The Real Reason Frenemies Broke Up - H3 After Dark # 41

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AB going straight for the lap and student loan debt like a champ

👍︎︎ 382 👤︎︎ u/NiftyisKristy 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Omg the timing on that first "SYKE!" during the Liza segment killed me

👍︎︎ 258 👤︎︎ u/Ciilk 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Poor Hila in her first trimester when nausea is the worst and she's getting shrimp chips and dead baked crabs shoved in her face omg lol. What a pimp!

👍︎︎ 213 👤︎︎ u/Ashareddit 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

The entire skit where every crew member came in to kiss Ethan's ring and ask for shit had me in tears. Dan coming back in and realizing he lowballed his request was priceless.

👍︎︎ 417 👤︎︎ u/RetractedAnus 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Definitely the best After Dark I‘ve seen so far. Yes, the snack segment was chaotic (and I hate the chewing), but it was so much better than the times where Ethan freaked out about dead air and was all around concerned with what chat was thinking. Now it feels like they‘re finally letting go of that and just doing what makes them happy and brings them joy. This subsequently makes them more enjoyable to watch in my opinion. People LOVE watching other people who are enjoying themselves.

The 5% bit was hilarious and I liked that it was tongue in cheek, but not outright malicious or feeding into the drama. They addressed the video aswell, which was good for the drama fans, they got their little fix aswell today. The rest of us got an awesome bit.

We got mom calling in and well… being a mom, which was super wholesome and made me laugh a lot.

Ethan himself said he‘s feeling better about the podcast now and is more motivated and it shows. I loved it!

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

My god when Ethan’s mom called in and started lagging HARD was so funny

👍︎︎ 702 👤︎︎ u/kadyrovtsy 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gabe calling in while clearly busy doing something else has to become a running gag.

Hope Gabe is at a doctor's appointment next week.

👍︎︎ 317 👤︎︎ u/egon0212 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

I liked it. They addressed the funny side of frenemies drama without giving Chicken Nugget any reason to go on a twitter hate spree. The spice accountant was put in her place.

Also, since when did "We paid" become something a sibling can say when its your sister who paid? You're not married. If anything, KALI didn't pay for her ticket...who throws a surprise party and gets the birthday girl to foot the bill.....but that's none of my business.

👍︎︎ 538 👤︎︎ u/BrittleBonesWoody 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I subbed during the 3 mill countdown. Ethan seems far more happier now.

