The Kombucha King

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Am I the only one blown away by what he looks like? I totally pictured some hippie old guy who lives in his van even though he’s rich off his company

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tinkertana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had no idea this guy owned that kombucha company, I drank it all the time, never even read the β€œGT’S” part!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PastelEmma πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow. That's some cold energy right there

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlanketOnAStick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here's the actual video. Creeeeeeepy. And incoherent. And creepy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rootsvelt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those hosts are just obnoxious though. The Spartan podcast has an honest interview with him. I found it just by googling GT Dave after watching this video because I knew nothing of the guy until this. And he seems a lot more normal in the video below.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ganjias2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy is definitely weird but I wholeheartedly support keeping it from becoming the new soda. Which I see other brands doing under the guise of β€œhealth drink”. Sugar is enemy number one in our society with diabetes possibly being the downfall of this country.

Never seen one of his GT’s drinks with more than 8g of sugar per serving. The ones I drink are 4-6g of sugar (per 8 oz serving). Mad respect. Loyal customer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChiefLoneWolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/actuallytommyapollo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone watch the video, expecting to see a look into the whole company and kombucha tea making process? This is just about Dave as a person. I don't really care about that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to us wincing call me Pete wince because today we're wincing I don't even know what at this one's a total surprise to me yeah so look have you ever wondered what it's like to be inside the mind of a genius yeah perhaps you've wanted to know what it's like to be a billion kajillion err okay off of the food industry the Tony Stark of Kombucha how about that Oh No yeah really yeah oh I can't wait for this killing the Tony Stark of Kombucha okay except gay okay oh you know what actually I do have something I got to mention before we get into it oh yeah yeah I want to thank the wonderful people at seat geek for sponsoring this video see geek is a wonderful ticketing app that aggregates tickets from all over the internet to find you the best tickets for any live event they score the tickets from 1 to 100 hundred and so you can you know exactly how good the seat is you can see a map of the venue so you know exactly where you're sitting all in all it's a fantastic experience yeah you can use it to get tickets to our live shows coming up in Canada in August Winnipeg Edmonton Calgary oh we got one more up Toronto Fargo Fargo oh yeah yeah one more right Des Moines oh there it is there it is des Moines I mean so yeah as a silent Des Moines have no s yeah so download the C key gap in the app store and you can use my code code Eco to get $20 off your first order alright let's sum this when we hop into it yeah let's do it the kombucha billionaire looking to save the industry from its cell from its self oh yeah that sounds dramatic yeah what is the kombucha industry like I'm high wising it's shut the [ __ ] up hi Tony Stark of kombucha here I'm here to solve the problem Avengers so move the [ __ ] aside thank you very much I mean right away this looks like somebody's lair doesn't it so get some crazy masterminds no mountain top I mean lair not only does it yeah it looks like a villain fortress yeah it also looks like a like a place where they do like Porsche photo shoots yeah like does not exist in 100 Bristow pian future homes yeah some girl wearing like a chrome helmet yeah weird chrome a bathing suit like what year is this I'm definitely a perfectionist so if everything is going really really well but maybe one thing is not that's all I focus on oh yeah we couldn't tell you're a perfectionist by this [ __ ] yes a symmetrical home right here that that is the last man he had sex with and he encased him in chrome is frozen him there it is really like it's like scaly minimal yeah like there should be like a fountain or something I think this is what Kanye was going for but Kanye's just not crazy enough yeah yes it still feels homely yeah I feel like his bedroom is just like a chair with nothing else in it and you walk in and you're like a meeting and it's just sitting there would you like some cambogia from the Campbell Joe moat I believe that perfection is not a real thing but the pursuit of perfection certainly is is his name's GT Dave he's like the fast version of Dave he's the GT model of Dave's he's turbo they're his older brothers name is Dave yeah