Tom Segura & The Hook Up | TigerBelly 289

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Austin is awesome

But to the lay person from overseas it’s not LA and it’s not Vegas the comedy store was packed every night because LA is a tourist hotspot yes there was hardcore fans and open micrs that would frequent but the crowd was made up of out of Towners

Even after the pandemic LA will still be a tourist hotspot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrunkFlamingoVegas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bobby is legendary for ending his podcast like that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 227 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dudlord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s hilarious that people like Rogan act like comedy shows aren’t some niche thing that the average adult goes to probably 2 times in their whole life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 278 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wealthy people don’t live where the weather sucks. They will be Summer snow birds and/or slowly move back to the West Coast.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Grindertv πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bill Burr said something similar on the latest Joey Diaz podcast...

He understands what Joe is doing with his 100 mil... but the rest of them seems like a bad idea.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/demzor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tom Segura took it personal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 188 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrpopenfresh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how they just start playing the outro music and don’t even let him respond lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Flyingpigfriend πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love TigerBelly and Bobby is completely right. Austin is Joe's retirement home.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MoMissionarySC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s right. Austin will NEVER be more active than LA if you’re an entertainer. It’s sad to see people just following Rogan around like children lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 293 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tormenta263 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
slept king here and we got kaleila here and uh we have some uh new merch that we'd like to talk to you about we have these tiger belly playing cards and if you open them up right the king is me where's yours babe i'm the queen oh my god you don't know how to shuffle huh babe so make sure you head to to cop your limited edition tiger belly playing cards and if you missed out on our me walking down the street long sleeve or slept kingdom hoodie their restock so once again head to it creates the foam so keep it on yeah it creates a foam you don't know you wanted fancy coffee you don't even know that hey chill the [ __ ] out man no but you you came in here like i didn't come in here like anything oh you came here with your [ __ ] sports car of reverend from latino music seeing how fast it goes and then then you look at me and you go um what's your beverage situation which i've never been asked before and then i'm like what do you mean he's like i need fancy fancy not just water fancy water so if we had like fiji he would have just not probably not drank it and then he's like he wants fancy coffee so i go here's my options [Music] [Music] i woke up in a really [ __ ] up move i don't know what it was when you say woke up because it's rolling yet yes yeah well put your earphones on you don't have to you don't have to you can do whatever you want i'll do this for now yeah yeah yeah no it's when you say i woke up just yeah give me give me the [ __ ] general overview of when you woke up i woke up 240. jesus christ that's purely that's really for me considering the the hour sprung forward right right technically it's one for all right can i defend myself and you and you what time did you wake up uh no finish no that's not true i woke up at noon babe yeah you were laying next to me yeah i'm on my phone she's up no i looked over and you were doing your [ __ ] because we have a fancy guest you deceive fans i wake up regular people time yeah yeah yeah and then how do i know it's been i mean because you guys been together years now how about like do you just fully accept there's no other way that's so you do you you accept like i've resigned yeah you resigned to yeah yeah yeah it's funny um even with my behaviors and my lackadaisical um way about me um i'm still tom i do think she be still can build a kingdom crazy i do think crazy you think what i think it's biological because um there isn't besides maybe your dad your mom and your brother are lackadaisical um they're night dwellers oh okay yeah i was can i defend myself i love what you're doing right now and that's that that what i'm doing right now what you're doing right now is you're being a professional podcaster and you're and you're switching it okay yeah like as if this is yours oh yeah yeah which is fine which is fine right i allow it i'll allow it right but it's very professional very it's very diabolical it's uh it's advanced it's advanced podcasting yeah yeah it's advanced podcast someone's a veteran go ahead i get it i get it but also for me i can also identify it okay i know i i i i identify what you're doing because i too am a veteran you're like i've seen this training so um but i'm gonna allow it to happen so uh i will because i like you so much uh thanks so what can i defend myself so um monday morning um i had to do some a job at i had to wake up at six in the morning all right and i had to do a real stressful job for about four hours right only fans no it wasn't only friends i was um have you heard of the band of the band the bad the game crash bandicoot of course right so they're launching a mobile you know version of the game and they and i launched it with uh king the developers that did candy crush yeah they're doing all right they're killing it yeah you know have you ever heard of a candy crush i've heard i've heard it so um so i had to all weekend long rehearsed last week with rehearsals it's a whole very technical thing it was stressing me out be honest right i was yeah it's stressing me the [ __ ] out i was stressed out i was making him look who look look what he's right here what did you have to do these right here wait are these lines you had to read it's when i had to say certain things because it's everything's like on zoom and like okay right help launch the game though yes my point my point i don't want to get into that but i'm going to send you a video of what bobby looks like when he wakes up and we can watch it later okay yeah okay okay so well why would you tape me when i'm waking up that that horse no no no you were walking out of the room tom's asking how generally it goes down and i think this video is if i wake up and you're videotaping me i i don't think oh i have a collection what do you what do you don't do it sorry everything but hey he sucks dickiness and he goes all right when are you sleeping by the way it's [ __ ] you pulled it out on the driveway you did again that was his car i never did okay oh it's so funny i feel like is that advanced podcasting who do i work for they try to cancel somebody else um did i pull it out no i was you know i'll say this while he was pulling up i was scratching my junk okay that makes sense that actually on my own property that translates on my own property it does and by the way the only reason i brought up it wasn't like a diabolical thing it was just i was just kind of thinking about the 4pm call time and how unique it is and that's why i brought it up what do you mean so what time do you start your podcasts um well we record we start both at 10 a.m usually the big ones and then sometimes 11 sometimes i have a guest arrive at noon i remember when we had you guys and i spoke to one of you that was like i don't know about getting five at one i was like what are you talking about they're like i don't know man one can you do three and i was like what did we do it though what time did we do you did you did show up you looked like you were [ __ ] yeah on heroin but yeah i mean but you know i would defend myself again um do do i show up to things like do just let me don't point let me just finish all right number one i'm just trying to justify my my uh my lifestyle mm-hmm okay so do i show up to things i do there's never a no-show there you go if no honestly if there's if i'm shooting a show right like when i'm doing the magnum in hawaii sometimes they go all right 5 30 in the morning call time and you're there i'm there yeah yeah i haven't slept you're like this is like krisher with the drinking people are like man you drink and the drinking and then it's like if you need him there at six a.m he's [ __ ] there yeah right there he's early right so now if now if my lifestyle interferes with my duties yes right then i'll address it then i'll address it okay so let's start with the podcast in the right way all right um do the countdown five four three two welcome welcome welcome i'm in a bad mood you are oh i i don't say anything yet tom i'm in a bad mood i woke up bro advanced techniques i know i woke up right and when i opened my eyes it was just like i was inundated with like a lot of taxes and you have to do this you have to do that and then like why isn't this happening this and that right and i just didn't sleep that well you know because i saw the fourth woody allen thing rubbed me the wrong way i think he did it oh i think he did that you know i mean um and that little [ __ ] the little what's it the moses the his korean son his korean son what a betrayer why are koreans betraying people all the time in things the two koreans in the family yeah the two koreans are betrayers so i saw that last night i don't think i should have seen that because you know i'm a big i was a huge woody allen fan and we talked about it before on the show but um and now i can no longer be one it's just i'm at it i'm over it and so anyways i saw that woke up and all that and then you and i got a religious fight you know i mean we talked about catholicism we got to fight because even though i don't have any facts backing up my data because that's what was your main argument for this wait we're going to get wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait for tom so anyway let's introduce our guest um i've said this before um you know i've never had a stranger be so generous before and and i feel like because he was so generous the first time i ever met him and because he was so um you know wholesome and like just a good guy you know that he can get away with talking to me in a certain way now and treating me in a certain way now and looking down on me a certain way now and i'm like you know and i i regret our first meeting because now he has his power over me but you know i still you know what i acknowledge his skills as a podcaster he does numbers for us you know he does great numbers for us i love his wife and i mean i've briefly met his children i did a wave and i think i did one of these to one of the kids you know and they kind of looked at me like oh my god it's a chinese guy or whatever they're thinking you know what i mean but um so let's introduce them tom sagura everybody yeah okay you may talk thank you it's good to be back in the uh well to not back but into the new spot this is [ __ ] impressive man this is impressive you guys really did it yeah we've been here for over a year you haven't been here that's it's weird it's whole it's a whole invitation kind of thing that has to happen i get it i got it it's impressive yeah congratulations thank you thank you so much this is your second time i thought i've done it before at uh the old place and twice twice you actually he didn't do it in the old studio the old new studio yeah we have three is that third studio okay there you go wait he did it in the little room he missed it oh he didn't show up no no like we just he didn't get a chance to do it because of covid like we had it was only we moved here my bad my bad all right but this spot is nice man this is thank you guys are killing it we were gonna live no towards you we were looking at houses towards you oh really but we just settled on this it's just closer to you know i mean yeah like the the clubs and whatnot it's great it's great the clubs that won't open for many years that's great well have you done stand-up yet yeah i've been going on the road oh what's that been like amazing it's awesome i did palm beach a couple weeks ago i'm doing phoenix this weekend omaha next week were you doing phoenix live this weekend yeah is it full capacity no oh half cap half cap yeah and they have like you know a bunch of covered regulations like yeah yeah