Trisha's Obsession With Jewish People - Frenemies #2

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This was hilarious they really are frenemies. But can anyone just not imagine Hila on Molly?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darylwilllive4evr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The casual "with peace and love" gets me every time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 113 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dinglehopper21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know everyone was saying this wouldn’t last long, but this was genuinely great.

Ethan playing the straight man to Trisha’s craziness works pretty well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Avoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s kinda crazy when through the chaos Trisha comes up with some really accurate take or interesting angle that gets Ethan thinking. Good show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/illilllilil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They have perfect chemistry. It's so entertaining.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 183 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/11711510111411009710 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the fuck Americans get Xanax really easily? Jesus, high abuse potential drugs just given to patients with mild anxiety.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sizz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hadn't watched an H3 podcast in quite a while, but this was actually really entertaining to me. They have a unique chemistry that I think thrives on the fact that they're both open-minded despite being such different people. Their conversations take so many wild turns and doesn't drag on about any single subject for too long IMO. I hope they keep making them! They seem to keep each other honest, lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PictishThunder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like this, they’re great together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GlossIsPoppin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone PLEASE make a snapshot of Ethan's face around the 27:27 mark? His face is just, omg lol. It's when he sees Trisha's nipples

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/silas_k πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome to frenemies episode number two if you're seeing this intro it means our original one got cut because it was way too graphic it was way too graphic right away but hopefully that one's still in but if not it was super funny and you all missed out big time you'll miss out so instead we'll just talk about what no we were just talking about drugs like right off the bat well i can say drugs i just don't give explicit explanation we're just talking about yeah we should just talk about food or something because that's like more what did you eat this weekend you started the last podcast off with what i would you eat fatty you said that last podcast oh yes because breakfast that's true i did say that what'd you have for breakfast i don't eat i'm telling you i'm not eating right now well okay let's say weekends and not during the week have you lost weight not really and moses knows i skipped dinner i've been skipping dinner dude i've seen you and moses have been eating some absolute trash bro don't even act like you don't eat you guys are eating in the i really haven't eaten any dinner you can ask them i don't eat dinner and it's been really awful and i feel like i still haven't lost anyway because i have a shoe i have a music video shoot covered safe i have a music video who cares if you're fat in your music video no because i'm in like lingerie and stuff well you're fat yeah that's what i mean just embrace what it is you are fat i don't have trouble breathing can you bend down and tie your shoes yeah okay let me see you prove it right now can you you prove it right yeah can you no prove it i'll do it if you do it bend down no bend down oh did you hear him pick up that audio it was it was hard for you you did something well i don't want i don't want everyone to see your all your [ __ ] yeah okay so what are we talking about good you can lean down you can tie your shoes congratulations can you see your penis over your belly in the shower can we talk about that yeah yes i can if i lean [Laughter] looking straight down can you see it let me think yeah i mean yeah i just probably yeah and how big is it it's fine it's fine less than five no four no it's bigger than four and five do you measure i have when i was younger i haven't measured it recently some people have you had sex within your life ten actually yeah how about you of 10 billion i mean no i have a lot i can't even know i don't even know i'd never have counted but that's exciting i'm happy for you i literally thought you were like a virgin when you met you i have a kid i popped a xanax before this once i feel like i'll be better this episode i was a little you did i did you were too stressed how much do you take like a full zany bar or i'll take wait what's this any bar oh you don't oh okay well let's just get right into it oh it's like you don't know what a zany bar is that was like when i was in college the super popular it's like a full bar i'm new to zanz only the past few years has been a fast few years that's not new well i'm not like high school as a next person i was like clean in high school but no i don't i don't take i don't take xanax but how long do or i mean it helps you yeah i took one like halfway through rosh hashanah dinner and i was like don't do you took one of you were so stressed at my house you took it i gotta warn you those are really dangerous i'm just gonna tell you i don't know if you know overdose on february 5th of 2018. that's not a mental hospital oh that's why i see and the whole bottle like i took like a whole bottle of xanax why they put my stomach it was yeah wait were you trying to no but they thought i was so i got 51.50 well why why would you take a whole bottle then we didn't do an intro but um oh i was just depressed i just got broken up with literally that day and i was just like i need to like cope with it because i'm supposed to go to a party that are you sure you weren't trying to kill yourself because that sounds like attempted too i wasn't i swear i really am not suicidal i'm like way too like narcissistic for that i think but i'm not yeah anyways for me xanax just makes me sleepy it doesn't really do anything for me i definitely i've tried it for my anxiety and i just go faster it's the same thing yeah volume volume's a little stronger welcome everybody that's it we're making it through frenemies with the help of xanax and benzos i don't usually take one fyi for the record when i first like the earlier this year i was and now i just i just look like i i just took a one because i every time i come here it's very awkward and uncomfortable it's not it's so uncomfortable friday was so uncomfortable last monday was uncle everything's uncomfortable do you have um anxiety problems no not at all so what do you take ex xanax for two years um that's more like just i think i is it anxiety it's more i'm not anxiety i think i'm more just like in my own head so like when i'm around like people i'm just like oh this is awful you're always like this is awful yeah are you feeling that right now um no because you're good that's why we were chatty before but you don't want to chat with me i was talking to ethan he's like just talk about the podcast like why can't we talk just talk right now as friends dude we did we talked everything okay let's just let's let's get let's pull together vietnam vietnam communist country didn't know that what what are you talking about it's a communist country well like what well no right now currently in the communist country they all have to just go by what the rules are there's no democracy what jack check that's not true dan the current day vietnam is not a communist country yes it is oh it is the girls what am i talking about you learned that from your nail people yeah hang on hang on hang on all right anyways we can go to the next one next topic here's the here's the thing that i want to talk about okay you came over to my house on friday to celebrate the jewish new year with my family i was expecting basically it wasn't what i expected i'll tell you you were very calm you were not like i was expecting you to like kick down the door and be the center of attention and [ __ ] but you were very chill and and and and uh fine but the one thing that i found funny was that you showed up in like an idf uniform and a beret and [ __ ] like you know it you know that we don't dress like that yeah cause you're the american jews i was representing the israeli jews that were present there was two israelis there neither of them were an idf uniform they were though at one point i was representing us i was like on their side i was the israeli hawkman side and you were representing american client side so i was trying to you know show up moses thought i looked cute by the way he said i looked very good he's out of his [ __ ] mind you can't walk around and that okay what did you think of my family i'm gonna i have i have a what i want to get into later is that trisha has been making really obscene borderline i would i don't want to say anti-semitic because you love jews wait what me i'm not and i said i'm not gonna say anti-semitic i love jews we always talk about this yeah but it goes to a point of like fetishizing that true