Erased David Dobrik Footage Proves Trisha Was Right All Along - Frenemies #21

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Damn, I hope Post Malone and Ethan can talk again soon. Ethan seemed genuinely hurt that Post ghosted him...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 235 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KeoPanda92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

ethan should not be only eating 1,000 calories a day. At least 1200 and if he's exercising it should be more like 14-1500. i know Hila tries to get him to eat better but this is just a crash diet and it's not sustainable long term

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 312 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thicclashxo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The shift in tone when Ethan started to talk about Post Malone was really sad actually... you can really see the hurt on his face and in his voice, Shame it ended the way it ended.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 154 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/King_Slowpoke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m 30 minutes in and no one has done a pull-up yet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 174 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chaoticr2d2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

as a professional aerialist i just wanted to put out into the universe that i would be more than happy than to help trish and ethan live their best zendaya and zac efron lives

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 111 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vaerials πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can not believe that the focus of these comments has not been the millionaire who barely pays his team and posts videos of sexual assaults that he coordinates...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 176 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/inrainbeaus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan's diet of 1k calories a day is literally unhealthy. Nutrisystem is a fad crash diet which have been proven to be pretty bad for you. When you only eat 1k calories or less, your body literally starts to break down your muscles for fuel which harms your metabolism. Studies have proven this. You're essentially putting your body into starvation mode.

The absolute lowest healthy calorie intake recommended for women is 1100/1200 and again that's only for women. For men it's nothing below 1400.

I'm a 5'6 woman and I was told do limit my calories to 1500 a day and I lost every pound I needed to but in a healthy way. Ethan being a 5'10 man and only eating 1k a day is concerning and the fact the Hila encouraged him to do this does not sit right with me. It's not okay to tell your partner that they need to diet, especially an unhealthy and damaging method like that.

See a DIETICIAN (not a nutritionist, they're bs) Ethan, don't give your money to these predatory companies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 135 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onetimeonreddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why aren’t more YouTubers addressing the David situation? Ethan is doing gods work by bringing this dirt up about him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 148 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ahsoka456 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Waiting for the pull ups like 😢

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vrtualkitten πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everybody welcome enemies should we plan something to say like should we have an opening tagline like most podcasts do do they no oh they don't oh they but they usually like go like hey everybody or they have some kind of way to open it so it's not as awkward oh i feel like that should be like dan you know how they have like gilman for like regis and kelly like i feel like there needs to be like a gilman we need an announcer [Laughter] it's gotta be really dumb top good afternoon are they friends today or are they enemies here's your favorite frenemies ethan and trisha right thanks that is really good dan you want to try that jesus come on get hit us with that are they friends or are they enemies today tune in to find out are they friends or are they enemies today tune in to find out on today's episode of frenemy i like that that's wonderful that was good you did that i like cringe doing it and then like having something that was a really good idea though okay maybe we'll get an announcer maybe you'll be the answer well he's he's the only one here so i mean like your dogs are humping each other okay first of all what is you about that you're a sex worker that these are dogs why are they hungry they're brothers first of all they're not related by blood you know step porn is like the most popular genre and then second of all it's a it's a shredder's alpha we have so much to talk about today i know so much from tick tockers fake faking pranks jeffree star is back with hereby j joel olsteen's niece emailed me dr phil called me and wanted me to be fake on the show gay burgers your weight loss valentine's day my weight gain i look more like kevin smith than adam sandler today kevin smith looks good that's funny it's i've gotten so fat like i literally like oh me and announced they only have like similar body types so even his clothes don't fit me like i was buying all his clothes on ebay and like now as i got literally i'm like okay let me just be real about it let me just buy kevin smith's old clothes i mean he's skinnier than me now congrats kevin smith can you buy kevin smith's old fat clothes see how they fit me yeah that'd be kind of cool oh yeah i feel like he's down with podcasts maybe did you well nevermind you don't really care about that how do you know because i know every time i bring up them you like don't care so well we have more than that to talk about first of all there was a lot of drama on our show of surrounding one of our cast members that said something about about the situation with david and i also want to talk about david a little bit before we move on oh it should be continuing we can talk about him for 10 minutes every episode because there's like actual crimes being committed and nobody cares like literally nobody cares it's so it's so annoying i've seen tick talkers like see people on tech talk are pretty woke about this being like if this was a girl like this that thing if this was a girl talking about essay like you know everyone would be like he'd be like in jail like it's a crime and like nobody cares and they keep praising this one every episode we should talk about david dobrik i'm so down because he's doing some shitty [ __ ] like so first of all let me let me back up a little bit and say that um i want to first of all apologize to you i should not have allowed that to occur i thought ah excuse me getting out the that's not the tourettes that's the gerd that's the gerd did it look like yeah because it was very loud inside that one was tourette's okay it's hard to tell the difference you know a b i we had arguing this been arguing this backstage and i was like wow this you know this is i thought it would be just like entertaining to debate it but i should have been more considerate knowing that it would have triggered you so i and then and then on the other hand i also should apologize i do apologize to ab because i first of all the amount of [ __ ] he got i knew he would get some i thought maybe it would be like funny [ __ ] but it turned out being like really intense mean death threat did you script what he had to say no did you point him in the direction of what to say no so you shouldn't have to apologize what he said is what he said he got backlash and you know one i was surprised you guys did it not because it like to trigger me it's just like one thing because you just interviewed nick you're interviewing all these victims and then you're like okay somebody who wasn't there to defend him but at the same time he said that those were his words so yes i get that you guys got backlash for it or whatever but like so don't say ignorant [ __ ] you're not there don't try and say that person's lying which is essentially what he did that all three of us are [ __ ] lying that's exactly what he insinuated i know but i should have known i should have like we were having those debates backstage and i should have not put him i should have said like these are these are better off camera yeah i was definitely surprised because you're like inviting like victims onto your show of like essay and stuff like that and then you're just like then you're like oh let's have someone debunk what they're saying like that was a little shocking well well to be fair we didn't we didn't we were very we were debating it wasn't like oh this is a perspective okay no defense but that being said other aspects not people who are victims of these things don't be like oh debate like you could debate it well he gave out cars he did this try and like make it paint him in a good light without having to debunk that we're a liar you know what i totally agree and i and i failed everybody or invite someone but also that was just ignorant and what he said the amount of ignorance of it like literally had me saying red usually i don't care and i'm usually like not but that triggered me so much because for years i've been getting those comments from david stands well trisha was along with it trisha did this and hearing that is so [ __ ] awful like how dare you like i've heard that for years so to hear someone else just be ignorant as [ __ ] i was like wow like this person i don't have zero respect for me i still do and i have no forgiveness and my my thought process was i agree this is the kind of comments that you get and so my thought process was like let's bring it out in the open and and then deal with this kind of thing because i feel like me and ila pushed back on it a lot for sure and so we were like okay well this is how there's a lot of people that feel this way so let's talk this out so i thought those who weren't in the situation nobody i agree with you but i'm saying that if we put this conversation forward maybe we can convince people to that they shouldn't think the way he does i don't need to convince anyone i share my truth just like they're sharing their truth this helps none of us like everybody said from nick to me to seth like it helps none of us if anything it makes us look obsessive as people call me oh she's obsessed with that that's not what i mean i mean people who are presenting that argument that a b did i wanted to give people a response to it so the people who watch our podcast can think oh what abe thinks isn't true okay so what he was saying was not his opinions you're saying no what's his opinions but i was saying that putting the debate out in front i thought was a good for people to watch and learn what we had to say in response to it yeah it was great because people saw what it is no it was and then as soon as he gets backlash he does an apology it's like that's i hate that [ __ ] too it's like it's you know it's not sincere you said what you said and because you got backlash it's like now i'm like let me apologize and i accept an apology i'll accept it all day long but it shows what idiots those people are that are blindly defending david that were not in that situation of seth how dare he say seth is lying says a person of color is feeling racist and you're gonna tell him he like don't feel that way that's such [ __ ] it infuriated me to a whole different level and i don't care if people think we are hard on him or whatever that's ignorant stupid comments i've been hearing those for [ __ ] years so the part about eight first of all i want to say abe is a great guy people were sending him death threats and like harassing every day i get death threats every day for being fat for being whatever people send me death threats like it's you put yourself online like don't be on camera don't have your own youtube channel like he made jokes of it on tick tock being like about to get canceled y'all like he you knew exactly what was coming and what was happening it was so gross to me i didn't like it it's my fault it's my fault okay well i don't i don't i don't think so that like maybe it was to have him on the show period but his opinions were that and that showed his true colors and that was disgusting so i agree i thought it was weird you guys had him off yeah like what the hell i i know that's his true colors don't even want that around me like i don't want it's like shane saying he didn't believe me i don't want people like that i'm telling you my truth and my story i don't lie i have everything i say has been proven and backed up on camera like it's just it's it's facts there's nothing else to say so i mean yeah i know you like are but you're backtracking with it now the problem is he's my employee and like i care about him as a at his well-being so i have to like he's he's a good guy you know and it was like i think in the moment he got caught up in trying to make these like impassioned arguments mm-hmm and then afterward he was like oh that's ignorant and the initial reaction not obviously not death threats obviously but it's just like when you're ignorant like that and you say ignorant stuff like trying to say like well she she did this she was okay she flirted with david so she just she deserves this even though she said it was uncomfortable and like all this stuff like that she deserved that can i say like in a good way i think the debate and everything and all that happened i do feel like he's seeing things differently is he or do you just get backlash i think he is okay i didn't get an apology from him he did a generic apology because people were like hating on him because people loved abi and now they hate him they didn't engineer i didn't get anything i need to text from him i see him all the time i work with him i talk with him he never texted me sorry like i think he would if he had a threat he thought he thought he could follow him i follow him because he can message me he could do yeah there's plenty of ways he know you could reach out to me like there's so many things so it's fine i mean it's fine it to me it was i think he learned his lesson to just not be stupid online like but that's his real beliefs and that's it showed it showed and it was disgusting i'm sorry it's my fault i take responsibility for the whole thing so that happened which the part that really annoyed me though is like first of all we did this what i thought the interview with seth was like i was blown away by seth's interview he was so articulate he was so impassioned he told his story so well and the details of it blew me away every time right and then when it comes out first of all everybody's talking about a b and then the second time everybody's talking about that i was too much of too hard on ab people were so upset about that whole dynamic that like nobody cared about what seth said yeah and david got off again yeah always i do want to remind people that ab didn't actually what do you say essay yeah that's the good way to say it so you don't get ding dong i like that that's what they do on tic tacs the essay i saw that i was like sa yeah yeah all of my episodes with them got demonetized which sucks because less people see it but anyway um this guy was saying i was literally essayed that sounds like it's fantastic fifth grade oh oh i'm saying like essay he was literally essayed by david and jason twice and somehow they're evading the responsibility yet again like nobody like dude 90 of the comments were about either me or ab and i was like damn again that i [ __ ] up because the focus should be on seth yeah amy should never have been on that show like at all like have an apology like on your own time or whatever but like that was so sad like because hearing that like i knew that was happening because as i was telling you that was like a month after i started dating jason i remember telling him i wasn't like i thought it was weird for a number of reasons mine was more like oh you're going to kiss this guy like that was what was bothering me more so than i didn't know that he wasn't like consenting to it and even the stuff with the girl is like oh i had no i had no idea like hearing it from him i was like wow this is like so messed up and then also just i don't know not to recap the last episode but then also you know like saying you're gonna