Regarding Trisha Quitting Frenemies

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I love how Dan was just at a loss for words after Ethan's anology.

👍︎︎ 1976 👤︎︎ u/Groovy_Doggo 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

“I’m working within the constraints of a mortal mind”

get this on the sound board

👍︎︎ 2253 👤︎︎ u/astronautducks 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

not Trisha saying that the Addams family costume was from one of her favorite movies and then claim to not have seen the movie 💀

👍︎︎ 2322 👤︎︎ u/gloompicnic 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can you imagine Moses in the middle of all this? lmfao

👍︎︎ 897 👤︎︎ u/Loknathor 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

ethan called trish out for tokenizing his tourettes despite him constantly asking her not to. yessss ethan

👍︎︎ 2126 👤︎︎ u/zuesk134 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

That costume situation is so fucking strange, she literally says its her favourite movie and wants to do it then when the camera is on acts like she doesn’t know who the character is and makes Ethan look stupid? Fuck that

👍︎︎ 1494 👤︎︎ u/gregorcee 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

This feels like in middle school when the teacher would finally snap on that one loud classmate that constantly annoys and bullies you

👍︎︎ 216 👤︎︎ u/twentyninepearls 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

“My dick feels like a piece of wood.”

-Ethan Klein, 2021 Regarding Trisha Quitting Frenemies YouTube Video

👍︎︎ 974 👤︎︎ u/jacksonjpm 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan you have every right to set boundaries for yourself and Hila and to stand up for your crew and company as the boss. Good for you.

Trisha, IMO, has not once conceptualized that these people have welcomed her in as family with such unconditional patience and forgiveness. These are not just disposable relationships that you can avoid and post about. You are marrying into their family. With the position your fiancé is now put in, put some respect on it.