yeah so i don't know if that's anti-semitic or why can't people fetishize i'm sure people fetishize you well you can finish as a person but not like a group of people no like chubby people are fetishized like i'm fetishized because i eat that's a fetish like you can fetishize well we can discuss this later because you've been obsessed on tick tock and i'm going to pull them up we're going to watch them and i want to show you guys the outfit she rolled up into my house to my family in but other than that how was your experience what did you think of my family oh gosh you were disappointed it was real because you were expecting like the fish and the yeah and all the crazy and the pomegranate and the apple and the is that the one where you blow the goat yeah the shoehorn yeah i thought there was gonna i just was really hungry i just assumed your family would be good like no they suck i i might be always good at cooking this is why i'm the way i'm at so i thought we're gonna have a feast we're gonna have potatoes and carbs and there was no carbs it was all chicken i'm actually going to agree i thought that meal was for my family we usually have bad meals but that one was legendarily bad like if i knew i would have just ordered food and no offense to i love my family it was beautiful though no like the setup was beautiful the fact that like everyone was really really nice so i don't want to say that like honestly they were super super nice and like it was it was great i was just uncomfortable for so many reasons like we talked about like i just like i know your dad like watches like porn and like favorites it on twitter so that's all i could think about because i'm sitting right next to him and moses told me to cover my boobs too he's like don't show your boobs so that's why i wore the t-shirt i wore the israeli t-shirt to not have my boobs out so then i was like next to your dad and i was thinking like oh my god he loves like naked tits on twitter and i like that's all i do on twitter okay let me let me preface uh my dad i've warned him i've warned my dad i says dad you know like i i've said if you're gonna look at porn on twitter at least don't like it because people know who you are because he makes a point of commenting all my posts and then he's watching porn and liking porn on twitter it's like dude they can see your likes your likes are and then also he follows porn stars oh so i'm going through his followers and i'm like dude you can't you you can't be following this [ __ ] but he but he doesn't listen clearly yeah i think he's just like in his own world but he's watching this and he's probably and then he's like what do you have i mean what can i do and so but they bounced early they were the first league like okay but peace they like left early i guess it was here before no but this is my family like this is what i'm trying to tell people i know ethan looked so sad i kind of felt bad you looked just sad really you didn't look happy tired i just i felt bad and i didn't say this to anybody else i just say that's why i asked you today how you're feeling because i was just like oh no there's something wrong i was just tired i don't think so i think so you were like awake you're like looking at twitter and you were like awake well well you could be tired and awake you know i wanted to stay longer to be honest but mostly no let's go i mean i agree we both started hanging out and talking but then everyone bounces that's my family they come everything's half-assed they don't do any of the religious [ __ ] and then as soon as it's done they all just want to leave yeah like you guys don't play games together like i was ready for like some fun game nights or something i actually was gonna bring like categories or i had heads up on my phone and i was like we should play and that would never happen but but hey this is what it is you know that that's why can like me and like moses come over for a family night like games maybe if we reach a couple more episodes because right now what i mean people are really taking bets how long this is going to last and i'm i'm and i'm worried about you and moses because let me tell you why why let me pull this [ __ ] up because you fed it you i don't know that you like him as a person i think you just fetishize him i always ask him that too i'm like i wonder if i just like like the idea of you you just say that to him yeah like he's like i don't know if it's like he's just different and new and like a toy so i'm like what is it then you're gonna i said that to him even after we oh because of you guys because you guys are i've been together like 10 years and you guys are just not affectionate i'm like oh my god is that going to be us dude you guys weren't okay stop no you look like you're just not into each other ever that's just so stupid no we like squeeze each other's butts and stuff and i never once saw that with you and i i wrote both of you you know what this is propaganda by the way me and el are an extremely loving relationship you can't say no and then i worry i'm like oh my god is that gonna be us like maybe it will be us in 10 years how often do you have sex with her um uh like once a week pretty good i think are you being serious yeah you're lying no i'm not lying just once a week that's pretty good when you've been married for as long as us this is what scares me and this is why i think we'll like end up breaking up like that's a [ __ ] terrifying some people have sex more and some people have sex less i think that's fine once a week is pretty good when you've been i mean i'm happy with that not upset about it i think we're both happy with the amount of sex yeah she's a happy trust me i know i don't know why you think by the way just because me and elon are making out at our family dinner after being married for 10 years doesn't mean we're in a loved one but you can just tell when someone's like bye okay well you're wrong i mean i don't know i was right well okay well you're fetishizing her brother and you're in a [ __ ] relationship i know i don't know yet we'll see i don't know maybe i like i think i'm in love i think like i'm i like obsessed with him in so many levels yeah obsessed is not really the way to do it describe a healthy relationship okay so let's watch this so why are you doing all these israeli themed tick tocks what what is this i'm big in israel there's literally all you do why is that because tick tock israeli tick tocks that are big that have like millions of followers always post me so you're just trying to i'm big in israel right now i'm not kidding you like all these like israeli celebrities hit me up and they're like um are you just trying to tap into that that's it you talk is that really what it's called you said hashtag you talk is real okay this was meant to be a daily vlog but there are too much good stuff at the glatt market i was gonna do a day of my life so i was showing everything that wasn't jewish so this was something else you did hashtag you talk israeli rosh hashanah fish head and traditions yeah cause this is like people don't know why you have a fish head at rosh hashanah and so forth were you disappointed we didn't have a fish yet it was so sad in the pomegranates she was like wait no fish head yeah that was really sad your family looked at me like i was crazy no one knew hebrew i was ready to speak hebrew with people i was like so excited about it and it just didn't happen so you did this one here i love you talk is now your most common it's popular i got free falafels here for wearing an israel shirt shout out falafel on wheels so are you if you if you and moses dump your emails as what dump i meant to say break up i don't wanna say dump sounds like you guys took his [ __ ] together i hear raiding my jew okay this is the one i had a problem with no now trisha you know you can't she says raiding my jew lunch uh-huh do you not see what's the problem with that i couldn't fit ish in there but jew is like a derogative no my jew lunch i think it's the way if you say it i was writing like oh my good lunch i can tell you with on with 100 certainty you cannot say that it's offensive moses said it was fine and he is from israel and had a bar mitzvah so he is well he says it's fine like moses doesn't care first of all i have to say he i'm also a bar mitzvah and he's not a native english speaker although he speaks english fluently right he doesn't understand you can't say jew lunch can i just tell you every israeli celeb two israeli celebrities have hit me up and said hey i'm a jew from israel that's different no that's not you can say i'm a jew from israel but you can't use jew as an adjective like jew lunch sounds [ __ ] up people can say they're a jew and i can't say do lunch yeah it's listen if you want to be all do you know what i'm saying dan there's the there's there's a distinction there i think it's the raiding my jew lunch dan how how does that sound to you it depends on the concept thank you you just said raiding my jew lunch with a star david it's a fun tick tock hey i'm like promoting this like culture yeah but you're kind of like this is kind of like cultural appropriation isn't it appreciation right okay that's this i think it is so many israelis will like be like thank you so much for like you know speaking hebrew like a lot of people like say thank you for it and i mean there's some that hate it but there are some that hate it would you get aid comments yeah i mean there are certain people that are like what are they saying i mean that's more just like people who say free palestine they get pissed off but i don't know oh it's not the jews that