Set Standards in 2020! (Must watch!)

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hey Tony Gaskins here and I want to talk to you we're getting close to 2020 and I want you to understand really about standards and really ask yourself do I have standards now this is gonna change your life so bear with me here while you're driving or doing whatever do you have standards because what I see most often is people saying one thing and then doing another and we don't truly a lot of times believe or walk in what we say so if I believe in balance and I believe in family and if I say family is first then I should not be available at all times of the day every day of the week responding to text messages to people who are not my family so what I had to do is set a cut-off time where on Friday night at 5:00 p.m. until Monday morning 9:00 a.m. I don't answer text messages outside of family so if I'm away from my wife and she writes me yes my son yes but outside of that I had to create boundaries so that I have time to really Center myself separate myself fill myself up with my loved ones before I go back out to serving everybody else but me so my actions had to match up with my words and I want you to really think about this now it's been a huge trend on on my page the last week where I was talking about going into 2020 and dating in 2020 and a lot of ladies were saying I would never offer to pay half because the man should pay full for the date and then I asked some of those ladies well if you set that standard to say that you should be cater to corded and corded to you means that demand foots the entire bill to the point that you don't even have to offer to help out then what how do those how does that standard go into a relationship how does that show up in a relationship because you can't say on one hand treat me like a queen but then going to the relationship and say it's okay or I'm gonna forgive you sleeping with another woman or I'm going to be texting another woman asking her why is she talking to my man and I'm going to be okay with sleeping with you before marriage before you've given me a covenant and a lifetime commitment so do your actions match your words do you truly have standards I'm an author and I have a publishing deal with one of the big five publishers well it would make no sense if I said hey I'm worth this amount of money in an advance but I let them sly me on a private jet and put me in a five-star hotel and give me three meals a day that's all expensive and then accept zero dollars in advance money because I was catered to and courted and I got all the flashy stuff but really in the meat of my deal I have nothing so you have to ask yourself do I really have standards if you're a man and you're going into the world and you're saying hey treat me like a man respect me honor me but then you don't respect your own woman you don't take care of your children or spend time with your children the way you should be spending time with your children you don't protect your mind your body what you're watching what eating what you're doing who you're lying down with but then you say respect me and see me as a man but you are carrying yourself as a grown boy so I want you to really think about this and look at every area of your life so look at your life meaning just with your interaction friends family and and write down if you need to how you want to be treated so you look at life you look at love and you look at business so in my life I say I want all of these relationships with friends and family to be a win-win I want to be respected I don't want to be mr. hand mr. hand out I don't want to be used I want to be respected so I look at and I pay attention to the energy of the people so I remember it was a individual and I'm giving giving giving giving giving giving and the individual is taking taking taking always coming to me always coming to me hey can you connect me here can you connect me there you got this connection you got that connection and then one day I say hey got this new project coming out you know for life coaches would love for you to be one of the coaches on there and individuals like just went a whole run down the list of how it's gonna fail and why should he do it and all of this stuff after all I had done and all I've exemplified to even question my business acumen when I'm ten times twenty times more successful that showed me that this person is not happy for my success this person is here just to get what he can get from me I remove myself and I share these real-life stories why because I'm a real one and I'm gonna keep it real across the board because my actions got to match my words and that's what I want you to think about and really ask yourself are you lining up are you saying and I find this all the time in coaching calls where I'm coaching somebody and they're saying I'm a good person I'm a classy person I'm gonna I'm a great catch and and I'm like well you you said that you a great catch and that you were a great woman what you're sleeping with a man on the first night that does not go together you said it's you a great catch but you allow a man to put hands on you and you stay dad does not go together so you look at your life and I remember another individual in my life colleague and what talk to me like a toxic boyfriend talks to a girlfriend and I'm all about my wife so as a man you're not fender talk to me and make me feel like I'm listening to one of my clients tell me about her toxic boyfriend I said long Oh I said brother look listen here brother you text me and I don't text you back that's cuz I'm busy don't you ever in your life ask me what's taking me so long to text you back in why I'm not texting you back right away I say brother you not my daddy and you not my girlfriend I say bro don't ever try me like that again guess what that probably was a few years ago last time talk to the young man last time I talked to Mecca this kill happened over and over and over like questioning me checking me like I'm like like I'm like bro I met you along the