Chris Distefano, It's Asian Boy Summer! | TigerBelly 296

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I'm good to see you, and I hope to see you too

- Bobby Lee, 2021

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/PrestigeWorldwide-LP 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought its gonna be a jovial back and forth between them but Distefano did not appreciate that Yannis episode. Yikes

👍︎︎ 120 👤︎︎ u/denbo1 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

No disrespect but I’m pretty burnt out from so much Chris Distefano everywhere.

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/outsanity_haha 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bobby Lee is definitely an instigator but it’s an arc I’ve seen before. Honestly it’s funny af though because it’s genuine stirring up the pot that ends in a resolution. There are a few comedians though who don’t fall for it or are too big to get caught up like Bill Burr and George Lopez.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/truwuweiway 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Say what you will about Bobby being an instigator, but at least he’s honest and forthright about it. Khalyla was prying from Yannis that whole episode too. She loves creating drama. Then when Chris calls out Bobby for being an instigator, she completely turns on Bobby and acts like a virtue signaling hero. Shady!

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Chris even looks pissed in the thumbnail lol

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/positivevitisop1 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who was filming them from the side? Was that Chris’s friend or was it for Bobby?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/dandydaniella 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fave episode all year. Love it when there is light hearted debate and conflict.

Loved Bobby trying to instigate and provoke Chris. Loved Chris managing to twist things and provoke Bobby. I love these kind of episodes hahaha

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/mediciii 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Khalyla needs to stop trying to diagnose people, she looks so fucking dumb trying to tell Bobby and Chris what they are thinking.

So annoying man.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/JudasIsAGrass 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
foreign [Music] I'm great I feel great my energy is at the right level and I want to introduce you to people in the room welcome to tigerbelly by the way I'm the captain of this ship and it's going down it's going down today and I'm going to take people down with me what do you think we've got father George he's a little half I almost said [ __ ] but I'm not I almost said it but I'm trying to learn myself I'm trying to learn myself and I'm learning the new terms he's got a half um Asian one half an Asian one congratulations I honor your marriage and also in therapy can I just say I honor your marriage in therapy what do we talk about me being more um nice to people and sincere and upfront and I want to say to you my friend all right those things I said earlier were just jokes I honor you I I respect you I do why did you laugh for that part what because I didn't know what words to use I got scared I respect you and I'm good to see you I'm good to see you I'm good to see you and I hope to see you too here we go all right we've got this one right here the fancy the Mexican guy very fancy I love it he's Spanish he's a big part of our company and you know what I respect you too and it's good to look at me in my little eyes it's good to see you and I love you and thank you for being a part of us okay did you notice he got a haircut for you I know I like it you know I thought it was the hair it's the face so he did all that yeah and then we cut it I go it's the same it's the whole vibe and I I I'm not into it but I like your soul does that feel good thank you thank you for being here good friend of mine you know you help me with those auditions didn't get it no yeah I never never got a call yeah I mean I thought I was going to get it I felt it but it's a week though maybe do they wait well you walked around the house saying I got it yeah because I was trying to manifest it it felt good too doing it yeah yeah so you know maybe I probably didn't because I think I would know by now but thank you for your help appreciate it you have children no okay hopefully they will anyway I don't know what I'm saying hopefully my kids yeah they will they will be born okay today you know I have a topic I want to talk about but because and it kind of goes with the guests that we have ironically or coincidentally I mean I want to talk about um deception I want to talk about loyalty I want to talk about um being a decent human being basically you know I mean all those things and it's like let me say something dude it's like you know if I am I feel like comedy is like I'm in a in the Army and we're in a war and what and what's stronger than people in the same platoon right they connect you trust you have you have to trust you have to trust your fellow soldiers in on the [ __ ] combat field I've seen the Vietnam documentaries man the Ho Chi Minh Trails you know what I mean yeah they came down with the guns right right and then what the [ __ ] are they coming from the trees yep they lived in the trees for three weeks with a banana and a little Diet Pepsi yum yum kill everybody and you gotta trust your soldiers right and I I view comedy that way am I right now I trust you baby when you went to Vegas listen to me when you you she went to Vegas this weekend right I'm not one of those guys that's like you know I mean hey you know don't hit another guy this I get what did I do in Vegas you went fishing you went fishing you went fishing old man thing old man [ __ ] she could have gone clubbing and it wouldn't have mattered to me because you know what we have we have trust and we have a connection and there's love there wow and that will never they will never be broken amen right which leads me [Music] which leads me to introduce you know what I mean Our Guest you know um this guy is I have to be real he's how many he's been on the program this is our third time second good to be here with you your second time didn't he do with Giannis once too because that was the first time that was the first time welcome back five times on Santino oh five times welcome back and um what he did that's what I was confusing either bad friends um I met him I was doing a radio program at the time called the Opie Radio Show I don't know what it was and um I was there one morning I've talked about it and um when you do Opie you know they have Norton all these guy killers there was Norton there yeah Norton was there all these killers there and you know anyone that they invite into that room you just know even if you don't know them you just know that they are the beasts of New York okay and um I met this guy we had breakfast afterwards I had no he's a nice guy you know um and then um later I Googled him and looked them his stand-up just one of the best stand-ups um he's good looking he dresses well um he's just an overall nice guy I have this other friend you know what I mean just chubby your friend you know with cheeks and just cute and just a really good guy um who we had on the podcast they used to have a podcast together called history of hyenas history of hyenas the history of the hyena and uh which is like you know how much history can you get into that not that much right I mean what my point exactly Chris DiStefano give him a run over yeah there he goes Bobby thank you for the introduction yeah it's nice to see everybody yeah and it's interesting you know you brought up how we met on Opie and Anthony yeah and that's what was initial opinion Anthony so it was it was amazing for me because I didn't know I didn't know that um uh Giannis was on the program recently but you know I'm here with my producer Mike live and aka the homeless pimp who has autism yeah who is always in algorithms and finding things so he said we woke up one day and he said hey things got pretty pretty weird for you on tigerbelly a couple of weeks ago what do you mean I wasn't on talking about it because you're no Giannis and Bobby yeah we're saying some pretty yeah crazy things hold on I'm really hot right yes the teamiana shirt it's coming yes yes yes we know yes that's what it is yeah team be honest there you go yeah yeah team youngest tiger ballet that's what it is I know and they're gonna sell those shirts to kids in Africa like they do the loser team so so yeah so but it was interesting it was interesting to me how yeah because you said because you said oh you know Opie and Anthony when we met it's like the first time I met you you were sucking on a bull dick and now I'm see yeah that's what you're doing you're eating a bull dick in the Opie and Anthony studio and now you're doing click bait stuff like your Wendy [ __ ] Williams so I was just like wow wow wow like hold on hold on I was like are you a talk show host now and I was like I thought I thought you were I thought I thought you were exactly who you said you were yeah the comedy purists yeah where it was like oh it's just about comedy and jokes but then yeah as but then I see yeah pictures of me with my eyes swollen I say click click and then I see boxes outside and I say this is he not making money does he have to sell his house because he's getting to a point now where it's like oh do we have to sell more magic spoon because I thought I thought we were record belly thank you promo code Valley I thought we were friends yeah and I was like oh yeah yeah oh wait so now I have to wake up to to tweets and texts from from Rain Man Mike saying I'm a sellout [ __ ] you you left Giannis for a true TV show you left the honest for Sal yeah and hey babe and I'm like yeah Jesus Christ I thought well okay I thought the Little Panda was my friend I am your fan the Little Panda will always be your friend and let me say this okay koala I appreciate it I'm more like a koala I understand that I have chlamydia okay thank you thank you so much right and you know I mean I can survive in a fire yes uh my point is um that you know imagine Giannis being here sure and then you being imagine this being what was when was yanos here a month ago two weeks ago so it was a 2 two-week Court you know we're in court right sure and now you know I'm getting your testimony sure right this and now I'm getting both sides and that's all I needed well here's the thing here's the interesting thing here's the thing yeah I've done I've got to be honest maybe pimpy what would you say 30 podcasts out here I mean I'm pouring out as you call me podcast horror on everybody's podcast yeah nobody not one person has even asked me a question about the history it's always been about other stuff right but then you guys come out and it's all history hyenas and I'm like why is nobody talking to me about hyenas they're only talk so that's the thing I was like I don't even have it would be one of those things if I had 40 you know episodes to prepare because all I'm doing is these statements about hyenas but it's like it was done and then we moved on okay you but you want to talk about it I'm sorry and bring it I'm sorry no it's interesting right it's it's interesting you're calling it the history of hyenas but what I'm saying is is that it's you know it's just something that you know jab you about rib you about you know