Siblings Look Through Each other's Phones

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hello today we're watching a cut video we got siblings look through each other's phones let's just cruise the comments real fast before we get started because i i fully expect someone to mention me at this point at this point i'm i'm part of the i'm more part of this channel than the people they cast give me a little something here just just give me a little you know pepper in my name somewhere couldn't oh that was close come on man just came to say hi to cody ko because i know he will react to this let's go let's go thank you rosalie i will let's get started i feel like the spicy stuff will be way back because now he's an old man hey i need to be more careful but omg i love to come inside wow okay so we're gonna get some good we're gonna get some good stuff in this one i can tell just by that clip i don't think i could ever do this with my sister ever i i would just be like i'm out today i don't need this money for today i'm not gonna do this video i don't wanna just in case just in case you run into some weird [ __ ] on your sibling's phone it would just scar you forever wouldn't it i i i would never look at my sibling the same you know i don't even want to think about this [Music] hi hi hello hi who are you two and how do you know each other i'm lex i'm john it's my brother my name is ami my name is lennon we're siblings this is my sister i'm 23 and i'm sophie i'm 22 and we are siblings unfortunately you love each other and you guys love each other classic sibling rivalry [Laughter] you love each other maybe more recently we tied we did not used to like each other at all how would you describe your relationship i'm 32 i'm 20. we don't spend a lot of time together alone i am actually adopted my parents adopted me there it is there it is and then they had her right after what do you think is on your brother's phone some crazy [ __ ] what crappy ladies what i don't know you be doing [ __ ] bro i don't want to get my hopes up but i definitely know i'm going to learn something either way like an acid trip we'll have you get up we're going to have you go into the other room okay where are you going first their texts are usually pretty dry but i'll check that okay current relationship let's go through that just sex now a text that they received and then another one hold on hold on did you just search sex in her messaging app why would you search sex in your siblings phone to see what they've said about sex i would search like homework gpa just to make sure you know she's doing she's doing good in school or something you know puppy how's the dog you know stuff that i want to know about my sibling not sex one that just says sex so i feel like the spicy stuff will be way back because now he's an old man hey so there's an old picture of him at a concert with his partner with his wife and he said that was a baller day love that concert tons of car sex too great oh man uh how millennial is this that was a baller ass day yo babe here's a pic of us a green day at a [ __ ] green day concert oh that's perfect yo babe how baller was that green day concert remember all the car sex we had too how sick was that love that tons of car sex eggplant emoji she's a damn lol oh that's awesome green day remember you you woke me up when september ended in the car i don't know i don't know that bad bad metaphor sorry but you know what i'm saying we had some baller ass car sex babe we were just two american idiots yesterday in the car right right do you want to be an american eddie um that was me and you tons of car sex too great oh boy i need to be more careful but omg i love to come inside of you no why did he spell cream pie like that cream pie oh this is so bad this is so bad i can't believe how bad this conversation is do you know for sure it sounds like she's like freaking out a little bit because because maybe the i don't know the condom broke or he finished inside of her or something like that so she said i don't know for sure and then he said i need to be more careful and then he said but oh my god i love to come inside you and then spelled cream pie at like pie it's like pie the number what is that and then he said but seriously how did you like the sex okay and then the sweating emoji and the upside down smiley oh and then she just emphasized the cream pie the [ __ ] is going on i'm sorry baby just basket case came on and i heard dude you have the chime and i just ah do listen to me i'm sorry i'm sorry and he's like but seriously how did you like the sex though like was it good at least and then he's like and then she doesn't respond to that and it's just this is a bad situation all in all but the worst part is that you spelled cream pie with a pi why would you spell it like that what is this i don't understand it makes it look like an apple product doesn't it cream pie introducing apple's new vibrator synced to your iphone eye cream this is so insanely embarrassing i don't know how you'd show your face in public after this after not only is this conversation completely public but your sister is reading it how do you even live with yourself after this cream pie cream pie don't say cream pie dude you have 16 000 photos a lot of memories man got a lot of memories yo yo i just did that this morning because i got my hair taken out this morning she said i can't walk and he said whoa oh okay from my mom i can't walk whoa babe what what what's the umbrella emoji what are you doing man this guy needs like like a lesson on how to text better what