Jeff Wittek, David Dobrik, & TRIVIA! - Frenemies # 33

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Trisha saying she squirts in her fountain for onlyfans and Ethan being intrigued until it hit him that Theodore plays in that fountain💀💀💀

👍︎︎ 264 👤︎︎ u/alllllyg 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Keemstar is a creep, dude. Wtf.

👍︎︎ 195 👤︎︎ u/killthemwithcoffee 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan being fascinated with Trisha’s hair is cracking me up!

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/fuckmelikeaklingon 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

The little ”really?” when Trisha says Ethan looks skinny low key makes my heart 🥺

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/TsT2244 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Also, can we appreciate Ethan putting his foot down and telling Trisha they’re not doing another episode til she gets a biopsy? The fact that she didn’t do it already and it’s been a few weeks is concerning.

👍︎︎ 298 👤︎︎ u/-Strawberries- 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

My mans doing a giveaway not from the kindness of his heart but doing it out of SPITE! 🤣

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/Alain-Christian 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

ethan thinking 501c3 is apart of the companies name and not the code for a nonprofit😭

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/RockyK96 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love that the only mention of GH was Ethan saying the greatest mental breakdown award at the Steamies could go to Gabbie Hanna and Trish saying “no comment” “I wish her well”

Trish’s restraint has 📈

👍︎︎ 236 👤︎︎ u/coolestbythelake 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Geiger counter? That sounds anti-Semitic” Lmfaoooo

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/coolestbythelake 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're back episode number 35 in front of me is it 35 somewhere around there i'm ethan klein with my host queen of big giant hair you like the diet here today is that okay can i examine what i just want to see what's going on here oh my goodness it's very tight oh that's what she said he's in is this so now tell me what's going on here because it was a pamela anderson inspired look today so she had this really big hair and i just really liked it i thought it made me look skinnier too i feel a little fat i thought dude your hair is huge that's the biggest hair i've ever seen is that pamela anderson oh my god i don't know it's just big ass hair oh i think she's a big ass girl wait wait wait wait so is this this isn't real right because it looks real here but like you don't have that much hair dude no yeah it's it's a wig this part on is awake so this is real this is a wig yeah okay turn can i see i just wanna okay yeah that look that's a good job that was meant to be like that it was like a look it was where they put the wig in the back you are the queen of big hair today and i feel like little hair you have no hair but you look very skinny do i mm-hmm you look have you been trying to lose weight i haven't been trying it's my whole [ __ ] life we said you had a cheat day friday so i didn't yeah fridays are my cheeks that's your only dream but i'm responsible what'd you eat what did i eat on friday italian you said oh you know what i did date i didn't eat all day in preparation for my children oh i was like extra good so i didn't eat all day and then we went out we actually went out because we're both fully vaccinated [ __ ] god blessed so that's how you said so we went out to eat an italian restaurant it was really nice what'd you have i got some like lamb like a lamb on a bone and it was like falling off the bone with mashed potatoes i was like oh shh that's what you get at an italian restaurant is lamb yeah they telling us know how to do it man they do everything yeah you don't like pasta that's the one thing we disagree and i like love pasta pasta's a waste of calories that's all i eat i know that's offensive to some people so with peace and love i say this pasta is a waste of calories i mean if i'm going out there trying to you know eat 3 000 calories pasta is like the last thing i want that's all i want i'd be so skinny if i didn't eat pasta and drink that well this is my fuel and i have i have thank you for buying for providing a nice workplace where you provide food for us because honestly i didn't eat this morning it's not that glamorous this is from you guys most like don't worry i'll get something in their house and i felt really bad about it like i don't i hate eating other people's foods but i was so starving so i haven't eaten anything this morning and so i was very hungry and i see what you're drinking today yeah this is a this is the same thing i always drink you always want to know what i drink we've got here today oh there's no coupon or a coupon there's no tag no so what is this it's a caramel frappuccino with extra caramel drizzle have you ever had it you want some no i can't drink this [ __ ] that's like 600 calories it's not weight loss food it's not even that i'm more worried about like diabetes because it runs my family oh yeah first thing i had this morning so oh yeah yeah you're going to lose your legs for sure all right that happened my uncle joe yeah he lost his feet i'm worried about diabetes too that's one of the reasons why i'm like okay i cannot get fatter because i just i really don't want to be diabetic yeah we already worry about diabetes so i don't need the internet worrying for me i hate when people are like oh we're worried about trash it's like i worry about me i don't need everyone to worry about no i know what you mean you know i mean but you should know that diabetes isn't just from sugar it's about excess it's about like when you have excessive body fat and you consume too much calories it's not about sugar actually it's not about consumption of sugar it's just the calories yeah but diabetes ironically i'm like we could go to a doctor and do a physical i'm pretty like healthy with like clothes that would be a good episode who has the best physical oh my god would you do that i think i have a really good one because i always go and they're always like your cholesterol is great and like your blood pressure's low i'm sure they say that they're like trisha they're like trisha keep it up we should go next week because i'm not kidding i get physicals all the freaking time because you want that thing on my neck i went and did like so many physicals and like oh yeah that was i went to an ears yeah it was like two like centimeters and so he was just like oh you should probably come back like and get it biopsied but i was like uh oh you should definitely if you thought you'd get a biopsy you'd get a biopsy what are you waiting for i just don't like needles oh you're gonna like you're gonna hate cancer a lot more yeah no would you please get that back i know i'm not doing the show unless you schedule that um we are not doing another episode on hiatus right now find a different doctor i'm not i am not doing this show another episode until you get that biopsy what are we going to do now schedule it well we could do this show over here okay i'm serious okay i'll get it done i promise you've got to show me proof that you scheduled it before the next episode um how do i do that i think that's like um invasion of like legal privacy rights i don't think i should disclose medical information with people all right no calling hr no your information you could disclose it to me i think i'm fine honestly i don't want it okay cool show's over god i'm serious it's ridiculous you said you need you have a lung you have a soft tissue line it's not gone he told you to get a biopsy the doctor said get a biopsy he's not god god told me you're gonna put that there so god's trying to kill you he's trying to save you i was gonna go to church yesterday and it didn't happen but next week god's like saw that i wish we had orange chicken right now i'm so hungry i hadn't eaten this morning [ __ ] are these kosher pretzels i mean what's on well i don't know what would be on kosher about a pretzel did like this was uh the dough was needed with pork blood i don't even know what kosher means what makes something kosher well besides like there are certain things like dairy and meat aren't supposed to mix and pork is unkosher but you also have to get it blessed by a rabbi when this bunch of [ __ ] oh so you don't keep kosher me never oh okay no dude moses [ __ ] eating bacon like a goddamn save his life isn't kosher either why because i look like a pig i didn't say that can we be miss piggy and kermit the frog dude i wanted to suggest that but i don't want to be offensive offensive to me i don't know since lately i've always i've kind of been holding back a little bit i felt like it was mean to say you look like miss piggy i love her i do think you look like miss piggy and you have her swag too thank you you have piggy swag i love that yeah i think that's iconic she's psychotic and i'm kind of like kermit miss piggy who's a better kermit impression here with kermit the frog here go your turn i i haven't listened to kermit in a while okay okay hello it's kermit the frog here this is better hold on hey oh my god hold on let me listen to kermit woke up and chose negativity today hold on let me play let me play kermit so i just can get a sense for his voice [ __ ] jim henson he's dead what's he gonna do about it oh my god i don't know i'm just saying if his ghost wants to come copper on my claim i'll have a issue with him and his family didn't he die of diabetes for real no are you sure no he oh you know how he died not listening to doctors didn't he have some like minor [ __ ] infection and he was like a christian scientist he didn't believe in doctors and he just dropped that i don't know that aspect of it but i do but i do know it was a a minor a relatively minor ailment yeah he didn't listen to doctors and he died very suddenly yeah [ __ ] they're like yeah dude just take this uh medicine you'll be fine he's like [ __ ] that i kind of want to die suddenly though i don't want to drag it out no what okay okay what is that what is that cool we're getting to dreams are how we figure out where we want to go how now we figure out where we want to go oh that's pretty good it was life is how we get there life is how we get there excuse me hmm that's like i feel like that's a different generation that was piggy oh that was pretty oh yeah yeah that one was good give me a piggy give me a piggy yeah that's really good mr frog piggy could you please bob on my knob bob i will not bob on your knob miss piggy could you kindly [ __ ] off you obnoxious [ __ ] that's what he wants to say not what i feel about you you can't just say that using like a curve like it's funny we have a lot to get to should we talk oh we didn't even say thank you to our sponsors omaze and honey we did omaze we're doing an omaze tesla giveaway simply to stick it to david literally that's why we're doing it i was like i don't know what to say to that that's it that's why maybe we just want to give people a tesla that's cool it's cool that he gave people tesla's everything else is bad but tesla's are kind of cool well whatever it is i just i don't listen i'm doing it to stick it to david if you guys want to participate that's your thing but i thought it'd be funny if we gave away tesla yeah and we're giving away to people who like our dessert it's not just like we're giving away to rich youtubers we're like giving away to someone who like maybe needs it you know was he just giving it to rich yeah like jason he gave him a tesla oh really oh they're like hey right these people can afford their own car yeah yeah yeah people were like why and then one person he gave two cars to like a lamborghini and a tesla were like oh and it was a youtuber that makes a lot of money and i'm like well it's all sponsored it's not like he even bought the [ __ ] cars we bought we did not buy this car oh no i'm not gonna pretend like i paid for [ __ ] they're paying me they're paying us i mean they're paying us this is not this is not generosity i'm getting paid fully for this do i yeah of course okay yep you know 50 50. is it yeah yeah sponsors of 50 50. i don't even know um top of the show guys okay we've got a bunch of memes today we're going to talk about how keemstar is the worst human being alive it's been an uneventful week and weekend well that's not true though jeff the jeff whittick documentaries had me really interested we're going to talk about that and then we're going to do trivia okay we're doing trivia are you smarter than a fifth grader but we added a category to make it more fair to you we added a pop culture category and we made it expansive as possible wait why is there different trivia oh there's like science trivia well last time you were complaining about the categories so we added one wait is this are you smarter than a fifth grader again or is it it's just i mean that's just stick but it's trivia no but one time we determined it was just pop culture this is this is a breath of categories i got it less excited i'm excited okay good i just wish i should have eaten i'm so mad i didn't do you want to eat do you want to pause you're really bothered that you haven't eat no it's good that i'm hungry i got pretzels i'm fine we better get this girl damn we gotta get her a pizza or something stat we are trying yeah okay you look great do you really mean that really really skinny i'm so happy for you i weighed myself i finally did it i think it's good i think i'm definitely losing pounds but what depressed me is how hot like i know i've lost weight but i didn't realize how much weight i had gained well you're only like 2 20 or something you said right no what were you i mean that's what i said but the truth is actually i the truth is i think i was at 2 40 and now i'm at 2 30. i think i'm at 2 40. i don't know i'm just guessing but i was like because i was like okay no i've lost weight i'm just gonna get on the scale and it said 2 30 i was like holy [ __ ] i know i can't i can't like look at this i gotta like actually start losing weight and then look at the scale yeah i don't it's just depressing but you know what's sad is like when i was 200 i thought i was fat oh yeah i was like oh my god i had 30 pounds still i'm fat again yeah when i was on crack i thought i was fat but i was so skinny that's what i need to start doing smoking crack more regularly instead of just recreationally once in a while i think i injected a crack can you even do that i think that's what i did i think you can inject anything someone injected it for me how was it crack was not good not good that made me like that's when i was out of it for like a month i think i had covered when i had crack when i did crack you did a cover crack binge yeah it was the summer of 2019 so i think i was one of the first coat because honestly like i lost my my taste for like two months and i had cloven but it could have been the crack it could have been the crack it could have been the covenant i mean who really knows is that a new game is it crackers i'll play that game we have a category for that is this trisha on crack or coved you ain't cullen yeah you saw me after i did my crack covered binge when i was when i did the bachelor in the first episode where i was like announcing it i was on a crack covered binge i didn't know