The Teddy Bear Syndrome!

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hey hey Tony guys in here I want to talk to you about the teddy bear syndrome one second now this is something that a term that I made up as I was talking one day it probably is somewhere in therapy or counseling somewhere something similar but I've never been through those things so I would not know but I thought about it because me being a former player a former dog and going through this cycle it really started to look like that to me where I don't know if you've ever been with the type of man that I was when I was a college football player and you have this man who is lost and he's hurting and he doesn't know who he is what he really wants so where he's really going things in his life might not be going the way he wants them to go see a lot of times when when everything is going right in a person's life or at least going the way they want to go might not be going as fast as he wants it to go he's easier to deal with when a man is not where he wants to be with his money or his goals he becomes harder to deal with and I remember being that man you know this toxic man who I was in college and for me it was my football career wasn't going the way I wanted to go because I wasn't putting in the work that I need to put in so I wanted to get something for nothing like I had got my whole life my whole athletic career as a basketball and football player I didn't put a whole lot in but I got a lot out because I was a natural athlete but now when I got to college it was a different story and so what happened is when you are a little boy and this could be you know for a woman as well but I'm speaking from male perspective so understand that just inverted if you need to but when you're young as I mentioned in my video yesterday my six-year-old he has a bunch of stuffed animals you know stuff lying or stuffed frog stuffed bear and he loves little stuffy's and then he has a lot of dinosaurs a lot of little toys and he doesn't have any thing going on in his life he doesn't get mad or anything like that but if he gets his feelings hurt say hey you can't play on your Nintendo switch right now you need to take a break from the game he may walk in his room go up under his bottom little hangout area and lay down with a stuffy lay his head on the stuffy and may fall asleep my oldest son has a little stuffed doll you know he's 13 has a little stuffed dog that he's had since he was look my wife has a teddy bear my wife in her 30s she has a teddy bear that she's had since she was 4 so you see what I'm saying now my wife teddy bear has a ripping in between the legs so you know when I want to get on her nerves I'll go in there pick up me a piece of cotton you know and make her mad and then she got run chased me through the house when I want to play with and so I'm looking around and I'm seeing how even just the people closest to me have something that consoles them if they need it to like my son he got my older son you don't need a stuffy but just keep it it's sentimental he made Leia's his head my wife that's what she used her bear for she puts it under her neck kind of make it more even playing you know with the pillow I don't know how she uses it you know what it does but that's how she uses it she's had since she was four and when you think about this this is what a lot of men do with women to where a woman becomes the human teddy bear when I went on the radio show to Breakfast Club I mentioned that the show out of New York I mentioned that on there maybe you just searched Tony gasps in The Breakfast Club you hear me talking about it but I mentioned that on there about the human teddy bear to where what a man will will do what the woman is he will come to you for consolation you are his piece you are his comfort and when everything is going fine he's hugging you loving you just all over you then when things aren't going good if he's angry you get the brunt of his anger and just like with that little bear or a little doll his little he-man or his little Hulk Hogan or whatever you call it a thing on the Hulk just how that little boy will take and rip off the arm and rip off this arm and throw it up against the wall why is he doing that he's doing that because the world has hurt him his feelings are hurt his ego is hurt his pride is hurt so the little boy he comes and because mommy told him that he can't play his game or daddy said he's coming to pick him up and didn't come pick him up or daddy told him that he can't get on his game or he can't go outside and play with the friends today he gets angry he has to go he go to his room and he needs something in that room that he's more powerful than so he grabbed that little toy and it might be his Hulk which is this green strong muscular toy and he rips off this arm and rips off that arm so now here's something that looks tough but he's able to rip it apart or his stuffed animal or his stuffed bear that if he was in the wild that bear would annihilate him that lion would annihilate him but in the room with these stuffed animals he's the king rips it apart throws it up against the wall Dan tasting deep breath he cries gets the tears out take some deep breaths and now he looks over and that toy is the only thing that he has to console him so now he's like okay I'm cool now I'm calm now okay now I need to get you back let me get you back put you back together hey let's be friends again come on like I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that that's the same thing that when a man becomes an adult now he switches out his little GI Joe his little halt his little stuffed animal for this woman and now this woman is his human teddy bear that's why I called it the teddy bear syndrome and what happens here is when world beats him up his money he's not making the money he wants to make he gets fired from his job or he's on the job and somebody else gets the promotion that he