We Made The Only Honest Award Show - Introducing The Steamies - Frenemies #15

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i found it so sweet how trisha was getting emotional over them giving her a custom award at the end, and it was really nice that they did that for her. loved this episode

👍︎︎ 206 👤︎︎ u/kara-thraces 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan: *coughs*

Trisha: Lets normalize Tourettes

👍︎︎ 242 👤︎︎ u/backupalittle 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

This interaction hahaha

"Everyone is amazing here! Except for I don't know Zach I don't like love him but he lost a lot of weight so good for him but I don't know anything abiout him"

"Zach's great but, yeah, you don't interact with him"

"Yeah he's... sigh... But anyway we love everyone here"

"Except Zach... He's not here"

👍︎︎ 187 👤︎︎ u/spotix 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

A 9 carat diamond ring, dayum

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/megamoviecritic 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

10 minutes in and I’m overflowing with endorphins with how positive and happy they both are this episode! I love it so much!

I genuinely love Trisha feeling like part of the family, and Ethan giving her genuine compliments!

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/VivaLaEmpire 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

They need to send the winners a “this smells like my butthole” candle

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/poison_ive3 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just started watching and I just wanted to say I love how they look. Trisha looks super glamorous in a Broadway type way!

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/judygarland420 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

These two actually look great dressed up like this.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/GDMFusername 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve never seen Ethan in a tux but he looks fresh as hell! Trisha looks really good too.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Kroctopus 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're back it's 2021. people thought they might not be back in the new year i i was ready i'm i'm a new trish this year i'm really good to see you i'm happy to see the h3 crew and the family i'm just i'm just happy so there's no no drama no negativity coming from my hand i'm so happy to be here and so blessed and so honored oh thank you she's killing it the podcast is killing i'm really excited to be part of this family for real wow this is a new year i'm so you know what i'm really excited to be back i'm happy to see you i love the show we do it's a it's just it's awesome i mean look at what we've brought here together this is amazing this looks like you look amazing let me just say you look amazing yeah you lost somebody yeah i want i'm afraid i so i don't know if i lost weight trisha always thinks i look skinny always always i don't always tell you look skinny have you ever showed up and been like he looks fat today be honest i think you look the same i never think you look fatter yeah but the definitely skinnier today you're the only one that noticed so so god bless you i think people don't focus on weight as much as we focus on weight like fat people focus more on weight than like other people to like ian you're probably like this you're like robocop but you're like you know how robocop when he sees criminals he like crunches their data you're like that for fat people very yeah i very like watch what people eat i'm very just like analytical about all that stuff but you look good i know you do by comparison because my shoulders look fatter than yours today and therefore now i need to lose 10 pounds before next episode you think you're sure so you measure it by how fat our shoulders look but you're you don't usually open o wear open shoulder outfits um i do and i'm usually tanner so i'm kind of like pale which makes it look fat look fatter i just need to be like this yeah i also just gained weight i was just making doughnuts at mcdonald's every day so dude you're living your best life i'm living my best life for sure i mean like sometimes sometimes i wonder look i'm just gonna make a decision to kill myself by eating mcdonald's and die young and go out doing what i love yeah but i don't think it's like killing yourself people say that it's not killing yourself then we're all killing ourselves by like existing in the world of coven like we're killing ourselves every day by leaving the house yeah but that's true but you by eating more mcdonald's you increase your chance of death sooner for sure and you lower your quality of life too because like your thighs rub and you have to hobble around my quality of life is better when i mcdonald's i'm so much happier really i've been so happy so [ __ ] just be a monster just be it just do it do you moses do you care if she gains like a lot of weight that's a bad question he can't answer that no he like but he also like doesn't care he'll like buy me donuts i'm like i'm trying to lose weight and i feel like moses is a fee like secretly a feeder yeah for sure he always buy me know something i'm going on a diet tomorrow and he's like got some donuts for you but it's nice i like when ela feeds me sometimes she forgets she like forgets for a day because ila like is kind of she wants the best for me right yeah of course and so she doesn't enable my eating very much but sometimes she does and i'm like oh i love you what do you mean what's up what does that mean though like enabling your eating like she won't she won't like give me a dirty look because i got a triple cheeseburger with bacon and eggs and [ __ ] dog [ __ ] that's not enabling that's just not being disgusted by your eating yes yes someday she's not disgusted by my ears he enables my eating like we'll we'll have food like five minutes away on post me and i'll open a bag of chips and then he'll like oh i'll have some too instead of being like oh we're just about to eat he's like i'll have some of those chips too like he's very much like that enabling is like bringing home like you said like i'm being like let's go girl i need that i need more support when i don't want to eat too he'll get something gross when i'm like trying not to eat dinner if i'm trying to like fast he'll get something like i don't like like shawarma or something i was like all right i won't you know how are you not fat he's gonna be you're gonna be fat yeah you are moses is gonna get fat as [ __ ] well that's good we'll look a little better in pictures right now we're like kermit the frog and miss piggy so i feel like eventually we'll be similar well happy new years there's been um happy new year there's been a lot that has happened first of all let's explain what we're doing here my goodness we're all a great idea by the way that you guys came up with ian did a great set design yeah they did a great job dan's always amazing like everyone's amazing here like i love except for i don't know zack i don't i don't like love him but he lost a lot of weight so good for him but i don't know anything about that's great but yeah you don't interact with him yeah he's anyways but we love everyone here except zach he's not here he's part of the h3 podcast so um what we're doing here today is we are bringing you not the streamies which we all know is a corrupt and ridiculous organization they nominate you for the best podcast every day yeah but there's such a scam are they okay actually i have been nominated for best podcast like three years running but i go and i never win it's always like dude the last guy who won i never even heard of but okay whatever he could be a big deal but anyway um it's like why isn't joe rogan on it if they're really that legit oh well he's like like a conservative right like it's probably for liberal people liberals only what kind of resort show is that i think that's every award show in hollywood huh interesting i never thought about that way i'm excited for this award show because i'm actually nominated and i was named you're nominated several times i think but anyway what we have here today is the steamies as if to drinking the piping hot steam it was like a steamy dump yeah i that also went through my you could think of it either way it's a steamy dump it's a steamy tea what it is is the real award show of 2020 that you wish was here but the streamings are too much cowards to actually cover what matters i love yeah it's like the worst of the worst we're like rewarding people for being problematic for keeping us entertained for keeping us a job like we wouldn't have the headlines we wouldn't be here without you folks we need a theme song the steamies bringing you the steaming turds of 2020 yeah that's good and as always well not as always but today we have a sponsor for our steamy awards sponsor of the steamies is adamandeve.com adam and eve who code h3 for 50 off plus free shipping wait we're not doing the ad we're just going to okay we'll do that later shout out adam and eve they're they're the sponsor of the steamies maybe they'll do it every year for us we gotta we're working on it i moved to a new agency and they're working on it okay anyways you know what's the problem with getting sponsors on this show is because usually what they do is they buy like a year worth oh and the thing is they're like your show could end any time i don't think that's a possibility anymore i'm i'm here until the end with you like to then until like you fire me or something people usually have to like dump me so really you're clinging on i'm clinging on okay man i'm in good shape and now i'm in the family so we're going to be doing oh my god wait let me see so that's another thing hold on there's way too much to talk about we gotta get an award show too oh so moses what was this like 10 million dollars i mean i've never seen a diamond like that in my life it's crazy it's crazy it's but like that's ridiculous like what how many carrots is that nine how can you who are you why are you buying nine carat rings i mean what seriously i think you know what's so great and i i've said this before now it's a real diamond or is it like a sarconium whatever it's real um no i always say this like don't judge people based on where they live or anything like that because like if i would have judged moses from like our first meeting him in this like little tiny makeshift apartment in like this like building and like the ghetto i would have been like okay but he saved his money he never buys anything carrots bro did you know this [ __ ] could buy a nine carat diamond ring i was i was i felt bad when i thought i was like like because i he had plans like renovate his building and not anymore and i'm like i'm sorry that you took your renovations holy [ __ ] but you know what it says to me it says he's invested in our relationship because you know people are like he's using trust for money and i was like you know what he put half for the house he invested in this ring for me that's a nice yeah that's my you know it's like the dream that is insane yeah he's he's yeah he's very yeah get you a guy that doesn't spend money on himself that's the motto of that either kind of did that to me really i think so because you're kind of like conservative with your money i just no it's not yeah i'm cheap i just don't want to buy stuff oh that's like a dream for like honestly yeah because if you like to shop you can't have two shoppers in the family so god forbid two shoppers nobody can survive in that yeah anyway so you're engaged by the way which which i want to talk about that but first let me talk we have just so much going on here today uh we were gone for two weeks and we're getting overwhelmed here let's take a step back i want to uh ian can you please announce that the categories that we'll be celebrating today yeah you want you want the first one now now ian as you'll notice is wearing a space-aged kovid mask ian had covid he's recently got over it he doesn't have covey he tested negative he had covered like um how long ago did you yeah a little over a month ago when i got the diagnosis whoa he's good but he was really sick for a while oh and so we put on the space age helmet not because he's actually contagious but just because i thought it would be funny i don't believe that i feel like you think he might still be contagious so you're like put a helmet on ian well we'll make it part of the show well the truth is this is some weird gofundme that we bought like seven months like seven months ago for like 250 bucks it's so ghetto it's supposed to have like a fan with the battery it doesn't work show them the gloves the glass they have gloves so you can itch your face it's just yeah it's your face for us ian it's hard to see because it's so glossy well put your hand in the glove go ahead that looks cool is this not the best award show folks i mean we're pulling all this stuff that's amazing all right ian's ian's trying to best to get his hand in that club but it's not it doesn't appear to be too easy hell yeah thank you wow what a spot oh that was so only here on the 2020 steamies everybody you know this is meant to prevent you from getting sick but it's like a covid simulator i feel like i still have it really like i can't breathe i'm tired oh it's