I mean it's just fun it's creates you know labs and some conflict and we're just gonna get through it you know you haven't take it so [ __ ] seriously no I'm not I'm not uh for me well obviously if I was taking I'm wearing a shirt with planets on it I don't think anything seriously yeah no but it was just interesting yeah the thing is the thing is what's interesting to watch you know because again we watched we watched the clips and we were like man there's a lot this is a lot of like lies because you know I understand where watching and I'm watching you yeah go and I'm like I understand I get it I know Bobby and then you know we're watching Giannis flail around because he's lying about things he's like oh I'm just doing his [ __ ] dumb arm movements yeah I'm like will you just [ __ ] tell the truth [ __ ] out yeah yeah just be honest what is the truth then the truth is let's move on from it once we hear the truth we can [ __ ] move on here's the truth the shirt off no no no no yeah yeah yeah no keep them on yeah actually I want one all right hang on a second you want to see mine yes it's just her tits there it is hyenas no it's it's Chris that's my daughter's Delilah that's kalila all right and and I I that's that's why I wasn't really there it is colonial Chrissy yeah yeah and then he's okay okay so so many someone's merch so much I appreciate did you buy one of those I appreciate that I would have given it to you I mean I let you threw pubes in my face my bad friends you could have a free t-shirt I swallowed Santino and Bobby's pubes and that's another thing I was upset about I'm like I had this guy's pubes wrapped around my uvula yeah and and he's not taking my side no but that's the thing there is no sides so what happened was it's like you said yeah how much history can you talk about that's what I said I mean you know we're going on about this is the greatest show of all time I love the show I appreciate the fans of course I do I mean of course I mean you know it's beautiful to have a fans of anything in this day and age but I was like you know we're talking about you know history topics and I was like I want to go try other podcasts as you would like to do other podcasts too you honest or do other things outside of this hyenas and his mindset on things and I respect him for this was if you don't put all the time and energy into hyenas that's what I want to do I want to put all my eggs in the Hyena's basket and I said that's totally cool I want to do that but also other things I don't want to only be a history hyenas podcast I'd like to do historianias plus the show on TruTV plus a podcast with hey babe plus my stand-up plus my own podcast chrissycast there's enough hours in the day I promise you every time I sit down in that chair I will have 100 percent honesty accuracy as much of my as much as myself I can give to the podcast when I'm doing hyenas I will do it and if my performance slips tell me about it get in my face I told my whole staff Mike vanity get in my face if I'm overdoing myself that wasn't met with that wasn't really you know met with positivity it was like well no either you do hyenas or nothing else so we were I was kind of like all right well you're you're making a decision for us easy then because I was like I just want to do all things for me for me anything outside of hyenas that I got or even that gianniscott was a win for hyenas that's how I viewed it that's just a big win for Israelis on his side of it he was like we need to put only energy and thought anti-inus and that's it and I said that's cool like I get that that's how you're thinking about it yeah but that's not all I'm thinking about you know what I like it maybe it's a white people thing no you know what I think it is like no just don't put your fingers first of all you know what you're getting no you're gays your days are pointing fingers at little Asian people is over oh no no no no they're just beginning no no no you think that you know white people we're coming back you think that oh we are the ones who started the hashtag South Station 8 because watch what's our white Mastermind I heard Chet Hank say it's a white boy white boy summer thank you that's when I was a white boy song My Friends yes right so okay I'm not in on it because I'm not invited to your meetings correct no I don't get said two weeks ago I mean you were I don't get the emails or sister so what you're saying to me right now is all this stuff like um because I'm getting extra I feel like I'm getting hired extra acting work because you know Asians are in what not what you're saying to me a year from now is it all going to be just taken away from me yes that's what I'm saying oh that's what you're saying a hundred percent I should just Revel in what I have now yes right yes no yeah you have an agenda white people have an agenda no yeah I mean Bob come on dude where you're not gonna no none of us are gonna live to 60. I mean you're dude you're gonna we're all gonna die soon Bobby what do you think you're gonna survive this guy I mean Lila knows it too you know we all know you're gonna be in 10 years um am I gonna get killed or because of my own health every you know how it is for just comedians anything fall down one of these Hills something you know I um you know you're right Bob yeah here's the thing dude yeah baby here's the thing is listen podcasts and and I think with you I'm like you I'm not no way in uh my in no way shape or am I comparing myself to you comedically or anything like that I know I have all you know dude I have all the love and respect for you I ever I used to watch your headline at Gotham and sit in the back and be like oh I would love to headline one day and then when first time I did get the headline of Gotham I said Oh I thought about Bobby and I pulled my pants down on stage to close like you did that's what I do seriously I just pulled it out and I was like Bobby Lee you know you know yeah yeah so so so no but truthfully I look up to you but I think what you and I me and you are similar if we're going to compare uh uh you and Andrew and Giannis and I me and you are the same in that we care and maybe it's a I think it's it's a double-ed sword We Care a little less meaning about like you are very willing to be out and do all these different things and whatever and sometimes that hurts us sometimes that helps us where Giannis and Andrew are very particular because you know they're very much like I'm gonna write everything down and this and that and that works to their strength that has strengths and we like Andrew said something to me he pulled me a son he goes hey can you just not mention something physical about him right so something physical about me that you bring up that hurts me okay right and I was like are you up in my mind right you can make fun of everything about me so I don't give a [ __ ] right my eyes might I have a little dick I get it I don't care it's not even a dick it's just like a nub yellow it's a button and I think that's and so that's what I think you know in relationships I get into trouble in anything with with friends with women with parents whatever it's because there's almost nothing that really offends me or makes me upset because my whole thought process in life is I just want to be happy I don't know when I'm going to die I don't feel I understand people have to be sad I'm not going to be that nut job that's like everything's okay it says in Pleasantville but there's no for me like even arguing with my girlfriend or arguing with you know people in my life I'm like this is stupid like why can't we just like even with the honest like why can't we just punch each other in the face pick up our teeth go hug it out and have a beer like why is this carrying on yeah the show's over who cares let's move on we'll get other things in life we both have beautiful daughters like let's let's chill but I feel like there's a thing that happens though where it's like I and I know that that's a flaw in me because I'm like maybe I should care more but I don't and it's not that I don't care about him or don't care about I just I'm like I just want to be happy in my life I'm doing a thing now that makes me happy maybe both of you guys are sociopaths or maybe possible but have you ever maybe maybe it's possible you mean us too yeah I'm not no sociopath but you just want you know what I mean like you can leave everybody in the dust all right the wreckage just behind you but you just want to be happy babies because that's how I feel about him right you see everything is just a joke even when we fight and I'm like this is serious this [ __ ] is like important and you can just like move on about his day I get I'm gonna die soon 10 years baby right yeah in 10 years so I gotta be happy hey guys we're gonna take a really quick break to share some of our favorite sponsors with you Helix mattresses you guys um 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hymns for men like Andreas or him for men like Andreas you guys you know we all have that friend right and we obviously can see the whole the hole in the head and you know you you you you try to ignore it right but it's just so obvious it's like either shave it I mean or do something right and you know it's funny because I'm so glad that for him's sponsors our podcast because this is the thing for you bud okay let me tell you something Andreas 66 so don't feel bad 66 of Men start to lose their hair by the age of 35. once you've noticed sitting here Andreas it can be too late let me ask you a question is that hairline slowly starting to move backwards nod your head any bald spots yet it's nod your head the best way to prevent more hair loss Andreas is to do something about it while you still have some and you have a few but still there I can see it okay why do you guys you turn to weird Solutions or do nothing buddy when they could turn when you could turn to medicine and science all 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that's a thing where I don't understand because I I don't even know the I can probably count on my hand the times the amount of times I've been genuinely mad at someone because I'm like dude like let's just be like let's Let It Go I can let things go to a flaw and you know I'm aware of realizing as I get older maybe that's not the best thing maybe that you should work on that it's not you know there's there's no one that rubs you the wrong way that you have like your ill will board no I mean listen you is there anybody in your mind can you just you don't have to say the name but if there's somebody in your mind because I have five people in the business right but I could just go yeah if they died I would do there are people in my life moments moments of my life I've been rubbed the wrong way by them carrying it on and waking up with that no hopefully not oh yeah but absolutely either me either I take it back you're not are you sure I think you're just leaning Buddhist the things just rolled off of you because you are not centered on your ego I think I think you're egocentric you know you know what it is you know how I feel really feel Kalima I feel like I'm happy like to be honest with you some of like the comments I was telling us to to pimp the other night yeah some of the comments that I was getting from the the tiger belly episode with the honest that were like really like you know like calling me a sellout and a piece of [ __ ] and I'm to be honest no dude we're comedians this is we are in the light it's good to be in the public eye it's like that's what we wanted right so I'm I'm