wanted he's feeling inadequate he's feeling insecure he's feeling unaccomplished this guy has a super car he's still in his unsupervised two super cars this guy has super car truck old-school seven-bedroom house this guy got a six-car garage he's still parking in his two-car garage he might not have a garage might still be an apartment condo this guy got a house with some land he live in a neighborhood where he stretched his arm he could touch the next house so you see it's so many things that a man is looking at and judging himself by and feeling inadequate so he's angry he's upset so what he does is he goes and he sit out on his one this is an immature hurting lost man this man is more common than not this is the type this type of man is more common than the emotionally intelligent completely secure man so nine times out of ten you're gonna be dealing with a married to this man who has the teddy bear syndrome and having to check him and call him out on it and work through it or leaving and so what he does is he comes to this woman and different man depending on his upbringing depending on what he's seen in his life different men have different levels of pain that they inflict upon their human teddy bear so for one man it might just be a silent treatment he just gives her a silent treatment so that she has to beg him and prod and just you know continue to give him attention what's wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you and he's just going into this deep fake depression that he's created in his mind so she can massage his head both of them and she can massage his neck massage his back she wants to cook dinner for him she wants to rub his feet because he's silent it looks like he's depressed like he's going through it's not that bad he's making it that bad for that attention she is his consolation she is his teddy bear then that's one type of man that's your most passive type of man and so he's passive aggressive that's your most passive type of man then you have this other man who he is petty so he's not just passive but he's patty so in the board form he will go in the room look at Hulk get mad with Hulk and then go play with Godzilla and sitting there playing with Godzilla and looking at ho hahaha no you're jealous yeah right and so as an adult that form of a man what he does is he goes and he starts talking to other women now you got one man who's just going to emotionally cheat but then you got the man who was raised around savages and players and didn't see healthy relationship he's going to emotionally she and physically cheat and he's going to let it be known he's gonna let his human teddy bear find out and the reason being is because he wants her to be jealous she wants her he wants her to fight for his love and he wants her to fight for his love because a lot of time when a woman gets cheated on she works out harder she puts on more makeup she cooks more she cleans more she does more tricks in the bedroom a lot of times when a woman is cheated on she becomes insecure and she starts to feel inadequate and she starts to compete with the other woman she says you're not gonna get my man I didn't build my man up for you to just come in and swoop them up and take off and ride into the sunset absolutely not okay it's me versus you we're finished see whose butt is the best who's Brent's the best breast is the best who's peach cobbler is the best I'm talking about the real peach cobbler I know I become like other peach cobbler one time I actually cooking we finna see who the best chef we're gonna see who the best maid we're gonna see who the best housekeeper we bout to see who the best mom and so it becomes this competition and that's what the blonde boy that's what he wants because he's petty so he won't hurt the woman like that so that would be an emotional form so so the first guy you know he psychological abuse this guy emotional abuse okay then you have this other man who he was raised in a way that he saw his father put hands on his mother or he saw another man put hands on his mother or hands was put on him by his father by his older brother his uncle hands were put on him the real deal and so with him he is physically aggressive so when he's angry when he's upset he comes in the house to throw a temper tantrum he comes in the house to start an argument make the woman angry make her get loud make her jump bad so that he has a reason to put hands on her so now in the little boy form of that you have the little boy who goes into the room and rips the arms off of his you know little GI Joe or rips his bear apart because the thread is loose he ripped the bear apart to the cotton coming out and then after he calms down he has to go pick up the bear take it to Grandma and ask her can she stitch it back together so the man as an adult with his woman he goes put hands on his woman she blackout bruised whatever hurt she's crying she's feeling broken she's blaming herself then he goes and says hey he may cry he may slump down in the corner he may lay out on the bed like he's exhausted like somebody put hands on him he wanted laid out like he's exhausted and then he goes to her I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I just lost it just so much going on in my life like I just lost it I'm so sorry I did not mean to do that I will never in my life do that again and he's expressive like that and then she internalizes the pain blames herself says that's just me cuz maybe it happened to her before by another guy well by two guys maybe she saw her dad do it maybe she saw her brother do it to his girlfriend maybe she has a point of reference where she says this does happen in relationships I'm still living I'm still breathing it's not the end of the world you know it felt more like a WWE match then MMA match so beyond the WWE is fate you know they got a little bit of stuff in there a little real but Emma made it the real deal and so she says processing this in