👍︎︎ 239 👤︎︎ u/ChipmunkMammoth8573 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
thank you that kind of looks like some like prada versace it's uh it's a it's a little sneak peek it's going to come out late later feel on this did you know what's crazy about ila is that she's already showing yeah she's already got a belly kind of it's crazy i am um also i'm having a really weird thing where i'm like starving but then i don't feel like anything oh bro yeah like yesterday yes kind of a nightmare you guys understand what my life is i'm literally just feeding people that's my life every day all day i'm feeding the dogs nobody in my life wants to eat i don't understand it the dogs don't want to eat theodore is becoming a picky eater he wasn't now he's becoming a picky eater i got to figure out what he wants to eat elo of course it's about my whole life at home it's just feet trying to figure out what people i don't know what happened the first week of this pregnancy i was like eating anything i don't know something happened well we said when ela when you became less hungry we were both like i don't think you're having multiples yeah on the way to the doctor to find out if it was multiples or not and we were both like i don't think it's triplets anymore because you're not hungry as hungry yeah those first days you were like voracious maybe it's just that um if i was to get sickness um i would be throwing up but i'm like this is my version of oh you think this is your version of sickness do you get sick already i don't i don't think but i just feel like um i mean is this where you would usually get morning sickness yeah oh really oh interesting it can be any point really it could be throughout the whole thing thanks great oh zach is back oh yeah yeah oh my goodness it's gabe are you in a movie theater oh he's muted and he's in a movie theater gabe is calling us from a movie theater is his sound not working there he is what's going on yeah are you working what you're in a movie theater what are you watching [Music] [Applause] is there work or school tomorrow we've missed you so much i don't know yet all right gabe i'm gonna let you enjoy that film okay i don't want to disturb the people around you but thanks for calling in okay checking in on us sure all right all right all right baby yeah we appreciate you gabe friday friday love friday friday baby friday baby okay okay all right yeah just keep it down let's because let's just yeah there's people around you so let's just enjoy the movie okay all right all right love you gabe all right take care all right see you next time yeah i'll see you on friday buddy take care yeah take care baby wow gabe called us from a theater that's amazing next level oh he's still yeah he i love how dedicated he is yeah baby it's friday it's friday baby wow gabe so dedicated white claw gabe i cannot hype the man up enough on tick tock on cameo friday baby that was maybe my favorite friday baby ever you we had one from the baseball game we had a mute one and now from the theater bro can be hard to top it's friday baby friday maybe i'm sorry um [Laughter] he started to get a little loud i got worried yeah he's like dude you can't keep the friday energies down i don't know about cursing at the theater it's friday baby [ __ ] we're getting close to 3 million that's crazy oh can we show it yeah wow so dan noticed i kind of uh we're less than 300 away that's insane dan noticed that we were gonna hit three million on the show possibly and being the sweetheart that he is he threw up this counter and so that's great that's pretty exciting i am so excited oh what the [ __ ] was that was that what did you do was there anything vital on there i saw a money sign [Applause] great but but wait is our people are seeing it because i don't even see it on the stream yeah dude are people seeing the counter dan oh it's about to hit like what's happening why are so many people subscribing oh [ __ ] oh my god oh there it is insane what has happened it just went to three what people wow amazing thank you guys what is happening it's like it's like a subathon right now holy [ __ ] i gotta say it's friday baby wow we just did like a 1500 in like a split second i gotta say dude y'all are going crazy over here let's go oh we're about to hit 4 million at this rate you know i gotta say usually when i'm about to hit a big milestone in subs especially live you get a bunch of wise asses that start unsubbing but you guys are such legends wow such a dedicated lincoln shredder [Laughter] you know what guys wow that that that that's meaningful thank you guys cheers cheers and great job to you guys too i mean this is a we're all celebrating here wouldn't be here without you guys that's the honest truth to the moon baby i couldn't be doing this without you guys that's just the truth you know that's right thank you thank you you know i gotta say something y'all we've been doing this podcast for a while you know and um sometimes the show through its course of its kind of broadcast has been like stagnant at times when we've maybe been in a rut creatively or i myself have been in a rut creatively but i want to say that um recently it's just been so positive and so much feedback and support oh come on i'm trying to be sincere okay play it i'll take it and i just it's so meaningful it is it makes me want to do this every day and there were times in the not so distant past where i thought about quitting the podcast i really did oh yeah a few times yeah no but i just feel so encouraged by the growth and by you guys and the engagement we're seeing that i'm just [Music] i just can i say i just love you guys i love being a part of your week and i see how important that is for people where the like when we miss that episode they're like oh damn how am i gonna get through today that means a lot to me thank you wendy she's moved uh i don't know how to i don't know how to properly express myself but you're doing it well i feel like it's not enough it really is that that much you know there's 85 foot so 85 000 foot soldiers watching right now and that's just yeah wow it's just beautiful and i just feel like all you guys have are such talents so funny so creative do you guys make this show great each and every one of you it really sounds like you're gonna have a punchline i'm not there's no punchline i'm waiting for it you know and this day friday and even you love bot on the especially you love butt oh thank you he's got that what is that he's got a kill he's got a kill why are you wearing that what happened that's delightful to turn into an eight-year-old but we love that he's digital he can do whatever he wants and ilo we cherish fridays because he was here yeah it's really fun i just love having ila next to me just like you know my better half people say better half but i mean it no oh stop it you stop it anyway we do have a show to do today so i'll try to get off the sap no thank you ethan we appreciate you thank you a.b anyone else want to say anything next to me ethan you are the man ela you guys are the best and some people in the chat are saying ethan please stand up you can please stand up [Applause] so you should make a sound bites act where it's like please stand up ethan all right i'll i'll doctor one up yeah you should do one for everyone frankly okay i can do that anytime anyone's under the gun just make him stand up okay i can do it anyway today's by the way sponsored by public and kraken oh [ __ ] we're 10 minutes in that's all right it's a heartfelt moment cracking fair enough so top of the show here you know i hope you guys watched our episode yesterday with bella porch that was a very she is such an inspiring person her story is just like unbelievable and i feel like she gets a lot of hate just for being popular on tick tock just that's it just for being popular yeah one of the most common comments i'm seeing on that is like wow i i'm so wrong about her and like the hate and stuff and honestly dude she's such an inspirational person you guys should really check that out if you haven't and shout out to bella porch for coming on here but yeah i mean they're the reception has been really nice to see everyone's yeah it's cool yeah she's super shy and really took i feel like she took a risk coming out here in public and doing like a full two-hour interview so yeah definitely a great watch oh teddy fresh by the way if you guys are wondering where my hoodie is quickly this comes out on thursday of next week the floral hoodie amongst a bunch of other cool stuff yep we have a few quick gaps that i want to share with you all before we get into the topic of the episode the real reasons for enemies broke up i've got a whole powerpoint essay that you guys are going to be absolutely compelled by but listen to this okay i saw this dan sent this to me or so i forgot one of you guys is it the marvel thing yeah yeah yeah i said a few okay so i saw this and i was like i was like i don't get the joke so you know tell me if you get the joke okay and i was first confused by it and this is the first time for me in the marvel universe this is so do you get it is it edited yeah so i was like why did someone edit this yeah like i don't get what's the joke but here's the real here's the real kicker this is actual media from marvel studios to promote that's owen wilson like someone like this is real media and then i understood what was fun is the first time for me in the marvel universe this is the first time for me in the marvel this reminds me when we would record our old h3 videos and sometimes like one take would really be so bad and you try to we would call it frankenstein you would really try to frankenstein and put it together cover it with the usually clip so you can't see the horrible yeah how bad could how bad could have his take been oh this is the first time for me and the marvel universe this is the first time for me in the marvel universe wow wow it's awesome wow they're taking out all the wows that's why it's so easy it's the first time for wow me wow i can't stop listening to this clip of owen talking about loki oh we got to watch that show by the way loki uh of the new show loki yeah i haven't um i i had a few friends reach out and ask me if i was watching though and said it was really good and they know that i'm like kind of anti-marvel and they were like but trust me you should watch this one so i'm not considering it yeah so he's in it apparently this is to promote that he's in it this is the first version i think he's one of the main characters along with the marvel universe along with loki that does make me want to watch it though i do like owen wilson yeah he's good but this is the first time before what happened the marvel universe this is the first time for me in the marvel universe this is the first time before me in the universe that the marvel gets me it's like the marvel did they just say really slow and they were like this has got to be like five second clip you know maybe spit it out but just do it again for me i don't know i don't know what happened but something terrible happened i like the the person who tweeted their comment that it just sounds like every single word is from a different sentence altogether that's what it sounds like yeah this is the first time for he brought they probably got him saying marvel from a movie where he said marvelous or something marvel yeah i love that you know we have a lot of our owen wilson soundbites so that's nice wow first time for me and this is the first time for me i think it has a filter on it too that's why it's making me the marvel universe first time for me could they not just be like hey me he said it a little too slow can we do a reshoot i think they never thought they i don't know what they thought bro i don't know what they thought me and the but so this is another thing that happened um someone over hollywood ian sent this to us or well this is obviously someone else's post but ian sent it as it was happening someone was writing in the sky and um well here's the message they left somebody got an airplane went in the skies over los angeles and left this message in the air joe rogan is literally five foot three i didn't know they had the technology how do they actually do this because i saw a video of it being written and they do it like one line at a time like a whole line with like how is that how are they doing this there's some software approach yeah it's it's called digital sky writing i looked into it and um yeah instead of like the traditional way where they just you know fly around and write out all the letters they have some sort of machine that releases yeah i'm just surprised they can get that kind of coverage because so it looks like it's big mm-hmm i'm not a doctor i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] how much does it cost did anyone talk about cost it's a at minimum it's like ten thousand dollars so whoever wanted to do this was willing to drop someone pay 10k for that yeah well i'm thinking i'm thinking like we like wasting money we could totally do this we could totally do this hp podcast is live now oh my god friday baby it's friday baby podcast is live we will convert the whole city of l.a this is crazy like you can spam the whole city with a bunch of [ __ ] so the thing is like teddy fresh new release hours the thing is that like so we were over on the 405 and we could see it from there it doesn't cover as much as the city as you would think but everyone talked about it that's true it was quite a bit because you guys yeah if you guys were over with the 405 yeah we saw it in hollywood i mean that's a that's that's a decent way to come back you spent on one um sign is this legal can you just go over the city and check it out yeah next i don't think you need a permit or anything can you just say like something really obscene though well like you know what i mean there's got to be some limit right i don't know i can look there's nothing some sort of regulation yeah oh [ __ ] because if we go like yo hd podcast live we're gonna have like the fbi probably at our door being like uh you wanna tell me about that a little bit can we look into the let's contact someone i wanna write some [ __ ] in the air i'm doing some uh i'm doing some research right now we saw it after this and it said um sincerely mike something yeah so he wasn't hiding his identity well he didn't write his last name he wrote something i think it did oh i just couldn't read it apparently he there was also another thing he wrote about like a proposal someone got proposed to and then then he dropped the joe rogan is literally 5'3 is joe rogan 5'3 though i i thought he no i'm not judging him i'm just surprised by that fact google says 5'7 but oh someone in the chat said someone did sky writing to matt get gates no no i can only imagine what that was about what did they say to matt gay wait let me see maybe you guys can look i don't know dude i'm fascinated by this i can't believe that this is something you can do with mike i mean epic it says tick tock matt gates oh like the clock ticking 99 000 people watching live wow thank you guys damn damn love you guys what's our sub count out because these guys were going crazy i'm just wondering how how many uh let me check we're we're already almost 4 000 above the three million marks going to the moon baby on our way to four million um that's actually that's really cool because we hit two million i want to say a long time ago yeah it took a long time two to three battles yeah it was it was a long time because a lot of people came over from our main channel but then it wasn't necessarily for them you know so it was like right a transition the truth is though i had like a long period of my mental health being horrible there was like two or three years where i was kind of just worthless i feel like and we were doing one episode a week for a long time remember yeah episodes just didn't feel right because we needed to learn how to do this right it is it does take a long time to like actually learn how to broadcast properly but for a long time we were doing one episode a week with just a guest so like there was no time to build a real like rapport with the audience and i was just like struggling mentally so i wasn't my head wasn't in the game we kept trying different formats like should we do 30 minutes without the guest and then bring the guest or you know we tried so many different things a lot of experimentation yeah yeah yeah well this is an amazing development in my life that we can skywrite so let's definitely look into this h3 podcast i'm googling around right now seriously compared to a billboard yeah you get so much more from i want to write all over the city people are going to hate