👍︎︎ 1520 👤︎︎ u/Independent_Praline7 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody not a typical episode obviously um i just wanted to come out here and kind of address everything going on with the frenemies [Music] um obviously you know there's a lot i want to say about it and a point where i'll just i'm just gonna start from the top like first of all i'm gonna say about trish like the whole breakup is that like trish has been saying a lot of things publicly which has put me in a tough spot because on one hand obviously i want to respect her you know well-being but at the same time it's like she's kind of tied my arms because she's saying a lot of things publicly that i feel i need to make some corrections on and just you know to speak up for myself and i want to do this in a way that's respectful to her because my intention is not to like burn the bridge or the blast or anything like that i just want to give people what i think is a fair account of everything that's happened and so i say with peace and love that you know as a friend uh i have come to love and appreciate trisha you know as as a partner um i think she's one of the funniest people i've ever known one of the most talented people you know one of the most dynamic and entertaining people i've ever known and so creating frenemies with her is going to be one of the all-time highlights for me it's been such an amazing ride i've learned and grown from it so much on a personal level from her and from you guys the audience obviously there's a lot of new people that have come for the show and i feel like i've become a better person for this experience and so i want to make sure that everything i say now is under the lens of like appreciation and love for trisha and not at all trying to burn a bridge but more just trying to you know defend myself or correct or set the record straight in some ways because you know it's like what trisha she she she this is she puts me in these tough situations where it's like i'm losing no matter what she can say whatever she wants you know what she puts out publicly and then you know if i just sit and take it everything's distorted and if i say anything then i'm the bad guy for you know coming after something which is not my intention at all this just for the record is not you know uh so listen the the the i don't know what more humanly i could have done to prevent this from happening like i i don't know what humanly more i could have done i feel like i have tried to accommodate her in every possible conceivable way you know to make this as comfortable as equitable i've been as fair as possible in terms of like money creatively and stuff she disagrees with that so there's some things that i guess i want to to correct and you know since we're not doing this show she's going to put stuff out there and we're not sitting next to each other for me to be able to say like well no this is what actually happened um now she she keeps going on about how sh there's creative differences with her and the crew that was something she's she keeps talking about and so the day after we shot after we had like broken up we had a conversation for the first time ever about her wanting to hire new staff that she would look for and hire to work on frenemies that was the first time we had ever discussed that and after talking it out with her i agreed i said okay we can you know what again because i just want to make everything smooth and manageable we had this big blowout we talked the evening afterwards i said you know what let's hire producer you tell me who you want to hire and i'll hire him and he can work on some of the more complex ideas that you have because she has ideas like oh let's do ribbon dancing and it's like okay well that's a fun idea i agree it's a cool idea but like actually executing it finding the spot uh filming it the logistics of getting all the equipment there everything you know is is is the hard part that we do so it's like it's like yeah i have an idea to go to the moon okay i mean yeah it's a cool idea but like you have to figure it out you know that's the hard part so she said okay i want a producer i said you know what it's a good i don't even hate the idea let's get a producer who's gonna work with you to to produce your ideas i love it so i agreed you know and i said let's just chill out for a few days let things cool i'm down to hire this producer um and then you know the next day without telling me she drops this video she's quitting for enemies which took me completely by surprise and i and i was just you know i was honestly i don't know from a business partner perspective and a friend perspective that video really rubbed me the wrong way because i woke up after having a conversation with her where i agreed that everything she wanted to do and i wake up to her being like saying all this stuff about private conversations we had and saying oh it's the crew's fault uh it's the people on the crew were unhappy you know and like i don't know i just felt like that video was just so unnecessary and i just didn't get it because i had done everything possible i want i i didn't get it i was like oh hi i'm down let's do it you know in the long stream of things that i'm willing to do to keep her happy and it's just i don't know you know she goes on to on about how like we hired sam who's ian's girlfriend and by the way i explained to her she said why don't i get to hire people why are you hiring this new person i immediately explained to her that hiring sam had literally nothing to do with frenemies we have a big production company we produce a lot of content sam has been working for us freelance for months and she recently became available for full-time employment so i said this is great i like sam i want her to be on the team and i'm gonna hire her as my production company i said why should trisha have a say on who i hire for my production company it's got it literally has nothing to do with friends and i explained that to her but the thing that we discussed you know that was kind of like a non-starter is she told me that she wanted a whole new crew for frenemies because she didn't feel comfortable with them she wanted a whole new space she wanted a whole new crew um and it just i don't know it's like she couldn't meet me halfway i was like yes producer whole new crew we need to we need to essentially fire everybody that's worked on