but what i'm saying about that though is um i haven't said anything about it yet but what i'm about to say about that sorry is um that you know for me to do the road i would my incentive although i love performing and i love seeing my fans is to to make as much money as i possibly can yeah and with half the room yeah what is it where's the incentive there i mean to me i'm not doing it for money like so all right no i'm saying like i'm doing it because i i know i have a a tour that starts supposed to start supposed to start in september so i just want to get a bunch of reps because if though that tour happens it's it'll be a full capacity you know big venues uh so i just want to make sure i'm not like rusty going into that that's you know do you think i should be doing that yeah the money's still by the way it's still like it's not it's not full cap money but it's like you're still getting a check yeah yeah um are you doing new jokes on those dates yeah cause it's a it's a new tour so i i'm just working on new material let me ask you this in a half capacity room and you're doing new jokes do you bomb sometimes or no um there's stuff that like clear like the joke doesn't work yeah so i mean it doesn't like fully bomb but i mean it's like you go all right these these need work and then you realize what's getting tighter and better and then and then new stuff has come up you know like stuff that i wasn't even planning on doing so it's definitely worth it man i would do it if i were you oh maybe i should and by the way i mean phoenix come on man it's an hour flight it's so easy yeah my mom lives there oh jesus let me think about it yeah maybe does tempe open they are open because they i yes they are open i'll do half room tempe maybe there you go yeah and call it new joke weekend yeah yeah mine says it on the ticket working out new material oh really yeah are you bringing strong openers yeah yeah yeah what i would do is i would tell my openers if i if they hear anything i've heard before you're fired dude they're so pumped the audiences are so jacked you know to be out people haven't gone out in so long they're like they're really fired up oh my god i think i'm missing out then i i because i cause that my whole thing was like i'm gonna wait until the country completely opens back up but now it's like i have a date in september that i had to move because i'm like if we open up in august or whatever like fully open and i go in to do an hour in september with nothing in front of a full room yeah oh my god the panic you don't want that you don't want that oh the panic can you oh just [ __ ] call your agent right now no no i'll do it later think about it [ __ ] pressure me into something come on yeah yeah so are you religious no but i was raised by two pretty devout catholics oh thank god okay all right now we can have this discussion okay so mike i was raised catholic yeah i mean i have a south american mother so that's a that's kind of like to the 10th power catholic you know like we get in the car if it's a drive that's longer than 10 minutes we're praying the rosary in the car you know right now you pass a church you do a sign of a cross yeah yeah so yeah it's go ahead what was you what were you gonna what was the big fight about earlier you say a single disparaging [ __ ] word [Laughter] good no it's just because i'm not a catholic because i wasn't racist christians right i had just certain ideas about you know religions yeah i mean and so um for me i always thought that there was a complete and utter gap or difference between you know modern-day born-again christianity yeah and catholicism there is there is but what that wasn't what you said earlier he said that catholicism wasn't a branch of christianity and i was like no it absolutely it's the it's the he was screaming about it i wasn't screaming about it and i just please don't rewrite history like the catholics do all right like the classics okay yeah so what i'm just saying is is um because i always found that um one of the born-again christians right just because i've met them obviously can we admit that just born again i've lived with them before yeah yeah i mean whereas you know one time i was living with this redheaded guy which gave me a weird but anyway um he i don't know if i told you this but i left a um hustler magazine out just out in the living room and he is a born and grew christian and i came home one day and he was crying he was crying and he had the hustle on his hand and he was crying and he goes how dare you and i go what bro you can look at it right and he goes no i masturbated to this and i sinned and if i would have done it if this was not in the living room yeah this is the same [ __ ] that used to [ __ ] take my sunny delight he bought sunday delight and he would put a measuring line so that i wouldn't drink it santino no it wasn't it was it sounds like a santino yeah right yeah and so what i would do is i would fill it with water every time i drink it right so eventually it was just water right you know so um you were giving him half the sugar right so he he you mean like moved out because i left a hustler magazine that prompted him to move out right so he was a born again he was like devout like he did you know i mean the harvest was he uh did he overdose was he like an addict or usually these people get into that like i got arrested no no but then i lived with a catholic guy right and we would watch porn together i mean like side-by-side laptops you know i mean we just jerk off together he didn't care there's usually like a real like generational difference between like our parents catholicism and like their their us like the children of them you know i mean like yeah for the most part that's a whole different climate culture environment everything i mean that's that was normal i'm talking people who are now in their 70s and stuff they would get married virgins you know like follow like buy the book but it's a different type of like wholesome environment like the real foundation of family and the church was like their their the place where they went for everything so they that's where they got their advice that's where they got their friends you know that was their universe and i think as time went on their children meaning us it's just i mean the world developed differently and we we were we were brought up in a world where you question things right like they didn't question what the priest the priest was in charge he's like the patriarch of entire communities and like now you know we're raised in a world where you're like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] yeah and it's it's encouraged to question things and be like that sounds like [ __ ] and it's just such a different thing to compare yeah but what i'm saying is is that generationally catholics right the younger generation whether they're changing or whether they have different kind of outlooks and views and what sure i get that right but i don't see like devout born again christians their generations changing they're a lot more devout i see that yeah i see what you're saying yeah there's no open room for growth or or a different outlook yeah still a lot of catholicism in the philippines like to the point where you know it's still like homosexuality is still not a thing women's like all like reproductive rights are still not a thing like it's still very old school back there it's a very fear based yeah totally like thing but it works to more in underdeveloped less educated places when you think about you know like my mom's from peru definitely like underdeveloped in many ways and like when you're you're from like that type of place and they go god is watching and and be in fear of what he may do that is effective to keep people in line keep people hopeful keep them thinking that like you know the poor will inherit the earth and and like and follow these rules all that [ __ ] you know that it doesn't play in can i make another point because it just came into my mind right so in catholicism in the philippines for instance right do catholics kill gays there or do they think that gays should deserve to be the dead yes some some so do they hunt them down it's like a mortal system they hunt them down well no like they they're they're not safe some often times right i mean because because morning and christians went into nigeria and some of these african countries yeah and taught that like and they make laws that's different they make laws say that if you're gay that you're gonna we're gonna kill you if you look at um when my mom tells stories about how she had gay friends growing up they were always beat up first of all you know it turns out i did i did a test on bad friends and in this i fill out a little questionnaire it turns out i'm 44 how was it i'm 41 bisexual oh wow do you think that if you have sex with a guy that you're gay just for doing that no okay hey guys we'll take a really quick break to share some of our favorite sponsors with you com com come you guys i use calm to go to sleep every night i love their field recordings and their soundscapes basically what it is it's an app right it's an app designed to help you ease stress and get the best sleep of your life yeah that's what i'm saying and they they have like you know raindrop 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through drunkenness yeah you know i have to be really drunk to do it in desperation and i was a kid drunk gay i never did it before under the age have you done it since you guys been together no no i don't know no i'm telling you no no the last gay experience i had was probably 16. okay okay do you ever think about it no i never think about it do you ever think about it i don't think about dick do you think about it while you're making love no i don't think about oh make a love to her oh tom hardy i don't think that tom segura tom square but i never think of like another guy i've ever no guys now when you're at the beach oh my god i'm not and you're at the beach and there's good looking people walking around do you check out guys he does a thousand percent no oh my god you guys are so crazy you do i don't check out guys what i do is this that's all you do look at him baby he's so cute look at those baby babies how do you do that's ridiculous can i say this no first of all would it be weird if i was at the beach and i looked at hot chicks and look at that ass to you i would either way you know i'm just saying i just find that to be um yeah guys who do that too much i feel are gay disrespectful oh like over the top one time i met a guy who's famous and i can't tell you who but i'll tell you often can i guess [Laughter] stop what we're asking right we're not gonna after you answer this one question this this it's not like it's not gonna it's not a floodgate situation we're gonna ask one thing i just need to know what he does for a living and that's all i don't i don't want to know anything else so is he a comedian he's in the entertainment business he's a comedian he's on camera okay podcaster no that's what he says so i'm meeting this guy someone we know i mean this dude who's a well-known person and as i'm before i meet him like like he's down the hall right and i'm talking to somebody he's like oh you're gonna he's like oh you know so-and-so's here and i go cool and he goes uh he's uh pretends that he's not um gay you know like makes makes a joke about it and i was like okay okay like i don't care but he's like it's pretty funny he just says that i know we go okay i meet the guy and as i meet him i'm like hey what's up and he goes oh what'd you do last night i was like oh you know got in here we had dinner and he goes oh yeah i was with this girl last night and i go oh cool like first of all i just met him it's not like your buddy and you're like you hook up last i just met him he's like yeah i was with this girl last night and i was like oh cool he was like i mean i ate her [ __ ] and uh he goes i could i could eat that [ __ ] all night i was like who the [ __ ] is yeah and i was like yeah it was a good he was like he's like yeah man i just love it you know i just love doing that and i was like and so we talked for a moment and then i stopped talking to him i talked to my friend i was like that dude is definitely yeah like that's what i'm saying yeah it was hilarious that overt kind of like always wanting to talk about chicks all the time but especially really yeah because when i was so when i was how old were you though young look at that but no no no but i know but when i was 23 was the first time i made love to a woman right like eight or [ __ ] that wasn't a prostitute okay okay this is when i did stand i what go ahead what is that funny to you because you know what it's so funny that you make that face because you know i see photos of you sometimes you'll plug post it or christine your wife will post it christine yeah christina and i'll i'll see um a young tom seguro photo and you know oddly enough you're a very handsome