How to make a man regret losing you?

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hey Tony Gaskins here you know what I get this question a lot and it's not really a question that I really want to entertain but I realize it's unfair for me to just kind of disregard the hearts and the feelings that you feel when you've been in a tough relationship it's been long you've given everything and then it goes sour and so I get the question all the time Tony how to make a man regret losing me and I understand it and I think that really what's being said is how to help this man realize that he lost the real one that he lost a good woman versus how to make him regret losing me or it being vengeful so think about this and I want you to hear me you may need to listen the whole way through so it's it's not about vengeance you know in revenge get back whatever you want to call it this is really something where when you've been in a relationship and you have done everything that you can do and you thought you were doing everything right and you gave your all you did your best and even at your best you weren't enough for this man it happens it may not be the last time has happened but what you have to realize is that a lot of times men are looking for something that you don't know that he's looking for and so you think that by forgiving him over and over and over again by being a ride-or-die chick by serving him catering to him being everything he wants inside of his fantasy you know what we hear lady in the streets freaking the sheets we hear all this stuff cooking every day washing clothes taking care of the house managing the finances or what is that he's entrusted to you you think that by just doing those things he's going to be happy and y'all are gonna ride into the sunset live happily ever after and a lot of times that's not the case because it's something here that is not something but it's a few things that's overlooked sometimes you're looking and you counting on an immature man a man who does not know who he is a man who does not know what it takes to be a man so therefore he cannot appreciate a real woman because he doesn't even recognize a real woman because he's not a real man that's the first issue another issue is that you are ignoring the red flags so this man has immoral behavior and so much of it that he doesn't understand the morals of love nor does he respect your moral behavior so he's taking you for granted because those things that you are exhibiting don't even register in his mind as good things and a good woman who is living a good life the way life should be lived because he thinks it's normal to be a deviant because he was raised or he wasn't raised he just grew he just grew into adulthood but he wasn't raised he wasn't tall so he doesn't even know that what he's doing and how he sees the world and how he's living is the wrong way so in plain terms you are loving the wrong man and you're trying to get something from a man who does not have that in him because he was not taught and he was not raised that way and instead of you standing your ground and teaching him by not reinforcing the toxic behaviors instead you reinforce the toxic behavior telling yourself that that is what love and relationships require of you instead of standing your ground putting your foot down and saying listen I'm not with the nonsense and these games and so there we have a breakdown this is when the relationship breaks down and now here you are faced with having to start all over and move on so you may sit there and you may burn you may be burning you may be burning up but just with anger and resentment and you're mad that he took you for granted that he took your kindness for weakness he used you up he took everything he could get from your body from your mind from your wallet from everything and now you feel used you feel drained you feel broken you feel lost you feel confused you don't know how you're going to muster the courage and the energy to get back up to start over you don't know how you will ever truly love again because he's left such a deep wound that will become such a big scar that it's gonna be so noticeable you don't know if you will be able to move on in love as if you've never been hurt before and you feel like it may be a waste because the next man is gonna look at you and see how hurt you are how jaded you are how guarded you are and say is this worth my time and you don't even feel right because you're like the sole time that I have with this man is so strong how could I even feel right doing all of this same stuff that you do in a relationship with a new man knowing that I'm only going to be picturing my ex and so all of these thoughts going through your mind and it's natural and the only reason why I know it is because this the work that I do and this is the phrases and terms and you know explanations that I hear in coaching and so but this is what you have to realize when a and loses you in order to regret losing you I did a video on does he regret losing you and in essence the answer was no but in order for him to regret losing you is he has to actually lose you and this is where so many women go wrong is when you break up a lot of times you don't actually break up it's so many people that write me said oh we broke up but we still talk every day or oh we broke up but we're still sleeping together oh we broke up but we still see each other once a week oh we broke up but he still follows me I still follow him he still watches my stories I still watch his stories but we broke up we broke up but he says he still loves me we broke up and he has a new girl but he's still calling me all of that right there are those are the mistakes that are made so when a man loses you loses you he has to actually lose you so what that means is is if he breaks up with you or he forces you to break up with him because he refused to change and become a better man then you literally have to treat him like he is non-existent you have to treat him like he is Casper the ghost so when he texts you you cannot respond to his text and you have to set a period of time in your mind