James Charles Entire Channel Demonetized by YouTube - Frenemies # 32

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These makeup artists.....shout out to their family

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 462 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MJMcG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanna know how Theodore reacted to Ethan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 106 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/violettends πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Demi Lovato shit was so ridiculous, I cant believe a huge celebrity is publicly slam dunking on a small business for ordering sugar free options. So insane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 99 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jzXCX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ex who hit Trisha was Anthony Michael Hall

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 253 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigStinkyBaIIs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I needed a new toothbrush; i ordered ethans quip lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eyedontknowhowthiswo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When I noticed that their Quip promo code was PEACEANDLOVE 😭😭😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PolaJasna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha looks absolutely gorgeousssssss in this episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Caitgillz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha's really out here saying "between you and Bobby Lee, I chose you" when the question on Tigerbelly was "who would you rather be stuck on an island with" and trisha said Ethan because she wanted to eat him to survive more than Bobby

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 263 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lexiJeff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Somebody bout to buy a 250,000 picture of Trisha eating spaghetti and this is the most Internet thing Ive ever heard of.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kmelis22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to frenemies episode number two 200 billion i don't even know we're just in it now we're just killing it i feel like i haven't seen you in so long i missed you this week oh thank you that's nice i do sometimes i see what you're doing i'm like oh i get like fomo like it seems like you're having so much fun in life and i'm like oh i was just really like what what was i doing it was so fun well it was just the gubernatorial aquarium it was oh yeah it was private i don't know if you did you post about it maybe you post about it i don't think so i saw on whatsapp and i was like they look like they're having so much fun oh yeah it was fun it was just it was just me elaine grandma yeah it was fun though theodore had a lot of fun that's the first time we've gone out with him you know since the pandemic started the teeth are making it difficult for me i like it i'll see how long i can last now yeah you look like you like lost some weight in your face really yeah are you saying that because the mask you get cheekbones i see your cheekbones oh you're just saying it because of my mask dude i feel like such a chad in this mask like it'd be funny if we didn't even talk about it but sponsored today by oh yeah we have three sponsors today bro oh my god dude i feel like let's just let's just i want [Applause] i'm giving you the bob do you have your consent i offered the book okay i'm nervous okay making a big deal out of the whole wrestling i got i got ripped in the comments well hold on no i i never hold on i didn't actually say the sponsors thank you to quip me undies and upstart friend of me is coming up baby we got three spots let's [ __ ] down moses wears me undie all the time for real you must i think he got him from you guys i think you guys gave him my undies one time you liked me undies all the time where's them save it for the copier donuts okay let's get let's stop all right um i saw you made a tick tock saying i was your best friend yeah isn't that our thing we're best friends you said i was your best friend one time you said that once in a tech talk so i was like oh my god we're best friends you said it first oh yeah you did say it first otherwise i would never oh okay you felt good i was so excited i was like wow yeah i thought it was nice that you did that yeah and even on i did a podcast last week and they're like who would you rather be with like bobby lee or ethan and i'm like ethan because he's my bestie well what the [ __ ] why would you even consider bobby lee it's like you haven't like are you kidding me like oh that's like a tough question that's like would you rather be with some random dude you just met today or ethan like i'm sorry who am i but i knew bobby before he didn't remember me but so awkward when someone doesn't remember you and you're like no we met like five times really when did you make bobby the eminem music video oh and he's like don't remember it i don't think it's kind of a big deal back then i mean he's got a big shot probably right anyways um can i can i plug teddy fresh real fast yeah but i'm gonna need like three weeks at the end of may to promote sad boy you promote whatever i tell you hey you got the floor you promote whatever you want girl and i'll be your biggest cheerleader no no i know also um happy ramadan right it's ramadan a b and lena two of our employees are celebrating it seems brutal yeah you can't eat till like eight o'clock or you can't drink that's the most brutal no drinking water all of my security guards in my old house were on ramadan when they started and they would like always be like i'm about to faint oh my god yeah and they're like no it's ramadan i'm like what they can have water yeah that's crazy i don't like that that's crazy i don't think av wasn't like that muslim i didn't either honestly but they're doing the ramadan god bless them you know good with uh they're good with god what can i say or is it allah it's the same god actually the jews the christians and the muslims it's the same god is it okay i think they're all the same god i think buddha's god i think they're all the same no but literally they are the same god i mean like from the books and everything but you don't even believe in god so what that means i'm just telling you like historically like biblically or whatever it's all the same right well muhammad was a prophet he's not god hmm we don't say we don't say anything bad about muhammad here i have my old strip club manager's name was muhammad and he'd always go hey ted it's me moe mohammed that's how you'd call me and i'd be like anyways it was a bad experience but i won't share it you already shared it what else you feel like you want to know that godfather is in van nuys shout out if you're still working there shout out to you know how would he be named after a god but he's like working a strip club can i tell you something interesting muhammad if i'm not mistaken and i am mistaken about many things so but i'm pretty sure i'm right about this and dan you can fact-check me mohammed is the most popular name in the world wow so there you go there's a lot of mohammed's out there can i name my kid muhammad or would that be cultural appropriation you probably can i don't know why you would do that why would i like the name muhammad i find i would find that odd i think i'm like muhammad ali when i think of muhammad you do are you wait you got you you gotta go with the jewish name right now you're going with the arab name i want to be everything or muslim name i'm sorry triple my chances of getting to heaven so name them like like uh mohammed just take everything eat socks mohammed forget about it with an italian and maybe something like chinese name in there too like something like buddha hot i don't know what the [ __ ] do i know you're bringing up all this great [ __ ] i'm not prepared to talk about chinese names i love ramadan i wish i could support you and that honestly because i just can't not eat for i need to eat well there's um one of these jewish holidays you're supposed to fast and i always thought it was just food because my my family's just i'm gonna take these off too much for you you were doing good i was surprised but doesn't it sound funny a little bit it's not that pleasant to listen to it yeah yeah i think it's a good call oh no you can pop them back in there are you auditioning for the mask are they looking the master sequel i'm gonna play uncle fester i'm gonna play the mask i'm everything yeah i was saying i was like would you actually like yeah i would ask so anyone who has a part for ethan he said he would act we'll take it i've got offered a few parts really but they always they always say uh never mind we don't need you like what kind of movies like independent not like major parts just like little cameo stupid crap that's dope though but i never did it yeah i don't get offered for movie roles maybe we can be in like why don't we write our own movies like talk to you guys yeah we should do the math like body positive edition because i do not look like cameron diaz she was so skinny my arm sounds like a fat porn version of the mask the fat max xxx you know i'm not fat but no they did a sequel of the mask it was awful remember jamie kennedy he did son of the mask oh my god so bad i didn't watch that it was awful okay so real fast i'm gonna blast you this teddy fresh new collection and restocks this thursday what's this thursday uh the 20 something what is this thursday because i get paid wait it's the 22nd that's only in two days that can't be no today's the 19th yeah today's monday tuesday wednesday oh you're right oh my god it's thursday you guys did the math tuesday for them though unless you're a member then it's monday oh my god it's so confusing anyway the beanies we love the beanies this guy loves it more beanies and dope models thank you i like how like they're all unique we try really hard to find interesting models he's hard he looks good though he's rocking it there's a new photo i love that it looks like charlie sheen can you guys see that yeah i like that shirt a lot oh my god i want that when can i get it you want it what size you want double xl okay sure because i was gonna wear the black hoodie guys sent me but it was an xl and i don't know can you um can you write to ela to reser you want there's just black and like uh pink i like the black looks like i don't know if like charlie she's a good thing but it reminds me of charlie sheen maybe that's we got the x-ray teddy bear we got this shirt that i was wearing the other day it's really nice this hoodie is my favorite ever it's a restock a new camp shirt oh there's more sorry uh we're almost done here this is my favorite hoodie we've ever made the baby one yeah that's the baby one who famously wore that one's being restocked beanie shirts this is the shirt i made it says it says sleep work or sorry is it sleep eat work die oh morbid how about why don't you make you as a bear since i keep telling you look at a bear can we be goldilocks on the three bears can we do that collection oh my god wait oh i thought you meant for dress-up no for well that but for teddy brush what do you mean like in what way like put you as the little bear like you look like an ethan bear with a little podcast microphone yeah yeah yeah you'd be the bear with your face somebody listening if you want to make that i'll look at it no guarantees well you know how people always say oh make a merchant then they don't pay them it's like hey i'm not making any guarantees if you want to make that straight up you're probably not going to get paid or even acknowledge but i don't know what to tell you but if i do use it obviously you know i don't know what to say have you done that before have you used have you commissioned people before that we're like fans yeah yeah yeah we do it all the time really but we just you have to just make sure to pay them or even if you don't use it you have to pay them so anyway um that's a teddy fresh this thursday and follow us on teddyfish on instagram to know when it's dropping thank you trisha how was your weekend it was great thank you that was great i feel like we're on a talk show right now why do i feel that way because i'm all boofed up maybe that's it like ryan and kelly during halloween week right now i love it we probably get more views from ryan kellen ryan and kellen kelly ryan and kellen i don't know what is their viewership dan who cares about ryan secrets he's like so boring i literally can't stand him i like ryan seacrest but i think he's not like his time has passed he was good on american idol like my brother or my sister my dad were like obsessed with him which is weird and they always go see chris oh like they loved that and i was like you're so opposite of your dad and brother it's so weird you're like related to them like i love them but they're just like so opposite of you i feel like that's a compliment i take that as a but do you feel sad about it or you don't care nah i'm over the trauma of my childhood okay we won't bring it out it's not it's not like deep crazy trauma it's just like uh my dad wasn't my dad didn't play catch with me kind of [ __ ] yeah he didn't fit in not that big of a deal yeah well look at you now look at me now smoking baby what if you get cast in the next mask i'm gonna be so jealous that's not happening i'm manifesting that for you the way i manifest like zohan for moses i'm gonna be looking cold i'm going to have nobody casting me i'm trying no you you manifested you onto snl and me stuck here in the podcast that's what you originally manifested you move up my ass stays right here never because frenemies gave me like that's why people like me now because in front of me so like this is no matter where i go i'll remember where yeah right you would leave me at the [ __ ] trenches taking grenades and mustard gas as your ass was hosting snl i told you you could be on for the arm bit to cut your arm off oh right right yeah can i come on at the end and just be like hey guys when they're all balanced yeah clapping yeah if they let me it's inappropriate do you think to be honest no you could but i feel like the musical guest will be next to me and then i kind of want pete davidson next to me so maybe you're next to pete davidson but then so yeah so i i won't come on then because there's just no space for me on that stage just being friends next to like kyle mooney back bennett why am i there why am i there they don't even know who i am that's where the jewish people are am i not supposed to say that is that offensive oh you want to put all the jews in the ghetto now and one you want to put a special part of this of the stage just for the jews they're jokes i say it with peace and love i hope people know because by the way after the last time he corrected me for being like not politically grateful people tons of jewish people were like no we get that you love us like we love it we love when you talk about jewish people because that's so exciting like you're bringing like spotlights on the jewish people like i didn't get spotlights on jewish people what kind of jews says that just don't want spotlight like give love to jewish people and you're like that's weird but people are like no most people like hate on us so you're like oh i love jewish people i don't think anyone said that to you i show most all the time i get emails you know who wrote them to you you know who wrote them to you moses moses yeah okay whatever everyone's writing moses fan mail about how great your jewish comments are all right let's start i have a ton of [ __ ] i want to talk about that's one other thing with manifestation benefits the [ __ ] out of it okay so sadly 0005 has another album coming out soon and i wrote a song about jack black and how he was like the original body positive king and i really would love like a feature jack if you're listening i would love for you like because you're so musical and so talented and you give like chubby people inspiration like me to be sexy and chubby and he was trending this week because of the sexy and chubby quote from school of rock which i put on my tick tock so i think i had a little bit of something to do with it i know he's famous because we watched jumanji we've been like obsessed with him shallow hell not the best move but you can have your redemption great i know people are like