach off telling this private story i guess not shaming sorry what i don't like to i don't know i don't like to exploit like sexual things like if i'm consensual you know i don't know it feels weird nice okay what is the most expensive broadway show ever produced i know it well of course you know it what does that mean what does that mean of course you know spiderman spiderman yay correct i love that i love spiderman too i don't know why i just loved it it was such a disaster and everybody hated it first of all i love it it was a bop and people just want to hate on it well didn't like in the one the opening week like the main guy like broke his back or something yeah he definitely fell excited it made me want to go see the show i was like wow was it what was it a hit financially because i thought it was like a total financially disaster yeah but caught like a cult following yeah like found it like you know what i mean like it became like i i wanted like no more how much did it cost you have the 75 million oh god how much you spent on a broadway show 75 million it's just like one little square i never knew this about it did you know that the music was done by bono yeah by bono yeah there was the budget oh um yeah there's the budget there's 75 million right there um that doesn't seem like a mix to me bono yeah i just looked it up i was like what the [ __ ] some people say i look like bono stop you literally said the last episode you look like samuel jackson don't i kind of look like him today hello hello wait there's a place called vertigo i thought i thought you're making a blackface joke because you said don't i look like samuel jackson i was like did you really just say that after everything we've been through her too but not today but like i've heard that for sure i said bono how do you look like bono why do you say that um i think i look like him a little bit in what way the nose the mouth the glasses the hair the cheekbones can you pull up a picture of mono oh i really do though whoa look wait hold on go straight in the camera i i literally think there's no resemblance and slightest bit it's like you there's no resemblance no resemblance zero we both do amazing things for this world that's the similarity right we're both don't people wait don't people in ireland hate bono because he's like a tax evader no i swear to making salvos just google tax evasion bono no let's just keep him come on let's put the sip the tea girl this is not the step this is the six next question bono tax fraud oh my god no why are you protecting of berno he's the king of ireland hey let's just keep it alive we love you too a lot of stuff did pop up no all right i'd have to read the articles hey for the record like i had troubles with my taxes read the headline read the headlines let's keep it moving packed rogues like bono are harming the world's poorest oh my god that's a that's ruining my chances of collabing with bono with sad 2005. i'm so pissed about this no you're you're interested what's happening it was close to happening bono's a great guy sure on sad boy 2005 by bono yeah and let him do your taxes because he knows what the [ __ ] up we don't support this statement next to me moving on okay thank you what year did the first episode of seinfeld you are more protective of bono than like shane than like shane at your peak friendship he's my new we do not talk [ __ ] about bono on this podcast what the [ __ ] is going on he's done a lot for it like age remember okay cool okay well let's respect i'm just saying he doesn't pay his taxes or something if it's going to can you do both if it's going to people without we should invade he raised his money he raises he maybe he donates all that money that he could have put to taxes to people with aids i guarantee that's not true i you don't can't guarantee you don't know bono okay bono sue me and let's do some uh discovery bono won't even cloud with adam sandler that's how famous he is like adam sandler wants to club with bono and bono's like nah well to be fair i mean he doesn't want to make songs about like poop and stuff no i mean like but being in a movie dave matthews is in adam sandler's movies why can't bono be in it because mine's a legend that's why answer my own questions okay let's move on so dave matthews yeah he's not bono he's definitely not bottle things he's mono the question was what year did the first episode of seinfeld air okay seinfeld what a year i know it i think i know it i think i actually do know this why do you why would you know this i don't know i actually don't i think i actually know it you ready yep 1989 93 1989 is correct yes you got one right over well i'm just saying because i love seinfeld and i finally verified that i actually know something i care about i think 1989. i think did you write that for me somebody wrote that and thank you i could be wrong but i think the little chubby guy from seinfeld hit on me at the gym one time costanza yeah i think it was him he did not yeah i swear like i didn't i don't watch the show so i don't know but i think it was him and like so it's a small a little chubby guy hit on you you're not sure who it was but you think it was alex and i think it's him chasing that i remember seeing him from hal where was it he lives in new york equinox no this was like an equinox oh but it was in new york he lives in new york it was like columbus circle like that equinox okay let's jam what's the scoreboard um jason alexander if you can attest to that i think it was because he was like did you were you receptive because he's really famous and rich um yeah i'm receptive to everyone i give everyone my number like if you guys know me all right did he ask for your number yeah and he never called you no you got shaded by him oh but you know what i don't answer calls that are from like maybe he blocked his number like