pay him money and then didn't it and like you know no i do want to recap it because people prepare i want to re-emphasize what i heard all your episodes are recapping like previous episodes but i mean still no this stuff excuse me that was all well you're right part of it was recap the seth was original no and that was like crazy to me to like see because we're all keep in mind me and big nick and seth and everyone we never looked we weren't cross so like all our stories are like similar but like no one ever crossed paths with each other and big me and big nick obviously don't like each other i mean he said like to shout out her own agenda which is like what is my age i have no agenda i got kicked out of this group everyone thinks i'm obsessed with these people there's no agenda like what was my agenda this was truth this is all it is but um we all have like the same like similar stories of like not consenting asking things to not be put in the thing and then once we say we're uncomfortable getting exiled from like even a friendship with any of them or whatever um thing that got an apology seth didn't even like the fact oh they ghosted him they couldn't even pick up his phone call like he was trying he called him for like he was trying to reach him before the interview because he didn't want to have to do it and they ghosted him people like i don't know i don't know i'm so confused how people are so how this is not a bigger deal the fact that like no nobody picked the story up right somebody comes out incredibly he not credibly it's fact he's on camera twice being essayed by david nobody's picking it up no like van none of these [ __ ] big magazines not a keemstar it's like they're so funny are they they're either they're afraid of david's fans because or or i don't i don't i literally don't know what it is club thing because he's like the cool guy that nobody wants to make fun of of course and he's like you know doing brand deals with chipotle and tesla and like all these things so people are like oh he's like this power right also just like how are you so it's like you know it's like when pewdie look first pewdiepie messes up it's like a media frenzy david is he's literally he like made this guy move to another city in shane yeah it's insane and nobody's right i can't my mind i just i can't when i was hearing that i was like wow this is going to be a huge story he's on camera being essayed yeah and say and like but like everyone like i had it that he didn't know like everyone knew about this it's like so crazy it's so crazy to me and the fact that he like said he was like uncomfortable and asked him to take videos down and they weren't taken down like it's insane to me so yeah the craziest things to me was that he refused to take the videos down when he asked him and he offered to pay him money and seth said something really interesting he's like that's when i knew they weren't really my friends yeah and then the other thing was during the second beef jerky during this elaborate ruse to set him up to make out with jason again the contract offered him 2 500 bucks which he was planning on receiving that money and when it was done david refused to give him the money right the dog's [ __ ] with you they're a lot yeah they're fun um yeah i i don't know i don't know it's like it's so crazy i don't know david will get away with like everything but i people have come forward to you the same person who emailed me you had emailed me another guy said he was a victim of jason yeah unwanted stuff and um and that it was on camera and stuff and i've heard this from numerous people and girls and it's like all i say is they always can you share can you put this out there like i know this and all i say is like you guys have to put out like your own stories like i can't be the one there are underage girls that said that they were fed alcohol like all this stuff if you have your own story but same thing when dom like there's enough out there if no if this isn't enough then nothing is but people are scared that's what i'm saying is like these people like the guy that emailed you and then i asked i know him personally like he's someone in the sphere and he had he shared that same story it's like you have to say something because if you're comfortable but like if you don't say it then like we i can't share it for you because like it's not my story well i'm just gonna look like i'm obsessed with david i can't put everyone's story out because it it takes away the credibility from everything i don't know though i disagree i know you said that and i totally get it because this is like obviously people are going to just yeah people are not going to take me seriously if i just turn it into the david giving like a platform to people like i'm shocked seth shared that story because he got like he got didn't get as much attention last year when he was trying to talk about this and big nick as well like i'm shocked that they came forward because big is still on good terms with david and it's like at least you're giving people like a safe platform where they feel they're backed by a big creator which is you because going against david alone you just like it just gets lost in the void and you get [ __ ] on it yeah it's awful so there's so many stories i've heard over the years and it just sucks like this one girl got essayed by dom a person in the vlog squad at vidcon she was underage and he forced himself on her and and they swept under the rug and it was proof and like i think i think dom apologized i don't think that cuts it sorry the fact that david hasn't even apologized to him or acknowledge it to like it's insane it's so insane he doesn't have to acknowledge any of this [ __ ] publicly it's like crazy because nobody's holding them accountable literally and this time i thought for sure it would stick but there's a few things that oh actually there is somebody holding him accountable who the foot soldiers watch this don't don't do that look at his wiki feed rating and tell me that we don't hold accountability here on this show foot soldiers assemble david dover cut a 4.8 or something like stellar like that what's his writing now read it read it i literally can't see i have like the worst eyes ever 1.37 how is david dobrik's content so allowed on on youtube i don't understand that like how are those trisha i feel like you glossed over the fact that we tanked his wikipedia like the things that i didn't consent to are still up there him scaring me in the shower like not so okay that's what i want to get onto now not funny because like seth asked him to take stuff down that like racist [ __ ] and like stuff that i asked him and he said let me pay you and seth's like what the stuff with tana like i like i don't want that [ __ ] out there like okay i have so a lot of the stuff you claimed has been resurfacing over the past few days and i've been watching these and i'm like holy [ __ ] there's like video evidence of all the [ __ ] you're saying is it okay with you if i open this yeah of course yeah okay so here's one i snuck into their hotel room you told an anecdote about how he you and jason were having uh let's say relations and he so tell why don't you tell me you were there tell me what happened are you talking is this the shower clip yeah i snuck into their hotel room literally the thumbnail because you asked me if there was video of this like it's literally the thumbnail and title oh yeah yeah wait i have a picture of the thumbnail here i want to show it because the even the thumbnail i was like what the [ __ ] yeah so here's the thumbnail jesus not very flattering image of you who does that sound like with the thumbnails here on the front of these podcasts i don't do like come on i think his head next to you they like blow me up and it's like you want them to shrink my your head they just don't put me equal anyways um so it says i snuck into their home uh hotel room surprise this is the last vlog i'm in before the tana stuff went down so this is like the last cuz i did not i was not comfortable with this i did not want this in there either so tell me what happened tell me the situation it was what when does it come out is around christmas time right when was the this is just a re-upload oh here it has what is the original one down the day after christmas so the day after christmas so i remember this wait is the original one that's a good question let me see i have the link i thought it was yeah i thought the original one was still up i just i grabbed it in case you removed it oh yeah and it has ads no time to cook kfc how is youtube laughing that brought to you by kfc i should just do privacy complaints for all his videos be like i did not consent to this i did not consent to this like this does not have my permission to put this into the video like i'm not like that because i didn't present so much but this in particular it's like what the hell here i'm trying to find okay so here so set this up for me okay it was just like i was in boston for two weeks with jason and his family he's like we need to fly to chicago which is where david's from and so we did and we land and this is like an hour two hours after we land we'd like get in the hotel room like i don't know i guess we're just having like sex or something like that he's like oh can you go get me a tissue and i go in there and dave is in the shower and like we were in the room for at least an hour from the airport was an hour like he was there like two hours in the shower he was just in the bathroom in the behind the shower curtain okay yeah it's yeah it was and they did these a lot like scare pranks in my house like david would be in my house or whatever but we were never like happy why would that here's the creepy thing why would jason have sex with you for an hour knowing david was in the back it wasn't an hour it was like maybe like 15 minutes okay but i have sex with you at all that's so disgusting that's what i said i was just like wait it's such a violation why did you why didn't we just like send me in the bathroom before i got we got naked like we're naked in this clip like completely so so here i'm completely naked in this clip oh you can tell here well let's watch other just landed babe [Music] did you see his first podcast where this girl literally just says oh my god you didn't get me a car they all just like bust out laughing and like nothing's funny it was so honest i'm not a fan it was number one trending how youtube is trending somebody who is who is like doing this [ __ ] who's that who's like literally a predator who's literally like not respecting anyone's like like anything it's [ __ ] crazy well because nobody knows david's like the king and they don't know any better nobody's talking about it i mean nobody gives a [ __ ] this video is still monetized on his channel it does feel like such a lost cause because like that's why i didn't even i'm down i'm i'm okay not talking about it anymore because it's just such a lost cause i've been screaming and screaming well i just want to cover this because i'm so invested now but after this i'm gonna move on yeah i'm saying like it's like it doesn't even matter so you guys had sex you went into the bathroom and then you're like what did you say anything to them yeah i was supposed to go back to watching with jason and because he he left like that night like we only came in i think either for this or something else that was happening oh there was like a skunk bit or something we only came in for 12 hours and i supposed to go back to boston with jason and i literally stayed in illinois by myself i want to see like hamilton or something like that and then i flew back by myself because i felt so weird about it and then david never put me in another vlog for like a month until the tana thing happened in february where the all right so he was mad that you got upset about it yeah i said i was upset about it i said like i don't like this that's his that's his thing that you can't no when you say i have a line that you can't cross heath drops you well here's the yeah exactly and here's the thing like with this one in particular because i know everyone's gonna be like well treasure you're naked online at this point i was doing patreon where i was only posting like new photos gives a [ __ ] if you're naked online the guy violated your trust and privacy jason's ex-wife was like you guys can't live together because trish was naked online so i stopped being naked online i took all down all my photos and then this happens i'm like [ __ ] jason's ex-wife is gonna see this and be like oh they're naked they're like having sex on camera or something like that and that was my concern and i even said it to jason i said it to david i was like your ex-wife is like not gonna let me ever live with you or see the kids because now i make it again online which i took down all the naked stuff at that time and so that was like my big concern and i was like it was so it was all so like much it was just a lot and i did not go back with jason i did not go back with david i stayed in illinois by myself and like that's great and i love that i love that his and his apologies to cut you out yeah because that's that's literally what it is and it's it's it's uh it's so insane so here's another one where that's why i take a real issue with people like abe saying that [ __ ] scripted and it's a show it's [ __ ] not like i didn't even consent to it i don't even want to be in it right it's good to again yeah it's good that we are putting that forward so people know it's not i mean this [ __ ] is real here's another one where david tried to set jason up for real to cheat on you no he tried to say you uh that's so humiliating this is that's just it's just not cool this one i didn't know like literally they went to go film something and dave was like hey can you run to the store and get like something for like i don't know another bit like candy or something and i went and like it like it this was like a real issue this was we broke up like literally maybe like seven days after this and stuff like that because this was like a real issue because like i don't know what happened i forgot like it all wasn't in there but he set me up basically to like cheat on me it was weird and jason was like freaking out about it it was it was he wasn't happy about it either to me he wasn't happy about admitted to me what did you do i didn't do anything i like passed the i passed it obviously it was really mad i forgot what i mean we could watch it i forgot what it was so anyway it's called trying to catch his girlfriend cheating now again this is not a funny thing to do to a couple especially us because we're so i was so insecure about it anyways you know because the tan of stuff everything was just like a lot for me it's like it's like he's trying to break you guys up it's almost like you're doing it all right guys here's trisha she's going in to buy me some chocolate all right there goes richie she's going in there's josh how are you doing i'm richie hey i'm trisha do you think i get your number no no no i got a boyfriend you're so sweet yeah girlfriend like that oh thank you every good looking girl this time has a boyfriend yeah maybe we could just be friends i'm a nice guy so i always finish last so you can finish first i feel like my friend sent me to get candy he's a vlogger i got candy can they just be friends i don't know boyfriend i could be your man have a hug you totally passed well one it was like a young guy which i'm not into i only like my men old but um but yeah it was but it was more it wasn't even that it was just like we already were like bumpy me and jason like rocky with like trust issues and stuff like that and it was just more of that thing and i thought why yeah why do that yeah it was real i mean that was real i think the guy was miked up i wasn't the guy was what the guy was miked up so people were like oh why is the audio so clear exactly like jason so there's that and then there was one other one which was actually in my opinion the most interesting here's a clip of you confronting david and jason about the seth prank and telling them you weren't comfortable with it it's just crazy how people found this because i totally forgot about this clip and then david's response to you was really interesting here watch when did i yell at you saturday oh i think we should just break up because you're gonna react like this like every time i see anything to bring up with me sounds like i'm so happy right now i'm so happy right now so yeah i have it working perfectly she was upset that i was going to make out with seth and so