angry about like how but like as a kid i loved that movie of course you would cause you are fear of fat people you hate i was a young everybody loved that film when it came out it's just now that everyone's revising history like oh that movie was [ __ ] up everybody knew that movie was a banger when it came out fat phobic people he ended up with the fat chick he was like i love this fatty at the end no he kissed the wrong fat person he's like okay i'm gonna love her now so he just kissed a different fat person as if all fat people look alive it was such a good movie and they portrayed her as breaking not one table but like a booth she breaks a little booth in the movie look if you go back to the 1920s you know [ __ ] was weird then too and they just put your hair is like just stuffing your face like anywhere she goes oh i need to get some food she's just always stuffing listen it was [ __ ] up the movie in retrospect is extremely [ __ ] up so why are you on board with me it was funny it was great i loved it and then you have jason's outro in a fat suit jack black jason alexander and the only way that she can show her inner beauty is by being skinny that's how they portray someone being beautiful every every person no i know it's it's super [ __ ] up but it's a great movie all the hot girls once they became like they could see their inner beauty they were fat they were fat originally but then they had to become supermodels how else are you supposed to convey their inner beauty he's attracted to them fat girl that's funny it means fat girls aren't attractive that's what i'm saying like dan you've seen that movie i actually never did what i never saw it it's so offensive no it's so i remember everything i just had to look it up it got it has a 50 on rotten tomatoes dude i was young i thought it was so funny you know that was during jack black's like height i don't know why people are just getting on the jack black train i found that so bizarre like jack black train again can i just say that i think i started it okay i'll give you credit i look like jackpot i used to not like it when i was little because i looked like him look hold on let me keep track you look like samuel jackson you look like jack black who else i look like i think jack walks my doppelganger no who else was that it was um oh someone told me billy joel one time oh don't oh what is that joe rogan over here not you billy joel comparison that's not a flattering well we shouldn't body chain billy dull or or look shame him so am i not okay okay so can i not acknowledge like anybody's physical attributes we should as people as a society i think there's other things you can go for people without having to be like oh there's it's really funny that's a problem but when when um okay here's an example like i was talking about joe rogan on the podcast i missed that whole segment i totally skipped i didn't watch it in response to the whole thing between you and him it was you responding to his clip and i was like i was saying how i can't be too critical on joke because i said worse things about you when i first met you right and i was talking about how i've evolved so much since then and i would never say that stuff about you now but then people were like well you body shamed joe rogan in that same clip so i was like that made me think like that is interesting should i do i need to stop commenting on men's physical appearances if they're like a p word like james charles if they're like evil then we can drag him to hell drag him i think if it's like not so evil because a lot of people were calling him like you know it says he looks like an egg or like so my point is that joe rogan is like objectively hilarious looking he's conventionally energy like pull up like that picture of him no i wouldn't say he's unattractive i wouldn't say that i would well but i'm conventionally undertaken no he's jacked he's probably got a he's probably got a [ __ ] like a beer can he's not no that's not true really short but thick no not thick especially if he does allegedly if he's doing steroids or something to help him like those always have the little oh you think he's gonna lie always always jill rogan's got a little one you heard it here from trisha paytas i mean it just radiates small to energy the way he was like oh you can keep it it's like okay isn't that funny because he's all about the alpha brain yeah he radiates small dick energy so no because you know i said this before in the channel say it again if a guy has to go out of his way to say how unattractive you are there's something like deep rooted there because if i was truly unattractive like i don't know who's like on a track but like a really ugly troll or something you wouldn't say that to someone who's disgusting right by whatever your standard is whether that's a big fat person or whatever so there's something like deep rooted with people because it happens with who was it recently that just oh like the bar stool people it's always like deep rooted something even like when you do the video me i'm like there's something deeper because like i'm not disgusting i don't look like a corpse you know what i mean so i don't think there was something i was just trying to be funny but it was it was at times insensitive because my my whole step my mistake was not knowing you before i made that because yeah you are very upfront about like how you look without makeup and the filters and all that so that's where i made the mistake whereas i was like oh these people are putting on this false perception of of beauty and they're harmful to society people like the kardashians and so that's why i was like i feel justified in making fun of their parents a little bit like that you know what i mean yeah i think it's also like that time is different i think now like today i don't know if we need to like make it i feel so um i think you're right but i also and i have to acknowledge a little bit of of i don't know if it's not misogyny but there's some like uh where i feel like it's okay to make fun of joe's appearance but not yours there's something there for sure damn what do you make of that what's your insight well i mean joe had just made a disparaging mark about somebody's appearance i feel like that opened him up to a little bit of commentary true thank you dan thank you thank you with peace and love that's a good one i think if i call someone fat they'd be like um trisha you're not skinny you know so maybe the way it was i think okay also let's say like chloe he like four nine i mean like he's like a little oompa loopa he's like a jacked ooh balloon she can't shame men that's like way shaming women that's like uh okay right i know i know i'm so confused i'm trying to do better i'm just so confused because he really looks like a japanese blows you can go for right like you could be like you you hosted fear factor you know you could always i love that fair factor i love fairfax that's the only time he was relevant was like in the 90s he's huge what do you think dude your husband your fiance is a huge show rogan not anymore uh-oh i'm just kidding can i just still listen to joe youtube really you didn't fall into spotify no no that's he disappeared so can i just say i actually like sorry because i wasn't like super offended but it gave me such a good opportunity oh yeah i would have taken that too yeah i was like when i woke up like joe rogan goes off on youtube i was kind of proud i was like oh yeah trisha it's all it's not a question of if it's a question of how long the video is going to be and they couldn't and i was your remark oh look at trish appealing i did see that part or my mom told me that you were talking about my peeling wow you weren't feeling well i just said i didn't say like oh look at her she's like pointed out the obvious that was obviously possible what did i do i didn't do anything anyways i didn't want to make it because i was peeling and i was burnt and everything like that but i was like you know what i need to jump on this because i was like no you did it i did i was like dude i did the same thing with dave pork boy mentioned me on the bff and i made like a whole podcast about him yeah well the thing is i was like you know what you gotta take the uh you gotta take the opening well one thing moza said about george oh anytime someone's on it like their books go number one my only fans went blasted like i got so many new people i would say ten thousand new people i know ten thousand new people you got ten thousand new people at five dollars a month what are you doing yeah it was crazy because that girl what was her name ali makovsky shout out to her she's like i love trish on oh my god she was like so nice she was sorry and she was plugging your only fans like big time she's savage holy [ __ ] so you know what i did then after she plugged in like all those new people she said i was a savage on there so i took all my highlights from all my sex tapes that i made sorry moses but like all my highlights and i like packaged them into one like you guys want to see all my sex tapes one time i'm trying not to like sell the sex tapes anymore because like i'm in the relationship well moses i mean it's already been reported right yeah it's out there it's whatever yeah he's done you gotta get paid girl yeah and honestly shout out to joe rosa genuinely i was like oh this is like amazing actually more shout out to the girl yeah ali makowsky but also shout out to joel cause he he kind of like kept it going like the guy was being like a dan he was being a hater the producer was being so damn like oh this girl and i was just like i was like why are you he's like do you know who she is and jamie was like i hate that i do i was like come on dude but dan didn't want me as a guest either the first time i don't know what it is about guys they're just immediately like not trish which is great that's true and daniel's that we don't hate dan for that no no don't tell him he was just offering counsel and um to the end wow well good for you i'm so happy for you yeah no and it wasn't like it could have been worse it's not like he's like she's [ __ ] no it was yeah but in my head i think he was probably thinking he wanted to say that you could tell he said i'd pass on that he wanted to say more but he he held his song yeah yeah which is good i mean that shows progress is gonna do you that's why i don't want you to do keto because then you're gonna end up like joe rogan just out of his [ __ ] head having people bought ufos because i researched him a little bit and he does like people talk about like he believes like ufo [ __ ] and stuff like that i don't know i know nothing about him other than the fear factor stunt but yeah he was on a show too like a radio show like what was it news radio awful on that show too just so you could go for that kind of stuff he's just no anyway he basically just said oh i'd pass on that and then you made a eight minute video i was like let's [ __ ] go yeah yeah so you're having a good month on only fans yeah nice and i never promote it anymore like that's why i was surprised she said it because i rarely promote we talk about it here all the time do we not really though not like oh onlytrish.com only five dollars like nothing you just did oops no and that was my time to promote it because i was getting new followers like i don't care if you promote it go for it get that paper boop i don't really care about it i like it i make content for it but are you going to squirt for your new audience oh yeah i have a whole squirting compilation that i'm putting on sale for them and everything how much does a swearing compilation cost like five dollars oh that's a good deal for all my massive squirts and massive squirts do you have small squirts yeah sometimes they're like a rupture and sometimes they're just like what's the cleanup process like you do it outside so no cleanup it dries up oh you just squirt outside i used to do it in my bed and it was kind of like a lot but did you go to bed at night it was still wet yeah yeah yeah it was gross that's horrible yeah for sure do you ever sleep in squirt moses no we don't get to monetize let's not get to monetize on this episode or like have it under for review so let's go on from our maybe we call it water works or water sports or something when we talk about water works i think they're called water supply you could say squirt i don't think we got in trouble for that we'll just keep it moving but would you consider yourself a squirt queen i i don't know i don't think i wonder if there's like a world record for the longest or most volume squirt like there should be some possibilities i have a lot that comes out of me people like wow do you think you would be able to compete in such a contest like show yeah if like howard stern was still that person he'd probably have one of those competitions and i'd be honest squirting contest anyways thank you for all the new people signing ali and i love when girls sign up there's so many girls that are just like yeah i love churches only fans i think that's dope i was kind of surprised that she was like just watching it for content i'm always shocked anybody watching because i figured this just do like dudes jerking off but yeah she was like no i love watching it for the content i was like wow and she gave the good plug so she uploads it she uploads daily and i do i try and keep it up maybe i should make an only fan i told you this you should because it's just the homies just the homies will watch for the content just follow me what sign up homies it's not gay ethan onlyfans.com ethan or even no home okay if they want to it can be gay but like hey it's all good it's just content you're like a daddy bear in that world you're like yeah that's you i'm saying the gay culture would call you like a daddy bear i don't want to be a daddy bear i think you would do a really good not only fancy i want to be a twink you can't be that you could be a twunk what's a twunk it's like a it's like tyler oakley wait isn't he a twink a former twink but when you're old he gained the low one no no no no oh when you're older you're i'll never be a tweet again okay so first of all you want to talk about the wrestling situation you know jack black so can you just like oh i was gonna say i think there might be a chance that you might actually may be able to get him i don't know if he would like me because i feel like sometimes those kind of people don't know he's very family friendly like his whole so maybe um but tenacious d is not super family friendly not at all yeah no no no but like it's not family but it's not controversial you know what i mean i'm not anymore people are like we're we're here for trish 2.0 like i'm trying to be good in this world i really am trying i go to therapy literally like three times a week i try so freaking hard to be like good and like show that i'm good like i just i really want to do good i'm trying to adopt kids and that's like not happening i'm trying to like help everybody let me see if i can get let me see if i can talk to jack black okay even if he doesn't want to do a collab maybe we could do a competition like school of rock where we take some kids and we teach them like we'd be in a band with them and he can like that sounds like a lot more work i don't see that happening maybe we could do this thing where he raises me and pretends he's my dad for a year no but i have a song and it's called jack [ __ ] it's a really good song cause it's about body positivity and i feel like he has such a good feature on it like i know it's like a long shot but hey i'm shooting my shot with people these days you know it might work i actually think he might it might work i just think we're such a good because he's still like me i'm trying to reach out because you know what my favorite line of school of rock and i love it i'm gonna like turn into it's a quote in my like song because it's so good the chubby girl goes to him um or it's a child who's like obsessed with her weight she's not even whatever and he she goes she goes oh he goes well i'm fat and i'm chubby i'm sexy and i'm chubby and she goes why don't you on a diet and he's like because i like to eat is that such a crime and i was like yes like when people were like why don't you just go on a diet or get life no it's better if you do this this is what i do like wow that feels really good yeah right it's like this like tingles and like asmr like the tapping let me hear some taps um or on this what do you guys get up to with these claws huh what do you guys get up to nothing he won't let me