her mind and trying to make it make sense to her like okay yeah I could get through with WWE but if this was MMA I'd be gone you know this was boxing I'd be gone but WWE okay and so she's processing in her mind to make excuses for him he's begging pleading he's the sorriest man in the world now and so boom each one the first woman she was baited by his solid treatment to cater to him it's a baby he'll the next woman she was made to feel in acute insecure and inadequate so now she's competing for him she's working even harder for him and then the other woman she's licking her wounds trying to heal up got a call off work because of the marks on her but now she feels like it's a rite of passage she starts to convince herself that unless a man can get this intense and get this you know irate and animate it with you that he's not fully invested into the relationship and she starts to tell herself you know I kind of rather go through this then him just storm off and walk off and ignore me for weeks like he doesn't care because this means he cares and she starts to tell herself that she also starts to tell herself about every other woman she knows that has gone through it every other man she known that has done it or she will tell herself that that's what she likes and that's what she wants to be a part of because she's a writer died it's real law so now she takes and also this last one the makeup because he did that and because he knows that is an offense that can send him to prison see the man with the silent treatment you can't go to prison for silent treatment the man who cheated you can't go to prison for cheating but this last man who put hands on a woman he knows he could go to prison for that so he knows if one day she finds the strength the car the boys in blue he gonna roll he also knows that nobody in the world may know that he has that side and that if she calls the boys in blue all his co-workers all his church members oh yeah church members oh yeah men be in church doing all his doctor colleagues lawyer colleagues oh yeah doctors lawyers school teachers police officers oh yeah all along do it it's a man they never feel that does that oh yeah may not have happened to you bit more comedy you think that's why they say every 9 seconds a woman getting hands put on every 9 seconds so what happens is he says ok let me love it down so he cooking breakfast in bed keep bringing her ice pack you know he keep bringing a heating pad hee hee massaging feet he rubbing her down the session that they have okay that session that they have they flip and tossing they got everything and it feels so passionate to her she's like wow because she doesn't get that kind of passion until after they have one of those episodes so now she's like a part of her is almost wanting another WWE episode and what I mean by that is bad enough for him to want to grovel on his knees and apologize and cater to her for the next week but not bad enough to really do damage the way she got to go to her Hospital a part of her will start to want that oh yeah real life oh you got it real life I know I sound absolutely crazy to some of you but it's real life I'm out here I'm in the trenches okay and I used to be out there I was 19 20 years old college football player hey I don't live through it all you hit me that's why I have the depth of understanding and it and I got a front-row seat because I haven't been down I've been through it all that's why I teach what I teach and teach the way I teach you hit me and now I'm on the other side in a completely healthy perfect marriage and not that I call perfect cuz we got no yelling fussing and fighting storming all for breaking up the make up we got cheating we got none of that all we have is your normal disagreements your normal disagreement so I've been on both ends of the spectrum and so I see what goes on and I see here's the thing if you are the teddy bear what do you do what do you do now as now in behavioral science you have the redirection so you have the ignore redirect and reinforced so something that does not harm you physically or harm him physically you ignore it then redirect it then reinforce the positive behavior something that harms you physically or harms him physically you will stop it then redirect it then reinforce it so when you and this when you are the teddy bear you have to decide how you gonna handle this now see what you have to realize is there's always antecedent behavior so what this is is the precursor the actions before the actual behavior the before the actual maladaptive behavior so before he acts out or before he does what he does to get his interaction with his human teddy bear there are some red flags some signs that happens before it so with the silent treatment you may see the antecedent be him not getting a promotion him getting a pay cut or getting fired him losing a family member him going through something in his life you see that then instead of talking about it in a healthy way he has a passive aggressive silent treatment to where this silent treatment is not just about what happened but it makes you feel like you caused it like it's your fault like he's also angry with you because you don't love him enough and you aren't there for him enough so it also has those implications and you start to wonder like what did I do you know what did I do so you see that so the thing about it is if you can be nice you can be kind cute and coy but you don't accept full responsibility for everything that has gone wrong in his life and you don't internalize and let that make you feel less than like you are the sole healer for him no he has a responsibility to uphold his emotional intelligence and to be a man to be a real man and to be an adult and to grow and to heal and to be emotionally intelligent he has the onus is on him so I don't know what onus means sound good write that on but so he has to understand that so you do not been bandaging him and you