hot you have a fever [Laughter] yeah please what categories do we have here today with there we're celebrating pleasing go ahead all right we've got a little presentation to show each one so they did this in three days the h3 crew did this in three days it's amazing no we've been working on this no he's on saturday he put up these videos we've been planning it for a while but ian did ian you the crew did great i mean all all praise beads this is amazing go ahead oh we're going to do the categories god i i just there's so much to talk about so wait let's talk about your engagement before we do that i thought we should do this category okay oh my god everyone's like what is this show such a mess because we have so much time okay so tell me how did moses think uh proposed to you i definitely wasn't expecting it because i was stressed as oh my god people thought i was like in blackface that day because we had a shoot planned for oh was that the jasmine thing yeah but also we are dressed as jasmine jafar which is like the bad guy from the movie and she's like a slave to him in that oh i thought you were aladdin no but you guys do daddy dom [ __ ] you do huh oh yeah but are you are you don't are you submissive or dominant no of course a submissive are you abba i'm teen oak do you know oh my god that's so crazy anyways um no it definitely abba's daddy or dad in hebrew auntie nokia is baby girl gross anyways um so so yeah we i had this shoot planned for a while and i just i got a really crazy spray tan the day before and so well i don't know i guess he just knew that i wanted to be glam so he thought me as princess jasmine was like my glam but that was actually a cosplay that's not me oh so were you a little upset that he proposed then no i definitely wasn't upset i was so excited i just was like you're like my belly was out i was like oh my god he's putting me to the side and i have a fat belly and i'm just like oh no and my nails were broken because i had video shoots the day before so my nails were like short but you didn't know he was gonna propose no i would have got my nails done like i was i was the video was really nice yeah i wonder if we should watch it it was really sweet i think i don't know how many people have seen it it was really beautiful you were you were you were so very happy and it was a very joyous video i was very shocked for like so many reasons when we just got this house so i literally did not think he was gonna like get a ring like that was the commitment for me so i was like we probably won't have a ring for a couple months maybe it's not even our one year anniversary yet so i'm like maybe our one year anniversary like march 5th like 14th and oh you guys will be together for a year in march yeah we met wow time that's crazy so i just wasn't expecting it but i was really happy like the first thing he said too was like i called your dad which was so crazy because like who thinks to call like my dad and my definitely so happy not any guy i think i have data that has met my dad once only once moses has met him a multitude of times they talk all the time like they like he loves moses like and he said they talked like an hour and really wow look at that my dad your i called your dad i was like how'd you get his number like anyways it was so complicated and then he was like he's like he said he'd be so he's so happy and well a lot and i was like oh my gosh so then i was like crying so that then i was crying because he was proposing and i was like oh my god i can't believe his hair and then what about when you saw the ring oh my god i lost it i mean that was to me like i don't i think that's why i'm so happy like like nothing bothers me with him anymore i'm just like the ring you're like dude whatever whatever is wrong with you just talk to the ring i can't believe this i like we looked up like jlo's to ben get a mortgage on your uh on your place he became a diamond broker he wanted this it's a blood diamond probably no um uh no but like honestly like i looked at it like we looked at jayla and ben affleck's like ring and it was only like five or six carats and this is like enough oh losers idiots no halo either because i always know no shade anyone who has a halo i'm like i hate like engagement works with halo so i thought he might get wait what's a halo the halo's like the little diamonds around it will make it a little better pathetic it's not pathetic it's cheap levy and [ __ ] no but can i just tell you like he cus he designed it but i had shown him like a dream ring of mine that looked just like this and when i saw that he like and i showed him maybe once so like the fact that he remembered like one time when i was probably like high or something i was just like wow that was really cool i like yeah because it's forever you know and it fit my fat fingers he was so he's so smart because he always listened to me i would go into like stores and try on rings and they would never have my size and they would like measure way to go moses so well i got to say that i am very happy i'm very excited it's so crazy that you're going to be my sister i know we're like actually family now that's so crazy and you're invited to the what we already planned the wedding dates i won't say the dates but we already have them planned like it's so weird yeah oh you you have a date yeah like we have three because we have la israel and maui for real so we have the three dates why maui um because he's never been and we watched an adam sandler movie called just go with within he got married at this hotel in hawaii and so now i want to get married there too but who's going to go to maui like our family like you guys the immediate i'll come to maui yeah it'd be like my like this is the second wedding this one's [ __ ] i was already at the one i was already at two of them because i'm gonna have to go to israel and right so la will be over like i'm going to go to three [ __ ] weddings two of them destinations for you guys that's our bougie though like well yeah but who else could do that my family really yeah so we're gonna all be having fun like crazy you know like think it's gonna be so much fun like shane will probably be like my best man so like they'll come over like it'll be like oh that would be nice yeah it's gonna be like oh i'm so excited because i get like married in like jaffa which is like the old like city and we're gonna have like aladdin and jasmine themed like don't [ __ ] do that i don't know like white and gold like pretty like classy don't do that moses don't allow that buried at the end of the day you can't go to jaffa and get married as jasmine and aladdin that's crazy it was themed ask like you're not gonna allow that right you don't know what we're talking about it's like it's like the one they get married at the end they have white and gold outfits and it's inspired by that it's not like aladdin you're not gonna be in tan face no i'm not gonna be in black hair like well i did want to read there was one congratulatory tweet that i thought was funny i don't know that i thought wanted to read right out the top keemstar had a congratulations for both of us how sweet he said ethan klein he misspelled my name my last name k-l-i-e-n for someone who's thinking about me on chris oh by the way he sent this tweet on christmas morning not because he's on the east coast so he sent this tweet at 12 o'clock christmas day with his family he's sitting around drinking eggnog the fire's crackling he's with his daughter and he goes he's like oh ethan you could climb how weird should you like make my proposal like about you then like tweet that i was like oh that's kind of weird but he goes ethan klein has had the worst year ever one he lost subs i don't know what he's talking about with that on h3 i feel like you guys gain subs on here yeah we had a great year lost sponsors um it's okay that's true true lost respect i mean you could debate that thank you dan well said gained weight true lost weight no now you well overall i did gain a lot of weight but i think it's funny for him to attack me on that because like i'm started antidepressants and i'm working on all this stuff and you gain a lot of weight when you take antidepressants or some people do my fat ass did he's also super fat and short yeah he's fat chain smoking freak when i went for him i came for his fatness like fat people can go for his fat and i'm like you're also a foul take it from one fat idiot from another you're a fat [ __ ] uh and well then and then the the uh the perfect uh number five was now trisha paytas is his sister-in-law i legitimately feel sorry for him he's so jealous he's so jealous of that dude keemstar would keemstar would castrate himself for a chance to be with you i get a feeling no for sure i've not met him at parties he's definitely like i know you'll deny him like you're so gross but like you know people always say that and then they always try and like [ __ ] you and you're like okay well there's a reason why you think every dude who you ever meet wants to [ __ ] you i think this dude likes keemstar it's so true yeah you know they do when you like like reject it and then they're like oh she's so gross what are you talking about yeah i would never [ __ ] her it's like they say that when they get rejected so like that's how you know otherwise people would never say i do feel like keemstar legit wants to [ __ ] you for sure because a normal guy that like doesn't want to [ __ ] me or not attracts me would never be like she's such a [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] like only guys who like got rejected say that no like normal guys right right right right right right so wait let me go [ __ ] dumbass phone apple like logan paul would never be like trish is a fat ugly [ __ ] because he's like i obviously would never [ __ ] that girl because there's different leagues but keem is so like mad that i've like rejected him so you rejected keemstar for sure he's definitely been like weird at parties like i wouldn't say like tell me everything i've actually met him like twice in person and yeah and i think it was just i don't know i think what do you say i honestly can't remember because i was with my ex-boyfriend at the time tell me about so you were together with somebody and keemstar came up to you at a party was he drunk um i think so and what did he say what was his demeanor you just give me details as much as you can remember yeah really because i don't want to get it like off like i don't want to miss anything well he's going to call you a liar anyway so care say whatever i know but i try and be credible i'm a new trash like i'm trying to get out of credible i'm a new girl i'm a new woman i'm like you know what i mean i'm engaged i'm happy um just i don't know does i feel like he's very touchy with people i saw him touch you with like a little violet and he's very just touching yeah and like with me can you imagine you start touching you i feel like you would like i feel like your arm would turn black wherever he touched you um he was fine he's just really unattractive in person and that's it i mean there's no shade i'm not i'm not the most attractive person you know well anyway he said ethan if you see this i hope you have a much better 2012 and i'll say that the fact that my brother-in-law and trish are engaged is a great way to start the year i love you both and i'm just very happy and excited for the future that you guys hold so congratulations moses great job and you pulled out all the stops god damn dude you know how i propose to ela not as good as this [ __ ] what you do it's actually it's so embarrassing you're gonna get mad at me if i tell you no tell me i need to know this we were in mexico my parents lived there and i was always planning to get married to ila but i was with my mom we're staying with my parents and my mom starts being so annoying she goes you have to propose to her you have to get married now and she starts like putting all this crazy pressure on me and she gives me like one of her old this how did i succumb to this why would you say you had to get married you're so young well we had been together for a while i don't know why but anyway anyway like we had already been together for like four years or something so she's like you better keep her she'll like leave you which i guess my mom was like yeah that was kind of what my mom's like she's going to leave you i was like she wouldn't yeah and so dude honestly how do i even set tell this without what you were on the toilet yeah really yeah you or her so i took the ring that my mom gave me i put it in a bag of baby wipes and i put and i put it by the bed and i was on the toilet pretending to poop and i said ela can you grab me the baby wipes no and then oh this is cute really is this real that's cute this is cute that's very you yeah it was and so i said can you grab me the baby wipe so she brought the bag of baby wipes over and i said can you pull one out for me and the ring was in the bag of babies yeah was she so excited she yeah no she was stoked i mean like we talked about it she knew we were gonna get married but she was most like i think she was like confused yeah were you guys doing videos already yeah so maybe yeah you should have done something more creative you put effort into your videos that wasn't the vibe though back then it wasn't the vibe to be like cute it was all just like you want to be gross