THAT'S CRINGE: Epic Morning Routine

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epic bacon 😎

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IcetheThane 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right welcome back to that's cringe today we are going to learn how to be a real man the video we're checking out today is a video called my epic morning routine 2018 plus men's healthy lifestyle tips by a guy named Ray Drexler first of all very powerful name yeah three drechsler super bill yeah it sounds like a super villain damn I got Marvel comic yeah god I am you Trey Drexler oh man his hair is so sick that epic body of his it's Trey Drexler he just attracts girlfriends oh no it's straight Drexler no babe were you going I just I'm just gonna go on he just seems no no come on babe yeah he's just a big white glob of girlfriends I'm just walking through the city just walks through the city at 40m saying what are you doing what are you doing you're laying next to your girl at night and her bra just starts vibrating I hear the deer like this like the distant footsteps are you sliding off the bed god damn you Trey Drexler so yeah we're gonna learn about this guy's epic morning routine I hope [ __ ] dude he better not like troll us dude this better be for the win right here right I mean it has epic in the title it's gotta be bacon for sure exactly I mean if you want to know how to poem life like this is the videos how to do it this last year I decided to make some huge shifts in my life is this great Tyler I made the choice that mediocrity would no longer have a hold on me instead my life would be consumed by hardwork self discipline and passion passion passion Dre that was great it's one more just a little sexier passion awesome yeah let's move on cause good [Music] it's the long set of rise & grind Oh [ __ ] goddamn it must he forget who still says that on ironically I love that sound who loves the sound of their alarm a masochist yeah that's who yeah nobody loves the sound of their alarm that's like a universally hated sound I would love that sound what's your kink I'm just set off a bunch of 7:00 a.m. alarm don't let me up blast an iPhone alarm through megaphone [Music] 90% of people watching this right now are like stop stop turn it off I'm already awake like a weapon bad [ __ ] that reminds you of school showering work and escape from bliss yeah that's what that sound represents hey welcome back everyone to a pain SMR it's time to wake up alright I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done that's actually dre Jack slurs superpower oh yeah giant sound [ __ ] on the street just screaming Ryan Ryan mother knowing that today is a brand new day and it's full of opportunity and Wonder it always stirs up my passion for impacting the world in some kind of new way it always stirs up my passion for impacting the world in a unique way like what's the what's the most verbose way you can say just make it mr. grandpa's read your [ __ ] emails dude [ __ ] 34,000 what do you sign up to GrubHub Fandango GQ GQ boats GQ Japan GQ issues written every day I like to kick off my morning with some positive music something that will get me in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day huh gum oh wow something that will put me in the right frame of mind to stir up my passion in the right kind of way I'll go straight into brushing my teeth puts on a snapback to brush his teeth oh wait dude like if you dig this video I definitely dig yeah yeah there you go boom my teeth getting rid of that morning breath yeah come on dude appreciate that don't get rid of that morning brother boom I love the thought of him like setting up his camera and focusing it on his abdomen babe babe I can't reach the record button I'm at just the perfect distance cuz you just come press that for me hit the shower to wake me up using my steam spray to fight back any morning congestion what is what is this what is that besides washing my face wait hold up what are these like hieroglyphics he has on the upper left he come out of like a cloning facility what the [ __ ] is that he lives in the GQ men's health Factory pump these guys yeah it's just [ __ ] about a magazine rise & grind I always find the shower is a quiet place where I can start my day right with meditation and prayer yeah I tend to just like sit on the floor and just like let the water hit me in my face just think about what a piece of [ __ ] I am now as most of you know I'm part owner of the premium haircare brand called shifu and today I'm actually testing out our newest hair product that we're currently working on so this is just a giant add as you guys know I invested five hundred dollars and achieve a hair products cuz they said if I sold enough Oh giant hair product pyramid scheme dude he's been doing his hair for at least 20 seconds this is hair hair SMR Harrison mark to save myself time I usually like to figure out what I'm gonna wear the night before main school [ __ ] he walks into his room and it's like these clothes are just like laying out like he's gonna be wearing them shoes and everything locked up yeah do I wear the black long line with the white torn jeans and the black shoes or the great long line blue torn jeans and the black shoes which pair of ripped jeans am I gonna change the world today you know me and Steve Jobs like actually are pretty similar especially on big days like today because in a couple hours from now I'll be launching a little something I've been working on called individuals which is a community brand that anyone can be a part of well that's a community brand it's a great brand name really good SEO they're individual yeah let me Google individuals 5 billion pages of every person has ever existed individuals is all about embracing the things that make you unique your strengths your weakness this is just a follow us this shot it's a package shot right there Jesus brought in I was watching a FedEx video well what's a FedEx video oh I love how this whole thing is just him like flexing in disguise like he's he trying to motivate you and it's like how many ab shots and dig Sean's come again on this like if he was actually honest with this narration yeah it'd be like it's been about 20 minutes doing my hair because most guys at my age are starting to go bald I'm absolutely not I have the dopest hair second of all I put on my t-shirt and my sweat pants over my giant giant dick that I used to pound your girlfriend see most people think that you have to be perfect to impact the world I say let people be inspired by your imperfections yeah you just spent two minutes showing off your perfect body yeah what about this video was imperfect your morning breath now I'm a big fan of staying healthy and keeping my bra do you have cancer homie how many pills was that even fish guts fish guts ginger garlic extract that morning breath that morning breath well that's why you got morning breath in