that the more you know so wait you were on a binge or you just did crack once or you did it several times i was on it for like 10 days straight with somebody oh you were just on a crack bin they like came to my house and we just like were you having sex and stuff or what was the point of like what was the drive was it i don't remember him he was so skinny i remember him carrying me to the bathtub to like get me to like bathe because like i could not do it and he was so skinny and i was i was getting skinnier i lost about 20 pounds in like a week that's what i'm saying dude smoke crack ladies and gentlemen yeah okay well let's here someone first of all let's let's leave the crack uh on the shelf for later somebody put together an edit of all of your lookalikes oh my god here's you as bono that's crazy though is that me or wait i'm confused whose picture is that though no that's an unedited photo of bono he's not wearing makeup no that's him my face on and then here's samuel jackson okay i see candid photo looks just like you know they didn't they didn't here's adam sandler no i don't see that one as much i don't think i yeah no i don't see that one here's jack black my favorite if they would have just done our real faces you would see that i looked like him they tried to make him look crazy they're trying to pull out the likeness is all i see it ah i look like jack black and kung fu panda that's the one i feel like you look like a panda or i think i just look like jack black the most maybe maybe bono though that one was close i honestly didn't know who was i honestly think you look the most like samuel jackson i was told that when i was really young that was like my first one i got i feel like that's the most interesting comparison did you know elon musk was hosting snl on my birthday are you coming to my birthday party i didn't know you i wasn't invited no one has been yet it's under 20 people so am i coming your birthday party i don't know it's up to you am i invited i have a nice car i want a bear you're in then um yeah you know what's so weird but i'm so nervous well am i invited or not i don't know are you who's at your party that i'm gonna run into it's like under 20 people it's like not that many is it like just family no no it's like my parties are like work parties it's always my like people that work for me throughout the year it's like the one time like that's the only friends i have so it's like my hair stylist my music video director my choreographer like they just all come and solve for my birthday because i have no friends i mean i want to come i want to come celebrate your birthday you will yeah we have karaoke it's great do you have like why do you say that dan you've talked about on the show that you hate karaoke don't you i don't remember i mean if you're drunk you don't remember anything i feel like every time you're on like look i stand here i'm talking all week who can keep track of all the things i say here i mean that's true when people are like you don't remember something from 2016. i'm like i say a lot of [ __ ] and i don't yeah i'm talking all the time i don't keep track of what i say well yeah yeah listen okay yeah why wouldn't i be invited why are you even considering like not inviting me i don't know how you guys are i don't want to send the imitation okay when people invite me to stuff i don't want to go but then you're like oh no i'm super awkward because someone invited me i don't want to go cause i feel like you guys are such homebodies if i don't want to go i won't go okay cool i won't feel like obligated i feel like we have a we have a strong enough relationship probably like nah well you also know moses i'm like oh maybe you don't know anyone would you know moses yeah he's my brother-in-law known him for a long time so you'll know him i've known him actually incidentally much longer than you have isn't that interesting yeah fascinating well yeah because you're married yeah yeah um well you know what it is to have my birthday like no one knows each other it's all it's always like one person from each walk of my life so no one knows they all kind of come together and they're like oh i know you from churches parties yeah i don't know people and then i maybe it'd be weird because everyone's like oh you're the guy from frenemies talk to me and i'll be like no thanks no i don't think anyone watches front of me that i know really no isn't that weird i feel like everyone's going to be just like being they'll be like oh my god it's ethan my mom and sister really love you they love friend of mine they do that's nice i like when the family likes me it's rare it's very rare okay so um james charles hit the clearance rack finally i thought you might enjoy this that someone saw him in some cosmetics story on the clearance rack is it real apparently i don't know selling it on the website yeah yeah i know the shady [ __ ] dude it's like it's like i said it's like if bill cosby after all this [ __ ] went down he's in prison and they're still selling jello and pudding with bill cosby like get the pudding get the boy it's like no that [ __ ] would be off the racks james charles is a predator we're talking about does a dozen victims get him off the [ __ ] shelves well we're get him out where's his at maybe we can just go and like trash it put it in the trash ourselves i have no idea you don't know what this is how do you i don't know where it is can you tell here triangulate this car and uh the the power poles wait it's outside i'm so confused i was at ultra someone said i don't know what ultra is ultra music festival okay sorry it's far away me neither clearly anyway i thought you would enjoy that um i don't care about anything james this is gonna be like a five hour episode but i know uh i wish we could do five hours don't you know sometimes i wish but youtube really hate it don't worry i do this like the only social hour it's the only time i see someone outside of mo that's why i like love but it's like my soul shower it's like i feel like we get together and just gossip for five hours like i see you next week yeah because sometimes we like go way off the path with our conversations and i like it but i'm like oh we got trivia and we got these things to talk about so i don't know if i should just let it just like let the ride ride i like how you have direction yeah you do good i also feel that like yeah sometimes people get mad at me just like stop trying to keep trisha on the rail they want me off the rails they want it off the rails oh okay but they also want trivia you know what i'm saying i want trivia too here's trisha cutting uh chicken that was frustrating a lot of people they're saying it drives them crazy watching you cut chicken now i have to agree you're not cutting the chicken you're not you're not even cutting it in half like watch when you flip it like what are what are you doing and by the way this is the person who beat me in a cooking contest so [ __ ] my life i killed him um i don't even know girl look how you cut it like you flip it [Laughter] i think you're just supposed to perform the cut you're not even applying pressure really i think i'm scared i like cut my fingers off that's why i don't like doing him i don't know i think it's okay got the job done what am i making i don't even know what i'm making there i don't like cooking competition take two i can't relive that moment what is our next competition today but i mean like real competition you mean the one where you're not you're not destined to for sure lose i mean i kill trivia every time we should trigger the place you lost and today you're gonna lose big time here's trisha cooking without the fire on again she beat me uh she beat me in cooking she's cooking eggs and the fire isn't on i told you i've never cooked i don't know so here you have it and she beat me in cooking where is this from literally these eggs literally these eggs are not cooking maybe check the stove [Music] oh my god trisha oh my god that is the gas smell holy cow that's why they weren't cooking genius i've never cooked i told you i never i used to never cook before we went into this new house had a cool kitchen and i was like all right it's time for me to cook um one other thing i wanted to point out is that okay this the oscars were on last night and they got only 10 million viewers whoa so that's the oscar tanks the steamies what are we at steam's ahead i'm saying next year stevie's passes the oscars 2022 for sure are we are we doing a live event i think we yeah it's gonna take some planning but yeah i think we're gonna do it do you think anyone's gonna show up i do i think we're gonna sell out no i mean like presenters are we're the presenter is maybe like if you say like let's say hypothetically um most uh let's say greatest breakdown greatest middle breakdown i don't think they're going to show up well let's say but they might like let's say gabby hannah is nominated for greatest mental breakdown she might show up to accept no comment and i mean that would be great i would definitely i would present her and then i can see us getting a little argument during her acceptance and then we could play her off we can play the music that's like okay player off yeah sounds good i i wish her well no combat no problem oh just an example yeah i feel bad for him are we gonna get a hypnotist i i am a food addict for sure actually you know what i get i try to get hypnotized for this show dan write that down i mean ian write that down i want a hypnotist and i want to get a physical test i want to get physical tests me and trisha for sure yeah i mean it can be triggering i mean i'm fine with it but i'm saying have you like on camera get like your physical red i'm fine with it you feel like you're about your blood sugar level is 100 sugar but like who wins in that competition like if you have the higher blood cholesterol like i want or is it the person with like the no the healthier person wins and then what do they win a pizza 10 years of longer life ugh you can take it i don't really want to live that long okay let's talk so 50 maybe 50 that's all you're aiming for yeah okay you're on track someone gonna kill me no i think you're on track to die at 50. thank you that's what you're aiming for i just don't want to die before moses i keep thinking i'm going to die like he's going to die before me and i asked the other day i was like if you die before me who do i call to help me with everything like who's going to take care of that he's like you need three different people you need someone take care of the house you need someone to take care of you you need uh he said gigolo he like seriously i don't know what i'd do if he died like i would i would just crumble would you hire a gigolo because you don't want to get into another relationship but you do have needs i don't think i'd ever have sex again if moses signed he's really just abstinence forever i would feel like he'd haunt me if i was like having sex with someone and he'd like comment like would you haunt her if she had sex with somebody oh yes he said yes he'll haunt you he's super chill i was trying to do a tick-tock you know there's a trend now it's like shake that ass and it's like you show somebody that's gonna shake your ass i see them about you i see people be like have you seen those no they're like i don't take math for anyone and then they go to like you and it says like shake your [ __ ] me yeah i got them to shake their eyes oh boy you get a lot of people are really standing you on tick tock as far as like being a sex symbol people are very like ethan daddy can get it daddy couldn't get it that's not cool do you ever see those i think that's so cool i always want to send them to be like look people think you're attractive send them to me i don't see them really we see them all the time people are really big ethan stands on there why don't i see him where's my home why is my feet failing me i need the car what is it like james charles and stuff that's why i like weird my feed is like is like white a white claw game going [ __ ] baby it's wednesday i deserve fried chicken literally no idea who that is let me show you really it's hot as a mother down here isn't it your house is always hot i'm always dying uh yeah white clock gabe here let me show you he's my new favorite tick tucker what stop it what is it no what are you using white cloth gabe he's a legend on tick dock that's a jewish name he's probably jewish he's 100 not jewish right really oh i don't know maybe it's not here can you lick me the fro well hero let me just pull him up this is my man yankees win baby [ __ ] yeah yankees win baby [ __ ] what that's why claw gabe he's just putting out his message to the world why is he what yeah i was like i'm trying i don't know it's 4 20. shout outs to the wheat smokers [ __ ] [ __ ] smoke that weed baby it's [ __ ] 4 20. yes right dude cursing okay time for education for trisha cursing uh is the rarest one of the it's extremely rare that someone with tourette's actually manifests by vocalizing cursing extremely rare i look at trouts on tick tock and they do that all the time whatever you see on tick tock is not reality i'm just telling you the cursing thing is extremely rare it's like less than one percent of people with tourette's have that condition [ __ ] i'm ready to see this there's something okay yeah i agree he probably has some thing but it's not a [ __ ] [ __ ] baby [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] bunny can you just enjoy the video why do you need to diagnose his mental illness or like try to be like oh he's got to always i just enjoy the specs with his white claw gabe this guy's living his best life and you're out here trying to pinpoint what's wrong with him there's nothing wrong with he's a beautiful soul i'm ready to see those [ __ ] boys and money [ __ ] i'm not a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not a pudding but it's like aggressive and i'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with them because someone's gonna look at that and think that's normal behavior and they're gonna try and emulate it it's not normal nobody thinks it's normal tricia guess what time is it yeah thursday night five o'clock in the [ __ ] dot baby [ __ ] yeah baby [ __ ] let's drink baby thursday night five o'clock yeah the weekend eve baby friday eve baby [ __ ] yeah it's the eve of the weekend [ __ ] yeah thursday night white cause baby [ __ ] yeah that's why club gabe and that's my whole homepage in case you're wondering i am sweating i am dripping your house is always the pal i think our ac is all hold on i need i need a moment okay it's so hot in here okay so uh we'll sew to a break when we come back we're going to be talking about keemstar the worst human being on youtube maybe the world and jack and jill adam sandler costumes potentially whoa that is not what i expected to talk about what i was just trying to lead the conversation to another direction we're going oh you want to talk about you want to do jack and jill yeah wow i just thought of my phone i want to you should be jill and i'll be jack because i have his costume from jack and jill i hate that movie it's one of the worst movies ever made it's insult to movie watchers and it's in salt it's an insult we'll talk about when we get back they literally ruined al pacino's legacy or enhanced it with a double chino you know they had him doing a song of course it's a nightmare it's etched on my brain jack and jill worst movie ever uh let's go to a break we'll be right