yes okay no i didn't film it or anything that was just i just decided in the moment like i'm gonna propose to ela and i'm just gonna try to make a joke maybe she'll because it's the last place thing she's gonna expect the ring and the bag of baby wipes oh yeah and so what happened then did you guys take pictures like did they come in your parents and like take pictures there's no nothing to commemorate it not the ring there's nothing how much was the ring or how many carrots was the ring the ring was trash did you upgrade since so ila she bought an engagement ring when we were in mexico for like uh it's just a really sweet cute little ring but it's only like 100 bucks wait you didn't pick out the ring we went and picked it up together but then you got it and surprised her no she we bought it on the spot oh okay that's cute okay that's it um and how many carrots carrots like a hundred dollar ram oh it's a hundred dollars yeah and you never upgraded never that's cute though i think that's cute i think i like the ring it's just like a little red stone and a gold band oh but that's like humble our men are yeah we were not rich at the time by any means and by the way so far so good right man the marriage is working that's amazing and you guys are like ballin which goes to show once again it's all about showing off your wealth and whatever like that like i feel like i spend way more like people think i'm like richer than i am because i spend so much i feel like wow she's balling like it's like yeah i make a lot of money but i also like spend a lot you guys have it like in the bank set for life like that's better you would be too if you didn't have like 10 70 000 burkas right why won't they break you know i like flashy i like to live my life because i could die tomorrow so i like to live my day but at the same time there's something to be said about like being humble and saving money like that's cute too thank you but i will say once my lease is up on my dog [ __ ] tesla acts i'm getting a rolls royce well i don't know i don't want this weird rolls-royce life that you have like you get into weird your life is so weird in that rolls-royce it scares me anyway so that's that was that congratulations you guys i'm so happy and i'm just i'm i'm i'm just i'm very i'm very happy it fills me with joy to see you guys both so happy i'm so excited about the wedding it's like clout yeah about no i'm kidding we were gonna come i was just gonna because we were beefing i was like we can't make it joke oh my god and his family is so happy his whole family was very happy over in israel like everyone shane is more clout than us shane is like mega wedding clout yeah for sure yeah we gotta just get the most clout we can okay you got any clout coming to the wedding oh he's got some private he's got some private clout let's go dude he's super cloudy no he's got cloudy yeah if his clown comes it's going to be cloud city you need a smaller one we got more clout than we do in terms of people you know this is bouge itself [Laughter] okay so anyway yadda yadda you guys got marry or proposed kim was a douche okay let's do the award show sorry everybody adam and eve you know you know uh adam and eve is the number one place to buy fun and adventurous how do you say it without saying it fun and adventurous item for him and her naughty thoughts doll toys for him and her and when you use code h3 you can get these naughty toys for 50 office free shipping if you're in the us and canada and guess what else you also get toys for him twice for her they get thrown some free bonuses some movies and that's really cool because i haven't seen that code anywhere else on youtube where you can get the additional stuff you get the movies you get the treats you get the smacks you get the bonuses and it's all free folks and you might be staying at home but now you can play at home with adam and eve you can do that with 50 off with the code h3 and honestly it's really really good you guys all get the g-spot vibes are going to change your life they're going to be amazing i got something today called the [ __ ] liquor look it up on adam and eve amazing it's cool it's like a little tongue it's like a little i wish i would have brought it it's like a little triangle i kind of want to look up a photo of the [ __ ] the [ __ ] liquor it's turquoise i showed it and it's it's amazing it's actually it feels like 5 000 tons going like 100 miles a minute that sounds bad like what was it called the [ __ ] liquor licker from adamandeve.com it's teal they have lingerie also that goes up to like 4xl so you can get that for 50 off no you guys what the [ __ ] is this oh my god what the [ __ ] is this here's the [ __ ] looker okay intense remote control rechargeable [ __ ] liquor item number e349 this will change your life it's 70 but with the code h3 you can get it for 35 dollars which is a really good deal 50 off 50 no but this is really cool look it like see all the little tongue motions that can go around and the little bunny lets your partner control it for you so you can control this is really really cool actually so like um how do they get 50 off that's so crazy it's insane and it's super cute it's discreet fifty percent off is really good you could even bring that to like dodger stadium with the little fan just looks like a fan nobody would know just throw it up your skirt like no one's gonna know it why does it have a fan on the edge no that's the tongue's that circle oh it just literally slaps your [ __ ] yeah it goes oh my god it's it has 12 12 and 10 speeds and functions it's really really good honestly guys that's how he is like life changing you really i just found out what a dick sleeve is a dick sleeve i don't think that's the proper term but that's what you said apparently there's dick yeah you can this is just an idea for the guys at home it's for vibrating you put you cover your whole dick and like this whole like it's like a vase it's like all these ornate trimmings and everything and you just cover your whole it's amazing it gives different simulation it has swirls it has a little like nubs on it it's vibrations it's really really good it looks like hell razor it's so good it's got this giant penis head with like nails coming out it's good inside either either hole whatever hole you want to put it would you [ __ ] hellraiser you know the guy with the pin heads or pinhead i don't know because he probably has pins coming out of his dick well maybe that's what it's modeled after probably that guy probably got good dick bruh [Music] oh i've seen that that's like really old no i am engaged good answer all right and eve.com playing at home get a 50 off with code h3 plus you get added bonus free gifts free movies free shipping if in the united states canada get the [ __ ] liquor with the code h3 adam and eve and get a [ __ ] sleeve i mean that's good whatever that is [Laughter] all right now let's get on with the show the steamies take a huge steaming dump on your partner is there dump toys i think that's illegal pooping on each other i think in like porn you can't even find around pornhub oh that makes sense but what about pooping toy it what would you talk vetoing for people i don't know about that but why can't you poop on your partner uh i think just like filming it i don't know filming it i think it's probably a health hazard because you can pee on your partner i've seen that plenty in porn um but that's not really allowed like on porn sites like they'll like bc yeah you can't because visa will like take away like pornhub issues he's just like no peeing we crossed the line at peeing interesting yeah pornhub took down all the amateur videos yeah i heard about that they took away everything very i'm so glad because people re-uploading it it's all down now but that that's actually good because i heard that they had a real problem with like underage and weird all kinds of weird really messed up stuff there so that's great that they did they did that i think i think so fantastic all right all right what's our first uh what's our first category please ian it's uh biggest covidient biggest cove idiot starting off with a bang this is my favorite this is a good category great titles whoever thought of this thank you very much biggest covidient of 2020 let's review the nominees please biggest addison may bad press for addison's new movie remake movie production shut down a coving tested site to film a part of the movie nikita dragon nikita posted a video on instagram from the party where she says that she was the one who planned the entire thing so we can give it up to miss nikita dragon for that party i guess so i went and got a kobe 19 test and it actually came back positive i [Music] were seen at the party on social media including james charles oh i don't deliver any tea i drink coffee parents dixie mark heidi and charlie charlie dixie and noah beck decided to go on a year-end trip to the bahamas charlie and her sister have both been ignoring this whole situation jake paul hosting a house party over the summer despite official covid 19 warnings against large gatherings wow beautiful thank you ian oh my god in this envelope we have the biggest covet idiot now if you guys are wondering how the votes were tallied we put out a anonymous form on twitter and we had over 45 000 votes cast now i do not even know the winners this was cast anonymously filled out by ian so i'm very excited what is your feeling on who is going to be the biggest cove idiot oh my god of course i hate influencers i hate them and they're all i know they're actual murderers like james charles was like the most likable in those clip i was like oh james isn't bad compared to these right idiots well and then there's one who wasn't even on the list where uh faze banks in the phase clan had like this huge banger that was just these people are psychotic it's like it's so psycho it's also like just the cockiness i don't give a [ __ ] like yeah the logan paul thing is my favorite because he didn't know he's being filmed jake no that was logan who was like i don't really give a [ __ ] and i was like oh true color is coming out that was i thought we had jake twice oh that's logan yeah that was logan oh that's what's up tanner's like hey i was hanging out with you all week and i have covered just so you know he's like i don't really give a [ __ ] i was like dude what the [ __ ] wrong they both deserve to be canceled because he also like kicked his dog off a boat earlier this year like last year yeah and like for like a thing you could see someone pushing the dog off like that should be canceled like you're being oh i so who in your opinion is the biggest cove idiot if you can take a guess um i'm gonna just go ahead and go with i would personally vote nikita i did vote and i voted for nikita because she just keeps throwing parties never wearing masks in elevators with people not wearing masks i voted for jake paul because he threw a bunch of parties and he also is infamous for saying uh covet is a hoax which we love all right so do we have a drum roll do we have some kind of uh suspense oh okay add it in post and the winner for biggest covidia 2020 is jake paul congratulations cancel him forever we have uh the the breakdown jake paul won with 41 that's a resounding victory tana was in second with 24 james nikita the emilio and logan paul in last we had some writings actually noticeable write-ins addison ray and bryce hall and our very own ian the intern with two votes in the salary to play two votes did that hurt it's stunned a little but probably well deserved oh poor ian well congratulations and we have i think we have an award for jake as well right that we'll be sending to him we'll be mailing he's moving to miami so thank god we got the whole video we'll find him and and does this have his name engraved yeah oh right so jake paul we are going to be getting this engraved that's a cool award with the pink cup just because it's steamy just because it's oh oh the tea okay yeah yeah so jake and it was eight dollars i see it's still on here so making big investments we should take a dump on it and send it to him i'll put a little steamy in there and understand it so jake paul biggest covidient idiot 2020 we're gonna be sending this to you congratulations he's the worst thank you he might be the worst actually yeah i really dislike him so i think okay that was fantastic our next category wow this is so much fun is this not exciting i never saw those clips like ew people should look at those and be like these people don't deserve their eight million dollar houses you know what you mean like i just wish i mean i'm not going to say what someone deserves or not but i don't deserve it i just i just wish that you would just stop being such a selfish [ __ ] jake dan what's happening good morning conor mcgregor i know you're probably beating up old dudes in a box you is notorious for playing sounds in the background while the show's good i don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's like so like i hope i won't wish it i hope someone he knows gets kova because it's like the worst thing to deal with but you know what the fact that they don't even care like they wouldn't know it's like psychotic and like you're in l.a where there's no hospital beds and people get strokes and heart attacks can't even go to the hospital like you had to drive your mom to orange county yeah they're