Frenemies Is Under Attack - Frenemies #16

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I’m screaming at the grocery segment. Trisha posting groceries to Instagram for Ethan and Ethan confusing the word pair with pear 😭

👍︎︎ 200 👤︎︎ u/Skrods 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I actually really wanna see Trish give Ethan a makeover

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/4meemm 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan: Explains what happened at the Capitol

Trisha: "That's just like when Borat kidnapped Pam Anderson with that sack"


👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/MishTrash 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I laughed so hard in this episode.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/ParyGanter 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trisha plugging Fashion Nova was so good

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/WowemuGM 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn, those eating windows are treating Ethan well! He's looking great.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/hockeymisfit 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I am kind of amazed/obsessed with trisha’s hustle and all the random ass shit she has done over the years.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/sistergirl69 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trisha paytas was on the Young Turks???

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/HangryHenry 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

A year ago I'd never though I would say this, but I really like Trisha. She's very endearing.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/ConvertedTrumpeter 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] for enemies is back and we're under fire by all sides wait he didn't tell me this everything was fine when i sat down you didn't tell me right now the enemies are under fire people are criticizing our show did you know that no okay first of all you didn't tell me this i thought we were having like a fun reaction well we are but a few things came up and i was like wow they're coming for us inside first of all insider wrote an article oh they write an article like every day though on me i feel like do they really they're always like why do they why do they pretend like they're like a serious publication and then they go well here it's called a podcast hosted by two of youtube's most controversial personalities first of all you get that title you are pretty hated and controversial why hated more controversial because your politics like i don't even watch the h3 but it's like annoying and i don't even watch it but i hear about your politics just through tick-tock through whatever and i'm just like okay yeah really and it's pretty controversial you're pretty segregated you're pretty much like who's more controversial yeah who's between you no no you're like if you like trump you suck and must die and i'm like oh my god like that's the way literally didn't say that not literally but that's how you come across okay hold on hold on hold on that's not segregated people like your president okay what if let's not say let's not segregate fascists out of our audience that's what i'm saying you're not okay i'm not trying to get political on here obviously this is funny wait what i wanted to ask you i wanted to ask you what do you think about the news of the mega riot at the capitol don't tell me you didn't hear about it i [Applause] saw it on twitter uh-huh i don't know anything about it that's moses did you you guys didn't watch anything about it then you guys don't watch the news been too busy yeah what a luxury it was my appalachian week so oh you were obviously yeah you guys were busy huh how busy can you be i mean wham bam i mean damn dude um i saw something on twitter and i asked moses about it when it happened he's like oh i don't know and then we just like let it go that's so nice i used to be i mean i remember when i was like really younger i felt that way about i'm not saying that you're wrong i mean you can feel whatever you want but i just remember when i was a kid and my parents would get all worked up about politics and be like whatever nobody cares and it's true you know nothing ever changes but trump is a fascist and uh not all of his supporters are fascists but the ones that stormed the capital are fascist insurance why is that happening you are very aggressive about people supporting trump and you're just like you're an idiot yeah yeah okay controversial because like in general i just try and be like inclusive of everybody everything i try i understand i try and people still want to hold it against me i'm like you know i'm just trying my best over here okay so we're back to the headline we're two of youtube's most controversial person personalities but i highly reject that i'm more controversial than you i don't think you're more controversial i think you're way more controversial than me i think it used to be can i get it back can i get a backup on that dan like when i said dan i'm not controversial he said what so apparently i am controversial but yeah i mean you're definitely you're both controversial in very different ways it's kind of apples and oranges what do i do who am i why do i get that label all i am is just trying to be myself i'm a better controversial than you because i everything i'm controversial for is on myself i say i'm transgender d.i.d you are like you you and me i'm like oh me me me and everyone's like oh sure you never talk [ __ ] about anybody in your whole car who do i talk [ __ ] about how about the entire internet james charles the dixie family uh gabby hannah you were talking [ __ ] about the uh tyler oakley the last time you're talking about it this one it brings it out on this podcast because that's you you're a talker so i'm a [ __ ] talker with you but in my personal life i'm like whatever oh please okay whatever i don't know what it is about this podcast although i do feel very confident to just should talk people yeah if it was it was just me i'd be more scared but for some reason when i had this microphone on this setting i'm like well especially james charles this is the anti-james charles podcast if we need to say that again i don't know in 2021 trish is kind of like okay james we'll get okay wait i gotta get back to this because there's a whole okay what i don't like 2021 trisha anymore i love everybody i want to collab with james charles yeah he's never going to talk you think maybe you will never never you don't think he despises you 2021 trish is new though yeah he didn't buy that i don't buy 20 21 trisha either i'm supportive of james charles now so i don't why are you leaving me in the trenches i thought we were going to war with james charles i don't believe new year knew everybody i feel james could change we could change really i'm a different person now what would i change about myself being fat i'm working on it yeah you're definitely do i look skinnier than i shaved so i think that always makes me look fatter well i also think you look skinnier because your hair is grown out like you know you're bald so it made you look but also you dress like a toddler last time you were dressed like a man so you just look spelty now you look you had a hat on earlier that was horrible and i wanted you to wear it i wasn't going to tell you i hope you did you were going to wear it on the show so he could be like oh my god why is he dressed like a toddler but now you kind of look like eminem so you're kind of cool you're like why am i a toddler i'm just wearing a t-shirt the hat and the t-shirt you had together yeah i agree the hat was bad and i took it off all right i like that you should try and dress maybe we could do an episode where we give each other makeovers maybe i could buy clothes for you and style your hair that's just i mean okay but that's you doing a makeover for me because you could give me a makeover what would i do you're already fresh no but i'll take a makeover can i make you over yes that'd be cool i like a cool one like a real one let's do it okay aren't you just gonna turn me into like a drag queen no that's what you want i think that's your fantasy no it's not my fan okay because you really love being the other gender here we go again one guy except for uncle fester which you did look just like thank you jeffrey jeffrey and james charles okay but they're yeah but they're yeah shut up dan all right let's move on past this so anyway my only communication with you this week was a text like did jeffrey really sleep with kanye i'm like i don't know like when you text me that i'm like how would i know that why somebody was like somebody for some reason was like trisha probably has some intel on it no it was so weird when you text i felt like a like a fan texting me i'm like who is this and i was like oh my god why are you so sensitive just answer the question i'm not sensitive i'm like but that's the only communication i get from you all week is is the thing you want me to communicate i don't know what you want from me you want me to communicate you don't want me to communicate you text me too much you don't text me enough what am i i'm not your boyfriend or your fiance i don't have to deal with this [ __ ] you're my cause though you're the co-host text me you never text me uh you never initiate conversations with me that's true okay so all right whatever whatever all right can i read the headline please that's where i'm supposed to look because people always know that i'm looking at myself where do you look where am i supposed to look if not the monitors well the camera's above the monitors you look at the camera sometimes okay it's hard not to look at the monitor i agree i look at myself but we know you're a narcissist and you said you look bomb today so you're going to want to look at it i look bomb on this side i have really bad acne on this side so let's just keep profiling okay what is this headline can i read the headline please yeah papa um frenemies is under attack that's gonna be the title it's gonna be really good friend of mine okay i like that that's true though most two of youtube's most controversial personalities is creating new conversations about mental health that sounds good right i don't like being a poster child for like a mental health all of a sudden it's like bpd and mental it's just like i agree i