i flipped out you're being mad about this well that's not true i was hearing about the stuff makeup thing is crazy it's crazy it's crazy was that real like him saying it's crazy three times no that's the clip unedited you being mad about your boyfriend making out with it oh i can't say that essaying another man is crazy trisha crazy crazy crazy that's like i don't even remember and then when you did that i was like oh my god because like yeah and the thing is is my mo is like everyone that calls me crazy online or whatever so it's like that's such an easy thing to say and like you start thinking about you're like even jason just called him when he said he was gonna do it i was so remember i was in cleveland when i called him i'm not comfortable with you doing it this was a month after dating he's like then we're gonna break up like if you're not comfortable with this then we're breaking up so like i was like so scared of that excuse me that i was just like i don't know this is so redeeming because i remember you saying i remember that happening and not being comfortable with it and here's the footage and not only you saying you're not comfortable with it but then david was i mean look at people misuse gaslighting all the time this is gaslighting right because you know something's wrong and he's trying to convince you that you're crazy right i i mean that was everything though like everything is like treasure you're crazy you're crazy and i have like crazy hunties i feel like you might be this you're the same one in the room in this case for sure i don't care what if he was in a movie and he had to do that [Music] that was always their argument they're like what if we were an actor if you were in a movie right there would be lawyers and compliance and producers and all kinds of people that would tell you you cannot do this you're not a movie you're a [ __ ] youtuber you there's literally no oversight to what you're doing bro and then they obviously knew the backlash but they obviously knew that was except like upset at the time like it was just so crazy it's crazy it was like i don't know that they did that period i don't know that people find the craziest [ __ ] like that online but um i like that tiktok keeps talking about it i hope more people keep talking about it it just like for me i'm just not the voice that's gonna like help anybody because people think i'm crazy obsessive all that stuff like that so like if you have something that you want to share you need to share your story and like at least like i said your series i know you're like done with it but at least it was good because it gave like a sane voice right like somebody who was like unbiased you know about it i would just urge people to go watch that seth interview yeah yeah that was really good watch the seth interview and just listen what the guy is saying because it is really it's it's just insane it's just the same the amount of people that can discredit that okay it's one thing for me whatever like trisha's bought her or she brought broken up with or whatever but it's like that is just like he's a friend he tried to help them after that before that like in and for people to still discredit him about everything oh that's not racist that's not that you shouldn't feel this way you you know you went along with jokes like it's it's so insane to me it's like so it really that that's triggering alone i was watching i was like wow that's crazy and like like i said i really only met seth like a couple of times we never like cross segged in like videos but like the fact that you know those people's stories were so similar it's like we're not all it's lying we're not all just making this up about david and and for what when people say that it's like looking for clout like you guys made a great point it's like there's no clout to be had like we just look crazy or obsessive or whatever people call it there's nothing like like set what does seth gain it's like the exact same everyone just calls just shits on him and he catches [ __ ] yeah he has nothing like seth's made a good point of santa i have nothing to gain in fact it's humiliating that i have to come here and share my story yeah because so many people just don't take it seriously where if it was he doesn't want to relive it he said it's like traumatic if a girl came forward and said that about jason like it would be a whole different thing you know what i mean like it just really really sucks that it's like a guy situation including that guy that came forward to you in that email and he said it to me too so it wasn't you know whatever but it's like it does happen to guys especially in this situation where it's very frat boy thing very like hazing and like people just like look past it because they're boys i guess i don't know it's so [ __ ] weird the one other thing that seth told me that kind of blew my mind is because even i when i saw the second prank i was like oh he's definitely in on it and he shows a clip of seth saying how can i cons he says do i have your consent to try to make you make out with jason again now seth said off-camera he said a bunch of times don't do this don't do this i'm not comfortable i don't consent and then what what david ended up cutting in was seth saying how can i consent to something i don't know what it is you're gonna do right how you're gonna do it and he cut that in and i was like oh my god yeah the editing is you wanna let's take a break like a food break oh but you like wanted to take a minute on this no yes okay so i've been doing so what we have here is gay burger very skinny i thought it was a haircut but you did say you were starting not starving you were good i've been doing like these food delivery system stuff i don't want to say the name because i'm not trying to give anyone a free plug here it's nutrisystem payment they should they yeah yeah pay me believe it dan no don't believe it that's good nutrisystem might give us the plug to be the next marie osmond yeah they were like why don't anyway so these guys they send you the food and you eat it because i'm just so desperate to lose but i'm just so tired of being fat i just hate being fat it's just the worst thing so i said i'm doing nutrisystem so they send me the food and these people got me on with peace and love i hate to say it but it's like the anne frank diet can i say that i'm not sure the what happened she got starved in the concentration camps or something she was in the attic for a long time maybe she ate well though there like the flowers in the attic they ate mice i think well because they were somewhat where we could talk we're probably talking too much about anne frank but but she was living a kind family was hiding her family in the attic and so they may have been feeding them well so maybe it's not a good analogy probably not that well though she looks skinny like on the book cover yeah she was a little girl oh really yeah how long was she in the attic for then a few years so she aged into an adult at some point no she died young oh she died in the attic well she was taken from that by who nazis yeah um so we are we're just talking about the left was her memoir at mcdonald's today we just saw a name that was half jewish half german and i'm like i wonder if they conceived in the holocaust what was it wine truck oh we shouldn't say it the name was a half jewish half german name and i was yiddish why are you letting her come to these crazy conclusions moses but in the holocaust maybe they had the baby that's where it came like well there was a lot of german jews before the holocaust a lot of them well that's what i'm just trying a lot of them and there ain't anymore you get what i'm saying no because he's still alive this guy we saw this guy's name on a billboard so he survived okay he survived good for him i'm faster anyway so i'm on the diet i'm so fascinated by it for real well there's plenty there's plenty of reading material trust me it's very well documented anyway so i'm on that diet there i'm on a thousand calories a day i'm so sad and miserable it's sad it's miserable it's not it's not okay they should not put people through this they go you're gonna eat a thousand calories a day i'm like dude what are you talking about like this is this is not healthy to do it but i'm doing it you're so tall you're like 510 like you're right or five how tall you don't know 11. are you three yep i'm so bad with people's heights i really don't know i'm like really bad at measurement but so but anyway ela is the one that suggested this so i mean peace of mind i swear to god she's the one to stand please for the record it was ela yeah thank you it was i think you used your enemies as your excuse well of course i do i'm on a thousand calories a day i hate that i'm this person can i tell you every single friendship relationship friend group i've been in i'm always the person like let's go be with trisha we can just pick out and eat it's like that's not what i do all the time i'm just no it's not to eat with noah i'm i have self-control i i skip dinners a lot i eat salads like i'm not just this person to be like let's just be a fat fake today with trish it's trish day it's time to eat like a big fat pig everything i'm just kidding well these are interesting i don't like the way these are label oh he labeled them so this is from a place that caught my eye it's called gay burger you just want to be controversial no it's not my burger when she said that i was like oh cancelled i it's not my food all the proceeds go to supporting ian why don't you where did what are they doing ian uh all the proceeds go to the los angeles lgbt center for homeless youth isn't that great yeah and it was started by elijah daniel which is so crazy good for him like he's kind of been like a problematic youtuber in the past and i was like where did he go and he was like a rapper and now he's like doing philanthropy this is cool i like it mm-hmm so the gay burger is like the only real food i've had that looks really bad actually i'm not gonna what were these called or the fries called uh they're called the uh the big jizz very gay fries these are very gay fries these are gays as it gets these are gay fries these are very good what are we going to do for gay pride month this is it okay this is my gay pride year right here so we want to name some of these sandwiches off that we have uh yeah the uh the one i think you're eating is the beef me up scotty this is beef me up scotty i might hit this i'm just going to give this a real review because this is our milk thing two patties what's mine called mine's called the no more milk daddy oh this is vegan not that daddy is so good no more milk daddy no more milk daddy you literally don't like i don't like daddy anymore i think cause i'm old i'm like a mommy now so oh it says like pickles oh go ahead keep bringing them yum uh then the other one's the love me daddy love me daddy what's with the daddy i think elijah daniel is also old huh you say daddy like unintentionally you do the daddy daddy like zaddy daddy daddy um yeah i don't know i just have daddy issues they're resolved oh they are yeah how do you resolve daddy issues time just time yeah i think you just because you talk with them did you work it out with them no my dad's like not a talker we're cool we're really good but just like you just let things go yeah i think over time you just gotta like that's great except him not being around for most of your life and they're like you know he's here now so yeah to heirs to human it's air that means to air is to human well i said it to air is human human's hair oh you don't like the gay the gay chicken what is this one called i like chicks oh well no wonder it's not good it's gay burger oh you think it's perfectly bad yeah they're like i like chick the straight the straight burger oh yeah like chicks ew is that really it's called i like chicks yeah so what are they called the straight burger why wasn't i like dicks or something i like chicks with oh oh dicks for lesbians or pansexuals or bisexuals okay so look at me i'm so see get cancelled we're done not me i'm done um and then is there any other [ __ ] come give me can we get back love me and daddy you say daddy's so funny how say daddy three times daddy daddy daddy daddy you know you're saying it funny how should i say it say it i'll try and repeat how you're saying it daddy yeah that's how you say it yeah daddy well yeah that's a weird kink you have or something because you're making me say it so many times you're like hit three times you're literally walking around going daddy that is the name of it i know but it's the way you say it ian is there any other funny names uh there is the uh baby daddy grilled cheese baby daddy what is that oh the the dad where's that i didn't see that i found it over one here oh you whoa you're holding out on the baby daddy no here have it no have it no i like the name i love the name no no there's a vegan one right there do you want the grilled cheese or you want the the grilled chicken i'll do it later daddy daddy the microphone what was this one called baby daddy the baby daddy grilled cheese baby daddy grilled cheese what else we got oh wait how is this vegan oh and it's also just like shallots you know what it looks like as a diaper change like so hard changed my diaper daddy like not even being funny [Music] that's insane there's no way that's a sandwich daddy change my diaper this is what a dirty diaper looks like have you ever changed a diaper dude i've changed a billion diapers why do you think i haven't changed a diaper oh i don't know about this place i mean this burger's good but it could just be because i've literally been living in you're starving i'm like north korean diet is that more acceptable north korea diet i eat my neighbors dogs they have youtube over there so they can't get offended yeah but we all don't like north korea so it's not good was it north korea or south korea north for sure wait really oh yeah cause all the 90-day fiance people are usually from north korea no oh south korea yeah oh north koreans are not allowed on 90 day fiance interesting well i'll try the wait what's love me daddy is that the burger oh yeah yeah oh i'm just like not into like sauces and this one's a burger wait wasn't there another beef burger vegan but what i don't understand what's vegan like the patty looks crazy on this one yeah i think it's a vegan patty such a dainty little bite no good we're out on gay burger that tastes like an intestine that is so gross look at that it looks like little poops i can't i want to try it oh oh it's so hard i know oh it's like a rock part this one's good i don't know what happened to this one they are um i like the idea i like that it goes for something profitable you guys don't eat that it's for sure my dog didn't die oh my god don't say that well i don't even know what it is it's like weird ass yeah that was weird that wasn't even like plant-based like the impossible whopper is pretty good but that is not it it's not plant-based what do you think it's made of rat is rap poop uh vegan no i don't think so so anyway that was gay burger next time let me pick something i could have brought some shamrock shakes up in this i thought it was fun funny interesting charity i thought elijah daniel did that that was pretty good because him and christine saw duck you remember her remember you don't remember christine said elco she what she became like this like political actor actually has to be friends you guys are very politically politically charged is that the word do you think elijah daniels would be happy about our review of his food yeah i think like all publicity is good publicity even if we're like your burger tastes like dog [ __ ] he didn't make it he probably didn't even try it oh he's doing the sound for you to go back the [ __ ] off the mic um yeah it was dope how was your uh valentine's i was just gonna ask you that i mean mine was all over tic tac i didn't see yours we didn't do anything we did nothing we're being parents it's like okay but he goes to bed early at six not lately so what'd you guys do you didn't order special food a little pizza oh no yeah yeah on valentine's day look eli doesn't care about food trust me if i was dating someone who had with peace and love someone who cared about don't say it with me some love just don't say it about food the same way i do you know what i mean but ela's like i think we care about food differently i enjoy my food i love it i think you kind of just like shovel it back i don't think you like it i don't think you enjoy it they're in food shame me i'm not food chipping