Making Your Insane Green Screen Ideas

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- This is what I look like, huh. I Look like, fucking Edward Scissorhands bro. Hey there, welcome to my channel. If you are new here, what's up, how's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up, how's it going? It's really good to see you again, I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel, you get an extra greeting, at the beginning of every single one of my videos. Okay, so just press the subscribe button. Don't think about it, just press it. Okay, thank you so much. Folks. (claps) I love using my green screen. Okay, I love it a lot. I love using it, I have so much fun using it. And if you've seen any of my videos, you're well aware of that. Some people have actually called me a green screen fiend. (audience cheering) I've never actually heard anyone call me that. I haven't like, read that anywhere, but, I feel like, someone might've said that. I love my green screen, I use it a lot, but, I've been thinking. (upbeat rhythmic music) Believe it or not. And I have come to the conclusion, that I might rely on my green screen, a little too much in my videos. I kinda lean on it, a little bit too much sometimes. I pour lean on it too much, and it's like, the green screen is like, oh, I'm fucked up. But no, I may go a little overboard with the, you know, the effects and the edits with it and everything. And I don't wanna rely on that, okay. And I wanna fix that, okay. And the only way to fix that, is to do a complete and total green screen purge. Like in that one episode of community, when Troy and Abed, they wanna be normal. So, they have the 24 hour wired down in their Dreamatorium - Oh my God. - Isn't tonight Shirley's wedding rehearsal. Look at how We're dressed. - Yes, this simply won't do. Let's change into something appropriate for the occasion and be on our way. - I agree. Try not being normal. - Try not being normal. - So, I am challenging myself, to make the dumbest, weirdest, most idiotic things I could possibly create, with my green screen. I asked on my Instagram story. If you guys could send me some, suggestions for me to make, I'll take you through the process, filming it and editing it and I'll show you the final product, it'll be a lot of fun, okay. And if this video is entertaining and fun and you like it, maybe, this'll be a series. A guillotine, okay, yeah, we'll do a guillotine scene. A guillotine scene. Come out of a butt like poop. (laughs) Dude I wish I could, but I feel like that, I'd have to show very graphic things and I'd get demonetized, or probably just, removed off the platform. Green screen yourself into other people's video like you did a collab, that's pretty funny. Okay, that's a contender, you live in a urinal. That just seems like, they're just saying like not even a suggestion though, Yay, stinky boy, you live in a urinal, I bet. Stinky little piss, boy aren't you? for your birthday you eat a urinal cake, huh? Make your own cringe-y hallmark movie. That is a good idea too, poop? You as a gladiator having to fight your centaur self, POV. You're one of the paintings but in the same staircase. (crosstalk) You giving birth to you. (crosstalk) Huge, massive penis. Okay, so we have a lot. I feel like I need to, you know, condense it a little bit Let's do that, over, over at my desk, okay. So, lets go plan this out, come on. (upbeat music) So, I got the guillotine one, YouTuber collab, Hallmark movie, Gladiator fighting centaur. I don't wanna just like, do them. You know, just be like. Yeah, it's my head getting chopped off, like the end. You know, I want it to be like funny and entertaining, right, so, I'm gonna try to make these a little different, we're gonna go above and beyond, it's gonna be more work. But, you know what? It's, it's all good! I'm thinking for the guillotine one, I will, I'll get my head chopped off, but, I don't die. So for the collab, I'm thinking. I feel like I need to be put into a video that I, like I shouldn't be in. Right, I feel like that's the whole joke. (chuckles) Like the Loly apology video, I'm just in the background. Like, she's sorry, trust me. (chuckles) Okay, for now, I'll just be put in, video where I'm not supposed to be. So, another Hallmark movie. I feel like Hallmark movies are all the same, right? It's like a girl, who lives and works in the big city at like a magazine. She moves back to her hometown, and she doesn't want to be there. But then she meets some guy and they fall in love, and she stays in her hometown, that's