don't like it either we're just two friends doing a podcast i i did watch your h3 live a little bit about someone saying like i just hate that that's what it's about like how dare he collab with a girl with a mental health issues it's not like i killed somebody and i should be like locked in prison forever also the insinua well the insinuation is like that you don't have your own agency that you're not your own adult making your own choices it's like ethan is exploiting trisha it's like she well well no trisha is an adult who makes her own choices and we're just two friends making a positive you're exploiting me because i have like something wrong in my brain so yeah if i don't know that you're doing like that what we're doing like i know how i am on the internet like my life right good point it's your brand yeah and i'm like if i have to deal with it i might as well monetize off of it you know what i'm saying but also like i keep saying i love this show like everyone just like stop the podcast i'm like please don't stop this podcast let me read you what they said that's so oh i hate that i'm like this person and that our show is like mental health awareness it's like why it's just not that yeah i don't know what nutcase uh let's see eth klein who pokes and antagonizes her appears ill ill-equipped to deal with her fluctuating mood swings again this is a criticism i've gotten from several people i'm not a clinical therapist i'm not equipped in any way to deal with anything we're just two friends doing a podcast this isn't therapy i don't know what people want i'm ill-equipped to deal with her fluctuating mood swings like hello who is it who i'm not i'm just a guy i feel like i know i feel like i'm like someone that needs a caregiver or something because everyone's like he's not equipped to deal with like i'm not that bad i've had like but also i don't handle it that bad either it's not like i'm like well [ __ ] you and we can't do that and i'm flipping the desk they make it sound so bad you know i don't i think we're handling it well i'm okay i mean i'm fine with it actually because people actually are tend to be more sympathetic towards me is seeing an actual helper so i'm like i agree and i and that's another reason why i think it's good is because that shit's real it humanizes you in a way and it make me understand you in a way i did it and i think that's good and i got me a follow from dr drew on twitter watch out moses oh here's another one viewers and mental health professionals alike mental health professionals who are are unsure whether the podcast is good or bad for mental health representation on one hand it's incredibly rare to view such raw conversations about mental illness on the other it could be considered exploitative i i just don't know why we became like the i just don't want to be that like i don't want my identity to be bpd like i follow a lot of tick talkers that's all they talk about and that's cool but it's also like it's like being the fat girl like i want to be the factor i don't know the crazy girl i don't want to be the dude with tourists either yeah but i feel like you you're not because people don't make like a big deal of it well i don't yeah and well it's like you could talk about it and do the whole thing which is fine i'm not criticizing but the point is they just want clicks they're just they're being it's like how what first of all and another point that this guy uh d'angelo wallace who by the way i like and i watch his videos and i he's a fr and he's friend of the show love d'angelo wallace the show he's i think friends of h3 maybe yeah not this show but he's not from these on the black side of this desk this friendship the pink side i can't talk about right yeah there's a line in the sand i would say we hate d'angelo wallace on the pink side okay we like we love him on the black side and we hate him on the pink side i like that there's a line in this i hate that people consider someone like credible just because they have like a long video with like you know edit cool editing it's like this person's just like a random person that highlights it's just like any propaganda like i'm gonna show you all the negative stuff okay wait you're talking about the like our launch video live from him yeah oh well so i was gonna pull let's let's let's not stray too far from the path but at any rate he does make a point he he echoes a lot of these points this is like it's exploitative and so and that he also said that people are just jealous that they that they nobody cares about their shitty shows and shitty content you know what i mean like i hate people like this like anna nicole i remember her on a reality show some girl comes up and goes you know they're just like using you right and she's like i don't care as long as i get paid like yeah like this is our lives like we're not supposed to have a career would you imagine bpt and like target if i was i was a target employee and guess what i got fired because i was paranoid i literally thought that everyone was like literally trying to kill me inside a target i worked in the electronics department marietta california when i was 18 years old and i thought everyone was trying to murder me including my manager of the electronics department and i got fired so like at least i'm given this platform where i can make better money than working for target yeah so but wait so you i didn't know paranoia was a symptom of i think that's what i told you i think i might be schizo i don't think so um there was pair we looked up bpt the other day there is paranoia yeah i don't think you're skid so but um i mean paranoid of everything for sure i think moses is trying to poison me in fact you know what i do when we when i make food for him i take a bite of mine he takes a bite of his like you want to switch to make sure that i didn't poison this food and that's what we do now that's quite a relationship that's quite yeah i know which by the way is a horrible movie we want he made me watch it i love that movie oh it's so bad he kept talking about he's like you're gonna love it i know i'm not you know what's so weird moses i do that to ela and she reacts the same way tricia does i always go elo watch princess bride and she goes i [ __ ] hate it oh really isn't that so weird it's awful i don't think it's a girl's movie i don't think it is a girl's movie it's like a chick flick no they try so hard to be funny it's like not okay can we focus conceivable guy i'm like please just stop this movie right now i kept trying to like postpone it anyways yeah did you watch it more or less of the amount that you watched schindler's list we made it through princess bride although i was on my tick tock so oh you watched it but you were on tick tock yeah because i just didn't care anymore the movie switched halfway through i hate when that happens okay but anyway d'angelo said a lot of the same things he said a lot of nice things about both of us so i don't want to make it seem like he didn't say nice things about us but what he said is um here let me pull it up we can watch we're going to watch it yeah it's a clip time stamp why are people haters this is like a fun show he's not he's ethan's podcast as well i think he plays a huge part in this yes like i said i truly believe that he does his best to manage trisha paytas and her outbursts it's like once they happen he's really happy to profit off of them basically making podcasts highlights out of her breakdowns the show in some way is kind of dependent on oh is trisha going to have a breakdown this week so that that point first of all i highly disagree with because we've had two big breakdowns on the show yeah and i do not like when that happens and by the way our episodes without breakdowns do great it's not like nobody watches when there's no breaks yeah are you smarter than a fifth grader one is just as much as me storming out and our steamies did really good yeah so every episode we've done so so at that point i i strongly disagree with you know now he he he made maybe his point about being exploitative in terms of the highlights was kind of i was like okay i do do highlights of that but my my counter argument to that is that um if we're not going to put it up somebody is oh he posted a response to us what the f this video goes deep oh i hate people like this wait he put my dms to him in the thumbnail what the f oh those you really dm yeah i i was like yo what do you put my i'm what the f i told him i'm gonna watch your shane video tonight i'll report back i hate that we've been talking about him though because he's just so like not important not entertaining and she's just getting like a few off of like like i hate talking about drama channels because they're so not original or funny or anything like i like deangelo his videos are very good that being said um i'd rather suck philip defranco's left teeth than watch this video his left tit i thought you said tooth the hell yeah that's like a i just filmed a frank what was my point is that um we're under fire and people are we're under fire and i feel like we better address it now because of what because i have a mental illness you're my friend yeah exactly that's what i think too thank you even dr drew when he was here and i was like yeah i don't deserve most i shouldn't be in a relationship he goes no like don't say that because like you're worthy of a normal life just because you have something wrong with you oh my god like i didn't kill anybody my goodness yeah they like infant they make you like uh what's the word infant infantile or they they make it seem like you you don't have any agency or choice in your life and that it's up to me to say no trisha this isn't acceptable because i'll be exploiting you together yeah you as like this god because you're just as messed up as me i mean you got tourette's yeah i agree it's also is that a mental illness it's not a mental illness what is it a physical disability uh it's a dis it's a syndrome i don't know so you got something wrong with your brain so your brain is not wired all the way right what yes okay so my point is it's like black leading the blind like you're not yes it's the blind leading the blind damn why are you so much better than me when you were also like i think that well you're the one having that outburst i guess is so they say ethan's exploiting her the show depends on her having outburst it's all not true though that's all i want to do for another outburst if it