Khloe Kardashian Photo Drama & Pizza Eating Contest - Frenemies # 31

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“Close your eyes and tell me who I sound like...hello it’s Kermit the frog here!”

👍︎︎ 453 👤︎︎ u/confusionwithak 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lmao Ethan and Trisha immediately arguing about a pizza eating race about 5 seconds in is so funny.

2:44, Dan: 'Ethan even if you win she's not going to give it to you because of all those extraneous factors...'

Trisha: 'No, unlike like Ethan, I'm not a sore loser.'

👍︎︎ 191 👤︎︎ u/draum_bok 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

"I read it on Reddit... Omg is that why they call it that?!"

👍︎︎ 304 👤︎︎ u/Shpooodingtime 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

“you’re going to squirt marinara sauce” i fucking died

👍︎︎ 175 👤︎︎ u/itsatarp 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Kardashians kids are all going to have image problems when they grow up and look nothing like their mothers.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/ARONDH 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

“If I get a bomb-..” “A bump??? Of coke??”

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/ghostnoir 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can y’all give me a heads up when you’re ordering Domino’s so I can plan for ordering Domino’s instead of eating boring pasta watching y’all eat delicious pizza???

👍︎︎ 159 👤︎︎ u/refusestopoop 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Are we just gonna ignore the fact the they both ate 2 XL pizzas each??

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/aijuken 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

