"Uh Oh": The Weirdest Kids' Show Ever Made

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you with you you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video so subscribe for an extra greeting I'm very excited about today's video so is kiwi very stoked you know we were all kids at one point you know that's the one thing we all have in common a while ago we were younger and if you're like me when you're a kid you watched a lot of television like oh like a wait like way too much and you know kid shows were a lot of fun back in the day you know but they were also very weird like for example spongebob was probably the best kids TV show ever made but explaining the plot of a spongebob to someone who's never heard of it before they'd call the cops on you because you would concern them with how crazy you sound oh my god yeah there's like this sea sponge who lives in Bikini Bottom he lives in a pineapple and his best friend is a is a is a starfish who lives under a rock and his friend is a karate squirrel who lives in an astronaut suit but he also flips burgers at the Krusty Krab and his boss is a crab and does a plan there's a plankton who's trying to steal the rest of my time and his his neighbor Squidward hates it when he plays a clarinet it's pretty it's pretty great to be honest that sounds really weird I'm gonna I'm gonna watch them again no but wait the Krabs daughter is away most kids shows were very weird but one in particular was extremely weird and that weird show is what we're gonna be talking about today so sit down nerds take a seat geeks SeatGeek that reminds me I want to say a huge thank you to seek geek for sponsoring today's video you guys haven't heard of seat geek it is an amazing app where you can find take us to comedy shows sporting events concerts and literally anything that you need a ticket for it'll be on seeking every ticket has a rating from one to ten to let you know if you're getting a good deal on your ticket or not in the app it'll show you what you'll actually be seeing from your seats so you know what you're getting when you actually get your ticket and you can get the ticket right on the app and show your phone right at the venue so you don't need to worry about printing or anything or wasting paper you know save those trees dude see geek was kind enough to hook up the citizens of curtis town with a really rad deal if you use the code curtis town you get $20 off your first order yeah $20 dude gone just like that so if you're a member of curtis town and you want 20 bucks off your first order on Sikhi the link is in the description all right thank you see geek let's get into the video dudes the show that we're gonna be looking at today was called oh and I talked about oh very briefly on my podcast like a few weeks ago and I got a lot of messages from people that were just extremely baffled by this after they looked it up themselves and that made me realize that uh-oh was never aired in America only up here in the great white north why does great white north sound really racist now that I'm saying it out loud the great north so we're gonna talk about today and take a look at it figure out what they were doing what they were thinking when they made it because it's just so strange and I'm really excited for you guys to learn about this if you haven't heard of it before before we watch the video let's take a look at the Wikipedia page about oh oh is a Canadian game show created by Rick Watts and Frank Young the show aired from September 5th 1997 to April 19th 2003 on YTV which [ __ ] slapped it was the best channel on TV and was a spin-off of the popular variety show it's alive which also aired on YTV now I used to watch uh all the time with my sisters like no matter what we were doing if oh if we knew I was on TV we weren't doing what we were doing before we were now gonna go watch oh like I have so many fond memories of watching that show when I was a kid but now that I'm an adult and watching it back it's very weird here one might say it was the weirdest kid show ever made you know like the title of the video no further ado let's uh let's get into it so as you can see it's the most late 90s show that's ever been made and to go along with that they had a whole cast of the most late 90s early 2000s people you've ever seen they also had another reoccurring character this guy dressed as a knockoff Jason Voorhees on a kids show yeah it's even weirder when you see him in person - so get ready for that so uh was hosted by a man named wink Yahoo I highly doubt that was his real name it's suck if it was like I don't think mr. and mrs. Yahoo just had their baby and they were like he's so cute what do we name him I don't know we already have the dumbest last name ever let's give him an equally dumb first name his arch nemesis is blank Google blank Google I said you know cuz like wink and then Yahoo the search engine so blink google okay okay so wink Yahoo was a very over-the-top game-show host obviously but it's pretty clear that's what they were going for like kind of like a parody of game show hosts and game shows in general but even me as a loud annoying ten-year-old was like alright wink dial it back a bit you know show some restraint Oh wink yeah who do you think you are okay so dumb so this next part of the show is probably the weirdest part of the whole thing so let's watch we must introduce you control control publisher boy water Punisher will grab a shower later so this guy dressed in all leather with a hockey mask on comes out and just [ __ ] with kids and just squirts him with water and [ __ ] just messes with him like that's what that guy's job was that's what he got paid to do these are just bully kids I don't know how I wasn't terrified by this when I was younger like this is all like you know he's the Punisher is is crazy but with some simple editing this can be a horror movie trailer watch see that's so scary cuz next part is when they announced the prizes and I love this part so much because it really shows you how little budget we have up in Canada for television programming let's see what these kids will be competing for our grand prize winners will receive the new butane freestyle snowboard from Rossignol kept some big air with its extremely high performance pour that all the riders will enjoy for our first runners-up DPM hockey jerseys the official licensee the National Hockey League second runners-up receive the auto racer game console the clear choice for serious PlayStation players a cool snowboard hockey jerseys and something for your PlayStation what if you didn't like snowboarding or hockey or playing video games uh-oh oh my god I get it now so to those who haven't seen the show this is how it worked there were three teams of two a blue team a red team and a green team they would all spin the wheel to see what mini games they had to play to earn their team points and then whatever team had the most points at the end one obviously you know there were games like the dump that was like a weird Plinko spinoff and then there was speed round we had to answer questions really quick but the one that was my favorite it was called mayhem mayhem was great here's an amazing example of a mayhem time to break the pinata open ok so take this bat stand on the box you got 20 seconds to break it open but you gotta remember the three facts the hubbub of bubble gum in there then you gotta get to get those 50 points are you ready get set go just so dangerous you know kids swinging a bat as hard as he can literally like inches away from the heads of other children like so holy [ __ ] even like even the host is like okay whoa whoa whoa stop