Jewish Trivia Contest, David Dobrik & Scotty Sire - Frenemies #24

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"You're going to do a water birth??.. oh of course you are.." fucking SENT me

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 251 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gamechangerjosie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 171 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/twiIghtprincess ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œOkay let me just issue another apology. Noah, Dixie, and the Jews- โ€œYouโ€™re just gonna clump Noah and Dixie with the Jews?โ€

Killed me

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 115 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The portion where Trisha was gatekeeping Dan from being Jewish was gold.

And Ethan like "You're one day of Hebrew training away from spitting at girls in Fairfax." LMAO

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 350 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hyuckismysun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"I look like a fat bitch on this show every week"

"You're my favourite fat bitch tho"


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 379 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Terminus-Paradis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I laughed so hard at Trisha writing the 10 commandments ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 142 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThundrousProphet ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This episode is full of Trisha quote gold, I canโ€™t even pick a favorite

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 191 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/confusionwithak ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œI know my cousin fucked his sister and now they have a babyโ€ -Trisha

Edit: omfg

โ€œWe should hire Dโ€™Angelo Wallaceโ€ โ€œI think heโ€™s... okay, done.โ€ I love when Ethan just agrees and says theyโ€™ll hire/have someone on ๐Ÿ’€

โ€œI said he had anglesโ€ LMAO I knew it was him, this ep. is great lmao

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 200 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thiccums___ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone got a link to Philly D calling them the worst humans?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 105 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reeft ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] shalom everybody shalom shalom uh welcome to frenemies today we are doing jewish trivia because trisha stepping to me of all people the king of the jews aka and um you really think you can beat me at jewish trivia uh yes you gotta hit that i don't know if baaru has that yeah i don't think it does it does not have no [Music] today of course as a haseed remember when i called you a histic jew before i met you on the on your podcast i said they're hasidic jews yeah when i put this outfit on you said to me that's how i imagined you before i met you and i was like what the first video you did about me where you like were hateful on my appearance or that i was photoshopping was my initial reaction was like oh this is a hasidic jew like pissed at me but i was dressed normally but your internal was hasidic you think i was i was conveying a conservative view on the world or something yeah well just in my experience acetic jews like actually do like spit on you in fairfax oh for real for real oh well don't go on fairfax i used to live by uh good at you i only throw hands with those [ __ ] it happened twice and one time his daughter was taking pictures there's like a jewish school uh right there by erwan because i just live by the palazzo and it's right there so i just go walk to get my nails done there and one of the a couple of the girls were getting pictures of me well my shirt said like pornhub or which i had no idea and the dad came and literally like what he like grabbed her like he like spit on me like like what are you doing with this trap like that like that's all i know if i see the jews yeah they're the worst i mean with peace and love of course and they're the worst well and women are not allowed to like pray but non-orthodox jewish women can pray and they can wear the tally yeah so a little bit of a story when growing up because my lib ass uh and reformed my ass is so reformed we had a female rabbi which i thought was normal but when i went to israel apparently me and eli tried to get married in israel and every all a marriage is run through the state it's not like here where you can't go off and get like elope you know what i mean like it has to go through the state it has to go through the rabbit night and all this [ __ ] it's like a very religious doctrine yeah and so i was like i have to prove to them that i'm jewish to get married to evo i thought that was your birthright that's how you did a birthright trip because you're yeah but like but like apparently they take the marriage thing more seriously oh my god how'd you approve it so i had so i got a letter from my rabbi stating that i'm a bar mitzvah and that i'm jewish and that my family lineage goes all the way back and they're like you are they're like do you think i'm [ __ ] stupid i can't accept this [ __ ] from your female rabbi we don't acknowledge her i was like holy [ __ ] i was like wow okay so my dad had to go to some synagogue in las vegas where they lived at the time and bribe some bribe which i love that this is somehow more official he gave a donation to the synagogue so that they would write me a letter saying i was jewish oh my god he was like the original roy laughlin right like oh because i'm painting well let's get into the jewish world my credentials are real that's what i mean that's true they said they said that were they then get a female rabbi is that a real thing or was that just like a forward thing i i don't know i mean in america well they're recognizing it's super reformed no not by the rabbidite in israel so it's not real so you're bar mitzvah maybe no but my lineage as a jew is real right because you did a dna test right you're i'm like yeah exactly i'm so excited i hope i win so i can say i beat a jew like one against can you be a jew well my genetic makeup doesn't necessarily indicate how well i'm gonna do a trivia you know you should though if you like grew up that way and you went to hebrew school i agree you would think that i would perform better than you but i'll say just based on what i know about you and our time together is that you i've i expect you to win for some reason i mean i hope so i've been that there again you literally didn't even know about the holocaust existed like a month ago holocaust aside i do know jewish history very well because i was like a poser most of my life how can you not know about the holocaust know about jewish trivia because every jewish guy i've dated never brought that up they brought up rosh hashanah so i had to like learn what that is you know like all these things and now with my israeli fiance i have to learn about okay well we'll put you to the test today that's for sure so i hope we i hope we have a lot of like israeli like jewish hebrew maybe not so much holocaust although holocaust there better be a question about the holocaust that's very important if you want to come here and act like you're a jew of my pedigree anne frank is on the cover of time magazine this month so shout out to her delayed why is she on the time why i don't know she didn't even die in the holocaust i looked that up did you know that she like kind of started she didn't what she died in a concentration camp no no no no i think that's false i'm pretty sure her younger siblings died in the concentration camp and she went on to like work and stuff like that girl you are so wrong i don't think so because i looked up and i was like what's her tragedy anne frank died in 1945 in bergen-belsen concentration camp in germany oh i already lost yeah but i do love what are you coming out here with this [ __ ] and frank trivia like what are you even talking about i swear i looked that up i said you didn't look [ __ ] up i said it yesterday to moses and he didn't disagree with me he's like oh that makes sense well i don't think moses necessarily knows much either to be frank to be honest oh my god he is an oh jew also do i kind of like the virgin mary in this i kind of like it i feel like a cosplay by the way according to conservatives you sh it's a sacrilege for you to wear that not orthodox women can wear it virgin mary was jewish so technically that is nice blasphemous you know if mary no she wasn't wait oh yeah she was you're right and also did you know it's basically crushing them they paint the virgin mary as caucasian but she would actually be more like middle eastern looking mm-hmm yes i do know that jesus was not a blind yeah in case you're wondering jesus was not a blond-haired blue-dyed uh aryan master race he's literally a middle eastern [ __ ] jew from like two thousand years ago that dude was like crusty ass like peasant he was a crusty ass peasant bro you know what i mean like go to go to israel and you'll see what he looked like who was friends with the [ __ ] so for anyone who's like trisha you do only fans and love jesus like he was friends with jesus like horns and stuff yeah jesus was a shady dude is what we're trying to say no he was shooting dice and everything bro i'm a jew for jesus just fyi like i do believe in jewish culture and judaism but i'm also a jew for jesus so jews do not just for the record jew for jesus is like a real a huge sacrilege it's in israel there's jews for jesus yeah they're considered freaks are they getting stoned no so i think it's okay in israel no because in israel we don't stone people for their religious beliefs people don't get stoned in israel for they don't you know what i mean yeah for sure that's kind of something that happens elsewhere um like uh like uh like uh alabama no i'm kidding i see we have are you eating these today there's buns with our hebrew okay so here before we begin the jewish trivia i was given this gift by unnecessary inventions on um i don't know this is the glizzy gripper now you say you've never tried a hot dog right in fact if anyone can find me eating a hot dog i'll give you a thousand dollars because i really don't think i've ever the search begins someone's already located it so let me show you because eating a hot dog can be very compromising for example watch this oh that doesn't look that bad because the wiener wasn't facing the camera you should have the winner facing the camera like this so yeah but don't oh it's a lot of bread they're big dogs so are you officially off keto okay love it's better honestly it's can i tell you i lost two pounds this week and i've been like stuffing my face why i got an elliptical machine and i do it every night for like two hours and i did it for three days and i lost two pounds so um yeah two hours every day and i watch yeah i watch podcasts while i do it it's great we have this whole new watching my podcast or you watch impulsive i did watch your podcast you did you what yeah i didn't watch impulsive it's kind of been going down lately but i i watched your podcast oh really prove it wait what is happening here okay so because it's real i can prove it because it's so embarrassing to be eating a hot dog in public the glizzy gripper makes it so that you can eat your hot dog in peace and serenity watch wow also wait wait a second you said these are kosher but jewish people can't eat pork it's cow it's beef all beef so it's fake hot dog who's this why are you keeping hot dogs because we're in our jewish gear today like i feel like we should honor our traditions okay we'll take one without and let's see how compromising it is oh yeah that's compromising that is a lot you usually have to pay for that stop how dare you these are these are i can't you can spit it out okay if it's really that bad someone get her a bucket or something oh i'm gonna cry church i've seen you eat some horrid [ __ ] and you're gonna piss me off oh my god why does it taste like bologna right it does kind of taste like baloney um oh my god i just hate the like smell of hot dogs like even in those korean fried cheese things i get if there's a wiener in there i like cannot eat it like it's like i can smell it through the thing well i think where the scent try the try to bite it just so you can know where to hide this yeah you can just get rid of that get rid of it where just on the plate whatever okay so now try it out because the first time i was are we being sponsored by grizzly gear today glizzy gripper this looks even worse this looks like i'm trying to blow somebody in private go ahead take a bite from the glizzy clip gripper you see that it's so secretive it looks like a sucking dick how dare you say that is this your invention no unnecessary inventions on tick tock made this and sent me the original glizzy gripper i like that we're a mukbang channel now we're a mukbang podcast well i'm gonna take one more bite because i love these dogs and i'm not gonna get a chance to eat another one since either will not allow it you're skinnier i think you look skinnier to this week actually i do think okay i don't know how this angle is well good job for being kosher am i invited to pass over this year really my mom wanted to invite you for dinner oh no but we're all like let me see if she really wants to do that your mom no my mom i wanted to see if you guys really wanted to do that yeah she did text moses that but i didn't know if she was just being polite or like you know people are like let's do dinner and then you're like i don't know if you're actually we really want to but we're like it's fine um whatever let's talk about it later we have plenty to get to today are we gonna have your you should have your mom on the podcast for mother's day i've had my parents on the podcast how to do did it perform well yeah people were interested okay well i have a startup david on today too shout out to david shout out to david who's david go ahead who's david who's david jewish expert david and goliath actually wrong yeah is it not david and goliath thank you what i thought it was king david nope same guy oh it's the same guy wow that guy has a quite a reputation he defeated a giant and oh i didn't know that what a legend he does deserve a star know who let's not confuse king david with david dobrik though that is not cause can you take these glizzies out of here because i won't want to stop eating why why do you say call them glizzies yeah are we is this a david dobrik free episode this week no we can talk about it it's just the thing about david dobrik obviously excuse me let me just finish the thing about david dobrik is he sucks you look great as a his seed yeah i do kind of look good as a history you know h m got in trouble for selling scarves that looked like this not that long ago so maybe i will get in trouble actually i don't know by the way you guys noticed the bleached curlies to commemorate my bleached hair by the way i just wanted to point out that my hair you look cry i have the exact same hair as this character from the fifth element i just want to point it out before we move on thank you thank you you remember this guy from the fifth element oh my god you do look like literally his hair whoa and he was a sex icon in that movie so wait really yeah look i've actually never seen the fifth element i just know cosplay like i know you guys should dress up as them you kind of are already no but like with the full outfits and everything which one is that is that the one with orange hair or someone else well you should just watch the movie i'm down i'll do it okay we could all be that so obviously first of all i want to congratulate you on your vulture feature that was pretty cool i'm in the print copy this week we couldn't we're trying to get a copy before we came but we couldn't find new york magazine but i'm in the print copy this week of new york magazine so if someone let me know where to find it apparently it's just so popular everyone bought it out already no i don't think it didn't even have it at our location but i was so excited because like you know a lot of people like you know deaf noodles d'angelo wallace they were getting the feature i was like okay everyone's getting featured on it but they're like yours is gonna be in the