back honey is great and it's back at it again we were talking about if we should do that for a whole minute and just end it we should probably explain more maybe though yeah yeah honey is great and it's free do you like to shop online we all do why are you not downloading honey in just two easy steps to get discounts to get money back free app do it now honey ethan what else do you love about honey okay do you shop online i shop online and if you're like me you always want to make sure like dude i know there's a coupon out there that's going to save me like a bunch of money on this purchase but you're lazy yeah and then also like these code websites are such a nightmare you're like this one doesn't work but that what do you do no honey does it all for you automatically does the work for you go to your favorite website i'm talking about over 30 000 stores online ranging from you know gaming fashion food delivery everything once you get to the checkout honey goes hold on [ __ ] i'm stepping in is she i like to say that honey is like your dad that clips coupons by the fire every night right that's you doing the but without the trauma i imagine honey saying here beautiful here's a coupon here's sweetheart yeah here honey have a coupon so when you go to the cart honey's like [ __ ] hold the [ __ ] on and scours the website the whole internet being like oh found a coupon boom this [ __ ] happens all the time with ela we're shopping online buying shoes pants whatever and then it's like oh honey just saved you thirty dollars honey to save you fifty dollars i've saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars with honey and when you're shopping on honey a 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those i don't know if i can let's do some lines of animal crackers bro you want to get [ __ ] up today yeah are these cedar or snacks am i eating his snacks i feel bad he's got it are they his life well he's got boxes of animals he's not starving don't worry about him um he doesn't ever eat i've never seen eating like my niece and nephews are always eating they're eating why he eats a lot oh really clearly he's alive he's growing he's not like he's not like dying i mean the kid eats what do you want thank you all right we can go okay okay so on the schedule or no which one i bought so we're over that what hype house what i literally what are you actually serious hi pals hype house hi pals i don't understand your words you swear in your life you're so dumb i swear to god you were not saying hi fouls can i just talk about keemstar it's been like an hour and i haven't even got one [ __ ] thing i wanted to talk about i don't even keep up with me i have him blocked and i have one other person blocked and that's it i never see their stuff and i live very happy that way yeah blocking is is s is godly they say the heirs human to block is godly who says that confucius said that confucius says what kavicha said that anyway keemstar is the worst person live if you don't know anything about him here because we've been talking a lot about sexual assault allegations and i felt like there it's a very important thing going on uh and you know it's happening way more than any of us would like to admit especially on youtube the problem is you've got people like keemstar who's a popular channel a news channel that somehow people take seriously um and saying [ __ ] like this publicly about the jake paul allegation now you guys remember justine paradise she came out against jake paul saying that she was essayed in the mouth forcefully you guys have all seen that we talked about it so here's keemstar's take on that situation now uh i guess i should issue a trigger warning this is very offensive and horrific hey guys uh i need to do a dromler today on the jake paul sexual assault allegations and quite frankly i do not believe the alleged flick victim and i don't want to love that just right out the gate i don't believe her but wait till you hear why this is bad karma already he has bad energy coming his way to say this about someone like it's i don't wish it on him but like this is bad to put out there like that dude it makes me feel like really uncomfortable for him if you want to know anything about dude just google his name and it's like this guy's done [ __ ] that this guy's done [ __ ] that would make uh david dobrik look like a [ __ ] like uh the tooth fairy and this is like current like you you know like oh 10 years ago he's doing this currently like in this like climate yeah this just came out and he has a he actually has a history of being a rape apologist which i'll show you guys it's kind of wild just cover this real quick on dramaalert without getting some pushback maybe there's something i'm missing maybe maybe i'm not seeing a certain angle to the story that's why i'm making this twitter video so i can be challenged before i put it on dramaalert in front of millions of people but this girl is claiming that jake paul you know was kissing her holding her hand led her to her room she didn't want to do any further stuff with him and then jake paul like grabbed her head and started [ __ ] her face and within 30 seconds busted a nut in her mouth and she claims that she was sexually assaulted now how does that happen i just i like what wouldn't she have to open her mouth and like participate in some way for that to happen like can't you just turn your head or can't you just get like is is there is there is there some way to force oral sex on someone i mean she's not saying that he had a weapon and was like you better do this you know she is saying that he grabbed her head and started [ __ ] her face and came in her mouth i don't understand the physics here like i don't understand how that's possible like why like i would can't you get away is there really no way to get away is there really no way to just close your mouth or like it just not let the penis enter your mouth like come on like i'm sorry but i just don't believe this story at all am i missing something here please yeah he's missing a lot she actually had a really great response to him she said this is akin to someone saying oh just close your legs if you're being you know oh my god um challenge me please he he is so i mean yeah he this is a rape apology right here 101. this reminds me of those what do they call them like was it incels like the elliott kid that shot the school up like that that's the vibe i get from him it's just like definitely not getting [ __ ] by whoever like definitely is he and his youtube channel taken away once like you know you know it's like not even his channel like he got banned like five times so how is he still allowed even on twitter you know but other platforms will punish you for things on twitter like if you document on twitter like youtube like not youtube necessarily but like patreon will like take away like how is he on any platforms with this i agree i mean i fully agree i think his presence is is a danger to everybody um and and the platform you know but like him coming out here and saying that you can't get essayed orally that she should just turn her head away it's like so dangerously ignorant um and it makes me think when i see someone like this it just makes me think like oh he's trying to he's trying to uh he's talking about himself for sure and his friends like like he's got all these [ __ ] like frat boy friends and it's like oh yeah oh and that dude's like oh this [ __ ] happens all the time so none like none of us are essayists it's like well this is why i get me in trouble what i feel like because i know you're like you shouldn't bring his kids into it but like honestly this person shouldn't have a daughter like this really makes me like scared that this is like the mentality that someone thinks like this can't happen at all so like if his daughter ever said something like this he'd have that same excuse it's like so scary that i don't know how these people can even be like parents having like a child and like you know i don't know i know i hate for her could be like shouldn't talk about kids but like that's so gross if this is a father of a girl because you know why i know so many girls i had like essays and all that crazy [ __ ] that happened to them as kids and it's like the same mentality that their dad had it was like well you showed your boobs so like you should be like asking for it if you got like groped by a teacher or something you know what i mean like i think that's just so he's so gross no yeah it is sad that he has a daughter because like she's not going to get the [ __ ] uh she's not going to get a good healthy male role model that's so gross like it's so embarrassing and then if this is a troll it's such a disgusting troll like he's just trying to get attention yeah i think maybe he's trying to get attention to drama or i don't know whatever it is it's actually like neither he has a history of saying he really truly believes this but i'll say you know he says like oh jake didn't have it's not like he held a weapon through her head it's like dude you're talking about a girl that probably weighs close to 100 pounds and jake paul who's been training for a boxing match he's like six one probably weighs like two over 200 pounds he is a weapon she also said in the video she said multiple times she said no so even if it if you do do it just to get it over with which i've done many times it doesn't mean that you can send it to whoever wanted it so make sure you feel less of a person she says in the video it was all so shocking it happened so fast you didn't even realize what happened until it was over that's what traumatic traumatic shocking situations are like every time your misunders your unwillingness to actually even empathize with her a little bit and then come out and call her a liar just straight out the gate be like i don't believe her i mean it's the same guys who go oh we should believe all women we should believe all women but this [ __ ] is a liar because she should have turned her head away it's like whoa dude and you know a lot of a lot of people for some ungod gone god knowing reason actually look up to keemstar oh dude i don't know people who shoot up schools and stuff yeah i don't know dude no no that's it like i don't understand like even jake paul's response was like a little more like dignity if you guys don't know anything about etika you should look into that because that's one of the most tragic things that's happened on youtube history keemstar this guy was having a manic breakdown do you know about etika we talked about it once and i know he like cut it he was like a really sweet gamer kid uh growing youtuber and he was having like a bunch of manic episodes he was clearly bipolar and keemstar would bring him on his show all the time and parade him around in the midst of a manic state one time actually he tweeted out the location of his mental hospital and then when he got out of the mental hospital he brought him on his show in the midst of a mental breakdown and he said okay so keemstar says to him why he says if you think that life is all a simulation why don't you just jump off for bridge right now of course he he wasn't no keemstar wasn't saying go jump off a bridge but a few months after that keems or etica jumped off a bridge and committed suicide and i'm just saying you look at his interaction with this dude attica and his history of using and abusing people with mental illnesses and that you should see the tweets he's made about how mental he's literally tweeted mental illnesses are made up just to get just for people to get attention like he doesn't believe melted illnesses are real ironically being that he's probably got the most severe one of any of the people that absolutely know on you really wrong with them no the guys the guy is a total sick sick dude he yeah seriously so here's here's keemstar dramaalert um casting as much doubt as possible on our story so this is like his main platform that he's broadcasting to million plus people delegations have come out against jake paul this youtuber and tick tocker put out a story basically saying that in 2019 jake paul s aid her but before we get to that you know these allegations allegedly happened in 2019 why are they coming out a week before jake paul is about to before we get to that let me cast as much doubt as possible and basically call her a liar as close as i possibly can i yeah i hate him i think he's the worst because he like eggs on situations that he's not even involved with right we talk about james talk about david and like they are directly involved he's not directly involved or anything he just like eggs people on like right which is to instigate so negatively and like this like again this like 2021 where people are so like you know on edge and stuff like that it's like dangerous he was defending david too before the article came out he was like david's innocent david and all these people are innocent nothing happened nothing went wrong um what did he tweet he tweeted something like oh and he showed a message of him messaging david he's like don't let ethan and trisha win i was like i'm sorry this isn't about winning or losing yeah he's just he's so he's such a nasty instigator like just so like oh it's just so gross and people who watches like you said the people who are like the little in-cell school shooters watching him will be like yo this is cool like this is what we talk about you know that's why people like grow up like this like keemstar is because they watch this [ __ ] yeah he's even me a lot on youtube like i will never say about any channel except for this like you know what i mean i don't think any other channel should be banned off youtube except for literally keemstar like well after you so keemstar after you falsely accuse someone being so there's this guy rs glorian gold he's a six-year-old streamer minding his own business keemstar puts out the story saying that he's a convicted pedophile based on a photo he saw a photo in a newspaper a loser is photo and it looked like the streamer so there's this this random six-year-old streamer playing runescape and he puts out a drum alert saying this guy's a convicted pedo and everybody floods the stream telling him to kill himself and all this [ __ ] and the guy was completely innocent so after doing that after the etiquette thing after being a rape apologist i don't i agree i don't i think keemstar should be deeply he's like the lowest yeah he really is the yeah i think so especially the making of the pedophile thing like people could go kill that person like it's not just him killing himself but people will like try and kill him oh my god it's just it's horrific you know and he he just will openly lie about [ __ ] like he he's lied about me saying that like i stole hundreds of thousands of dollars and he refused and he will not remove the video even after i've shown that like dude that's just you're [ __ ] straight up lying about you do when someone literally just makes up lies out of complete thin air like what do you do well you can sue them for slander but i don't want to go down that path that's my only thing it's also like just so hard because it's like money loss and like all that stuff like that um god i don't even know i i'm just not up for it i mean i made a i made a bunch of videos about the whole situation and i'm fine with the way the way it shook out oh but yeah man he just isn't bad like it's just bad karma especially because he's like what he's our age right or a little older it's like at your