Ethan & Trisha Do An Athletics Competition - Frenemies #22

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Ethan: Hang it up that would be fine. The fact that you're wearing it is unsettling.

Trish: But it's not even about that. I honestly like wearing it because some of his energy is coming into me. I am so inspired by him because he puts so many jew references in his movies.

Ethan: eyebrows begin aggressively ticking

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 165 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HangryHenry ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was my favourite episode of Frenemies yet.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 312 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Wintertime13 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The ending of this felt so nice just watching them talk together in their matching cars. We were just watching two friends have a genuine conversation but it felt so wholesome.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 371 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/everylightmatters ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

*trisha trying to do a pull-up โ€œi just need a running startโ€ ethan: โ€œgirl you need a jet packโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 122 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/maddiehope23 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œDid you know horse semen is the most expensive liquidโ€ โ€œWhy? Glue?โ€ I was DYING

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 241 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/princessofsalt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I died when Trisha had the belt around her after Ethan. "OK not to flex but I like need this really tight" ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 181 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/coopiekeep ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethan was so funny this episode, his comments during the arm wrestling had me ROLLING

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 86 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/renaysance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

can we all agree this was one of their best episodes?? I LOVED that they actually went to a real park, it made me so nostalgic for doing outdoor activities like that. And their struggles were relatable, lol. They looked so cute eating in their cars at the end, it was just great.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 161 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PictishThunder ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I loved the ending when moses just walked away. Trish and Ethan (and moses) are really starting to feel like family and it makes me so happy to see. I wish you guys all the best :))

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 62 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Intelligent_Cake3262 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] okay who's gonna do this last time you did it you gotta back up and let me do it no last time you did it wasn't it you you jumped in i was like wow good job no i i did it two weeks ago you did it last week at nine oh for real okay go ahead hey guys and welcome back to frenemies today we are doing the presidential fitness test frenemy style wait it's not the presidential fitness test well whatever version of the presidential fitness has could you pass the presidential fitness test why is it called the president like the president is gonna [ __ ] if i could do push-ups you know what i mean not our current one definitely can't do push-ups joe biden yeah he challenges people i feel like he could do something yeah he's some piece of fit over here i like him but yeah why would you [ __ ] on our dear president okay no i'm kidding so um and we should just say start the show by a hashtag stop the asian hate we need to just say what stop the asian hate more people need to talk about getting animations no it's like a tren it's a hashtag right now and i feel like it needs to bring more awareness what are people doing today there's a lot of asian hate crimes happening right now and there are in our country it's a huge thing right now and i think 3 000 in the past crimes people who are like well you know who started it trump he ignited not to make a politic oh because because of that you think oh no it is like especially specifically older who's going to hate on who's going to he has the facts but especially elders i think seven percent are elders that are getting like people are just beating the [ __ ] out of them and they're dying what who's doing this it's a huge thing right now and it's stuffed asian talking about who's doing that who's got time to hate on asians when there's so many jews walking around no if you want to be an ally what jews oh people love jews now it's super trendy although that girl got fired for being a jew remember from the star wars thing there was a girl that was jewish and got fired i don't think she got fired for being jewish i think she got fired for saying oh no no she's i don't think she's jewish what she said was that she's not she said wearing a mat or she said being a conservative is like being jews during the holocaust which is kind of a dumb [ __ ] statement and she got fired for that that and many other things so she but she's a jewish person herself i don't believe a jewish person would say that but i could be wrong i mean [Music] she's not jewish she got fired though i'm pretty confident so what's going on with the asians what do we know about the asians to be an ally to the aapi which is the um asian american pacific islanders you just have to raise awareness like if you're in the workplace about it you should have like conversations about it ask like people if they need like you know because it's a trying time right now so people are suggesting so do i need to go up to asians and ask if they're okay they need a break oh if they need a break what does that mean okay i thought it's on the website this is not me saying this but say what suggestion yeah i'm supposed to cover asians at the workplace we're all [ __ ] tired first of all they're going through a trying time what are you i thought i thought old asians were getting beat up stress if you're well we won't say that but stress if something's coming through it's like you know they're going okay so go you telling me to i don't know that asian people want people going up to them asking if they're okay that seems kind of patronizing but like i read on the aapi website that like if you can offer your service of like taking over their job temporarily like if they need help with a project because there's they're they have to go to protest right now dan is this this seems so outrageous what you're trying to say the website today oh my god so i'm supposed to go cover for for asians so they can go protest walk down the street and worry about getting them listen i'm not no i'm just i'm just wondering what i need to do to help support my asian brothers and sisters so stop asian hate okay read it since kova 19 anti-aging hate crimes have increased by nineteen hundred percent in the united states nearly three thousand reported anti-asian hate incidents were reported in over 47 states and the district of columbia seven point three percent of those reports counted the most vulnerable elderly asians as the victims and many crimes go unreported or not possible if you're actually doing this you are beyond sick and you know why people are doing this it's because all trump and all of his conservative allies are going around saying wuhan virus in china created it and all that it's just pure [ __ ] racism xenophobic [ __ ] it's kind of like when the blm movement really like made such a difference like people just need to like raise more awareness here it is from the website non-asian american friends and colleagues can show support by checking in with aapi peers showing they're aware of the news demonstrating their well-being asking someone and opening up i feel like they're feeling like is there anything i can do for you i feel like they're emotional there's not enough asians i feel like they're talking on behalf of every asian and i don't know like i'm just speaking for myself i'm not asian but like i don't want people coming up to be like are you okay how are you doing can i do it it's like patronizing that's like saying how i was doing it if i need some help you want everybody to do i need some help okay well well you're i would love it if they could you know like if people ask me like hey i'll take over this assignment for today i'd be like thank you everybody's worried about you don't worry not about me because i'm like i'm i'm like i'm white and like there's one right is that it is wasp anyways is that a derogatory statement white anglo white anglo-saxon protestant making is that a and raising awareness about this is the main issue we need to do so then we're good we're doing that you don't have to go up to a random age on the street and be like can i hear you don't i would say don't do that that's weird but raising awareness also during the big platform i just wanted to stay at the top of the show how many asians have you gone up to and asked if they're okay be honest i'm gonna put it out there if you're asian and need my help please email me because i help everybody but specifically this week i would like to help asian american or pacific islanders in our united states specifically san francisco and la there's a lot of these hate violent crimes if you need help if you need like a job direction placement anything like that email me well i can i can't believe there's actually people doing i mean maybe we're too sheltered here in l.a because people are generally more like educated than most people i never heard i didn't know people were actually doing this is shocking to me the problem mainstream media is not talking about well what can i do you can't fix [ __ ] awareness you can't fix dumb yes you look out for these i agree if i saw it on the street i would i would do a fl i would i would sacri i would um but you don't want to come up against angry i don't think you're going to be able to fight against anybody i would do anything i would do anything for them i'll do anything for the asians i just hashtag southeast do some research raise awareness in the workplace just say how important is this people are i mean this is horrific it's so sad it's so sad it's so it's just so are dying and they're not being classified as hate crimes that's what's so annoying oh actually yeah it should be classified as a hate yeah they're just like saying like oh this person just died on the street like casually when they got the show well when people commit a hate crime the punishment is more severe so they definitely hate crimes that's what i'm saying like no one's getting people aren't getting punished for these things like it's insane like it just needs to be talked about more it's it was trending on tick tock but i do think it should be trending everything we did good we're trending it okay so what is the point so it's good save the agents hashtag okay i was thinking save the whales why were you thinking back because you're looking at me oh my god you literally were like i was thinking save the whale no it's just saved the i wasn't trying to call you you know well would you be so mad if people were trying to save you you said you want people checking in on you i'm not an actual whale okay save trisha baby we have so much to cover so too because okay wait let me tell you let me just say slow down i just want to like get back that's our sponsor today what's our sponsor save they stop the asian heat stop the haitian eight what stop the asians stop the asians okay today we are doing the physical tests that everybody was super excited about myself too we're gonna see if anybody first of all can do a pull-up we're seeing easy anybody could do push-ups we're having a running competition we're having a jump rope competition i trained basketball did you i tried i knew you did i did i swear i didn't train because i want to go on raw yeah same because i'm actually going to start training we have our workout equipment coming this week so i'm actually going to start training so i wanted to see how good i was pre-training so maybe in a month we'll go back and oh you want to do it rechecking yeah that's interesting so stay tuned we're just gonna chitchat a little bit then we're gonna head out to the uh hit the irons also the um challenge is from frenemies i'm saying that right here somebody tried to debate that it wasn't it is i don't so wait there's i was on xanax during those episodes and i was like um because i don't remember doing that because you know what the stuff you still do it though if you see me in the street i will do video shout outs for your friends whatever don't ask me to go um because i don't do that anymore like that was like the next moment no you still do it definitely i literally hear you do it every episode and i just don't say anything because it's like i don't want to beat the dead horse but you literally mmm everything not the people love it no it was a different time so do you want you just did you literally just did it you went it was a different time you literally just did it can we have the credit for that on tick tock how come no one's taking doesn't it it should be hashtag front of me every time someone doesn't inside the challenge it should be the front of me challenge i mean i'm complimented that that we've broken into popular media in that way i didn't tell you we stopped the mcdonald's on our break on the way over here you somehow beat me you got a chicken sandwich they had a new one out today and i was so excited sorry we should have brought i thought you guys were gonna stop too otherwise i would have brought you food i'm sorry well i can't eat bread i'm on the keto i know i would about damn food because i was like [ __ ] cause he texts us you guys aren't here i was like [ __ ] they didn't stop i thought you guys were all stopping for food at your own leisure so sorry my bad oh it's fine you don't have to worry about us no it's like so rude and i i love the coke there coke has uh mcdonald's