print and i was like oh you got a big ass feature they did like photo shoots yeah they're like coming into my house and i don't know you got naked for them was that odd moses was there the whole time um no for me it's not it's just funny because moses was there so i was kind of like awkward a little bit was it awkward or what does you did you were cause you said the neighbors you you said that at some point yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fair no i'm always naked like effort of everybody community trisha come on no but like for music videos or photos i love being i just like to be i'd rather be naked in front of people and it gets weird when people think it's weird like you would rather be naked than clothes all the time because i do think i look a little better naked because my belly shows through clothes more so so anyway there was something that in that article that i found interesting apparently you've written seven self-help books is that self-help i mean sorry sorry it says you've written 11 self-help books not self-help but books so this is not an accurate article are you sure it's self-help i swear to god this is a direct copy and paste did it say self-help i was like girl you i wrote one selfie you should be reading self-help books not writing them that well they got that wrong because they fact checked with me and i went through and i said well they said originally like 13 books but i actually wrote 11 books only one of them is self-help it's called curvy and loving it i wrote it in 2009. you have authority on that thank you yeah just like body positivity so that was like self-help like how do you like how have you written 11 books are you making money from these books where are these yeah i get like a couple hundred a month and i wrote them in like 2009 or something i wrote them before any youtuber wrote books i was like the og publishing on shout out amazon self publishing like i was like publishing so many books i have like three life stories i have history of my insanity you have three different life stories are they all yeah there's only 24 when i wrote them oh my goodness and then i have a horror movie book it's called trisha's 31 nights of fright i have oh i have a i have an erotic fiction called tease oh my god i have a lot i don't know i just like writing i have a poetry book i have i have a lot of books you're a prolific uh author i didn't know that i did not proofread any of it so i think i have a lot of well shout out to vulture for saying you've written 11 self-help books well not self-help books i didn't know they put that there that's kind of crazy have you read your own article be honest um no yeah because it kind of seemed mean at first i was like wait is she kind of being like shady towards i read the whole thing it was nice but it was like a little shade like she kind of well yeah because well she was yeah the tone was like she should be cancelled but she's uncancelable but she's irresistible i mean i i feel like it was fair but they also had like two trump mentions and i'm not sure why that was synonymous with me like why were they throwing that in there it was more like back in the day you supported mitt romney because he was whatever it doesn't matter you should i just don't like the political aspect of it i didn't read i just skimmed it but you know i was cool i like all attention so i was like thank you yeah honestly like thank you everybody for liking me this year this past six months has been pretty solid trisha's queen it's gonna change eventually i'm gonna yeah yeah yeah of course me too you know i feel like people like me now too which is odd because the past like three years been nothing but people barely [ __ ] hating wait really i feel like that i mean people really like you but yeah maybe maybe i just get too focused on the controversies but there's just been a lot of them and it's just been so [ __ ] exhausting with like everybody's just angry at me all the time because i just talk i come on these podcasts and i talk and i talk and i talk and then there's i say this and they don't like that so they clip just that and then they get mad at me and then i just you know but i'm evolving i feel like i'm getting better i am evolving what we have to do i haven't gotten in trouble in a long time right dan so that's pretty good i feel like i'm evolving i mean we're also just old like it's embarrassing if we're like you know doing problematic behavior at 50 you know well i'm 35 first of all might as well be 15. my me i don't think i'm old i'm almost dead well that might be true but i die tomorrow i always talk about that sorry let's skip that i'll be there okay so please obviously we have a ton of updates we've the thing is about david dobrik first of all is just that we've both talked about it individually yeah so i don't i don't necessarily want to come out here and rehash but overall like what did you think about the scotty oh my god yeah we didn't talk about that on this podcast no we haven't talked about it together just even this morning literally this morning i said i'm still so perplexed by this video like why did he like literally the dumbest person and i don't know if he's just dumb i don't know what it is like it was so stupid but like bottom line when i was thinking about it i was thinking like this is like i think you might have said it or one of the other podcasts i was watching is like if this is the mentality they're all thinking right everyone stood behind this video i know david he like has to approve videos like he has to make sure everyone's on board with it so they approve this so everyone thinks they're like not in the wrong like that's what's so crazy like david clearly is not sorry because rob's like why don't you just apologize because he's not sorry which is insane two they're like they think they're in the right which is even scarier like that's so cool well so yeah so um right i uh and also it's evident by the fact that david cut out a piece of his text saying oh look seth asked for a third time and sent him a voice memo you can hear him talking so the fact that david sent him that clip is basically proof that not only is this what david thinks but probably what they all think that's crazy and so like i thought he was trying to brush another wrong because he knows he like [ __ ] up but no like he's like they like doubled down with it and was like we're we're totally fine it's like you're not even making those vlogs anymore why don't you say like i'm a stupid kid whatever yeah i don't know why he can't apologize no because he's not not sorry i literally don't think he thinks he has anything to say sorry for i think he literally thinks he's totally cool everything's in the right and then the rental lawsuit what are they gonna sue seth for you're the one who did this to him what are you doing except for yeah he threatened to sue me and seth by the way which what for what for defamation well they the scottie clearly doesn't know what he's talking about because he's like you're the reason for this whole thing snowballing and i was like [ __ ] how about the fact that david didn't [ __ ] address this for like two years how about that bigger it should be yeah a snowball a snowball is like a rumor this should be like this literally should be news because this is so ins this is so it is going to be news i've talked to like why we won't say but like i've talked to so many people that like have come forward and like they had me like validate some people's like experiences or whatever like that but or like verify it and like so many people are coming for it like it's not just like one two three people that are oh and when he called seth bitter because his career popped up corny literally punch him in the face because i was like first of all scotty neither did your career nobody literally knows who you are anymore no one even knew we were in the vlogs and he's trying so hard and then when he's like sorry that you're just like bitter about this what yeah it was so it's and the thing about scotty again i'm not super familiar with the dynamics i would say my name i wish he would say my name in that because there's so much [ __ ] i was like oh i just wish he would see he said my name he said my name and we went to war if you check his wiki feed score damn why don't you pull that up oh my god he's got a [ __ ] one dude he's out of one he got so demolished by the foot soldiers he's basically underground he's six feet deep at this point i think you're a cult leader with this foot thing that you got going on yeah okay so you have no problems with cults and now you don't have a problem with cults not mine i don't mind i'm not in that cult you're a foot soldier stop no i'm not check your foot rating and then talk to me about colts probably really high i don't like the foot thing that you're talking about he has one dude he started this whole this whole apology tour or well defense store at 4.8 on wikifee are you pulling it up dan oh well i'm just gonna edit it and so he started at 4.8 he's now down to one trisha do you understand the power that i yield as the foot general i hate this one thing i can't even like bro it's so funny with this it's wikipedia it's wikipedia okay girl well good thing i don't make my podcast for an audience of just you but now we're here together so maybe we should go past foot thing because it triggers me why it just does i can't explain okay okay he's a one though it's pretty funny it's pretty epic you look like goldilocks and the three bears had a baby so anyway yeah i mean the thing about say that again i think i missed something nothing say it again in a good way in a good way wait i didn't hear you like if goldilocks and the three bears had a baby that's what you look like oh like beastiality the product of bestiality it's okay and like fables bestiality is never okay trisha how dare you and fairy tales you you're like unless she's shane apparently because you overlooked the fact that he just done a scat for like three years oh did you see oh did you see rylan's cousin confirmed that on tick tock no wait he has a g he has a betrayer in his own family yeah and she goes she goes everything trisha said is right like wait why are people in his own family betraying him that's a gozard bro that looks just like ryland it looks just like he she looks just like riley yo pull that up i want to watch that yeah okay so this is apparently rylan's cousin now we obviously have absolutely no confirmation of that obviously other than the fact that she looks like him right i guess what you're saying is like maybe it's not but it is yeah no we have to acknowledge that okay okay unless i see like a photo of them together you know what i mean okay we could probably investigate research it but well yeah click around her account ian maybe she has got he's gonna come for us for not doing our scotty he's gonna sue me for defaming his friend shane you've definitely [ __ ] on a cat with peace and love according to this cousin why would her kids go okay let's watch this first why wouldn't it because we're gonna get a bunch of hate for this but pretty much every single thing that trisha paytas has said about both of them violin and shane was 100 accurate like she was not lying he [ __ ] his cat okay how would this girl know rylance how would rylan's cousin know shane [ __ ] this guy i know my cousin [ __ ] his sister your cousin [ __ ] his sister yeah and had a baby but that's so okay and it looks like the baby from deliverance who do you remember no no i remember i just wrapped my head around what you just said it looked just like him um wow um and that's how you know what that was that's your wow that's your cousin so she's not even cousins with shane that's what i'm saying shane [ __ ] his cat when he was a kid how would his cousin know about shane [ __ ] his cat maybe it's something they've said like it's out there like you know what i mean when something's out there you're like oh [ __ ] how do we cover i gotta say this is not the most credible no she's actually she has other ones about rylan like and they're there's more send them along like if there's a picture with him but let's focus our hatred we've already shane is already buried hate them just don't [ __ ] your cat like it's not a fable right right goldilocks and three bear okay well that didn't happen in the fable just to be clear goldilocks did never [ __ ] the bears just for just to clarify that she slept in their beds all three of them they weren't there bro then when they came back they ate her ass they didn't eat her ass didn't they eat her or she ran away i think they [ __ ] demolished her i think in the original like grimm brothers they ate the [ __ ] out of her they're like [ __ ] the forge we got dinner now look at you flexing your english major saying grimm brothers okay we'll see who's expressive because like you sucked at english trivia and now you're like okay grimm brothers hey chill chill daddy yeah these well did they eat or what what about the plot the plot symnosis of goldie bears they're like the [ __ ] thought the porch was [ __ ] lukewarm and she didn't like the beds and that's the whole story you know the coen brothers are jewish yeah cohen duh what does that mean it's like a jewish name yeah do you know what it means cohen i don't think it's a hebrew word okay it's probably on trivia so let's not okay what does cohen mean no no if it's on trip not on trivia wait are you jewish jan wait which half of your mom or dad my dad which is fake right the mom's got a girl you don't even have [ __ ] in you more favorite thank you than me yeah stop who are you we've got like a jewish supremacist over here my old dad's side of the family is jewish so yes i'm not jewish but mom's got to be jewish he said he's not jewish or you you're screaming f well you're you're like one day of hebrews training away from spitting at girls on the street on fairfax if it wasn't coveted honestly like i feel like it would be okay to spit on people maybe like james charles because he's a predator and why is james charles's backpack okay like normal there yeah okay okay okay so anyway no repercussions for anyone crystalia is literally getting like going to jail again like he's [ __ ] crazy that's the point i keep making about um there's a [ __ ] how do i born with 2.5 crystallia should not have come back just like scottie tried to show me the video crystallia should not have okay so here's the video and turned back i am totally sick of seeing my friends names like the liked the good reputation one big nick said he like i said i liked him i'm like scott you're like the one that has no problems he's confident exactly and so i'm pretty sure again i'm just i'm just making guesses here i don't obviously don't know anything but it seems to me like this was a calculated move by the vlog squad to try to deflect these accusations so they sent scotty out ela made a good point she's like that's like you sending me out to apologize every time you get in trouble because people like you mock me more than you i was like but that's just even more sense because you're like having a relationship together like he's not in a relationship jason he's never there when southwest they never filmed together he never hit the apartment like i'm so confused why he spoke on this like it's so i'm so perplexed well anyway the whole if you haven't seen the video it's called high on scotty's channel and it's just total it's just it's like victim shaming one-on-one when i first watched this like i i'll be honest i was upset i i was like kind of charged up because i was like these [ __ ] guys have the balls after everything says been through to come out here and threaten him and try to humiliate him and assassinate his character and all this [ __ ] and pile it on him it's like this is literal victim shaming 101 and the fact that like in this day and age people can come out here and still do like you could have just said you're [ __ ] sorry and people would have gained respect for you and just let you be on your [ __ ] way but the fact that you come out here with this whole spiel about how we're good people we know who we are he's a piece of [ __ ] he did this and he did that and and also ignoring all the [ __ ] points that we actually made like the fact that the first one wasn't consented to that there's a clip of david and jason talking on views saying that it was admitting that it was racially motivated and that he knew he was going to ruin his his he was going