Trisha & Ethan Fight About The Election - Frenemies #8

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I personally consider ourselves lucky as a nation that Thomas Jefferson quoted the musical Hamilton in the Declaration of Independence.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 106 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/StamosLives ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/syntheticgerbil ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethan has multiple houses? I feel like I underestimated how successful the podcast and TF is..

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 106 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Groovy_Doggo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ok but Trisha singing โ€œwe hold these truths to be self evidentโ€ thinking Biden was referencing Hamilton SENT ME. Ethanโ€™s reaction and Dans cackle, I died. Replayed it probably 5 times

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 79 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PankaPanka ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Obamacare is literally the reason why people with pre-existing conditions can get health insurance. I don't believe Trisha on that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/carefulcomputation ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Trisha's "they didn't teach us about global warming in school" blew me away. As if you just leave high school at age 17 and never learn anything new.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pastel-forest ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Who is more disliked, Lele Pons or Donald Trump?"

Trisha with the deep ideological issues as per usual, I love her so much lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 78 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Terminus-Paradis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I get what heโ€™s doing even if itโ€™s boring. Itโ€™s the most viewed podcast and itโ€™s something heโ€™s passionate about. With the alternative itโ€™s not worth discussing Bidens faults right at this moment.

Keemstar is such a dick, what is wrong with him making fun of Touretteโ€™s?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dapper_Egg_346 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pissed me off a little that the evidence out there of Biden being creepy with women was just swept under the rug and glossed over, Trisha has a point there and the men in the room were like whatever.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bloo_a ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
we are back the frenemies are we friends or enemies today we're friends that's nice i think we're friends for sure you know we've been through a lot on this show and only what eight episodes this is our ninth episode it everyone thought i think they were confused that a lot of people thought was the finale last episode well we were just ending the show did you see those comments like oh what a good way to end the series we saw those comments yeah maybe we should have ended it oh this is eight we've come we've traveled i've actually covered a lot of ground i have to say in eight only eight sessions these are sessions by the way therapy i really really like dr dre i met him a few times i don't know if he remembered me i feel like he like he did he mentioned it yeah i was setting it up he said that he met you on adam carolla's show right yeah but i've been like a few times and every time i meet him it's like the first time he's like i don't really know anything about you i'm like every time i talk to you i tell you the same thing i've always told them like in on the adam curler show we talked about like me being trans and i'm like oh that's fine i mean i guess he talks to a lot of people i like him though i really do like him it was good yeah i thought he was great my parents were supportive of it they don't watch anything but they found out and they were like oh like you know usually i could scare what my parents think when i talk about childhood but they were oh your your parents don't watch your no well you mostly do like nasty stuff well my mom watches everything but my dad doesn't but in case he found out about it does your mom watch your only fans content my mom wasn't an only fan she was in the one with my sister she was like the referee of the jello would your mom ever show her titties yeah she has she has on youtube yeah but it was more like when she had breast cancer and she was showing like her nipples that's more like brave but she's sexy oh well she would do it sexy too you should do it down for sure would you do it only would you like to do would you slap titty with your mom titty with a hand or titta tit to ted i don't see anything wrong with it i just would think people would like you know people are so sensitive about things it's like i don't know anyone in the market for some some i think people go crazy yeah and today today only for the election day it's free so if you join today is free for the next 30 days so if you want to see tip for tips it's free it'll come this month yeah for the next thing in honor of the election yeah because we're in the land of the free oh my god how's that okay cool cool good promotion so that's your election vote free for a whole month yeah free for a whole month what's the point of that because you know what once you're in there you're so enticed to stay i just got to get people in because they don't really realize all the goods mine is really good not to like whatever my only hands is like really good compared to everyone else i subscribe to so many people and mine without a doubt gives you the most like for five dollars a month but now it's free and people just stay as i understand that tris is just squirting all over her house yeah all over the place right moses moses said yes it's crazy it's it's insane every time i do it i'm like wow that's kind of cool because i just learned how to properly do it all right we're not here to plug your only fans the whole episode thank you um and congratulations on your nomination for the h3 podcast it's on first streaming i was very excited for oh i was like what they they put me there every year do you guys ever win no who wins i don't know you're up against impulsive oh tough competition confused the usual suspect um there was one that was so bad who was it remember i was like who the oh i'm a chamberlain hers isn't wait why isn't joe rogan's podcast nominated then oh you won't show up like i think they think you guys might show up no i never show up i i don't like the streamies why i just i you know what nothing personal i think it's cool that there's a that there's that for what we do i think award shows are dumb though it's [ __ ] they have like a food category and of like the best like mukbangers and i'm never nominated i'm like the og the best all might get like millions of views like yeah but it's all politics like they literally don't it's literally nothing to do with who's actually the best and all and then their biggest categories are just about how it's fan vote so it's all about these really vain creators doing everything they can to beg their fans to vote for them well because tana won creator of the year of sharon was like what the [ __ ] is because she's literally like i'll suck your tits if you vote like she did that with biting yeah did you see that oh yeah the fbi was like uh uh i think that's illegal he got investigated by the fbi yeah it's because she was saying like hey like if you guys vote for biden and prove it to me like i'll just give you a free nude yeah fbi is like she's well i think she was trying to do there was this one girl who was like dan you know what i'm talking about where she sent nudes to everyone who voted for something but it wasn't illegal like what tana was doing or it was for registering i think it was for the wildfires people who donated thank you yeah she was like hey donate to the wildfires and i'll send you nudes and tana's like great idea i'll make i'll do a federal crime yeah she's not the brightest bulb um i i saw she did something people were calling out for photoshopping over the weekend and you know what can i just say as much as i was like against your video i mean she really does overdo it because i did see the side-by-side from this weekend because she had to come up with a statement being like hey i always do talk about this and she does she talks about pho but it was like that okay the pictures you showed were actual ones if you went to my fabio music video plug and saw i'm like wearing that makeup and it looks like me in the video but like when it's unrecognizable she's a different person okay that's what i was saying it's like you look like and what i said was twinkie which is rude and i would never say that but i do but like again a reference to her swimsuit yeah i want to see it okay but then when you look at her she's like a different person who's that italian model perfect figure she takes care of herself well she does have she has a good body but she but even like her face she just changed her whole face shape and i'm like again like not wondering what's the point of being a model yeah well i don't think she's a model i could be a model just be like turn me into like handsome squidworth be like and then i'm like six packs and my face is all chiseled yeah you know it could be a model yeah with enough photoshop oh here it is here it is but why not just use a body double but this isn't even that way horn let me see okay so this is like you can tell how airbrushed her face is but like look at her face she looks like that is like not even her like i was i was so i was so shocked because and she is pretty like i think she's pretty okay oh my gosh oh my gosh she's obviously very insecure but it's like a different profile like different everything i guess the blonde hair but uh like yeah i don't know i i think just don't overdo it but she got like a team she sends all of her photos to yeah i think she does it herself i don't know if she doesn't you don't think no [ __ ] way she does well anyway it's i got a team she's like all right guys here's my photos for the day make me pretty it does get a little a little crazy thank you that was my whole point but guys do it too and i think you should call out guys you don't call out your guy friends like i you know like you don't call the guys that do it i'd love to who does it philip defranco we saw you on lin's defranco's tick tock phil defranco doesn't photoshop himself he does hold on you gotta bring receipts you said angles angles wait angles is not photoshopped haven't gone misleading hold on having a good angle is not photoshopped here we go being misogynistic and not going oh look well you don't i wouldn't i've heard a shot why would i ever call a girl for a good angle i'm gonna no but that's mine i don't photoshop i never have photoshop my phone he can tell i don't know how to use facetune i've never faced in a picture in my life okay okay this one that is not the same person that is not the same person on his show and so it's like how come you don't call that person out just because he's not the same wait that looks like a guy in a casket if you ask me like that looks like a corpse and you don't pull them out okay back up because you're such a good bias oh my god hold on back it up you have idubbbz meanwhile he's the biggest hypocrite of anybody and it's like with that whole only fans [ __ ] and stuff like that like okay you know about your friends hold on [ __ ] marry kill idubbbz jack's films or philip defranco go wait hold on exactly they're all your friends they won't say anything bad hold on you just there's a lot to address there okay first of all regarding that philip defranco footage you showed me i feel like for some reason you just want to call him fat absolutely not but if you're going to call me out for being fat and skinny then call him out for being fat and wait hold on philip defranco is sitting there looking face on in the camera doing the news he's not walking around in a bikini trying to be hot i disagree and he's not manipulating the footage at all he will and it i mean it looks like he gained a few pounds you're being very nice as opposed to calling tana a [ __ ] twinkie and now you're like but it's different he looks like a twinkie no but he's not trying to out there trying to look like a sexy fit model like tana is out there being like ooh look at me i'm perfect body and i'm a model i'm a swimsuit model and then she's turning around and [ __ ] eating a [ __ ] you know uh egg mcmuffin meal i think she's very skinny tana's very skinny i don't think she eats egg mcmuffin meals i think that's not the issue i think your issue is just like you hate women you're misogynistic dude that's why you like wait hang around with those people you're uh blue you're okay philip defranco i admit looks heavier than you would expect and you look skinnier than you would expect in person most people look skinnier than you would expect okay thank you however i don't think what philip i don't think that's the same you can look skinnier or fatter in person be honest you can be honest i think you look the same as you do on camera you do yeah i think i do look fatter in person for sure like when i see other people really no you don't look fatter in person thanks i'm trying to lose some weight today because i literally feel like i'm about to have a heart