a number i didn't know so damn jason had a shot i think that's awesome i don't know anyway i'm just really proud that i got that right so thank you you think we're only four behind right now okay that's that's not bad wasn't there a racism seinfeld then the guy said the n-word to like a bunch of like on his comedy stand-up routine oh kramer yeah so we can't support that show well that's kramer i'm gonna support bono evading taxes giving it to aids then kramer had a moment he's not even he's just an actor are you gonna just he's apologized wow what braid of dog is scooby doo what the hell [Laughter] i'm gonna discuss this i don't know anything about dogs unless you're a pomeranian scooby doo looking at he doesn't look like anything just like some cartoon bro scoop yeah i feel like the ears kind of made me look like a specific breed i don't really think my dogs either so don't come for me i'm just taking a guess here okay ready yep great dane doberman great dane i'm coming back what are you at great dane dude no yeah he does what's the score it is 13 16 13. oh i'm coming back this is the best game ever okay okay i came together now i got to focus i was like yeah you better get you better get into better bad for you who are the two individuals involved in 2004's super bowl nipple gate oh nibble nipple gate oh it sounds like he's a nibble i feel like you can see my answers maybe that's why you're doing better i'm not looking at your answers stop can i just say why do i need two i know whose nipple was but you have to put the other person involved yeah there was oh my god wow you really don't know anything about anything you know now you're angry because i'm right on your heels what is that tv show you know nothing what's the name of the ramen hair guy oh i remember oh my god stupid okay we both got it janet jackson and justin timberlake okay correct okay everything's all right is a song in which andrew lloyd whoever removed what song which everything's all right is a song in which andrew lloyd webber musical everything's all right the [ __ ] you say everything's alright i heard you okay everything's all right it's a musical yeah you don't know i don't know [ __ ] wow and i like know everything about andrew lloyd webber this is actually i don't know it has to be one that i don't what's his most famous play well his most famous is probably oh he made phantom god oh so he's some people don't like him generally speaking what people don't like him because those are shitty i'm gonna just guess what i haven't i don't know a lot about because it's definitely not fake everything's all right oh my god i can put something i i know i got it wrong so you should just put something everything's all right wow this is broadway and i [ __ ] suck so i can't even think of something to guess um oh oh oh oh i was going to guess that is that him is that an angel story oh that's not what i was going to guess okay incorrect the answer is jesus christ dude you got a broadway one wrong you're giving me a chance here you're right don't panic whatever you do don't panic keep it together i panicked that bono i was going to see this i'm so annoyed now cut it out dan cut that part about the whole discussion oh my god you guys watching bono is like busy on a yacht somewhere told me brad pitt watches this podcast and i'm not i'm not lying brad who told you that i mean someone told me but if brad pitt is watching his podcast he better have some better [ __ ] to do with his life bradford is not watching this podcast i actually know that's kind of credible but can you imagine brad pitt watching this you're fantasizing i did hear a theory that tarantino watches this because he has a foot fetish and he has trisha and you you took the number one spot on uh yeah he's watching closely hey maybe we talk about israel exactly yeah that's good yeah no get quentin don't [ __ ] that's my hebrew okay you don't know hebrew i could say so much and you have no idea i'm learning so much hebrew i know it's great i mean it's it's awesome okay if you answer his next one and he will get bonus points which artists tried selling his own video game console until being threatened by with legal action by nintendo wait which artist yeah which artists tried selling their own video game console until being threatened with legal action god i know this what kind of artist like a like a like i don't know what do you mean what kind of artist are we talking about ants what do you think about answering that question maybe you ask questions all the time well i don't know any artist except for ela klein that's the only artist i know that's a nice she's good she's talented do you think you're as talented as her ela is no not even close yeah i don't think i'm just talented not only she talented she's like hard working she's focused she's even-headed you're doing like too much girl you are doing too much i wrote are you ready oh oh i i don't have i'm gonna just i'm just gonna guess this is the only artist i really know for real i wrote soulja boy banksy soulja boy's correct yes soldier boy soldier boy from 90 oh yeah i forgot there was this nigerian dude a 90 day fiance who was like a wannabe musical artist what's happening all the time why we have whatsapp together that's one that you were talking about what who's that who's that rapper what song i don't know kiss me through the phone kiss me through the phone um okay so wait it's a two-point game now this is exciting it's like last time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it was three i just got one right she got one wrong moses what is this she did not get soulja boy the one before that she did not get wrong oh yeah i didn't get that moses moses moses moses baby they both got they both got the super bowl question right i'm losing my mind over here you 25 was jesus christ superstar they didn't they