you i don't think you enjoy it like i enjoyed it i'm an animal i think no i think you're feeding like an insecurity mine is more like a luxury that i'm indulging in i think i'm over indulging i think you're feeding an insecurity i think there's two separate things okay whatever makes you feel better because you're not you don't me and you are the same you think fat yes exactly i love having a fat friend i've never really had like a fat friend so we can both just like laugh at ourselves we could be like we should just say [ __ ] become like the 600 pound sisters why don't we go the opposite way and be like hey we're gonna be this like fit couple that got a makeover not a couple but you know what i mean can we do acrobatic like acrobatic like ribbon stuff like in the um ribbon stuff yeah like in the circus daddy's wearing ribbons yeah like you know in um greatest showman zendaya when her and zac efron are flying through the air on ribbons i feel like we would do that so good i was listening to it this morning like we can just be like rewrite the stars and like tumble down out of the aerial gymnastics i have no idea what you're talking about you don't know what acrobatic gymnastics are is it just this [ __ ] with the ribbon the ribbons are hanging from the ceiling and you're spinning down the ribbons off the ceiling do you think those ribbons could support us yes zachary and zandaya did it they did a beautiful dance yeah they probably weigh like 100 pounds zac efron's tiny he was like 110 pounds that guy runs pure muscle so he probably weighs like your weight he's like he's five two that's not true look up zac efron's eye he's like five six probably one time they approached me to work out with zac efron for his youtube channel oh he wanted to he wanted to zach everyone's five eight five eight tiny manlet that's not bad yeah i mean that's like normal well the thing is like can we do acrobatics at least i'm taller than zac efron like cool give me that are you i feel like you're not that tall acrobatic stunts what did dr phil invite you on the show for him i was actually curious about that oh well i meant to say this last time and then our show got hijacked by um more important things which is david um no we were like away for the weekend i was like a week and a half ago and i've been on the drill show before so anyways dr phil people email me like hey i should just say exactly okay let me tell you how they phrased this email because normally i if it's a talk show i'm like no thank you i'm not interested because it's usually trying to make you look bad all those shows are exploitative whatever and i've already done the dr phil so anyways i get an email okay this is how it's worded and then i'll tell you what the phone call was she said good afternoon i'm writing to you on behalf of a producer on the dr phil show we are interested in discussing your youtube journey and your life story for an upcoming show that tapes in los angeles california this month if appearing on the show and talking about your experience is something that you're open to please reply so reiterate we are interested in discussing your youtube journey and life story for an upcoming show and i was like dope okay they're gonna do like a profile on me so then i get the phone call and it's this guy and it was on speakerphone so my fiance can attest to this that this is real i'm not lying because everyone thinks i lie about everything and he's like oh trish like such a fan blah blah blah cool and then he's just like yeah he goes so we love that you're like outspoken and that you know you're always in drama he goes but we don't want the drama on the show he goes but is it ever has it ever interfered with your family life like has family ever like you know they don't like like approve what you're doing and they would want to come on the show and confront you and i was like no my family's totally fine they like are totally proud of me they love what i'm doing whatever blah blah blah and he's like okay well what about if there's like a problem in like your relationship maybe like your fiance doesn't approve whatever so it became like this exploited a thing and i was like dude what like i'm pretty sad i'm pretty happy in life or whatever now and he's like yeah i saw you just got a house and you're engaging well and i was just like i hate when they like waste my time but basically when we come on the show and just make up a fake like yeah right like you with a nice email yeah that they want but they wanted me to be like but don't lie about what the show is just be like oh we want to exploit like if your family has a problem with you and i [ __ ] hate that wasting my time so much because we were like on vacation and i put aside like an hour to talk to these people and i was like waiting waiting waiting for this phone call and that's what the phone call was i'm like dr phil's fake as [ __ ] you know who you know who just had dr phil on their youtube channel jason phil went on jason what does that say about the company you keep dr phil was on literal a literal harasser predator channel no it is two guys have attested to this now dr phil's got to do his homework well dr phil's a piece of [ __ ] he's a croc his face he's got like he looks like mr potato head he's fake dr phil speak i want to see that oh yeah is it updated dr phil yeah what doctorate are you in psychology exactly he's literally like he looks like mr potato i [ __ ] anything and i would never [ __ ] dr phil can somebody please acknowledge how much dr phil looks like mr potato head what's mr potato head dude his face is so weird it looks like it looks like somebody put his like eyebrows his nose and then like no the nose goes here you guys don't know what i'm talking here mister thank you moses knows what i'm talking about here mr potato head is exactly dr phil [Laughter] except like but i wouldn't even go as far to say mr potajeto head is maybe better looking than dr phil less wrinkles his his features are symmetrical at least dr phil you want to talk about looking like a corpse that's what i'm saying like in person i'm not even being funny because i worked he wears a lot of makeup i can tell you no but he literally looked like one of those corpses i was a makeup assistant and he looked like a cadaver or they that oh he looks like open casket funeral didn't i say that about you yeah that's what i'm saying that was my transition because that's a real one and he was so dead behind the eyes and i was like did they just put like a heartbeat into him it's like young frankenstein where they just put a brain into somebody that was already dead and i'm just like what is this he's too good of a money maker he probably died five years ago and they just revived him like a weekend at bernie's you know they say that symmetry is like the key to beauty and if you look long at mr potato head you'll notice that he has perfect symmetry and what i'm trying to say is i think i want to [ __ ] mr potato head his eyes are too close right they said if you have a firefighter eyes it's like more beautiful you're more fly if you have far far apart far apart not that far apart mine are perfect how far apart you trying to spread your eyes i don't know i got some white said eyes i think it's a syndrome i forget what it's called oh people think i have foz that i'm a flaws baby because your eyes are far apart yeah it's like if you look at your eyes aren't there so there's nothing wrong with being a foss baby first of all second of all why do you call it a pause baby that seems derogatory oh i don't know that's what people call me maybe what is a foss baby fetal alcohol syndrome oh have you looked at their theirs their their characteristics are me like the diagram of a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome not there's nothing wrong again nothing wrong with it if you're functioning ian will you read the the features of it let me show you because it's like it like the diaphragm the diagram is your mom drink alcohol i don't know you should ask her if you're a boss baby that could be she probably deny it okay so these kind of do and again there is nothing wrong with this where i'm just saying like this could be me flat midface me then upper lip me short nose me that kid looks totally normal i'm confused by this um small eye openings flat this looks like a normal girl i mean what what are they on about i don't understand these could these people look normal you have to send that to damn okay i want to ask you about something what i'm nervous i hate when you don't prep me because i gave you the doll olstein like a bit you're like here send this to me like no you're gonna prep to like make a case against this because i want to know a poor girl she's part of a criminal energy no she actually said i respect ethan's opinion to like not like my uncle but also like hear some facts yeah he pays her okay i want to ask you about a video i saw on your channel okay trisha and this is something i've harped on you foreign it's a great old do you know what i'm going to say moses well i'm surprised yeah both of you guys this is something i've told you time and time again trisha hire a [ __ ] editor oh what did i do okay i know this is yeah yeah you uploaded a mooc called a video called mukbang in my new house with moses the first like two minutes not two minutes is literally you guys anyone walking just candidly standing in your kitchen why what is this well i was doing a tic tac here so i'm like oh guys look at this but why is this in your video oh i but it ended up roughly too i didn't i forgot to edit it so you don't even edit your videos i usually splice them together like i put clips together there was two more clips that i forgot to put with this video i think it's amazing that you can upload a video on your youtube channel with two minutes of dead air and nobody even said anything about it they're like a lot of people said something about it i uploaded really i went through the comments and everyone there everyone everyone's like this is trisha's channel no everyone's like why did it end so abruptly like everyone did say that because this one did end very abruptly this is like if we started the podcast we just stood here and stared at the camera there's something real about it i like it don't act like it was intentional well no this was definitely not intentional uh we were i was in such a grumpy mood to him this was the day we moved and i was so you guys almost had an ace family moment oh that would have been bad yeah you guys start fighting or something a little bit you squabble a little bit i we i tried to leave it like i don't think we did anything bad in this because i was a little like you never know no one watched this all candid wait why are you so boring we have other food coming this is like oh you're on camera now you're talking about yeah okay i couldn't tell you're on your content is so riveting i couldn't even tell thank you i feel like we're friends now i don't even like making fun of you anymore like that um yeah we we talked on the okay we talked on the phone for the first time on friday night and it gave me so much anxiety before and after oh you didn't like it i hated it it was awful and one moses was sleeping so i was like really anxious i like stayed up all night i was like in a corner literally like shaking because i was thinking like did i [ __ ] it up did i say something's wrong like i hate being on the phone with somebody oh you were in your head over what we talked about yeah oh i was like [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up like i didn't say the right thing like i hate people i won't call you anymore no i liked it was nice oh but you like this yeah cause i was like oh that was cool because you're like we're like friends and then i got really i couldn't breathe when you said that i was like like i literally well i called her i was like look at us trisha we're on the phone we're friends isn't this funny and i couldn't breathe so i just started going off on a tanning about something else i was like so anyways yeah i started talking really fast i was like okay so then we're going to i just trying to like go to the subject so we don't have to make small talk like this glaze past this i thought it was a great conversation and then i got off and i was uh i was happy about it i was happy about it the next morning i was like oh yeah i got to talk to ethan last night like we just had a conversation okay it was cool i liked it it was fun and was also sleeping so i was like oh you missed that we were like all on the phone together like right it's a good time um we were talking about the drama and i was just you know wanted to talk to her because it was all so intense how about marilyn manson i haven't made another story okay who could have ever seen that one coming marilyn manson the totally normal looking dude ended up being a total pervy marilyn manson when we went to obsidi signing a hot topic out with my sister you know the hot topic signing yeah that's like the uncle's thing this is like 2006. this is a while ago like when he was with dwants i think how did he ever recover from that i don't know but he wrote on our album kelly she watches if you have the album covers let me know because we had him sign her album covers and he said to me he goes you have really big tits and i was like oh okay thank you what wait wait this is not the worst part i was 18. my sister was like 13 and he goes to my sister oh no he's okay sorry we got this background you know he always had this persona like deep down underneath the makeup i'm just a normal totally cool dude no he he went to my sit my sister was first i had my sister go first she was 13 and he goes you have really big tits and he wrote that on her cd cover and then he said to me he goes he wrote he said to me he goes ugh i like yours yours are even bigger tits that was my story man that's creepy right off the bat is someone who doesn't even know yeah it's kind of weird this is music sexual i've never listened to it like later on his music did like heart-shaped glasses that was one with every every evan rachel won some of his exits said horrible things about him um yeah that's my only story i have with him you never hear that about adam sandler you never hear like no could you imagine if there was like a string of like people oh i couldn't do it tiger woods it was kind of like that well tiger's like a alpha athlete adam sandler is like alpha billionaire yeah but he doesn't have that like uh that those athletes are all like jacked up on testosterone like steroids and [ __ ] lamar odom versus aaron carter you mentioned that and i was like i don't know about that i used to date aaron carter we went on a couple dates he's been in some vlogs he was never gonna say anything but him fighting no average average because he's pretty tall right uh no yeah skinny he's very skinny like 100 pounds but not skinny shaving i love skinny i think it's hot and you look fat uh yeah is that what i can get so let me see if there's any okay hold on let's see if we don't do anything else okay psa if you see me out in public you know what is the most annoying thing and like i love that people like know me and like one talk to me and take pictures with me that's my favorite thing the whole world like i truly truly love having conversations with people out in public like i love it like it's so cool people like still care about who i am [Music] two very annoying things no like it literally pissed me off so much is like okay a lot of things one is so if you have your friend come up to me like i have no idea who you are but that person like my friend wants a picture with you like no i'm not gonna do it like you're [ __ ] annoying two i have no idea who you are but can you do it can i do a tick tock with you well [ __ ] you you know who i am and two no i'm not gonna do a ticket three asking me to do more than one tick tock with you in the middle of sirloin table we're like trying to buy pots and pans and literally this like 14 year old they don't want a picture they don't want to talk to you they want to do a [ __ ] tick tock with you and then they ask you to do like multiple ones in target this girl comes up to me a dozen times can you say hi to this person okay come back can you she keeps following me around target to say hi to people and do a [ __ ] tic tac the tick tock is crazy because you know they're going to get a shitload of views with you being in it just i have like a family that's private that doesn't like to be on camera they don't like you know like i finally did we were in that sirlot table which is like this like boring