street like like what did you what's good hey just like that you have to be able to cut ties you got to be able to let people know and because it's gonna be certain people to where you're doing for them you're doing for them you're giving them any time they call you you there you sending them blessings you blessing them and then you go to them and you say hey can you do this for me and it's something that you know is not that big of a deal and they're like oh I'm tired up on this I ain't gonna be able to and you sit and you like what guess what that just shows you that this is not a win-win situation this is not a mutual beneficial situation so that's what you're doing in your life you write out and you determine what you want from your friendships from your associations from your associates your colleagues your friends and your family members what how do you want to be treated now this is the thing you got to make sure that you're giving the energy that you want to receive so this ain't one sided this is not one sided you know it's Christmas and and I I have to use myself as an example so don't get it twisted don't feel like I'm just bragging or telling something or but I rather use me as an example my personal life didn't tell us somebody else business but it's Chris this Christmas this December and my little sister came to me and she want to get a new car and she taking care of her children she got three children she taken care of them by herself she working a full-time job she started home health agency and so she's making some money but not a whole lot of money and not able to get herself all the way out of the hole and our car really old is breaking down over 200,000 miles and yes I have a better you know more money but I got a wife and two kids and I got 11 companies that I have to run so although my income may be higher my expenses are also way higher but even in the month of December I bless my sister with twenty five hundred dollars because that was the minimum down payment the dealer would take and I gave her the $2,500 and I say look god bless you now guess what that's one of my standards that if a family member come to me and ask me for something I need to be able to look at their life and see that they are trying to help themselves because I've gotten questions like that from friends and family members but they aren't doing anything but because she went through the process that I put her through to start her home health agency and she did all that work and she's working every day and she got she's getting her staff and she's hiring staff and they got their clients that they go visiting that in their homes and she's running a business and she's not in a toxic relationship dealing with a deadbeat man because she doing what she needs to do then I'm willing to help somebody who will help themselves so write down and you need to have your your bylaws just like if you start a nonprofit organization you got to have bylaws how the mission and what your company does and what it stands for how you operate you need to have personal bylaws in your life and that you stick to so I can have a million dollars in the bank but if one of my cousins come to me and say hey you got five hundred me absolutely not if if that cousin is able-bodied and not working if you're not working you land up somewhere and you ain't doing what you need to do now I know I don't have $500 absolutely not you know if you gambling all your money away you splurge and whatever you doing and then you come and ask me nope don't got it and I could be every name in the book I could be every name in the book my family even with my inner family young lady asked me to talk about this how why it's at certain times I had to block family members with with my family it does not matter if it's my mother my sister my father it does not matter if somebody is bringing negative energy to my life what my mom she learned early on do not speak anything negative about my wife because that's who I'm in covenant with and the Bible tells you a husband will forsake his mother and father and cleave to his wife that's what why I'm married that's who I'm in covenant with my mother and my sister because sometimes women could be caddy and petty and and even my my wife I let her know don't speak nothing ill of my mother and my sister and because that's my blood and if they meet these certain requirements these certainly if they helping themselves and their energy right then we will help them and my wife knows that it's December in Christmas and she saw me give $2,500 and she agreed to it because she understands how I live my life and she sees me say no a whole lot of times when she probably would have said yes but she understands how I lived my life because this what you gotta realize I run 11 companies and I have over 50 streams of income and I do YouTube and I do Instagram and Facebook and I do speaking engagements around the world we got the retreat coming up in Dubai then we got this retreat in st. Lucia for the single self love retreat then I got a retreat in California self-love retreat and all of these things on on my website on the events page and you see me moving and going but it's because I create structure and stand that I live by is not that I'm just Superman but I could I can give you time and you can feel like I'm giving you a whole lot of time because you seeing me on a video every day but I'm giving you 20 minutes out of 24 hours because I create structure and standards and give my life direction and at the same time while I'm serving you I could be ghost writing a book for a client or three or four clients because I'm creating standards and structure so I want you to understand you have to give yourself standards and structure now then you look at your love life and in love you have to write down your standards what do you want how do you want to be treated you want it to be a win-win you want it to be mutually beneficial you want it to not only you just serving them but they also are serving you so you give some time like for me I can