like evil that's like evil that's like an evil person and i don't like that there you go like nikki is an idiot james is an idiot congratulations logan you suck pound it for the idiots hate them sorry my big ring okay oh yeah knock it like dude dude you could kill someone with that thing [ __ ] carve this down on earth with that all righty our next category in uh it's biggest clout goblin biggest clout goblin now what we mean by clout goblin is just i'm not really quite sure what it means but i feel like you know what it means a clout goblin for sure you can just picture someone that's just right who's just hungry for clout and they're willing to associate and do anything to get in the limelight to get attention and it's just more like not even being like they're just so disingenuous about it they just like are so obvious about it like you're gonna hang out with a 16 year old when you're you know what i mean that's like a clown goblin you're really gonna go i think i know who you voted for well let's see your nominees dan our ian or abe whoever is doing it biggest clout goblin jake paul jake paul coming in strong i know you're probably beating up old dudes in a bar right now maybe you're jacking off because you're sick of [ __ ] your wife i mean she's a four connor you could do a lot better but happy monday dixie tamilio who's one person that you really want to collab with trippy read on a song would be very cool that's my sister charlie oh yeah hi nice to meet you so she's kind of the start of all this brought everything together bella thorne bella thorne made one million dollars in 24 hours on only fans causing new restrictions in the way the app works for other content creators big head it's a it's a snip snip big ad it prevents me from getting you pregnant why are you not telling me last night i didn't know how austin mcbroom i got enough kids but i'll make you my son okay [Music] ill great i know i found a youtube video where i reached out to some of my favorite celebrities and asked them to recommend a product for my makeup routine miss gigi hadid miley cyrus i thought it would be cute to dm miss rosalia alexa to me rita ora i thought that i would dm somebody very very legendary hi sir that's one video of james charles like ew yeah that was gross so i have here the winner of biggest clout goblin now i myself voted for james charles because obviously his association with like a 16 year old girl who's just super popular yeah and i get the sense he's really just using him her to ev to rejuvenate his career the dolan twins did you see that clip of like him with shane like praising how much he loved the shining character that was like he said was ghetto and racist and he's in the club he's like that character like changed my life and he was like in a video with shane telling him that he's just such a whenever it's useful for you he goes to the next person whereas emma chamberlain where's the dolan twins he just leaves them aside for the demilios that whole thing of damning celebrities no one cares this show is very anti james charles oh i will say that okay ready drum roll please biggest clown goblin of 2020 is james they love you and another resounding win for james charles 40 percent 40 percent interestingly austin mcbroom came in second the goblin no he's no clown anymore yeah austin mcbroom surprised me we recently did a content court on the ace family oh you didn't and uh i was very surprised by his antics he is kind of a dude yeah he's the worst bella thorne dixie jake paul big head big head hey that's kind of a compliment to big head yeah is it though because no one cares about him they're probably like who's big ed you know i love big ed oh you were writing with with uh christian was wrote in with 91 votes that's kind of impressive oh wow yeah but it's only point three percent tana was written in and a b yeah for sure he's like a b was written in with six votes we got to find out who those six people are they're not down interesting everyone here is a clown goblin oh everybody on the show voted for av here i promise that didn't happen he just like i didn't yo he's just like yeah i love him i need more people like a b in my life you just i love it there's nothing wrong with that i know i love it so congratulations james can we can we please get the steamy for james charles oh we have one thank you oh gosh james charles congratulations we'll be engraving your name biggest clout goblin 2020. we love you and we appreciate you and these are two people i'm like just can't wait till they like disappear off social media and it will happen look at ray william johnson on tick tock just trying to make it i don't know james is pretty james and jake are both like oh no they'll eventually they will like i mean everyone is like super big at one point like comes down like they totally do well james did came down big time but then he like got huge on tick tock with like nobody's gonna care um so i can't wait like and i and i say that because they're actually shitty humans like if they're not you know like tana i don't think she's like a shitty human she's just kind of like you know off-putting i don't think she's like a crappy human i think well if you think tana is fine then then then james charles is fine no like he's like evil like he's actually yeah because like you can't go around like like the stuff that he does to people is kind of like gross you know what i mean and also the fact that you're friends with like a minor and you think it's okay like i'm sorry that's manipulation like you're like power control like you're kind of gross and don't say that i said i was good don't say you james no i love every other gay person in this world like i'm like i i myself am a gaming i like can you be homophobic for one person no oh you can't okay i'm just curious you're like i am homophobic for you he loves to turn it like that he's an actual shitty person stop being friends with minors james that's disgusting move next next category thank you james charles congratulations next category please ian thank you so much uh it is biggest douchebag of 2020. now this this is a good it's a strong category for you right i wrote in you you wrote me in what did i do i don't know i feel like this would be the category he could win biggest douchebag damn i mean it's stiff competition so maybe maybe there's other write-ins for me you didn't no thank you you're not a douchebag at all you're actually i was like i'm trying not you're a cancer you're a sweetheart oh a cancer see that you can't the whole cancer thing just no you're cancer no no you are you're i know i am but anyway biggest douchebag 2020 let's take a look at the nominees shall we biggest douchebag of 2020. mike mashlach he's wearing a dress he's wearing a dress wearing a dress doing whippets what what the [ __ ] were they thinking there's no one on the show who's more relatable than me people relate to my [ __ ] all the time stuff ethan you are a piece of [ __ ] garbage garbage everybody tweet at [ __ ] h3h3 death to all jews oh james charles pretty epic can we steal these designs from teddy fresh no you are in no position to be talking about me and my career so i highly recommend that you stop starting fights with people that are half your age jefferson obviously the entire eye you're about to see is filmed out of focus yaya is not a thing okay just being stopped trying to make yay just so jack knows trisha insisted that we include that and i thought well i love jack and i hope nobody voted for him i wanted to take shane off one of these categories i'm like the only way i'm going to like be okay with like promoting this show is if we include jack's films in the biggest douchebag of the year so let's see maybe he won wouldn't that be epic jack is literally the nicest person he's literally acts like he doesn't know why you know so ridiculous jack is so nice he's literally unproblematic jack's film is the most unproblematic person on the internet he also thinks he's like the smartest man in the world like oh my god yeah like okay his alexander hamilton video i was like he thought he was so brilliant like when people start copying can you just give the guy a break like he's not problematic why do you gotta hate because he thought he was the first person to come up with that accidental hamilton thing i'm like everyone he didn't say or think anything he just made a video oh my god all right biggest douchebag of 2020. for me i mean keemstar wins every year from based on oh my spit but there's like james charles is good and all jews i don't think that's even like a joke you can make really no i don't think so at all but i'm over the edge for the biggest douchebag although mike personally has oh might yeah yeah no mike is my i wouldn't be mad if mike won he's like he's very douchey i mean he's nice he's a nice guy he's very douchey so uh i'm gonna go with jack's films oh my god all right let's get a drum roll biggest douchebag of 2020. here we go and the winner goes [Music] keemstar wow with a resounding the biggest margin win by far with 56 percent congratulations to keemstar biggest douche bag of 2020 incredible yeah okay i agree james charles in second with 21 jeffrey starr mike actually didn't even show like mike that's cool 4.3 jack's film actually got 1.3 i love jake paul jack swims is douchier than jake paul oh jake paul was a write-in oh that's a lot oh he wasn't nominated am i wrong was he not happening i don't believe we had him in oh he should have yeah he should have been nominated okay but i don't think anyone could have topped keemstar 56 that's the highest margin we've had in a category keemstar has done some vile things on the internet for sure yeah he definitely is like clear when he's like the king of the category not been like kicked off youtube like for real like with that comment where he's like oh why didn't you like kill yourself you know what i mean like that not to bring up that but like well trisha i have wondered that myself that's like actually like isn't that like and also and also just saying everybody tweet to ethan death to all jews right it's like funny that's like a super funny joke that's all jews did you get tweets i don't check my timeline because it's full of [ __ ] like that it seems just a little bit beyond like hating or trolling noticeable write-ins dr drew came in with 12 votes don't worry doctor that's not that much and dan why dan drew followed me on twitter that's night you got 12 votes as well what i mean that's not a lot that's not a lot dan's grown on me i would have said last year when i first 2019 i would have considered dan douche bag of the year but 2020 he was killing it so how does that make you feel you got 12 votes if you're not upsetting somebody you're you're not doing something there you go i like it well keemstar is doing everything right in his life so congratulations oh yeah he probably loves that this is your steamy biggest douche bag of 2020 and i'll even put the percentage you won by 56 percent resounding win on that one congratulations to keemstar incredible showing incredible showing now this is just so much this is way too much fun this is so much fun oh my goodness having so much fun with this i'm so glad we got all dressed up we're here we're celebrating 2020 the best aspects feels like a party ian what's our next category uh on the flip side of that we've got biggest mean girl of 2020. okay this is a weird category okay i'll tell you what happened okay we had douchebag and it was all guys so i was like well we need to be and i don't want to say the b word because it's kind of like derogatory for women it's like too mean so i was thinking like okay mean girl right but what did but what it really is his biggest b word you know what i mean oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] i was like what word because i feel like i just don't like saying that to females these days it feels too chauvinistic you know what i mean how the world is like that now it's like you can't call it but if they're a [ __ ] they're a [ __ ] no i i agree but i feel like i feel like for some reason it just it cuts deeper against women probably because they just been [ __ ] with for so long it holds no merit to me i throw that word around like you know what i mean it's kind of like whatever ever like does anyone else feel that way i'm a [ __ ] so i don't want to be a baby about it but i do i just i don't feel comfortable you're a baby about it i think you're becoming the woke no i i'm not well i'm just i don't like calling women that word it just feels bad if they're a bitter [ __ ] i agree if i called ela [ __ ] she would [ __ ] i would die she would murder me did moses call you [ __ ] i mean that's crossing the line no he treats me like a queen um i don't know eely handled it pretty well when i called her a [ __ ] i didn't mean it no but you're one female to female right right right but do you know what i mean when you say eel is a [ __ ] that's way more heavy than saying like oh dan's a [ __ ] douchebag it hits harder but i was being a [ __ ] when i said that you know what i mean anyway biggest mean girl of 2020. so let's go ahead and review the nominees biggest mean girl of 2020 dixie tamilio oh my god dixie what the hell um so why did you do that why would shane dawson the king of truth on youtube the king of truth turning against james charles unless these things he was saying in the