know bandaging okay I said been dating him you ain't no no you're not catering hand and foot you don't turn into a slave because he's hurting because he upset something went wrong in his life something happened it's like okay all right I'm here for you okay here here here's the normal meal that I cook okay here's the normal Netflix on the couch that we have but you don't go out of your way and just continue to just the way you feel like a robot you feel like the help catering to him and then he's milking it and he relishing in it because he feeling like King Tut and even kicked his feet up and now you just serve and serve and serve and serve a servant okay so you have to check that and what I mean by that is I don't mean a conversation you just kind of do the normal that you do and don't do anything yawning when you not doing anything beyond that unless it's a you know situation like a very close death in the family and you know you won't have to you know rub is back a little bit that'll cry on your shoulder something like that but what happened is if he sits in that space too long it will then mutate into another ailment to where now he'll start to be more passive aggressive with you and it'll kind of start to be a little condescending he'll start to take shots at you verbally so it'll go to verbal it'll go from you know psychological then it's verbal abuse saying little stuff to you so you have to be able to check that by not catering not reinforcing it by doing more and doing more but then if it mutates and it gets worse you got to be able to speak to it on the first on the first thing he says say hey don't talk to me like that because I did nothing to you so understand I'm not your punching bag and if that's what you think this is going to be you have another thing coming now remember I told you all about that Liam Neeson voice you need to go watch the movie taking just so you can remember on YouTube Liam Neeson and taking just so you could remember how Liam did that Liam Neeson y'all he never heard the movie taking when a man daughter got kidding up and here in America and she over there somewhere else parents or somewhere and he called that man he the man who kidnapped daughter picked up a cell phone he was on the phone and he said listen I don't know who you are if you let her go you have no problem for me but if you take her I will find you and I will kill you just like that right now he didn't yell he tell you no to other kind of gangs they be um the king of this city like this I watched in training day but see when you dealing with a man you got to be Liam Neeson and taking you can't be Denzel Washington in training day okay so you give him that energy he's gonna fit you because this man right here this number first man right here the the passive aggressive man he saw anyways he saw anyways like he ain't going to no hand plate okay his hands not even up-to-date if y'all got that you might whoop him so he's not escalating so when you check him out when you check in with that Liam Neeson boys he friend up okay okay I'm sorry you know I'm sorry huh forgive me please you know I just going through a lot I'm just going through a lot that's how he gonna be now this next man that like the when he feeling down and he going through what have you you his human teddy bear he want some more love and attention he start the emotional cheat so now the antecedent behavior will be him following his ex on instagram or him following the Big Buddha girl the other half naked woman on Instagram him friending her on Facebook well friends with an ex on Facebook put that out there let you see it leave that phone face up be the phone on lock knowing that you like to play Blue's Clues y'all remember the show for the kid Blue's Clues he know you like to play Blue's Clues so he gonna let you go and find some clues so you get it now sniffing around like blue and now you find your clues led you right to it but see here's the thing with this man right here this second man see the antecedent behavior that's been in the works that's been in the works y'all whole relationship so what he did is he tests you several different ways so what he did is in the first three months he told you hey I call you I call you out to work you didn't hear from the next day he called you you didn't check him hey how are you I was worried about you yesterday what happened oh I just you know I fell asleep I fell asleep he did that on purpose that was a test you failed it because you didn't know it was a test because you came in honest and pure-hearted you thought he honestly fell asleep and he didn't fall asleep he actually was talking to another woman that's why he couldn't call you he will wide awake he were building with another woman you just happened to be the horse in the race that caught up to the bunny rabbit and won so he test you there but he did that two or three times you just start to think he got epilepsy is that the one that you fall asleep that you fall asleep Marco left on whichever one you know but you know I'm talking about so you thinking he's at fault really falling asleep he just dead tired from working in the Sun all day and he literally just falling asleep so you failed a test but could see what you were supposed to do what say hey I'm big on you know like your word and so because your word is all you have and that's how we build trust so if you tell me you're gonna call me at a certain time I may cancel something or move something around to be there for your call because you are priority I can't be in a situation where you're a priority and I'm just an option so I'm gonna tell you like this like I don't know what this chronic sleep thing that you have but you either need to go to the doctor and get that checked out so that I know this is a real thing and you have met for it or you need to call me when your head is on the way to the pillow so that I understand but what I'm saying here is you need to be a