like if everything in you says this is my husband I cannot walk away forever for good because this is my husband then you have to set a period where you are unreachable and let's start with two weeks so 14 days a whole lot can happen if you're in a relationship and you just take a break that's when we talk about 72 hours which is in my next book a woman's influence that I wrote with my wife make sure you pre-order it now when you break up now you're gonna be on the 72-hour rule now you're going to the two-week period this is 14 days with these 14 days when he has broken up with you or you've had to walk away from him when he writes you from the day he writes you let's say he doesn't write you until three days later or a week later or a month later when he writes you from that day you got to go at least 14 days without responding to him and what happens is is when a man writes you and he doesn't get a response but he sees you're still living your life and will go and remind me to touch on that like you really care remind me but he sees that you're still living your life we'll go in there right now so it's day one he wrote you so what he starts to do with is he says okay okay she used to text me back within five minutes all right five minutes pass okay it's been an hour okay is she working at heart or on a phone call with a mom or somebody like okay been hour okay it's been two hours all right it's been eight okay it's been 24 now he's starting to get flustered because he's like hold on now thought I had a soul tie with this woman he might not use that term but I thought I had just won the hooked I thought I knew her I thought I'd really had her her trapped here so I'm not getting a response okay let me text again text again text again called again call again guess what he may show up to your apartment or your house knocking on the door you leave him out there he may show up to your job if you see them out there you don't go out if you walk into your car and he's coming up to you you walked right past him you get in your car if he puts his hands on you you snatch your hand you look at him and you keep it moving he grabs you again you say you touch me again I'm calling the police you get what I'm saying what I'm saying is by any means necessary you cannot respond to him you cannot respond to him you cannot entertain him for no reason whatsoever for a 14-day period and the reason why I say 14 days is because any man can get through three days anybody can get through a week of anything you know you're in boot camp you and training you and studying you and labor I mean laboring in seven days but you can get through seven days anything 14 days your back broke if it is trying if it is tough if it is hard by that 14 days you've been made you've been made if you got to go a whole month you got to get through 14 days to get through them to get to a month so here's what happens when he can't reach you that's when he starts to realize he starts to see you differently because when he was with you he could have seen you like a roody-poo he could have seen you like a pushover he could have seen you like a floor man he could have seen you like a doo girl he could have seen you like you know you easy you're gullible you're naive and so when he leaves you if he can text you the next day this heartfelt apology and you respond you just proved to him that you are the naive gullible do girl but when he reaches out and he can't reach you now he has to learn and now now he starts to realize you know what maybe I had this woman confused maybe I didn't have her pick like I thought I did maybe I don't really know the depths of who she is okay okay so maybe this so maybe this woman just was being loving and kind-hearted and not stupid ignorant naive or gullible maybe this woman is a real woman with real strength and her gentleness was coming from her strength not from a place of weakness oh my goodness what is going on so now he's looking and this what happens see a lot of times a woman responds right back to that man or you might put him on ice 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours at the most but you respond you still lost his respect he doesn't regret leaving you because you don't have a backbone he knows he needs a woman with a backbone to keep him in order because he's still growing he's still learning so when you willing to lay on your back meaning not have a backbone you're willing to be a floor man he loses respect he has no regret of leaving you because a man truthfully is looking for wanting to call him to his highest self to hold him accountable to his highest self that's really what a grown boy is yearning for and looking for a woman who knows who she is gonna stand her ground and is gonna hold him accountable not a one who's gonna let him get away with cheating beating yelling cursing all of this nonsense not keeping his word manipulating deceiving you know taking money stealing money borrowing money not a woman who's going to just be a floor mat even a grown boy is looking for a woman who has standards and who refuses to compromise her standards and her beliefs her belief system not her preferences but her standards and so when you are there and you're easily accessible then guess what it's out the window so this is what happens when he's writing you and he's coming up to see you and he's popping up out of nowhere and then next thing that's gonna happen is he's gonna reach out to your best friend actually or best friend to talk to you your best friend may actually like him have a crush on him probably wish it was her that he was with so she's gonna come to you and she may if she's not a real one she's gonna come to you and she's going to be singing his praises and telling you to give him another chance may go to your mother may go to you your woman cousin may go to a guy if he goes to your male friend or to your male cousin Oh to your dad or to your brother if those men look at him and they wish they were him they wish they had his swagger they wish they had his false confidence they call the confidence don't know it's false confidence they wish they had his ego