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welcome back everyone to the third or fourth episode of couples cringe I'm Cody this is Kelsey hey guys I'm Kelsey and we are a couple and you know what a couple of hotties nice so you know you've probably seen a lot of videos on tick-tock boys they're all over the [ __ ] place literally all over the place they're everywhere boys that's what it stands for everywhere boys and so I was actually inspired to do this video from Leon lush she did a video where him and his wife watched some e boys and then of course you've heard is Connors videos on Evo's and I thought the best way for us to what the best way for us to watch a voice is to be married when we watch them no I was saying no I was mostly saying the best way for us to explore boys together is to do it through the eyes of someone who has no idea what they are do you have you ever seen an e boy or you ever seen a boy tick tocks or anything um no I have scrolled through tick-tock a little bit and I and I saw like one that I was like maybe this is our boy thing everyone's talking about what you think I thought he was like really hot let's let's open let's quickly urban dictionary and eat what is Google search boy and see what the [ __ ] comes up okay a boy who has black painted nails skates wears black clothes and chains and beanies and have their hair parted down the middle and they're usually really pale oh my god this is perfect did you wear this on purpose or just good it's kind of just like a bunch of like kids that jacked kpop style and now like use it to you know as a thirst trap okay so what we're gonna do is I picked out a bunch of these are handpicked by moi I had to actually find these and like that and no I didn't actually this is you'll see already started what the [ __ ] is in their mouths well we made grills out of gum wrappers loll which I mean come on that is pretty no that's funny shall we Rick Dees a knee I hate it I say that I hate it it gives me the heebie-jeebies like no other thing I just I don't understand all like the this [ __ ] like that yeah that's like the most common [ __ ] facial [ __ ] to do on tick tock it's like the smile and roll your eyes back like that they're like little bobble heads but they are good at doing wow it's like this like look at that what is that what does that look it's just weird cuz like their parents are like in the other room oh yeah for sure can you boys turn it down in there we're trying to watch American Idol alright you know what at a certain a certain point it's like yeah I do realize that this is this is two fully grown adults making fun of children but then it's like you know I don't even know how I'm gonna justify this oh I can their parents are too scared to tell them that they look stupid so two other adults have to say it oh okay well so we're dissing their parents now - yeah holy [ __ ] you can't be a good parent it's pretty common now every [ __ ] kids doing this [ __ ] if my kid dares to look at me like this I mean it's gonna be it's getting younger and younger so by the time we have kids it's gonna be like 4 years old when I start doing this [ __ ] their very first smile ever is gonna be this alright let's move on to the next one I ate it these guys to me they look like like what boy bands in 2040 what the members are homeboy [Music] oh my god it makes me like nervous hitch I'm like nervously itching watching like I'm scared he freaks me the [ __ ] out these kids scare me what's crazy is that this is what school now is to do is to do this like when I was 16 it was like come over in this wake videogames right now it's like come over and let's act hot what did you and Jaden do today oh we just were just hot in front of a camera for a little bit we did this my kid told me that's like if I was like showing your videos and then he showed that to me I'd be like you're never going to Jaden's again what is this you're even doing anything how do piss it out like not creative it is just do a flip or something what the [ __ ] is this you're just standing there smiling okay listen it's gonna go one two three four five stage graphic dogs why is one dress for winter and one like in Hawaii makes zero sense where do they live I don't know Mars he's like what do you thinks gonna happen he's gonna go what the song is I'm a flirt so he said this he's trying to be a nerd in that first part yeah it's pretty [ __ ] dapper literally the black pants dude look at me is such a [ __ ] nerd psych wait why I don't know what it is about the [ __ ] smiles that that creeped me out but they're just so over exaggerated I'm the lion you're the prey oh no I don't know if that's the best analogy to use no it's truly not I'm a grown woman and I'm scared that was terrifying yeah I know this [ __ ] thing but why what is that what is it it looks like you did twenty too much Molly that's not a bug it looks like when you do this show and I'm like somebody to help that guy where's the medic tail looks like this now people are gonna be like hi are