has better coke you know why they pay extra for machines to get the balance between the syrup it's the perfect blend oh so the coke is so good i couldn't leave it in the car i was trying to like hide and it's that diet this is diet i love it okay i just want to make sure i also brought like snacks so if you want oh trisha that is not diaphone yo bro it matches you it looks like you it's a snowball but i brought you a keto snack these are what i was telling you about oh no way oh my god peach ring wait wait wait this is not candy trisha what you don't eat the whole thing trisha this has carbs and a shitload of sugar no it's no sugar it's fruit what do you mean it's peach rings it's fruit sugar no sugar keto is no sugar sugar this is not keto so excited for you okay you want our cupcakes but just so you know snowball this is the how is this is not same sugar okay i thought eating was like this ain't in any diet i'll just put it there this is not any diet and neither is it this is just fruit it's just i can't eat fruit on keto do you see how many carbs are in it for our workout today pink gatorade and a pink monster oh my god you're going to be you're going to be gaining a lot of weight during this i need makeup girl you are eating a hostess cupcake that's energy that's like straight out of the meme hole right there bringing it with you but okay whatever i guess you're done being fat well i'm trying honestly congrats well hold on i i lost a pound and a half so you guys know amazing honestly because i've been doing keto for about four days and exercising trying to exercise every night not a lot but you know like 20 minutes on the peloton mm-hmm just a little something that's good you can eat that before quietly okay no go for it i'm just so hungry i only had a chicken sandwich no fries i wanted the fries so bad i'm hungry dude anyway the keto is just like basically all protein so let me let me witness this jesus christ so when are you are you i i don't i'm not going to keep bringing up that you need to die or not that you need to but i thought we were going to do it together when did we ever agree to that well i thought it'd be fun you start losing weight so i feel so embarrassed to sit next to you that i have to start losing weight too okay until they can tell the difference between our sizes and i start getting bigger than you do you think we should have some kind of weight loss competition because that would be fun that would be maybe motivating even i think that's gonna be worse for me i'm gonna sabotage myself because yeah once you get left behind or something then it gets really uncomfortable surprised to lose weight than girls so two so two statistics what statistics the ones where you're anyways so we're getting into that because we have a lot we have so much things to talk about yeah okay okay so first of all i know we've talked about david dobrik a lot but i just have proof okay proof that he watches our podcast proof that he watches our podcast well here well i'm gonna show it to you now i want your reaction so here it is can you see that poor semen can cost up to four point seven million dollars we had a ben shapiro uh uh impersonator colin and he made this joke oh sorry cat's out of the bag i don't know who that is okay well anyway he made a joke about how horse semen is the most expensive liquid on the planet and so now watch of course it can cost up to four point seven million dollars it is actually the most expensive liquid you can buy liquids in the world this is [ __ ] amazing is horse semen well you probably already know about this jay i know a lot about semen but a gallon of horse semen can go for four point seven million dollars horses excuse me wait is this like up to 4.7 million popular no we just wrote that joke you wrote the joke for the bench appear impersonator it wasn't on news or anything like you could google no yeah we wrote the joke we i'm not going to take credit it's not even real it's not a real fact it is a real fact okay but he did it six days later how are you you can't let this is fact no he's obsessed with people talking about him they always got some in the group oh this person said that he knows everything he just doesn't have to acknowledge it because he's how did you upload a video five hours ago she just uploaded video five butter noodles so anyway proof that david dilbrick is watching so hi david time to apologize to seth [ __ ] yes horaceman is very expensive where'd you learn that did you know that horsesemen is the most expensive liquid on the planet why glue well because good horses good stallions have like good ass ratings glue what the [ __ ] kind of glue do you buy what kind of [ __ ] glue do you buy for five million dollars blue is made from horses horses the [ __ ] does that have to do with horse semen i don't know if that's the part that's making the glue they breed racing horses like like prize horses so if you have like buttercup who's like won all the hor the horse races then his jizz is worth like tons of money bro jizz that's great golden jizz give it up you know what all you gotta do is like even privately apologize success like don't ignore his phone calls like just maybe talk to me like that was messed up like also you like just just acknowledge it like it's just not that hard like it's insane it's so insane and probably people saying oh she's weaponizing like i'm not it's called raising awareness because like imagine if that was a girl imagine that was anyone else imagine if you did that to a girl or something like that and like you force your kiss on somebody else and force your mouth on somebody else like that would be like you literally go to jail and he doesn't even know i mean i i can't believe that no i still can't believe that nobody's picking this up no news outlets all these [ __ ] like variety and insider and all these [ __ ] they write about anything is picking it up did you they tweeted me they're like you said no one was taking the david over okay seriously we are email us for details and they email me they didn't publish it yet i don't think so but i think they're like good because it's like they write about the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] they'll write about david dobrik's new house is amazing all this dumb [ __ ] right but like they won't actually write about anything real about this story philip defranco i love you phillip but um you guys put me in another thumbnail because you're a [ __ ] coward for not talking about this and you too i think keemstar is not covering just because he doesn't want to give us props no they're just like i don't know i think keemstar keemstar doesn't want to say there was an ethan conducted an interview with seth that would [ __ ] sear his heart but like it is a white male club right like it's like philip defranco keemstar david like they're all in this like club they're all except like if this was again anyone else like if it was i don't think it's i think it just has to do with they don't want to go against the grain exactly that's what i'm saying it's nothing to do with like privilege for sure it hasn't for sure they just they don't want to deal with the backlash of cut of doing a negative story about david that's all it's so gross to me you know what but like i've learned from anything especially with people that have like i've been abusive and like essay and all that stuff like that it's like it comes back around eventually like you know look at bill cosby it took him like 60 years to get justice served but it does happen and at least well i don't think by the way back up back up he's not like as far as we know he's not yeah i mean but what he's not like a serial no it's really traumatizing what he did though i mean i agree but i've been in a similar situation i'm just saying like tone it down a little bit no where like unwanted advances towards me made me feel some type of way for years that i didn't know that even happened so he had now dealing with all the internet thinking he's a problem definitely endured a lot of [ __ ] okay so the very basic minimum and this helps anyone that's been through something like acknowledgement and apology goes so long even if it's a [ __ ] fake whatever like just acknowledging that like you did something wrong and you apologize like that's insane that he can't do that to me like the very bare minimum you can do it to you this person is saying like and now he's all these people calling him a liar and then he went along with it oh we can prove this like it's just it's so it's so disgusting not to go through all that i was curious i just went to dramaalert to see if he had made a david dobrik uh video and to my surprise his like second most recent video says david dobrik in the title so i clicked on it and all the comments are like you're gonna talk about david's bed but not david getting cancelled if it was anyone other than ethan that shed light on it you'd be all over it exactly as i [ __ ] said he literally did a drama alert about his [ __ ] bed and not the fact that someone did a full-on interview saying it was essay twice by him like keemstar how are you going to purport to do the news just because you want to avoid like giving like mentioning that i conducted the interview you [ __ ] ghoul no it's like he has no interest in doing the right thing and this is absolute proof of it and philip defranco i think phil duran's a good guy but he's empowered right now oh he's a coward and everything i i don't think i dislike anyone as much as they know you always say that no it's not a hatred okay who do you hate more him or jack's film jackson of course yeah you see easy sorry you're right exactly that's what i thought with him oh that tweet was good yeah i mean philip defranco come on how was how that's the thing everybody wrote about david's bed it's like okay cool he bought a [ __ ] big bed who the [ __ ] cares it's the most insane thing i've ever seen david has a drinking fountain that spits out kool-aid cool that's awesome good luck cleaning that you think that's gonna have mold on nobody's gonna use that after a [ __ ] day it's disgusting regardless no mention of the firsthand account on video of someone getting essay twice by him for profit and then him refusing to pay them no mention of that but he's got a big bed it's so gross to me it's so it's so gross and i don't know it's like it's like screaming into like literally like a pillow right like i was watching the um woody allen docky series last night oh was it good i want to watch it and yeah but it again not to compare the two to extreme but like his daughter said this in 94 in 2004 yeah and nothing happened and she goes dirtier than me two people scarlett johansson was still working with her young all these people are yeah he's still working could you imagine no no he has a film right now on production in europe a huge budget i mean he made a huge he made a movie with larry david like in 2009 scoop yeah it was a huge movie like no he's still working bro oh people like no he may be no i was just reading about it he he can't get distribution in the united states anymore i think now came out look up the year it came out in 2009 like that was a huge movie i mean he's old as [ __ ] how old is he's gonna be barely hanging on at this point i think he's at 85. i'm pretty sure i read that yeah that story i'm gonna watch the duck better than that it's a four-part docu-series it's on hbo like let's just be honest i'm not saying david dobrik is a serial [ __ ] he's done enough like he owes some acknowledgement of what's going on here he definitely owes that i feel like i'm getting a firsthand account of how hard it is to come out as like even in today's like super woke me too [ __ ] like in even with us amplifying it as much as possible the fact that i feel we feel like we're talking into an empty void like is is absolutely is is so [ __ ] like uh maddening and it's so again i'm not comparing it but i just related so much when when mia farrow when she she talked about the story they labeled it as oh she's a bitter ex-wife because he like married her daughter i was like yeah because her daughter got abused and then the other one did too at like 10 and molested like sexually abused like it's it's documented there's footage and this new one it's on hbo this new series that is that's a four-part series you have footage of this like it's like it's not even just like believing what people are saying there's like footage of him i mean inappropriate with her he adopted this girl at what age she had adopted suny with her ex-husband andre privy or whatever so when did he when did this girl enter his life like nine and they're always video so woody allen raised this girl from nine years old and then married her at like 16. right i mean kiss gloves but aside from that her other adopted daughter um dylan farrow was getting molested for years by woody allen before sunyi right that's what they all said and they're like ah who cares he's funny or i guess after yeah yeah but he's pretty funny though yeah i mean people knew about bill cosby for a long [ __ ] time too i mean and she said the same thing she was it was like screaming like i don't know what her analogy was but it's the same thing of like no one cared during me too like harvey weinstein was kidding but like what woody allen did was like it's like their children like it's insane like it's so how is it again not to say it's the same thing because it's not but like when i was doing that interview with uh seth i was like this is cr what i'm hearing is insane and p and people are i was like david is definitely gonna have to respond to this and then fast forward two weeks later nobody gives a [ __ ] okay whatever we can't talk about david frustrating no because you know when i hear i hate on to talk to you being like oh trish is just a man better this has nothing to do with me like i would stick up for anyone i'm thinking for dylan perry i'm sticking up for the you know stop asian hate like i'd stick up for anyone well it's like well when i made a because i made a tick tock where he was like just business as usual whatever and i was like wow i can't believe nobody's that was crazy but a lot of the comments were like oh whatever dude [ __ ] you you're just [ __ ] you're a hater or you make videos for trisha so you can't say anything stuff like