get in the american jews that get angry which aren't real jews you're like what's like calm down you're from ventura california like you know you don't know the struggle he's israeli they were slaves in egypt he wasn't a slave his ancestors were your ancestors weren't wait why well how do you wait because he's in the land of the free the free anyways this is you know that wait hold on you know that jews who who moved to europe which is where my ancestors come from have us common origin that's what being jewish is right but they weren't exiled that's why they live in europe no so where'd they come from where'd they come from trisha i don't know but i know that the people in israel were exiled from egypt as slaves where do you think that the people from europe come from where were they the same place bro where that's what the jewish from israel or egypt from egypt well that's what the bible says but that's obviously contested so yeah exactly but it's the same tribe of people um we'll have to consult with my expert jew lover moses but he's not here right now and i wish he wasn't here but do you see this this whole obsession of fetishization makes me a little uncomfortable it's not fetishizing it's a preference if i prefer to date jewish men okay if you prefer to date i'm just gonna this might i don't want to come off too insensitive it's like i prefer to date black guys yeah and be like okay that's fine you like black guys yeah but then all of a sudden you start going here's my and forgive me for being crass but like you can understand where i'm going hey here's my fried chicken review why is it different that's so different that's literally what you're doing no no that's here let me pull up a youtube video why is that different i can't even go there first of all explain how it's different to me it's different culture because it's not their culture it's not their culture it's a stereotype and so it's not a stereotype that all jews walk around in idf uniform first of all i'm not it's not that me the exact comparison would be me being like oh look at my like like what's the stereotype about jews like oh my we're cheap cheap chicken nose oh my yeah my cheap jew boyfriend with a big nose i don't say that i'm like do what i like about the culture like i'm not like stereotyping anybody i love hebrew like i love saying things in hebrew i love like well let's just like let's judge for ourselves you uploaded this video called best hollow bread recipe and by the way if you guys want to see the the outfit i want to say costume it's not a costume the treasure came to my house and you can see it here why are you wearing a beret like you're going to battle shit's crazy they wear green berets over there no they don't i lived there for five years nobody walks around in berets unless they're an army i googled yeah i googled israeli soldier and there's a green beret that comes up with the green pants so why don't you dress up as an american soldier when you just want to like why are you fetishizing the army because now this is my new culture okay all those converting to judaism and of course just my christians who get down with the old testament genesis all the way so today is rosh hashanah and guess what why genesis all the way oh genesis is the reason rosh hashanah on the the sixth day so you were announcing the new testament what you were announcing the new testament but i also believe in the old testament as a christian i also believe in genesis because you know believing the new testament is like sacrilege to judaism that's all a lie right but jews jew judas jewish people don't believe in hell so what's it matter if i believe in the new testament what do they think was wrong with me well they just don't think you're jewish oh well i'm not i'm i'm jewish by insemination gross what the [ __ ] i don't think that's how it works by the way we're in the future and we're in that new year and it is going to be fire so today i'm going to show you how you can celebrate the new year if you so happen to convert we will watch this i mean genuinely sweet why would anyone want to watch this a different way to make oh the reasons why we have like the pomegranate and the all that stuff i explained in this like a how-to best holiday recipe that was so good i used all the stuff from the jewish market and were you going to say jew market i'm saying jewish now if does that make you happy well no it's better it's definitely better i mean i'm saying it for your benefit you don't want to walk around saying jew market that sounds wrong okay i'll say jewish from now on yeah i'm just giving you a tip i thought it was fine but moses is wrong i mean i'll just say that objectively he's wrong here's her eating apple i mean it's just odd pomegranate it's odd that all of your content lately is all jew related that's why i worry about i worry about moses because i feel like he's just a prop in your video and this whole thing is just fetishizing you see where i'm coming from yeah but in the videos he's in with me we're just eating we're not talking about jew stuff when he's in the video with me yeah but like so how what how do you know that he's not just like a prop for you i don't oh i don't know do you ever know like what if what if you're just yeah i know we've been married for ten years but maybe it's uh she just keeps the joke going some people can really like you know keep it going oh i got me an american because what he told what i heard i'm not gonna say who told me but what i heard is that israeli soldiers are supposed to keep amer like date americans so they bring them over to israel so there's more jews that come over to israel you heard what is it a secret that's yeah what anyways yeah yeah i'm happy it worked out for you guys all i'm saying is like everything starts out as like a joke or a prop right but then it becomes real like it's real now i mean he's work with my family all the time like okay all right anyways what else is going on um in life yeah oh i might have to sit a couple shows out because i'm getting some liposuction a boob job and a lip job and you can't do the show when you're recovering why i'm gonna try and do it on a tuesday and so maybe i can come back on a monday why don't you sit while you're recovering i think that'd be interesting which is like bruised up yeah [ __ ] and then we could talk about the process and stuff i think that's great i'm getting some fat into my butt and i don't think you can actually sit well we'll stand i'm fine with that it's only an hour okay what what what work are you getting though november um i'm gonna get my boobs again lipo in my stomach butt transfer and my lip pushed up let's let's go one by one what are we doing with the boobs boobs i just want them more fake i need them higher more fake yeah i want them a little higher more high profile because i have a feeling i'm gonna get like proposed to soon and probably get married so i want to get this done before all that happens so i look snatched you think moses is going to propose to you yeah i think so maybe a jew proposal he's actually can i just clarify for the record even though he's from israel and had a bar mitzvah he does not identify as jewish he doesn't practice he's not jewish okay whatever whatever i'm over talking let's talk about your let's talk about your your boobs okay he's in love only sorry bleep that you can you can i didn't get that promo you can promote yourself we got paparazzi the other day and i didn't i didn't plug the only pants and it was a real paparazzi night okay anyways back to the boobs but okay so you you want your tits to look more fake that's your objective yeah i want them a little higher um because i do only i do only some i do i do like adult work sometimes i i've seen your boobs obviously i followed you on twitter for a brief time i unfollowed you you really didn't follow me back no i i would like i follow you on other socials i just don't want to see your [ __ ] vagina and [ __ ] until it doesn't come out as much anymore now that like but anyway but but i've seen your i've seen your boobs and they have like really with peace and love really serious scar marks crazy scars what happened there um it's just from a lift oh you want to know the reality i got a lift and i keep looking at myself it's okay it's pretty close to the camera i love looking at myself there's a previewer right because dan is we're looking at dan's back you can look at it i love looking at myself on camera when i look good um anyways um no i had i had two surgeries for the lift and the lip always is those little scars the problem is my scars got really big because like you're not supposed to have sex six weeks after surgery and i have it like the day of surgery like as soon as i get out like having sex oh so you mean you messed up so even if you just lay there you're still being like pushed and stuff so the scars like or the there were staples at the time the staples like split open oh that's so [ __ ] up can you not if you want to remind me stars only if you want to see some boobs you know [ __ ] up but like i no again with peace and love i think it's the worst boob job i've ever seen so not true no i've never i've never seen such scarring before can i show it now or no no well we can't show it okay um and then frankly uh because i showed the guys at impulsive and they said that they looked fine like seriously and i was like i know they're [ __ ] up they're whatever and they're like let's see and i was like okay well i actually i offered i mean i've seen i've seen them but they're and they were like those aren't bad like and because i'm like because everyone