Couple's Cringe: 21 Year Old Me

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welcome back to couples cringe everyone today is a very very special episode because today were reacting to me this is a video of me from eight years ago 2012 so I guess some tick-tock went viral like the other day about my history I went to college and everything and so people were searching it and this video started getting recommended on everyone's everyone's page so I've gotten like a [ __ ] ton of tweets from people watching this video and it's gone up like 300,000 views now in the past couple days and so I thought we might as well you've I've done this before I did this video three years ago I reacted to this by myself yeah but I figure you haven't seen it and so I want to be the one to show you this my pops up on your feet yes I'll just give a little pretense I just flex a little bit I'm not gonna flex them you should be proud of I'm very proud of I think I do enough flexing in this video I think I haven't watched this in a long time either so I don't know but I just remember it being unbelievably cringe okay so I wrote an app senior year of college that went viral and I ended up selling it and so I thought I was hot [ __ ] at the time mr. tech boy the next Zuckerberg apparently and so I did this interview with this tech blog that's now probably not in business anymore and for some reason this video is still up and so I let's take a look at me can we yeah read the the bio the video 21 year old Cody that's my last name that's I'm gonna censor that though you can do it's it's on Google you can find it who's hit photo captioning app hit the top of iTunes App Store is looking for a gig in Silicon Valley okay what's next no one will find out you ready and are you ready are you ready to meet the 21 year old me so ready my cheeks hurt [ __ ] here we go okay arms gonna play me what's gonna press play alright okay so just press play yep so I'll just go ahead and just press the play yep so yeah you want you want to do hit the spacebar I promise I'll still love you after I watch this do you okay then I feel more comfortable let's do it you're 21 years old you just moved out here from from North Carolina you're actually from Canada originally but you went to school you just graduated from do it was at the top of the App Store she's got the can I talk to manager haircut on 5,000 look at those highway Bob highlights she looks like our names Bob Bobby Bo BBI what did you create I'd kept that so I created it in February and they were March actually and it was like what's with the zoom in on my face doesn't do me any favors in fact look at this that's what they used as the thumbnail as a personal project sort of thing like I just wanted to you know improve my skills with the iOS SDK why am I talking like this I'm not like I feel like you're like trying to be smart and oh clearly but you're so naturally smart look at this so you know captioning photos is not a new idea you know it's been around for a long time but I thought I'd just do it better and I'll do it you know frictionless he's gonna do it better you guys know I'm gonna do it frictionless that's not even a word I thought I sounded really smart in this I remember thinking like oh yeah frictionless that's a good word to use there I feel like maybe I should just toss in frictionless somewhere and it'll just immediately bump me up to the next level please you know keep state don't unsub for my channel because of this and they went totally viral and I'd cut that basically automatically I used this I thought it was hilarious I thought it was honestly frictionless yeah I mean when I saw this app I was like finally someone's making captions better than me acaba and frictionless no but honestly I would did use it and I loved it I would put like captions on my dogs and stuff look at this unbelievable design - my dad actually designed this it's dare I say it friction my friction this automatically adds a caption to anyone's photos you said yeah so yeah so yeah yeah and then she said are you funny what do you think my answer to this is gonna be uh yeah I feel like I'm pretty funny let's see what I say did you create them yourself I told you he said I'm pretty funny [Laughter] you're so cute look at you you don't even know what like is gonna happen in the next 8 I just I don't even know that there's a pandemic incoming you know from like a couple friends at the very beginning like we kind of just like sat around and you know drank some beers and Calva captain sort of just took a few bong ribs folks that's comedy come on we jokes okay are you kidding me okay it was no on the forefront of memes just took a few bong where you actually were because with that picture it's funny I mean that probably went viral in itself right here this is exactly all thanks to this mr. funny man Jeff comedy like mr. cocky this I did not know that like you were definitely confident when I met you but you weren't cocky I've been humbled see it's I've been cringing at people all these years now and with knowing that this exists yeah I know you have some balls for doing so my friends help me out but I came up with most of them I to have your app be up on the App Store don't you have to have a company in order to do that or a company name or I'd have a company yeah what is it Kim yeah you have an issue you have a problem she thought she really did something yeah she was like I'm gonna crack this I'm gonna ask about his company name let's see what he has to say about that he's only 21 don't you have to have a company I think she's into me a little bit I will kill her just kidding Kim [ __ ] maybe she is did you ask for your number after am I gonna say what she did or not so you have to have a company but mr. ko was [ __ ] on it oh you know he didn't answer I was ready for that question yeah I see you have a company or an asking for a company name right you don't actually have thought the company is so bad sorry Kim you idiot actually you don't have to have a company you said that you just have to have a company name you dumb [ __ ] so actually but well I put in a name and