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i can not WAIT for these two fools to see jakub.... that will be some quality content right there

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 125 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigcityslights πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ β€œWHATS UP, ITS BOBBY, IM THIRTEEN!!!” Love them so much πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 97 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/middleagedmetro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s up, I’m bobby, I’m 13 πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ I’m screaming, I love bobby but that was hilarious πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lina789 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

finally, some good fuckin food

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sunnyraehill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how they made Noah the creep this season like allegra was hahahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/almondtrash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

god i was so excited for another part since their videos are how i even got into this game and OF COURSE it opens with noel's save file just being missing jdflgkdg classic fusebox amiright

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chibitalex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

First time I’ve watched them and now I’m gonna go back and watch series 1 as well, they’re absolutely hilarious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gr2006 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg I was literally crying. Missed this series so much and I’m so glad that they literally clowned on every single character. No one was safe πŸ’€πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crullskandy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay! I love them. I’m so glad they are doing S2. I laughed so much already!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh my bad what's up gamers in-game it's your favorite gaming series is back on YouTube no no I know it took a while but to make up for it we got a hot spicy action-packed 30-minute episode ok we're talking guy on girl girl on guy girl on girl guy on guy [ __ ] best I'm lying it's not like that at all but it is a good time and before we get into today's episode I want to give a big shout out to see geek if you don't know what see geek is there a ticketing app that gives influencers money to buy people cars sort of very good at what they do I use them all the time they aggregate tickets from all over the web for all kinds of different events live music live sports as opposed to not live sports even live comedy you can even buy a ticket for the TMZ show in Las Vegas on October 20th isn't that crazy you see geek to buy ticket to our show how about that more importantly you can get $10 off those set of tickets if it's your first time using see geek okay all you got to do is use my promo code which is just my name Noel Merry Christmas and bam $10 off on your first set of tickets either use my promo code or click the link in my bio check out see geek man they got over 50,000 five-star reviews because cuz they're really about it's not no [ __ ] so $10 off for me to you okay let's quit playing let's get into the episode [Music] hey folks welcome to the meat show welcome to the meat show she called us daddy but we don't even know her mama she wanted this is the actual short king episode as you can tell by the fact that we look so ladies and gentlemen we got some unfortunate news by some unholy occurrence my game data and by mine I mean our game data is no more I logged in to play the game and it's just not there it's however there is a silver lining and it's a little unfortunate that we couldn't see what happened with hotel and Talia I think we're just gonna assume yeah we would that they yeah we well we would have mashed mashed mashed [ __ ] season 2 of the game just came out and we're not done Codell is coming back baby Wow and this time we're taking girls and guys we're going after everybody welcome to love island season 2 all right baby is it now the return of Codell or are we kind of started from scratch making a new character now that we have new intentions no I think it's return of Codell yeah clothes in the back yeah like a Big Brother all-stars episode yeah I mean we're coming back in the house yeah people already know us but now we're going full force yeah we're going hard in the taint whoever's taint whoever's Tate's they don't discriminate [Music] all right day one welcome to paradise we know the [ __ ] format let's just get into it let's just go out there and suck some dick right away the search for true love is never easy but for you that's about to change oh [ __ ] brand-new villa we've got a beautiful villa with all the luxury extras including a massive communal bedroom and we fill it with ten of the highest most eligible singles in the planet and you're one of them but in this game of love this one Golden Rule to make it to the final and be with the chance of winning the grand prize got to clock or clear out are you ready to flirt fight or find love or it's an end fight love my bed yeah no it's this is an or situation and