happens but not with you hopefully you know maybe something else will provoke me really like what we just go into what do you want yeah come on let's outburst no i'm kidding you weren't even awake and i was 15 minutes late today and then dan's like oh ethan's not even up yet i was like is this out first are you going for that person yeah i know no that's true sometimes i watched it i didn't watch h3 live a lot but when i watched it this last week when you're talking about me i i i just really wanted to talk i had an outburst that's why i texted you guys during the show because i was like i had a lot to say but then i had like i like kept deleting it i was like now let me just like not be so crazy on the thing why were you criticizing me i think i think i do in the moment because i always think that you're on the i'm on the defense with you when you were actually on my side and i'm always on your side always right right you don't believe it that's fine i mean yeah but like but uh anyway so um that's what i just want to say is that we are under attack i gotta watch that video was it just the insider and d'angelo yeah it was just them right but that's how but that's how it starts don't you see those are two big sources saying that they want to cancel our show they want to cancel it well there was a really nice and i'm just saying that's how it begins then all of a sudden it becomes this talking point and that this person's making a video about a friend of mine is this and that no there was a really nice one i'm getting a call from a scam should i answer it oh yeah it's from a scam hold on i'm answering it hello hello hi is this scam likely um anyways that was great uh this channel called psych in real life they did help frenemies reveals a mental health misconception perpetuated by the internet this was a really good one this was someone who was like in our favor some people are in our favor that we show the ugly side of bpt they're like you know what everyone's a mental health advocate until it's ugly and so i kind of agree with that because everyone thinks it's like cool and trendy to be like mental health awareness but then as soon as someone has like an outburst like why are you friends with her why are you doing the show you're manipulating you're exploring like all this stuff like that it's like like you know i agree i'm like yeah also that same person did the fall of h3h3 that [ __ ] up wait psych r why is psyc irl making videos about the fall of people well they liked us well i'm still here [ __ ] that video was two years ago and i'm still here so [ __ ] you psych rl no she was on our side for a friend of me she was yeah well two years ago she was [ __ ] tap dancing on my grave [ __ ] you turned it around though um sorry i didn't know she was a she's a female yeah i should have said the b word you said it right after the last night no i'm sorry i did a whole thing but i don't want to say it and then yeah all right so you want to move on to the okay that's it i'm sure we could talk about it more really i love this job please stop trying to cancel us and i love it too like stop like you know like that's the thing but here this time last year everyone was criticizing me for not having a mental disorder and now it's like oh church like is the [ __ ] am i crazy am i not crazy like what is it that's a really good opportunity remember when everyone came for me and now everyone's like wow like don't be friends with her why is she on the show you're exploiting her it's like oh the [ __ ] that's really interesting point so back the [ __ ] off let us just do our thing we're just two friends do it as you know i mean what the [ __ ] i mean in d'angelo's defense a little bit yeah he he made it clear in that video that he is a fan he's watched every episode yeah he's watched every episode of the show and he was very nice and he said trisha he said you're hilarious on this show like he had he had positive things that's the thing he said lots of good things and he was very kind but then said why are you doing a show with her he did say on the other hand that ethan's even funnier than trisha on the show well then right away just kind of he said that so he is not incredible i kind of left that part out yeah i can't wait to watch his video i should wait till um i think you're funnier but i definitely am more entertaining i think you are so fun sometimes i watch the episodes back and and i don't catch exactly the stuff you're saying in the moment and i'm like because you don't listen to me i listen to everything you're saying but it's like a fast-paced conversation i don't have time to process everything um thank you but you're you're very very funny and sometimes i'm like wow round of applause for chris very funny wow thank you thank you are you more entertaining yeah yeah you're like uh the whole triple threat yeah i think if we like had a reality show like who would get the reality oh yeah you there's nothing good about my reality there's nothing well no it's good it's just not it's just boring but it's good it's peaceful it's loving we get for a show it's nothing to watch right you would make a great reality show um i would never do it unless the real housewives of beverly hills let me know yeah but mo i don't think moses is posh enough to be uh because you have to be like no that's so not even true they're not even that posh on that show like vicky gunwilson the girl from orange county she literally has like no money they rent a condo no offense anyone who runs a condo but like why is she on the show that's the thing a lot of them are fake bougie this other guy named slade was on it had no money like it's you know they're fake boujee but it's fine they can't find real bougie people in all of la to be on that show i mean they have like lisa rinna you would [ __ ] you would destroy that show you put all those girls in their place and no they're like old women no offense yeah break them i'd be young on that show i'd be 32. i'll be the young one okay you said you're leaving tick tock and apologizing and then you were back what happened okay guys let me watch for real i'm leaving social media it's a really toxic place and i wish you all well and um i want to apologize to charlie dixon why did you make this video and why did you film it like you're in a tent fort i was naked and moses was also next to me and i didn't want him in the tik tok so i was like let me just cover my whole body and to show my eyes just forehead um i wanted to apologize to charlie because it's 2021 yeah but you're still on social media you like didn't you well that was like a troll trish but that was like a not harm like when people like take that seriously because i did like four saying i'm quitting i'm like how are they still taking that seriously okay okay fair enough and then what was this one really caught my attention on instagram you posted a picture of groceries uh you posted a picture of skippy extra crunchy single craft single american yeah la croix pure sparkling water yeah uh bread just the bottom part where it says visit the capri sun fruit punch uh tater tots tater tots butter well that was more for you why because i wanted to like make grilled cheese this episode i thought that'd be fun but you posted this as a weird subliminal way of communicating with me yeah i thought maybe you won't see it because you dm me and said oh you don't follow me and i said why do you why do you communicate so cryptically because i thought you would pick it up like you pick up stuff like that how is this girl how does this even meet grilled cheap hold on hold on hold up why is there peanut butter with the grilled cheese you put peanut butter on one side butter on the other and then the cheese in the middle if you want me to think peanut butter if you want me to think grilled cheese why would you start with peanut butter that's like a horrible tension though didn't it you scrolled through yeah i was like what i thought you did this by mistake or something no i thought maybe you might get the ingredients because we didn't have we have the ingredients wow this is this is the biggest [ __ ] post ever on in instagram history why because you're like you're just posting pictures of groceries and the hope that i see it i understand you want to make real cheese i thought you might because you dm me prior saying oh i'm following you now like you don't follow me and i was like okay i'll follow you i responded girl what i was so excited wasn't i excited when he did that too because i was like this was for ethan and he responded so i thought you got it okay but this is not good you lead with peanut butter that that doesn't make any sense trisha okay we have peanut butter and craft okay so craft is and then you go lacroix which just does nothing to do why would you do lacroix because the pure one goes with the grilled cheese it pairs nicely i can't even see that it's pear it just shows the top pure no it pairs nicely with a grilled cheese pure pears like you know it says pure this isn't pear this one is in pear flavor oh my god it's not it's i know but and it's pure the pure as well it's just soda water exactly you don't want lemon with grilled cheese you really think i'm psychic white vandy camp i loved our mukbang why caprice oh my god and then why the tater tots it goes with grilled cheese dude you really that's incredible i thought maybe you would like get the hint and we would do it oh can we redo are you smarter than a fifth grader what can we do like pop culture trivia sure because i feel like i need to like i feel ever since that episode i feel really bad that i lost like i've never lose i never lose i never really did it i think everyone was really impressed it wasn't fair though because the anyways we can keep going but i rewatched that episode and i was like oh my god like they need to redo it because i'd love to redo that they each bring in like 4 000 cash oh put it on the table but no we start with like two thousand then we could do double or nothing whoever like wins like a double or nothing and then you go four thousand dollars cash will be the winner i think you just got to put it on the table and the winner takes off no you should do like best three like win and then if like the winner can say like double or nothing that's more exciting because the loser can redeem himself anyways i love trivia i'm so good at trivia games not as good as me that is not i'm trying to find where uh oh i know you went to college