on twitter tells me you're just gonna you're on the twitter trailer i wanna look you in the face be like your tits are [ __ ] up lady no because i even said oh my god look how [ __ ] up these are like i was excited to show cause i hear it on twitter all the time i was like oh my god my kids are so [ __ ] let me show you and they're like no and they were brutal with me like honestly i did not like logan i didn't care for him when i went on the podcast like that whole they were very misogynistic in my opinion so you showed them the tits on or off on camera oh they just blurred it uh yeah and then i and they were the whole time they were kind of nasty to me during the interview so like that was the time i'm like oh well this will say something and they were like oh like those aren't even bad like and they were brutal with me like the whole time by the way so i wasn't like i don't think they were being polite look i don't care like my boobs are my boobs i mean i get boob jobs all the time so i'm ready for another one and i'm just like ready but like if you keep doing the boob job does it help i mean at a certain point do they like take it out and redo it yeah oh they do yeah it's a full restart this is better than what it was can they change your skin yeah they change my nipples my nipples used to be and now they're like you've got new nips i can't feel them moses always like and i'm like i can't feel it he tries and like don't bring up your sex life with moses please ever i don't know anything about it i love him he's not here like that's not the longest we've been apart it's so weird like i like i never thought you [ __ ] with the door open my face when he's no we have like five bathrooms in my house so we go separate we know someone's gone for a long time like it's probably that and then what else are you getting done my stomach light boat again i had one light bone it did it did help because my body's more like in now so i want my waist to go a little more in and then i'm going to have it transfer to my butt so my butt's just a little more round so you take the fat from your stomach and you put it in your ass yeah i did that once before that's a pretty epic procedure i oh should i show you the before and afters can i show that or no let's not okay because it's insane you wouldn't believe it actually so is it to make you look skinnier or to contour your body or what yeah it brings your wasting can i just show you i feel like i could just show you yeah you can show me that it's like it's like you know what i mean are you afraid that like what do you think about kim kardashian's ass because i feel like it looks like outrageous wait why do you think it looks bad because it looks like she has two tumors on her ass it looks so unnatural i haven't seen it are you sure maybe it's a photoshop sometimes people photograph their haters okay here it is oh no this is way more information no but like this is okay first of all i'm not gonna lie my body was [ __ ] disgusting before but now it's like kind of like legit okay this is okay you guys i'm just gonna describe what i'm seeing you don't have any nip where's your nipples yeah they're a little high the nipples kind of [ __ ] up in my boobs what it looks like you don't have nipples um they're like they're right there like seeing it you can kind of see yeah they're okay my nipples are high like oh my gosh yeah the stars are so wait i'm seeing she's butt naked and she doesn't have nipples um and but like wow i mean is that crazy though but why do you look more tan in that one this is like a fake before and after what are you talking about because this one you're paying on this one i got spray tans because i had scars where my lipo was see the liposcar so i was getting spray tan so the thing are a light bowed but look at my waist like even now my waist yeah i gained some weight back from this photo but like my waist is still in like they brought my waist and my hips you see they took fat from here and put it on my hips and then wait the this oh look but look how much rounder it is she showed me her ass and it's [ __ ] what are the three dots there that's the lipo from the back so they took fat off they even got your back fat yep and then what are they ejected into your ass so they put some on the hips and then the ass is right there in the crack ew why is there something in your crack that's the scar that's the stitches it's like you got poop on your crack it's not poop it's stitches so yeah that's that and then i i got my arms done too let me see if i can find the arms there's the arms that's the after but my arms were like crazy gross too like those are my arms before i did gain some weight back so like my arms are still kind of gross but they're not as gross as they used to be anyways it's whatever don't wait so when you're eating like binge eating and gaining weight you're like it's all good i'll just put it in my ass do you kind of have that thought um right now only because i know i'm gonna get the surgery so now i do but i didn't before but can't your ass certainly has a capacity for how much fat it could hold um yeah but it like it'll just it'll disintegrate itself so like if it can't hold the fat it just won't take like the fat won't like stick you know what i mean so like it just you'll just have you just won't it'll just disintegrate basically it's not like harming it it's not going to be there those images are going to be branded in my mind forever dude we have similar body types maybe but i would never show that [ __ ] to you i would never do that to you you had on twitter i had to see your bare ass on twitter that's true and i sent it to moses and i was like yo well it was on twitter it wasn't like a big [ __ ] leak anyway anyway so we discovered that so when you're going to get that done i think you should come on the show you can't skip yeah i'm going to try and do it as a weird planning i'm not going to do it on a tuesday so it's like after the show and then like come back because you can do stuff like a week after it's just like you're so i'm trying to do it november what else um what else with you i keep like i feel like you're the one that's sad and like why do you i'm not i just feel like you need intervention because like your podcast you lead it always like the h3 you're always leading it you're always talking and whatever but i feel like no one's really like you're the one i'm worried about like i just feel like you're gonna i don't know i'm scared of what i don't know like a twitter headline or something i know i'm like scared what what i'm so sad but like a twitter headline wait what does that mean i'm going to kill myself what what is a twitter house no just like i don't know i don't want to give me an example of what a twitter headline about me would look like i don't want to even put it out there say it what's on your mind you obviously think of something specific just saying you're okay say it i didn't envision like two visions of you like driving off a bridge i don't think you did it on purpose and that's why i'm like worried because i had two and they were very strong since the last so what was the other one or they're both meeting they're both the same and they were like it's not dreams it's like in the middle of the day i'm like oh my god and then i'm like it's like it's like a and i don't have those at all ever about anybody and i like literally had had it twice since last monday's podcast okay are you just okay that's all yeah i'm fine i'm not go i'm not planning i'm not suicidal i don't even know if it's a suicidal thing or someone driving you off like if someone is someone following you maybe it's you i mean wouldn't that make more sense no because like i don't know if you saw like after after our practice i do like an after show on my channel so i did like an after show mukbang where i got jollibee afterwards and i was like telling about my experience on the podcast this podcast so i was like directing the traffic back because like people watching me too and then i was just like i literally was saying like oh i really like love you as like a friend like you remind me of like myself like we were both very like have sad upbringings like we're kind of sad on the inside and you kind of remind me of like shane a little too so i kind of feel like this like weird connection with you and it's like weird like oh i get where you're coming from and after being around your family i was like oh i get it and so that's why i was like oh i should check in with him though i'm fine okay you seem fine now i think i'm sad okay it's just behind your eyes like you look happy everything looks happy but no i'm fine thank you um i'm gonna be taking a drive up north today and you may not be hearing from me again for a while though so stop why don't you guys go on like vacations why don't you guys do anything but we usually do but there is a pandemic it's kind of hard and we have a kid who's one year old mm-hmm so you know do you do anything exciting like i feel like you guys just don't no exciting no and it sucks because you guys will text at all hours of the night like you text me you'll text moses and i'm like don't they have a life like texting at midnight on a friday night no i know it's sad i agree we have no life it is sad we just work so what are you gonna do to spice it up well last time a few like a month or two ago we gave the kid to my parents for two days that was pretty epic and what'd you do nothing we just sat at home and watched tv that was fun do you guys ever do molly to gather mushrooms we used to a long time yeah where in israel uh we did did some here but