kitchen thing and i finally was like no because this guy could just like it's hard to say no it feels so hard this 14 year old boy was like oh you are but my friend wants to tick-tock with you i said i literally don't have time to do this i'm like i can take a picture and say hi just say i don't do that but uh i can say hi no but you know what they're all filming you at all times like they come up to you filming you so you just look like an [ __ ] no matter what and i'm just like i'll take a picture with you like whatever it's just and it's like not again i don't complain because i like love taking pictures i love talking no but these yeah i get that that's the least favorite thing people say to me on the street is like um i or first of all this is the weirdest thing and sometimes you'll get like mobbed and then someone they're like i don't know who you are but can you take a photo with me i was like why do you want a [ __ ] photo you lit i'm just usually like hey hey okay when that happens because i just want to get on with it don't come near me now no no i don't oh i haven't i don't go outside with the covid that would be i'd be like nah dude yeah we like couldn't that happened we didn't get mobbed up in that back is what i i don't go in public nobody recognized they left they opened up the restaurant for us to eat indoor because the outdoors causing too much chaos of us eating outside because like all of us oh for real yeah you're such a big deal oh my god for some reason where were you guys eating it was in san luis obispo so it was like a smaller town wait you guys were went out oh my god this person in the car ran red lights to chase says mo i mean what's this you guys got to eat inside an exclusive indoor season yeah we got to eat that dolly party well i'm going to report you to the uh cdc sorry about that that's a violation there we were the only ones in there yeah but rules are rules that's crazy people were like trying to hug me and i'm like ah call me what the [ __ ] i was actually freaked out we got tested like twice after that because i freaked out more for you guys because my like like someone in my family's already had coconuts like i'm not as worried about it yeah did we not talk about it i feel like well people are like why don't you talk about my mom talked about her so she can talk about it she had it right before christmas like right when we went on a break my mom when we got engaged no so like right the day after no the day we got engaged the night my brother's like calling me and we were like up in the sand dunes or whatever so we weren't getting reception we come down and i'm like so excited we got engaged and my brother was like kept calling me and he like never called me it's really rare for my brother to call me not that we're not close she just has a family whatever he'll come he's like mom's really really sick and this is like the 19th so this is when we're on break now this is the 19th and i was like oh [ __ ] and so we were four hours away like do you want to come home mom's like i'm fine two days later she tests she tests positive for coped oh i was always negative my sister didn't know this yeah well i knew you're like weird about us i didn't want to say anything but at the same time like this was during our break and we got tested like you know what i mean like i just don't want you to like freak out because i get it you know whatever um and but this was our two week break and honestly like i said if like we got tested so much and if it was like not our two week break well anyway i want to know how your mom how your mom i cancelled multiple glams that week like that that following monday i was supposed to get glammed i canceled it because like because i'll tell you why so yeah my mom she was living in an apartment building at the time we just got our house now but like she was living in an apartment building so we think she must have got it from there because like i get tested all the time and we never leave like we go once in a while and my sister literally never never leaves so we're like this is so weird that she got it we got tested whatever she got it and my mom has pre-existing conditions so we were like a little nervous but she was like i'm fine i'm fine everything's like okay and i was like okay but then what was it christmas eve christmas eve she calls 911 she calls an ambulance and my mom never complains my mom's on a hype contract like excuse me she doesn't complain about anything and so she's like i like i literally she's like crying she called me and she's like like i don't know if anyone got disconnected can you call them so i'm calling 911 to send her to my mom's house and my mom basically 91 took her vitals and everything like that and they're really bad like she's doing really really bad and they're like we have to leave you here like we can't take it oh my god this is christmas eve and my mom is like calling my brother and she's like crying she's like i know i'm gonna die like i'm not ready to die like it was like really traumatic my mom is just not that person so this is christmas eve and that's what was the symptom she was having trouble breathing yeah she already has like a condition with like she's like on medication for and stuff like that for like her breathing like lungs related and so she yeah she oh she got she couldn't breathe she literally was like i'm i'm gonna die and like she and she's had covenant she had covered at that point for like a week and again this is the 19th this is when we're on our break like everything's done like every whatever and i had just tested for my music videos like everything i'm still negative i've been negative thank god um i think i think i hadn't covered like a while ago in my opinion i haven't gotten tested for it but i think i had it like a really long time ago but um so anyways my my brother was like hey can you drive mom so i i had to take my mom down to irvine because my mom's like there's just no way i'm gonna like make it like i'm literally going to die and i was just like [ __ ] so you drove with her in the car scary yeah so but like what am there was nothing else i can do in my mom and i know hospitals do have like they can give you something like there is something if you ask for i forget what it's called there's something with like an r or something that they can help you yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah i don't care how much it is like when you get my mom well she might need a ventilator if she's really treatment yeah so because of her age like they were actually really good like we were surprised they had a tent and stuff like that yeah so i'm driving i put my mom in my back seat windows are down i have like three masks i'm like really scared i mean um so we drove her down and whatever and i guess i don't know what they i guess they ended up doing something she didn't get better right away but she did get better and that's so scary i didn't know anything about that yeah well i know you knew someone else i had covered i know you guys and i rightfully so but like i said if we didn't come back to filming till like the 6th of january so it's like she had already touched a negative a bunch of times like we didn't see her at all like for christmas we didn't see her we didn't see my sister we were supposed to see my sister on christmas didn't see her i'm not mad you didn't tell me it sounds like you're responsible just worried that you went i mean i can't believe you went through all that and i didn't even know yeah it was like a lot it was it was really really scary that's why i get so pissed i like get so pissed at people because she has an apartment building where there's like a lot of young kids like she's like or she was in a beach city and like nobody wear matt it's hermosa nobody wears masks on hermosa beach that's where she lived and whatever and it just like pisses me off so much because like and we know we know two people who died like personal family members that have died yeah i know a few people that have died now it's like everybody's got to know a few people that died now and the fact like okay i was watching the joe rogan podcast and i saw a clip of it and joe rogan goes and someone goes are you getting the vaccine and joe gordon was like no i don't need it and it pissed me off so much and then i saw elon musk someone say are you getting a vaccine and elon goes no like defensive like of course not i don't need it like why so arrogant about it like if you're gonna be a dumbass just stay silent about it like don't encourage other people to be dumb asses like just passing it around it's it is it's so upsetting does my hair look good i just got a haircut it feels kind of like round here yeah i feel like when you get fresh haircuts it has to grow out a couple days right yeah i think you should like bleach your hair or something no blonde no no how about for a photo shoot okay okay i have a really good idea for a look it'd be fun if we were doing like dress up i'd bleach it i think you should bleach blonde your hair god i look like such a freak you did i'd rather shave off my eyebrows and head oh yeah for for a video yeah yeah how come i wanted to ask you what's the deal with your black hands you do black hand it's racist for sure no okay show the back you did the video about av when you're all angry and your hands were all black and i was like girl what's that away from the point you were the one that's like oh distracted you're like look at her hands that's not the point of the video okay but why are your hands black like how how does that happen my spray tan lady oh somebody did that to you yeah i would figure that with just like a sloppy soap no when i do it myself yeah and then i paid her god i love her she's really sweet but then on top of it she wanted a tic toc shout out i'm like girl my hands look crazy like shout out to my girl if you want to look like me they were worse like wait how did she [ __ ] up your hands like that what's i don't understand how that happens well she just i think you're supposed to put lotion on them or something like that just the hands more absorbent or something i've never had that i don't know like why would you even do the hands just skip the hands no you definitely need hands but it just like it looks kind of crazy it's just like absorbed really crazy that's awesome i saw it and i was like dude what it looked like you had a tanning accident where you were like wow i can't believe how much you pay her i paid her a lot because she has to come out to like where we live we're further from l.a now so i like paid her how much i think two hundred dollars which is a lot for a spray tan and wanting a shout out to i'm like okay like you gotta pick one it's like a tick girl shout out that's my biggest platform i'm kind of popping on there i had to do a prank today for a sponsorship on tik tok oh you got a sponsor on tick tock yeah through the tick tock platform yeah how does that work i gotta get on i i show you but um yeah through the marketplace and so they they paid me money to do this like dare it was like the drink it's called like do a drink it's not a sponsorship now but like there's like a do or drink and see if they wanted me to do a dare and they picked the dare that i have to do like it was on a card and it was to call it pizza place and ask for a penis-shaped pizza and i hate doing that so much like i had the most anxiety this morning doing it i was like oh my god for like an app or something no it's a card game you pull a card and you have to do what it says or you have to take a shot harass poor retail workers she was pissed i think she was annoyed about it she's like yeah no it's like listen i got [ __ ] look i make minimum wage why are you [ __ ] with me i hope they said it was okay did you say penis shaped yeah that's rude to the worker yeah it was how did you get paid for that um i don't know what should i say i don't know not as much as you would think i don't know it's weird i'm so curious it's so weird it was good for like a 60 second tick-tock you know what i mean like it's pretty good but yeah i want to i'll do i'll ask for a penis you [ __ ] i know you would you love me i'll take a pee i'll take 10 penis pies please pay me bye i can't wait for tick-tockers to just go away like tick-tockers like not tick-tock but tick-tockers i'm so over all of them did you see the do you care about any of this okay no bryce hall he's the little guy with the little hands and the one who wears the the little guy he's also really short why i never heard that about him bryce hall height dan's on it he knows what is the feed on people's height it's all i have oh he's sick that's not him i'm 5 11. i'm not even that tall but like he's not even like the bryce hall he's like bryce hall the [ __ ] great tick tock tick tock i know loser try to get the real brace all name then talk to me for real though okay well not that crazy but um manlet oh yeah it's so normal and it's also so embarrassing because he thinks like ariana grande is using him for clout but meanwhile he's not the first bryce hall to pop up when you google him did you hear him say that's so good yeah because ariana grande is like i wish people would stop going to saddle ranch during a pandemic and he goes wow ariana grande just trying to use us for clout okay we see you it's like really like and they're not this yeah look it up bryce saw ariana grande so what did bryce hall do um um okay so he did oh yeah it comes up to it so he did like a prank over the weekend that he was cheating on his girlfriend wait are you seeing it i think i saw the photo where everyone's like this is obviously fake it was like a valentine's day thing yeah but here's the worst part is the media bro you're not you're not a big deal yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm pranking the media yeah my phone is just full of fetal alcohol babies thank you trisha if you guys are curious it just looks like a normal kid was he got a big forehead yeah i have that too okay let me see let me see look at me okay oh look at you does your mom oh you don't have like these really thin lips i did these are all injections remember the bruised lip situation that was from injecting my lips so does your mom drink alcohol um she did yeah oh you're an alcohol baby yeah maybe but doesn't affect like your mental acuity too but you're pretty sharp i think you're not when it comes to everything i was going to pay 80 000. what you do this weekend right well you also don't know what gravity is so there's that um right right wait what what's up you said you didn't know what happened you've known each other for a while addison approved of this girl okay my god said lauren we've known each other for a while addison approved of this girl i'm gonna be pranking the media into thinking that i'm a cheating scumbag so i'm going to facetime lauren right now right and ask her if she's down this is the generation raised by david jobrick that thinks this is like so funny i'm going to prank people to thinking i'm a scumbag it's like hey it's not a prank to [ __ ] with the media maybe a cheating prank dude i haven't been in a scandal in a while so i feel like it's just that time you know all right so now we need a paparazzi that we can trust to make this completely believable do you trust me because i think he's cute i mean like kevin me and addison are about to be like no but it's like 12 year olds it's like you always know like heartthrobs are always for like the young girls it's not the people their age like 18 year old girls are not finding bryce hall attractive like it's like the little kids you know what's interesting when i was a kid jonathan taylor thomas was like the heartthrob do you know that and i look back at pictures and hear them pull it up and i john he looked a little bit like an elf right but i love elves like bernard the l from the santa claus is like one of my favorite elves do you want to [ __ ] house um no i mean and he's pretty handsome but like it was the hair parting and everything it's just so funny like where's he look at this hair it's like a straight-up [ __ ] whole body mullet he kind of looks like rosie o'donnell yeah little huddy don't you bring that back don't do it oh my god oh the hell that's a lot he looks like little honey like that's an attractive boy i mean that's a lot though that whole outfit and everything i don't know why he's oh that's a tom sawyer didn't he play huckleberry finn or something or tom sawyer i don't remember but but you want to see what he looks like now it's kind of interesting to see just yeah they never age well macaulay falcon is better