guy okay you're a football player right and god bless you that you were born with those genetics all right but let me say something right now some of us some of us weren't born with those gifts all right okay i got [ __ ] genetically all right my parents both look like mythological creatures all right and i was gonna be born like this my brothers [ __ ] as well all right now your brother is really cute very small but cute okay big lips big butt they just backed me up for once okay he is cute so anyway i never had sex with anybody until i was 23. so then at one night i was at a club i was doing stand-up right and a girl just goes yeah i'll [ __ ] you you're gonna be basically yeah i couldn't believe it yeah so then after that i would be at work and i'll make i would like brag about it yeah but oh man i had so much [ __ ] last night i was bro i ate her butthole man it was crazy and like people were like this is before like you know was it they uh work what did they call it uh yeah yeah the context you gave it makes it add up you know what i mean there's a difference between the story i was telling and the fact that you were basically a late bloomer yeah you were so excited that you finally got to have this experience you're talking all the time that doesn't that doesn't register the same way this guy this guy is a grown-ass man you know what happens to guys like that the most abusive relationship i've ever been in was with a closeted gay guy really oh my god not only did he beat me like he punched me in the face but he cheated on me so many times and he was he couldn't he was like a [ __ ] just a monster but um soon after that people would tell me like dudes would be like oh like you know that you know i've been with yeah yeah like and i don't mean i'm not trying to like perv out on you but when you're dating a guy who's gay right closeted gay is it no prob like can he get aroused by being with a woman yeah what i found a little sus was that it always had to be face down okay and it always he did this thing where he was like he would be like get like in other words put you in that like yes he would it was always his preferred and on top of that like it was never like even flat prison style like he would if i was flat on my face like my body was flat he would straddle me like a horse oh like he would like [ __ ] like this like as if i was just it was it was it was weird and that was that was the regular that was the routine that was just a routine wow he would do it face to face eventually right sometimes um only for like what he had to imagine with his face when he did face-to-face he'd be right about with facebook look it's your busted ass face i found it interesting that you know at 22 i was really a buff athlete i have androgynous features i do have kind of like kind of like a boyish kind of what physique so i think he was really into that i'm definitely confused at this part but yeah okay she's she has a swimmer's body yeah this swimmer's body big back okay yeah all right at 22 especially i was just you know jacked jacked okay so you were not not not saying that when i'm making love i'm not like going oh it's michael phelps by the way i'm not doing that all right let's be clear fyi let's be clear to be clear you're kind of a woman you're kind of like this is a back of a a warrior but uh that i do hang on her shoulders like you know those barrel monkeys yeah can she pick you up throw your oh my god i could pick him up she could stand up brush her teeth i'm still there i hold him on my hip like a beard how much do you weigh bobby oh no man 175. wow yeah it's i'm getting diet you didn't diet i'm getting the diet yeah the betas i could i could feel it i gotta change yeah not today not today not today another day but it's eventually i could feel it coming it's like you know when i was like when i would be on a drug binge and i just knew that inevitably i could see the future right and go this is the line and i'm getting there and so i'm getting there with food what is your big indulgence oh my god take out it's like is there like a lane of it you know what i mean like is it lately it's been just barbecue barbecue barbecue hot dogs hot dogs hot dogs you're probably like me i can't do it uh winging it i need structure that i i told her i go i go i told her i go get me a nutritionist oh no that's not what you said i said can i get you a nutritionist what's the difference it [ __ ] use it and i said yes because you've got to want to do it right yeah i want to do it i said get me a [ __ ] nutritionist what's the difference you i said yes to it no i don't think you're ready he's not ready he's not ready the day he asks me to call the nutritionist is when i'll believe him okay that's a good point that's a good point okay i'll say this all right i can't keep offering you solutions you gotta offer me solutions i'm gonna give you a solution right now okay yeah and don't get abusive go ahead i'm not gonna okay and i'm gonna say this out loud and this is on fact because podcasts are it's a fact i'm saying it out loud to the people okay all right next monday call me a nutritionist okay monday got it copy i'll tell you i need a week i'm gonna go crazy this week though that's cool go on your bender i'm gonna go hog wild he's been on a two-year bench no i'm gonna go extra you know what i mean okay well then you'll die before monday yeah i may i may but if i can make it to monday okay right who do you replace uh bobby with like for out of the gate like um it's like sunday night yes you're like you reach you reach over and you're like hey tomorrow the nutrition and he's just like so like like what do you how do you oh god and and i want to also say this whatever you say mm-hmm i'm not going to be offended you know if i'm dead if i'm going for numbers or do i want company like that oh that's such a good okay let's play both okay so who's your numbers co-host it's kind of it's i love bert yeah bert's easy we have the same um dynamic great chemistry together yep yes so you have same hobbies hobbies like we love the water a lot also he talks so much so i have to talk so little and i love that i do a podcast with them i know [Laughter] and so it's an easy ride where you're just like hey all right i'll just sit here for a while okay so there's your numbers guy that's my numbers guy and also my yeah um in terms of um company a company yeah oh god probably one of these two [ __ ] really yeah what's sexual sexual oh rick laughs oh we're talking about sexual or podcasting i mean we can add sex sure okay no what i'm what i want to know is who you would you podcast with well that's what we did we did we already did that so then who who's going to replace these are companions but yeah that place me sexually okay and a lover doesn't have to be i would run i'm running away from this community and industry as a whole okay i wouldn't [ __ ] with a comedian to make up a guy what he had but if i had to choose a comedian if i had to a gun wouldn't necessarily even need to be in my head but it would absolutely be jammer neighbors okay interesting i love him i i find him so attractive jamar neighbors he would hammer that that would be my guy different yeah no i see a lot of similarities let's go through them no because i'm going to be honest with jamar neighbors is a shock to me is it it's just he's muscular so muscular like he's way more muscular than i am and he doesn't have to try it's just there oh yeah that's a great [ __ ] jacket he's jacked yeah he's also um much younger um he's weird like he is yeah he is weird like but he yeah but his body yeah he you know what it's funny when me and jamar get neighbors get in a room we don't know what to say to each other yeah we're just kind of like because we i feel like we see each other's you know what i mean like a mirror like it's a mirror and also we also need to know our defense manager even know does he know this at all no no he doesn't he is so gonna j his d so hard to this yeah yeah your bar neighbors okay all right so you know later today claire's walking down the stairs she falls down oh my neck's broken and then you throw her in the pool and then you need [Laughter] you need a podcast host co-host a companion and a lover okay um podcast host it has to be a woman right yes okay so a podcast house coho you gotta be regularly working with her it's gotta be a week like someone you can do weekly show with i would probably do it with sarah i would be my choice sarah his ex my ex sarah she's lovely also very she's crazy and i also know her weirdness okay nice and she's an easy yeah i i would i would my dead self she's married she you know sarah was um a lesbian before i met her she dated me and then she married a woman okay so i kind of i was like her experimental she's like this is disgusting what if like she just finds out she's definitely straight but you just set her off that could be that could be all right so sarah is your co-host now you need a companion someone to hang out with to hang out with [Music] whitney whitney is a good hang for you yeah because um i like whitney because um i i don't i can't say this out loud but um i know her i know her game uh-huh i know what you mean you know what i'm saying yes i do i know her game and um so i know where she's coming from i also know some of the sabotage and her diabolical ways yeah yeah i mean and her shadow play look you don't get to where whitney got without being right calculated savvy sophisticated i know what you're saying and then who's your lover now no comedian thank god but if it had gone to your head i had to i'm i chose that's a fair that's a fair play so hard babe you have to oh god i'll choose one probably an open micro yeah you know yeah i would need an open mic and also someone who's kind of impressed you know yeah yeah i need that right right like wow i wanted to come into this podcast and go oh wow yeah these two you'd be like you could do this too one day keep at it come over here you know you know me wait i want to ask you something because you said something and i was trying to explain this to a single woman the other day so she was talking to me about like dating and then she goes like well you know something about setting me up with setting her up with uh a male i'm a suitor you know a man and i was like i immediately go i wouldn't set you up with any comedians and she goes why and i couldn't explain i was like well because and i i got stuck i was like because they're [ __ ] you don't want it and she was like what what kind of explanation i was like i don't know i go i just know that if i care about you i wouldn't set you up with a comedian i agree but i don't know i know why why i know why because you're not going to be the first love great oh interesting okay it's it you're our first love is the stage right and a lot of people can't no don't don't look at me that way i i didn't know okay all right you right i i've gotten to the point in my life where i have i can put three loves in the top space you mean so i put you with my brother and my mom and stand up in the same kind of this is basically the love of your life the loves of my life right yes for a lot of comics stand up will always be first right so that's number one i thought about i thought about by the way if i were single right now how uh like getting a woman to adjust to my normal life i i think that like 90 would be like what the [ __ ] imagine dating who would you who would be who would you replace if something god forbid happened to christina and you had to who would you replace as your co-host and then your lover yeah let's play the same game but how does she die though that's important too oh yeah same as me she just tripped down you know banana peel on the stair well off a cliff no she the grand canyon grand canyon and then somebody accidentally kicked a rock and it hit her on the head when she was at the bottom of the hill [Laughter] all right so what do i need a co-host i'm trying to think of the because i would want i would want a like a podcast you know what i mean like someone who's podcasting all right numbers too oh you got to get numbers yeah numbers oh i have to change mine then no but you're the numbers oh that's right oh tom you are also the numbers you're the numbers okay who who have i i haven't even we don't even have enough women on it's difficult it could be anyone your mom may be anyone in your life she's [ __ ] she's such a good podcaster she's so funny she'd be great she actually could actually play it's funny you say that because when i've had her on like she plays the role perfectly of here's the subject matter or the clip because we do a lot of clips and reacting in a usually upset way which is kind of like the vibe you know yeah so she would be awesome at that um as a companion i mean there's a few that i get along with throw out there baby i'm trying i'm trying to think i don't want to edit this podcast come on oh man was a good i mean i don't have any oh jesus what you think you're gonna get