Cody Ko and Noel Miller Play Truth or Dab | Hot Ones

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hey wait wait i gotta do this to him hey man are you good are you all right mom stay with me is that god hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and welcome back to another exciting episode of truth or dab the hot one special where we give our guests two simple options tell the truth or suffer the wrath of the last app and today we welcome internet bffs and fellow short kings cody co noel miller tmg the latest single is sophia shout out tiny meat gang wherever you get your podcasts and check out the kodiko and noel miller youtube channels respectively but first a good old-fashioned game truth or dab noel cody welcome to the show this feels like a fever dream and i'm sure it's gonna feel more like a fever dream after i eat one of these can i just say this is an honor yeah and a privilege but also i'm [ __ ] my pants already out of nerves i'm so nervous for this i poured out the first one the reaper and i was coughing as it was hitting my nose so you know i can only imagine what it's going to be like when it goes in my system so cody we're gonna start with you to kick things off okay good yeah good [ __ ] start with me sure okay so you guys are perhaps best known for your work on the wildly popular that's cringe series where you do an excellent job of towing the line between the cruel and the comedy but i have to imagine that with a format like that things go sliding off the rails every once in a while besides that face-to-face confrontation with jake paul on the set of jeff's barber shop which celebrity which channel had the biggest most volatile reaction to being goofed on on the internet i would def i would definitely say the jake paul one is is is probably the most the craziest physical confrontation i've ever had that's like one of the only confrontations i've ever had physically i'm not a very confrontational person you know i'm like you said fellow short king yep so uh you know i'm like uh you know i like to use my twitter fingers you know i'm a he's a [ __ ] is what he's saying i'm a [ __ ] it's basically what i'm saying um so basically i heard through someone that i know who knows someone that laylee ponz's manager really really hates me like really hates me and said that next time he sees me he's going to beat me up or something like that or or i'm going to catch hands or something like that and uh and i think that's also the reason why justin bieber blocked me on instagram because he is friends with him close friends and i think they both really don't like me which kind of sucks because i'm a big justin bieber fan and i'm i like lele pawns too you know she's got some bangers noel i imagine that sometimes these people's fans will return fire and shoot back at you guys when you think of all the niche interest groups that you guys have annoyed on the internet over the years whose fans would you say are the most savage and want the most internet smoke like what is the hornet's nest that you've poked that's a great question basically i think the bts fandom is a one big hostage pyramid scheme you know you make one bad comment and then they get on you and then it just becomes deeper and deeper and you can't not be a fan so with that being said uh jimin happy birthday and i love bts all right are you guys ready to move on here to the next round yeah yeah so in 2019 tiny meat gang won the shorty award for best podcast also winning awards that night were the try guys vlogger ryland adams ninja and ariana grande noelle can you rank those fellow winners from most deserving of their award to least deserving of their award oh easy i love this i love this off rip i'm gonna give the try guys most deserving those guys hustle everyone parodies what they do but you cannot deny the work ethic of those guys i'm gonna give number two to ryland just because he's a vlogger and you have to have so much not give a [ __ ] to be a vlogger i'm gonna go ariana above ninja so ninja i'm ranking you number four because um you don't need it man you're good number oh also number one is bts they deserve it though yeah but above everyone else bts for sure yeah is the 1a just want to make that very clear bts is number one in our hearts and our minds yeah and then cody you know you guys as a collective i think that you've been nominated or won in every single internet award show which of those internet award shows or honors ceremonies do you think deserves the least respect like which is the goofiest out of the streamies the shorties and the webbies hey eat that wing bro get it get it in there down the hatchet oh man you know i don't want to hurt my chances of winning future awards i gotta fill these shelves with something yeah yeah and they're like so nice to you when you get there and stuff i felt bad writing the question but did need to be asked yeah but out of respect because they've invited us to to give speeches there to present awards and because i don't want to affect my chances of stalking my shelves with future awards because who knows this could you know trickle up to the grammys or something and then the grammys won't give tiny meat gang their rightful award because we talk [ __ ] on award shows so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to eat the first wing how much do i see just whenever you feel comfortable doing cody don't put too much pressure on yourself but the entire internet is watching [Music] oh yeah that's nothing you wore a sweater to this you dummy it's already starting oh my god i so badly want to put reverb on my mic and just start [ __ ] with you yeah shame that one's funny i gotta do this to him i have to do this too hey man are you good are you all right mom stay with me is that god [Music] i'm sorry i made fun of girl defined this is jimin this is no joke man all right cody good thing is we're running to the finish line here we're already halfway done with the show and you guys are obviously entertainment success stories but i know that it was a long crazy road to get there noelle i understand that it was hard for you to hop on board with the music because music for you was a chapter that you wanted to leave in your past prior to your days of doing tiny meat gang when you were a backpack rapper can you give us maybe two three bars that you remember delivering from that era yeah what's actually really cool is people i grew up with they remember that stuff some some of them remember whole songs which i um find crazy because i genuinely can't remember a lot of what i wrote i can remember it was like a battle between like a couple of my friends versus a couple of random dudes there and uh i remember this one guy there he was