here it is oh did you see now back what else are we talking about okay so we're gonna watch all your tv appearances okay i love this yeah i thought you would like it i hope you will like this episode this one feels kind of bad well there's not as much prep i mean the stream the steamies happen here we're just kind of trying to do an episode i mean what do you want to talk about something else no i love watching my enemies is under attack what do you understand about that we didn't go very hard for anybody we're just like okay i shredder all right you were on ellen what do you do i read okay did anya did anything cringy actually i hate like anyone can tell you like i hate watching myself on tv especially this era of trash i'm so cringy did any ellen producer try to grope you or anything no no they were all gay oh they were ellen is a [ __ ] really yeah i could tell she's but when all that stuff started coming out i was like that makes sense because she was so awful like literally would not talk they tell her don't look in her eye and then they told you that yeah they're like don't look in her eyes don't touch her so in this clip i say oh i'm not supposed to touch you because i go like this and i'm like oh i'm not supposed to touch you like you hear me saying it because before they're like don't oh and they think you're a weirdo but they're the weirdos yeah they're like if you touch her you'll be escorted off like mid show we don't care i was like okay and then i touched your ass what a diva you're just ellen you're just a tv host you're not the [ __ ] queen i know i was so nervous wait i didn't okay this see this is great i'm glad we're doing this you know like yeah oh you read that's your favorite so people hug her and stuff and they go up there maybe like audience members okay we were pre-picked okay all right you're [Applause] you're like looking in a mirror did you rehearse that line um no you know whenever i go on these shows especially when it's younger this is what i'm talking about the blackout i don't remember anything like when people ask me how like i don't remember saying any of this that's why it's crazy to watch like even like america's hotel like all that stuff is so crazy you're so young i thought i thought you're doing really well though it's like 22. it's funny well they found me on youtube so like this they act like they picked you from the audience but you're you're not they just contact you from youtube did you touch her or it didn't happen yet it's right here see i'm touching her right now all right you said i shouldn't touch it yeah yeah i need a book or something okay i i have a i have eel this is so crazy okay you can read my book all right should i should i hold this for you um oh you're mike okay great all right okay on a spider has to be the scariest thing in the world actually you know would be scarier if after putting on the one character to put me on the other one discovered that i was teaming with hundreds of spiders all the babies were in there hole let's see it's a cousin school of fish what does group of slightest clothes remember whole stores that would be scarce oh came down [Laughter] [Applause] the background this is so weird but you are your time you're such a comedian with your timing and everything you think yeah you go this is the scary part and then okay um it's super cringe i don't know like this was back in like this was before like instagram this was like 2009 so maybe when instagram first started and like i just wanted to be famous you know now it's so easy with like tick-tock and all this stuff to go viral but like i just wanted to be like my thought was if i go on all these shows someone will discover me like i thought ellen was gonna discover me and i was going to be like a co-host of hers you know what i mean like that was my yeah she's like don't look at her don't touch her we're going to be coho someday well that's your theory like even america's got talent i thought oh like howard's going to love me he's going to ask me to be on the show i mean it's pretty epic that you were on all these yeah i tried you know so how did you get on the show youtube they just found i had a oh they reached out oh the show is it america's got talent reach out to me like guinness like they all worked out it's a guinness egg as a world record it's not possible than that whoa and they slow it down too so you could like hear that i said i've messed up once oh names and pseudonyms 45 seconds what is this this is trivia david arquette wait isn't this this looks recent no it was like four years ago uh bruce lee um oh she has a talk show host big black lady you're just a contestant no you're just a contestant yeah me my mom so it was like a celebrity name game so i was like you had to go on with a partner and so me and my mom you're the celebrity no david arkansas well why are you there so you get paired with a celebrity and it's all pop culture which we killed this we won we beat the other team um i'm really good so like pop culture and craig ferguson was the host it was a fun show dude david arquette i gotta tell i think you're dave david arquette maybe back then he was more relevant you're more famous than david arquette he should be he should be on your page okay you should have said that was never that nice to me i've met him a couple times and he never really never liked me it seems like there's a common thread that all these people are not nice to you are they really not nice to you david or kenmore have no because some people are really nice quentin tino's nice eminem is really nice like there's people who are like overtly nice um david arquette seemed annoyed with me every time i met him like a few times yeah [ __ ] him calling him out right now we can have well no david arquette if you're watching and listening we're calling you out courtney cox is very cold she's definitely one like don't touch me but because she's also playing with us oh she is yeah oh um he was in the dragon the yellow suit did you win money or something yeah how much do you get 8 000. yeah no not a princess but uh queen let's take it out okay um oh um she was a blonde bombshell in the 50s she's uh wow you're really good at this thanks he sings the grenade song the little one the little grenade song oh i thought he is little he's funny [Music] it's like david vlogs [Applause] really he's being nice come on no he said he's fun to watch you play because you're so energetic i don't i don't think he wanted to [ __ ] no i don't think so i don't think that's what he meant and i thought in that show too i thought oh craig ferguson will probably have me on as a guest my dream in life was to always be like a talk show guest you know i used to like pretend did you ever do that i feel like a lot of people did what are you talking about yeah like where you're interviewed by like uh like jay lana oh like you sit in you're the interviewer you're like oh thanks so much for having me this is really great i actually don't actually you never fantasized that no and and i really never want to go on a show like that because it's just so nerve-wracking i hate it really yeah i don't like it because you're sitting there and you have to be funny and then everybody's watching you and everyone's you know what i mean and it's like short yeah i think i would have liked it in like the 90s when like you could be like sexually harassed by david letterman like i loved those he's like come here girl yeah yeah yeah it's crazy you can't do that right here come here girl slap your titties no they totally did remember johnny carson did that with dolly parton he like squeezed her tits really yeah he's like can i feel him here can i punch you in the tits or pamela anderson too she got sexually harassed a lot by like jay leno and david letterman they were always saying like about her like sucking dickens i was like oh that's pretty cool yeah hey the [ __ ] deport the pork boys did that to you on the bff's podcast it's pork boys the pork pork boy david portney david portney if you if you want me back i'll come on your show again i liked him i thought he wasn't cool what they were so rude too i don't know i didn't get i didn't get that vibe i guess it's the same way people think you're exploitative i think from the outside maybe people see it differently i don't know he he is exploitive he's rude and he's the enemy of the show no that's d'angelo no you have a condom on your head yeah jello is a friend of the show no he's not here let's watch [Applause] oh this is really cringe this is like i can't watch this with anybody my name is trisha paytas i am 23 years old yeah i've never tried out before because i never liked the judges but that's my boyfriend that's your boyfriend i just want to look at his beauty he's just so beautiful now do you love these do you really love these people are you just because i feel like you don't really like ellen oh ellen i never said i was a fan of ellen well you okay because you acted like you're like oh you can't believe here i love you you're so beautiful howard i'm a huge fan of like because that's why i am the way i am like he had a show on e where like girls were naked at like midnight and i was like i want to be that girl because he thought they were so like he wanted to [ __ ] all these girls like i wanna you know so like to me he was like the epitome like i was like oh i want to meet howard stern he's another one i thought maybe would leave his wife for me oh my goodness trisha i love your i love your uh your ambition i was but i'm like dead serious when i say that like i literally thought oh he looks at me like he probably will leave beth from oh my goodness but then the next day he literally came from me and said she looks like pamela anderson if she would lose 40 pounds i was like that's brutal especially by someone you love but he was but i think i think he's definitely shaking kind of a compliment though yeah because he thought pamela anderson was like the sexiest girl like for in the 90s he like loved pamela um but i think it's a stick because like you know when i met him like because after the show i got to like talk to him more and he was like so nice like so like unbelievably nice like i was like wow why are you so nice to me and like nicer than howie was a kind of a prick sharon was okay but howard was really nice nick cannon a prick too but howard was like overtly nice to me for no reason he probably wanted to leave his wife for you [ __ ] you think