thirties yeah you don't need to like late thirties at any age but the fact that you're still instigating such negativity and it's like strange the alleged victim says that by the way it makes total sense that it will come out now because she's seeing jake paul everywhere and she had a really traumatic [ __ ] incident and this is very common again keemstar feeling to understand the most basic principle of of being a victim when you see your abuser's face all over the place and being louded and being accepted by popular media it's traumatic and you [ __ ] that's when it hurts the most well it ties in but not really like i know two different things i wouldn't call him like necessarily his abuser but in jeff's episode last night he said he he was cool with david and then he just started seeing his face everywhere right and he's like i couldn't like look at the internet and then he has like shows like posters of his eyes cut out and so he's like i couldn't like look at all these accolades of david without like having some sort of like he's like we have to talk because like you do you see someone and i feel like me even me too mine is definitely not severe like jeff's or even like sex or anything like that but like you see these people just keep getting rewarded and rewarded you're like but this person like really damaged me right like you see it all the time so of course you keep talking about it because it's so frustrating you're just like wow like woody i like anyone you know it's just like it's just you see them and of course that's gonna like yeah that's like rape one again that's like rape apologies 101 it's like why now oh you're just chasing clout oh this it's like dude or they feel brave enough like a lot of people came up with david because they realized like oh okay maybe we won't get like so much hate because now like other people have these stories and i'm going to corroborate these stories just right and make a point and that's another perfect reason is that this is part of a larger conversation that's playing out on youtube it's think it's a good time i think it's a great timing for it people feel like safer that people believe victims now and they they'll look into it and stuff like that you know also like the new york times i talked to the new york times author of this article and she said they went to great lengths to her story they spoke to her friends of that night who she talked to crying they spoke to people at the party who witnessed it so again it's like keemstar is like this doesn't seem right i think she's lying versus the new york times he's like we vetted this story we talked to multiple people who were there at the party to make sure this was a credible allegation it's like and then cube starts like [ __ ] her she's lying cloud chasing it's like okay [ __ ] oh god damn dude i have bad feelings about him too you know how like i get feelings sometimes about people i'm like you know mark jay keemstar well kind of both but keemstar i feel like he will push someone some sort of way and maybe won't be as forgiving as other people in the past have been and like he'll get like sued he'll lose everything he has like something bad's gonna happen and it's like i don't know he's pretty much done all the worse things but if you're if you're egging people on and instigating i mean it's it's bad like that you well we watched it the little etiquette part i mean the the in in his voice you could see like i hate jesus but like him getting like triggered and like keemstar like pushing pushing pushing like not caring dude and it's like so hard to watch because clearly that person is like is is is he's really feeling something instead of de-escalating he just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing and that's like the most like it's the most interesting you can do to someone hallmark i mean yeah i mean dude it's hard it's hard to overestimate how damaging this guy has been to people um you know it's it's incredible it's truly is porter and she was told that wait yeah it just seems a little strange that they were waiting a week before jake's fight to put this story out when it happened like two years ago he's been working on the story from myself references this and his response yeah and the statement doesn't and there jake paul actually suggests that she was doing this to you know promote her only fans but anyhow that is where we're at with this situation okay shut the [ __ ] up you know this isn't even the first time oh she made a response to keemstar which i thought was pretty good keemstar also threatened to sue her by the way um if you don't if you want to know even more what a people should hear i understand how that's possible like why are you kidding me this man is not just simply saying that he doesn't believe me he is saying that it is not possible to be assaulted orally yeah are you kidding me not having consent is not having consent this logic is like saying well you can't be raped because you have to open your legs for that i have been messaged by so many girls saying that they went through the same exact thing of a youtuber forcing themselves on them but this person is saying it's not possible not possible okay is jake forcing you to say this or do you genuinely not understand how consent works i think the latter i think he generally doesn't understand how consent work and by the way she's been like really brave she's been taking on this whole story by herself without really that much support from the community and people like keemstar dog piling on her so i've been really impressed with her handling of this here's keemstar threatening to sue her if you didn't even know what more what piece of [ __ ] she so he says jake paul accuser has put out a new video claiming i said it was impossible to be assaulted orally this is false it's like you kind of [ __ ] did say that notified my legal team is such [ __ ] they yeah this is false i never made such a statement i have notified my legal team yeah keemstar keemstar's legal team is basically like uh it's like his cousin who didn't who passed the bar exam 10 years ago but never practiced legally he said i forwarded the email to him doesn't keem claim that he's a lawyer too i feel like he says he's also a lawyer or something maybe he is i don't know you know what i can have a legal team i hope he does with someone and whoever you are i hope he counters to him because keem always brings all this money he has and you know what you can only see somebody with money if you see someone that doesn't have assets you're not going to win anything but if he has money going he threatened to sue me you never did i was like sue me you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah oh i get begging you and he never did of course you can't what are you doing this girl for you what else but also he you did kind of [ __ ] say that yeah did you say these exact words possibly salted orally no but you did say this just poof your head close your mouth it's like really you're going to split hairs with this and be a little [ __ ] [ __ ] and i even know what you actually said you coward and said you're going to threaten to sue her like dude [ __ ] you such a douche anyway keemstar is the worst moving on um you know this isn't the first time he's actually been a rape apologist there was this guy jessie smile or sorry what's this it's a girl that's the girl his name was curtis curtis oh you know the story yeah so what was the allegation that he essayed his his girlfriend or something r word right r worded so he had a hot take about that of course which is an another like classic rape apologists take he says um i hate cases of artwork most cases only two people in the world know what happened everyone else is guessing the jesse smiles and curtis story is so hard to believe because they were boyfriend and girlfriend oh my god so he says he keeps someone this dumb should not be allowed like on social media or have a family or any like they shouldn't be allowed to be socialized like they should be locked away in an institution like for real that's like crazy like the dumbness like the like the sheer dumbness that's like oh boyfriend girlfriend like obviously that person can't have anything the thought it's like oh no you can't r word your girlfriend it's like the thought of that is actually terrifying that he truly believes that that makes me scared for whoever his partner and his family members are yeah like he should not be a ladder on it that is just a dangerous psychotic take like bro seriously you can't r-word your girlfriend or i mean what okay this is the third time kim stars defended an essayist publicly so it was so infuriating that eli even had to do a take on this which i'll read in a second she tweeted this out but the situation was that there was a a female streamer popular twitch streamer who's in like a content house with this other dude and the story is that he got drunk one night snuck into her bed into her bedroom got in bed with her and started holding her hand and touching her and [ __ ] and it made her super uncomfortable right and so the so keemstar put out this video basically you know being his normal psychotic self he's tr uh ila said what a terrible and dangerous tech victims of sexual assault already have a hard enough time speaking out when feelings of shame and guilt the last thing we need is for someone like keemstar also criticized how they should have said no [ __ ] him start jeez go off queen but here's the video i'm gonna have a little bit of a rant and i haven't researched everything so i don't have all the details good way never good by the way how many i mean let's be honest keemstar what have you done in your life to make you so desperate to defend these people because you're really defending yourself let's be honest it's so weird so maybe there's something extra to this story that i just don't know about right okay do your research and then come back you're a [ __ ] news man me too statement about these gamers they live in a gamer house one's a guy one's a girl the guy's drunk he jumps into her bed he's like putting his hand up against her chin first of all making it sound like all innocent fun jumping into someone's bed is such a violation it's so descriptive yeah in somebody's room and get in their bed when you're it's it's just i'm sorry yeah it's not a fun lighthearted cute thing to do it's creepy as [ __ ] no he like grabs her hand kisses it he might say he grazes his hand across her chest and um that's disgusting the fact that he thinks this is like so normal you can do that come on who hasn't gotten drunk and crept into a girl's bed and grazed the kids and kissed her fell and smelled her hair like you said this is like literally like projecting like there's something like oh he's done so he's just like what's the big deal oh yeah oh cause i was so shocked by all these three things that i just didn't even react i was just i was i just was froze yeah that makes sense you wake up and all of a sudden you're being caressed and growth by some drunk freak didn't say anything you're scared it's scary dude it's your responsibility to say something if a guy's making the moves on you and you don't want that to happen you got to say no like that that's your responsibility you have to say no what it's not girls is not their resp it's guys responsibilities not to [ __ ] be creepy predators you know what i'm saying oh my god he yeah that that's basically synonymous with like women are asking for it it's like it's your responsibility to hold a knife and stab anyone that approaches you women are asking for it i don't understand i don't understand how he's like around like i really don't understand this like it's so crazy like i know well i guess what this is relatively recent too i mean this is a this is a that's so scary i think like if anything like the past year like people are like okay like this shit's like not cool like you can't say this [ __ ] like it's so damn like the fact that he's like still going but like even so hard yeah that's not even like i don't know if i believe this girl but like saying like you should have said no that was like what like that not that all girls it's all girl's responsibility to say no i feel like he's gonna like an appealing one or something this is so scary it's so scary well some some people think he already has indirectly i don't doubt it he said you can't go do anything and then be like he wronged me what you've got to say no you have to say no and what are we talking about okay so so if they said no he's still wronged dude it's like he has such a it's so stupid it's like yeah if you say no they still wronged you but he also like really hates women like all this common theme is like about women like you should have said no how does this happen like it's a really like that's what i'm saying it's like actually really scary it's like he has mom deep deep deep mommy issues for sure he i don't know i feel like he's gonna like harm a woman for real because like these are the people like i watch a lot of like again serial killer stuff not to say he is but this is the same pattern where they hate women like women don't want to sleep with them they call them ugly whatever the case is and they like hate women for like because this this person did nothing i don't even know about the story the story wasn't even big because i didn't know about it so it's like i don't understand no yeah it's all it's just all bla every time it's blaming the women not believing the women it's it's just it's so much hate towards women that i i have to assume he had something really traumatic happen with his mom and his childhood we're talking about kissing a hand that's what we're talking about now if you would have said to him get away from me and he still grabbed your hand and kissed it fine kissing your hand nothing nothing no like hey you crossed the line hey too much and he just kisses your hand why don't you pull your hand away like i don't get it the i mean maybe there's more details out there that i just don't know about right so maybe there's more stories out there about this individual maybe is a creep right but based on what i just read and i didn't even read the full thing because i couldn't get through it because i was so angry that this person is getting me too no it's like [ __ ] like your girl you the female have a responsibility to say no no stop bro he crept into her bed when she was sleeping what the [ __ ] do you want i said he's like girls have a responsibility to have laser alarms at the front of their door so that when guys creep in their bed to molest them while they're sleeping that the laser alarm system will sound the alarm they go way up immediately and be like no i do not accept you coming in my room to grow up me other than that it's your fault stop i don't like this get away no you have that responsibility he's so upset i don't have all the details but if this whole man's career is scary like ruined from kissing a girl and it's really scary oh yeah i think your career should be ruined too because that's just that's what he's saying right her career right that's not right it's not it's not sexual abuse it's not rape not abuse it's it's it's just not right if he crossed the line you need to tell him right away you're crossing the line and this is some wild hysterical [ __ ] right i don't know this is like next level insane no it's like psychopath for real like i say that in every sense of the word and he puts that out there being like yeah this is a good take it's