teddy fresh though right that might be a bit much but hd podcast is live is kind of amazing i think we should do it's friday baby just it's friday baby how does that help me you know you know friday friday baby dan you just want to send out good vibes for 10k and i just i feel like uh paying it forward to gabe a little bit you know mm-hmm how about we just promote gabe then white clock games no we gotta do if hd podcast is live it's friday baby woo and then woo with like oh i thought it was just like you go up there one round oh man the cost is probably once you're in the air you're probably getting this balance yeah i have to find out i wonder if you could like paint oh is that jj that's project oh i haven't heard that one it sounds like gabe kind of yeah that's an interesting similar engineer another one but i wonder if you could just like draw a realistic like phallus yeah i've been googling around trying to find laws on it and it it it kind of seems like there really isn't that much that's amazing but it seems like let's make sure that they write laws after we're finished with the sky it seems like you people would be doing that all the time if well people don't have ten thousand dollars to waste on some dumb ass joke yeah this is a little different but i do luckily there's something called sky writing which is uh using the smoke trails of a plane to write something but that was banned in 1960 oh it's banned oh but that's but that's that's what this is this one this one is because this one's like a banner i'm talking about like actual smoke like they're isn't that no that's what the joe rogan yeah the joe rogan want to smoke dude yeah but it's the thing is i think they probably ban doing it the traditional way because they have to fly around really it it's erratically lots of noise pollution but with this digital kind they just fly in a straight line and it basically it's like a dot matrix printer it just kind of the matt gates one was a banner that was just a banner yeah it's a tick tock matt gates i don't want a banner i want yeah the banners that's i mean the writing is like i can never read the banners i see them flying over santa monica over the ocean i'm like whatever no the banners suck banner saw i need this and it was there for a while too that was what was interesting yeah it was there for like hours i felt like i think it depends on the weather on the day how fast it dissipates do you think there's chemtrails in those oh hell yeah they're dropping they're dropping the vaccine on us baby [Laughter] yeah that's why it was abandoned what if i wrote something like i'm dropping the vac panic fool panic mortals there's vaccine in this panic mortals oh yeah and someone is making me uncomfortable if someone said in the chat they spelled literally wrong which is oh i didn't even think about that it's stupid yeah they did guys i believe they really i think they redid it but we did it because there was a typo i forgot the r yeah i think i saw a screenshot that they like came back an hour later and fixed it really uh dude if you're gonna write in the sky you better get your [ __ ] straight oh no it's literally literally there is a debate about joe rogan's true height though because he does say he's like five eight or something but if you look next anyway it's all rabbit hole so apparently this guy's invested so he made it part of his engagement um oh this is another great one this is all top of the show stuff because it's just so good i want to make sure we talk about it so this is if we go way back we had a huge debate on the podcast about the sonic movie we were taking a bat we were all like this movie is going to be so horrible it actually turned out to me be like not we all lost the bet because it ended up getting like a normal rating yeah it got decent reviews yeah we all thought it was going to be the worst movie ever so but because we were basing it on the first trailer and everyone's like wow this is horrible so they went and redid sonic right anyway should we give a trigger warning to uh to sam before we discuss this oh do you need a warning sam yeah damn you might you might want to leave the room leave the studio for a minute we're going to talk about it [Laughter] so anyway we were all like we're going to see sonic and see how bad it is so ian listen to this this is amazing you saw sonic without taking a bite of your burger tell me what you thought of it yes um it was a good kids movie i mean it wasn't didn't blow me away kids movie look how young we look isn't that crazy how long ago was this we all look younger look how it was right before the pandemic it was only like a year ago yeah the sonic movie came out in february of 2020. dude we have a lot yeah that's the third time i mean we've been through the apocalypse in the last year wow i still had hair a year ago i actually didn't end up seeing it um did you buy tickets and naco uh yes that's correct so you paid you contributed to this yeah i did notice i was confused because he said he bought tickets until something was off we knew he bought tickets but he says i didn't go but they came out now just in the pre last week ian told a story about well do we have a clip to that story or time stamp oh no but um yeah ian told a story about how him and his girlfriend sam who also works for us now uh went to sonic high and had panic attacks sam said to ian he's so fast and they both cradled each other in the parking lot and just uh so so we found out ian i don't know if you want to speak on this but people put the dots together that you were lying about things sonic because you were so embarrassed about sonic tripping you guys out from being so fast ian they the h3 foot soldiers are very thorough like how did they even remember that i don't know i i know i know it's so crazy dude i saw a post and i was like oh this is the best and please stop shout out to everyone on that on the h3h3 production subreddit you all have been absolutely on fire lately oh yeah ian please stand up here's the clip that exposed ian here listen what did he what he said last week sam and i have have got high together one time and it was so traumatizing really again we went and saw the sonic movie oh really we went out of the house wait i like weed high or something yeah it was inedible yeah yeah it's different we haven't tried this specific one before and uh yeah it came out on valentine's day so we were like oh this will be kind of a funny thing and like 90 seconds in i just look over and sam's gone and i go out and yeah i go out into like the lobby and she's just wandering around looking like super terrified and i i go up i'm like are you okay what's going on and she's like he's he's so fast yeah so what happened ian were you you didn't you weren't ready to share that story with us at the time well i just didn't know if she wanted that public yet and that's why i wanted to check with her first do you want to comment on this or no i think at first we were just so embarrassed oh are you on a mic no actually oh she says you want to go with ian you can talk on ian's mike or if you don't want to be on camera that's fine too yeah join em so sam is coming over to explain cover-up the sonic cover-up by the way ian's shot it looks like just a head floating yeah it's so dark so embarrassed and i don't know i wanted to keep it in the tuck for a while but then we just realized it was so funny it is so funny yeah i know what you mean sometimes you need some space on the event before you realize it's funny then we we went into a bit of a tails spin oh my god and you could say we're get kind of knuckles heads oh my god oh you saw that coming i hate you because what this sonic sidekick is called stand up and tails and tails this is the other one knuckles and tails were you prepping when did you prep that oh i wrote that about four weeks ago two years ago before the pandemic yeah wow good job guys i'm glad we got the truth ian don't lie to me again so there you go shame shame shame lots of love sam's llama by the way oh yeah people were so happy with sam's uh llama for bella that was amazing i thought um it's an alpaca oh my fault excuse me uh it's an alpaca oh there's one other thing i want to say before we get into the main part of the show here i watch bo burnham special the inside special on netflix bro has anyone watched that i have not i saw you were going off first of all very good you were having an exercise i'm very worried about him i just i'm very worried about him i want him to be okay it's so depressing it's like so utterly depressing is it a comedy special it is a comedy but it's very depressing you can just tell it's really interesting i mean it's very good you can tell it's both entertaining and funny but you could just tell that he's in like such a bad place bro it's just like rough but it's very good yeah that's wild nobody's seen it though you guys should watch it all right let's move on to the main meme let's move on to our ad reads because it's that okay this one i'm excited to do kraken jesse from the kraken the guy who bought our limited edition gold nft vape niche afterwards i love this guy jesse from kraken he came out he's like yo besides that i want to sponsor i want to support the show this is such a great company kraken dot com slash h3ad jesse powell for the last 10 years kraken has been one of the best platforms for trading crypto online now with the new kraken app it's easier than ever to buy and sell over 60 of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the go 24 7. simply download the kraken app connect your bank account and start investing for as little as ten dollars just a minute is all it takes to get started and with the new kraken app you'll have your portfolio in your pocket wherever you go monitor your investments track winners and losers keep tabs on your favorite projects or view the most traded cryptocurrencies of the day it's all it's got all the features you need with none of the complexity it's a simpler way to invest in crypto so go to h3ad so they know who sent you and once again i just want to say i know that this cracking company is one of the longest standing most legit uh trading platforms for crypto i know this guy jesse is an ultimate dude a great guy and uh he's just he's a fan of the show supporting the show so we'd love that good taste in nfts oh bro he is what a taste maker so go head on over to h3ad we love you jesse thank you we got one more for you guys from public [Music] public this is a really cool one too i like these guys today sponsor is an investing app where you can buy and sell stocks follow investors and share ideas so on here's the thing public uh supports a bunch of people like phil defranco emma chamberlain cody ko graham stefan i don't know who graham is do you anyone know graham stefan probably a great guy he's he's such a good guy oh he is okay but this isn't about gram seven this is about public i'm on it too dan swardlow from the h3 podcast huh dan swerdwa from the hdpogus loves he's about as famous as graham stefan actually could someone i want to see who this can you google gramps he's a real estate investor i believe who makes youtube videos grand stefan we love him let me get a picture of this graham stefan character this just turned into a weird big ass promo for graham stefan click all right get on track oh i do know him actually love says he watched all of his videos love how do you follow everybody knows everything about you why is it there what can i say i'm uh i'm a youtube connoisseur yeah you're a really valuable asset i actually have to say because you know everything so you like this guy graham graham staff stefano oh yeah he he's like a economic economic like youtuber it's a no wonder that he loves h3h3 public is the best place to invest especially if you're just getting started the app is free and you can start with as little as one dollar that's what's kind of novel and exciting about public is that you can buy slices or portions of a stock instead of the full share like if you look at amazon i don't know what their stock is probably like 300 bucks or something i don't know for one stop so you don't need 300 to buy amazon with public you can get a slice and get investing so it's it's great i mean it's a great way to learn and to grow your portfolio without having to commit a ton of money doesn't sell your data or information to third parties or market makers like other investment apps you'll get a free slice of stock what's funny oh i just i looked up the stock price of amazon you were off by an order of magnitude a share of amazon is three thousand four hundred and eighty six dollars right three thousand bro i wish i bought amazon back in the day yeah right i'm conflicted though because i hate jeff bezos so much but it's like you kind of gotta get in or get you know what i mean it's like he's still making money like crazy dan's giving me this probably not during the ad read but i'm just saying it's a great stock to buy i just don't like the guy yeah i understand you know what i'm saying fair enough i mean it's one of the best stocks can just say you know this is not investment advice no no no no this is not investment advice what the [ __ ] do i know about investing you get a free slice of stock when you go to h3h3 to download the public app get started today and make sure to follow me say what follow me you follow me what's your thing how do they follow you i think uh my username's just sword love i believe my last name so wordlove uh yeah and then they can see what trades you're making uh yeah although it does give you if if that freaks you out you can uh you can set it to private interesting follow dan uh this is not investment advice once again make sure you go to h3h3 to get a free stock slice link is in the description thank you thank you thank you [Music] great sponsors today yeah okay so anyway we're about to get into the meat of it so thank you guys okay here we go the real reason frenemies broke up the moment you've all been waiting for okay i want to preface this by saying that i'm not my intention here is not to stir the pot what i really want to do is highlight all of the great content that came out of this okay so you guys know that the three percent thing was has been kind of a meme three three you hold my back oh my god bro trish is like five she's just watching at home she's like five don't lie about me you're changing the number right out of the gate off to a good start at one percent the five percent became quite an issue for tricia and apparently for her whole family because her sister went to tick-tock to talk about the day well bro you get you gotta just watch this because this one really kind of i was like really okay so this for me is when the five percent meme took off and to be honest with you guys i'm just trying to make the best of this situation that is is quite sour to be frank and so i watch this with peace and love i watch this with peace and love just for the memes okay i do have a little disclaimer to make should i do it now go ahead i just want to say i know that there's a lot of heated um people following this situation because of course it's a crazy one and we're all following it but i just want to remind everyone it's real people and you know moses especially being my brother i just would like to at least say like try not to send hate and try to be mindful that they're still real people and so they claim so they claim i'm just i'm kidding i'm kidding we're all real people we're all real people but i know that right now it's i'm kidding that we're all people it's probably not easy on them right now you're not saying that the truth the the voice of reason and serenity no no hate and war we want peace and love peace and love only good you look good okay you got him well stated well stated stand up villa did you get it hey let's stand up do you we have the sound stand up i i will put that together after the show um with that being said okay so anyway thank you thank you for the disclaimer yeah don't send hate please um they are people but you know i'm just i'm trying to i'm trying it's funny it's funny and i need to cope i am a comedian or you know fine but i tell myself or i don't necessarily believe myself either but anyway here's the video and it blew my tits right off my fat body that's a new one now that's a sound bite so there's three parts to make it okay let me let me just start over because i don't want to miss a moment dan you might want to crank it a little bit this is important so you can pause to read this but um i want to make it known that he didn't even take the time or effort to watch my sister's video she was just doing a trigger warning to people that had essay because she was talking