and they named him Dave GT they're like he looks faster yeah and then they got then his young youngest brother he's a little bit smarter and more I can obviously he's Dave Eco hybrid I mean he's definitely been modded I can tell he's had some work yeah just a little bit I mean he's smooth his [ __ ] look at that forehead dude that's crazy not a single wrinkle in that mode just one kind of vein popping out yeah that's a villain [ __ ] right really is man when I started kombucha there was no such thing I believe that kombucha would not be where it is if it wasn't for those humble beginnings that I experienced in the 90s what the student actually invented kombucha and damn it I don't know what kombucha is actually made of it's like fermented like bacteria yeah so his spits like how they just vats of his spit everyone is drinking his spit yeah if I could look like that I'm drinking the [ __ ] out of that this is a nice little piece of information now every time like I you know have a kombucha with somebody yeah you know GTD they've made this actually sounds like a wrapper GG Dave and over the 25 years that I've been making raw kombucha we really have paved the way [Music] you actually feel like the world is on your shoulders oh my god dude oh my god this could be a [ __ ] this could be a steal from a Marvel movies right oh yeah dude this is um this is after avengers endgame like what if you just whip that around it's not a dog it's like some weird I think it's an owl yeah that's what I thought when I first saw it I was like this [ __ ] holding an owl that's the coldest thing I've ever seen he's just standing out it's rare that I feel that I am on top of the world it's a wrap the rest was just taken several shits in the [ __ ] corner of his arm [Music] these are the only two people that ever disagree with me this fool is so rich he actually just has minecraft in his holy [ __ ] look at oh yeah look at that try and look at that for more than like five seconds Jesus Christ I am a creative person and I am not your typical entrepreneur I'm not your house is so dope yeah it is pretty good it's cold though yeah it is you think you'd ever feel like this is home it feels like it's a museum like you or the Getty yeah that's true I don't think I don't feel like you'd ever like sit down that couch your back ah you sit down like this you try to guests come over there like oh my this is [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah oh this is a beautiful Oh everything everything cement I see the world through very different lens I believe when you color outside the lines really give yourself permission to be different and to celebrate that difference this fools got so much money this is like he just owned [ __ ] that is beyond us I'm saying like that that is definitely bazillion error furniture yeah yeah how could you ever look at that that's like a normal person be like gonna be like yeah this is what I want to spend 200 grand on this like you have to have like elevated tastes yeah and you know like it's made some special way yeah yeah only three yeah it's made from like [ __ ] elephant [ __ ] mm-hmm it's like a metaphor for everything he's done in his life it will just never know we're just like looks like it kind of like a black blob yeah is that a hole is that all can you [ __ ] that oh that's cool man can you [ __ ] it do you ever [ __ ] it this is advice like to just regular people those houses dude like oh whoa you got like a giant flashlight hey I'm stuck man justtake since touch even just cold without even wincing a little bit so please daddy yes his eyes tosses in the garbage so when I invented dum Lucia it was a there's only one cook in this kitchen there's only one person in this kitchen this is the loneliest [ __ ] frame is doodle ever yeah he also lives in like in an Ikea display set yeah these chairs have never been moved now it's only this one has been moved like like ever these are display chairs they're glued to the table cuz he knows no one's gonna come over that's weird you can't pull these out it's not designed for guests oh my bad [ __ ] every other person I've seen that has like a health start up there a [ __ ] nerd about food idea well people and we just want to be changing the way we're doing things this is the coldest [ __ ] yeah on earth yeah your drinks kombucha cuz it's good for you it has health benefits and this fools like it's like the Elon Musk of [ __ ] beverages he's that yeah he's the opposite like his house runs on diesel like it's like polluting the environment cause he's a kingpin he's like I just invented this [ __ ] to make money off of granola people I was raised in bel-air went to private school in Beverly Hills my parents at very early age in my life took me to India to see a holy man named Sai Baba and then I got bit by a spider and and I started feeling weird and I just had this ability it was certainly the polar opposite of being in Los Angeles where everything is about physical appearance and materialistic things yeah you definitely don't care at all about that no you definitely have a very Eastern way of living my god yeah for sure it was more about your