the show from the beginning find the new space and change everything and i don't know for me that's that's kind of a non-starter because it's like first of all just on the face value it doesn't make sense like trisha from the beginning we didn't know how long the show was going to go we put up the money we took all the risks for a show that she's already walked out and quit three times so she wants me to hire people lease an industrial space of which by the way the leases are usually three plus years on industrial spaces for something that she's inevitably gonna quit like i mean it's happened three times already so like and guess who's gonna take all the risk on that me i'm going to risk my ass like i've done this whole process i've done i've put up the money i've fronted everything because i believe in this but now it's like i don't know i feel like she's rewriting history a little bit on on how this came to be but again the logistics don't make sense i can't go hire people and get an industrial space and buy equipment for something that's like so uncertain i mean it doesn't make sense you're gonna you're just gonna mess with these people's lives waste all my time and money it doesn't make any sense so for me besides that besides the crew being extremely capable extremely hard working they've busted their asses every week to put on the best show possible every sunday night and the week proceeding we're working it's the weekend and we're all we're working on sunday to put the show together and so it's it is disrespectful and demeaning to them to be like we need to get rid of all of them and hire new people the people who have worked their asses off to put this show to make this show possible because at the end of the day when me and trisha don't talk all week and sunday comes around it's my responsibility and the crew's responsibility therefore to put on a show that's actually going to work because it's not my thing to just show up and not have a plan and so there's so many weeks where we don't talk in between the podcasts and it's falls to me and the crew to make sure that there's a show with a plan a structure with resources with all everything cited and prepared for me you know what i mean everything takes work nothing is easy you know what i mean maybe it looks easy to her like we don't do anything but everything takes a lot of work we work a lot all the time and these guys don't deserve to be like we need to fire we i want to fire all of them and get rid of them hire a new it's like okay well that's a non-starter for me for multiple reasons and so you know this is where maybe i [ __ ] up okay is that i was talking to the crew like trisha wants to i i was like listen trisha wants to hire a new crew i was just being transparent with them i was like trisha wants to hire a new crew obviously that wasn't something i was going to commit to but i was just like i don't know what to do about this because this seems like it's not going to go anywhere when the when the crew found out she wanted to fire them all they were there first of all they've always been down to go work and do the shoot as was scheduled they are good loyal you know hard-working employees that are down to get the job done no matter what i had done a temperature check like how do you guys feel about going to do this because there was some there was just people like you know the vibe was like trisha wants to fire you guys and hire new people to do frenemies and also do you want to go meet with her and shoot tomorrow and so obviously they they were like well it's a little awkward right but of course i'm willing to do it and so i made the executive decision as their boss trying to foster a healthy work environment that let's just not do the shoot tomorrow bearing everything that's happened and take a few days to chill off and so and the con in the context of that conversation i think trisha understandably came to to make take the meaning like oh they're on strike that wasn't the case they were always down to shoot it and i made the decision to not shoot immediately after taking a temp check and and after everything that that happened so you know and then then another thing that's like really unfair is that she keeps saying things like one of the employees girlfriends you know who was hired without my consent again had nothing to do with you nothing to do with frenemies hired for my business uh is the reason why you know this is all like falling apart is because she was offended that trisha didn't like her the q and or the the advice segment that we were planning first of all i thought it was sam's idea it was just an idea she pulled from a document but she did the work preparing it i don't think it really matters whose idea was the fact that trisha was just going to sit there and trash their work was kind of unacceptable to me because ultimately i have to create a safe work environment for my employees and it's just kind of toxic to sit there and [ __ ] on their work whoever did it it doesn't matter who did it um but i do want to say for the record that that's not what happened sam was not upset that she didn't like the work um if anyone was upset it's because she said that she wanted to fire everybody and get a new staff that made people uncomfortable like okay well she doesn't even want to be around me okay but the thing is she keeps harping that in all of her videos to the point where not only is sam now getting [ __ ] on on her like social medias people have gone out of their way and been like you're the reason frenemies is over she's people are going to like abs wife people are going to dan's girlfriend and just like random spit firing [ __ ] at them with the chance that that's the person trisha was talking about and that's just it's just not acceptable you know and this was part of a private conversation that she made public to try to justify why she wanted to leave the show and that that to me just i don't know it's just not cool to do that i really don't like seeing the crew get [ __ ] on for no reason i have some responsibility to take good care like to you know create a healthy work environment for my employees and that kind of stuff where she just taking private conversations and putting it out there that's resulting in like dan's girlfriend being harassed is just i don't know to me it's unacceptable and i i don't know i guess some people disagree with me