about the handle stick incident so this disney trip was actually planned um for my sister's birthday it was me my mom and moses and that was it um i know that they were at a family event um at ethan's house and ethan incidentally invited himself to our family surprise um and we paid for him ethan and ela did not pay for their vip ticket to disneyland and um there's more that's part one dude it's so so hard probably it's just you gotta understand how hard it is for me to not say anything about that it's impossible look she's calling me out publicly and then they say oh ethan's not supposed to respond she ended up removing them right well just for the record yeah she removed them when everyone's like you're really complaining about disneyland what is wrong with you but i'm just saying she thought she was doing something okay let me let me respond so this is the real reason we broke up apparently so she's first of all saying we invited ourselves to her surprise party this is where it's just so frustrating for me you know we we obviously didn't invite ourselves we were invited as trisha even says in her video it's like they can't even keep their stories straight we were invited was that the only accusation she made there because it keeps going the best part comes later but yeah trisha says we invited them graciously she says anyway here's the best part um she made a three-parter yes my sister didn't know about this but um we end up paying for ethan neela which is crazy because he takes that five percent and vip tickets to disneyland is not cheap this is that was by far my favorite the clan is that i take the five percent therefore i need to cover every cost in their life and i was like what can't this five percent cover why i the fact that i haven't ended world hunger and poverty with my five percent it's just that it's insane it's irresponsible so she said again but like it's so funny okay first of all like they there's just so many layers bro they invited us and now they're complaining that we didn't pay for our disney ticket he takes that five percent but i actually have to say is that we begged them i begged them to let me pay you think i wouldn't beg them to let me pay i'm not a freeloader they're making it sound like a percent they're making it sound like i'm freeloading disney tickets i'm talking about skywriting some [ __ ] in the air for ten thousand dollars i don't care about the price of disney tickets but i beg them to pay all along the line i beg them i bend them pay for the tickets i asked are you sure you don't mind us coming no we love you uh you're you're my friend i always go with my family only i'm so happy that i have friends coming and now it's like you get five percent you didn't even pay for the tickets i'm sorry that is [ __ ] hilarious it's like the five percent has become this dialogue in her whole family it's like they're all just sitting there counting the five percent like it takes that five percent you got her whole family you're just like the five percent five that's a small number one two three four five out of a hundred it takes a hundred numbers there's five of them one two three four five that's it how much should i take for production costs one a quarter percent five percent you should be paying i am paying so she goes they didn't even pay for their tickets by the way just to clarify because i've done the vip tour a shitload of times okay and how it works is you pay a flat fee hourly and it doesn't matter how many people you even bring up to 10. so the fact that she's even saying we didn't pay for our vip tickets is is funny considering that the vip tour price literally doesn't change for the amount of people you bring up to 10 people it's a normal disney ticket five percent i was like i was like what's her name callie or something i said kelly you know what with my five percent just send me your send me your rent send me your bills trisha moses everybody mom send me all your bills come on i've got the five percent give me give me give me give me give me and you guys are buying a new house i'll take the mortgage on that i got it i just don't get it why do they do this and you know trisha went off about how jeffree star like hangs up hangs like the did the vegas trip over her and then you got her out here talking about five percent and 100 disney tickets and then they go he didn't even pay for dinner he said he was gonna pay for dinner he did i begged we all offered him begged we offered so many times but trisha was like i love playing it's my birthday i love paying i took out my car i said no no no take it take my car take my car take it she goes no no no no no take it take it take it no no no no no no no i love paying for stuff take my card i said i was going to buy dinner i wanted no and then like fast forward of that five percent and he didn't even pay for dinner i'm saying i'm sorry i said you guys send me the bill i'll pay it even to this day send me the bill in fact i have trisha's payment info i'm gonna include an extra thousand for her just for the troubles pain and suffering and interest as well i'm gonna send her a thousand dollars you know she can give that to callie since they're so disturbed but the thing that really rubs me wrong is that like you know that if cali is saying this it's coming from the whole unit of people that they're sitting there circle jerking about the five percent loss anyway that's that i'm gonna keep playing it five percent and i i don't know why he felt compelled to ask me and my mom or bring it up in the situation that how we felt about her having a candlestick up her you know what it made us very uncomfortable especially we had just such a fun day and it was really disgusting uh i think that he wanted the shock value but i think that he forgets that they really think i was doing that on purpose i just can't stomach that yeah i mean we did a whole episode about how i was embarrassed about it exactly they like spun this narrative that i'm like trying to embarrass the whole family you said to yourself we've had a really nice day together i'm not trying to the thing is that throughout the day we were talking about how they watch frenemies all the time dude they knew every detail of the show i can see why you thought you know that it would be okay to bring it up they knew but still when you did we were just like i wasn't don't bring it out you know whatever and then we all moved on yeah i saw it missed and i felt really bad and you know it's just i don't know yeah i'm sorry about that you know it was embarrassing for me but on the flip side oh god don't say it ethan callie no no i'm not going to say it i'm sorry we're family at the end of the day i was not appreciative of that especially since we paid for everything even we paid for the dinner we had to pay for it yeah i wouldn't have been so offended if ethan would have paid for something we don't care about money by the way since we paid for everything even we paid for the dinner he wanted to pay for you didn't pay for [ __ ] for a dinner exactly we did and then trisha didn't let us i'm supposed to argue with her like you know what when you're you see your aunt so arguing with the car like i'm gonna pay i'm gonna you want me to argue with her for an hour let me to pay just pay i'm not gonna [ __ ] like the scene okay i don't care that much i offered to pay i said i was gonna pay i took out my car we had a little tiff and i said you know what if you want to pay them [ __ ] pay i don't give a [ __ ] i'm not gonna flip the table and cause the scene and start yelling i don't know what you want from me call ahead of time hey just so you know we're gonna be coming to your restaurant around 5 p.m this girl trisha or cali or someone's going to try to pay reject their card cut it in half with your scissors do not accept payment from them it's like what length do i need to go just i said i would pay just let me pay i don't understand the whole [ __ ] hub bub he takes that five percent oh it's so frustrating this is actually the issue they're bringing up like this is the stuff that the show broke up over the five percent the disney tickets anyway so there's that part and he takes that five percent and you know i wouldn't have been so offended if he would have just paid for something that sounds genuine i was disgusted especially considering we paid for everything sounds genuine dude sounds like you were really offended if he would have paid for dinner i would have let it slide and not made this video and this one is for the people that think that i solely work for my sister or needed a job at h3 um i actually worked for myself i have my own business as a spicy accountant and um yeah i was trying to figure out what a spice accountant us that's what i heard too what is this what the hell is that the spice accountant i mean i know she has like maybe spice is a uh an acronym for yeah because i know she has like a of account i think i thought it was spicy content i heard spicy content oh oh okay yeah that makes sense she makes spicy content oh wait what because she does you know i don't want to say anything vulgar but i see accountants you know what she means okay spicy content yeah spicy content i got it spicy content because it's just such a weird way to phrase it i don't know i mean i agree she may have a spicy accountant we don't know what does that mean accounting for like a spice shop spicy my account attitude they got oregano you know accounting for the five percent dude my account takes more than five percent no i'm just saying what can you get in life for five percent what can you get in life for five percent it doesn't seem like a lot it just doesn't i'm sorry it just isn't a lot okay and then this last part was great too because there's this whole weird fantasy narrative that trisha dreamed up after after the breakup that i was supposed to hire her sister this was never brought up to us first of all trisha told me she used to work for her and then she made her own spicy content and now she's killing it and doesn't and she says i have trouble finding an assistant because i only like working with family i was like who said she's looking for a job i didn't know she was even looking for a job she says herself she acts like i was trying i didn't thought she was talking about hiring her this is nothing it doesn't exist this that doesn't exist nobody's hiring her it's not even a conversation we ever had all of a sudden everyone's talking about hiring callie i was like what yeah when i'm done hiring kelly i'll hire the pope to do our gaffing a list of other people that i would never hire and who aren't looking for work yeah when we're done let's get biden in here to do some [ __ ] the lighting joe biden what what are you talking about anyway and this one is for the people that think that i solely work for my sister maybe maybe this is a joke i think the only person she goes and this is for everyone that believes i was looking for work your sister's the only one this is a video for your sister to say and for trisha terry um i actually work for myself i have my own business as a spicy accountant and um i highly doubt that h3 could afford me i think she is she is i've i figured it out yeah that's an acronym people are saying that's what people don't say yeah oh if people say they're accountants oh okay so so it was very confusing it wasn't focusing i just it was popularized by tick tock that's why i love fans the [ __ ] are so innovative bro i've learned new ways to say [ __ ] to get around sensors that have been so useful honestly because when we do these live shows if we mess around and say the wrong thing the whole episode can get deemed so now i'm talking about spicy accountants i'm talking about essay talking about you know and all these things that you want to talk about but it's great so she doesn't deal in spices she does not uh she does not deal in well she was never a dealer she just she just did ran the numbers for a dealer for the spices for yeah a spice trader got it from the silk road really needed some paprika oh a vendor so anyway she i like by the way she says i doubt you could afford me it's like i never ever i'm not eat i'm not crunching the numbers i'm not looking to hire you by the way and then listen if she says afford i'm sorry i know i'm being maybe too much but i'm being extra but and um i highly doubt that h3 could afford me a ford i shouldn't i'm the guy you're the last person okay over here singing singing the other day you were really hitting that thing so anyway you're right i couldn't afford you and i have no intentions of of fitting it in my budget nor did i ever actually i was looking to hire um uh yeah i was looking to hire uh someone funny to say an accountant like someone really high profile that would never want to work for us dave chappelle i was looking to hire dave chappelle to do uh to run research for us though he was ahead of the list for you and this is the first time for me i was looking to hire owen wilson's editor in the marvel yeah by the way if i hired cali this is what our editing would be like play that owen wilson this is callie's work this is the first time for me in the marvel universe first i was like wow callie great job on the editing i'm glad i'm paying a hundred thousand dollars a month [Laughter] well anyway so this blasted off the five percent meme because i was like i was like wow this really is the real problem the five percent so um i responded a few tick tocks uh here's my first one i made this one i can't play the music because i just played john lennon imagine all the people and it's just me welcome to utopia if i saw world hunger probably with my five percent and then there was another one this one came from the subreddit i think and it was so funny you know um richest people in the world bill gates jeff bezos ethan klein five percent cut from frenemies and then the subreddit was just exploding with these five percent memes it was so good he takes that five percent i know it's brutal it's brutal it's just unfair to cause to charge that much so here i'm going to read some of the ones from the subreddit ethan and dan with the five percent of frenemy's gun the gravity chair i will i tell dad by the way if you want that gravity chair it's in dan's court i told him i'll buy it he's dragging his feet it's gonna happen he takes that five percent uh actual this is the actual photo just off the camera uh of the of the studio with the five percent you can see the users after size yeah guys i want to say keep those memes coming on the subreddit because at this point we can make a whole podcast episode just about the subreddit memes they've been really funny so good and i saw someone i think it was a post at some point like don't you just love memes like it can really bring uh so much comedy and humor out of this situation that's what i love about it downtown l.a after you ethan uses his five percent to give back to the community flying cars a perfect utopian environment a venezuela economy stabilizes by donation from ethan clyde's five percent trisha paytas has been quoted saying he still owes me for disney well there's money for everyone in that five percent oh is that a little uzi vert's 20 million pink diamond next time we see ethan after he spends that five percent he takes that five percent ethan collins net worth he is a comedian with a net worth of five percent that's five percent of friendlies crazy that ethan makes this much these are malaysian bamboo floors oh i don't get this one i guess this is a deep cut meme richest people in the world this one we already saw emergency alert the billionaire known as h3 has just purchased the entirety of the state of california with what he calls the 5 enemies money this is what trisha thinks is happening with our five percent [Music] oh so funny you guys are so funny bro [Laughter] oh is that smog from the hobbit ethan with this five percent i'm the dragon smog governing my stolen treasures the five per oh this one's really good the five percent the highlights revenue oh [ __ ] nothing could be true but we haven't even gone to that there's only a tip of the iceberg boy ethan and ela looking at the five percent in the basement hd podcast more like the h5 podcast oh come closer i need i need five percent uh they were so funny so you know what guys though in seriousness um oh we made our own memes eh these are all original oh this was cam grant's you know i love this [ __ ] me with the indiana jones you know from later this was raiders of the lost ark five percent it's a heist five percent of frenemies adsense it's aladdin's uh the treasure those thinking treasures or something agrabah agrabad thank you five percent cover so this is if what i when i spend the five