a thousand milk you starting your day with a thousand milligrams of garlic you just smells like [ __ ] all of them yeah everything else about a million check except for his awful stench whole day just oozing out of his pores two more like god damn it someone eat Italian food oh you silly by the way slim Vance that's just like a straight-up weight loss yeah is it like an appetite suppressant or whatever probably yeah it's just funny to think like he's like all right fish oil like one-a-days garlic extract ginger and then meth yeah yeah yeah don't be hungry big fan of staying healthy and keeping my body performing at the top of its game that was like a amigos keeping my buddy performing at the top of his game [ __ ] was crazy so every morning I'll have my daily dose of vitamins and I'll make a couple of these health drinks oh dude you're drinking calm powder I like to always start off my day by reading positive development books do unto others which you would like unto yourself yeah I believe that having a high quality personality is even more important than having a high quality style see in school we were never taught how to have vision or be an entrepreneur bro you are out of school you don't have to do the annotations anymore there's no extra credit for this that a Windows instruction means any destroying squigglies [Laughter] he's just drawing those hieroglyphics on his [ __ ] chest definitely is a robot just Grand Theft Auto chief right what the [ __ ] is a power thought what is that oh it's like a thought but just super strong where do you think we should go for dinner hi babe oh wait baby I'm having a powerful scene school we were never taught how to have vision or be an entrepreneur how to brand our name or how to even be good husbands or family men so reading learning and stretching ourselves every day is mandatory I don't maybe it's just because I don't read so I don't believe other people reading but like like anyone under the age of 40 I feel like just has books to make their living room table look cool yeah you know like you just definitely put power thoughts there so you'll come over there like town the student it's like honest [ __ ] it's been reading power I've been meaning to get around Arena on his [ __ ] table you must be reading its annotated bro you won't see the last book I bought yeah made in North Korea yeah graphics from everyday life in the DPRK and you haven't even opened it I haven't opened it yeah it's just it's just it's a picture book it's a picture book it's something you got words in I'm gonna open this [ __ ] I looked at it in the storm like this is tight and then that's it and now I have it here I'm saving it so I can get it signed by Kim Jong brah I love your work on those cigarette packages if I could just get you yeah thanks is anyone eating there yet now about two or three days a week I like to go outside and just meditate I follow wim Hof's breathing method and I absolutely love the way it makes me feel wait a minute where's his backpack I don't know I don't know that laptop that was crazy got it cuz it's camo I can't see it that's the power thought right there if I'm in need of a boost to my wife and I like to hit up the coffee shop now this is also a great spot where I like to do all of my work before launching individuals I still need to upload and publish this is there anything notifications on now that my video is up I'm gonna be taking the next hour just to finish up some final touches on some artworks just in time for the launch of it he's like editing is like package a little bit bigger just taking a few moments just just to touch up these pictures to bring out the dick a little bit of course he's eating a [ __ ] salad mm-hmm you can have a little bit of fun you know that it's just a bunch of like book pages covered in balsamic hey you know he's got like this like a drawer full of chocolate yeah it's like one day [ __ ] had enough I'm so done with this walnut salad now before I continue my work today I'm making that magician disappear I'm gonna take about a two hour break and hit up the gym to get a workout in you know working out is a huge priority in my life it was angry now that my work is finished it's about midday and I'm gonna be heading home to get in a quick meal shower off and then I'll be heading to my home studio for a few hours before working on some more videos for YouTube this is just look how sick I am that's all this is that took an art it started as like all right all right yeah yeah morning ready okay okay so we got the morning breath shavoo okay wait a second I don't have that coffee shop near my place at all yeah I don't have a clothing brand either what the [ __ ] I know now he's making an album in his home studio but I can't [ __ ] rap you know when it comes down to it being successful is all based on perspective and attitude being 25 and married creating YouTube videos being an owner of shavoo and individuals and now music all in the works my life gets pretty crazy I'm constantly on my grind non-stop constantly helping other people and constantly dreaming big dreams regardless of what small-minded people think that to me is what true success is that's what it is that's why we don't really understand this is we're small small-minded yeah we're just not like epic enough now to get those things okay so I think what we've learned here is the key to a healthy lifestyle and productive day yeah is you know you got to wake up to your alarm yeah enjoy that sound yeah really you know breathe it in you got to enjoy rising grind grind kiss your beautiful wife kiss her okay do your hair for about 45 minutes to an hour that of course is after the steam shower steam spray meditate pray right okay then breakfast breakfast is gonna consist of garlic extract straighten your [ __ ] you're gonna want to do fish oil fish guts and then meth appetite suppressants I'm gonna make you not hungry right now you're gonna wanna head to your local coffee shop don't know it you missed the most important board the second meditation oh right right our meditation second meditation books annotate them write power thoughts right head to your favorite coffee shop do about 45 minutes of work yeah head straight to the gym scream bloody murder while you're yes yep away from their home get a quick meal in straight to the booth drop some fire heat okay bars just bars a quick 600 bars yeah bars just and then go to bed and do it all again the next day rinse repeat that sounds [ __ ] exhausting yeah yeah okay I'm just gonna play for at night yeah yeah same all right cool do us yeah let's do it for sure [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 26,348,054
Rating: 4.9679713 out of 5
Keywords: inspiration, fit, fitness, morning, routine, walnuts, salads, meditate, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: z0X0gyANnKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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