wow 31 episodes. Wild. I wonder if they’ll do a one year special episode

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/JessicaCrafternoon 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] okay listen welcome back to frenemies sponsored by adam and eve we just we're doing a pizza eating competition we were what 10 minutes in the computer crashed trisha was ahead by one slice and now she's whining like a baby that she can't continue this competition because it's been sitting and i'm crushing it okay then keep eating but what happened you were crushing [ __ ] explain we have a 30 minute time frame to see who can eat the most pizza i don't feel full until 30 minutes after i start eating now i'm feeling full but had we just done a full 30 minutes i could have eaten all three boxes by myself guaranteed we can do it next week whatever but it was one it was like already cold starting two i was way ahead of you i was crying you were watching myself ahead of me i was in my zone the footage got corrupted i was still hungry that's what you don't understand you're sitting here whining about having ate for like five and a half slices i'm still hungry i crushed you so hard and you were hit by one slightly eight minutes in how i was eating that pizza was a technique and i was crushing it where's 20 minutes on the clock no and i was crushing it and now you won't nobody will get to even see that footage and you're like let's start over now and i was like no because now i'm out of the zone and now i'm full i drank water we had a break pizza's been sitting for 30 minutes like dude you can't let me have anything i'll let you have the pizza and who's going to win dude if she's already saying she's full i mean i can't read the future i don't if you if you're just saying you're was i not like dunking on ethan during the pizza eating competition dogging we were only eight minutes in however i mean she was in the lead thank you buy a whole slice like that i was crushing it you're already full i i'm hungry do you understand what the monster you're up against i'm fine so you want to keep eating or what yes fresh boxes then i can't i can't okay let me finish this one no why just that's just for fairness to you trying to be fair to you no because you still have another size i'm one i'm i'm one of the left sides i got i want credit for you often i have only one left wait i'm getting credit for this slice so you have to eat another one to match me okay okay okay why don't we heat those up are you on let's go i don't want to heat it up because it makes it crunchy so now you got to eat another one to be even with me i'll finish this one and i guess we can do it forever okay thank you okay thank you for because look it's just not okay you know i feel like i was gonna finally win something oh no do cold pizza is life has everything um still loving it i don't know ethan even if you win it she's not gonna give it to you because of all of these extraneous facts no i'm like ethan i'm not a sore loser i give the competition you on the other hand argue even saturday when you came to my house you were still arguing that matt demarco was just [ __ ] with you and that's why i won the cop cooking competition you're like moses you know and i was like no you didn't burn the steak you were still arguing about what my god in private it's not that serious it's literally that serious to you and we've been drinking water and now i feel full drinking water you blowing it expands in your stomach and we were talking all right mom anyways we're we're talking about you but i guess that story is done okay no i gotta restart it you're gonna restart it you also wanted to like do the podcast tomorrow like the vibes off i'm like because we couldn't do a pizza eating honey i said that for you it wasn't all the vibes are off for me no the pizza vibes because you were like cause you're sitting here like pizza vibes are back on you're like i can't eat cold pizza i don't want to put it in the oven though because it will get crispy i was like okay goldilocks let's do it tomorrow i'm goldilocks are you a bear you're like you're a teddy bear you're like too hot too cold i was like the porch you're just trying to be oh i get you thank you i thought you were like my little bear two little bears one two three okay we're eating now you're the third one okay i'm really sad too because um thank you thank you so we're both at five slices but i was eating faster than you so what are we putting yeah it was a 30 minute competition competition i know but you're already full and it's like well yeah but i'll continue so so what you want to put like 20 minutes on the clock 15 12 because we've already done the 18-minute sitting period okay whatever you want awesome 12 minutes 15 i guess it's good oh you already started okay cheater such a cheater and it's a speed competition you're like just eating pizza what do i do you literally do this just so you can eat and you can just like oh it's for a friend of me that's for work this was your idea you put me at the scapegoat so you can cheat on your meal plan this was your guys's idea i didn't want to do this you're gaslighting me you're pizza gas lighting name i'm sorry i apologize and literally i've been on a diet i've been eating less food so i'm at a deficit you said you've been eating pizza every night you've been training you're like they miss all those gems when are competing i know it's not fair i shared a fun memory of us eating orange chicken and that's all i could think about is that i know and now we're fighting before it was like all good vibes and energy and now we're fighting if the vibes are still good i've got the scoreboard okay we're at five five oh getting low we're gonna start at five yeah yeah okay okay trish is in the mood now i don't know what the [ __ ] because these are the vibes and i'm trying so hard what i'm not busy i have [ __ ] to do too but yours is in the basement you come down to the basement record i have to get glam i have to come to your house i have it's like a whole thing well you just come downstairs in your teddy fresh shorts and that's it it's your daily life and i love it and that's good you're killing it but all right you want to put up or shut up at this point yeah i'm ready are we ready dan are we ready i mean what's the deal with the fight but we're ready all right okay i mean all right all right here we go three two here i'll let you take a bite okay all right you take two of those three fights here eat the whole slice the time doesn't matter to me it's literally about time no it's not what's it about there's enough time i'm saying oh trigger warning fast forward 12 minutes ahead if you don't like food and talking because there's a lot of there's going to be them there's going to be good stories though but you have to hear the chewing and the noise but some people maybe okay so i was telling the story about oh my god you look a little chipmunk because i gotta win now i'm so annoying i've been saying here with pizza i'm in my mind so competitive i have to win i can't eat cold pizza i can't eat it's too crispy out of the oven what the digestion thing is tastes worse though you're right the crust is like super [ __ ] soggy it's not soggy um so what's your second name what's your like super technique taking tons of bites fast well it tricks my body so the fbi came to my house on friday morning i'm telling the story for the second time not swatting no fbi agent he said is that acceptable yeah thank you honor among the competitors so fbi comes smiles oh my god tell me who's competitive dude i'm not even in a hurry because like i'll go i'll go slice on slides but i have to i'm still hungry that's what you don't understand you never understand i'm hungry watch watch the level i'm at that's two slices on top of each other oh man oh my god now you're flexing i know like give me something but pizza's already been sitting in my belly for 20 minutes look i just don't think you've ever had a chance you see one time are you exciting me out you are now you're doing two slices of my one um and i'm liking it too i'm not even i'm a little full just a little bit i have a smaller stomach than you though this is like facts because i have liposuction well i was i really thought you know going into this competition i was like i always under underestimate trisha i've been dieting but like is this really a competition you want to win necessarily either you know what i mean yeah i want to win every competition i have you just cheat on the other ones you have beat me and everyone except the science one the science that was also fake that was also rigged how was that rigged that one ballot so they thought we were picking two out of the four categories and we're doing all four so fbi comes in friday morning and they said 8 30 am ring my doorbell look at you and he says we have threats that somebody's sending a bomb to your house i was like what fbi agent with the badge and everything shows up with the guard 8 30. does we have to reject all packages he says have you guys got any packages today that you brought into the house and open he's like we have to reject all packages until we can figure out the source of the threat and was it on like reddit like where did they see the threat he didn't so what the what happened was he was just the closest agent so they sent him to our house to warn us like as soon as possible so he didn't have all the details so but what i think happened was that they must have seen it on some like neo-nazi forum because like the fbi is monitoring all this white nationalist terrorism group since um was it march 6 the was that the day oh january pretty close since they stormed the capitol and so he just stared at me with a mouthful of pizza i hope are you intimidated by this yeah i'm getting nauseous but i want to hear the story um you remember the first time we met you said to me i am so you remember how impressed you were about how i was casually throwing slices yeah um yeah i'm the real deal but i would have been you had we done it right with popcorn i'm just saying i'm the real deal i want you to acknowledge that i'm the real deal can you finish the fbi story i like the story okay and then you talked about daddy on storage worse infowars he's hot right he's such a mess what are we talking about the leftists are coming for you because you you talked about aunt being an anti-vaxxer okay so trisha did that um i only got vaccine for you you did well i don't think that's the only reason i shouldn't say that i don't know actually you think you scheduled my appointment for me like your assistant was like you're like here she's scheduling for you today i was like ah okay i mean i should well you know i'm blind wait i didn't force you into it it was a hard nudge we said do you guys want help getting the appointment we did that for all of our employees um dope i'm glad we signed up and anyone who wanted we made it easy for them to get anyways so you said everyone needs to be vaccinated these people were like [ __ ] ethan on twitter so on twitter there was like a whole debate there was all these bomb on the air you can say bomb really don't say like i'm gonna bomb this place the fbi tracks you now hopefully not um how much time we got on the oh we still got eight minutes i guess i should focus on eating but i'm not worried i'm gonna grow up you are okay wait so the fbi shows up my stop house just watching you eat a psychologically like tormenting meme [Music] i love eating with you i don't like watching you eat this is the worst because we look we lost the first part of the story fbi shows up and they say i think it's related to this tweet i made about people were tweeting about no vaccine passport all these conservatives were saying it's like uh fascism and all this [ __ ] don't even know what that means fascism no they don't either apparently sounds like fat shaming fascism is like uh you know world war ii like the nazis were fascists it's like what does that mean total government control of every of everything and propaganda and uh like ultra-nationalism and stuff like that and you're anti-fascist oh yeah definitely anti-fascist as any sane person should be i think um anyway they were saying that passport vaccines like fascism and all this and i was like you guys are [ __ ] idiots like we can't go to a crowded venue without proving that the people that are vaccinated otherwise you're going to turn into a super spreader event people there who aren't vaccinated can continue to spread the virus the virus is going to continue to mutate and to the point where it's resistant to the vaccine and and you know we can eradicate this [ __ ] virus of all these idiots were just uh stopping douches is basically what i said yeah so people were really like that so like infowars made a whole reaction to my tweet [ __ ] full wars who are they yeah i literally don't know who they are you were saying you don't know who alex jones is no you think he's daddy though i think he's daddy pull up a picture of him i saw a picture of our video of alex jones damn recently where he was like at the border and he waddles is he fat yeah well i don't know him he's husky but he's got a waddle for this i waddle for sure too nothing wrong with a little duck quacking i'm starting to waddle i love a bottle it's because my thighs um rub so i have to waddle a little bit oh you do yeah i gotta avoid that jump rub oh my god well i better focus on your ears i hate that what the [ __ ] rubbing i like it you like your thighs no i like the i like the friction it causes like i like seeing the little red dots in between someone's eyes really mm-hmm for me it's just because i maybe because i have hair there it's just really just like grinding like it's kind of wet mm-hmm baby powder i've tried that nothing works harder though i've tried it before it doesn't work not really you put on your balls i'll say that yeah how's that work well seven oh my god you're true wait oh we both equal them mm-hmm what i've been too confident man holy [ __ ] clean um um you're worthy competitor about i don't think you're going to take it but you're you're doing after everything that happened you're putting on a good showing it doesn't bother me i mean it's disgusting but it doesn't bother me it's really gross man this is too fatty [ __ ] right here oh my god you have so much pizza in your mouth [ __ ] i can't let you win now because now you're actually pulling up on me you're about you're a valiant competitor there's no way i can squirt after this you have to go for it you have to do a squirting video yeah now though you're going to squirt marinara sauce oh my god i can't are you done are you stepping out oh my god so anyway um alex jones made a whole segment or not alex jones but infowars made a whole segment about i'm like a fascist libtard maybe they said you're a fat [ __ ] a fat [ __ ] maybe maybe you've inserted it i've been getting fat streamed a lot recently it doesn't bother me but you've been getting fashion recently no no i've seen on the twitter people like about this this um this podcast the vaccine [ __ ] like all the hate i've been getting a lot of it's like oh you're fat yeah that's me too that's like the one thing they can go for i never got that before it doesn't bother me i was just surprised i didn't bother me there i've heard my whole life i thought while i'm fat cool [ __ ] that was rushing my brain what did they say about him i'm sure daddy jones is fat daddy jones is very thick good point okay thick daddy so do we only listen to skinny people what's your argument yeah there's been a lot of fat legends oh oprah you call oprah fat i agree well she says it she goes on diets all the time she's always eating that caller you're the rosie o'donnell on youtube oh my god wait is that the girl who was canceled for sick using like no brother someone else rosie o'donnell called trump a pig oh no trump called her a pig dude you gotta slow down on your kind of stressing me out so anyway all these conservatives were angry at me so who's in the bomb so i think it was connected to this because the fbi is monitoring all these like white national terrorists and so it must have popped up on like a neo-nazi forum are we left on this podcast are we left-wing i am i mean that might i don't know where you are do i have to be right because i'm on the right side of you can do whatever you want i think we should be like the view i should be one of those blond [ __ ] that are always republican you definitely seem to be socially very very liberal you're you're cnn i'm fox news i don't think you're [ __ ] smooth i'm too fat i never have a face i think you like gay and trans people too much to be fox news they don't no no support they'll know um why anderson cooper he's gay i know some bloopers on cnn um i always thought he was right all right he's white oh whoa who's the girl on fox news that's not hot greta greta van susteren how come she gets to be on there but everyone else has to be hot and perfect oh my god anyway i could be greta i guess no okay i'm gonna double it okay wait one minute flop oh my god slow down bro oh my god are you the one that you already had i don't like this hard to get it down mm-hmm oh [ __ ] 30 seconds oh my god wait you should you're harming yourself by alternating you have 20 seconds [Music] hmm [Laughter] dude i will finish this place just to prove that i'm the um trisha i think you kind of sabotaged yourself if you had just concentrated on one slice you had like half of two eaten no that would have been one full my strategy was to you know not psych myself out like i'm almost done with both of these but all right because i feel like you did eat the equivalent of ten but you don't get credit for well that's what i'm saying and i was eating it faster than ethan at the start and then when i looked at your strategy you're sitting there munching like a little [ __ ] what did you my belly could not handle it i mean look i'm about to do