5 Signs He’s In Love with You!

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here I want to share with you today five ways to know a man is in love with you now I talked about and I share it with you about why some men don't fall in love I shared with you about how to make a man fall in love well in this video I want you to understand the signs you will see when a man is in love and I'm not necessarily going in order here but I feel like I'm saving the last one that the biggest one for last so first let's just start with he will sacrifice now what I mean by this is he will give his last he will give of himself for your happiness and an example is let's say he let's say it's 10:00 p.m. and you're feeling sick and he's feeling a little sick and you're tired instead of allowing you to go out at 10:00 p.m. he will sacrifice suck it up get up and go out to the drugstore to get you some medicine he will sacrifice for you if let's say your birthday is coming up or Christmas or whatever it is and his bones are tight but he needs you to know in a real way not just oh I love you but if he says look I got $100 it bill might be 300 oh I can't pay that anyways so I'm gonna spend this hundred on you or at least 25 50 of his gift card you might not even want it but he will sacrifice for you even when you don't want him to now if you really truly love him you can say look I don't want to offend you but I'm gonna take this back to give your money back I appreciate what you did but he will sacrifice for you and I saw this over and over when I fell in love I would have never done this before I was in love so I saw this I can attest to this he will sacrifice you and for you and you will feel the sacrifice you will be able to say hmm what I have done that mmm like that was deep I didn't expect that to be honest with you most women don't even know how to receive that type of sacrificial love so understand that that is gonna show up and you will feel it and you will be able to pinpoint and say you know that was a sacrifice and over the last few weeks I've been doing a whole lot of this type of sacrifice that's why this on the tip of my tongue for my wife and and it was the moments where I didn't feel like going anywhere I didn't feel like doing anything just this just this morning you know I got up five 5:30 and I drove her to drive our sons to school I don't normally do that but she's not feeling good and she didn't get to sleep a whole lot last night and our our five year old came in our room I think three times and so she really didn't sleep last night now I know I have a whole lot of work to do my mind needs to be sharp for the work I do I'm a ghostwriter so I'm writing books for other people I'm author consultant so I'm helping people produce their book I am a life coach so I'm on the phone for an hour listening to somebody talk so my mind has to be sharp I'm shooting videos for you I'm producing courses online on tawny gases Academy where I'm shooting these videos my work is very intensely draining but you know what I got a I could have slept for seven or eight a.m. I got up and I drove my wife 40 minutes to take the boy to school and then I drove her another 40 minutes to another city to get a recreation car for our five-year-old cuz he's signing up he's playing soccer starts tonight and we had to get the car and then drove back home another 40 minutes so this morning I was on the road driving for two and a half three hours and came home my wife went to bed she's resting and I'm working with you so I say that just to paint a picture so you can see sacrifice and there's many different ways this can show up as many different ways it's not thrown away now number two and I had to write these down today just cuz my mind like I said I'm running on on fumes so I I needed to be able to try to I couldn't remember it like I normally do now number two he won't intentionally hurt you now understand we are human we all make mistakes women hurt men men hurt women but there are things that a man can do to intentionally hurt you cheating on you is intentionally hurting you cursing you out calling you out of your name that is intentionally hurting you abusing you in any way that is intentionally hurting you so when I say he won't intentionally hurt you is he is not coming up with something or doing something that he knows will hurt you now there there is some unintentional hurt and that may be something like buying you a large shirt when you wear medium and you feeling like wow you you thought I was you thought I you know was that size and you take offense to it you know if he gets you a size bigger than the size you wear that's unintentional you know doing something that he really did not mean anything by it like he buy something to eat and you told him you weren't really hungry so he just gives him something to eat and then when he gets home it's smelling good and not your feelings hurt like you couldn't bring me anything just in case you know I'll be hungry later I just want hungry right now but you but it's oh he didn't mean to hurt you and now look things like that but here's the thing in this don't make a mistake of giving him credit he doesn't deserve or you accept me some blame for something you don't deserve like well you know I kind of did it push him to the point to make him curse me out anything like that don't accept that he won't intentionally hurt you now you have to be real because a