in trouble if you just throw it a [ __ ] throw that [ __ ] name no i'm honestly trying to think of someone give him about give him choices like three yeah i don't know i'll give you two choices okay okay nikki glazier she's she's great she was she was like and um first of all she's a professional broadcaster yes i would definitely co-host hang with her anytime i i wanted a suggestion okay give me your second suggestion all right um whitney uh no sarah tiana sarah tiana is fantastic and i don't mean whitney no disparagingly i mean like i don't think that we would like she's in charge of her show yeah i mean like she runs that show so if she were on my show i'd be like i got a good one hunky i've never hung out with her oh okay she's an [ __ ] now but huh he's not snl now but i'm not saying i wouldn't okay i'm saying i have it wait who did you say who else did you just sarah tiana yes sarah would be a good one you i could see that together yeah now sarah and i could uh talk about what else could be my campaign like hang out all the time tom would you could could you ever date a woman that let's say you know your wife was in the picture yeah yeah sure you ever dated us yeah and and you ever did a woman that says this listen i know you're on the road on the weekends but um you know i don't want you performing monday tuesday and wednesday nights because that's those are our nights no no of course not of course not that's what i'm saying if you were if i were single now that the person is whoever i'm dating is stepping into this universe and like it's not the other way because i've had girls say that no oh yeah i've had girls go you know you perform so much at nights i get monday and tuesdays no and i'm like oh all right that's what you're at the [ __ ] lemley watching some [ __ ] movies holding hands when all your buddies are having fun oh there's no no no and also like let's be real here like i'm hooking you the [ __ ] up with this lifestyle all right let's let's [ __ ] yeah cut the [ __ ] yeah what do you work at [ __ ] michael's arts and crafts telling me what i'm doing [ __ ] tuesday night yeah get out of here yeah all right how you felt you felt like you were hooking me up don't pause that long well can i say something yes because i know that he was going to come in with that mindset i already had a plan in place you did oh yeah of course i said i was not going to go to the comedy store for months and that he would have to drive to long beach to see me and i was not going to enter his world at all and did did you go to the store cause i don't i don't i i go i literally never i'm never there and also in the beginning i went maybe tom six months later i hooked it up baby yeah yeah baby i hooked he did he did it i write his coattails hard now i do and now i can say no but in the beginning listen listen okay i could date a girl right and you know i you know you can ex access me is that the right word yeah you're accessing yeah i'm accessible right yeah but the thing is is you have to have the talent and the and the know-how and the drive to do it right and kalila's the perfect example she you know i mean she has the ability like yeah you know we just busted his balls a little no you also developed into like a legit podcast talent you know what i mean yeah yeah but you're actually you you probably started this feeling like what do i do or can i but like now you're you're right like you're in you're you're part of yeah yeah i've even dated comedians that wouldn't be able to do what you do definitely do you understand what i'm saying so what i'm saying is that dude there are high level comedians who suck at this this is a different skill set highly different skill set yeah high high high level comics and that's why annie and esther they're the ones that came to you both zoomed you right or whatever that was and said can you please do a podcast with us right i mean you don't get that they're two credible female comedians so it's like you definitely um took this ball and you ran with it i did so you did hook me up yeah i did it in a weird way and i i don't feel that to be gross wait you have to [ __ ] this to go that's the trade-off now why you said if if if you weren't with bobby if god forbid a [ __ ] safe was dropped on his neck when he was sleeping if god for and you're like i would run from this comedy world but why why would you run from the from the comedy world i think it just feels like besides like the few good apples that i've met um and i'm just gonna be fully transparent here i don't find there's a whole lot of people with integrity in this business and i find them to be really slimy and snaky and once they have like it's almost like everyone's sort of got the poison in them and they don't even there's a lack of awareness that they all have the poison in them and they all kind of like fight each other and they are jealous of each other everyone's like scrapping together it's just a world that like i'm barely tolerating because my the love of my life is in it yeah but i try to keep as far away as possible like i don't like i said something last night that made you go i don't like to listen to his like hollywood like something last night that really triggered her and goes why do you even gay why right do you ever i just don't give a [ __ ] about like celebrity i don't give a [ __ ] about that i don't care about these people do you have because now because you're not you might experience this more i i just experienced it recently where you ever like you go a long period of time only associating with like comics and people in our world and then like for whatever whatever circumstances either you travel or or you're introduced to your befriend people that are not and you kind of go like oh i forgot that i'm in this like niche world all the time and i think this is the universe then you step out of it and you're like oh it's refreshing like it's refreshing to hang out with like people who don't give a [ __ ] about ticket sales or jokes or anything like that yeah and then i kind of i kind of feel like i'm like oh i i want more of this like in other words i want to like i love having my comic friends like hanging out with comedians is the most fun thing you know it's like the best part of the store is yeah performing but it really is standing in the parking lot and shooting the [ __ ] with people you know that that is like that's the part where i i go home and how was the store i'm like oh yeah good set you know what happened bobby said that like i i talk about the parking lot you know yeah um but it's not just the parking lot it's my my memories of stand up will always be you know going to greenblatt's with dalia you know eric griffin a lot of times he loves food and um and um santino whatever and then like sitting in greenblatt and all of a sudden like i remember one time this there was this kid that opened for me in houston right and he was just very new at comedy and he goes i'm gonna come to la you know in two months i'll hit you up you know he didn't think that i would answer him but i did he came to the store and then we went to um greenblatt's and he's this kid he'd never been to l.a before in his life and i'm sitting there with you know eric griffin a bunch of people and then all of a sudden like daniel tash walked up to the table and we started ripping him apart he started ripping us apart and then jamie masonic came and then there was all the dom herrera and all these people came in and out right and it really made this kid like oh wow this is cool and there was just something magical about it we're all those moments right are what i'm gonna always remember i'm not gonna remember the cattiness of like you know i've been in the hallway of the comedy store in a comic walking in and just going all right bob you're gonna have to say hi you know i mean i hate this person yeah a lot of guys you know i mean there's all that political [ __ ] that i do you know i mean i wish i was better at that i wish i could just be upfront but you can't in this business it's tricky for you because i feel like you don't have friends outside of the business and that's exactly what i'm talking about i know no it's like i want it back that go just real quick i want him to kind of baby it's like genuine relationships with people because before i met him like the reason i have no interest in this is because my feel so fulfilled outside of this yes like i've had the same best friend since i was 14 years old like i have such a big community of just regular people that have that do regular things and it it's very fulfilling for me i don't need this for anything yeah i want to show you this thread okay go ahead i've been feeling this this exactly what you're saying so there was a kid that i grew up with he lived you know walking distance from my house and he was one of my best buddies just my a lot a lot of childhood memories and him and i he's the same guy that like when you know his parents were at work we would try to look for the porn that his dad had in this you know what i mean white guy like i yeah yeah yeah and he he was the first guy his brother had hiv and he died when i knew him as a kid so i knew about you know i mean those issues and whatnot and it was it destroyed my my friend and then as soon as i started doing show business i just completely cut ties with him never talked to him because you know you're just in the rigman role of things right don't make that face and on december 24th i said merry christmas it's bobby lee i found his number and he responded hey man you too i really enjoyed seeing you at the comedy store dog great show whatever you're just you know small talk but i am making it i'm going to make an effort i'm going to ask a very controversial question and you have to be honest with me and george we may have to cut this out but did you or did you not have sexual relations with because that would mean that you're flirting no no i'm trying to rekindle something sweetie all right you put the note got it okay is this his advanced technique this is whose dick you sucked right okay stop for a second stop for a second stop for a second okay oh george all right so check is he doing this is he the one doing i don't know i don't like his smiles so check it out all right let's be i'm gonna now for the and this is all cut out all right i'm gonna be completely forthright and honest with the room when thomas with everyone i have nothing to hide all right and if i'm gay i'm gay i'm not all right but i don't give a [ __ ] all right so here's the thing all right right 69 and suck to each other's dick and try to [ __ ] each other in the ass probably five times in my life five times in my life always in a drunken stupor okay there was a kid named right who lived down the street from me we would go to parties and he would go he would grab the back of my head and go suck my dick in this bush and i would suck it all right yeah this is the one with downs no he doesn't have downs no this is that happened when i was a kid okay okay all right and then one time we went on a school camping trip right and i happened to be in the same tent right and we we kissed each other's penis for like three seconds oh that's nothing right that's it i'm that's it you want to cut this stuff out of this yeah because wife and kids and he doesn't have well no we're just going to bleep we'll just do a little bleep but don't no no no we're cutting we're cutting it out is this the part where like we go and we're back no so what i'm saying is i'm trying with this guy welcome back go ahead i'm trying with this guy but it's like um that's all the experiences i had right and the reason why you know people put a microscope on it right is because of the fact that i believe that a lot of human beings have those kind of experiences but they hide it and they don't talk about it i think you're totally and they're ashamed by it and it then so when i talk about it it feels like it's like this gigantic elephant in the room when it's just a common thing i think it is so common right so so i don't i'm not gonna feel weird about it i think you're you're you're brave and vulnerable to actually be open about it and talk about it i'm serious i don't think you know why you know why i do that because um years ago i was on youtube and i was watching um the richard pryor roast yeah okay and richard was roasting all these people right and then he basically goes also i had uh i sucked a gay guy off you know i mean six months ago i said he said it out loud and he goes um and i just want to throw that out there so that because i know that paul's trying to paul moon is going to use it against me one day right so that's what happened right so you just threw it out there yeah and when i was watching that that was a comic that was a young comic and i was going oh my god that's just so honest he took the power out of it too the power out of it is also so honest and like and there's something to be shameful about it yeah right he's just being