percent on love's repairs it turns into an actual uh war robot instead useful the five percent of frenemies woeful wall street gag we like that that's it nice but anyway in all seriousness guys i know i'm just i'm having too much fun here but um there is um something serious that we prepared about the five percent that i want to share with you guys now so ian if you will do me the honors of playing our five percent video [Music] lord ethan klein sits before you to hear the petitions of the five percent of my vast wealth i shall hear the first commoner dan the producer come before your lord please pay homage to the ring bow before me your grace thank you now what would you like of my five percent of vast wealth your grace i humbly request [Music] but a simple sixteen thousand dollar zero gravity workstation ah yes the zero gravity workstation tis but a drop of my vast five percent fortune consider your petition granted now please scuttle away president rooney you are a lord amongst lords away with him uh grant him the request next up ian the employee please present me with your petition please humble yourself before the ring no no no no no on all knees with your forehead to the ring please can i get like a mat or no a mat touch your forehead to the ring kneecaps hurt a little bit okay all right okay all right what would you like of me your lord of infinite vast wealth i was wondering if i could maybe get this this player suit uh play a suit for mike warren worn by will smith and bad boys too unique purple player suit from bad boys too worn by will smith a mere 1 million dollars the shipping though is pretty good oh that is a good deal only 200. yeah nice that's like a fraction of the cost yeah consent to your petition granted is a drop of my vast wealth of the five percent of frenemies thank you sir thank you for humbling yourself before me good ian the next petitioner is a beast come before your lord and humble yourself all right what are you doing then i'm at santa claus bro sorry i'll be starting off so though holiness not holy well just gets the ring bro come on all right what do you want i have a lot of student loan debt student loan debt like a hundred thousand a hundred thousand in student loan that a drop in my vast fortune consider it granted what's what did you do really no okay i do have like seventy thousand oh seventy for what medical school yeah oh no i need that one consider it wiped away from your slaves thank you uh a mere drop in my vast fortune of wealth from the five percent of frenemies the next petitioner bring in zach the sound lad you're my lord my lord thank you please humble yourself before you be in your presence the 5 speaks for itself what can i do for you please and your good grace is my lord go ahead can i please have paul newman's 17 million dollar rolex 17 million reference number 6239 please my lord 16 million [Laughter] a drop in the bucket of my vast wealth here young zach oh my god of goodwill oh my lord thank you my lord my lord i am swimming in endless country oh my lord thank you absolutely thank you my lord go with grace and the fight and service of the five percent oh we have another request from dan dan step before your lord once again humble yourself yes thank you my lord i heard the other petitioners and i realized i kind of lowballed you hardcore with that sixteen thousand dollars yeah seventeen million dollars whatever your wishes so all i ask my lord is for a vip trip to disneyland disney tickets oh i can't afford that dan i am sorry that is well beyond my vast wealth of five percent uh no out of the question i uh no i am sorry uh please usher him out [ __ ] disney tickets is well beyond my sucks all right calm down to it be humble disney tickets is well beyond my means of five percent so oh that guy uh i believe the nerve on that guy so that's it guys what do you all think oh you've ever been yeah that was fun that was awesome that was super fun so there you have it you know i can afford everything in this world but uh not disney tickets how dare you ask that of me dan he takes that five percent yeah love that was a lot of fun so that's it that's the real reason for enemies broke up apparently who made the five percent hat oh we just used so we used ian did the fashion show oh yeah right that was his triangle that was his shungite you know it's funny that that whole king outfit was just from our existing props we're starting to build quite a rep repertoire repertoire yeah the sword was from philadelphia yep the the cape was just a red curtain from the old office right clasped over me and the money was from the uh idubbbz uh ricegum video right from years ago yeah yeah that's the realest looking fake money i've ever seen i've done that okay i had to double check it i was like is there a real bill on top or something when i found it i'm like oh [ __ ] this is where it's higher the five percent no it's it's locked away somewhere much safer well it almost feels bad to move on because it was so much fun but but we have a really fun segment actually the david dobrik's return no oh we're almo well so yeah we're coming up there's a few more things we're coming up on what we're going to do ultimately no i want to do these is um we have an international food segment snacks snacks foods that we're all going i'm not gonna chew into the microphone i promise so don't freak out but you guys hurt i'm gonna do my best you know but very good point dan you know it's funny because once for enemies ended everyone's been joking that all these people came back david dobrik came back yeah tati came back people are happy to see tati i didn't know people like tatin but they're happy to see her apparently tati jeffrey starr came back you know it's kind of what was that oh is that that was a tati in the beginning of one of her videos [Music] very specific play that against that hard to tell seriously zach why would you pull that well i think we i think it was already pulled from one week at the time oh cause she didn't cut it yeah yeah it was like the video started and she was like yeah i was being real critical of her video good job zach thank you i don't understand your vast intellect at times it's clear to me now so anyway you know david dobrik came back and people really don't give a [ __ ] it's pretty amazing like if you go to his channel dude people are so stoked to have david back um you know i'll just show you we mentioned isn't didn't shane tease a comeback oh yeah shane is coming back as well right yeah but you know um 6 million views and 700 000 likes his views aren't saying i didn't realize they're so crazy is that like these ones have like 15 30 20 million holy [ __ ] it's good to be david dobrik huh and like he posted on instagram and um 2.3 million so people really don't care it's kind of amazing you know i feel like unless you get a literally arrested then right nothing nobody cares yeah like if you get arrested then they'll be like oh okay i understand that's true i mean yeah that's true even then there's still cosby defenders out there oh yeah [Music] yep bunch of them cancel culture run amok speaking of which this is kind of interesting liza koshy i saw that just came out of the closet or i think i don't know why but i think she made a post yeah everyone seems to agree so i'm not speaking at a turn here but i'll show you she made a post uh with her i think it's her girlfriend because i mean correct me if i'm wrong but she posted this photo and she said happy belated birthday baby i can't wait to see you at the end of the aisle one day i mean that's saying she wants to marry her right i have no idea which role you'll play like male or female or like the man or the woman or whatever so but that seems pretty clear what is this that you just posted ian i just saw that like a correction i think oh wait what is this what does it say explain yourself oh she added to the description well here it's in the description then i'll just read it how about my efficient flower girl usher the redick hot bridesmaid that effortlessly shows up direct regardless you know wait what so she's saying it's not a yeah but then why would she write it like that okay because i wasn't sure but then i started trending and everyone's like oh for sure she just came out now i'm just confused yeah no there's a lot of articles that uh we're saying a lot of fans were speculating that she was coming out so well sorry okay regardless you know you'll be there check your inbox for the picture list so wait why would she say i'll see you down the aisle one day exactly got me with that sake yeah like i don't know it's just i guess i'm just confused i don't know i think it's also that we just like can't i don't know if pride month is over but no it's just june it's all june right yeah i really like that i really wanted to feel like maybe that's kind of why everyone immediately assumed too but the way it was worded no i read it before the edit and it it seemed i mean it wasn't a direct confirmation but um one day yeah which role you'll play the f you know she's in love but i don't know what's happening anymore just best friends yeah okay so i take everything back psyched out i just got psyched out hard chet hank style but like okay i mean hmm okay it's up to her it's her business you know i just thought she was doing something so take it back regardless david is back and everybody's happy to see him including trisha by the way who tweeted something like so happy david's back i was like girl you can't you got me in the trenches against him and you can't even keep your [ __ ] straight so anyway we got a sneak peek of some of his videos coming up it was actually leaked um lovebot zapped into his mainframe and was able to uh get a get a peek for on all the thumbnails he's uploading it's weird though that this one says one year ago for example that doesn't make any sense right it says one year ago how odd point that out releasing the unlisted collection um here's one coming up leaving mystery packages in public places and there's a swat team that sounds pretty fun not very cool though was he like that's that seems kind of edgy uh crashing my best friend's mom's funeral oh that is tasteless dude i missed the mark with that one i'll say so that is not a place to joke [Laughter] giving kim jong-un a tesla wait a minute he doesn't need that come on he's rich he's he's a dictator he kills people david that's not something to joke about oh there's descriptions chipotle gift card inside of the mystery package uh the one about the crashing my best friend's mom's funeral that was a lot of fun i miss this thank you ea for helping me surprise some people true james charles does my makeup okay so he's like he's like uh pennywise the clown from it he says it suits me so well oh no oh here's a good prank i am the messiah god chose me as the chosen one my word is law now thanks to seek geek [Laughter] interesting he is pretty close to starting his own quote so that one's a little close to home i feel like oh this one's interesting ending nuclear armistice war crimes wow his production value went up he's got he's got his hands on nuclear weapons that's got to be expensive poke some holes in his condoms that is not funny that's illegal i think actually you never saw it coming subscribe to zayn that's inappropriate what do you think about that do not come condom it's just a prank bro that's true oh this one was this one was way out of line convincing my jewish friends it's 1938 stop it stop it i can't keep getting away with this that is inappropriate to joke about david even as a prank giving out fake food in uganda hilarious what why would you do that isn't there like a famine there just give them real food david here they are with pig oh here they are with pictures of hamburgers but not a real hamburger david that's disgusting they were so disappointed thank you chipotle for sponsoring this video and nickelodeon for providing the toys dude someone's got to stop this man oh no no no no no i'm afraid to even click this one you guys i'm afraid to even click this one you don't think so do you see that click that one can i describe it no just move on he said i'll describe it he says going on my own anti-bullying bullying tour outside of high school with some kind of i didn't this is so inappropriate how about this one can i click this one yeah that one oh no here well this is david i mean let's my airplane landed in a terrible spot unforgettable david that is so [ __ ] out of that is just not okay you know dude i am disgusted by it and finally cutting holes in my friend's parachutes can't believe how fast he plops subscribe to jeff yeah this this anti-bullying tour is pretty outrageous honestly wow yeah so david's back everybody so enjoy the ride so much to look forward to yeah oh you guys okay there's one more before we get to the snack segment these are all good stuff so just trust me on this jeff tubin he what network did he work for dan abc something or cnn well this clip is from him getting hired at cnn he he uh previously just worked for uh new york times so this is a journal a new yorker or something a journalist yes and they were having some kind of meeting yeah zooming he's going to the bathroom oh okay there ha ian needs to go to the bathroom everybody oh zap okay yeah don't put this on me sorry i'm totally misunderstood you're good ian wait why do i have a weird feeling that we talked about this no we did okay but this is an update okay okay i'm just like so jeff toobin is a reporter during a meeting because he didn't realize his camera was on but he's on a meeting and he's let's say pleasuring himself right fully nude feverishly during a call meeting and it became this big story he's like this respected journalist too so it was super odd so here now this is the worst this is like the worst thing i've ever seen so he comes out on cnn to apologize to the world and this is maybe the most cringe thing i've ever seen in my life this is news by the way bringing in cnn chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin to talk about this and more hi jeffrey hello allison it's been a while it has been a while indeed i feel like we should address um what's happened in the months since we've seen you since some of our viewers may not know what has happened so uh i guess i'll recap i'll do the honors this is a lot you guys know it's coming right you know what's coming yep yourself okay um in october you were on a zoom call with your colleagues from the new yorker magazine everyone took a break for several minutes during which time you were caught masturbating on camera i got to give it up to this guy's libido like he's old and he's he's got he's like i got two minutes of free time i need to go beat one out that's intense for an old man i haven't had a libido like that since i was like a teenager it's like i gotta beat one out i have two minutes of free time you know what i mean that's pretty impressive dude uh you were subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there and you since then have been on leave from cnn do i have all that right um you got it all right seth why are they doing it why are they doing this though it's such a public humiliation what to say okay so let's start there um to quote jay leno what the hell were you thinking well obviously i wasn't thinking very well or very much and um it was something that was inexplicable to me i think one point i i wouldn't exactly say in my defense because nothing is really in my defense i didn't think i was on the call i didn't think other people could see me thought that you had turned off your camera correct i thought that i had turned off the zoom call now that's not a defense this was deeply moronic and indefensible but i mean that that is part of that that is part of the story um and you know i have spent this seven subsequent months miserable months in my life i can certainly confess i'm trying to be a better person i mean in therapy oh look at you just jerked off it's like it's not that big it's not like he didn't kill anyone he just got beaten he thought he turned the camera off but you like you got to be careful bro you don't need therapy it's not like we don't need to like publicly like flog you you've got caught beating off but the problem is as an older as a man who's been around this is a cnn legal analyst you gotta know to turn the camera point the camera away don't ever touch yourself in front of a camera on or off that's the rule i mean it's a little more than that if they were having a meeting no the meeting was over it was over she said it was over but the zoom was still on here let's go back i want all the details on this tubing i'm here live what has happened so uh i guess i'll recap i'll do the honors you