near him i try and cup for him because i love i love cupping him that's my favorite thing and he won't let me do that you want letter with the nails really i think you look scary though i feel like you'd be stabbing yourself all the time they're not bad how do you wipe your ass um toilet mitts like you you lit it up and then you softened i feel like you couldn't get a deep wipe with that you're not gonna get a deep one yeah oh you have a shitty [ __ ] right now a little bit it sounds like you're okay we have a good day at the house so it sounds like church has a little bit of a shitty [ __ ] oh my god what is with this episode it's so cool we're family friendly we're trying to get jack black hold on uh we're just we're just about at 30. we shouldn't have three minutes we are having so much fun tonight is it 30 minutes already we're in costume oh my god costume makes everything so fun by the way my ears are totally covered so i'm just partially deaf i'm trying to talk louder yeah just so that people know like my ears are literally covered in foam yeah so i was like projecting a little thank you but i feel like it was good energy you're shouting at me but it's good energy all right should we do the ad reads yeah before we start okay we'll be right back okay cool well thank you to quip for sponsoring us two hooligans thank you for sponsoring also adding the competition element to our show it can't be in front of me without competing and we are having a competition with quip toothbrushes i'm team pink and ethan's team black and purchase these toothbrushes to help charity and help me win okay so let me explain it's a vibrating tube no it's a vibrating toothbrush no it's the greatest freaking invention that's come around in the last 20 years the vibrating brush in a tube it's a it's a vibrating toothbrush with this powerful battery it doesn't need to be recharged all the time it's like you get a comparable vibrating toothbrush costs like a bajillion dollars from all these main all these lame-o brands quip gives it to you at an affordable price they start off what do they use they start off really like on a low end um the price is really good they've got it tells you so it times it you turn on the timer and then every 30 seconds it vibrates so you know to switch quadrants boom boom boom two minutes total brush and it's lightweight other toothbrushes are so heavy like this this is nice and lightweight and have sensitive sonic vibrations so here's the deal we got a special thing going on here with them uh well let me tell you about first third thing you can earn rewards just by brushing your teeth with the frenemies themed electric toothbrushes we are 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to trish's non-profit choice the national center for transgender equality and not to be shown up by trisha i will be donating ten dollars for everyone that gets black which is obviously superior color there's just so much versatility with black have you ever owned a black toothbrush no it's awesome have you ever had a pink toothbrush even more awesome i think you're gonna win you win everything ah thank you i think you're going to crush me everyone's a winner though here because you get the toothbrush anyway excuse me why are you weaponizing the quiz i'm not a toothbrush not a missile um so for every for every purchase of the ethan toothbrush ten dollars will be going to the trevor project which also goes to help lgbtq community we love it who do you think will raise the most money trisha confident and the black side i just i think people are going to like the pink the pink is and it goes perfect it's so it's so amazing i've never i like love this this is so go to g-e-t-q-u-y-p dot com 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you that oh yeah send that to dan too so people can see there it is oh that's awesome yeah pretty good right yeah it's really good i pushed my armor a little just for transparency yeah i got a little bit like the fatness on them but yeah okay just for chin to fancy because we don't want to be like chloe either we don't want to send out a damaging message let everybody know the arm is can you have the before arm i want to see that before actually i don't think i do because um my makeup artist took the photo you incinerated it yeah i can't i can't get this phone send it i can find i can get her descended okay you want to talk about the wrestling everyone got mad at you for the wrestling today wait what wrestling the last episode i said i didn't want to wrestle you in that yeah i did a rebuttal video well i saw you putting up all these tick tocks and videos and i was like wait what's happening why is tricia talking about the wrestling thing so we back comments as if i'm like no like i'm trying to push you to touch me i was like oh my god that's literally not no i think people were just upset because you because i said i wasn't comfortable and then you kept pushing and so dude your thumbnail game's crazy i don't pick them they just generate them yo by the way this i want to show this this was another recent one of your thumbnails epic oh my god what is this good so good you had another thumbnail like this when you're like james charles is a dangerous predator and it looked like this it's like a monster face if you're thinking of plastic surgery don't really yeah especially with the face like that i wouldn't recommend it either messed up no my sister just got lipo on her chin and stomach and did i feel so bad she was so beautiful i mean she she's gonna look bomb and it does look good like i've had spot surgery it looked good but i just she's like in pain and i'm just like oh i just i cried because i was just like oh my god why did you do it you're so beautiful not that it's not gonna look bad i'm just like the fact that she's in pain for a couple weeks it like makes me so sad should i just be fat and get eat pizza and burgers you know what i think you should just eat when you're hungry and if you decide to eat healthy if you don't what if i'm always hungry eat whatever you feel it's called intuitive eating intuitive eating and do it my encompass is way the [ __ ] off clearly don't tell me to intuitively i think you're really good at like moderate i do think you're good at like balancing stuff i think you're i think you should just eat how you want and like you know sometimes i you feel it in your body if i eat too much fat food like i haven't stopped eating you know what i mean i don't know i feel like i've been so much happier just eating what saying i'm happy for you you're happy are you happy are you yeah listen i'm happy with my life and everything i just i i talk about this all the time so i'm so over it because i just talk about i feel like people are just annoyed with me complaining about this all the time yeah i don't want to be fat but i love eating do you understand jack black watch school of rock it'll change your whole mind it will yeah it'll reset your brain look how angry you are oh yeah anyway so people were angry because i said i didn't want to wrestle you okay but i missed the whole point no i understood eventually you were like you're like i was on the wrestling team and you had some trauma from that and i was like okay because guys would be like i don't wanna touch your boobs and then one guy was like oh it's a girl like it's just it's so deep-rooted and no it's beyond that if and these are people all the comments are people who have never been sexualized like being sexualized for your boobs at a young age just because you're a girl people don't want to touch you so i was trying to figure out what i was asking and i really was trying to figure out is like is it a sexual thing where you're like oh it's like a little too sexual i don't want to do that or is it like strictly because you thought my body was gross or was it because i'm like i was trying to figure it out i don't know what to tell you i'm not here to i'm not i'm not in a hip hypnotic state i'm not doing psychotherapy i just know that i don't want to wrestle you no but for me for my own thing because it was such a good trigger i get it i get it i know when i was a girl it was cold because i had boobs but then like no it was because you were a girl i'm like was it because i have boobs or is it because i'm a girl like i don't know what the what it is and it's like that can be like so frustrating because people just sexualize you because you have boobs and like even today like just anything well not just you but like anyone like is scared to touch me like my dad didn't want to hug me because my stepmom's like she has boobs that's inappropriate and i was like why like it's so but you had to agree to that too you're like it's weird to hug females like that's why i was wondering what i didn't say that yeah weird to hug females when you're talking about analyzing hugs you said you like a side hug because it is like you don't want to touch someone's chest well i'm not gonna yeah i mean yeah because i i i'm not gonna give you like a big embrace no because it's all tit i get it i'm not saying that i mean you got the big ass titties here no i know what this happened think about like being a girl at like nine years old you have big boobs and your dad won't hug you because your stepmom's like that's inappropriate i mean that's that's that's your family being [ __ ] no it's different it's totally different like with you and whoever you don't want to hug me don't hug me i'm not i'm not a huggy person anyways but it's just like oh it's just like frustrating that's why it's coming from and then everyone was like saying don't pressure ethan i'm like i don't want you no i people i get it you you got there was a trigger there i didn't understand i understood by the end and i think people it's fine they said bobby lee would wrestle me though so maybe i'll well here this is what i was going to say is um we can wrestle on that i don't need us we can get the sumo suits that's literally my body now you didn't want to touch it so now you want to touch it like looking just wait you don't want to do this what's the difference the difference is i don't have to touch you okay but that no but you are that's what i'm trying to see the difference because that's still wrestling a girl i i don't have a problem wrestling a girl i just don't want to touch your body too much physical contact but that is physical contact yeah but i'm not touching you it's a giant sumo suit you're literally touching me there's like gro there's grasping there's like it's it's a hug it's different i don't have to tell you it's so you don't want to do this with me i mean i'll no because now you make it so weird we don't know let's drop the wrestling we don't have to rest nobody's wrestling joe rogan i'll wrestle you too and and i could take reuters people all day long allegedly if he's on words i don't know but like i've i've wrestled the road boyfriend technically he was an abusive boyfriend but i beat the [ __ ] out of him too he would just punch me and i'd punch him so but this was a defense thing don't come for me because now people are getting a sexual assault but he like he hit my face anyways is that too graphic maybe i shouldn't say all this i'm someone famous who is it i can't say he hit you first yeah i shouldn't say this i didn't [ __ ] him up no i pushed him off is what i should say now that sounds bad maybe this is a bad conversation but he came for me first okay what's his name where is he though no he's scary for real and like i think yeah i keep getting sued people keep threatening [ __ ] him up just tell me his name where he lives i'll get him wait are you not a fighter no i'll get my ass kicked by anyone okay literally anyway me too i take it back joe where are you probably that's why it's so funny like when this guy sam tripoli just in our last episode we recorded he wanted to fight me because i said i'm pro-vaccine passport i was like bro what makes you think i want to fight you you dumb [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] like oh man still got the anger my body well yeah he he goes i'll fight you bro because you believe that people should have vaccine passports i was like uh bruh yeah but that's like that i hate to keep saying about like toxic masculinity where someone just wants to fight you like when you got to fight somebody like masculinity no we are how's that going to resolve our differences by the way which are purely intellectual and i just like wrestling for the sport of it i don't want to be anyone up i like just to wrestle guys and like or girls i'll wrestle girls too did you know that pizza is cursed on the show what every time we get pizza a curse happens like listen either we get in a huge fight when moses came in we get swatted the last time i got swatted right and then the now the the most recent time we lost all the footage wow so that's crazy every time we've got pizza it's been a terrible tragedy is followed i had the first two minutes of that last footage on my tic toc did you see that moses was filming so i had like the first two minutes oh yeah of our eating the lost footage the last it was sad because it was pretty good and i don't just say that just to say that i was a it was kind of a banger at the beginning of that because i was chomping that was so full by the time we uh uh me too bro i love that um i noticed you you put nfts and you listed this one i think i don't get nfts i don't think my audience gets well i just noticed because you listed this picture of you eating spaghetti for 100 ethereum which is equal to about 250 000 oh you think someone will buy it i was like i was like well okay i mean hey girl if you see the value then listed for 100 ethereum that's worth it yeah it's just a it's a jpeg of you eating spaghetti it's totally worth quarter million bucks has anyone bought it no but i have two sold now but not that price i don't get it it looks like a hundred dollars i mean i was like that's worth 100 but you know what maybe it's worth 250 000 to some people did you set it up or was it moses you did it i'm kind of impressed that you even were able to figure it out that far well he had the wallet so he transferred me money into the i can't get the money out so i have like five thousand dollars sitting in there and i can't get it down yeah i think trisha's two ethereum will be sitting there forever what if one day that was worth like two million dollars because i can't get it out maybe i'll just leave it i i don't get i hate out of teeth i was so you were texting me about it i was so over it because even that night well i was following along i was like oh my god she so once she listed for a hundred ethereum and then the other one she listed a hundred of the item for one ethereum which nobody bought weirdly um you were selling a hundred pictures for one i think that was still set up wrong though it was definitely yeah but no but someone bought one like within like literally a minute i was like whoa it's called trish's number one fan and then like a couple days later someone bought one i don't know why you guys are buying them they're not they're just literally thumbnails well you made it so um you know what it's like fishing like when i was a hooker you just kind of fish for people and sometimes you got a big tuna that's right maybe someone wants to spend 25 000 well if anyone's got 100 ethereum laying around you know what to do with this what if i get 250 000 you should be investigated by the fbi if i sell no no you'd be good i don't know how to cash it out though and you'll you'll figure it out if you get 100. i'll help you really yeah you charge me like 10 percent yeah 10 that's not not much to ask for um it's so confusing i got over it so quickly i was like no i'm over it okay so i've got i've got a few topics here i've got addison ray says she's britney spears oh yeah dom made a comment on the allegations uh jeff whittick's first part of his documentary came out he didn't talk about his accident but he insinuates what we knew which is what david it was for david video and not only that david was the one operating the excavator he said that in the part one i mean he showed images of david on the excavation oh he did yeah so i mean he well he called me and told me to not talk about it so i don't know well he she's in the documentary right also who cares if he asks you not to talk about it i know but he said he's like on the mental version i was just trying not to but he talked he should look at his thumbnail he did like the most click bait thumbnail ever well i didn't see any of this i what is