I understand all that so I'm like but some of that stuff I was like man like of course those things are hurtful to seeing here I'm not a [ __ ] nutshell of course those are like ah that sucks you wish you wouldn't you want everybody to like you but that's not realistic so so but what I would when I kind of thought about I was like oh man like the person who sang that to me like I I kind of try to put myself in there she was like the amount of pain and insecurity that human being must have and the amount of narcissism that person must have to come to take the time out of the day to tweet that or send a message to somebody that's like hateful like that I'm like because they don't have anything really else to focus on it's like you think I'm gonna get get mad at someone and send a message like that I'm pushing my daughter in a swing watching Elsa you know yes I'm trying to you know what I mean I'm doing things like I'm on Grindr like unhappy especially yeah dude you got to let it out sometimes sometimes women just aren't enough and you go to guys you know I I and so and so I felt like those things were you know because I was like you you know the only thing that I want to like actually address on the on the podcast and I was like whoa like that it was kind of alluded to that Sal and I started hey babe when Giannis had coven and that is one thousand percent not true like I and I'm not going to get into specifics but because I think Giannis would even agree because here's the thing dude I do feel like there is I hate to use the term like that you know Blue Line like the cops saying I don't I don't you know it's not a cop pro cop or anti-cop thing but it's just as comedians I feel like there is a Brotherhood and sister that we have to kind of like abide by because a lot of the people who are getting quote unquote canceled or whatever it's like it's interculture stuff it's like comedians canceling other comedians because they're upset so I would never share personal stuff but I think even Giannis would admit this like I dropped my life to be there free honest when he had covered because I know how how hard it was for him to go through and he was he's my friend he's still my friend so I so when that was alluded to like I started hey babe and then when when he had covered I was like that's the only thing I want to personally address everything else I'm like this is all jokes I don't care what you say about it [ __ ] around even you know it's whatever but that thing was like no no no no that's not I did not not start Co he did not turn on YouTube and just see oh we we told he knew about hey babe he knew about hey babe for a long time we had filmed the First episodes in August right he got covered I'm not sure when but in the fall yeah yeah so that's the only thing I was like whoa whoa that's that's a little crazy okay could it be a case of this and can it be a case of you just being a [ __ ] instigator could it be that what the [ __ ] because this is what he does he likes to see something I wasn't I knew I knew I knew Bobby dude you know who hates you right now by the way Joe DeRosa oh my god oh because me and DeRosa cause me and DeRosa oh I know to the comic me and Sam McConnell do a podcast yeah yeah uh uh called hey babe and then Joe DeRozan Sal do a podcast called taste buds and we have uh it's all on the same YouTube Network called the no pressure Network that that's like a thing we're trying to start our own podcast Network and have a YouTube channel so it's all the no pressure Network and when we started talking about it in-house oh they hate you dude oh it's like dog [ __ ] that guy yeah dude nice to that no dude here's the thing and here's how you [ __ ] up here's how you [ __ ] up you ready for this Joe yeah started a sandwich shop in New York gonna be big thing big sandwich shop gonna be and we're all going to invest in a big thing sandwich shop one of the sandwiches was going to be the Bobby Lee it was going to be kimchi and marinara sauce and you [ __ ] it up okay I'm gonna look up Jojo Rosa right now just real quick look up look up he looks like Jared Fogle from the subway I I know Joe dude okay first of all JoJo Rosa is so funny yes and he hangs he I used to see him at the store yeah he used to be like a judge I used to judge with him yeah babe what this is called professional back pedaling dude you're done you're done with the road what the [ __ ] is your problem today you're supposed to be on my team no no no no help me out no yeah look at my t-shirt it says and Chris yes gonna be a big [ __ ] War dude let me say something okay I was just gonna ask and I'm not instigating anything okay yes you are you're an instigator yeah I'm a Delilah dude all right I mean he's scared yes I don't care I am one why are you why are you deaf all of a sudden what are you talking about is that could it be a case of you know I hate to use another band reference but um Simon and Garfunkel you're Simon right you're telling Garfunkel imagine this team who's what's his okay because people say this the Simon and Garfunkel what's their song I Don't Know music besides Whitney Houston in the 1970s those are my people okay so explain to me Simon and Garfunkel because I heard you mention yeah you're breaking my heart yeah I know that's another one absolutely I know that so because you made the Simon and Garfunkel reference in the last episode today he's saying you're Simon but with Giannis he said um okay so you've seen you're doing a Switcheroo yeah yeah two Simons do you know why yes I look crafty you're not a deceiver I'm a Crafter slippery [ __ ] Asian he's trying to reclaim Asian boy summer yeah and also in high school they used to call me I'm not kidding they used to call me sneaky Chopsticks yeah and these are gonna be sneaky Chopsticks I don't know why I was like you're being racist but and now it comes I get it now I know what it is he's he likes seeing white boys fight yeah yes but that's the thing well first of all first of all two things Giannis isn't white he's Greek doesn't count she's quite adjacent though I mean he's pretty close like this guy's wide enough you can't say that he's not he's no but he's white right yeah yeah but he's Spanish Spanish is white yeah he's uh he's yeah I was Greek not white in Spanish yeah he's about to die he's like [ __ ] yeah look at look at the arms he's not telling him he's on [ __ ] keys yeah no but I use the Simon Garfunkel could it be this kid all right so could it be this is let's be honest with ourselves I love I we have a great you know we we have great feelings toward uh Giannis but why are you so invested in like a friendship that is obviously like seen its hard days but they should get through it themselves like if if you and Andrew had to air out your your grievances publicly yeah like it would be very embarrassing for the both of you sure I'm just saying that's why I would never air it out I feel like Bobby would want them dispute I'd want it because all it because what it's then I do the other podcast I get invited to other part it just things that something that people talk about it's good for both of you and you guys know what I'm saying okay yeah without being like this don't put your finger toward me baby until the summer until the summer right I'm allowed to do this you're not allowed well we can't we gotta stop with the clickbaity stuff don't you think like I don't even know I'll be honest with you if fat Jonah I'll tell you something okay yeah I didn't even know a clickbait that's what I'm asking what is kickback I can't even see it I mean you know is it what's clickbait because you say oh the truth from the hyena so they're gonna picture me or my swollen eyes that's right yeah but I didn't yeah but I didn't have here's my here's my contribution it's gross this is shut up for a second here's my contribution to tigerbelly Mountain Valley Water they respond delicious delicious do they promo code look at this all right by the way oh I've never even seen it yeah first though here's here's it's nice to see Giannis get fat again it's nice Great Bear here's my contribution here's my contribution to Target belly okay today I woke up right and I thought to myself it's Monday do we have to do our podcast today then the first question is I go hey who do we have true and they go right that's true I always ask and they go Christy I'll go I go oh that's cool that'll be fun right I show up we have a banter all the time right and then as soon as I leave this area I have nothing to do with anything I don't know what to play this I don't know what do I have anything to do with editing I don't music sound design here's the truth here's the truth that's the truth no but here's the truth here's here's the overall truth let's let's be honest right yeah nobody cares either way nobody cares about the history hyenas nobody nobody cares about tiger belly nobody cares about Joe Rogan nobody really cares we pretend like we care for a minute but the truth is nobody actually really cares about anything yeah except maybe you know you're you're I you know I care about my child like but the podcast it's like okay after a while you don't care the thing that bothered me about this is I was like it was over like it was almost over and I'm like because now I'm not the kind of guy that wants to get on Twitter and tweet back and start a while I don't want to do that I don't want to do that the only thing that I wish about that appearance and I'll just be Point Blank okay so you know give the listeners what they want give you something you could you know potentially put up and let you know let the [ __ ] click baiters don't use the blacklight picture for this no yeah let you know whatever whatever they want to throw up you know if you want I can we can come in do you want me to bring in I'll come in like we'll bring more garbage and you want to do we could do the you know they're acting crazy right now we can do my baby yeah yeah yeah oh you're triggering yeah so what's going on with you the only thing one argument yeah gaslighting I love it no I love it I love it dude you need help no the thing is right you need help eat therapy I have no idea what you're saying yes this is what he does oh my God okay this is what he does now move on the thing was I just wish I the only thing I wish the only thing I wish was the only thing I wish was is that maybe is that maybe when you were talking about maybe Giannis could have just defended me yeah a little more because I think there's a narrative going around again just personal in our life I know the grand I know most people don't care most people don't know who I am I'm very aware of these things I'm very aware but it's like the narrative is is that I left historians to start a true TV show and that I'm a sellout and though I I went up to go do a podcast with Sal vulcano and it's like these things aren't true I'm doing a solo podcast called Chrissy chaos says Christy comedy Tuesday's 11 A.M eastern time and then I also do at before all the extra bonus footage if you really want to hear the behind the scenes you can go sign up for that right now yeah uh and then we do hey babe Thursday's 11 A.M eastern time okay so so and and there was this narrative going on that I couldn't do historians anymore because his Chinese is so edgy and crazy and we say whatever and we go wild and now I have to be a cuck on TV and I have to be clean and a cuck with hey babe and none of these things are true like just none of it's true true TV just let me tell you just so your fans know true TV hired me because they said we like that