to get [ __ ] for three to five years that they knew he was from englewood and that homosexuality isn't accepted there which made it so sorry compton and that homosexuality isn't accepted there which made it better in david's eye yeah he totally glossed over all that he tried to say like you're ruining people's lives seth you're gonna get in trouble for this like and also i know you already made this point too but literally we keep saying the call thing but like this was like actually so scary when he's like we know who we are it's like yeah you have nothing to do with it no one's accusing you of anything about being a nice guy and now we're like what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people like are you brainwashed are you stupid are you like in debt like i don't know what it is i think it's just a mega uh echo chamber where they're all in like this group chat together they all spend time together and it's like this is the this is the correct response from david it was so scary though that they like they i really do think now when i like i got inside on what they think they probably think everyone is better i talked to someone who like left the group after me or whatever and she was saying the stuff that they said about me after i left and stuff um like crazy like saying that i i threatened to kill some of them like they're like i think they're like delusional or something like they're [ __ ] what if there is if there's all these people leaving who are apparently just bitter losers don't you think that's at a certain point right after more than once that happening doesn't that speak more to your organization than the people leaving you know it's like when the teacher is teaching all these students and they're all [ __ ] filling the class it's like doesn't that speak more of you as a teacher than the students who are all failing apparently about that video like i honestly like there was like literally no words because i i watched it like i was driving home and like literally there was like no words like i made my video while my mom's like sitting next to me in the car because i was just so sorry you made it when you're driving i was like you know she can wait man charge up i was like no it was like making me like so i don't think i've ever been so angry from a video because he was like saying like when he said the stuff like david's amazing and jason's great i'm like he doesn't have a bad bone in his body it's like yeah i'm glad he's nice to you dude oh my god and then just trying to like and like oh he would just bring up stuff anyways it was just i i like i'm still so bad i'm down to watch it again but i think people will be angry yeah i mean it's i guess at this point but it's so good just go it's called high which apparently is [ __ ] annoying too like hi like that's what you that's where you title your video hi like i'm sorry [ __ ] i thought it was more serious than just hi [ __ ] and he's so smug in the video and just like everything and i'm like but you know as the kids would say in the tic tac like oh he thought he did something you know on tic tacs where people think they're gonna get like oh everyone's gonna be behind me on this and everyone's just like no well at first everyone was like yeah because the david fans don't understand like the narrative they put forward it omits all the [ __ ] evidence and so all the people all the david fans who are still defending him haven't seen this clip of jason and david talking about how it was racially motivated that they knew it would ruin his life for three to five years like it omits all this [ __ ] and so they still think of seth as like a clout chaser who just didn't get all the clout he wanted and so left bitterly and now i was trying to destroy it if anything i feel like seth was scared because video is supposed to come on the podcast on friday your guys's podcast and yeah he's like no thanks because he just didn't want more drama or whatever yeah because well once when someone like that goes out goes officially and says i hope and scotty says of david who obviously he's talking with right in in cahoots with in this video he says date you should face repercussions and i hope you do legal repercussions i was like okay scotty that's so and you know what like if it's the truth no one can sue you if you say you're the truth if you say what yeah that's just like the guy obviously doesn't understand uh defamation lawsuits at all because clearly it's on video happening how are you gonna [ __ ] sue a guy for giving his [ __ ] opinion on something that happened to him and he goes he goes ethan didn't do his research i'm like you [ __ ] idiot i'm talking to the firsthand person's account what more research can i [ __ ] do it's literally from the horse's mouth as they say that the bitter comment really just because i've been watching that woody allen thing and that's what they almost got such a freak he's like oh she's better because i fell in love with it i know it's weird woody allen is such a monster it sucks i was like i said in my bio like i was without like i love you he is a monster those even the phone calls that he taped he sounds so crazy and psychotic on um those documentaries are so depressing so messed up and just evidence once again of what people can get away without facing repercussions this guy went on to keep making videos to keep collaborating with huge celebrities and huge people in the industry after i can't even i honestly can't even say it he he did the most unspeakable uh acts on his kids and on his family yeah on [ __ ] five-year-old daughter and like obviously like another daughter and like that same daughter he tried to get custody of and i was like what the hell anyways my whole point of that is he did the same thing to he said to the press like oh mia pharaoh's bitter because like buy that [ __ ] yeah so when scott said i'm like that is like the thing and like i victim shaming 101 101 he hit every [ __ ] victim-shaming fallacy there is i can't wait for the day like honestly i'm like right i can't i'm actually like actually can't wait for the day that a vlog squad remember says my name because it's like a spoken world like you can't say trisha they cut it out one time he was on live and someone asked joe said my name and that was the only live he never re-uploaded because it's in my name so like people are like not allowed to speak my name so i like wait for the day that someone says my name because like honestly i will go all the way off including scotland have you already gone all the way off scott how about you doing drugs and having sex with while jason's kids are in your house they all live together here we go we're going off and have zayn todd you guys bring girls home while jason's kids are right next to you bedroom next to each other jason's down here and tom and jason's son and daughter are right here and they're jason's bang or topping [Applause] ah that is crazy multiple houses two houses they moved to another house and jason moved with them and with his kids yeah and they stayed the night all the time the first house jason and his kids shared a room it's awesome it's like having your kids stay in a frat house oh it was disgusting like i could hear todd like banging people upstairs and their their rooms were right next to each other and i was like what like wow you guys are disgusting and freaks and well to be honest yeah to be honest these these are kids and that's really falls on jason for being on absolute [ __ ] feasibility now though that video scott is like not it like you are 30 years old you thought like that was crazy the amount of like yeah no it was it's uh it's well i'm happy to say d'angelo wallace left the message who's [ __ ] yeah we're team d'angelo okay i flipped you because you hated d'angelo you wouldn't even call in because he was on the show right right that's true i didn't know anything about him once i watched his shane i'm literally i'm a d'angelo stan really good like at researching things yeah really good you should hire him i think he's okay done um but he left a comment he said scotty are you trying did david ask you to do this or are you just losing subs for fun i was like you go off deangelo why is he so smart yeah he's pretty awesome honestly like and then pewdiepie said something which doesn't really say anything about anything and the fact that he's and he's a bro right like i feel like bros like logan paul defends david and stuff and like bro he's a smart guy he's pewdiepie is an insightful guy he's a you know what i mean like he did a video about me with no makeup right after you did which was like a little insulting but okay whatever well we're still friends you know sometimes you miss the mark and sometimes i didn't know that that was your brand like you know you are oh anyway whatever we've talked to us a million times but forgive pewdiepie for that not forgive pewdiepie but not the other person that we didn't talk about last episode which i almost spilled beans on but i won't oh i won't bring that up again that part he's been through enough why did that get so much drama it was like all over well because because i went i don't know if you saw but in the previous episode without you on after dark i was talking about it a lot with the crew and so i think people got charged up trying to guess who it was and then we talked about it and so everybody was just like who is this person hear from that person no would you tell me you think i just have a lot no i would tell you oh you would yeah i didn't hear from him i he said he told me last time we spoke have a nice life so well that's nice of him at least have a nice life he could have said he could have said have a bad life right so he wished me a good life i wish him a good life too i do too and for the record i really didn't fat shame him i said he has angles that was the whole okay anyway sorry whoa sorry everybody knows who it is okay but people but people were thinking i fashioned him i literally said i watched the clip back we didn't well you were kind of a dick to him but i wasn't i i feel like i was defending him did you see on the podcast he called us the two worst humans ever yes yeah okay i was like bro and that was before he confronted me so i was like wow you really i was like you really didn't think highly of me for a long time mr okay yeah he's it's fine i don't want he's not jewish i will say people went and were harassing him which is [ __ ] up he's catholic he's a good honestly he's a good guy we just uh please he's he's one of the good ones i mean i don't know if you wouldn't call him a good person if you put it in the realm of like he's upset and that's fine he's going through stuff if you put in the realm of like james charles who's out there predatoring on six-year-old kids like he's a guy he's a great guy he's not doing that is that the standard we have though he's like well he's well no listen we we had a bout it's not like he's a [ __ ] like trisha how many people have you been the worst human buy okay fine whatever well if i don't do angles anymore look at me i look like a fat [ __ ] on the show every week uh you're my favorite fat [ __ ] though thank you i feel like we can call each other i guess you can't call him fat i guess you can't call people you don't know fat maybe that's the rule of thumb well he's obviously really insecure about his weight i get it and so you hit him in a soft spot but i felt like i was different literally but like i was off belly that's not an insult i love a belly well anyway i felt like i was defending him so when i watched that clip back i was like that's not really fact-shaming but okay it's all we're obviously everyone knows who we're talking about at this point but whatever who cares leave him alone best wishes to him and his family oh yeah yeah so did we mention he has a family we don't get more clues but it's like the cat's out of the bag okay so anyway um you know the only place david is getting feedback because he's filtering it everywhere else tick tock youtube everywhere the only place he's actually getting feedback is on the app store reviews for his new for his new uh app dyspo wait what is in the app store or yeah why is this just the ad oh i'm sorry did you see this ad we made the the uh you saw it here i'm gonna play it for everyone who didn't see it yeah david put out this ad for dyspo and i was kind of shocked by because he's he's looking at old photos and like a shoe box you know it's so weird and crying but the photos he chose kind of struck me as odd what do you guys think seth is getting kissed by jason i was like wow that's the stuff you want to remember you know well maybe he's showing remorse finally seth with a gorilla what and jason like blackface or native american face i mean what the hell is this really something to cherish the memory of david you know i mean this just seems inappropriate uh you crying him bowling big nick i mean that's just inappropriate i made the cuts of the last moments of his life he's like oh let me just say sorry about this i was like wow i'll take that apology that was shocking to me it would just be okay okay so anyways that was good i felt like we were on a late night talk show like i feel like i was conan like hey take a look at this you know conan always had a horrible sketches like that oh because i just did a sketch was that a sketch i guess right yeah it's a little sketch i thought that was way better though the late nine ones suck i feel like that was a good one do you ever used to have that bear and i was like or that the the bear the masturbating bear and the dog the [ __ ] talking i'm like why she's explaining your fantasy if based on your conversation today oh my god i am not shane okay uh did we verify that that was at ryland's cousin so what i was saying is that the only place that feedback is getting through is the reviews on his app funny and ironically enough because he can't filter the app reviews this app out i'm so confused it's out it's not out like yeah do you think we'll get that invite apparently apparently um there's a lot of people uh reselling them on like twitter and stuff so really we really wanted to we could i don't yeah oh yeah we don't want to support but at the same time like why is it valued at 200 million if it's not even out how's that that's what i'm joking about because this whole tech bubble is just so ridiculous but also like all his friends i guess like invested in it right did you think that was a good point about how scotty's an investor of course it's like broke you have a slight uh uh conflict of interest okay when you're literally an investor in his app and you have a literal vested interest in maintaining his good publication right and scott's only success has ever come from david so he probably had like one last hundred thousand dollars and he put it all into his app hoping david was gonna save him again and he's like [ __ ] we're [ __ ] you know and you know what i'm just glad that people are talking about it to be honest like and it like i it doesn't have to be about me but some people have like come forward and stuff like that and i'm just like glad people are talking about it because sometimes like when it comes to trauma and stuff like that just talking about and getting your voice heard like helps a lot too like just like having it out there whether there's like justice music was like why don't you like take it to court while it's like so expensive to sue people like it's not like what are they thinking like it's so much work and like no they weren't saying sue him they were saying go to the police i was like okay idiot a young black man who's already humiliated from a sexual assault that basically many most people already don't go to the police because it's just such a complicated thing to deal with emotionally and also it takes time to process so he goes oh set should have just gone to the police it's like shut the [ __ ] up i feel like two in the time like you said this to me over the weekend something about when david filmed me like naked and i didn't know or whatever and i didn't want it in the vlog and i was just thinking about it because i was like oh no that's like not a big deal but then you like start thinking about it you're like oh yeah like that actually is like a violation but you don't think about it well they think they go oh trish is a sex worker she doesn't care but it's like i wasn't at the time oh you weren't even at the time no i wasn't doing only fans so he filmed you