on that but look that's just the way it is i really don't know what to say she said that our content was lazy repetitive the segment was horrible it doesn't matter who prepared it it's like it's just not professional to do that on air when the crew is there it's her first day and you know now i ironically you know sam is a huge fan of trisha she's the one that like built the the steamies award for her and bedazzled it and made the the little peeps rolls-royce like sam loves trisha and um i just it was just it was just i don't know it just wasn't cool that she's gonna [ __ ] on her work on her first day and so she she's been a trooper she's getting [ __ ] and she was never mad i i think when i was talking to trisha i said that that uh i told her sam's not upset it was just the whole thing is stupid you guys i don't i don't know just stop just stop just stop [ __ ] sending hate like they the crew did nothing wrong i misunderstood the situation i told trisha that people were upset that she didn't like this segment okay i take the blame for that the reason they were upset that i misunderstood is because she said she wanted to fire them all they were always willing to do their job period they have done nothing wrong it's gotten to the point where i'm i'm just not speaking my mind anymore i mean the whole premise of the show is that we have this openness with each other and it's gotten to the point where i'm processing like oh if i say this she's gonna walk out which is exactly what happened you know but for me it's like okay she can everything's fair game she can say anything she want she called my wife like the c word she called me you know she said the most horrible thing she said i'm a terrible parent ela's a terrible parent and for me it's like okay and i understand again that she has mental health she has mental like health issues but at the end of the day it's just not i don't feel like it's it's fair even though she has those issues it's just i can't be her emotional punching bag and then the minute i speak up for myself it turns into another like show ending fight it's just it's just not a fair relationship um you know i have mental illness problems too like that never [ __ ] she doesn't seem to really give any credence to that like i have depression i'm medicated for that [ __ ] 20 milligrams lex for every [ __ ] day my dick feels like a piece of wood like i have no sensation in my penis side effect and i'm fat by the way also a side effect you know i have tourette's by the way something that she continues to tokenize which always makes me uncomfortable i always ask her to stop doing that insisting that everything i do is oh that's tourist that's tourette's i don't like it and i tell her that every time and she keeps doing it so like you know it's just not fair like i'm i i take all this [ __ ] and she takes no [ __ ] ever anymore you know even here when she says like oh i put out so many ideas here i said something and i said something that was lazy or something like that and he's like well you don't do anything but i put up so many ideas for the show and i like listening like aerial gymnastics like dancing with the stars like clay pottery and the thing and i like okay so that that's the extent of her involvement she says here's ideas and i said great let's go to the [ __ ] moon after that it's like an idea is just a fart in the wind unless you [ __ ] give it a sniff and internalize it i don't know if that analogy is good but it's like you that's that's that's the fun part you know let's go to uh let's go build a habitat on mars sick how do we get there you know the tour bus that was that was very hard to put together i was very hard to put together logistically you know and she she like tore it apart she was very rude about it saying that it was unprofessional people didn't know what they were doing it was just the cast girlfriend on the bus this and that it's like yeah it was the cast significant others and friends and family because we because you know how what's the legal issue of trying to get a release from random people i mean we'll put that on in like a week's time and i thought it came out great all things considered and then for her it's just never good enough like it was [ __ ] the sound was awful the video was awful it was super unprofessional it's like okay not good enough you know and then here's another thing that was like super unfair is that the night after she posted or that the day of after she posted her i'm leaving frenemies video i texted her trying to be mature and handle it personally like off the internet i said you know i just want to be honest with you and say i felt it was really unfair how you put that video out you know after we worked to try to resolve this and she ignores my text and she posts another 20 minute video 30 minutes later that was in response to my text that was more like oh the crews the reason why this happened and sending even more hate to their [ __ ] instagrams it's just like it's like dude i i'm not i'm i don't have i i'm a patient man but i'm not like superhuman i just was like i'm reaching out to you to try to resolve this and your response is to put out another 20 minute video about the situation and once again i mean there's an impossible position where it's like she can say and do everything put out all these videos tweet dm some private messages and [ __ ] and i'm just supposed to sit here like a [ __ ] like gandhi or siddhartha buddha the buddha the great buddha i'm not the great buddha i am fat though well the buddha was skinny so i don't even know why where that comes from you know [Music] i don't know dude it's like she kept pushing me and pushing me it's like i'm sitting here trying to be an adult and salvage the situation and she keeps like pushing the situation in this possible unsalvageable situation to the point where and it's like not only that but now i'm being forced to sit here make a video that i never wanted to make in response to all the stuff she put out there and it's like imagine how confusing it is because she goes on the show and she says oh this questions is so dumb it's lazy it's crap i hate it i mean the day before she retweeted it unprompted i did not even ask her i told her about it we went over the questions she was happy about it she liked it and retweeted it i didn't ask her to do that she did that unprompted so now all of a sudden it's