that but it's like no all of his fans don't want to address the issue that he did these things no it's like you all want to talk about this and that's bad so let's just ignore an actual like an actual like awful thing that's like really traumatizing yeah but also the comparisons is moronic first of all you've acknowledged all the things you've done wrong second of all you've never been to somebody exactly if i do that but regardless this conversation is at the point because we're not even talking about you we're talking about david you want to talk about churchill we can do that and trust me we've done plenty of that and i call out trisha every time every chance i get an opportunity i know and i have like a problematic math and this is so different than me this is so above me and beyond my issues so it's just like i'm just showing support because he just doesn't have as much and i'm glad that you did the interview and i wasn't even involved in that that was the h3 podcast and i was so happy to see well they reached out to me and i thought his story was interesting yeah anyway okay whatever let's move on okay fashion nova you get any money from them yet because i'm going to talk about them right now i haven't gotten paid but i do have a deal i have a test run with them bless you which i it's just in the contract you cannot say how much don't i can't tell you but it's it's a test run where's my [ __ ] passion well it's for tick-tock i'm killing it on tick-tock multi-fashion is what sucks i hate them i love them they're close to suck they go for curvy girls up to 5x third size i wanted to ask you about this tick tock i saw about fashion nova um why did fashion nova post this they posted this photo so my brain i'm saying do not shop at fashion nova i'm saying why you're on the show do not shop at fashion nova it's [ __ ] it's fast fashion they make it in china it's disposable if you can't afford religion fast fashion is literally the most polluting one of the biggest polluters in the whole planet before it's 70 jeans fashionable offers them for 12. just buy one instead of size 20. bro you know when you're buying jeans for twelve dollars that somebody's dying you think everybody can afford to buy seventy dollar jeans they're not dying you don't know this they haven't been in their factory they've been in their factories in downtown l.a actually fashion nova is not made in downtown l.a i've been to the factory ah fashionable is not made in downtown l.a six years ago sorry you don't sell [ __ ] twelve dollar jeans for for that's made in america trust me that [ __ ] is made by children slaves in china don't sue me please peace stop the asian heat that's what i'm saying stop there you go stop the asian hate they're the ones [ __ ] having little kids fingers bleeding all over 12 jeans blood jeans like blood diamonds blood jeans i'm just trying to make it clear that they do not sponsor me isn't that an abstinent movie blood diamonds that was a leo movie oh yeah wasn't there one where he was a jeweler oh that was yeah uncut gems have we seen that one they weren't blood gems though but it's about blood diamonds right no oh really no that's not true yikes dan over here the hot takes do you think my diamond's a blood diamond i don't know moses you tell me yeah his blood and sweat and tears don't work i know i feel so bad um oh nevermind it's okay what do you feel that about it was his renovation money for his building uh whatever he doesn't care he's got a brand new house [ __ ] his old building look at him he's so happy look at that smell on his face you better put a ring on it if you like it then you better put a ring on it because this was like my dream ring i showed an inspiration for and he's like well he goes i just wanted you to be like proud of your ring and show it off you know exactly he knew he had to get something outraged just to make you happy could you imagine if i had like no offense but it was like one carat for me because i have a big fat finger it would have looked like crazy the marriage wouldn't work i would have bought my own the marriage would not work if he gave you one carat diamond i'll tell you right now be like he's broke [ __ ] him i don't care i would love to know how much that costs oh you'll tell me off camera hell yeah you know how much it cost yeah yeah because i had to get like we have six figures at least right he yeah i don't know don't say anything i mean it's gotta be at least six figures i mean i just know how much diamond like that cost all right my guess is that i'm just gonna guess i i don't know how much it cost so i can't guess it's such an awkward conversation really yeah it's great caleb's in one fashion okay i won't talk about it then if it makes me uncomfortable but it's like 250 probably 300. oh my god don't talk about it i'm just guessing i don't have any inside info so what do you make of this fashion nova posted this girl do you think this is realistic uh body goals i don't have audio oh music oh there was um she was like what is this why did they post this what um why did fashion nova post this wait why you don't see anything wrong with that girl's body that's what everyone looks like on instagram bro wait what's wrong with it i'm so confused she's like heavier no her body okay let me open the uh direct that she's heavy at all but no she's not heavy her body looks like [ __ ] freak like that is not a real body yeah like that in colombia no yeah look at her ass what the [ __ ] is that there's no way that's real her ass is like the size of she's built like elastigirl or what's the mom's name yeah elastigirl on what incredible incredibles i've never seen it she's built like a pixar can get lipo bruh her ass is the size of her body and head combined you think that's real it's just like and look how small her waist is that is totally like people do get those bodies okay her face isn't real i mean she has like worked on everywhere but doesn't mean it's not a real person and of course she probably put in her waist a little bit like you cannot you cannot oh crate why are you this is like the hill you're gonna this is not a healthy image to project out to the world i don't even care that's what everyone looks like on instagram i just because i just wanna [ __ ] on fashion nova because i know we have like tension they're getting such a shout out you're so stupid i don't think anyone's going to fashion after this i literally purchased them even when i'm not sponsored by them like all year okay go to fashion nova if you want to be one of the biggest polluters and buy [ __ ] that will literally disintegrate off your body after it gets washed one time it's fine because it's only seven bucks for a t-shirt let it disintegrate yeah and you know that it's like one of the biggest right yeah don't breathe don't don't walk too fast it'll fall right off your back almost dan anyway uh okay so and i was just curious what you thought because i thought it was crazy but you think it looks totally normal which is interesting i think um and then one other thing i want to talk about before we get to the exercising i don't know if you had something but we wanted to start doing douche bag of the month do you like that i mean that's like is it too much who's the douchebag in the month bryce hall yes you like it love it i i can't stand bryce hall yeah he's unbelievable he's like i can't believe he's a real person he might be the worst i think i thought mike was the douchebag of the day i think well yeah maybe mike will be douchebag next time i know what there was another thing we were gonna talk about oh that he mike is making a like hype house with banks it should be called the essay house like not to age shame i'm just saying you know you know just like oh that's like a lot of there's not a lot of character i mean they're like 40 too like do we need like you know what i mean we're raging out here at the [ __ ] the bank sales bro we got a police car on standby outside because they get called in three times a night so they just stake out can you imagine like and they're older than you so like imagine like i know mike is like can you imagine being like 38 that's like me in like six years and i'm like let's start up let's start a [ __ ] clubhouse like can you live by yourself like he lived with logan paul logan's moving to puerto rico and now mike's gonna move in with banks it's like bro are you scared of the dark or something oh jason are you like scared to live by yourself you [ __ ] little boy yeah jason said that too he lived with roommates at 44 45 he lived without these vlogs that's so embarrassing like it's so embarrassing and this is so embarrassing and it just also sounds like either there's one it also sounds scammy so if they're trying to get young influencers to come live in this house they're going to take percentage of their money which don't give anyone a percentage of money they're not going to do [ __ ] for you that's how like team 10 always collapsed because they they get big and they're like why am i paying this [ __ ] [ __ ] true and it's mike maljak it's not even logan paul like maybe if logan paul had a hype house okay cool but mike militech doesn't have clout without logan paul and faze banks is not your car i don't know who that is you don't know what facebook says no they call them the they call him like the the holy monk right dan now what because he's got like a huge bald spot that he always tries to hide he's he he found it he looks like he's right which is a big oh yeah he's getting he's phased he's face up bruh i'm phased up phase up i'm phased out phase up see you in the phase i hear them all the time there's like phase gains space clout space banks phase there's so many phases right my personal favorite is is uh phase date trigger warning no but what is a phase why are they called maybe just bleep the the r word yeah what's this it's the name of the clan it's a gaming clan my my favorite is faze blackout so they're twitchers they're twitchers they're gamers they play like cod i don't know that is either because they compete in like the professional gaming set blake my favorite is uh get a job well it is their job they make a lot of money i mean yeah no they're gonna do but now they're scamming other people i bet you they scam the phases i bet if you have to be a phase you have to pay money to the monk phase or whatever you just said he always wear a hat and then apparently like the hat fell off and he's got a huge bald spot everyone realized he was funny it was a famous incident he got in a fight at a bar or something with jake paul's girlfriend yeah it all happened it all happened while jake came on our podcast phrase friar or phrase phase monk fritz friars i feel like keemstar would be in on this too yeah he is he's friends with things kid that's all keemstars keemstar's face the [ __ ] up embarrassing like that's so embarrassing i'm not a shaming but i'm a shaming like you're over 35 stop it they're shopping well you say ace shaming is good when you're like 40 years old and you're hanging out with like 18 year olds yeah something like sorry you're starting a collab house stop it stop it you made money you set their baller just make your money what's the name of the drug dan it's like it's got like three-letter acronym phase ghp is my favorite phase member oh for sure phase uh i don't know it seems like it is yeah ghp phase ghp is my favorite member what if you have phase at the beginning of your name and you're over 35 like stop it like keemstar changes to like daniel keem or something you know what i mean like he's just he's so embarrassing on so many levels preach girl they all are okay let's talk about it for us oh we're so mature and we have aged well into our good luck hey i got my own [ __ ] albums i'm not scared of the dark same did you think our house was busy came to our house this weekend did you think it was blue oh yeah we should talk about that i went to your house that was like some real friendship and we didn't even tick-tock it or anything and it wasn't awkward either like i thought i was gonna be really awkward and really awkward yeah we brought theodore we had fun it was theodore had a really fun time i had so much fun yeah he was rocking the house is beautiful i mean it's it's gorgeous i'm just i'm really happy for you guys well once i get like furniture it'll be really baller and really cool i feel like you know obviously i was very skeptical of you guys relationship like a long time ago when you first started but i can tell you guys are really happy and really good for each other and i just i feel like it's great i saw moses in a tuk-tuk when you were like cooking like fried chicken or something and i can tell when moses get really excited about something and i could see how excited he was about how good the cooking was he got really excited about the chicken fried chicken and i thought that was sweet yeah no he helps me out yeah the house is beautiful i mean you guys i mean it's great i mean it's fantastic look at this it's amazing we both had no friends our entire life and we're like we found a friend i feel like that's me and hila too yeah yeah i think that but that's what i'm saying there's like people who like love being around their friends you know like like the phases right they probably love being friend oriented right and it's like a frat boy mentality all those guys for sure and like i can't be was obviously like jason to work out because he had all these friends and his friends were his priority but like if you find someone then there's other people who just don't aren't super friend-oriented it's like cool to socialize once in a while but like if you're like each other's best friends i'm not hanging out with like someone every day that's too much for me but people aren't like that one no i know i know yeah friends every day i'm like look if i was single i'd probably be you know socializing a lot more if i but when i was single i didn't need the same with moses we just know i was like what would you do if i wasn't here like if you were single and he's like i'll just be home working at night and i think i'm saying well moses has been single a long time he's used to it but i feel like yeah i'm just saying he's this you know we always say that we always say like we like we never thought we'd find someone when i was single it was