Worst of Buzzfeed

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Me whenever I hear the name Ryan: puts on sandals over socks, skips to sofa, flops down rYaN!! ^

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
yes welcome back today we're gonna look at one of my personal favorite companies I guess BuzzFeed buzz feed me more of that good ass content baby shove it in there that's a new slogan that I just made up for BuzzFeed we've already looked at BuzzFeed a little bit in one of my previous videos where I looked at one of their lists about what it's like to be 26 the list was as you would guess 26 items long and just crammed full of gifts so that they didn't actually have to write anything meaningful which is I mean this is how I feel about that right there Monday feels am i right anyways today we're gonna look at their YouTube channel BuzzFeed video 15 million subs 15 million BuzzFeed video is the channel responsible for the very well-known series two of the most boring dudes ever try things of different prices you've probably seen it before if not here's a little clip like awesome case for us the prepares for this episode raw berry okay whoa yeah hmm today good pie oh dear pulled the old switcheroo on them there oh ah let's see what else here this show is called chicken watch which is a show about raising a family of chickens no I don't know what it is but honestly I'm not even gonna watch it just because these thumbnails scare the shit out of me okay we should probably watch it right we're gonna find the best rotisserie chicken I could eat that chickens getting off there feel so moist on you okay that's enough of that anyways they have a whole bunch of other shows and what I'm getting at here is that they post a lot of videos like multiple a day and some of the stuff is actually good like this video where this dude shows up at the BuzzFeed offices in body paint and that's it which I honestly don't know how that was not like a serious HR violation stop staring penis I am so sorry Eric I just can't dad people are just like well your dick is like fully out but you know it's for the betterment of the company so but in between you know the good shit here and there they buzz feed us a bunch to just really click bait II just low-budget shitty videos like weird things that only makes sense to Americans sex facts that sound fake things every teacher can relate to where my teachers at I wore a cursed bracelet for a day fuck is a cursed bracelet if you wear haunted jewelry you will face the consequences just don't wear haunted shit that I don't know where you even finding haunted jewelry are you fucking like robbing graves and finally baby hater becomes a dad for a day what imagine calling yourself a baby hater I mean I can understand if you don't want kids but who like actually hates babies what up blaze here 33 and I fucking hate babies [Music] babies are wack as shit honestly they can suck my dick metaphorically speaking of course think about it dude what a babies do all the time you can't take him anywhere okay cuz your shit their own pants I've only done that one time in my entire life and it was after taking a bunch of percocets after a dirt biking accident okay what do you think the term cry-baby comes from huh from babies think about it cuz they're always fucking crying I'll fucking hate babies maybe suck taste actually though which makes me a little bit jealous that's another reason why I hate them well I ever have a kid yes I have to BuzzFeed video is the epitome of quantity over quality they post so much shit they kind of just grasp at straws for video concepts and I mean I guess it's working for them but god damn it there's just so many shitty videos on their Channel so I thought it'd be fun to take a look at like the worst of them so that being said without further ado I bring you a brand new series baby hater watches buzz feets worst videos for an entire day no I'm fucking around let's call it the worst of BuzzFeed video episode 1 let's start with this one it's called this guy eats fruit for the first time ever despite being an adult Ryan has gone his entire life without eating fruit for this video Ryan put his picky eating habits aside and tried 10 fruits this is what happened holy fuck fucking this strap in baby my name is Ryan and I've never eaten fruit it's just something that I've never wanted to do before this my parents have definitely tried to get me to eat fruit but I've absolutely rejected that I want to eat fruit because I really feel like I'll feel better about myself I'll look better so I'm here today because I really want to give it a go and I think it's gonna help me in the long run then just do it but this isn't like a food Counseling Center it's BuzzFeed if a subpar YouTube channel is what makes you finally make better life decisions you have like way bigger problems do you believe in me as my father [Music] okay look at his face right now he clearly thinks that this is like I had like a charming little thing like a little quirk never eaten fruit easily due to the table that when something has fruit on it and it gets passed around he's like oh no no thanks people are like why oh I just I don't eat fruit once what I'm extremely scared the texture kind of scares me I mean what's going on here with this pineapple what scared this isn't fucking fear factor dude you're not eating a bowl of spiders you're a grown man that's scared of a pineapple I just don't like fruit it's that simple but today I'm gonna risk it all and try some food risk it all what are you risking your shitty habits this is definitely BuzzFeed just writing in some shit to make the video like a little bit more suspenseful I guess this summer one man decides to question everything he's ever known eating croissants every morning eating probably too much meat being scared of pineapples for some reason all of those things he will have to risk it all risk everything when he tries a fucking raspberry for the first time a blueberry is that correct oh my god come on come on a blueberry is that correct I hate this video so much have you never seen fruit before cuz that would be way more of an interesting video guy sees fruit for the first time I'd watch the shit out of that I don't get it have you just you've just totally avoided like even looking at it too but people are like have blueberries on pancakes and he's just like get that get that purple shit away from me what the fuck is that thing because you piece of shit out of my face