attack that's why i'm a little on edge today i felt my chest and i'm like i'm going to eat a salad after this you can wait you said too much we didn't say to go vote today this is my first lesson okay that's dude that's great thank you i'm so happy you voted i did it for the tick tock where it was like oh man you ruined it no because there's a tick tock where it's like young me and then me now and so i was like me four years ago like looking at me voting now and i was like wow would you vote if there wasn't a tick tock trend be 100 [ __ ] honest no yeah i don't think so i don't think so but they hey whatever works to get people out to the polls uh yeah well you really changed from four years ago that that's the tick tock trend four years ago girl goes wow you know what i mean that's like a cool tread and michael keaton we watched him thank you michael king i started we watched michael keaton before this and i'm crying right now because i was crying watching that because i was like i never will get to be friends with michael keaton i just i love him so much he wouldn't photoshop his body he wouldn't do angles he shows everything about him oh well beetlejuice is not an accurate representation how much makeup was he wearing okay wait i want to talk about voting pittsburgh shout out wait before we talk about voting first you said you said philip defranco is fat and then what else did you say that i needed to address um the items is a hypocrite no i think like because the we should we should [ __ ] marry kell idubbbz jax films or philip defranco you have to kill like avoid one we won't get into the james charles scandal i don't like i refuse to play this game you have to avoid somebody not kill them oh avoid yeah we're not stupid i'm not playing this game why do i need to play this game i don't want to piss anybody off i like those people you know what i mean it's like i i choose not to play trish wants to do if i have an activity to bring up you're like no okay fine i'll do it i'll do it jack philip defranco and idubbbz so it's [ __ ] mary a void yeah or [ __ ] mary cass put them on a deserted island yeah we don't kill people that's impolite james charles james charles kills people he said he'd kill shane dawson which i think is a little aggressive saying knowing that he doesn't like that person that'd be like me saying i want to kill philip defranco because everyone knows i don't like him so that's what i'll talk about because i have thoughts on that too do we want to talk about i don't know no but yes we do not to keep us my name out of his mind well you already failed his people are coming for you now nobody really likes james anymore okay i would um i just took too much duncan i'm just on a little crack right now i feel it i would cast away philip defranco i would hell yeah and i would probably tell me why i would probably marry jack because he's very sensitive and caring and i feel like he really is attentive to your needs and i think he would be a good husband he was rude to me on the shane dawson set five years there's no chance that he was he's so nice he's not i guarantee you he wasn't rude too but he wasn't nice to me at this actually at the shorty awards when david and jason won the awards yeah jack was there by himself because he knew he was going to win by the way shorty awards tell you and i think stream you tell you too if you're going to win but jack knew he was going to win and he was at the table he was like stevo talks to all the guys but refuses to look me and i even like talk to him i'm like yeah we met just looked the other way like literally looked like i wasn't even talking and he was sitting right at my table one feet away from me he's kind of rude okay and then he's just shy and then items i would [ __ ] because um he's got crazy energy and you know he's a good [ __ ] items his girlfriend's only fans of the ripoff she acts like it's so like raunchy and nude and stuff and then i like what i'm like oh it's like instagram photos which is fine but she's like someone she says up front that it's a non-nude she says they're sexy photos and they are definitely not sexy it's just her like standing there they're not like sexy poses her ass isn't like jutting out for like a dick in it or anything like that oh that was sweet i was very disappointed and then she makes you unlock the photos so i'm like paying and like there's nothing and she kind of does tea like titties and it's just like her like holding them i'm like well say you're holding titties don't stay there too you want her to show the tit the goods just don't say you are gonna show them yeah if she's gonna compete with you squirting on like squirting under the sink and stuff yeah we just did a full i got like jesus christ do we get demonetized well there's yeah there's certain things that we can't talk about okay regarding voting this episode i've been thinking about this a lot so i wrote up a few things and yes i know you're only supposed to talk about politics if you have a political science uh doctorate's degree okay okay oh yes a tr a triple doctor it's no but you know how people online go oh you're why don't you stick to comedy or whatever people say when they don't agree with your political opinions so oh so yes i know i'm not a doctor it's in political science but i have some this episode comes out tuesday morning sorry excuse me election day election day and here's why i want here i'm gonna make my case for why you should go out and vote if you haven't voted and any of these points are persuasive to you please pause this video we will not go anywhere we will be here you pause it you can come back you can play it here's things that i care about that that the joe biden democratic ticket supports oh okay you're endorsing a candidate yeah i think we should say like vote for who you want i don't think you like endorse someone well why don't you hear me out for okay okay do you support the women's right to choose what happens to her body no matter how extreme the circumstances are are you asking me or that i'm just a general question oh yeah of course of course right yeah because one the republican party in the republican ticket wants to make abortion illegal even in the most extreme circumstances like life-threatening or forced upon them even by a family member okay that's pretty that that to me is is okay whatever some people believe yeah some people believe every child is a gift from god some people believe that i don't believe that i'm just saying some people do believe that yeah and even as i said do you believe that climate change is the most urgent is is an urgent uh uh time bomb that we need to face immediately and and boldly i have no idea what that is that's okay climate change climate change oh boy you don't know what you don't know climate changes man-made climate change carbon carbon carbon in the air carbon what monoxide or dioxide both you know that the earth is is warming um i don't i don't miss the memo on climate change is it gonna happen in my lifetime because i don't have kids holy [ __ ] are you sure you want everyone to vote because sometimes when i went i was like i'm kind of dumb at some of these things maybe i shouldn't be voting like when i had to fill out the other yeah maybe you shouldn't i was like oh and i didn't know because you don't have to you don't you can oh i didn't know that you can just you're just like oh [ __ ] like a like a scan like a a b test you don't know that i failed an a b test one time for a reality show i just randomly did it like i did well no i didn't randomly vote but i did like i randomly filled out an a b test for this show we did with scott disick and i failed cause i said i saw like shapes or shifts or like something like that and they they told me i like can't be on the show because i was like mentally insane but it was randomly filled out i didn't anyways oh my god okay i don't know climate change okay so climate change how do you go through life and not know about climate change you know the earth why don't you tell me the ice is melting the sea is rising but what does that even have to do like okay the ice melts then what happens then like florida goes underwater literally because it raises the sea level it's florida okay fair enough it's not like yeah a lot of people think well you know but like okay good fair enough um can i just say i do like biden did you notice it's hot like in the summer like really hot i mean we're in california and israel it's not there not in israel no i'm saying it's hot in israel all the time you know we're not in israel right i want to do a podcast in israel though i was going to bring this up to you because i might move here for a couple months so i was like we should go well once the pandemic's done me and ila would love to go visit really we usually go there every year but we haven't been in a while can we come with you that'd be fun a couple you go first class or coach sorry not to get distracted well we haven't we you're first class i know you the last time we went was coach this time would be first class we got the baby we've had uh we've had we're doing better the last time we went was like two or three years ago so we're rich now you are bougie as [ __ ] you're the bougiest i think you're the richest person i know off youtube what about jeffrey uh i think you might make more than no [ __ ] i think so i swear no way jeffrey lives in like a 15 million dollar house you could live you have multiple houses that are over 15 million dollars am i exposing something like that people wrote articles about it okay well you have multiple properties that are worth a lot of money and i'm always like okay yeah i'm pretty well i think you may i think teddy fresh makes more than jeffree star cosmetics there's no [ __ ] way just because his overhead is probably more true with all like overhead what does she pay for it's like some powder and [ __ ] i mean on those chain series they said like you know the private jets and stuff come out of the costs and stuff you don't pay well that's his own [ __ ] fault i don't know i know but that's out of the business expense i think you guys are a little more like logical i don't know i don't know don't come for me i'm pretty sure jeffrey start to do a net worth jeffree star i know this these things are stupid but dude jeffree star's got to be worth like 50 mil plus i think you're worth more i'm gonna wait for my bets on that you think what does it say it says he's worth 200 million which yeah i don't think you're i don't think it's not accurate mine is you know what can i can i break something to you i don't think i think that that might be closer than what you think he's super rich makeup is one of the most profitable industries because it costs like nothing to make because like you sell it for like 50 60 70 bucks and it costs like two bucks to make right i don't know i don't know the behind the scenes of it all i'm just that's i'm guessing you're probably me more um back to buying well thank well thank you for saying that you're very bougie thank you so i like being friends with you i love bougie people oh really i feel like it rubs off on me and like the more like why you're bougie too you told me what you make i've [ __ ] yeah i spend it i'm like buying earrings inside like i wear all my money i'm like [ __ ] you write off private jets through your i don't do private sessions i'm not a private jet person show off your new rolex well i don't know if i should but there's that's what i'm saying this is why i'm like because i just 85 000 presidential rolex it's beautiful but i told trisha it is gorgeous by the way i think it's really beautiful but i would be afraid to take it out of my jewelry box shout out to ice box they'd hook up all the rappers and they hooked me up but they actually hooked me up a little bit but you know trisha told me she's like [ __ ] it i'm pretty i'm going to mcdonald's with this thing on because dave belvin he has all his diamonds at mcdonald's okay wait let me do my vote [ __ ] okay this is pro biden right apparently if you just listen to the points climate change which apparently some people don't know what that is you said the ice melts and then florida like falls off it's maybe it's just too hard you should probably educate people because i'm sure a lot of people don't know that one for real i don't know dude you're the only person in the [ __ ] world that doesn't know about climbing i'm the only person i can guarantee most how many i mean i i don't want to include you to cause friction but i just trying to get a read of the room do you think that a lot of people don't know what climate change school now so is knows they didn't teach it to us i swear hand to god dan do you think that there's more than her listening right now that knows what climbing i'm not trying to be rude i'm just trying to get a feel for the room i think i think the vast majority okay you're you said a read of the room we're like literally a room of nerds right now like i'm just saying like all right okay hold up maybe ask an instagram model they're not gonna know climate change you know what i mean they will you think tana mojo knows climate change i guarantee you she does not i guarantee you she does not okay but anyway this isn't about climate change because it's a whole thing if you don't included it in your speech you're not even educating people so you're a [ __ ] everybody knows what climate change is okay whatever next next are you are you sick of paying more in