it two two slices well congratulations you're fat and i'll even finish this to prove it okay do it don't do it don't that's disgusting i'll do whatever it takes for you i don't want you to eat it i don't want you to eat it don't i'm helping you can we try and finish the story before we do it i don't want to like food shame you either if you're hungry are you i'm sorry i shouldn't do that do you want to eat it no you did me a favor no eat it now i feel bad stop stop doing this eat it here have mine too here stop stop here this is food shaving eat it eat it fatty now i feel bad i knocked it out of your hand get that away from me thank you to our sponsor dominoes not domino domino's used our audio on their tic tac i know it's [ __ ] up dominoes should we if they paid me i'd [ __ ] spawn i'd be eat pizza every day just give me a reason maybe five thousand pounds so okay can we ignore okay hold on hold on who sent the bomb can we acknowledge the police that i won do you acknowledge that oh good thank you but honestly like i said that's not competition i want to win first of all i said that and then you said no that i want to win every competition oh i'm sad well i feel like you did cheat again on this one because we weren't able to do 30 minutes i am a monster i am a pizza monster although i have to say you after you showed a strong finish like you impressed me on that route because i thought i was like because you were talking about being full i was i am my arm ample is why i'm fat when i'm full you're not supposed to do that uh yeah you don't get to look like us if you stop when you're full mo said i like to like the sexiest woman alive today he said look at all those curves i said thank you well that's fine but it doesn't i'm just that doesn't mean you don't eat when you're full i have sex when i'm full sometimes you know like i'm too full and so i just had to lay there i'm like we can have sex i can't do anything i have to just lay there god that i think you're eating too often if like sex and eating interact intertwined so much lately it's been that for sure i've had to i had to get on top the other day and it was the first time i was on top in like a month not good oh i was winded i was winded i felt so bad i felt like i was suffocating him i think he'd love to be suffocated you have a fetish where's oh okay he was just fine that's not a good thing about sex it was just fine i survived oh my god that's a good t-shirt i survived sex with trish i got crushed by i love crushing videos though so anyway okay i will finish this story now oh god yeah this is the thing that they're gonna show on all the storage wars and all those shows info wars whatever the [ __ ] wars it is what the [ __ ] is info wars anyways what does that even mean there's a war against information oh you have information no we're gonna put a war against it sounds like a right-wing person to meme it is yeah he's a right-wing conspiracy theory he's the bush of 2021 he thinks like hillary clinton he drinks baby blood and [ __ ] like that oh yeah but we did say we totally agree with that i did not say that i think she drinks baby blood yeah for sure for sure so he's right on something okay well a broken clock is right uh what is um okay so so anyway the fbi comes to my house he says don't open any package we have a threat so i said oh my god that's [ __ ] crazy um that was your reaction oh my god that's [ __ ] crazy i'd be like we're going to a hotel [ __ ] well we have a guard and so i mean no it wasn't so he just said wait he says just stand by we have to reject every package until we find out if the threat is credible or not on my lips you have a little pizza sauce here i literally think it's cause you spit on me no which one here yeah right there well thanks for telling you weren't gonna tell me or just let me have that you just asked me okay well usually you tell no but you tell people when they're stuff you want me to get it for you yeah but with this don't scrap too much though because it's right now dab it okay i got it thank you my whole face will come off of you scrub thank you so you stayed we just said we said everybody look we can't open any packages if you see anything whatever yadda yadda um and so anyway i just got an email from the fbi agent this morning saying that they found out the source of the oh threat and that it's not credible threat so it means that some kid is in really deep trouble with his parents probably oh it was a kid i don't know he did he didn't give any details but where was it on it probably just like read it or something right i guess i have to take it seriously um it was probably on a deeper like nazi forum probably not read it isn't there like the dark web too there's a dark web yeah it's like the illuminati but i i feel like that but yeah it was crazy i mean we're getting swatted all the time we've got swatted like 10 times in the past do you think maybe don't be as vocal like i know you're passionate about it and i'm not saying don't but i'm saying like i remember i used to talk about politics i'm like you know maybe i should not be as vocal about it because you don't want to like have like your little baby hurt or something you know what i mean and fight be less opinionated maybe i just think that the stuff i talk about i think it's important when i talk about it it just pisses off so much from the beginning of this pandemic been talking been very vocal about it and i think it's important to i talk about things that are important to me and i can't like just get intimidated especially by some stupid [ __ ] like pieces of [ __ ] like they're lit that's literally their goal they're terrorists but what about like your audience it's like okay we're done we're over this like you know what i mean you're alienating somebody like susan serena nice to love her but okay we get it you're political you know just talk too much about what i don't talk too much about politics you need to be like if i get it if i get a bump a bump a bomb threat then the thing is like first of all it's important to note that if you send a bomb threat the fbi is going to [ __ ] find you okay and the same thing with swatting people who swatted me last year uh i'm still getting doj letters this guy's on trial he's going to jail for like 10 [ __ ] years why are they always so scary-looking because they're just [ __ ] they're just the angry yeah they're just they say you can't tell someone is like sick in the head by looking at them but that guy sometimes you can't i was like you seen that guy uh the night the night the dark soccer um yeah that guy was a [ __ ] crazy but you know like good looking the guy that like no but apparently he's stunk cause he's like never showered like he's like an older to fill a room yeah you need to shower tip tomorrow tip to all serial killers shower because then people think you're not a serial killer yeah smell good for sure anyway listen i'm talking about politics much but there are certain things that i think are important to talk about to me personally okay so i get it not me i'm not political don't come for me i'm just a dumb [ __ ] sitting next to you i don't want to be on these political shows although fox news if you want me i'll come in and commentate all day long you know i was interviewing fox news one time i was interviewed for fox news one time but i don't know if it was an interview or a date there's a guy named jesse something on fox news you went on a date on fox news i don't think so no he's like he's a he's like a anchor on fox news jesse waters yes okay so he like told me oh i'm gonna interview for a show to be like a host on fox news this was like 2012. and i think it was just a date we just ended up going to nobu are you serious yeah you were never on the show no and it wasn't even an interview he's like we'll let you know about the show i don't know he just took you to nobu yeah but i think he's like mary jessie waters he was cute was he trying to [ __ ] you i don't know did he ever follow him like thinking about this i was like wait i was supposed to be on fox news one time and then i was like what the [ __ ] would they ask you about you don't even know where like i used to be a trump supporter online not like politically i never voted but like in online i thought it was like cool i'm gonna be crazy and vote for trump you know but like i didn't even do it i was just trying to be problematic honestly don't come from me i literally could not i don't like donald trump i only anybody although the apprentice was a bop love that show but i do i never watched it you never watched i wanted to get it so bad so do you believe that um is jesse water still on fox news oh my god that's kind of i think i think even just supporting like trans rights is enough to get a bomb threat these days i don't get them that's not a challenge don't try me i'm with a bomb specialist over there he's from the middle east he used to detect bombs in his sleep when he was in the military he'd be in lebanon he'd be like now you're gonna no you don't want to see now even oh now they're oh my god should i cut it now you're in trouble now is good they're all coming for you now but don't because he's an actual middle easterner my fiance is he's ready he's locked and loaded don't do it um you don't want to mess with those hands i don't know if this i don't know if the story was good but the point is that you're gonna get caught if you keep doing this [ __ ] and me yeah you're gonna get caught if you keep doing this [ __ ] what no to the people doing bomb threats um the fbi is gonna find you dude that's scary you have a lot of weirdness i thought you said it was because you were jewish though like this i think it's a common well it's the people that are doing it are white nationalists okay they don't like me because i'm jewish they don't like me because i speak out on liberal issues they don't like me because i talk about vaccines and all this [ __ ] and i'm like anti-trump i don't like trump i think trump's like a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] you don't have so political though i feel like we don't talk about i mean i never really hear you talk about this as well no i don't either but i guess because people see it when i do yeah they get super like the clip of me like you should see what peop the guys were saying on infowars about like people are lose having a meltdown over this tweet i made did they want to fight you there was one guy that wanted to fight you that one guy was like he was so on some conspiracy theory podcast what was his name dan you knew it sapoli it was uh sam tripping triple triple e he was good he goes i want to fight this guy or he's like i'll fight him for charity i was like [ __ ] i don't even know who you are oh he was like somebody i don't know but i was like why am i i'm not going to fly brian which we honestly should not be showing his face either just saying well bret bryant well brian count his name in the lawsuit with crystallia he was yeah that crystallia that girl jane doe he was like go with my friends and brian cowan was one of them like to go somewhere oh she named it that was brian yeah oh i read it on reddit weird that's the name i read it on reddit is that why they call it that probably that's so funny so anyway [Laughter] anyway the guy i'm going to watch all these i'm going to respond to all that stuff on wednesday that's a plug for you okay don't plug the h3 podcast if you're interested in this fbi coming to my house i'm going to respond to all of these [ __ ] on wednesday it's gonna be well on wednesday on wednesday i'm gonna eat korean fried cheese on my channel and see if i can dunk then come on go ahead i don't care i don't give a [ __ ] come see that what what would you rather watch her eat fried cheese or me talk about defend myself against the attacks fascist conservative terrorist title that and see who gets more views title your wednesday show that i don't kind of mind eating korean fried cheese and we'll see you get more views don't put james charles in the title put that in the title i'm not gonna put jimmy okay we'll put that exact in the title on mine we'll see who gets more views and aren't expensive just because you lost pizza i'm just so full and fat right now i'm so fat i was thinking i was gonna break okay i feel like i'm going to cancel now for being leftist with you i was canceled like six years ago whoever you are i don't know who i am it's who i'm with at the moment all right just be just be true to whatever you believe and then it doesn't matter what if you have no beliefs i really don't well you believe in trans right you believe in gay rights that's like super i mean i think that's more just like people rights they're just like yeah equality for everybody that's so conservatives do not believe in trans rights well [ __ ] that they are trying they literally are and i mean for the most part anti-gay anti-trans so you're you're a liberal you're a liberal issue they're all secretly like gay and [ __ ] like in the ass and stuff like that all those are for sure they're just like repressed there was like a really famous story of like a of a republican who was like super anti-gay and he got outed by from uh from a male prostitute that he was they were smoking meth together and [ __ ] all the time always that's always the case with everybody but they're just they don't even care these people are so psychopaths they don't even care they're just pandering to the [ __ ] voters like they literally don't care they just know what they have to say to pander to a conservative audience this jacket was eight thousand dollars oh six thousand dollars on [Music] it fits me no no designer items fit me this was the first thing that fit a big fatty like me honestly i feel like a cute like my boyfriend plays football i never had that were you a football player my boyfriend plays football and i just crushed two extra large pizzas oh i'm the linebacker plot twist i'm playing the football game tonight yeah moses is the hot little twink for sure you're the linebacker he for sure is you guys should role play that where he's a cheerleader and you're the linebacker i could be into it i guess that'd be cute bro we just crushed like can we just take a minute to before we move on to appreciate that we just crushed two extra large pizzas each and we both don't feel like throwing up yet yeah i thought i was gonna puke we should do that chocolate cake like in matilda next time remember when brucy has to eat all the cake i don't want to do any more eating oh loser i think i just had like ten thousand calories like how many calories how many calories is it we don't even talk about the calories i hate that let's not talk about it it'll really depress me it'll trigger me oh really okay okay thank you i was just curious don't say it it triggers me for real skis i'll get really depressed don't tell me i mean you know it's bad you know it's bad who's bad so when i was in a good mood today and was just like you're in a good mood this morning well we started on a really good mood close your eyes and tell me who i sound like hello what's krithi frog here [Music] jordan peterson did it sound like kermit kind of thank you i was doing that in the car today it kind of ruins the game when you say the name though oh yeah yeah what am i supposed to say you say i am i don't know i am can you do impressions not really i can do impressions i'm really good i can do one of you okay do one daddy that's how you like think i sound i feel um daddy i can't even do one of you you don't have any like discernible characteristics that like make you stand out i've never seen anyone do a good impression of me all they ever do is like this they go and then that's pretty easy though you know but like in turn i've never seen a good impression of me that's funny but it's funny if it's not meant to be mean like if it's not like coming from a hateful place then it's like funny and cute so anyway i got bomb threats shout out to the conservatives um or not i don't want to paint conservative but really the the the neo-nazis my family you want to talk about shout out to his family is that a meme did i do it yeah thank you i know you like that because it won on the h3 you want to talk about dirty dom making tick tocks about uh yeah okay so dirty diamonds back so annoying so just well you know what annoying is he's like making fun making light of the situation as if like you think you can hurt my feelings i get kicked out of the box he's so disgusting he looks like a little rat that needs to be in jail i wish these people would press charges and i know it's like embarrassing it's a lot of work or whatever but if you ever want to sue people there's lawyers that'll do it for pro bono if you ever want to press charges it's never too late until it's too late i think it's like 10 years or maybe that's gone now but i know it was ten years i don't know what the statute of limitations but look at these people they just get away with it and guess what he'll probably do it again because he thinks he's funny and all these like kids are like yeah we love you don't let them get you down do it again they'll do it again and it's just so it's like james charles all these new people come out because nothing is happening until you go to jail like austin jones like until like that happens like then these people keep doing this [ __ ] yeah and they think it's funny you should be on a sex prep registration for sure he needs to tell people when he moves into their neighborhood so many people were like why isn't diamond canceled and it was kind of because like dom was already handling exactly no everyone no everybody like nobody gives a [ __ ] about dawn but honestly we should talk about him more if he's doing this [ __ ] because oh yeah like now he's like he's i saw a clip of him being like why did david rubber kick you out he's like because i was getting all the [ __ ] or something like that but yeah oh it was i just thought