How do men handle soul-ties?

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hey hey Tony guys here I wouldn't ask this answer this question today I get this a lot how does a soul tie affect the man and I've heard so many women say well Tony you know it seems like a soul tie doesn't affect the man it seems like the man just moves on he jumps into another relationship and the woman is the only one going through everything and feeling everything and to be honest with you I'll be honest with you a man actually feels it just as much if not more than the woman and the reason for that is because with a woman you have more acceptance in society to cry in public to express yourself to articulate your feelings to go to a counselor out there a therapist a coach mentor it's socially acceptable for you to do those things whereas for a man it may be seen as a sign of weakness and you've even heard some women depending on where you're from or what type of women you have in your family but you've heard some women mothers grandmothers say to the men in their life stop being a look you know stop doing this or man man up you know stop a bit boys don't cry you've even heard women say that so the fact that you heard women say that shows you even moreso how men perceived this when a man if a man is vulnerable and and I've seen it like just being a man who is a life coach and who is someone who you can talk to there are many men who and when I say many I don't mean like the same amount as women but a lot of men if they're gonna talk to somebody and they know of me and they follow me online or they've heard of me their girlfriend fiance your wife they'll come to me and what I have noticed is that we as men feel just as deeply just as much but we've learned how to mask it we've learned how to put on the poker face I actually in the new book I talk about the poker face and so make sure you pre-order a oneness influence but I talked about the poker face and how men have mastered it and literally like in a literal sense but then also you know metaphorically speaking when you when you watch a poker tournament on ESPN you see oh man it's like I don't many women play the game I mean you may have seen a woman here there I haven't but just in passing I'm not a fan of it but why don't they're more it's something about that type of competition like we have male and female basketball you know we have male and female a lot of sports but you really don't see a lot when it comes to doing something where emotions cannot be shown and that's because a woman is a person who has a deeper sense of feeling that's why you see a lot of times the son or the daughter will go to the mom because that heart connection and some go to their dad but it's just not as common it's not as common in a lot of cases and I know because I have two sons with my wife so think about this when a man goes through a breakup and first let's just reiterate a soul type because I've mentioned this in other videos when you think about this a soul tight is if somebody came up with the term I didn't but really it's just an emotional it's an emotional connection and if I had to think of it in a scientific way I would almost think of it like you talk to a person so much and your brain has a certain chemical release to that conversation that having that type of conversation every day your brain gets used to that release and when you don't have that type of conversation or interaction your brain is not getting that same stimulation which then starts to give you a headache give you a stomachache have you missing meals or have you overeating or have you stand up late or for the fatigue all day because because you were up late and it's really like your brain just crying out calling out saying hey I need this release I need this release be it healthy or unhealthy I need this release no different than your brain crying out and calling for the release that you get from certain substances that you may use or drink my wife was telling me about a guy who he somewhere she saw this or read there's somewhere about a guy who was you know he's like a Starbucks dude and he loved he always goes Starbucks always go Starbucks and he said hey I'm trying to go two days without it and he said we're trying to go two days and just had a crazy headache just was sick couldn't do anything and just like hey forget it you know if I'm dependent on Starbucks I'm going back Starbucks and it just was that chemical release that his body would get from that coffee and so the same thing happens in a different way when you're in a relationship so you got to understand that and when you come out of that relationship so if I'm hanging with my wife I may have a serotonin or dopamine release from that interaction when I'm not around my wife I'm missing that interaction and so I got to get on the phone and just talk to her and we'll talk like we you know back in the old days still 13 years in marriage so understand this what a man is going through after a breakup it's if if he was left by you he's really he's really hurt in his ego if he was left by you we'll start there his ego is hurting because it's a sense of rejection and men hate rejection I feel like women hate rejection as well but I'm a man so I'm speaking for from a male perspective men hate rejection and I say all the time it's one type of rejection that we can try to control and that is rejection from a woman and what I mean by that is if you are cut from a team from a sports team you can't call them every day and show up every day it's just not acceptable it's just something you don't do and the law will be called if you are fired from a job you can't text your old boss every day giving my job back give my job back please give my job back please you're gonna be trespassing eventually and