basically the story behind that is so the name is crisp and it's a reference to one of my favorite TV shows which is how to make it in America why am i doing why am i moving my head like that why am i everything is so unnatural it's like your first interview ever you're trying to like what is how to make in America it's it was a TV show that was really good Kid Cudi was in it yeah it was a good show I really liked it apparently I named my company sorry I think it's funny the characters in the story have a denim brand and they're basically you know trying to get it off the ground China is like a little startup sort of thing so it was a reference to that but it's not really the name of your company you don't really have company oh [ __ ] off cam why does it matter Kim alright I'm a viral superstar okay well I didn't matter whether I have a company I just want to be clear here that you actually don't have a company so yeah Kim how many number-one apps do you have there was some vibing there let's see initiating right click checking provider look at this body language look at this directly icon is there any copyright issue stop talking about the [ __ ] company I'm rich and smart yeah exactly and hot yes sick jawline yep so how successful was this app or has it been can't wait for my answer to this well it's been really successful yeah well not to toot my own horn but did I say number one already so it's been really successful so [ __ ] off literally called it again I knew you were gonna say it's been really successful so it's been really successful honestly for lack of a better word really successful god this kid needs to be taken down a peg so basically like the viral nature of the content just allowed the app to take off and within a couple weeks so like when it first was in the App Store it was growing pretty slowly okay so the viral nature I wouldn't expect you to understand alright this is a tech guy thing allowed it to take off are you just saying that to yourself in a mirror image of the app is frictionless like all my friends downloaded and they were showing to their friends sort of thing it was growing like you know moderately for a little bit yeah and then all of a sudden one day it just started doubling every single day thousands of downloads every day thousands of dollars Oh what can I say frictionless frictionless how made it Twitter initially because it was really really frictionless with iOS 5 not only does that word not exist but I thought it was I thought it existed and was good enough to use twice I think it exists ok so it exists no word it's just you just love it and it's just not used that often it's just liked by people who are actually I think you looked at at the sorest before yeah this interview and you were like super easy to tweet from in the app right I think that's what had a really large effect on the virality see very large morality virality is definitely not a word it is Wow you know so many words kind of good word to know right now for pandemic yeah with the old pen deuce key so you guys can now the pandemic is really yes drop that in your threads all right you can thank me later just be like yeah yeah I don't know the viral the virality of code that seems to have increased today people be like holy [ __ ] is this dude a science it is increasing frictionlessly add more than a million downloads yeah I had that's a month ago that our head over a million so now it's now it's somewhere out for me look at that smug face yeah yeah well I really like cuz a million at this point now I have like four million so yeah a million grocery stores I'll be recognized anymore sir frictionless Bob you wanted me to watch this a million Wow yeah the good old days simpler times you know it was only a million the next step for I'd cap that so basically I was ready for that one well yeah I know what I'm gonna say it was not expecting you to ask me that but basically I'm just gonna become a billionaire I think that's kind of it you know my plans are kind of creating other apps in the same space kind of trying to expand the I cab that franchise oh wait why is your voice sound like that I don't know I don't know other apps and this is kind of trying to capitalize off the odd cat franchise what does this fit what is this French waiter fish you look like my animal crossing character it looked like a mine I'm gonna try and make it a little more social as well you know putting some discovery features in there stuff like that's just buzz word after buzz word after buzz well yeah I'm gonna try to expand the franchise by making it more social adding some sharing mechanisms discovery discovery I'm gonna make them all frictionless basically working on those features for the next few months would you consider yourself an entrepreneur because you create apps or do you think that you have to have an actual company in order to be oh my [ __ ] god came with the company questions are you kidding [ __ ] off what is your big [ __ ] fetish with companies oh you have a company camp just gonna get over it yeah Kim do you really think you're don't you well you need a company for that he has a company name it's the same thing it's crisp got it from his favorite show made it in America and entrepreneur I think I do consider myself an ox roar yeah I have I was you know raising this mentality of kind of creativity and creation creativity and the two pillars raised on what number one creativity number two creation and number three making sure always to create and number four being creative being creative having a you know an outlook on things like that and so outlook just having an outlook you got to make sure to have an outlook especially when it comes to not only creating but creation inspiration so you know I would consider myself an entrepreneur just because I don't have my own company yet doesn't mean I'm not I guess boom sparks are for yeah she owes her go whoa your eyes are rolling like a mile a minute during that one how would you turn this into an actual company what steps would you have to take or are you going to take to create a company around this are you [ __ ] kidding me Kim