on your tic-tacs i thought it was you i he goes why did why did david dilbert kick you out of the vlog spot he's like because i get more [ __ ] than him i was like first of all we know david likes to watch so that's not true and second of all actually you got to get him drunk to have sex with you disgusting freak actually just an r word honestly he's so gross like and yeah so anyway he put this out like what one day ago was it it says yeah one day ago the dude like seriously he's for real he's being accused of r of uh essay right and he puts out this tick tock saying you think you could hurt my feelings it's this tick tock meme and the song is bulletproof and he's saying i got kicked out of the vlog squad four like what does he want us to finish this yeah stupid essay did you finish it for him did you yeah and i got i got [ __ ] i made a tick tock and then they took it down like in literally five seconds oh really that's [ __ ] and i left a comment and then i think my whole tick tock account's [ __ ] up for being just for being too much because yeah i like tried to leave a comment on one of ela's tick tocks and and we're like mutuals and it went to her spam filter oh you're like blah yeah i'm like oh this is why you gotta stop being overtly i'm still kind of new to tick tock so i don't know keep it on youtube where they let you speak your mind you know yeah it makes me appreciate tick tock is it's weird it's like on one hand they're like don't call out this guy for being a legitimate essayist but oh here's and here's an animal being [ __ ] tortured with like 10 million views i'm like i'm sorry what this is so [ __ ] up and so disgusting he's disgusting ever since the war at least david's like loki hiding and stuff and like they need to but it's like when they come back it's like really look what happened when chrisley came back he got hit with another lawsuit because these people are like oh he's back like because they will just keep doing it like if people are back on everyone's side like as soon as people are like dirty dog he'll just keep doing this [ __ ] again because they're sick in the head it's not just a normal person that does something once it's like a pattern like all these people yeah there's always going to be someone to defend them and to buy their story and to until that's not until there's not like one day it will be there will be there's always someone like he's not michael jackson where he has talent you know what i mean eventually some people are gonna be like okay this like same thing with david it's not like they're like talented people that people like well we like his music it's like they're idiots that's what they do for like that's what they're known for so they do for a living like this is the comment i keep seeing it's like so this guy supposedly jokes about it but david loses everything okay makes sense it's like no this guy had nothing to lose that's why he spoke exactly exactly it's not people always go why is david getting cancelled and nothing happening dom it's like they're dom is [ __ ] yeah he's nothing to take from him but david kept like progressing forget then he had all this [ __ ] and you know like eventually yeah like hopefully he'll come back and it has been enough time and he'll like learn whatever but like dom and all these people are just like and if you make light of it and joke then you're like a piece of [ __ ] but you know what this is pretty ballsy i was like this guy is [ __ ] out of his mind to be posting this but you know but you but there are there are youtubers that's like oj that's like oj posting a tick tock after the murders be like oh he did remember that interview that was after he was acquitted and he can't shoot oj he's such a psycho hey twitter world yeah that's what he says he's on twitter now oh and he always goes hello twitterworld it's yours truly i do not want him on the guest as a podcast guest did you see the psychic reading on us saying and you know amphideity someone did a psychic reading yeah they did a tarot card reading on us you know that kid that does the tarot cards he's like in a pink background i'm sure you've seen him before i watch it it's not anything crazy other than what did he we're gonna try and come and separate us someone who has a lot of who is someone close to david who's really mad at us for taking away all their money he's gonna try to separate them they're gonna separate you saw all that in the tarot card yeah and first they come from me as a distraction but they're really going for you wow everyone's been tweeting me about it it's like a really like thing that people believe in because i guess some of his predictions have come true so everyone's like be careful there's no syndromes on youtube the tarot card thing is just so stupid no it he hasn't had one come true i know him i met him on twitter if you make enough predictions one of them comes true yeah he did predict that trisha would get triggered in the future wow you're [ __ ] psychic yeah you and everybody watches i was watching it late at night and i got really scared and then moses was like that's like an obvious thing people are all quacks they're all quacks what's the name of the channel and for deity ant oh like ant and phradity like and then aphrodite i think it's like yeah like that oh the first thing comes up is scammer oh sassy psychic tarot reader that's on instagram oh he has like a friend of his wig look at that pink and black wig yo this guy is such a [ __ ] scammer that's like [ __ ] he bought a vip package well i don't give a [ __ ] like but like you can't just put that [ __ ] out there it's not it's not okay he says it's for entertainment yeah but it's [ __ ] you can't put that [ __ ] out there because oh wait three months ago no no go to his videos that's the home page all my psychic predictions that came true yeah and where's the one where they all didn't come true are you in there is that even the yellow hat i can't see that part look how young you look okay skinny legend yeah this is a really old photo wow that was pre-luxe pro days oh yeah we like like super though love looks better to be stable in mind than skinny box oh yeah okay go to the video didn't you say last time i'd rather be known as skinny than half but then what was it some kind of good line rather be known as skinny than happy or good whatever i don't think i said that anyway i feel like this [ __ ] is lame it's irresponsible he says it's for entertainment well well trisha paid his friend of me he's right there john was psychic listen for me to take him seriously for his trailer it says all my predictions came true i want to see all your predictions that didn't come true make that as your trailer you [ __ ] well that wouldn't be as selling we like it exactly no we don't i like i think he's scamming him inside likes you you shouldn't be saying [ __ ] like that and people taking it seriously like they say it's for entertainment purposes well you said you believe it i do so exactly bro he's selling me vitamins what is this [ __ ] he has bones no shame oh my god we live for you should we do the maid trend everyone's being french maids on tick tock now wait this is is this how he dresses every video no but it's like a thing these are cafes i don't have an audio japanese reading which i'll put a link to up here and a lot of my friends went around the eight minutes that she would do the war between david and frenemies would be over but it is definitely not over wait he's are these even like physical tarot cards or is he online yeah he's has a camera looking over him he's like dealing the cards and like it's look looking over his hand bro these likes weird anime tarot cards like these aren't even like the these aren't even like uh it looks like daphne from scooby-doo like at least give me like the weird mystical astrology [ __ ] you know these are like [ __ ] anime cards like i'm sorry dude no no we don't like it i like it i downvoted i don't like it i think it's good there's some cool lord of the rings tarot cards for you yeah the merlin well you better be careful he said people are actually gonna try and attack you they're gonna use me as a distraction people someone just sent me a pipe bomb oh he it's already come true like i'm just saying people have been trying to attack me basically for the last three years like everything yeah oh maybe it was the light of darkness the old gnome with the fairy on his head not dope though we should do tarot cards someone made terror cards out of me we should get front of me tarot cards i don't like i don't like devils you literally were like oh what's wrong with the devil in a little nos video like a couple weeks ago no i don't have a problem with the devil i just don't like people that act like they can tell the future and [ __ ] i just think it's a scam and it's not cool psychics tarot card people astrology readers i think they're all [ __ ] like straight up scammers and i really it's one of the things that really triggers me it triggers you kind of because like because it's so [ __ ] up like you look at these these psychics and they're they're getting people so worked up talking to their dead family members and [ __ ] and it's just it's [ __ ] up i think people just want something to believe in yeah but like who is he to make to to be that to pretend to be that person and profit from their misery and suffering it doesn't matter that they want to believe it it's not real and he's profiting real to some people because all manifestations of if someone wants to believe that's what happens and then sometimes they give they say [ __ ] like what that guy's saying where he's like like all of a sudden this abs this guy is just making [ __ ] up is actually informing your life decisions like there's something that's going to happen between warming i'm going to be triggered whether he's out he said you're getting nervous he said someone's going to try to attack me through you or something i was getting nervous i was just saying did you see i mean it's gonna happen oh but someone said we're a duo that's so powerful that someone needs to try and separate us that's how powerful we are right now he said that no someone in the comments said wow that means frenemies is so powerful that's gonna take a foreign wait till you see us eat four extra-large pizzas in one city that's how we get our power we just increased our gravitational pull i'll tell you that yeah try and get us out of these seats we're like sucked together let's go fight that guy i i really hate these [ __ ] psychics bro i don't like fighting yeah i could should we get in the boxing ring i want to i've been saying that before beginning i've been saying that since i'd boxed you you're the only person in the world i'd actually bought we should like wrestle like andy kaufman style no yeah i'm not rich he wrestled woman all the time i'm not gonna wrestle you in a box you just wanna punch me in the face well i'm not gonna arrest you there's so much contact like i'm not gonna hug you and roll around on the floor that's not wrestling well it is kind of oh my gosh i have to grab you and go to the ground i'm just not i don't want to do that with you so you just want to punch me in the face yeah i said i'll box you i'll wrestle cause i'm a good wrestler and women can wrestle men you've got crazy center of gravity i wrestled guys if we're in the same weight class we can wrestle them all day long so we are the same weight i'm not wrestling you you're a baby i'll box you you're a [ __ ] that'd be fun i don't want to get punched in the face i can wrestle i just don't get punched i'll get i'll do you i'll deal you body shots only right in the spleen that sounds more sexual you only want to hit my butt you're the only person on youtube because you know how everyone's always trying to do these boxing matches like this is the new choice you're the only percent box pay-per-view pay-per-view event russell wwe wrestlemania ethan versus trish no you're scared i'm a governor that's disgusting i don't want to get on the floor and tell you you think guys are doing that for sexual gratification yeah she said she's saying like wwe yeah that's fake you want to do a choreographed bit with me i mean i can do college wrestling too it's not but you're talking about like grappling ethan like real wrestling but she's talking about like wwe well that's i don't have much money but guys i think it'd be super entertaining guys that wrestled guys don't do it for sexual gratification i know but like i'm not doing that with you that's a you problem if you have a such a problem you can't touch another woman's body without it being sexual or weird that's awesome it's not it's just it is it's just no it's literally you have a weird thing i'm not touching people you're like very like have a sexual issue going on no i don't want to wrestle you um were you disgusting did something happen to you as a child no i feel like something did why because i don't want to wrestle you no but you have a touching thing in general where you can't help am i crazy for being uncomfortable wrestling trisha and did you find that odd thank you but why i'm just trying to understand why because you're thinking of it as a sexual way you're saying i just don't wanna i just don't wanna touch and roll around okay because why you think of it sexual you think it's gross it's just gross it's like doing it with like let's say i i just think it's gross i don't what do you want what would continue like let's say what doing it with who you just think my body is gross like you don't want to touch it i don't really want to wrestle anyone to be totally honest you were you just said it's just you and now you're changing your time i was going to say like a sister or something mm-hmm okay then i thought about it and i just i was just thinking about that right i was just going back to the thing about me secretly wanting to have sex with you no i don't think so at all i think there's like a deeper root issue where you like either i'm trying to figure it out if like you think my body's gross or it's it's like you're thinking about a sexual way so you think if it's one of two things you either think i'm disgusting you don't want to touch my body or you're thinking of a sexual way and i'm not i'm just i'm trying to try to figure out what it is so you think that you just said girl so it's more like you just think it's disgusting and don't touch my body which is fine i'm not like saying you have to i'm just trying to figure out the rules you you think if it was a different girl that i was more attracted to i would want to i was trying to figure out what it was is it because you think it's like i want to think on your body or you thought it was gross but you told me it was just you rewind the tape to five minutes ago and you're like it's just you i i revised my statement and i thought about and i said i don't want to wrestle anybody okay i'll box you okay i'll fight and i already said no that i'm not doing that so that's when why do you why are you insisting on wrestling i don't want to wrestle anymore i'm not insisting it i'm saying that's like something that i did in high school like it's a completely normal thing it's not a sexual thing if you're a repulsor or something by my body that's the one thing but wrestling okay that's what i'm asking i never said i was repulsed by your body but i'm asking is it a sexual thing you don't want to do it because you think it's weird why do you keep why are you so i'm just trying to figure out the answer like truly because it sounds a little misogynistic which is fine but if it's because you don't like my body or you think it's a sexual thing that's a different story that's why i'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from i'm not mad i'm literally just trying to figure it out because that's interesting it's there is something deep rooted there because i've wrestled guys in high school and stuff like that and it was never sexual it wasn't that they were pulsed by me because i was in the weight class you were you were actually on the wrestling team yeah i wrestled in high school yeah oh of course you want to wrestle me you've got all this like yeah you got experience and it wasn't meant to be that way i'd not i didn't say anything about sexuality i'm trying to figure out why that's what i was trying to get down to and you're not really giving me clarity but it doesn't matter i mean it doesn't matter you don't do it don't do it's not like i'm mad about it why do we have to psychoanalyze me it's not it's like truly like i felt like wow that's i took a little bit of offense to it because i did wrestle in high school and it is such a thing for me where it's like oh i don't want to wrestle a girl why oh because she has boobs or oh cause she's fat or whatever it is and so i'm just trying to figure out why it's misogynistic where it came down to it in high school if guys don't want to wrestle me it's because they're misogynistic that they don't want to wrestle a girl that i agree with if you're doing a competitive sport and they don't want to wrestle you yeah but you were talking about competing and you're like wrestling you're like oh i don't touch your body so i was like okay now is that because you're repulsed by my body or because you think it's a sexual thing and you don't want to cross that line so that's what i was trying to figure out i just don't want to touch anybody in that way okay i'm just trying to figure out the answer i think it's really important i think it's really like i just think is it that important it is okay it's important to you i don't like misogynistic people at all like i really don't i'm not saying you are that's why i was trying to figure out the root of it but i understand why you're so upset because you're dead yes you are i'm really not i was like actually trying to figure out like oh is this like a misogynistic thing or is it like you're being funny or as a sexual thing i'm just trying to figure