taxes than billionaires this one i'm gonna have to disagree on because i know they say if biden goes in then including you yeah taxes are going up i'm fine with that i'm not fine with it because i don't like what it goes towards to like places like planned parenthood and stuff like like i'm all for do what you want with your body you don't like planned parenthood i just don't want my taxes to go there like dude the federal good okay wait wait so but like i'm talking about so the taxes through biden's plan is only for people who make over four hundred thousand a year i heard that wasn't completely true it is true okay well that's like again you're like it's like fact check it dan check it out no no no no no no no let's fact check it for trump i'm just saying like no but this is good let's fact check it does joe biden's tax plan increase taxes on anyone making over four hundred thousand dollars a year you already said it i'm bougie as [ __ ] i don't i'm i'm happy to pay more taxes if it means people can have health insurance and [ __ ] colleagues the poor should think about health insurance so under obama i could not get health insurance because of pre-existing condition so they don't give it to everybody a thousand percent could not i didn't get health insurance under obama or obamacare because i had a pre-existing condition and they would not insure me it was [ __ ] it was actually [ __ ] which i feel like it's gonna happen again it's a thousand percent hand to god it's like it happened to me and it was awful during those that time well you have it now yeah i'm gonna have you have it for the obamacare no no like oh my my previous condition i solved the condition yeah but you have health insurance yeah but it's not through obamacare you have just one private yeah it's hella expensive okay so four non-partisan tax groups have agreed that biden's plan will not directly increase taxes for anyone making under four hundred thousand dollars a year and what's the website newsweek well it's newsweek reporting on it but it's for no i've looked into this this is like other things where people just don't say the full thing like the criminal after 1994 and the deportation laws and all that like that like it's very one-sided like i'm not saying i'm for trump definitely not but i'm saying on this on this issue of taxing you know if the taxes don't go up for people making four hundred thousand dollars is is indisputably correct because trump is on the campaign trail saying he's raising everyone's taxes that's not true and i'm happy to pay more taxes if it means people can have health insurance i would be too if that was true but people don't get health insurance and i was one of those people under the obama fair that did not get the health insurance so it's kind of [ __ ] i'm not going to lie now what also i'm referring to is people like donald trump who pay 750 in taxes meanwhile his secretary pays more money in taxes than he does i think that's [ __ ] up and that's why i am supporting job another reason why i'm supporting joe biden oh wow oh my god you're like casey and i said over here like i'm voting for you're just saying it these are all these are all things i care about i respect the health do you believe that health insurance is a right and not a privilege it should be i agree do you think that people with pre-existing conditions should be able to get insurance no and i'm 1000 and it was a time when i needed it like i actually needed insurance and couldn't afford it like it was actually really really a bad time in my life it was really dark so i'm really adamant about this that like you say that but they don't promise it so don't think you're gonna be getting health insurance for pre-existing conditions because you're probably not okay do you well that's what obamacare is and the republicans are working to dismantle it and to make and they're what they're working towards is that people with pre-existing conditions can be denied uh health insurance coverage so we both agree on that and that's what joe biden's expanding okay do you want supreme court justices that are literal cast members from gileads from the handmaidens tale have you seen that no i have no idea they're like they're religious extremists that are literally out of comic book villainy that want to overturn rover suede and make they want to over make abortion illegal and they want to make gay marriage illegal okay again yeah and that's not cool well that's [ __ ] up and that's why i'm voting another reason why i'm voting for joe biden you know why i vote for joe biden because he's because of uh michael keaton no he quoted hamilton did you see that done we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created he said that in his speech oh my god you know what that's from hamilton no but you know what it's from you know that i mean it comes from before hamilton right well everything comes before hamilton because he got all from history books like it's all historically accurate so are you telling me it's like a like probably a quote from somebody yeah it's yeah it's an important quote i was i respected it i was like okay hamilton it's actually from uh the it's from the uh the constitution or the bill of rights what you don't even know oh the [ __ ] you did god you don't even know don't even be like wow you don't know oh it's from the well i i didn't think that hamilton wrote it i didn't think hamilton wrote it but i knew it was from hamilton which i thought was cool because he's trying to bring the younger generation be like here is it okay cut the part out where i got it wrong dan i'll go do an exposed video on you if that's all bill of right or the declaration of independence i knew that it wasn't written by manuel [ __ ] whatever his name is we hold these truths yeah so do you believe that gay and trans rights are human rights hell yeah this is why i vote right here well then that's why i support joe biden yeah i'm all for that because i think that going back in time and overturning the right for gay people to get married is barbaric and [ __ ] medieval and evil everything i do is for gay people i kind of care less about straight people i just do everything i mean a large part of the republican party and conservative movements thinks that tran trans people are are like i don't want to put words in their mouth but there's a lot of hate for trans people and i think that trans people those people should burn in hell that if they think trans people aren't like people deserving of like rights and like protection and places to work like that's some [ __ ] like those are the people that go to [ __ ] hell with hitler we can all agree go went to hell that's they're all playing [ __ ] solid or what do they do in hell whatever they're doing they're doing it burn they burn bird baby eternity you know [ __ ] hitler i have a so mad about that still i have a are you still mad at him like i didn't know that you i think that's why i've always loved like jews because i always had like empathy and i wanted just to give them love and well i feel really i feel for trans people it's so difficult it's such a hard thing to grapple with as on a personal level and then society is so cruel about it and still kind of coming to terms with it like it's it's very much where homosexuality was back in like you know the 60s and 70s where it's like it's it's people outcast you and and don't respect your stroke yeah we're now but anyway if you believe that gay and trans rights are human rights then that's why i support joe biden okay do you want to a president that believes in science um i'm more favorite you could you could give or take i love my jesus and he's the ruler of everything he controls everything it's all up to him are you serious yeah okay with jesus like you don't need to worry he's got it mapped out like so does that mean that donald trump should or shouldn't tell people to wear masks or or his will not mine what i prefer my president to believe in science that means that a president that listens to a scientist and follows their advice and that's why i'm voting for joe biden you should watch god's not dead starring kevin sorbo and make some really good pieces against scientists who try and deny god and his existence it's pretty good kevin sorbo yeah yeah and dean kane well i don't know if i want to put dean cute i don't think scientists tried to deny god i think atheism is more atheism means i have no reason no evidence to believe in god so it's not that i'm saying god doesn't exist it's just saying i have no reason to even consider this a possibility i don't think so i think that's something else i think atheist atheists like literally deny god like god does not exist like he's kind of describing that yeah agnostic atheism sorry yeah atheist yes some atheists are douches hardcore yeah some of them are douchebags i agree but i think most people would say i just we don't know there's no way to know and so that therefore i don't you know okay um do you want a president that encourages people to wear masks and stop the spread of covet instead of enabling people and turning mass into a partisan issue for example laura ingraham was at trump's rally and he called she was wearing a mask he goes oh look it's laura ingram how politically correct she's wearing a mask wow i didn't expect that okay i mean that's just kind of like a cute little like sassy comment i feel you to help people kind of like bully people that's like a cute little bully is that really something you want to bully people about no i mean it's a mask like people wear it or they don't i think you should wear it but like are you gonna really be like you don't think the president making jokes like that and always wearing not wearing his masks and i think there's bigger issues than being like wow look at that loser not wearing her mask or wearing her mask i mean like there's a thousand people dying a day yeah like lele pons should be making everyone wear masks at her [ __ ] halloween party this weekend you know what i mean like that like wait why does lele pons have more responsibility than the president because the president is mocking someone he's just joking the president has had dozens of rallies people packed together many of them not wearing masks whose fault is that no i agree but i'm saying like who's more responsible tana mongoose party or the president you just asked me like oh he's made fun of this woman that's wrong and i was like oh well making fun of someone isn't as serious as like gatherings of people okay well he does that do you want a president that packs ten so if you think tandem if who'd you say lele pogba do you think lele pons is is bad imagine having a party with 30 000 people packed together i wonder who is worse who's more disliked lately pawns or donald trump because people really don't like lately yeah but i think even donald trump she has a lot she deleted amanda cerny's like youtube videos back in the day yeah i remember that i remember that's crazy that was that was pretty exciting no one's talking about that and they're still like lazy pawns it's like she literally deleted girls like social media i don't know how she got away with that [ __ ] was crazy poor man i don't even know her that well but like okay hang on um do you if you do you believe that we should be racing to renewable energy as soon as possible yes don't even know what it means that's why i'm voting for joe biden i love reasonable energy like what the [ __ ] if do you want a president that act to read that reads his intelligence briefings yes dissertation there about this is really important to me but okay why don't we say this with hd do you want a president where people this is entertaining i mean we just found out you don't know what climate change is that's pretty epic yeah but i don't think people tune into this to hear your political well i don't give a [ __ ] because today it's important i'm you got nominated for that podcast on there award winning i wish i could say that the only one once no really they just always put you up because i still don't [ __ ] off i don't know i don't [ __ ] reach i don't give them the reach around that they need you guys are also the only one that doesn't have a company underneath you when it says everyone else is like 13 yours says baby is it i'll completely everything we do is self-owned self-run because i don't i don't oh we're clapping for that i'm proud that's i don't like them that's why you're so rich that's the problem yeah it is a big reason because i'm not paying for it seriously you know my last podcast company podcast one was taking fifty percent yeah [ __ ] that fifty percent because all they do is like we'll build you a set we'll do this i built my set i recorded it i edited it wait so what were they taking fifty percent for what were they doing i guess the ads i guess they were giving back ad agencies take at most twenty percent yeah they were they took fifty percent of it but i did everything else and then they let me they fired me for being not making enough money like fired you yeah they're getting fifty percent and i did everything but then they try to come back and i tell you this t they try to come back and be like hey what if we keep giving you ads and we'll take 50 of that but like you edit and upload your podcast and i was like because i i did i just they uploaded it for me and i don't know how to upload but crazy anyways that is straight that that's what these middlemen they're all the same they're so rotten