though he looks better now than he did didn't you say i don't know what did he offer you to do on his podcast no oh here's what he's like hawkins podcast oh wow he looks like tyler he looks like a lesbian jonathan taylor thomas became tyler oakley is it racist is it mean to is it bad to say he looks like a lesbian i can't say he looks like a lesbian i think like that's maybe now in 2021 i think there is that stereotypical lesbian haircut that's offensive but yeah he looks like a lesbian that just means like you look like ellen because there's a lot of guys that like look like alan and i think it's funny to say you look like a lesbian no good moses i mean look look as someone who's trying to go from there's got to be some line i could [ __ ] around with maybe not gay rights lying i'm not saying take the rights away i'm just saying he looks like a lesbian i think that's like stereotyping i'm not listen everybody knows what i mean though i just gotta do a quick shout out to him and then we'll be done oh but also back to back is this really the time i mean talk about hate joel osteen is not pro gay rights he's pro-jewish rights he let them in what does that have to do with gays they're the same they're both oppressed yeah but what if what if he likes the jews and hates the gays joel osteen hates the gays that's so not true oh please i guarantee that's how they make the money say that you can't just say that right somebody fact check that how does your awesome feel about gay people keeps wanting to work with me they keep trying to come back with more offers they couldn't cut me in huh are they making are they making it a better offer like a more lucrative first and i was like no i'm passing worse and then they're like how about let's try one test and i was like maybe but then they haven't gone back to me i'm trying to find the thing anyways back to bryce hall before we finish that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't transition from saying pro gay rights oh de bryce hall i can't say jonathan taylor thomas looks like a lesbian and then say i want to give a shout out to joel osteen who literally hates gay people oh here it is joel osteen tells larry king scripture says homosexuality is a sin i rest my case phil well we need to cancel the old scene on this planet hello all these guys all these guys hate gay people really yes is that real can we check the fact checker over there all these guys i said it in it's literally all this shouldn't be a surprise no all these fundamental christians don't like gay people straight up well maybe it's not that they just think it's a statement they disagree they think you're gonna go to hell and that a lot of them think that you're causing hurricanes i've even heard that i mean like straight up there but they do they think these people were biologically created like they weren't no they think it's a choice and they're choosing to go walk the devil's path because they want to be gay hello these are the people this is your last name all right i can't definitely he's a scumbag sorry damn i was really going to make my case go for it no go argue it now no i dare you to argue who's not with the gays it's not with me so now that we've covered that joel you've got to admit that he looks like a lesbian a little bit jonathan taylor thomas he's handsome actually there's a really funny snl skit where kate mckinnon talks about the first time she masturbated and knew she was gay was jonathan taylor thomas like she masturbated to jonathan taylor thomas and that's when she knew she was gay she because this is the first time i knew i was like a lesbian because she thought he was a girl oh there you go yeah i think it was called like it was on snl it was like some backstreet boys parody oh that's funny see thanks for packing me up here it was there are some where is he at now i don't know i showed you a picture of him now what was my what is my [ __ ] biographer he was on tool time what do i know someone also emailed me home improvement well you know no troll time was the show within the apologies apologies there's no salt on these great fries many more salts on these nuts that didn't even make sense yeah i need the tears yeah i was going with the gay theme nuts i i wish that um joe lawson would cry on these fries add some salt someone emailed me and asked if they got a frenemy's tattoo do they get free merch there's no marsh oh it's not happening anymore no it is but like what am i going to give to them when it comes out because they think it's already people are already interested it's all going to sell out and they want to get the pizza in advance and i don't want to encourage someone to tattoo their body with their logo the merch is much cheaper than a tattoo just good but i think they're thinking like it's going to sell out like because that is the [ __ ] thing when you have money and you're ready to buy stuff and it already sells out [ __ ] jaclyn hill i'm looking at you she put a pallet on sale and it all sold out 15 minutes before is on sale there's some [ __ ] yeah marketing we made that mistake once on teddy fresh where we we were just trying to get things up and then we put it up like like 10 minutes early just because it was ready but that's messed up because there's a lot of people that get there on time i got so we don't do that anymore the jaclyn hill one i was there like it was it was it was something shady with that one though i was there 45 minutes you don't like her yeah but i knew this was going to be a thing so i was like trying to get it was something like mystery box or something i was trying to get the thing she was selling and it was already sold out for and i was in line for 45 minutes does some [ __ ] i put it in my cart and it was out good for her no it knows something sketchy i think she i forget the theory look at a drama channel was that she marked it sold out what could it possibly be i don't know she's so boring to me like i literally but you're there you are buying her [ __ ] because i wanted to get the views with like jaclyn hill lipsticks or whatever she had you know so i was like trying to be that person i couldn't even get it what if you actually liked it oh yeah well would you just not make the video oh no would you make a shitty person i'm not gonna just be like oh this is a good [ __ ] no i probably would have been like oh i got it it's good and you would admit but it's not because i saw her hairy lipsticks and those had hair in them mystery boxes are like this like [ __ ] where they have like nothing like like jeffree stars like expired [ __ ] or whatever they put in a box and then they're like here here's a mystery box by it it's like stuff that people didn't want i don't know if it's expired but you know what i mean it's can we turn this into a drama channel though about jeffrey and the jay hair right go ahead i'm um i'm just eating french fries i saw the drama channel talk about this and now obviously jeffrey's working with hair by jay again which is like actually like it's been like five days yeah he's like okay he's fine now which isn't really just a jab at like [ __ ] your show whatever they blocked me on everything which is kind of everything but i have a theory that i bet like wait wait they both blocked you yeah i literally can't see anything because jeffrey by the way he made this tweet he's like good morning to everyone but that guy that hair guy that said rude things followed him and literally five days later blocked you followed him back tagged him like they tagged him and still did like today i think you're right it's pretty much him being like i can do the [ __ ] i want yeah but my theory is he's always being nice to me because of shane and my friendship but now that me and shane are like like this but i also feel like since they discounted all of shane's merchandise on the killer merch and on the website i feel like they're distancing themselves in some ways something must have happened behind the scenes and so like that's well clearly nobody's buying it i mean if it's been on his website how long ago was that series no but like merch they were making new merch even though shane wasn't promoting it like they kept coming out with merch while shane was cancelled it was really weird i don't know that was my theory behind it i was just like oh well they probably have like a falling out too which honestly they need to distance himself i don't think shane is like the devil i think he made a deal with the devil which is jeffrey i think rylan's boring as [ __ ] and just doesn't need a podcast and i think that's it that's my triangle take on all of them he's so boring he tried to leak his own nudes that he already leaked like years ago and tried to make it the podcast like [ __ ] i got leaked again no one cares about you ryan you only get 145 000 views on a leak knew that you leaked you five years ago it's just him on all fours from the side it's something yeah that shane posted already it wasn't leaked shane posted it years ago and i think he's like wow guys i was trending again like i brought my channel doesn't shane only [ __ ] cats i'm surprised that they even are intimate that's why he's on all fours to emulate a cat dude you're masked off with shane i can say anything now he's disgusting and when i like find out more [ __ ] about him not to like go on the path did you watch the wallace video yet i did yeah that's the d'angelo wallace it was good disturbing yeah i didn't know how that stuff like i said i blindly definitely no i understand don't even blindly defend your friends don't even blindly defend your family because let me just put this around like if it was like to moses when you said that huh you're like don't blindly defend your family you pointed right to moses no we're all good i'm just saying are you that i'm just calling out what i saw god you felt that right she pointed at you no he wouldn't blindly defend his family he's really honest about his family you know like whatever he's just open books just probably you're calling you're not no what i'm saying is i wouldn't are you gonna drink that water where'd that come from we brought it down for you when in the very beginning it's been there the whole time do you remember the movie matilda where she tried to tip over the water with just her eyes and she's like so can i drink your water can i drink it first no you have it you touch the rim i don't want it anyway i ate the same burger i ate what no i bit from the back what are you crazy not about that i don't want that what are you crazy anyways i hope they distance themselves for shane say shake he could still be saved by jesus just distance yourself from the devil denounce it and that's it jeffrey should distance himself from society just go live in a cave yeah make like like lamb it up disappear make a glam cave out in the wilderness oh take your money and your non-rented house like you know that's all that you have to boast about is you that you don't rent your house like you have some like no actually what he did say because i was paying attention he said i actually put a big down payment on my house so my mortgage is low so what jeffrey broke ass star said is he has a mortgage on his house oh the bank owns your house yeah [ __ ] loser you broke that joke yeah he has a mortgage about putting a big down payment down so i don't must so my mortgages you're still mortgaging [ __ ] you're still broke bro take the l take the m for mortgage loser thing where people pick up people for like renting houses is so insane to me like i cannot that's me so and like the greasy skin comment all that stuff like that like uh i'm not gonna be mean i'm just going to hold myself back because like there's 20 21 trisha 2021 tristram you're better someone i wish them well hair by jake keep killing those wigs like i hope the three thousand dollars from your clients i hope they go broke after spending on all those [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's a 20 21. okay i hope that get up keep it 2021. i hope the angela wallace makes a series on you i hope he makes one about david i watch the [ __ ] out of that boy he seems like a david stan no yeah he keeps it real what are you angela's biggest fan right now i just think it well i am a fan but i think he keeps it real that's this whole thing right he can't be a stan of anyone is that me i don't think he's a fan of you he's not you're exploited oh i think we're done wait you got something else no i'm sorry wait what what do you want to talk about i'm here i just thought we were out i'm not i just had a dream but i'll tell you about it later tell me about your dream you clearly came here with an agenda tell me about your dream we weren't friends anymore oh okay was it a premonition or a dream i don't know like i became like really like this big time rapper and i oh that's a yeah that didn't happen that definitely didn't happen what did i just i feel like one day actually what kind of rap a wrap like gangster wrap i don't know what kind of i wasn't rapping in my dream okay i thought but i i do have a premonition that i'm like i feel like i'm going to be like a jimmy fallon and i'm going to just have to leave this show and i feel bad because you're so nice to me you're going to move up you're going to ascend to late night and say ethan i'm sorry and then we've had a good thing but i have to leave you behind eventually we're gonna have to part ways and when when is that gonna happen and what's gonna happen like i'll feel bad if that's you like what if you know what i mean i'm pretty content i'm not looking to move up anywhere i feel like that's a problem with me i'm never content i always think i'm going to be doing better and bigger things so you're going to be your plans to be a rapper because i don't see that you plan to be late night i don't see that either i think both a rapping late night host yeah did arsenio hall do that you can be on the show forever no i don't think so and i feel bad i'd be very happy for you if you ascended to uh like i'm the next post malone that leaves you i'm like oh i'm too famous for ethan bye oh yeah that did happen with post you think that's why i don't know why i post never stop talking to me when i see that i sleep your old vlogs will pop up now because i like watch them so they always pop up and i see i'm like this is crazy he like went to your guys's show and stuff oh and you're like such like i'm not i would never say a bad thing about him no i know but here's the thing like that like me just being like i'm never talking to you again bye i mean on look so here's the thing about post malone on a personal level as someone i consider like a close friend it did it kind of it did hurt my feelings but on the other end i understand that his life is so crazy and so fast-paced and he's just surrounded by all these people all the time and he's his life is moving so fast that i understand i underst i understand i don't hold any grudge what happened how did it like nothing happened did you like trying to text him and you just like weren't hearing back he like goes to gym yes pretty much no that does hurt you know who doesn't do that is adam sandler he's had his same friend group alan covert he's his executive producer in all the movies he has all his little look it's not like we grew up together because i know post is really loyal to like his friends who we grew up with so it's like i'm not i didn't like grow up with him you know but we had like a really good friendship and he was like yeah i was the biggest you were like bigger than him at the time so he's like oh i got this little come up with like h3 he was having his friends make out with me too which was where i didn't understand why you guys were like in a private jet with him no we were we were we were like hey we were like very good friends i think that's where my dream came from because i was watching that before i went to bed and then i was like oh i also became like a rapper and i like left you like that was oh you were posting it does make me a little sad because like yeah just because we were friends and that's it i mean you have like a lot of friends no exactly oh you're like [ __ ] i lost it's like friends but it's fine like i said i don't have any and well i have nothing but nice things to say about the guy he's a sweetheart and um you know i wish him well it's not there's really no ill at all he's like just got two i i i it makes sense like he he became his rise to fame like when i met him he was like didn't even put out his first album you know and so i saw this gradual like uh road this like crazy stardom not like but he's like one of the biggest