the law will be called but the one form of rejection that a man can always try to reconcile to get back to redeem himself is when he is rejected by a woman so that is why so often a man will come back after being left by a woman for whatever he did he may have it could be anything that he was doing that she just decided she's fed up with that behavior and she's out of there and then this man who could have been doing right he is just like oh I want you back I want you back I want you back I want you back I want you back and you like why and then a lot of women go back and things get better and then things go back to the way that they were in a lot of cases things go back to the same way that they were but it may take six months may take the year and then she's like oh my goodness why did I try this again and it's sometimes a woman leaves and goes back again there there are women who have gone back more than four or five times there are women who literally have broken up with a man ten times and going back and all of all that is is a soul time it's not love what you have to understand is you can have a soul tie without having love you can have a soul tie without having a relationship you can have a soul tie without having intercourse so it is a it is an emotional bond so that's what you got to realize and so what's what's going on here is the man he feels rejected if you've left him and that's why he is he's hurting his his ego is hurting which means basically his heart is hurting and what I mean by that is he feels it throughout his whole body he gets a little sick in the stomach he's a little on edge and he's feeling it because things are just thrown off and we as humans seek approvals and and we seek approval and we seek acceptance and so when you are rejected when you are left now you feel disapproved of and unaccepted so that turns into this internalization where you you are just down on yourself and like man I lost man I lost and if the man is egotistical then that's when you really gonna have some issues if he's not egotistical and he just was ignorant to the ways of love ways of a man inside of a relationship then he will move with a little bit more remorse and he won't be vindictive but he will be genuinely sorry and trying to get you back and trying to learn and make it work trying to grow if he's egotistical then he's gonna be a little more vindictive with it and so his attempts will be kind of petty and so this is where you go into when you left a man this is where you have some of the situation's of he is talking to another woman and still reaching out to you and your life huh and here's the thing this is where things can get a little sticky because sometimes as a woman a woman will leave a man trying to make a point trying to teach him a lesson but when she sees he's dealing with another woman sometimes a woman will go into competition mode and like whoa hold on hold on hold on I wasn't really serious I didn't really want you to leave like all the way like move on with your life I just trying to scare you but this where the poker face come in now he's calling your bluff because he assumes you may be bluffing because he knows you have a caring loving giving forgiving heart he has watched how you move for years now and or months now and so he knows that you just leave him breaking up is not really you so he can read you and you may not be able to read him this is a part of the poker face and so he will call your bluff and and a lot of times humans every human knows that humans are territorial humans are competitive humans are jealous and so there's you know the goodwill said God is a just God and and humans we made in the image of God and so humans very regularly feel jealousy and so he knows that so if he can post a picture with another woman or if he can tell somebody that he's dating someone else knowing that that person is Patti and is a gossiper he'll tell the person that he knows or he'll let that person see it that he knows it's gonna come back to you he doesn't even have to tell that person to tell you he just knows that particular person gonna run his or her mouth and coming back to tell you that he's dealing with another one and that if you're bluffing and if you were you know just kind of trying to go through the motion to teach him a lesson you're gonna get scared and start to panic and now you're going to start to show up and open up so when he messages you you write they're ready you ready to respond and so that's what the egotistical man will do it's not that he really wants you or wants to be with you is that his ego was hurting and he wants to kind of stick it to you he wants to now flip it on you so first you had the strength to leave him but then the next thing you know you find yourself competing for him with another woman and you and the other thing is you find yourself stuck because you're like okay he's reaching out to me but he's dating other women so what do I do with this it is he serious is he coming back can this work I really wanted to work I do love them so what's going on here like do I move on with my life or do I wait and stand still and sit here stuck waiting for him to get his mind together and all that happens and and that's what he will do egotistical man he will actually send mixed signals to keep you stuck to keep you right there just like a deer in the headlights because he knows your heart is in it and he knows that you love and care for him and he knows that you don't truly want to move on but since you wanted to try to you know Tony Gaskins him and teach him a lesson knowing that if you really aren't about that life now he's gonna make you pay he's gonna teach you a lesson by playing with you a little bit sending mixed signals making you pause your life hit the pause button on your life