i missed my opportunity maybe i should have lost 40 pounds before i went on the show damn it you could be mrs stern right now i was going to go on a show and like have him weigh me like he didn't have a nipple this was so scary this was austin wow hi they're shouting vegas they just want me to go through based on my looks you look like you oh my god that's so ridiculous that was great okay you never know they reached out to you they reached out to me many seasons so and then the fast talking was your skill like what's your skill america's got talent sabotages and i saw a girl and tick tock go viral she's an actual talented person she she was like they wanted her to like sing a pink song and look like pink and she goes oh i kind of don't want to because like you know i just want to show my talent anyways like no you have to sing a pink song so she sings a pink song and then all the judges like you're trying too hard to be pinky original and the girl went viral because she's like that's she was like she was traumatized after that because she's like an actually good singer so dirty and honestly they did that with me i was so mad so this is after um i did a couple fast talking things but this was after all that and they were like we want you on here to be like a fast talker so they told me that i was going to do star spangled banner like you're going to like talk as fast as you can so had to have that whatever like no no we're going to change it we have a beat for you go out there and freestyle as fast as you can oh it's so dirty and they told me minutes i waited six hours and in austin texas they flew me yeah i wouldn't uh that's so [ __ ] up they are creating all these crazy situations they oh that's so dirty like literally literally a minute before it they're like okay change of plans we don't have star spangled banner approved so you're gonna go out there and freestyle freestyle they would go as fast just talk as fast as you can over this beat i was like what like you know how [ __ ] up that is because yeah i know no yeah okay the star spangled banner people got back to us last minute they gave us a no on that yo because they they that's actually so exploitative because you showed up you spent all this time so if you're like no i'm not going to do that then they're like okay go home and i was in austin texas they flew me to austin oh brother because they didn't want me to be another then if you go on stage that they [ __ ] you that's so messed up they're humiliating these people that i don't like that no they did it after my interview with nick cannon so the interview with nick and he's like you're gonna go out there and be a fast talker i'm like yeah and then like they're saying it like as they're introducing you for the next person and they're like they're like oh no like they've already seen you they already love you like they tell you they hype you up as if you're gonna be good in my head i already kind of knew i was like obviously not gonna win because that talent was fast talking i just thought it was a good way again to see howard stern because they offered me this when piers morgan was the host and i said no because i was like i don't want to be humiliated this early on in my career now i would be like whatever [ __ ] humiliate me but back then i still thought i could be taken seriously by like quentin tarantino maybe he put me in a movie now i was like oh [ __ ] that but i went on because howard was the judge this was the first year he was a judge and i was like you know what i'll do it this year because i really truly my heart thought howard stern would be like my best friend were you looking at him and trying to be like like put it on put on the moves to him a little bit like i didn't until i got humiliated and then in my like my fight or flight was like okay trish make this really entertaining make this quirky here's your chance talk to howard and then it turned around and it was totally good in my favor but you did have a good experience with howard actually he was great and he came on stage and danced with me and it was you work in vegas really i know i get that a lot someone thought i was a stripper or a poor star i'm like nope i love jesus i'm not like that you're really funny that was a good one what's your name i think my name is trish like fish trish and she's my tick-tock she's like fishing trish i'm fascinated but that's like not funny like people laughing it's goofy but like i think what's happening here is that you're actually being really funny and people the way that you put it out you put it like oh i'm just ditzy and i'm and i'm just a dumb girl but like you're actually being funny and it gets lost but like that's that's a great line i think early on like i definitely was like that high-pitched voice i wanted to be like jessica simpson i was like okay i'm gonna be dumb but like i think like now smartness pays off i mean i think i'm like dumb in some way it's like whatever but now i think people appreciate that you're actually a funny person now which is good thank you oh my god somebody compliments this episode it's true you're hilarious can that be the title trisha is funny no absolutely not who's gonna click that [Music] i'm like a computer programmer but i work at my house so no one ever sees me i was a stripper and they told me to make up another job and at the time oh you are a stripper yeah that's not true i love jesus see that's well i did love jesus why did you say you're a computer programmer they asked me to come up with another job and my brother was a computer programmer i think i was a waitress online but you're selling it so good you're like i sit at home and i'll be sleeping i'm a pro programmer what are you gonna do today i do youtube um i talk really fast and like i'm a rapper yes a rapper oh my god you're not i can't believe they made you go out to your rapper they told me last minute they're like they love that you rap because oh because at the time i did some videos where i thought maybe they saw it i was like wrapping to nicki minaj on the internet and like twist on all these things and i was like oh maybe they saw it this is so embarrassing a rapper so cringe this is so funny every single summer when i turn them on tv i'm watching each week and how should we be on the stage what are you reading i'm not this is off the top of my head no way yeah because when they told me this i started thinking of all the things i could rhyme so i was like you turn on your tv you're watching egt like i'm just like trying to think no way seriously yeah i mean it's not good you're fast no but you're rhyming really fast oh wow right away dude they [ __ ] you so hard and look at hey sounds like oh [ __ ] but it's not your fault they screwed you [Applause] i'm like what do i do it was just annoying for me it was very annoying it was it gave me a headache and i'm i'm not feeling well let's go to shower trisha it's so messed up that they like they bring people out and they humiliate them yeah they definitely do that even with talented so messed up i'm not okay there's twins on youtube named nikki and gabby and they also had they were on xbox and they had a very similar experience where they they changed the song last minute on them and then they played the wrong track on purpose and they're good singers too but it's not okay to bring people out and humiliate them like like this is unethical that's exploitative and that reality tv kills for sure for sure i couldn't understand anything you were saying yeah because it was that quick rapper i just need to make up a talent to see how it's turning oh well that's different see so now the audience like whoa this was so odd like the turn of events on an all-new they didn't show it okay so it was such an odd turn of events because all of a sudden now everyone's like cheering and then he comes up on stage and dances with me and like they're trying to judge me and it's like awesome the crowd's like cheering i'm like what this is do i stay dead no you can leave now i said that i said oh like am i going to go to vegas because he's like we're going to have a very nice day in the mental institution fast forward to 10 years later i'm in a mental institution right you called it howard thanks howard when she slammed girls who dressed sexy it sparked out you told me to kill myself and controversy wait you're on the trigger you just say she's a loose woman she's wearing the uniform move on you were trouble girl and dr phil no no i wasn't dr phil's on my side this guy hated me for dressing sexy which i'm like what it was so weird and dr phil how did you end up on dr phil they called me and said there's a hater that wants to confront you and dr phil and i'm like all right god these shows are so outrageous this is someone so who's this guy he didn't he thought i dressed like a [ __ ] and he just is a follower and you i kind of come confront this weirdo yeah i was like all right oh my god okay trying to out do each other's sexuality define who you are you're gonna decide what somebody should quit is this [ __ ] good censorship fun fact about dr joe or dr drew dr phil i'm sorry my mind is always on dr drew um uh dr phil they they put me in a turtleneck when i got there and then because they told me to bring all conservative clothes which i don't know why the whole point was me dressing sexy and then as soon as i got like literally seconds before they're like if she's not showing cleavage she can't go out so they had to like get like a like a low cut top for me and stuff like that they're like because i guess they wanted me to dress sexy but then there was miscommunication but i guess dr phil said wear a turtleneck someone said wear a turtleneck and then dr phil's like she needs to wear show cleavage and so they're like get a [ __ ] shorter shirt oh my god what if you just wanted to stare at my cleavage maybe i can't dr phil is a creep sorry he was also very cold he was like looking at a quick get her what what what'd you say he kind of was like looking at a corpse he the way he was made up looks like a dead body he's like but in person you know when you see makeup in person it's like so much worse and you're just like are you real dr phil get this girl look on top where she's not going out on tv some crazy perverted outbursts yum okay so this is very good i'm outside so you're you're yes we should come out and get exercise in the club not as interesting being a trooper on everything yeah were you really addicted to