Checkin' in w/ the Hype House

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/controltech127 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I would ask this on r/trap, more likely to get an answer

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jm0067 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right i've got some pretty good cringe for us today get ready to do this oh for [ __ ] sake get ready to do that get ready to go and if you don't know what the hype house is if you have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm talking about then i just say google it you know i'll try and explain it a little bit it's like it's like a bunch of kids that are big on tick tock they rented a a big house in la uh and they all film tick tocks together in the bathroom well over a thousand tick tocks have been made in our bathroom there would be like 30 40 people in this bathroom at one time and everyone filmed in here people would come over and just would kick it tick tock bathroom they've actually been doing like a crazy press run recently uh like charlie demilia was on jimmy fallon like three nights ago just dancing up a storm you know cutting shapes with jimmy himself so seven of the members uh went on entertainment tonight to you know talk talk the talk to talk the talk did you see what i [ __ ] did there and already this is like a recipe for disaster because you know this format of these shows is already so like dated and just awkward like you know put a bunch of people in like a brightly lit ikea showroom set with a camera on a giant boom that's like swinging in their faces that they're trying to make like natural conversation and the host is like so tell me about the hype house what are you guys [ __ ] doing over there and you know they're kids they can't talk you know so it's already you know you know this is gonna be [ __ ] good already i was on a show like this one time i was i went on access hollywood like four years ago and it was exactly like this they sat me down on this hard ass couch with a host that was like really cold to me before we started filming and then as soon as they yell action she's like so cody tell me about vine what the [ __ ] is the deal with that and i had to be like it's an app you get it anyways recipe for disaster let's check it out it's exclusive we're not talking to anyone else we really like each other we just don't want to put a label on it yet all right so that clip we just played was you chase avoiding relationship questions that was a few weeks ago you're not putting a label on it and now that you're on the et set it's my job to figure out if we're still not putting a label on it where are we at all right i'm taking it as slow as humanly possible okay before i pop the question okay but we are very exclusive and very into each other okay i like that so pop what question pop the girlfriend question oh is that a question you have to pop yeah oh i usually think you wait for the engagement okay oh oh pop popped the girlfriend question right i thought sorry i pop i thought you were talking about you know pop sockets right that you guys are into those you popping mollies at all so you you're not sure but you're it's coming yeah okay all right oh the face oh that [ __ ] face he made he's like it's like a sad puppy he's like oh [ __ ] why did i just say that oh my god oh it seems like you guys are this very united family family yeah this is what i do with my family exactly this hey mom hey dad get in here [Music] come on sis hey come here grandpa and grandma let's do it family dinners get [ __ ] nasty at my place so what does it take to get in the house and what is it like living with all your friends so what does it take to get in the house uh this is what i mean though dude they're kids none of these people are like media trained how are you going to put seven of them in a set like this and ask them a question like that and expect one of them to be like well actually it's a pretty simple application process i woke up and i was like a part of the high pass really no honestly it took me hanging out with them and getting to know everybody and as soon as i got comfortable with her and then i got close with him and they're close with her yeah um we're getting there are you guys enemies no no i'm actually nick's really nice to me oh man oh man are you guys are you guys enemies are you guys sworn enemies do you guy i can you guys [ __ ] hate each other don't you i can tell everyone's really nice to me but um as soon as i got close with them thomas popped the question if i wanted to be in the high house and i was like yeah you guys are popping questions left right you guys are popping questions all over the place you got pop sockets you like uh you eating papa john's pizza right maybe you shouldn't well shouldn't be because he's racist also do you think that's actually true that's how you get into the hype house like the leader of the group this guy right here uh he just he has to pop the question to you like they're all hanging out shooting the [ __ ] in the bathroom see what i did there and then all of a sudden this dude gets on one knee tradin we've been kicking it with you now for roughly three weeks all of us here have managed to connect with you aside from zade up there but he's a piece of garbage i don't respect his opinion at all in fact i regret letting him into this house so i have a question for you will you be an official member of the hype house yes he said yes so what does it take to get in the house what are you looking for to invite someone in um for us we are looking for the right fit it doesn't take um honestly for us we just want anyone that fits with everybody if we all get along and we think they are a good fit for everybody and like connect with us as a whole um then that's when we decide over like the course of it takes like a month or like a month and a half yeah we were hanging out with larry before he joined okay so the qualifications are um according to chase you have to be the right fit you have to fit with everybody and number three you have to get along and be a good fit with everybody and number four you have to connect with them as a whole got it man what the [ __ ] happens if they're not a good fit that must be an awkward conversation like you just hang out with this