it's not because you're a girl i would it's not that i'm i do we're competing all the time okay it's just the wrestling if i was misogynistic i wouldn't we're always competing right and you're always beating me and i'm saying oh you beat me again okay got it so that's not misogynistic right i'm not sure i have to like think about it it's interesting so would it make so should it make you feel better if we wrestled oh definitely not now after all that after you said it was uncomfortable i'm not about not doing consent oh my god all right come on no ah jesus christ that took a tangent i just don't want to touch anybody okay you changed your story a few times but okay i thought about it okay let's move on we love a thought out king let's wrestle [ __ ] it let's just [ __ ] wrestle i want to wrestle jones what's his name i think he would beat me oh yeah i'll wrestle him he's husky you go for a chipotle i'll go for alex jones i wonder if we'd have a good uh wrestling match yeah i don't know anything about wrestling though are you talking about now me and you oh as i'm about now i'm talking about another guy you moved on to alex jones all right if he consents of course so james i'm just glassed by my body or sexualized by my body i didn't say either of those things okay all right james charles yeah let's go james charles feel like i gotta get away get away get away but you know that i don't and i won't stop because you know i gotta win every day day so you don't really wanna pop me just know that you'll never stop me and i know i can be a little cocky we can get a copyright claim what was that is that that good that you think it's gonna happen every time i get it then i gotta go i gotta get in i gotta float wait what is that i think it is that eminem or something that's the right oh busta busta rhymes is that the one where he's got the big boxing gloves i never saw a music video by busta rhymes actually i just knew the song james charles dude the fact that we can even conduct this episode with two extra-large pizzas in our stomach is kind of epic like it's not as bad as i thought it would be like let's get some props in the chat for two big [ __ ] mon pizza eating monsters found it don't clap for that moses he's not a monster he loves your curves and we're drinking lemon water so we're skinny skinny legends okay james charles 11th under asia when's the front of these cups coming i want those are we getting those are you candid i really wanted those no we are working on cops actually yeah james charles had a seven eleventh underage if you want to talk about someone who should be in jail someone should be on a sex offender list 11th underage boy comes forward boys 16 and appears to have exchanged photos with james this one was kind of the worst one yet because you can clearly see here let me show it again i'll just i gotta mute it because it has cop okay he says it's so small i can't see it full screen um i i'm just gonna play it i have all the dm's on a screen shot because that's tick tock for you so if i have the timeline right the guy he told him he was 16 and james said here let me show you the screenshots because before james was always like oh they lied about their a's they lied about their age but at this one we can clearly see first of all how many photos they've exchanged um james he said he asked james to erase the photos that he sent he hey wait who asked james the kid oh i can't really he says james have he says james you have nothing like no pics of me from when we snapped right he said uh no okay sorry for asking legit my picks it's fair to ask nothing trouble before it just came out of nowhere didn't know why you asked randomly he's sketched out because he's like wait but why did he ask this do we know what happened like did it leak or something i don't know i mean he like he said he is right there oh you know just he's embarrassed he doesn't want pictures you know what i mean yeah i get that he sent james charles nude pics of a 16 year old naked body i mean he brought he says yeah it just came to my mind i want to be sure he says yeah okay and then the next one so this is when their conversation started i believe december 30th here let me check back because this is kind of important that i should just be banned i mean it's snapchat oh my god it's so awful yeah i was talking about that before it's like so disturbing running people's lives and they're so young so this this appears to come after but he says um oh wait no yeah this shows wait where's the one where it says is it okay wow there's a lot um here's him being a douche you just giving me a bunch of dumb excuses what okay so here this is the crazy [ __ ] right here okay he says okay does it show the date on this he says how old are you james asks him he says 16 don't be mad at me laugh my ass off upside down smile i hate age but i'll be 17 soon though and james says still illegal left my ass off he goes really left my ass off now this was apparently the kid explains before they exchanged photos oh although to me it doesn't really matter before or after yeah yeah of course but i mean this is clear so wait because he always is claiming i didn't know their age but in this one the kid says i am 16 and you can see james going lol and does he ask for the pictures after does it show that date i mean i believe this person i'm just saying according to what love said i'm not seeing the dates on this but according to what the kid said is that it's out of order and that he told him his age before they exchanged photos am i tagged in this why does it say it just like fish was he tagging me wasn't lying about what she said wait why yeah yeah apparently i didn't say anything he was a creep because i called this out last year he's hanging out with 16 year olds there's something wrong with everyone's like it's fine you can be best friends with the 15 year old no it's [ __ ] weird apparently he posted a while ago and nobody believed him and everyone [ __ ] on him too which is like common with james charles so like here you have a clear picture of james should not have a platform he should not be allowed on i don't understand not to be allowed how is he how is he not banned i don't understand this like on tick tock and stuff like that like if these kids admitted sexting minors how are they still on there i don't know i kind of agree that these platforms need especially snapchat i mean snapchat needs to ban him from snapchat first of all immediately and like i keep saying the fbi i hope to god is getting a warrant to seize his phone and computer because he's definitely in possession of child pornography oh my god yes i mean just proof right there in that message i mean that kid got 10 years in prison for having like twerking videos of girl that he has like naked like pictures of guys and stuff like that but anyway snapchat should definitely be banning james he is he is explicitly using their platform to prey on children first well snapchat a hole should just be gone it'll take someone pressing charges like someone like their parents need to press charges or something like it has to be that and why aren't they like oh i know it's like so much but it's like you really well there's been enough now that i'm i'm thinking it's likely to happen there's 11 underage boys now i mean one of these parents one of the teachers that molested me he got in trouble years he went to prison years later for child porn and i should have said something sooner but like he had all these pictures of like gross underage students and he was like my middle school teacher and byron illinois and like got arrested for i said the word but whatever yeah but it's insane like if you don't say something like it just keeps happening it just keeps happening but it's not the victim's fault either it's not but like because that's what's up because you know what's the worst part about being a victim of that that i have like the most sympathy for is that you become a victim of this heinous crime and then all of a sudden you feel guilty because now you feel responsible for everyone else who comes after you because you didn't do more to help i mean this it's [ __ ] up that that becomes something that you now have to that you you not only did this heinous thing happen to you but now you carry this burden of feeling like you have to do something about it you know um yeah it just goes both way i think when i happened to me you're just like it's just it was just like a lot of a lot to like have to go do all that i was like oh i don't want to do it's just like a lot to have to talk about it but at the same time it helps so many people and at 16 like you know you could do really great things i know i get it you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with but it's a heroic thing it's hard that's what i'm saying but it's like now you have this whole thing that's like this whole other burden of having to deal with this person you know like that's why i don't have really a problem with people coming out with these receipts and stuff because at least it's something it's like their way of getting some sort of like yeah of course you know note and like i don't know nothing will happen until like they're like something legal gets involved and sometimes it takes years like that austin jones case was two years and sometimes it took a while but well i'm curious to see what happens with james because i don't think he should be allowed to ever come back or have a platform we're just even like morphy just still like more they're still sitting on the fence like here let's go to let's go to morphe right now he's like admitted he's admitted to this like it's not alleged yeah they said oh we're looking into it it's like bro here let me let me send you a [ __ ] item i i can send you an xl at this point morphy is trash so let's see so trash let's go to um laura lee and jeffree star's palette for having like racism in the past which you know rightfully so but you're not gonna take away an actual like let's see james charles right here still on the website james charles right [ __ ] here on the website you know what it is they probably have just like bought a bunch of his [ __ ] so they're like oh what do we do with these dirty dirty dirty money then that's like blood money you know honestly it's gonna be like bad karma that whole morphe thing that's going to come down that's my prediction amphideity it's different sidekicks aren't real here's a psychic prediction morphe is going to go in the garbage yeah real soon here's what the tarot cards say this website won't even be up in six months here's the little diddler here this card's called the little diddler that's the tarot card okay how about like something else well i'm just trying to make up my own okay well that really makes sense the little the little uh what was it called the guy who would play the flute and all the kids would come along the pied piper yeah he's the pied piper the [ __ ] is a pie pie i swear to god there's a fable where he plays the flute and all the kids follow him right then is that james charles yeah that's what i'm saying that's his new name follow him off a cliff right he like kills him so james charles is the pied piper oh that's from an emma song best believe somebody's bae in the pied piper no is that james charles someone is paying the pied piper morphy i think he gets the award at the steamies next year of just like an actual violence oh i can't wait for the steamies and james charles cuz all the awards should we do the venue i thought we were i'm so that's done you have to play so wait wait wait what are we doing so does it happen at the end of the year we did in january at the beginning of okay so we usually have awards work is like at the beginning of the so we should um i have to get in touch with a like uh a booking company and just have them do everything i know one i don't mean i don't know if they're still around because of the pandemic but i knew when they did my tours oh so they used to be full screen and then they started their own full screen no there's not them anymore they like started their own people that worked there oh okay good full screen used to do my tours but no that's a different company so let's book a venue i'm down dude this team is i wonder if anyone will come collect their award nobody is coming here we'll invite them we'll we'll send them official invites some people show up for the razzies yeah what's the razzies it's like the oscars but for bad movies oh but that's like that's a little more kind of more fun james charles uh most prolific predator congratulations come collect your award the fbi is behind the stage waiting for you ooh maybe i could have chris hanson present that one well christian's not on the up and up right now but like he is on youtube now i bet i could get chris hanson to present that yeah i think he's a little just imagine he goes he goes i'm chris hanson i'm chris hanson and today we're presenting the most prolific predator james charles have a seat right over here please and there's a seat yeah he just turned himself in dude that would be the best um yeah we love it anyway he's a creep he's disgusting he's a monster um and i despise him and i think he's a he's disgusting i really i mean what can i say i mean he's a monster is he back to posting like is he on tick tock and stuff posting or no he's he's in my at least he has the decency to disappear yeah you need to for a little while that's just like what you do like david has the decency to disappear yeah dom is out there being like oh well hey they calling me a essayist oh my god that's so insane to me i mean shane's been gone for about a year now like people just disappear where's the angela wallace did he disappear did he do something what if he was no handle no he's still around he's not making videos i never seen anything about him he's always no he's making videos he has like a second channel he always supposed to uh i want to watch a second channels don't start a second channel don't you have like 10 channels and no one knows about any of them no one watches the second channel because they're confused they're like what so james charles is a creep dirty dom is a creep jake paul is a creep did you see this new allegation most of these are males i'm not trying to be a reverse misogynistic but this is crazy how they're all men well yeah i mean okay you gotta talk about jackpot the jakewell thing was crazy yeah i watched your podcast live so then we went to go watch the video of the girl because actually i didn't know about it i didn't know or whatever and it's pretty really repulsive yeah it's rapalje well she's oh hey i feel like i get something cool like that i think i said that before i don't ever heard it i just hear about impulses i thought okay it's not another plug for impulses they're not stopping me i told you i'm kidding they're still gonna record while he's in puerto rico they're like hey so um boy that was crazy what happened on like they put a podcast up today we're like wow i can't believe that january 6th riot was crazy i mean they're talking to jeff whittick before so they even put up the gym next week he said mike just tweeted this is so pointless like next week who's gonna watch that [Music] [Laughter] tune in next week with our interview with uh hillary clinton announces her run for president by the way i watched hp podcast and you said you hate the massing your math singer i love you if you want to have me on it i'll be the little flamingo or whatever i'll be a character yeah you you're more ambitious than me in terms of like getting out there and stuff i just like i support you i support you being on the math singer i'll be the math singer can i tell you if i am or no what do you why wouldn't you tell me oh i don't know if i'm allowed to say if i'm a messenger like i can talk about it on the podcast or no not not until you get unmasked because why it's a bias can i say i'm the fling flamingo the whole the whole point is that it's anonymous people don't know who you are i don't think they would want to but the the judges the judges wouldn't need to know no they don't that's not that's part of the show is the judges try and guess who the person i'm sure they did not know who logan paul oh they have no that was what i loved yeah oh yeah i'm sure a stone of it is a stage they're all like oh i was like they have no idea they have me on i get a hundred thousand views on my youtube videos and they're like oh my god it's twitch it's internet they literally said it's internet sensation logan paul i remember him from the suicide forest yikes well dance i think if anyone knows no it was a good joke i wish i could i don't know well he said if they know him from anywhere it's the suicide forest thing i was like you're probably right that's just kind of true i mean most people in the mainstream what do they know it worked out for him though look at him now he's on matt singer he was just on wwe he's killing him he's literally killing it once he found that body his career has been killing it what do you think i'm known for anything probably you're i mean crying on the kitchen floor really still i feel like i'm gonna land so long well i'm just saying if you're not for anything oh i love it that's the only thing like people know me for like my reaction videos and i haven't made one like five years really so if you're messing are they like we love his reaction they'd probably say podcaster at this point right not vape nation uh the the internet sensation podcast host ethan klein like you don't you have no idea who i am you should get a steamy next year for the most swatted thank you i'd love to take that nomination i don't i don't know of anyone else who's had an fbi agent show up at their house yeah i don't either oh speaking but back to james charles pewdiepie finally says james charles did you see that i with the mentos ken i didn't watch the kind of went off on him so i guess that's good remember we're saying like