yes i'm in israel we used to do we've we haven't done mushrooms together but we've done molly together we've done it a lot of times together and how do you feel molly great like do you feel horny do you feel loving do you feel relaxed not horny just more like loving and happy take it and you're like let's do it but you haven't done it we've tried well the thing is we've we've tried having sex on it but you can't not it's not really a sex but the way that we used to do it is just sit at home and and just feel good do you want to come over and do something no i'm too old for that [ __ ] it's like it's just not worth it you know what but you don't why how often do you do it oh not often but like it's fun i have some i don't have some do i get in trouble i don't have any at my house well it's all it's all hypothetical hypothetically yeah they say what do they say on twitch in minecraft in minecraft yeah yeah i have mdma in my car um i just feel like you might need that like that's what i was thinking is like me so the issue is even if i wanted to take you up on that because i'm on antidepressants i can't take anything like that okay yeah because it what are you on um lexapro what it's not yikes it's some really common you should go on zoloft because i feel like that's the kind of people that do want to like have suicidal even if you don't think you're suicidal you have suicide oh my god i'm not suicidal dude lexapro is like it's newer and ever and it has like really good everyone who takes it is really good experience with it it's a really good drug oh so don't disparage lexapro i you know what i've actually never been on antidepressants so i can't i don't know anything about them so i respect but you could do coke on it yeah i don't like coke okay you just want to do drugs with me i'm just trying to get you excited about life you know no i yeah i don't know i mean i'm just gonna i really think i'm just gonna drive off a bridge after this no the thing is i i like smoking cigarettes but they're so bad ah that's fun we should do that just blaze smoke cigarettes all day yeah but i smoke one and then i feel bad i do i i have to admit to you i feel very bored a lot of the time okay so what do you but what do you like or not bored but like well first of all i love my work and and i i love also where's the podcast going and i love the team i love working collaborative with all these guys it's it's great and uh the direction and the content we're making i'm really happy and satisfied with teddy fresh is amazing my wife i love her she's amazing my son everything's great but like you know it's very it gets very monotonous what could you what would you do if you could do anything right now like there's no cover nothing like what would you do that would be like your dream hmm i think it'd be fun just to like jump off or drive off a bridge no i'm kidding i think it'd be fun to just take a i'd love to get on a plane and go somewhere with you but like where to europe or hawaii or some [ __ ] all these are 600 right now playing tickets it's not the price it's the [ __ ] the disease go first class and like those little like suites where you don't see it but you're on a like guitar first class no i can't i'm not doing it i'm not going anywhere why because the because of the pandemic okay well you can't just live life honestly i'm not i i'm being responsible i mean people have to do their part here i mean yeah but like people die of like people are dying with related causes it's not just like i get corona oh you're a cova truther i don't know don't come for me because i actually don't know and i'm really ignorant and dumb please put that in the propaganda no but but no but that's true no of course kovid complicates any medical issue you have so let's say did you say that word on youtube i think you have to say c or something no you can say it okay they changed the policy yeah you're like tight with youtube yeah um no can i say i know two people not like super close to me but two people that died of covid but it was the family even was like no it's like this is what happened they were like sick before this is and i'm not saying like i don't know okay let me ask you this yeah i don't know i'm literally if you're sick and you're f you're sick but you're stable then you catch covet and die what killed you i think you i think the blue it's like a flu like it's like a relationship complications from covet that's what they call it this person would be alive if they didn't catch covet i mean i know two people who died in the hospital and they were like totally they were just going in for like a routine surgery and then like died toe so coveted i mean i i get it i'm just saying like are you gonna live your life i mean like oh my god like yes i'm so scared to even know but here's here's what i think there's a lot of people who cannot live in a way there's people that have to go to work and there's people that have to put themselves in harm's way of this disease there's people like me who has a life of luxury who's you know privileged in every way so people like me should just buck the [ __ ] up and stay home because if i can do my part to not spread this disease then i then i have i'm obligated to do that i agree so do some molly with ila then you're like i can't do molly i'm on antidepressants oh [ __ ] i probably would if i wasn't but that's it yeah but the antidepressants is more important mushrooms you can microdose on antidepressants i'll have to look into that you do damn you're stacked you got everything in minecraft oh my god can i get arrested though for real no no oh my god i do not want to get arrested [ __ ] but no you're fine it's only in minecraft oh my god actually i'll have to look into that because yeah mushrooms could be fun the problem is that when you have responsibility we're doing the show and we have a kid and all this [ __ ] it's just i don't i don't want i know but like i always have really horrible hangovers it's just too risky it's not bad especially with mushrooms sometimes it's not bad sometimes it's bad i've had so i'm just telling you i think it's the people you do it with and like no one ever had a bad trip with beam nope um it's not a bad trip it's a bad hangover because then like i'm [ __ ] up for a few days and i'm like dude i have [ __ ] to do i can't do it for sure i get it how about only fans my what you're starting to leave no i thought you were going to oh for like a joke no for like really you should try see how much money you make you're all about money like as soon as tick-tock you heard you can make money like i'm on tick-tock now what i make like five dollars a day no you're all about the money and not just because you're jewish it's because you're just that's not true i'm really not all about the money why do you say that i know this based on based on everything that i've heard about you that i know about you you've heard about me driven and that's fine that's just not true it's not true that i'm money driven are you a gemini no what are you i'm not telling you because then you'll be like oh that's so you you are nothing i'm not a gemini i just hate gemini well i'm not a gemini okay what are you i'm not gonna tell you unless you tell me i'm a cancer oh oh my god you're literally shane i literally said that because you're in july what are you what's your birthday july what i'm not born in july what what's your sign tourist yeah i knew you were taurus [ __ ] i hate taurus such a tourist oh my god i knew you were very shane asked because you have both cancers that means you're very sensitive i do know about cancers because like my best friend obviously can i ask you something how is it possible that everybody born in the same month has the same characteristics as a person that's literally you're saying it's it's so ridiculously absurd the notion of astrology i agree to some degree but i do like everybody who's ever born in june is has the same exact characteristic it's crazy i mean gemini's for sure that's the june yeah well sounds great and you're very sensitive but i'm not but first of all i resent you saying that i'm money-driven because i really don't think i am you really are i think i'm money-driven as much as anybody else but i don't think i'm extraordinarily money driven no you're you are you weren't on tick tock until you realized you could make money off of it what that's not true so why'd you join tick tock why did anyone what does anyone join tick though why did you join tic tac i'm asking you okay because i started seeing a ton of tick tocks and we keep always talking about on the show and i wanted to understand what it was and then once i got in there i started really having fun it's not about money i was like oh this these are really fun to make like i made this dumb [ __ ] baba booey tick tock and then people like people liked it people started liking the content i was making there and i i was having fun making tick tocks like in a way i haven't had fun making videos in a really long time i was i'm like it's been so long since i wanted to pull out my phone and make a video you know like back back back in the day oh yeah and so i was like dude tick tock is my home [Music] i kind of resent that as someone who's been on tactical and let me tell you this if i'm money driven why the [ __ ] would i care about making five dollars a day moses said the day he was over here you're like i made twenty dollars it's a joke was it though to your family you just sit around and joke because when i was here you're not just sitting around and joking you were very serious what is twenty dollars i mean what is that life