honest there was a high kid in my high school on the football team who uh was um like a big jacked like [ __ ] you know a five-star athlete and he was when like you'd have sleepovers a bunch of guys kept saying that they were wake up in the middle of night with his hand down their pants like fondling them and he slept at my house like 50 times and never touched me and i always was a little like you're not even gonna try to like touch my thigh and like are you being real i swear to god yeah and then my cousin was visiting one time staying at my house in the morning he goes you know what you're [ __ ] friended yeah he goes i woke up he had his hand in my pants and i was like i mean seriously dude like this is like maybe he didn't do it to you because i thought you were gay he thought i was good that you would take it the wrong way i don't know you just wearing his type i was a little hurt yeah yeah yeah yeah oh but by the way the the friends outside of comedy i think what's super appealing is that you know they don't want something from you you know what i mean like everybody in comedy kind of kind of i mean obviously you associate with your peers and you guys can just have dinner but a lot of the like that world feels like it's for something you know like even something somebody like me for coffee oh great let's have coffee but at coffee it's about this project or this thing that you so it's like it's fun to associate with people outside a comedy who like the last thing on their mind is something related to our business yeah and also it's like my friends treat me like [ __ ] yeah i like that i think they got such a rush from talking to a couple like people recently who gave me [ __ ] like and that was and then and i was like i was like ear to ear smiling and they were like why where i go i don't know he's just yeah you're giving me [ __ ] my best friend she just knows or a bunch of my girlfriends they just know who i am they know me for the stupid [ __ ] that i am and they they you know they hold my feet to the fire they don't just take anything from me yeah that feels good that feels really good yeah um but i want it you want it i think you can have it i'm gonna have it and i and i i swear to god as soo there's always there's already two guys that i was grew up with that as soon as this pandemic is done right there's going to be some visits there's going to be some what visits i'm going to visit them or they're going to visit me and i'm going to i'm going to reach out one of them i used to be in a band with we were talking about doing a reunion of our band i'm gonna do that maybe and i'm gonna um i'm gonna do it hey guys we're gonna take a really quick break to share some more of our favorite sponsors with you for everyone preparing for a pants party this spring break i have an exclusive 20 off discount go to tiger belly you guys i'm a man all right that's that's proven and manscape is dedicated to helping you level up your full body grooming game when i'm grooming my body 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tiger belly get 20 off and free shipping by going to tiger belly that's 20 off with free shipping by going to tiger belly say aloha to her new beautiful balls with man aloha enjoy the rest of the show tom do you play an instrument i just started taking piano lessons over the weekend why piano and i had my second lesson uh today wow wow how's that going do you have piano fingers uh i have a hand that doesn't even work oh that's correct yes oh no but uh why do you want to learn that i i don't know i just like my son was taking lessons and i kept walking by and i've never taken lessons before so i i stopped one day and i was like hey i want to take a lesson and she was like okay and i thought and then i was like all right she's going to be like you know c major it's going to be i was like i guess i'll deal with it but right away she was like what kind of song so i started sending her music and then we're just working on the music that she sent oh wow it's fun yeah like it's good to have another creative focus that's that has nothing to do with writing or you know like what we're used to that's what i hate about you what's that always trying to grow and be better no it's it's like bert's kind of in the same in a way the same you know me where it's like when i look at this piece of [ __ ] you know i mean you're a great guy but it's like you know there's always like you know i'm doing this you know i mean to grow or i'm doing this because i want to get out of this rut or whatever and it's like you know it's just a reminder that i'm not doing those things and um i don't know i just feel like you're up against something really big though which is adult adhd and it really is hard to like put your focus somewhere like a hundred percent it's hard for me too by the way i don't want to give you the impression that i easily focus because i'm i mean i'm not saying i have whatever you have but i'm saying it is a struggle like you know that resistance to like i'm constantly fighting against i could only do one thing at a time like for instance i had two things to do this weekend you know that monday morning thing but i had another urgent deadline to throw in this audition for a movie right damn these [ __ ] auditions right have you been doing them i did a few and yeah like [ __ ] you [Laughter] yeah i know it's like i i sent one in today and they're like you forgot your head shot and your slate dude i auditioned yeah i auditioned for a major franchise thing and you can tell the flex of a like a worldwide phenom hit by the instructions in the audition that's what i'm saying yeah that's what i have like they're like make sure you do this if you don't do this we'll just tell you to resend it like it says it in their instructions yeah and it's like slate this way don't do that don't write something on the screen like just do this make sure the cuts are like this make sure you title i'm like this is for like and you go no one auditions like sends you instructions like this and then they go yeah but they're they're very important so that's why they or sometimes they'll go sign this before we even send it to you and you're like oh you did some confidentiality like i'm going to [ __ ] tweet this [ __ ] thing you know i mean also what today they were like we need a headshot right we need your slate which means slating is this before the audience you have to go hi i'm bobby lee i'm 5'4 here are my profiles you have to do your profiles right yeah the director of the movie is one of my best friends oh yeah i still have to you still have to i'm slate hi you know me for 25 years yeah i would say that yeah you've known me for 25 years right but i'm going to do this because you're killing it in life right and i'm going to allow you to have to have the power do this and then you know i mean three years down the road is gonna happen i didn't get the part right yeah right and he's gonna say something like oh you did good on that it's just fine i'll do it right but it's just like doing it it's a to-do yeah but i'm gonna do it because that's the game and i'm grateful i'm grateful to be here and i'm gonna try there you go yeah that's a good answer what movie was that for you i don't want to say just say it we'll bleep it really yeah it's just for a project it's just it's the biggest you know what for that for that i would [ __ ] should i suck dick yeah i would have too oh really yeah but you did throw it in though right that'll suck his dick no no no no that you would but you did put in the audition you have to i did everything they asked you have to try you have to of course you have to try yeah yeah yeah do you think i'm gonna get in trouble for even saying all that stuff what stuff what part about you know i mean this audition and stuff no no no no by the way this is amazing i know it's one of my favorite things i don't even know how you get it because i try to look online where do you get it look directly amazon will send it you're giving me a few before i [ __ ] leave man do you have any more i've got one i'm just kidding get them another one all right make sure he gets them another one these are amazing yeah you don't have to do that man come on come on man uh those are incredible but how amazing is is it that like you know i have to say this and i i i kind of give i said this last night about mark maron and i want to give him props yeah because he was one of the for me at least um he was a trailblazer when it comes to podcasting yeah you know the way he got into podcasting too was you know just out of you know i mean sheer desperation you know he was is that how he got into it yeah he was he you know because i knew his wife mishna and he got in divorce he went to the garage he had suicidal thoughts and then it clicked in his head like i could turn this into a podcast studio you know what i mean and then he kind of started doing it and here's a guy who um the last movie he did a long long time ago when i saw him and was almost famous he played a road manager or whatever but he didn't work much after that right right and he's now in a situation where it's like i don't know what else to do he does the podcast there's a following and all of a sudden he's in everything he is in everything right and so in my mind i was like will that happen to us oh right yeah but the ones you know after him right and it's it is happening i mean because i know the kind of [ __ ] that theo's doing the kind of people he's working with i know the opportunities that i'm getting the opportunities that you're getting right and i think that um we have to you know thank you joe i think and guys like mark for even doing this for for don't you think or not yeah no i mean they essentially showed us a blueprint right like it's a blueprint yeah i mean and also they were you know joe for me was like constantly uh encouraging me like not even kurt like he was like you have to do this is 2009 and i was like what are you even talking about man yeah because i did one of these with him on his couch in his office and i was like what is this like i used to go to the remember he used to do it in the ice house yeah i used to drive over there to the ice house and but i'm saying on the couch ones we're talking wow did the first five wow like of his of his show i did one of the first five episodes and then i walked out and i was you know i was talking a red band i was like what are you guys doing i just thought it was like when a rich guy has some like new [ __ ] he's trying to do you're like that's good you know like like his deprivation tank and you're like okay uh you know like that kind of thing where i was like what and then i remember him saying like people are listening and i was like how do you even know because we didn't have metrics oh right right right he was like he had a message board on his website that's incredible that's what joe you said like a message board on his website and he was like look at this and you could see all these people having conversations about what we spoke about i was like okay and that went on for a year he would every time he's like why don't you start a pie why don't you start pocket i mean you know constantly and then yeah i remember like the different like kind of iterations of his show evolving in different studios and all that stuff and you know it grew into a mammoth but but you're right in that i wouldn't there's no way i would have started one when i did without him doing it yeah i feel the same way it's so funny because when we started ours i remember calling caa because i know that they had started a podcast division and i remember going hey i'm starting with my girlfriend and they're like yeah we only do the big ones yeah so can you help us they're like nah just do it on your own it's fine right and then just us remember that and then you and i just kind of gone i guess you get no help i mean and from people that wreck me you know who i'm still with but you know and we they so don't get it though like we start but now it's so my manner to everyone yeah yeah now they're calling like can we you know we we're trying to get you advertised we have a [ __ ] machine alright they're they're trying to get us advertisements when we already did it i remember one time an agent being like this is like not even that long ago and like you know we have podcasts that are clearly you know people are watching and listening generating revenue that's obvious and they're like uh they call me and they're like how can we help and i was like with what right right yeah yeah with the podcast and i was like i don't know what you mean and they're like yeah how could we help like uh you know expand this and i was like i don't know what do you think you could do yeah they're like well i'm just saying like if there's something you need and i was like i don't like i mean i'm open to your new idea but are you calling me for me to give you an idea all right like that's what this sounds like and then they're like