gonna be used as evidence in court one day like i i just i feel it like it's just so like something is really really sick here he is kind of as we've kind of like been speculating be like hmm i wonder if he's defending himself in a way this was actually a really recent video listen to him talk about this this whole fedmeister thing just makes me so he's talking about the same situation so the guy's name is fedmeister who's being accused of being this creep and so he's talking about this situation but listen closely to what he says it really bothers me you know when i was in my 20s like i had this awesome friend group of guys and girls we all hung out we were all friends we were all homies we would party or whatnot and sometimes people get wasted guys and girls and they get too touchy-feely with their friends all right sometimes things were said that were just like uncalled for too far but there was always this like he's wasted or she's wasted right we need to take care of our friend they are wasted it was never like oh he put his arm around me when he was wasted i'm gonna go get he went in her bedroom dude he keeps trying to like minimize it the more and more he thought about it yeah he started off being like yeah he got in her bed and he groped her breast to be like oh he just kissed her hand oh my friends just put their arm around each other that's not a big deal yeah i'm fired from his job that's insanity but that's exactly what happened with offline tv there uh fed meister got wasted one night jumped in one of his friends beds and again they were in each other's rooms hanging out all the time but he jumped in bed with one of them and he kissed the girl's hand all right and she didn't say get off me she didn't say stop she didn't say this is making me feel uncomfortable in fact she said absolutely nothing for months until there was a me too movement and then she came out and put a statement the the first time she said anything was to millions of people which resulted in getting her friend's entire life destroyed his career gone for kissing her hand oh my god that doesn't sit right with me and her that's supposed to be your friend you know oh my god it does clearly again he's not only he's not only victim blaming it's almost like it's almost like it's so more than that it's like she's the criminal yeah he's stuck in like like two decades ago where it's like everyone was like it's changed so much he's like well people just like protected their friends it's like this isn't that's not the era we're living in like it's so and the fact that he's filming this and putting us out there but i think it's interesting i was like we used to have this friend group when we're in our 20s and we would always go over the line yeah i was like oh really and look at keem now yeah i wonder why i wonder what happened kim i wonder if you are the one that went over the line maybe yeah yeah insane it's insane that he would even admit this stuff it's so weird it's so crazy i'm so like so that's it i wanted to do a little keemstar 101 for people who aren't aware of actually what a horrible i think it's good to put it out there i mean again i'm not trying to be like this like overdramatic person but at least there's like evidence out there that he hates women if something happens to any woman around him or in his life or something there's like evidence that there's like he or me or anybody he's just really really hateful and like nasty and almost scary it's like borderline scary because he's just so angry at something has nothing to do with him like it's just really well if you guys want more information on keemstar i made a whole three-part documentary about him on my on my old channel which is kind of a dead meme at this point but it's here i did three parts he's the worst person ever content new keemstar what that means yeah it's a dead meme that old channel people aren't going to be happy to hear that but is it true i probably that's a meme i'm not sure what that one is you don't know that meme is that like the drake one where it's like ah and then it's like uh oh my god it's a popular meme i have your most popular meme you're doing the girl who's like the girl who's like huh yeah okay i don't think that's the most popular i typed in most popular meme and it was i wanted a five hundred thousand dollar car and was like it's five hundred thousand dollars so i signed the meme that was like you're like that's nothing to me i said you're like i scored dude i get paid five hundred thousand dollars just squirt in our own bed i don't think we've gotten one episode you mentioned squirting and it's not in the bed it's in the fountain you scored it in the fountain yeah really you just added extra liquid yeah that's gross because theory i know i thought about that i don't want to go there you don't love playing in that phone okay but it does recycle it you got to empty your pool now okay let's keep it moving you can't squirt in the phone i know it recycles it like it gets new water in there there's no water that goes in there it was a lot it was it was it was after if you think about it long enough okay trisha's squirting goes to the ocean it's evaporates if you think about it in the most like abstract way it is raining tricia squirt on us as it rains you're welcome that's a lot am that's my new favorite meme and anyway and then we've got jeff widdick um which i paid for his patreon last night because he's like oh i'm not gonna put this on youtube anymore and then you sent me the link to he put it on youtube i was like wait i just speak ten dollars for this yeah he put it on youtube later i was happy that he wasn't gonna do it and then he did it well he said he was gonna censor it and it's like i don't i don't really i mean i don't i'm not really dying to see your bloodied [ __ ] up eye it's it's a lot it's kind of too much like i saw the uncensored versions like i kind of like the censored version better uh everyone's very casual about it i applaud like jeff for like trying to make something good out of that situation and like trying to make something like productive and creative it's like why is everyone soaked why is like david and natalie just being interviewed like as if nothing happened right i agree it's by the way weird vibe i don't get that i don't get the angle of it again i love jeff no hater jeff and jeff is 100 a victim in this 100 but like i don't get the angle like he's trying to give like david like this redeeming quality like david you know what i mean or is it like what's he i don't know it's such a weird it's such a hard thing to grasp i don't know it's such weird when i'm watching well first let me say that i had mentioned that jeff was gonna be calling in today jeff was we had talked about him calling in today but he had some surgery on his face and he's not feeling well yet to me on camera so jeff will not be calling in today i just want to let you guys know that people who are expecting that so did you say that i had said on friday i think that he might be calling in today because uh we were gonna see but let me let me show the um the sequence of events for people that are unfamiliar so david just like you said that everyone's calling you a liar they took a [ __ ] excavator out into the some lake bed and david was operating the excavator he doesn't have a license to operate the excavator i don't know who owns that excavator but they're they should be liable too for all this because jeff literally almost died and i think they would all go to j they would be in jail for manslaughter and whoever's owns that excavator would also be going to jail pretty sure but at any rate um i mean thank god he didn't die oh thank you oh yeah david would be in jail he would be in [ __ ] jail but you know what i think like last time was like it's weird that like david to me i would have like this endless guilt that i like messed up this guy's like like you know like at least his face and stuff for a while and it took a year of his life basically because he couldn't do [ __ ] and it's like he doesn't have like any guilt he just went on to go do his own thing like building a podcast studio buying new homes like just and it what from what jeff said he didn't from the impulsive episode he didn't talk for him for like six or seven months so it's like how are you just going on living your life when i would feel it i feel guilt for dave i feel bad for david for feeling guilt but i guess he doesn't feel guilt about it which is so weird no and apparently they're still friends which is good i guess if it's good if he forgives them you know but damn like i think jeff is just trying to be i don't i think jeff is just trying his best to like heal and recover and not hold resentment but you can tell i'll show clips from the documentary which i think a few good ones obviously i recommend go watching it on his channel jeff woodwick but um that really i feel show reveal he's tip going around his real feelings and you can tell he he there's deep down what he's unwilling to see on camera is that he is deeply resentful of david and this whole situation as well he should be i don't think he yeah but anyway a year of his life is gone i mean it's a life-changing uh for sure it's it's a life-changing injury i mean it's not even a year of his life gone it's way worse he hasn't been able to do anything he couldn't do like his barbershop episode you know i mean like so really the stuff he was like going for it like going towards he just couldn't do anything is david's paying for his medical bills but he owes him so much more than that yeah the guy is unable to [ __ ] work and again this is the [ __ ] that they hear they're not employees of david but they dan they sing and dance on david's command and then when he gets a life-changing injury do you think he gets workers comp or any kind of benefit like that no because they don't have that set up robbery exactly exactly because any other set like they would have like insurance for that like you know exactly but you know what did you see do you have the zane clip of zayn and he's talking about how they just threw jeff's injury into todd and um he's being injured too todd and he like both wrecked their shoulder on this trip and they also just threw like jeff into and like oh and jeff and they like laughed about it it was on zayn and he's podcast like it's insane that they like this made it like it was literally like weeks after it happened yeah a bunch of us it was it's out there i mean i'm sure it's something out there and it was i think you know deaf noodles and definitely noodles um but no like zayn literally was just like they were just laughing they're like dude like everyone got injured like you todd you're talking about heath todd and and then they threw jeff in there like he's so badly concerned like laughing after after this and seeing his eye like that's insane to even like talk about on that cracked his [ __ ] skull open he cracked his whole [ __ ] skull could you imagine even being there and seeing it that alone would traumatize me for like a reason i'm saying the whole vlog squad how they all just didn't talk about this and act like it didn't happen is insane if you were there i would like to think that i would be supporting jeff and that like you i think there should be a collective movement to be like yo this thing went way too [ __ ] far we need to support jeff who almost died for this stupid [ __ ] vlog the tone is just so awesome it should be more serious like i just don't understand how this tone is so like whatever this idiot was driving this excavator like no his i i just i think his tone is serious but he's trying his best to i think jeff is afraid of david's fans and he's trying his best to toe a line you know what i didn't want to put that on him he's trying to tow a line between being like yes this was [ __ ] up and but also being like it was an accident and i don't you know but even like the tone of like like watching him come and dress with the joker even though it's just that jeff was his idea it's just like it's such a bad way to set it it's like oh your friend will just forgive you if you like almost like kill them you know what i mean let's watch that's why i have all the clips set up let's watch them but here here's the video you were talking about uh david dobrik may have allegedly injured more vlog squad members than jeff on the excavator stunt heath uh complained days later his shoulder was broken what he was hanging on to a floaty and the excavator was like whipping him around and he like went off of it so yeah he [ __ ] broke someone else's shoulder on that trip and he had a cast on for a long time on that because i watch his pocket oh my god it's crazy because i feel like it didn't really hit you until days later yeah it's been very delayed tell us all about it how'd you how did you break it well i don't want to get into the specifics um i'm sure you guys will see why why what is with these people i don't know david almost killed me he broke my arm but i don't want to say anything about daddy david very soon we've been doing [ __ ] for the past couple days but we can't like speak on it at all but you'll find out probably by the next podcast but we just dude are you guys really telling me that a four minute vlog is this [ __ ] important to you all and then after all this they're like you'll probably find out the next podcast i mean they thought david was going to release this footage and you guys oh you'll know then it's like why because david probably like was like someone's like you know if you put this out you you could go to jail i don't think there's one person with common sense around him i don't think anybody said that to him i think he just maybe maybe he had a maybe a lawyer or something i don't know they're like did you have a license operate that he's like no he's like you broke the law and almost killed someone in doing it yeah because we're not sure what's gonna happen yet isn't that like the definition of second-degree murder as you get someone killed while breaking the law uh it varies from state to state okay thank you legal expert dan is it really yeah we just don't know what's gonna happen yet so we have to wait but i did something to it and when it happened i was like oh that hurt really bad and i think it was just my adrenaline just kind of in the moment i was excited and uh it felt fine and now two three days later um i can't move it like at all and what sucks about the situation is that when when it happened to heath he didn't feel it for like a day and a half and then him and scott went dirt bike riding the next day jeff who's in the hospital right now getting his face reconstructed like this is right after it happened so they why do they not care why do they not care about their friend jeff they're such fake friends i'm sorry i'm [ __ ] jeff has told me that for sure he calls him fake i don't know like i could think publicly he said i think he's scared of david's fans but like he's told me like i'm sorry about that [ __ ] phony [ __ ] dude it pisses me off anyway so here's the situation they did the wake boarding and all this so i don't even know what they're trying to do but they set up a rope swing on the excavator arm karina goes up first it's way insane for her she gets freaked out and makes david stop and she says to him you take it too far karina gets on it and then david starts moving it's like the shot looks so sick this looks beautiful okay it's not worth it the thing comes off and it starts falling down and corona is like what