truth it's been a long time [ __ ] [ __ ] you yeah oh my god look at these people trisha pages everyone's against ethan like oh my gosh i'm always right it's like ugh you and jacksonville deserve each other so i can't believe you're going after jax he's such a sweet guy all right trisha oh my god you definitely i mean are you honored to be to be included i'm definitely a mean girl but it comes from insecurity i think you're great okay i'm honored um yeah are you they're like trisha is an adult entertainer therefore she is not credible for this sort i'm like first of all it's not because i'm an adult entertainer that i'm not credible but okay i forget in what context she she mentioned the person who countersued her said like oh they brought my video as like an evidence against her which i don't know why they did that but then tatia's lawyer wrote back and said well this is an adult entertainer so she is not credible yeah no no that is that's what there's other reasons they could have said i'm not credible but they're like well but it literally said adult performer who's not credible [Music] [ __ ] utah team ice queen yeah well biggest mean girl of 2020 let's get a drum roll please this is a big one this i mean stiff competition i really don't know i feel like there could be a lot of votes for you but i feel like the other two are so deserving of the title the winner is [Music] tati westbrook that's good i think it was me really i mean i feel like tati deserves this one with 32 percent she won resoundingly you weren't second with 25 but i did make fun of your mom's cooking called ela the c word like i think i deserve to be but again like you said like you like like you said you don't mean it but tati is an ice queen bonafide mean girl i think i'm meaner than tati this sucks the people have spoken trisha uh gabby hannah and third really close between you and gabby actually gaby is not mean she just needs help and dixie was 17 i mean dixie's pretty mean when i see those clips i'm kind of like yeah she's pretty mean but tati i mean god bless tati or like hello to tati this year tati congratulations you are the meanest girl of 2020 right out of your lawsuit keep me up don't stick my name out of your mouth [ __ ] that's the quote of 2020. don't talk about me keep my name out of your mouth so much fun ian what's our next category uh moving along our next one is worst influencer song oh oh wait i just realized does trisha have any on there no no oh wow wow okay i thought i just realized that trisha should be on there at least once um i suggested we eliminate everyone but dixie because i think the only one who has a [ __ ] trisha wanted to it all to be dixie songs and no one else no one else deserves it it's literally just well let's have a look at the nominees and we can uh think about it worst influencer song [Music] be happy dixie dimigo one day one day i was really really really really sad dixie damilia her new her new firebox [Music] [Music] thank you you know it's crazy that dixie became so famous just by being charlie's sister i mean that's clown goblin [ __ ] oh that's true oh i get it yeah she's totally yeah she's literally that's it no she's like one day one day all right oh poor drum roll please who do you think is gonna win i think dixie i mean obviously by the way tristan nominated at first it was just three dixie songs and we're like we should add somebody else because that was the winner is by overwhelming majority for one day with 42 it's probably the only award she'll ever win in her life so dixie one day one day i was really really really really sad not today she's the winner today second place was jake paul freschetta london and third place once again dixie be happy oh and uh dixie roommates people like that one apparently only four percent but one day this is a huge so congratulations dixie congrats you are your son you are an award-winning artist that's amazing yeah i mean that's amazing because like let's face it a year she's not going to be anywhere so she'll be like oh at least i want to see me here's a nice steamy for you dixie one day congratulations one day this is so exciting maybe you should get on some antidepressants because your songs are be happy and one day she's i'm just didn't they work for you you're thriving you don't know anything about her her songs are called she wants to be happy she's really really sad i think she's crying for help to have someone guide her in the right way i'm not a doctor i'm just saying maybe check it out maybe let's say go ghost talk to a psychiatrist and see if antidepressants are right for you that's so true right don't take my advice they weren't right for me but maybe they'll be right for her she seems like she has more together than me so 20 milligrams of lexapro set me straight hell yeah i like prozac although i did nevermind prozac nash i ran a car into a tree on prozac oh my god was that the prozac or you though it's hard to know that was the prozac for real it was never had that that's kind of awesome to be like it was the lexus pro it was the prozac i swear [Laughter] what's our next category please ian it's uh most brutal cancellation okay this is a category i was not happy about but i like that you changed the title so at first excuse me i'm trying to spread covet everywhere no i'm kidding i don't have coffee this is my cough how about that let's normally stretch twice that wasn't a tourette's tape oh what is that what was it i was just coughing that's not coughing that's like okay yeah exactly it's meant to be ridiculous i'll cut it off to tourette's it's kind of like your prozac like it was the tourettes officer was the tourettes i love having a friend with tourette's because now i can like have a soapbox or something like normalized tourettes oh thank you i co-hosted you could sell box for my ass i'm gonna be like all my tic tacs will be about you should do that all your tickets should be about having tourette's and like you know mine's all about being a fat girl you should be like oh here's me you want my entire identity to revolve around having tourette's that's what you got to do i've been fine so far social media you got to like go for a thing that people feel sorry for you for most people don't know i have it they just think i'm a weirdo and i'm happy with that because i don't want my whole existence to be defined by the guy with dourettes but you could help so many people with tourette's i think people who have tourettes who watch me know that i have tourette's i didn't know that i know people you don't have tourette's what do you want me to say good job tourette people of the world with tourette's hear me now yeah i will be your spokesperson yeah they're fine do you have hebrew in your jacket is that rented by israeli it's like a hebrew in your in your coat in your neck back of your neck oh maybe she's upside down yeah okay just kidding so this was originally called best cancellation but that's not what it is it's not we're not passing a judgment value on if this person deserved to be cancelled or not we're just saying it was like the most complete shocking brutal cancellation it was a harsh cancelling it was just like wow that was the big cancellation of the year right because we do also have jenna in this category who's very well liked no one thought she deserved to be beautiful but got a brutal cancellation well she kind of canceled herself she did cancellers and then julian canceled her even more he's like stop talking about jenna's cancellation video and i was like you're just canceling her more like oh really people were pissed that we nominated her everyone's like this is insensitive julian hates when people talk about jenna's cancellation oh well what i mean it's the internet but i love first of all let me just say i love jenna and julia i think they're great people and i and i i've always admired uh jenna marbles yeah so again this isn't a value pass on on on them it's just we're we're acknowledging the categories so with that being said dan roll it most brutal cancellation tatty westbrook bye-bye bye chris delia ouch ouch ouch family they didn't know yeah they're still wrong lopez now he's still right now jenna marbles or jenna yeah we love her shane so i mean that wow that was a brutal one i mean for me it's definitely thank you it's definitely between if you want to talk about brutal cancellations yeah shane and chris were the biggest they got stomped on the hardest this year yeah like both of them are just gone yeah and i don't know chris but he seemed like a nice guy and all his friends turned against i loved chris like at least jane how like i stood by him like his friends like he didn't lose you know what i mean like so this thing with shane is different in my opinion because with shane it's not like he necessarily did anything yeah it's all like bad jokes from a long time ago right whereas chris is like actively doing slimy stuff tony lopez actually admits like sexting 15 year old how is he actually not canceled like it's insane to me so yeah like and shane's been cancelled this multiple times like the the the fact that like the smiths jumped in on it like oh yeah 15 years later buried his ass it's like oh calm down jada pinkett like her daughter was posing topless at 13 with her 21 year old boyfriend so maybe what focus on that yeah there's there's like a topless photo of will smith at 13 years old with her 21 year old boyfriend moises aries or whatever who's 21 year old boyfriend um willow smiths was 13 dating a 21 year old actor named moises look it up from the district look that up right now somebody fact right now right now i can't put that out there without knowing back jacket it's not just like i would never put it out there is that just like rape look that up look it up somebody looking it up and like don't like i mean the thing is is like that's what you should be worrying about you know what i mean like wait i gotta know if that's true or not because yeah i couldn't say it if it's not a 13 year old was dating a 21 year old i mean they say we're friends but she's topless in bed with this guy that is insanely disturbing moises our aries yep what he was a disney channel star and he was like 20 21 at the time of the photos and she was 13. they introduced him as a family friend though but why was he in bed with her and she was topless how does that isn't that child pornography how's that out it's well she he was like covering her she was covering herself or something but it's disgusting focus on that there it is right there photo look baby showing you let me see this oh this is weird wait why is this photo out was this part of a shoot yeah they posted it yeah this was a while ago but yeah [Music] they're in bed this was after shane's joke this was like 20 so like what exactly oh my god this was shared on social media weird i am blown away by this also the smith family kind of has nowhere to talk they are so [ __ ] up oh and on the did you watch the red table with olivia jade and they were talking about how like she has all this privilege white privilege okay let's talk about rich people privilege your daughter has that too yeah they'd be like oh my gosh like you have this like this white privilege but you also have rich privilege your your parents are famous that's why you can get away with that photo and that's why like it's i mean smith privilege is is as powerful as anything on this point the most powerful thing so don't even i mean it's uh i have so many but that whole red table show is like ruining their life like she's so she's a clown goblin a clown goblin for a shirt because she's like airing all their dirty laundry for views on facebook and it's like and that's like she goes oh i had an affair with will with this guy and will smith is out there like dude i'm trying to live my [ __ ] life you know what i mean ladies leave me where did you see the one where she's like oh let's debate on if it's okay that white people adopt black babies i'm like why would that would you rather the black baby not have a family that's literally they had the girl from sex in the city who adopted an african-american baby and they had her on and they were being like is this is this weird that like white people i mean it's always divided it's always divided like it's it's crazy how dare you want to love a family a baby that has no family and she's like and everybody sees color it's like some people just want a baby some people are just infertile like well the thing is some people just i don't know if they specifically ask for a black baby but their weight it takes a while until you have a baby ready for a family that wants to adopt a newborn baby yeah so it might be black it might be white it might be asian a baby to take care of in love like it's crazy well i haven't seen that but i agree with your assessment uh what the facts presented anyways with that being said drum roll please this is a huge hotly uh anticipated category most brutal cancellation guys come on most brutal cancellation of 2020 goes to with a huge margin shane dawson actually the biggest margin good honestly because people recognize that it's brutal 57 and i have to say be i think it was the fact that shane had such an explosive year of course and then such an explosive cancellation yeah because he was so at the height of his you know i like i i you know i i like shane i feel bad because it's like again like i said crystal lee