relax okay so I have no plans to create a company around this is more so she's dry enough now she's like really okay well I'm gonna wrap this up thanks yeah whatever thanks Corey yeah thanks for the drink bye I mean you know I plan to monetize and stuff like that so yeah she's like you're not making money right now I'm not making Wow okay now this is [ __ ] heated yeah now I'm on my side I'm on your side too what are you doing also a DJ [ __ ] yeah time makes it money DJ that all the frat parties this is true I used to [ __ ] suck man you know living frugally living room living frugally in order to make money off this you know usually people like go with the you know paid version free version model well for most people to make money you know you either go the free version or the paid version of an app so so again I wouldn't expect you to understand kind of a tech boy things all right yeah yeah yeah you'll get it of apps and you know that's something that's always really worked out so maybe I'll follow that but you know I'm so kind of thinking it Molly and over I'm trying to figure out how you evolved from here you know what do you tell Silicon Valley in terms of when you when you're when you're talking to them as to who you are and what you ultimately want to do having someone put an app in the App Store and go to number one right away is kind of like a pretty rare thing and I was laughing I was pretty lucky with that but it did it did teach me a lot and gave me some valuable insights about the app industry and so yeah yeah give me some volleyball insights about the almond tree some volleyball insight some volleyball insights I'm still crushing you with the buzz words - I want to work in that space yeah that's a very tech yeah I'm gonna why yeah I'm gonna play around in that space space of that industry dive industry yeah play around with some volleyball inside volleyball insides yeah what kind of balls are best and like net net and stuff like that Beach versus indoor she's like wait I'm sorry I face evaluable you're oh they're volleyball yeah my favorite part you're still trying to figure out really what you want to do so right now you're building yourself and you're trying to think okay well do I want to come up with an idea meet a co-founder and former grandeur company on my own what is what's your what's your the core is there a start-up out there that maybe just inspires me enough that I will you know go join them so you're kind of on the fence of which we want to go yeah I think the water the ladder was a piece of [ __ ] no you're just young yeah but yeah I guess it should this should maybe give people you know a little faith if you're 21 you know and you feel like you haven't really come into yourself yet let's say maybe you're on the fence you don't know whether you're not you're gonna work for a start-up or start a company yourself let's say that's yeah maybe one day you'll be a youtuber because I want to learn that's my objective right now it's just basically knowledge you know what I mean that I really just eat I Lopez this [ __ ] video wait when did when did that video come out when did the ty Lopez garage video come out 2015 that came out did I coin that I even said it like him you you're not acting like this is a big deal but this is a no but you knowledge you know that meme knowledge knowledge [ __ ] this is crazy this is crazy to me I might text him I have his number I may just text him that clip and be like what's up what's up yeah we ran in to say hey Lopez one day in the in the canals in Venice Gaudi we were like God that house is beautiful and we walked by him he was just standing in it giving a webinar yeah true story anyways ty for watching just know that you stole that from me okay I want to learn from I don't think I'm ready to start my own company and I really just want to learn from people who are in the industry right now and people who are successful until the point where I can feel ready to you know go out on my own or maybe stay with a company you know maybe you could become a youtuber play some volleyball you know after watching this you know a lot of these companies are going to want to scoop you up and recruit you so if you can work for any company who would you want to develop for and would you develop for someone else yeah definitely I definitely want and here which company I'm not gonna be honest a you know what's funny is I had a job at this point but they told me not to mention them so I had to pretend like I didn't have a job yeah exactly yeah you know like interest you know just like a startup that's making like an impact it also has to be something that I'm really passionate about I feel like that's you know it's truly where you get motivation from it's just being passion about the idea and just like truly wanting to pursue it and truly passionate really passionate we're just kind of all over that well no but I also think like I forgot to mention it at the end but I also think an important thing to remember is having an outlook yeah on like on things all right there you go guys there you go that's this is the old me still me but yeah I've maybe I don't know gotten better at speaking or we've all been this before if you can't look back on yourself and cringe then you're not growing I agree you're not evolving yep and you're not making volleyball insights on your past also it would it would be frictionless and you can't have a frictionless life yeah you can have a frictionless app that's good thank you YouTube really said let's embarrass this [ __ ] not gonna lie I thought it was a skid at first this is so funny anyways thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed that I didn't I did so I actually really enjoyed it and I I love Cody even more now thanks I appreciate that let's go make some friction bye but I love you guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,637,521
Rating: 4.9840059 out of 5
Keywords: couple, tech, kesley kreppel, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: mt9r-pjzG-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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