the [ __ ] put me down put me down [Music] david it was clearly extremely dangerous the water's one foot one foot of water so it's like you're just falling into water you're like gonna like break something exactly so it's clearly very dangerous and she's angry so he's like okay jeff you're next [Music] oh my god oh my god laughs it's crazy it's not funny it's not it's not actually funny she's she's upset it's not actually funny dude that's the thing she was just interviewed by the hollywood fix and he's like are you gonna be back in amazon she says yeah when he starts vlogging like everyone's just like okay whatever girl just do your thing have a plane 20 times what's the worst that could happen if i swing from a rope over a one foot deep lake and yeah i didn't know i was gonna go that fast so i grabbed the [ __ ] rope and i tried to make a goddamn funny video for people but this is where i made a mistake this this is one of the moments where he's kind of does dish it to david and suddenly the biggest [ __ ] idiot i know was driving it he said he made one mistake the biggest [ __ ] idiot he knows was driving it now this is really important okay before we get to the actual accident here i can show it don't show it well no it's it's from a farm goddamn funny video for people but one thing worth showing here is that dave oh let me grab this made a mistake i forgot that the biggest [ __ ] idiot i know was driving it you can see david i mean there's better shots of it but david is operating with one hand and holding the camera in his other hand so not only is he not licensed to be driving this escalator he's operating and it's specifically dangerously it's so so i just don't understand when people are like trisha predicted this it's like this has happened so many times you didn't even predict it you don't have a psychic to tell you like this like this will happen again like he's done he's injured so many people and it's like how how how could you not enter someone like it's so great they're so dumb like they're so unbelievably stupid that it's like actually i have no empathy or sympathy i hope he feels guilt but he obviously doesn't feel guilt either which is what's crazy to me it's like he's done this so many times to people and people just like let it slide because they're looking like they they think they owe david something like a career i don't know what it is but it's i'm i'm so perplexing i don't know what it is either i just afraid of the mob of david's they're calling him david's boyfriends i think someone called them those people like that i don't know if it's funny i don't know but like this david stands i think they're afraid of the david stands daddy david i don't think there's anything any left more of david stan so i don't think you gotta be worried i think they're very few and far between star you should be afraid of him he's an actual psychopath maybe be afraid of that guy so here it is he's spinning him around you know the funny thing is like in normal life situations after what happened to cringy be like oh this is unsafe we shouldn't do it again consider yourself lucky she didn't get hurt yeah but he's like no we're gonna step it up so he spins jeff around super fast oh oh his head slams into the crane and uh you know his head he goes into the water why didn't he stop or do you know what i mean like how did why did he break he doesn't know how to operate an excavator i've heard a lot of speculation uh from people that that know about these machines and apparently it's a it's a built-in safety thing when it's spinning that fast it automatically stops because it's not supposed to go and the thing is is if he was trained on that piece of equipment he would know that that could have happened and so it's unlikely that he intentionally stopped he was probably just holding the controller going yeah and then it just stopped suddenly because he's going too fast i guess that was my question like how did it happen but yeah but the the it all comes down to he's not qualified he doesn't know what he's doing yeah and it's and activators are not toys for a reason they're extremely [ __ ] dangerous machines and this was just for our vlog that's what we found out was he was doing a vlog yeah just a vlog okay so that was episode two which neither of us talked about then episode three came out yesterday i think or the day before and um yesterday so here's some of the information and some of the aftermath of his injury some interesting parts here i feel like nobody had an answer of what was going to happen and all i kept saying is god please just watch over him and make sure that he's okay when i woke up in the hospital i was in shock i was in a lot of pain i tore some ligaments in my leg i broke my foot i broke my hip i shattered my skull in nine places i shattered my eye socket i almost lost my eye and i almost died the only thing you want to do when you wake up in pain is just heal i'm not an expert but i think i hit the tractor holy [ __ ] jeff i thought you were dead i was dead too you're joking right when we got here they asked you what your job was and you said you're a male model how's that a joke bro we got a dream in botox you're not freaking out right so anyway i just wanted to show the the private the gr the amount of injuries he had you know he listed he had a torn ligament he broke his foot he [ __ ] broke his hip shattered his skull i mean that's insane yeah uh there's a few choice places here in the documenting but if you want to watch the whole thing obviously go to his channel jeffwiddick but this was not my fault i didn't sign up to swing around an excavator at 60 miles per hour david he didn't sign up to nearly kill his friend and nearly lose everything that he's worked for nobody asked for this but this is what happened i know that i'll come back from this and i'll make it on my own but we're lucky that i'm not dead and i'm not blind it was just a lot emotionally i felt scared and angry that i had to go through this i want to erase that day and get back to where i was at [Music] that's really good i mean that's just cool i guess i mean that was my that's just my only issue i would say is there's no disclaimer to be because you know they said nobody asked for this which of course they didn't but they should disclaim like you shouldn't do these like unsupervised like you shouldn't do this without like i didn't like that they didn't he didn't talk about that like no responsibility of course but like disclaimer don't do this unsupervised without strong coordinators without the licensing with all that stuff like that like that's a really good point there's no responsibility yeah that's what i'm talking about like the tone of it it's like of course david didn't want to kill you of course you don't want to get hurt but you all did something that like disclaimer don't do like if there's no coordinator if you have training in it like no insurance yeah no no properly trained driver criminal negligence right exactly criminal negligence people don't so much negligence in this and like everything else like david has done like that that's what it is it's like how's your responsibility i think you're right he's giving him too much of a pass here but it's not his i think david needs to own this i mean like again david needs to [ __ ] like the guys the guy almost killed his friend through criminal negligence and skated by for years without [ __ ] acknowledging it yeah he's like i'm just a joker everything's fine none of these goons ignore the highlight for you know what will make this better if you come skydiving with me i'm like that's what's going to make this better like that's what i don't blame jeff though because he's like just trying to be a good sport you know what i mean i'm not blaming jeff i'm saying there needs to be a disclaimer for people watching like someone is at fault like somewhat you did you know what i mean there is something wrong with this situation it wasn't just an a freak accident we didn't ask for this it's like it wasn't like a [ __ ] rock came falling out of the sky and hit jeff in the head it wasn't an act of god it was an act of criminal negligence right good point here's the doctor telling jeff how close he was to dying that angle of what you hit would have been about three degrees different or if that would have entered about three millimeters higher and been on the same angle it would cut your eye right now and if it was a few inches the other way would have killed me i wouldn't go in the other way you would have caught the big blondes now so you would have died yeah oh that was going so fast yeah you could have died so easy that is insane i believe that this life is not random i think yeah there's a doctor being like dude you that was insane you could have died so easy um crazy it's interesting he's getting views on it and it's interesting and i'm glad he can get that out of this you know there's like a story like that's good for him i like he's making the best of it and that's good that's what he needs to do i think part of his like redemption arc or like just his comeback even is just he's trying to do it in a way that doesn't bring other people down and i respect that here he is kind of getting real about his feelings towards david oh most people start their day they look at their phone and the first instagram story would be him and i would click on it and it would be him being praised for something that he accomplished that week and i'm sitting here in my house in the worst place i've ever been thinking i'm never gonna get back to where i was at it made me resent him and maybe represent cena's face and maybe not want to go online maybe not want to open up youtube it would just put me in a bad place like i'm healed enough to walk around but i'm still really [ __ ] up so you guys both have to sit down and talk about it david space is so triggering to me i can't imagine being deaf like david space is so triggering and especially those guys at the best part in particular i was like this is exactly it like i was friends with david for a year and a half right like go to his hometown for the holidays like everything and it's like the minute i went to the hospital overdose and all of a sudden i'm in mental hospital so i'm crazy i never heard never once was a text are you okay he came to see me in the hospital see your side i never once was like are you okay a couple weeks later are you fine i get that one even my friend but like literally not only that but cutting me off and not only that but like talking [ __ ] about me within the group like all these people have told me stuff after and it's just like that's crazy that they still try to pinpoint me as crazy and it's like it's so triggering like so trauma someone you think is your like friend this is like a different of course different but i can't look at david's face the same thing to jeff jeff got injured and he just kind of dropped him and you know he it seems like jeff was kind of david's like skeleton in his closet and he wanted to keep him there and that's why nobody [ __ ] talked about it he didn't know what to do to be there for you he almost died jonah all you had to do was come check on me talk to me man a man in person and that's it i can lie and say everything's fine yeah but that's not going to get me anywhere i wanted to make it clear to him that this was a problem that we both had to fix now hey guys i made a move so anyway um just kind of where it leaves off and i think the next part is leaving this leading as some kind of like reconciliation between the two of them so i don't know but regardless of what happens in part four you know i mean this is criminal negligence bro and i know i know that jeff's trying to be the big man about it but i don't have to be the bigger man about it or at least just tell people like hey we were not doing something right and this is why this is the result of that dude that's such a good point i really do think that's so important to acknowledge really yeah um you know and david first of all this is not the first time david has seriously injured someone in their vlogs this i know this is like a random fluke but like okay apparently david [ __ ] caused his childhood friend to like get amputated and like what are the chances that you've done this to someone twice like even by accident sorry about how i ruined my best friend's life this is alex knew alex if you guys don't know he was a big sports player in school he played basketball football baseball like look he looks like an athletic guy right michigan uh no g for great sports we were in the seventh grade we were having a pine cone fight out like in the backyard area long story short i threw pinecone right in his eye it got infected and soon he started to get like flu-like symptoms so he had to go to the doctor i was in the hospital for like a week and a half cost us about ten grand out of pocket ten thousand dollars for a pinecone and the doctor ended up telling him that he got a staph infection and this staph infection it ended up eating bone marrow in his hip so not only does he now need a hip replacement but he needs extra bones and weird procedures just so he can walk straight again they told me like when they got these he's using it for content too he's like this is how i ruined my best friend's life clickbait uh 20 ads uh my best friend stuck with the ten thousand dollar bill it can't play sports i know it's like this one seems like it's all action but like what's the chance you ruined your friend's life twice multiple times back to 100 in like six months and how long has it been uh six years fast forward a couple months he's on crutches and he remained on crutches for four years when they told him that this would all be resolved considering i'm sure i would want to put this out there if i was david i don't know it's like i'm embarrassed i'm humiliated right i just want to help you i'm not here to laugh at you the fact that i ruined yours goes to a good college where do you go community college goes to community college and he's getting good grades why are you [ __ ] on him for going to community college last semester c c which is good because that c stands for can't get any better that's what it stands for i feel really bad for doing that for alex so right now right here in front of everyone i wanted to give him a quick shout out make sure you guys go follow him on twitter could you imagine i'm cured okay this is my favorite part about this entire that's it a little fodder for the vlog i hate it just oh he triggers me so much sorry i just got really upset jonah also apparently ended up in the hospital and almost died we are i'm we have a half hour long so i mean is this good or not i thought it was interesting it is it is but i really wanted to do trivia so anyway i'll just say you know he almost killed his friend jonah who went to the hospital after trying to ride up motorcycles [ __ ] zane split his head open and had to go to the hospital um he broke zane seems like a [ __ ] mess i don't know anything about that guy but he seems like a man here's some memes that i want to review i'm going light seeing speed real fast here's david filming his friend being attacked by a tiger being mauled by to death by a tiger that's a meme you like that yeah okay good here's uh david dobrik in the hospital after almost killing jeff oh my god this is my this is a meme treasure they're bio though why are they not oh my meme's gonna be are they talks this kid went to his grandpa was dying in the hospital and