literally the product of every Hallmark movie ever. I should just do that, then I guess. Okay, so then the gladiator fighting my centaur self. So, this is from the, the man tracker video, the referencing the man tracker video that I did. where I, edited myself to look like a centaur. I have to find like a gladiator outfit. What did they wear? (chuckles) I don't even know dude, sandals. I don't know, I don't know. I'm gonna try and make it, like really like epic like action movie, and then, some crazy is gonna happen. Trust me guys. Okay, so maybe, I'll check back with you guys, once I'm done, scripting all of these. And so he scripted and script he did, after a few hours of hard work, our good friend Kurtis finished the funniest script, of all time. This is gonna take so long to do. (chuckles) I regret this already. But, it's all good, I'm excited, It'll be fun. I'm gonna start filming tomorrow, so, see you tomorrow. (upbeat music) Okay, I'm filming these green screen things today, wearing the same shirt as yesterday, all good. And that's fine. I'm, I'm not looking forward to this. And so, he filmed and filmed he did. After a while, our friend Kurtis grew fatigued and he wanted to quit, but then he realized he was creating art, and art knows no rest. (shrieks) And so he finished filming. And finished filming he did. And that's a rap. (upbeat music) So, I'm doing this guillotine scene right now. I thought I'd just show you guys, the process of me editing, the shot where my head gets cut off. And I don't, really know how I'm gonna edit this yet. I'm just gonna kind of figure it out all the way, which is how I usually do it all the time in my videos. So, upside down. (laughs) So, now we just gotta key it. The fun thing about green screen stuff. Like, I didn't really, nobody really taught me how to do it. I just kinda figured it out. So, I don't really know what these tools do that much. I kinda just like, fuck around with them until, it looks good. So, I guess I need a background for this scene. I searched medievil village and I, can never spell that fucking word right. Why do they spell it like that? Oh, we got this one right here. It's got a fucking, one of these thingies, hand, holder. (distant female voice) So, now the hard part is just, fitting my head through here, and having it, kinda look real. So, bam! That's a little slow. (chuckles) The slowest guillotine drop ever. (upbeat music) Look at that, it doesn't look wired at all, Look at how little, my head is. (laughs) So, now I have all the things like, isolated, the head file, the animated guillotine, and my body. Let's see what that looks like. This doesn't look that bad. I mean, it doesn't look good, but it doesn't look that bad. (blade slashing) And there you go, that is how you edit a perfect, movie quality, Hollywood quality guillotine scene. I hope you enjoyed that. I'm gonna work on the rest of the sketch, and I'll play it once I'm done. (upbeat music) Okay, I'm gonna drop the guillotine now. (blade slashing) Wow, hey buddy, thanks for doing that by the way, those arms and legs and torso of mine, were really starting to piss me off. Hey, you know, no need to thank me, just doing my job. Alright, well I guess, I'll head out. Oh, (chuckles) That's a good one, I've never heard that before, that's really funny. Now seriously, I might need some help though. 'Cause I, I don't have legs anymore. Yeah, yeah, I'll help you. (upbeat music) Wow! ♪ People let me tell you about my best friend ♪ ♪ And to love you until the end ♪ Yes Peek a boo! ♪ People let me tell you about my best friend ♪ (laughs) ♪ People let me tell you about ♪ This has been so much fun, it really has. I think I'm falling head overhead for you. Me too. Alright, where are we off to next? (upbeat gentle music) oh, no, no. (upbeat music) I think I'm in the wrong room. (upbeat music) Okay, so this next video I'm doing is a, the YouTuber collab and I'm putting myself into Thomas Petrus guys, a apology, explanation video about that whole like, high post drama thing. You'll notice in the video, He's, it's him in the background, there's like this bed. So, I'm gonna be sitting on this bed the whole time. Okay, the tough thing is, just getting the size right. 