a long [ __ ] time ago i was single like in college though but i would mingle a lot but that was like the vibe i was in college yeah but i feel like you were more social than us like we didn't maybe talk to anyone you want to talk about bryce hall being douchebag of the month or should we save it yes yes i feel like maybe we should just get to the exercising like how long we've been doing yeah i want to talk about bryce hall but before real quick can i just say real quick i do think and this is the last thing i'll talk about and then when we talk about because i really want to talk about bracelet i think i'm getting gripped off with my adam sandler clothes i posted a photo the other day and people noticed that my hemline was round and the one and then four oh you think you're getting fake clear dude people are putting up fakes literally just to scam you i pay 754 and they're right the hemline is really different let me show you and i was like i think i'm gonna be scammed i'll send it oh do you send it now to him yeah okay dudes there's like one dude putting up fake adam sandler clothes and making bank office that's the best thing ever okay i'm sending this to you okay so so here's what you bought uh-huh now you're saying that you don't think this is the same shirt i thought it was every single comment came from me and said you're getting ripped off girl that's a different hemline so the bottom of that my shirt goes rounded now swipe over and his is straight across hmm could it be from a different scene maybe but that's true yours is totally not straight and the other thing is those pants fit me to a t i showed the waist and everything they fit me so good and everyone's saying adam sandler is very tall and lanky he's not tall that's what i didn't think he's taller than you though and they fit perf that well that um doesn't look like the same shirt i'm so scared but it could be that i mean it could be that well how do you know is there any authentication like how do you know that they give you like a wardrobe tag and then they give you like where it's from and stuff like what what is your wardrobe tag the water page that says like sandler and then it has like because anyone could just write sandler on a tag but yeah is there any do you have any proof this actually belonged to him it smells a little bit that's not proof i did order i spent four thousand dollars on the happy gilmore jacket the gold one he wears at the end that's coming this week and i spent four thousand dollars on this jacket that's the most this was only 7.50 so i was like okay whatever but i sent four thousand do you think you have a problem spending money well not no but i think i'm worried that i got ripped off with a happy gilmore jack i just have four thousand and even more you gotta be if you don't spend four thousand on that jacket are you gonna open like an ad of sandler wardrobe museum like you know when you go to like hard rock cafe they have like outfits with glass you should do something with it because what are you to do just put in the laundry i mean you can't do that i just like to wear it for real what i bet adam thinks that's so weird oh i was just saying this to moses so there's a girl and i don't but she she's like she does so many techniques i'm a girl okay like give it a rest but nice but i love her i don't want anything but i'm sure he thinks he's probably stopped if he knew there was some weird girl just buying all this [ __ ] and wearing it it's still wearing it i think that would creep him out like have it be a fan of the film be a fan put it up frame it whatever but the fact that you're wearing it i think is unsettling i just like that he has but it's funny also but it's not even about that like i honestly like wearing it because i feel like some of his energy is coming into me are you just trying to be funny because i do think it's funny no actually not at all actually not funny at all i am so inspired by him because he put so many jewish things throughout his movies stop no he was what that word why is that a reason to admire him i thought you could say he's funny he's a good writer no he puts jewish references in his film jewish person that put so many jew references in all every single every single movie he makes a jewish reference okay well let's cancel woody on we're in antwerp listen listen it's fun it's fine that you like them for that reason it's just not what i expected he he takes his kids to his daughter's hebrew school that's fine it's just not what i expected you to be praying what so you're a fan because he sends his kids to hebrew school it seems weird no proud to be jewish his wife converted for him that means he's a hardcore jew if he has his wife convert i respect it he's funny he's successful i want to be on that level of adam sandler and netflix like i don't i want to just be him and i think his energy radiates to the close and i don't try and be funny because it's not funny who thinks no one's like being like this is amazing you're so brilliant at buying adam sandler as well why i think that's why people like it no but his body type is very similar no it's funny that you're willing to spend so much money for something so trivial that's what's funny you get adam sandler's clothes and then you wear it and it's like why did you spend two thousand dollars on this shirt just to where it's it's hilarious you don't see that i don't see the the comedic part of it i do think it's it's cool like i think it's cool i don't know if it's like ha ha you're so i'm sure amazon's like i don't believe you that's hilarious you know that's funny you i don't understand you you think that's you're doing that because it's funny i think it's impressive like when people come to multiple shows i think that's impressive i'm like whoa that's impressive you've come to multiple tour stops like that's cool i'm going to hire someone this kid who is danielle well shout out danny press he's come to every single one of my shows next to her i'm going to hire him to come like be my assistant on tour like don't understand what you're talking about we're talking about adam sandler's clothes and you saw him but he should see that i have like persistence right oh you think adam's going to notice you no no i want to go oh oh my god oh i don't want to say it something embarrassing did happen with amazon i can't say it because it has like his like location but i mentioned something on the show and it's something that like i don't know what to say say it and then we'll edit it out maybe edit it out but when i was talking about a certain synagogue everyone's like oh adam sandler goes and i swear i didn't know and i felt really crazy no i still go ahead you don't have to say the synagogue name but what happened no so i mentioned something on the show once and i don't even know if it's true but everyone's like oh she's doing that because and i swear i didn't because i don't want to be creepy like i love being a fan there's nothing creepy about buying all this wardrobes and wearing them you don't think i'm trying to smell it i smell my clothes on poshmark i think it's fine right for real you're not being stupid no it's not creepy and weird at all to buy his clothes for a thousand dollars and smell it and wear it that's why i always also show moses because the other thing is people think i'm like trying to like get with him and i'm like no like i have a fiancee so moses and all my auntie sandler video so he knows like hey i'm a fiance who's israeli because he did the zohan movie about israelis you know he did so i was just like hey there's a fiance i'm not trying to get with you because everyone just automatically assumes i want to sleep with everybody that's not the case you're me you're you're monogamous you're in a happy relationship i just think you want to smell it same sandler buy this diamond probably easily easily he could yeah but would he probably not we actually he's full jewish so are how many so how many adam sandler outfits is enough when it when do you have enough well they're running out of them so hey oh can i make it so now but what's funny is they're buying all of them and now people are making fake ones and scamming you and making thousands of dollars literally just they put it up just knowing that you're gonna buy it that's awesome in fact i think we should try to secretly scam trisha oh it's not it's not hard i would like if something goes up on adam wouldn't that be awesome if i came and was like does this look familiar i sold it to you for a thousand dollars i do get scammed sometimes i bought an adam sandler outfit that he never even wore it was from jack and jill we watched the whole movie he didn't wear it once it was a yamaka and an applesauce shirt and he never once wore it so why would you buy something that you does not even hold any reverence in your heart like you haven't seen them in the film i thought i saw that one because i love jack and jill for real people are really out here scamming you like people are just making money off you girl you guys if you guys want any money making ideas go put out of sandler clothes if anyone has adam sandler's outfits i'll buy them but how can they certify it i don't know exactly i don't want to creep him out it's too late but he said it's not creepy i was being sarcastic someone's like oh she's trying to get adam sandler in front of me i'm like i don't think he's gonna come on here oh he will really yeah easy because you're jewish yeah say something in hebrew to him is that romantic it's not romantic right oh okay i don't mean it romantically i don't know hebrew that well that's i only say it to my fiancee who's who's jewish and from israel you want to talk about bracelet you want to talk about adam sandler and all the whole episodes saying that he's an israeli jewish person that's not a flex i mean it's just something it's just a fact of his jewish people are like so enthralled with israeli jewish people they're like wow you're from the land it's very cool bro you got issues but that's fine that's why we love you okay let's talk about bryce hall this little scumbag don't want his clothes don't get me anywhere near his clothes all right so bryce hall is someone who got famous on tick tock and he's like jake paul was back in the day i feel like you know what i mean that's the best he's worth i think he's worse because he's like he's such a little douche yeah he's definitely due to the month yeah let's watch this here is this a real thing no this is due to the month we'll do it every month don't shut the [ __ ] up you have a hickey on your neck as we're calling you a [ __ ] like shut up picky on your neck and then say don't [ __ ] slut-shame me i'm i know what the context of this is but it's definitely small dick energy tiny pee pee energy sure also he's like five five i think so yeah this dick is probably wrong for sure a little man complex for sure nothing wrong with short guys if you haven't okay i'm gonna tell you why you have no point as you guys have seen like videos or maybe heard from like what should daniel like brendan taylor like everybody okay so this is the other story he peed off a balcony onto his fans like i'm sorry where at playlist live so he like loved they loved it or what playlist live their their main insult was at least i don't pee off of playlist balconies or something i'm going to explain the night right now right really quick i'm going to go ahead it was like 4 00 am you know i drink some apple juice and i i don't know this dude how is there so many cuts like i've he's already cut his video like a hundred times he can't speak up for it can you just literally talk for five seconds without cutting yeah i drank a bunch of apple juice and then i i can only imagine what happens in between those cuts where it's like oh and i was at playlist live i don't wish it's on him but guaranteed to end up in prison in the next five years for sure you think so that's prison not just jail prison for sure i know kids like this that i went to school with they're like uneducated dumb asses but you get some money whatever he'll be in prison for sure and i don't think about any other influence i can't imagine any other influencer being in prison he for sure will be in five years what's the above under on that 100 100 000. and people were daring me like the people that i was with bad influences by the way they were daring me to to pee off the balcony and you know he didn't a lot of apples oh is that like a euphemism for beer i think he's saying i was drinking alcohol probably because he's not 21. so he's saying i was drinking apple juice it's like okay how much apple juice are you drinking dude you're drinking beer and people dared you to be off the balcony i think i might hate bryce hall more than jax films [Music] fantastic we love that new enemy i yeah i have a dislike for him his videos i hate his videos oh my god we're not here to shoot on jack's film let's stick to the [ __ ] douche enemy number one is now bryce hall for the pink side who's enemy number one on the black side enemy number one obviously david dobrik okay i changed my pink side to david dobrik too yeah okay because okay well let's finish watching the case about bryce hall maybe he'll be the new enemy number one yeah i don't like him on people i don't like that no that was bad and also i drank apple juice and somebody dared me to pee up the balcony so that's what happened i don't know why y'all overacting okay in the right and i just was like hey there's a balcony right there to my left everyone's like do it you won't and then i kind of did it with my dumb ass but it was and there was a lot of people with like a whole bunch of different stories saying like i actually peed on fans okay so let's let's just cut it straight you did it and a story go to jail you're [ __ ] degenerate bro i'll be in prison soon also this is the same one that said ariana grande was using him for clout so the intelligence is already like low you're literally a tick tock star 4 am everyone was asleep it was just stupid of me to do in general playlist i'm super sorry by the way still banned by the way here today we're gonna be uh going to the clubhouse but with a catch okay so this one is him confronting another creator for talking about him tough guy five five tough guy [ __ ] question telepathy he's talking [ __ ] about me