this kid did a tick tock you know and i was just [ __ ] amazing so this is david uh in the hospital as jeff's almost [Music] is dying real well yeah oh yeah it's real this is like a classic uh an iconic one his grandpa actually i think he may actually be a dead i think i don't think i was ever this dumb at anything i really don't feel that this is famous this is a famous okay for being like so bad music yeah this is like this is why they changed the name they went to witness protection after that they're like oh so that's that's david uh as jeff lay david oh my god why is he so triggering like i feel like i'm getting like hives i feel like i'm gonna itch when you arrive at the party but it's just david and his camera crew there get me out now i'm not doing this here stop yo yo we going to excuse that's funny because that's actually happened to so many people it sounds like um i've got more memes i'm almost done we're getting close these are good these are good people aren't joining they're not good david dobrik watching his friends getting torn to shreds really bobby brown for some reason with two cameras david dobrik at the hospital and jeff wakes up spongebob meme i mean you could literally just go to reddit and read all this like why don't we just redirect people are gonna read it no i curated them david dobrik filming his friends getting injured for content a nuclear bomb dan is loving it oh and then finally one more don't panic i've seen this all over tick tock and it is interesting he's look at how he looks already panicking bro watch out [Music] look at his laugh just focus on his face oh my gosh that's so triggering now look at this meme excuse me oh my god look at him oh my god oh my god what i what is so funny david i don't know it's fully joker you really laugh like what is that about though i don't know you spend time with him does he really laugh no he's like so serious in real life like he's such a little like he doesn't walk around like at everything no he like ignores you if he has nothing to do with david he'll just like won't even talk to you he's kind of the worst where's the joker ones i don't have any images of that where because david dressed up like the joker to take that whatever okay let's play trivia yeah okay we don't have much time let's go let's go all right trivia bring the boards actually let's pause we'll cut it because we got to bring the boards i don't want to waste any time okay all right we're just going to cut okay we're set up for trivia enemies trivia commence come on foot soldiers tanks okay we gotta get through the trip we have three minutes you're the one that did this whole like commence thing wait i just looked at us in the viewfinder you know she cosplayed x jessica rabbit and roger rabbit that'd be fun i'm into that that's how i feel right now can i be jessica rabbit that'd be more fun i do want to be able to be a the male sometimes but maybe yeah i want to be in the book that's a rabbit i literally look like her dude you want to talk about crushes i wanted to [ __ ] jessica should we do it should we do a jessica rabbit competition so who looks more like her we both get glam because that'd be fun yeah who wants to be roger rabbit boring i want to be the big boy rabbit i'll bring with me i have a little bunny that comes with my costume i love it you shouldn't be uh maybe you shouldn't be roger you should be the the protagonist what's his name eddie the villain no the the cop i've never seen the movie okay we're talking too much about robert you've never seen roger i just wanted to [ __ ] the redhead i mean what do you want from me at the card too i was like seven years old you seen those titties those titties were everywhere i was like oh [ __ ] okay okay so we're doing the trivia but we don't have that much time so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna have fun with the trivia but still keeping score we're gonna keep score and then we're getting carried over to next week we're gonna start with trivia next week so we definitely don't run there should be a winner this time there needs to be a winner right we're not completing the game what are we in jumanji i don't know what that means i know what jumanji is but i don't know what the reference is or you go home okay yes we're in jumaji yes we're in jumanji we're going to complete the game tomorrow okay start okay so we're a little less formalized than the first time we played uh but we do have some different categories so i'll just skip around so um just name the category yeah i'll hit you with uh let's start with the science question why don't we you're both you're both scientists you know that's my [ __ ] okay scientists over there didn't know i was sitting next to newton john famous newton john one of the new ones i don't know i mean isaac newton is it i don't know newton john figg newton are you making olivia newton-johnson yeah okay i got you that's what i was going oh so you're deep cut okay my favorite sciences is fig are we are we going no i'm way again i'm sitting here waiting for dan to read the [ __ ] all right here we go what do i gotta do what egg what is the largest animal on earth largest animal on earth the largest animal on earth i'll give you something even further the largest animal to have ever existed ready yes go ahead three two one uh it is a blue whale would you put anaconda anaconda i thought they were the biggest biggest snake yeah probably are you just going off of the uh jennifer lopez maybe i was gonna say t-rex but they're no longer around so i went with anaconda blue whale is interestingly the biggest not only the biggest living the biggest that ever live right that's literally what dan just said before right but isn't that interesting apparently not that interesting because i [ __ ] know that i think it's very interesting unlike you anaconda okay so i don't know everything about whales next all right we'll uh we'll round it out with another little uh how about with a history question i think we're doing oh my god okay we'll get there sure we'll do history just do history just history i'm bopping around bob around all right what was the first animal to be sent to space hmm you know it yeah what is it monkey monkey you're both wrong dog it was a dog [ __ ] my tits oh my god i was like was it a dog or a monkey [ __ ] in my [ __ ] i just think of that movie with harlan williams rocket man and the monkey going with him it was a dog that's all i think about i don't know why the poor dog gets sent first uh it was the russians so ethan really has one i'm keeping score too because we can never exactly well is it is a dog or a monkey worse uh uh a dog is worse hello i have two dogs they're precious angels monkeys go just some snippy chimps are our closest relatives yeah we'll [ __ ] them dogs i don't even like my cousins in real life so why would i like chimps okay next one i said i don't even like my living direct cousins why should i care about my biological like my my evolutionary cousins like chimps that's a joke okay ready i want to win just let us do you're gonna run the clock out all right so we did we did two uh two of the more traditional categories we'll move on to a pop culture i don't like like a prelude just read the [ __ ] question jesus damn i mean we don't have the same time i don't need like a [ __ ] hole don't die i'm sorry all right i just don't have that much time okay sasha baron cohen portrayed three characters on his television show that were eventually made into movies what were those three characters i'm sorry dan yeah i would too you're so triggering because you oh my god sasha baron cohen portrayed three characters on his television show that would eventually be made into movies what were those three characters or movies um jewish he's israeli actually he's part israeli what speaks hebrew fun fact the language he's been in borah is actually hebrew the other guy's speaking armenian but he's speaking hebrew so they're just going back and forth in different languages to each other wait hold on hold on hold on what's the third one oh my god ollie g made three movies about three different characters are well okay sasha baron cohen made three different movies about three different characters yep that were all created on his television show originally oh my god what's the third one i think i'm gonna win am i either you know you don't okay i'm just guessing all right ready three two one we got uh bora alley g and bruno that's correct oh wow yeah you both got it so wait he made a bruno movie yeah yeah oh you remember he had that baby named oj oh wait was the bruno movie good i never said no it's not as good as boring can i be still pretty funny can i be honest the ali g movie [ __ ] sucks i didn't know that was a movie i just remembered you show and i was like i love the leg show but the movie was just it had some funny moments but it was scripted that's what threw me off right i was like i saw bruno with my dad when i was 13 and it was just his penis flopping in the camera for like two minutes straight and i was like oh man it was drama yeah the bruno movie's pretty uh pretty racy all right um here we go adam sandler starred in seven movies in the 1990s starred wasn't just in but like he was like one of the lead people in it can you name let's say five of them five out of just name it yeah if you can name all seven go for listen just so you guys know we added a category called adam sandler so trisha wouldn't complain that it's rigged god if what if i didn't get this i'd be so embarrassed i mean bro i i okay let me think here jesus christ um seven you said dan yeah i was surprised when i looked it up he's busy it's hard because there's like something that going to 2000 so i'm like oh which one okay yep how many you got actually only four right now jesus christ that many films he was actually in more than seven in the 90s but uh you know with side characters and stuff but there were seven that he started we have to do the starring ones not just the ones he did in the night are these all comedies like uh they were all comedy yeah okay [ __ ] me in the tits i really don't know anything oh oh bro i'm sorry i i give up i give up i'm at six i basically have a happy gilmore water boy and little nicky uh i feel like those were later uh little nikki was in 2000 so that didn't quite water boy counter water boy yeah okay i crossed that out i had billy madison happy gilmore big daddy mr deeds and water boy mr deeds no that that that one didn't come out yes he did he was one of the three main characters i mean how's that starring it's not just duncan yeah it's like he's a title yeah he was one of like three leaders he's one of three leads okay well anyway you can see me right so that's not fair though you you crushed me what do you want adam sandler if you're watching can i be and don't mess with the zohan too and who we talk he's like this [ __ ] is a fake fan she didn't even get all of them right she didn't even write airheads wait really yeah he's like ooh fake fan alert i have a phone case that i made that's my iphone case it's handmade too so it looks like [ __ ] but i love you you made that by hand oh yeah oh i didn't make this my hand but i had a handmade on etsy by somebody they just printed it out they screwed me i paid like 50 bucks for this and they just printed out pictures and put it on a phone case so sorry that's a good business it's bad it's high risk but it's all just 2001 uncut jeff there's a whole industry do you understand there's a whole industry of people just scamming you with adam sandler [ __ ] like it's an industry where there's just one client and they just send it i know that's why i had to switch to jack black i had to go because i can't collect anywhere out of that it's not fetish what the hell kind of so did i win did i get points yes you won wow so we're tied right okay thank you all right next up uh animals that eat both plants and other animals are called what ethan finished pretty fast there i did all right reveal omnivore omnivore uh some interesting spelling choices there but yeah that's correct we both smell it the same way oh that's right i wrote omni i used to say it you got it i mean no who spelled it right anyone i think ethan got it right oh you spelled it right i did omn okay i got the answer right you gotta really humiliate me on top of that anymore i am so much fun we both got it yes we both got a point i am at so much fun wait did i get two or only one so far i've only gotten one we're tied it's three three okay all right yeah oh okay what is the you guys ready yeah what is the smallest country in the world the smallest country you know it yeah why do you know it i watch it in a movie the smallest country in the world i feel like i should know this more immediate the smallest country in the world if i'm wrong then the movie lied to me but i'm pretty sure i'm right the smallest country in the world boy country i'm just taking a guess based on some bulk okay you show first since you're so confident i'm yeah kazakhstan yes oh kazakhstan is huge you know yes it is it is really good it is damon island uh that is also incorrect okay the correct answer is vatican city the vatican is its own country i didn't know it was so small i mean it's literally like two blocks oh there can we go to the vatican city kazakhstan that's what they said i'm looking it up that's what they said in the movie what movie yeah not necessarily reliable kazakhstan they did the chasing of the jew in kazakhstan do you remember that yeah they don't do that that was fake actually yeah why would he do that then he's just hating on himself i think it was meant to be obviously a joke is he a self-hating jew then no what would that be called then anti-semitic he was just doing a pair it was a jail could be called a joke but when i do it it's anti-semitic yes okay noted got it so we are still tied up i'm very uncomfortable with that please proceed dan yeah and i gotta crush you here's one here's one for the americans in the room what uh the statue of liberty was a gift from what country easy france france that's right damn we're killing it you're killing it we're supposed to be against each other so yeah no you're back to adam's category i hate adam stanley category no you're never gonna have them on this well how am i gonna [ __ ] know what i do what kind of freaking nose is like oh i don't how do i look next door to him i know i don't i didn't never went to the house no i know i know the whereabouts he lives near me yeah you want to go camping no don't do that i do not want to do that i just i stumbled up across this information everyone's house is house his clothes staking at his house i don't do that anymore phone case i'm a fan and i'll go to his house i don't know how many fans are [ __ ] buying my used clothes on ebay people buy mine my mom sells them on poshmark so keep buying them i don't know what my closet is or something your mom sells you use clothes to your fan yeah but she's just they're cheap does your mom keep the money um yeah she's just hustling you use clothes she just wants something to do people like it people wanted me to sell all these clothes that i just threw away so she's interesting she loves it shout out mom she loves this shirt mom you want to sell my used clothes she would love to actually have some she'll take it your mom oh okay oh you want your mom to sell yeah my mom maybe one looking for a hobby she's got some used clothes around that she likes that she enjoy and people love it people do unboxings on my