in light taps alright this little flaps little taps little tap this is mayhem and if that wasn't scary enough here's a here's another example of a great mayhem like you know that that host went home that night and stared herself in the mirror and was like what the [ __ ] am I doing with my life I went to film school for four years intern for two years just to do this to yell at a girl to eat food and shove food in her face you know there's no way you can be a normal human after that eat it what you do the spaghetti dude eat it come on this poor girl just wants to win some points and this this late 90s girl is yelling at her she can never eat spaghetti again she can forget about spaghetti so mayhem you got head injuries choking hazards scarred children oh now you're all probably wondering why the show was called uh-oh other than all the Big Show's you say when you see all the the dangers of it but oh is an option that you can get on the wheel when you spit so let's see what happens when you get oh okay cool so already right off the bat we got a grown man Punisher pulling a kid by her pigtails into a small inescapable glass tube that's fun and good I think the Punisher is Miss Trunchbull husband there's a conspiracy theory Shane Dawson do it hey what's up you guys yes so the realm of the Punisher we all know miss trench so after the kid is dragged into that tiny prison the other kid has to answer a skill testing question like this okay so I wanted to clear something up before me see this next clip so the girl with pigtails the other person got the question right so all they really do is get points if that happens and that's not entertaining I want to show you what happens when they don't get points so that's why there's a completely different kid in the inescapable glass tube okay enjoy they have rhythm bubbling water or start crackles start speckles no its month larvae you're wrong and he got it wrong uh-oh so what happens obviously the Punisher pours slime on to the kid who didn't even do anything wrong that's the messed up part if you're gonna pour slime on anyone poured on the kid who got the question wrong he's the idiot first same thing as before this is all fun and games and it's filmed like whoa this is crazy paper but with some simple editing scary as [ __ ] watch this is weird okay trust me it's weird that there's a [ __ ] pouring slime on the helpless children okay and trust me I'm not the only one who thinks this okay the man who played wink Yahoo whose real name is Scott yeah Scott Jeff Scott Scott he didn't AMA on reddit six years ago cuz I was doing a bunch of research for this video okay I didn't want to let I don't want to leave any stone unturned and somebody asked if he was aware of how weird the concept of the Punisher was and that like weird sexual undertone of like you know being dressed in all leather and stuff and he said yes okay he said yes he knew it a lot of people knew it so I'm not weird for thinking that okay they're weird for doing it that was basically uh other than like this weird betting thing that they did on like some pre-recorded obstacle course challenge that a bunch of kids did in some random field in small town in Canada and guys you had no idea how badly I wanted to be at one of those things and I never did I never never never got to go that's why I'm making this video I'm bitter so a winner would be announced they'd all go home with hubba bubba gum audience members are going home chewing ha ba ba ba and i would just be so jealous of all the kids they look like they're having so much fun you know as strange and weird and dangerous as a show was i love it so so much i'm commenting on how weird and strange it is but there's something so pure and joyful about it that i honestly i can't really put into words it didn't take itself seriously at all it didn't try to be anything it wasn't it was just a fun crazy stupid game show for kids to watch after school because you know math is tough so you need something to be happy about and I've watched so many episodes when researching for this video and the love that I have for that show is still there it's not a nostalgic thing either it's the show is genuinely fun to watch I feel like the 90s early 2000s was such a strange time for kids television because I feel like that was a time where like technology was just starting to grow like a really fast pace and I think everybody on television and stuff was just trying their hardest to make something that could appeal to kids in that like ever-growing community I'm so smart look at my hands moving you know there wasn't really rules or anything they just like needed to make something that was attention-grabbing and fun and crazy and oh did that in a world where kids watch other kids unbox toys or watch some man scream about slime for entertainment I don't think a show like uh-oh could exist now and that makes me sad because I have so much love and fondness over this crazy dangerous game show but I figured most of my followers are from America and just you know other parts of the world where it's my duty as a Canadian to spread the word about this amazing show if you guys have never heard of this show there's a channel that has literally all the episodes on YouTube and I'll leave it in the description because it's something truly amazing so do yourself a favor and watch a few episodes and just bask in the weird Canadian danger WCD weird Canadian baby and if ever comes back maybe this video is the the catalyst for that to happen and if it ever does come back I'm gonna be the next wink Yahoo okay I'm gonna be blank Google and I'm gonna be there alright let's gonna do it for this video thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed it please press the like button and leave a comment tell me what you thought if you've ever seen o let me know if you've seen it if you never heard of it tell me how [ __ ] weird it is because it's it's something else again huge thank you to see geek for sponsoring this video for 20 bucks off your first order check out description and yeah I get some money off dudes save that paper that was I'm sorry I said that I was weird make sure to subscribe so I make a video every week and there's so much fun and you'll get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video who doesn't want that dude tell me tell me their name and all and I'll yell at them try the description from my social media and stuff links to my weekly podcast that I do called very really good it's a lot of fun it's a great time we just talked about a bunch of bullcrap and it's a good it's a good time you know and there's also a patreon for that podcast where you can get early access to episodes for only $1 a month which is like what like so nothing like cents a day and there's also a bonus monthly video episodes on there as well so check that out in the description yeah I've been Curtis Connor or blank Google either or thank you so much for watching I'll see you next week peace out hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you want to see more videos for me you can click on some right now on the screen and don't forget to press the other button to subscribe to me alright thank you so much see ya
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,852,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uh oh, uh oh show, uh oh ytv, uh oh tv show, uh oh retro, kurtis conner, kurtis, conner, weird, weirdest, weird kids show, kids show, old kids show, 90s show, early 2000s tv show, 90s tv show, commentary, punisher
Id: 1-PfZtlMY9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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