naked put it in his video they accusing seth of the same thing by the way as as a way of assassinating his character and like he's done it to you david has done it to you not to excuse it but seth didn't film it or whatever david filmed this and uploaded and i asked him not to the reason i asked nacho was not because of my body was ashamed because jason's wife our ex-wife would not let us move in because she she knew i'd put out nude photos before so i said don't put that on because that's just gonna make a worse case for us to like move in together and he put it up anyway so that's why i was so upset i wasn't like because i stopped doing anything naked when i stayed jason because of his kids and his wife was like you know all this stuff like that so that's why i was pissed and he still did it and it was just like it was [ __ ] up and anyways but they didn't have that energy when that happened and it's it sucks let me let me address it too because like i haven't like addressed it yet like it totally sucks like it does suck like that again a different conversation but it does suck at the same time where was that energy for her when it happened during the black lives matter movement last year because the whole point of that video was to say that she said the n word in it that's why seth in my understanding reposted it he did not know the name i know the whole story i followed and everything i can tell i can give the context and it sucks but hey and why was that why is this energy coming up now to defend david and not this energy to defend aaron when it happened a year ago like it was to weaponize it okay so seth looked bad so awful one of the main claims against seth that the vlog squad has perpetuated is that seth has shared uh uh what they call revenge p word okay now what's now what actually happened here there's this girl aaron used to be a member of the vlog squad her ex boy first of all this this horrible thing happened to her um i'm not here to defend seth i just want to explain to you what happened because i feel like the truth is just really not coming up to the charge that they're trying to make to assassinate seth's character so her ex-boyfriend mr blacksmail blackmails her and says if you don't pay me i'm going to release this clip of you naked saying the n word and she said no i'm not going to pay you so he put out this clip of her naked saying the n-word and um as you can imagine that's really traumatic she said the clip was from 10 years ago that's not who she is today but you know i i certainly can empathize with that as someone who said things that long ago you know don't you know is embarrassing so um so seth was making a video at the time about accountability for the vlog squad because he called what they're doing formative performative activism because he's like dude you guys are out there being all black lives matter to look good for your image but meanwhile when i was part of the vlog squad eyewitnesses firsthand a lot of racist stuff happening and so he included the clip of aaron which by the way he blur he blurred so much so that when i watched it i didn't realize she was naked it was black barred out from her neck down all the way i couldn't even tell that she was naked there was a lot of we should get this right since you're trying uh because there was when we talked about this last week i was getting a bunch of messages he originally posted it with just her blur okay people got mad at him for doing that he took that version down that video is now private and reposted it with the image completely cropped so that it's only her head okay to take away all context of her even being okay so it was the fact that he posted it once blurred he never posted it on blurred that never happened not to say that that's what people were saying people were saying he blow posted on blurred which would be a horrible thing to do that's not true so so anyway he like dan said so he put it in his video about accountability it appeared for like three seconds it was a very brief ex uh very brief um part of his video and um listen i don't think he should have included that clip because it was really traumatic to her and it was a private clip and stuff but them trying to act with them trying to charge him for posting revenge p which is honestly a really horrible thing to do and and seth even says oh that's illegal blah blah blah you should be in jail you know in my opinion that's not exactly what happened even though seth was in the wrong in that situation but you see people saying all the time to discredit seth that he posted revenge p and i just find that charge to be like just a ludicrous character assassination by the entire vlog squad yeah and i feel like unlike the vlog squad like i mean at least like i mean we can acknowledge it you know what i mean like when i because i kept saying that too and i was just like and again like you said not everyone's perfect but it's just such a different argument and also like again he only used that now to defend david rather than defending his friend aaron who well why does he why doesn't he care about the fact that david literally did that to you actually even more sometimes like multiple times and like honestly like david did that to you literally you asked not to post it and he posted it of you naked and i got harassed like so much for that they're like oh my god you're so disgusting and like david's vlog like i guess like for being naked even though he didn't show my nudity or something like that i don't know if they talked about in a podcast or anything i remember for like weeks after people were like like literally people on the streets were like would like tell me how disgusting my like naked body was like it was so gross like they were so disgusting by your neck about like for like probably more than it was yeah like but like legit people like that's great because you didn't ask for it he surprised you even though he was in your [ __ ] bathroom listening to your headset i asked him david himself filmed it and uploaded it and this was like the tan of stuff i asked him not to so it was like anyways scott's an idiot because god has nothing to do with anything you want to know what you want to know what other conflict of interest scott has go ahead show the photo dan he has a [ __ ] tattoo of david on his arm which is absolutely hideous by the way david 4 20. it sounds like a biblical verse the way he's doing it oh my god by the way is that the worst tattoo you've ever seen in your life and he's got the tongue out and everything satanic [ __ ] bro you said you told yesterday it's like you have a tattoo a day but i'm like no i heard just someone read that in a comment because corinna has a david tattoo um um uh this guy what's this scottie has a uh david tattoo so i was like whoa this is like some next team show it should also be noted that todd and zane from the vlog squad retweeted scott's video so like basically oh they did i didn't know that and i was like you guys first of all they're the other two dumb i thought they were the dumbest vlog squad scott has now that title because they're literally like a box of rocks they have nothing to offer oh so they all retweeted so they really thought they were clapping back with this oh i thought they i and even this like reporter i talked to like this person doing a story of this journalist was like oh we thought the whole narrative was gonna shift like you know because when the vlog squad talks people are like oh yeah now we see but like it's just not the case and i'm i'm just happy that people's like eyes are opening up and especially when pewdiepie said it he goes i always thought this guy was doing like shady [ __ ] yeah i thought that was interesting too because this is like someone who's not really dramatic or unconfrontational and he's talking about that things that something's weird you know i never going into this i really had no problem with david i just learned about the seth situation i honestly didn't even want to talk to seth i talked to big nick because he reached out to me and he said oh you should reach out to my friend seth he was like he was assaulted and i was like i've heard about this seth thing i don't know i was like people are over the david thing and so i just brought seth on because i figured you know what let's just talk to him and then when i learned about this i was like whoa that interview blew my mind right yeah and so now i've been going down this whole david dobrik hole with like the puzzle and everything he did to seth and everything he did to you and now i'm like full-blown like if they would have just responded and apologized and said they don't do that stuff anymore but no no and that response i was like this is gonna make everything so much worse he got a david got a new pr person right when like he's paying a pr person for this [ __ ] she's the worst he's paying a pr person for this [ __ ] megan she's on the podcast all the time she's not like if you have a pr person and this was the recommended course of action that girl needs to find a new job yeah she's like a teeny she's like this girl that she's like i mean 20. she has like no experience okay she's like okay my professional opinion is victim shame and attack seth and take no accountability no she reviews it okay so me and jason made a video after oh that's crazy and like like she literally was like and so that's why jason ended up dumping me because we made a video together kind of explaining like whatever and then she's like take it down take it down her and natalie or whatever and then like jason's like i can never talk to you again and then i went to the hospital and jason you know did come to the hospital and then david came too i never made it again wait wait why why were you upset that jason and dave were there i never understood that at the hospital were they filming or something no david david told jason like he couldn't talk like when jason broke up with me that that day he's like i can't talk to you anymore like it's over it's done and um basically basically david was like the person behind it right and so i didn't want to see him because i was like what the [ __ ] is happening like i didn't do anything wrong because again i made a video once again to reiterate before i i got dumped like we were together i made this video while we were together because i was so pissed that was the week of the tan of mojo clips and i was so pissed i'm like i'm gonna take any more like they can't keep doing this to me on camera i'm gonna [ __ ] fight back on camera because they keep like making me look like a complete idiot whatever and so it all was from david so when he showed up i'm like why the [ __ ] is david here like i literally was like spiraling because of him i was so pissed so i told that's when i screamed and ran off naked i'm like get david the [ __ ] i was nuts i was like get david the [ __ ] out and all that stuff like that and david did leave and jason say jason's like bawling like crying at this point like in cedar cyanide like in this back because david came to the back like hallway like i'm in the hallway on a stretcher and david's back there with jason i'm like what the [ __ ] oh you're like i don't want to see your phone i didn't even see jason i think he i think he dm my makeup artist or something because i must have been texting i don't even know what happened but like so so david was there and i was so [ __ ] pissed david was there because i was like he was like the root of all this like jason's like nothing you have to apologize david like the law and i was like i'm not politician for [ __ ] because of the brandon kelvin because he the underage girl and so that's why i was pissed about the david thing and so then when i saw him but for the record i was with david for like a year and a half every single day like thanksgiving all this stuff like that like never once heard from him a follow-up like he knew i went to a mental hospital jason told him i was up never once like are you okay saw me in a hospital on a stretcher in cedar side like never followed up like he's the worst guy ever so when he's like david's like the nicest guy ever never fall out doesn't have a mean bone in his body i was like okay scotty i considered david and i like really like everybody has a mean bone in their body you know what i mean what is he the superhuman god he doesn't have a mean boat he is a god oh by the way he has an anger problem he has a temper i totally believe that yeah and by the way and by the way scotty the most telling thing he said was that when you when you do something that upsets david he doesn't get mad at you he gets disappointed like oh man why'd you do that i was like freaks how was that better how is disappointment better than anger you know what i mean like that's such a manipulative way and like cruelty way to deal with somebody also why is david having this place of this place of high honor in your life where disappointment means anything to you like he's not your [ __ ] mom or grandma and david like david's like the youngest he was like 19 when this started so these guys were like 25 they're 30 now david's 24 and i'm like what is with them it is like this weird call i think they're just so desperate because they can't they literally can't make it on their own they like have to cling to this and i think they're just like so desperate to save face or as i like to say pick me i'm learning all the gen z terms the pikmi boy and i think he just wanted to like it's like a call like if you can prove you like sacrificed yourself or push yourself dude someone made such a good insightful comment about the set situation they said of course of course seth never got the clout just like this guy jonah and big nick it's because people only get as much clout as david wants them to because he portrays seth and jonah and um and big nick as the punching bags as the jokes and of course they're not going to be respected by the fan base so of course they're never going to get their own fans because people who do follow them probably don't respect them to begin with because they're coming from david so it's like i thought that was such a good insightful call that was that's the narrative for so long like and again i was like okay with it because i think i like referred myself as a [ __ ] all the time like so many people that year was like oh my god you're the [ __ ] from davis vlog which is so weird cause i was dating jason so i was not [ __ ] at all i was like right you were totally monogamous and that was like the thing they portrayed and they're like show us your tits like people would do that for literally so i totally get when seth was like i don't want people or or big knicks and i don't want people harassing me on the street for being short like that's just not the life i want to live yeah and again like it was just a funny narrative because like i was on youtube before them i was friends with shane i was like oh so like i was a different like and so like that's the narrative he spun because he had so much power and i'm so thankful that people are like opening their eyes like to this you know here you wanna see what pewdiepie said i thought it was really good are people talking about this seems hella shady dude he's talking about his puzzle i think um i don't know david but i he always get like i could be wrong but my my radar flicks up a bit i i kind of got the same feeling about him as i got a logan paul when he was not everyone hated logan paul like don't get me wrong his videos are really entertaining but uh he always gave me that weird like wait how does he how is he able to get away with all this [ __ ] like he's doing so much weird [ __ ] like if i did that if i did that i'd be cancer if i did that i could count what the [ __ ] how is he doing it was a magic song are people pewdiepie is a great guy is he a gamer yeah he's a gamer that was his whole legacy is that he was a gamer the video he did about me was just like commentary it was like how you do it he was just like yeah he he originally was a gamer and then he he started diversifying his content do you think he plays fortnite why do you ask it's a tick tock yep just touch down tomato town yeah but what's that gonna do with pewdiepie it's a game oh okay you think he's playing he's probably played a game of fortnite sure i don't even know what fortnite is when i want to play it just wiped out it's it's kind of old it's not really the end game right now but we're not okay so sorry i am i'm just saying