all of the above choose your appearance we already know we're doing where's our bronzing tan right there she's our girl later do we get this picture I colored before know what else we got here let's go [ __ ] deep purple deep purple deep brown that's core easy isn't that a purple no really I think I think we had we got to go the green eyes I'd say yeah we want to be with us whoo we want to be striking yeah oh we can get plastic surgery before the show we don't even have to win there's no options it's just you have a nose you have a nose money now bro what it's letting you knows well as Co Del's hair straight to orange baby okay give it away should we come in with a different style oh yeah well actually know what it's season two so we got some plastic surgery never I'm saying maybe what you got a little rhinoplasty oh okay you should check her winnings yes we are assuming that we want yeah she took that cold hard 50,000 British pounds and spent it on a new septum there we are yeah Cotto i surgery and no surgery check me out is this the look nailed it what should I wear like a little lip bite there yeah what should I wear but we gotta we gotta go we got a thought we got a thought he out tiger stripes yeah let's go tiger stripes okay yeah I'm willing to spend 15 hearts on that patio bags you're on your way to love Ireland you're someone paradise is about to begin Brittany on the Jeep engine fades as you pull into the pillow you break in the bright sunlight as you step out you're finally here oh damn what is this place you say it's the villa [ __ ] I've been here before man that's the stupid face we be making oh it's the villa whoa the villa cool let's up some [ __ ] dick I can't wait to see I'll be living with another Jay pulls up to the villa a pair of expensive heels into the ground a moment the Jeep stops oh wow hi it's so nice to meet you new Islander hope I love this this like Super Smash Brothers intro yeah 26 from London retail ambassador but we much likely become a CEO voted most likely to become a CEO by who my movement her friends her herself okay I'm gonna start saying that yeah just about anything hi Cody voted most likely to have a 12 inch dick the vote it is that is the crucial part yeah you never explained in the votes of hey that's your new pickup line fellas yo it's a Travis little most likely to a get in your pants voted most likely to get up in those guts nice to meet you what's your name hon what do we want to be called [ __ ] play our music you know who we are it's that [ __ ] down code oh the old code oh I can't believe we're finally here how are you feeling I'm excited too snug the boys yep yeah now so we're letting it we're letting it be known to everyone in the house this is our goal we're here to smog sorry okay same old [ __ ] and ER it's a [ __ ] look at this bedroom oh my god right we're supposed to sleep in a bed with someone we've just met that's why I'm here I hope I fancy one of them we don't have to show oh that's why we're here me too I'm not going to come out and say that to the guys obviously I'm looking for something long-term but it's been a while since I've been on them all right you're interrupted by the sound of the door clicking open under the voices calling out what is naughty there we go that's amazing but she looks like a Twitter goth chick good whoa look at her dude bro look at that outfit [ __ ] she got a whole weed grow on her left thigh as it is crazy Loni looks you up and down oh [ __ ] she's got a whole forest a $2.00 off it is incredible the makeup is amazing I must take you ages to get ready it's kind of a go super backhanded yeah I think you say wow how long did that take you it took you a suit for a long time getting my look perfect is really important to me got like bats her eyelashes and winks how about you cut out you spent a lot of time getting ready it's so important to go all out and that pretty much summarizes everything we intend to do this season so once again this game predicts exactly how dumb we aren't huh I'm a makeup artist which means going all out is a great way to show off my skills [ __ ] does like SFX like this playing the goat face just like horrifying like the clown with the tiny lips and the eyes she puts like synthetic glare so she has teeth in her eyes guys going all out this very morning it's not exactly the best career to be voiced oh well by you coda what you do I'm a student musician charity all right all right fine fine fine we'll do it so should we do in fluent so what do I do I play games online oh [ __ ] we're a twitch streamer mystery this game really doesn't know us I know you're still looking for playing to a really good joke or perhaps two and three there are multiple slots in this console maybe we just cut shows ahead Peaks around the cone up high I'm so glad I'm not the first one here Oh [ __ ] whoa moment of silence here is another redheaded [ __ ] stepping into the arena Oh gonna yank her by her stupid-ass rapunzel head and drag her all through the [ __ ] hi come on over the new go approaches gingerly come on nice come on she's gonna be so boring dude - I'm from st. Alban social media assistant oh you're her your assistant [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess you cars didn't hear me come in did I miss any good chat uh no Hannah we were just talking