the the way they fish because they're not privy to so they're like so like what is it like how many downloads for this and that and then they don't know cpms yeah they're trying to calculate things and they're like yeah so okay like well if you need help we're right here i'm like oh okay i'll call you if i need help yeah because they wanna because they don't get any of it yeah that you know they don't if you helped me right and you you know i mean you know had anything to do with production or getting me certain guests or this and that right but they weren't willing to do anything yeah right if they did i would even give them something right well i always tell them that because i had another call with a guy who whatever just went on and on and i was like look man here's here's because i feel like we're talking in circles kind of thing i was like if you bring me something that is worthwhile and we pursue we can work something out right bring something to this you know because so far it was just conversations about like a bunch of what-ifs i'm like okay here are things that would be beneficial go make those things happen and then you know what it would be then i'd be even willing to go with a deal with my agents and go get me guests that no one can get oh yeah that that that you rap have you we tried that have did you ever hire a public a talent booker no a talent booker no i hired one didn't work well it was horrible timing because we hired her in the this whole agency right before the lockdown so we were doing it was yeah so like i mean we both we agreed that like we could revisit this later but the funny thing is like you go into it with like a wish list right like yeah like if i'm gonna pay you to bring me guests like don't don't call me with hey do you want to have bobby i'm like i don't i know no but like i don't mean i'm saying like don't bring me people whose number i have yeah you know what i mean so it's because oliver hudson oliver hudson right has a podcast yeah his agent his publicist keeps contacting me yeah can you do please oliver's podcast and i call him directly i go will you [ __ ] guy stop [ __ ] asking just call me yeah he goes i didn't even know they were reaching out to you right that's how sneaky it is that's sneaky i mean that the flip side too is like when i had something to promote and the publicist starts like uh sending me podcasts i'm like hey bro yeah i go yeah i can i can call the five biggest comedy podcasts and like you could stop sending me these yeah he was sending me like like new pop like you know what i mean like small i was like man don't you want me to just go to tiger belly and rogan and he's like oh yeah if you can make that happen i'm like yeah yeah i could just do that in my life wow but the talent thing the funny thing is i gave the wish list like an expanse of like these people reach out you know and like we got answers on like this person's touring or this person's this this person's interested this person will be in la at this time and then they start going like how about this person you're like who [ __ ] this and they're like this is like an author of uh i go what what field is this person why would i want them on they're like i don't so they're start they they go like would you consider right other things which i'm not saying i'm completely opposed to but you're like no no stick to the list like if it's not on the wish list it better be close to the wish list otherwise i want to know what's on your wish list i'll show you the wish list please yeah sure because if i ask for like um aiden quinn and you get me like um kevin bacon yeah i'd be like all right sure well no basically what i'm saying if you give if i asked for like arnold schwarzenegger and you gave me sylvester stallone right yeah i'm not going to be like uh you're not doing your job that but yeah yeah you're asking for arnold schwarzenegger and they're giving you like um some guy that owns a gym down the street yeah yeah that's a problem that's a problem yeah i agree yeah tom is your arm doing better yeah i mean you know oh that's right you weren't it was the best so the nerve you almost died yeah the nerve is bruised it's not damaged so it'll come back but like you know i can grip yeah but they're called your extenders yeah and i can't extend this handle i don't know do you do does it still um because i know nerve pain and nerve issues is probably one of the most annoying [ __ ] to deal with numb so like this is all numb yeah right here i don't have like shooting nerve pain or anything oh thank god uh but like it's annoying because you just go like you wanna go grab something and i can't like i literally can't you know i i one of my weird anxiety things things that i i can throw me into a full panic because because i used to have breast implants and they were double d's and i took them out you had double d they were nice you hated them i mean wait you had them when you were together um yeah when she i i met her and she didn't have them and then he begged me not to get them he's like i like little kiwi titties like please don't get them and then she got him anyway because she didn't really know me that well really like it was early on yeah i was like well you know i don't know how how long this guy's gonna stick around like i'm gonna need these titties to parlay you know some kind of success in my life right and then um might i took him out because i i just hated them i hated the way i felt in them but it caused a lot of like nerve damage in like the center of my chest so i don't have sensation here so when i touch that area and i don't feel anything it it likes i spiral into a panic because i'm like but that skin and how come i can't like i don't like not having sensation yeah i mean yeah it's it is a it's a weird it's a weird sensation the the hand thing because the knee like you know i'm i can walk and go upstairs and downstairs now because i tore this tendon you know completely that one that as crazy as it is it's like easy fix your cyborg and that's good right you just know like i know it's not stable yet because it takes it's gonna take like a full year to get the quads back to where they were but the hand thing like the arm you know i have a huge i have titanium plates in my arm so so like that part i'm not even that's fine like i can you know i can pick things up i can move like but i can't ex like the nerve makes it so that i can't extend my hand yeah oh can't do it i have a question i have a question yeah i don't even know what happened for real yeah i i knew i saw you know i mean yeah well i didn't see this oh my bobby you've never seen this you've never seen this bobby let's look at his arm oh my [ __ ] god dude he's never oh my [ __ ] god oh my god oh my [ __ ] god he knew you broke something but he didn't see the video no i saw annie letterman's one where she was playing basketball and she did a thing and i didn't know why that was the thing yeah no i've never seen let me say something right now i swear to god i'm my mother's life yeah i've never seen that i believe you yeah i believe you why did you do that there's a freak accident man oh my god it really does it was yeah it's rough oh my god can you watch that of yourself i've seen it so many times now you know like uh yeah that's why my nerves are foxy you're actually dealing with the pain really well yeah well i'm the one that said call 9-1-1 because they're all looking at me and they're oh you're all right i was like call 9-1-1 but you you lost weight from it almost 30 pounds yeah so that's a good thing good because you look completely different from the from there yeah yeah and i had just beat bert that's what nobody talks about i just beat him and that was after we competed so we competed we were doing fat guy dunk contest which is like was bert there yeah burt's the one who took my arm and puts it down oh my god so we we competed and we're going you know we lower the rim to like seven feet and then we go seven and a half and then eight and then eight and a half and then on nine he couldn't do it i did it so they're like it's over you win and so i was like great and somebody there was like you know tom you got hops man like you should try to go i swear to god though you should try i think you can do a little bit higher and they crank it up three inches oh my god right because it's a it's a crank thing it goes to nine foot three that black dude roy is a basketball coach and he pulled me aside i told his story on that thing but he goes i'm gonna need you to dig deep on this one i could i told this because it's true when he said it you know he like i i get like a flashback to like coaches like when i played sports you know so i was like like i was like i am going to dig deep right now and like and i feel the adrenaline like your throat kind of dries out if you're like i'm going to give this everything i [ __ ] have and as i when i what what happens like what you're seeing there is i'm when i push off my left leg i tear my patellar tendon in half like it rips off the bone and so it's it's a it's like it's a freak accident yeah that's just the perfect and then my body not consciously instinctively right there so that right when i go in the air like when i'm leaving right i'm pushing off right there my tendons already oh my god it's torn and then instinctively my arm i'm not thinking about it my arm goes behind to like an asian guy because i don't know i don't know if i'm one or twenty inches off the ground you know what's happening so fast you're like so your arm goes behind your back and then i land on it and it just splits in half oh you're playing yeah oh my god that's 245 pounds too oh oh my god yeah wow oh my god so yeah that happened so that's why my [ __ ] hand doesn't work that's why i haven't seen you in a while yeah well well tom's been everywhere since that accident he hasn't been home nursing no but i was i was in the hospital and in rehab for three weeks so i spent i spent december in in a hospital and then in a rehab facility i remember thinking before before this video came out that was great oh you got covered from the hospital hospital yeah oh [ __ ] that's well while you were there you got covered i got covered in the hospital yeah oh lord oh imagine that i didn't have all that and then the cove yeah i remember i thought i had oxy withdrawals because i was taking so much oxy at first yeah they were just pumping of course are you on the pump and i'm like yeah no they were bringing me the pills and they were giving me dilaudid straighten the iv and then straighten my arm but you didn't have they didn't let you pump it on your own no no they were coming on a pretty regular rotation feel good though the lot it's hard to dilated yes the oxis i was like okay i guess i feel a little better like it was never enough you know when they were like how's your pain now i'm like yeah still everything still hurts really yeah and they're like how about now i'm like 100 percent dilaudid you thought it was like felt like what heroin must feel like because you'd feel a warm rush through your chest and then you just be like you know and then like and then they're like how about now i'm like i feel pretty good now like just good night move yeah yeah and i would ask for it like i guess i'm more dilaudid and they're like yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah um um i remember when you first tweeted that you had broken like multiple phones i was trying to sort out what had happened the first thing i was like oh it's got to be a car accident everyone saw the car and second i was like oh it must have been an e-scooter because a lot of my friends with like these these new scooters are just [ __ ] i know a couple people that ate [ __ ] on them like hard too like multiple fractures i know somebody went to the hospital yeah yeah yeah but here's the question i wanted to ask you is this normal that when something happens to someone that like my it's a it's like a fun guessing game for me like i have to know and i look through 80 000 comments everyone's like oh like for instance when someone dies condolences condolences condolences that's i go through everything what happened like i do the same thing i do the same thing i do the same thing especially on a death when they're like especially when the person is not of an age where you expect them to die like eric myers like eric myers and you go and you see like eric myers passed away and you're like what happened i still don't know what happened what i got was he was in texas early morning by a truck stop and he got run over by a truck that's what somebody told me what yeah is that for real that's what we were told that's what i was told seriously yeah somebody i called somebody because i love eric and i haven't talked about him i've not talked about him since he died he died three weeks ago yeah i just ca i cannot talk about it let me tell you about this kid eric myers was a kid that always destroyed on stage yeah he did right crazy energy