both got that right i am so 16 no 16 no no everything is in quote i mean this is losing my mind so cool you're the first lawyer to endorse my brand thank you i love you i actually like your music a lot really yeah i haven't listened to the second one yet the second one's better that's i i'm going to watch it today oh we can maybe at the end we'll watch it together do a little previewing you know what's weird is i do get weird like showing people my music i'm someone i'm not that person like look at my videos oh yeah i know what you mean it's just hot but i want to watch it so many people are like here look at my video and you're just like awkwardly there you're just like i'm gonna let's watch it after these guys are in the lab doing okay 1614 who did jada pickett smith reveal she had an entanglement with a table man who remembers that guy that's like a ryland like who knows him like yeah he was just some [ __ ] some dumbass i mean he had some what are you asking some red table trivia i mean this is does she even count as pop culture i mean come on they're on facebook and um i literally you don't know because i don't know okay well i'm gonna make a guess because i think this might be or someone close to this name it's nothing antoine johnson no the answer is wait isn't that the isn't that the truth yeah that's the guy hard on your people isn't antoine or something there's someone out here raping everybody out here he's on tick tock now he's on tick tock he's killing what was the answer i don't know i never know how to pronounce the last name august azalea is just some random dude i'm supposed to know his name nice that's like such that's like literally like sorry nobody knows what do you expect that who is uh ringo starr's second cousin fiance on facebook next anyway you should know the original drummer of the beatles like that's okay easy thank you oh yeah don't care about them our last six presidents name our last six presidents interesting including the new one uh not including the new one former president oh my god i hate this it's a little fuzzy for me at some point here same oh okay hmm oh i think i i know it i know it i know it it is yeah yeah yeah gonna say yeah i think i think i got it i'm 99 on this one how many one how many six all right trump obama george w bush clinton bush senior reagan ford [Laughter] how was he still alive reagan was president reagan was president yeah oh my god that how i was like ford's still alive right he's got to be what stuff [ __ ] does habitat for humanity oh carter yeah carter he was before uh reagan i beat you at a political question oh my god oh reagan [ __ ] me i didn't wasn't even on the radar simi valley the reagan library reagan [ __ ] i should have known that reaganomics okay i feel like ian's trolling you guys at this point but what is selena what is it a selena question no no gomez what did elon musk and grimes originally named their baby oh god that's stupid you know it i mean i i have an idea but like who could actually recite verbatim can i read the answer dan oh i don't know it was like oh well i can say it you know what i feel like i should get a point because i know how it's pronounced that i don't know how to spell it but i know how it's pronounced why is elon musk such a big deal that counts right i think they should count right yeah because i can't read it well since when do i have to spell [ __ ] right i always spell everything wrong but i know how to say it okay it's a good point it was ash that is how you pronounce it how did you say it but he spelled it like all crazy with like letters that that like when you mash the keyboard and there's like secret letters that come out you know what i mean i don't like something i've kind of flipped on him i used to be a huge stan and now i don't like him okay so i got the point so it's back to two okay so moving on will i am as a member of what band that's easy oh that you know yeah i didn't know new music i just used to make fun of william a lot so i kind of know about him remember he punched press hilton in the face where is president he did yeah it was crazy black guy yeah correct how many questions we have left we have 10 remain or 9 remaining oh this is coming down to the wire two points two away i'm two apart who sings despacito actually i'm saying like that i actually don't know if i know it really oh i know the answer it's uh the eagles despacito why won't you come to your senses you act like you're like 55 years old all the time why because a bad joke and cnn and politics and everything like everything about you is just like i'm 16. okay and you act like you're 16 when you go after every word i have unresolved trauma from 16 that's why i revert back to it that's what my therapist says it's my way of coping with the trauma so thanks for putting that up well i have five year was really dark and that's why i dress like this and act like this it wasn't just a phase mom i might i didn't comment on the fact that you have like a pseudo mask on what is that oh i'm cosplaying who do you think i'm cross playing today uh batman obviously i think that i hate you i don't know who donatello ninja turtle leonardo are you i'm not whatever who is it does anybody know yes moses not you obviously you know let me show you the picture first hold on this is my this is my cosplay today i am gerard way from the revenge era oh you're still the same no i was danger james gerard way last time now i'm revenge same guy it's a different era okay okay well it looks esposito is by um honestly dude i don't [ __ ] know dustin bieber no no justin bieber justin bieber he's featured he's featured in the remix yeah that's literally no he did it no it's are you kidding me who wrote it i know it's not justin bieber it's some latin it's some latin band right in spanish song he's not in the original no you didn't always