on the internet so today i want to confront a [ __ ] can i just walk through the backyard don't hit him i'm not going through it okay that kid would follow him and hit somebody you'll see a wild [ __ ] in his natural habitat look there's smart you in his exactly nothing happened did you just intrude on his back [ __ ] thank you my god what's this why is he in his backyard isn't that like like i think this is like a setup like the clubhouse is like a tick-tock house [ __ ] [ __ ] you're usually supposed to back it up in person big shocker guys there's another [ __ ] on the internet dude you're a vlogger i'm talk [ __ ] you come confront me a little bit seriously tampon you're gonna cry you just went for no you talk [ __ ] for no reason i mean you went you went off without your reason for no reason like you're gonna talk about bro code like buddy beat his own best friend and send him to the hospital this is me just kidding i don't know what anybody's talking about but i could tell he's a dude he's calling girls bro the bro code it said his bro to the hospital i i don't know you guys are all douchebags bryce ain't sent [ __ ] to the law maybe don't be a [ __ ] in person like this because actually got this for you yeah we already saw it thumbnail real quick stop it stop it that's all i wanted to do i'm actually taking this [ __ ] cat dude you're gonna return [ __ ] i'll see you you'll see me do what actually my friends see you please oh your friends will see me why don't you see me right now no this is real i think oh because you know you'll get your ass [ __ ] what no because he's not at least you admit it i hope your friends do more than what you did here and just sat here i was expecting like something a little bit more interesting that's the end of the video guys everyone on the internet's a [ __ ] [ __ ] peace out guys thank you guys [ __ ] disconnect youtube yo i love how he took the cat for he's like actually i'm going to return this this was like 20 bucks is that what he said he took the cat food he's like i'm gonna take this it's like why wouldn't you just leave him the cat food that's a bigger disc that he has to do something with the cat food and then you know he's not gonna do something with it and then someone's gonna be like dude you gotta do something with the cat food it's like humiliating he's gotta deal with it but bryce took it because he actually wanted the twenty dollars back wait why was the cat food even there because he was calling him a [ __ ] oh my god yeah he brought him a whole bag of cat food this is embarrassing on so many levels okay so he's dating addison ray who has like she's starring in like a movie that she's all that remake like she has like brand deals with raising canes like isn't she like embarrassed where's her parents like this is so embarrassing i would be so embarrassing this is more normal you think i'm gonna say this is more embarrassing than emilio parents i think that really appearance are more embarrassing than this because this kid's like what he's 19 but he looks like he hasn't hit puberty yet like i don't get these kids how come they look like children they are they are right how old is bryce saw he has he's like [ __ ] 19 i mean he is can't even tr he's out there talking about he drank apple juice 21. where in that video we are watching he's 21. he's 21 he's a child he is literally no but he looks like a literal 12 year old what do you love him woody allen would love that dick or maybe he's no michael jackson i guess likes the boys strictly girls because his own son you believe that michael jackson stuff i thought you were like a stan i am totally anti-michael jackson but you are yeah i think he did it for sure i i know i'm i'm i mean like let's just look at the fact dude [ __ ] shares beds with little kids case closed boom case closed case closed you don't get in bed with a little kid you don't [ __ ] i went to his house i wasn't in his bed yeah but you're not his type first of all not even close at this watch bryce hall definitely douchebag of the day of the month to stop the large parties held there flagrant violation so this one is the mayor had to intervene because he was throwing these these uh pandemic ragers what house is he in is he in a house i think he's in the um i think he's in the stack the snatch house the statutory house i don't think that's a allegation against him i'm just i don't know that's what all these houses are the stat shows we're in the snapchat spread who do you think is more clout faze or him phase probably has more clout so maybe they should like i feel like his face has been around oh face phase as the organization has way more club they're like big deal more than bryce hall don't let bryce hall hear you say that i caught his breath he might catch those arms who would women arm wrestle you were brutal i mean he would probably win but if he wants to come talk to me i'll talk to him you know i mean he's like will you talk [ __ ] about me i was like you want to talk about why i'm talking [ __ ] is cause you're a [ __ ] douchebag i would love to hear what bryce hawks say he's like i don't want to fight you clearly but if you want to talk about it dixie to milo and start talking about us because that's everything i love when little tick tocker is like this guy doesn't dare [ __ ] mention my name dude don't even compromise i'm like i'm like the uh no people are definitely i'm the [ __ ] boogeyman bro you mentioned my name i think i'm more boogeyman than you oh you're a boogeyman too that's what i'm saying we're double trouble my theory is like philip defranco doesn't even talk about you anymore because i'm associated with you and he's like i think he's actually scared of me for real wait for good reason what does that mean what good reason i don't think there's a good reason he's scared i i think people are scared of me because i think i'm gonna talk about them which you can't believe i will yeah exactly no no uh you know whatever but i think people i think are people are a little scared look i don't want to be the person people are scared of talking about and i also don't like the fact that people think i'm always in drama when i'm just saying truth well it's true you are in drama always i gotta pay the bills somehow doesn't pay for itself on that lease all right let's watch what's the even the mayor's involved now the mayor tweeted out this is true bryce hall is a giant douche the mayor everybody okay and put our communities at risk here's some footage from the party this is bryce hall's party no mask literally in a hearing for the mirror he pretended to be la public building safety officials started just going into buildings and seeing what he could go with which is a felony by the way oh my god that's something he's gonna be in prison he is gonna be involved in this area trying to get access to he is continuing the long legacy of pranksters going to jail for felonies we're with the los angeles department building we got some corporate complaints about the kitchen safety is that like a mcdonald's or something i don't know anyways yeah it's not it's not funny or interesting really that was actually too [ __ ] easy they didn't even hesitate you didn't do anything you really got them i got into their i got to do the boy bathroom dude that was too [ __ ] easy yo i washed my hands inside the mcdonald's the employees are at mcdonald's that was too [ __ ] easy nothing he got then he got to see where they fried don't even give a [ __ ] they're like whatever yeah they're like okay dude you guys always keeping this messy bag here how long have these been in here they're good for a year anonymous customers saying that they got diarrhea from the beans okay can we just inspect the beans to see if it's yeah sure they're braver than i am oh here he is getting in a fight which he does apparently all the time people they don't know fighting like this is a deeply unloved person saying like the parents of these ticktackers need to like step in like oh his parents have lost total control [Music] like this is someone else recording him candidly getting in a fight somewhere like i'm sorry who doesn't i don't feel sorry for him he's super arrogant and like i mean i do in like an indirect way of like knowing he's just so uh so damaged and and and uh insecure this is the generation once again that david dober phrase everyone wants to be like little david doberg and they're doing stupid [ __ ] oh he takes steroids that explains everything enhancement or his recent youtube videos oh yeah you know i don't blame you he's not really wait what's this wait what's the story with this uh phase jarvis do you remember dan something happened where they got in a beef with this guy faith jarvis no there's a bunch of phase people is it not the one with the house with my no okay that's faze banks he's one of he's someone else but he's in his group he's in phase wow okay so anyway he got in this beef with this phase guy and he made a video saying here's his phone number he literally just put his phone number in a youtube video and then it got bryce bryce put a video saying here's face's phone number yes and it got taken down by youtube obviously but he literally that's like the number one thing you can like be on anything like twitter will let you do anything but like if you dock someone like you're kicked off all the platforms he made a youtube video it got hundreds of thousands of views maybe millions of views i don't know before youtube took it down that's like like the only thing that like people care about like doxxing anything else you could do but that's crazy this number i was going to call him confront him tell him how messed up and immature that was because leaking bro this guy's trying to confront people all the time and two it's immature it's [ __ ] illegal why yeah yeah he got a strike for this one hey what we didn't show it no it's the other guy the other guy leaked his phone number first or addison ray i think it was an accident or something i don't know what the [ __ ] happened but he put someone's phone number on his youtube video at least he's he's acknowledging and taking accountability no he's talking about what the other guy did he's not taking compound ability he said this guy did this so i'm going to show his phone number oh so he docks the jail yeah this guy what happened to his faces he's like i don't know he assaulted this guy both [Music] i don't blame you he's not really that relevant but he leaked addison's number i was going to call him confront him tell him how messed up and immature that was because leaking people's number one is illegal it's called doxing and two it's immature so he did that he said what you did was illegal immature and then he showed his phone number so he did it too yeah he did it too obviously we're not gonna show it people would have been on the right side had me not done that i know so you [ __ ] dude he [ __ ] you up wait how do you know that's from him i'm assuming that's that's what is it this is zach oh assaulted his friend zach clayton i took a fat l last night he took an hour we were both in the wrong both were drunk and everything that happened wasn't just one person's fault i take [ __ ] ownership of of doing everything like i was i was in the wrong for for touching you guys at all but nobody knows the real [ __ ] story i can't even tell you he was just saying i was trying to [ __ ] which is basically just for everything you get [Music] because he knows that you cheated on your girlfriend i'm just like this sucks so tan is saying his friend said he cheated on addison and confronted him and then he beat him up i don't know who can follow this [ __ ] this trick quotes my tweet and says if you cared so much about zach why'd you [ __ ] me imagine responding to someone's assault allegation by lying and saying that you [ __ ] me and even if you literally did you still assaulted zach said lauren we've known each other for a while for this girl the media into thinking that i'm a cheating scumbag and now we need a paparazzi that we can trust to make this i hate this one this is the one we're to troll the media first of all you're not trolling you have to say you're a troll second of all he doesn't give a [ __ ] hollywood fix is not the media it's a youtube channel that forces collabs on people by shoving cameras in their face with an iphone when they're out horses collabs on people that's funny no this guy me and moses got on there he literally for real yeah oh yeah this guy with an iphone comes out and just is like an iphone bro come on step your [ __ ] up what do you think about what's your what's the thing with gabby hannah how do you think about the front of his podcast and we're like oh we asked you about me yeah we'll [ __ ] go someone's paying this person to like follow him with an iphone it was so embarrassing i was like couldn't you just stop at least get a real camera yeah like make it look kind of it was so it's so embarrassing so bryce sets up this pr he wants to prank the media into thinking he's cheating on his girlfriend he's gonna troll the media i love how he goes i'm pranking everyone to think i'm a cheating scumbag okay maybe it's not a prank maybe everyone already thinks that about you oh he's completely believable do you trust kevin wong i trust him what up kevin me and addison are about to like break the internet by doing a from breakfast you think you can trust me the internet is not as unbroken we're about to break the internet with this cheating scandal i i bet if you have 100 people on the street they would have no idea who bryce all's dating or how do you know who bryce hall is no how do you know who bryce hall is no we're about to break the internet with one dude with the iphone this is the problem with social media is like the tech especially tick tock it's all little kids that watch talk so these people are thinking that there's somebody like they're of importance like it's cool you have a following all right we're about to go do it are you excited for this i mean no hi your boyfriend assaulted somebody how your boyfriend pees on fans like you're addison ray one of the biggest influencers like why are you even participating in this video you don't know him you don't know him her parents are awful too your parents need to be in on this they're okay okay okay slow down slow down whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right all right all right all right how about get addison away from me you're shooting too wide right now i'm gonna shoot my load everywhere oh god that's all that's you're on the wrong platform for that i'm going to be the most hated person on the internet literally nobody cares okay this girl do you know her no she was like the charlie demilio of musically before tic-tac was musically this girl was like really the biggest he's big on tick-tock she was and now nobody cares but that's what i'm saying they all go into oblivion eventually i mean they're pretty popular on youtube though too for now got it look at that super zoom about to break the internet bruh prank's done we're gonna do one more by the way by the way when this went out literally all i saw anyone saying was that it's obviously fake yeah no one was like oh my god broke the [ __ ] internet dude this is the first strategic chaotic thing we've ever done everything it'll be awesome we [ __ ] up if he actually went home and [ __ ] her you know what i mean i don't know nobody would ever ever [ __ ] suspect this is why you need to get rid of your tesla because yeah this time i'm not car shimming it's just bryce hall which is crazy [ __ ] these news outlets never trust what you see on the internet [Music] by the way the conclusion he's making is so stupid never trust what you read on the internet because you're going out and and holding hands with a girl like am i supposed to not believe that you're cheating you're the only one that knows that dude your conclusion is totally stunned not pranks either like i don't get it what is it noah mainly dixie right it's dixie sorry dixie about this seriously so i have two strippers coming over i'm gonna have noah blindfolded so this was one word dixie is dating this guy noah back there whatever and he brings two strippers and blinds folds him and then calls the girlfriend calls his girlfriend and shows him what the strippers but he doesn't know what's happening pretty [ __ ] up show her the strippers get her reaction then take the blindfold off of noah and then see both of their reactions dixie's probably going to be mad bro i'm freaking out is she on no no stop [ __ ] wait does he really not know what's going on though i hope he does don't worry yo deadass what the [ __ ] is what is going on [Applause] did she get mad she just hung up immediately i said you were pranking him oh okay well that was the prank i just didn't want you to be mad at noah this is all me yeah check the footage i didn't even look i swear to god dixie didn't deserve that but everything will be it was okay so uh do you find that acceptable i didn't see it so you really can't comment on it because uh i saw it and i thought it was trash okay mom nobody okay mom nobody cares about you the parents are so embarrassing my parents are attached with the paparazzi commenting on like a prank someone did on me it's like so that's it that's it i mean you know douchebag of the month yay let's go exercise i want to know who can do a pull-up that's what i really care about we will find bryce hall there catch us at the place oh he's looking for me catch us at the pull-up bar [ __ ] catch me at the monkey bars [ __ ] i'm about to take your ass out listen i don't want to fight anybody i love he goes you don't want fun because you're [ __ ] it's like not cause i was loved by my parents right if you want to have a conversation we can do that um bryce you want to call into the podcast and talk things through let's do it yeah i'm not so much a fighter but i'll get down you would trash somebody though like i would not go toe-to-toe with you i have so much aggression that's why like there's a lot that i hold i i you would [ __ ] kill me i would not walk away live from a fight with you yeah probs probs also you've seen [ __ ] you know what i mean i'm just saying that puts fight into somebody yeah i've been seeing [ __ ] like you've seen [ __ ] you know yeah definitely okay i'm green what i'm green that's what they say like green youthful amateur not youthful but like i'm not i'm not i've been not been through [ __ ] i don't like the dick from five dollars man you never got a candlestick jump up of your ass i don't think forcibly that's putting [ __ ] grit in your spirit totally does i have ptsd like i sometimes wake up like i'm saying i don't want to fight someone with ptsd i for sure have psd for sure that gives you extra energy when you're in a fight i get freaked out yeah the p stands for powerful especially when i like black out it's just like watch out yeah anyway you want to do thanks for not triggering me for like the whole year so far 2021 has been a year of non-triggers i think we're just we trust each other or i think well i i think you trust me more people think you just have handled me better like watch ethan's really knows how to handle trish she knows when she's about to disassociate and steer i don't know if he's that good in that well we haven't had like a bit i i i hope that i can if it happens again but we haven't had like a big moment since the last one i think we just had a good i think we just have a good understanding i miss dr drew though you just want to [ __ ] dr drew like i literally don't need him no maybe he could help us with our eating disorders dr drew with peace and love he literally just gonna be like ethan you're fat what's wrong with you trisha you're a goddess he's like trisha you're a goddess you're fine ethan you're fat and you're weak that's why you can't lose weight that's what he did last time he did that he was like trisha you're amazing ethan you're a loser i was like okay dr joe nice thank you nice couples there i think he's a professional i give an unbiased opinion [Music] i don't like him i mean i like him but not but i don't need him come out you know i like doctor jo cut that reverse it retake it and play it over with this i like dr jim can you do that thank you don't cut it keep that in that's funny yeah i didn't mean it though i didn't mean it with peace i love dr joe can we put in our frenemies hoodie with peace and love like in the heart where the heart oh that's a really good idea is it hard to do i don't know no we could do anything study fresh we could do anything i know that's like more you're saying but i think it's becoming the h3 empire saying you say it here peace and you know what it's from it's from ringo starr cancelled we're anti-beetles on the pink side no but you have to see this video he he puts out a video because he gets a ton of fan mail and he goes i am warning you to all my dear fans if i get any mail past may 1st i will be throwing it in the garbage with peace and love he goes with peace and love with peace and love anything that comes after may 1st will be thrown in the dumpster iconic that's right here i'll pull it up one of my favorite things it's one of my favorite um one of my favorite videos because it's like i love the peace and love combined with the i'm throwing it away i'm warning you with peace and love oh yeah here that's me if you see me and you come for in for a hug with peace and love i will run away i do not want to hug during covet season which also it's like directed all artsy it's crazy video and that's awesome ringo starr is crazy though is he doing a living beetle no paul mccartney's alive what's wrong with you oh don't ask me if he would probably forget which one he is well first of all you can't be you can't hate the beatles and not know who paul mccartney is that just means you don't know enough about the beatles okay no more about the beatles than you we already proved this in our trivia thing anyway you don't even the original drummer just because you know this exactly i don't even like the beatles and i can tell you the original drummer i just didn't know which one was comfortable i know one of them is one guardian it doesn't know which what is this what the heck yeah exactly it starts off really close to his face for no reason i think he's older in this yeah it's recent just happened this is a serious message to everybody watching my update right now peace and love peace and love i love it i want to tell you please after the 20th of october do not send fan mail to any address that you have nothing will be signed after the 20th of october if that has a date on the envelope it's going to be tossed i'm warning you with peace of mind i am warning you so no more fan mail thank you thank you and no objects to be signed nothing uh anyway peace love peace and love i am warning you with peace and love nothing nothing i love that he was still signing autographs like i know that's pretty good that's pretty gangster i mean that's really nice dude how could the evils are like the best people like do you think he'd come on the podcast oh for sure was that paula ringo that was ringo do you think gringo would come definitely paul mccartney definitely which one has a higher chance of coming for real be real paul mccartney he's an easy pull ringo's a little i think we could get them both which ones tell me for real i know you're being kind of stupid both of them are impossible but which one has a higher chance bringo ringo because he's because he's the lesser paul mccartney is like the most famous player here in this neighborhood in the gate of community would you meet oh you met him with your with your peeps yeah that's awesome oh okay i love ringo has more connections than anyone you think you come to our wedding if we bring those if you want to come to our wedding open invitation with peace and love and adam sandler oh i am i am inviting you with peace and love rsvp by october 20th or your invitation is going in the bin most money i could pay adam sandler to come to the wedding is maybe half a million but he probably doesn't i don't think he does appearances you pay them half a mil i people have a million to come be in our wedding photos jesus i'm glad he's not coming that's too much money um did you all right let's wrap it up let's wrap it up for his daughter's bar mitzvah he got adam levine to play it i re i saw that on howard seems a little bougie like okay rich people like well he's so rich i know but it just feels a little like dance for me monkey it's like come over here and play for my daughter how much money for adam sandler to be danced with i know but it's like this guy is a world famous musician come do one show for my daughter's bar mitzvah which by the way it's like a bot mitzvah it's not that serious you know maybe it feels like it at the time but it's like i'm sure i'm sure but still your next daughter that has one mitzvah i'll come perform for free didn't ask don't have a daughter either no adam sandler's other uh okay yeah it could have happened they might be fancy also don't say that for 500 000 we'll come perform at your bar mitzvah anybody who wants us out there i'm not sure i would does it include travel does it include travel do i have to stay there like give me the details i do it for half a million i'll stay with you but i have to share the money with you i'll come on your birth right is it half a million each or 250 a piece 250 a piece that's not as much money you wouldn't show up to apartments i might say no i'll do it look i i don't i don't i don't need 250 000 with peace and love i'll do it for sure because it's so awkward you're going to be there and you have to be super nice like oh tell me what's your torah portion what does it mean to you all this dumb [ __ ] like this i don't [ __ ] care hey hire me i speak hebrew also like why is this rich kid entitled to this like extraordinary experience not that but like not with me but like anyone like why because they're so rich they're entitled to this extraordinary cool it is cool but like it's like you don't deserve that just because you have money you know what i mean like everybody i know but like you don't have to give it to me that doesn't mean they're gonna turn out great i mean there's a ton of no but i'm saying you don't i feel like you don't have to give it to him you know what i mean it's like you are [ __ ] just a dude the fact that you can pay me to come dance for you at your bar mitzvah is [ __ ] poor middle class rich i would say middle class okay so when you're under middle class i grew up under middle class like i would love like we always had this debate too about like chores and stuff like that like i would love to give my kids the experience i didn't have i would love to buy them like like toys that i didn't have and stuff that's different than having like [ __ ] uh adam levine come do a private show having a uh someone you know what i'm saying like that's a different style yeah maybe they're super they go to hebrew school they have a tough life but for good and bad will be there for you adam sandler and any other jewish person that wants us at their bar mitzvah adam sandler 500 thousand table all you have to do is show up and take a picture not me you can't buy me i'm not a [ __ ] monkey i don't come dan tap dance for you at your bat mitzvah you're just a normal girl dude just enjoy your [ __ ] bad mitzvah have a cake have your family over eat some hors d'oeuvres get a little drunk on man of chevits like you do i'm not coming because i don't know you and i don't give a [ __ ] about you and you can't pay me 250 thousand dollars to pretend like i give a [ __ ] about your bad mitzvah sounds like someone had a bad moments about what happened embarrassed you she cooked bad food what was it no i had a good bar mitzvah oh really no i just have a i don't like when people do that did you fall off the chair and so you're traumatized no my bar mitzvah was great oh really yes well adam sandler wasn't your dad so i can't be that great only people with adam sandler is the dad i'm sure she had a battery wait did i trigger you oh yeah i'm disappointed i feel like you're angry i'm so angry you don't know her no i'm not saying anything bad about the girl i think she could be here it's more common towards people who i bet she's humble no i agree out of the limelight she's not you're doing a great job oh she's the queen she's a little sandler yes i agree i'm not lucky too yes she have the mom credit she's amazing i give her mom credit yeah the mom gets credit there's a little girl hollywood relationship that's stable girls i don't mean to deserve