so yeah um do you want a president that spends less time tweeting for example and i wouldn't normally comply i don't complain people are allowed to use twitter but here for example donald trump's most prolific day on twitter was june 5th 2020 when he tweeted 200 times in a single day if if you allocate two minutes to every tweet that's 6.6 hours that's the president who's spending on nearly seven hours on his phone tweeting can i i'm just like again not voting for trump don't support trump but i'm just saying to play like devil's advocate like does the president really do that much i think it's mostly like the people around him that do yes the president should be working i don't think so because also joe biden is old and racist too it's like we're kind of just going wait hold on hold on hold on i i feel like joe biden racism is overblown there's definitely a video of him saying he doesn't want black people in it was schools with his kids like definitely is that right check that back check it we have to fact check i saw i saw this video i haven't seen that it's a thousand percent out there okay well let's let's fact check that because i don't want any as as joe likes to say malarkey joe biden but if you want to have a racism olympics i mean trump definitely wins i don't know well well joe biden admits that systemic racism is a thing he's his running mate his vice president is black i think that's why he picked her to be like oh look i'm not racist forget that crime act in 1984 i got a blah like that's what people do that's like when you call someone racist are we talking about because he like as you said he's old are we talking about something that happened 40 years ago you know what i mean well i think what you're referring to is in 1977 he said that a non-orderly racial integration policy would cause his children to grow up in a racial jungle how long ago was that 1977. can you crunch the numbers on that that was uh 50 or no 40 40 43 years ago 43 years ago i mean are you so the guy so it's not i mean first of all read that quote again dan well and this isn't even this is the quote taken out of context i can't really attribute so he said something that was possible about the whole debate with bussing remember this was like a thing earlier in the primary camel camila harris who's now his vp got all testy with him at one of the debates about how he wasn't for uh busing children from minor neighborhoods so this was 43 years ago so we should be president we should have a 43 year old president not someone 43 years ago saying black people shouldn't be around my kids like that's not what it's crazy to even think of that's literally what he said that's like the overall like justification of it look like i said i voted for buying i'm not trying to be like oh whatever but i'm just saying like at the same time well listen if the only perfect people should run then nobody will ever run for president i agree but don't use like tweeting it's like well what wait what is one of these women what does tweeting have to do i would rather a president that's focused on doing his [ __ ] job than spending seven hours on twitter you know what like i said i love him but i really don't want my president like grabbing me at rallies you know what i mean like that's kind of like who's here there's look that video up yeah roping he's literally groping girls and yeah what about grabbing by the [ __ ] donald trump okay if you want to talk about that that was a long time ago this is this 43 years ago this campaign biden's going around like literally like feeling like young like it was like teenagers look it up and this is true and that's really [ __ ] up my endorsement that literally left a bad taste in my mouth again i would have provided if you want to know but i'm just saying like okay i'm getting there i'm getting there the other side that hey like both of these people are kind of okay so one per so one president spent seven hours a day on twitter but the other one maybe said something racist 43 years ago bottom line you should vote for everyone based on what's important to you like gay rights trans rights like that that's what i'm doing women's rights are important to me you don't you think you don't think a president should spend seven hours on twitter but then there's people who like deportation like obviously like deep like that like immigrants like daca like you know he just i mean i heard this from my my hair stresser but she was saying like you just signed a bill yeah because she's really big into hispanic rights and stuff like that joe biden is pro daca what he said one of the first things he'll do just like admitted like what was like 400 000 or something like daca people like dreamers saying like they're cool like donald trump was trying to pick daca people out this whole during obama it was like three million and during trump it's been like you're mixing up deportation and daca you don't daca is different than deportation i'm going to look it up he just fell for daca people clearing wait you have to stop i'm gonna deportation do you understand that are you kidding me david doper came over here on daca he's a dreamer he came over here when he was in the nine in the early night isn't is it obama isn't daca obama's initiation no david's a dream yes it was it was i i don't really know what trish was talking about oh my god i just don't know and trump tried to kick all the daca people out all right i just looked it up there's an article from august this year august 28th that's how david told stance is how he came over here on the dreamer act he was a dreamer he doesn't have social security protecting dreamers stalker protects dreams i think you might be confusing yeah yeah oh my god well let me show you romp wanted to kick daca people dreamers out of the country that was his whole thing he was saying get the [ __ ] out obama made daca just sign something over i'm gonna try and find it he just signed something clearing everybody the girl that does my hair she's like really big into like hispanic right that's her thing she's mexican her husband's mexican and she just said he just signed over a bunch of things again i'm just trying to put both sides because you're literally doing one side being like you're wrong about all the dreamers but you're wrong i'm wrong everybody that was like a central point of his platform is that he wanted to kick out dreamers he was ending daca he said i am ending daca for four years he said i am ending daca and joe biden said the first thing i will do is that i will protect daca he said we are going to take care of daca we are going to take care of dreamers it's working right now we are negotiating different aspects of immigration immigration law trump said but we are working very hard on the daca program and you will be i think very happy over the course of next year because i feel the same way about it as you do that's what he said after trying to cancel daca his entire administration because it's a policy that obama created dan fact-checked that i can't allow business i'm gonna be a fact-checked well yeah we can allow misinformation we need to let the people know what's actually true yeah but you're doing all one-sided this is like not one-sided all i'm doing is listing things that i personally care about and i think most thing you're like asking and like being like do you care about this the way you're presenting it is very one-sided i said do you want a president doesn't spend six hours a day on twitter i don't don't care about that okay well i do 24 hours it doesn't matter like when you're less productive yes it does super productive and i'm on tick-tock you're not the president you work on fifth grade you work on tick-tock i'm so productive doing other things besides tick-tock but i'm constantly on tick-tock like i'm doing other things you're not the [ __ ] president i could be easily about 35 do you know what climate change is no okay does trump know climate changes maybe not you don't know what he knows likely he doesn't maybe that's a good point dan are you able to find any facts on this what are we doing i'm i'm dan's firing i'm giving an honest try to find what you're talking about trisha i i can't find what you're talking about dan always says this is why nobody likes the h3 podcast because dan zack and ian ruin it why don't you have females are you misogynistic how come you don't have females people could argue that too there's no females working for you guys why are you attacking me right now i'm not attacking i'm like pointing out facts if you want to point out facts okay do you want a president that spends less time on twitter i do okay trisha apparently wants president to spend some more time on twitter i couldn't care less like who cares you can spend time on twitter not six hours a day okay 200 tweets a day is [ __ ] neurotic and all have you ever tweeted 200 times in a day maybe i don't know no i'm sure i have at one point literally nobody is tweeted 200 times a day except [ __ ] maniacs i mean that's your stance you should be arguing better points than that oh i have didn't have you been paying attention the past like 20 minutes unfortunately i feel like everyone's tuned out this is not the asian podcast this is front of me this is the fun one this is the one that gets the views people like the popping conversation and we've been stuck for the past 45 minutes are you comfortable with your president calling for his political opponents to be locked up what are you comfortable with your president calling for political opponents to be locked up oh my god what is the right answer that you're going to say yes no i don't know i couldn't care less about that i'm telling you what i care about i don't care about that i personally don't think that my president should be calling for his political opponents to be locked up so if you agree with the things that i've said here today then i urge you all to go vote today is the voting day and it's more important than ever if you disagree with the things they said then go vote too yeah vote for who you want and who you think's going to do the best first i agree if you disagree with the things they said go vote too because democracy only works when people vote this is horrible this is like watching ladies oh endorsements it's just like crazy also if you work in iowa if you live in iowa arizona ohio north carolina georgia florida nevada texas minnesota wisconsin michigan pennsylvania new hampshire your vote matters more than mine because the electoral college is [ __ ] stupid as [ __ ] so you should especially go vote because for some [ __ ] reason your vote matters more than mine and trisha's so go vote pennsylvania michael keaton pennsylvania especially michael keaton get the [ __ ] out there involved get him on the podcast yes really i would cry can i tell you he's the one and if you disagree go vote for donald trump and that's fine but everybody vote okay that's it yeah we can't get michael keaton he doesn't like the founder okay so why can't you get that really upset you the whole political thing it doesn't upset me at all see uh this is what you're doing this is gas lighting when you're like that really upset you intended at all i'm having a conversation over the podcast i think you fooled me and everybody watching you're like [ __ ] you don't have women on your podcast i mean you don't if you're gonna play like that round it's like okay well you also like donald trump donald trump such a boys club you guys are basically donald trump you are basically the whites the right side and white side of this because it's like you have all the people that protect you and you protect them and everyone else like it's like can't come in can't infiltrate you're like what's the deal with jack's films like who [ __ ] cares like you protect all these people dan protects you oh i'm trying to find what you're saying i can't find it like it's crazy like it's so insane i don't care i'm not upset i don't even know what the [ __ ] you're talking about let's all right how are you feeling uh oh let's talk about drama let's talk about john why did he start delete the tweet that he did about you did you see that video why did he delete it oh we should watch that let's pull it up we watched it and i was like why why did you delete it i don't know because he's not offensive he's a i don't know why because he's a little [ __ ] bad for him i think he might be maybe something wrong with him like a little off and so i feel like we shouldn't make fun of him because i think he's a little off right i mean you have a good point because i do and i don't i say this was piece of peace and love and i know i'm not like qualified and i should and i'm not like diagnosing him you know yada yada yada yeah but like i do think that he probably has some kind of personality disorder i don't think his personality disorder i think there's like a little bit of like he's just a little slow like maybe learning or something oh i think he's actually smart i don't think so he confuses things a lot and i'm like and i don't think he does it on purpose like he's trying to be funny and i'm like oh i think he's like maybe some sort of like learning handicap he says he has dyslexia i have i have some dyslexia yeah but that's it's beyond dyslexia that's why i kind of feel bad like i think he might have some kind of personality disorder i mean who doesn't really you know everyone has a little bit of something but but anyway here's the video that he removed about