give things that my wife cannot give because if I'm taking and I'm creating business because that's my area and then she's better on the administration side so she kind of runs the businesses you know oversees the the customer service and the booking and the managing of it and I oversee the ideas and then she says listen you know she oversees the bills but I oversee how money is made and so we have our different strengths so if I'm serving her and I'm blessing her and I'm getting gifts and I'm speaking one of her love languages of of gifts for nothing gifts and so she's feeling good as a woman because she got a new pair of shoes to wear she had clothes for every season she got jewelry you know she filled a door and she feel beautiful she could get a facial she can get back massage you know she could get a hair done her nails done all of this stuff on a regular so then that's what means something to her I don't need to go get my nails done my hair done and get a facial and you know clothes and shoes not don't mean as much to me as it does to her as a woman so in return I say well look I would me I love acts of service so active services you know if you cook breakfast for me I love that that make me feel amazing she made me one of my favorite breakfast sounds just morning on the biscuit Friday and turkey bacon with a bottle of water Hey that right there feel like a million dollars to me but if I'm giving giving giving giving and then she does nothing for me then that's a one-way street so I'm drained and not being replenish you have to look at your relationship and you certain a servant serving you sucking and ducking and shucking and jiving you doing all of this but then your man won't even hold your hand in public your man does not tell you I love you but I love you means a lot to you your man does not serve you your man leaves you home to go out to the club your man takes another women and in the DMS of other women and like you know the women pictures online but you serving him you 100% faithful you doing everything that's a one-way street if you a man and you you go out and in your situation in your relationship is to where you work and your woman is home and you go out and you provide a great living and your woman has been home all day and then you come home and your house is filthy and you like whoa Wow okay if I'm doing this and it's hard and it's hurting me in it you know nobody wants to be doing the type of work that I'm doing or or as much as I have to do but at least I would love when I come home you kind of you know straighten up a little bit and if you as a man are giving giving giving you a hundred percent faithful and you given on yourself you providing but then your woman doesn't do what she can do for you whatever that may be then that's a one-way street so even in your love life you have to set standards sit down and write it down if you got to write it down see I got to be here and I had to be careful since I was a child and they had to order special helmet for me when I was seven years old you know even the helmet for the 15 year old did not fit my head so they came to me and they said serve listen we're gonna have to get your son helmet out of Texas we're gonna have to order helmet from Texas we live in Florida cuz we just don't have anybody help me that just gotta fit his head and I had a big old head so I always attributed that to a big brain not that you know that scientifically it may not be true but people used to try to make me feel better I didn't care about my head I'm just lying about my head I was confident but my mom would say a big head me got a big brain then I scientifically but I always said that to myself I got to be able brick big brainy I got the best memory in the world and I always had that so me I really don't have to write stuff down everything I'm telling you I say it to myself and it's etched in my mind it's on the tables of my heart but everybody doesn't learn the same way so if you have not written it down but you have not established this in your life to be so then that means you need to be writing it down that means you saying it to yourself and reciting it and getting it in your spirit on your heart it's not good enough for you you need to write it down so your hand when your hand going through the motion your brain is forming those letters and it's itching and it's reading those words and it's being etched into your mind so you need to write it down and you literally got to sit down and write out how you want to be treated because of how you are treating people point-blank period and then in your business life love business now I answer the questions that come to me and so I end up answering a lot of questions on relationships because when I got online the closest thing that I had created was my book on loving relationships so when I got online in 2009 I was tweeting relationship stuff and I blew up in 2010 on Twitter and became one of the top 25 black men on Twitter and out of all of the hundreds of thousands that was on there I was in the top 25 based on retweets based on variability so and number one was LeBron and they ranked it was a site that ranked the top 100 I was number 25 number 26 behind me was a famous comedian and so it was real my tweets was going viral but it was mostly love and relationships so people always come to me for love and relationship and so I just served where I'm needed but I'm also a businessman and I've been I retired from working for other people at 27 years old so to retire at 27 from working for other people is an accomplishment so I have books on entrepreneurship courses on entrepreneurship because I really do that and so I have to take and I teach on love but you also have to identify your business side of things and you got to have standards in business and so for me it's kind of like this you need to write out what you want to create what you will create in 2020 that you cannot be fired from what will you create or produce or sell that will be a representation of you so if you need to write your book write