was actively doing scummy things right shane there was a lot of like tasteless gags from before i met him all those jokes were like before i even met him there's not one video where he's making those jokes with me i met him in 2011. you know what i mean so he was hmm yeah and and but the fact that jenna's number two this is great because they're recognizing people that was brutal it was like unjustified is what i'm thinking because she got canceled too for making like asians because like i feel like people are interpreting this as un unjustified because crystalia only has ten percent tati right like they think they don't but anyway almost 60 percent for shane so congratulations to shane i think for most brutal cancellation 20. well deserved yeah people want him back and he will be can we get a uh she could come back at any time people would love him thank you shane congratulations can we set that aside i'll go to him oh yeah please well should we engrave it first are you gonna actually engrave it are we gonna engrave these it's just plastic can you engrave it we can yeah we can get a little knife and yeah i think we should rave it for everyone and put it up you can deliver it to him maybe he can do an acceptance speech for us yeah for sure a little video congratulations brutalist cancellation this is a pro shane anti-james charles podcast we love that we stand there uh the next category is worst apology worst youtuber apology i'm so excited for this one i am the master at calling out bad apology videos no one is sincere these days you know it was sincere i'm sincere when i mess up only you are sincere only me all the other ones are fake so let's go let's see it dan west apology a long overdue apology mongoose a message jenna marbles admitting when i'm wrong doctor [ __ ] you doctor mike breaking my silence by the way that title is so dramatic doing what's right jeffree star doing all these titles we went to therapy i really did oh god all those were horrible vegas youtuber worst youtuber apologies so we are rating the insincere worst one out there what do you what are you thinking well she never really apologized so i would have to give it to tati for not apologizing in her apology video also the title breaking my silence that's what people say after they've gotten like assaulted like that you know the r word like that's so what happened it's like you're coming out against all the odds breaking my silence like crazy all right i actually i don't know who's gonna be in here but let's get a drum roll for worst youtuber apology 2020 who is it gonna be the winner is by a very very close margin down to the wire whoa jeffrey starr worst youtube apology wow jeffrey oh i gotta say jeffrey won with 26.3 tati and second place with 26.1 percent a real nail-biter tana close the third 21 ace family dr mike jenna with jenna marbles if you're watching you got point six percent which is i think you should have been at zero right crazy well i think it was jeffrey's setting in sincere the setting in his 15 million mansion just like let me uh so if we can do you think we can get this to jeffrey worst youtube apology 2020. i would like to make amends with jeffrey this year he's so what better way than to hand deliver this steaming pile of poop award um yeah we can try that excellent i feel like i might have been a little harsh on jeffrey last year like i think he was i still think he's a weirdo yeah but he's like a weird goblin man are you going by the looks or you like his everything um he's really nice though he is like nice why'd you do a flip-flop on him well he i had he had a mean girl moment where he was like making fun of my weight and skin and stuff behind my back but but why are you do you think he because like he has a lot of leverage are you interested in clout no jeffrey claw i cuz he does have clown no no i think it's just more like i know his like he comes from like the similar like sex work i did like he was on craigslist like i mean he talked about in the shane documentary like [ __ ] dick on craigslist really how much did he charge do you know because you were only five i wonder if he charged you can't really charge less than five for a blowy uh you could do it for drugs but he doesn't do drugs so probably not drugs so it's more valuable than five probably i well you get the five and the drugs like it was awesome yeah but um yeah i think he's just like really broken and secure like he's always on the defense i see he said he went to therapy this year so hopefully that helped because it helped me like if you're always on the defense like i was always on the defense for so long like it's just more because you're like broken and you don't want to get hurt okay so a little empathy here from 2021 trisha we like that net we have two categories i would like to try your mom's cooking again in 2021 because my mom's over you oh she hates me my mom canceled you [ __ ] really what if she like okay she's a new person ah my mom's fine she doesn't hold up congrats and she'd say congratulations a text instead of congratulations she did yeah she was happy for you she's over it but she was really mad it was funny you know when i think about it i'm like because my mom my mom yeah my mom doesn't really ever get like that and she's like i hate her she's complained about my cooking maybe we'll just work towards that yeah let's not yeah we want russian to pass over with her but it's okay that's okay um next category please uh next category is biggest reverse card oh this so this is kind of a complex one to explain but the biggest uno reverse card what's this i forget is when somebody did a flip-flop a 180 or like they they made some some big statement and then walked it back yes okay so best creator uno reverse card let's see the uh the nominees please dan thank you biggest reverse card dr drew down place covid gets covered that you're more likely to die of influenza so go ahead get your flu shots doesn't hurt anybody that should be the headline way less serious than influenza oh yeah this corona thing doesn't worry me it is at all it is a press induced panic i am angry about it it is the flu he is battling covid19 from his bedroom and i'm telling you what we know how to treat it now but it really requires careful management by physicians westbrook forms james charles alliance james charles came to me apologized to each other forgave each other and agreed to wait patiently until it was safe for me to share my story james charles has repeatedly said that he wanted to be beside me for this video mike castafa puts adopted son back up for adoption youtube star micah stauffer is opening up about her controversial decision to re-home her adopted son huxley when they brought him home she said he was profoundly developmentally delayed he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder level three now micah writes that she's praying that huxley only has the best future in the entire world [Music] i think and i correct me if i'm wrong you guys might be more but she actually tried she wanted to adopt someone that had yeah she said it in a video specifically especially she wanted a special needs baby and she's like this is too much for me it's it's honestly so bad so tragic that it's hard to even think about but i'm sure that the the kid probably is in a better home i hope because he was re-adopted so hard to adopt a child like look there's no way i'll ever get a child like they they're so strict at like as far as like if you're married your mental illness like stuff you do online like all that stuff is so hard to adopt a baby so like you adopted this baby and you like got him you like he's legally yours use them as content no i know and then you're gonna give them back they you they put him in every video they made a whole thing about him and um apparently she did again again correctly i might be speaking that term but they didn't think they could get pregnant and then when she got pregnant is when she put him back up but i i cut don't quote me on that do you guys know if that nobody knows okay so oh and so i may be speaking at it children are so loving and so i mean all children are amazing but like especially like autism like and down children too they're so have so much like love and like pure in it like it's crazy to me that's crazy to me like those people like want to be loved like more than anything like it's like it's great and they have so much love to give aside from wanting to be loved like they'll give you so much love like it's insane like she's obviously never been around children with like autism like it's so so sad to me like like when i looked at adopting like i thought i i was like her too i was like i want to adopt like a special needs baby because they have like the number one thing is everyone's like they have so much like love to give and like that's why people want babies and all that stuff like that and take care of them but ah i will say i hate i feel a little bad for dr drew i see that all the covid denial stuff was in like february march i had to you know i feel bad doctor drew we do love you but i mean he's kind of like a little bit of a troll though i think he kind of like plays up a little bit he went on the whole fox news tour and everything yeah i like him i think we're very similar i mean dr drew you want to [ __ ] dr drew we're both co-dependent too he followed me on twitter after the last episode what do you think that means i think it means he wants to [ __ ] you clearly dr drew is a sexy man he's very attractive he gets me i think he gets me god he gets i love dr drew can we have a monika you're like no no i love dr joe too it's great uh content um good thing we didn't have him in person that episode because i wanted him he would have asked he wanted to show up in person he wanted him he's like i want to come do it in person i was like you bro i seen you on fox news let's keep you at arm's length talking about cove it isn't [ __ ] real and [ __ ] okay so drum roll we are at we are out of envelopes people we ran out of envelopes this one is like they all deserve the award honestly biggest uno reverse card [Music] the adoption obviously i mean i can't we can't even applaud that micah staff staffer she might be the worst of all these awards like that's you're giving an actual human being back that's either has autism like there's actually so doctor you'd be happy to know you only got five percent of the votes tati and james was in close second with 90 34 and this was actually a really good write-in which i wish was on there ethan and trisha making a podcast together 30 points which let's be honest but i don't think it's better than giving your adopted child back i don't think it's quite the same but that's kind of as reverse card as it gets so i'm not sure they're gonna want this award i'm pretty sure that they will not want this award they deserve the worst of the worst of 2020 like they deserve all these awards we just sent it to them i don't want to assume too much about them because it's such a horrible tragic situation that i i can't even i can't even put my head in that space i just all i say is that this award is for you best uno reverso card 2020 for returning your adopted son so oh congratulations like that made me sick it was so fun and then like that award is kind of like made me like not well we have our biggest award after is next we actually ran out of trophies so we still have a couple more oh oh we ran out of trophies too what is this shoestring [ __ ] back what i said about the h3 crew i thought they had their [ __ ] together we have four more awards okay what's the next category the next one is spiciest drama spiciness that sounds great let's take a look someone might be able to reuse a trophy teddy fresh first james charles i am wearing the brand new sisters apparel color block collection which will be launching next week like this [ __ ] hi sisters i'm gonna break this down into three parts so the first part we'll cover when we met and early problematic behavior the second part which gets much worse of her trashing and using james charles and jeffree star microaggressions towards the lgbtq plus community and racist behavior and the third part which disturbs me the most will bring us to the moment that pushed me over for your doctorate which is the reason why i'm making this video h3h3 keemstar i am but one man probably not even the most hated man in keemstar's life and you've seen the length he's gone to harass me good luck ethan because you're gonna [ __ ] need it h3h3 death to all jews david delbricks by david dover that's me you take your camera on your phone nobody else cares and then you scan it because it's a qr code and look now it'll load your prize and you're going to 100 win because you're gonna win anywhere from 25 cents to a hundred thousand dollars according to the data from the puzzle's own website 99.3 percent of people who buy this puzzle will get a negative return in that their dies will be under the initial thirty dollars spent filled i i have a lot to say about it jeffree star first contacted me early in his youtube career wanting to meet shut up i learned being friends with jeffree star was like being friends with the lion she literally only gets attention but he was always really kind to me coming out example breaking the silence look how serious she is too there are people dying snail fiasco yeah the snail's not really up there