about getting to know the boys I don't know about you guys but it feels like I've been single forever oh she's the weird girl take the one that's never been in a relationship yeah what ever reason why and she sucks down to the hard-boiled eggs what brought me to love Ireland I just got out of a long-term relationship things never got serious with anyone the guys I end up with always turn out - I'm really sorry tada if it's any consolation is definitely their loss I know you've already met but you're obviously a total catch I was starting to feel like all my relationships were cursed I've been liars Cheers men and think it really just means two squirts about the shave what the [ __ ] what's wrong yeah we'll do sports of aftershave what's wrong with a couple squirts I honestly thought she's waiting for Prince Charming maybe you'll find your prince this summer you're not the only one missing mister I don't believe everything in fairy tales are we gonna [ __ ] or do we relate to her she's the other she's trying to steal our sign yeah I think we got to be a little bit me girls we just [ __ ] [ __ ] we hit her with the see-you-next-tuesday what you mean oh it just seems like you might have got your hopes up a bit too on the co Costanza's I respect that shut up Wadi we're all here because we're single we should help each other for an alright guy I feel like we're doing this to be part of it that man man yeah yeah we're not I don't want to end up fighting with you guys over some man oh well guess what this season is about Lottie finding love and fights I wouldn't fight Lottie though that's the one that has [ __ ] knives yeah that's true yeah sure yeah she'll cut you yeah definitely she's gonna be the one disappears halfway through the season everyone's like where the [ __ ] and it's just the Parisians gonna be like she broke the rules what happened no he wants us all to be on the same team I'm all about putting it goes first yeah we'll lead them on a little bit you don't need girls on the show I actually do that I'm so glad you agree I think we've got to build some trust between us before the game begins oh no oh no you are interrupted again by the click of heels approaching who's next I'm Marisol whoa so that's good I'll be damned you're lick the screen oh [ __ ] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry 24 from Portsmouth Wow go ahead go ahead good I can port your mouth ah I got a I got a boat I can dock it your ports mouth right marry soul brides into the room and air kisses everyone on both cheeks that's such a pretty name thank you I see you've all met already no it's all coming we should be friends all right Marisol relax hey hey Latin mommy she's gonna do what she wants I guess so I won't compete for the sake of it but if I see someone I like she trails off realizing the other girls are watching her I didn't come here to make enemies but I'm not going to miss a chance at love because of someone else's feelings that's pretty hardcore but I kind of like it how outgoing am i I love putting myself out there oh yeah we love putting out oh yeah we do me tell you I'm having fun unless I'm right in the middle of things I agree I'm not about that take it easy lifestyle we are oh yeah Jesus I'm ah she's busy and she manages that by drinking a lot of cup Amy don't talk to me before before I've had mine he gets it man he understands that you definitely gonna talk to me I'm a grumpy baby we've been if age is that known just put the bowl yet I think it's time we find out with it Jesus I stopped this summer off Ryan idea she checks her phone goes it's time to meet the boys this five sexy men waiting to meet you on the lawn you'll take it in turns to me an entrance and pick a boy but don't relax once you've coupled up the boys I'll stay up for grabs until every go was chosen when the next go still you're on or put you back on the bench it's happening you guys what do you think I've ever yeah let body go first yeah she's the scary woman it might be easy if someone goes first for your friend barb right I guess we're about to find out the girl going first will be [Applause] good stop damn you have a heart attack on the first day I game over oh [ __ ] it's my cousin on the right five gorgeous man standing in a line and alarm jerking off Boogedy scars I'll take my time checking the more out first I'm sure they want more waiting well you did say you want to come out and suck some dick you sucked down the line one by one what is this bill this dude looks like a brick house Gary kills me thank in hello uh uh uh uh what I'm scary nice to meet you Carrie looks guys [ __ ] yeah yeah he's a big boy man crane operator yeah with his two bare hands yeah this is [ __ ] yeah I'm the crane favorite food my man's roast you know he's a mama's boy Gary looks like he works out oh yeah seems like a nice normal bloke you smaller guaranteed greens back at you you turn your attention to the next boy I still look like a software development I am Noah 25 from Romford library we know uh so we know as he says Shh that's creepy man yeah it is great screaming library I'm the librarian you see much it doesn't say anything else okay seize the quiet title mouth hi shrug well you think hey I'm doing it my views not the one for me next in line Rock a return of rust all man mentally [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of it this is the type of dude who like Rises short solo that's a fuse [ __ ] yeah and you're like I just want the number three man this is [ __ ] really with that right here was what kind of gift [Music] 21 from Belfast hubs of cocktails and cronuts food truck cooking a lion cub is his in-depth profile maybe he's our boy already good forward to back to the connection with you what's cooking good-looking we're not quite it's nice to meet nice to meet you brother and do I guess I better keep looking you turn to the next boy your line he brain yeah cornrows oh yeah he does hey he got braids okay on me bring muhfuckas yoked actually you know what I realize from the first season they always have an athlete the first season they have a soccer player that MOV this yeah I'm 22 from permanent golf pro okay mr. June in this year's men of golf calendar which we all know and love that's a favorite yeah go your local go your local win in all four major golf tournaments in one year whoa because you're a Grand Slam golf clap thanks dude I'd let him take me for a round yeah yeah maybe play my back nine nice shot who notices you looking then grins and flexes his muscles last one [Music] anime character hey gorgeous what's up its body saving the best for last were you I'm like the sweet dessert at the end of the main course of a beefcake what yeah we just it's the only one doesn't have a British accent boom top is Bobby 13 he's actually just as teenager of this shows know if they'll get the gruff in what you say crafted what does that mean does that mean is that some sort of grind yo let's go tag up the walls in the bedroom what pink lemonade I [ __ ] hate pink lemonade bunch of holes in the wall [ __ ] gamer rage skater like he's not even involved in all the show he just running around the room and everyone said like deal with him come on come on come on side just like to sit on the line share about Hollis always feeling like bales right on them oh they almost have that okay boys now get to ask you all the important question if you finally see me please step forward you wait a second and then the boys begin to move Gary step forward Gary he steps forward like this Bobby steps forward what are we stepping forward hard this spoils with choice I should ask the boys who step forward what they like about me who should I talk to Gary Gary let's the huddle you look great that always helps put them in a Brendo I'm kind of a simple guy I'm a simple guy not too good at maths I just figured you look a bit of a soul and I thought try it who should I talk to let's go Rocco do is that the offeror than in his pubes Rocco picks a pube out of his fingernail oh yeah I didn't like I think your body's super sick make a wish welcome pubic hair dandy why would you wish for don't tell me then it will go through well be what you spend on wood honestly like your body's sick oh sorry I thought we were doing a tick-tock dance I thought a competition when we stand next to each other or we go into you joking of course innovation well I've seen all the boys I guess it's time to make my choice not only just met you all but I do have to choose so the boy I want to come up with is Belleville boys all applaud you go stand next to Gary congratulations Gary I guess I'm not the big fish in the small pond anymore another Gulf Joe pond they saw skillful play though Gary grins are you hi by the way hi this is not how I usually meet people I've got to say I'm loving it so far before you say anything else the dollar bill applause open and Lahti strikes out hi boys I'm here to take your soul well again as the boys quickly and raises an eyebrow I wonder if any of you guys can handle me I'll go straight in it ask any of you that you friends who made you step forward you watch Rocco immediately steps forward while you rolls her eyes and gently pokes her tongue out at the other boys Wow it split down the middle honest I was kind of hoping to see this guy is there forward she points it Gary oh [ __ ] but I'm glad he did it Carlo and I both agree to put the girls first I'm gonna respect that well [ __ ] you are in for a surprise hmm so the car let's go blow with is I'm so sorry honey Donovan name yet it's Rocco okay Braco do with me she strides over the rock little kisses I wanted cheap what do you reckon what the [ __ ] well you know Rocco they seem like a perfect match if this was lust they won't make it one night yeah nice [ __ ] time yeah door opens and may soul walks out what of you let me get a good look at you all she shields her eyes from the Sun are you gonna choose babes I think you can learn a lot about someone's character by looking at how they present themselves she stops by brain look at how this guy is standing what could be behind him the 12 iron if you know what I'm saying oh I would say he's got more than a couple let me kill one alright so she chooses a brain gary glances at you he really seemed a good level with chattin earlier and you've met her so already wrong do you think they'll work out yeah sure they look hot together it doesn't take much to see that a good couple so it down it too then a birdie yeah yeah I'm sure person about to come out for you now are you know where the [ __ ] is my mom and I want to go home don't worry about it I know it takes me a bit