gotta watch this again help yourself okay um just like i did to my [ __ ] i helped myself to my [ __ ] uber you were on a zoom call with hey a b is they see down all the way steaming your colleagues from the new yorker magazine everyone took a break for several minutes during which time you were caught masturbating they took a break for several minutes and the skype whipped it out it's inappropriate well at least just go don't be in front of the camera sometimes look humans are disgusting and sometimes they just you have urges and like just don't do it in front of the camera i'm saying i'm impressed by the man's libido don't get me wrong do you think he was staring at one of his co-workers though or something weird that's why it's inappropriate because you don't know oh and everyone on the call though can you imagine watching that go down no do not come he's debated that direct command from the vice president yeah this is one of the craziest things i've seen on live television on camera uh you were subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there so you're saying he does need therapy we need to fix jeff toobin i mean maybe i don't know we need to fix you jeff stop just like when god calls down jeff stop touching yourself and you since then have been on leave from cnn do i have all that right um you got it all right sad to say okay so let's start look at this dude in the back just like get a load of this [ __ ] there's a dude standing right here just judging you see this guy i'm gonna come this guy's like what the hell right there yo look at this guy he's got a front row seat what the hell were you thinking well obviously am i crazy thinking very well or oh my god um it was something that was inexplicable to me i think one point i i wouldn't exactly say in my defense because nothing is really in my defense i didn't think i was on the call i didn't think other people could see me you thought that you had turned off your camera correct i thought that this guy has not looked the way once you love that he's just focused i had turned off the zoom call now that's not a defense this was deeply moronic and indefensible but he got it i mean that that is part of that that is hard [Music] what do you guys think about this is this a understandable mistake or or un undefendable he should have you got to know not to do that in front of the camera you got to know not to yeah how [ __ ] stupid are you i mean on a call i mean he's an old man he's probably got kids and [ __ ] yeah i don't know i mean regardless of his age like well you i feel like i've never known about this rule oh god you don't beat it in front of a camera i mean like you're waiting camera your phone has a camera yeah i'm not gonna oh my mom's calling oh we're supposed to get a call from my mom what we're talking about yeah it's uh she wants to talk about this i hope not my mom wanted to call in because she heard the cringe stories and my mom tells me i've got the best story she hypes it up like crazy yeah here she's she's internet she's interested i was like okay mom i'll let you call i want to hear her story all right but mom are you here i'm sending her the link right now calling your phone okay well yeah she's calling me mom call mom if you're watching called she had messaged me and she's calling me it's funny i am live doing a show mom i'm not going to pick up your call maybe i would but like amy you you you got to know not to do that what do you mean you don't know about this role i mean so you guys like if you're using your phone you cover the camera or no if i'm on like a call oh yeah yeah if i've if there's some kind of call or something you have to like quadruple check that that's not yes oh so that's why you always got up and go to the bathroom maybe you turn your camera off during our zoom call yeah that's why get a tube in yourself stop i cringe at this whole tubing thing because my person who've been on the tube my no my the meat tube the meat no the uh because the tube in uh situation when it first came up probably was my most embarrassing moment on the show because i got duped and i put the wrong video in the document for the last time we talked about it yeah i thought it was like a filtered version of the video but i guess it was just some kind of uh fake video but yeah i literally don't know what you just said i'm glad no one else remembered when we first talked about this when it first happened yeah i thought i had the video on the doc it was a fake video it was a fake remember that oh what was the video it doesn't matter it was it was fake it was fake what the hell fake what do you mean fake did anyone watch it we watched it on the show you guys just put links in willy-nilly there was a even this was like a whole debate it became like a whole thing on the episode you don't have any recollections no okay well we've been we've been down this road okay let's not relitigate it so we are currently waiting for my mom to call in with her embarrassing story and of course i want her opinion on the jeff tubin fiasco as well right um my mom who is going trying to figure out how to use zoom this could be a while i tested with her yesterday but is the other one texting with her now yeah i just i yes okay she's got the link by the way bo burnham had a whole song about and his new special inside about how he's got a call with his mom and it's like this it's like i got a call with my mom her thumb is over the camera it's just like all this you know the [ __ ] you deal with when you call your mom how her thumb was over the camera for the whole time and he's trying to explain to her not to put her thumb over the camera you know very funny stuff i gotta watch it um let me read these messages by my mom i'm sure they're interesting let's see hi dan it's donna i just left the restaurant i'm sitting in my car i don't want to drive knowing you're going to call how on time are you guys should i drive back it's hot sitting in the car is she sitting in her car right now in the hot car use the ac mom what the hell my parents are so cheap they literally won't put on the ac they refuse to put to start the engine and run the ac [Music] i swear my parents are the cheapest people in the live and they're not tight trust me i know they're not on a tight situation they can afford to run the ac in their five percent covers that yeah you want to try calling her back live on the show you want me just to get my phone out i mean scholar what she may she got the link i mean what's the big deal what does it literally just click the link mom just click the link right yes correct but if i call her it's gonna distract her even more right then it's gonna if i call her it's gonna add another 30 minutes this is what she's doing right now with her glasses she's got her glasses on and she's like how the [ __ ] do i do this thing i clicked the link and then my dad said donna just give me the phone no gary i can do this how the [ __ ] does this work click the [ __ ] link hello it's not working that's literally what's happening in the car my dad's sitting there like this [Music] i don't wanna just click the link i don't think your dad's there because she she gave me the whole explanation she was going to lunch with her her girlfriends and then and then she ran out to her car how is this complicated there's a link on the chat that you click dan any update from her no i mean you're seeing everything i'm seeing we're in the same group chat okay let me call her she's like ethan i'm dying of heat well turn on the ac i've got the windows down she's in woodland hills it's like 110 degrees hi mom just click the link all right click the link yes all right hold on no rush no rush we're just on a live show with 108 000 people watching oh no i jeez for some reason it's not coming up shoot ethan you see a link on your phone the dan sent no i don't she doesn't see a link dan oh here we go vip call yep that's the whatsapp group and then dan sent a zoom link if you go ahead and click that okay okay all right explain just to describe everything as it's happening well i'm in my car [Music] air conditioner on yeah it's just it's like 100 degrees it's like 100 degrees in woodland hills why wouldn't you use the ac in your car i'm not in woodland hills i'm in calabash well regardless of where you are it's clearly hot okay it is hot and i okay here here's the parking lot i'm gonna pull into the parking spot okay so you're driving yeah well yeah um junior high school went to lunch okay really kind of cool that is cool and everybody looks really really good oh look at there's a nice change spot in the parking spot okay so please enter my name my name is entered okay all right we got the link mom you're you're the part you're parked in this in the shade are you gonna put on your ac well i got the ac on and here's a spot that's under a tree okay wait we see you in the room okay so let's see if this works dan's gonna yeah okay i'm about to hang up okay and then we'll bring you in by zoom okay i'm gonna hang up all right go ahead dan that's some real high level mom [ __ ] right there yeah go for it what the hell are you waiting for me for [Music] okay okay thank you i was like don't wait for me i'm spent like 29 minutes on a live show waiting for my mom to connect says uh joining oh he is yeah joining mom is parked in the shade somewhere in calabasas with the top down oh she's gone she's gone just disappeared all right how about much longer i know it's like funny kind of but like how much longer can we keep this up let me try one more time because i do really want to hear her story can you hear me hey we lost you what happened [Music] mom hello hello you it's not a good spot yeah the shade is not a good spot you've got no connection there oh she's probably in the hills of calabasas where there's no reception do you have why how's your how's your 4g on your phone you got a good reception there yeah clearly not she's talking and nothing's happening oh boy all right [Music] well we can just move on and if i see her pop into zoom i'll let her in so let's go move we'll get her on later we'll get her on a little bit i like how she planned this out it was such a big deal for her and she's driving around calabasas with her top down [Music] all right so we got the international food well we're gonna get my mom on don't you guys worry we're gonna get her on so let's start let's get the food out we've got treats from all over i would say specifically southeast asia it's primarily japan and korean snacks you know they got like not to insult their snack game but to me they're really creative oh to me these snacks are wild as hell so we're going to give i'm going to go to the bathroom so as they set up ela you're uh really you're the host you're really doing that to me i have to pay what can i do oh that's so cute hello kitty oh we've probably got a bunch of donations let me uh let me take a look real quick let's see there's none in the uh recent queue but i'm going to load it up real quick um i'm 16 and my dad has had cancer for the last three years and i recently turned terminal he has a few days left and you all have been my escape thank you i'm really sorry um terminal cancer is probably the worst thing you can have to go through that's what we had with my dad so can definitely relate and it's super difficult and not much i can say to make you feel better right now probably um you know the ones we're pointing over here you can't have okay because you're pregnant um love you guys and the crew thank you uh the crew couples should totally do play should totally play last couple standing last couple standing i don't know what that is hilah can you show your sweater it's um it's this sample hasn't been made yet probably come out later this year but it's very fresh cardigan and i think it's pretty cool i'm also wearing um this is another sample it's a new bracelet and necklace that we're working on that i really love it's like handcuffs and i just love that it works so well that's hot like listen to the sound it's like so real oh [ __ ] you lock somebody up with that for real yeah oh that's hot um ethan's hoodie is going to come out next week so because i just saw a comment about that [Music] wow oh by the way about the memes i've been dying at all the teddy got crane memes oh we should make several nine of those and it's still happening we're still not sleeping full nights anymore like that's just out the window it's honestly even worse in a way than when he was a newborn because he's waking up a few times so he gets both of us like it's just it's just i woke up this morning and i was like oh god he didn't i didn't worse where's theodore did he sleep and then i look at you he's sleeping with yola yeah and you know what happens to me so he comes to our room and it must be so silent because i have no idea that he's there he's a little nervous the dogs kind of start to make a noise so i probably wake up from the dogs but i don't see anything so i'm like going back to sleep and this happened to me again i turned to the side and then he's sitting there silently it's scary and he's just staring at me oh you know what's cute about theodore on the theater updates he had his first day of school yesterday yeah how about that for great well it's preschool oh the phone came the phone went black it's just a little class in preparation for preschool can you cut to it oh my god it still works so lucky though we can show close-ups of our snacks now sick so these look amazing so let's get start who's who's going to um lead this because i have no idea i'll hold this well somebody's got to lead us through the snack journey someone taking the lead on this yeah um also your mom your mom just joined her yeah she's uh well she's in their camera's off though and it doesn't look like she's connected to audio yet okay well but she's on the zoom call now so we've made we've made something in about an hour i'll be able to talk to my mom right yeah so where do you want to start ela you see something you like who's going to be is someone going to be guiding us we can do it it's got all the echo on the back uh let's start with this okay that looks really good so here you want to get a close-up of it so this is a popular snack from korea it already i think it's already working is it working because yeah okay this is a popular snack in korea called turtle chips chocolate churro chips bruh bruh moment yeah those look bomb gotta say well are we using this shot or am i just holding this this is i can't see on the phone wait it's upside down i think we need to fix this well here just yeah but it's not gonna work can i see it on the phone though what i'm showing this drill ship hmm got like funnel cake flavor i love it i mean that one's just good wow okay this one's good let's do weird [ __ ] though like for example this is horrific i mean i can't eat those by the way this one's scary you guys they're little like dried crabs here we gotta get a shot of this um ooh ooh smell it i don't know i already smelled it here give me give me that so look at this am i just supposed to eat this hole i can't i feel so bad for the little crab i see it it's it's just a little crab and so the info on this one is japanese baked crabs they just sell them by the bag bro that's some callous [ __ ] these crabs are worthless how do they even just i don't know that i can do this you guys somebody should do it first and tell me yeah i'm not eating that i'll do it exactly here show this sheila here i got you right here you'll show this let's go here's the eyes and everything oh wow there's nothing oh everything flavor it's not it's not like the worst it's kind of sweet i'm going in a switch you're saying there's eyeballs on it here we don't like those eyeballs on it i'm going in eyeballs oh eggs i'm just gonna eat this tasty one yeah you can do you enjoy yourself this is a very odd flavor all right i'm going in i'm like not i don't eat shellfish i'm like this is just not my thing i just i don't like to see the details i don't want to see i don't want to know how it's you know what i mean i like to i like to live in la la land where i pretend animals aren't actually killed for me right yeah they're just this absolutely and i feel actually makes me feel bad when i can see the face and the legs and stuff i just want a steak from the grocery store and then i have to know about all the inhumanity that goes into check this out i can do a nail update excuse me i'm about to uh oh yeah that is pretty cool show your nails off you why is it like a reverse it's moving in the reverse way you know what i mean this is your the camera anyway yeah are we seeing it guys literally what's happening okay i'm gonna eat the crab okay this music seriously are you