but it's a good category spiciest drama wow there's so much oh you and um you and keem went at it yeah that was a pretty big one i have to say it was pretty monumental compared to everything else on that list but let me think i'm gonna go with david dobrik's puzzle scheme okay yeah so so when you put that i was like what everybody loves david but when i looked into it i will say i was like this is super super shady he's a rich white straight privilege at its finest like literally nothing he does this one straight up like wait it's not a scam but it's like it's gambling he has he so he goes he goes he goes buy this puzzle build it there's a qr code and then you can win money and it's cost 30 bucks and he says everybody wins which is true but the puzzle costs 30 and usually most people win 25 cents yeah and so he's literally just selling a lottery ticket that you have to put together and then it sounds illegal i don't know how he got away with that they're there and you have to be you have to be 18 years old to buy a lottery ticket you don't have to be 18 to buy this [ __ ] qr he sent out puzzles to his friends so everyone in the vlog squad were putting together puzzles so they could have the chance to 100 thousand dollars which like you're not supposed to like anyways then it's like one person gives a hundred thousand dollars i i listen to their podcast or something like that he's made over like three million dollars with this puzzle oh yeah i mean you didn't have to sell that many and it's a qr code that to me that to me legitimately should be investigated that that seems illegal it seems super shady and illegal he's he's put together a lottery and people who are buying these are not 18 years old i wonder if he has a loophole because he's like daca he's not like legal here so you know he can do that you think daca people who just come here and [ __ ] up the whole no no i i don't know if he had i'm sure he consulted lawyers he's pretty big time but to me this seems like it has to be illegal and i don't think it's been investigated because you can't just put together your own lot lotteries are tightly regulated and they're mostly run by states to raise money for schools and [ __ ] and so for him to put together a lottery and then sell it to people who are under 18 seems super [ __ ] illegal yeah and i i think that if it hasn't been investigated i think it should that's because lotteries are lotteries are an important source of funds raising for states each state has its own lottery right and people buy buy into it and the majority or like half of the money goes to charity work because it's a vice so the state goes okay well let's at least turn it into something good right we'll be raising money for schools and [ __ ] but david dobrik is like no i'm gonna i'm gonna that's all for me and he literally also a hundred thousand i mean step it up when you make three million dollars you're gonna get a hundred thousand like at least give that to like 10 people or something like it's so i was shocked when i learned that i was not cool with this i'm not okay with this this is so shady that's what i'm saying like people i'm the worst person to be this like voice for this but like because i'm the only one who like sees it because people are just like so blinded like oh he gives people money and like cars and it's like but that doesn't mean there's a reason he's giving people money he's making a [ __ ] load of money it's it's a scam and i'm sorry you're you're giving it to your friends he gifted like well i don't see anything wrong with that because like rigging you know knowing the person like you're right there's rules to sweepstakes and lottery you can't know the people this is all lotteries are tightly regulated because it's so prone to criminal uh manipulation yeah so i don't know like the dude i am so not okay with this and it's like you can go out and make a million bucks if you don't give a [ __ ] about anything and like selling gambling lotteries to kids without any regulations is an easy [ __ ] way to make a million dollars straight up scamming i see these people on tick tock too they're like if you follow me on tick tock like i'll give like the person a thousand dollars but like you have to like buy this i'm like that you can you literally can't do that people are getting away with it there's so many tick tockers like i said all the time like well you know the fda is uh or not the fta the the uh the fcc is is starting to clamp down a lot on creators because they're doing all this crazy [ __ ] and it's like super unregulated if you have to purchase to win something like i think that's illegal i don't think you should have you need right yeah so you need to be able to get it for free if it's a sweepstake but this is a lottery and i don't know i'm sure the laws are very complicated i have to assume he consulted a lawyer but whoever it was i want this investigated i really do this is not okay it's not okay it's really disturbing it's like and he's not too nice not to bring up the dog but it's not it's just a puzzle of a qr code it doesn't have any entertainment value it's literally just putting together a lottery hoping to win a hundred thousand from david over i can't get over it when he's made three million dollars off of you he probably made a lot more than that oh i'm sure because it's 30 bucks i mean he could he easily sold it half a million dollars in merch on twitch he makes like like what happened like he's like don't don't do this yeah he's like he quit youtube and he's just strictly on twitch now he hasn't made a vlog since march of last year what did he do on twitch i think gaming really yeah i don't know oh my god but be careful investigate david dobrik like you're also not allowed to leave this i like david i i like david i met him i think he's a sweet guy i'm surprised he did this and i'm surprised he's lost me guys this is what i've been saying he's fraudulent from the start no i don't know but i'm surprised people around him didn't tell him not to do this this is very disturbing but nobody gave him any [ __ ] for it so apparently nobody gives a [ __ ] yeah i didn't even know about it he if i knew about this i would have called him paul like applauded him he's like great idea man yeah it's a great idea to make money if you don't give a [ __ ] about anything if you're a total psychopath unless you're like shitty merch you're getting like a sweatshirt or something it's like it's like saying hey i made a website i made a website where if you give me money i'll give you a one percent chance of giving you your money back or more and they're like great idea oh my god well i'm glad you cost oh no big cosine thank you huge cosine thank you can that be a great idea dude great idea he's oh my god i'm so i'm actually upset about this investigate david dobrik and logan paul [ __ ] it anyway the winner is drum roll spiciest drama oh oh thank god it's not me tati vs jeffrey oh i wish you would have won i agree tati vs jeffrey you guys were the spiciest drama that was right before [ __ ] hit the fan like the black lives matter and people are getting canceled freaking racists like you and keem were like the height of the drama the summer before like yeah but the the scope of the tati videos she gets so many views on her drama videos you know yeah i'm jealous i wish i could be that like relevant well you don't want to be relevant in the way she is because nobody watches any of her others she's getting sued all right and her business partner's like she's a scammer yeah her life is like ruined kind of right now but that's why it's better to be middle of the ground you know just don't do any actual scams she's getting she's getting sued for for like defrauding her business partner yeah maybe just don't do that yeah so anyway tati vs jeffrey wins with 34 james versus teddy fresh actually in second place with 32 very close h levers came 26 and then everything else was really low david dobreck 2.4 nobody cares the snails point six glam and gold is gonna care david watch it there was a huge write-in ethan versus tricia i guess that's true we should have included that wait for what what one well we were all like everything [Laughter] um but i don't think it would top so congratulations jeffrey and tati i think you've already both won an award so don't be greedy we'll we'll etch in to win ian are you still with your girlfriend yes exactly bachelor season three bachelor h3 bachelor has resulted in a long-term relationship and an engagement wow that's insane i mean our track record compared to the real bachelor is like insane like the real bachelor's track record is like five percent you need to do another one i think so i just i need to find a good candidate it's hard to find the right your biggest like flex is like finding me someone that like wanted to marry me like that never would have been possible ever nobody's ever wanted to marry me or even have a long term or claim me as a girlfriend like this is insane i agree i mean it's unbelievable we make dreams come true like he actually like tries to get me pregnant i don't like trick him or anything like it's insane yeah i wouldn't recommend tricking dudes i think i did in the past i don't recommend it really what did you do i think i'm like yeah i'm a birth control oh that's so [ __ ] nice it's [ __ ] up but girls do it i'm just telling people out there that's like illegal i feel like it's not it's not it should be it should be that's a terrible crime if a girl tells you on birth control just don't believe her especially if you have money like just don't believe her um you better put those pills in her mouth and watch her swallow them no for real because you know the biggest one i used to tell people is like yeah i got the shot i'm good for like three years so i was only ever with women who were on birth control when people were like i do not want to have a baby with that man you know what i mean yeah i was like broke not going anywhere i was like she's on birthday yeah no one's gonna try and trick you back then dude i can't believe you did that that's super scummy oh i i agree i mean i've done like waste gummier things in the past what did you do with oh my god so many people you want to have babies with them like rich like like famous people that i slept with i definitely was like trying to like you're like i just want that that child support oh yeah for sure i thought that was my way to go i applaud your honesty but holy [ __ ] that's messed up it's so messed up and like it definitely didn't work it just gave me like chlamydia which it made me infertile so joke's on me like you know what i mean like it was bad it backfired back like sometime yeah i was trying to okay you think a lot of girls do that oh my god the guy i was trying to have a baby with like impregnated two different people and stuff like this my ticket too you know like let me out on it didn't work for me but oh my god yeah so i'm talking sobering moment oh no i know guys are surprised like oh [ __ ] she's on birth what i have a friend who's a very famous director he's not my friend he's like a person i know he was a very famous director he got a porn and i won't say this i can't say that sorry let me take this keep going no rewind no it's not out there it is now everyone literally people who know already figured out what you were saying no they don't okay anyways just don't be surprised like especially if you have money and even if you don't have money like they're like i guess if i was dating and wealthy or famous or whatever then maybe i'd be more pronounced but i never even thought about it before it's a thing so many girls do and i know somebody's horrifying are you kidding me look at dwayne wade he has like nine baby mamas like dude yeah but you at that point you put on the condom dumb [ __ ] that's what i'm saying did you ever poke a hole in a condom or anything like that no everybody's been never used condoms so i never was like worried about it really people are so quick to just be like not inside you god this world is crazy it's pretty crazy moses did not fall for my tricks though he did not fall for my tricks i i think one time he asked me i think i might when i was on like high or something i was like yes i have a shot but he still pulled out he's like i don't trust this [ __ ] i don't even trust pull out like pulling out i learned in sex ed falling out to only 50 effective is that true yeah yeah pulling out it's like you're in raw there's preaches and everything i yeah i wouldn't trust to pull out with someone if i didn't want to get pregnant i ain't pulling out a [ __ ] right that yeah for sure but also there's a chance that you don't pull out in time because you have to like because like you know it's not you can't always get a perfect pull out a perfect dismount you know what i mean sometimes it's a partial dismount right right it's just not safe yeah it's not a safe also like stds and stuff like that i don't want stds as much as i don't want a child with somebody i don't like right right and then you're stuck look at david spade like i don't know him personally i don't know the story but he got this playmate pregnant and she lives in like minnesota now and she has a baller s house because he has to pay child support maybe like twice a year you don't know him but that's what i wrote kids are amazing though hopefully you're like i'm so even though i nutted in your