while he hits the fast-forward button on his life and you gotta sit there stuck watching him do all of this and then the next thing you know you're sitting there and you're just waiting on crumbs so now he becomes the master and you're waiting to eat the crumb from the master's table so now he can call you every other day he may call you once a week and you look at it as communication in the name of distance or a breakup and he's slowly trying to work his way in but really he's looking at it as let me keep you confused and stuck while I'm building something totally new over here and then it may come a day and he may keep you in that place for six months a year two years three years four years five years I've heard of all of this I've dealt with situations this long where a woman has been stuck you know abstinent not dating and just getting little communication here and there with the man not realizing that he does not want her no more than either wanted to play from Moses and the Lord he does not want her but he is making her pay a price for trying him and this what if you were woman on this on the receiving end you got to realize and understand this that that other man that I talked to you about dealing with his soul time who isn't egotistical he just didn't know how to be a man in a relationship see him he's not going to sprinkle his his come back he's going to just all out be all action like hey I wanna be with you I wanna be with you I wanna be with you I wanna be with you and you have to be serious and honest and genuine of what you really want if you don't want him then tell him listen stop contacting me do not contact me again block restraining order whatever it may be if you do want him then you need to come up with the stipulations for him to get you back so that may mean listen okay here's this book we're going to read this book together here is this this coach this relationship coach over here on my mentor that life you need to do four sessions or eight sessions or twelve sessions I'm gonna be on the sessions but I'm not gonna say anything these sessions for you and but I'm moral support or I'm gonna let you do your sessions but I need to know and see that the session is actually happening and so you may have your checks and balances in place but you if you really want it to work then you're not just letting him you know suffering silence with his soul time you bringing him back on in and so think about this now what a man is going through physically with his soul tire is some sleepless nights and so what I mean by that is like literally happen to just pass out stay up till he passes out he's going through stomachaches painful stomach aches he's got which sleep not not sleeping good having stomachaches it leads to headaches which leads to substances having to be used so it's like this trickle-down effect what he's also going through is crying you know he is crying and he's crying to the other woman about you and so she kind of becomes his band-aid she becomes his blanket and and I've been through this you know I've been through this personally so I know this is is a fact and I know what the men go through and the new woman actually becomes the counselor therapist life coach to him coaching him about you but obviously she's coaching him in her favor and at the same time though it is soothing to him he can see her clearly he can see her clearly and what I mean by that is if she's a good woman and he feels that she's an upgrade from you he can see that clearly if she's a downgrade from you he can see that clearly so he either decides to move on with his upgrade or use his downgrade to hold him over you know it's kind of like in the movies when you see somebody go to jail and then they were they had a situation that they were used to on the street life some substance that they would use all the time and then when they go behind bar somebody else tell them hey they take this to get the monkey off your back you know it's like that that new woman who is a downgrade in his mind in his mind I'm not calling her downgrade but in his mind he will use her just as a band-aid you know she's a Neil sperm and so that's what he and y'all forgive me for I'm saying Neil spurn the wrong way but y'all know stuff in the yellow tube that you rub on them so she's Neil sperm and he is using that against you and so what's happening is he's feeling that he's feeling and he's feeling it but this disa thing see the stuff that that that you get behind bars it might not be as potent as the stuff you was able to get in the free world but it does enough to get the monkey off your back the same thing here what I'm talking about with this whole time the release the the chemical from the brain that he would get from you he may not get the same exact type of release but it's close enough so having somebody massaging his scalp aside of his back rubbing his back cooking him a good home-cooked meal you know all this and that and just having that is soothing him to a certain degree and that is how a man soothes because men on average listen what I'm telling you when I say on average y'all got to stop being so you know want black and white okay there are gray areas okay on average men cannot heal alone and the reason for that you have to sit and consult with the Lord and he you probably won't hear him audibly the way you want to hear but man cannot on average heal alone see women can heal alone and most women but I can't say most a lot of women want to heal alone not at the same time now women have the same issue because I've noticed this a lot in my coaching a woman will break up with a man and the next day she talked about Tony I need a man Tony you Tony introduced me to somebody I'm not huh you just came out of some that was like being in the rain for 15 rounds with