it's just a blue but I'm gonna hear it la la la la get it out of my face I don't like it already it's leaking leaking oh my god oh my god it's bleeding gross you know what that is you know what's coming out juice motherfucker your dad say at the beginning of this very video that you drink juice you're gonna tell me you've never had blueberry juice you know what actually I don't act I don't think I've had that I either now that I've said that blueberry juice is that a thing do they sell that just by itself I mean I've had it like in a like a smoothie you know or like I guess in like a in some sort of juice cocktail but I've never oppressed for ever here we go [Music] hmm that wasn't bad oh my god yeah did I just did I seriously just watch a minute and 25 seconds of this video to hear someone describe a blueberry as not bad Jess this this is content baby this is what this is what it's all about I almost gagged the first almost Scaggs keep in mind gagging is almost throwing up so he's basically just saying oh my god I almost almost did something that would make this video more interesting he's like a BuzzFeed article in human form great I know it's a fucking great thank you oh my god oh I've never wanted to punch someone in the face more than in this moment you just cursed out a guy who had the decency to high-five you for eating a blueberry which by the way you had to confirm that that's indeed what it was he swallowed his pride and he walked up to you and said good job buddy proud of you yeah and then you cuss at him and then he cuts it in half that was like you bite into it and it's just like an explosion of glorification very well said my friend is this a mango I like that it doesn't have seeds or eggs or anything eggs this guy truly does not know what fruit is I was telling my friends I was like I really think I'm gonna connect with mango on a different level and that's not what happened today we were rooting for you mango oh where we were we we love a fully grown man that thinks fruit lays eggs pineapple is so extra like can we just take a second to talk about this okay yeah pineapples are so extra go off I did it I just tried ten food Wow this could open up new possibilities of trying new foods with different textures this could open up new possibilities like eating fruit and like knowing what a blueberry is now finally I can talk about blueberries with people because I know what it is now there's a dude behind the camera with an apply sign for sure also let's just how fucking BuzzFeed is this office since celebrity heads pasted it on the wall nothing but respect for our presidents right and look at this look at this this is his desk Ryan he works there someone came over I was like all right guys we need a video today has anyone I don't know Ryan you had like don't hate don't you like not like fruit or something maybe we can have like have you sit down eat a mango or something he's like what the fuck is a mango yeah this is perfect come on back let's do this truly just an awful video but it's almost good in how bad it is right cuz at least we can sit there and make fun of it these next videos are just bad that's it they do a bunch of these lists type videos where they'll just list a bunch of facts shocking facts about your favorite foods facts you're gonna Google because you won't believe us strange movie facts you might not know let's watch sex facts that sound fake [Music] just on a correlation between apple consumption and a better quality of sex life well Ryan's having pretty bad sex then this video is the embodiment of laziness it's just fucking stock footage with shitty facts about sex just paste it on top just no explanation on the facts at all just and they're not even good number 9 both men and women fake orgasms Wow whoa what I mean like it men definitely do I can understand that but women I don't know you know I don't no way there's no way there's no way that when what no not with me at least not no way number 10 some people's buttholes just fucking fall off randomly this is called spontaneous butthole evacuation syndrome and it happens a lot in Norway whoa that one's crazy maybe because it's so cold there or something no that was actually mine that I just edited and quickly because that's how easy it is to do this this is exactly what someone at BuzzFeed could have done with these shitty facts that probably aren't even true all right let's move on to one of their recent videos it's called divorced couple looks at wedding photos this is kind of a trend I see what BuzzFeed oh they'll just take something that's popular and just fucking ruin it like in this video they're obviously trying to capitalize on the whole hurt Bay genre of content just trying to tug at the heartstrings a little bit but they just do it in the most obvious and exaggerated way and in doing so they just make their whole audience sad as fuck why did you want to do this video I wanted to find a way for us to be friends again this isn't like marriage therapy this is BuzzFeed keep that in mind that's a better lender that things things were good and will be again thank you for being here and being you and not just walking away same thanks for sticking it out with me and wanting to still be my friend and making sure I was okay when I got back yeah okay okay okay men fuck man super pumped for the next one called owner looks at pictures of dead dog for six days straight alright guys that's gonna do it for this episode of worst of BuzzFeed I'm gonna end it with these exciting clips of people eating ranch on pizza for the first time because as we all know pizza is fuckin mood big honestly I think what I'm experiencing it's a really good just bread dipping sauce if you had some like garlic bread some cheesy garlic bread then you've got yourself a time that's absolutely what it is then you got something the bread in the ranch the bread in the ranch branch makes a good dipping sauce for bread I'm so happy that this video exists Thank You BuzzFeed you know what else ranch is good on chicken wings celery those really small carrots you know talking about the fuck what are those things called baby carrots they're called baby carrots you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 7,711,589
Rating: 4.961441 out of 5
Keywords: satire, buzzfeed, reaction, eating, try, worth it, feed, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: o-A6YeV7QnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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