you get crazy on History hyenas we want to move in a direction of you know listen if you yelled the n-word which I haven't they're like that's no good if you assaulted somebody that's no good yeah but they're like you know that your your wild [ __ ] you saying that you know the Japanese need to get put them you know have to get put in the microwave after you know they Dropped a Bomb on Pearl Harbor that's fine yeah you're fine I like your TV right you know Sal the podcast I do with hey babe and Sal people like oh you clean [ __ ] you [ __ ] clean [ __ ] the challenge to be clean on a podcast is insane that's why Sal and I do it because it is so incredibly difficult for me because if you listen to Chrissy chaos I say I I just interviewed or a few episodes ago I interviewed my girlfriend's transgender Uncle who's just in prison for 25 years he was talking about sucking off Son of Sam yeah so we're going Edge talking about whatever but with hey babe yeah we're we have to stay clean in the box that's on purpose so it's like a comedy exercise and it's very difficult guess what and it adds twice as much money so the you know so it's it's really one of those things you thought you were getting paid for magic spoon oh no baby yeah yeah oh no no no no no no so so so these things are exercises so just for any of the fans I understand most of the fans who hate me are always going to hate me anywhere who on the but the ones who are like oh I would just like them to hear what the truth is but if you still want to hate me and call me all right just one hey dude you had you I just had to [ __ ] come here please stay in court and I have a verdict I'm the judge right okay do you need a Sharpie pen I have the verdict okay all right the verdict is this all right first of all I just want to add right anybody that says you're a sellout by doing TruTV is so dumb because you like you think that this is all I want to do it's turn a mic on and I like doing it and it's fun right but I have other [ __ ] I want to do other dreams I have other dreams and I'm gonna do that [ __ ] you know and so if I do something like a corporate thing I've done commercials but I don't give a [ __ ] right they paid me you know yeah and so it's like yeah oh family what's that true TV your family with Chris yeah yeah so I did a true TV you know what I mean look at that there you go fast food by the way that's how that's how I hold penises when I sucker yeah so um that's number one that's so that's obsolete to me when people get your sellout the second secondly it's like you know at the end of the day I don't care I know that you know that right yeah at the end of the I don't really give a [ __ ] sure right at the end of the day I love both of you sure at the end of the day I've known you longer and I know you more I think that you know I feel like I can I introduce you to be honest at The Comedy Store I know and I feel I know let me talk okay I think I feel like I can rib you a little bit because and I can poke at you because I'm number one and I'm gonna be sincere because thank you you know not even just that I don't think there's some things that he has I don't have let's just say like one of those things I'll tell you all right so what I have is you know I I I'm self-deprecating like you are right but I have something to be self-deprecating about just physically and whatnot right I think that you and I have the same sensibilities in terms of Comedy I think that internally we have maybe the same makeup you know of what we can take or what we can't take I think I'm a little bit more sensitive in certain areas than you are I I hold grudges that I don't feel like you do but I also think that you have you know um the trifecta of things you're a hard worker you're very talented and you're just a handsome guy you're a handsome white guy you're an anomaly you know what I mean because what's coming out of your mouth shouldn't be coming out of that phase you know I mean so there's a lot of things that you have and so with that in mind I feel like that I can you know when I see you and I do this with the other one your types you know I did it with you know a couple of people I can't mention they got canceled right I used to do it with them same grouping of people right perfect rest in peace you know what I mean but you know if I get canceled Christy comedy right just no that don't ever go away right right and then there's certain guys that have those three things that I wouldn't do because I think they're more sensitive like Gary Goldman I think Gary gallman is a little sensitive so I don't wanna you know I mean keep ripping on him because I feel like there was a lot of Shame growing up I don't know what it is you know about him but um I think he's very funny and very talented my point is is that you know and that's why I you know I look at Giannis and he's um how do I say he's just not in the same situation as you're you're in and so I thought like made and designed by Adolf Hitler I was I I know and I and I feel like um you know he well here's the thing okay here's the thing here's the thing yeah is I appreciate what you just said I I think that there will be a time in the future where we probably will do more stuff together there's no way there's no way we're going to stay like this forever with Giannis and I and there's no way life everything goes in phases just like podcasting is going to be the main medium at some point it'll be something else you know so that's just what it is what do you think it's gonna be because I want to get in on it yeah because dude I I got locked out I got in this early yeah you know what's the real reason why I don't care I bought ethereum a year ago you know so that's the real reason why it's just yeah I did too so yeah yeah so that's another reason yeah that's good yeah I know but it's not a lot of money that is no no no no no I'm kidding I didn't buy a lot of it I bought it I bought a week ago no but but I know I know that that's the crypto but that's the thing that's the thing I know I know that it's just because I came up you know very granted very late but you know what listening to God eyes on Opie and Anthony and always ribbing and doing that so I was like oh this is all just jokes I think there's a tendency in some comedians from my class or my era to very get to get personal to get upset about things and sometimes that happens to me and then I have to remind myself like hey the people that I looked up to and I genuinely mean this you know you Patrice O'Neal Jim Noor and Bobby Kelly Colin Quinn David tell all these people that I was like listed on the radio they never did this it was all just fun like when you would run out of the room and Opie and Anthony I know it was a bit I know people back oh my god did they is Bobby really crying naked in the hallways it's like yeah but not real yes and no it's a bit it's just a bit Yeah so I I was watching you being like Bobby's doing a bit yeah I'm doing he's doing a bit Yeah Yeah 100 so so so I I understood that but because of the world we live in and because of this is not open Anthony I now have to come on here and [ __ ] actually give an account and be serious and be like this is what happened I wish that Patrice O'Neal was just in here to call me to be like shut up [ __ ] and just you know yeah start talking yeah but and I'm I'm paraphrasing Patrice O'Neill I don't mean to say that word but Patrice would say one time I met Patrice O'Neil yeah God Rest Your Soul uh that's what he yelled at me yes I was wearing a similar shirt and I deserved it yeah but I'm just saying that's just what what you know so I knew so just to clarify and maybe tie it up is I knew that it was a bit from the beginning just like the team I mean it's hilarious it's all bits you know when you brought up Patrice you know I I remember um I was feeling really shitty about my my own career at the time we had nothing going on I had nothing in the future my ticket numbers on the road were really bad this is before tiger ballet and I was in the dump so right before Taco Bell you weren't selling tickets because I did I I only sold tickets because I went to Chelsea Lately but that even I was not I was like 50 50 on that sometimes I would be funny and sometimes I would just eat it bad right and it was just kind of a you know a torturous um right you were with me yeah it was I would like stay up at night like just obsessed about it right but so there was a time where I was like I was in New York I was doing open Anthony and Patrice was there with me it was Jim Norton Patrice and I and um it was between breaks or something and I was kind of bummed out about something and I was he's like were you worried about I go I just you know I auditioned for this thing and I think Ken Jeong got it or something like that right and he goes you're here he goes you ain't ever gonna be like him when I go and at first I was like what the [ __ ] you mean yeah he goes and and I go what do you mean he goes you're like me you're like us yes I mean you're authentically this guy that can't go to parties and get a job because you're you mean right you're changing into this thing to get people to to like you you read everything in your face you you say what you're gonna say right and you're just not gonna have that kind of career you'll have your own career and you know and you'll have great things happen to you in your own way right right but you're not gonna you know you're not competing with that guy because you're just two different people right and so that made me feel good because it's like it made me go first of all they're putting you know Norton and those guys are putting me with that group of people which is like and it made me kind of go you're right you know I can't do corporate comedy I can't you know I mean when I'm doing panel shows the reason why I'm not that great sometimes is because you have other Comics that are cookie cutter sure and then I'll say something [ __ ] up or behave in a [ __ ] up way and I can't read the room because I'm just not going to change for them right right so you know in many ways anyway I don't know why I just said that well no but but that's why but that's why I think that's why you know I've always been drawn to your comedy and that's why I feel like you know at least going back when I'm back home in New York the people I used to look up to like the Colin Quinn David tells it all that you know I'm friendly with now and respected by it because like in the beginning of my career I was doing the show on MTV called Guy Code and Grill code and I was like selling you know thought you know the show's got popular and I can maybe sell a little bit of tickets on tour with with the other girls and and I was just like oh you know how come Colin Quinn never reaches out or how come you know because it's like they weren't respecting you it's like I was the cookie cutter [ __ ] [ __ ] running around in MTV like a jerk off it wasn't tall you know I did David Letterman and really started grinding it out I'd stand up at the comedy cell or the clubs every night to finally get some respect so that's why I think too I feel you feel extremely secure with yourself because you know you're a Comics comic I'm not saying I'm at that lovely and I'm not calling myself this [ __ ] comedy Elite but I feel secure with myself when podcasting or whatever because I'm like oh I feel like I paid my dues I have respect from you know the people I I looked up to like you do Ken Jong is a big movie actually sell 10 times the amount of tickets you and I will sell yeah but you know yeah