adam yes and britney spears at your wedding you're right you're right do you think steven would come to my wedding i don't think he gets many appearance requests he was in the wedding singer remember he's like why didn't singer oh yeah you could get buschemie he could sing at the wedding he's saying at the moment how much you paid me um oh you paid two he wasn't mr deeds big daddy wedding singer he might be able to game for less can we put that out there 10k for me he has to sing adam smarter says to show up sebastian needs to sing like he does adam sandler do you really want to hurt me you can have steve buscemi uh show up for 150 000. wait what [Music] that's so funny he's just schmoozing stupid you paid him on 150 thousand there he hasn't what is anyone else on there dan is adam sandler on there there's no way adam sandler has a billion dollar contract with netflix not on this this is like the camera go ahead dan go ahead adam sandler's uh appearance fee is seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars can you chip in 250 me yeah i'm not paying for that come on right off all right gift yeah what the [ __ ] am i you're i'm not your financer call your financer i know her email now i'll call her hi hi we need uh 250 for adam sandler at my friend's wedding staff friends sister we share the same mother-in-law like she's in love yeah we're sister we're in-laws sister-in-law are you is that a real sight that can't be there is no way adam sanders is going to show i mean obviously i think he's passing on a lot of this stuff probably it's not like you get an offer gosh i don't know he didn't come to someone's wedding if you type in adam sandler wedding crasher he like shows up to people's weddings so maybe we'll just throw up he's on the side okay maybe is on there i'm curious who else is on that site uh let's see i mean who who do you want jeff dunham what jeff tim dillon tim dillon why tim dillon jeff dunham is on here how much uh half a milli yeah he just he should be he's pretty popular but i wanted that [ __ ] i wouldn't i would pay not to have james keep your [ __ ] puppets away from my wife oh he's puppet or blue collar we blue collar comedy tour he's the puppet boy he's the racist puppet guy how is he getting happy there's no way that's real no he's really popular he's famous larry you can get larry for just 150. chevy's 150 and he is in movies with adam's handler all right can we stop this charade let's go do something right there so let's go do some pull-ups what do you think all right let's do it let's settle this beef once and for all hey guys we are out here at balboa park getting ready for our fitness competition so excited trisha do you still believe you can do a single pull-up i have confidence this week i do it yes really yeah you're feeling like on a scale of one to ten how confident are you feeling i always have it at nine and a half dude there's no way this whole thing got started because trish just said she can do a pull-up and i said there's no [ __ ] way you can do a poke my confidence that i can do a single pull-up is more like an eight so you have more yeah no for sure can do at least one well the first competition is who has the fatter ass so i put on the these tick tock meme leggings you're kind of cheating with your jock strap holding your ass up no where's the struck strap strap okay underneath your butt oh for real yeah okay here okay how do you accentuate your ass how do girls do that well you have to kind of push it out and then like the camera angle has to get a little lower come get in get in that [ __ ] man no push out more you got to put it before yeah because the pants is yeah it's so small that it's like this feels wrong am i doing it right dan maybe like squat it oh squat it pull your chest forward and your butt back chest forward my ass crack is out i'm wearing a cup for uh nobody needs to see my junk last time we did this you can see everything and i don't need that is it padded no it's not it's empty oh okay it's supposed to go inside yikes okay all right let's just get right to it shall we i'm ready so before we get too much into the exercising we are going to stretch obviously like every good athlete does is this part of the competition like does someone win if they can hold their toes longer everything's part of the conversation okay what do we win pizza keto pizza i have broccoli pizza in my freezer you want that as your prize we can well whoever wins gets the extra slice i need you to start losing weight so it motivates me to start losing weight because i look so fat next to you then i'm going to start losing weight too so you need to start it oh you want me to like shame you yeah and to i'm i'm doing my best i think that shaming works not for me but i do think it works for people but see i'm are you saying that me just losing weight is fat shaming you or do you want me to fat shame no the commons will fascinate me yeah ethan's looking great you're just a little pig when we were chefs they're like wow well they look so much bigger standing yeah i did look massive i remember that i was like it's fun we should just rename it to fatty's eating pork or some [ __ ] two big fat porky fat [ __ ] well you're not fat anymore you lost upon a nap not bad anymore i lost two pounds so we're gonna be grabbing our toes and seeing how long we can hold it okay okay now can you even grab your toes i mean my knees aren't oh that's pretty good damn girl you should make a only fans thanks i have one only i'm my form isn't perfect i'll i'll definitely concede that yeah you're an easy i i told you i'm not easier it's not good form i i said that okay that's not the stretch if you're not knees aren't down i mean if my knees are all right we're inclined we're stressed not everything's accomplished i use that everything is competition rewind the tape okay planks all right planks three two one thank you okay i can do it oh you can do it too oh [ __ ] this is okay you can't hold that look at you look at you you're the one shaking and i have you feel all that weight what weight all that weight i'm weightless no you're not you are so [ __ ] you can't do is this the voice how are you holding it so long i'm good i have good core strength i'm not even gonna do this why are you so good at this put that leg down what the [ __ ] is this trish is an elite athlete gotta be on top more oh interesting you hold yourself up because you don't want to have all your fatty weight on top of your partner so you gotta hold yourself i feel like when you're on top you're one of those guys that put all their weight down like this for sure i think they'll put it on me either says uh oh she probably gets crushed she complains that that i hurt her back once every one time i was like oh god because you put too much weight on her that's why i try not to be on top that's why we do it from the side from the back because i want her to survive having sex with me has she ever smashed you moses during sex no i don't buy it i hold myself up so good you saw those core that planks i was impressed thank you let's see let's see how long you can go you want to time it i'm just impressed i i i okay you want to try again or you're just going to watch me i'm here to i'm just here to comment most you want to put a timer on like a minute see if i can hold it for a minute if you hold it for a minute i will buy a rolls royce for yourself i know it's rewarding to myself but you're the one that wants me to get it we'll be matching that's what i'm saying i don't think you can do it no way how are you doing good i mean you feel like you're gonna make it i am so shocked i am so freaking impressed by trisha right now i will go [ __ ] waste all my money on a rolls royce don't make me laugh holy [ __ ] i got a rolls royce not a match so you're okay with me getting the rolls-royce for the show she says she's her hands are tied yes she can't say no okay okay all right here we go ready down i lost is that a win is that w i wasn't even going down as well anyways my boobs hurt why do your boobs sir what is it i don't know i think i need new implants it's been six years do they go sour or something yeah you can feel them whirling around you get them out and then put new ones in i've had two boob jobs but does that boob technology work improve so like maybe it feels more natural or do you like the fake look i like the fake i wanted to be faker but mine are too big faker with the roundness on top that'll be my gift to me slow down girl oh you saw that what are you doing dude i'm on 14 14 i can't complete with this yeah i'm blown away i don't know what where this where this extreme athleticism is coming from it's crazy how extreme no i'm i i'm i'm honestly you're out of my league right now okay so balance you're in my [ __ ] space you're in my space get the [ __ ] out of my personal space if you're gonna be doing a balancing competition you have pretty good um balance actually [Music] don't knock me over wait i was goofing hold on i'm gonna do it again i don't want to lose you i'd rather die i'm not [ __ ] around i'm trying to get [Music] this is not tranquility bruh [ __ ] this you're gonna fall you're so unstable look at you wobbling what i didn't touch no even oh my god okay so i beat you the first time you've been second now okay three it's out of three oh [ __ ] okay [Music] you see that shadow of the plane that was epic i'm tired i did 25 sit-ups that was pretty good i feel you are all severely underestimating my basketball skills oh dan your height man i feel like i don't even need to you got to make the basket oh wow lame hit the rim i mean lame i got it it's like course oh that was a [ __ ] brick i get to defend you [Music] okay [Music] one-handed oh i don't think that's the right technique watch this layup i'm gonna make it [Music] i made it okay i think that's a dub for me right competition should be how many you can make in a minute what this ain't [ __ ] we're not playing for tokens if you could take the ball for me that's not fair i'm not coordinated get out of here you lose i do not i can't do this you guys you can i can't run anymore i'm gonna be out here all day so who's the longest who holds the longest let's make the rules clear this time you're gonna win everything i'm not gonna bet against you in there i didn't win a basketball player yeah well basketball i shred i have the ghost of kobe you didn't check it oh my god that's blasphemy okay ready yeah okay go it was like my strange addiction that girl was addicted to being pregnant are you breaking already no are you yeah this is very hard for me i'm good you are good yeah what how are you good i've got the size of a horse i feel like i'm doing more though than you yeah okay i'm out you keep going because you're you're just so honestly i would never bet against you again really keep going i'm the winning client's deal i got horse legs that's why there's seed under you that's stupid so we're debunking the myth that fat people are unhealthy i didn't say you were healthy let's get that straight no i'm in dirt what is it endurance i have endurance i can have sex for like an hour i have endurance it's squatting on the dick like is that yeah so if you're bouncing like this that's like squat size and then you pulsate up okay come on this all my fans you're [ __ ] up you can't huh this is so pathetic i'm so bad at it i'm so tired already trisha just messed up already are you tired no i'm out i'm burning i'm in pain okay let's do trick jumping okay but i won the jump rope this is the true winner that's not the competition it is now [Music] i can't believe you hop in the middle ah okay we're done i win you literally didn't win that [Music] yes run like the wind i didn't even lift off did i 649. world record it went up it did yeah okay not to flex but i need this like really tight oh my god i'm so dude somebody's got to get a shot of this look at how [ __ ] huge i am it's not even that was tight on me too but we do weigh the same which is interesting i mean i do think i'm heavier than we should weigh ourselves when we get home i think i'm way heavier than you well i mean you've got like [ __ ] tits [Music] got it got it put your arms down get your hands off your food how'd we do okay my mile was 45 minutes not joking that's like slower than walking yeah i had the record did you crawl you had the record for the longest mile i swear and illinois had the longest prestigious uh award i feel like a pig literally getting the trough okay here i go i'm not confident right now with my once my hands on the bars i'm not feeling good i'm nervous that was good no i didn't do it i didn't get close oh that's not considered one how is that considered one i didn't even get you have to get your chin over the bar chin up i thought you just had to be up a little i'm gonna crush this [ __ ] pants are you being serious i did [ __ ] say i've gained like 100 pounds since the last time i did 100 pounds of muscle this is like 100 pounds of [ __ ] glue to my gut right now i'm going arms are shot you guys this is embarrassing that's not how i wanted this to go i'm nervous now okay i'm just gonna jump as high as i can try a squat and go okay wow this is pathetic i need a running start well then sure okay you need you need a jet pack no i'm maybe i'll do it it's just the sun's in my face i think you think that's affecting the strength of you i literally can't see [ __ ] what was that ready okay this is all you i got it more never mind yeah i guess i caught some movement yeah i gotta fight well i didn't realize trisha thought that was a pull-up no we had to do something called the flex arm hang and this is it right listen what you just said how long can we hang for should we try that yeah okay that sounds more in our league ready oh my god i'm so fat [Music] this is the big tiebreaker and to be honest i don't know that i can take you because you've proven you're you're a goliath you're a warrior princess you're xena oh thank you thank you are you feeling confident that you could beat me right now yeah do you feel like you're zena you are xena i don't know what that is do you know the warrior princess no i don't know that like under the giant maybe oh my god i could your grip is already scaring me and you've got like this crazy and your hand is all crazy that's like spray tan like you've squeezed the life out of