this yesterday i just saw someone tweeted about it yeah oh can you show that no he did yeah he showed the video i mean oh he i think he changed the thumbnail because it was even worse before it was like david being like but anyway yeah oh yeah the whole thing is horrendous like okay like watching like the leaked footage watching that and then like listening to him like the it's it's so traumatizing and like this video kind of funny though because it's like look how [ __ ] up i am but at the same time look how bomb i look shirtless it's like pick one way or the other dude why you gotta flex on me shirtless it's like if someone's like a yeah if you have like you know you've got go with what you're working with you know is he a twink i don't think he's getting he's hairless and jack no well look i know he's not gay but i'm just saying like oh if he was i don't i don't think so he's too old i think what's the name for that like just a fit dude that's just like a hot game okay top gay top gay well anyway the truth maybe more of a bottom gay oh bottom i think so tall guys are always the fit guys are i love bottoms um i feel like all my friends are bottom say savers but i feel like i love a bottom of your bottoms shout out pink is team bottom over here are you team top i'm team top yeah cool i'm gonna talk we gotta talk about is is demi lovato on there yes she is okay james charles made up james charles finally got dropped by morph finally and then james put out a statement threatening to sue people awesome oh him and apologies taking accountability does not mean like also going to sue people it's like i know exactly okay so let's talk let's talk about the stuff actually because i'm afraid we're gonna run out of time let's talk about the stuff i'm most interested in here dirty dom from the vlog squad he posts an apology which is again just about as bad as james is right he says so gross these guys are all such pieces of [ __ ] it's like they all want to take accountability but nobody wants to [ __ ] fess up somehow everybody accused of essay it's a lie every single time according to the guys it's a lie it's a fabrication which is not accountability of the time and you can't look he takes accountability in the first paragraph and then you can't just do the next one with that being said no that's it like you just say it you just say sorry you say let me read this he says it's time for me just by the way this comes off him making a tick tock making fun of the allegations like yeah yeah okay it is time for me to address the recent allegations that have come out against me i want to seriously apologize to everyone directed and i empathize with the pain that everyone has suffered in the matter so remember he said he empathizes with that being said as far as i am concerned everything that occurred during the night in question was completely constitutional as far as i'm concerned i don't i i don't know about you know hey as far as i'm concerned i i didn't have any trouble i love that as far as i was concerned also i feel like people don't understand that like if you're like inebriated and you're like you're not walk out oh here yeah you there's no way you can give consent like you can't have sex and someone's like what am i just not supposed to have sex with a drunk girl yeah basically like exactly even like girlfriend like oh my drunk girlfriend whatever it's like even that it's like if someone's drunk just don't just don't do it like it's just like so they're not there they're not cohesive like or they're not i love how he says as far as i'm concerned that just cracks me up hey as far as i hey as far as i care it was consensual i ah everything that occurred that night blah blah blah i believe the statements that have come out i guess we are entirely mism misleading and shed an incorrect light on my involvement shut up dude we all [ __ ] see you so gross like this isn't even like isolated you're like a known creep bro just stop my character is being unfairly attacked shut up and the statement that exists in the public eye are unfairly defaming and assaulting my character and reputation shut up your reputation is dirt with reputation literally even before this your reputation was dirt you were kicked out of vlog squad for being a creep bro yeah with that being said if possible i want to shed light a positive light on events nope and have transpired and show the world who i truly am too late we already know i recently donated my time as well thousands of dollars to several women's rights group to show my support for the unjustified and necessary struggles that women endure in our society on daily basis bro stop it it is time for us all to demonstrate more respect for one another in every fact of life facet of life you know it's funny because he already got exposed once for groping girl vidcon years ago yeah and he made a whole video saying oh i'm gonna change i'm not gonna do this anymore and here we are again bro like dude you clearly have not changed shut the [ __ ] up just go away photos of a of a pastel girl in the parking garage with jeff todd dom david like there's like there's evidence that these girls were blacked out like i don't know why they're still trying to be like uh they're portraying me in a different light no like this is oh it's so gross it's so gross and i hate that they solve a platform and like really the only way is if people press charges just like that austin kid like you know if someone presses charge the same thing with james charles the only way people go to prison if people are charged some people don't want to do it it's a hassle they don't think it's worth it they don't whatever they but that's the only way because a lot of people like why aren't these people in prison then if they're not because some people just don't press charges yeah that's why because they haven't pressed charges do you like my hat up like that a little angle to it a little bit like dick crazy yeah it's better for the light oh okay yeah more green face are you getting in trouble for green face against sale boogers maybe people who's green face who's green trisha i dare you to say i don't know i don't know go ahead what's that what ethnicity is green i dare you to say we always say north korea i feel like that's the safe answer for everything because when i was watching the moment wait why i think we don't like north korea because they're korean they're just people i'm saying because nobody likes north korea because it's communist i thought that was ours yeah but the ethnicity is the same people are really we don't hate north koreans we hate kim jong-un no but when i said adapting from a country where nobody wants babies you can't adopt from north korea because the government is [ __ ] but i thought that was our safe so i apologize north korea they're not green they're people i meant because that was the safe country to come for i can't believe you said they're green stop i didn't mean like i'm kidding nobody's nobody calls me god so anyway any thoughts on turkey he will i get so much he yo what's with his name dirty what is that is he trying to say dirty what is his name i've been wondering is it dominick so what is the dirt why does he spell it like that trying to be clever epic oh for real i thought it was his last name or something no anyway he's a creep he's the worst and duerte is a name duarte dirty duerte it's a last name that many people have maybe that's his last name i don't know he's i wanna he's also daca i believe really oh yeah that's trouble well i'll tell you what david's gonna be in trouble after this jeff documentary is he though i feel like he gets away with just everything especially because once again jeff will be the one have pressed charges and he's not going to like and it's fine again well i actually talked i talked this over with dan the problem is jeff doesn't need i'm gonna we'll talk about this but the problem is is that he needed a special license and supervision to operate that excavator and that i don't think jeff needs to press charges against him for who ha but someone has to well if not necessarily it's a crime against the state yeah if there's a state right it's a crime against this state i doubt that will happen but we don't have all the info maybe he did go out of his way to get licensed maybe that's a totally new point but to operate a heavy machinery like that we just don't know when i saw i just saw that again through like a different means i didn't look at just documentary but when i saw that he was right that like my stomach dropped i texted you and my stomach like dropped because it was like this whole other level of like [ __ ] like i felt bad i kind of not not felt bad for david because like it was his dumb ass but like it almost made me feel bad because now this is like someone's life that he ruined like he like oh yeah he gave jeff life-changing injuries brain damage blindness and like that's a lot of guilt and i'm sure i know david's not like he's always saying this was in his documentary he showed david in the excavator in his documentary so yeah i'm not ah i'm not stepping out of turn here um because i know the guilt he's gonna live with so i feel bad for him i mean at the same time he's a dumb ass but i know like when you when you do that to someone you gave someone blindness you gave someone like brain damage like all the stuff jeff has said like it's i i don't know how you even and from what jeff said on impulsive not to bring that up because i know he said i knew you were going to bring up impulsive i jokingly said to trisha before the podcast starts you got anything about impulsive you want to bring up today i didn't until oh my god like my source of how i know that jazz said he hadn't talked to when that episode was filmed which they kept saying impulsive this was still march 12th because it was clearly he said we hadn't talked to david in like six months or seven months dude that's that's their mo they cut people out when something goes sideways yeah i guess he said they like somebody tried to film like a mukbang with him after but he was like not about it and so i guess he's just kinda okay so um he's not anti-dave because i talked to him on the phone because whatever but he's not anti-david and i'm really not either but this is such a scene like i told him i'm like if you have this blind like you have to have some sort of somewhere compensation somewhere because your life is ruined and changed and like all this stuff life-changing injury not right it's a life-changing injury so so what happened was that they went out to this lake to film this video for david's vlogs and there's this thing where you get an excavator and you like wakeboard and you hold on to the claw well date so when i say i don't know if it's for david's vlog if it's a sponsorship or if it's just video there's like speculation for all three of those things so we don't know but david was well and okay i mean well just to say it's not for david's vlog i don't know for sure okay thank you for the correction so um so what happened was uh i saw the video actually not like the close-up because i heard there's a close-up video that's really gory and like scary because they thought he was gonna die yeah but i saw there was people on the beach filming it so i saw it from far away but what happened is he's spinning around david starts spinning him around really fast and then suddenly stops it and he slams into the the arm of the of the excavator and then falls into the water and the thing is no helmet by the way no help yeah exactly so when i first heard of how his injury actually happened which was this kind like david uh doing this excavator gag for a video i was like man who the big question for my mind is who was driving it because one you need a special license to operate an excavator that is a dangerous machine and you need to be properly trained to operate that that is not a joke you can get seriously injured and you can't just [ __ ] around on a machine like that i mean this is serious this is a serious machine it's extremely dangerous and so when i found out that it was actually david driving um that put everything over the line for me where i was like this is so he is so irresponsible yeah he he is not safe to be around he is so brutally irresponsible to put his friends and even himself in that position um i was blown away he's talked about on the podcast that like if if like he accidentally killed like he said you always joke about like accidentally like killing one of his friends i feel like one day that's gonna happen it's like well you almost did yeah and it's just it's so like my stomach like you feel so sick over this because and again like he's at fault for this like this if he would have like died he would have been charged for a manslaughter you know like oh for sure he would have been charged but i think he is respon if it was for a video for him he has a responsibility to ensure everybody's safety and to make sure that there's someone who knows how to operate that machine and that there's a medic there and all this stuff and that the people have helmets on and stuff but the fact that he didn't have any of that and that it was him operating the vehicle makes me really like wow just shocks me that he did this life-changing injury to jeff and then he ghosted him according to what you said according to what just said on impulsive according to what jeff said on david he said he doesn't talk to so it could be i mean what the [ __ ] maybe i didn't talk to him after that i don't know so i won't say david just didn't reach out to him maybe jeff decided not to yeah i mean that's that's that's psychotic the guy i would think that david would feel totally responsible to pay for his medical bills and probably even give him a settlement because he's [ __ ] his whole life i don't know for sure but i think he's paying for his build but nothing more than that is what i get so if he's paying for his bills then i do think that means that there's it was for him i mean he also was the one driving he caused the accident exactly he caused it yeah he david [ __ ] why is my leg drooping a settlement especially because that because jeff just hasn't been able he tried to work and he just he can't like he just oh oh bro i need some do we have a sponsor i know i need some blue is that blue is that what it's called yeah we're saying that generic uh viagra really it's called blue okay um i i feel yeah the situation it's just it's horrid it's absolutely [ __ ] horrid and by the way in retrospect how there was like this big hush hush nobody talk about it nobody knows what happened and david and all of his friends were there and they all knew what happened and everybody's just like hush hush hush protect david now after watching the first part of jeff's documentary yeah i did get this insight into what kind of guy he is and like he has like a criminal history and he's comes from a hard neighborhood the whole no but he was doing he got arrested he had like a ton of cocaine and ecstasy and we just stuff he he was not a violent criminal no he's not a violent yeah he was he was a big time he was a big time dealer yeah he was supposed to do 15 years in jail but they didn't have a search warrant so it got thrown out but anyway i understand from his background that he like he's kind of just like i'm gonna handle my own [ __ ] i'm not gonna snitch on my friend all this kind of like whatever stuff like i get that but at the same time david the fact that he just went on like nothing is beyond [ __ ] insane oh the amount of guilt i would feel i mean i'm guilty about everything now and i just like say everything i like say as much as i can because that's so that's crazy and to go about like you said like normal like everybody he's like people wanted to film mukbangs with me after like the like and just film stupid bits he's like i don't want to do that [ __ ] and it's like yeah he was seriously injured i think he almost died because like in the video you can see his skull was cracked like his whole skull was cracked all the way down his forehead his eye came out apparently they had to sew his eyelid on it looked really um really bad and also from like what like our conversation like i mean he just like i just don't think he talks like really anything he says he has real friends now because i said i'm like i asked him because i generally was like concerned like are you going to like a therapist because he said he has like a lot of mental like issues he's struggling with and stuff and um he said he hasn't he's going to start i'm like he