take a point for being combative minus one point all right who's at least who's the lead singer of the band queen oh my god really why would you even ask rami malik obviously who wrote why would you even write that can we get bonus points for his nationality the the real dirty mercury malec what no you know it's freddy it's freddie mercury you look like this one of you right he he's pakistani no he's from some weird like indian some weird indian he's pakistani oh oh he's pakistani i believe maybe he's not pakistani dude oh what are you what why would you say his real name is farooq which is arab so are your parents like his parents or they're like yeah we're brothers he's lebanese it's like not even close it's close it's all the middle east everyone tells me yeah the comment section always says i look like romney malek so you do like romney malek i think he creeps me out look we are not a roman alexander on this podcast sorry uh well i'm actually not even gonna argue with you on that one i think he's weird okay so what is still two points yes okay give me a good one which mercury come on which celebrity thought chicken of the sea was actually chicken how do you know this one you're like oh i got this one i don't know why but i do we're the same brain we know the same pop culture references ready jessica simpson boom okay come on what was the name of a show that she centered on newlyweds who was she married to nicolas okay chill there's no bonus points remember i love jessica simpson uh who's losing our queen which celebrity was photographed dangling a baby off their balcony oh my god that's so easy who did these questions ian did this one just to [ __ ] with me that's why oh wow i guess he was thinking it might have stumped me but i know it's michael jackson correct which actor was found masturbating in an adult film theater and subsequently arrested i felt bad for him because i always felt like he got kind of played dirty it's like what do you expect people to do in adult film everyone's jerking right right right they made a scene like there's one movie they ruined his whole life like everybody's in there jerking off i think he got some redemption arc when he was like in blow and stuff i think we were like oh yeah he's kind of dope now he got some crud i don't know his name but you're to give me the point you have to see his name herman pee wee herman didn't get caught in the in the thing you have to say his name you have to say his name you have to say it that's the rule it's phoebe herman paul rubens both answers are acceptable oh my gosh oh these are your employees no they're like these guys want to see me oh my god you heard dan he's giving up bonus points left and right willy-nilly five bonus points by now so game okay during an interview with oprah which athlete admitted to doping throughout their entire career wait a minute tell what doping doping doping like like writing juicing i'm sorry you do not get the defined doping for trisha yeah cause i don't think he said oh i've been doping this whole time he probably said something else lancer mark maguire one point oh no lance armstrong is that he's missing a testicle what's the uh the score yeah he was he was injecting steroids right it is currently 21 20. okay so wait we're it's one point do those cancel each other out then he did steroids but he had cancer i was like all right we'll forgive him i mean the thing is everybody was doing steroids during that time so he's still you know he doesn't look like he's on a roids he looked skinny even on a bike they it wasn't like muscles it was like they would take they would take this medicine that like ex gave you more red blood cells so you had like more endurance because you have more energy some weird crazy and it's more of an enhancement uh performance enhancement tom green also has one testicle i think he had cancer too oh so sad bone spun do you get checked do you get checked i check myself like every day in the shower one time i i felt that well what are you doing like once a week i don't think it's gonna change that much anyway i i once felt a lump and i was like i'm [ __ ] have to i definitely have cancer but it was a vein yeah i could see you being like a hypochondriac like just thinking no it was weird like there was like a vein bunched up on my ball which i never felt before yeah it was just a vein and i just like and then it smoothed out and i was like oh thank god so okay bonus point for me no bonus point just because yeah trisha is leading by one we have five questions remaining yes which two celebrities were caught on a security camera fighting in an elevator oh i'm that doesn't i have no recollection of that um say it again which two celebrities were caught on security camera fighting in an elevator moses put another point jay-z and schlonge knowles that is jay-z was scrapping with somebody now beyonce beyonce's sister yeah wait he beat the [ __ ] no she started like kicking him and [ __ ] and she was kicking him in the elevator he didn't strike back i don't think so thank god you can't strike back yeah i think you guys did watch it once well according to hereby j if you're gay you can i guess just remember who's writing these questions who is writing these questions yeah and he's a hip-hop fan he's won back to three points i'm running out of time here two two two okay which olympic swimmer made up a story about being robbed at gunpoint in brazil oh why do you know that how do you not know that i don't know anything about the olympics and i know this i mean i remember the story but he's not a famous swimmer is he no no hands he's just some guy everyone just it's not just a guy if he's an olympian michael phelps is the only swimmer anybody knows and i know it's time i have no idea who this is i'm out yeah i've never heard of this okay then i don't know either for microphones