you said you want to play fortnite i was saying there's just people don't play fortnite anymore can i get a galizzi please what's a glizzy a glizzy [Laughter] dad says don't give it to him he's probably right don't give it to okay okay wait just real quick just like i don't even touch on it long because they're like so go ahead they're so irrelevant but like all the barstool people have made videos being like trisha paytas has tried to cancel me by the way did you guys see the video of you guys laughing at me i hate this i hate one okay also this is like a misconception about me people are like trish isn't drama with everyone it's like no i like call out [ __ ] for sure but like barstool sports was like i don't know all the random people everyone besides dave porter like everyone knows day porn and no one knows the rest of them but they all did these videos like including dave portnoy on his podcast whatever because he asked me to come back they asked me to be on the sideline never but um but basically he's but basically they tweeted me like laughing at my porn but then they were saying we did it at you oh they tweeted the video what and then they said then they said i tried to cancel them i'm like i responded to like a really mean tweet of you guys like laughing yeah sweet was so mean-spirited because there was no there was just no reason for it and then but then now they're the whole narrative is like oh trisha is like trying to like cancel me and blah blah blah like we're allowed to do whatever and it was gross yeah whatever dave pork boy is a [ __ ] idiot i got such a tool anyways literally such a tool bro i don't like that either okay whatever so here's another interesting insight cody koh is doing a podcast with these guys josh and lucas i don't know who they are but they were talking about the seth pranks when it happened a few years ago and these kids were so insightful and they called it prank he pulled on seth they called it out for one yeah wow these guys which one really it's actually the most insane [ __ ] i've ever seen it's the most insane yes it's really jason no uh david on his buddy seth have you read it is that the guy they make do stuff uh no i don't think they make him jump off of stuff and hurt him no no no that's jonah i think i don't like how they treat that guy yeah i don't i haven't really watched any of those ones i the ones i've seen the ones i've seen are the ones they make jason make out with seth but seth doesn't know that it's jason he thinks it's like a girl yeah it's happened twice okay and so and every time i know every time like jason will like take care of something no he's not and so like jason will take off his mask or whatever and he's like what the [ __ ] like like meet up with a dude wait wait wait okay wait wait wait wait what the [ __ ] [ __ ] like wait they actually make it that's [ __ ] cool you know this girl she seemed really intimate and uh and she came to me she said hey let's go in the back room and i and i was like yeah awesome and we were waiting things were getting hot and heavy she turned off the lights you know and she goes stick it in and her voice was a little bit deeper but i you know and and jason turned around with my dick in his ass and said what are you [ __ ] gay you got brains bro you got a prank two years ago these kids wow and so i was like wow people have been noticing this [ __ ] for a long time that's amazing because sometimes like sometimes i get i get my head a little bit i go is my just overreacting you know what i know people are like trish is better in my life but i don't think so anyway this is um josh and lucas ovel i don't know who they are but but they're like young and the david dobrik age range so like it's like good that they're just like i was i was like oh my god these kids rule oh you know my prediction is is jason will be the next eliminator from the group so you know how you'd think so yeah scott was saying like you know what when people go their own way or they [ __ ] up and they do something wrong we distance ourselves from them jason's in way too deep no but now because jason's getting like he's he's at the heat of this right with david of course but david he's going to sacrifice jason yeah he already is when you watch our podcast like i used to listen to their podcast and jason was co-host now he's literally not involved at all they could just wheel his ass out and people wouldn't notice it's just like i think it's one of those things where it's like you know i don't know i feel like that would rock people too hard they're slowly doing it the thing is because it's no longer jason's podcast it's david's talk show and they're slowly doing i suck because it happened with me you they slowly do it so it's not obvious like he's like a dying old horse that you don't want to shoot because it's a horse but at the same time he's in misery we're going to turn his ass to glue it's expensive right see seaman's expensive not glue we had this debate before the horse scene man makes the glue no okay no that's a different kind of glue but he's just that just needs to get off well i'm wondering what is their next step going to be are they just going to ignore keep ignoring i can't believe they okay this in this situation they should have probably said because i was wondering if scotty was going to erase the video and like because i feel like scotty's getting so much [ __ ] now that i know what that feels like and it's just horrible he's like posting a story like normal everyone's just like posting and david too everyone's just like posting like nothing like oh this is a video yeah it's crazy you mean yeah james charles is acting like nothing he just posted a video and that dude just literally just got outed for being a pr literal child predator literally he said yes i sent nudes but he lied about his age literal child predator like should this guy should be in jail and he's still posting videos like nothing and the overwhelming reaction to the videos is like uh all good no problem here it just reminds me of the woody allen [ __ ] that i'm watching right right you know there's no [ __ ] accountability ah it's so sad it's just so gross and then meanwhile crystal dalia hides for like a year and then he comes out and also now he's like back in like like getting in trouble or whatever it's just like it is a guy thing excuse me bless you you keep saying it but it does suck i feel bad for guys i hate that listen i say that and i don't mean to say that because i don't want to make it sound like female victims are have it easier or something like are they all female victims go through the same exact thing as male victims all this stuff all this character assassination all these fallacies we talked about victim shaming victim blaming and stuff like the same stuff they're doing to seth but i i i don't even want to keep harping on that because i feel no but i'll tell you what in that in that same like on that same note like david on the podcast and vlogs have asked corinna and natalie both like how much money to have sex with jason like he'd be like i'll pay a hundred thousand like no that's not enough and he's like how much half a million like no that's not enough so it's like he's asked girls he's pa he said to girls like i'll pay 300 to make out with jason and they say no so they're saying that like with consent right girls like saying no it's like that you have to trick like a man in the group to do it it's like and if it was scott i guarantee you scott would have knocked somebody out because god has an anger problem and he like knocks people out like he's always like biting people there was a good vlog of david's where like it was todd's fight and scott got punched this is like the equivalent of that like this is the exact same thing where it's like not his fight but he's getting like the knockout which honestly he deserves it because he's dumb like he's so stupid like just everything about it oh scott's an idiot so your music career has failed so you don't maybe you're better maybe that's why you're coming for stuff come for me scott come for me i want to show you better you signed a record label no one's heard of it no one watched your last music video your clothing line failed he tried to be a fan joy which was so stupid because david dobrik has like but he tried to be of android by making people's merch failed you know why because you never sent [ __ ] i ordered from there i never got my merch you never got the [ __ ] yours no i don't even know what it was called it was called some [ __ ] it was shitty all your career things are shitty your cbd oil is shitty that's not a new thing you're starting this investment on dispo doesn't look like it's turning out in your favor i'm not sure that this is the point we're trying to make it's not a point i just have a reason now i can go off on scott because he's always been a piece of [ __ ] too like he was nice to me but piece of [ __ ] in the background you know what i mean i've seen him like you know just be a piece of [ __ ] overall he's just so condescending he thinks he's so cool the girlfriend you have now looks like the girlfriend you had for four years and you dumped her and then found this girl right away they look identical what'd you do interchange them okay all right all right all right come on it's not personal and his hair is frosted tips you're like oh that's his natural hair it's not it's frosted tips it's frosted tips mine's natural i'm like you suck okay all right all right the cheshire cat's not cute who are you trying to appeal to children okay all right all your girlfriends look yeah what's your thing that's not necessarily the point how about check your friends who dated 17 year olds not even brandon okay watch this video so i don't know if you david scott okay oh my god i didn't expect we talk about this so much i don't care about it but whatever um karina the girl she i guess replaced you as like the she was before me i think okay yeah so she stayed she's stuck around i'm getting nexium vibes from david because what's an exam it's this cult with david or kevin what's his name anyway he was a cult hbo did a whole documentary about it was really interesting he would brand his initials on people oh so i'm getting so watch this clip of corinna comes to him a long time ago and says i need a couple hundred bucks she was a waiter at the time and david says i'll give you a couple hundred bucks only if you tattoo david's vlogs on your [ __ ] finger where it's visible forever decided that i kind of broke right now so david said he'd help me out and i'm gonna get a tattoo on my finger it's gonna say david's vlog he's paying me a small lump sum of money too 200. what did i just do you just promoted my brand for the next couple years granny what are you gonna do now with your new tattoo are you gonna show off to other people how stupid you are david like dude i did this and now you're gonna call me stupid yeah so karina this is a perfect example of people not wanting something in a vlog and him paying them so karina this is on vlogs do you know the story of her giving like head to todd in the back seat of the tesla right david filmed it she goes you can't use that she didn't know he was filming shows you can't use that so he didn't he's like the sucks like i can't use it so anyways he had to like she they she i think it's like five hundred thousand dollars he she's like he goes how can i use this vlog she's like no i don't want anything he goes how about if i pay you like five hundred dollars obviously she needed the money of the time and she's like okay fine and like didn't want it but you have to he you have to like force someone to do something it's not consent well you have to like bribe someone to do something well seth said the same thing he's like i want you to take those videos down and he says okay how much to pay you and then seth said that's when i knew they weren't my friends because he just wouldn't take the videos down he wanted to pay him instead of respecting the fact that those clips made him uncomfortable he's taking all these clips down but he still thinks he did nothing wrong by proving these texts which absolutely proved not it's just it's just crazy but yeah it sucks um so that's that pretty much well good luck on dyspo peace and love i wish you well happy success i apologize one other thing i wanted to talk to you about before we move on actually two more did we announce we were doing trivia two more things i want to talk about before we get to the trivia mm-hmm i want to talk to you about beautiful i feel like it's my parents beautiful most amazing girlfriend ever i'm giving the phone to my super hot boyfriend passing the phone to the only girl besides my mom and sisters that i just can't live without i'm passing my phone out to my favorite pop star noah's girlfriend also known as charlie's sister a person who is a really funny girlfriend i'm passing the phone to someone who deserves more than a fake relationship for tick-tock views oh this is why you're really really sad and you're never gonna be happy according to your music not my words don't come for me i'm so crazy i can't watch myself i felt i feel like you need to lay off a little bit first of all it's a joke it's it it seemed really mean-spirited they're like 20-year-olds it's you have to give you mean it just felt like i don't know you're attacking the relationship and just felt icky to me because it's like they deserve look they deserve love everybody deserves love you think so i think that i think dixie like has a lot to like be humbled about okay fine but like you don't need to attack their relationships i'm not allowed to make jokes on it it didn't seem like a joke it just seemed like mean spirit ugly [ __ ] like no it just it just seemed spirited that's all coming from you i'm do you may apologize i'm so sorry no i'm just trying to give you friendly it's fine i totally get it maybe it's mean i'm trying to give you brotherly advice hilton i'm like a 30 year old old [ __ ] on tick-tock making fun of you talkers but hey can we even make there's plenty of critics valid criticism like i'm not saying don't ever talk to them but i'm just saying maybe i can't call a relationship fake i mean it totally is it's sad that these people look up to this i don't want to have people i don't know if it's fake it's 100 fake well how do you know i know well who cares just let them have their fun what's the big deal is this a tick tock okay all right that's what you want to tell me about yeah i just felt like it was a little bit i feel like it just i mean if you're on the internet and you're like the biggest i know i'm not saying you can't say it like no talk about people don't make jokes about people no i'm just concerned about you like that like i just don't want you going on and on about them it was like one tick tock i made about dixie and noah like relax like a tick tock i'm just looking out for you okay boomer yeah maybe i don't know what that even means are you a boomer no i'm not a boy i'm not being gen z i'm not even close to a boomer my parents are boomers um dixie's an idiot look i i'm not disagreeing with you i'm just thinking like no she's for your idiot it just doesn't i don't know don't dance at the end where are you making one of their matter movies i just say and i know you have beef with them like i just say it doesn't necessarily look great for your image to be attacking their relationship i don't think i'm really that concerned about my image i think you're more concerned about my image of me i literally i don't give a [ __ ] like i said i'm up and down i'm just giving you listen i'm just here okay fine i'm just looking out for you i can be canceled i'm fine honestly according to vulture according to vulture you can't be canceled okay that was the yeah i mean eventually i will be i'm sure no i cancel myself when i'm dead that's a cancellation death that's the ultimate cancellation anyway that's that dixie's no no it's not just that okay dixie oh so it is that so that is that what because i said that's that you said that isn't that and then you said never mind so that is that gabish also noah beck on the cover of that magazine wearing high heels and fishnets that's not like edgy or funny or anything it's like it's just it's it's why did he be like oh my god toxic he's like he's not mass like why is he the face of masculinity why couldn't that you know what i mean like just because he wore heels like that doesn't make you like oh my god