trying to show your nails i'm so confused no he said flip the phone but no i didn't do anything okay let's just do the eating yeah here we go oh it's very odd it's so intended and crunchy and seafoody i can't do it are you spitting it out hey guys is that bad it's just so weird to be eating an animal like a piece of like a chip [Laughter] it's literally just a potato chip it tastes kind of farmy do you know what i mean it's like sea and farmy yeah no nope don't bring it near me i mean it's like the whole body it's like it's gotta have guts and poop in there yeah i feel like i'm eating poop like we just ate it i don't like it are we liking the music because i saw how much the music is not it guys show you guys eat it come on i wanna see all your reactions uh i'm vegetarian i'm not gonna eat the uh crab who's going zack ate one i already ate one i don't know if it's hell or not well shellfish isn't right depends which shack you yeah ask does yours say today he says no oh all right next up these are dude this i was reaching for cheeto churros dude the koreans loved the churro thing because wasn't that also true all right yeah i mean so the koreans know how to make these snacks so that's what that is i love the sweet cheeto alright there's a lot of seafood i'm just really not good with seafood like whatever this is i'll just tell you right now it's not happening i think it's squid oh god i can't be the only one eating this it's just not my thing these are better though so thick we're not doing this segment if you're just going to be chewing and eating everything the burger's so far away from me all right what's next you guys should show the drinks how you carbonate them they have a carbonation ball at the top you take the cap and you push it inwards and it'll carbonate the drink really yeah okay so this is uh this is from so there's no carbonation in it yeah it's a little carbonation ball at the top so what you do is you push the top in okay do i push this whole thing in yeah here you want to get it close or here all good i'll get a close-up guys i feel this segment is kind of a disaster i'm being honest i don't know if this is good for a live podcast am i not strong enough for this simple thing okay ready i don't know that this shot helps am i crazy [Applause] push it dead in the center it can't be that hard can it no i'm not gonna allow you to do it on top of me oh you're using i'll stop it i can do that yeah i can do that okay i can do that oh all right i got this i got exciting news my mom well oh there's my mom in her car in this game we can see her hello can you hear me yes yes oh my god i don't know that you have a great reception where you are well oh my god i'm chatting was your ac on no i mean i'd want my car to just you have to go home and get on the internet we can't understand anything yeah just drive home mom what did you do is not good yeah i wanted to go to japan oh so you're don't okay well go go somewhere else the internet is not good somewhere else let me see if it'll work can i put the top down you think that'll help with the internet maybe try that all right i'll put the top down your father was screaming at me to put the top up because the signal will get a more direct line into her phone right mom mom mom why are we putting the top down mom why are we putting the top down just to get a better signal all right is that the thing i know i thought you could hear it better so now you're on my phone on the car can you hear me better [Music] it's so much better i can hear oh it god hey mom mom why don't you tell me your story yeah it's way better now oh my god oh my god are you driving right now yeah i'm in the parking lot okay can you hear me mom why don't you tell me the story okay thank god dad if you're watching just listen let's let's end the call okay can you hear me now i mean i could do a whole show like this but let's end the call with my mom i'll call her tell her okay so you can hear me oh she's trying to tell the story now i don't think we're going to be able to hear her story like yeah okay mom um so the internet connection wasn't great there i'll be honest all right do you want to talk can she just tell the story like this um dan can you hear her okay it's okay you want to tell the story check can you hear me can you hear her yeah she's coming through the mic literally okay go ahead with the story you can do it like this okay all right so the most recent most embarrassing uh thing that happened to me was maybe like 10 years ago and dad and i were on vacation and i can't remember if it was in hawaii or we were in puerto vallarta but we were at a really nice hotel and you know your dad likes to sunbathe and i do not so dad's out basking in the sun and i went to the small pool it was kind of like a jacuzzi and there was only a couple another couple in the jacuzzi besides me and i was wearing one of those speedo bathing suits you know the kind that swimmers wear because you know at my age i'm not wearing a bikini anymore so i was wearing the speedo and they're made out of what are they made out of spandex yeah bathing suits they're real stretchy well it had been a long time since i bought a bathing suit so it was you know fairly old and i get in the water and i'm splashy splashy and having a good time and there's this other couple that's kind of nestling together in the corner the girls on the on the husband's lap or boyfriend's lap and i decided that i was done i was going to get up and go over to you where your father was so i get up and of course the pool water is like up to your waist it's not deep so i get up but my bathing suit kind of stayed down we likely stretched out so i took off it was like a big balloon you know filled with water and i was i was naked oh my god so i was incredibly embarrassed in front of this other couple in their mouths of course i tried to pull my bathing suit up the best i could and run out of the pool mom you and dad you need to be buying new stuff you've got this swimming suit that's so old it's falling off your body when you're flashing these poor people well i mean you know girls hate to buy bathing suits and mom there's a certain thing there's a certain point when you need to accept that it's time for did you buy did you abandon that swimming sword or did you wear it again no i threw it away and i just hit the hotel i put it in the trash can yeah it took for you committing like a crime of public community too oh my god well you know your mother's pretty thin but still you know i'm this naked old lady oh my god i just wanted to die that's all i have to say that's pretty bad that was good that was a good one that was one of those garment malfunction stories any other ones you want to share since i got you on the phone well i had another garment malfunction but this was this was when i was really young i was in junior high this before i met your father and you know grandpa jerry and grandma ann had this really nice house in chatsworth and we had a big swimming pool and i had my then boyfriend and his brother and some other friends over and then my cousin marla from chicago who you know was just out she was over and we were swimming in the swimming pool there's another swimming pool in debacle and i was wearing a bikini and i'm swimming around and finally my cousin comes up to me she says donna your bathing suit is up to your neck and i look down and my boobies are sticking out oh my god i screamed why the hell didn't you tell me my god you know so i you know i pulled my bathing suit down and that was the end of it but nobody said a thing she's like i'm driving i'm swimming around like la dee da no one says anything to me you know incredible yeah like someone has a booger hanging out of their nose well listen uh thank you for sharing i appreciate to be honest with you i think i'm afraid you trying to call in is probably more the most entertaining part but i love that all right mom thank you good luck and uh wherever you're going on the day and are you going to put on the ac are you going to put on the ac are you going to put the top down the top is down i'm putting the ac on with the top down [Laughter] okay we bought we bought my mom a purse for mother's day we got we got our gucci purse and i have to say i think i think that's the happiest i've ever seen [Laughter] like genuinely at my wedding i don't think you were that happy i should have seen that pure ecstasy on her face when we gave her that first but i'm happy because i didn't you know the chat wants us to tell her that they love her oh chad loves you mom oh that's so sweet i love you too i would never you know buy a purse like that for myself absolutely no that was like pretty incredible but all my girlfriend said to me when i sat down they all said ah i love your purse and i said yes my beautiful daughter-in-law and my handsome son bought this for me for mother's day and everyone's standing in unison it's the five percent yeah don't worry it comes it comes from the five percent friend of me scott so all the money all right mom mom i'm gonna stop you there because i know my mom gets real heated about this whole thing and i don't want to say something she'll regret live all right no i want my my listeners are yet okay mom i'll talk to you all right all right i love you okay all right all right oh brother jonathan everyone donna klein donna save the segment hey real quick somebody donated 200 euros wow to say i want ethan's hoodie when can i get it oh my god well i'll just send you the one off my back for that much all right yeah you just could have bought several videos 10 am this thursday yeah next week next week yeah i mean yeah next week well there you go last juan standing is there any other comment uh there's a few um donna is an absolute legend yeah a lot a lot of praise for donna here that comes here trying to connect was one of the funniest things i was crying like you couldn't recreate a perfect mom moment if you tried yeah the top the humming the sun right into the camera shot from under her face it was just amazing when she's like hold on let me see if this makes it better it's just pure chaos it got so much worse uh lauren donated 25 bucks said thanks for making my week so much better one of my 55 rescue horses had major abdom abdominal surgery and my week's been pretty crappy listening to you guys is really bringing up my week you have 55 horses wow dude you're like a horse savior love what you're doing with the horse huh keep it up that's a lot of horses what do you do with all this thank you for that thank you so um so let's blast through these things because i don't want to put it to waste but we got to keep the pace up okay so maybe you want to put this on me i don't think this helps do we really need this shot no we don't i feel like i feel like a mom dan you made kind of a grossed out face a second ago what was that about okay so do you guys have some of these chips they just look like regular pictures yeah yeah i've been eyeing these okay give that a shot and tell me what you think so let me read the description go ahead ela these are honey butter chips from korea these koreans have dude take their snacks seriously love it i mean i'm not repulsed i feel like it's it ends rough it and it's kind of weird these are dank these are i feel like this is the worst potato chip ever honey butter chips i'm not and i'm not think i would have dressed potato chip is not a good not good it tastes like a rotten sour cream and onion chip it's like a sour cream and onion chip that you opened the bag two years ago and you just found it in the couch yeah dude i think they're good so classy and nice but i agree i'm not what is this one that's kind of fluffy what this is um can i see myself then it's still on oh yeah here i'll switch it this one is a shrimp chip another from korea shrimp shrimp juice i've already had one cheers give it a shot it tastes great really these are dang too i don't like it oh there's a shrimp yeah shrimp chip what do you guys think of the shrimp chips totally it's horrific i [ __ ] with it dude you like everything that's good dude i'm not like okay i'm moving on to the custard cake how can this be bad what is what's the story here there's no ew i can stand correct what's the story with this one because there's no info on the pack it's best choice the best choice yes what does that mean yeah what does that mean oh okay they're popular in korea oh it looks like an egg yolk it tastes like alcohol like smell right oh yeah oh i know what you mean it tastes like it tastes like eggnog with brandy in it in a cake form what are these these are wasabi gram peas oh dude this is what it this is what it is can you fix that yeah i got it oh wasabi peas i love those oh hit this chocolate bar is it good no shrimp no [ __ ] in shrimp i know it's weird just get a normal snack without like shrimp vowels yo wasabi peas what's up wasabi peas those are hard dude no that's awesome but okay you're something you want to say to me can you watch your chewing and we're doing a show i just enjoy i'm ah let's be honest this segment is already kind of a dumpster fire my chewing is not gonna ruin well it might you're right the chewing doesn't help these smelly peas are good great i don't know this is really good does anyone know what this thing is it's like i think that's what i want dude is it squid i think that's dried squid or something where's okay so this is dried squid from korea and this is good you're saying yeah these are all my fishy jerky i'm gonna hate it try it try it smells super fishy oh no it's already in my teeth i bit it wrong it's in my teeth i'm panicking [Music] [Laughter] no good it's not that bad actually really that's pretty good actually because i hate squid too i'm fighting it because i don't want to like it but it's actually not that bad i'm gonna try it no no no no no no no no no no no people saying chew louder in the uh no don't read stuff like let him chew are you the producer of the show i don't mind that i'm just i'm just reading the feedback from the fans no i no people uh yeah he's technician right let's keep it going here we go i need i really need someone to lead to to lead this to be honest with you guys yeah i think that's what we're missing here um here this is um this is the most important item that we have here okay there's just more and more i'm just getting overwhelmed here thank god thank you thank you thank you no please get the put the crabs in the ocean where they belong take these these i think we ate these are the butternuts these are really cute this little toilets whatever's happening here yeah take this please sam thank you and then what was this this is like avocado seaweed yeah that was just kelp nope those are kind of bomb no that's good nope you're serious no all right all [Music] no with the toilets i have a toilet so we need the explanation you know how this works right we have a toilet we have water and we have a toilet i have no idea what's happening right now but these are good so with the toilets you take these powders right you mix them together yeah you pour them in the back of the toilet okay and then you flush it in oh i'm flushing something so here let's get it open yeah there you go bring that in yeah there you go so we have a toilet so open the back this has to be japanese right yeah oh [ __ ] it comes in the the tank yep okay so open that up and we pour this in some kind of powdered substance no i'm spitting now that the other one in there too right now i'm gonna be only in japan why why would i want to be drinking out of a toilet but okay i'm here it's cute yeah it's a little tiny toilet here look at the box dude yeah i'm not drinking trying to drink [ __ ] yeah the packaging is like an important you're gonna need that straw that just dropped okay i'll grab that in a moment okay look at the directions on the back so we got the powder so we put in the two powders and then we pour in with some water is that the next step okay let's get the water okay hold on hold on their camera's here so let's not reach in front of the camera okay i'll do it okay okay so here we go pour that water into the tank into the tank perfect too much water is it going to go down i hope so so where's the lid oh god yeah i got the lid oh it flushes yes oh [ __ ] that's crazy all right so now i'm going to open this yep i'm going to flush it right you press it down i'm pushing everywhere it actually flushes oh really yeah stir it with the straw in the toilet okay so here you go okay oh it's gone down quite a bit okay that is literally disgusting that's a flooded toilet yeah that's like when that makes me think of [ __ ] and piss when it comes out of the top of this so take a big uh take a big sip here we go cheers everybody