tanning i don't remember you don't even remember i think look i was always really tan i was always very tan i liked tanning i don't know if it was like necessarily a problem where like i couldn't stop but i definitely went to like five tanning beds a day and like spray tan and all that holy [ __ ] so wait how did you get hooked up with my strange addiction craigslist they found you on craigslist i found them they didn't say the name of the show because it didn't exist this was the pilot episode when it was on discovery house what was the description they're like oh are you addicted to something like yeah oh my god they're like the more bizarre did they pay you 500 wow my family always refuses to be on anything with me so my mom's like the og who will like be on tv with me like my sister refuses my brother refuses shut up i love supportive moms she'll be on anything board of moms are everything she'll like go with anything i think i made up oh this addiction so my mom was like they told her to be like concerned so my mom's like i'm really concerned meanwhile these shows are so fake i know your mom is just as funny as you are she's like i'm so concerned that's awesome wow reality shows so they're all fake all of them i just use my hand that's no funny what is this looks like the beginning of a porn like what the [ __ ] is the show it was super sketchy it was like one producer and one camera person they came to like our apartment to film i thought it was super famous though i was like oh my god like i have a reaction i wonder if they had even sold it yet you know what i mean if it was just a couple dudes with a camera yeah i don't think so oh bro because it was a pilot so i think you're pretty bold to show up to that that could have gone wrong for you craigslist yeah but you know what i always i always say this if something goes wrong like if they murder me i'll be infamous you know at that time you thought even maybe like a craigslist killer situation like they got me on craigslist and you know they murdered me and so you really justify it in your mind like well that'll be cool to be killed by a serial killer yeah wow that's pretty [ __ ] up but interesting yeah i gotta hand it to you you have a way of uh comforting yourself yeah i think it's great you know i watched seoul this past weekend on disney and they were talking about the afterlife and the great beyond and i was like honestly you can just fly back to earth once you're dead i don't think so i didn't watch that show you believe in the afterlife yeah what do you think the afterlife is like fully conscious you just zip around like a ghost ah you have to watch the movie i think we are soul nailed it okay they really did soul nailed that that's what you make it i think the afterlife is what you use so if i watched seoul the new pixar film for kids then i will understand the afterlife yeah okay good they also talk about before you come into life like the the young souls i gotta check that out it's really good i heard it got mixed reviews who said it was bad disney oh it was disney pixar yeah it is it is yeah they bought pixar all right go disney they should be dan because we do a lot of stuff together and we're always in pictures together and they just look bad did you put stuff on your face no you just heard that stuff on your hand and when i take my makeup off it will look stupid like when my mom tells me stuff about my face and asian wrinkles i'm not concerned about it why worry about something now that's not going to happen for a long long time i know but when you have bronzer that takes the place of the sun so they're like okay no no just be concerned yeah literally they kept telling her be like aren't you concerned not putting lotion on her face this was so awkward our producer was horrible on this show they were really bad wait is that you or your mom oh me i just think it's because i'm sorry no no no it's just the tan is so incredible i was very yeah i was he pointed to the double you china drink i don't do drugs but i think everyone kind of has those little indulgences that they you know have and i think tanning is just mine so if the one unhealthy thing that i do is going to kill me then oh well because you guys don't have to think about your skin at a young age what if i die tomorrow it won't matter then will it i know you said you'll be happy because you're dude your mom is hella tan she's very dangerous again well i'm sure i won't die from cancer people die every day from cancer and people die from skin cancer yeah i'm not laughing at that i'm just like oh this is great i just feel like sometimes i gotta get away with it you did yeah where and then my lower back they like i think i think the scar is gone from my liposuction now when they did it but they took out a little bit of skin cancer in my lower back so i do spray tan now i don't go in the thing but you're not tanned like that i mean you look normal now well now but sometimes my spray tan i get a little dark like my princess jasmine cosplay but um oh spray tin yeah that doesn't come yeah so so you did have a little skin cancer yeah that is a fun fact thanks for manifesting that tlc right that would never have happened without that show who is this guy i believe it jason horton welcomes more challenges paytas poor jason horton he was so poppin and my youtube channel is youtube.comdoll for mj and on that channel i mean beauty videos i make comedy videos i make political videos political oh yeah i told you about that what i was on like larry king and the young turks and stuff i used to be political you just made fun of me for being a controversial youtuber what was your take were you liberal no that's conservative i was pushing hard for mitt romney really mitt romney i think it's probably still up why i voted for mitt romney i like mitt romney now yeah i was called like the aura or something or some show on youtube he was hosting you were a conservative pundit yeah and i i would give my commentary on the debates i'm sure it's still up somewhere fun fact i never voted before this election oh my god that is also a fun fact so wait even the political shows are fake you got this girl pretending to care about politics who's never voted in her life it was so odd and they were asking me about the dates and i never watched the debates and i was like yeah wow i think mitt romney is going to send it home for us oh my god yeah you know he wears magic underwear what's that he's mormon they wear magic underwear oh yeah i know all about mormon underwear have you ever had sex with a mormon the peel their magic underwear off no actually that's crazy i've had sex with a muslim a jew christian but no mormons i guess they have standards because it's hard to like have sex with them you have to find a really deviant one you have to like marry them yeah even donnie osmond every time i take a picture with him his hand hovers like this yeah oh really dude the mormons are wild yeah they wear magic underwear which is kind of dope you know just why not i wouldn't try it for a tick tock should we get it for the next episode can you find some magic or is that i feel like that's probably disrespectful you think yes can we get married with a hopa or do i have to be joking no you i i think you can oh okay i think you can get a hoop bug going but don't if but also maybe wear magic underwear on your wedding night but we're not more men yeah but just you know who cares mormons let us know if we can wear magic underwear because i would just like to try it it's not disrespectful i don't think it's i don't think it's called magic underwear by the way either i think it's like mormon underwear or something i've heard about it the shows don't i don't like this show yeah why are they showing this when i've been on like modern family tim and eric like i've been on like legit stuff this list isn't good oh big brother though it was kind of iconic i'm trisha paytas and i am an internet sensation what my videos are my life oh my god yeah i talk about sex i talk about love how to lick your own vagina how to lick your own vagina did you say that yeah that was an adam and eve sponsor how do you lick your own vagina well they had a tongue vibrator back then so i was like oh it's just a gag yeah okay i can't lick it actually myself i was like something doesn't add up here there is definitely no subject off-limits to me it's very dangerous to know me or even talk to me because you will be talked about on my channel cringe that's true i can describe myself in three words i love the intro video so what did they miss there's some they missed um i did the tim and eric show i did modern family i did the longest yard with adam sandler those are movies i guess these are our game shows they just showed my reality show stuff i oh who wants to be a superhero with stan lee i was on like seven episodes of that on sci-fi network when i was 18 years old like why are you doing that you were like a mink yeah i was a superhero one of stanley superheroes and then i was on the greg baron show when i was 18 years old co-hosting oh that's why i got kicked off because i did not know my power but i do know my powers now my name was miss limelight my powers were didn't know your power you didn't prepare for the role i got i got evicted for that reason stanley's like you're a superhero but you don't know your powers sorry the light is dimmed on you excelsior and then he like got rid of me wait that was your character so you all had to be superheroes on the show and you were competing to get a comic book written by stan lee and i don't know anything about it it was a reality show yeah oh what the hell it was called who wants to be a superhero and so we had to compete we went to six flags and would like do all these challenges and like these be anyways i was on for like four episodes and then or five maybe and then i got kicked off for not knowing my superpowers and i don't really know my superpower is i'm sure it's online my name is miss limelight who wants to be a superhero look at my super mrs limelight they made it up for me i had no interest in superheroes or anything i don't know why i'm here and all these people were nerds on the show like you they were all like oh she's spiderman i was like yeah anyways um i've been on like legit stuff so so what is there anything else left to talk about this was kind of just a little this was just a fun little app you know it's not that serious ethan slept in so he had nothing