'Cause now I just look like I'm on his shoulder. That's pretty much it. So, I'm gonna work on this, get it done, and I'll, play it when it's done, enjoy. (upbeat music) - Hi every body, If you guys do not know who I am, my name is Thomas Petrus, and a couple of days. - Yes, Mommy. (cartoon voice) Oh my god. Yes, I returned that video to blockbuster like, eighteen years ago, you don't have to keep calling me, okay? (cartoon voice) Yeah, I'm just a Thomas right now. Yeah, he's filming some apology, video about his eyebrows. I don't, I don't really know, I wasn't listening. You'll pick out a McDonald Yeah, can I get my usual please? Yeah, yeah, Big Mac, no bun, no meat, no cheese, no lettuce, no pickle, no onion. Yeah. (cartoon voice) Okay, great. And sweet and sour sauce to drink, yeah. What does Thomas, Tom, Tommy, Thomas, McDonald's, mommy my mom's getting us McDonald's what do you want? - I want you to hang out with that and I connect - Stop, stop talking to the camera, what do you want? - Actually going to do it, I would love to be a part of it - Fucking oh my God dude, okay, he's on I don't know, just get him a fish filet, no bun, no fish, no cheese, okay. (cartoon voice) Okay, I'll, I'll see you in a bit. Bye, bye mommy. (cartoon voice) Bye. - We became friends and I started shooting for her a lot. And just to clear up a few things for people. - Guys, he's not wearing any pants. (static) Take deep breaths, deep breaths, okay, good, good. Okay, now push, push. (groans) Oh, (cries) he looks just like me. (upbeat music) (applause) I'm back, okay, so now it's time to edit the movie trailer, the Hallmark movie trailer. This is, probably gonna be the one that takes the longest because, movie trailers take a long time to edit. Apparently there's like, a whole companies that just make movie trailers, if you guys didn't know that. And am only one man, I think there could be one smaller man inside me, controlling me. But I'll never tell you guys that. So, I think I'm just gonna show you the one part I'm editing right now. Where the love interest, meets the main girl of the Hallmark movie, okay? Right here, I've got this scene me walking. Looks like I got a rat tail, but it's all good. You guys, we're gonna learn how to do key frames. (audience cheering) Really exciting stuff. So, I'm starting closer to the camera. So, I'm probably like right here. And then, we press this little key frame, there's a magic key frame button up here. See these lines, so that, that was a starting point in the beginning. And this is the end point, so when we play it, it's gonna look just like that. It's like I'm walking, it's crazy. And then we're gonna cut to this scene. That I've set up, the background. And then, we got this car here. Then I cut out the window, so, I could put myself in there. I roll up, I roll up, whenever you call baby I'll roll up. I also think the, perspective is off So, I need to flip this. Ah, and that's the cool thing about final cut pro. Is that, it crashes all the time and I really like it, and I love it so much. It happens every day, and I wish it would happen more to be honest. Thanks, Final cut pro for pissing me off all the time. (sighs heavily) Okay, so I think I have this scene done. So, lets go to watch really quick. Let's give it a watch, here you go. So, you can tell the time. (engine revving) Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you, doing in a small town like this? My mom died. Does that mean I can take you out? And there yo go dude, easy as that. I'm gonna spend the next three years making this, and then, I'll show it to you when it's done. Which is right now, enjoy. (upbeat music) Diane Is a beautiful girl living in the big City. So, what's a beautiful girl like you doing in a big city like this, huh? Wouldn't you like to know? Yeah, I mean, yeah. I just asked, she's caught up in a hustle and bustle of the New York stock exchange. But when a freak accident leaves her mother with no poles. (upbeat music) She's gotta head back to the small town, where she grew up, for her dead moms funeral. No wifi, no shoe stores. What's a girl to do in this town? Things in her small town, are a lot different from the big city, but she'll come to learn that small town boys, they aint that bad. Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you doing in a small town like this? My mom died. Does that mean I can take you out? Critics are raving about this new sexy flink. New York time says, who would let this happen? Rotten tomatoes, raves. I wish I was dead. And the actress who played Gretchen Wiener says, I'm in this movie too. You can't miss mom's funeral to hang out with that country boy, what are you doing? You don't know a thing about me, leave me alone. I am so happy, your mom died. (upbeat music) coming this summer, Big city small town girl look at this hot guy, only on Hallmark. (upbeat music) Okay, so we're almost done, this is the last sketch, I've to work on. And, add some finishing touches on stuff and we'll be done dude. I'm just gonna show you how, how, I'm gonna turn myself into a centaur, unfortunately the only like, centaur video, I could find that's gonna work for this, is this one. Okay, it's called Mobamataur. It's Momo plus Obama plus Centaur. (tense upbeat music) I don't know who made this, or why. So, the first thing I have to do is, cut out. So, I'm just my torso, that's pretty easy to do. Just gotta do a quick little mask. We just have to watch the movie the mask really quick. - Smoking - So I edited my body onto the weird Momo Obama centaur. And immediately, realized how terrible it looked. So, I needed to change plans. So, that looks terrible. 'Cause we still got the hands, coming on the bottom there. (chuckles) Oh, no. You know, come to think of it. If I could just get a horse walking, I might be able to just, use that. Because, I just have to cut out the head to be a human, right? And so he searched for a horse video to use. And find a horse video to use, he did. All you gotta do is just cut this horse's head off. And it'll be fine. And so he cut the horse's head off, and cut the horse's head off, he did. So, now I got a walking horse with no head. I just have to track my body to the horse. (chuckles) Oh, no, I'm a very top heavy centaur. Just like a chick with giant jugs. (water splashing) Alright guys, we did it, now I just gotta show you the finished product. Here is my gladiator scene. Gladiator? (chuckles) I hardly know her. (audience applauding) Welcome Gladiator. And who will I be fighting today? Oh, it's not who you'll be fighting, but What? (horse neighing) Yeah, that's right, centaurs are real bitch. Oh my God. I made a promise to my father Spartacus, to defeat any man in hand to who of combat. Hold on, my, my dad's name is also Spartacus. And I made that exact promise to him. Oh, shit, I am Spartacus. I mean aside from the, you know, we do look similar, right? Yeah, I was gonna say. Yeah and I was gonna neigh. Do we have the same dad? Hey boys, uh, this is awkward. Hold on, if you're half horse, half human uh huh. And your dad is a human. Mhmm. Then your mom is, a horse obviously, she's a horse. So, that means they, (tense upbeat music) Oh God. (puking) Okay, easy with the King shaming guys. (static) - What color are Niall Horan's eyes? - Sorry, I'm in here. - I think they're like blue. (upbeat music) Okay, I'm finally done, it is Friday, 10:00 p.m. I started filming on Monday morning. So, this took a while, was it worth all that time? I don't know, you tell me. But did my experiment work? That's the real question, you know. Was this green screen purge successful? Do I feel more inclined to not use it all the time? No, not at all, I feel like, this made it worse. This was a lot of fun for me to make, okay? I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did. If you did enjoy this video, please press that like button, because believe it or not, one like equals one, baby Kurt of your own. (baby cries) I'll send you a baby Kurt. Everybody wants a baby Kurt. Pl, leave a comment, let me know what you guys thought of the video. Let me know if this should be a series on my channel. If you wanna see it again. and thank you to everyone who sent in their suggestions. They were all great. Yeah, don't forget to press that subscribe button. 'Cause, I make a video every single week, and there's so much fun. And soon as you press that button, you become a valued citizen of Curtis town. And if you don't know, Curtis town is the best place to live in the world, and I'm the mayor. So, you have to be nice to me. If you want to see the other things I do, you can check the description on my Instagram, my Twitter, my weekly podcast called very, really good. My Twitch, I'm going live a few times a week, you know. it's a good time, and my merch and everything, I got new merch coming soon. So, stay tuned for that, but that's it. Thank you so much for watching. I have to go, unfortunately. Sorry, I gotta, I gotta skidadle. I have to go, murder Mobamataur, 'cause, I hate them so much. (upbeat music) poop!
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,115,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, green screen, editing, sketch comedy, funny, hype house, thomas petrou video, gladiator, tutorial, green screen tutorial, cursed, terrible, green, screen, weird, making your
Id: HW17X0HNgB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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