then those men may come singing his praises and plea in his case so if you got people that surround you that's not real ones that don't understand your heart they'll come singing pleading his case for him he'll go through them if he can't get you himself then after that this may be around day 6 day 7 then after that he starts to go to desperate measures to show you that he's learning and he's changing and that he's vulnerable and he that he's not ashamed of his love so what this may mean is he may start posting subliminal post that says something to the effect of no when you have a good person because when you lose them they may be gone forever he may be posting stuff like that and that's when you know some regret is starting to set in but this regret still may be rooted or intermingled with manipulation it still may be a part of ego and a part of a game but he knows how to make it look like pure and sincere regret and then it may go from the post to now commenting on your post he made comment on your post and he may be watching every one of your stories on Instagram if you only - grandma you're on Facebook and you post in storage guess what if he watching give him a movie if he is watching give him a movie you hear what I'm telling you so you get up you show your breakfast you show your shoes of the day you show your outfit of the day and and go and spin on you shop on you you need to be doing you show your new hairdo show your new nails you living life you living lavish you living it up you moving on with your life you loving yourself on a new level see this the issue this the problem that what a lot of women do you break up with a man whether it's him leaving you and you have to leave him and you become a hermit you go into the shell you look broke busted and disgusted your hair in a messy bun it's barely looking decent look like you're in combed it in weeks or you ain't washed it it's oily and greasy looking nasty you don't put on the right amount of makeup you just throw on some makeup you crying too much because you're not listening to videos like this you're not going to Tony guys on and taking online courses you're not going to my mentor that life and getting coaching sessions so you're not working on yourself you're just sulking and you having a pity party and you feeling bad for yourself so you put on that CVS or Walgreens eyeliner you crying on the way to work so 9 your eyeliner then it looked like mud look like you got clay like you got a clay max around your eyelashes and then you got you know tear streaks in your makeup so then you got to either take your makeup off now you're looking like a ghost you know and somebody scared you and then or you got to reapply it real fast but now you got flashback you got SPF and your makeup so you trying to do a selfie and you shining like Casper so the man is reading all this you see how I'm saying all this this high man read you this high man reading so when he reads you your x-rays he's like oh she's struggling why she struggled whoo and he's sitting there he's thinking to himself and I won't regret that all right that she's a weak man she got no backbone yeah one we actually - perd for law man man know who you are like love yourself that's what your ex Sam when he's looking at you look brah broke busted and disgusted the other mistake that women do is delete in their social media when you go to a breakup you so embarrassed and so you want to delete all your social media so you delete your facebook or delete your Instagram you know and don't and and that's all mistake because he look at that and he said Wow okay I got the power she going into hiding she in witness protection and you cannot do that so you gotta stay out there and you gotta keep shining you if you got to wear a towel around your neck never let them see you sweat this is how the mentality you got a have you got to get up and you got to do what you got to do if you got to do some push-ups if you got to do some squats if you need to walk 30 minutes running 30 minutes if you need a shower for an hour whatever you need to do that be fresh-faced and looking at zubur --nt and vibrant that's what you need to do don't make any excuses that is your heart hurting that's not your mind hurting that's not your body hurting it is all in your head your head allowing your heart to hurt it's all coming from the same place and it's because of what you telling yourself when you need to be telling yourself you telling us um oh my goodness I lost the love of my life and I don't know what to do I'm gonna be able to bake it baby this is not fair that's what you're telling yourself when you should be telling yourself I'm amazing I'm a boss I'm a queen I'm a child of God I Know Who I am I love myself if he can't appreciate it then he out of luck he done loss of real when he done lost a good one he's gonna wake up next to that piece of trash woman that he's dealing with realize that he got a downgrade instead of an upgrade I'm fitting to shine I'm fitting to glow up he fen to see my life go up my money going up my body getting better my looks getting better I'm I'm about to stop living with this scarcity mindset I'm finding tapping ^ this hill good credit score that I'm working on that I'm building I'm trying to get into my nice car I'm about to get into my nice condo apartment house whatever I'm maximizing my life I'm going to the next level I'm setting new goals I'm investing in myself listen to all of this again listen to this video three four times that's what you need to be saying to yourself in your single season when your last relationship didn't work out that's what you have to be saying to yourself stead of beating yourself up over about the relationship failing and not working out so because he's reading this he's looking at this he watching you you can block him you can block him and he's gonna get a fake page he's gonna create a new page to watch you and he may get a page and if you doing friend requests then he gonna go to somebody that's a mutual person and he's gonna look at your page from their page who you have accepted one of y'all friends it might be his mom