has not he said yeah and oh god maybe we should have him back on after his documentary's done to do a little wrap-up interview would that be nice do we like that i mean i like jab and i've always like i've always said good things about him because of everyone in the group i feel like he's good but and then he removed the video that's what i said he goes i look like an idiot on your show because i talked to him on thursday and it's like honestly you even just like coming on and talking is one really brave too you like acknowledge and apologize the second time to like everybody and took down the video like cat and stuff like that i said i have no issue with you because even this he's like oh i don't want to talk about this in a bad way and i was like first of all know what because he's scared people are gonna look at him as a dumbass and i was like why he i saw the video he didn't do anything david was spinning it it was all david's fault from what i could tell but but jeff has so much embarrassment from it that he like didn't want people to know like he's like shameful he's like i don't know because his a friend of his and i think his dad were like you're a dumb ass why did you do that so i think he had this thing where everyone's gonna call him a dumbass like if anything people have like a lot of empathy for you because i don't think so i don't think it's embarrassing for him i think he was there trying to make content for his friend and his friend i don't think david didn't do it on purpose but he doesn't know how to operate this machine that's the problem he doesn't have the license i think he might have it but i [ __ ] doubt it i'm just saying that to cover my ass here but like come on and um and he and he neglected he negligently injured his friend and this isn't the first time so like there was a guy that joe and i told you he had a step where he was supposed to do like a motorbike over a pool and he missed it and he like he had something with his head he had a head injury this was like i don't know three years ago and i said in a video like it's [ __ ] insane because he's big enough you you have this team apparently you know what i mean like have someone with a [ __ ] brain around who knows and not one of them could get like a medic or someone to like supervise the stunts or someone with a [ __ ] license stunt coordinator jackass had all of those people when you look at the credits they had like all of the people well that's the difference between jackass and david's vlogs is that you have people behind jackass people that are actually responsible adults people have been seriously injured vlogs before like he's this has happened so much it's not like he wants like oops like you know i think this just solidifies what we've been saying is that he is a deeply irresponsible person that endangers the people around him to make content and this isn't just this is now you have someone who was essayed you have someone who with life changing injuries and each time there was an uh a um attempt to cover up and move on and to cut from your life dom cut obviously that makes sense but the fact that he just dropped jeff to me is soul-wrenchingly [ __ ] horrible dom wasn't also dropped we had said there was a video of 2020 right before the epidemic wasn't really doing like a merch blog not only that but like they went to dom's party remember that party he was going to go on tour right in 2020 oh my god right so they were all there supporting him in 2020 in like february so i saw a lot of people by the way saying that david didn't know about um i saw this on tick tock because apparently they don't watch frenemies [ __ ] losers but people keep saying we like some of you oh i love the people that love us on tick tock come on bro you know you know one love but people were saying that they didn't know david didn't know what dom did and that's actually provably false because david removed the video after dom got the text which means that dom showed david the text or at least explained why he needed to remove that video proving david knew about it yeah no david did and he left the comment about like good job coming clean like the first time it happened like the second time he knew like he just knew good job buddy oh yeah when did when he was like yeah i grew up to girl vidcon he's like hey he's what's his classic line he says being a being an idiot is easy but taking credibility is hard good job buddy this is just crazy no one talked about it either it's like that's like everyone just stay quiet about this it's like it's so crazy oh you know what was even crazier because you mentioned on the show that the accident happened like this and then on the david dobrik subway because they did such an unprecedented job of scrubbing this in this video off the internet somehow that people were like this video doesn't exist and trisha is lying people were accusing you of lying and making up all over the david dover block uh subreddit yeah when the uh trailer for it came out the trailer for jeff's documentary uh i went and checked out like how it was being received in david's community or whatever and they all took the trailer the scene of the parachuting they're like oh he injured himself parachuting so that story about excavator trisha made the whole thing up that was like what everybody was saying and then the next day it comes down it's like oh no wait it wasn't well don't don't feel bad because after his trailer cut everyone now was like oh trish was right again trisha's right again i'm just so used to people thinking i lied like whatever it comes out or it comes out you know it doesn't but but like how like the fact that they underwent this like how do you erase a video off the internet like that this doesn't happen there's people on the server being like i can't find the internet the footage just doesn't exist like how do you do that i mean that they were making this unbelievable effort to scrub the internet of this video to just [ __ ] brush over the fact that you gave your friend life injuring life-changing injuries from what jeff told me is he's gonna put it out and he it'll be demonetized by like youtube but he's gonna he has the footage and he wants to be able to release it because his mom hasn't seen it yet he says it's his footage to really yeah and so he i think he has all the i think he said he's going to he's like i'm not like trying to hide or anything like you know he's he said he's not trying to like cover he said he was trying to make it like a documentary and make it like you know keep people guessing and the first part came out so quickly after our conversation i talked to him thursday and this came out like sunday i guess so yeah i watched he was trying i'm gonna watch it all you know i always told him i have support i said the only reason i ever came for you was you came for me and said trisha has like mental illness she's you know like she's a liar she wasn't there so that's why like i had an issue with him i have no issue other than that because i think he thinks i wasn't trying to come for him and i'm like literally never well there was the starbucks incident we still talked about that on the phone he's like it's so funny so that's the jeff documentary that that oh there's another thing just jason apparently was cheating on you i don't know if you care about this but according to this tick tock version my mom had broken up with jason by then she was with huey and then huey lewis um but they were still kind of friends they would text sometimes and this is all from my mom obviously i'm not like in her fall look at this but this is what she's told me um and she told me that whenever she was texting jason or like they wanted to hang out just as bugs um he would sometimes be like hey like don't text me right now i'm with trisha she like will get so jealous don't text me like she'll find out and stuff and it was really really weird like i don't know that's it was like she wasn't allowed to text him because like trisha would get super duper my mom didn't care at all she was like okay whatever like i don't really enjoy hanging out with you that much and anyways you know like it was like this is a big deal but she was like whenever she texted him they had to be wary about if like trish was gonna see and so he definitely uh it got weird right there and i think that's when my mom was finally like okay i'm just not gonna so what are your thoughts apparently jason was cheating on you mom her mom did a tick tock her mom's like in her 40s which is fine it's like not a shaming but like her mom does tic tacs being like jason just loved being famous and he was a pervert in his own adult way it's like now we weren't just coming forward just to say jason's a perfect which he is but it's like if he's an adult and you're adult people it's fine but it's more like we should focus on him being like creepy and hang out with like young teenage kids and stuff like that anyways but he doesn't bother that he cheated on you he didn't that like that's where he has so many inconsistencies one if he did because it earlier this is gonna be something like a crazy ex-girlfriend but i was on his phone all the time i went through all his text messages and like all the time he'd literally just hand me his phone like he literally had his passcode and everything and we were with him every day never cheated on me i can guarantee he'd never cheat on me everything else he's like a creep afterwards yeah he's disgusting and he's like manipulative probably early on like she said her mom dated him in 2017 and we weren't dating we were like cooking up so she's talking about 2017 it's and but again i don't care when people like tweet me and it's fine i'll talk about it because i love you know i'll talk about gossip all day long but also it's like i'm like engaged now so when people are like oh my gosh you're just gonna make a video about this like i'm not like i'll talk about in front of me for those clicks you know what i'm saying but like i don't care there was one about a young girl like some young girl that's dating him like what does church have to say i don't care i mean he's creepy and manipulative and he's but we know this like let's let's focus on him being like a creep and like all and the set thing let's just focus on all the bad stuff that he has done like him like dating people in 2017 like okay is it not weird this girl just like airing out her mom's dirty laundry very weird what was that and she was like interviewing her mom for the tick tock and her mom has like wine shows jason loves being famous and he'll take advantage of that it's like okay i don't know now everyone has stories about jason which again it's his own fault he's just an idiot and he just like you know whatever but it's like a lot and then it distracts from like the serious stuff like the seth stuff so now people are just like oh jason [ __ ] a 22 year old like okay like that it is gross and disgusting you're like a creep but okay so jason was faithful not a cheater i was with him every day since we actually officially started because i'm clingy i won't like leave a [ __ ] site you know i know you guys got in a fight over over not being able to access his phone yeah i access his phone but also now like and once you do access someone's phone you like don't care i literally don't care about most i have his instagram i don't ever check it that's good i mean i you have to give that up at some point the possessiveness i think it was just like i had a lot of trauma from like previous boyfriends but i like jason was the first person i didn't see on me and like again i know even on tour people would like video him and he'd be like i don't i can't like give you a hug like your show will be like a mad i think maybe that's maybe what she was saying because he would say he goes i don't want to like hug you oh he's like don't text me because i don't want to yeah i mean that's okay so maybe that but i know for a fact like i checked his dms and phones all the time and he like and he was i mean and even in his oh i won't go to that but even in his marriage like he didn't have sex for like a long time and he didn't cheat on her and i believe that there you go not a cheater just a creep super creepy yeah you're also like 48 thought you had hip surgery that's when you're too old to [ __ ] 22 year olds like stop it maybe that'll because like i saw a 22 year old do a video about him and she was really upset and you could tell she's just very like young and he's just like a creep he just stopped talking to her and he goes to her and i'm like that's what happens it's just like oh god oh man i'm manipulative like i i was watching me clefa talk about this and she's like if an older guy says like you're mature for your age they're not you're not oh yeah that's dude oh yeah yeah she's 18 but she's so mature for it really dude no it's so i love that and it's very rare like 22 years nobody's mature for their age everybody's their age 22 year olds don't just want to hook up with you and so when he's surprised that she called the hollywood fix on him and something i'm like because they want she wants them to know that she's [ __ ] like she's hanging out with you or [ __ ] or whatever i would like that at 23. i wouldn't expose everyone as [ __ ] i was like oh i'm [ __ ] christman glover you know what i mean like you just no one knows christmas glover anymore but [ __ ] would you call that cloud [ __ ] i think just like as a young girl you want fame you want notoriety you know and it's cool like you're she obviously hat was a fan of him and so she's super uncomfortable um you should get measurements by him but he'll come to your house it's just the paint in the back is rubbing with the jacket oh it's getting uncomfy it's a lot you look good maybe some ac moses could you kick the ac down a little bit thank you maybe um oh there's something god i don't put you in that bubble if you do believe god you believe in something higher being i don't i'm agnostic i really have no opinion about any of that stuff it's like the first thing you don't have an opinion on yeah love that that's good i have no i really have no strong opinion about uh if there's a god or not that's good because could you imagine you're doing politics and religion then you just have everyone hate you and then your podcast will cease to exist yeah well that's i mean that's what the right-wingers do they do but that's what they love they're people they love god they love jesus and they love uh and they hate immigrants i don't know what's their platform after the show love jesus hate immigrants yeah i love immigrants hamilton immigrants we get the job done yeah immigrants are great they've always been great for this country my fiance is an immigrant it's absolutely [ __ ] absurd that how immigrants are um we don't get political but how they're like demonized in this country it's a [ __ ] joke immigrants have and will always be uh a positive net positive for this country artists working they work so hard they contribute a lot you know it's it's ridiculous i am proud to be engaged with an immigrant green card baby he has a green card i hate that joke he has one well now that i've been here 25 years i'm only now confident ila's not with me for the green card now that we've been married for like eight years i was like okay once theodore was born i was like okay she's probably not going to leave me but even if someone is with someone for a green card like at least they get companionship for a couple years right yeah it's a good trade-off those guys know they're like listen i'm gonna get to i'm gonna get to be spend time with you for a few years and you're gonna leave me i get that but sometimes they don't have sex with the people and then they get pissed like ninety fiance remember danielle muhammad muhammad and danielle she peed on him during sex once and never again he had sex with her and she goes he would not have sex with me and she who peed on who muhammad and danielle you don't remember that they want to feed on her danielle peed on mohammed one time during sex we never had sex with her again and she at the reunion she was here why did she pee on him for a kink or for an accident i think maybe an accident she's like an older woman and he would stay in front of her teenage kids she'd be like i want my sex or you're getting deported that's awesome oh yeah you better pay up dude you know why you're there that's how we role play i want my sex week i'm just kidding no he has he's honestly 90 day fiance is such a crazy show man this season was wild and you