your book if you need to start your nonprofit start your foundation if you need to start your LLC starts an LLC but understand this if you work in a job you need to identify how you want to be treated on that job based on what you're giving what you want to receive so when I was working for somebody I worked five years from guessing I was 22 I work from 22 to 27 and I was working at a group home I was working at a group home so it was a nonprofit organization I believe and they had a big budget probably 2 million to 10 million a year and we had different houses well my rule was I didn't work overtime I didn't work all the time because I had a dream I had a vision that I'm not gonna be here forever and I used to tell my co-workers I'm not gonna be here forever with you and they'll yeah yeah and I say you know I'm making money outside of here in my business game making too much you still coming here and I just would take it because I had double my income in my entrepreneurship than what I was being paid on the job but because I had I have a wife and we had our first son I didn't feel comfortable just leaving my job for entrepreneurship until I knew that I knew that I could see the bridge I wasn't in a space or taking a leap of faith I needed a bridge okay because I had responsibilities if I was by myself out of been left but because I could either eat on a poke and beans and bread you know some new climbing noodles but having a wife and a son had to have something I had to have that insurance and have income so I would say that I would tell people that and they didn't believe it they didn't believe it I I was working that job when I went on Oprah to tell my story on Oprah and that was a live airing so it's not on YouTube or archived there was a live show and I told my story of being a toxic controlling boyfriend in college and I had written a book with some of that wisdom that I learned from being that terrible man right after Oprah I went to Tyra Banks and she showed my self-published book to the world what daddy never told his little girl and I was 25 years old and I was working that job at the group home so they saw me going over they saw me going Tyra Banks but I still was coming back to work and so they were like man what's going on like I thought you being celebrity you still at work but I had a plan so they would come to me every day 21 all the time you won't do all the time you won't do all the time you won't do no I'm not doing overtime if that's not required in my job description that I have to do all the time I'm not doing all the time so I did not do all the time because outside of that job I need to be working on me so I say that to say do you have a vision and a dream for your business life for your career January 11 I'm doing a life coaching certification for people who want to become a life coach I'll put the link in the description meet me in Atlanta if you can't make it there I have the certification course on Tony Gaskins Academy calm and I'll link that in the description do you have a vision for your exit plan do you have an exit strategy from your job and if you do you've got to have a certain energy on that job so what I started doing with this job is I would go and this right here these haven't come out these here came out you know iPhone had these here so this hard being a job just like mmm yes sir and this right here in here was podcasts all day now when I pull up to the jaw it was gospel music I'm listening to gospel music who I was and whoever I'm listening to at time I can't remember back then if it Tashia cause was I own thinks he was like but it could have been Fred Hammond John P key Kirk Franklin somebody I'm listening me a gospel song so I'm listening to gospel music and this is giving my spirit right just giving my spirit right because I don't want to be at this job but I'm getting my spirit right then I go in there and I go from the music I may play the music a little bit 15 20 more minutes I switched from the music to the podcast so I'm working I'm talking to my clients I'm doing my book work you know writing more reports and everything in a group home but I got that podcast going so even when I can't really fully listen I would just catch bits and pieces and this morning to my subconscious when a behavior specialist come in and she come to talk to me you know I would sit there and I would talk to her and why is she talking this right here may still be playing in my ear sometimes I may pull it off but it's and I'm good spirit mm-hmm yeah okay all right I got you ain't do no extra talking I do no complaining I worked as if I was working unto the Lord I got to that place but I didn't play no games I did not play no games I was I was real back this thing you hear me and so when I needed to go to a speaking engagement and I called out I asked for two days off I had two superiors two bosses two black men too so I'm like I'm thinking like we brothers one on tell me no I'm gonna better get that to you Tony so I said I'm gonna go to your boss when his boss tournament and we gonna be two gave him two days off we need that hurt but see what happened is they became crabs in a barrel they were mad because I was doing stuff outside of the job so when I when I had a Impala on 20 tools and it got stole they saw that the big balls he laughs I call him I was like in tears like I can come into work my car got stole he was like hey that's life he literally laughs I say my wife took him got alone and she went and got my Lexus ls400 off the light and it was a 2004 win 2006 at this time no not 2004 1994 so little 10 10 years old but that thing was nice the other was perfect pearl paint on that side blue sky blue LS full honey and they didn't change the body style a lot so it was multi-millionaire driving that same body star style so she got it for $6,500 she put 3500 down and we financed the other 3500 for a year it gave me a good 12 months but when I pull up on that Bank whoo the boss man was like what how you went from Impala to Alexis I thought to myself yeah you were laughing at