he doesn't have anything yeah i mean what's what's there what's left to to debate all right let's hear it so jake paul we watch this girl's video which by the way she looked 16 in the video and then a couple years ago i was like how old is she she looks so young in the video she's so young and then she showed the pictures of when she knew jake she had like blue hair again like like 15 years old i was like well she has a big tick tock account old is she her name is justine pear justine paradise she's like an influencer i guess yeah who she is this broke my heart because it's like i think she takes talks about it pretty lightly but it's like this is like such long-term effects like being the way she described being like forced into something like you know it's like they don't think it's trauma at the time because what should i last 30 seconds or something but that's so traumatic when it's like so quick like that and like it's it's a lot and i could tell she hasn't like fully even processed and understood it like it's just like a lot i never heard someone online describe it so graphically too usually they just say i was assaulted or something but she explicitly described graphically and also very like casually which is why it like bothered me because i was like thinking like this is gonna like [ __ ] up long term i see tana now do a bunch of tech talks like you know i think this is a [ __ ] meme she talks a lot about like and it's she says it's about a lot of people because people were like is this about jason is this about shane you know because like shane peed on her when she freshly turned 18 or she like had her on him yeah i just saw it it's like someone retweet like uh from two thousand and he made like a sex tape with her yeah and well other people too like a lot of and she said it was la la and then of course like jason like trying to kiss her and she's like it wasn't a date until he made it a date like and now she's seeing it she just [ __ ] me up and it's like so interesting she's saying it because she's known as being like a wild party channel whatever and so the fact that she's saying like this is like [ __ ] me up mentally and stuff and she's singing that at 25. i think of her at 30. like 30 not to keep bringing this up but i wasn't freaking mental hospital at 33 times over because i thought i was fine too i was like oh i love being like this person like i'm an escort i suck dick for money whoo like i loved it and then like later on down the line you're just like [ __ ] that was some [ __ ] up [ __ ] right and you really do like any i talked about it so casually too when i was younger i was always like yeah like this happens i did this whatever you know it's like but it's so [ __ ] up long term and the way she was talking so casually because she also mentioned a lot like her phone and how she was embarrassed by her phone model and i was like oh she's talking about this so casually she's going to marry it to like a phone model you know what i mean and i was like but that's just like a [ __ ] thing it's not her it's like that's like some it really is like the way we're like taught to like think about these things as like girls like it just happens like that just happens like it's [ __ ] up it's sad yeah i felt bad i i know what you i mean that's it and she texted him to hang out again and i know that too because so many people be like why would you hang out again it's like you're so like dude there's people online trying to discredit her and it's the same [ __ ] you [ __ ] always hear from these people about like i don't believe her because like why didn't she stop him so great i was like you're a [ __ ] idiot or why was she talking about her phone it's like you're a [ __ ] douchebag why did you reach back out to him it's like dude you can you just [ __ ] have like an ass a milligram of but all those are traits of people being like abused you know because like reaching out to someone that abused you is like so super common like it's super it's like textbook yeah of course that's like red flags all around like that's not like something that's like shows that she was like abused in some way by this person and in multiple ways so there's like a whole time this one was really just i i don't i didn't really see anything coming of this jake paul one but i'll um because people are just so numb by it i think so too it's like oh my god another one when i hear about james charles i don't even know about that one i'm like even me i'm like okay it's another one because nothing's being done about it because this is the real person i know right but people are literally just being it's another one until someone pressed charges like the crystalia girl the year old with the lawsuit like that's like the first thing that happened that she's not being paid off and now all these easy littles are made public and people are like oh this is kind of nasty and gross and like there's no chance ever and i'll keep talking about because we weren't talking about anymore like he's canceled what i was like he's not canceled he's back and people are giving him thumbs up and subscribe to his patreon so he's not canceled he still has a sickness he's not getting help he doesn't talk about getting help he just tries to deflect by his baby and not his wife all of a sudden he has a wife but i will s yeah the thing about crystalia is that like i don't it bothers me a little bit how when he came back all of his content is about his family and his baby now so it's so gross it's like deflecting like i know i have a son and like i don't put him in a lot of photos and stuff because it's just such an easy way to like minute i just feel like he's manipulating somebody he's like even though the whole world hates me i just look at my son's eyes and i'm like that's all that matters and it's like he never talked about this stuff before it's so many i watch it honestly because he disgusts me i didn't even know he was i didn't even know he had was like first of all even engaged or that he was due to have a baby i watched the podcast all the time religiously yeah he was like this girl my girl and now she has a name kristen and oh we were supposed to get married for endemic i was like what the [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] and he's trying to like save face and i hate that no more people are talking about it because if you read the if you read the lawsuit of the 17 girl and the things you said to her really and like the manipulation and like saying that she has to do this and oh now she's the number two girl because she won't do this and he goes you just don't please me enough you don't say you said no to me all this crazy [ __ ] it just is so disgusting and i was just like everyone hates me and comes sweating my patreon and everyone's like thumbs up chris we missed you it's like the thing is when you show the baby it's like you're it's so compelling you people to like because you're not of course yeah yeah it's great that's what you talked about on this podcast and it's it's disgusting and anyways i just feel like more people talk about this [ __ ] because especially because all these girls are like 16 17 and it's like stop with these people that are like they're so and a lot of people oh they know what they're doing and stuff like that it's like they're 16 and 17. like what do you expect like yeah yeah of course they know they're famous or whatever and like whatever but it's like not their fault it's like not their fault that you guys like screwed them over and they're like this is my thing yeah it's six yeah you're just like at 16 you're just like hypnotized by a famous person words will do anything but anyway here's here's the timeline of this accusation because like i think all these accusers are real people and this girl is really credible and they all it's it's exhausting but like they all deserve to be heard it sucks that you get that you get fatigued from just this i'm calling it youtube you like that the band like me too youtube like youtube sounds like a copyright issue with no bono different you too it's you i'm not copyrighting it no it's just a gag uh sounds like two things youtube that's the play on words you too because it's like youtube me too oh oh how about just we too but it's a play on youtube i don't like it we'll think of something else everyone else liked it who is everyone else h3 crew everybody hold it right now pull it on the screen who am i going to pull there's two people here no on the computer on youtube nobody's watching it's not live oh my god nobody's watching and everyone just hates our show now he's watching right now if you like uh me too type i'm scared if you want like me to type ethan foot soldiers unite i hate the flesh and if you have the hate ow wait listen i listened to this podcast call i never listened i listened for the first time yesterday because they had a good guest on it was holly madison and this girl it's called like it's a it's the daddy one and yeah you everybody it she says daddy a lot every five seconds she's like daddy gang this is what's going on and she kept saying it like the foot shoulder thing yeah and i was like this is so it's like she was interviewing holly madison right a former i'll tell you why that foot soldiers is better no because it's like foot soldiers shake hey daddy gang this is what's happening and then guess what daddy gang after this and i was like a stop we're not fine we're not five-year-olds we don't need a fan first of all i don't constantly consider i'd be like okay foot soldiers listen up i don't say it i think you do that's how it sounds to me and second of all mine's ironic okay we're talking about wiki feet we're talking about tanking people's wiki feed scores okay so it's not that serious i have put fairies and they're going to take yours please actually someone said i need to hype you up more all the comments last week we're like you know okay nevermind okay all the you know let's pull some tarot cards there'll be feet and [ __ ] pizza and uh i hype up your feet my foot fair is go go give ethan more ratings on that oh you're calling your gang the foot fairies on wiki feet go hype ethan up on wikifeet man wait you gotta find your own [ __ ] you can't be a foot fairy yeah i can you're not the foot what do you want to compete you want to go toe-to-toe literally no we're hyping each other up my foot fairies are going to help soldiers and foot fairies yeah okay and anybody can be a fairy it's not like girls or gays or anything is anybody you can be a fairy if you're a straight male yeah okay can i get back to the series every time you have a teddy bear in your shirt you look like a teddy bear i keep going back and forth i'm like oh little teddy bear i want to give you some porridge you look like a little thing the second time goldilocks been brought up this episode yeah ever since then i've been thinking about how you look like a little bear okay you do have little bear eyes that's why your son's so cute because he looks like a little teddy bear too his name's actually teddy okay it is so cool yeah um okay so first of all this girl that scared me i thought someone was coming in because we were just talking about like those the threats and almost i see someone walking and i'm like oh you were not fazed that's moses i saw his mother's wedding i didn't even look at him because his hair is down today i was like ah so um the girl first of all when she first arrived they took her photo and made her sign an nda i went to the teen titan house and i did that too so that's just for everybody i think yeah but it's weird it also means nothing if that happens to you like i don't mean anything just so originally she was like can i even talk about this because like it's an intimidation here she is when she first made it take a talk about it oh she looks different here she says signed to nda at a famous youtuber's house and then he essayed me yeah no more fortnite 19 fortnight who was crazy how tick tock is just airing out all your trauma i've admitted more stuff on tick tock than i've admitted to like my therapist someone was like okay this is a trend let's talk about it isn't that crazy i mean it's good like it's healthy it's a good outlet like that makes you feel safe but i like to talk and she posted another tick tock saying um that oh this is the same tech talk oh you're right and i did make a full youtube video explaining everything but i'm talking to a reporter now instead that contacted me because if everyone's gonna hate on me for something that happened to me might as well say it louder for the people in the back and maybe this will encourage some other people to come forward about stuff that happened to them because if i don't stand up for myself no one's gonna stand up for me but i cannot put up my video until the reporter does their report and since i did sign an nda with the youtuber prior to all of this happening um the reporter has lawyers with their company and they're just going to look into whatever wait i never saw an article come out right she already put the video yeah maybe they did yeah oh yeah getting tagged so anyway um she did put out a video and she described the whole thing where she says basically they went up to the room and were making out and kissing and then he tried to get moving on to like you know third or fourth base i guess i don't know and she said she didn't want to and then he told her well if you don't want to then what's the point okay so like we're like okay he's an [ __ ] right that's what she says but what happened next was that okay i mean it's one thing to be an [ __ ] and just be like okay well then you know leave but what he did later is that she he got up she was laying on the bed held her face down and uh f squared f squared that's what they're called f squared wait what does f squared mean wait there's a there's an acronym for that see so i think i just i left me something else a lot of classified something else is so crazy that's what it means they're shorthand for everything okay terminology holy crap okay she got anyway he assault he he he basically those were her words by the way that was white yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so he like let's say how do i put this fellatio fallaciously forced fellatio non-consensual flavors non-consensual fellatio not funny but i'm laughing and jake's a big guy like he's cuz i saw two comments being like how does that even happen what do you mean how does that even happen like you have a big guy that just like and it lasts 30 seconds she said she just he went right on her face in like 20 30 seconds just finished and then left the room so it's like of course like you don't even know how old she is you don't even know what's happened before it's done like i see so many people on the internet trying to defend jake by saying like how could that even happen it's like you don't think it's 20 30 seconds i mean it totally it totally sounds plausible what's her name justine paradise it's probably not a real name oh here it is she's 23. oh yeah she looks so young like i was like um yeah 23. damn so yeah people it's like literally people are just like numb to this or they're like yeah i think there's a lot of rape apologists who are just scared because they've done [ __ ] like this and they're trying to [ __ ] they're scared they're scared to confront that they've done [ __ ] like this and they want to make it seem like what he did is fine or impossible because they're trying to rationalize to themselves that they're not pieces of [ __ ] too and um that's the only logical explanation and like her watching her video was just like so sad she just looked so she's just so nonchalant about it was just like so sad like she just made it seem like it was like and that's how everyone's taking it like not a big deal like no one it's not really like as big of a story as it should be i agree and i think just because he's coming like he'll david dobrik and james charles right then everyone's like oh but like if you came out and without those two stories would be a huge deal it's really sad i don't know i don't really know the answer other than like unless like legal action is like you know someone gets arrested or something it's like doesn't really it's worth talking about though that's what we're talking about yeah for sure just still people no yeah that's awareness for sure and but here here's i guess people a lot of people have been calling her a cloud chaser and [ __ ] i think also because jake paul is known as like a piece of garbage people are just like oh okay you know what i mean i'd be surprised if he wasn't right right and it's really sad and she still not okay by the way that paul family is like literally white trash like their dad lived in a [ __ ] trailer outside jake paul's mansion and did you know that his dad greg ball was like f was like screwing young girls yeah and he had like a sex take leap and like tricking they thought they were kissing like a young guy it was him like dude you can't make this [ __ ] up like the whole they're just a family of deeply disturbed creeps look up greg paul dude the guy is [ __ ] yeah such a goon i don't know much about him i knew about that under the swap swapping out him for like a young guy that's not oh the kissing bed yeah oh but did you know that he had a leaked sex tape with a young girl greg paul you can't see her you could just see him eating her out it's really gross i mean i don't want to shame him with sex tape but if she's under age or something she's young if they're under the age of 25 like no no jake paul doesn't hang out with people that old that old i would assume if i would make a guess she was probably like around 18. because this was like years ago that's so gross so i just understand there's well you can understand why the way they are if that's their dad agb coming at you anyway here she is because everyone again it's like even now after david and james you still can't come forward with