like this is the duality of trisha that's just really really difficult we discussed it before we went live i went over the segment with her i showed her the questions that people had and she liked it she agreed you know it was a work in progress because we just posted it and we had only a few questions to show from because sam said there was like 2 000 emails to go through and it was something people were excited about the fans were excited about it i thought it would be fun and again we went over it before the episode and she liked it so it's not like i blindsided her and she was against it the whole time that's just not true she hates the uncle fester costume idea that we pick all the costumes and like here's her message about it when i pitched it to her you know originally and i'm not look at i i know this is like a dm but i do think it's important to illustrate the realness of like how difficult it is to navigate this space with her because she putting out like how much she hated the costumes uh it was my idea she never wanted to do it she doesn't even know the character she says i never i don't even know this character i sent her this picture i said costume idea she says laugh my ass off oh my god oh my god this is one of my all-time favorite movies can we i love her and we said okay and then trisha went to her tailor had the costumes made and so how am i supposed to about how am i it's like i'm in this part she loves it it's one of her favorite movies and then she hates it she doesn't even know who the character is and it's all my idea and you know [ __ ] me for even making her do this it's like i don't understand what am i supposed to do that's what i mean it's like i can't humanly do more she expects super human care she expects i i'm not a superhuman you know what i mean i don't have like psychic abilities unfortunately i'm working in the constraints of a mortal mind this is and then she brings up this five percent cut thing where it's like dude it doesn't seem like that much to ask that i get a five percent cut to cover everything that i've spoken about we pay for the set we rent the space we film it we use our equipment we employ the people we edit it we upload it we post it we get that sponsors we develop the concepts we work all week to prep the segments we pay for the insurance we do the accounting and the payroll i send her a fully itemized report every month of literally everything and how the expenses break down and her cut and the fact that she would even accuse me of not being transparent is honestly very hurtful because i've gone so far out of my way to be as transparent as possible i show her literally everything i have our cpa preparing a monthly report itemizing literally everything we pay for all that we do all of that we work on sundays to prep the show and she's complaining that five percent she's she's she's apparently like i want to say and how that five percent is spent the five percent is already spent on everything i just said there's no production company in the world that would do all that for five percent more like fifty percent or even more the five percent is a family rate it's literally nothing it's it might not even be covering our costs to be honest with you it's it's it's as close to nothing as humanly possible and one of the great efforts i've always made to be as fair and transparent and accommodating to trish as possible but it's like she always keep going back like i have a say to say what does what the five percent how did you hire sam without consulting me it's like i'm sorry this is our business she's not just working on frenemies why do i need to consult you who i hire for my business that seems out it seems outrageous and then she starts going i want to itemize breakdown of how that five percent is spent and i'm like dude it's not like that it's a [ __ ] it's just it's a fee it's a production fee i'm not giving you itemized deduction of my of the the entire business that's just it's like these absolutely unreasonable unimaginable uh bars that i could never reach someone who has done everything possible to reach every bar she set and that's one she just she keeps setting it higher and higher to the point where it's like that is in unhumanly possible to reach and then she has the the audacity and i'm just gonna be honest this was she starts tweeting out our dms and this is she's just not acceptable behavior and listen i know she's like as like like i appreciate the mental health concerns that she has but like there's only so much that i can tolerate as a result of that and she starts tweeting out my our private messages talking about the show this was a message before the show ever was made we had not even made one episode it was all theoretical i said i think i need 55.45 to cover the cost of production and she showed a screenshot of her saying i'm being jewy by the way you know why'd she send why did she post this why did she post this she posted a screenshot of herself calling me julie for wanting five percent to cover the massiveness of this production and again it's like she can say whatever she wants about my being jewish she can make all the stereotypes do everything she want and i can't ever [ __ ] say [ __ ] the minute i say anything to her then it's like shows cancelled you know it's just not an equitable relationship and then um and then here's another thing you know we bought a whole new studio that we're in right now she says on one hand she doesn't come to my house and she feels uncomfortable so we bought this studio she said she doesn't want to come all the way to downtown l.a or she says she has trauma about downtown alicia's want to be or whatever i'll be honest with you guys she knew from okay whatever without being getting into he said she said i was under the impression that this was understood that we were going to be moving to l.a eventually i mean when we started the podcast it was in the basement the basement was always temporary we bought we owned this building by the time yeah we already what yeah it was just because of cover we were in the basement we had already owned this building it was always the plan to move down here but then she says i'm not moving i'm not going doing the show downtown l.a so she said she starts to get like okay if you guys don't do it here you guys need to stay at the house and so i said you know we had a little back and forth but