someone's neck before oh my god you're going to demolish me you've got baby hands dude i could tell by your grip you're going to crush i know i'm like sweating sorry you were going to kill me dude i could feel your strength coursing through your arms i'm scared of my nails okay you say went down three two one oh yeah she's strong she's strong boy she's powerful but you've got oh my god she is so strong stop hear me get rest don't break it she's so strong where'd you get this drink this girl has been through [ __ ] in life i could tell she has seen things she has seen you're making me laugh oh my god she is so powerful i'm not [ __ ] right you're scaring me [Applause] oh thank god i thought you were gonna win i wasn't playing that up i thought you were gonna dunk i don't think it was fair because you were like flipping your wrist like as about so i would have broken it oh no it's not a technique are you allowed to do that whoa exactly it's your turn it's red you wanna do left hand i mean okay i feel like i have a stronger left hamstring i think i'm a really weak one okay ready okay no bending the wrist okay okay three two one oh she's so strong i swear to god you're bending your wrist on me i'm not bending it okay you're pulling my arm towards you it's just not fair what you're doing to me and why are you so strong you're like whole culture female version this is crazy what is this amazonian strength oh thank goodness making me laugh it's not fair i can't focus dude you're too strong i can't deal with it whatever all right that means i win i mean you technically didn't because i won more competitions than you but if this is what makes you want to win fine yeah but the jump roping i definitely won i think look we agreed that this was it so i think ethan you could play the slide everything the balloons fine ethan's the winner ethan wins next week we should do torbjorn so i win again like jewish trivia famous jewish trivia yeah okay okay let's go get the rolls-royce and then get fast food with our rolls-royce which is the whole vibe how is it me too i feel like it's definitely the cleanest ride ever but it's kind of embarrassing just to be in a little bit right it's the opposite of embarrassing it's more embarrassing if your heart breaks down no it's so show off you that's why but yours is more understated you bought me internet that was so nice you're welcome you just got a rolls-royce so i was like you're so nice the lady in front she goes she doesn't say anything you don't explain she just goes trish about your food like we all know trisha all right because you could have been just like you know they do that trend she goes trisha bought you food i was like okay is that all you said is okay she said trisha bought you food well i was like wow okay you know what i do that anyways for people behind me all the time you do yeah it's a thing it's a trend people do and then they usually do that we shouldn't do that and then you pay and then usually they pay for the people behind them like it's like a training well someone eventually stops it you know what man she told me them i said i want to pay for his food she goes okay but it's 6 24. okay like it's so small i don't couple anyways it was a celebratory dinner does it taste better in a rolls royce that definitely people asked for our autographs we were like popping we were blowing this in and out dwight we all know who we were oh yeah i've given so many autographs maybe they're not allowed to ask for a picture maybe that's why they do the autographing what do you write when someone asks for autograph in their name just their name and then love i said love you girl love you girl do you love her you do love it i don't know what's right i appreciate you did you ethan and then i wrote ethan klein like i wrote my last name that doesn't seem i should play age three you think age three did you put your last name mm-hmm oh you do whatever should be this right if i saw you could drive through i'd be like where is he uh oh there's someone who's next to us it's okay okay i get so paranoid um we should just do our podcast like this this is so much fun this is a new pod that was a great ride i loved it see no regrets i hope you don't like wake up so far where the [ __ ] are we going so far no you're close to you it's very nice is that what the is that we put in my navigation something's weird oh the closest one was ucla or sunset and this was closest to your house i'm so good i got a little milkshake keto tomorrow yeah tomorrow when we start going are you really yeah for real thousand percent because like you're gonna lose weight and i'm gonna be like okay i need to like catch up mm-hmm cause babes swear i swear we talked about this we're making hard-boiled eggs for life what are you going to do to help her i love keto oh really yeah just give me eggs chicken meat yeah can you get down with this yeah yeah i like keto things so i'm this is like my last meal yeah don't be smart though because you asked me if like fruit is bitter which is nice you have to be you have to be i think i'm gonna be pretty strict though like eggs chicken like i think i'm gonna be like as strict as i can be i don't think i'm gonna do like the cheese and stuff why cheese is keto well cheese breaks my skin out tomorrow i'm gonna have like like my skin's been clearing up because i've not been eating cheese yeah i could eat three of these oh i have one no i was saying i could why are you trying to make me fat no vegan you can eat whatever you want can we heat up why you got one in your bag it has a bun on it but i can give you the patty no i'm not gonna rub it i'm good why i don't need it what did you got an extra burger yeah mm-hmm how many burgers did you get i got one but i had a chicken sandwich mcdonald's we had a falafel truck falafel and i had these cheese fries and i'm full do you want to forreal patty no i don't want to take your meal i'm not going to eat it like i really am you're really not going to eat it i swear to give me the [ __ ] food if you're just going to throw it out the cheese literally were so filling oh yeah don't eat the bun though you don't have to tell me oh what the [ __ ] excuse me what the [ __ ] did you just hand me that's how she is just meat and bread yeah but i swear i'm not gonna eat it i promise you on everything i won't eat it everywhere that's all she eats you smell this meat just eat the meat okay i'm gonna be so skinny next week when you see me if i do this for real obviously i'm gonna rolls-royce eating a [ __ ] like this is the most unbelievable right here i know it does suck when you have money to like afford food but you can't eat the food because you're fat like i grew up poor and so i was just fat from eating bad food but now that i can afford the good food i want to eat i can't eat it because i'm fat and i gotta stop eating what do you mean you can't eat it so like let's say i really want like gourmet mac and cheese from astros it's like forty dollars and everybody using fries right now okay but tomorrow when i start my keto i'm gonna have to eat hard boiled eggs you have your whole life to eat math shows back into you that's a good point you're right i think that mindset i'm just had to give it up do you have a napkin yeah i got several what happened to your napkin i just want to ask you for something so you can hand me through oh yeah it's kind of fun thank you i'm so full honestly we ate so much food today i'm so over it oh that was so good yeah well i gotta say what a day it's been what a day what an episode i mean this is we put in our hours today we put in our whole day it felt like a shoot like a movie shoot where you like get to set at like 10 and huh we've done it all today you can see me oh this is a wide angle can you see my hand no i won't regret it it's the only thing is just it's embarrassing i love the car though but i'm just slightly embarrassed to be driving it because it's like such a flex on the world yeah okay but think about this but you just say you made me do it oh don't put that on you tell your mom that she's really gonna hate me forever she already hates me she's gonna double hate me too late we're not i'm not coming to pass over her just so i know you don't put this in but not that we're invited i can't you you're out on my mom yeah that's so awkward she's coming she's coming babe i literally cannot and i told you anyways this is outside my mom watches all of our shows she like knows everything exactly well that's like ancient mystery you and the family you gotta have passover with my mom my mom oh his mom wait you don't want to meet his mom what about your [ __ ] mind you gotta meet him you're not gonna come to passover with his i'm not gonna talk about my mom that's insane that's not even an option no i'm gonna meet his mom i'm not gonna come to the password with your mom oh my mom's the problem okay that's more fun no because she hates me so i can't come to a place i'm hated and your sister could you imagine i just talked so much on the first episode i'm not doing it it's so embarrassing i'm just gonna expect to become my sister right i'm embarrassed for myself right well right is that what you said i said well he taught me bro no the girls are all scared you must know that i'm non-binary i don't think he knows that he's funny you know what i was just a little sour because he's the enemy because like were you doing these hard negotiations are you giving us all this oh you don't want me to be frozen i never heard that word before you could schmooze i was just like oh this [ __ ] guy just took me for the ride of my life you know what i mean yeah but look at you got the right of your life from it not even forever it was a close call by the way we almost didn't close the deal there's like a lot i mean with the rolls-royce why well because i had to get insurance and then people didn't want to share such expensive car and then i had to my credit card limit wasn't high enough for the down payment so i had to call the bank and then they couldn't raise it on such a certain notice because the office was closed yeah yeah run a credit card check which would take until like later next week and so then what we had to do was like put a little on the card and a little on this card it's like such a stretch and by the way i was gonna if it didn't fall go through today i was gonna be like peace out on this machine of course yeah i would have been too signed by god [ __ ] you that's like tomorrow i'll be like i think better i told him i was like i'm gonna sleep and when i wake up i'm not gonna want this car so you better close this [ __ ] today no you will i would have walked away i think you'll be like wow it's a lot but you'll you'll be happy no i'll be happy i'm just saying i could have walked away if it didn't go down tonight on god as they say i'm so jealous of you okay this is fine tomorrow tomorrow i'm gonna be with you i promise you i'm going to do it with you i promise for real because i really want you inspired me wouldn't it be so cool though like if we got so skinny yeah if we got done we got super skinny it's like but i have so many reasons to dye it with like my wedding and my music video i mean no because it's not healthy keto's going to kill you with all the cholesterol and so you don't do it forever you just do it for like a couple days you don't have to eat just like all cholesterol like eggs and spinach i have like broccoli soup you know what i mean it's only not healthy for you but you lose weight well who says it's healthy you just said you don't want to die but you probably will die from keto uh no i'm gonna die from being a [ __ ] fat larded dog [ __ ] that's like fifty percent found i'm gonna do keto because i have so many things i have to be so yeah they seriously give me two creams for a coffee this size like uh excuse me you asked for my [ __ ] autograph like you get four creams oh wait speaking of coffee can you make a frenemies mug like the h3 mugs uh probably i mean yeah of course we can sure is it hard it's just i don't know why but when we were doing the h3 mugs the i love those books they're my favorite we had coffee in them yesterday i don't know what we were doing it through represent so it wasn't a great deal we could make them through like with teddy fresh will be much better conditions but i love it even my mom was like oh they should sell these cups i'm like i know the thing is we were making like 50 cents for sale because they were really expensive and there was really high minimums so we're like this is just pointless even though we love them wasn't worth the effort you know no we just make them for us no we can make them for frenemies if we source them through teddy fish just because our people are you know i want the giant mugs you know madonna has really nice i'm not dude this is the only time i'm gonna put down my window yeah never do i'm never putting down my window again the internet's gonna come for you though they got so mad at me when i rolled up my window when i rolled out my window for that girl i wanted food and then i rolled it you did a good job defending yourself though because you're like you went on like a whole thing about how you never know and i was like i think you convinced a lot of people no like literally people get like carjacked you're right you're right i you you convinced me i backed off that was but that was the most insane thing i've ever heard people being like wow you're going to get that person excuse me what like people thought you were just like bye homeless punk oh my god okay well that was a great app i hope you guys enjoyed that long i'm broke now action-packed i'm [ __ ] thanks trisha you came into my life they're my brother-in-law you [ __ ] are in my house around my son just like you said you would and now i'm broke because you're not numb and [ __ ] dead oh god what's next i mean you took everything from me thank god i'm kidding probably killed me though that's how this ends [Music] what is [Laughter] to end with the cars all right see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,409,928
Rating: 4.9148302 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas, frenemies
Id: gAYjmSVKWd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 23sec (6623 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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