me that's a good one another one well so but i mean i guess the whole joke is that he's making fun of my tourettes which i guess some people think is like yeah but it's not tourette's tourette's is like when you i have tourette syndrome no tourette's is when you're like [ __ ] this just isn't that tourette's i don't know you can actually yeah you're right i shouldn't get so there's obviously it's a scale right i have tourette's syndrome i have a mild case of tourette syndrome that's why i'm all ticky with my face and stuff um okay so it's not custom why do they always say it's like cussing and things swear words like well that's like the high that's like the super uh on the sliding scale that's the really severe case of tourettes tourettes is like an extreme case of ocd uh characterized by like vocal tics so mine is very most people tourette's just go like you might hear during a podcast you hear stan's like stuff like that i never heard that yeah it's quiet but then you have the really extreme version of tourette's which is usually a combo of other kind of neurological things is is when you end up with people who are screaming obscenities but that's very weird i've never heard you say this once you have tourette's yeah i've talked about it a lot but it's obviously i don't talk about every episode but i've talked about it i'm very open about it i've never heard you talk about it so he's making fun of the fact that after he knows i have tourette's so that's kind of he's making fun of my wonderful do you care though no i yeah i don't care but i just think it's pathetic that like that's his gag right a happy you know what i mean right then then he but then dan why aren't you laughing i mean that's kind of good that's kind of funny but then the other thing he does is he calls elo horse i don't get that is it because her face yeah he thinks he thinks like a long like oh and so then he's always been like i don't want to do that but then he does it in this one yeah he goes ela i don't think i saw that ending so here he goes over like either we have to fire him or something it's too much laughing cut it off and then here's uh hilah as a horse should we fire him as a horse i mean he's not funny so we know that but i think like i said i think that something is like wrong with them like slow whenever people go for like not to even be whatever but i feel like when people go for like low things like when people go like for instance if they call me like fat like that's such an easy thing and like i don't know your trust thing but like the face thing or whatever like that's like a low blow you know it's not like smart or anything you know what i mean so i feel like with that he's like kind of off i think he's just like a little slow himself in the sense that he doesn't really get that that's not like you know what i mean like i think he's just i think he's just trying to be as mean as possible because he thinks it'll upset me like he thinks that him calling my wife a horse will really upset me do you think he he thinks it's light-hearted because something no no no he's trying to be his mean as well can i just tell you with our beef on twitter like i actually like i was just trying to push as much as i can i never was like i never like hated you i never was like oh my god let me just piss him off yeah but i think you were actually like taking offense to things i said no i wasn't at all you never took about anything i said on twitter not at all so why'd you unfollow me because i didn't want to see your [ __ ] vagina but you didn't i why is your butthole so large or something and i was like oh so you like yeah you commented on it no i literally i literally unfollowed you because i was tired of seeing you naked on my and like not just naked like but that's you commenting no i messaged you i said i said hey trisha peace and love i have to unfollow that you were commenting on like my gaping butthole yeah maybe it was fun i probably left a funny comment so then i was like oh okay and then you like talked about my vagina on h3 before before i was like too much there was one photo wait i get it i'm just saying like you were actually i remember you would like text moses in like the group chat and be like dude what the [ __ ] why is she tweeting i love you in hebrew like you were getting like actually like offended by stuff i was doing and i was like or like that i said he had like a well i'm not and okay i don't know well what my point is is like maybe he thinks it's like you guys have this beef it's like a joke like it looks like a joke outside he he hates me but you're gonna i know from people that know him no he he doesn't hate you yes he does why would he go why would he go through that effort for someone he hates he wants your attention well he might my attention that much is true but he does genuinely hate me and vice versa i think you like the attention because you dressed up as keem with the keemstar puppet like i feel like you also want his attention i don't want his attention i just want to make fun of him sometimes because i because i think he i i just i really think that you just like him for real i really just he's probably the only person in the world that i really dislike because i think he's just a really toxic force on youtube and he causes a lot of grief in people's life that otherwise shouldn't have to deal with yeah i think he does like like he just he he's just such a negative force the reason i have my only issue with him was like when i asked him like privately a couple times to stop like hey can you just stop talking about me and i was like through private text or whatever just like texting who's texting my phone number and he like shared those dm's and screenshots and he goes she's not telling me the truth about [ __ ] gabby hannah like i'm gonna expose him like stop like and he wouldn't and he literally said i said can you please stop he's like no when i was like what the [ __ ] like what crazy person when you ask someone to stop it's not funny anymore because he continues to do it because he i do think he's kind of a sadist in that way he's like when he sees that you're wounded or vulnerable then he he digs in i'll read because i was like at a really like breaking point and i literally said something like hey my mental health is like really not good now like i was trying to be like really nice about it because i really wanted him to stop it was giving me well you know he thinks mental health is fake he thinks that people just say that to get out of things he's repeatedly said that mental health doesn't exist and people just use it as an excuse this one is like he kept asking me to send me proof and i'm like i'm [ __ ] drained i don't trust you i asked you not to leak information i shouldn't be talking about that trust me how i'm not out to get you i said you're escalating very serious problem can you leave me alone because i want to know the [ __ ] truth and i said that's all i ask you're not the police you're not here you don't you're exploiting all this it's sick it's sick just stop police are involved do you want views i'm asking you kindly he goes exploiting trish i get no views talking about you and gabby that's facts i said then just stop i'm asking you he goes no i said you call me mentally ill paranoid this is insane good luck with all these fake things it's insane good luck with that i can't believe it's what he's like i reached out then this is like i reached out to shane to back up your story and he didn't respond like yeah like this is when shane's going through his [ __ ] i'm like like he's gonna respond i said okay what do you want me to do has a lot of [ __ ] going on then he goes uh what are you saying you're texting me and then i said all this stuff like the private conversations he goes why don't you just make peace with gabby like he's texting me he's like a crazy person he has a kid and like this thing and he's like asking me what this thing and i said hey like i said i this is like serious whatever he's like this is way too stressful like you have to whatever and then i said i said i'm like she's harassing me i'm blocking you now this is insane i said no normal person would ever get involved with you and this is weird wish you well hopefully you realize no one cares he's like convince me gabby is stalking you proof please and i'm like okay and then i just blocked him because he's [ __ ] crazy but i asked him to stop i'm like i'm not wow yeah and then you blo and then he forces you to block him and he goes look trisha blocked yes and then showed all the things and i was like i just don't believe you and i'm like why i sent him look at all this i sent him like documents like restraining orders like gag orders like all this stuff that i've like sent and he's like he goes i'm giving you advice like all this crazy stuff and i was just like can you just stop talking about me and he wouldn't yeah anyways yeah exactly he's crazy he's a girl i mean he's like grown and like when you ask someone privately to stop like it's actually affecting me and they don't that's like [ __ ] weird if you're going back on twitter and you want attention whatever that's one thing because i've done that too like i don't mind that but like the thing is like he the thing is like he's been lot saying lies about me for a long time like saying i stole money [ __ ] like that like not funny that i already disapproved you know he's from who from a video game company we did a collab with he said i was supposed to use that i was like no there's our money and stuff like that right so like he's literally he's doing everything he can to like ruin my career or whatever he's been doing that for years so it's not it's not funny it's just so you really do just like him because i don't think there's one yeah okay yeah i really do dislike keemstar i just like him too thank you we can agree on that i love that that's all right that's the friend box but we just bonded um he's just awful he's just a bad person like but i think most people would agree that calling someone's uh wife a horse is is right but like i said to that like you did call tana twinkie like i think that's like something he thinks is funny it's like gross well in the context of a instagram reality video i mean i agree it was rude but like her outfit was yellow and it was in the context of her like morphing her body but he's just insulting my wife to get to me but he's doing it just that because she doesn't look like a horse like everyone yeah feel so hot by the way oh no i know she that's why it doesn't it doesn't bother me because elo is beautiful but my friends are really jealous of you by the way for ila they're like wow you look so [ __ ] hot like why is she with you like they literally say that to me actually i'm like oh my god this is like it's not weird but it's like ela's very like you know she's not very like out there like just trying to like show her tits and stuff but i was like she's so [ __ ] hot like damn like who said that i can't tell you is it someone i know no you don't know this one they watch the podcast though and they're like she's just so hot like why is why she with ethan like she can do so much better like what the [ __ ] that's fine well we're very happy like obviously that's what i'm saying is she obviously is not a woman well now well now that he's started that though people are always tweeting and commenting and it's like this whole thing where people call it that she's ugly no i agree but like but like you know whatever it's just it's like it's [ __ ] up like why why does she have to see everyone calling her a horse on all of her posts is it like bad like i think it's just like his people you know what i mean like no it is i'm just saying people call me a whale like they always like tweet mo that's like pictures look i'm not i'm not i'm just saying whatever we agree we agree we don't need to argue about concerns from you i've got a lot of whale and corpse and like all this stuff like that yeah i'm sorry i mean it's fine i'm saying like that is like the least of the keemstar evil i feel and if she did look ugly like a horse like it would be one thing but she does you guys need to make the next bigger on teddy fresh i have to like pull my neck it's like it hurts me and like gives me lots of smoke i also have really fat fingers i found out i have a size nine wedding ring finger that's so huge why are you doing wedding rings i was literally gonna just buy one for myself but they don't make them in my size at the store it's so embarrassing what let me see your fat finger it's not that big what do you know what size well you have small hands but do you know what size your fingers are like a regular guy size like a size eight mine's a size nine and they don't carry them at all like the biggest size to carry for women are still one of those rings i can get like something custom-made but i want to go to a store and pick a ring out and buy it you know what i mean it's like they're like ma'am you're like ma'am i hate to tell you this but your fingers are way too [ __ ] fat for this story literally literally we were they have plus size ring stores they should they really should i was really sad we went to this really fancy like resort place and they had like these these stones that they make there and they're like fifteen thousand dollars was this ring or something i wanted and he's like well they can stretch it a little bit like didn't even get past my knuckle i was so sad he's like well we can get it