changing money i'm excited about my money on tick tock i show everybody too look i'm not okay your point has it really only been 40 minutes dan oh god i feel like it's so [ __ ] long there's a timer there i was like this [ __ ] over yet oh remember not to come next week then now we have to do it for the people and you're not invited to my wedding can you do that yes yeah which one none of them i just i find that offensive i find you offensive so um you wanna imagine being like hey guys look i made 20 bucks on tick tock he's a money driven greedy jew it's basically what you're saying didn't say that um no but i'm saying you joined because cody ko was on the podcast and he's like i'm making money off adsense i joined before that we weren't making and cody showed me he made three dollars and i was like wow i need to be a part of that because you saw potentially like i need to get in on this ground before it starts really around outrageous you can't say [ __ ] like that i know and even when you were joking about starting only fancy like i'm gonna do it as a joke and see if morning money again but you're gonna get that i don't like that that characterization because people always say that like i'll do this i feel like people make that characterization against me because i'm jewish let me explain if you compare me to any other creator i'm just as money driven as any of them but for some reason i get this label as like money driven and greedy and all this even though i'm doing literally the same thing as everybody else yeah why is it that i have to take that label because you try and be like sneaky about it you try and be like schlubby like i don't care about money meanwhile just getting in where all the cash grabs are only fans ticked i'm not only fans but you wanted to as like a joke but you wanted to get it i wouldn't get that cash grab yeah but i didn't make it only fans and i never would who the [ __ ] gonna pay me to be on the only fan a lot of people um do you watch them you know you do that wait what when you end the sentence you go um i literally have no idea you know a lot of people um you did that right then no definitely not and i don't think it's because you're jewish there's lots of jews on on youtube that don't casey neistat doesn't get that critique dude case is he jewish how would you dude casey neistat is so money driven no bro he's like the brand anymore he's like mr brand no he spends money he's not coming for airlines 25 000 first class ticket he spends the money okay so your evidence that i'm money driven is that i made it only fans which i never did and that i'm on tick tock anything else i mean look you abandoned the h3 channel to do how was that proof that i'm money driven did you have something to make money which was the podcast but now you're focused on teddy fresh because that's making you guys your money now so you just go where the money goes what if and i know this is crazy so bear with me we do what we like and it just so happens that we like doing the podcast and we like doing teddy freddy so you didn't like doing your channel anymore no i've said that a billion times i didn't like doing the channel but why because you weren't making as much money literally at the beginning you were making a lot of money and now you're not making money so of course when we switched to the podcast we were making way more money doing that than this only now that we've been doing we've been doing this for three years so why the [ __ ] shouldn't i not want to make money doing it money is a byproduct of doing something you're passionate about i don't i don't agree i do youtube videos every single day and i make no money i make like well that's because nobody watches your content because it sucks i think it's more because i'm not friends with popular youtubers anymore like i was friends with shane and then david and then exactly my views do not go up from being on this yeah well they're not gonna nobody cares but you know why but this podcast is doing really well the first episode was a um hit yeah i think so i don't know yeah it did really well why people like it [Laughter] i yeah but i think it was like a novelty thing like okay it's our first episode like well you know but then after a while i think people are like yeah well then i got canceled after nine months for my my own podcast i'm very confident that i'll be canceled from this in nine months as well well we'll see you better bring the thunder i was trying to push it and then now i'm going ah whatever i guess no one's gonna watch i think it's the combination that makes it special of who of us yeah but like we like each other now i feel like before like there was genuine hatred well i'm a little upset that you're basically calling me a greedy jew and saying i'm gonna kill myself by driving off a bridge that's pretty bizarre i was genuinely concerned about you this whole week i kind of got worried i was like oh should i reach out with them like it's kind of weird and we're only in a group chat we're not in a like a one-on-one chat you're sure have you always been a strange person what were you like as a kid this is not an interview this is a podcast we should be talking about as a canada i was i was great i mean i literally don't even remember childhood like to me i had so much trauma that i blacked it out like i swear i on my life so with the i i mean can you just kind of just tell me what kind of trauma you had like i i'm not even kidding like i've gone to therapy and like like remember trauma like that's what i'm saying like i swear i was like oh i had a great childhood just like molesting and stuff like honestly like it was just stuff that i didn't even know like i have to like yeah no i've heard that i like blacked out literally all child like high school i don't feel like i went to even high school and that's the truth like i don't even know so hang on you're you're close with your parents yeah so they didn't abuse you or anything no so what happened to you i don't know so how do you know you i mean i think i'm figuring it out i just started therapy like something is well well it wasn't an attempt i was hold i wasn't an attempt but they said i hadn't attempted a suicide attempt went to a mental hospital when i got out i was like i should probably get some therapy am i slouching too much dan or is it fun sorry i know you're talking i know you're talking to me about you're [ __ ] wanting to kill yourself but let me just make sure i'm in frame tell yourself me kill myself well okay so why are you interested yeah that's disgusting look at that that is [ __ ] future bro don't look like that whatever happened to the lighting dude oh lee well it's just comfortable i gotta sit back so you love you have a great relationship with your family so why are you so [ __ ] up i don't know i honestly don't know it's a lot of unpacking i mean i do but like it's something i haven't even worked through all the way because you went into prostitution like at what age oh early like 18. so how do you come out of a good family and go straight into prostitution um what happened was is like okay like it was good my mom was good the thing was my mom she had a lot of boyfriends she was married a lot of times your parents were divorced yeah they got divorced early on and so my mom worked all the time she was a single mom like she my dad like paid a little bit but whatever so my mom worked like four jobs always had boyfriends the boyfriends are always at her house without my mom and like just like in and out just like did the boyfriend ever touch you i don't know honestly i don't know but like all i knew was like i had to get out so at 17 i was like peace bye i'm like actually i quit school at 15 but then i got brought back into school but my dad was homeschooling it was a thing anyways so i was like i moved out in la at 15 and then i had my i was brought back home at like 16 and then i like moved out again at 17 and then my dad said he'd take me because he lives in california and like what really pushed me to answer your question is like my dad was like oh you have to go to college and all of a sudden i was like i want to go to college like whatever i got a tv show when i was 18. i got a like a full-time gig on the show called the greg barrett show he wrote the book he just got that into you and it was a huge production at sony and my dad's like absolutely not you're not gonna do it cause i was a guest controlling dad um i look like no yes controlling but like nice like you know well why didn't he want you to do the show cause he just wanted me to go to college he's like you're gonna go to college and and they him and my stepmom i lived with them my stepmom would like tell me like not to wear certain things anyways they were like a little controlling whatever but my dad was my dad's a great now i love my dad but um so then i was like [ __ ] i'm gonna go do this tv show the tv show gets canceled like six months in and i there was a bunch of episodes there online so i did a bunch of episodes with him and it got canceled six months in and i got this other reality show called toronto superhero stan lee i was on a show with stan lee and so like i was getting all these like jobs at 18. and then like all of a sudden like i wasn't getting paid anymore and i was like [ __ ] and so i didn't know what to do i tried to get like regular jobs and like i don't know i like literally couldn't work like it was yeah you you can i can see you at chipotle i was working at disney soda phone and got fired disney what soda fountain it's the ghirardelli factory now right um oh i can't say you better sell it right