Mike Tyson and not you talking and you tell my find you somebody and so I noticed a lot of women go from man to man just like man go from woman to woman so now here's the thing some of the women just want to have a new man just to replace like that emotional connection but half of them women won't actually go all the way beyond their back and the man is no doubt about it unless he is a virgin then he definitely or he is devout with his belief then he definitely trying to you know get on his back he definitely going for there and so that's a human issue that we have to confront is our fear of being alone our fear of healing alone and working on ourselves because he a lot of times when you struggling in you going through your spiritual warfare and you are in your casualties of you know this spiritual situation you make other people casualties of your issues that you're dealing with and they have to go through it with you and then they start to you know hurt and feel so you have to think about this and understand it's really a soothing a self soothing it's not even self soothing but a soothing mechanism when a man jumps right to the next one even if he doesn't want to and it's so many women who can tell you a story of a man that they met and she had to coach him about his ex and she was like what is going on like we posed to be dating you trying to date me but all we doing is talking about her and you over here crying about her you got stomachaches about her like what is going on like you answering her call you know it's been men who have answered his exes call in front of the next woman but it just it was such an early stage of that relationship the the next woman she kind of didn't want to overstep her boundaries or come all controlling jealous insecure so she's like okay this is a bit awkward but I'm put up the church finger and okay I guess I'm gonna tiptoe on out of here let you have that conversation and then after it talk about it and so it's been a lot of women who men have used in their so tight recovery and where a man will go to a woman and she's his counselor his therapist his life coach because he is too cheap to pay or too ashamed to go and sit with a person in person or get on the phone with somebody and tell his business and admit his faults admit his wrongs and met his shortcomings and get feedback that he may not want to hear he doesn't want to do that so he goes to this woman and uses her for her services but it's not paying her for her coaching and counseling and therapy services and the feedback he hears from her is in his favor well not every woman knows how to appreciate a good man and you're an amazing man and she doesn't value you and she doesn't appreciate you and that was what really upsets me about some of these women is they get a good man and we're out here trying to find a good man and we can't find a good man even with binoculars on and then they get a good man and they take advantage of him and use him and just run him off and that just oh that burns my britches and so he said Nair he like wowyou so right you know what you know what my mom didn't value beach my I evaluate my grandmother didn't eval you you know what you're the first woman that value me and then here she go she had no wife in his eye don't cry don't cry because you know what I've been through a lot and I found you you you matter and so they going through all of this and what she don't even realize is she getting used she don't even realized that this his soul tie therapy she don't even realize that he getting ready the Chuck the deuce is he getting ready this is like the song say dude said and she gonna be sitting in line oh my goodness I cannot believe it he went back to his ex after all he said about all he said they went through all the he saved in light and you know he was being amazing and he's back with her I could not believe this and that's how it happened that's how a man on average deals with his soul time he hurts he feels it in his head in his stomach loses sleep he the loses weight gains weight gold does something that's just maniacal if it's like really working out or something or he just goes to the extreme somewhere and then nine out of ten times is gonna involve another woman she's a part of the healing process there's new woman she is the chef she is the maid she is the butler she is the life coach she is the chauffeur she is the loan officer you know she am Scott payday loan she is she is everything and don't even know it and but see the thing is is he typically picks a woman who needs to be needed he picks a woman who is socially disadvantaged that he feels like not many men are checking for her and she needs to be needed she wants to be wanted and she wants to be useful and so she takes pride in nurturing him back to health in catering to him she takes pride in cooking him a meal letting him borrow her car letting him stay the night with her she takes pride in being his security blanket his his healing aid and it's giving her meaning and purpose in her life because she was feeling lonely and unwanted in her single season and he knows that and he can sense that just oozing out of her pores and he plays on that and he's only thinking about his heart he's not thinking about her heart he's not considering the damage that will be done by making a woman fall for you fall in love with you make her think that you are the one you are her husband that God has delivered to her doorstep and that she deserves you because the last woman didn't appreciate you and she doesn't even know that you absolutely out your mind worthless no-good sorry grown boy she doesn't even know that because you introduced your representative to her and she feels like she's better than watching YouTube videos on relationship so she blind as a bat standing in the