Getting Sent to the Principal's Office with Danny Gonzalez

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- Hey guy, welcome to the world's worst smelling YouTube commentary duo. There's nothing you can do to prove or disprove that. So don't even try. - But one thing's for sure, I smell like piss. - And I smell like shit. So if you watched my last video, you saw at the end that I said I was moving. Our house is infested with termites. And I actually am moving here, I live with Danny now. - What? - Oh, I figured I would just go ahead and tell you on camera. - Wait I thought that this was just like a trip to work on the tour and like record a collab. - No, it was a one-way ticket, so. This is kind of weird though 'cause this is on my channel and this is your setup. I just don't want people to get confused and think they're on your channel. I want this to look-- - Oh, since you're-- I guess you're gonna start recording all your videos in my house now, since you live here. - Yeah, well I'm not gonna quit my job. - Okay, and you don't wanna use my office. - No, there's a picture of you on the wall. Why would I have a picture of you on the wall of my office? - You do in your house in Orlando? - Yeah, but it's just out of frame. - Yeah. Do you wanna just like test out a few of my other rooms? - Yeah, we could just try. - Okay. - I don't know, I feel like it's a little cramped in here. - We could turn the water on. Let's try it. - No, no, no-- - [Drew] Okay, I think this could work. - [Danny] Yeah, but we're not even in frame. - [Drew] Oh fuck you. - Okay. Now this is perfect. - Yeah, but I feel like you've turned into a dog. - No, Danny, I'm a human. - No, I'm pretty sure you did. - You just don't like that I'm on your lap. - No, no. I don't mind that. It's just, I miss the old Drew. - Hold on. I think this might actually be perfect. - This is where I fell my videos. This is where we just were. - All I know is I got dibs on this room. - Fuck. - Hey Danny, have you ever gotten in trouble? - I didn't get in trouble in high school a lot but I was a little bit of a class clown. And there was one day in my calculus class where we were playing a game where like every student got a chance to answer a question. And, and if everyone got the questions right we would all get an A on the quiz that we had the next day. And so it was the last question and everyone had gotten their questions right, and it got to this one girl and I didn't even know her. And when it got to her, I just said, oh no, but she sucks. And I got kicked out of the class for saying that. And I cried. - So you got kicked out but you didn't get sent to the principal's office? - No, I just got sent out into the hallway. - They banish you to the hallway? - Yeah. You get sent out-- - Was there no supervision? - Yeah. You just had to go sit out in the hallway and think about what you've done. - The reason I asked is because there's a show on TruTV. Someone sent me this show called The Principal's Office from like 10 years ago. And they follow a handful of different principles. They show the process of bringing kids in and disciplining them. - Okay. And it's a lot of fun. - Last weekend we had a dance and the grinding was so out of control that I had to pull the plug and stop the music. Do you have any idea why he called you guys down here? - I'm guessing it's 'cause of the dance. - These kids look like the most 2009 high school students ever. The DC shirt to Aero shirt. The hairstyle that I had. - Grinding is when-- - Guys and girls kinda gettin' real close, touching. - Touching private parts, preliminaries. - At the beginning of this clip the kid on the right looks scared. Physically grinding is when you go to the dance and you didn't even want to dance at all but then these girls pull you into this big group and they're all rubbing up against you. - And principal asks you about it. - That's basically what grinding is. - Can I go home? - Why did I call you guys, and maybe not somebody else? - We were the best at it. - You're student leaders and what you guys are doing everybody else is going to follow. Okay? - If these kids are bad kids what you don't want to do was empowering them by saying you're the most powerful kids in school. - Everyone will do exactly what you say. - If you start doing something like, I don't know making fun of me, then everyone at school is going to start doing it as well. - What's too close for you? Like, like, is this too close for you? - No. - See, yeah, this is a big mistake. Getting the two guys who are obviously, like, class clowns and everyone loves that, and then giving them the opportunity to make fun of their principal on national television. - What about, what about that? - Okay. You're getting there. - You're getting there. - Yeah. Keep going. I like, I'm liking what I'm seeing. - You're getting there. - Yeah. This is going on TV you said? So basically my plan for today is to get these two 16 year old minors to come in and-- - Wait until they're in a bind until I decide where they cross the line. - What about that? - That's inappropriate. - That? He's a guy. - I can't touch my boys? - Is this too close to dance? - You're not touching, to me that's okay. - So if it's covered, like-- - And then if he were bend over. - Now, you're getting to the kind of dancing that's not okay. Exactly what I'm talking about. - What if I was just tying my shoe? - I love that shot of the principal. Just like staring at them silently. I'm just expected to see a tear stream down his face. - I was just bending over and tying my shoe and he's stretching. Not a