he's so with it he's so open he's so hey listen listen if they walk past me on the street i'd spit on all of them and the way that i look wait you can't say that okay me but you said you could spit on them yeah let's put it up number eight okay so let's put on each other abs please if you [ __ ] spit on me i will freak out today that i don't regardless of cover i don't want you spitting on me okay i like being you know there was that clip of tana going around getting spit around and honestly if it wasn't covered kind of hot i like spit yeah but we're not and we're not engaged in i'm engaged this is not the situation we're spitting on someone would be appropriate okay talk to moses about that thank you wait why okay here there's one other thing someone put together a compilation of you saying um wait what was i supposed to say to that club should i apologize am i being canceled for it i didn't even know that no no no no no no you're not be canceled you don't have to apologize you just didn't appreciate it i i just saw it and i was like i just i just don't think that you that it just looked like you i just didn't think it was necessary that's all oh okay thank you for that you're welcome i will take it into consideration next time i hate dixie i know i know i think she's very distasteful i think she's dumb i think she needs to be educated before she speaks i think her parents need a lot of looking after and stuff like that she's just dumb they still support james charles you dumb prick i agree that's [ __ ] predator you guys i agree okay and also oh [ __ ] here we go if you don't want to be paparazzi oh the windows were down they wanted to be paparazzi we're just so sick don't go to catch and saddle ranch if you don't want to be paparazzi and the fact that you and noah both say you still support james that you guys love james he's a predator yeah that's not okay he's a pr he admitted to it he admitted to it like what and you still support him can i get a giz glizzy please i'm like at an auction like a boza i'm at a white trash auction you can't blizzy you know who you can make fun of you can make fun of predators and people who support predators and dixie emilio and noah beck had said it un-catch on their little paparazzi that they said that they support james one glizzy please i'm an anti-dixie demilio no just as it is i'll take it as it is thank you so much thank you thank you keep going honestly she also thinks she's a celebrity i was watching a podcast where she thinks she's not celebrity she's not a celebrity i'm sorry you're just not you're not dude you're right you're right good point okay a-list should we go to saturn do you think people care about me yeah i think you will get paparazzi no they ask my favorite is when they asked dixie charlie and noah about me i don't i can't watch it because it's like i think we should go there and see if they care about it oh my god i'm down that's my worst fear i don't know what it is about like these tick tockers but oh i probably shouldn't say this but whatever i will lair ray dm'd me do you know him he's he's a frenemies fan now he said he's been binge watching frenemies and he's like wow did my tweet really offended you i was just trolling you or whatever he apologized yeah i he seems like a nice guy from american though and i said hey bro don't hang out with predators like the lopez brothers and james charles i did good for you yeah i agree you know i said that other than other than the fact that he's like best friends with james charles i said you're the company you keep bro but also thank you for the damn ever i nev whenever these tickets a lot of tick tickers have been signing my dms lately and i never know if they're gonna troll me so i'm always just like how can i help you because they usually say hey that's like their first thing but i'm like oh i'm so curious i want to know so i'm like how can i help you just so like you know whatever and then i try and gauge where they're at but he was sending me voice memos so i feel like they was like legit i don't think he's you know what i don't you know what i told him you wanna watch this compilation wear a mask you know because and don't throw parties that's the my critique on larae maybe any other critiques for him that you want them to know i think in general yeah cool here's a video of you going um for five minutes see me in the street i will do video shout outs for your friends whatever don't ask me to go because i don't do that anymore like that was like the next moment no you still do it definitely i literally hear you do it every episode and i just don't say anything because it's like i don't want to beat the dead horse but you literally mmm everything not that people love it it was a different time [Music] here listen up but i just love them it's fast in september you know what i mean so you ruined it mm-hmm if you guys are interested it's on km sasaki's channels i like the compilation oh i just saw a clip beneath that can i just say that nobody really cares about this why can't i just say it uh yeah what clip it's not a clip but i i commented on amy's tick tock so did you see everything's fine oh yeah i saw it you made peace out there was 77 comments below my comments and everyone's like yay yeah i saw it that was nice no you're cute that wasn't big that was big for you i have a little bit of a temper so i think i go off in the moment because i get really heated i think if i let things simmer for a couple weeks which i can never do i think i would like not react so crazy are you ready for jewish trivia it's time he's a muslim right yes he is well i don't think he's like he that's his background yeah you know what moses told me i can't wear muslim scarves i wanted to wear one he said don't do you want to wear like a high job hijab or whatever i like the way they look yeah oh yeah that's a whole lot that's a lot i wouldn't do that no no but sure there's a story about david and jason like ripping off someone's hijab have you seen that one yeah why was it real yeah and the girl like came forward to me and stuff but it was also like on video like in a vlog yeah i guess they took it down look at i i think it's on video that's not funny at all that's so rude yeah she was like i was like mortified and jason did it jason ripped it off i'm telling you jason give me some snacks watch it yeah i'm curious what's their next step gonna be if they're just going to ignore me i'm ready they're not suing anybody oh my [ __ ] god i know dude come at me you [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm begging you please you guys sue me please i'm begging you i'm talking directly to david dobrik jason whoever's listening sue me please with peace and [ __ ] love i love it we're so like i'm so unafraid of a lawsuit trust me unlike the last guy and went into a lawsuit i know your ass has the money to pay for my legal fees so trust me i asked them when i beat you for a [ __ ] [ __ ] definition lawsuit i will be coming back for fees [ __ ] me too me if y'all got one million from woody allen and legal fees so boom episode last night it was she got one million dollars in legal fees from him oh i fell asleep during the last step um sue me too you got me hyped as [ __ ] sue me sue me i want to show this proof i've got these receipts i got more receipts than i've even said because i didn't want to look crazy but i got even more receipts to me too i hope if anyone does suing it's seth suing david and jason well yeah i mean that is like such a like people think that people are like debating if they can i'm not saying that he could be held criminally liable but i am saying that seth has a very strong case for a lawsuit again of civil damages against yeah david i mean david's like admitted to it on audio yeah it's like an easy [ __ ] slam dunk after that podcast clip anyway you wanna do juice trivia yeah and can i also say i lost two pounds by eating anything i wanted because i was only look how skinny i am today can i show people yeah i feel very skinnier look wait what are we doing okay i i i actually i did kind of feel like she looks thinner i don't know if it's i don't know if it's the no this would make me look fatter because it's like clinging to me but it's black you know jesus okay eating whatever i want i had cake i had ice cream and i just went on the elliptical i know we're not talking about weight because like ew why no wait you look great though honestly you do look great and i'm so happy you're not on keto when you announce i was like oh i'm so happy because like it's just not healthy for you mentally physically keto's dumb but this week i'm i'm i'm back on the weight loss there's like low calories i feel like i can't talk about it because people get so invested in there and then they go oh he didn't do it they get so sad for me and then people go i even saw one comment where he's like ethan's so [ __ ] that he has no willpower he can't even lose weight i was like well i feel the same way you know what i mean that's how i feel dude trust me yeah trust me when i tell you that fat people know they're fat we know we have an eating problem you don't have to tell us i hate when people like point that out to me i'm like i get it but also just trying to be a little happy in life you know all right let's do some jewish trivia by that and not telling me there's this is one of one dude how was someone with one item uh one question please block your name in my comments on tick tock not to bring them up but why'd you do that because on the fashion nova one everyone's like tagging you and being like and i was like oh you did the fashion show you blocked my whole name on your whole channel just for that like that day you put it back but yeah because i could not i was like okay come on stop well patricia fashion nova knows that i [ __ ] hate them so i love them okay that's fine and i hate them here i'm gonna eat a glizzy you can't block my name that's that's that's outrageous [Laughter] oh my god how is it i love it really do you feel ha i feel like you're also just like happier like you're not you know what i mean like you said you gained weight on keto or you just didn't lose any i think i gained two pounds actually mm-hmm yeah i mean it's not really good you know that guy that like invented the keto diet diet of like heart disease of course i mean how could you not yeah it's such a ridiculous diet can we play the trivia please why am i sitting here wait can we do the bungee thing too those bungee ribbon things did you see that on tick tock can we do that flying bungees can we do the trivia please what do we win that's a good question what do you want is there a some sort of bed on here um um how about i don't know what am i playing a [ __ ] place how many times do i have to ask all right you guys have uh your little white boards next to you you're gonna need those okay today all right jewish trivia everybody all right everybody this is the moment you've been waiting for it ready i gotta take like half the bread off i love that we have so much tea in this and you're gonna call it jewish trivia i'll probably add something else that is no i didn't i didn't expect us to talk so much about that let's just call it like we like david dobreck is a giant d-bag no i'm just sure it's the ddd david dobreck do you bag ow okay all right we played a [ __ ] driver chewing into the mud seriously oh my god good job all right first question uh we'll start out nice and easy top top level uh basic knowledge here uh who is said to be the first jew the first jew the first jewish person oh my god easy really yeah i'm just gonna take a guess because i'm not really i'm not really good with the biblical [ __ ] i'm all about the biblical but i think i know i don't know ready all right let's see what you got moses that's incorrect that's not true abraham abraham is correct abraham moses he freed the jews they were all egyptians you just said that they i thought they gave him the name jews after he freed them weren't they egyptians and they became no the jews were slaves in egypt it's all part of the whole it's the whole story uh abraham had the technical dream coat the loser has to do something i would say joseph don't make it up now now you're like oh she's gonna lose i something about mel gibson because he's such an anti-semite like i know mel gibson i used to go to his church in malibu yeah you have his number i used to what yeah let's give him a ring right now we have to lose us a prank call him and say hey anthony semi bye hey anti-semite bye okay whatever next ethan's winning did you love this game all right second question well i guess this one this one you guys are going to know because we just talked about abraham oh my god what did he do he's got the first jew didn't he like kill his son or some [ __ ] or well he was willing to kill his son and then god stayed his hand yeah the bible is such a uplifting heartwarming story god goes and you have to sacrifice your firstborn son to me and kill him viciously and he's like all right god whatever i gotta do and god's like boom test you [ __ ] that's only ultimate no all the time new testament god is where it's at so really that's why you should be jews for jesus because the new testament god's really nice well that's when god is harsh as [ __ ] yeah well god don't play god don't [ __ ] play again so abraham is god bro no all right this is what you guys say god if you're a jew you're supposed to be g dash d no no god you could say god his real name is yahweh what you're not supposed to do oh my god don't say it yeah well guess what i'm giving [ __ ] stop okay uh i'm already losing yeah who who led who led the jews out of egypt oh take your time over there trisha now i'm nervous making me worried the right answer okay just keep saying the same answer for everything the only jew i know we know him we love him folks the king well he wasn't the king but he was the greatest prophet who never made it to the promised land because god scorned him after everything he did for him moses my moses sometimes referred to himself he's like i was a pharaoh i was like no you're not the moses he sometimes thinks he's the moses well oh moses was a pharaoh but he thinks he's actually that moses are you do you think you're moses moses he thinks he's the og mode you're not moses you're a modes it's not the most he thinks he's the moses sometimes sometimes he does think that i'm like are you trolling me he says no he sounds like yeah you so do you're like you're like babe i was a pharaoh i'm like you're not a fan i think he's kidding you know pharaohs don't exist anymore i'm holding out that he's still a prince i think he might be a prince of something like dubai and so i'm still holding out that he might be like really like what does that mean for my wife too oh right so maybe they both are aaron oh wow could you imagine if she's like princesses you're in the wrong [ __ ] they don't honor they don't really honor jews in dubai i don't think that's why they're so special next question please all right we'll move off of the biblical stuff for now i was just warming up well we'll come back to that but i i have a non-biblical jewish question for you which one of the following celebrities is not jewish whoa which one is not jewish ready bob dylan oh harvey keitel bruce springsteen winona ryder wait who the [ __ ] is bob keitel can you show me a photo okay oh harvey tarantino reservoir dogs can you show me a photo oh my god dust on i could chill harbor kate is like iconic you can't see a photo why i i have a right to know who he's referring to he doesn't look at his nose you don't have a big nose yeah i just want to look at his big beautiful jewish your nose is not big at all okay thanks stereotype this guy pulp fiction yeah i know okay okay so run me those names one more time okay the names are bob dylan harvey keitel bruce springsteen winona ryder interesting wow i'm torn okay trisha you should know this wait oh really [Music] i mean i know two for sure but i don't know the other two um okay okay okay can i get a glizzy please out here no more glossies for ethan does he no glossies close you you're being do not put the glitzy clipper down can i get it close you back here please no no i'm all right here we go here's the answers reveal three two one go uh trisha you gotta write bruce springsteen bruce not jewish man i thought but adam sandler's mother thinks he is oh that'll tell a line from this song all of those people that i listen to in the adam sandler uh oh