lot of times what I notice women accept blame or you know blame yourself when you shouldn't and you say well it's my fault I deserved it you got to be very careful that's not what you're doing now number three is he will defend you he will defend you and I say this because a lot of times I get questions from women saying you know my husband or my boyfriend mom or sister doesn't like me and all they do is disrespect me but he won't stand up for me he won't say a word he won't speak up on my behalf a man who is in love with you will defend you my mother and my sister only only got one biological mother just like everybody else but sometimes people have you know 2 3 mothers like godmothers or whatever people they consider like a mom 2nd or 3rd mom I only have one and my sister I only have one blood sibling that I know of and that's my sister and my dad he's a man he understands me my heart where I met sometimes women could be catty but my mom and my sister have both gotten cut off due to coming out to mouth sideways concerning my wife and I my mom said to me one day she said boy you really take that scripture serious that says a man will forsake his mother and father and cleave to his wife who you take that serious and I said I sure do because I love her and nobody is going to disrespect her not my children not my friends not my family not a stranger at our son's soccer game I don't say anything at them games but if my wife say something and you say some backed or and on like the way you said it now I'm gonna talk to her say it chill out but I'm gonna check you especially if you a man I'm gonna check you now no wonder she can handle that on her own but I say that to save a man who is in love with you he's not going to let anyone disrespect you if they disrespect you they are disrespecting him so if you got a man and he's letting his mom disrespect you his sister his brother his dad his ex-girlfriend his baby mother his ex-wife if he's letting anybody disrespect you he's not in love with you he may care for you a little bit but he's not in love with you and that is clear and you got to understand that now the question is do you want to wait on him to fall in love do you want to keep working on it is it still super early you know if this super early and he hasn't inside of six months and he hasn't he doesn't know you well enough he doesn't know if you're about to leave him in month seven so he don't want to cut off his mom for you or really check her or get into it with her because he's still not sure about y'all then that's a judgment call and you may know and understand that and so you got to really think about that now number four is he will be consistent and when I say he will be consistent I mean he's not dogging you out this week and then lovey-dovey next week he will consistently date you he will consistently court you it doesn't matter how far y'all are in you know as I was mentioning last night and this real story sometimes I got to use this because I'm really living what I'm teaching I'm not one of those Talking Heads that just saying stuff that I'm not living both the middle of the night last night and why she was coughing and she'll get up coughing and come back coughing I was tired I wanted to go to sleep I'm not sick I could go to sleep just fine but I rolled over got closer tour and I rub my back you know I rub a back massage her back because I know that helps her go to sleep and I say that to say I understand now what being in love feels like that's how I can share this video with you your man should be still dating you courting you romancing you caressing you making out with you he still should be consistently engaging you the way he did when he was trying to win your heart because if he's not still doing that that means he's not in love he may care for you he may have love for you but he is not in love he's preoccupied somewhere else whether that is work a hobby and addiction another woman another man is something there's a breakdown somewhere in there where he's not completely locked in on you and you got to sit down and you got to pay attention and you have to watch the signs pay attention to the signs and you got to be honest with yourself about this situation because something going on so understand he will be consistent and I'll be honest speaking from a man that's in love I really want to date my wife every week I want to go on a date at least once a week every week we're not always able to just do to our schedule and our kids come in first but I really want to go on a date every week I want her to get dressed up I want to get dressed up I get the butterflies and the reason why I may have in another video the reason why I still get the butterflies is because I'm completely faithful to her so this kind of goes hand-in-hand with him being consistent he will be completely faithful to you you won't have to deal with when a man is in love with you so this could be like a bonus and you won't number but I just didn't write it because I figured it's common sense but some people you know might not add this in there he won't you won't catch him emotionally cheating or physically cheating in any way not on social media not at the job in any way he will be completely faithful to you when he is in love with you understand and feel me on that now the last one number five and this is I have to say this is when all of these when all the other things that are intact this number