artists in the country you know so like he just he got kind of more and more distant as he got more famous and i think it's just because his life was just too fast-paced and crazy he was working and he's there's just like i don't know you're like a sad teddy bear right now your eyes are the thing is i don't i don't want anyone to think ill of him because i don't no we are pro post malone on this podcast yeah maybe he'll be the next bachelor on h3 i'm pretty sure no can you imagine that'd be [ __ ] crazy who do you think would be better post malone or papa john as the bachelor as much as i'd like to say papa johna i don't think that we're in the right age bracket for papa my mom would apply she's single okay anyone else what moses mom does all the moms battle i don't see it can i say that i don't know if we can bleep her out if i'm not supposed to say it sorry um well we have single moms out there he likes there'll be a lot of women that would be very happy you're right there's age-appropriate women i'm not saying that but like i mean he's like 55 or some [ __ ] i mean it's just not our demo i think you'd be surprised okay papa if you're out there or post oh paul you need help finding a date can i will screen them though because i'm a female and i feel like with peace and love your interns are not the best at screening people i will scream that i agree with you they were awful maybe it's good they didn't find anyone that good because look maybe if they found someone that was like kind of good maybe this wouldn't happen maybe just nobody good applied that's what i kind of said but i hear that no because there were people who dm like i applied but never went on the show and they were like lawyers and doctors and i was like where'd these people come from listen just because they weren't entertaining like a character i think they were like i think they're lying so like during that time i was using my dms and you were going over those things if they were doctors and lawyers we would have put them in i think they just weren't as entertaining listen some we absolutely put in because they were entertaining because it's a show i mean come on you have to expect that but we put in plenty of respectable games there was not one there was like 18. these are the people that no i guess it was ethan that was saying this is our demo like these are the people who wanted to date you so i will i will reach out to my demo for you papa john or post malone i will find my my picture for you oh it's a different demo let's let's lower our standards for the batch a little bit let's say maybe shredder who's that my dog dog daddy oh my dog will apply he needs a friend or a boyfriend trevor's looking to [ __ ] he's not looking for friends well i think my dog is gay can i say that i don't know i think he is yeah i mean dogs soon don't seem to care they're just they'll hump anything they're just happy with humping alfredo over here yeah you made a whole big deal about it homophobia okay that was like brothers they're like first of all they're not biologically related so and shane pumped his cat you didn't care about it then i did not know about that you did it well he says he was joking but i i don't think so you heard the recording let's not joke about bestiality or anything with children right that might be like crossing the line right i think we're done now is there anything else so you have no other friends i have a few friends i don't want to name them yeah i have a few friends but what do you do you do you see them or you just talk on the phone or text your heart we text and sometimes we hang out during like not that much honestly maybe a few times are they your age yeah they're all my age you talk to your brother a lot i mean i talked to him i have like a family chat with my family we all talk there so you don't just call him no your brother seemed very normal and very he's a great guy i love my brother you should be friends with him okay look he's my brother i mean he's my brother my sister's my only girlfriend that i have yeah some people have that relationship and my brother's my brother it's not like you know i feel like this is a good podcast i feel like next week our physical can we announce that we're doing a physical yeah yeah we were supposed to do it today but for some reason whatever happened to adam and eve and my truth or dare how'd it go did you were you squirting and stuff no it was for youtube i had to put up the sponsored video for youtube oh it has to be up on mondays by like 10 and i didn't get it in the past your only fans i never hear about it these days i try to be more low-key because like we got approached to be on a tv show for our wedding so i'm trying to like not be so like wait a tv show for your wife i shouldn't say it because now they're gonna know i do only fans i try and keep it like low key that i'd like to do that how did they not know that that's like one of them because i deleted it all off my like twitter and stuff like any sort of like trace of it but i'm saying if they know who you are they know that that's what you probably know but uh it's like a reality show it's about our wedding like seasons are you like bridezilla is it bridezilla no but it's a chain it's a not a chain what are those so do you have a season or an episode uh well it's both it's hard to like describe it you're gonna be more than one episode like it'll air in the summer but then our wedding is not till the winter so they come back for like the like there's like i see i see you're no it's not bradzilla i saw yourself rightzilla i'm not gonna tell you because i don't want to like jinx it because it's not like for sure but the interview how does it work do they pay you do they help with the wedding like how does it how do they make it worth your time really obvious like you gotta pay for everything so like so you just look you just think it would be fun for them to show i think they give you money they did offer like this really like low amount yeah like literally it's like a thousand dollars is it gonna be a pain in the ass to involve some weirdos in your wedding like it's already stressful enough i think it's more like we were talking about like you said you were offered to be like a mr beast burger i think it's more just like the coolness of it like we have a tv show about our wedding yeah it's cool i watch it you'll be in it i'll be in it if you come to the wedding if you want i'm coming to the wedding and i'm going to be in front of the camera so i'm going to follow them around and make sure that i'm starting the [ __ ] show i'm like excuse me we have a show together my name is lutheran klein i have a comment to make i did do an interview with a really i don't know what it is lately but so many people are coming to me this huge magazine just an interview with me and i can't i don't want to say it yet because it comes out in march and oh my god nobody cares about me you're right you are going to leave me behind nobody approaching me for interviews and [ __ ] oh my god you're going to be a rapping talk show and leave me behind and stop answering my calls like post malone no theirs is really i'm going to trauma i'm trying my eating there's a really big magazine that wanted to interrupt me that's true it's not gay if i eat this so don't you can't eat that one eat the one that sounds like call me daddy daddy daddy anyways the point is they asked me about you and our podcast oh they did oh thank god but towards the end of the interview did they not email you because they said they have to fact check everything like we have to reach out to everyone you talk about in the interview really would they ask you about me um it wasn't anything crazy they were just like they like you have a podcast they're coming to do a photo shoot at our house like this week like it's a big thing well i don't want to jinx it because paper magazine was gonna do a whole feature on me for break the internet and they shot at my house they did the photo shoot they did the interview and then the transgender video came out and they were like uh so i don't want it like jinx this one's bigger than paper magazine though this one's bigger in my opinion what mm-hmm yeah okay i'm on i was shocked i was like and it's like a legit credible magazine that talks about like like i have political figures on the cover and i don't think i'm on the cover i think i'm just are you time person of the year no but i was really like i said i don't think i know i'm not the cover i i like a feature in it if you go and become a rapping taco show can i be the pathetic guy on the couch next to you like jason on views i want to be the pathetic guy on the couch everyone's like this is a visual representation of jason's ten percent i'll just laugh super loud and be like act like i'm happy to be there even though i hate you they have the it's like just him and his three assistants being so boring and jason being creepy and like david thinks he's a talk show because he has money it's like no you're not sorry baby you're just not people watched it people liked it got a lot of views you know what's called views wait what oh because they're all obvious yeah i'm just saying people liked it they watched i didn't watch it so i don't know but there's only four minutes on youtube i was i don't understand i just pulled it up why is it seven minutes long yeah that's all they put on there i don't know he cut it down a little obviously insecure did you say how they stole from us how would that be david dobrik stole our frenemy logo branding you said you pointed it out i thought it was funny but it's just okay don't steal our branding the the what is it what do they steal it's just the color it's just two these two colors or no no it's it's on the yeah it's the logo it's the logo color nice try did you notice now they're starting to do video podcasts because frenemies is so popular well i have been doing this for a while just so you know the video podcast right but i don't think it's like been banging i think you had a little bit of a low slump for a year and then it kind of got banging at him you know what i can't even dude frenemies is off the [ __ ] rails my whole career has been a low slump so there's no shades i always i still only get 100 000 views on my videos so like i'm very fortunate dude you got to be kind of low-key happy when drama goes down because you make long-ass videos with a billion mid-rolls and i know you're getting paid i'm really not now oh yeah i was watching that video about ab and it was like mid-roll mid-roll oh stop it thank you babe i do not put it in there i do not okay you're right youtube but isn't that nice now you don't have to be like i wasn't me i should stop do you know how if i didn't put it in automatically on our podcast we'd have like a hundred mid rolls let's do it and maybe i should because [ __ ] it i'm trying to get that money because let's face it trish is gonna outgrow my [ __ ] sloppy ass and i gotta capitalize while i can no you know my goal is to lose a bunch of weight so i can get like weight loss brand deals and be like really because if i lost 100 pounds i'd be huge but also i can't do it but if i did it would be so big i'd be on people magazine it's not people magazine that i wanted something else bigger bigger than people yeah and they don't care about my like me losing weight or chubby chubby chaser usa i don't know chubby jason bbw once told me that i was too chubby he groped me and he's like wow you gained weight and i was like oh i never got invited back to the uh playwood mansion after that that sounds like the kind of stuff he's like hey listen no fat people allowed no literally yeah literally they wouldn't serve me food i remember they had like chefs and i was there for something he literally goes no food for fatty i swear so i went on for sunday fun days i have pictures of me at the mansion and i would always get quesadillas and smoothies when i was there i was like you know i was like i was tiny i was like maybe 140 back then i'm like 220 now and which i know you said on the age three i was like okay 220 body slamming but i didn't you i told you that you said you're 220 and i said you think i'm not skinny oh you're more than two i love it okay i went down a little bit but anyways um beside the point no but when i went up to the chef like i would go every i went for maybe like three months to the playboy mansion every sunday for their like thing and like the last sunday the day he said i was getting fat um i had gone up like hours before to ask them to hey can i get my case dm a berry smoothie and they're like we're not allowed to serve you food anymore and everyone else had it i talked to him it was wild back in the day yeah and then he like it wasn't even that long ago but she used to be wild oh it was like 2007. it was a while ago no food for fatty who literally went to the kitchen and said don't feed trisha anymore she's too fat and it came from half like they say it's direct orders from half like he literally went down to say and there's like maybe 30. did you work there why did you hear you were working no no no i was trying to like be a girlfriend like the way to be like a girlfriend like that was like my goal i was never going to happen you wanted to [ __ ] you yeah there was like 30 or 40 girls on sundays maybe even less maybe like how many of them were [ __ ] who i don't know i never did oh you don't i was like the ugly one i always wondered how many of those girls you fought i'm sure i don't think you can if you read the books about the ex playmates i think he only can have sex like once a week i don't think he gets it up like this because he's so old but back in the day you must have like can you like how it's kind of hard i think it's so weird that like that was fine like this guy literally had a mansion with a harem and he would cruise around in a bathrobe and just like yeah totally women who's that guy that's trying to be like him now with the beard and he's just like dan blizzaria what why i hate him such a weirdo such a loser what is his deal like why what's his thing why is he trying to i'm pretty sure with peace and love and with lots of um maybe you shouldn't say it if you're saying with peace and love like don't follow it up if you're gonna say something that could get you in trouble well that's like a legal thing oh with peace and love allegedly your honor this is not defamation with peace and love was issued before the defamatory comment this is my hunch is that he does illegal [ __ ] or super shady money yeah super shady [ __ ] he seems like the type of guy that would like i wonder if he runs his houses like give predatory loans you know what i mean that kind of dude who gives like quick money loans and [ __ ] like that oh can i tell you when we bought the house i had to pay off all my quick money loans because i used to do those all the time back in the day like literally like i would take out loans like at what were they like what was the place speedy cash and i i got a 700 loan in like 2012 or something i don't know you left that open i left it open i still owed 8 000 and i've been paying it every month since 2012 oh yeah that's why it's so [ __ ] up because the interest is so high you could pay them back 800 a month and you're not even getting to the princess i'm not joking i think i i've like paid them like thirty five thousand dollars for my 700 loan that should be illegal i had like three how many like four open loans and i had to pay them all out before we could get our home loan so how much did you pay off for how much did you get i think we paid off like paying off meaning i owed 30 000 to all these different places and i think twice did 700 at one place i think i did 1200 at another and maybe 1500 at the other place not a good deal and i probably spent 60 000 to each one so probably 108 000 over the years to all of them for three thousand dollars that should be [ __ ] illegal the fact that that [ __ ] is legal blows my mind and i was paying like yeah thirty thousand percent uh interest rate that's normal they should tell you they never told me i guess it's in the fine print but who reads that well i guess you should assume you're gonna get [ __ ] if you go to some i thought maybe something but you don't expect that that's why it should be illegal you expect all paying back double maybe triple not like 30 times or more 100 times it's insane and that those it was a wow name one but speedy cash quicken loans like i forgot the other ones some other things we never heard of i can't even i can't remember you have to be a real specific funding you have to be a real [ __ ] soulless