to you in like two weeks when she has to like reconstruct a whole new one for your fat finger and i was like no it's not the same like i want one now it's just [ __ ] that they do that anyways i have really fat fingers it really sucks oh my god one other thing if you lost a bunch of weight do you think your fingers yeah no because i used to be like my skinniest was 150 which is still kind of big but was 150 and i still had really pudgy fingers back then too interesting you could just have big ass finger balls yeah but you have really small fingers and hands yeah why is that that's interesting i don't know everything else is uh i like them they look like a little boy okay okay you asked me too about a mukbang yeah i think you know what's really popular where i feel like goes viral and also like whatever it's not that i like love this food because i really don't but like if you type in like muck fingers eating crab legs you need to get those jungle tablets no but then do the alfredo sauce i don't love it either but with like alfredo sauce no i can't do seafood we'll have to do something else like spicy yeah i want to do spices i can't do spicy though oh you can't but i would do it for the show funny no i can't do crabs i can't do seafood it's just i can't do it you have to just do it for the like a thumbnail like that you can't do the crabs the way he said it was like light yeah i just can't do it let's talk about drama okay you've no barely well hold on the bit the best one hold on well we have like ace family ah ace family what's new with them i think they were i don't know you did like a whole thing about them and then james so this is what i want to talk about is james charles which we didn't talk about on video so you made five videos about ace family am i still on frame dan yeah why do you sit like that you just want to look as unflattering as possible you love being ugly i feel it's fun because you don't have to worry about looking good you know yeah but you're not an ugly person and you just like to make yourself ugly for what reason more relatable some people don't know you're relatable it's not like oh he's so he's so you're unrelatable you look more intimidating that way you look better looking and you know you look like no because i was comfortable let me can i tell you something i used to be so insecure about my looks back in like high school like when you were you told me you're like a diver or something right you're like a swimmer like you did i always thought i was yeah i was fit actually back then but i was i was uh i thought i was very ugly and i would just stare at myself in the mirror and i was like i would just like hate look at myself and i just hated how i looked and i would if i saw a picture of myself it would ruin my whole [ __ ] day wow and i wouldn't i would just avoid i wouldn't take photos i wouldn't look at pictures of myself because i would just i just hated i thought i was so [ __ ] hideous and so i said you know what this was somewhere around the end of high school i said i can't live like this it's ruining my it's just ruining it's ruining me right yeah like i there was times there was a window in my backyard of the house i grew up in that was like really reflective and i would go out there and just stare at it's so weird like just stare at myself and just like cry oh my god and so i said i'm not gonna look in the mirror anymore i'm not gonna look at photos i'm not gonna look in the mirror because it just ruins my [ __ ] day whoa and it doesn't matter what i look like i look like what i look like and so i went like an entire year oh my god that's so intense without even looking at an image of myself or looking in the mirror and then somehow i felt better i came out of that end of that year and i stopped i literally just stopped giving a [ __ ] about how i looked and now i don't care at all i think you probably need a therapy instead because it sounds like you didn't resolve the issue because now you're trying to be as ugly as possible like doing the unflattering photos you always do and the angles i think there's like a deeper issue you're like if i look ugly it's like the what about bob where if you fake you're having a heart attack you're not having a heart attack you're like i'm going to be ugly as possible so people can't make fun of me for being i'm not ugly all the time i'm comfortable being yeah i'm comfortable being like this you're always showing like the belly gag the chin well i think it's funny because it's like people always go how could you show yourself like that and i think that's funny because you would rather people say that about you than like oh he's so ugly or like look at that angle well sure there might be something to that but i post normal photos of myself all the time well i'm so sorry i feel like have you ever been in therapy yeah are you in it now i'm not in it now i was earlier this year oh okay good for you yeah i think i mean that's like a that's a deep rooted that's sad i mean because that's like not knowing well it was pity it's like it was really sad at the time but it doesn't bother me anymore because like i hate the way i look too like i hate my body and i feel fat but i never look at it like oh you're disgusting i can't look at myself like i'm like oh sometimes i look hot you know so to have that where it's like in you you just hate you're looking at yourself it ruins your day it's like an intense yeah no it was awful that's why i was like i'm just not gonna look at i'm not gonna look at myself anymore and now but it was like before i couldn't even look at a photo and now you know i just but like i'm on camera you know that's my living right so you look skinnier than me but can i tell you why you look skinnier than me is because your shoulders are small you have small shoulders and i'm very broad shoulder so i look like i'm like twice your size okay when in reality whatever you have to tell yourself no no we're like the same size we've established what you're like 220. i feel like i'm like 220 now so i feel like we're the same size but i'm like significantly taller okay i'm just saying damn i mean i'm just saying you're trying to say we're the same size right how tall are you i'm five eleven how tall are you i'm five eleven as well no you're not i'm not even close you're like five eight i might buy three i have flat five three and you weigh the same amount as me and you're saying we're the same size that's why i'm gonna have a hundred years i feel like can you stand up well i have my shoes on let me know without shoes oh yeah you're pretty small i think i feel like i can't even see us see my head's not even framing i'm such a monster giant how tall are you five eleven are you yeah um i can't see that well anyway let's talk about that well you're just saying hey you're like hey we're the same size and i'm like well i am like you know six inches taller it's okay i'm a little chunky monkey but i'm trying to lose weight now i'm gonna go get a salad after this for real although we are getting pizza tonight so i'm gonna have the salad for lunch i'm trying to like limit i'm saving my pizza token for tomorrow i'm so excited for the reaction oh oh i'm gonna drink i'm gonna eat pizza and i'm gonna pray oh oh what if it's bad though and then you're like then i'm gonna drink more yeah you just die [ __ ] well be careful don't do too much god i'm so stressed about tomorrow i've been waiting for it for so long oh you're excited election yeah yeah let's talk about james charles so you made five videos about ace family being like blah blah blah and then what is it that you said about james in one of the videos it was such a blowout comment i was making five videos about the ace family i was coming for austin and like austin is so narcissistic self-absorbed people i'm like the only other person i can think on this platform like that is james charles that's all i said and then i continued blasting austin and james charles like what was the comment do you have it yeah we got it right here so james charles leaves a comment on your tick tock from his tick tock and says keep my name out of your mouth you do not know me which is so psycho by the way for him to come like you would just you like as a public figure you should just really like move on and ignore that yeah it's so weird even if you're like oh trish is a [ __ ] she's wrong whatever yada yada yeah that's whatever the concept like he came and he left a comment leave my name out of your mouth like what are you like tupac it was so that's what i was asking what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah yeah you have to send me a straight [ __ ] yeah i hate when you should drive by his house and do what drive by it's like hey what's that no if he wants to get street let's drive by okay let's [ __ ] you're not leaving no no we're not doing that no no let's drive by let's get up to homies let's get the homies together james is just very nervous let's get the [ __ ] homies and ride he always complains about not having a boyfriend and i'm just like well maybe like evaluate why people don't want it james charles really not getting any no that is so sad it's so awful and he's so rich and famous like how could he not get but that's how you know your personality sucks when you're at that level like harvey weinstein even o.j are getting dates now and he cuts his wife's head off well that wasn't proven like he well it is kind of um doj definitely killed her i don't know it's like no he did he was pretty found guilty in a silver civil court okay well that just goes a test to james charles personality yeah can you imagine would you go on a date with oj if you weren't with moses can i just say i used to have a little crush on rosie simpson but he's a handsome guy he's a big fan but knowing what you know now would you go on a date without i did a music video dedicated to oj simpson i should probably delete it before this comes out because i did a whole music video saying how much i love about jason and it was really bad like a couple years ago why i really wanted to date him because he was getting out of prison and i was like oh maybe i should [ __ ] you're crazy subconsciously i do think i wanted to die like i was like if i get murdered like do you know what i mean like death by uh suicide by oj yeah like if he was the one can i tell you that's why i used to only date famous people because i thought if i died real oh you have extensions on no these are permanent though like you can pull them and shower because i saw your because it looks good um i got these new yeah these are in for the next month so you want to kill yourself by o.j simpson i don't want to kill myself i'm saying if if i'm gonna die i'd rather be die at the hands of a famous person um you know it's a little more iconic to my story to my legacy as opposed to moses killing me it's not that iconic as if like o.j simpson killed me yeah you'd be forgotten if moses killed you i don't think it'd be forgotten it just wouldn't be as big well that's a fair point right you make a persuasive argument i'm a twitter headline for like a day if moses tells me if oj does it i'm getting movies maybe yeah exactly yeah cool anyways i just do think he's sexy a serial killer sometimes are sexy and that's what's [ __ ] up i have a friend that i think might be a serial killer well i don't think he's killed anyone yet but i think he might eventually what are the signs he's well just all of them does he does he hurt animals no that's like then is that the number one time i don't think he does that tortures animals i think he's just on the path of maybe if you see him hurting animals you should call it oh my god no if i really thought he was gonna kill someone i'd call somebody i think he's just good looking i think that's why i think he's a serial killer because he's like too good looking to be single i can't believe james cheryl's gonna get a dick yeah james charles though like he's just so self-absorbed to leave that comment to be like don't talk about which what like my name out of your mouth like he's literally only famous for drama like he's not he's talented but that's not why people like him you know what i mean he just leaches on to these tips there's all this other james charles t that kind of surprised me he uh in a video uploaded by noah oh this is one you were talking about okay where he said he would kill uh james uh shane dawson which [ __ ] ads you're ruining my show i have youtube premium but it's not the right account i'm logged in okay sure you do i swear to god i have youtube premium i'm not poor i don't have youtube and i'm i'm not poor let me log into my youtube premium account okay bougie can we get joe rogan on the podcast oh no i problem on his podcast to promote the show sure can you have your pr people reach out be like trisha wants to come on yeah podcast i feel like he's a big podcast joe rogan is he yeah he's big he's more bigger front enemies or h3 well the whole h3 collective universe is more popular am i in the universe can i go can i go to the streamies on your behalf and accept it oh that'd be [ __ ] awesome definitely okay is there not a time stamp we have to watch a whole james charles video for the team where's the [ __ ] time stamp you know what this is kind of a big deal i know it's kind of like petty feel like it's a game or whatever but that [ __ ] mirror kill [ __ ] is is intense kiss marry kill kiss mary kept tom holland oh i have a mega theory that he's gay who is that what's