know yeah it's usually the guys bringing over like hot young ukrainian girls but there was actually a lot of older ladies recently um and the older ladies that look for like the young trophy husbands or the weirdest ones by far who's the one that went down like to like jamaica or something yeah and so there's this one girl who's like middle-aged white lady so she's like in love with this um jamaican guy i don't know if you're making something but like she's so sex obsessed she's like i want sex three times tonight i was like holy [ __ ] or when they're tired they come in and like they're tired like the the woman that lives in the apartment with the guy from like i don't know one of those places she goes oh i want to have sex and he's just like i'm tired and she gets so pissed no [ __ ] you know what this is but the craziest part is so she went to jamaica to visit him yeah and they had a big blowout and so then she started sleeping with his cousin is it this uh couple yeah yeah yeah yeah and then she's that exactly that's her name and then she started [ __ ] that's stephanie and uh ryan so you show the picture of his cousin because she as soon as they broke up she started [ __ ] his cousin and then talked about i want you to move to america she [ __ ] his cousin before too yeah i know that they're from uh belize yeah that's where it was but like the next day she's working on the paperwork to bring his cousin over like she just wants some she just wants saying sometimes it's just companionship and no she wants this outsourced belief's dick no that you remember stacy and darcy they had their own show and they would always date four men that was like their habit they kept like applying for the k-1 visa with new guys and sometimes you know that's about control you know what it is too a lot of older women over here are not like you know they don't get they want young men that american guys aren't going to go for the older women so they go for the foreign men that need that green card honestly i was on that route i'd be like moroccan you know if it wasn't you know maybe wait you were going to go to you wanted to be a male or bride or get a mail order bread i don't want to be one i don't want to go somewhere why you're doing so good what do you need to be a male or brother no i don't i don't want to be one i want to get one you want to get one when no when we had a break i remember telling him i'm like i'm gonna go to israel and find someone that just looks like you and bring them over oh you could definitely do that yeah you can import in israeli so if i wanted to make him jealous like if he ever like broke up with me i'd be like i'm gonna go israel and find someone just like it's pretty insane but yeah you could do that for sure yeah they would they would i true story i knew somebody that was in a relationship with an israeli guy she was a girl because he had paid her like 20 thousand dollars to marry uh him and get a green card yeah so there's there's people that will literally pay you for free israelis are the shadiest [ __ ] in this planet and i say that with peace and love because i lived there for five years who comes here it does it shady as [ __ ] bro like i met so many israel they all i don't know how they do it because we mean eva had such a hard time getting over here and doing it legitly and there's all these israelis are like yeah no i got in my green card because my uncle has a fence business and he and then i married my [ __ ] some lady and i said blah blah blah and i was like holy [ __ ] these guys are doing like somersaults to get this [ __ ] no they are shady i had a locksmith that like literally would call oh no no my locks would always break every month like every month you'll come fix it and you charge me like 350 dollars dude israelis are don't ever hire israelis for for manual labor i swear to god you're the worst and i'm saying that with peace and love because they come over here the israelis they hustle in israel they know what it is to hustle and live like a hard life so they come here and they see all the because americans are like trusting and they come over here and it's just like [ __ ] green pastures for them bro israeli guys are a lot more respectful i talked to jenna jameson do you know who that is uh uh no comment so flex over here i used to be neighbors for john jameson so i know her and so we talk whatever her husband is israeli they've been married like eight years they have a daughter together and all stuff like that and so when i got with moses oh i'm so happy that like you're with an israeli they like you know love and treat women and it's true like i've never been like in a better relationship but i don't know if it's because he's really i don't think it's a generalization i think it's just true of all people everywhere some are good some are better no but they both we both did porn jenna jamison and now she hasn't so maybe israeli people are open to dating porn stars there's a whole diversity of people from israel no well well i can but i won't get stoned if i go to israel just because i did porn no where were you going to get stoned i mean jordan he told me jordan i'd get stoned if i go there yeah yeah yeah don't go to jordan do you remember uh ozen and brittany or yazan and brittany and she and she was just taking sexy instagram photos he's like my family will kill me yeah and they're like we won't murder him and then he's like i love her no jor yeah i wouldn't recommend going to most middle eastern countries i wouldn't go there no jordan uh i wouldn't go to any middle eastern country like just because i don't wa as a jew and as a dual israeli citizen first of all i'm not even allowed yeah you're not but in general i just i don't okay flex double citizen love that i want to do that so exciting yeah i mean well you have to well yeah it was easy for me because they just hand it out if you're jewish it's pretty crazy really yeah damn oh we i might convert to judaism um he knows a rabbi that will help me convert are you guys going to do like the fast lane conversion is he going to do like a like a vip conversion really you just pay him a bunch of money gives you a repeat conversion no she has to read the book yeah you know show intention they want to see can you do aliyah if you convert after that yeah so you can be a citizen i'm on the i'm on the route will you just die if i become a real jewish will you die if i become real jewish like a real jewish woman my kids will be jewish i don't care go convert what the [ __ ] do i like so no people can no longer say that i'm being inappropriate if i am an actual jewish you seen the seinfeld you seen the seinfeld episode where his dentist converts to judaism and the next day he's making all these jew jokes that's what you remind me of a little bit i say it out of the way he goes hey he converts and one day later he's like hey come on you know us jews you know how it is and he's like should you be making that joke too so soon one day we'll be able to say us jews rightfully and religiously and righteously you convert i will i will include you and the proverbial i'm doing it we're doing it okay yeah let that not be the only reason you want to convert them it's not me fiance it should be because you love yahweh our kids will be jewish i want i want them to go to hebrew school i want them to do all of that i think that's amazing i want james charles huge news on the james charles front is he in jail justice is coming for james not in the sense of going to prison but not yet okay so here's one really what was that sorry i didn't know he was there i wanted to go extend my feet did you pick shredder again let's see the bingo card for frenemies mentioning impulsive kicking my dog it looks like my shoes i thought these were my shoes i was trying to slip my foot look at that i was trying to slip my foot into it yeah it looks just like him i know oops so james charles has been completely demonetized by youtube there's no ads on confirmed i confirmed because we went well it was reported and then we went to his channel we were clicking around and there's no ads on any of his videos i mean try to check that dance see if you get it the rumors but i don't know if like we checked it and there was no ads although weirdly there's been no statement from youtube or james but i do know that they've they do this when people get into into [ __ ] and i don't think there's any better reason to do monetize someone's channel james is like the worst of the worst out there right now for sure so not only did youtube uh apparently demonetize his old channel his entire channel um but more finally put out his morphe morphe [ __ ] you morphy you're morphed to me i'm clicking around on various videos of his uh nothing no no ads so oh wow apparently didn't he uh he monetized his apology video people were saying really oh i'm not sure but i purposely didn't click that one because i figured he didn't but i'm just i'm just opening random videos on his channel i mean that's that i'm not getting it i wonder if it's a temporary suspension or a permanent one yeah don't know it's probably temporary they always get their their stuff how do you even just like yes you did um reach out to like 17 young boys 10 of them miners but you could get monetization back in two weeks it's like i'm sorry what well i don't know i don't know either like that is you should be d platformed on tick tock too like all those places just get rid of him on those social medias like they did you know well morphy finally put out a statement they said in light of the recent allegations against james charles morphy and james have agreed to end why agreed what do you need his permission for [ __ ] face why are you trying to save face for jamie i don't know yeah we together have mutually agreed and and respect and admiration for each other wait they say that no no no i'm reading between the lines yeah i was like what james charles who has made us millions of dollars with great admiration and appreciation for all he's done for us have agreed to end our business relationship and wind down sales for the morphe x james charles product they're winding it down it has and it's always been murphy's goal to create a positive safe and empowering environment where all beauty lovers can freely share their artist artistry and passion for cosmetics and morphe is committed to furthering that goal as well as to continuing to set up young boys for james charles to knock down like ben like pins they say in light of recent allegations james admitted his xt miners just say we don't allegation bro yeah it's literally not an allegation why don't they just be like we do not support you girls and so they're like in light of recent allegations we're disgusted by the allegations we're outraged no they say in mutual respect and loving adoration we have we have decided amongst ourselves to partner we have to be outraged when you write so hard for someone that's like an actual p word you have to be outraged like like no that that was a honestly it wasn't even like they i can't get over they say we have mutually we have agreed morphy and james have agreed [ __ ] what's the what's to agree on [ __ ] dumbasses ah so there there's obviously some tenderness between them now james put out again also they issued their statements at the exact same time which means they were coordinating which is weird okay they both put them out on twitter at the same time so james put out a statement this really [ __ ] my tits can i say that this really [ __ ] my tits off you get in the mask and you become like a different person you're literally like somebody [ __ ] my tits give me another slogan down what does she say somebody lick my [ __ ] it's party time p-a-r-t why because i chat's out oh it's because i got a star there because i gotta prt somebody tweak my nipples oh my god it sounds like you have actual tourettes i know i always bring this up but it does sound like gift threats when you're screaming like that somebody [ __ ] my [ __ ] somebody pee in my butt oh my god don't wanna get to monetize stop okay here's james statement you're right family friendly jack black think of that right we're family friendly somebody spit my [ __ ] and [ __ ] me it's the mask it's not me it's the mask not cute give me something cute to say hold on hold on that sounds more perverse than anything i just said hold on sugar daddy somebody's got a sweet tooth tonight that looks like and i just say pineapple for dinner if you get my drift that looks like us can you pop that photo look that's us look how dark my face looks i need like i need like lots of light yeah you need like a glam core light like right in front let's take the hat off no oh my god no i like martian now that looks crazy somebody's saying that more like that but it's just there's so much shadow that's fine somebody stop me that's pretty good okay somebody's here let me do it so this is just sir somebody stop me yeah that's kind of good wait the teeth the freddie mercury teeth i like one day we should can we come dressed as our favorite friday mercury sure i want to be i want to break free party freddie mercury i want to break free it's just big teeth that's all that no he has the he's in drag in that one with the pink outfit and the thing i want to come did you say drag drag it sounds like you said drag you do have this rite aid freddy mercury and you should rite aid whatever i did i was like he worked for writing live aid live whoa he works for a rite aid crazy i made freddie mercury's just wearing a like a white tank but he has the short hair i want to break free the armband and you know what because there's a trend on tick-tock right now i see a lot of people do it they're like i'm dressed as you know king tut trisha or i'm dressed as birthday cheshire there's like trends now where you dressed as like a version of that person we could be the versions of freddie mercury i love him i'm down i love my freddie mercury should we get robbie malek to guest judge that day to see who's the better freddie mercury i thought we don't like grammy malek no we're we're oh we do like why are we not like him what happened i thought we thought he was pretentious no i think we agreed with him being like oh you got to set boundaries with people okay you want to read this statement will he be on to judge our friend he will 100 000 billion percent be on as well as brian mays and any surviving member of queen will be here yeah brian mays he's the guitarist just may dismay just brian brian may's here you know a wedding they'll play your wedding for like fifty thousand dollars no they won't i'm talking about my wedding please she got backstreet boys for twenty thousand dollars for someone's wedding because i'm trying to get the backstreet boys or watch the black cop you're talking about queen here the queen was like adam lambert adam lambert's not coming with your wedding for 50 000. no [ __ ] way she told me she there's village people will do it for 20 000. exactly village people's 20. my wedding is gonna have the most random entertainment 180 000. now that i know you can book people like donna summer will come to your wedding and perform i was like this is she can get john mayer my wedding player is kind of epic she should show she mentions john mayer i think if he comes acoustic with just a guitar he's like 100k i'm not showing up to anyone's wedding for any amount of money i'll tell you right now okay baller i'm just saying it's just odd i'm not i'm just it's just i love it i'm not going to your wedding i'm trying to get donny osmond in my romance maybe just like donnie osmond that's got to be a cheap buy that's got to be a bargain i know he's really popular he's like yeah he has a vegas show and stuff he's i love donnie osmond i'm trying to get an elvis in person here my favorite elvis impersonator just died trent carlini i don't think you'll have any trouble getting an elvis impersonator no i want sean klush but he's really popular he's booked all the time i'm trying to get elvis i'm trying to get all these people to my wedding your sh your wedding's just gonna be like a las vegas that's what i wanted to be and i told her that can we have like a las vegas show why don't you just get look-alex instead of the real celebs that would be awesome look like yeah i would get a queen a queen tribute band i would if you guys hey message me if you're a tribute band or a tribute artist message me we're trying to get michael jackson's phone yeah but i want real donnie osmond i would love real mike i would pay my life savings for my chemical