kid for a month and then one day you're like all right skedaddle or maybe it's like the same as when they pop the question to be in the hype house they have to pop the rejection like whoever it is the kid getting kicked out you know he [ __ ] up the dance for the fifth time and he's like i'm [ __ ] i'm sorry i'll get it next time and chad or whatever his name is is like listen brixton i'ma lay it out for you all right dude we've been straight mobbing with you for like a month now and honestly you're just not a good fit all right you don't fit with everybody here you don't connect with us and most of all you don't fit with us and you're not a good fit so i'm gonna have to ask you to make tick tocks in your own bathroom bye yeah i feel like there's no like criteria okay besides like being a hard worker and like someone that's willing to you know like work and get where we all are and like i guess like stay motivated throughout it all and like not get distracted hard work hard work that's what it takes the darman mentality you have to be willing to put in the [ __ ] hours all day every day or you're out you can tell this chick's like a drill sergeant when it comes to tick tocks like she's like the uh coach from cheer the cheer show five six seven eight no no cut cut what the [ __ ] maddie it goes five six taser and then cabbage wave all right how are you not getting this i have to hold your hand through everything i have a [ __ ] [ __ ] and i feel like you're the gatekeeper yeah so you're you decide who's in you decide who's out have you had to kick anyone out yet yeah but today's a new day not yet but one wrong word from zade up there and he's [ __ ] out you're a little bit of the gatekeeper yeah yeah who's this water polo boy up here what are the odds that he says a single word in this whole interview i'm gonna go with zero one of the cool things about larae that is that he like has a really really bubbly personality especially online it's like oh we have x amount of dancers we have x amount of boys that are good looking we need like we like we need to go we need someone who's talented in a different way as well damn dude chad that's that was that was [ __ ] up a little bit he just you called him not good looking basically right to his face right beside him you know we have x amount of people that are like good at dancing we have x amount of people that are like good looking we have x amount of people that are like cool and fun and like talented at something and then we need people that are like you know not not that but still good looking though the hype house is right here on the e.t oh no oh no replay that replay look at his face oh he's like he's like [ __ ] why did i say that addison you're you're gonna teach me this is so embarrassing for me and i'm so old um addison you're teaching me some hit move okay okay come on stand up all right yes yes yes yes i mean we all knew it was leading up to this we all knew it i'm sure we can all picture the the writer for this for this segment being like wait what wait what if what if we did the dances what if you learned the dances on air there's no way that's not going to be face meltingly awkward there's no way okay but i'm not cool enough and so addison's gonna help me be cool right now all right so teach me teach me the moves girl [Music] she's got she's got big cool mom energy so go arm arm arm arm then straight down straight down straight down yep and then we're going to go right left right i got it i got it teach me the moves hmm i got it i got some [ __ ] i got some [ __ ] all right i got some [ __ ] tease me some [ __ ] let's go oh five six seven eight oh oh look at look at the faces in the background he's like what the what the [ __ ] was that she's like i don't know why are we here okay helicopter hands okay warm up my wrist flick of the wrist here right kids flick of the wrist turn your palms facing each other huh and then you do it are you wearing a ring that says golf yeah okay okay here we go [Applause] all right we're good let's keep going so i'm so proud of you thank you are you like 12. god i'm like okay what are you 12 is that you're supposed to say when you when someone yeah you snapped what are you 12 what are you 12 years old you snapped on that [ __ ] dude what are you 12 years old now if i want to throw it back i want to throw it back help me throw it back for a real one then they throw it back [Music] a body roll you throw it down nobody did it kelty wants to throw it back and none of you guys are throwing it back with kelty this was a train wreck it was it was a train wreck but uh you know again i don't know how it wouldn't be i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't have any i don't have any commentary for these parts because i mean it's just there's nothing i can add they could just let it play out and we just you know we're just in pain together okay i'm feeling really different i'm coming for you celebrities i'm coming for you man all right all right all right all right uh i'm done i'm done i gotta go for a walk or something now clear my head you know although i can't because of the [ __ ] virus um you know it's everywhere out there right now so i guess i just got gotta i don't know stay in and work on my body rolls anyways guys i thought you just we should know this video exists you should all be aware that this is this is on the internet right now and uh if anyone finds the footage of me on access hollywood it's probably just as awkward so again i'm not really blaming anyone here i just thought uh that this was a perfect storm and that you needed to know about this and that you know if i had to [ __ ] watch this then at least we can cringe at it together if you don't know noel and i do a podcast every week that's on a separate channel i'll leave that in this in the description and uh you know feel free to pick up some merch or something and i'm just going to end this video right now just by reflecting on the wise words of our buddy zade up here in the top right all right bye [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,571,018
Rating: 4.9768553 out of 5
Keywords: hype house, tik tok, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: eVteZtxXVdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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