man your research is the hanukkah katis not jewish but i love to put some more inner that's reason yeah what i got jewish on me every night you know what i'm saying inseminated with jewish stop it's disgusting i hope i'm pregnant anyways uh what is the holiest accessible jewish site in israel holy is what the holiest accessible jewish site in israel holiest the holiest you were confident yeah you say this confident all right here we go three two one reveal the western wall is correct what the [ __ ] did you write what did you even write jordan river that's where jesus was born how does that not believe me but not that's the wrong religion dude and i don't even think that's right for christians the holy sepulchre in jerusalem well jerusalem is and that's one of their holy sites it's the number one tourist attraction that the jews profit off of no the holy sepulcher is huge no that's where jesus ascended to or he was reincarnated bro uh no it's the same it's the site of the crucifixion reincarnation right or right okay yeah yeah yeah the resurrection is coming though i'm very excited that's hype get high you're coming watch your ass jews oh my god what do you think about that all right the rapture are you scared the rapture i'm covering my basis yeah jew and well the rapture and like fundamental christianity they love israel and israelis but the root of their their love for jews is is seated in something very sinister which is basically during the rapture all of israel and israelis will be annihilated so i'm not a fan of the rapture nor christians who subscribe to that well wait i don't know yeah that's what i but then we're all annihilated right but i thought it was just because the prophecy says that there must be jews in israel for the rapture to occur and it's one of like the prerequisites or whatever yeah and then we're annihilated oh i guess that's true but the good news is you're not going to hell because jews don't believe in hell christians believe it christians believe that jews will be annihilated and go to hell for eternity that's why i'm both a christian and a jew because i don't believe in hell you gotta pick sides girl you cannot sit on the fence on this one you're no i don't believe you're not gonna go to hell during the rapture jesus can be like you [ __ ] ride for me or not jesus looks you in the eye dead ass and says you ride for me or not yeah but jesus loves jews he was one yeah he loves jews enough to send the [ __ ] hell for all eternity you don't go to hell he's like yo you didn't suck me and you didn't accept me in your heart sorry technicality burning hell forever no that's new testament oh yeah burning hell for eternity you literally just said jews don't believe in health that's the old testament god jesus is [ __ ] hellfire jesus the hellfire guy dope ah who's winning obviously me ethan's winning by one point two what the [ __ ] you call crack i'm up by two yeah you didn't get but i got bob dylan and bruce springsteen oh right my bad why don't you apologize i'm like david dobrik say i'm sorry i just said my bad that's not saying you're sorry i'm sorry ian okay uh here i'll throw here's another pop culture more related one um what country is the famous musical jewish musical fiddler on the roof set in oh my goodness oh countries then yeah like where does it take place the story huh oh my god you know what it's one of the songs from children on the road do you know if it's on the roof i know it i don't really know so i'm just gonna have to take a guess because i'm not all [ __ ] broadway like this girl over here it's about being jewish yeah there's a lot of [ __ ] countries where jews live was this was it before or after the war the war can't answer it why the [ __ ] i i i deserve to have what in what era of human history do you think that there were fiddlers on roofs damn i called you babe i call everyone babe babe what does that mean i mean look the war is in the 40s it could be before or after oh my god when the [ __ ] have you ever seen a fiddler on the roof dan what kind of clue is that yeah when have you ever seen one it's fictious before the war did you land okay what's the song that they sing no my mom's getting lame okay i'm just gonna if i were a rich man uh yeah but there's like a jewish song they sing in there i've written an answer all right here we go here's the answer and israel germany wrong on both counties what takes place in russia i was gonna write russia no i was going to write russia girl i literally you were literally making fun of me people jews didn't really live in israel before the war my pronouns are they okay my family's russian jews so you can take it from hey damn i was going to say russia yeah they got they're not you know legit legit all right i didn't know anyway so i'm not getting that i thought for sure israel rhys riley that's funny you're getting okay so i'm still up by one yeah i guess the score hasn't changed because neither of you got a point there all right here we go okay which of the following words is not yiddish ah the official language that's a made-up language and no one speaks anymore all languages are made up dude hebrew okay stop yeah where do you think yiddish what country are you going to do is like the original jewish language hebrew was just invented like 50 years ago so they could communicate with you what the [ __ ] are you to tell me about yiddish excuse me take a backseat girl you're running over you still might be able to figure it out because yiddish words are very distinct so ready which one of these is not yiddish bagel spatula schlock or glitch what the [ __ ] say it again hutzba bagel spatula all of those but one are you a fake language the jews did not speak yiddish you are so [ __ ] full of [ __ ] you literally don't know what the [ __ ] you're it's the official language of israel and you know who smoked yiddish all the [ __ ] jews before they were mass murdered in germany i do feel sorry for them that is sad that that was a sad incident and then imagine you sitting here telling telling they're ghosts you're right their language doesn't okay let me ask you another apology noah go ahead dixie and the jews that you're gonna pump the jews in with noah and dixie you you do they not deserve the same amount of respect you deserve each one an individual apology noah is a jewish word so he might be jewish kind of like an overlap hey noah's ark dixie not biblical god this is hard can you just guess did you write one already yeah we gotta put a time limit on this one i mean whichever one sounds the least yiddish to you yeah i just got it's like multiple choices that's your hint i i mean how else can i give you a hint all right ready this is so hard i feel like this is a trick question all right three two one reveal choice glitch spatula is correct spatula is not yiddish oh my god i got it wrong well i got it right whatever they all have a chick in it glizzy please i finished them all can you make some more glizzies oh my god all right uh moving on here uh this is a relatively easy one what food is traditionally eaten in israel for hanukkah oh my god oh my god these are so easy make them harder you haven't got one right like three wow this those were trick questions because yiddish is not real okay ready all right three two one reveal jelly donut jelly filled doughnut also known as sufgoniot in whatever i know yiddish i know shiksa you know you are shiksa people used to call me that for real and i was like like parents i'm like are you what are you in the 1940s are you in the holocaust right now why are you oh my god no offense though i don't mean any disrespect to the holocaust survivors or people who died in the holocaust the victims it's sad too i'll watch hillary's list again i promise yeah give it another shot movie night when we have dinner with your mom we all oh that'd be fun that'd be fun it's a nice light viewing all right uh score please yep thank you very much wait that's a brilliant more than two i got jelly donuts i got bruce springsteen i got moses i got that's what were the other questions like you forgot i'm sure i think she has three yeah i think she has three yeah why is it so hot every time i do a game i don't know i just don't know why it's so hard to keep track i don't trust you guys as score keeper i'm not keeping the score i'm not no i know but you've messed up he was messed up it's just oh you've messed up before moses with pizzas and love not this guy but before it's just not it's like come on you guys this is the integrity of this game is everything if we can't touch the score what can we trust can you imagine if the moses [ __ ] up when he was like trying to free the slaves and he's like [ __ ] the ocean just drownded them all that'd be god's fault that'd be moses's fault for thinking a good part of c well god well they only went in it once it parted you know i mean if god was like psych and then drop the c on him that'd be good that's on god that one's on all right here we go all right so so it's five three i believe five three okay all right so at what ages do bar and bot mitzvah usually take place oh my god oh i got offered to play obama so did i tell you this someone offered me ten thousand dollars to come to there um i guess to perform are you gonna do it should i is it in l.a michigan i guess traveling maybe not i wouldn't travel for it but if it's an ally maybe if it was in l.a i'd do it you would no no no i wouldn't but maybe you should we should do a duo okay we could sing i don't do bar i don't do where mitzvahs [Music] neither of you gave a complete answer um but i said bar and bot well then you just gave away that you don't know the answer i guess it's 13. it's 30. it's 13 for bar it's different for women well women it doesn't even count we both get a point now it's a bat mitzvah we only know a bar mitzvah here well women what happened to women empowerment not in the jewish world it is international women's day today oh congrats that's exciting that's so cool all right we both get a point i can't believe i mean in america everyone gets mitzvahed at 13. it's it's 12 for women am i am i hebrew school everyone got it got it at 30. it was reformed i just said 12 and 13. so i should get you wrote 13. but it doesn't really matter you guys gave the same answer so the score doesn't actually move at all you know doesn't matter go ahead go ahead that's not what he said you're really coming for me today oh my god well you're stepping you're stepping to me on my turf talking mad [ __ ] oh my god i'm jealous because i'm getting married in israel i was married in israel so why would i be judged where are you yeah okay can't argue next i don't know what's back i was literally married in israel really yes oh congrats thank you that's dope yeah okay all right i mean what i did start this episode by talking off how i had to get a letter from a rabbi to get married in israel right we just had the conversation that was literally this episode i was literally thinking i should pee i remember this coming for you i remember it now that you said i remember good job i'm glad you were listening you look cool you look dope you always like dope did you see all the tic tacs saying how like oh why am i attracted to ethan in this outfit i did see a couple do you find like a compliment or insulting that people i think people are just goofing around no i think no you did actually look you look pretty good yeah you did a little thing but is that an insult because they're like why do i find him attractive no you like it you'll take it no i i'm not use dude the past like what since i've been like fat which is like the past five years i don't i don't expect anyone to be attracted to me so no i don't take any insults you're literally not valid stop saying you're fat cause you're definitely not well i'm not like attract i'm not i'm like unattractively chubby you're attractively chubby i would say oh well thank you a lot of people can't pull off being chubby i think i pull off being chubby too well i don't have a choice i'm chubby so whether i pull it off or not we're more of the attracted chubby people we're like the top echelon of chubby oh thanks chubby cute chubby cuties are we chubby cuties that's cute i like that that's awesome can you make sure you make a double xl in our front of me setting of course we'll do up to 3xl dope yeah cool i'm a double xl kind of girl all right yeah well of course we'll do that here we go the name the three largest ethnic groups of jews in israel largest what ethnic groups what is ethnic what does that mean specifically like colors of skin what's that like like define countries i don't know how to more define ethnic group than because like ethnic could be like the difference between oh you're meaning like those hard complicated words the yes yes the hard part oh my god there's three uh uh sort of the three biggest ones wait three you said two no i said three and if i said two i meant to say three he said three yeah that one threw me off because i was like i knew there was two and then i was like wait wait what the [ __ ] you said two three but there's only two bro there's two major ones there's you're literally wrong right now dan oh my god even moses is like i don't know what you're talking about do you know the third one oh maybe i maybe i do know yeah exactly right so maybe that is it oh no but that's the dude you're wrong yeah bro you're [ __ ] wrong okay too i got it i got it i got it jesus some questions we got here okay you ready i think i only got one i don't i mean dan i hate stepping to an israeli but i just looked it up it's not the same he's not an expert on jewelry dan you don't know what you're talking about i'm looking at it's sephardic and eshkenazi yeah there's only two what's the other one's the third one it's mizrahi yeah yeah it means rocky just means middle eastern bro it literally means middle eastern yeah okay what did you write eugene lovey about that but i didn't see what you wrote i mean i'm reading dan you're wrong i'm telling you you guys are gonna get slammed in the comments because i'm literally fact-checking right now he literally means middle eastern how dare you okay how dare you like get discredit them misraheez i don't think anyone in israel would consider themselves rocky right yeah yeah yeah and safar dim are sometimes used interchangeably although they mean separate despora groups the safari jews community were formed i am telling you the way the words used i've lived there for five years i know because you love to cheat no but he's oh my god you're wrong okay man i mean it's a technicality that's not used in common parliament which one are you i'm uh ashkenazi i'm mizrahi you're oh you're mocking oh for real i told you this a million times i was thinking about peeing wait how much moroccan are you well my first test was 18 but i took another test i'm like 23 i swear moroccan yeah i swear you look like you have a little ethnic in you people always said that and i was like that's crazy that's what and then i'm like oh my god those husbands like i am like which side of your family my dad's side so is your dad like 50 then i was like he was like hungarian greek like mediterranean that means he must be 50 if you're 20 yeah 25 percent but he never did so that means one of his parents is straight up moroccan it doesn't make sense how do you not know that well because well i didn't know my grandparents on his side they both died young and so so i didn't know and so i was just thought we were like greek because i was kind of like not stereotyping but i was always kind of like hairy so i always just thought like oh maybe it's my green side when i was a kid i just had like facial hair and people would like make fun of me for i was like 12 with like a mustache i was so sad can we get a gallizzy please i wax no glizzlies no that was no point for trisha uh ian if i have to [ __ ] spell it out bonus point name a jew in hollywood that's both ashkenazi and sephoratic no eugene lovey okay nailed it got the bonus point that's one for me zero for trisha what's the score that's what i'm talking about when is the teddy fresh and jew collab coming the juke lab do i need the license is that from seriously can you do a star david merch that's everything with the with the teddy bear with a little star of david on it i'm not into the whole i'm not really into that but then you could wear something so people don't have to wear a tele instead of that we could wear like a little teddy fresh jew bear you guys got both you