his name i thought you know him he's super famous on tick tock he's painting like a charlie's sister or something what you don't know him he's like super no okay maybe he's not a big deal okay gay or straight we all know we'll kill it i mean i guess like marry tom holland and kiss liam payne that's easy good question first of all all those people in that car and i can't wait for their cancellation tobuscus style you know what i mean just like where is ray william johnson that's gonna be them that kid on this side is going to be ray william johnson like being like where harry yeah wait what's his name larry i think what a name where you like larry my grandfather's name no shader grandfather wait why don't you like larry i like larry what's he do i don't even know maybe i don't know but he likes teddy fresh so i like him oh bias you can't be biased like that he isn't a car with james charles which by by association i'm gonna just cancel him anyway he's basically gooblers gobblers what is that goobler what's his name goebbels he's gobbles what's gobo he was like he worked with hitler no but that's what's scary about this is james charles will actually probably kill someone because he's a psychopath no he's not no like okay i have a good grasp of people who are actual psychotic people and him and gabby hannah are psychotic people and i don't know they're murderers look i get it i love how keep star your enemies are like they're psycho they're gonna kill people and then keemstar's like i get why you will call your your wife a horse wait oh yeah well calling on a horse is like i mean not a horse so what do you think they're gonna do and he's not gonna really kill james charles he's playing against shane yeah shane dawson can i just say like james gives me those serial killer energy yeah but he's oh it's gonna replay in 10 years it's going to replay and people this happens to me all the time tricia well i'll tell you what i just called carl before anyone else i was like this guy is like low-key pervy and they're like no that's a [ __ ] mormon family man though huh i feel like you say that about everybody what about you i didn't say anything you said i'm like once before not that way i didn't i didn't mean like loki i will tell you what if james charles doesn't get filleted soon we're gonna find some frozen dicks in his freezer because this guy needs to get laid desperately the other issue is is like him talking about like a jeffrey dahmer style i hate that he always talks about like straight guys sliding into his dna it's like why do you need to put that out there like what are you who are you trying to like flex by the way this i just want to say before we move on to that this didn't offend me at all it's not offensive i think it's totally overblown he's just playing a game he says i don't like shane that's all he's saying i don't like shane okay james no one likes you so good luck i mean you know how i feel about james charles i'm just saying that [ __ ] was he just you guys said [ __ ] america well because you know what fast forward 10 years and you're going to play this and they're like well trish was [ __ ] right that guy's like a serial killer all right he's a psychopath he's like tati dude he taught his like lawsuit now trying to sue people for defamation it is so hard yeah definitely like oh you need to you're disappeared just stay away from the internet forever like go work a real job like it's not wrong with it like work at cracker barrel who [ __ ] cares which by the way went to cracker barrel over the weekend not sponsored but it was so [ __ ] good wait so wait i'm getting trying to find james's did he erase it what the one about the the straight no he did erase it it was on it was on that one page i told you about here i've got it here james charles uh oh the oh wait so here's the one he was on vogue portugal if he's such a big deal why is he on vogue portugal yeah what about vogue us yeah exactly about james charles he goes he's on the cover of vogue portugal and then he he quote tweeted a six-month-old tweet and said who's laughing now babe on who on a six-month-old tweet he said hi i'm a talent for vogue me and my team are very glad we found this post because we needed something to laugh at just some and then six months later quote tweeted it said who's laughing now babe yeah what tweet at me when you're on vogue usa he does i look i have no is like literally he's done nothing to me other than be like keep my name out of your mouth which is like you're accusing him of murder look here's the they're not accusing him of it i'm just saying here are the warning signs right he's obviously very insecure that's why he's doing all this like get some help treat your insecurities is that a prostitute so you don't so you don't cut someone's dick off and put in your freezer i don't mind that i don't mind prostitutes no i'm saying it's good i agree i said go dude because this man is a ticking time bomb until he gets some debt remember when hugh grant [ __ ] that prostitute over liz hurley when he was dating her and he'd [ __ ] divine brown off sunset boulevard like hugh grant you don't remember that oh i do vaguely remember that yeah who grant was like damn can we get him on the podcast people forget about this eddie murphy picked up a trans prostitute which you know but he was ahead of his time back then it was like whoa he said he didn't know but i think he knew i thought yeah oh i mean i think he wanted brands like women are like the hottest like to have sex with them is like the hottest like i love a tea girl they're so [ __ ] hot there you go eddie murphy agrees i tried to date one on your bachelorette but you didn't weed them out good enough for me you didn't find good ones and then james oh so let's see james charles accused here's this i wonder if it's a racer oh here so he so james tweeted out there's a famous tick-tock boy who every time he fights with his girlfriend snapchats me nudes and confesses his love for me then gets back together with her three days later i finally decided to tell the girl because she deserves better and she blocked me laughed my ass off yikes like first of all why are you even sharing all this information at one if it's true i think i'll tell you why because he's afraid he's gonna get outed by that girl and he's trying to get ahead of it who's gonna get outed james if this girl's like james charles is a freak and he's creeping on my boyfriend she blocked he's trying to reverse that yeah he's trying to get ahead of it yeah he said stop cheating on your significant other it's awful and some of us can't even get one boyfriend let alone like oh these are the kind of people i can't stand like just [ __ ] stop being so [ __ ] messy like damn tell her and keep it private and if there is something to expose he's so scared of always getting exposed because there's [ __ ] to expose on him i just hear the worst things about him i don't really care i don't know him but i still don't like i don't like his uh did you miss the memo keep his name out of your mouth i'm gonna keep you know when someone tells me that i just do it ten times more i'm just like it pisses me out like when you were like hey stop tweeting me your [ __ ] i'm like well here's my [ __ ] [ __ ] if you're gonna keep saying it's ugly on your podcast i'm gonna tweet it to you 20 more times yeah that's fine thank you i just mute i mean i just muted you no i don't i think i thought i think i followed you back on twitter now but i mean just because i don't want to see your [ __ ] that's kinder like you should mute someone that's why when someone unfollows someone it's so intense you know like damn i like to keep my follower list slim though because i don't want to feel like a follow [ __ ] where i just follow like thousands of people i don't think anyone cares that much i don't think they're looking at who you follow and how many well i'm vain i take my twitter very seriously oh you're gonna look like a teddy bear okay do people tell you that no is that why you did teddy fresh because you look like a little bear no james charles accuses uh and then there's oh yeah and then the toddy thing is she's tati westbrook is suing oh first of all she's being accused of fraud in a lawsuit filed by her business partner which is epic as [ __ ] tati yes tata tati you guys all remember by tati my sister by mother more like buy grandma because she's a grandma for youtube no i'm just calling her old ow how old is tati westbrook she's old she is like 40. yeah so i'm saying if she's gonna say bye sister i'm gonna say bye bye mom yeah it's creepy that's grandma you should i mean because that is weird she's saying how james charles is like 17 or 18 38. so i agree yeah she was hanging out with james why is she making gossip about james who's like 17. bye-bye grandma because it's not even her job she's a beauty guru like if you're doing it it's like you know even keemstar i guess it's like your job or whatever but it's like tatiana makes makeup videos so to do that whole video about like this 18 year old was weird like sometimes tata so she's being sued by her former partner over let's see gross negligence and fraudulent and duck inducement as it relates to tati's vitamin line halo beauty it always comes around karma i've experienced both bad and good karma and it does come around every time the lawsuit states that swanson agreed to owning 50 of the nutritional supplement company with tatin james owning the other half however swanson alleges that just prior to officially launching halo beauty 2018 james and tati came to him with an offer give them two-thirds of the business in exchange the west brooks would commit to use halo beauty as miss westbrook's umbrella brand for all of her beauty launches miss der swanson agreed to these terms swanson further alleges that tati promised her star power would result in sales describing how miss westbrook claimed that the product did not matter that she could sell a [ __ ] product to her loyal followers additionally swanson claims that tati assured him that fellow youtube personalities like jeffrey starr manny mao meow man oh manny mwah i think that is his name is that really i think it's a good name manny moi james charles and laura lee would endorse the product claiming that they turned down lucrative advertising deals with rival competitors sugar bear hair out of loyalty to her hair the documents note that her promise of endorsements soured in 2019 miss westbrook's claim to influence was undercut when james charles endorsed sugar bear hair oh that's where all this is strong that kind of explains right that explains why she lost her mind you're crazy the court document reads on may 10 2019 miss westbrook posted a video by sister accusing mr charles of inappropriate sexual conduct according to the lawsuit he went behind swanson's back to launch a separate beauty brand in 2019 under her own name selling reusable beauty blenders and an eyeshadow palette max manufactured by seed beauty furthermore swanson alleges that west brooks began to plan the launch of additional products for tati beauty including perfumes and other makeup items without his knowledge tati has not posted any videos on her channel in four months having stated that she is taking a break so she sounds like if this is true she [ __ ] that guy hard yeah greed greed agreed greed i was playing footsies with you no you just kicked me yeah sorry it wasn't put to you take it back um that's [ __ ] insane she is evil like i feel like james is just like narcissistic self-absorbed like a little prick but i think she's like an actual evil person like she actually has something like conniving and greedy and then now so there's this channel without a crystal ball which i follow for drama oh yeah yeah and uh now she's suing now tati is suing and she's a really small creator without a crystal ball for defamation which as you are touching on suing someone for defamation especially in california is pretty much impossible to prove literally impossible it's so and they get to like prove like damages and like talk to you you know what i mean everything it's not even you have to prove that you lost some money no that's just that's the easy part you have to prove that the person knowingly lied about you and then still went out of their way and specifically damaged you yeah it's [ __ ] it is [ __ ] that you can't like sue people for that because people like you said can say whatever they want well and also as you noted she's a public figure right so she has less protection yeah it's like you literally no i've learned this too like people can literally say anything about you and it's like okay well that's yeah i mean yeah well crazy um well you can sue people if they're lying about you it was like at a certain point it's so expensive and dogs have a minimum to start the lawsuit twenty thousand hundreds of thousands i mean just to even like start it like you have to send them the cease and desist they laugh at you whatever and then to even start it it's like okay this and then yeah and then like back and forth hundreds of thousands yeah i've been in los angeles to come to fruition hundreds of thousands easily you know i talked to a lawyer because i was like keemstar just kept lying like with this thing about stealing money and all this and that the video's still up and i was like you know i'm just going to get some uh counsel on this so i talked to this lawyer who's like uh became recommended highly to me he specialized