you from tik-tok yeah I'm gonna stand next to a guy who's just rollin to R to Coachella next year just go alright moving on this guy is mid orgasm I tried to hop on the trend lot of these dudes all look like Lego dude why does it this is what it looks like when you have a perfect jawline are you [ __ ] kidding me just leave your shirt on see the difference though is he's like a fuck-boy like sports guy he's not like an e boy I feel like I think he falls into the Jacques [ __ ] boy he's a J boy he's a J boy let's see what else we got why don't you look like you should be in [ __ ] awesome powers okay see [Music] if I knew that the Aaron Carter hairstyle was going to come back I would have just kept it I used to rock that [ __ ] I will obey all your commands oh Jesus [ __ ] this is my boyfriend Quinton wait what this dude's name is actually Quinton yeah this generation of kids were just named to be [ __ ] tick tockia boys yeah Quinton sounds like it's a computer chip like what chip you got oh I got the Quinton for what literally what the [ __ ] was that a cool transition was cool yeah when it started I was like where's this going yeah I think just take us so many places when Quinton's kind of known for a storytelling yes so then when you did this and it was like from from the mirrored version I was like yeah that's why he's so good totally and then like the jaw clenched yeah yeah it's so subtle though yeah it's so subtle that's what's good about it it's like it's not yeah exactly it's like he's just accidentally being handsome yeah [Music] like what what is this no is this hold on it say you're not gonna do that wait poor poor kid okay I'm gonna tell you something right here and right now he doesn't have it he doesn't have a tough critic I'm saying I'm telling you a critic quit Quinton was born with it this guy this guy wasn't a coin I know Quinn's watching this right now it's being like yeah [ __ ] damn right Cody cool I stole your girl this the [ __ ] way they pull the hair back to us with that claw and it just flops right back come on I need to get back in the shower my hair is not soaking out today I have a 15 take off the bail oh my god I thought this was Quinton Quentin's twin brother Oh George [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that I'm not buying it he doesn't have the orgasm face down yeah what do they all start like this this one's so good so [ __ ] good I don't know this uh this almost is like an audition like self tape read the caption it's 1959 you see your crush at a party or you're too nervous to talk to her huh so you recollect yourself outside I mean come on this is a problem we've all had that I've done this problem exactly I had 1959 yep I had to do this I like that he gave us a year just to really make it all come full circle yeah he's born in the wrong generation yeah the only [ __ ] thing is he's wearing a leather jacket that's it and a white t-shirt it's so [ __ ] 50s that's crazy well it's 1959 actually [Music] or use that move yeah listen George I think you got the part buddy I think you got the part you could really see like genuine rage at the beginning yeah yeah a little too real at the beginning yeah yelling at his parents and they don't let him sell the ticket dog passed 10 p.m. hang on let me try yeah Wow innit you had me fully engaged no I know okay well I got one go okay 19:59 okay you walk into a strip club okay one of the strippers bites your dick off that's my tech-talk name now [ __ ] fifties boy I'm gonna go smoke a cig um yeah I'm dating [ __ ] 50s boy ever heard of him this is awesome these [ __ ] point of view yes that's my biggest problem with all these are there's no story yeah there's nothing for me to to sink my teeth in new you know besides their abs damn alright well I think we what do you think now that we've really delved into the boy into the world of a boys I'm kind of scared for like the sixteen-year-old girls of the world because they think that like this is high what are you 16 year old girls like when we were 16 what did they think was hot like Zac Efron but not Zac Efron like yeah these guys might have like dark hair and blue eyes like Zac Efron believed Zac Efron wasn't standing in front of his camera like hey I feel like we'd all be like what the [ __ ] is that guy fron doing is he okay I think Zac Efron see yeah all right should we make one real quick yeah but I don't want to use a song because then we're gonna get [ __ ] copyrights singing a minor many roads and dozens I [Music] nailed the [ __ ] claw pull back the claw I said that's known as okay that was fun thank you for joining us for another episode of couples couples cringe alright point of view it's 1959 you're watching a YouTube video but it ends [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 14,334,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eboys, eboy, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: l1ndonWMjuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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