romance their tour just got postponed to 2022 i would give my life savings right now to my wedding how much how much can you pay seven figures oh wow seven figures my chemical romance i love seven figures but yes yeah i don't think they would do it i think they're pretty cool he has an umbrella academy he's busy but hey the offer is out there i have seven figures from my chemical romance all right you want to read this thing from james yeah nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand yeah to look less sus when i transfer would you say that yeah you paid nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand dollars nine nine nine nine like i'm a roman saved my life so okay i guess they deserve it they deserve it okay here's james you know i'll just give it to them they don't have to perform if you want the money here's the check give me your address i said well what do i i feel like you know you i feel like you bring me up a lot that like i helped you a lot so if you want to give me your money i'm open to taking it too oh you want money yeah i'll take your money seven figures no he didn't save me that much all right put me in your well at least give me a cut i want to cut your only fence i gotta give some to joe rogan i know sounds like he deserves some cut in yeah you sent him some nudes get his email and send him like he's squirting unsolicited hey big boy i knew you wanted this big boy small boy ah you just made fun of him we can because he invited that he protruded small deck energy we're allowed to acknowledge edit commentary joe rogan is built like a human thumb no you can't say that he didn't come for you he came for me but i guess you're defending me okay i don't know whatever he's like a thumb with muscles thumbs are hot we love thumbs up okay here goes james hi sisters accountability is something that i've spoken about a number of times in the past am i should i keep reading it like that maybe not in my most recent video i spoke about and took a accountability for my part in conversations i had with a few individuals who told me they were over the age of 18. uh let me rephrase let me rephrase that i took a response i partial no he took i took accountability short of turning myself into the authorities with individuals who were under the age of 18 right let's just phrase rephrase that instead of trying to pass the blame back onto them and off of you yeah individuals told me they were over the age of 18. okay they didn't someone said i he goes that's still illegal when they said they were 17 or 16 or something and he acknowledged that oh it's still yeah that came out after this video that was like one of the torrents of action before yeah as i said in that video i can't show change overnight but i will uh over time some since posting that video many other people have come forward with a series of misleading stories and false allegations which have been reported on by many people creators and news outlets my legal team has begun taking action against those that have spare spread misinformation and or created completely fake stories and this as this has gone on too far okay you [ __ ] piece of dog [ __ ] you really gonna come out here and start threatening like victims coming forward let's say there was one that the dude admitted to faking so james tell me how many of them are real and how many are fake you're telling me that all 17 are like all i think there's like 12 miners uh don't quote me on that but it's somewhere in the neighborhood neighborhood of 12. so you're telling me the 10 additional people that came out against you the miners they're all fake except for two that he admitted to except for the two you meditate all the ten that came out with receipts are all fake okay two is too much anyways to even put that on there now because he's just trying to deflect and be like oh they're not all drew it's like no you did you did it twice you already did it twice delete yourself from social media for a minute maybe i love how it goes this is all gone on too far [ __ ] don't you think you flirting with miners was you going too far over and over and over for years and years and years don't you don't you think sexting with miners has maybe gone a little too far not the people are coming out against you you [ __ ] dip human this is someone who needs to outsource tonight beyonce if he's desperate like he needs to find a moroccan man to come over i i don't know man he would do terrible things to that poor person over here for the visa he would like i don't want him i don't want to i don't want an immigrant under his possession you know what i mean i hear you he just needs to go live in [ __ ] rural like he just needs to go live on a farm somewhere away from society yeah he needs to be like locked away um i just can't get over that line my legal team has begun taking action against by the way nobody has a legal team what the [ __ ] does that mean dude [ __ ] people always try to act all tough my legal team what do you have like five lawyers just on standby all the time nobody has a legal team no you have a lawyer disney has a legal team a disney legal team james charles does not have a legal team [Laughter] and if he did he would not be like in this position right now he would be like better served james charles legal team is like his uncle that passed the bar a few years ago but doesn't practice regularly you know what i mean my legal team has begun taking action against those that have spread misinformation and or created completely fake stories as this has gone on too far so what he's doing is there's probably maybe one or two that are like fake or exaggerated and so he's doing a like a what's this fallacy called dan it's not is this a straw man i don't know if it's a straw man but he's definitely like it's like a red herring or something he's basically being like these two lied this is out of control and i'm taking legal action no comment on the other eight deflecting yeah deflecting out what he did and it's gross like uh why did he even put this out also intimidating people that would come forward later he's basically saying hey if you want to come forward i have my uncle who passed the bar seven years ago and hasn't practiced that might send you a legal letter probably not that's what all these people rely on though is this like scaring people like i have money i have a legal team and they never do anything never even these big people that are trying to sue me they'll send like i'll i'll give him my lawyer's information i'll be like i'm not taking it down here's my allergies and they'll send a letter to my lawyer which cost me 600 to receive because lawyers like will charge you to receive a letter or whatever and then they don't go any further because like what are you going to do like i can i can't have an opinion and also just from a a optics standpoint you going after someone who's come after you legally it's not is just gonna add fuel to the fire it's like it's a loss loss for james too even threatening it is just absolutely corny but he's he's making that risk to his public image to deter further people from coming out that's really what he's doing here also what does that have to do with morphe like morphe's cool with this being thrown in with their with their morphe sounds like a piece of [ __ ] though with their apology there and they took so long like they sound like they are they're peace and love and mutual adoration and a heavy heart we say goodbye to the prince and our dearest friend and our best client we love you forever james morpie's losing all of their clients because they dropped jeffrey shane like now it's uh uh james maybe so they're probably like [ __ ] we need some money you want to make them out uh a palette not with morphe anyone out there who got makeup hit us up someone made a frenemies palette did you see they they d they disheveled the conspiracy palette they put frenemies over and then they put like titles like it was really clever we should rip off james because remember how he got all butt hurt about what someone ripped him off or like rite aid or someone ripped him off we should rip his pallet off and sell it i mean he literally ripped you off though exactly that would be like the best revenge if we did a collab with morphy but it was just his palette that would be the best and we just called the [ __ ] james charles palette um yeah i'm down maybe not [ __ ] i'm trying to set up a tesla giveaway to dunk on david oh are we doing that it's in the works okay with uh we're working with this company i'm trying to get it so we can do a tesla giveaway slash sponsorship and then give money to like uh we already raised a lot of money for the uh sexual violence thing what's that rain i don't know what is it at dan i haven't checked it right now unless it was at 50k about but um i thought that would be uh poetic to give away tesla yeah just shy of 50k yeah we love that should we give away a pink and a black tesla um i don't know it's kind of dope but at the same time it's kind of hard to ride but it's dope too do you still have your tesla yeah you should go find addison ryan park next to her cause she has a pink tesla you guys could be the new frenemies she just got a ticket she got pulled over and hollywood fix got her and she's in a pink tesla yeah i'm not i'm not looking to hang out with addison ray not about it no i hear you so you know britney spears i know i'm just kidding people come for me for it honestly i just got heated that day i apologize i get really heated sometimes sometimes i'm like whoa you know i start seeing red what about addison yeah the brand new stuff i went a little off but i want to talk about that but here let me finish this i apologize i always have to i just want to apologize to everybody a paul a blanket apology a blank check apologies you can sign that and catch it for whatever you want anyone listening apologies because i like that people like me right now i'm trying really hard to just stay good and stay positive and i'm so nervous i'm gonna know i know that feeling bro trust me i i i know that one day it's just gonna crack because i i feel like i've always been the same person and now people like me like i don't know what to do because i feel like i've always been this person and now i'm like oh my god well you're better you've been good and you've been like i'm just kind of more mature about things and i mean i'm supposed to be at 32 like what am i supposed to just be you you would expect that you would grow the [ __ ] up a little bit right i mean yeah i guess not everyone in the 30s are like that i was pretty much i mean i i was definitely a late mature i could see that you know i feel like i wasn't fully matured until honestly like the last two years to be totally honest guys they say are like literally like 10 years behind girls maturity-wise looking back on myself i was i was just painfully immature for the majority of my life you know but you've been i don't say you were problematic more so in your 30s than you were in your 20s not problematic but more controversial and you're 30 yeah yeah less controversial but i still i mean i'm 34 now so i don't know i was still doing dumb [ __ ] in my 30s yeah but i feel like in the past couple of years i've matured a lot actually yeah ever since theodore was born oh oh you agreed dad dad what yup yeah yeah i fully agree i think becoming a father matured you significantly i've seen it over the last couple years i mean yeah well there was a big there was a big difference back in the day in our early podcast days that she was a nightmare kind of jack black wasn't getting started it was really good i watched it on friday night i love him weren't they great that was one of my favorite episodes can we get him maybe we might be able to because apparently his son is a fan that's how that we hooked that whole thing up his son is really cool he's probably he's yeah because if he like loves david like all the david says hate me i don't know that he loves david i don't know that either but you know what he's a body positive king maybe we need him to like give us therapy like dr drew like how are you so positive king i want a burger and french fries right [ __ ] i don't love and he's so anyways i just love him i know i look like him if we order pizza something terrible going to happen it's not temp fate ooh pizza because then i kind of want to tempt fate i want to prove to the world that we can order pizza and nothing terrible happens to us the problem with your places and pizza doesn't deliver here you have to yeah yeah yeah so annoying because i'm moving i'm moving can you new house by the way about 15 minutes no okay so wait let me finish this if you got stuff do you want to touch on remember we have to keep it to two hours for youtube this is with peace and love we would talk forever if we could but we have to know we haven't seen each other in so long well we can hang out afterwards people go i want to watch when i go afterwards i go let's go upstairs and hang out in the backyard people go i want to watch i think that might be over saturating them yeah let us hang out let us let us have a moment it's not that exciting for what it's worth no we just sit there and we kind of just sit there quietly it's dead air no we we should move we have a post-show wrap-up yeah we wrap it up that's what impossible calls it but like after our pro show meeting shut up you're not that serious how did it go everybody what can we work on for next week okay guys i think impulsive can improve his podcast by not pre-filming at six months ahead of time that's my recommendation um so he says these stories have caused many of my long-term partners to receive considerable negative feedback as they should dumb [ __ ] piece of dog [ __ ] [ __ ] face pony lover i mean he's such an idiot it's fine they can't flag you if you say that we'll see i've got tourette's oh right tourette's sorry that then they just are uh i'm sorry ethan i'm so sorry i'll make sure to include it ableism one of them being morphy yeah dumb i've loved every moment working together i love how he goes from threatening his v his victims to being like i love morphe i love working with them i'm beyond grateful for what we've created together that said i reached out to them it was me by the way it was me that wanted to sympathize not morphy sure just want to kick them on the way out be like yeah these guys are pieces of [ __ ] don't support them that being said i reached out to them and we mutually agreed to wind down our james charles ex morphe what would this wind down business what are we winding down what does that mean just sell it to ross and get it out ralph's ross ross could it have been a um contractual thing that like yeah dude every contract has claws for if you [ __ ] essay a child they all have like um um clauses for like miss uh misconduct yeah fair enough i think they just have a shitload of merch and they're being greedy they had just reordered right before the scandal happened we're winding down which is my only way which is my only project with them i am continuing to make time to learn grow and listen except unless you're accusing me then i'm sending a legal team i'm not listening to them i'm attacking them and i'm looking forward to coming back one day in the future with a better version of myself please don't ever come back maybe in a few years did you watch the jake paul boxing match or do you want to talk we don't have that much time so we have demi lovato and we have um addison ray i don't know i didn't know there was a jake paul fight so i'm going to skip that because i didn't know anything about well he just knocked out this dude in like 10 seconds it was really lame jake paul um demi lovato mad because sugar free god she's so out of touch so let devi lovato who really is so annoying i don't know anything about her except this post her documentary was great and like you know everyone was on her side because she struggles with drugs and you're like okay this is like good but now it's like okay yeah we all got struggles lady so uh dem demi lovato lovato lovato she said i'm finding it extremely hard this is some karen ass [ __ ] to be honest yeah i found it extremely hard to order from froyo from this place when you have to walk past tons of sugar-free cookies and other diet foods before you get to the counter do better what is she what is she mad about diet culture vultures what is she mad about she's mad because it triggers her because she had an eating disorder okay so what the world needs to organize around but like so what get the