crazy energy i remember he opened for me in dc once and i remember telling the club owner i go why did you give me this beast yeah right he was that good yeah and then he would slip into these drug binges to the point where one time i was at the comedy store shooting the documentary in mike binders he had me there during the day and i remember somebody goes eric myers is outside just during the day i go outside eric myers is wearing yellow pajamas like the kind that you would get like with minions on it from you know target yeah no shoes right the yellow pajamas were ripped where his knees right you could see blood it was bleeding into the [ __ ] yellow pajamas his feet were all scarred up no shoes right he had on his face a lesion a bloody scar lesion from the top of his forehead coming down in his face right he was trembling he was all dirt he was he was a homeless guy he goes hey man i knew you're going to be here he goes right and so i you know obviously i went and it was just goes against every [ __ ] you know thing that everyone's ever taught about you know i mean enabling you know and whatnot and when i got like 200 bucks i go here dude get yourself go to the best western take a [ __ ] shower right if you need anything else i gave him the money i didn't see him for another year they got sober after that he got sober after that right and then next thing you know you think everything's fine and then three was engaged yeah he engaged he's doing the road he was just coming from a gig he did in oklahoma and then he's dead and it's like no one can tell me what really happened i remember yeah i remember meeting him years ago in florida doing a show and he was kind of like the talk of that community you know what i mean when you go to a place and they're like this dude rips here i can't remember if he was on my show or not i just remember them talking about him and and meeting him there and i definitely saw him do a set so he must have been on my show yeah but um yeah he [ __ ] destroyed but i i heard even back then there that he had like real struggles with you know addiction um but i i was trying to deduce what happened and i kept seeing that there was like these fundraisers that all in the fundraising thing it said for his family and cancer society stuff so i i think his father had passed through my father had just been like a week prior is what but he you heard he got hit by a truck really that he was i would i will say that bobby is a highly unreliable source no no i it looks like i can make it up why would i make that up i know i just i'll tell you who i call an outrageous way i called johnny sanchez okay now johnny sanchez you know he's my friend and he's done this podcast and he also is a big laugh factory guy i'm not a big laugh factory guy and he knew eric right and he also johnny's one of those like guys that knows everybody he's like a gossip gossip guy he knows all the tidbits you know i mean info out there so i go what happened he goes he goes this is what i heard i heard that he was he did gig in oklahoma he had another gig in texas but he came down early and i go was he on drugs he goes i don't know he goes i don't know he i go all i know is that he was hit by a truck by a truck stop in arlington or somewhere this is insane dude right and i'm like oh that's crazy it was like 5 30 in the morning right so it's like i don't know how he died but um you could have died from basketball and that would have been the saddest thing that would i just sat as [ __ ] headline i did something like that i've been told is insane since then so i when i i went to the hospital obviously the paramedic came took me from there they're like your leg doesn't work your arms [ __ ] in half so we're taking you to the hospital near that court and when we pulled up to that hospital i was like [ __ ] this like i knew it was a shitty hospital so they they do x-rays they wrap my arm poorly put this brace on my leg and they're like you need like two major surgeries and i was like not here yeah yeah and they're like you want to go home and i was like [ __ ] yes can i guess what hospital no because i can't say i know but we'll bleep it was it in the valley no okay god because there's one there where i'm like nobody go there everyone dies there's one really good one in the valley where was it was it in like you know more inner city no no but why are we playing this game i got picked up i got picked up i can't walk move anything i mean everything's fresh broken oh my god and i get in my friend's car and what we should have done is gone right to the emergency room of another hospital yeah i went home oh no why i went home completely broken i got help to get to a couch and then i was like all right like just uh in the morning i guess we'll figure this out and so in the morning like bert and my friend lindsey we they get me into a van and i go to a doctor right and uh this a doctor threw a concert like through a like a doctor friend was like you need to go see this dude this dude's the [ __ ] he's a sports uh trauma guy so i get in there he goes what the [ __ ] are you doing here man wow wow i was like what do you mean he was like go to the hospital i was like all right i was at a hospital last night he goes you left and i was like well i was at that hospital yeah and he was like oh yeah i would have left there yeah yeah he's like but you shouldn't be here you should be at a hospital how did you spend the night in your house in all that pain were you just in like a fever dream like yeah i was like i wasn't even like falling asleep you know it was just like kind of i probably slept i don't know an hour or two i just i'm so curious to know what christina was like what she was saying she was i think she was kind of overwhelmed because like the christians came and like set stuff up in this room and you know [ __ ] burnt even like he knew how [ __ ] up i was yeah next to the nightstand he put a a jar of vitamin c and uh and calcium for your bones [Laughter] and uh and then snacks he put all types of snacks like doritos the [ __ ] is all this yeah yeah in case you get hungry like yeah cheetos and she knows i'm not eating this [ __ ] man i'm like wow and then yeah so then then it was a whole you know thing after that but yeah it was wild well i'm glad you're alive yeah me too man oh that's this is what prompted it that doctor when i when he when i wheeled into his office he was like what are you doing here you know he was like let me tell you what's going to happen he goes he's like this isn't [ __ ] he points to my arm he's like that just they're just going to put some plates in there and your arm's going to he goes this is a [ __ ] problem right and i go okay he goes like you got to reattach a tendon to your patella and your knee is not going to work for it's going to be a long thing and i go okay and he goes but look at the upside could have been worse and i go how so and he goes you know how you fell back and i go yeah he goes you could have landed on your head and then you'd slur for the rest of your life he just stared at me and i was like oh [ __ ] okay oh my gosh because he's right you know like if i had landed on my head instead of my arm yeah you know you could have had brain damage yeah you know there i knew this kid in high school um and he was a star baseball player and he had some weird freak accident with a skateboard it wasn't like he was bombing a hill or anything it was just like he was trying to do like a basic ollie and he just fell wrong and he landed on the back of his head here and to this day he um is not just he's a quadriplegic like he is unable to care for himself like when i hear [ __ ] like that i get so freaked out by freak accidents like that yeah if you had if you landed on your head and you had a slur right how long do would we have to wait to make fun of you well people would have right away no i wouldn't have i would have waited at least six months six months and they had you on and gone and it just mocked you you know now i'm [ __ ] tie or something like so or whatever no i i yeah people would admit i mean you know we're comics we would have yeah i don't think i don't i don't need to say i don't think i would i'd feel so devastated it would be i think it would be devastating the people close to me would be [ __ ] up because you guys would all be like that could be you'd be like oh yeah that could be us you know like people who and i'm sitting here being like how's everybody doing tonight oh oh my god and then i have to convince you after shows like no that was it was really good oh yeah right and i just get like i get a bunch of like pity and then you all your jokes would have to be kind of revolved around the slur oh yeah i mean oh of course yeah yeah yeah yeah it would be like an hour of like yeah i just everybody talks different that's a good one well it would just be like a new like madonna it's just a new look a new look yeah yeah the slur guy though oh my god i get i'd get invited to like those like speech impediment seminars like you guys can be successful like i'm on netflix i know yeah and then we would have to like come over a lot yeah you think we'd have to come over especially in the beginning i'm sure he'd hate it he'd be like please like come and like you know get like a speech therapy machine do they have those yeah speech therapy i don't know like a speak spelling i don't know something you know i would get it on ebay or whatever yeah and bring it over maybe this will help you know what i mean you put it on your face i don't know how it works i mean i knew a guy who was i knew a hot guy who was struck by lightning and he needed to um he was very still very highly [ __ ] but he did have a weird lightning voice i can't say his name but this is really his name yep but i remember my friend and i were like oh my god that's got that guy so hot and we went over i was like hey you know like my name's so-and-so and he's like my name is but he's still hot really but he's still hot mm-hmm half asian guy and um my friend still made out with him didn't care all right yeah wait do you where you just saw him like sitting around somewhere he was at a party we were younger it was like a friend's like house party and so you're like you knew he was already hit by lightning no we didn't oh so you're just this guy's hot let's go talk yeah and then later on like he's talking to you he had to put a machine to his throat yeah like it's kind of like to uh magnify the voice oh i said he was like but you know um yeah he was just yeah but when you're in bed you know it doesn't matter right yeah yeah it really does well it's good he's gonna make fun you know what he puts the mic to it i'm going to come yeah oh yeah feels good but imagine that feels good imagine if you had sex with him and then he he uh he doesn't pull out and you're like did you come inside me he's like [Laughter] right yeah he couldn't stop because yeah he's like i don't wanna yeah i wanna go grab [Laughter] or he just he would just say i'm gonna do it and she says no you're right i don't care i'll forget it cut that part out cut that part out don't you [ __ ] cut my part out get that part off no yeah it was a joke that didn't land no it's okay i'm i'm blushing you cannot cut that out i'm blushing because the joke didn't work that is anything thank you i'm gonna [ __ ] fight you you understand what i was even trying to say that has to stand i didn't understand what i was trying to say so cut that out if you cut that out we have a [ __ ] problem anyway what unhelpful advice i'm sorry you know what i wish i would have known more i would have got you gifts or whatever i just didn't know much it's totally okay that was a car accident but go go ahead a loaf of advice with time oh so embarrassing hello this week's unhelpful advice is brought to you by the big papayas over at patreon really yeah we've got kyle snuffer r bonn johnson exquisite melvin flores rachel wilkins rebecca torres hmm huffy's from singapore oh aaron was strong judith [Music] now red rico saldivar that's what i said rico lulava lava judy tan is new uh she is new thank you we love you okay shout out to our big papayas thank you for your love and support back to the show hi tiger belly i'm 28 years old and living in vancouver bc i've been trying to live and work in the u.s for almost 10 years and still have not found a way to make it happen i work in the film industry in vancouver and i've been working very hard to try and open a door to the us through my work i feel that in order for me to make it to where i want to in the film industry major studio management living and working in los angeles is a necessity since after all this time that still doesn't seem to be an option for me i fear i will never move forward to where i want to be in my career this has made me wonder with the industry immigration laws how difficult the government makes it these days to live and work in the u.s it begs the question does the american dream still exist wow