longer to make an impression these scares me I hope confidence of these strikes at Brandon Villa looks around you want to looks ok if couples now I'm not just saying this to be mean but I'm here to meet the right person I mean I'll be the first to the party but it doesn't mean I'm gonna be stuck with the leftovers she walks right over to nella wishin I in vibes it's Noah it's [ __ ] glare he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks or killed looks like hopes found her guy good for her I hope it goes well for them my mind's made up the boy wants a couple of with is the pair that comes out you even think about it don't you even if we're gonna think about it you little assistant [ __ ] song Hannibal don't you [ __ ] with our man okay okay I'm really speechless loving these guys the first time I went to Staples to pick out upon me oh she's a horse girl yeah horny horse girl horny bookworm horse girl virgin there's silence for a moment nobody steps forward come on boys don't be shy she scope just look at it Rocko starts to step forward Oh Lonnie's arm goes up to stop him you you to sit lowly Bobby grins is that Ford well I'm 16 but like I'm [ __ ] down you won't fit I just didn't know if I'd be your toy see out right now you like my knight in shining armor cool good study I think so you know what's coming you know it's coming isn't they usually another person I will worry about it mate but that reckon it's gonna be anyone else for now roll away you know couples but we haven't really met each other yet exactly that we've been here before you look at Gary this is my chance to get know Gary literally better why don't I take him aside aside for a little while he's dead come with me let's get to know each other you don't beat her on a push through you well I'm into that if I'm honest - you make your way around the pool sit down in the Sun Loungers my mortise is such a weird trip coming into meeting all these ghosts it's what I've been in five minutes already I'm sitting next to most beautiful girl I've ever seen it sounds like a line did you mean that see a lot of fit girl yeah yeah yeah you see laughs it goes then we'll into it didn't get the joke it off so you picked me you notice that huh oh you know this day you're feeling dumbass oh look who's [ __ ] smart I'm sitting next to you way to go I guess we should get to Joba ask me anything I'm an open book all right dude it was such a dick before what's your network what are you looking for in love Milan are you happy I picked you what's your favorite farmyard animal yeah we just gonna be weird I think so yeah horsey we says what is really important in the owner oh yeah I regret using that now we're OK to each their own I think it's a cow that's why chose you is that just the first one you fall off pretty much I'm going to spend a lot of time on farms my name is to keep chickens and they were a nightmare so I just thought of anything that was in the chicken this is fun Massimino morning like this 20 questions what's your favorite color Etha know you're tired the one thing you change about your life weirdest place you've had sex up a tree I [ __ ] Oh tree wallow angry dare circle below oh he was sitting in the branch that's crazy yeah let's go we having a nice well run a countryside at night we sit her into a tree save her life and then [ __ ] this [ __ ] up usually they spook you run off of some reason that head stag took a real dislike to me we had no choice but to climb this nearby tree to get away and then they just kept watch well it started getting cold we hunted together for warmth one thing led to another Noba know we're looking no tree the same way since this is fun a lot of the interview ask me more just suddenly self-centered yeah this is rather fun what's your time oh that's easy my mates would say I like the girls be on the two side this would make too much of fuss about things also leather coat it puts effort into it look someone that's a bit more refined you know who really likes the front and I've been burning the past before so someone that's loyal it's an absolute must oh that gives you some idea what I'm looking for case is a brief moment of silence is the two of you look at each other he kisses you lightly on the cheek the sea is all talking about passion already I've got the pick of the boys I want to chat to whom I'm going to form first oh [ __ ] look at that our new Islanders are all coupled up but will it last Gary right pass it by huh it's going to be [ __ ] on and who's going to fall out farther the next episode of Love Arman the game has only just begun please on use and show your progress and we should probably do this you're gonna save the progress this time we don't have a [ __ ] creepy all right well sick I was a great episode 1 yeah it was they have a season 1 finale season 2 beginning I know this is episode 10 but I think going forward it's gonna be season 2 episode 1 thanks so much for watching guys check out our podcast yeah you too anywhere that podcast can be found in on patreon uh-huh yeah slash tiny me game see you guys on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 3,835,854
Rating: 4.9865546 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: uPc6pn0r0Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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