diet food i don't understand the issue no she's saying she diet food should not even exist because it's promoting like eating disorders and telling people they need to be skinny but you know there's diabetes diabetic people need [ __ ] sugar sugar-free desserts dumbass you're not the only person what's wrong with not wanting sugar i don't get it she also promoted teami which is a detox tea which is like try to make you lose weight fast by you know oh that's good yeah so she's also so that's good there's a photo of her with her little tee her little dude what is wrong with you well the problem is that she tagged them like do better please i don't even know what the [ __ ] you're on about but now all of her flakies went and disliked bomb this poor wrestler what oh that's that shitty like it's one thing to have like an opinion about it but also well she tagged them and so now all over [ __ ] [ __ ] fans though like you said people oh there's more she says so i think i'm gonna have to make the hashtag a thing oh no karen karen lovato i will be calling harmful messages from do you know what diabetes is you dumbass there are more people in the world than you yeah it's not like diet pills it's like sugar-free something because it's way worse than [ __ ] sugar-free treats i drink diet coke you want to [ __ ] you want to lynch my ass like diet coke firing squad they have diet coke in their entrance i mean if you're trying to diet maybe you should be drinking diet and not whole coke anyway i don't see what's the problem i actually personally love the taste i will eat a whole large pizza with diet cup i love diet coke like i love the taste i'm not doing that pizza we can you want to order some are you curious if i can rip this off you want to do it but doesn't you want to do tick tocks oh right put it back you can definitely rip it off by the way somebody stop it it would be satisfying we got to do tickets i know it would be satisfying to see i love seeing people pull it off um afterwards okay so she says blah blah blah when when that coke is [ __ ] making me hungry sorry that was mean yeah i'm sorry i think it's i think when you mock people like yeah you're right i take it back but she's being such so annoying yeah this is really i will be calling harmful messages from brands or companies that perpetuate a society that do not enable but praises to sort i don't know what she's even taught i don't follow her logic what's wrong with having diet food i literally don't understand her logic what is wrong she's saying i guess it's yeah what am i missing triggering her so i think she's like upset about it but because you know if you say if you pray someone's weight loss some people could say you're praising you know skinny and like giving people eating disorders but this doesn't make any sense because she's like i don't get it right dan what am i missing are you understanding no no no no i don't really i don't understand no this is this is okay so outrageous pills and diet culture is bad because it's like you have this pillow that's unhealthy and be skinny but the sugar sugar-free cookies you dumb [ __ ] yeah i think i think there was a different way and also when you have millions of followers like dunking on like some small business like that who could be saving people's lives like diabetics and stuff like that tagging them anyway here i don't know she's so upset at that she's like trying to ruin their business because they had like diet cookies i mean we are not oh sh they responded to her we are not diet vultures i don't know that's just a new thing vultures are not on diets by the way they eat everything if your ass want to be a vulture you should not vultures eat everything you should know that [Laughter] they eat sugar-free they eat sugar they don't give a [ __ ] they're vultures we are not this so this is the poor little store that's trying to defend themselves they go we are not diet vultures we cater all of our customers needs over the past 36 years we are sorry you found this offensive and she's like [ __ ] i'm about to clap back she said not just that your service was terrible okay okay so it's not the diet cookies the service was bad can you just shut up can you just mind your own [ __ ] business jesus christ you have to complain about everything inconvenient in your life why is she the most annoying person alive i liked her i watched her documentary i really liked her i felt for it now this is like what i'm good at i guess not just that your service was terrible so rude the whole experience was triggering and awful you could carry things for other people while also caring for other percentage of your customers who struggle daily just to even step foot in your store look if you got an issue don't go in a candy store what the [ __ ] frozen yogurt shop i think okay whatever you can even you can find a way to provide an inviting environment for all people with different needs including eating disorders one of the deadliest diabetics they're doing diabetes don't exist forever one of the deadliest mental illnesses only second to opioids okay victim don't make excuses just do better i literally don't even know what she's complaining about but she thinks she's really doing something here that's like i know she goes since you all want to keep going tags them again geez and they're like apologize and they were like i'm really sorry please you're and then so here's all these points from her dumbass fans provides toxic cultures and extremely unprofessional management never visit again i don't know what they did wrong they have one star now literally her initial point was just sugar sugar-free cookies like what this place is very triggering for people with eating disorders why their packages truly just see even her fans don't even know what they're crying about they says their packaging is disgusting do not recommend like what's on their packaging a big fat person was shoving cookies in their face and being like triggering for eating disorders because like a lot of people who can't eat or our fear are getting fat they eat sugar-free things and that's all they can eat so they're trying to eat something eating sugar-free yeah what oh [ __ ] somebody spit my [ __ ] oh my god you need to mind i was like i'm the mask okay horrendous service god these people are so annoying demi lovato you you win douchebag of the month yeah for sure it's just like why this is another one of those things where people are like being thrown off excavators that's something to complain about maybe not sugar-free cookies you know there's like other things in there stop throwing people off excavators excavator vultures yeah because when you're saving that makes more sense because when you become a cadaver and you [ __ ] your eyes popped out of your head a vulture will come and eat but they will not vultures will eat sugar-free cookies i guarantee it anyway that's all so that's about it oh we have 10 more minutes dan we have the ad reads some pre-calculating that in we got a pre-calculation eh i feel like a different person today it's so weird somebody it's like when you're in costume you're like so much funnier i don't know maybe you feel more like comfortable i don't know it's like weird every time you're in costume it's like such a better energy i love it so scary you know i look like jim carrey a little bit what's more catchphrases dan i didn't do them all and did like three of them i mean some of them on this list i don't remember at all what's that one what does that say no hands look mom i'm roadkill what that's something [ __ ] you know how hard it is to find a decent man this isn't even a quote from him this is like some somebody else in the movie name's hold me closer ed it's getting what the [ __ ] the books are so dumb i'm just saying you can't make the scene if you don't have the green there you go that's that i can relate to you you can't make the scene if you don't have the greed edit you into the user i apologize for that every time what's number one now that you have to ask yourself the question do you feel lucky that's a quote from another movie you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that's uh oh my gosh third mask movie well how are you gonna say the number one quote from the mask is a quote it's a quote from another movie i mean this is just some much shitty ass website crap yeah it's garbage tourette's are strong stop it it is because you can't control it you literally you know you don't know that anything i know because you can't stop i'm like okay stop bringing monetizing just keep going with that bottom cause it's funny stop you're out of line you're out of line all right um jake paul is a piece of [ __ ] did we talk about that i literally didn't even know anything that's happening this weekend i went on to twitter and someone's like jake paul he he he challenged this boxing guy who's like he was like out of shape hasn't fought he's not a boxer he's a wrestler ah and he it was just such a dumb do you think he'll wrestle me you want to wrestle the guy that lost is he a wrestler he's a wrestler do i know what's his name it's uh ben ass cheeks ben ashtreeks he was olympian he was an mma fighter as well yeah well he got his ass beat by jake paul in the first round literally knocked out in under two minutes oh oh right because he was paid or something right everyone's saying he got paid to do that people are saying he's paid it looked a little sketchy but i don't i i watched it back from a lot of angles i mean that was a real hit but i don't know why the ref called it i just found that the obscene you know what i thought i felt that [ __ ] long for that you watched i watched the whole i bootlegged it i powered it i felt like uh i felt that way at first too but i saw a different angle i mean the the ref told him to uh you know how they have him step forward or whatever he was stumbling around it was probably the right given more time i mean like dude i mean it's a show fight like we're all right spent four hours waiting for this dumbass fight i didn't we were watching dressing the [ __ ] cats and eating tombstone pizza tombstone mm-hmm with oregano dosing the [ __ ] guts though like the old one yeah that movie rocks i love it yeah i love tombstone you know why they call it tombstone because your fat ass is gonna die well i don't know why else they call it tombstone they're like you're gonna die from i think like the movie tombstone why would they name their pizza after a movie a western movie pizza that's got nothing to do with people they ate pizza well they didn't i never saw it i've seen it i love that movie you have is michael madsen in it who michael madsen no no he's in one of those fighters in it and he's really good we should get back on the show he was batman val kilmer was really good in that he played doc holliday we should dress up as our favorite batman and have val kilmer judge us our dance our competition that's easy i could set that up get right on it i apologize for pushing you to have a conversation with me about wrestling when you weren't comfortable with it i i i hold no grudge i will stop having conversations on the podcast i will only be but speak when spoken too yes please like a good uh debutant or whatever i don't know i think you're gonna say something kinky like a good little girl no i do want it daddy here's the ethan version of the mask daddy daddy daddy all right that's it we did it daddy oh we gotta clap out today you know guys this has been frenemies you know we're the only podcast in town that we'll put on four hours of makeup for no reason i love it for sure we're the only podcast that does that for sure so we could say that if people start doing that then you know they're copying us copyright lawsuit you'll be hearing from my legal team yeah my brother who failed the bar exam but still can download pdfs with legal cease and desist and fill in the blank you'll be hearing from my legal team i think we're the first podcast to do like male female that didn't like each other like let's start a podcast with someone i don't like has there been podcasts with people that don't like each other no but people are trying to now i listen to comedians sometimes and they're like i'm trying to find a girl to do a podcast with like guy comedians and i think they're trying to they're trying to take this brilliant formula that we've created of of hating i'm curious if that works because i feel like i would never expect it to work but i just feel like we have really good chemistry well we were kind of forced to too because moses right like we have a mutual connection forever so we might as well monetize it oh yeah monetize everything always i would have done this without if moses wasn't involved i feel like no no that's not true you didn't talk to me before and then when moses and i officially started dating you're like oh something about this was like months we were thinking about we wanted to do a podcast with another comedian and i brought your name up dan you could testify before you guys were dating but you never talked to me ever like we never had a private conversation he's just saying that the seed of the idea already existed where you guys were really but it didn't come to fruition ever and then i was like oh i did well there was just some i don't know what it was but there was it was an ongoing conversation like she's here she's here to stay so no that wasn't it i swear to god i was just like you know what i really want to make this podcast and i really think trisha would be great so let me ask her if she's interested and you said yes the rest is history well i wasn't doing anything it was a pandemic yeah no it was a good time it was perfect timing yeah we'll see how it is after i get on snl yeah no i think that would be a perfect story arc where you just leave my ass behind no i wouldn't i feel like you're gonna leave my ass behind i'm not going anywhere i guarantee you that i got no [ __ ] ambition i have no ambition and i say that with total sincerity i said that i wouldn't take that spotify deal from joe rogan and people said i was kidding people said i was being a clown i don't think i would yeah you you're very i don't care i don't i have enough money i mean i'm comfortable financially i don't need a 500 billion dollars from spotify because it's [ __ ] up because then you you're leaving out so many audience to go you know on spotify and then you and then the my biggest nightmare about going in with spotify is that all of a sudden they have a say creatively on your ship right they deleted 40 plus episodes of his because they didn't want that on their platform i do not want anyone telling me how to do my [ __ ] show and i will never mark my words never bring anyone in that will have any flex over me ever now that said we got to wrap up the episode because you two has to rate this and so we have to hit a two hour uh time limit are you trying to contradict what i just said i'll take the spotify look i'm on youtube's platform i can't make money yeah platform youtube is kind of the most forgiving of all platforms so i'm realizing now yeah like youtube's down for whatever they're like you gotta do a lot to get banned on youtube yeah you really do you do you can do pretty much anything here literally no one no one gets kind of epic banned well i mean it happens but like it always it it's always like years later like somebody's does something for years and then they finally get punishment iran this is crazy i hope you've enjoyed today's episode i'm ethan klein i am trisha paytas squirt champion squirt queen undisputed guinness world record holding squirkle that's right i'm going on the joe rogan podcast soon follow that i want i thought maybe he would invite you after that um down ready where is he in texas yeah texas yep yeah all right guys would you be mad why no no i thought you didn't like him i thought we're anti-him it's complicated impulsive i can go on or no i would be more mad if you want an impulsive then because joe broker has no beef with you i have no beef with joe i like i like going on it it's complicated it's like remember facebook it's complicated i think he's getting desperate for gas i think he'd have me on yeah cause nobody wants to fly to texas to be on a [ __ ] show for spotif anyway bye [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,939,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: EjkLRX7m5TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 52sec (7372 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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