big deal. - So what if I was just taking a piss? - Yeah. What if he's taking a pee and I'm the girl and I just had to take a nap. So I was just laying down on the dance floor but I also had my mouth open. I'm just kind of like - Hey, this is sexual? - How is this sexual? - This isn't appropriate? - [Principal] There needs to be some space between. - We're just doing this! - So what if I'm just kind of like sitting in a chair, minding my own business with my legs kind of spread out, like this. - Right. And it's like, I'm just real tired. Cause I've been dancing so hard and appropriately all night. So I just need to take a little rest. But there is a song that comes on that I like. - So if we were this close-- - But we're not, we're not touching right now. - Is that inappropriate? - No, if you're not touching any body parts, I'm okay with that. - I'm touching his butt. - He's touching my butt. - They're trying to like trick him. My finger's been up as butt this whole time! - You didn't see that, did you? - Gotcha. - Okay, see ya. - And it's on camera? Hey guys, guess what the principal said? - The cameraman turns the camera around and he's like another teenager that's in their class. - Do you have anything else that you want to share with me before? - I love you. - I like your tie. (Danny and Drew laugh) - See you. - Don't kiss me. - This principal is just getting owned by his students. - I think that was a job well done. I got my pants pulled down by a group of high schoolers. - I think they know who's in charge around here. - I think we're done. - This next clip is called Marker Face. Um, what do you think? - I don't know, it's showing the back of this kid right now but I kind of feel like when it shows his face he's going to have something inappropriate drawn on his face? - That's what you think is going to happen? - It's called marker face. I'm expecting someone to have marker on their face. - I feel like that's a pretty stupid guess. - Okay. - Well what is was all over your face? - Marker. - So you were wrong? - No, I was right. He had marker all over his face. - Oh, that's what you said? - Yeah. - Oh, I thought you said it was a girl. Okay. You were right there. - Yeah. It's definitely a boy. He's got a beard. - Walk me through the thought process of how you got to the point where you decided you're going to mark your place like this. - There was this thing of markers in front of me and I was sitting and then I just drew on my face. - What were you thinking that led to you putting marker on your face? Well, I saw some markers. - And then I just started drawing on my face. - Hmm, interesting. - Interesting thought process. (upbeat music) - I feel like this show, like knowing that this show is at your school, is just like begging for kids to disrupt class more so that they can get on TV. - We do not allow any public displays of affection outside of holding hands. Anything else is unacceptable. (pencil scratching) - That's a very, like, affectionate title that the show is giving them. - The Princes of PDA. - What if my girlfriend's having a bad day or she's uptight and I just come behind her and give her a massage just on her neck. Not touching her anywhere else. Just giving her a nice massage on the back of her neck - Listen very carefully. Is that more than holding hands? - It depends what you classify as more. Like what's your spectrum, you know, from holding hands to I assume having sex would be the highest, but like - I would hope so - A back massage you're not even looking at each other. You're behind her. So it's like, it could be even less. Cause it's like less personal. - What if there's no hands involved. Like we're just kind of rubbing both of our backs against-- We're massaging each other's backs. - Yeah, or what if like I'm rubbing my face on your back to like massage it? - Yeah, or like what if I'm like rubbing my face on your face? - Yeah. Just like making it out. - That's more? There's no hands involved. - Yeah. It depends what you define as more. - It made your girlfriend happy when you hugged her. Right? Okay. It's going to make me a whole lot happier if you don't. - And you know how you really want to make me happy 'cause I'm the principal? - I never had a thought like that. - And your number one priority as a teenager is to make your principal happy? - I don't think that's true for any teenager. - I'd really like it if you stopped hugging your girlfriend and started hugging your principal. - That's what I was getting at. It's weird. - All we're doing is kissing and hugging, that's it. It's not nothing big. - It's not like we're making our girlfriends get naked around school and all that. It's just a hug and a kiss. - So I called you in here for making your girlfriend get naked at school. - It's not like we're kissing or hugging. - Yeah. We weren't even touching each other. We're just holding hands. - All I did was use my hand to point at the clothes that I wanted to be off. - And I said off. - I want to see that chart you have where we can learn exactly what's more than holding hands. - He pulls up this chart with pictures. Here's holding hands. Here's your girlfriend naked. How'd you get that picture? - Hey, what the hell? Here's a butt, I don't know whose that is but don't touch that. - Don't kiss me. - While watching a bunch of these Principal's Office clips I started getting weird vlogs recommended to me from families using the fact that their child got sent to the principal's office as clickbait. And then so they filmed them. And it's really uncomfortable to watch, here's one by the Leroy's. - Rhett, are