five cannot stand alone it cannot stand alone if you got this far right be blessed in the comments and I know you listening this cannot stand alone now cuz I know y'all who have fallen in love with the word narcissus will be saying oh well narcissists do that too and a narcissus not in love narcissists do that I'm not talking about all that if all the other ones are in place number five he will apologize have you experienced a man who does all the other four he sacrifices for you he is consistent with you he defends you he what was the other one he doesn't intentionally hurt you he does all four of those number five he apologizes so what I mean when he does something when he makes a mistake and I'm talking about a mistake slip of the tongue getting the argument he worked something the wrong way is too hard she's too direct he overlooks you in a certain way didn't bring you home food or you know you you out in public and he does something maybe he looks but catches his eye and he finds himself looking at this woman's but that does not mean he's not in love me and our human you saw her but to and you know you saw everything she had on to and he's a man that's that's natural I got one guy who I know he's 100% faithful to his woman but when we out and about on the road sometime he will see these beautiful women and he'll say to me hey look at that look at hey look at and I said listen bro I'm married I'm not about to be looking at women and I said also I'm a public figure so sometimes I could be looking at a woman and she knows exactly who I am and I remember that happened to me on a plane I said it was a flight attendant and she was a pretty lady and the devil was on my shoulder Sam man get you a little uh Stan get you a little lust in my a I'm being real child I'm I'm gonna keep really it doesn't say get you a little lust in man and so and I said to myself and then on the other side it's my angel listen you tire go to sleep close your eyes go to sleep so I closed my eyes went to sleep I woke up to a letter from the flight attendant that said mister Gaskins I want to thank you for your hard work for your service to the world for what you do your videos your Q&A it has changed my life is blessed my life I'm on a random flight with a random flight attendant and she knew exactly who I was now I imagine if I would have been you knives with that woman lusting after that woman look at her up and down Lulu lusting that would have ruined my image in her eyes and I would tell the man that and he'll say to me say man you crazy man I'm not finna you say man that's human for a man to recognize a woman I'm not even about to try to not look at a woman that's torture lying on touch and hang on dude none ain't nothing wrong with looking but the Bible I read he say a man who lust in his heart has already committed adultery so I really try to live by that but I say - I say all that to say that's on a whole nother thing is that just because a man looks at another woman does not mean he's not in love to be honest with you that is a natural reaction for a man 99.9% of men unless he taps into that monk zone and he just has complete control and that's where I'm trying to get to but I say that to say when he makes a mistake whatever that mistake may be we all human we all make mistakes he will apologize my wife she you know tough a lot of pride Jamaican woman in a lot of ways she was like me so where she didn't want to apologize I didn't want to apologize in our first two years of marriage we was just bumping heads because just ego and not wanting to surrender to law she now if she makes a mistake on something she apologizes the mistake could be anything they could be packing a bag and leaving my toiletry bag out or something like that honest mistake it could be an annoying thing for the person on the receiving end but something that small should take and apologize I grew to the point to where I learned how to apologize and you know what made me apologize for a man an apology like a real apology where he apologized and he turned over a new leaf he does a 180 and he does not take and do that same thing intentionally again the next day or next week like he genuinely is sorry how many times have you experienced a man doing all the other four things I mentioned and be apologetic when he makes a mistake being a human being to sit you down and say listen I want to apologize for what I did earlier I want to apologize for what I said earlier because that wasn't me I shouldn't have reacted like that I just was caught up in the moment and I said something just off the top of my head and I should have paused I should have thought about that I realized now how what I said can be hurtful and I realize I hurt you and I'm sorry I am truly sorry and I'm gonna work on that I'm gonna work on myself I'm working on my communication how many of you have experienced that from a man in it being in line with him doing all the other four things now you put all five of those together yes you could think of some other things but I bet they probably can fall inside of one of those other things but those five signs right there is will show you that he is in love if you made it this far put me blessing the comments thank you so much Tony Gaskins god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 727,190
Rating: 4.8921447 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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