to your health sorry what do you think not bad not bad yum sewage get a shot of this [Laughter] yum you should try one milo do you want me to make the other one here right here sure you know what let's move on we saw it yeah we tried it that was fun it's like a fizzy drink like a very tasty okay so what's next um what's what's going on with these can i just eat these you dip those in the jelly and then you roll them in the sprinkles this is an apple you want to film this hila and our so i'm dipping this in the jelly i'm sorry it's like this it moves in the reverse of the direction that i'm actually moving so that's why it's super awkward i think i know why there you go okay okay so all right i've got my apple covered schmutz and now i'm gonna candy it up such a fun little experience there it is [Music] you want me to make you one elo is this stuff okay for me to eat you think not just sugar okay i think it's fine here you go your very own candy apple good very good this one's got to be japanese too right it's really good that was japanese yeah all the colorful crazy dipping and yeah wow it's so good i love pizza and i love people not now papa here's another one i think you just dip can't believe you weren't about this these are awesome literally hate it so much you want to get a shot of this silo i'll make you one so this is another japanese treat it looks like the kirby villains treat it's like a icicle treat and then we powder it up let's go cheers oh gooey gluey gluey gluey doesn't sound good he has no pizza experience what am i eating right now is this gum gum i don't think this is edible um i don't actually want that one i want another one of these all of the ingredients are just sugar so i think you're good i don't think that's edible it's sugar corn syrup here's someone else try one i swear to god it's not edible i don't think i can swallow that i keep chewing it i was starting to break down now takes a minute though like i've never had such a chewing experience what okay i understand you're concerned now no it's starting to break down but it's like a i never experienced that before who wants to hit this this one's really interesting yours it's good like try that it's weird but it's really good i don't know why i don't want it all right what's next this is gonna this is kind of the ultimate all right you definitely want to see this wow the serving tray oh what tiny hamburgers yes what what is this well oh did you make these sam yes yeah they're called pop and cooking this is a japanese snack and it's diy so you have to build these yourself it's like here look at this salmon ian had like a little uh yeah so you have to put a pack mix it make all the individual p is it supposed to taste like what it looks like no oh i don't imagine that it tastes like a hamburger i hope it doesn't taste like a hamburger yeah i don't know what's worse i'm weird so here's a little french fry and ketchup too you want to get a shot of this hello things are so cute look at that the japanese are on a whole other level when it comes to everything man this is what i'm saying so here i've got a toy french fry right here yolo so we have everything here is candy apparently so i've got the candy french fry my dip in the candy ketchup everything looks so real oh there's pepper no there's no no no that's that's the soda the soda and here's water that you make the soda with yes oh for real but you got to get this ela so this i get a sodi pop so here it looks like pepper okay so here let me put water carefully carefully and here's my soda pop is it supposed to carbonate oh there it goes yeah look it's fizzy and [ __ ] like why i mean lude god bless their creativity but like who is this for because it tastes like crap kids goodies it's like candy that tastes good but it's so cute so hit that soda and let me tell you tell us what you think it almost tastes like soda but then not at all these fries are horrible is it all gonna taste like that so here's my burger elo they're made out of different powders so i don't think we need this shot for everything it's like i think it helps does it because it's so small it's like what do you guys think i mean just it's like blurry yeah it's blurry okay here we go ah no i don't like this i don't like it i don't like it okay moving on to the ice cream treat this is pretty impressive you guys look at that [Laughter] chocolate donut right cute look how cute it is there's a hair in it y'all this one's actually good yeah i'm gonna try this one yeah this one i like i like it we got it i like it look at all the detail yeah tiny little donut actually popping that one yeah i'm popping yep yep yep i like it i'm trying one yeah hit one of those the donuts are good banana milk no banana milk this is is this korean yeah yeah it's very popular especially for kids okay it's a milk that tastes like banana i like it i do like it actually pretty good this looks disgusting bro what is this one yeah so that was another one that um you had to like kind of make maybe work it down what is this well at one point it was like a a powder right and it got mixed together and turned into um it appears to be like a custard and that's candy so why is it like that hmm i'm processing this no good it looks like a really weird texture i don't know you're going to like this it tastes like smarties that's your favorite snack it can be right is it smarties when we did the candy tear list i thought you were like shockingly maybe you might like this because it tastes like smarties but that texture that ain't right that looks like a bunny egg let's skip that one i'm just extra worried to eat weird stuff that's it wow wow that was yeah i know he was crazy he was worried that one of them you this is the the resting place of the crab i ate by the way what i spit out the crab yeah yeah horrific here i'll take it thank you can i get some more yeah thank you guys get your heart out ian ian wants more squid she's really all about that huh ian please stand up please stand up ian with the squad ian please stand up well thank you guys for watching through this wild wild show today well what else is there is there any interesting comments or donations you should go over someone keep an eye on that what do we got if chewing sounds bother you then you are a weak human and natural selection will get you sorry i don't know what to tell you it's not that deep law look it doesn't bother me but i know it for some people they just really dislike the sound so it's the worst thing in the world well apparently you're not fit to evolve according to this guy sometimes i'll be eating with someone and it usually doesn't bother me but sometimes i'll be sitting next to someone and it's like somebody said yikes is right gang this segment is literally immersion therapy for my mesophyll phonia which what's that misophonia i'm going to assume is uh hating the sound of chewing disorder when certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that sounds like a you problem to be honest but i understand what you're saying it's you and me yeah people keep send sending the same comment uh play last couple standing yeah i think they keep donating that with spicy questions is it just a browser thing what is this i don't like spicy questions i don't i don't know that awesome there's been too much spice talk today couple first couple is that a web browser game or what i'll tell you i'll be the last one doing any standing oh oh does anyone know a couple's verse couple i mean i just googled it i'm looking i'm looking it up right now i google it i don't see [ __ ] see a kickstarter yeah if you're asking us to answer like sex questions it's not happening but i will tell you ila likes when i poop in her butt stop we poop and we pull back and forth one of my routines from a movie i forget this kid he's chatting with girls online he's like eight and he goes i want to poop back and forth you poop in my butt and then i'll poop in your butt forever kinky talk i gotta find that god it's like so it's just one of my favorites ever um you poop in my butt and i'll poop in your butt somebody asked uh i don't know if lovebot is single but you would you allow the bot to date um the robot itself we're not talking about love we're talking oh the robot um i don't know he would need a chaperone that's an expensive equipment to let out that's true i need i need to get insurance on that bot i think it's a little bit it's probably a little late to try and uh so this is this is my favorite uh i don't know why i just found i if she likes i haven't watched it a minute so maybe it's not as funny as i remember let's all but what is it from it's from a movie called me and you and everyone we know 2005. but it's specifically this scene that always cracked me up and i haven't seen it in a while so maybe it's not as funny as i remember let's all decide okay okay here we go i guessed what kind of bosom she had problems man why is it a man does everyone just make stuff up on these things it's probably a man pretend to be a woman okay so picture a fat guy with a little wiener what's up awesome it's a nice word for titties where's mom first mom what do you mean what do you think she's doing right now i know screwing a new boyfriend probably i think she's buying us presents yeah robbie right now she's probably buying us each a car it's a man i think it's a woman i can tell it is what should we write i have a big wiener i want to poop back and forth what what does that mean like i'll poop into her butthole and then she'll put back into my butthole and then we'll just keep doing it back and forth with the same poop oh my god i'm going to put that i want to poop back and forth oh god she's going to think we're a crazy perverted person you think you're crazy tall like i always said it no she'll never write back robbie we have to sound like we're a man you know that's just lame it's stupid you thought i could do half and you've done all of them but for this okay whatever we're probably going to get arrested what do you want to put like how i said it yeah but hold and then you will poop it back into my butt and we will keep doing it back and forth and forth with the same [Music] forever you are crazy and you are making me very hot anyway the movie goes on where this kid carries on a relationship with this person in secret and then he ends up meeting at a place and it's like an actual like grown-ass woman and she's like who are you and you're like i'm the guy you've been chatting with oh man weird ass movie what do we think pretty good very funny thank you still holds up well there's nothing else to talk about though we're just kind of how long we've been going dan we've been going for about two and a half hours oh okay wow that time went by fast man oh that snack segment was rough fun though well that's about it is there anything else we should talk about [Music] what do you guys want to um because i saw a few people say that we should do the advice segment on after dark yeah i agree i think we i think the problem was that a lot of the questions we got were for trisha were yeah like super personal and patricia so i wasn't sure it didn't seem right to read them here yeah so do should we make an email right now and tell people or i guess what we can plan for next week um okay oh the old email was like frenemies advice or something like that yeah let's make a new email and then we'll announce it next week but i agree i do want to do the advice oh programming note about next week uh after dark will actually be on thursday instead of the usual friday because uh it's somebody's birthday next week somebody that somebody is my old ass yes sir so uh they are taking a three-day weekend to go chill so we're going to do the episode a day early so thursday next week for after dark we're taking a family vacation which is really it should be fun so theodore's coming along yeah on the beach nice like opens up right to the beach and theodore loves the sand and the water so he's and we got a kite we got a kite we got a kite is he into that just chilling i'm sure he's gonna we don't know you guys are going to see the rapids yeah we're going to cedar rapids bro we're going with hillary's i got my spirit cooking all lined up oh my god you guys there's a literal but how is this real there's a bug swimming in my saudi look ela no look he's swimming around oh there's a bug there why is this food so it's it's cursed this food is so cursed bro that's actually part of the experience it's supposed to be still alive like how did this attract a living bug i've been sipping out of it zach drank it oh lee mine's really good okay so anyway i'm kidding i'm 36 i'm embarrassed to admit and i spent all year i don't know if i talked about it i spent all year thinking i was turning 35. i swear to god i thought i was turning 35 it's been a weird year for you know time with the pandemic and quarantine and everything so it just hits different though when i was like at 35 i was ready for 35 i was prepared for 35 but when i was like oh my god i'm 36. you got that halfway point 35 it's comfy 36 is a little uncomfy 36 makes me a little uncomfy i'll be honest because 40 is like can i even make youtube videos at 40 can we continue this or do we just pack it up i mean we make a podcast i'd say on average most podcasters are probably over 40. that's true maybe it helps because people are like oh he's wise he's not some young [ __ ] sure that makes you feel better he doesn't i'm just kidding nothing goes anything else you guys want to talk about i noticed there's a scale in the bathroom who put this yeah i saw that too i put it in there why'd you put that in there you're so skinny no lena uh brought a box of stuff from her guy's house yesterday after she left your guy's house and i put the scale in there oh it's the scale from the weigh in yeah we're doing oh i was like oh boy you're gonna fact shaming wow take a dump yeah i hope this doesn't make you sound like a douche thank you zach you know yeah i like to i like to weigh myself before and after pooping so that's helpful well guys i hope you enjoyed i thought it was a lot of fun i love that sketch we made with the five percent we're definitely gonna keep that up you know we're working on some more sketches for next week so do you guys have a plan for next week episode wise yeah what people can expect yeah so monday we have a plan and then um and then after dark thursday so i think there's only two episodes next week am i right yes yeah we just have two apps next week we're still trying to figure out that third slot for monday um we're just really weighing a lot of different options but uh next week's going to be rough because it's you know we're missing a day oh guys what can i say it's been good times we've had my mom we've had squids the five percent and most importantly jeff toobin making an apology i forgot to ask my mom about jeff tubin should i call her back what she has an opinion on it i wanted to ask her if he needed help or if he was good you know did you think she's got some words of wisdom i figured she was watching but she's not watching i don't think so enjoy writing i think your dad was watching though dad are you watching uh yeah well he was uh trying to help with the whole uh fiasco that was going on so he's probably watching let's end it here let's let let's let jeff tubin be all right so we will see you on well we might have an episode out on monday actually it's staying corrected and then posted tuesday we'll see stand by we're working on the schedule one thing for sure is that after dark will be thursday next week yes and there will be one episode that we'll be working on you'll have a more definite schedule there's obviously a lot of changes going on here since frenemies ended and we are still trying to work things out with peace and love so thank you guys love you appreciate we had 3 million today hello [Music] [Applause] you know you want to eat to celebrate you don't know i don't know are you hungry yes okay you're hungry but you desire nothing specific right it's a very annoying feeling yeah last night we ordered food and when arrived you didn't even touch it it was very weird i was starving i just wanted that foot to be there already and when i was there i was just like sick i just didn't want it was it from stress all right guys we'll see you next week next week bye [Music] you're listening to the hp podcast what we got on the scene could it be poplar you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,600,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: 8aCfvBnOcnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 24sec (9204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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