man of your word you see that I mean you close check them that's if you a talker now if you're not no talker like my wife then you say it lot less words listen if you can't call me when you say you're gonna call me then just stop calling me all together bye then let them call you right back hello like ain't none happen wait you're not phone well I assume you don't want to talk do you would you like to talk or no yeah excuse me em do you hear me raising my voice no you raising your voice well don't raise your voice at me I'm gonna read my what they call you babe why are you at home listen if you yell at me one more time it will be the last time you ever hear from me okay okay okay I'm sorry geez you know I'm just you know I'm just flustered I just you know it's just I got a lot going on in my life like I'm sorry I'm not yelling okay now you see how she just checked him that's high not many women do that most women nine out of 10 women they they they fail that tense they let it go because they say oh that's just men or they think it's cute because the last man used to do that so now with this man with him just yelling always cute she thing is cute she thanking me he cares so you failed a test so see what this man who like the emotional cheat and then in there or and or physical cheat it was little tests that he did like give you his word and not keeping her were yelling at you in a disagreement to see if you're gonna shut that down and make him talk to you room tone storming off in a disagreement to see if you gonna check him and tell him y'all got to sit down and talk this out like adults silent treatment for 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours or more to see if you gonna flip out and be calling him calling him blowing him up blowing him up blowing him up trying to kiss his behind or if you gonna let him go silent then wait till he calls you and then when he calls you you say listen that's the person last time if you want to be in my life there are no breaks in a relationship you got to talk this out like an adult so do you want to be in this or not because I'm cool either way you check him like that that first time I thought that silent treatment you ain't chasing you weren't calling him you lose your whiz like a lot of women he gives out room they blowing his phone I blowing phone you failed a test oh yeah you'd be a test in relationship everybody test everybody just you might not call it a test women test me and to you just might not call it a test but yeah you test you test you be honest with you sit down and think about it you test and so when you check them after that beside the treatment you you passed that test he don't do it again he'd do it again and then you stay with him you fail to ten so see this man that's gonna be a cheater emotional or physical guess what he didn't test you just to see what you're gonna tolerate and remember the good boss a the small Fox for the vine a little bit of leaven leaveneth the whole lump so see what this man is doing is he giving you Jess a little bit he tested with a little things and so what it says to him you sent a message to a man when I try to yell at my wife the first time if she shut me down there the very first time I tried to raise my voice that let me know I gotta talk to her room tone if I want to communicate with her when I tried to come in late after sand I'm gonna beat at a certain time and she wouldn't let me in the door was locking I've got no answer she wasn't waiting up for me dad let me know that I got to be a man of my word and that this woman is not gonna wait on me there's not gonna be no open revolving door that I could come in and out of I'm either in or I'm out so see it was little tests like that when I started trying to control my wife and do all the things that I was doing with my previous relationship when I started trying to be like that with my wife 2 months 3 months into us dating she broke up with me she let me know that I'm not with the games so guess what as a man what I took from that was if I can yell at this one if I can't tell her I'ma be there at a certain time and show up hours later and her just open the door even though she may be feeling hot but still open the door if I can't do that if if I can't um you know control and tell her what to wear where she at make her check in with me and always have my finger on her and have some control if I can't do any of those three things that I was able to do in my last relationship the relationship before that the relationship before that if I can't do in at all three things and I definitely am NOT gonna get away with cheating I definitely am NOT gonna be able to get physical with her calling myself laying the smackdown or you know whatever guys called it I'm definitely gonna be able to go down cuz if she'll leave me off for this just trying ask a bunch of questions and be univer balae intruding in control this woman I have me up under the jail if we get into something physical you said I mean so as a man is testing you he's seeing your response and that lets him know what he can get away with so this is what see this one lets him know if you are gonna be a human teddy bear cuz he what you got to remember the teddy bear has no feelings the teddy bear is there for the comfort of its owner so the teddy bear you could rip it apart and stitch it back together over and over and over again you could throw it up against the wall if you don't want to if you don't want to rip it apart you just could throw it up against the wall you could kick it you can have it up against the wall and just have your own MMA match with it kicking it you could punch it in you know you just do that teddy bear any kind of way because the teddy bear has no feelings so a lot of men are treating a human like a teddy bear the difference is as a human you have feelings but if you don't have standards then you will be treated like you don't have feelings and if you don't