mom and i think she's a [ __ ] weirdo and i wish i never had to see her more than once yeah i love you people do come around the guy i was talking about that i don't really know personally he's not really that close of a friend he did come around and like he at first didn't want anything to do with the child and now he i think has a relationship with the child so i think over time remember the child's fault that you were an idiot but then sometimes they don't come around like you know stories too dad that just does not want anything to do with the kid and that's right that's not okay not okay yeah and don't do that honestly well guys i learned a lot here today everybody be careful out there yeah no no but for real like how are guys still so stupid zach's gonna get a girl pregnant for sure everybody here's taken that's good i like that but zach is gonna get like he's with a girl he's with an adult i think he moved on he's oh really yeah wait wasn't what they're like actually traveling salesman zack's the worst no he's not he's the worst he was the ultimate narcissist so but he wasn't exploiting you were wait he was not an exploitative narcissist he was like a self-confident narcissist anyway let's continue how ironic we have a new what's our next category uh it's biggest fake friendship biggest fake friendship us yeah we were on there oh we are i don't think we're fake though we're really good at i don't think so but sometimes you get the vibe that you think so yeah you know what i think it is in comparison to like when you do trick someone into having a baby with you and eventually they come around and it becomes a family that's what happened here yeah maybe you know we kind of like okay we'll fake it or whatever and then like that was never my intention to come out here and fake anything just to be can i just say i dated moses just to rub it in your guy's face and now we're freaking engaged and bought a house though well i'm glad you said that which explains why there was so much friction that was early on that was early on stupid you dated moses to rub in my face oh i was so excited to come back backfired on who on your plans i guess not i know i was gonna be like i [ __ ] your brother stupid i mean i still can say that on the daily gross stop nut inside stop but don't have to trick him so you should applaud me for that all right play the video for christ's sake biggest fake friendship the vlog squad that one's probably really good i wonder how many episodes we we make before before this whole thing is burned to the ground james charles and literally anyone else i've been texting back and forth hanging out a few times behind the scenes as well behind the scenes so let me think here that's a small category people are not going to vote for the vlog squad because they love them they're white i don't know that that fact you're jewish or you're like our minority in this so we kind of have a i think people are going to vote for us and then what was the other one james charles and literally anyone that one's might win too i mean that's the truest probably i don't think we have a fake friendship but people are going to vote for us for the meme i think it started i think we started that that way and i never faked anything trisha there was never any collusion about faking liking each other weird [ __ ] i faked a little bit at the beginning that's fine i'm just saying i didn't okay drum roll biggest fake friendship goes to wow with a resounding this is the biggest margin by far at 72.9 percent james and literally anyone else and trisha i'm so flattered that we came in last place with 12.5 percent oh people know that that really surprised me and then vlog squad even beat us out at 13.7 but james really absolutely smashed this category i actually thank you guys for voting us last i'm actually touched by that they can see past it they're like that's some love that's really nice thank you and we need an award we need here this one's for er i'm going to steal one from some okay we should keep ours james we have two awards for you i have one [ __ ] the biggest um the fakest friend of 2020 he so is everyone's his best friend we are best friends behind the scenes until they lose clout right james we love you this is an anti-james charles podcast all the way that should just be the name of our podcast okay and then we have we've got two more two more so the next one is uh account ban of the year oh this one is really good i'm ready for this one i think this is my win i don't know you're up against really stiff competition this sucks this sucks though cause like when you don't win that just means like you're not relevant like no one cares about the vlog squad david's relevant you lost your instagram somebody some people lost like their entire livelihood right instagram was kind of like flailing it's not that big of a deal and i was at 2.2 million for four years so i was shadow band anyways right because you're posting like your titties did you help me get by the way my background well you said they were they're going to bring it back in 30 days someone told me today because i had someone else help me that has a connection there and they said it was permanently disabled just deleted can you don't you have connections i thought you had connections well you said they'd be back in 30 days so i was like okay they're not going to reverse that but i can send an email but if they ban i think they're they're clamping down hard and people who promote only fans but i've been promoting only fans you know what it was i promoted adam and eve but i didn't know that was like the because i stopped promoting only fans they gave me warnings i was like you know let me stop it on instagram and so i stopped and then the adam and eve i guess you can't just anything sex related you can't promote i'll email them but i think you're [ __ ] because like there's people like belle delphine could never got hers back well hers was like really raunchy like mine's not raunchy anymore like i literally did the lingerie of adam and eve and i was like [ __ ] but i made sure my nipples were kind of like i'm pretty i was pretty good about it but it's fine i'll write an email trisha paytas backup is my second one ela follows me on there and you do not i didn't know you had a backup well you do now so can you follow me sure that's where we had to announce our engagement i got deleted the week of our engagement oh was that the big announcement you were because that would have been a great post i know it was a good post i got 80 000 on my backup account eighty thousand likes so oh eighty thousand that's a really good way to launch your backup because people are like oh it's trisha right banger right ellis can i get verified on that did you know that there's like a h there's like a ton of tick tock videos of that clip where you go where i make fun of your vocal fry i see it like so many times where you go and i go right um people love us on tech talk we're kind of everything yeah i see this a lot it makes me really happy i always like it i go sick you snap tick tock you gave up on tick tock it's just so hard because i want to make a good good tick tocks and it's just so hard not me i just throw up whatever it's like the name of the game on there just like throw up anything and hopefully you can do it like looking ugly whatever i i want to make more tick box it's just tough did you see me singing hebrew this morning on tik tok no that was very good a lot of likes yeah i had like a hundred thousand one like kind of came on here what were the comments though the comments questions i don't believe it hang on every these comments i haven't okay wait wait what everyone's saying they're impressed why is this good though they actually sound good while set they're like you sound good in hebrew only i'll take it i'm going to be an israeli star this is too much something you whatever who gives a [ __ ] i promise to be with you forever and be like your piece cool whatever but who bought raw through good and bad let's do the cancellation everybody's waiting for the cancellation okay dan you don't damn you you get so frustrated [Music] yeah shipping okay start over i wasn't [Music] of the year trisha paytas instagram yeah my instagram account is disabled [Music] hey team youtube why was my youtube account terminated with no warning slash no strikes for quote sexual content that he is permanently forever banned nicocado avocado instagram [Music] these are so weird stop leafy youtube and twitch whoa am i already banned i'm already banned oh he should win that's a good quote yeah leafy is definitely editing on this honestly give whoever this was a raise whoever edits it this is really good editing i'm like thank you yeah like it's really entertaining with the with this so i like that so account banned here this is a huge prestigious award for me it's got to be between doctor disrespect and leafy i did not know dr disrespect and i barely know leafy but i knew about levia did not know about doctors because like those are huge like these guys yeah leafy's come for me he called me a piggy a bunch of times yeah well he won't be doing it now he's banned all right drumroll account ban of the year 2020 the winner by a very close margin is leafy leafy who lost it all he was banned on youtube and twitch so that's his livelihood he's pretty much yeah he's pretty much off he's like alex jones like see ya you know what i mean this is another reason everyone needs to get married so you have stability as an influencer like if i fall off this one has a degree yeah but what's the chance that leafy doesn't marry a deadbeat how's he gonna marry anyone with a career [ __ ] yeah you know whatever yeah i am so leafy uh is a winner congratulations to leafy dr disrespect very close second very close to 23.5 percent which i think makes sense because leafy lost like everything doctor disrespected streaming on youtube at least trisha you came in third close third 21.5 my instagram that was shadow band everyone's like poor trisha we had to write in paris hilton and uh gabby di martino i don't know perez hilton lost his tick tock he not only did he lose his tick tock he created two more tick tock accounts and they banned those yeah you can't no he had his mom create one and his sister create one under like press hilton news and they banned those thoughts i was like i don't know anything about him but dumb ass congratulations leafy we'll definitely be getting you award best band creator of 2020. you may not have any accounts but you will have this award that's something you may not have a career did he have or any income didn't he disappear though he disappeared yeah he came back oh no and then apparently he made another account where he's he tried to do a keemstar thing where he's like a company hired me to do this and youtube's like banned oh but that's good for me like you're like my insurance so if i get banned i'm like i'm just a host on the a street podcast channel why would you get banned i don't know i literally don't do anything no one cares about me anymore yeah yeah don't worry about it um but that's why it didn't work he got banned and i keep this as my job security that's why we're gonna be excellent we love it and now our i think our biggest and final category so here we are at our final category the biggest one the most hotly anticipated category of the night what is the category ian this is most dramatic most dramatic and i'll be ah creator of 2020 the most diverse nominees the most there was i mean the stiff competition this year it was it was let's go ahead and review the nominees please dan thank you let's do it most dramatic creator jaclyn hill austin mcbroom gabby hannah jake paul [Music] these are your nominees wow [Music] i gotta say i think you're a shoo-in because that competition doesn't look that stiff i think it's safe to say i'm the most dramatic i try to start beef with everybody yeah you know i took a leaf out of your book recently and i or i think you know but i went like all in for david portney i was like [ __ ] this guy i'm gonna [ __ ] this kid this guy's such a dude bad beef to start he's not super relevant maybe start with someone like a little more popular why he's popular not popular enough where people are gonna get behind it you gave him more views where the most viewed episode was me on the bff so anyway let's go most dramatic let's get a drum roll please people most dramatic creator and the winner is by an overwhelming majority 47.1 percent trisha [Applause] wow you won there it is most dramatic creator of the year they love you they really love you and we have our very own frenemies styled rhinestones steamies presented to you we're gonna have to get this engraved that's beautiful patricia most dramatic creator of 2020. congratulations wow wow thank you everybody for joining us this year 2020 steamies have been an absolute pleasure congratulations to all our winners congratulations trisha yeah and uh congratulations to you guys we made it out of 2020 let's all go have a great year i'm your host stephen klein thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,249,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas, frenemies, steamies, the steamies
Id: 1gzsFgZ6_ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 8sec (6368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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