planned one is not related to the other and by the way what did you plan what do you plan i can plan something i'm always telling you to plant something mormon underwear next week i'll bring it and we can't wear mormon underwear okay next episode mormon underwear grilled cheese mukbang and trivia pop culture edition okay are you gonna do you oh you like that yeah so we're gonna put on mormon underwear us back we can do that because i have a feeling that it's okay if we're if we're appreciating and not appropriating but the thing is the the mormons it's like what are they gonna do they're so like pacifists you know what i mean um i got offered so there was this company i was going to work for like a sponsorship like my tic tocs and my youtube channel and i love the company i like wear their clothes and stuff for real like i actually buy like you can attest to it like i actually buy like thousands of dollars worth of clothes from them like a month like because they're cheap and they're great and um they're like they had a phone call with them and they're really low ball at first but then they came back and they're like um what do you think if we can like do a promotion on like frontiers i'm like oh i can put you in touch with ethan like he deals with it or whatever they're like oh what if you just like mention our name and not really do a plug so they wanted me to just mention the name organically oh what's slime bags and i was like well i don't know i feel kind of weird like if i'm just like plugging it like if i'm like hey this is from whatever and um but they were trying to like wheel that into the deal like they were basically like okay we can give you a little bit more money but also can we get a shout out in front of me but they didn't want to go through you or like get a traditional oh what's this mentioned and i told him i talked to moses like should i do it like it's just like i'll have to say as their name once and then they're like okay that's pretty slimy thanks for telling me yeah because i probably would have noticed no because i mentioned them once on the show and they said that they're like were you and i wasn't for a sponsorship i literally said did they did you end up closing the deal no no i didn't i was going to say you can say the name this is my deal this is the deal they owe you for this it's okay what's the name what if i actually did the deal with them and i'm like this high working into the show oh pay up you [ __ ] oh no they're not hustle they're not no that's that's super sketchy just honestly if you told me and you're like they just want me to mention i would be fine with it but i appreciate you telling me thanks i just had like you know next week i'm going to promote my music video and my own clothing so i was just like you know let me just like not get all these sponsors right here i'll just save it for myself at the top of the show next week of your show of our show are you going to plug them next show no no i have a music video coming out next week that i want to plug and i was like let me just save the plug for something save the plug i have a teddy fresh plug coming up i guess that's one maybe okay we'll do a mutual plug okay we'll just do like a plug episode we should do an episode that's just plugs yeah honestly like they were really like a low ball too and i was like i could say it was like 40 000 but it was like it's a lot 10 tick tocks 10 youtube videos 10 instagram that's insane that's crazy and you have to whisper our name into the mic during friend meets when ethan's not listening no they said that they're like what if we can just naturally put it in there oh that's a horrible deal and i like because i did mention it once before i was like oh me they're like you have to do everything for us forever and we'll give you forty thousand dollars oh i can't imagine the kardashians do that they probably don't know the kardashians don't fart unless they get paid a million bucks yeah maybe next time i don't like them is it fashion nova it was fashionable [ __ ] scumbags did you talk to them before no but i just see it no [ __ ] fashion nova they make cheap garbage they cater to plus size cheap garbage i love it all from we give them the fun yeah i swear i didn't get any money no i only said fashion nova because i see them all over instagram and people are like fashion nova i love fashion nova i was like what is with this fashion nova [ __ ] you know what i like is it is really cheap and it does go for plus size and they don't make you wear it i am against fast fashion it's very bad for the world and usually they steal their designs too from other people um well i mean that's not my problem i don't want to nope not your problem i'm not trying to [ __ ] up your deal i'm just saying fresh has been accused of stealing some designs from really i don't think so early on it was very gucci-esque oh well esque is not stealing well by the way if somebody's gonna say you're a gucci ass that's a compliment hmm the designs look very similar early on i loved how fresh it's become its own thing now i love it really the early the beginning ones were super unique and weird no but they so these fast fashion companies they literally do like what james charles did but even worse they just mass produ they ripped off i'm not so against it because like weren't you gonna buy a kim kardashian versace dress you know like you might as well get it from fashion nova it's not like versace's hurt yeah no you're right you're right they do sometimes rip off like small yeah i don't know for sure i've seen that forever 21 does that too yeah i know they all do it it's horrible they haven't ripped off teddy fresh though no not really no beef we're friends with the show folks oh fashion nova i don't know i don't like them they try to [ __ ] me you they gotta pay up they gotta wet my beak are you gonna bleep it no i want fashion nova to know that they gotta email me and pay up i like fashion over they had discount codes they do do plus size they do have fast fashion wait now what the [ __ ] why are we doing an actual plug now i promise you i didn't get any money what the [ __ ] was that that was a total plug problem i'm not even wearing fashion nova but this is doll's kill this is misguided like there's no fast what's your code i want a code but they usually do have codes if you go to their website seventy percent off stop this is a plug i promise you 77 don't go to fashion nova they're they are criminals they're not criminals they're criminals might be i don't know don't have evidence of it but you don't want to talk about any other tick tockers so you can headline that for your highlights channel say what what'd you say you don't want to talk about any tech talk stuff oh what do you want to talk about i'm not i'm not aware of any tech talk drama where have you been the hype house is getting sued noah beck said not a big deal that they went to the bahamas like there was a bunch of stuff oh yeah they went to the bahamas there's the hype house got sued for um yeah tony lopez and little huddy and thomas petro or whatever so i did read about that that guy tony lopez is such a creep yeah like he's actually like sexting such a weirdo so they're suing him and then i guess all of his friends who literally they weren't accused of anything but they were named in the lawsuit i guess for um yeah i don't really know exactly but tony lopez like actually was like sexting minor isn't but whenever i see his tick tocks i go oh this guy's such a [ __ ] weirdo still around let me show you this let me show you this one tick tock i saw that was literally on my pa on my page on your for you page on my for you page i don't watch tony lopez look at this [Music] how was that allowed on tick tock how was that a lot on tick tock i was like bro you better not show me the [ __ ] tick tock again did you put that like not interesting how does he have a tic tac when he's actually sexting minors like how is that a theme yeah it seems like he actually so yeah tony lopez disgusting i don't know what's the deal with james no james charles didn't go to the bombers but like the demilio family their parents their parents are such idiots yeah they everyone is saying they should go to the airport and on airplanes and like right now of all time do you want to watch noah buck's response to it yes please i love trisha this is why you got to bring preparation because i'm not totally in tune why why you can't expect me to be prepared okay i love talking about this okay okay okay oh wait that's just my tic tac okay you guys are getting a lot of backlash for going to uh bahamas what do you think about that how do i pause okay sleeveless hoodie is the worst garment of man this guy after watching this like might be like the dumbest person on planet earth yeah he does strike me no but like really dumb like almost like he needs to have a caregiver to like watch out for him you know what i mean like i'm kind of like it's like not fair that he's on social media he's the type of dude like in zoolander who would be pumping gas in his car and being like having a water fight for sure oh my god for sure for sure yeah it is what it is you know like it is what it is you already here especially like in the business that we're in yeah it's like you need you need some time to kind of disconnect a little you know oh you [ __ ] idiot your life as a tick tocker is the hardest profession yeah okay wait it gets worse yeah that's what that was meant for it's just a little trip to get away like when you get away from me you [ __ ] idiot you took a time to jet yeah so it was just us okay that's not the point you're spreading by going from country from la which is a high covert case to another country that doesn't get tested as much as a coven it's like you're spread it doesn't matter if you're a private jet you're still around people in the resort your fans you're taking pictures with fans with no masks on like you're an idiot it's not the private jet that is worried about getting i can't get over the fact that he in his profession he just needs that's what that was like dude you're you're not a doctor you're not a [ __ ] you make tick tocks at home you [ __ ] idiot and you like live in like a 5 million house like a pool it's like you're probably fine dude you are so that is like the most deluded statement of this decade our christmas we didn't see anyone we didn't see my sister we didn't see my mom we saw nobody on christmas because of all