middle of role like Bambi and so she has no clue of the red flags that's being exhibited she doesn't realize all of the red flags that's popping up because she hasn't been preparing herself my body or spirit for a relationship so she recognizes none of it and then she's just like that you know she old band-aid and what you do with that band-aid a little why I get two always starting stick the brown stuff start to get around there the sticky stuff so what you got to do you got to rip it all clean you with your soaking water and get you another band-aid and so that's what happened to a lot of when have gone through that you watching the video might have been that you might have been a band-aid before and but that's his process of dealing with that so time and now on the other side of this is if that's if he was left now if a man leaves you for man leaves you which is is more rare it's more rare for a man to leave because a lot of times men just will stay and cheat instead of leaving but when a man leaves you on the side of it where is one side where he leaves you because he's just done he's tired and he knows that you're not a fit he knows that y'all relationship is just not gonna work it's just not good and so that's one side on the other side is he leaves you really because it's his way of having a Hall Pass it's like he actually feels a very very strong soul time but he knows that you so you're so locked in you're so in love like he knows that he loved you to sleep I'm saying Lord Lu l-e-d that might be hot spell might not be hot spell but that's what it's gonna be today he loved you to sleep and he knows that you are so into him and that you are so desperate for relationship - before man desperate for the image the public image of being taken being in a relationship and that you're so in love with the idea of love that he knows he has enough rope to start an argument slip it on you blame it on you make you feel responsible then leave you go to another woman keep you stuck but have his Hall Pass with these other than my youngest with these other women and why would you sit there boohoo crying waiting hoping that it works out and you are thinking that he's the one this is your man he loves you y'all are meant to be but you don't realize that a man who is meant to be your husband will never leave you unless you force him to but you're sitting there and you did not cheat on him you did not run him away you didn't commit any real deal breaking offenses so him leaving is really awful just petty frustration that has built up that he may build up he turned a molehill into a mountain and in order to make this colossal issue so that he could leave but really he doesn't really want to be gone because he knows no other woman in her right mind will put up with his mess for for long term he knows that you have the makeup of you know low self-worth lack of self-love to deal with his mess for eternity but he knows another woman gonna recognize it within six months to a year and tell him to kick rocks with open-toed sandals and so he's just going to introduce his representative to as many women as possible to have his Hall Pass to sow his Wild Oats and then come back to you and you are sitting there thinking that you want a prize that you want him that you that y'all have real love tough love stood the test of time verify certified accredited love you think that because he left you went out like the prodigal boyfriend or the prodigal husband did his thing and came back you feel like you want a prize when really you a placeholder let me show you what you will okay so this hill just hit what my wife got here in my office you know what this dude that what you will that's this is what you see you you a placeholder you hit me and so what you call that name right down that's what that does that's how you see you just like that and he gonna come sit on you keep you stuck keep you there and giving you nothing but the conversation running off of him his perspiration his sweat and that's all you get just hit his release you getting his waste coming down on you coming down on you and you soaking it up moisturizing it in and you you soaking up all his waist and then he going about his business and then he just do this he just do this in your life and you just and and you just sit now and you just stuck and you think that this is law see that's how he dealing with his sole time because he knows he's tired to you but it's not a healthy bond see you got healthy soul talking you got unhealthy me my wife have a healthy one because it's rooted in friendship its rooted in love is rooted in oil tea is rooted in healthy communication is rooted in reciprocation in communication understanding so it is a healthy time when it's unhealthy is rooted in lies and deceit and usery and manipulation and infidelity so it is an unhealthy soul time and you have to be able to differentiate between the two now the one thing that is black and white is love love is or it isn't there is no in-between love there is no great area in love now that's the one thing with love it is or it isn't and so you have to understand that this what I mean when I say when I talk about a soul time how a man deals with a soul time is you got to understand that the fruit may look similar the fruit may look similar and so but the root is totally different and this is what I mean so if I got to go on a trip I'm missing my wife and I'm ready to get back so if a man who has an unhealthy soul time if he leaves he misses you because of the release and the the bond that y'all had be it good or bad healthy or unhealthy he misses that and he he has to get back but see his missing you is rooted in toxicity me missing my wife is rooted in healthy love so it's the same thing like when a person is dealing with a substance that