yeah no i know it's not i know it's not michael phelps yeah yeah what's his name ryan lachey lush piece of [ __ ] okay after six different nominations leonardo dicaprio finally won an oscar for which film oh [ __ ] my life um [Music] i know it but i don't know the name he lost to joaquin for the joker [ __ ] it he should have won for that i love once more and hollywood what were we going to do was good i was thinking of that movie but i couldn't remember the name so i kind of i know i was too i was like wait wait wait wait wait wait i saw it it was kind of boring so boring it's just him leaving forever is a little overrated in my opinion like good but overrated he's a good actor but hmm i think he's kind of worried he's not like amazing i think he's good he's average he's never gonna come on this pumpkin he don't want leo on his podcast he thinks global warming's fake or something no he's he has a huge initiative for global pro he is okay he's missing you have an opposite okay the other way though he's more extreme about global warming like just chill bro you're just looking for any reason to hate fire right now wait hold on you just said i hate him because he doesn't believe in going the other way away he's a little extreme about global warming i think that's a good idea and you choose to collaborate with david dobrik as your first social media that's why you're here yeah he's like let me take a picture next to david dobrik to say go vote is that really collab he's not even a citizen he can't even vote why are you collabing with him to go vote like what the hell you really hate david you really hate david he's a straight person i think shitty people who doesn't take accountability if you're a shitty person to combat learn grow cool but if you don't accountability you can just be a person for your life not cool but the only the puzzle is the only thing he's ever done that i think is great oh my god do you really want me to go into a dissertation about why david dobrik give me one other big reason i mean there's so many other ones do you want to forgive me i mean he pushed a joke that made me uncomfortable multiple times in his log and i told him specifically what was the joke people he was trying to get jason to literally have sex with hannah he was like i'll buy you like a ferrari like trisha what kind of oh that's [ __ ] up no he's like what can i do he brought tina over one night that's why i blew up on him he's like tana come over i'm gonna i'm gonna try and convince trish to have a threesome for the vlog like he and i asked him so many times like this is like really like messing me up yeah that's super ew that's horrible [ __ ] up in so many ways like any time i've asked like he's he's the worst he is awful he's just that's disgusting i don't like that behavior yeah it's like bro you can't play with people's lives for your [ __ ] vlogs he even brought tan over and said i'm uncomfortable with this and he still was pushing it and he's so uncle well it was kind of up to jason though to say dude don't do this no i told david cause he was jason did jason totally did he did yeah jason's like stopped this is like not cool and like david still was like pushing it but he's like sucks david's teeth so he's just like all right whatever i don't like david and also he filmed that 24 year old brandon cavill like on a date with a 17 year old asking the 17 year old if sex is cool with brandon like promoting all this creativity i don't know what you're talking about okay well there's a ton of there's a ton of things online you can check it out he's gross next how many questions we got left no point for that bonus point for hitting david so we have a little bit of a problem what's the problem you're behind by three and there's only two questions remaining i thought i was mine by two three so you got the revenant oh the remnant okay well let's just finish it and see how bad it gets okay which controversial soft drink was released in 1992 and taken out of circulation after being publicly rejected being rejected by the public what year 1992 could you say that the question which controversial soft drink was released in 1992 and taken out of circulation after being rejected by the public i'm just taking a shot in the dark here after being rejected by the public okay crystal pepsi i was gonna say that is he right he is correct i always said surge why were people angry about crystal pepsi i always thought it was cool yeah i was confused because that i that's like yeah okay okay so hey i'm coming back to the the impossible comeback can i make a suggestion next week can we get surge you can get it off ebay can we try it it's just coke i mean it's not that interesting no it's not surge isn't coke search is like something oh it is no okay is this the last one this is the last one if i get if i get this right we have to do can we get it this podcast is sponsored it's like the timing sketch where they're bleeding out the eyes surge i was on the geminic show you didn't put that in my compilation i know i didn't put that i didn't put that together music video i didn't i didn't put it together i was surprised someone [ __ ] up someone dropped the ball now for sure it was a fan-made one oh god okay let's let's hear the last one okay over it so are we agreeing to this being double points i agree yeah i'm in yeah i've been sure oh good sport what a good sport okay what's the name so this is it yes this is it okay we're all in what's the name of the infamous haircut inspired by the show friends oh oh my god i thought you hate friends i hate friends i never seen in one episode and i know this infamous haircut inspired by friends should do would you guys both agree on a hint no absolutely not i actually have it i agree on a hint what the hell i already got the answer it's like give me a hand you already won you won you