on earth what what what in the heavens happened to you babe did you sleep with wrong my queen i think it's my period plus sex plus sleeping wrong jesus that's horrible jesus that's horrible well next time don't play green day and i won't go as hard what on earth did you sleep wrong i think it's my period plus sex plus sleeping wrong is that a thing pretty sure my sister is a virgin jesus that's horrible i think i'm learning this right now bro you got some random [ __ ] in here self-care self-care is important all right self-care is important i don't know if you noticed but i moisturized this morning skin's looking pretty shiny and i'm glowing actually frankly so don't knock on it right it's important see some photos oh what is it it's um hentai [Music] hentai is pretty much anime porn i hate to be the one to have to explain that to people who don't know but there you go ah she did a ton of it too that was a whole whole ass folder of it wow respect are you ready to swap with your brother and have him go through your phone yeah hi i love tall girls and being physically harmed i'll cosplay your anime wife don't look at me like that physically harmed um i'm gonna leave that one alone some lovely lady in his dm says i hope you know i'm straight for you and only you never seen her never met her seems like she has taken quite the liking is this alexa make a moving in together board on pinterest oh you're moving in with alexis yeah i'm so excited about it i didn't know she was moving out i thought she was gonna live with our parents forever this is so pure it's so funny how [ __ ] up the other way around was you know with the whole room pie and i'm gonna get into it again but and then it flips around he's like wait a minute what you're moving out finally that's amazing a lot and with alexis too what a wonderful girl you guys gonna have a great roommate situation so happy for you and the dude the dude is just depraved remember remember our car sex oh my gosh soon as i found this text it was immediate bad vibes who is this i would assume this has to be his ex i'm serious i'm tired of you making me sad about something that is terr that is t serious instead of ever just trying to you understand me even if you don't understand [ __ ] i can't stand you it's over then start packing your stuff tonight whoa whoa we probably should not be seeing this girl girl you know okay that's her ass oh dear god why do you think sophie has an album of her app why do you think sophie has an album of her ass on her phone because [ __ ] come on dude you probably have an image of your own ass on your phone right we all have an ass album i searched sex in snapchat why why would you do that why would you do it huh [ __ ] why'd you do it i searched sex in the snapchat no delete delete snapchat that's what you should do delete it for her own good delete it she's pretty clean i just look at my sister as like this innocent person your reminder popped up i mean it said to remind you to pray oh my god i'm sorry i just fully snorted out snot on that one your reminder popped up it it it's reminding you to pray it's like how much more perfect could that be huh to see if she finds me attractive oh my gosh i've had so many friends hit on my brother do you want texas anything oh she probably still has me blocked honestly what are you texting just a broken heart oh if it delivers i'm gonna be like uh did it deliver nah oh okay still blocked how was that that was interesting that went a lot better than i thought it was this one i'm sorry this one was the best the best one by far the other ones were entertaining too but this one by far was the best mostly because of just the absolute juxtaposition between cream pie and the prey reminder it's just in a whole different world i was gonna go honestly you had more girls trying to hit that get at you than i thought but why are you trying to say it i thought there would be a certain amount but there was more than i thought so yeah it was definitely painful i'm sorry it's okay i found stuff it's okay i get it i get it you know i get it cream pieing is part of life you know at some point you got a cream pie you know i get it and there's always been this weird awkward uh plexiglass between us wow i just noticed it yeah you know alexis just texted you back she's responding to the um do you find that thank god brother hot oh my gosh and she says what the [ __ ] no thank god okay ah that was wholesome my biggest takeaway from this is how sinister the producer is demomoji i don't really you know what i mean i don't i'm not gonna to me it creed creeps me out a little bit a little bit a little bit i don't know why i know he has to push the video along and get some like spicy scenes out of it i get it i fully get it but for some reason uh you know sometimes these questions are a little bit like i don't know like maybe he asked maybe the answer he was like did you maybe you should search cream pie why don't you search cream pie in his text i'm sorry i've said cream pie so many times that i actually kind of want like to bake a cream pie i think i actually might go do that honestly you know just so i can say i um i don't want to say it i don't want to say it but i feel like now i kind of have to i started the joke it's not a good joke but i feel like i have to have to cream cream pie myself [ __ ] jesus bye you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,932,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: 7eCbntXDm1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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