is not good for them they if they try to go without it they miss it but it is a unhealthy substance and connection to that so they miss it but they want it for the wrong reasons and it is not good for them so understand that just because a man leaves you and comes back does not mean that he wants you it more so means he needs you he needs his fix it means that he needs that interaction because he misses his place holder he misses his test dummy he misses his number-one fan he misses his human teddy bear that he could just do how he want to do and then pick back up stitch back together put back up mention mentioned then the next week and then pick back up again he misses that because it's just like when a man goes into the gym and he's upset and he and he sees the heavy bag this is it and then he goes about his business now the heavy bag like man I miss you man come on but the man just comes back when he's upset and so that's what a lot of women don't understand about their situation ship that they're calling a relationship is that y'all not really relating y'all situating so you are convenient you to hit you too high you you you you divorce because it gives him his false sense of power it's with you that he can he doesn't have control over his own life but you gave him control over your life so he comes back to you to feel a sense of control you are his punching bag his test dummy and what I mean that is is that's where he takes all of his negative out on you and then goes and after he empties all of think about this going into the gym with the heavy bag you empty all lot of anger and the frustration there then you go back into the world and take your good to the other women so that's how a man who leaves you and you didn't run him off it wasn't your doing it was a mutual thing y'all both had disagreements y'all both did the same and he blew it up blame it on you and lo now it's another situation aware is toxic and a man leaves and then he finds his upgrade so if a man leaves so my wife was my ultimate upgrade and I was in a situation for two years before meeting her destiny separated us so I was in one state the young lady was in another state so that gave me some distance so he because long distance don't really work when a man is not committed and all in it only works is that man all the way committed all in and he want to be in that relationship that he want to make it work long distance won't work and because a man need a woman by his side pretty much at all times in some capacity he benefits as a friend but a man needs that feminine energy in his life and so long-distance really don't work so when I got that distance I was like ok ya know I'm gonna get a fight this relationship nothing is gonna be easier not because I don't have to look in her eyes I just to tell her on the phone or tell her on a text message that a flip phone back then he's got that spring flip phone and so I just send a little text message so when I met my wife and I analyzed the whole situation and I saw everything in my wife I text my ex she was already my ex in my mind but we still work together I test and say hey we don't and it had been so bad that I didn't have I wasn't in a place to fit and sit down and yeah you know this is just the hardest thing I've ever had to do you know and you know it pains me to do this no it was so bad that I ate we don't flip flip that phone now went on to my wife but now that the problem with that and this one what happens with with us all time is my wife had to be therapist counselor life coach so I lived through all this too that I'm telling you that I know men go through because I'm also on the coaching in of me and going through this and and sometimes I'm just like wow as a coach I'm like wow and in my head I'm like bruh get it together bro get it together hey bruh get you a backbone you know that's what I'm thinking but I know I was there I know what that felt like now see here's the thing my wife can attest and she could tell you is I was kind of we I was kind of I was broke down but here's the thing I didn't love my past I didn't love my past I wasn't in love what I was having withdrawals from I was having withdrawals from the toxicity I was having withdrawals from all of that you know drama for your mama that's what I was having withdrawal from because literally it's a chemical reaction literally the brain was missing that negative that drama and so what I tried to do is recreate that with my wife to get that same feeling and she kicked me to the curb by two to three months I lost track of time Phyllis two months three months you know but it went long it went on it definitely was on the three or four months my wife to doose's because I was trying to recreate that same situation that I was in and while I knew and for this ain't here for this you got me wrong you got me mint and you know me people says he's got me been trying me like a basil and so my wife moved on and then when I got her back now when the wife moved on guess what I did my wife left me so what did I do went right back to my eggs and what what was my ex doing standing still waiting on me to come back it set me with open arms but I did not want her so then guess what when I bumped back into my wife six months later I did the same thing and said now some of y'all try to use my story my truth against you but I tell you so you understand that this real some of y'all live through this some of you live to it so don't act like booboo the fool looking like who shot John and forgot to kill okay that's the real world 9 I was 21 years old so I were young when I got back to my wife I did the same thing I did the first time I said we don't but this time I had learned my lesson I learned from the first time my wife kicked me to the curb that on this second time you can't