The Real Reason Frenemies Broke Up - H3 After Dark # 41
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,600,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: 8aCfvBnOcnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 24sec (9204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
AB going straight for the lap and student loan debt like a champ
Omg the timing on that first "SYKE!" during the Liza segment killed me
Poor Hila in her first trimester when nausea is the worst and she's getting shrimp chips and dead baked crabs shoved in her face omg lol. What a pimp!
The entire skit where every crew member came in to kiss Ethan's ring and ask for shit had me in tears. Dan coming back in and realizing he lowballed his request was priceless.
Definitely the best After Dark I‘ve seen so far. Yes, the snack segment was chaotic (and I hate the chewing), but it was so much better than the times where Ethan freaked out about dead air and was all around concerned with what chat was thinking. Now it feels like they‘re finally letting go of that and just doing what makes them happy and brings them joy. This subsequently makes them more enjoyable to watch in my opinion. People LOVE watching other people who are enjoying themselves.
The 5% bit was hilarious and I liked that it was tongue in cheek, but not outright malicious or feeding into the drama. They addressed the video aswell, which was good for the drama fans, they got their little fix aswell today. The rest of us got an awesome bit.
We got mom calling in and well… being a mom, which was super wholesome and made me laugh a lot.
Ethan himself said he‘s feeling better about the podcast now and is more motivated and it shows. I loved it!
My god when Ethan’s mom called in and started lagging HARD was so funny
Gabe calling in while clearly busy doing something else has to become a running gag.
Hope Gabe is at a doctor's appointment next week.
I liked it. They addressed the funny side of frenemies drama without giving Chicken Nugget any reason to go on a twitter hate spree. The spice accountant was put in her place.
Also, since when did "We paid" become something a sibling can say when its your sister who paid? You're not married. If anything, KALI didn't pay for her ticket...who throws a surprise party and gets the birthday girl to foot the bill.....but that's none of my business.
I subbed during the 3 mill countdown. Ethan seems far more happier now.