and you it's great yeah i'm not sure donate to the jewish organization i just don't like including all that i love a star david it's proud you know why i wear the star of david because in the holocaust they put the star of david on people to identify them as jewish and like oh these are bad people now we wear proudly because we're proud to be jews right i think they wore proudly before the holocaust too no babe wasn't it a thing like put this on them their disgrace oh i know that happened in all cause but people wore star davis before the hulk well now we can wear this and not get killed right so wear it proud we're proud but you're not a jew you wouldn't be in a holocaust you wouldn't be in a concentration camp where would i be i don't know okay not there that's cool i would i wouldn't care i would sacrifice myself if i could go in place of my fiance i would go in front of him really well so nice of you to say now there's no risk here i so would i would hide him that'd be the person i'd be i'd hide him in my house well i guess we'd be married so he's not hidden we'd be on social media they'd be like we see him i wonder if the wife of a jew of a yeah i don't know that there was much intermingling back then i don't think jews married non-jews was it really that bad like it was like almost like interracial like back then right like it was like i think there were no i mean i think the jews just really kept to them they just married with him they still are like that you crazy being like we only want a marriage yeah okay calm down yeah it is still like that but back then it was even more as you can imagine next question please thank you so much i want people to know i like i really love them from like a place in my like gut like i love them so much or heart gut i don't know what the [ __ ] you're you kind of i just love jewish culture i just wish i had a culture i really don't have an identity of my own that's why i'm like trying to be so many different identities because i don't know who i am you're moroccan apparently it's crazy what do you you don't what you're the background of your family i don't know my mom doesn't know hers at all but like we do have greek in us and we do have hungarian and stuff like that we have like that stuff but i always just thought i was like why not the moroccans have rich culture yeah maybe i shouldn't i don't know their food is bomb i love moroccan so good maybe i should cook that yeah people want us to have a cookoff because people are saying i'm a better cook than you now because i've been cooking i would love to have a cookoff we should definitely do that i saw yeah people want that maybe next week thank you binging with baptist she i learned recipes from him all right next question we get babash on the show um yep actually that one is gettable i don't know why not i mean it's just babish do you know him right yeah baby with babish oh yeah what is it they've been with baby no it's on baby basics with babish or babiness culinary university or something bibing bibing with babish he taught me how to make a great decimal for my mac and cheese and it's amazing okay dan all right thank you so much what is the name what is the name for the practice of jewish esotericism that in recent decades has been co-opted by many western celebrities such as madonna ashton kutcher and ariana grande okay ariana this is a weird one you got it easy kabbalah kebab both got it that's the point yeah that that [ __ ] is weird the whole kabbalah thing it's you're part of your culture the cabal thing is like a weird-ass sect of judaism right it's like kind of just odd dudes doing weird [ __ ] it's just mysticism we should get some red strings to wear on our wrist also were you teased as a jew growing up or no not really no ventures like whatever yeah there was lots of jews nobody gave me any trouble yeah we never we never knew that as like a thing but i went to college and i met like some uh foreign exchange students from europe and they're like i have never met a jew in my whole life and i was like really she's like i did not expect that you would be like this i was like what so same i never met a jew until i moved to l.a yeah so that's super weird but but i think that's why the jews live in l.a and new york right it's weird if you're not jewish yeah it's a little dicey it's weird if you're not jewish exactly okay god dan all right um this one is sort of a uh name as many as you can style questions uh list as many of the ten plagues of egypt oh my goodness as you can what the ten plagues from the story of moses okay i think i got five like legit five all right are we good i think so let's see what we got okay ready mm-hmm how many have all right well let me read them off okay all right i guess do one of them at a time why don't you read the ten and then let's see and you guys can see if you got them right right water turned to blood oh and frogs i got frogs okay so it rained frogs lice slash gnats damn it didn't get that one trish are you confused did you miss the point oh you're doing the ten commandments aren't you oh the commandment is not a plague for the record he said moses brought it down he didn't say anything about moses about moses oh i did he said that he said yeah he died yeah and this is part of the story of moses yes he brought these plagues to egypt to egypt because he they would not release the jews this was the punishment for the egypt ten plagues so i've got frogs well clearly you got zero yeah i think ethan's got this one no that's not fair i thought it was the play um the commandments yeah you said the plagues what do you want i mean what do you i mean what can we do okay so you're just going around discovering 10. you know the plagues i know 10 plagues i know do you know any of the plagues would you have got this right yeah no you wouldn't yeah the frogs raining lotus death of first born disease boils bad breath bad dick and sloppy wipes i would have beaten you i know more well maybe you should listen well that's unfortunate because yeah one more for the like there's a reason people call me king of all jews i think that's howard stern i think it's jesus oh right he's king of jesus he's the king but i'm i'm here to dispute that title all right i'll give it to you really think of jews no not the game but the king of jews oh thank you i want to be the mother of jews the mother of all jews yeah that's a pretty ambitious title but i think there's a shot really i think there's a shot you could recognize for that thank you go ahead dan all right uh just a few more here we go for the record because i knew those during rosh hashanah when do you eat apples dipped in honey when yeah when or why because i know why when even moses is like sorry during rosh hashanah but when in the ceremony oh my god there's a whole ceremony bro you get these who wrote this who wrote this um tell me who wrote this i don't know i think this just came from a jewish trivia yeah i think a why is probably better when in the ceremony yeah right before the celery and the second before the parsley so you're saying you don't know the answer well you eat it with everything the pomegranate the fish head like you kind of just have it when do you do it during the seder you eat it after the challah on the first night sorry i made some bomb ass holla yeah what no there's two nights there's the beginning and end yeah this is a very this is a contentious question let's throw this one out all right skip yeah i love that part of it though i love the apples slams every time it slaps the [ __ ] out of we had rasher shannon together last year that was when the beginning of the end where my family hated me right right to be yeah we'll do another one you guys know what you guys know why it went so poorly you you didn't eat the apples dipped in honey after that we'll do another one we'll do another one oh cause because your guys mom is coming hopefully and we're gonna have a slap and banging [ __ ] holiday when she's her cooking is like off the rails bro i'm so i'm so nervous i'm so excited yeah no they're mom's gracious can i say the prayers you think of course what there's no there's no rules under this house okay cool not that i'm so excited all right uh it's gonna be so much yeah it's gonna be great good just a few more questions what is the name of the jewish circumcision ceremony you know what yeah surprise bris briss oh good for you they both got it do you know how many days after birth well of course you do you just had a baby do you know what you didn't finish your question how many days after birth that it's performed oh well i didn't mind that like the day after no i'm not supposed to do you're supposed to give it a week seven days yeah eight days huh i almost included that question i was like there's no way trisha would know that ah you think i'm an expert i'm about to have a jewish baby we need to know when to get the rabbit in here i recommend doing it at the hospital for real we're gonna have a water birth at home so probably not okay you guys if that's what you want to do well let's do one more question you want a water of course you do both did you want a water birth of course you do oh my god you better have a dog you can have a doctor on standby okay good okay it's not a troll like he really loves water and i'm like maggie you should take her to the hospital bro oh coven oh you can do a water birth if it's in a hospital we have a big ass pool babe we can just do it there oh yeah it's gonna be nice go swimming afterwards take a dip he wants a water baby cool down yeah do it if you do the hospital that's a fun way to have a baby okay but but regardless it doesn't affect the outcome of the circumcision right i would have a doctor do it yeah rabbis [ __ ] don't know what they're doing you wanna do it um and uh where did you extrapolate that no okay the rabbits like suck off the baby you can watch them do it obviously so they don't do that but they're just not trained professionals like a lot of times they'll mangle the kid's dick okay okay i would just let like maybe we'll just have girls at the hospital they're really they know you're an advocate for the hospital i i respect what you say okay whatever i respect it i just said you'll have a hospital water birth cool we're down okay good all right last question here we go what is the name of the mixture of fruits nuts and wine served at passover what is what the little mixture of fruit nuts and wine served at passover fruits whoever wins this wins everything no what are you talking about i'm wearing it yeah i'm trivial like whoever usually it's a close game right now i'm up for like five points yeah fruits nuts and wine at passover i know this one what is it what say it again the terminology what's it do you know what this is okay can you just say that it's the term you're looking for right a term hello yeah it's just yeah there's a term fruits nuts and wine bro what i'm confused on this one okay i don't think i'm right but i wrote down what i got all right let's see it sacrifices uh no i g it's called uh harold seth hollow well you're on crack with these questions oh i love that you're picking up trish terminology and you're on crack you didn't invent your own crack i think i've been saying you're on crack to everybody for like at least five years now okay i'll i'll give you a question i do peace and love all the time i still say no i like i mean you're on crack i like that i'll give you credit for that i wonder if i can put if i can stamp glizzy gripper on the hot dog no so what's the final score here uh do you want to do one more can we do one for all the marbles like for a winner that's no i'm out of good questions okay we're getting really annoyed by all these questions that question doesn't make any uh hey look at me i appreciate it you literally just google it it's and i was right about that other one too you're gonna see everybody [ __ ] you get so mad over nothing it's literally jewish trivia that means nothing i mean to the jews it means something but us it's like we're in front of me you know what i'm not angry how [ __ ] dare you get so angry you're like no that's [ __ ] it's like it says it online it's obviously something you don't know literally you don't know i've lived it you all don't know [ __ ] god [ __ ] both of you i win this show is over wow and moses agrees with me by the way he's not the end of be all just cause he's from israel doesn't mean well what the hell do you know and what do you see now he's looking it up look at me to the life i've been in the trenches moses has been under the treasure he's served in the army you have not been in the trenches i've been in the trenches the metaphorical yeah yeah the proverbial trenches okay all right we're coming up on two hours you should really wrap it up so give me the final uh tally here ian that's bad for a boy not bad for a boy a koi i would non jew i'm a they is a [ __ ] girl no it's it's just it's just uh oh oh oh my god derogatory is it derogatory yeah a little bit yeah i'm okay i don't i mean i'm pretty sure she kind of said it in the direction like oh look at that great gray over there yeah that's me too people said that to be me well you are a boy well you're and clearly based on you know the the scope final score you're going to get the first time you actually girl you are a boy you are a jew well that sounds racist you call me a boy i can't call you a jew jew is a tricky word because it both means it is the right word but it's also an insulting word you are a jewish is that better that's grammatically incorrect we'll figure out how to how to talk you crazy yeah i prefer jew crazy okay that was fun yay i'm not really angry i'm just having fun you actually won like legitimately one without cheating so congrats is that the other one what about the science one i i don't know what it was science oh the original trivia one from from orthodox to uh nazi oh my god i love that do you remember springtime for hitler remember we gotta go um i am not actually angry i just want to make that clear i'm just having a good time out here have been trying to be entertaining and then you coming in with your [ __ ] you look like kiefer southerland right now i love it lost boys keeper stethorne oh yeah the vampire yeah you look dope did he come on our show for sure i love you he's so easy to get yeah i think so are he nobody's done [ __ ] since 24 right nobody's asking for him but he was everything on 24. yeah that was a while ago though he's not a jew we have to we have 24 hours to put the bomb there's a muhammad there's a jihadist tried to nuke new york city every plot every [ __ ] yeah such a stupid show so dumb so dumb we have to figure out how to defuse this bomb in new york city we have 24 hours beep beep beep i didn't like it also he's not like an action star he's like kind of like a he gives me like chuck norris vibes you know what i mean like he's such a b-rate actor oh sure no that's like a compliment is kind of iconic on his on to himself you know what i mean he was but then when he was like walker texas ranger vibes no he was teaching people like not to do [ __ ] keeper sutherland became the voice of uh solid snake from metal gear solid for real i was curious what he's done since 24 and that's like one of the only notebooks we'll get him so there you go yeah we'll get him i feel like you're never gonna get a guess that i want i feel like you're literally just saying this every time how many guests have we had on the show dr drew now he wasn't a guest he was more like a yeah he was more like a i don't want to guess until we get adam sandler as the first one and then we can get after that yeah we're working on that all right well guys it's been a fun wild ride we've said it all we've done it all we've talked about david dobrik we're talking about james charles we've talked about moses himself the prophet the great prophet of judaism val kilmer voiced moses and prince of egypt not a jew voicing moses how ironic but thank you mazel tov today [Music] thank you daddy thank you daddy all right guys we'll see you next week for another episode of frenemies thank you for joining us you know what time it is and um shalom shalom shabbat much bye [Music] so you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,201,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: jReGxvVvb5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 38sec (7298 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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