won you won give me a hit it's named after one of the main characters well i don't know i don't know which one it is the jerry i have a feeling it has to do with ross though mm-hmm no it's not that the chandler no that doesn't ring hmm and then the other guy i think people want to look like rush to raw oh i mean i guess he ross is kind of a stud well no he's a good phone yeah who cares i don't watch foreign that is the correct it is the rachel [Applause] [Music] i love winning oh my god jesus ah it was closer than you thought it would be yeah for sure but again it's down to the wire people deal with anything it goes to [ __ ] like the back my season of the bachelor went to [ __ ] because your people picked it dude you're engaged what are you talking about you're engaged you just bought a house with your fiance good point tough with this [ __ ] how dare you women okay cool we did it i won i love i always win though like i've never like lost you lost the last time that wasn't pop quarter trippy and that was a little [ __ ] first of all for all the [ __ ] talking you were doing the fact that i narrowed it down to even one point is kind of a w for me you are okay thank you thank you we'll have to what's up so i'll do math and science next time stupid that first time it was like i was close to you and it was all those like categories that were the same thing like history geography like it all had to do with the same [ __ ] it's like it needs to be more varied i'm down i loved it how come they have so many views like who's watching that episode again like oh let's watch i used more than 5th grader that was so boring that one was so boring oh my god chill why are you making fun of our audience they like it don't argue with that let them watch what what do we call this one are you smarter than a soccer mom i don't know what's the trivia you know are you smart oh i don't know this is hard is ethan smarter than trisha i don't know we'll figure it out we'll do some or i could just call it like shane has literally can't shane just or i saw one video go shane just ruined his comeback i like it but d'angelo wallace's next video maybe it was the exact moment just come back how about shane and roilyn ryland yeah literally just got arrested just makes it up yeah buy buy the internet please so it technically is an arrest okay technically okay before we wrap it up first of all i want to oh let's watch your music video okay before that teddy fresh thursday care bears release is coming out we'll look we'll look at it um together on um sadboy2005.com and mulholland drive is out now okay let's watch it do you want to watch it on yours and bring it up i'll watch it on my phone because it's connected oh it has um 72 000 views right now thank you guys for the love what what yeah recast it yeah you're not gonna like it though if you're not like you know an emo music you're not gonna like love well i'm i'm interested okay here we go okay sad boy 2005 trisha paytas reveals their brand new music video wrong side of mulholland drive oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we're gonna look back on this [ __ ] like you know like 20 years [Music] yeah [ __ ] this gender i'm going to another gender [Music] [Applause] kind of weird [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] two story lines happening in this video okay you got an a in a b plot yay [Music] [Applause] dude he can't even put through this archway with his little cherokee headphones [Music] oh [Music] it's just not fair that society doesn't accept you guys you don't fit in it's not what happening is about transforming something different i was a dumb girl and i'm a hot sexy evil [Music] i could have told you that [Music] good song good videos [Music] [Laughter] um i think it's really good thanks i have to get i have to say something yeah positive about you it was very very you were very prolific like you do so much i'm just i'm very impressed wait what do you mean what's prolific prolific means that you do so much like you're doing music you're doing videos you're doing you know you're doing only fans you're making youtube videos like you're you do a lot it's impressive and i mean it takes guts to go out there and make music i mean i know it's not easy to put yourself out there like that i'm impressed thanks i think it's just like being unhappy i'm just trying to find something to fill a void yeah but still like sometimes when i'm unhappy or i feel like i'm looking for sometimes i just i don't have the i don't still go out there and do it so it's impressive that you do it oh thanks that's so nice so we should give dixie to credit too cause dixie's doing it pixie oh dixie that's emilio oh we gotta give her credit she's not i don't know if she can get the title as prolific because literally all she does is this her time off when she's not making music i said tick tock dance they do the macarena did you see her dad his comment on the bahamas trip he's such a weirdo he's like we had to do what we had to do by going to the bahamas basically he's like [ __ ] you suck my dick my girls are famous i'm a cloud demon i'm a clout goblin could you imagine when theater was like 17 you're just like trying to like be in all the whatever's the new tick tock and you're like so embarrassed so embarrassing i would never if my kids are cool on an album you go be cool like you know who does that is not that she's anybody but candace cameron not no offense because she's like sweet but you know candace cameron dj tanner from full house she's like in all her daughters tic-tocs and like a little cringe it's like why do they allow that why do the parents allow this i mean the kids why are the kids allowed me to be like mom get the [ __ ] out of my dick you [ __ ] i think it's clout or something maybe i don't know anyway what kind of kid thinks having your parents