Crea Tyler is back.

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ladies and gentlemen he's back he's back baby and he's back in a big way I'm of course talking about our boy my blonde brother create Tyler the Internet's favorite disappearing act if you don't know who I'm talking about you can go watch my blue ass water video or I did another video on him that I eventually unlisted because you know I thought wouldn't that should be the ultimate irony if I did a video on his failed promises to make videos and then I made my own video unfindable King genius you cannot pin up with me but if you don't want to watch those I'll give you the gist created Tyler's like kind of like a douchey tumblr mood board as a person he's very focused on his aesthetic he's very focused on making himself seem cool huh girls fast cars blue ass water PJ's I'm a sucker for a private jet what can I say the last time I was in Miami it was probably one of my most favorite trips I've ever had how does he make money that's the main thing how does he make [ __ ] money cuz private jets in this case those things cost like tens of thousands of dollars per flight for this [ __ ] who's paying for it I want to know who's paying for this [ __ ] we're taking a three-hour pledge but the most mysterious thing about him is that once twice probably twice a year he'll just disappear he'll stop posting for like six months at a time so twice a year at six months he's gone for the whole year basically what I'm trying to say is he posts one video a year and in them he goes alright guys I'm sorry but this is the one where I'm gonna start posting regularly from now on my friends and I were talking about how it's important I stay consistent with YouTube and how it's really important that I upload every single Sunday and then he stops posting again and you're just like huh where the [ __ ] am I gonna get my private jet content my pjc but more importantly you're left wondering who can i really trust in this world the answer is nobody so just when you thought maybe create i was not gonna make another video maybe he's gone maybe he took a pj all the way to a private island and he's just spray-painting palm trees and making acai bowls just as you're thinking that you pop on instagram what's good feed what's up on the feet today boom screenshot of the opening scene to my new video holy [ __ ] wait a minute what's this blue ass water and wait a second whose tags [Music] alright well let's find out by the way he removed all of his old videos this is the only video left on his YouTube page Power Move okay it's called making of new youth project can I just right away let me just say this what the [ __ ] is saying utopia what is that he puts that logo in every single one of his videos and he never says what it is I'll tell you what this looks like this looks like the [ __ ] intro to a cult recruitment video I look at this frame right here and I'm like now all of a sudden I have this urge to move to rural Portland and grow up my pubes Oh human planet got it okay so Earth oh good okay right back to the Hollywood Hills it would not be a create Tyler video without that one drone shot of the Hollywood Hills I think that is in every single video he's made since nobody's here all of the rooms are empty you must just have a folder on his computer called money shot and in it there's just one file and it's called drone hills [ __ ] sick ass drone shot mp4 I thought the shots of all the snow and stuff like that I thought it was gonna be some cool travel vlog of like dog sledding or something now we're right back in the [ __ ] Hills I have videos of them inside outside everyone on my friend sent me videos for oh man you gotta get up here the house of hospitals piss them on they complain you miss them up they complain you get the next time they could play known to get up here know could get home [Music] okay so Danny the home landlord here is telling a story about how they had a party so big that it blocked the street so that nobody who lived in the neighborhood could get home imagine being a parent and your child is at home like waiting to eat dinner and you're like I can't I can't get there honey I know you're hungry but I can't make it tonight those chicken nuggets in the freezer mommy's gonna go do some whippits he just calls me he goes there's a package for you downstairs what is it it's in the box too many parties and make him a healthy patient what he got his ass evicted that landlord is a hater weight hating on my boy Creed Tyler he's just had well so what he's having a party well you don't like parties good [ __ ] okay so he got evicted from his place and I guess he's showing it off kind of a weird flex but okay I was watching the sounds like where the [ __ ] did he get this footage of his landlord talking about his eviction I feel like that's footage normally that'll be pretty hard to get so I did a little digging I searched Danny home landlord nothing damn it but then I searched Danny homes and cooking I found the YouTube account of the landlord who apparently owns the house and leased it to Tyler and all of his friends or crea I don't still know what his first name is it crea or is it Tyler multi-million dollar mansion in Hollywood destroyed by Buena Vida tenants oh isn't gonna be good I just got back from out south or trips just to come to this big mess this is probably one of my worst tenants that have moved out and he had to be evicted because of parties and then he didn't pay the rent for two months they just destroyed the counters another broken counter they broke the glass rail here tile right here is broken just piles and piles of trash it's just I don't know if they were dancing on it or what the chairs destroyed holes in the walls weird I didn't I wonder why he didn't include any of this footage in his video there are behind two months in rent plus all the damages but I even break a rail like that and not immediately call someone just shattered glass all over the house it's like a little bit of a hazard isn't it yo welcome to the [ __ ] party watch your step though there's like potentially fatal amount of glass on the ground so don't cut those [ __ ] arteries you guys okay let's go rage George has been here we had a professional giant $50,000 gym here as you know all my homes are furnished so when