recreate the mess that you was in with this woman hill because this woman here is an upgrade this woman here she's not going to seem like you're past who wanted the smoke drink cuz pop pills Club this woman here pristine and clean this woman here is not like who you was with who was you know wild child who's booted all like them that's not this woman here new you don't have to come correct you're gonna have to get it right buddy if you want to be with her so that's what happens sometimes when a man has a soul time he got a soul time but what you gotta realize is if he left you he didn't want you he was done with you yes he gonna feel it yes he gonna cry in the car he gonna cry in the car yes he he gonna miss some meals yes he gonna have some sleepless nights yes he gonna hurt but it could be his ego hurt because you hurt even when you let him go something that ain't good for you you hurt you don't just hurt when you let go some good like think about if you know somebody who had a certain you know connection with it with a substance that was not good for them and they tried to let that go they hurt they hurt they went through withdrawal yeah hurt you going to feel it so what you gotta understand is man dealing with his soul time the only time you could trust that that soul time is a healthy soul time meaning that it has the potential to grow and change is when you as when the woman had to leave the man that is the only time that that soul toy has the potential of becoming healthy when the woman had to leave the man but now listen now listen had to leave him for ignorant in relationships not for blatant deal-breakers so not for blatant deal-breakers you had to leave him because he just didn't know how to love a woman to treat a woman to communicate with a woman to cohabitate with a woman to be to coexist with a woman he didn't know and understand the role of a man in a relationship with a woman so he was shut down on communication he would tell little white lies he wouldn't keep his word he would come in late he would not be consistent you hear from every other day he would you know shut down or he'd go off and it might not be going off on you it might be going off on the wall going off on the door you know but he just didn't know he wasn't emotionally intelligent he didn't understand chivalry he didn't understand just manhood and sacrificial love but you know he has a good heart he didn't do anything intentionally or maliciously to hurt you but he just didn't know because he wasn't raised and taught how to be a husband and so that's why you love him when that is the case and and he can ask for another chance and then show you very quickly within 30 days that he has turned over a new leaf and that he is a new man and he's operating from a healthy place then that is the only circumstance where that soul tie can be turned into something that is healthy and beneficial if a man leaves you if he left you never never take him back yes you have a soul tie yes you miss him yes you love him yes you feel alienated ostracize abandoned yes you feel all of those things yes you feel that you love him yes you feel that he is the one yes you feel that there's no other man for you that you'll never love again all of that is lies all of that is lies that you just need to get new knowledge because that is not love if a man leaves you he does not love you because one thing about a man we will never turn loose or let go of something we love not a pair of shoes not a car not a hat not a t-shirt not real definitely not a woman if he left you let him stay going never take a man back if he left you yes he has a soul time but the root of that soul tie is unhealthy the fruit him calling you telling you he loves you telling you he misses you the fruit may look similar to a man with a potentially healthy so time but the root is totally different you have to understand that and you have to keep moving with your life hey I could talk none - three hours repeating myself and telling different stories and different analogies now don't try to use my truth against me and I know what y'all get ready well Toni well did you ever apologize to your ex listen my work that I'm doing today is my apology and the reason why I'll be asking that is because you won't Joe X to apologize for you then how the world work because when you get with your man you're not gonna tell him hey can you call your ex and apologize to her for leaving her for leaving that unhealthy situation that you decided to leave can your car and apologize for that you're not doing that so y'all so don't go what time you just text her we done and then you're just gonna ride up to sunset with your wife oh that's not right but listen I told y'all too many times like look I wasn't one I wanted to want to mess with when I was locked up you hear me that's why I do the work that I'm doing the day cuz I'm saying Lord I'm sorry for what I did let me right my wrongs by giving away this real this real game so that nobody else who comes in contact with me has to go through what I went through what I put people through so that's why I'm here a in in this here if you got to this point put be blessed know put the blessed tribe if you got this point the people thing right be blessed and video and watch the video but also know that while we you know sitting down and everybody trying to stay healthy I might put up two videos a day get a little bit more why are you cleaning why are you working working out doing whatever I'm sitting round I might hit you with two all know both will be our but I McGee some god bless you with top song
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 264,297
Rating: 4.9147205 out of 5
Id: Rb3C3sc-vmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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