ultimately again trying to appease and do everything humanly possible to make this work for trisha we spent 30 thousand dollars buying all new equipment cameras switching board audio equipment microphones everything uh so that we can continue to do at the house for her and she keeps bringing up this like well you get five percent so you should you like what is that for you need to be pain and i say okay you know what let's keep the show going let's do it at the house i'm gonna spend another thirty thousand dollars on the already fifty thousand dollars i spent on the set i don't complain about money i don't give a [ __ ] about it i really don't like i can't i don't know dude and so then we spend all that money on that [ __ ] and then she's not she's not comfortable going to the office and now she's not comfortable going to the house because the crew's there you know the merch issue is another way that just is super super sad for me in the same way of how she just like wants to cut the whole crew loose because first of all we fronted the money we produced designed and made in its totality ela did ela despite trisha saying the meanest and rudest things about her knowing that there was a chance that the show might not work out you know made the risk used her company's resources and and you know for trisha to just like walk out i mean we have this merch release every penny i've made from frenemies by the way if she wants to talk about money is tied up in this merch that doesn't come out for another month and i don't even know if we're gonna sell so it's like for all the complaining she does for money she's the only one as far as i'm concerned that's actually making money from this thing because i've spent pretty much every [ __ ] penny i've made from frenemies into the show on merch into their own resources buying more equipment for the [ __ ] studio paint building the set it's like it's so easy for her to complain she shows up she gets a guaranteed check every [ __ ] month and i'm spent and i'm putting all the my money on the line and now i have hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in march and i'm probably not gonna be able to [ __ ] sell that my wife worked super hard on her staff worked super hard on and now it's like tough luck dude trisha got paid and she's complaining about five percent it blows my mind up and i'm upset about it i am i can't hide it i'm just am it's just not fair it's really not you know and the release of this is july 8th we were going to do a we were planning to do a photo shoot this thursday something she insisted on doing and we put it together with our resources we were paying a photographer a uh product someone to produce it this is all money that we were paying upfront out of our pockets and never even thought to ask her for money because i don't give a [ __ ] right in one month's time and she drops the i'm quitting frenemies video after me doing everything possible to resolve this with her privately so like i the nerve of her to complain about five percent when i'm literally not making a [ __ ] penny at this point it's it's just it's it's just it's just so disrespectful it disregards all the hard work we do not only on the crew but now with my wife and all the co and all the people that worked on the merch it's like okay well you know [ __ ] you you know it's just so ironic how she keeps bringing up money it's like i'm the one to put my ass online every day i never bring up money i never complain about money i never i never ask her to pay for anything i'm so open-handed with her i'm so transparent about everything and now i'm the one that gets [ __ ] stiffed with like a ungodly amount of merch that i have no idea how i'm gonna sell but good but you know she gets her paycheck every every every month on time clockwork reports everything and listen i'm just going to say this i fully support her skin care products and everything she brings to the show i am her number one hype man i love when she makes money i support her i want her to do well financially all the time that's why i'm always hyping up her only fans her skin care you know her merch everything because i'm happy i want her to do well but it's like you know she came she promoted her you know skin care which again it's a great product i saw it it works on her so i'm like yeah go buy it it's top of the link now even on that our last episode of frenemies it's the top link there you can go buy her [ __ ] and god bless her for it you know but it's like it's easy for her to quit frenemies after she got this huge plug for her [ __ ] and go make a video saying i'm quitting i'm quitting for enemies with you know like 10 mid rolls and then complain about like i want five percent for production costs it's just it's like it's just not fair it's just she she's i don't know what she wants from me it's just not fair it's just so it's so not fair you know she's got all the security of getting that check of promoting her [ __ ] and i'm stuck with all the [ __ ] bills and five percent is like something that she just can't let go ever and i'm talking about money something that i hate doing and i would never want to talk about but she keeps bringing it up and now i'm at this point where i have to talk about it because i'm so screwed with the smurf situation it's like i'm so screwed with this merch situation thousands of pieces of [ __ ] that i don't think anyone's gonna care about honestly come next month and by the way when we sell that [ __ ] whatever we sell she can get 50 of the profit just like i promised her even though she went on twitter and try to call me a liar he's lying i only get 50 it's like trisha read the message she shows a message again i don't know why she's sending our private messages and okay she outed me i yes i hit my icon on whatsapp is metamucil love that product she tweets out she circles we are splitting the 30 percent which is typically our profit margin it's like trisha just read what i wrote to you the profit margin is thirty percent i'm giving you half of the profits do you want fifty percent of all the revenue because i will lose money again apparently you're the only one that's allowed to make money in this relationship i really don't understand we are splitting to 30 which is typically our profit margin that's 50 you know we've been talking about the merge this was like she was super gung-ho and passionate about