you see a big empty room you say wow where's my gym equipment what 50 K worth of gym equipment just gone what did they do with that where do you take $50,000 worth of gym equipment that's honestly like impressive what they don't understand is they signed a one-year lease when they sign a one-year lease I have to pay commission to two brokers for that one-year lease and they are committed to pain the payment of twenty four thousand five hundred dollars a month twenty-five thousand [ __ ] dollars who's paid for this [ __ ] for one year now they've left only after four months so right now they're looking at about two hundred and forty thousand dollar breach of contract lawsuit against them two hundred and forty thousand dollars oh you poor bastards oh man none of this was here no this was here they kind of decorations are these what are you doing building a little nativity scene here oh yeah it's for Christmas you know and that's why we actually moved the gym equipment out to make room for all the Sheep another broken tile pennies on the ground sick would expect nothing less from my boy ruin the wall they put this on so we're gonna have to must have had a dog in here something look at that how do you even do damage damage to a home I'm like again it's honestly just a little bit impressive just to [ __ ] up a house that much and then dip to 40k in the hole [ __ ] it on to the next one anyways let's go back to Tyler's video maybe he addresses the rent payments that are due or the damage Oh nope guess he's just dipping that's cool that works too I guess yes yes the drone shot of the hills whoa I'm getting fired up I love to see the Hollywood Hills from bird's-eye view oh you want to make it as a director to you you want to make it as a director in Hollywood why I Got News for you you want to know how you're gonna do that three words drone shots of two more words Hollywood kills stock footage of a college doe this [ __ ] is on Harvard calm what okay I don't know if this is a joke or not but is he a trying to convince us that he went to Harvard and be trying to convince us that he just browsed the Harvard homepage who does that that's weird as [ __ ] once last time you browsed your college's homepage just to see what's up see what's going on read the blog oh we're getting a new [ __ ] dining wing in 2024 cool I just feel like college dimensions in the position he's in where I'm stuck in college I don't want to be you I want to travel yeah man I want to travel and like [ __ ] get tattoos and focus on what my real passion is tumblr [Music] right okay yeah okay cool so you get evicted you're 240,000 dollars in debt so the solution of course is to move to New York City one of the most expensive places in the world who's paying for this [ __ ] and you know gee it just brings up the question who's paying for this [ __ ] I I have friends in New York that pay like four K a month for like a bathroom and that's it did you sleep on the toilet and he's got like a separate bedroom and [ __ ] who's paying for it [Music] this dude sound design is crazy it's like in every scene there's loud-ass buses driving bys wind for some reason of dude playing violin I gotta start doing that way more in my videos for sure [Music] some merch company we just got duped into watching a 6-minute merch ad whatever I mean at least we got some sick drone shots of the hills so yeah I guess he goes through its like a bunch of footage of his clothes being made and then it ends with this oh wait a minute wait a sec is that a PJ oh yeah confirmed that's a private jet I'm fired up again baby in collaboration with visit Antarctica wait what so what this is like a brand deal with the continent of Antarctica Affleck's we gotta check out this clothing line I assume so you got a hoodie here 175 dollars I guess somebody's got to pay back that 240 K cuz that kind of makes sense honestly t-shirt for $90 Jesus Antarctica limited edition premium t-shirt official Antarctica map on right breast new youth logo on left breast so this is weird I don't understand did Antarctica spot like is this actually a collaboration with them I don't even does Antarctica have a tourism board and are they doing shirts or that I don't so confused let's check it out always got posters new youth NASA limited edition print in collaboration with NASA NASA you collaborated with NASA for this poster you're you're trying to tell me that NASA took a break from [ __ ] space to do a 30-dollar poster with you okay well yeah that stuff can wait that stuff can't wait let's let's work on this this guy like this kids vision let's see I want to see what Instagram is saying about this [ __ ] someone says NASA copyright strikes soon which that's exactly my thoughts oh but then he replies and he says public domain winky face oh oh is it no approval for use of the NASA insignia will be authorized when its use can be construed as an endorsement by NASA of a product or service so technically it's public domain but by saying in collaboration with so you definitely broke the law so is the Antarctica Flag is that public domain oh holy [ __ ] wait a minute that's where I recognize the Saint utopia logo is the [ __ ] logo for the UN which I'm assuming is also public domain so he's using public domain logos on his clothing and then claiming it's in collaboration with those things that's like weirdly genius but also lying at the same time so he's using this imagery of Antarctica in like the cold and the snow and whatever to sell $300 parkas look I'm not saying he didn't work hard on this brand it takes a lot of work to put all this [ __ ] together and launch an actual company so props to him for that and I will actually like some of the designs I'm just saying Tyler you should stop doing shady ass [ __ ] dude just use the Antarctica logo if you like it don't claim it's a collaboration with them if it's not visit Antarctica doesn't even exist that's not at Google it that's not a thing you crazy create Tyler [ __ ] I can't wait to see what he posts next spring [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,522,076
Rating: 4.9832993 out of 5
Keywords: crea tyler, creatyler, pj, private jet, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: D_mfqG5IXDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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