purpose what contribution you're making in the world how you are helping people my parents believe the food could be your medicine as well as your poison and that's why I've poisoned every bottle that's been sold in the last 10 years and only I have the antidote I've drunk a [ __ ] ton of to do it was in the early 90s that a friend turned them on to a kombucha culture and then they started to share it with friends and family and then I started to notice that people loved it but then would always come back and be like so it was hard to make it myself and that was the first kind of cue that kombucha was very special his rings I said this dude looks like Xerxes from 300 yeah totally scary as [ __ ] that'd be so funny if his voice was like yeah just like that yeah yeah bro all right yeah you just make the kombucha I'll come back tomorrow and that although people didn't really know what it was they were really gravitating to it and then the second is when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and then it helped my mother and that was just like the clouds parted and I had this like vision of this needs to be shared with the world that's so [ __ ] cold he only has kombucha in his fridge only his own [ __ ] that's so dope that's like you might've made a guess at this guy's place to get some water no dude he doesn't have butter no sriracha nothing this is insane dude so he brought it from India or he like learned how to make it and yeah yeah I guess and he started like convincing people to make it he taught people about it but they said it's too hard to make on their own so they just prefer to buy it from him huh so so hold up wait you [ __ ] stole that [ __ ] yeah that's not your sample fool I've heard that before it's messed up dude GT Dave's first big song and then from there just grew the positive word-of-mouth the love and that people started to have for what kombucha is and what it represents no one works in this Factory either yeah he's single-handedly running the company all by himself no overhead every penny goes into his bag became the driving force within me there are times where it feels lonely yeah yeah I can tell dude seriously man a single [ __ ] person in there invite somebody over it's like hey come check out the factory it dudes too far gone you can't make friends at this point yeah I guess yo just the first step hey what's up bro what's your name GG dude the show I'm gonna get a drink I'll be right back to where health and wellness has become quite the gold rush that you have a lot of people and companies entering the space with one purpose only and that's to make a lot of money and they'll cut corners they'll disparage you they'll step on you they'll demonize you but in the end I always he's got like a villain gaze that's he does yeah so what unfortunately is happening currently in the market is your seen kombucha trying to become a new-age soda which is just a sparkling flavored something and as long as I'm alive I'm gonna fight that with every with every fiber in my being with with every single weapon I have in my arsenal Ambuja is not a soda they will know it is not just a sparkling something mother from cancer it's frustrating it's kind of like watching a world that you created slowly catch on fire and you're just hoping that it's not gonna just torch everything these [ __ ] Santos dude yeah but it does it does keep me up at night I must admit because you see that look he just gave in this [ __ ] is reptile tunnel this knockout right there his eyes just do the reptilian so they just blink this way the producers like it starts like walking up the walls and [ __ ] he's like up in the corner while I go [ __ ] [Music] that was like that was like one of the like loneliest videos I've ever seen oh for sure that was crazy yeah like I feel like kind of weird I mean he's not doing it right with his money I mean Jeff Bezos it's not a great guy but that [ __ ] put a supermarket in his house yeah and that yeah you think maybe there be something in this house like a bowling alley yeah something cool did you put something that doesn't look like it has a little bit more like like a little little warmth yeah something something that has like a little bit of fun in it or something like that it's a bowling alley but all the pins are chrome and they don't move yeah third [ __ ] glued to thank you throw the ball at it in the ball just shatters I don't I just feel weird I don't really know what I just watched yeah me neither I feel like I just watched a Ken doll flex on me four minutes we gotta get out of here though yeah we gotta go it's it's been the computers fermented for like two days now oh yeah yeah get out okay yeah it's time to boil it down and all right cool yeah yeah yeah so yeah you're welcome to join us if you want to live or die oh oh it's Jeff's it's [ __ ] my ass [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 12,093,111
Rating: 4.9802976 out of 5
Keywords: kombucha, health drink, yoga, gt dave, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: gVJ_yFVEO7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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