in like high-profile defamation cases he says i think your case is actionable but i have to tell you that it's gonna this is gonna cost you at least half a million dollars yeah you know yeah i know and and then well the good thing about keemstar is that he does have money but in most so he's like his first question was does this guy even have money right because if they have no money yeah i say he does have money but i was like i've been through an ugly lawsuit i was like it's just not worth it but this girl katie joy without a crystal ball she doesn't strike me as someone who's who is very wealthy and so when you're suing someone like that for defamation it's literally just to ruin their life yeah and but it's so pointless if you don't own property i mean literally what are they gonna do you know they don't even garner wages because i sued somebody once and one and he had kind of money but like i still haven't gotten paid from it and like yes yeah and basically they don't even like his wages they don't even like what is that called garner drummer like he's getting income and he still hasn't paid me he owes me 150 and he's kind of like a little high profile-ish but he like somehow hid money for bank oh oh you know yeah oh that's [ __ ] you know o.j simpson's done that he owes them he owes her family like millions of dollars but he just [ __ ] up because in florida they have like laws that protect from garnishing wages and stuff that must work out here because this guy and then after 10 years or something it's like it just falls off or something like it's great like good luck getting the money you know how hard it is so hard it's so annoying but the one thing is that if she so here's how the lawsuit works if she doesn't defend herself which is super expensive and she fails to respond then it's presumed to kill and she loses [ __ ] up it's gonna come back to tati that greedy [ __ ] gonna get it so she's suiting katie for defamation for the fact that she tarnished her reputation i mean she doesn't even get that many views they're seeking five million dollars in damages here's an old video katie describing searching for info for tati's family here okay here this oh yeah have you seen this you guys research i tell you remember how i told you i was going to try to do something where i exposed tati westbrook and i was like looking and i've been doing this for two days straight now two days thinking i would find something when i started digging into her background and i have looked all over the place you guys everywhere everywhere because part of when a part of what i do is i super chat what do you mean super chat you can give me a super chat if you want to give me a super chat but by the way just give me five dollars while i tell you this by the way the fact she's suing her for definitely i mean like yeah there's probably like five people watching this last thing i like to look into people that sell snake oil to see if they have stuff in their background that would make them less than honorable um something that might indicate that they are you know there's something legal going on they have a criminal background they have um a criminal history they owe money they have like a reputation for doing all these things and then when you go to her her mother's page or her sister's pages who are all still there they're all like she's she doesn't exist as a part of their family anymore it's crazy i started playing around even more and digging through more and more information going through marriage records and through um birth certificate oh my god i didn't even find her birth certificate which is weird it's also creepy zero records of her father like zero so then i start going on and i'm like getting into this conspiracy thinking like her dad is dead or oh my god why doesn't her dad have it i mean this girl is crazy too so then i start digging through addresses and phone email addresses and see all this doing all these searches and um going through businesses and looking at all this different stuff to try to like connect some dots so i feel like there's a story here with her dad and i'm not sure what it is we're gonna have to keep looking there oh my god then there's something with her mom too and i'm just gonna have to keep digging i would say refer stalking more than defamation that's that's not defamation but it's super creepy but she's a public figure people do this to both of us yeah that's true and by the way she's probably just on like being like looking at public white pages it's not like she's in that [ __ ] cia hacking yeah like the definition that's something that's not defamation but it sure is creepy but hey that's what public figures deal with and like that of all the drama channels like why not spill tea or something big buy that one that's so random is that what it is yeah she's suing her for five million dollars god like oh that's just crazy damn so this girl deactivated her twitter and i guess disappeared i guess that's what she wanted from her but damn like well she's [ __ ] but it's like but tati all i gotta say is tata tati james charles has got to be loving it though watching the demise of tati he shouldn't love it too much because it's gonna come around and the karma's gonna get him too he needs to just chill and that's my advice what tell me right oh they're allied well that's what tati said and i talked to james and we're all good i mean but were they like go after them or whatever but um yeah i think being humble is the best way to go being cocky i first of all i've never been cocky i've always liked hated myself and thought i was a piece of [ __ ] but i'm saying in general people should be humble because and can i tell you that's actually worked for me or just hate yourself yeah maybe humble or self-clothing no but just stay humble people who get cocky like the ray william johnson's toby turns like all these people probably nobody knows who those are i'm just talking about them but like those are like people that get too cocky and then [ __ ] comes around to them like just stay humble what i wish is that james charles just gets some good dick and i think he'll chill but he says he's virgin i just i can't believe that he's a virgin i don't believe it i can't believe it i could believe it for sure well but like he's so thirsty do you think and he's famous and he's rich he can't get dick this is going to sound so stupid but like quick question if he has never had sex i just thought about the sound like how does he know he doesn't like vagina i'm i don't think do you know what i mean i think i know what you think you mean but i don't think that's what makes you be gay no i know but like here's my thing i think he looks at me and he's attracted to men but i think i was like i thought i was like i don't know maybe i am but i thought i was bisexual for a long time identify as bisexual and then i was like with the woman and the first woman i was was like oh i really don't like this but then now i'm with girls i'm like oh i like it but am i bisexual i think you're more fluid you know but i think james is like really gay yeah but he's never tried but i guess well i'm sure you've seen a vagina online i mean it's hard to avoid especially follows you on twitter i don't think he follows me i don't send unsolicited [ __ ] you should send him to him and see if he's like are you sure you're gay here's my [ __ ] oh that backfired on me a couple times the guys have actually turned gay or i don't think they turn gay i think they're just like i'm getting that girl i am now i think i've turned people gay and i know that's like not a thing and that's not literacy you know i love my gays we started out with that but i do feel like there's been guys that have been with me like i'm gonna try it with a girl and they're like oh definitely gay you know what i mean like i've had gay friends want to try it i'm like oh i'm the one to try it with does that feel bad or are you like uh whatever does it do you really feel bad when that happens kind of i kind of feel good that they want to try it with me but then when they're like definitely i want to take it personally i think that you probably just hang around with gay dudes and they're like if you see you're like safe and not judging for sure for sure i've been with some yeah really really gay guys and but i'm assuming a guy like charles because i i really do think sexuality is like a spectrum and i think someone like james is probably without knowing him personally probably like pretty but he's never tried yeah but like for me when i look at when when i look at men i don't want to [ __ ] men you know what i mean no i don't [ __ ] men it's just you know i don't think there's really that much of a mystery where you're like oh it's vagina i think the worst part is when they stick it in and it goes soft the gay guys you're just like oh i'm so sorry like i feel bad like i'm literally dick repellent i literally the boner killer you're like oh you're the raid of [ __ ] but they aren't gay in my defense they weren't they did tell me they were gay they wanted to try it it's a bad feeling just uh limp dick in you all of a sudden it's like oh yeah all right let's wrap it up yeah anything else go [ __ ] vote pause this go vote we need you now trisha obviously thinks that tweeting a billion spent the president should be on twitter all day right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter and climate change if michael keaton swore i'm for it can we get him on the podcast please if you know michael keaton yeah yeah yeah send this to michael keane i love my boyfriend i've been very grumpy too lately i'm so sorry really you guys been fighting i've just been very grumpy and he's so patient and so nice i'm so sorry i literally have you been have you been losing patience with her at all no he's literally like the most nice literally he literally is he's an angel it was his birthday and i was like and he was just so nice he's couldn't be nicer he's the nicest person in the whole world so be nicer to him i'm just some grumpy i have something really wrong with me that i just need to like snap i don't know what's wrong with me like i literally i'm just like okay well you guys will work it out you'll figure it out but he doesn't deserve my meanness i'm not mean i'm just growing i know what you mean i feel like that sometimes with you really where you're just kind of not in a long time i used to be really or well when we first met we've been together for a long time you know yeah so i guess there was a point in time where i was super stressed like really really stressed and i was super irritable but after that when i started taking antidepressants like i'm like it stopped i think i need to do that but they just [ __ ] me up oh i need to find a solution because i do think i'm depressed i have no reason to be like i'm actually really happy and i think i'm like depressed i don't i don't know if i'm really lucky but like the lexapro for me is like i've been on that it's all good for me and that there's like really no side effects it's just my suicide attempts are on lexapro see that full yeah then obviously don't do that no i know i'm so but there's i know doctors say there's like all kinds of different anti-presences i've done like everything i'm really scared for myself well see a psychiatrist and work with them yeah that's what i need to actually you know what i mean like you gotta just test and test and see what works i'm just so scared to get on something because i know how i am when i'm like on bad meds like worse almost like now i'm just kind of moody well it's good that moses is with you you can keep an eye if you're acting out of character and just keep your psychiatrist that on a you keep them close yeah if you can call or message if something's off and moses should have their contact too if we'd be like yo the shit's off the rails no but like i'm happy and i tell like sometimes i'm so [ __ ] happy and i'm like oh my god like i'm really happy but then sometimes i get so moody and i snap that's my thing i kind of snapped like what the [ __ ] like i get really like like anger like no i know what you mean and i apologize right away like the next like i'm like god i'm so [ __ ] sorry why did i do that i think you're just i think you have you sounds like you have mood swings so you need something to stabilize you know you know what a way to end that what the [ __ ] do i know but anyway you guys will figure it out dr drew back when is dr drew coming back i think you just need to talk to you're like when do i get to have therapy again just go see a therapist i know i had a really bad headache after that episode i like i had to get a jambo juice i'm like we need a job but he's my head hurts my head was like throbbing it was a good episode though right um yeah i think every time i cry i start getting like a headache yeah what happy election day yeah happy election day guys let's [ __ ] go democracy don't drink dunkin donuts my heart is racing all right guys we'll see you next week this has been frenemies the non-halloween edition we didn't even mention that but it's nice not to be in drag for once alright guys see you later
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,402,381
Rating: 4.7382689 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, frenemies
Id: Cms9D7om3gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 4sec (5644 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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