in your videos clown that's like the anti-clout it's like the clout hole it's a black hole that sucks cloud out of you the cloud hole can i i can't thanks for everything i came across something that i need to so you hate jack's film and we found we did some investigating journalism oh no and we feel like jose yeah a little bit wait you still have my phone down what's gonna happen oh my god i'm scared i love being ambushed though you do yeah it gives me like an adrenaline rush like i'm on edge now what did i say well this is pretty solid really you keep saying you don't like jack's film oh wow and you know we we dug into the history a little bit you got it dan who dug into this 2012. who did you say jack's film says when i get back in la i want to do way more collabs sound good and you said yep i'll be over okay thanks bye you were begging mm-hmm you were like a weird fan of jack's films i got rejected i think but you were acting like you don't know who he is and you're acting like you're like begging him for a collapse on twitter like pathetic [ __ ] wait let me tell him multiple times through shane hold on hold on hold on he says who wants to be in my next music video want to shoot this weekend or sooner you said me please oh oh my god there's multiple tweets again oh i'm back in l.a let's make questionable choices together you said yes now you can make a ygs what's ygs your grammar sucks oh see you and your grammar sucks every single day oh [ __ ] bro you're a stan and you're mad that he didn't acknowledge you that's [ __ ] up you're going to delete all my tweets like you i'm going to just be like he's leaning on oh my god this is the best thing i ever did and then he again in 2013 a year later hey youtube gals who would like to be my girl in my upcoming dubstep solves everything free video me i'm your biggest fan jack no seriously though read it for yourself what year is this me i'm your biggest fan jack team well seriously though embarrassing oh [ __ ] i'm getting flogged so what the f so and i think it's just time to come clean that he just rejected yeah kids do wait well so can you confess that jack did not want to [ __ ] you he's he's i think that was ever the question brutally rejected the question was that he wanted to [ __ ] me i don't think that was the is debatable if he's a true man i think he's a poor boy he's married i don't consider him a man i think he's like a child but but you were coming on to him like very hard we saw it you were begging him like pathetic [ __ ] i see your point um i just have to stand up for my boy jack here a little bit i think i'll have to uh give you an answer on the next episode okay think about it come back to me with a good job i'm sure i have something in my files from him so i'm gonna look i'm gonna do a little investment okay good that'll be interesting something to look forward to yeah he's like how did i get in the middle of this [ __ ] he's the worst you ever hear from him about it no he's saying no jack is not the japanese word he's literally not the worst times me more than anybody i met will gibson three times and he remembered me jack's films can't be bothered to like remember that he dude he doesn't know who you are you've been tweeting at him he never responds no i met him three times to shane i met him at the stream he's next to david dobrik we were sitting at the same table right next to each other he doesn't know who you are that's some serious [ __ ] that's serious [ __ ] you're just so insulted by the fact he doesn't know who you are and he never responded to you i mean look i listen it's sad you're a fan of a guy you love him you look up to him he doesn't acknowledge you you're like the guy from the m m video oh dope i love stan yeah that's cool one is that what stands from from the eminent video it literally is oh wow i worked it out because i didn't know either wow what a tour de force of cultural influence i mean i'm killing it a stan is not a good thing though because they use it like it's like a stand for everyone bono stan but stan if you examine the music video stan is kind of a psycho obsessed over-obsessed only want fans that are obsessed with me i don't want middle-of-the-road pussyfoot patricia wasn't stan like like kind of like psycho murder go of your double gate obsessed i think eminem just didn't give him you know any attention give your fans attention give your stance attention that's moderate do not feed the stands i give people attention you want to reach out to me i'm here don't your biggest don't say that you literally just said people are breaking into my house i'm scared that was an h3 stand that came for me it wasn't a tristan sorry h3 stands don't break any why would i age three on the police report him texting that he was like saw me on the h3 podcast and he stands you and that's why he came on the show so why would he why would he go to your house and not my house if he's such a stan no he saw me on the show because he's an h3 stan like that was his verbiage and he came to my house because he said that he saw me on h3 that i needed love and he had to love me before i was about to die and i was like what the [ __ ] i disavow him you also just but it happened twice you said it happened twice yeah it did happen twice and are they both hd stands no no i didn't say [ __ ] so trisha so goes i'll give out money to anybody just hit me up and now she's saying hit me up first you gotta chill dude first of all some very clever so many people and i and i some people gave me video messages back thanking me for their money a lot of my fans don't thank me for the money that i give them but why are you giving out money who'd you give money to a lot of people and they gave me videos back and they were so sweet and they were like oh my gosh thank you trish the you know who were smart because i got so many after that