clothes people like do they prefer unwashed or washed you have to wash them you have to it's probably getting more money if you don't people make a whole bunch of videos like i watch their periods of clothes they're cheap too we don't like rip people off like 500 for a t-shirt it's like five bucks yeah it's fanfare it's like give it a sniff i love buying people's clothes so buy mine okay interesting okay i'm down to give your mom some of my clothes i think it's funny okay yeah she would love it she'd probably just keep it it's like memorabilia oh it's for the fans this shirt this shirt was given to me by ethan they would love that people would really love your clothes i love my the who you gave me as little one of the things i cherished so much i wear it all the time i actually really love that hoodie that you like cherish no but i know you like the hoodie it's not like that i wore it it is didn't know that you interviewed bobby lee in that wow i'm a super fan i don't see my face on your phone case i come with it next time well yeah that's what i don't know what i have in secret all right we're tied i'm uncomfortable dan go ahead i want one all right um your big-ass hair is coming back to get you what happened your big-ass hair is getting stuck in the mic it was actually the big-ass diamond it hit the microphone and it hurt me oh my hair is huge it's getting stuck it is hot my hair is very hot it is oh yeah [Laughter] all right who was the first actor to play james bond on film oh i don't know that some dude some old [ __ ] guy i feel like i knew this really i'm gonna do not the right answer but i'm just gonna guess i misspelled it really bad so i'm going to show you real fast sean connery sean connery you both got it right we did i thought there was someone before there was like roger yeah there was some duchenne roger moore was after sean conrad okay so hey look all right i know but we're both doing really good today yeah congrats congratulations congratulations the podcast that's canceled because of crystallia say what his name is congratulations on the podcast oh okay but it should be called cancellation cancelled right or just miserable because that's what he is look how big your hair is though it's so big i know i really love it it's awesome it is awesome thanks did you lose weight no it's just my hair it's just my hair i thought you were saying yes because i did it it literally is just my hair um five five this was the inspiration by the way this is pamela anderson's big hair oh she did big hair mm-hmm sorry it was great big hair queen and the black eye so that's if anybody wants yeah it looks really good thanks you're rocking it thank you i like it people just tell me i looked like pamela anderson when i was on crack actually i was like 140 pounds like actually how was yours i looked like pamela anderson if she gained 40 pounds he said that on his show that's a compliment yeah kind of but not really i'll take it down okay go ahead all right what is the name of the main antagonist in happy gilmore adam sam mean oh this is like english too though what's an antagonist was that the good guy or a bad guy uh that would be the bad guy oh okay okay the bad easy i'm sorry who knows that i don't know it's a pretty popular one no i don't know or the character name uh i was asking for the character name okay if you know and boom bomb was pointing if you know the actor i guess i love the actor dude he hasn't been in much time okay bob barker that was a good guess well technically he does get into a fight with bob barker he's not the man he's not the main antagonist or gavin it is shooter mcgavin shooter because it's embarrassing anyone who watch happy gilmore that close hey shooter you want to go to red line no he's that's a it's a it's a that's a classic villain right there yeah they're doing a sequel and i want to say it's because of me i honestly think they're doing a happy gilmore sequel because i have i bought the jacket i talked about it i got the hype up it's probably because he's a i don't want to call him a hack because he's a good actor but his movies suck and he sells them and makes a lot of money movies i'll invest in one if i can start one can you back me up on that dan what that he he's a hack it's he's it's complicated because he has legitimately made good movies right he's an actor he can be i love his dramatic roles he was great in uncut gems and uh punch trunk glove another one of my favorite films right now but like i mean how do you look past jack and jill so good my favorite app is actually don't say that i love it i can quote it pogo stop i love that movie you stop i looked it up before the show i'm gonna i'm gonna lose because of this [ __ ] adam sandler category okay go ahead trish is winning adam sandler go ahead dan okay um what is a geiger counter used to measure uh geiger geiger that sounds anti-semitic a geiger counter so a bad what is a geiger a geiger counter a geiger counter yes i don't i don't have a gag radio activity put me on the board that is the correct answer that's a nerd hide up rather than that then the name of [ __ ] adam sandler's protagonist and happy gilmore antagonist you know what i'm getting oh no i'm getting all these people calling me out like that i like adam sandler they call me like dad they're like you're such a dad for like adam sandler like well he used to be so cool and hit but now it's like embarrassing to like him i don't know i mean he has vid he's like this big netflix deal and he's still making like videos for kids on netflix and i don't i don't assume like he made that indian cowboy one oh the hateful eight and i was like there's kind of only but it was like a spin on it or something like but i was like only kids would be watching this because it's so dumb yeah i love it you did no okay so maybe you are okay thanks so much i don't know i just thought his movies were so bad i mean with people oh my god his comedy movies are so bad they're just awful films you're one of those people like those who can't do hate that's you i'm here doing what am i doing i'm not making movies on netflix for a billion dollars i'm allowed to not like i'm a critic man i [ __ ] [ __ ] on everybody adam there's no exception just because you like him yeah what happened 2021 ethan doesn't stop [ __ ] on people just like bringing people up and hyping people up whoa when did i say 2020 that was you were 20 21 and i thought we were on the same page i never committed to any positive vibes on the show negative vibes only no we don't i dispute that what can i say is movies suck they're horrible they're horrible dude you're not coming to sat when i'm on huey's halloween too you're not going to be there because but i like him as a person and as a comedian i like him right and his jewishness he promotes judaism a lot in his movie that doesn't the jewishness is not i love factoring into my likeness of him so that's what i'm saying like i have ambivalent feelings about him on one hand i like him under the end his comedy movies are horrible they're [ __ ] embarrassing well life converted so you gained a jewish person in the community that i don't consider a benefit to me i'm always welcoming i'm not like tracking the amount of jews in the world and then i start my conversion classes soon i need to start being serious yeah i'm actually quite curious how that goes for you i am too i don't know i'm nervous so i'm gonna like take it too far and show up like all like in like all crazy like wrapped up i don't know where it's gonna take me i don't show up with like a whole like a old testament and you're gonna be praying to the western wall in jerusalem every day can't wait you'll be like girl you're taking this way too far you're gonna become kosher i am closure really yeah okay what are you doing i'm waiting for dan everything i'm waiting for for an opening yeah all right um name three of the oceans of the world oh my god these [ __ ] you can't name three i can name three but that's like easy what am i an idiot apparently dan thinks so [Laughter] you guys want to make it four it's just one more yeah it's just one more option yeah should be easy right okay i don't know i don't know the last one let's do four yeah i've only been to three oceans so i don't know the last ocean well it's not the la there's yes yeah there it is okay i don't know pacific atlantic indian arctic red that's a sea that's a sea not an ocean i'm afraid i don't know uh well so you did have three but not four so whoa and we did up it to four so oh my god i apologize sick you did it last minute you were so cocky you were so cocky i was not i was like you're like what so wait what's the score now ian am i up by two seven six okay yeah calm down right i tied it up calm down calm down [Applause] more just don't worry just bring whenever i'm in the lead just bring an adam sandler question i won't get one another one will be coming around shortly um what was the name of uh adam chandler's love interest in the 1992 film water boy vicky valancourt was that right freak he loves bees every girl's name bee veronica vaughn from billy madison vicki valancourt from waterboy what's uh drew barrymore's character in uh wedding singer oh julia gullia watching julia ghoulia julia of course so stupid i don't know any of this stuff and why would i and he was robbie hart why would anybody know these you know why were you even around like he was so popular for us like as kids like what were you doing in the next few of his films i mean wasn't obsessing over adam sandler really even with the hanukkah song you're like oh finally someone wrote a song i listened to the hanukkah song i mean you know what i mean it's like i don't memorize every word i don't just tell you all right we're almost out of time so let's just power a few with a few more questions to give trisha an opportunity to catch up here okay um all right another pop culture one um you might know this which character uh did audrey hepburn play in breakfast at tiffany's literally no idea this is my answer nothing oh oh oh oh no i know i don't know you know yeah holly go lightly you got it good job that came out of nowhere because i actually like didn't never saw that movie but i knew her i remember the name i would have expected you to have been a fan no i like marilyn i'm team blonde over here and now just ask a question about uh adam sandler's son we are again but i will give you let's give one that at least ethan has a chance what was the smell of adam sandler's fart was noted by the uh his friend's character the 1992 film fartman returns wasn't there a movie call for me i don't know all right sounds like a title of a film he'd make i know he's not a fart humor kind of guy literally that's the whole [ __ ] dude jack and jill jack and jill there was like a whole five-minute scene where his jill was in the bathroom just making fart sounds and that was supposed to be a hilarious moment and i was like okay adam it was the chimichangas [Laughter] wow she ate mexican food and now she can't stop pooping alleria amazing writing adam sandler okay guys i love it this is our last one okay and then next week we're starting with trivia we're gonna hide are we tied we're currently tied right what was the flavor of salsa on the chimichanga burrito that made jill fart uncontrollably in the 1997 classic jack and jill 97 but i don't know i'm just ripping him i love it all right here we go which adam sandler film sees his character being extorted while calling into a phone sex line wait what can we say that i'm okay so that what adam sandler film is about his character being extorted while calling into a phone sex line you don't know it should i i mean i don't know if i know it but i'm just surprised because hey what wait hold on why am i like blinking can you say it one more time i'm so sorry is it adam sandler film and the story is about him his character he gets extorted from calling into a phone sex line i'm i like don't think i actually know it okay i'm going to show myself god i'm such a fake fan punch drunk love that is correct i got it right you haven't seen that movie no oh it's like his best movie oh it's so good him in a blazer like this right isn't that history well it's like a serious film it's not a comedy and he didn't write it it's actually a good movie you wouldn't like it i would still say it's maybe it's a little bit of a comic like a really dark comedy i mean yeah it's a serious role that spanglish i refuse to watch i liked spanglish i watched and i you haven't pun struggle it's legitimately one of his best movies you gotta watch puncher i hate the cover of it do better next time trish is like sorry trish is all of a sudden she's like sorry actual serious film no thanks well i'm sorry we're out of time and i think ethan just won it on an adam sandler question oh that's not fair well it's okay we have next week we're gonna pick up from the top the score right now is so we will continue this battle uh excellent comp competitor i commend you and we'll continue this uh next week thank you it's my birthday week next week i celebrate the whole week so i'm very excited we're gonna show up in an outfit you'll see which one anyway well i already said which one i think i don't think it's a surprise but i don't think we said it we did not listen uh maybe not i am well anyway we're going all out as usual that's fun it's your birthday that'll be fun we could do a little seance or something maybe i'll be at your birthday party we'll see yeah i had some anxiety about inviting you guys i don't know if you actually want to come and it's like so awkward i'd get rejected but now that i know that there's like squirt in your fountain i'm not so sorry we have a security guard we have a bartender we have a karaoke we're having hibachi we're having like the hibachi people come set up things like it's gonna be cute yeah wait what is hibachi is that like the ball you throw it's like benihana style oh that's great i'm coming for food really okay okay cool it's gonna be fun don't try and show up to my party we have security at the at my house we hired extra security that night because we would be showing up to my house give them chicken nuggets remember people have chicken nuggets at our house today and there's ants all over them don't do that at your front door like on our gate by our gate are you sure someone left the nuggets maybe it was a random act of nug leaving maybe it wasn't yeah okay well don't leave me nugs i don't want random acts and nugs all right they're like here fatty you always laugh when i said it off camera and then when i do it on oh random i wasn't expecting that though okay now i feel like an [ __ ] but you always find it so fun life is funny it just caught me out of god well someone's like here here you're you know there's some nuggets i'm not here jew it's just random sorry it's not being fat is not the same as being a jewish i choose to be jewish i'm converting so i'm choosing to be fat because i'm eating i don't know we're going but anyway i'm sorry for the joke i'm sorry i thought it was funny it's random i have a high so right thank you everybody we'll see you next week we'll continue trivia and be dressed up for trisha's birthday peace and love [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,365,489
Rating: 4.8951535 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: gkbn7Zv0MsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 52sec (7312 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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