that's a loaded jesus you guys always have thoughtful emails like this that is way beyond like i can't answer that that guy's way smarter than all of us does it still exist could you guys do what you're doing now in yugoslavia no but you can do it in more places i would have been murdered in the philippines if i had this podcast or did this at all over there as much as [ __ ] as i talk about like the catholic church in the government oh yeah i would have been out i would have been dead but in the day and age of the internet though i think you can do different things in different countries that you weren't able to do before you know i think that um in terms of like if i grew up in korea you know they don't really have stand-up comedy my friend um what's his name [ __ ] dan is in korea trying to start a stand-up movement right so he's like he's an american he's there yeah setting up mics and people are now doing it but it's so new there and you can obviously you can't make a living obviously so it's like there's still advantages of living in america i think there's definite huge huge huge but i do think it's kind of interesting the funny thing about vancouver is like you know when you moved to l.a like when we moved here you know you're like this is the home of entertainment and especially productions and then like we just outsource all our productions you go to vancouver toronto albuquerque atlanta georgia you know yeah it's like la is not the um the spot any i mean it's like it's like the the heartbeat it's like the center of the stuff but then it all goes out like we we send all the work elsewhere also when they're doing a show like in atlanta right they have to hire a certain amount of people right they like the the um the smaller parts to locals you have to yeah they have to do it right so the first three leads or whatever four leads but then they start hiring locals so if you're an up-and-coming actor right you would want to be in those markets right because you can get you know get a mass a real right a real parts and then you come to la and go this is what i've done right so i think it's you know you don't really have what does he want to be again in so like a studio management but i feel like everything's online yeah yeah i don't know what it is give me a darker one you have a darker one a dark like i'm dying or something i don't know i don't have that but i do have a girl i'll just get to her her question is she or he just moved here to the states having a hard time finding a job from the philippines basically wants any advice uh for someone new to this country basically well that that's so little like what's her skill set uh working right now as a barista at a mom and pop shop but doesn't like was an engineer back how old is he okay is the engineer back home you could just take the equivalent of the engineering exam or whatever it is maybe it might require a couple more classes or do like a refresher course and if that's what you want to do then do that how old is he 26. it's intimidating though immigrant i think it's intimidating i can only imagine moving from another country but i think coming from most parts of the country to a lot los angeles or new york you know the two big big cities we have i mean i remember landing here how old were you 22. i was 22 years old and i was like you know there's a thing where like you want to understand the like the layout of the city so like i knew like what hollywood was and then i was like i guess i should live there and at first my friend my friend was from la and he was like come out to sherman oaks and i was like i don't what what is that and like you get on the freeway and then you're like am i outside of la now like you don't under you know i mean like yeah geographically you spend a few years like learning how to navigate that's true this city because it's so spread out like in a way new york is almost more comforting because everything it's more con like compact and condensed and you go these are the places but here you're talking about our county is over 500 square miles and you know to find like i remember you know just finding figuring out like a like a neighborhood or two and a couple spots you're like all right cool i got it i got la i figured it out but you just figured out like a neighborhood because it can feel like so much i mean i can't imagine coming here from another country and trying to like even from san diego when i was raised in san diego and i used to take these improv classes gary austin's improv classes in burbank i had never been to la right and they were at night so i remember driving the 405 up from san diego and as soon as i hit like um what's that museum up there on the 405 uh the getty the getty museum right and i remember one time i was listening to frank black's song los angeles on my shitty radio and i was like had its cassette or whatever and i'm going and i just remember this overwhelming film feeling of just like dread almost because the whole thing felt so large the city i didn't know yeah right and then getting on the 101 right and you're just like oh the freeways make you crazy yeah and then yeah to really like when you really go like what the [ __ ] is when you start flying in and out of lax and you there's certain times on the approach where you look out and you're like what the [ __ ] it sounds like i will say for this guy because you know i came here when i was 15. the first couple years living in america and landing in los angeles was a [ __ ] blur and he's probably a little healthy 26 27 26 yeah i mean you're a little you're a little more mature and kind of developed i remember like do i remember just trying to like figure out where to go and like that strip the popular strip of melrose i'd be like oh that's just where you go i thought yeah i mean like if someone came to town let me show you something also there was a show there was always a there was a show based on melrose right yeah yeah so people are familiar with the world this is where the show was shot you know and then like the next day they're like what do you want to do today like let's go back to melrose yeah yeah or like when friends have never been to la and i'm like oh where are you staying and they're saying all the way in the west side i'm like oh i can't see you oh yeah i see you like yeah you you chose the wrong area you didn't consult with me earlier i it you know especially but pre-covered that's an hour and a half drive to you mm-hmm i'm not going to see you i'm sorry that shows you how much i wanted to be with you for me to drive from where was i living hollywood to [ __ ] long beach every day every [ __ ] day that is a 100 true because people say that things are like important to them but it's all about how they act you know and like this is why i don't [ __ ] buy anyone's ever excuse for like if the if you like someone you know i mean when they're like i like her but you know she lives in long beach she's like then you don't like her though yeah yeah like you don't like her that much you're right i didn't literally friend that much they're like uh you know and like dude if you're crazy if you're into someone you don't care if they're in [ __ ] bangladesh like you're gonna you're gonna make it happen you know i would sit in traffic for three hours at some times yeah dude three hours when i started dating christina i lived in the valley and she lived in pasadena wow that's still pretty a nice gap yeah i mean that was you know and also i don't know what it is but the 210 to pasadena on like rush hour is the worst it's a nightmare yeah and also it's it feels like you know you like you learn an area pasadena felt like just a whole new different city honestly pasadena is still it is another city but i'm saying like it felt like a whole other world to learn how the [ __ ] do i get around here we go there just for breakfast burrito we do really cookie boy lucky boy lucky boy i know that the best [ __ ] uh breakfast burrito that i've had in the south bays uh koreans make it where it's called fannies avenue so no it's avenue redondo beach redondo beach yeah you know your friend alex the other day when i wanted him to do me a favor it was to get me breakfast burritos from lucky lucky boy wow lucky boy's the [ __ ] lucky boy is the [ __ ] i was gonna pay a guy a hundred bucks to go get you a burrito to get me a [ __ ] breakfast from lucky boy yeah you should have just asked jules she'll gladly do it for a hundred bucks drive there and back yeah pasadena is my family's in pasadena so i like going there i would have done it anyway this is the longest podcast i've ever done because i'll tell you why i'll tell you why it we went along because um number one um usually when i'm doing podcasts with people i'm so mindful of the time because just get run out of things to say i want to do it right but honestly um god i don't want to get emotional honestly um i like you man you know it's not just a like honestly i um i have a deep love for you and i don't know why i do know why but i think you're a great guy and i'm so glad that you didn't die from the basketball thanks man and i um i you know i i think this voyage would be not as fun without you thanks man yeah i'm a big fan of yours too i do i love you if we grew up together i would have probably sucked your dick that's the nicest thing ever now i'm a big fan of yours man i really like camping i feel like i i always feel like i'm better friends with you than we are like i feel like i know you this isn't this is as far right now as you're going to get with me which is sad to say you know i mean but a lot of people don't get as far as we that what we what we have with you yeah but i am as when the pandemic's over i'm going to get further with you and your wife i'm going to get further with bird we're moving next month out of state yeah a fish where i bought a house in austin congratulations but i'll come back no keep in my office no no no no no it's you know what it's it's so funny what's so funny what's funny about it is um i think it's gonna backfire on you really yeah how so i don't want to get into it now because i want to end okay yeah and this is a completely different discussion all right you know well i've spent quite a bit so i'm really looking forward to that [Laughter] great backfiring yeah yeah i i think that um you know it's a it's a mistake okay yeah well you know we're uh we're leaving in about a month yeah and i'll i have to add on to that right now is a mistake that i think it's um you're gonna miss a wave a wave yeah i think you think that the waves are big there but the waves are popping off here in about a year from now yeah i don't think so yeah i think so yeah i don't and by the way i trust my judgment a lot more than you really um uh yeah and you didn't break my arm and and my nerve playing basketball that's nice never would never happen yeah because that would never happen for me i'm not gonna be a thug like that okay that would never happen so i don't know about i don't know about judgment okay all right this is judgment related yeah the injury that could have been avoided yeah by not playing or not taking it to the next level right and that's not me i'm not gonna be like oh i'm gonna try to make that right and no basketball coach is gonna go yeah you got it i'm going to be like [ __ ] i'm not doing it okay right so that was you that was bad on you number two i don't trust your judgment in fact i want to say this right yeah i want to say that i think you're um following you know a cult yeah i think it's a cult okay and i think it's called the personality i think that you're you know you see you know i mean our leader going out there and establishing his presence out there you think i'm gonna go there i'm going to go to waco or whatever they did i'm going to or i'm going to wear the i'm going to you know where the nikes and they have the quarters kevin's gate heaven's getting and drink the thing and i'm going to die and take that comet to the [ __ ] spaceship whatever it might be that's what you're doing yeah and i think that it's shameful and i think you're smarter than that and that you threw the money down right and that's the laughs on you the laughs on me yeah yeah thanks for listening [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 1,503,932
Rating: 4.8385458 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, podcast, khalyla, tgrbly, all things comedy, mad tv, stand up, tpw, tkats, tfatk, bad friends, comedy podcast, Bobby lee andrew santino, tigerbelly clips, bobby lee podcast, tom segura, 2 bears 1 cave, bert kreischer, king and the sting podcast, good for you podcast, stand up comedy, khalyla kuhn, andrew santino, bloodbath, bad friends podcast, theo von, theo von podcast, comedy, king and the sting, your moms house, ymh, comedy store, bill burr
Id: tEdRBA588V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 22sec (6622 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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