all these legit receipts and everything and still not be totally [ __ ] on and accused of being a clown chaser it's like look at all this clout i'm gaining from [ __ ] saying i was her essayed by jake paul i'm drowning in clout over here well she has like a point like the more you talk about maybe more people it's kind of like the david effect right like all of a sudden everyone likes to blame it on me but it's like one person says something and then other people start feeling comfortable and it's good it's good because you know it does end up working like kind of the david think he had to address this stuff because now more and more people came out their story and they go you know it's like because now they're seeing okay i'm you know especially with james now people are seeing like oh people are seeing him for a monster let me just like add to that verification it's not like trying to bring someone down she's like oh i also have the story to validate what everyone else is saying yeah i think it's important i think it's more to keep saying and it's cool tic tac is cool and youtube is cool to have that if you have a story that's why i always have send my stories people like you're selling a broken record get over it trish but like the more i said it like the more people you know came forward with theirs and way worse than mine like the seth thing everything everything after me i was like holy [ __ ] like it's kind of as a man i'm kind of learning i mean i knew that it was prevalent but i'm learning and from reading and seeing all these experiences it's it's insane how prevalent like essay is like it seems like most like the vast majority of women in their life experience the being the victim of some kind of sexual violence every every woman i know and i think back like 10 years ago you knew what i think it was like the stuff that is that you don't you didn't think it was like you thought if someone like tried to kiss you and you didn't want you and you said no like that was totally fine but like that's literally not or like even sex stuff like that if you say oh i'm not feeling and they still like go in for it it's like you like it you don't realize it but now i'm glad people are but every single girl has definitely had it or someone they know it's just shocking to me because it's like well i just feel like we're not as a society like women are just their whole sexual experience is so much different than men's and it's been kind of like either swept under the rug or a secret or just totally not like men as a whole as a gender have not had the amount of sympathy or understanding of the female sexual experience yeah it's shocking to me now that my i mean just in the past like 10 years or so with there's been a lot happening and i've been reading a lot and it's just like um it's great i mean yeah i mean it's i i can't believe that i was like 90 seems like 95 percent of women have been some kind of victim of this [ __ ] in their life like something or the other and i'm just it's just [ __ ] up i mean well it's really cool to see this happen it's probably like the metoo movement for hollywood this is like it's like the me too movement for just regular people now that there's tick-tock and things go viral and stuff like that like i think that's really a cool thing because now people can't get away with it which before people could you know for whatever reason but now they can't get away with it i think that's right it's good for young boys to learn about what is and not okay because like the bar is always kind of moved or maybe it was something that wasn't openly discussed but i feel like as a society it needs to be very clear to young men like oh what is and isn't okay um that was always my issue with i think david just never addressing anything i was like address this because all your fans think it's totally fine what they did to seth what they did and i still don't think seth got the justice he deserved because he's a male and because you know obviously uh hannah you know came out too and a lot more attention went to that but uh the fact that he didn't address that thing properly like that wasn't cool either and like jason nobody had to address that it's like so these people all think that's totally fine like they're boys like scott sire being like boys will be boys that's what we do we just [ __ ] with each other it's like no it's not okay like and the fact that more people didn't like they didn't touch on it david kind of did at the apology at the end but that was like my big i don't think he ever contacted seth did he not i don't know he didn't i don't think so i never heard about it i'm still waiting for my phone call yeah you never heard from him i mean you never heard from him like you know at the very least right he thinks okay trish is going to talk about it on front of me or whatever like that but at least like try and make yourself look good at least like apologize wait yeah because he's like i'm reaching out to everyone and he never called you i guess he doesn't think he did anything wrong with you literally i don't think so yeah i don't think so which is insane it's crazy but it's fine honestly like at least a little bit of like closure was given to like yeah i don't think seth got close i don't think he got the right amount i can ask seth if he ever heard from david or jason i mean he was the one that did it too it's like right or jason jason just been so quiet i wonder if he sent him a heart like you did you hey babe just wanted to talk that's crazy hey babe he basically said that dude didn't he he was like hey babe heart let's chat call me please hey trish it's jason call me please red heart anyway after getting called a clout goblin by some [ __ ] maniacs online this is what she said someone called her that oh yeah she's getting a ton of [ __ ] from people god why why are people depending on anyone for clout um i've kept this to myself for a long time so making the decision to share it publicly is terrifying because i know i'm gonna have a lot of attention on it and and i know a lot of that attention is gonna be hate and i don't wanna deal with all the hate that i'm gonna get for like something bad that happened to me but also i know it is necessary to share this information with everybody so it could maybe like save someone that would be in my position in the future i haven't shared this youtube video previously with all the information in it because like it's scary to share so i've been kind of mentally prepping myself and also some like big reporters said it's in my best interest to wait and since i've never shared anything like this and i assume they had more like knowledge than me i decided to like go with that but i think that's wrong i think it's just in their best interest for me to wait hello i am what what that is in the best interest of the reporter to wait why is that because because they don't she didn't want us yeah they want to break the story um they're like don't post till our story comes out and she's like well what if it's cat and cat just going on all these shoes it's amazing she's good like i like well that's good though that means that there is more coming for jake paul if there's someone working on it but if you do want to i do recommend watching your video if you can stomach it but it's just too crappy especially because she's so young so it's just like a little it's a lot to think about like i don't know okay oh this is a re-upload wait where's the original did you take it down no i think the guys just backed it up just in case but um i wanted to give hero fun if you guys want to watch her original video which i recommend if you can stomach it it's here and it's called trigger warning and jake paul seriously assaulted me yeah and it is uh on just justine paradise channel so hi uh um yeah it's a lot so who does these lists for you they're so organized it's like a little we have a team yeah we do i mean like who specifically one person has to write all this down ever it's a collaborative effort you share this document yeah everybody has access to it it's a process that we've perfected over the years yeah they need a raise there's so much i feel like i'm looking at like a dissertation yeah i mean look we've been doing this for a while and um we do three shows a week so we have to be organized so we're working pretty good as a team team unit but oh you want to talk about the khloe kardashian drama are you tired what happened to you you are so tired now i feel like what did i do you're like here i feel like you're about to fall asleep well i did eat two extra large pizzas at the very beginning i wanted it i wanted to wait till the end but trisha was like i have to have it hot or i'm gonna i would never have done it from the end khloe kardashian let's talk about it you see her photo don't show the photo because her lawyers will copy right now i was wondering if i should show the photo real did they really copyright the photo and taking it down over it that's so weird okay let me so if you guys didn't hear khloe kardashian her nan her like 90 year old nana took like a candid photo of her and posted it on instagram and um and she looks norm like a normal body in it not like a freak kardashian body no she her body is lipo for the gods lipo oh is it she's had like liposuction after life was like you can tell you can tell that's a lipo body for sure it does look a little odd and she's had her butt down in and you can see before photos now look at her face now her face are you sure oh you're not gonna okay her face they can't see this but okay right her face in this photo looks like an old chloe face meaning like her face when she was younger maybe like five years ago she has a lot of work done since then and she photoshops a lot of it whatever not not work um photoshop i mean since then and so like it looks like her old chloe face that she doesn't want people to see anymore and it's like that's what you look like and she looks good and everyone was saying it everyone was like wow she looks so good right i think it was more shocking because that looks like an old chloe face that we haven't seen throughout the filter so everyone's like wow and she looks so pretty she looks so much more youthful and like glowing there now she then posts like was like all the people were like trying to get these photos removed off the internet it's still there i mean it's like easy to find you can't ever get rid of this you can't ever get rid of it she's and then what but it was okay whatever that's fine but then what pissed me off and she did her reaction on her instagram she posted like a video of her like flexing her super six back down yeah she's just like my body that i've worked hard for first of all you've all lipoed it like you've all lipoed your body here's the video or i don't know if this is too graphic i don't think so they'll tell us because she's like anyway but like i saw the real candid can you mute then i saw the candid photo of you i mean and it's like you kind of look the same like your face is i think that my my thing was her face how different she looked like she faced tunes a lot and her face is hidden in this video then go to the next one she's showing this she's like okay look at my body like just trying she obviously screams insecurity be trying to show people how flat her stomach is which again that's a it's a body by lipo you can see before and after it's a body and yes you have to work hard to maintain the lipo that's not like the thing but it's like this would have been the perfect moment to be like hey yeah we set on realistic beauty standards that even we can't achieve yeah so that's what i wanted like that's all you had to say this was like the perfect time to be like that's always been my why i dislike the kardashians is because dude there's they're ruining the perception of a whole generation of women what they should like they're like the leading cause of depression amongst like teenage girls yeah and it's it's i think if they were to say like kylie deny is getting lip filler right and it's so obvious when you look at pictures of her like two years prior to her being seventeen fifteen to seven all of them have so much work so much work you look at the before and after like kim kardashian chloe had so much work and it's like and once i found that out that like someone someone that works for them told me oh yeah they get liposuction which i had no idea as like a young girl i got liposuction at 21. i was like that's all you need and guess what my body changed completely too it's like if you're just honest about it i think it's like a lot better but these girls think that like they they have to do all these squats to have a butt like you when in reality just go to a doctor like have you seen like these photos of like kim's butt like in the wild yeah it just looks like it's crazy bro anyway but it's their face too and it's like you know you can't just say it's a workout like you changed your whole face and the i didn't even recognize that that was chloe in that last video in the right that doesn't follow on that closely but i remember what she used to look like i used to uh i used to serve her all the time can i show that yeah i worked at a restaurant and she used to come in and she was a fairly regular customer yeah she was actually really sweet um she was always really nice they seemed nice but why are they so hell bent on like yeah well i think they're yeah they're it's like serious body image yeah she had a baby she's close to 40 like it's not like people are can i show this i've just been wondering like first of all from a from a fair use standpoint i think i'm good because like um it's newsworthy i don't think it all shows because it's not a public photo that she doesn't want out there so there's that aspect i don't think i'll show it but you can find it easily and everyone was saying she looks great no one was like shaving her wow this is amazing you look like a real person a real person and then like oh my god get that take it down exactly i i i it left a very bitter taste in my mouth they've been like super [ __ ] um aggressive with the taking down of this photo everywhere aggressive like everyone has called me the fastest or like i'm not allowed to be insecure because i'm rich it's like it's not about that it's just about being honest she said that i didn't even read it yeah she had it in her instagram post she had like a paragraphs of stuff and it just being so defensive and it's like oh here's her be honest like it's just so not did you guys like literally people to show your real body because that's like the best thing you can do for the health of people right now yeah or she you know what she should have done in this situation she should have posted the photo herself and be like yeah this is me like i don't know like own it like it's something hey guys this is me and my body unretouched and unfiltered the photo that was posted this week is beautiful but as someone who has so why are you going after literally everybody who even like like everybody on youtube is scared to show it like i was when i was doing research for this i was like has anyone on youtube shown the photo because i don't know if i should or not mm-hmm and like phillyd you showed it no he didn't nobody showed it so yeah so because they're because they're afraid right but she's saying it's beautiful why don't you post it yeah she says this photo is beautiful but as someone who has struggled with body image your whole life when someone takes a photo of you that isn't flattering in bad lighting or doesn't capture your body the way it is after working so hard to get it to this point and then shares it but your your body looked fine yeah bad lighting and even if it didn't like everyone's telling you did no one's coming for you and saying like wow you're disgusting you let yourself go how many like dude i'm sorry but you're like the biggest public figure in the world like people are always following you and taking photos yeah like well why this one is the one that all of a sudden oh i have to make this uh philosophical stance unless it was all for publicity and get people talking about her because i mean it worked but i don't know like it seems so odd i don't think in a good way everyone's like so she says you should have every right to ask for it to not be shared regardless of who you are in truth the pressure constant ridicule and judgment my entire life to be perfect to me other standards of how i should look has been too much to bear chloe is the fat sister chloe is the ugly sister her dad uh must not be her real dad because she looks so different oh people think her dad is o.j or some [ __ ] i know there's like that one yeah no that is true the conspiracy it's not true right hello twitter world hello chloe um the only way she could have lost that weight must have been from surgery that's what you said that's just what it is should i go on being a personality you're making yes she has more pages she has you make so much money like for people talking about you like that's why you guys are famous like it's so weird this like double contradiction like like who cares if people say this about you that's your fat sister people say i'm fat all the time this is what it is i get what she's saying like like i get it but i think she's using i think don't say it's too much to bear when you continue these shows for 12 000 seasons yeah you buried it just fine you know what i do when i have an unflattering photo did you see that one i posted on my tic toc that moses took me i posted it i looked like the fattest i've ever looked in my life right here let me turn down the volume i think we'll ever top the post with the video look how huge i look why you're just like a quaker and i posted that i'm like 250 here dude you look awesome i look disgusting you look like quicker oats guys and you know what i posted it because i'm fat and disgusting at the moment and that's what i'm going to live in you know