have standards eventually you will stop feeling what you're going through the cheating the lies the manipulation abuse all of those things will become your norm and you will adapt to it and it will become your norm to the point that when he leaves you so that he can go sleep around you will stay stuck standing still waiting on him to come back and you will actually miss this man who treated you like crap who cheated on you you actually miss him because you didn't have standards and you didn't have self-love so now you are effectively the human teddy bear because he can throw you up against the wall discard you leave go out play with his other toys come back and you were settling with open arms but she has a human you can't allow someone to discard you mistreat you talk to you any kind of way throw you up against the wall figuratively or literally and then go out mess around sleep around and then come back and you accept but that's what sold me and women doing when you see me go live on my Q&A you see so many women doing that well he cheated and now he wants us to work out well he cheated he got another woman pregnant now he's back and he's begging me and he seems like he's changed and he wants us to work out what to do you see it you see it so think about this now and now this last man the man who goes all the way and gets physical he did all them tests combined he did all them tests combined so but see what it is is it moves slowly sometimes see it may be a lie that you let slide give you his word don't keep his word stay out all night silent treatment ghost you for a few days emotional cheating in the Inbox then physical cheat would ex over the new one then yelling then yelling and cursing then yelling curse and a push or yelling curse and a ground see you let all that go you let all of that go so now every single thing that you let go now you just taught him okay next time it's going to be silent treatment goes cheap yell curse push grass laughs then silent treatment ghosts cheat yeah curse push warehouse Slap Chop now each time it escalates so now you don't went through and before you know it he in there in the house with you and he think he Conor McGregor he love the enemy but he know if he get in now with a real man he'll get annihilated so now he want to be Conor McGregor with you and because of every single pain he's a trash human being he is lost he's broken he's hurting but he a man not just gonna come up to you and in the first month he's not gonna do that if you've ever been to that point of physicality think about all think about all other antecedent behavior all lot of precursors go through it take your time go through it you gonna see you went through a series of red flags [Music] and then BOOM and then guess what when that happened let's say let's say you didn't recognize red flag let's say you ain't seen no red flags and it just went right down it went right down Conor McGregor MMA cage if you don't call the boys in blue guess what you just failed a test so every single time that that happened it's gonna be worse and worse and worse and it's and the result of physicality is one or two things prison or the grave prison on the gray one are y'all going to prison or one of y'all going to the gray so you can't play with it you can't play with it ever so eh I hope this here you might have to sit with this two or three time because as you hear stuff your mind go to racing and you start thinking about stuff you know and understand that I'm extremely serious about this you know I won't make light about this hair stuff and you know cuz it's a serious issue and a lot of people you know minimize it and a lot of people go through it and turn it into a joke you know it's a lot of stuff that your brain starts to heal and self sooth and you look back at it and you laugh at it you know I've heard that I've seen that I've seen that I've coached women and they like oh my kid is he kicked my butt whoa what'd I tell you wow that was a whoopin I took that day whoa what was that digging and a lot of women get to the point where they look back at it and they laugh at it they like hey I made it through but we got to realize that you know all of this is very serious because it's a lot of women that didn't make it through your brain is healing and self-soothing but a lot of women that didn't make it through some man that didn't make it through so what you gotta realize is when you're dealing with this you are a human not a human teddy bear you have feelings you have standards you have needs you have desires you have expectations of the person you give your life to so remember that write them down study and read them write it upon the tables on your heart if you need to and don't compromise your standards don't ignore the red flags don't ignore the signs because if you ignore the signs think about it you're going it's a 70 miles an hour you ignore the sign you're going 90 the sign say sharp curve coming next time say 25 on the curve you ignoring the size you're going 90 on the 25 curve what's gonna happen right outside of a cliff to your demise that's what happened in relationships you die spiritually or emotionally and God forbid physically when you ignore the signs so look at your relationship that you in your situation ship that you in and ask yourself am i ignoring the signs look at your past relationship and see what signs did you ignore if you ignore them and if you're single and you ready to mingle then get prepared for your next relationship so that you don't ignore the signs it is telling guys if you got this far I know it's wrong the three of you that got this far put be blessed I made it just like a put hit the heart button and let you know I appreciate you hated Tony gasps god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 40,411
Rating: 4.9377937 out of 5
Id: MOBTUms58P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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