wearing like an iced tea type chain like it was like a big ass bike chain around his neck uh cody you good you following here you got the story right are you even speaking english yeah ah recant to me what i just said am i speaking english yeah okay so he's talking about shooting everybody at the party uh and i remember i i had walked in and i called my friends go you gotta you gotta you gotta do him so i grabbed the microphone and i i forget the first two bars but i remember looking straight at him and this dude could have leveled me like clean he was a big dude and i said hey bro quit making me laugh quit talking about them guns that you don't even have and i remember the whole uh everyone [ __ ] the bed and then after after the thing had died down i walked up to him i said hey man you know i saw jokes and i extended my hand and he he just looked away and shook his head and i actually felt bad so grown man got done by 16 year old that's funny dude cody you've described your first ever stand-up performance as being so bad and saying that you performed in a room of four people with your brain on fire right now can you give us one setup and one punch line from that set you you know which one you got to do what are you doing i can't think of anything right now so what are you what are you doing for the summer oh yeah this was actually probably one of the good jokes i said uh i've been thinking about growing my dick out for the summer and that was the whole joke [Music] dude i'm dizzy i'm like literally this feels like i've been drinking or something alright here we are in the last round so your music video for broke [ __ ] features this really smart on the nose wink at corporate overreach in the age of digital entertainment with this full-blown self-effacing seat geek interlude noel at the risk of costing you guys a future bag what is the dumbest note the dumbest suggestion that you've ever gotten from a brand sponsor and with that cheers brother oh he's going in he's joining that's a good friend right there he's joining in thank you i appreciate it i've just been suffering here alone for the past 10 minutes right now oh what the [ __ ] oh it's just the beginning strapping i actually need the milk already strap in all right all right all right all right all right do you want me to give my feelings or do you want cody to go first and i can talk after give us your feelings because i just have one more i just have one more question for cody and then and then and then it's a wrap so so please please whatever's on your mind let me know i feel like my tongue is going through like a like a meat grinder or something like it's just like pain oh oh my [ __ ] what is this man oh brother this is good right this is the feeling men get in their mouth when they have to tell the truth to their significant other oh it hurts this bad all right cody go ahead [ __ ] this cody get you out of here on this i know that you're a good friend but you got to tell us what's one thing that internet haters get right about noelle nothing can hurt my feelings go for it oh man you're going for the throat on that one i'll just say it that's like a last ditch like if they haven't eaten any wings by this point this will get one of those fuckably to wing um i already paid respect to the wonderful internet award shows that we love so much and aren't corny at all and i think i'm i'm also going to pay respect to my co-host oh quit being a [ __ ] just say it you wish i would say it i'm going to eat this wing instead oh you're a psycho [Music] i can tell you for you what is it oh this is so messed up i have a bad habit of rambling on the podcast sometimes i steamroll cody i'm just that's i'm just built that way and i'm sorry oh my god this is like pure pain yeah that's definitely the worst thing that's the thing that they get right for sure that's the worst thing i mean that's not the worst thing this is something that comes to mind all right just say it what if you got a different idea i don't care uh i don't i don't actually have it cody's just he's just a good friend he's just gonna fall he's just gonna fall on that grenade for you no i was hoping he'd say something so i could pretend to be really offended all right go ahead john i'm sorry this one's good all right guys we have reached the finish line mercifully thankfully we have reached the finish line is there anything that you guys want to get off your chest before we roll curtains and get you guys to an ice bath um honestly man thank you for bringing us on dude it's an honor we [ __ ] love you and we love your show so much and it's great to hear you interview someone in person and it's even better that it's us sean do you do this so people cry while they thank you for bringing them on the show it forever bonds us you know this experience jesus christ we're enemies for life now this is what see you at the shorties see you at the shorty awards [ __ ] see you man oh my god dude this is what they need to use for interrogations job guys great job how you feeling not like i'm dying i really feel it in my head like i'm like i'm dizzy make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly finish that chocolate milk cody and you'll be good to go you'll be good to go oh my god ah don't gotta tell me twice oh my god hey man are you good [Music] hey what's going on hot ones fans this is sean evans checking in with a very exciting announcement hot ones truth or dab the game is finally here baby what's in the box what's in the box what's in the box well the kit comes complete with 250 question cards and then here's how the game works you just go around the table you take turns being the host being the players and when you're a player you get asked a question you have a choice just like in the show answer it honestly or suffer the wrath of the last dab and take a look at this there's even a mini bottle of the last dab included i suggest you have napkins on hand you have to have some milk on hand and of course be careful be very careful around the eyes hot ones truth or dab the play at home game is available at shop.firstwe and amazon play at your own risk wings not included [Music] you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,318,807
Rating: 4.9842806 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, hot ones, hot ones truth or dab, hot ones show, chicken wings, hot sauce, hot sauce show, hot sauce interview, sean evans, sean evans interview, cody ko, cody ko hot ones, noel miller, noel miller hot ones, cody ko truth or dab, noel miller truth or dab, cody ko interview, cody ko sean evans, hot ones hot sauce, hot sauce prank
Id: n60wzgthHb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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