this like we know people personally i have had coveted and it's like in the hospital but listen in our profession we are the hardest work we are under so much stress yeah doctors are doing doctors and frontline workers and nurses are having a hard time but i just had to take it off to the bahamas and by the way if a few people in the bahamas die i mean does anyone really care nobody knows yeah it's so like it's just like it's i don't know whatever i just it gets me like so mad because these people are so stupid and it's like uh this is what i'm saying these people don't deserve it because they're so like self-absorbent he's very young though but whatever you gotta you gotta own it bro don't be such an idiot i blame the parents at that age bad parenting i mean but they're old enough to know it's like you know 19. like the dixie parents went i mean they enable it it's like oh well these adults think it's fine so must be i don't know uh seeing if i had any other dramas to talk about so do you think donald trump should be impeached what wow you really what about the 25th amendment what is that it's when they revoke they say you can't be president any longer because you're not fit to serve mentally you know what i will say was unfair to trump like twitter like freedom of speech yeah but so you're missing a huge piece to the puzzle probably because i don't know anything about it he incited a riot and he did oh he started the capital riots yes them to do it how he did so he he held a huge rally outside he held a huge rally one hour before they voted to certify uh biden and he basically riled them up said it was stolen and then told them to march on the capitol and they they marched to the capitol five people died two officers died and they it was insane it was crazy they were there with zip ties they were trying to kidnap um like nancy pelosi they were trying to kidnap her and uh and then tr while it was happening trump refused to call in the national guard to help them and he was like watching on the tv loving it and refusing to send in the national guard and the vice president and the speaker had to eventually go behind his back and do it yikes it's all on the television it sounds like the plot to borat remember when he tried to kidnap pamela anderson with that bag in the book signing right so twitter banned trump it's not a first amendment thing he literally is a danger to to himself and others why wasn't he 51 50 then good question because that's what happened that's what the 25th is it's a 51.50 for the president it is really yeah i guess he is the president yes is he still the president he is the president until the 20th if do you think he'd come on the show or no like sorry yeah you come on because he's like he likes like attention trump would definitely come on frenemies yeah he needs a platform oh he can be on our show though yeah cause he's posting it yeah yeah i'll have uh i'll have ian reach out interesting um i don't know if you have mark meadows do you have mark meadows email i'm not a trump supporter all i'm saying is like it's just twitter but i guess did he incite it on twitter or he incited it in real life both he was using he was posting videos so during the riot he was posting videos to twitter being like the election listen you guys have to be peaceful even though the election was stolen they stole it from us this has never happened before uh the you know he was he was and he was drumming them up there's a lot i would i would they don't ban me first like squirting on twitter they're like that's fine that's sexual you're not trying to kill people you don't think i'm inciting i feel like i inside a lot of you you're deciding riots with squirting people get so mad like they don't well that's not your intention right oh you think it was like his intention to start a riot maybe he was just passionate i don't know i don't know anything about it so like i don't support trump but no he's [ __ ] his life is ruined it's crazy um yeah there's a tick-tocker who supported who said she voted for trump and then like everyone canceled her and then she came back and was like oh no like i don't care about projects and now she's like [ __ ] you guys like i support trump and then they cancel her again by the way i'm not mad at people that supported trump there's nothing wrong with voting for donald trump right that i'm not mad i get that that was half the country you don't like him personally i don't like him personally but like he represents a lot of conservative ideas that people identify with and so they vote for him and and even if you like him that's fine i think that that there you have no blame you there's nothing wrong with the fact you voted for trump i think now that all this has happened it's important to just kind of okay can i change my stance on this i you should look into it before you change your stance no i was gonna say i don't like trump anymore i don't think i don't think i have empathy for him a little bit you just just watch the news for an hour i have no more empathy for him i don't like him actually okay thank you we did it guys no but can i just say getting banned on twitter is like getting banned on instagram it really doesn't matter they were both dying anyways dude twitter uh trump getting banned on twitter is like life ruining for him that is crazy just go on tick tock tick tock banned him facebook banned him instagram banned him twitter abandoned shopify abandoned paypal abandoned no he's like canceled youtube answered the president and then what was crazy is that now the pga tour said that they're canceling all events at trump golf courses he is so fun they edited the part out with donald trump and home alone too over christmas did you see that on tv yeah no really no i saw it on the website yeah and that were you saying well oh maybe they were i mean i didn't i was sitting there watching it i i haven't seen oh it was a joke because everyone was saying that they cut it out which they kind of should we don't want to incite more riots with him and home alone too that's the last thing america needs we're trying to recover we cannot have donald trump and home alone too people i love the celebrity apprentice i just want to be on the show so bad i've never even watched a single episode was it a good one really yeah oh i loved it i loved it it was so good um it's my dog what is he doing he's itching oh my god going to town um well i i i don't support trump please watch the news because this is a very important time to be alive just for an hour are you talking to me personally or then yes to you probably not okay i tried you think it's a good time to be alive is that what you just said no i said it's a it's very this is what's happening now is something that people will talk about for the entire history of america i am tired of living through historical events like i don't want to do it anymore yeah like september 11th was traumatizing you know and now we have a pandemic like i don't want to live through these historical events well you know what gandalf said to frodo he said let me look it up exactly pop culture loser right here you don't know anything about it i haven't even seen lord of the rings and i know the quote what is it who are the two characters because i can probably tell you what the quote is to to uh frodo oh [ __ ] i really don't know this movie so what the [ __ ] why are you flexing you don't even know what the [ __ ] i'm talking about you know the movie you don't even know i wish it need not have happened in my time said frodo and so do i said gandalf and so do all who see such times but that is not for them to decide all we have to decide is what we do with the time that is given to us do you think i'll go in the history books i mean let's be real probably not you don't think so i won't but we might have a movie made after us maybe me no you don't think they'll be moving you have a lot of work to do if you want a movie that sounds like like when your neighbor's having sex when you live in a crappy apartment yeah you guys having sex down there where's the papa john sign why do you have that over there it's a long story can i have it no why why do you want it it's not your business did you steal it why do you want it we got it on craigslist papa john's sucks dominoes is better all right this show's over we're out of juice is there any other tick tock drama you want to talk about oh um no i think that's it okay so follow me on tick tock just like fish 88 fashion nova thank you no stop fashion [ __ ] nova such weirdos [ __ ] fashion nova [ __ ] them what if they sponsor us if they sponsor us then i'll be friends with fashion nova but the way they're trying to snake in is some [ __ ] i don't know how i feel about sneaking them in i didn't get paid for it but i kind of feel like i accomplished a goal that i didn't think i'd be able to accomplish but then also i'm not getting paid for it so i kind of feel bad you got to tell them try this be like yo i mentioned you you owe me you should have done them the whole time send them my invoice oh yeah sentiment just sent him an invoice okay [ __ ] fashion nova here's the invoice all right um anyway so next video next week my music video will be out next week uh sad boy 2005. next week we'll plug it we want to do it now next week we're going to do trivia grilled cheese and magic underwear mormons tell us if we can do the magic underwear am i am i do i have to get stuff around can we rely on the production team we can rely on the production but i'm not sure i like this idea i love this idea call it i don't know i'm really bad the biggest trivia show uh trisha's revenge trisha's trivia revenge can we should we bring some cash in like some like i like that idea yeah just all right thanks but you can't know you can't know the answers i what the [ __ ] all my jew stuff on here my hand of god my star of david we went to the falafel truck and all the israelis loved me they're like treasure we invited them to the wedding why they know who you are yeah they got really excited and then i had my israeli boyfriend to flex with like babes to be keeper to them very cool all right guys see you next week [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,937,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, trisha, frenemies, paytas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 18sec (4578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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