and you even block his mama his sister his his classmate his other friend your cousin your family he'll look at you from somebody else page and when he look at you he need to see a movie he need to see a blockbuster hit he need to see you dress him better your makeup better and my wife wear Giorgio Armani foundation I think she told me it cost $80.00 for the tool but guess what it looks so good it looked like butter and so I'm like oh girl you look amazing I don't coughs been what it costs is you got to send me into the overdraft all the draft because it looked good and it don't even look like you got on makeup so please don't come in here with no Walgreens CVS make up that cost five ten dollars after you then put that on so you see what I'm saying you got the room truly glow up you got to stop putting on them eyelashes that a weekend the glue coming off and not look like you got full eyelashes I mean you got full I last stood a two because the glue coming also not a sagging and not you blinking like this and your lashes keep flying off when wind blow so you got to go and get you some real lashes put on that might cost you a hundred dollars or fifty dollars or whatever your calls you're in them thin eyebrows go get your eyebrows microbe lady okay it's $500 pay the $500 go through the pain you got the globe up okay stop getting your own needle pumping your lips up and go to the lady who gonna really know what she doing if you're trying to get your lips done so this is what I'm saying stop looking broke busted and disgusted and invest in yourself and look like you know who you are like the lady said looking like who shot John and forgot to kill him you can't go out the house looking like that and you can get on Instagram looking like that and I'm gonna tell you what you got to do this is about manifestation it's about your mindset you me so if you try your old beat-up car go to the car lot and sit in your dream car give me sitting your dream car and take selfies a net that's just your dream car he got to know that the Cheney driving off the lot initial dream car cuz you getting ready to manifest your dream you can rather speaking into an existent you name and then you claiming and when you pull that selfie he's gonna see mmm - came in - so guess what here's what's going to happen so now he might start commenting on your posts hey Misha he might even say miss you well he might just put her heart he might put the little eyes he might put something on there they let you know so now he getting beyond ego this right here maybe day ten day eleven he getting beyond ego and that's what you got to understand if you know he's your husband you stayed the course now if you know he's not your husband and you know in your heart then you weren't too much about making him regret losing you because you ain't lose nothing you gain something sometimes a love saying a loss sometimes a loss is a gain it's or if you didn't lose your husband then all that you doing this is for you and about you only now official husband that's on the line and he waiting and you know he's just going through this little season then that's when you're not blocking him and he can see you and he can watch you blow he can watch you go and then so what's gonna happen is when he can't reach you and you standing firm you're standing strong and when somebody is calling you and they telling you about him and you tell them don't tell him a word that I said don't don't you run back telling him nothing that I said if you gotta tell him something say I tell him you mentioned him and I changed the conversation and that's what I'm doing I'm changing the conversation and the brain means name again and you're gonna be cut off to the left you're gonna be to the left so play with it whoever you talking to your mom and your sister your brother your best friend let them know play with it and you're gonna be right over there whether you wanna go get on you want to be with them you want to be like them do that but stop bringing me his name that's what you got to be real that's what you gotta let folks know don't even mention that cuz I'm not on that and guess what don't nobody know your plan now nobody know that you know that this is your husband in here in spiritual warfare and then he's going through and he need a wake-up call don't nobody know that but you and I'm telling y'all something I'm gonna tell y'all Sonia all women don't understand this y'all women do not understand this let me tell you something 99.9% of y'all do not have a best friend okay well I says man we know this we know this we know that 99.9% of y'all do not have a best friend the woman you calling your best friend will be on the phone with your ex-boyfriend telling every liquor your business telling every liquor your business it's a lot of men like myself who have slept with best friends who then been with a woman have been with the best friend and the best friend Kiki can all in the water face and yeah yeah it's a dog man yeah we dogs as men when we did that kind of stuff but at the same time yes yes also your friend that's the dog Ennis average because women get into hunger games women get into hunger games I'm gonna tell you something let me tell you something my wife one thing she know one thing she knows ain't no ain't no Kiki can with no best friend a lot of people in relationships the woman best friend got the husband phone number and be texting and be talking about their problems and the issues my wife don't have none of that she ain't gay now one of her friends her two sisters her blood blood her blood don't even text me to talk about nothing Nathan you hear me because she understand the nature of women man she know that ain't nobody off-limits anybody could be gullible anybody could be weak anybody could be susceptible she understand and it's a lot of men that then slept with a woman and then slept with that woman mama and the slept with that woman sisters and the like with that woman best friend yes yes I'm telling you the truth now you can sit down oh look at my best friend that's my best friend I don't know my best friend I don't know my best friend