he's gonna you know do jokes about unicorns and you know just stuff that that people who don't really do stand up yeah just go do book rooms you know yeah I want to be the mouthpiece for tigerbelly for exactly 10 seconds and say that we are so sorry for um making you making it appear like we were only on giannis's side and not having not letting you have your I I I you know what and it's and it's crazy to me that I even thought that you guys were in the honest side I mean the team Yana shirts why would I ever think that but but I but I just accept your apology and there's actually no reason to apologize because I understand thank you Bobby that's what I wanted um because there's no reason there's no reason at all you have a cigarette butt in your belly button there's no reason at all I think to apologize because comedy is comedy it's what it is wow uh you're actually looking decent how do you don't tell him that he's got a dude he's got a B yes I can't do girl hips yes yeah look at that really gorgeous is Britney spearsby thank you no you're handsome thank you and I just want to say information too go support Giannis please and I genuinely mean that we're Team both team both why can't everybody be team both I put it back on I'm cold do whatever you want to do do whatever you want to do the back ear yeah oh wow I thought for sure I was going to have about your butt crack was going to come out but it didn't I thought guaranteed butt crack yeah all right so uh look at it you know I like you know you made your you spoke photography I want to make my statement now okay all right I was just kidding around it was we were just you know I didn't think that you were gonna get you know comments on your social media you know situation sure and um you know it was just all fun and games and now I didn't know what click yeah but with people how people are these days you gotta spell it out that's why that's the only thing because they don't understand how how the Rapport really is between you guys yeah and I and I mean this with all due respect I genuinely mean this with all due respect to any fan of a show I truly do yeah 98 of people don't carry the way they never comment they just buy tickets to the show they don't they never even make a deal they don't even post a picture that they're there they just buy it do it don't care but the people that comment which you know are the loudest people because we have like you know a mental health issue in our country a lot of them are followers if you say anything they're like I'm going to follow this because I that's what I do and I don't have self-esteem so if this was 15 years ago it could all just be comedy but now yeah I got forced because you know people were like say saying all these things like I'm gonna purposely try to [ __ ] ruin your life I know where you live they're calling you know my girlfriend a [ __ ] they're like she's the one who broke it up they're like your kids are ugly I'm like listen I don't read them again Rain Man read some but I don't but I'm just like okay can I just for the followers who are gonna now say something else to tigerbell and army can they just you know nobody go hate on I can sympathize you know what I'm saying about living in that world well I also know a female comedian that we all know that's a popular podcast I want to say her name but she had you know a somebody show up at her house I believe it that was like repping another podcast right and going I know where you live you know so it's it's yeah you know and you know that happens and that's [ __ ] scary [ __ ] sure of course of course someone just sent me bananas to my front door because we have a banana break on our podcast that's good how creepy that is bananas random bananas yeah potassium they're good for potassium potassium they are a little high in fat low high in calories I've been doing my fitness pal and they're about 150 cows large banana and also something that you mentioned earlier too it's like you know other comedians canceling others I don't trust guys with no shoelaces by the way I don't trust George at all anymore you know what that you know what about velcro velcro I can deal with because you know it's like you're [ __ ] I'd like to share some of our favorite sponsors better help um you guys I know some people including kale and I can speak for her that really love this um service um you know during the pandemic we went through depressions you know you you you um some loathing and um I need a therapy and um I went through the service and it changed and saved my life um you guys betterhelp is not a cross this crisis line it's not self-help it is professionally counseling done securely online and it's cool because you could send a message to your counselor at any time and then you'll get timely and thoughtful responses plus you could schedule weekly video or phone sessions it really is legit guys it's the best service out there and this is all without ever having to sit in an 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right now especially right now freshly's Opera garlic right now freshly's offering our listeners 40 off your first two orders when you go to belly stop stressing out about dinner go to belly for forty dollars off your first two orders that's belly for forty dollars off your first two orders enjoy the rest of the show because like you know like when I would work with you know children with special needs I used to be a pediatric physical therapist but do you know why you know you know why I got these though why these are called prison Vans what is it interesting yeah so these are the vans that they they send to prisoners Oh I thought that they may be the velcro made it quick so you wouldn't have to bend over long oh I'm reasoning too all right that's it yeah you wouldn't have to sit entire laces you would just cook and then stand back up yep but I saw I would see these in movies right so I was just like blood and blood out yeah or like you know you'd see it in Oz or you would see it in uh that was a show right it was that was a great show great show Oz was a great show and then you would see it in um American me or whatever and then it's like I want to get them but that's why I what I was saying earlier is is that what you're saying earlier is there's I think Comics calling out other comics and getting them canceled or whatnot I think that we for some reason we should be able to we should we gotta weed that out sure I mean because that right there it's like it's hard enough you know if it's sexual based that's one thing what can you do but if it's words just for Comedians and I'm not I don't mean to blanket comedians but I feel my train of thought isn't me you know is that is that uh if it's just words especially in a joke you can't you cross that line and want to cancel and bring these things up and look what so-and-so said it's like get out get out of the you're not you're I know you'll maybe get opportunity fine yeah but get the [ __ ] out of the business I I'm like automatically it doesn't matter how funny you are I'm like you're out dude yeah get out that's [ __ ] that's such a little [ __ ] move I went to a club once that like everyone hired right everyone played it and they didn't play it for many many years and then one day 10 years later or whatever I finally get a weekend there right and I show up and I I play the week on myself and then Sunday night the manager comes into me and he goes oh man you're nothing like what I thought you were gonna be like and I'm like why I've never been here before he's like some guy told me like a while back how you were right that I did this I do that this and that and I'm like I've never done those things right so some piece of [ __ ] comic right just rattles his mouth off right and when you do that you know you that could lead to no work for somebody sure you know what I mean and it's like ever since then it's like I just can't tolerate that [ __ ] that's and you know what too I think there's a big thing too it's like the you know the victim mentality it's like Hey listen something happens in your career I'm just talking about comedians like because something happens because I feel like I only think qualified to you know talk about I feel like sometimes even I do it I go off on rants making these statements I'm like dude you just tell the jokes at the [ __ ] funny bone stupid you know like you don't know what you're talking about you have no idea like I went on the Megyn Kelly show a month ago I sounded like an idiot she's asking me these questions about like Atlanta voting laws and I'm telling jokes about my dad and I'm just like [ __ ] I sound like a dumb [ __ ] yeah so you know but you live and you learn so with comedian Joe with this victim stuff is like oh you know hey I don't have a shell anymore it's just shut up just make the new thing you're a comedian just make it you know you take these things away from me I'll try to keep fighting to make the new thing then yeah like I'll just keep continuing to do that and then if I lose on it all I'll go back to physical therapy and then if you take I'll just continue to keep trying I'm never going to blame anybody for my misfortunes it's always rests on me it's like the comedians that blame the audience it's like dude I know some audiences are better than us but it's your job to it's our job to figure it out yeah every night you just have to figure it out and sometimes you do sometimes you don't but it's like yeah maybe the only yeah it's not the audience's fault they were harder that night sure but you stood out you had to [ __ ] dig deeper and there's plenty of times where you know I don't and I bomb all the time were you really a PT yeah yeah I still am I I go the great Governor Cuomo from New York just just um just uh in the beginning of the pandemic he reinstated every Health professional's license that had lapsed because of the pandemic or whatever because we were you know physical therapists would became important for like respiratory therapy so my license had laps because I stopped doing physical therapy in 2013 and then I think it lapsed in like 2018 I never reinstated because I've been you know just doing this full time but then I got a letter in the mail that was like hey your license you can go treat physical now if my license is good till I think 2024. so I'm like technically still a lot I but do you know the move still I was a pediatric physical therapist mostly so I could work on you because you have a little little body parts but you know somebody with with bigger feet no wait wait wait what like kalilah I would have to I would have buy those beautiful big feet I love this yes I'm pediatric what does that mean it's your baby baby because you're because your body's smaller you look like most of the children I treated with Down Syndrome that they would work with yes it's true all right don't put that out I want people to know that I think that's sexy yeah the children children who have Down syndrome beautiful population of children yeah to work with they one of the things with Down Syndrome is yes bigger bigger tongues from the chromosomal deficiency so you're saying that you have abnormalities let me see it that's a Down syndrome yeah and I'm a PCS pediatric certified especially so I have the doctor degree in physical therapy but then furthermore PCS so I could clinically tell you legally that's down syndrome tongue a DST and I'm not offended by it thank you foreign you're welcome absolutely what else is Don's syndrome about me damn typically uh usually because of the chromosome abnormality