show and the smart ones were the ones who put my chemical romance lyrics in the title so i i paid out everyone who gave me my chemical romance lyrics and it would kind of tell you emails [ __ ] forever though now why how much did you give them i think 500 to each person what moses you gotta hold your you guys what you got mortgages and [ __ ] now you can't be just passing out five hundred dollars people mean why that's a lot of money how much money did you she was the savior of the broken and she like how much money did you give away i don't think that's like 5k she was so happy like she gave me this whole video saying hi you got it you gotta you gotta chill i mean what happened to oh i'm a socialist let's give out our money to the poor people like let's do it i want okay give away all your money you're right i just won two thousand dollars trans equality you're getting this and also anyone who i want i want the government i like the ones who give me like some backup people providing receipts they're like hey this is my negative five hundred dollar bank account i was like oh [ __ ] i can photoshop that [ __ ] you know i gave away a hundred thousand dollars on twitter and there was almost no but there was a few people gave me genuine thanks but a lot of people were like oh really didn't thank you no that's not true i got a couple of really nice messages but some of the stuff was like some people didn't even respond yeah but that was like so nice i love that you did that but i was also like hell annoying because like on the twitter was just oh here's our winners here's our winners okay let's do it on a different platform but great i love that you did it that's why you didn't even i wasn't doing podcasts or anything at the time so twitter is kind of the only thing i had and you deleted all the tweets to hide the evidence yes you remember when you were getting so pissed that i was like tweeting in hebrew and you're like what the [ __ ] no yeah you talked about the podcast you were getting so pissed i wasn't so pissed oh my god you guys made like five episodes about it about me saying like something in hebrew like love and you're like oh my god there's a [ __ ] no get the [ __ ] do a compilation of every time ethan was like annoyed about something i tweeted that had nothing to do with him they're all erased but the h3 podcast you talk about okay find the time like you have nothing better to do with your time i mean people be digging people be finding the craziest [ __ ] from back teddyfresh.com i support that next week we can look at everything together if you're okay with that okay what well because it comes out this thursday at 5 00 am and i want to i like to look at the photos like we did last time was fun i have nothing to promote next week oh but next week starts valentine's day month so i guess we need a do you have any sport videos you want to promote only to shock i'll promote next week let's get some squirt videos out there okay that's good right that probably nets you the most money but yeah no but people know where to find it but you probably make the most money when you when we promote your only fans right oh yeah oh yeah okay next time we'll do a whole little promo i'll do something special for the friend of mine do something crazy like pooping on moses you can't do that on frenemies can you i mean you can't do that on the only pants you can't poop on only fans no or pornhub or any of those things didn't that one girl the fetish girl say she were pooping we talked to a fetish girl on after dark who says she did this thing called fruit looping do you know what that is no those were commissioned videos oh it wasn't through only fans so she could get her account deleted you can't sell them either you know what fruit looping is she they're acting like this is common knowledge it's when you prolapse your butthole and then eat fruit oh that is why no numbering that is why i don't choose to watch the h3 podcast because it's disgusting are you learning things this is educational cultural uh trivia next time we do cultural trivia what is fruit looping it's an important question now everybody at home knows prolapsing the anus and eating fruit loops i guess just gaping just gaping gabriel i have a gaping butthole gaping buttholes and fruit loops out of the gaping bottle and she told me they had to put a sponge in to hold the milk because the ass is just too absorbent uh if that's true she'll get kicked off only fan so i hope she didn't say her name all right well that's the episode yep so i hope you guys enjoyed trisha wins this time very well played good job yeah who shelly we should just talk hebrew and then we could say what you want to say they have letters on it sad boy oh there's my logo nice oh that's awesome thanks how do you get that done um a really good nail artist his name is john legend he does all the kardashians he's very good yeah he's great how much should cost to get your nails done like that 900 but i give him a good tip he i think normally he's like i don't know i don't know but i give him a tip because he comes from a house he's great he's accommodating and welcome how long does it take to do that a few hours he's dope mr snappy over here yeah fantastic thanks oh okay oh we can't announce anything anyways we can't say it for a while nevermind okay thank you next week guys shout out to honey i wish we had tater tots maybe next time no i can't do the tater tots i'm trying to lose weight what is valentine's day month month you want a whole month of eating 14. all right guys bye bye you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,347,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: ieFw_2kCdLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 47sec (7787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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