listen hell you got a friend in Jesus after that you're dealing with human beings and you better watch yourself you better watch yourself because every human is capable of stabbing you and your back I'm not saying don't treat him like a friend but what I'm saying is if something has got to be between you and God you can't tell everybody your plan cuz you don't know you don't know that person you need to know Jesus and that's your friend who stick closer than a brother so in this he'll space when you're dealing with this ex and if you got a plan of going back that plan got to be between you and God and you got to be in prayer and supplication and then you got to be listening to stuff like this so that you have application so that you know what you're doing and it's coming from a place of somebody who know what they doing because they do what I do and they in the trenches it's not from the peanut gallery but you look friends capelin and don't know what they talking about and can't even get a healthy relationship for themselves so they cannot tell you everything you need to know you could preciate a word or two but you can't hang on every syllable for somebody that ain't never been there and ain't never produced it and they don't have it or they may be married for thirty years but you know they're miserable you got to filter that advice so here you are you coming round day twelve day thirteen this man if he's your husband he gonna be showing it you're gonna start to see his ego drop you gonna start to see him being vulnerable he's gonna expose himself he gonna be posting subliminal messages on social media he gonna be sending messages to you from other people he's gonna still be texting you still calling you still leaving voicemails he's still gonna be out there put himself out there come that day 14 if that's your husband he broke all the way down he broke all the way down if you call him at 11:00 a.m. and tell that go and get the moon and be back before noon he's gonna bring you the man on the moon by that day 14 of - your husband now here's where you know if you weren't about the wrong man and if you focus on I'm trying to make the wrong man regret regret you his if in in fourteen days after he contact you that first time trying to sound sweet and you don't respond on that day two three four five any day in that 14-day that he'd flip the script and you get cussed out and he'd go from trying to apologize and he flip it that I was trying I was trying to be nice but I see how you want to act you want to be immature you want to be petty you know what else you you know what you you love so and so did I thought you would I can't believe I wasted time with you you ain't gonna be worth nothing you're next man I don't love you either I can't believe I'm wasting my time you know what forget you I'm gone and he's gonna say that right yeah nah what can what happened he might stand on that that's not your husband now you know that's not your husband but now what's gonna happen if he playing games he's gonna come back by two three days later yeah I did a lot of thinking and I've been praying and God was just ministering to me and telling me that I was in the wrong and I just want to apologize to you no danger hug being to hug guys want to save minions and he coming to the beach and trap you because he a man who truly love you for one he come he may make mistakes even though he know you his wife because he's still at war on the inside of himself and he battling between remaining a grown boy and becoming a grown man so he may still do some things that may make you run off and that can happen but he truly has some feelings for you love might not be the right turn but he's on the way and he knows that you his wife he knows you can be his wife see that man when when he run you off and you got to leave him then for one is you happen to leave him he's not gonna leave you he he gonna make you leave him it the man a man who knows you're his wife and then when that happens what's gonna happen is he's not going to degrade you he's not gonna talk down to you he's not gonna do any of that because he knows that he's walkin on thin ice he knows that he has to be very very careful with his words because he does not want to lose his wife he was trying to do it his way he was trying to make you compromise he was trying to make you be who he wanted you to be so that he could remain weak and immature and insecure and have a woman that reinforces that behavior and you showed him otherwise you show him that's not gonna go that's not gonna fly I'm not stupid you're gonna have to elevate to my level now when he realizes that he says you know what this a real woman now he regrets losing you in this space in this season right here and so now he's reaching out to you and now you don't respond now see this a thing a man who knows you're his wife he's not going to just move on and jump in another relationship he's not going now if he had a X and y'all won together that long he might be dilly dally but he's not going to jump to something and be posting this woman online and trying to make you jealous he's not gonna do that he's not gonna do anything to try to upset you or hurt you if he knows that you're his wife if he's doing things to try to upset you and hurt you posting another woman doing crazy stuff Shawn's him at the strip club him doing is him doing that and you know it's to to burn you to hurt you that's not your husband that's not just that's a thorn in your side and you got to keep going so you shouldn't be trying to focus on worrying about if he regrets losing you you need to be working working on you learning about you and moving on your life the only time you weren't and you asked him does he regret losing me is if you know without a shadow of doubt that that's your husband and you know deep down he knows that you're his wife but his spiritual warfare got the best of him and that's when you prey on yourself through it you praying him through it and that's when you taking you entertained this right here this you glow up and you let him watch it you're even blocking him he could see you and then