a bit overweight um on the smaller side you usually lifespan is to about 60. um and uh and instigate the instigators they're they're all I'm kidding no the last part I'm kidding but but you do you do have uh a lot of but uh quality okay okay please there's a comedy line and you're writing it right but that's what good comedians I understand but then you had crossed over which which part of course don't [ __ ] piss me off but which part questions don't have Down syndrome okay no no I've never done a DNA test I almost positive I'm almost positive I don't have it okay no I can drive I drive okay yeah I know when I watch I know how to stream things on you know Hulu can they do that yes oh they can some of them can because they have the therapy yeah yeah can they can they um do you have a pretty good KD on when they play Warzone on uh uh yeah I mean one I was yeah we had a really high functioning short neck small ears okay there you go tiny white Latin face of course but that's because I'm Asian that's not fair yeah yeah right almond Shade that's not fair I think just describing Asians oh [ __ ] yeah that's me beautiful beautiful spots on this no but Bobby it's a compliment because it's uh you know uh working with all types of children with disabilities Down syndrome children you know children with Down Syndrome are beautiful they're beautiful friendly no they're friendliest children it's truly out of out of the uh you know and that's also a characteristic of children with Downstream is they're very friendly and outgoing you're very friendly and outgoing and you know and that's and that's what it is so so I I would say this Bobby let me say this as a clinical as a clinical therapist you're talking I'm actually you know it's silly but I I am I am technically at least in the state of New York legally I'll say what I'm saying is you don't have Down syndrome but you have many characteristics that are and I'm fine with that consistent with Down syndrome and I'm fine with that I would say you're consistent with downtown I'm fine with it I'm fine with it okay all right all I want to know is could you do pt on me yes that's all I want to know yes okay what whatever ailment you may have anybody in the roommate like back like I have bad problems my shoulders hurt sometimes typically back stuff yeah is usually it's it's usually your back is flexed too far forward because of phones and sitting in cars in our in our bad position so it's usually the answer is getting this posture spine into neutral and then a little extension is usually the answer kyphosis is kyphosis is when you're flexed forward lordosis is flexed back right yes that's what it is have you thought of because I know you do like a lot of reality shows did you you did you had a deal to do a sitcom right you came out here on Chrissy Pilots yeah like how many Pilots do you do I audition for that what part did you audition for my Latina friends my friend to be your wife to be the wife yeah and who did you audition for uh some guy okay okay maybe neighbor yeah that's it's in the toilet now it's CBS nobody wants it but but but you did the pilot I did the pilot yeah and uh and it was a beautiful experience what I learned about doing what I've learned about all the failures that I've had because it's mostly failing mostly been failures but that's but that's the way to learn is I realized that once you get the thing that's actually not this and I think there's supplies to most things in life the thing once you get the thing it's almost over the journey to get the thing is is where all the fun is and where all the things you'll remember and all those things so so this was my 10th pilot that I did for oh my true TV 10. number 10 and then one this is the first one that got on the air oh and it comes out in July called back congratulations dude thank you you know it's funny because when I get a show this is what I do the first and she knows this about me when I get a show I'll go to set right and I'll just go can I walk around because they're usually building it like this is before we shoot like two weeks before we shoot and we'll all do it doesn't sound so cheesy but I'll I'll touch everything and I'll literally like breathe what it smells like you know I mean I'll look at you know all the specifics of the thing right because I know I'm not going to be there in three months yeah I mean yep I know it's gone in two or three months yes right so it's just this is a time you know it's a it's like it's like you know chasing a woman almost like you you know you get her you take her on day this and that maybe you have to wait a week this and that and when you finally get there you know what I mean and then once it's you have sex it's over you know yes and it's like um you know yes no but not with you you you're like me being on Friends what do you mean like it was a hit yeah yeah but uh but so you're right I mean it's like one of those things when you do it it's just the it's the process of doing it yes right and it's also it's like it's even this like two weeks like the one he helped me out audition for something last week right I don't know if I got it or not I know that once if I get a call and I said that I got it I'll be happy but then it'll go away right this feeling right now yes of like did I get it or not it's still there I still could get it right right this is the feeling yes that I I like yeah right I wonder if like you just like the moment would you no longer have to audition and things just fall on your lap and they're just giving you offers can't imagine that being fun well the thing here is the thing is we is is when I did the the pilot CBS Chas palmitary from the movie The Bronx Tale it's one of my life as a kid Legend he was he was by the way can you come to the podcast yes he has a podcast pimp runs it oh yeah where's he live uh New York City but he's coming to La next week he wants to come to the podcast but somebody told me about this podcast with it I'd be so nervous I wouldn't even want to know what I'm gonna email George the problem is is that I next week I go to I leave for Hungary hungry for seven weeks so he'll come back because he wants to go because we'll make it happen what if he dies no he's not gonna die no no no no he just got he got he just got he's he's vacced up and he's got but he's older right no but he's good but he's young he's so skinny looking no no no but he eats a Mediterranean dollars I don't want him to die yeah he played my father in the show and so he's somebody at a point in this career is just offered things but even him he I've learned a lot from him because he he's the one and he says it in the movie so much but he's the one that really pounded into my head hey nobody cares and don't don't he says that in the Bronx Tale he's like remember to collojo he says remember nobody cares and he was like that's something that changed his life when he was around my age I'm 36 he was like when he was about because he didn't really get nobody had ever heard Bronx Tale came out Chaz was 40. so he most of you know he he was like an adult like a mature adult he had a family already by the time he got success and he was like um he was an unusual suspects yes but that was all after Bronx Tale oh yeah so he was like he was like remember nobody cares and he was like that's not a negative thing so with Chaz what he told me because you know because you brought up oh do you think when he even he's handed things now he's just handed things um he doesn't audition anymore really and he told me it's like you know but you still he's like our brains it's like a survival mechanism you still find that you still find a way to to kind of have a problem with something because he's like that's the thing that that keeps me motivated you know and moving so for me though with my kid like I learned when the CBS show didn't get picked up it was actually a crazy moment I was on a flight going from San Francisco back to New York and we're on the runway and the you know we have to put our phones phones in airplane mode and um the deadline articles come out with the new CBS lineup and my Show's not on it so I text my agent and I'm like hey you know I just saw the deadline article so you know it sucks but like what are you gonna do like trying to talk myself up but I'm really you know dying inside but I'm like and he goes no no he goes oh he just got off the phone with CBS the fall lineup yes he said there's one show that will be picked up for January mid-season pickup and it's between you and somebody else somebody else's show unless moonves and the people on CBS are making that decision right now in the next 20 minutes we'll know right now it's between you you made it to the final so that's what it is so now I'm like holy [ __ ] like whatever and the flight attendant's like no yeah you know uh uh turn your phone off you have to turn your phone off I'm like it's off it's [ __ ] off and I'm just but it's not you know I'm like trying to lie and see and then I swear to God it's like crazy as the plane is accelerating like picking up speed and you know just about to take off a text message comes from the top from my agent says sorry they went with the other show and then like the ex you know the seat went back and my head hit the pillow and I swear to God I was looking at the ceiling for like two hours I I we were like over Iowa by the time the flight attendant like Snapped me back and was like would you like something to drink sorry I've asked you four times and I was like yeah you know Pinot Grigio that's how I roll so I had that so I had a white wine I got kind of buzzed on the plane got home that night it was like nine o'clock at night you know I told my family already texted him like it's over I was all upset whenever and my daughter was two at the time and I I was like got in her room and like changed her for bed because I hadn't been home in a couple of days and was like changing her and playing with her stuffed animals and I'm like hey you know that like show that thing that Daddy was and everybody was excited or I was very excited about it's not going to happen it went away so I'm sorry and she was like and she looked at me like she's two she was holding her little piggy and she was like why are you sorry and I was like because I you know the show I'm sorry like I it wasn't good enough and she goes can you still take me to the park tomorrow and I was like yeah why wouldn't I be able to take you to the park tomorrow she's like I don't know I just want to go to the park with you and I was like oh nobody cares my daughter doesn't care she just wants me to go to the park with her she doesn't give a [ __ ] if I have a sitcom or not I mean imagine what they had me in cargo pants it's like you know it's like a good thing if I would if I would have got that sitcom I would have never started the podcast I would have never I would have never been motivated to even get into the podcast space you and now I would choose podcasting over anything if TruTV put a gun to my it was like hey you got to set the podcast I'd be like then go find another host I'm doing the podcast yeah Christy chaos baby Thursdays Tuesdays 11 A.M you know I'm so glad you said that because you know it's it's you know I don't learn new things very easy you know right well it's a thing consistent with Down Syndrome he does have a real um learning don't have it Bobby yeah but Chris he's he's LD he's he has a learning disability I don't have a learning I'm fine listen dude let me just say something to you okay all right enough I'm just saying because