me cuz it looked like more than what it cost that thing looked at night so that with my wife she showed up further she showed up further and she blessed me after that I pull up I went and got my C 240 Mercedes Benz always stretched myself I never had a a limited mindset I want what I want if it's nice I want it because I'm stretching my mind I'm not going to be riding old beat-up jalopy talking about this what I know I went to the light with faith and and I was ahead of my time so people wait till they get to a certain place and think that they deserve something no I do I deserve what I wanted from the bottom and so I went and I got me that C 240 wilt up on at the jaw not a big boss like because he driving an old beat-up jalopy but he probably earned three times that I earned the top payment wasn't bad it was like $400 a month it was affordable and so but it was just limited mindset because people were driving jalopies for $300 a month because they went and got a bad deal I went and got a good deal and with driving nicer cost so then I pull up on that pump so now they was getting mad your coworkers cuz see you start your blog see you write your book see you become a life coach go to the life coach certification see you start doing things outside of your job and they're gonna start to hate because see they like the fleas that they studied what he did with the fleas where they had to top on and the fleas kept jumping jumping jumping jumping and hitting the top and if it bounce it down and they got stuck there they they removed the top and none of the fleas jump past where that top was so a lot of times your co-workers they become like that they're the flea and so when you leaping out and you taking leaps of faith and you taking you making power moves they get jealous and so sometimes the jealousy will be your manager your supervisor and they jealous of you because your car nicety nails but it's just because you didn't win and you believed in yourself and you say hey I live once I got my stuff in order this what I want to drive this what I'm going to try so now you don't win and did that now your supervisor mad at you so when you call off your supervisor say oh we can't do that and guess what I kept my standards so when I said hey I need to take these two days off be and they said no I saw another guy who I worked with taking off all kind of days he work in the same house I work in he didn't have as much going on as I did outside of it I think he played the guitar at some bar sometimes but he called it all off left and right now this was a white gentleman this was a white gentleman and so when I did I went the EEOC you know the Equal Employment Opportunity Council or committee I googled it discrimination EEOC popped up I went right on down to the EEOC I did not know what I was doing but I went right on down there and I filled out that application and they sent it to my job and then the job the job came and said um we're turning now before this I went and told on my two bosses that didn't give me any days I said okay we want to play that game you want to play that game don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house and they were breaking some rules inside of the company I went and I told I talked to talk to the higher-ups and I talked about this hill and I said well look you've got a whole lot of stuff going on in this hill house and and then they want to pick and choose when they want to do right no sir I'm the wrong one and they said well Tony are you just telling all of this are you just talking about the problems in the house because you didn't get your vacation time I said don't worry about why I'm talking about it what I'm saying is you can't go Rox if you live in a glass house so the big bosses they didn't want to do anything the head the top of the company I'm telling my CEO they didn't want to do anything so guess what I went the EEOC when Yossi sent them that letter they called me with different energy they call me Eddie I'm talking four to five minutes old you got to go there pause and then come on back and catch i'mma go 45 this Sunday so it's a Sunday sermon and they called me and they said they called a job and the job call me Tony um yes we got a letter from EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity and we want to know like what is the issue and if we can work this out before we have to go this far and I said no I said no I'll keep that same energy was not a phrase back then but that's the sense of what I said I said no we'll meet up we'll meet up at the EEOC for our mediation so we went out to the EEOC and they had they had a mediator so the mediator they go to them talk to them they come to me they go back and forth back and forth mr. Gassman what you want I told me out of dollars number I told me out of a number for my distress heartache now according to your agreement you can't say what you got in your settlement that's against the laws now this with 2000 and 2010 solely 20 at night we 2020 so and then they go back and forth then they bring us in the room together and I sat down and I talked to the people I sat down talking to the CEO the head people I'm talking to him and I tell them just like this right I say listen here okay I got all this right here on y'all I got all this I keep my documents everything all the rules y'all and broke on against OSHA HIPAA violations y'all giving wrong medication you hit me I was in there like an attorney you're not fitting to play me like I'm job scared I'm not one of those other slave mentality we in the south we in Florida it's Confederate flags on the back of your truck but I'm not dead I'm not turning you hear me so we gonna have some issues so here I was I let him know that got over 200 pages of documents so listen to me we're gonna come to a deal in here oh I got an attorney and because my manager noted is a is an attorney and know the number one civil attorney in the state of Florida we asked him for seven figures if I have to go beyond this that's what I told and they say okay alright alright they came