it like i said we were planning a photo shoot this thursday that we were we were already put down like ten thousand dollars on and she just you know [ __ ] that right spent didn't put a penny down on that [ __ ] you know and by the way sharing our business profit margins is not public information like there's no reason for her to put out what our profit margin and that's just not public information i just don't understand why she's doing that you know and then there a whole big part of her thing was that we don't ask for her input on anything that she's like and that's just that's just again very upsetting and very untrue you guys remember back in the beginning of the show she was complaining on the show that i was texting her too much asking her too many questions and wanting to involve her too much in the show she told me not to bother her you guys remember that that's in the show like from the beginning i've tried to include her and give her as much control input as she could possibly ever want and she tells me don't text me so much it's like okay that's nice for you but we have like on sunday night she goes don't text me past like nine or eight or whatever it is it's like nice for you we're all up preparing for the show so don't [ __ ] complain that you don't have control that we don't care about your input when you're based literally telling me to [ __ ] off because you don't want to deal with this it's like the responsibility has to fall to someone me obviously and the crew to put on a watchable show so sunday night she's saying don't text me it's like okay let's do this guys and then meanwhile she's got the she's got the hudson to come out here and say they don't ask me for my input it's just unwinnable it's unwinnable situation i mean we've gone out of our way in every imaginable way to make her feel welcome accommodated listen to appreciate it too i mean do you and you know it's just not fair dude i mean like i'm looking back on like that the beetlejuice episode on her birthday and how we went so far out of our way because we wanted to it's not like a i'm not saying that like oh we we wanted to do this for her to make her feel loved and appreciated and welcomed um it's not enough i don't know what it i just i don't know it's like an unwinnable situation you know i don't want to make this video at all but like she keeps putting things out in the public she's made a bunch of videos a shitload of tweets and it's just not fair to me to be able to just once again sit and take her her be her punching bag and not even say anything on behalf of myself or my employees you know in the end the truth is that i'm very grateful for the experience we've had with frenemies and all the learning and growing and developing and the amazing growth that our channel's seen as the result of that show i mean it's been it's been popular and successful beyond what either of us anticipated and i have so much to thank trisha for i mean and i'm this isn't like i'm not trying to like cut her out of my life this is not me trying to say i'm not i'm i'm not ending things on bad terms with tricia i mean she's my family at this point she's marrying my brother-in-law this is not like i'm not by any means trying to like cut her out of my life okay i cherish her as a friend as a talent as an entertainer as a comedian i think i think you know the world of her in that regard but you know as a partner it's just you know after doing everything possible to make this work and then being [ __ ] on the crew and me and the teddy fresh and disrespected everybody like as a partner as a business partner and then putting out videos and tweets and stuff it's like i just i don't know i feel like i owe it to myself and to the crew to explain things as i see them at least because we're not sitting together to have this conversation she put out her side so you know it's just fair for me to put out my side i owe it to myself now and to everybody teddy fresh into the crew who worked on all this stuff that's just getting like you know dropped i do love trisha as a friend and i do want the best for her and i'm sure she's gonna bounce back and do great she's like a freaking you know phoenix rice from the ashes always will this is not me saying like cancel trisha this is not me saying anything like that because look we're all i don't know i'm not mad at her i don't blame her i mean i'm this has been a frustrating experience but like ultimately i understand who she is and i'm willing to forgive and forget always when it comes to her but there's certain things that are out in the public domain now that she put out there that i feel like you know i need to give my two cents on so with that being said that's really all i have to say about this and um don't be sad what's the saying don't be sad it's over just be happy it happened is that a thing that's the thing right don't be sad i think shakespeare said that shout out to your boy i'm very grateful for the experience for everybody that's been here i know it's meant so much to you guys and for me to be have been a part of something so meaningful and such a kind of big i felt like a kind of like a big important thing we were a part of and it was just like one of the great honors and memories that i'll always hold but you know i guess all things have all good things end and uh maybe we just you know don't cry because it's over smile because it happened i don't know it is with a heavy heart you know that we end the show and it sucks it does suck but you know what life goes on right but here's the thing we're gonna keep making the best content we can we are going to keep working our asses off to keep you know you guys entertain we're going to be keeping the content fun we're going to keep doing our thing and i hope that you're going to stick around and join us for the journey because we're not stopping we're only getting started and um i'm sure that trish has got a lot of good stuff up her sleeve for you guys as well so uh and you know worse this is not the end of ethan and trisha's friendship uh you know this is this is just me i'm just rambling now thank you guys uh and we'll see on friday for after dark
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 5,074,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies
Id: v8YqLShLJiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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