i can't say how bad could it be a disney soda factory i don't because i think they released me for a different reason i think they were telling me how long ago was that tell me right now i was definitely having sex inside the restaurant see there's something wrong with you there's something that happens yeah for sure okay so you were caught having sex inside of the restaurant yeah like not even in the bathroom and they just wear like inside and now the customers there yeah it's not even the soda phone anymore i literally literally shut it down like two weeks later i'm not joking like all jokes aside like it literally shut that [ __ ] down i don't know that's and and and so when you would have sex in the restaurant would you like go serve customers would you wash your hands i just met a customer that was like you [ __ ] a customer i have something wrong with me with sex for sure there's definitely holy [ __ ] tell me about that encounter i want to know how that went down i can't really say full details of it please tell me this is so interesting don't use names or anything just i want to know how this goes don't do it that often honestly they were having a premiere next door at the el capitan and so like they were coming over and like this guy i was like in love with and i was like holy [ __ ] well you just well based on just first sight yeah but he was on major drugs i wasn't i was completely sober okay what do you look like why were you in love with him um just hands like a session can i say i'm not really i don't really find looks on people i don't find people attractive or unattractive i really don't for the most part okay but this guy was beautiful yeah and so he was in movies and stuff so like he's a movie star yeah oh so when i was 18 so he was at the premiere yeah oh don't clock that because i can do my no no no i'm not i'm not going to investigate but so what happened so a movie star people do ambassadors no no we're not going to visit i might tell a story no no people got it wrong when you told the story about like someone shot at you people didn't guess it right yeah yeah well some people some people did but anyways anyways it was the guy was just out of his mind and then i was like i wasn't but i was like [ __ ] it so he's like just coming on my lap he came to the restaurant he had a group of people with them so his entourage came into the restaurant and you were waiting on them and they had a vip because they were like you know vip so they were like and then and then so he said come sit on my lap and so what happened no you just stick out in front of his entourage yeah this was when they had like sure but it was very like waiting for oh so you were okay hold on hold on hold on wow i don't know if i should say this story honestly so you're waiting i got fired for nail polish well who cares they're out of business what the [ __ ] you're doing your own disney is huge they're like the illuminati like they could come for me this thing's not coming for you look you remember how paranoid when i showed your earnings you thought youtube was gonna ban your account no i probably did because ever since then i started making zero dollars i make like 500 now yeah that's not and i was making so much i was making i showed not so much but i was making money okay so you're waiting on you're waiting on the guy hold on this is fascinating you're waiting on the guy he says come sit on my lap was there any flirtation before that yeah like you could just feel like there was a trap yeah he says come sit on my lap and you sat and he just took his dick out or did he say anything or did he just take his dick no it definitely was not saying anything i was just more like he kind of went like this oh he knew you were down yeah so it almost sounds like he kind of raped you but he knew you were down yeah he knew because like if you say like no or like you know yeah yeah you can put out a vibe and someone can have sex with you don't have to say yeah have sex with me please yes so in front of his whole entourage he took his dick out put it in you and then you were just kind of riding him like this yeah but it wasn't even [ __ ] like it was definitely just like well he penetrated you yeah never what has never been you mean with him or like ever ever i know i didn't for a long time i just i don't i i you need to though honestly like people i'm surprised like i swear people always like trisha's got so many stds i'm like i honestly i would be that first person i honestly would tell you like i would be the first person like yeah [ __ ] don't do this [ __ ] i got [ __ ] herpes or something like i'm shocked to this day that i don't have that like so he put it in you no protection did his entourage know he was [ __ ] you you know what when i say i was sober i was over from drugs i did have a couple shots i'm not sure okay i can't i think and then when did they confront you like what are you doing in the act uh yeah they just called me like they just call me over and they're just like while you guys were [ __ ] and they're like trisha come on they literally yeah someone came by and said i need to leave you or something like that yeah it was bad it was awful like it was honestly traumatized like this is there's a lot of traumatizing events during this time but this was one of the most traumatizing i mean i definitely what about it was traumatizing because it sounds like you it was all just embarrassing and yeah i think i just had issues like who does that like who's just like oh well obviously like sometimes okay you know what i mean nobody does that and then um at that time too i got i i got mugged a couple times like it was crazy i got like there were some times wait i feel like you're not telling me more about like did you contact this person afterwards at all how would i like and what who was this person why are you protecting them did you did you ever meet them after this yes oh okay and they live near me and i don't think they remember the incident because i did look so different back then so i don't think they know who was it i'm not gonna tell you because like i'm kind of cool with them will you tell me off camera no you're just a big mouth you're such a big mouth what i perspective no you do not you tell people you tell people [ __ ] i i resent that i resent that that's not true represent that people well i have like i thought dan wasn't allowed to laugh at my jokes he said that dan like he told dan not to laugh at me yeah give him a prayer i give him uh first of all i like dan here i'm i don't want to replace him with ian well you may not have a choice for the matter but why because sometimes they you know they have [ __ ] to do and they they come i don't like the other two when they comment on base three i know this is an h3 but i'm just saying well technically it is okay so so can you give me a hint to who he was because i'm super but this is actually really this is a bad story do you have i'm just curious why is it so bad i feel like you're not telling me something because it sounds like you consented he consented but obviously it's embarrassing to get fired on the spot but what was it that was i think there's just a lot more to the story that i can't tell you that's what i'm getting there is a lot more isn't there so it's just it just keeps going this is the best tell me come on this is like you want to get kicked off the podcast yeah i'm more than you better keep it interesting gonna get me in trouble well don't say who it is he said yourself you said you're so i won't highlight it if you don't want me to don't highlight it because i don't make any money off the highlights tell me the story i'll use my name on the highlights but i don't get a percentage of the highlights you won't talk about it okay you guys want to know the deal we have let me tell you about this incredible deal you when i started thinking about i was like wait this isn't like the best deal it is a [ __ ] phenomenal dude okay first of all the highlights don't make your highlights alone don't make that much money we're talking maybe at best a couple thousand dollars all the ones of me and moses were at a million and your other ones do not a million yeah if you go to your highlights yes they are go oh you mean before we started collabing you want me to give all my guests this is before the podcast i'm just saying in general over time my highlights do well but continue okay trisha gets 45 of all the podcast revenue including ads and adsense i get 55 percent guess who dropped like 50 000 on this setup and has all this gear and this guy and all these people working for me that's a good idea you're gonna get the 100 of the highlights i can't get 10 of the highlights it's just no like a little something because you use my name trisha paytas and i'm like well i'm promoting the show can i get a little it's not that much money because now you're like trisha paytas talked two off you know what i mean like it's like those kind of things her seventy thousand dollar pick and i never even showed it on my channel i'm like well maybe i gotta i don't i think the deal is pretty good any money anyways got this podcast it's one of those things my podcast my in total of nine months i made eight thousand dollars no you'll make more than that we'll make you know you'll make good money from this i mean we don't have sponsors yet but the adsense is good have a teddy fresh collab what what does that mean can i have a teddy fresh collab we'll collab with like you you're like person your person yeah trisha paytas but teddy fresh yeah trish by teddy trishan teddy hmm maybe we could do an item i'm not sure