back so we came to us a settlement and they said well we can't do it lump sum will pay you each month and what we ask is that we give you this settlement and that you resign and I told a mediator and I told him you gonna give me that settlement and I'll leave when I get rid of the lead cuz I ain't did nothing yet cuz my season went up my season went up see the the Good Book say that the Lord are prepared table for you before your enemy so I went through for three more months I went to work for three more months with a smile of victory you hit me I mean I meant the job you know hello how you doing because now I'm getting my paycheck and I'm getting my settlement on top of the paycheck because y'all want to discriminate because y'all see me doing me y'all see me working my forty hours and because I won't give you fifty five like everybody else you want to try to hurt me when I need to take some time off but because this guy give you 60 hours a week when he asked for time off you give him his time all but I'm not required to work overtime by the state by the laws of this his state full of time is 36 hours I'm giving y'all 42 42 so don't try me because I'm gonna go to the extent of the law see I have standards in life in love and in business and that's what produces my success that's what produces that because see you have God and God is there with you but you still and in your tongue you know God can't fight your battles and vengeance is mine saith the Lord so you don't have to get vengeance you just got to have your standards you got to know who you are you got to use everything that you can use in your power in life in love and in business so guess what I walk that job I mean every day with a smile how you know I'm just the cheese feeling good and they looking at me and they mad who's he think he yes he think he in here you know that's how he was looking at me but you can't touch me cuz I'm doing what I'm supposed to do all my paperwork done I'm coming on time I'm no write-ups I'm doing what I'm supposed to do so you can't touch me you hear what I'm telling you ain't ain't barking and complaining but then showing up to work hour late no I ain't doing no shows and an unexcused absence I'm not doing all that I'm not messing up on my paperwork I made sure every single thing was right on my paperwork because I knew they was gonna be checking they was gonna be looking and guess what the people who blocked me from my time off they got fired they got fired for whatever reasons and and I was able in my business to strike a deal I struck a deal with a venture capitalist for one of my companies and he wrote my love check the small check $35,000 but that check at 27 years old that was fifteen thousand more than what the job paid me for a year and this guy grew up with and he came to me ain't grow up with him but I met him you know in high school and he came to me and he said look man what it's gonna take for you to go to the next level but mind you what he said is I had went on Oprah I had went on Tyra Banks I had went on TBN and I had built to I think 50,000 followers on Twitter so I was grinding I was grinding so I ain't getting on him guys I was working for me and then when he came with that it was I put my two weeks in my birthday was gonna be on March 8th my two-week notice landed me at March 13th so I spent my birthday you know I don't know if I worked or not that day if I had to work or not cut my days off was in the middle of the week like Tuesday Wednesday so I stayed three months after I did my settlement I worked for three more months and I told him I said no I'm not leaving we'll leave when I won't leave because I'm gonna be gone soon anyways bye my five years my goal to be done at five years they probably thought I was gonna beat another few years they probably thought when I left that I was gonna have to come back in six months because that's what a lot of people did a lot of people they would quit out of frustration quit out of anger quit out of ego quit out of arrogance no I quit out of obedience I quit when God said listen you got a family and I respect you as a man for not putting too much on your family because I don't expect your wife and your son to have the faith that you have or to see the vision that I've forgiven you because I gave it to you so you stayed and you work and did what you had to do for your family so now he'll go to bridge he'll go to bridge and when I went cross that bridge guess what I was making twenty thousand on the job I was making forty thousand in my business outside of my job so I worked 40 hours for them and I worked 30 to 40 hours for me that's what my overtime was going and when I left that their job uhit mean the next time I counted my income my income was a hundred and forty seven thousand dollars in 12 months I went from making twenty thousand dollars to making a hundred and fifty thousand dollars when I started working for myself full-time using my gifts as an author or speaker a life coach a ghost writer or author consultant I maxed out in my gifts and this was 2011 yeah 2011 and then it was 2012 when that bill happened and so and I was 27 28 years old and I went to making 150 thousand this was before I was actively using YouTube this was before Instagram this was before I got on Facebook all I was using was Twitter at the time so I'm here to tell you and if you got to this point I put be blessed in the comments I said I was gonna put some links in the description so forgive me if I lie if I if I forget by the time I upload this but on sit with this listen to this on your way to work when you're going to sleep and grab some motivation somewhere and apply it to your life set new standards in 2020 and achieve greatness start working and on yourself in a way that's gonna take your life to the next level it is Tony Gaskins god bless you words also
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 87,496
Rating: 4.9211531 out of 5
Id: LTEfti531Bs
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Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.