oh i can't say that bleep that dan believe it um yeah don't do loans don't hang out damn pulsarian it's not a good luck nobody cares you're not hugh hefner and you're not cute by the way he pays those girls to hang out with him it's like not that cool serious and they're not even like playmates also it's like cool you're rich and a bunch of girls want to be around you it's like cool dude yeah epic so we don't like dan blizzarian for sure for sure i don't like the third co-host on impulsive i used to love that show and i can't watch it well thank you finally you come around and took him to threatening my life no it's the third co-host that gets me what about mike you like mike i don't really like him but he is entertaining like he's just like it's like me people think people like like like to like hate me you know like at times can we not promote other podcasts oh yeah especially ones that have threatened my life people thought in the comments that you should have came in for me but i asked you did you really take it are you like losing sleepwalking it doesn't matter they find your life what do i need to lose sleep for for you to care about any of my problems just glazed over ours like when your friend was on their podcast and they mentioned in front of me and they just kind of like glazed but they all shot each other it looks like oh you mean when tim dillon was like i like ethan klein he's funny no he said something like don't be on frenemies talk arguing with trisha paytas remember oh it's tim dylan yeah and they were just like they didn't say anything that glazed over but they all like shot each other looks like what were they thinking like are we are we like you know because like david can't mention my name like no one in the world yeah they're like don't mention that well clearly because anyway whatever [ __ ] [ __ ] douche and his dad's a [ __ ] criminal his dad well you know the son should not suffer the sins of their father so what are you talking about greg paul gp coming at you his dad used to live in a van outside jake paul's house and and he had a leaked i swear to god somebody hacked his phone and his dad was having sex with like these little hussies that were with jake like do you think jake paul just set it up i don't know but he was definitely on sex with young girls there was one of jake's uh videos where his dad was making out with a girl maybe she'd be friends with jason ash oh yeah they'd be him and dr phil and jason nash we're off the rails guys wait remember when jake paul showed up to post mullen's house going full circle yeah how come like he doesn't get canceled like how come no one's like oh this guy's awful like don't show up to people's houses you dumb [ __ ] i mean he did get dragged pretty well did he i don't remember it so i just thought yeah hated where is jake paul he's gone now he moved to like florida to become a boxer which is like laughable one last thing and then we can wrap it up but um how much would it take for us to have a wrestling match it's too much like andy hoffman style no like any common wrestled women it's too much like touching and stuff okay it's not a sexual sport i know but it's just that it makes me uncomfortable you'd rather do the acrobatic gymnastics oh yeah i actually have a video that let me pull that up because i don't know what you're talking about i really want to do this can we start with the monkey bars i'm pretty strong oh so next week is our physical fitness chest are someone like testing us are we just like doing a pull-up yeah um no ian's ian's gonna conduct a whole regiment for us are you training no i'm not training either i thought about it i'm like no yeah i want it to be real and also i don't want to exercise so don't worry exercise you train more than i do i get winded going up there already making excuses i'm preparing i think i may have overestimated my strength definitely my mom and sister are like you can't do a paw patrol there's no way you can do it you're too tough you're too top-heavy thank you it's just a matter of fact there's not like a compliment okay here we go oh you think we could roll around in these beds in these [ __ ] curtains the curtain yeah [Music] do you see this girl weighs like 80 pounds it's about strength core strength arm strength do you think you could climb a curtain like this girl yes but we can do a duet i guarantee you will not even be able to hold yourself up even one end can you look up zendaya and zac efron i just want to show you how beautiful it could be like if we nailed it in practice like we could do a really cool type in zendaya's and i guess muted so you don't get copyright i don't know how this works on here yeah we commuted it i like looking at people's like okay there that one oh wow okay this could be this could be us okay fast forward a little bit as if efron ever been in a good movie this one greatest showman i thought you said you hated it i literally i literally just asked you and you said it was awesome i like the tick tocks okay that doesn't mean the movie not this part go to the like that go to the we're not doing that like that okay calm down so you don't think i'm like trying to be like let's [ __ ] make out this part we're gonna do and watch when he comes he comes up and then you kind of oh i can do that look she's falling that's not her that's a body double i could do that no they totally trained you would [ __ ] hit the earth like a bag of [ __ ] watch they're gonna go together they're gonna go up together this is oh iconic we can do that i'm not doing that with you with a safety net look first of all it's way too intimate no you don't have to be close like that watch but you just do this kind of stuff watch you're so far apart what you're shooting do you think you could do this are you out of your [ __ ] mind yeah i want to do it you can't even hold your up on your own weight with one arm i totally can't oh my god you can train up in san luis obispo dude training is one thing you got we got to lose like 150 pounds i think we could do it if we lose 150 pounds a piece i think a hundred maybe 100 okay 100 yeah sure if we each lose 100 pounds then we can do this that would put me at 120. me too i'll be 130 then if i lost 100 pounds okay okay cool we'll never do it thank you you said it here if we lose 100 pounds yeah i can't tell if you're serious you think you can actually do i actually do because that you can do some momentum going yeah you got to go up to get the momentum first and by the way your momentum is running straight into the earth it's a direct line all right well i think okay we did it we reached the end okay so no one else should reach out to you for david interviews you're done you're closing that chapter i mean feel free to reach out but like you can't i'll ch but you know it's just like like i just think that if i keep talking about it it's people are not gonna are gonna stop taking it seriously can you talk about it without making it the title because i do think it's important you give people voices where they feel scared to share other other places but i get it no i can't i can't i can't keep doing it i'm not it's not my i'm not the david dobrik guy you know i can like you said if people have stories come out and say it and then maybe i'll see it and talk about it but the thing about big nick and seth these were both people who tried to share their stories but didn't get the attention that they deserved and these are also two people that were like intimately involved in the vlog squad like they're have the most trustworthy not not that this person's not charged but like the most let's say credible because they're in the videos there's like so much there you can't really even like what seth said you can't there's no two ways about it right right well i'm glad that you did it for real that was that it just felt like a relief when you hear like other people finally being like maybe trisha was like not like it's just like this like the relief where it's like finally people are seeing something and not calling me crazy or obsessive or like weird or freak or like bitter as abe said i'm not bitter that i'm not in the group i literally left it with you know blazing saddles yeah and by the way i like i spoke to seth and nick a little bit afterwards and they were both like super they both expressed feeling like super relieved that they were able to yeah get their message out to a receptive well you can do i mean like they i think everyone has the same kind of like not we're definitely not trying to cancel he's not going to be canceled but i think like by the way i don't i don't even think david's a bad guy i think he's a bad guy well you know so i don't know him really i don't think he's gonna get canceled i'm not trying to cancel him it's gonna be that's not even the goal like he won't be careful like look at mel gibson still throwing i'm not challenging i don't want arriving i love well i don't love woody well i don't know on the other hand support him oh there's like a documentary coming about woody allen [ __ ] and his and his wife slash daughter-in-law or step-daughter i still love woody allen vlog it's coming out on like hbo too it's like serious [ __ ] it's not like some lifetime [ __ ] just don't marry your stepdaughter dude the woody allen [ __ ] is so freaky didn't he like adopt her when she was like three it was me a pharaoh's adopted daughter when she was three but she would he raised her mm-hmm he raised this girl from oh from nine maybe like five or something because me a fair adopted at first then they got married so he's living in the same house so he raised his little girl from five and then got intimate with her when she was like 16. sorry yeah that's [ __ ] up okay even if you're going to even if you want to [ __ ] your s your stepdaughter let's wait till she's 18. i maybe just don't if you need someone at nine you don't really need to [ __ ] them when they're an adult i mean i agree with you i'm going to agree with you on that one okay just you know there's other people to have sex the story is it's incredible i mean yeah how are you gonna [ __ ] your own stepdaughter and then marry her yeah they're still married though one more thing and i promise we can go keep saying this but like is the h3 podcast tick tock you guys running that yes how come there's no blue check mark it looks like a fake account it's new it's just a new account you thought everyone was getting a ton of views from our clips so you're like well we might as well put them up there well we thought about it for a long time and then um we have a guy who does clips for us yeah the clip's like bomb and he's really good he's like the best and so he's like he has a ton of clips because we've been doing clips on instagram and facebook already yeah i love that i love when he sent me clips and so yeah he's the one that does the clip so he just started posting post and posting a tick dog and it's like dude teddy fresh name change is that like a joke no that changed and you had no idea how happy so what happened okay i'm my name on tick tock is ethan klein h3 i woke up yesterday and it was teddy and i saw all the comments it was like why is it teddy first it's like what happened with teddy fresh and then i saw my [ __ ] tick tock name now is teddy fresh how and so i realized what happened so i wanted to make a teddy fresh tick tock account and then there's a teddy fresh account that's inactive like totally inactive dead like no followers no posts so i wrote to a tick tock or like someone i know who knows tick tock and i said hey can we get the teddy fresh account for our business and he says i'll see what i can do that was like two weeks ago and so i woke up yesterday and they switched my [ __ ] personal account to teddy fresh i was like how the [ __ ] was that the howl that's like so far you're trying to create a scandal you're trying to be like ryan just creating a scandal no i don't want to be you don't want to be teddy bears you are teddy fresh no i want to be ethan klein i'm not literally look like the teddy fresh logo you look like a teddy bear i think that's a compliment yeah yeah you look like a teddy bear in a good way oh thank you is it not designed after you i thought it was made in like you're like that's your thing you were makes me uncomfortable tigers it's cringy oh it was designed after your likeness though not after my likeness no but you love teddy bears no stop i don't want to talk wait no what is this embarrassing oh no i want to know [Music] [Applause] i need to know this so me and it's so crazy why are you making me do this i feel like it's cute actually i feel like it's going to be a cute story not an embarrassing story it's both it can't be worse than your proposal pooping story no okay so let's hear it it's just too cutesy and it's embarrassing i love it because you guys aren't cutesy enough not not judging we love you just not not [ __ ] in front of you here cute scene you know what i mean we both call each other ted that's like our pet names for each other i asked you something names and you didn't tell me and so then well we were brainstorming ideas and so we were just thinking of like teddy b we were trying to think of like what would be like a logo and also the other thing is like what's a website domain that's available and so we're trying a bunch of stuff it's so weird the teddy fresh with the teddy bear logo and the domain teddy fresh was unclaimed after all these years which i thought was i mean it's very exciting because it's like teddy brush random yeah yeah but on all the other social medias it was taken so i thought that was wow like the instagram name i had to buy from some [ __ ] guy for ten thousand dollars ten thousand i was trying to get it from him for so long and eventually i was like dude whatever i'll just pay you whatever the [ __ ] because yeah he saw your success so you called each other ted not teddy both did you get pissed when united airlines started calling themselves ted and you're like the [ __ ] that was our thing they're called ted i didn't know that what about ted talks are you like oh that's our thing uh teddy fresh's brother ted you know what's funny the teddy oh actually i don't talk about the other thing but why because it's too it's like personal info thing never mind but um um yeah we were in a we're in a legal battle with ted talks no i'm kidding ah i like tea yeah we're suing them no why don't you sponsor ted talks i don't think those people are interested in teddy fresh they actually asked me to do a ted talk too stop about what they did you got me you just did it to me i was like what the [ __ ] would you give a ted talk about squirting could you imagine proper squirting technique i made one million dollars and all i had to do was drink a bottle of water and piss so it is piss no i know you would love that all right let's stop this is yeah it always goes over the rails territory all right so next week physical fitness we're going to have that this is going to be fun i should get another spray tan maybe i should be tan for that can you ask her to go extra hard on your hands only give me some extra grip i should get her to could she come to my house and just tam my hands she would love it like i'm totally not even kidding 800 followers probably love the shout out i'm not shouting her out oh yeah you don't love shout outs to you i'll pay her what do i gotta shout everybody out i'll pay you one of my [ __ ] shout out moms i have money let me pay you my least favorite thing like stupid i want you to pay and then also be like tag us no like you can't even pay me enough for the tag but also i paid you that's not how that works i don't i don't like the tax i have currency i have currency too i do current we are living in the society we're money for service don't do any [ __ ] no [ __ ] with shout outs money for service how do you charge other people money save money for service so you're not doing the ring shout outs for free rings they pay you yeah of course oh i thought you got like free doorbells from them i did but it was part of the sponsorship they also paid you cash yeah oh so you took the free and you got the cash yeah but i did buy they only sent me like two i was like can i get more they're like no really so i had to i bought like four more so i did do it oh okay cool h3 code h3 bye guys [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,771,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: -XDwa_Uym1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 48sec (7008 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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