you reach out you have him waiting and then this what's gonna happen when you respond and when I say 14 I'm not saying literally so like day 15 I'm saying literally yes at least 14 days but you don't have to respond on fifth day 15 16 17 if you're not feeling and if your heart is not ready then you keep that you keep that dish that distance you keep that absent that absence and you stay in that space until your heart says okay I get it now I think he gets it now I think this two-week you know break this two weeks apart has been a detox and a reset that we both need it and now I'm gonna respond and then when you respond he should pick up in the sense of wow so good to hear from you I've been trying to reach you and did everything I've been trying to reach you I'm so sorry I apologized like just tell me what do I need to do and when you hear that you got to take that very serious you got to take that very serious you can't you can't just jump back in you know wait to say fools rush in you can't just jump back in you got to say okay listen this what about to do God has these books it's called make it work it's 22 chapters so we're gonna we're gonna listen or we're gonna read whichever one you know that's for y'all we're gonna listen to a chapter today and then that night 9 p.m. 10 p.m. let's talk about that chapter so we're gonna read a chapter today your lunch break read chapter 1 and then 9 o'clock at night let's talk about it so the next 22 days and that's my bullet make it work but you could be doing this with any book but you get this little coursework you're going through coursework so we're gonna go through this book after that we're gonna take this course we taking this course after that we're going on this retreat are we going on this here to this seminar so now you got to do your due diligence you can't just jump back in because you dream because you was tired because in 14 days was the hardest 14 days of your life you got to be patient and you got to be diligent and you got to be thorough and you got to make sure that you do the work and that he's doing the work y'all doing the work together so that both of you know what a healthy relationship is so that both of you know what a real woman is what a real man is and what a real relationship looks like so that both of you have new knowledge both of you have new confidence and now the two of you can hold each other accountable you got to be willing and ready to do the work the mistake here's where the mistake happens is all of that distance and that separation and that time apart becomes null and void when you just go back to the man and you don't know and you haven't overseen him doing any work he just was sulking for 14 days and begging for 14 days but he didn't read a book he didn't go to a seminar he didn't watch a video he didn't take a course so he learned nothing new about being a man so you got to make sure that he has something in his life if it's a mentor send him to my mentor got life tell him look you need to do four sessions with Tony Gaskins or four sessions with Joe Schmo or four sessions with such-and-such it need to be with a man who was married and happy who wants who has what he says he wants that's what it needed to be and you need to inspect if you got to go and do a session with that person first so that you could find out is this person married and happy and faithful and then you recommend this person cuz he might not go find a person on his own he might not even know how to because he's not on this channel you are so you know the resources that's out there he may not know it because he wasn't exposed to that growing up he's not in that space his boys not on that but you put him on that so now he has to go do the work now when he does the work now this man who now this separation this man who was on ice this man who was going through this this wave of emotions now it's all worth it because now he's getting knowledge to fill himself up now that's gonna help him change and grow as a man a understanding I hope that helped you of course when I'm doing these videos I could talk another two three hours but uh I don't want to hold you too long and I know it's probably a few more questions you got from here it's a few holes I probably left in there if that's the case just ask a question but don't ask no question if you have not listened to this video two times cuz I might have said what you asking so understand what we're talking about here we're talking about a man that you know without a shadow of a doubt is your husband and you know that he knows that you are his wife and when you have to break up on this break he's not trying to hurt you he's not cursing you out and not trying to abuse you for shield coerce you he's trying to reach you by any means necessary but yet he's still doing it with respect and honor and now you know that he gets it and now you want to give him another chance and y'all gonna do the work together that's what we're talking about okay and it's not really about regret and making a man regret losing you it's really about understanding helping a man understand that you are a good woman that you are real woman that you are strong woman and that although you may have been ignorant or weak at times you're growing you're changing and you're not in the box that he trying to put you in so understand that this Tony Gaskins a do me a favor make sure you go click the link in the description my mentor that life and book your session with your new coach and if you've already had a session with somebody try somebody else you know if you feel like I and get a lot out of it try somebody else don't stop investing in yourself make sure you do that if you want to become a member of the blessed tribe to join us on our weekly Q&A the link is in the description as well and if you're watching this video and you watch this far you know please hit that subscribe button for me it's Tony gassen god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 690,393
Rating: 4.9154887 out of 5
Id: xUcmI2W3xrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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