i'll have to i mean obviously me and you are close now we're good i like her do you not feel the deal is fair because i feel like it's it's more than fair i don't think so like over time you're gonna do all these dude how am i ever gonna even make back the investment let's be honest i spent like 50 000 on all this [ __ ] you didn't spend anything i dealt with all of it where this podcast is going to break up before i even recoup myself how about recoup it with the highlights and then i get 45 of the highlights recoup from the highlights how about even 30 because i know you have to pay people hold on hold on here and edit hold on hold on hold on recoup the highlights if i'm making a couple thousand dollars a month that's going to take like two years you're gonna make more than a couple thousand one of those will blow just from the highlights yeah something's gonna get like dan do you not think that's a fair deal yeah to get zero of the highest the highlight is not a big deal i was like let me just keep the highlight money to keep it simple to help and you'll and 45 of everything is a lot i mean dude you don't do any you literally just show up you're gonna make way more money recoup the 50 000 before you pay me anything anywhere and then 45 and 55 for everything else i mean that's yeah okay you so you're so you're hedging your bets on this podcast lasting more than a few episodes i didn't get paid [ __ ] for my last podcast i don't really give a [ __ ] i can already tell you that the adsense was really good on our first podcast so you're gonna get a nice check at the end of the month right that quick just i'm going to pay you at the end of every month cool okay cool and a tiny fresh cloud we'll call it even i just i think you should be very happy can i just say i would kill it selling like like i feel like when i wear teddy fresh some people don't know what tiny fresh is i know that's like hard to believe because i know teddy fresh is popping i'm not gonna take that away from you but i'm just saying some people really do ask me like when i wore that mint and green so many were like where is this from they did not know it was teddy fresh so i feel like i never want to make you want to be a brand ambassador yeah but i want to collab like i want to be trisha paytas by teddy freddy oh you want us yeah i think we well so do you care if we sell it on our website or if we just make it like for you either way i don't care if it's on yours because we could i mean we can make anything you want our production our manufacturing capacity is really good now very impressed and i was just like we can make anything now it's crazy i know i saw some upcoming designs i'm like oh and you know what i just never really like i don't like cheap [ __ ] like i don't like that android crap you know what i mean like that's i love mine no we don't make cheap [ __ ] yet yeah no i know i love buying merch and i like i just feel like mine would kill it like we do some pink and sparkles and like literally the thing is like we obviously specialize in unisex we're opening a female department i think it comes out next month but like dresses and stuff although we we just don't have experience in-house with like fitting and stuff so dressing would be hard a really sexy blonde holding a little teddy bear i mean hoodies and stuff we could do anything you want like that's easy dresses and stuff is is more difficult we could do it but it takes it will take a long time to fit it doesn't need to be like a fashion like i want it to be like not merged but you know like i mean like it could be like just like a sparkly bling collab you know like a bling why don't you send me some inspiration of stuff and then i'll i'll pitch it i feel like i'm pretty good at it i'll come to a pitch meeting if you want to draw sketch or just save some inspiration oh yeah i'm gonna move the sketchup for me because i can tell him yeah um we have 30 seconds left go ahead no you have you what is your what were you talking about so who did you [ __ ] who did you [ __ ] in the restaurant i won't highlight it i'll go longer tell me more but what are the details you're not telling me it's so fast so traumatizing like that's all i should have to tell you okay you're literally like pulling well well no because you made it sound like okay all right i'll leave it look even my traumatic events i found enjoyable but my therapist is like no that [ __ ] you up for life and i'm like oh well that was fine for me you know what i mean so that's what i'm saying but i it's just like there's a lot i can't say and i don't want to trigger anyone trigger warning you should put a trigger warning before i didn't i didn't i don't know what it was it sounds like you were assaulted and i didn't know that general i'm just saying no i'm not saying anything i'm not like i'm offended i'm just saying like in general you should put like a trigger warning before our podcast why because we talked about trigger warning we talked about driving off a bridge and like you brought that up out of nowhere what the f well how do i know you're going to i didn't envision you driving off i just saw your car going off so it could like someone could have drove it like chased you off or something you know what i mean or the bridge was faulty i don't know who's tracing me you're gonna [ __ ] kill me you psycho no i'm never gonna kill you i promise you you're gonna chase my ass off a bridge oh i love you this is like such a good like feng shui right now you like it now because you never look at my eyes ever and you're staring me deep in my soul oh no i'm looking away well i saw trisha naked a day was horrific no offense well that was my before and i uh i saw i saw the afters too they were there they were great they were all horrific well there you go episode two we did it how can we cut right at an hour why can't we go two hours your age three goes two hours no we're cutting it all back because i because we're making four episodes a week now and i think i don't it's just hard to produce that much content like it all it affects everybody like the highlights dan editing my energy because now i have to go prep for tomorrow so i have to be responsible so don't wear yourself thin about it no no i'm not i'm happy with the workload i just need to make sure that do we get guests on this ever or no that's only for h3 i'm open to it if you have a good one but i don't see the point i mean the whole thing is the dynamic yes i just feel like are you tired of talking to me already it's only second episode this doesn't sound i love having guests on my podcast like guests are so fun i had brett michaels on my podcast that was a lot of fun who's that is that a from poison and rock of love you're such a stupid you're so stupid also also announcement um we're gonna be starting halloween october 5th on this podcast so my first costume our first you should be oh i can dress up that'll be fun each week i have each monday i already have a costume plan really yeah that's awesome so october 5th october 12th october 19th and december 26th i'm stoked well i'm gonna have a costume yeah that'll be don't know that awesome like does he think i'm like no i'm just going to show him costume i'm glad we announced it and i'm gonna yeah i'll plan we can coordinate oh i'm sorry i can do i can plan a matching outfit or should i just do my own thing and show up and surprise each other let's surprise each other i have everything i can share you what i'm gonna wear i think it'd be fun if we surprise each other but i know you're going to post it like a trillion times on every social media i'm going to start out subtle maybe our final the grand finale of the week of halloween i'll tell you because mine's actually really good and i feel like that could be a good duo one that's amazing you've already planned to head that far i have me and moses's costume i have our family costumes i have my podcast costumes and then i have my tick tock costume be honest with me right now yeah as we end just tell me this how long and just be totally [ __ ] brutally honest with me is this relationship with moses is going to last like i i like know we're going to get married wow cool his mom was very concerned about that she heard it on the podcast i'll tell you so his mom well i'll tell you i'll tell you because i've been a party i've been in the middle of all this and i've talked to you as mom she's not mad she likes you she's happy that moses in a relationship what she's not happy is that he doesn't talk to her he doesn't tell her anything mostly just like that so he so you better [ __ ] tell him he needs to talk to his mom more he likes to keep everyone at distance he doesn't like well well yeah imagine how his mom feels i think he had some trauma i don't know but don't but don't let him tell you that she doesn't like you because that's she doesn't yeah okay he just said that she can be judgmental well who what parent can right so i think he was like more protecting because i do you know what i do you score i do do really good riley reid taught me how when we did a collab she went isn't it just peeing did we talk about this we learned about it it's peeing two fingers up and press right here and then release don't show that don't we can't show that there's nothing stop stop stop stop i hope this gets monetized so we get no checks all right end it thank you guys we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,297,986
Rating: 4.884747 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: FwLnl2T5z4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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