that's my body that's nothing will ever top the quaker oats are you talking about quicker oats quicker oats quicker oats oatmeal i don't is there a mascot for opium yeah he's like a quaker my face looks like oatmeal or what i thought yes your fa your thighs look like open what are you talking about wait quaker oats why why are they oh i wrote quarter oats what's a quarter oh why did they come to all that oh it's like a location here that's you uh you're quaker oats you're the quaker oats guy that's literally how you're dressed i think so i had no hair in mine but yeah i get i don't know no maybe that hat i like more nothing will ever top the the photo of you as the um god i gotta find that trisha paytas the one that jason posted of you and when you're at party how do you even find it nfl or something maybe nfl party let me just type in nfl okay let me see if i can does it come up oh it's like a sticker [Laughter] no he did originally but then i did because i was like well i mean that's an unflattering picture chloe why are you wearing a do-rag and like athletic gloves he put me in that outfit i don't know why could you imagine if i went on an instagram and did my photoshop picture and be like guys i'm not i don't look like that like nobody cares yeah exactly nobody gives a [ __ ] guys i have all body positivity except for me where you laugh at my quaker oats in my double chin you presented it like i was supposed to laugh at it what do you want me to cry about you being fat every time you bring it up there's a tic tac trend where to get rid of your double chin ready you just put your tongue at the top of your mouth does it work are you sucking your tongue okay but it's not just the tongue because you end up doing this yeah i think it works it works on you it works on you too well i know it works but it but because you can tell that you're struggling like nah i am i look natural no you both have like a bullfrog effect going on we're like natural yeah what are you talking about i don't have a double chin i'm not fat don't let the rest of my body go you guys you guys look great thank you anyways anyway look i i get it but at the same time it's like she went on like a four-page dissertation about that she was like and this and this and this it's like your body is done it looks good your face you obviously use a [ __ ] ton of filter and that's why i don't you i've been using builder on all my instagram photos go to my latest ones they're all filtered you're so honest about it though and by the way i feel like these these women owe it to the [ __ ] world to be honest for once about what a natural body that is does that look like me no it looks like you but it looks like you know filter like my nose is oh i'm on moses instagram too so i always get his comments i would post a um i should post a photo of me like that all over oh here you should hear do you have the pretty you don't have the right filter though you have to like download it out here oh you can do it right now yeah that's the filter you use yeah do you have a cute face though oh my god i look like 10 billion it makes you all skinny do you want my skin perfect yeah your eyes model like you're actually being serious oh my god who is that do you agree with that people concerned okay wait let me take another one okay let me try to look ugly in this oh my god this makes everyone look so beautiful okay well now it's not catching the phone it even makes my eyes blue like i'm sorry [ __ ] or my brown eye's not good enough for you let me try to look handsome so yeah yeah i look like sexy look at this dan just show it now look at this why are you getting frustrated huh you just did this who what yeah this is great this is great content mistakes well i'll just send you the photo okay i'll send in the thing what's up all right frenemy's group chat is getting a little full we have a lot of people in the front of music group chat but they don't even recognize them what is that you slapped me with it was the goo oh people said we were off that episode i know i didn't i didn't feel that way really okay good because i felt bad i was like was i off to you no no i was like i don't know people are tripping people look into everything like so deep i love the comments every episode yep i'm out now this is the last episode for me i always have one of those yeah oh my god how do you search how do you search that comment out because there's like the the response is always like overwhelmingly i just look for the negative in like and then you find one i have never seen a comment like that i but you must dig like really deep anyway let's let's talk [ __ ] that person let's talk about chloe chloe so we'll go on to the next thing chloe oh i already went to the next one says how about who cares how i who but who oh poor chloe who cares how she feel because she grew up in the life of privilege i can't read that far so you have to stop yeah she says but who cares how she feels now she's in third person she grew up in a life of privilege she's also a reality so she signed up for all this i'm of course not asking for sympathy but i am asking to be acknowledged for being a human being yeah i mean but like nothing bad happened to her it was like a picture was posted there was not like there's it's not like she got robbed everyone's like poor rich girl like then people would have sympathy like obviously no one deserves to be robbed but it's like you said a photo like like people were saying parents my mom posts the most unflattering photos like go to my mom's facebook it's under lana paytas you're so beautiful yeah it's such a good photo of you it's some [ __ ] they have mom eyes right but also it's just normal like sometimes i do look fat and ugly and sometimes i look beautiful and it's all the same person it's like that tic-tac-toe i respect you a lot for that thank you that you're willing to show all sides of you i think that's very important i just think it's i that's why i get really upset about this now because i think it's so dangerous for like people i agree i i i absolutely i think they're i think the kardashians are so [ __ ] because of [ __ ] like this you have to own this dude you have a chance to actually help people like feel okay about in their bodies well that's what happened with anna nicole she said trim spot she also that way and there's another there was a miner that like died from it that's why they stopped selling trump's box i had like a fudge don't you remember she lost all that weight and then she does commercials for diet pills it's like trim spa babies oh they're selling like meth right it was like ephedra and yeah and it was like crazy yeah and so on i was taking as a kid because you thought oh that's how she lost 60 pounds like okay doesn't that [ __ ] with your head like oh i'm sure it did i'm sure it did i was so [ __ ] up from it and i i did lose like a bunch of weight but i think a couple people died from it they were selling that on tv in the store you could go to cvs like a tart yeah like she also did i mean you have to work hard like if you get liposuction it's like you just lose weight but she did get help and if people don't say it like people end up dying trying to look like you like it's [ __ ] crazy yeah because they used to peddle diet pills they used to do quick slim and so it's like you're you're just promoting it's a good point it's a great it's a great point and you can have lipo and still be healthy you can like work out i'm someone who had lipo and didn't work out and not healthy so there's like two different lipo people those who continue to be a fat ass kim kardashian she can't just walk around like with this [ __ ] ass the side of a the size of like a locomotive and like the time the tiniest waist and like huge boobs her body just looks like so freakish like no body looks like that naturally no you need to be honest about that i know i don't understand why people aren't either she says blah blah blah she just keeps whining shut up nobody cares it's so that's literally what she said like literally nobody gives a [ __ ] like nothing bad happened to you it's like you said it's like okay i have empathy and yeti but it's like nothing happened to your nana posted a [ __ ] picture of you and like get over it yeah and everybody's insecure and everyone deals with it and everyone signs up for it that's just life you know what i mean like i don't know what else to say i really want to show the photo no it's not worth dealing with it yeah i mean if she's like that traumatized by but if that's the case then she needs to get off reality team and social media all together maybe just see a therapist for a little while if you're that traumatized by it like damn girl you should look good she sees her therapist at the same time as a plastic surgeon they meet together that'd be good and convenient time saver exactly like shampoo conditioner here here's someone plastic surgery consultant just to give you an idea of what they're doing on twitter they're locking accounts that are posting the photo wait what on what on twitter yeah on twitter oh my god like they are on an all-out war like is that real elites of attorneys sending out dmca's oh my god there's literally people like dying like and they're like let's take this out like why don't you use that lawyer to like help like you know that's a line isn't that a line from the kardashians that's what you're just saying oh yeah maybe while there is for what they said courtney's the only real one i would say courtney is the only real one but then she also hang out with us and ray which there's just a lot courtney was the only real one she was like i don't really care about all this [ __ ] but now she's like david dober and edison ray she mentioned david dobrik on kardashians last week she's like really yeah she's like oh david introduced me to addison that's like 42. we're talking about them on the show yeah is this show really that popular i never watched i think it's over now why are they so popular honestly i don't know i'm not even a hater i literally don't know i don't know i know it's like a meme or whatever but like either was looking at that post and she's like 150 million followers on instagram and it was like oh how is this possible i don't know i literally i don't know i'm genuinely i also i'm genuinely curious i don't know if it's like their fashion or because i watch the show and it's just not i mean i can buy entertainment anything obviously i think we should do a reality show i don't know what it would be like what would it be like the simple life what do the kardashians do you just want to do that just eat salads and talk to each other that's what we do here is that with the kardashians yeah they just like eat salads and be like there was one episode the only one i remember is a conversation because it's from tic-tac where they're eating salads and they're planting a candy land and courtney doesn't want to have any sugar and she has but courtney it's candy and shake there's candy without sugar but it's not candyland and then she courtney's being so annoying right now and that's like all they do is they talk about that the whole time like that was a whole plot line this show sounds awesome we could definitely up do that we're like the kardashians except like without makeup and filters and lawyers and and like and then like the uh we got rolls royces that's true that is true we're like the jewish kardashians you're not jewish not yet i'm i'm i'm filtered and people want me to have a real talk with you about your anti-semitic tendencies do people really think that i'm anti-semitic do you think i'm gonna say that no well i think you make a lot of stereotype about jews i don't think you're anti-semitic i'm right but the stereotypes you make about jews feed into anti-semitism but it's my love for them i love the stereotypes of jewish people yeah but so the people that hate jews believe the same stereotypes you do but i love that they're not real stereotypes i'm trying to turn the negative stereotypes into something positive like jews control the world no i just like like that jews are up upper ep epchelon of society oh yeah so that's like part of that deep anti-semitic so what do i say jews are trash what's the opposite of this trash would probably be more probably better i like the stereotypes of like their noses i would like my son to have moses's nose it looks so nice it's nice and big and i like it but in a good way i'm being so serious yeah i mean that that is a deeply anti-semitic trope but i love the nose i do i love it mine looks like a little rabbit a little frog not a rabbit rabbits are cute mine is a frog i don't think that there really is a jewish nose you don't have one exactly okay so like that's an anti-semitic trope have you seen like propaganda photos from like nazi era i get it i'm sorry okay i apologize for real if i offend someone actually i don't think you're trying to be offensive so i'm not trying to i know i love jewish men so much like that's all i go for i know but that's like i know what you're saying but the same time like that's my preference like they're so hot that's fine to be attracted to them okay if you like jewish guys that's so how do i say that without coming across as fetishizing like between you and god when i was single my bumble was like don't talk to me if you're not jewish but there's certain things that you say that you should know as a stereotype that leads that is the knowledge the nose is the stereotype the world domination thing cheap but you kind of are me yeah how am i cheap i don't know you're actually not you bought a rolls royce impulse bought a rolls royce you're not cheap actually you're very generous i take that back i feel like i'm not cheap no you are passover you like be like passing out checks to everybody i didn't get checked but well i gave it to all of our family members oh my god i pay you every month well i need to give you a five thousand dollar check i was like where's my check see that's [ __ ] up that you come out and call me too no i resent that i just said i'd take it back because you gave everybody money for literally no reason on a holiday that you're not even supposed to get money i was like okay i want to be in this family i take it back you took back your misogyny earlier in the episode i take back that idea people say we're growing that we already apologize with the minutes of knowing what we did was probably that by the way that is a hurtful stereotype the jews are cheap okay i won't say that that is a very anti-semitic and hurtful stereotype okay done yeah especially because i try hard you're not you're i know but i just gotta have to explain how [ __ ] up okay let me hear you because the stereotype and i i've always tried my best to to um to to be as as uncheap as possible to be as open-palmed and generous as i possibly could be and it's just it makes me feel bad that you would come and call me cheap oh my god first of all it was a joke but okay you better keep in the whole thing about the wrestling thing if you're keeping all this in i'm just trying to i feel like you're going to edit that down because i can't sometimes you added some the only time we ever edit is if we don't when was the last time we edited anything dan uh i don't even i mean we've edited before when youtube told us we needed to take something like when moses has like talked and stuff like that it's edited out like if he's like apologizing or something like you edit out his apology one time it's not a big deal i'm just saying like you do well yeah that was a different issue i'm apologizing i think moses wanted me to remove it no he's like oh they edited that whole thing out it was him like trying to say sorry anyways it's not a big deal i'm just saying i'm not editing it okay cool you're trying to divert from you've been a raging anti-semite and i've apologized for my anti-semitism okay i think when someone apologizes you should be able to accept them if you don't accept it's not a big deal you don't have to accept my apology but i apologize i accept it you don't need a hammer at home but i i can keep taking it i'll keep listening i love educating myself especially if my kids are going to be jewish i need to be and not anti-jewish definitely should understand they might be anti themselves then they'll be like oh i'm so confused yeah that's not good moses told somebody yeah i'm kind of christian jew i'm both i'm a jew for jesus apparently you guys were telling me that your housekeeping oh people always wonder why so i should just explain it so people know because people always took it for 30 seconds we have a review with youtube so they say okay um this podcast is good to go and we won't demonetize you or turn it mature after you post it which is really good yeah we need to know especially when we put all this effort and we're here for two hours the problem is like if you say like one wrong word like there's certain words like let's say the c word you can't say that yeah if you say the c word once in a two-hour podcast they'll mature the whole [ __ ] thing yeah so like but they say okay we'll review it ahead of time and approve it but you can't have it be over two hours because that's just too much [ __ ] work for us sure and hit bye we can go over by a few minutes which we are now going to add a read so oh [ __ ] okay bye see you next time so that that's why you see us being like wrap it up at the end thank you for my adam sandler phone case you know who you are what is this oh someone sent this to you huh yeah who sent it to you just a random fan you know i honestly don't know it just showed up yeah thank you my god okay bye bye you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,581,250
Rating: 4.8653436 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: R3XpjB3P9WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 44sec (7184 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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