you're I know I'm not lying but don't put it out there you've been putting it out there I'm just saying if you don't legally because PCS we can treat people five five and under we make it anywho I could treat you anywho I want to say thank you that rarely do I learn anything new from people but that right there really just opened my eyes up and my ears up to you know the world a little bit I think it changed me a bit how so in the sense that like you know I'm like you know because I have to go to um Hungary and I'm like kind of like in my own at about like worried about it and like am I going to be good or bad will they like me this and that all that but no one gives a [ __ ] no and it's like if these are all issues that I'm making I'm making up for myself sure and it's consuming headspace sure and it's [ __ ] it doesn't matter no right and you know at the end of the day you were right this thing that I'm doing right now with you guys is it sure this is it right present now yeah being president and now and it's like that's all that's what I meant by it yes yeah because because you know and you learn that the hard way I mean I learned I've ruined Relationships by being so anxious and worrying about this can happen oh my God you know you you went out you didn't text me or did you die what had all these things but I'm like hey people are gonna die I'm gonna die like well why do I wanna why do I want to have I have I have only a finite amount of energy every single day as you get as we all get older it's like what am I going to use this to worry about if I have cancer it's like this mole it's getting bigger I should go to a germatologist you know how to do moles right A B C D E yes asymmetry uh uh asymmetry colors border first border colored the D is diameter diameter okay what yeah ABCD yes uh e is uh uh uh um x uh e is are you sure it's ABCD it's ABC asymmetry border color diameter Edge edging edging which is yeah maybe ABCD but the small is getting the small is getting bigger but I'm if I'm gonna I don't can't waste the energy on it I have to I have to do the energy I have to feed my daughter like something I have five balls growing all over my body I also just want to say that I have a um um kind of a sort of girl crush on Jazzy you do I think she's beautiful she's a great person and it's interesting because our relationship talking about evolve talking about the moles evolving she our thing our relationship evolved like a mole she we weren't together in quarantine because our relationship was before we broke up because we were cancerous we were cancerous for each other at one point and we had a child we have a child a beautiful beautiful girl beautiful baby girl she's about to be six years old but we said you know what we better just called parents we're just better as co-parents let's do the co-parenting thing fine things were good things were good co-parenting she got into another relationship I was you know single still but you know just everything was good I was supportive of her new relationship we all got along it was like a baby it was like a throughpal that didn't have sex you know we were just like all raising my child and then she has a child from a previous relationship uh uh and his dad is still in the picture I'm very good friends with his dad so all like beautiful new cohesive you know new age family boom quarantine hits her and her boyfriend for whatever reason don't you know break up she says Hey like we don't know this is a deadly pandemic we don't know I don't want you out over here and germs and all this stuff let's let's you know at least you know just as cold parents go in the house and hang out together and just you know less time with others so we don't give germs to our child I said for sure so start doing it you know little by little you know and we kept saying like we should you know let's no no sex though like none of that she was like absolutely not to be wrong it'd be wrong first time we have sex now she's eight months pregnant in the new child it's almost like the opposite of pandemic love stories because everyone is breaking up you guys got no yeah that's what my father and mother say they're like hey if like if this is the it's like you you guys aren't going anywhere like you'll always be with each other in some way shape or form because it's like like you like he said exactly what you said he was like everybody is relationship is in the toilet right now and you guys are you got together and you made it work and it's almost like God wants that whoever you think God is whatever you subscribe to I felt like it was like a higher power thing where I was like oh [ __ ] like we both said we were done with each other and then this pandemic happens and now we're having another baby girl and I'm like oh [ __ ] this is like something like more spiritual I don't know you know I think we both if you if you asked had us both here right now I think we both said we hope to be together forever but we don't know I don't know what happens tomorrow but we are you know we both love our kids so much and we love each other so much and pimp has been living with us for the last month and a half and and if he's been out here in L.A and even he said he's like you guys it's like it's like a good relationship you know right yeah yeah it's pretty good he's lying it's terrible no I see that house you guys and she's good that house palatial yes palatial paid for one month by True TV second second one by Magic spoon use promo code friendly cereal it's very good it's only got four uh Magic this is our sponsor too yes they just don't have your magic spoon money well I don't know I was kidding I was obviously you know building myself up you guys make more money you know you have bigger numbers you know how it is it's not about who's got more or less you know I think we're both doing what we love and I think both of our Lives what's beautiful about both of our Lives is every day might as well be a Sunday afternoon not days of the week don't matter because it's just very much we're doing what we love every single day except if you're going to Hungary which is a third world country so that's how I feel about it Bobby and uh yeah I just want to see how long you could talk without me saying it's I can't keep going it's a while yeah I because I I it's a [ __ ] while yes you really are you know I mean a fascinating person to look at I appreciate that because you just have this you know I mean I have to keep filling this [ __ ] space what's anxiety it's it's it's it's it's it's about it may I speak because it's my show yes all right thank you sorry I think you should make peace I feel like I'm doing a podcast in a car wash right now I think you should make peace with Joe DeRosa um no no no you're not no no you're not gonna because he really have to be honest with me he has an issue with me and he's a [ __ ] from Philly should we call him because because do I have his number let me see if I because yeah listen you went at me okay so when you go out the thing is you went at me dude Chad's palm and Terry saw it and he's got a problem with you he was talking about sending guys from the Bronx if they want to talk to Bobby Lee love it yeah I love it Andrew said Tina dude no problem you have a problem if I co-host bad friends oh yeah I love it okay can you can you give me Joe derosa's number right now yes just say it will bleep it and then I'll just call him right now oh oh you want me to say okay well hold on just yeah oh yeah well voice um voicemail so yeah oh yeah you know you made a lot of enemies now see that's the thing because because you picked wrong so now you made it so do you know Annie Letterman I do podcast and amulet and she called me right after she's like you know you guys [ __ ] up yeah she just did my podcast any Letterman remember he'll pick up Joe DeRosa what's up Bobby how are you oh there it is so you know how Chris is just a funnel on my podcast right now and yeah he did it he did he danced after oh so so he no [ __ ] dignity I'm trying to sell taste bud peanut butter Joe but um he was telling me that you have a I I don't feel like you and I have ever had a run-in or a problem with you just say sorry no I love you dude I love you too but that's not what I was hearing from Chris he was telling me that um that you hate me and that you want to bury me you know what I mean yeah no I was saying it too just get this straight okay because I'm gonna I'm gonna Zoom with some friends I haven't seen in a while but oh God it's just it's despicable so let me get this straight okay so so you completely trashed Chris on your podcast right right would be honest yes Giannis paints whatever picture your honest paints then I tell Chris out of self-respect for yourself do not go on that podcast and defend yourself it's going to make you look bad then he ignores that goes on the podcast and then throws me on [ __ ] believable you were a pink animal I [ __ ] Bobby you know what let's change everything I love you I'm glad you [ __ ] the sandwich I do okay can you get your name back on a sandwich oh can I get my name back on the sandwich what's that I told him can he hear me he can't hear me right can you hear Chris right now can you hear me okay I told Joe I told him that you that you know that Bobby really [ __ ] up because I I plugged uh uh Joey Rose's sandwich shop and I said that you were gonna make a Korean sandwich on called the Bobby Lee was going to be kimchi and marinara sauce and he [ __ ] it up it wasn't real Is that real because if if I go there and it's a Ken Jung sandwich or the John Cho sandwich I will [ __ ] flip out on you bro no no I wouldn't you don't have a sandwich nobody foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] you got to do my pod okay episode comes out Monday it's 11 A.M here's the deal dude you're doing things that I do you're instigating things you're making stuff up right and you're stirring the pot the way I do it so what I'm saying to you is go [ __ ] yourself I don't apologize for anything that I did right right this is all just in fun you [ __ ] know it right I wasn't into getting [ __ ] because you do the same [ __ ] [ __ ] you're a liar you're a piece of [ __ ] as well okay people [ __ ] yourself because that's what I heard at the end of my we do an unhelpful advice oh we're gonna end the show already yeah yeah dude bro I got a juice here wait where's what time is it it's June 6 30. oh [ __ ] I gotta go too I'm doing a podcast with the girls from Fifth Harmony [Laughter] I'm having a girl from Fifth Harmony on the show so I gotta go all right hold on one second hold on um uh Ally Brooke she's actually starting a podcast maybe maybe when we do the podcast I can introduce her to the to this podcast World she's great great person shout out Fifth Harmony are you really what time you have to be there wow if you didn't think I was a sellout now doing podcasts what time did you be there seven in West Hollywood we make it right yeah yeah we gotta okay so now when we don't we shouldn't do an unlawful advice because you gotta go well I know no we already did it we already did it what was it just read it real quick it's real quick on hopeful advice with Chrissy chaos uh I'm in a two-year serious relationship I love this woman we connect on a lot of levels the sex is good but I wouldn't categorize it as great my ex-wife used to do some kinky [ __ ] in bed that I love now I'm with a woman I can see myself I'm happy with the rest of our lives but I kind of miss the kinky stuff how do I bring up the Kink how do you tell a woman you love your