you okay with this? Talking about this on camera? - Uh, yeah. - Are you sure? - Cause we're going to do it anyway. - So, Rhett, - What? - We don't destroy other people's property. And that was the school's property. That's not okay. - This is like the most half-assed way to discipline your son, also. They're like driving, doing something else. Not even looking at him. - Yeah, so like, don't do that. - We don't do that, man. And I don't even want to look at you when I talk to you. - I'm so disappointed in you. Also, why are their two steering wheels in this car? (Danny and Drew scream) - Things that aren't yours, you're not allowed to like destroy and touch. - They actually do find a pretty creative way to discipline him. - Oo. And it's not by broadcasting his embarrassment in front of millions of people? - No, that's just sort of a by-product of what they do. - Okay. (Rhett gasps) - They fucking trashed his room. - Holy shit, what? - [Shanna LeRoy] We don't destroy other people's property. - We don't destroy other people's property. So we destroyed your property and you have to clean it up. - [Shanna LeRoy] So you see this is your bedroom? - Did you notice, by any chance, that this is your bedroom we're standing in? If you can look past all the toilet and see we're in your room. - Y'know, it's a little bit hard to tell. - Because of all the toilet paper. - That we spent two minutes throwing around. - [Cory LeRoy] How does that make you feel? - [Shanna LeRoy] How does it make you feel? - [Danny] How does it make you feel, huh? How's it make you feel? - I don't know, it's kind of funny, to be honest. - [Shanna LeRoy] Your bed that was made is now unmade. All of your marbles that were in your drawer thrown out on the floor. How do you feel? - It's almost like they had fun doing this. They're like recounting everything they did and then, oh and then all the that was on your dresser we threw that on the floor. Oh, the marbles, the marbles. Yeah. They're all over the place - These stupid fucking marbles. Yeah. That shit's everywhere. - Uh huh, the dog ate a couple of your marbles. - Yeah, we don't care about the dog. - [Cory LeRoy] Mom and I came and did the same thing that you did do the school. - Son, we heard you were a bullying kids at school today. We heard you punch someone in the face. So, uh. - You may notice there's professional boxer, Floyd Mayweather. - Ow, fuck! - Did you notice how this is your room? Uh huh. And did you notice how that's Floyd Mayweather - [Shanna LeRoy] Was that fun though, to clean up everybody's mess? Was that fun to clean up? You just made a bad, bad choice. Be an example. - Uh huh. - It's like I learned the lesson. - So they reprimanded him in the car. That was the lesson. But then they also trashed his room and he had to clean it up. That was the lesson. And then it's just like, and you know that you are a bad little boy, right? - Yeah. - And you know that you up so hard, real bad? - Yeah, I knew that three hours ago when we were driving home from school. - Can you cry on command? - Yeah. (sad piano music) - Louder. - I'm a bad boy! (Drew and Danny chuckle) - Did you tell the school you were sorry? - Did you apologize to the roof of the bathroom? - Walk outside to the school and apologize to the entire building. - [Shanna LeRoy] You gotta think about the consequences to every choice you make. - Yeah, you got to think about the consequences of the choices you make. I mean, it's kind of a good strategy what they're doing because their kid won't get pressured by their friends if they don't have any friends because they've been embarrassed so much by their parents - Other kids can be a bad influence on you. So we're going to make sure none of them want to do, have anything to do with you. - [Shanna LeRoy] How does it make you feel? - Definitely pretty similar to the way my parents would discipline me. They'd spank me and film it. They would make me eat soap and film it. - One time when I was really little I got in trouble for pooping my pants. And so when I came home from school, the next day all of my pairs of pants had poop in them. - Each one an individual serving of poo, so. I can't imagine how much my parents must've eaten to poop that much in such a short amount of time. I had a lot of pants as a kid. - It was pretty impressive though. - Yep, my childhood. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Okay, well thanks for watching this video on Drew's channel. - Remember guys, if you want to come to our tour we will discipline you ourselves. We are your parents. - We will find out from your parents what you've done recently and then we'll do that shit to you. - Exactly. So go to to get your tickets. - Three new shows! - Three new shows! One in Chicago, one in Indianapolis and one in Austin, 'cause a lot of people we were ignoring that part of Texas. So guess what? We're going to Austin, baby! - If you want to get tickets, go to Thank you so much Barack Obama for watching and we'll see you guys in the next one. - Yeah. And Danny, I guess I'm ready for bed. So can you tuck me in? - Yep. - Okay. Nice and cozy this time, all right? You kinda fucked up last time. It wasn't very cozy. - [Danny] Nice and cozy this time! I fucked up last time. - I think we're done.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 6,987,953
Rating: 4.980401 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, principal's office, getting in trouble, danny gonzalez, weird tv shows, weird vlogs
Id: r9cLluDKIhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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