butthole tickled love Brian B you know for me you know you can't teach like we have our own style of [ __ ] yeah I'm sure you're you're just a sloppy it seems sloppy you and me nor him oh he [ __ ] with the mask on you know but it's like when I first hooked up with kalala first of all she's hot and gorgeous yeah and when she I I I I did this I've never done this before when I saw her naked I got on my hands and knees one tear coming down my eye right and I I and my lips are trembling like this like this right can I go I don't even believe in him but I go thank you Jesus like I was I was one I was crying I was convo I was shaking right yeah and then when we [ __ ] we're like that's my style Tit for Tat you know what I mean pull in and out you know what I mean I like all that stuff right before her I'm not gonna say her name but I made love to a woman I [ __ ] a woman made love to a woman and she did the hula hoop oh I told you about that right yeah so she doesn't go up and down when she's on top she does you know me doesn't do that right so I was just like whoa it just feel it felt like it was gonna rip rip rip right and and then I try to go hey can you do up and down she's like I don't know I don't know and she kept doing them and that's when I knew I go this is never gonna work she's hot she's cool you know what I mean that could have been a teachable moment no she does she can't learn it if you don't know up and down if you don't go up and down at the age of 30. you're nursing you're out there's no way you'll ever learn it yeah yeah so what I'm saying to you is you know I don't know but go ahead well I'm I don't really know I've never had anals I've never received anal sex and I've never given anal sex ever in my life and I've never actually uh had a woman even touch my butthole it's something in I guess then maybe the neighborhood I'm from we don't do the butt stuff so as far as the butt tickle yeah I don't know how to you know maybe you could do maybe take one of the coven nasal swab things and you do that you do an Asian Cove attack yeah Chinese that's how they do it start there if it's any reassurance there isn't a girl who's gonna freak out if you just straight up ask her like finger my [ __ ] I fingered every single guy's [ __ ] except for yours you did finger it I did no no no no no she goes may I she says may which is polite yeah she goes may I stick my finger and I look at her fingers and she doesn't have I used to I used to get girls with bulky hands right if you look at their hands and they look like you know coal miners or whatnot right but her she's got very like thin E.T you know I mean very like Colonial beautiful hands right yeah and I go you know it's thin enough maybe as soon as the tip went I'm like oh I didn't like it interesting because it didn't feel good because you know what I feel like you don't have a butthole that even smells like I would imagine like you pull it out and it's like a you know it's like smelling the inside I beg to differ really yeah yeah you don't look like a stinky because Koreans usually don't stick and they don't sweat I'm right about the sweating stuff yeah but I [ __ ] good and it's stinky I have leaky you have leaky they used to call my and that is not a lie and Jordan's gonna test it because I've talked about this before they used to call my dad the Korean kite and the reason why they call him the Korean kite was because my dad would either get drunk or even not get drunk and be completely naked in a rage in the house and he would be naked just either beating up my mom or slamming the keyboards on my brother's head which he did one day this Casio Keyboard right and and whenever he would come in and we'd be with friends we'd be scared but then as he I would tell my friend I go wait for it and when he turned around you'd see a long white toilet paper sticking out of his [ __ ] nice right and I go there it is the Korean kayak and he'd be like oh it's real it's Legend but it's real it's Discovery right and so it's like and then I thought why would and then as an older adult I realized I had tissue in my butthole because we just have leaky buds yeah I mean so my [ __ ] it's just wet and there's just [ __ ] on it mild incontinence yeah okay but I but I I nice sweet face like I would think his asshole's a nightmare because it's just how sweet and innocent he looks oh right right brutal yeah bleeding as anal fissures but look at his smile right now you stick his finger and he smiles like that you don't like it that's another scarf for you for life yeah I would think it's gonna make a sound [Music] it's you know like he makes nice polite sounds listen the West side's far you're gonna be stuck in traffic so we're gonna let you go but let me say this right now obviously you'll you're always you're gonna do this again you're always invited here right yes and uh you can bring him with this guy you know what I mean absolutely and um I you know what I realize is that you know if I lived in New York and I lived in Brooklyn or I was in the comedy scene there yes you would be somebody that I would probably want to do a podcast with yes it's all about geographic geography is Destiny baby no but we would have good chemistry I think oh sure yeah yeah sure we would do it I've been one of the very few guests on bad friends and it went very well yeah you might have to do another one while I'm out of town I'm gonna do it they already they already booked me okay good but I love you and I love you for coming and uh good night [Laughter] that was the episode The Giannis Chris Feud is done instigated by Bobby negated by none other than our fire starter Bobby Lee what huge should we start next guys did you see did you hear that George no more clickbaity [ __ ] yeah where the clickbait came down and then that's the let me just send you a screenshot of the money made on that channel and jokes how do you think Andres got that iPad Pro all that's ringing in my ear is Joe DeRosa saying no Integrity you already know how I feel about clickbait stuff but I'm gonna let you run that part since you are the king of YouTube he was just talking about his buddy like yeah he's Mike he's the king of the algorithms he's always checking algorithms check our algorithms my friends George is back from the child and he is the king of the algorithm any shout outs for this week's podcast yes for once I haven't had a shout out in a while but I'd like to shout out my um my quies and my friends from Vegas um one of them is Brian Arevalo um my buddy Matt sooner who have shouted out so shout out to Matt on here I like them both of them are realtors by the way um and um Courtney but these three guys took me out to the lake in the river and they they were really able to like help me um not perfect because I'm not there yet but really improve on my spear fishing game so shout out to them um I loved my time there and I caught a lot of fish for the family um to last us week so I'm gonna give you guys some great fillets of striper she just gave us a bunch of carp skin just all carp's kid what the [ __ ] only wait you you don't eat carp right I've never had it I'm curious to see because you said it tastes bad I've never experienced it before they're just very like even when you catch them they're already very slimy they're very big I'm the very bony inside and they're very very very fishy so I know that like um certain people like eat them um it's just not my my jam but have you had a George no my cousins tried it once because they like fished a lot and they were like not fans it's just like yeah it doesn't taste good and it's bony what's the there's no redeeming characteristic yeah I imagine though if I were in the wild and I caught a carp that is like a 20 pound fish you're gonna eat that I would gladly eat that bones and all well guys don't eat carp that was a lesson but I do love the Pokemon Magikarp it's one of my favorites uh but you can eat carb eat carp eat guys eat it if you catch it eat it for sure kill it although they're super invasive invasive so kill it they're invasive uh I think our sponsor is Helix him's better help and freshly make sure you guys use those sponsor codes and help unsupport the show make sure you follow Chrissy D and all his uh 50 promotions that he had on the podcast also more importantly before you watch any of his shows in tigerbelly make sure you watch khalila's program George oh yeah watch my [ __ ] definitely watch my [ __ ] Delilah Annie and Esther podcast if you search that you'll find it easy it's a podcast with myself Esther povitzky and Annie Letterman and all we do is just a whole bunch of [ __ ] it's funny whole bunch of [ __ ] it's great I love them so much we have a great time and um um you want your [ __ ] smash all the buttons as they Smash It smash it all appreciate it um and also Paulo like clam Decay he can follow Georgia George underscore Kimmel you watch me there we're at Calamity cave she's taking a class on promoting on Fiverr she's on skillshare yeah you'll watch me I think I should you know I should take a class on self-promotion I think that has to be a thing I mean I figure you're fine ish if I have to I get crosstalk what's wrong with doing adult learning that's all I'm trying to figure out what class to take next I want to do something let's take a class together let's do it you name the class I'll be there all right guys make sure you follow Bobby Bobby Lee live myself at Gilbert Andres at fancy B uh and also tiger blade at tigerbelly we love you guys so much let's just say I sent us a new sponsor let's uh give them the belly remind him of that code you remind me and all the others and the comments what are they doing say one more description oh all of them are ballet for 40 off your first two or or first two orders yep uh betterhelp belly we've got four belly don't be like Andres and for a good uh night's sleep slash belly I want to change my shout out go ahead so I forgot that it's actually ninth Island spear fishing that's two that's where my description and I also just want to say that I am not by any means very good with a spear gun and these guys were so patient with how clumsy I I was because like I'm such a strong swimmer but it turns out I'm a strong swimmer without gadgets when you put the gear on I'm like oh my God like I'm not as a bright in that regard and they were so patient and they didn't make me feel stupid so shout out to ninth Island spearfishing uh and that is at Ninth Island spearfishing on Instagram also there's a picture of Brad Tavares on there oh Brad Tavares is part of that he's part of the crew he's part of the crew oh wow shout out to Brad Tavares he wasn't there that weekend but shout out to you I think he has a fight coming up so cool all right guys we love you so much we'll see you next week uh get ready in a couple weeks we're gonna have some uh special desert episodes bye guys [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 761,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, podcast, khalyla, tgrbly, all things comedy, mad tv, stand up, tpw, tkats, tfatk, bad friends, comedy podcast, Bobby lee andrew santino, tigerbelly clips, bobby lee podcast, chris distefano, hey babe, sal vulcano, chrissy chaos, history hyenas, bobby lee andrew santino, ymh, mark normand, your mom's house, bertcast, good for you, whitney cummings, yannis pappas, theo von, bloodbath, brilliant idiots, chris distefano podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 7sec (5587 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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