THAT'S CRINGE: Girl Defined (Part 2)

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It was so unexpected and cringy. Love Cody Ko

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

i like cody ko. He's definitely evolved from the vine world. He's really funny in Jimmy Tatro's series Real Bros of Simi Valley with nick colletti and Getter. Worth checking out

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/zcarlat 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tune in next week to listen to Hollowed Out and Air Tight regale us with more whacky tales of being huge skanks.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/ImFiction 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cody ko is funny

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/robertsacamano317 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

someone should beat that girls pink shirt to death

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/DumpsterCopier 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

I do prefer the Call her Daddy girls over the religious chicks though.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Call her Daddy Issues*

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
okay we are back back today we are back with this one a sequel our first ever cringe sequel yeah for a true sequel he's kissing my elbow I wasn't which actually is a great segue into our topic today today we're doing a girl defined - yes because we are her son now and we want him to learn the ways of not only a Christian woman but how to respect a Christian woman's know our girls are favorite - girls mm-hmm Bethany and whatever the other one is a lot has happened in their lives since we last filmed that's cringe so we thought we'd check up with them and the video in question today is one called why I waited until marriage to kiss [Music] maybe she just doesn't have lips hey guys it's Bethany and Kristen from well-defined ministries and today we are going to be talking about why I saved my first kiss for marriage she she looks like a she's dressed like a bath bomb [Music] welcome back to boy define memories we're leaving this seat open for Jesus welcome back this is Moses and Ezekiel with boy defined ministries hi today we're gonna talk about why I didn't even look at a girl until I was married to her exactly so actually as y'all are watching this video right now I will be on my honeymoon I'm not very literally be married I will be take that back for a second oh I will be on my honeymoon Bethany Beale yes I'm so excited so when you watch this I will be doing all sorts of kissing and I'm not too sure to that I'm so excited I cannot wait to be doing that kiss dude I know by feeler on this there's no there's no better like thing than you know like doing a lot of kissing oh yeah you know what I'm saying oh yeah babe you lay down you brought some you cross something you like cause you know what when I get there I'm gonna kiss you so much on the face this is Catholic ASMR I want to pray together you and me I want to bring into your mouth you hear that that's me I'm folding my Bible I actually yes I have not kissed Dave we are saving our first kiss for when we are husband and wife and that may be so weird to some of y'all yep yeah you might be like I have never heard of that nope never not once no but it's actually been a really cool thing and I'm actually that's elimination of someone who doesn't know that they made the right decision right there yeah really cool thing you read these books by some Christian authors and they were sharing about how they've met each other and they were like what if we did something so radical what if we waited until we were husband and wife to actually kiss for the first time and it was a totally radical idea this isn't a [ __ ] fortnight challenge okay this isn't like oh wait wait until marriage to kiss challenge and you get 30 [ __ ] XP yeah yeah unless it's a serious thing it is a fortnight challenge though yeah because when they kiss they unlock a new skin it's like skin like they actually unlock skin you remember it yeah I read it too before you they're like weirdly competitive yeah yeah yeah I remember I read that too I also read it in Latin when it was actually first transcribed as well yeah but you only did that because I showed you how to access Latin Diaries online so yeah well my husband and I haven't even kissed yet and we've been married for 30 years me and my husband don't even live in the same house so I don't I've never even met my husband he's a pen pal for me personally this was just a personal conviction because obviously the Bible doesn't say you shall not kiss until you get married but how funny is this that it's not even part of the religion they just did it cuz they're having in San let's just read it in a book somewhere we're like yeah yeah how crazy is that uh-huh I just thought how inspiring I did not expect this row to last as long as they arise years 30 gone you gotta get you a little something that's a de said just a little just so just a little tiny little yeah is it figure grandma like when influence like ah yeah yeah that's for my husband yeah it's like Bethenny you keep talking about this husband year you've been single for so long grandma just give me a kid ah [ __ ] we married so when I decided like hey that would be a cool idea no it's not no it's not and then you're like yeah this is a cool idea right you know they're right please someone please the next year this is feel cool right and then the next year that it was like this is cool right with the ring away her like her sanity just slowly disappearing I'm glad like it's cool it's cool thirty-one she's just like now I'm gonna get the biggest kiss come here Johnny I don't tell anyone about it and so having decided that and really having walked it out know it she's been smiling for two minutes what is going on video [Laughter] [Music] that's what that is that's what that skill is [Music] oh and really having walked it out now it's been really awesome just to see like wow I'm so excited to experience this bit of intimacy kissing with my husband on our wedding day like it's gonna be so amazing it's not gonna be amazing it's not gonna be amazing they just open mouth tongue did now kiss the bride we're like hot brass zombie kiss yeah just the opposite they don't know what to do they just do nothing yeah you may now kiss the bride are you are you gonna go we're just we're just gonna shake on it yeah love you bro they have Sonia my wife dress is sick so no matter what you take from this video we hope that you'll just be inspired to think about just those smaller as aspects I guess of Romeo's in kind of a newer way and instead of thinking like Oh like yeah of course everyone just kisses like maybe take a step back and think about it a little bit differently I wonder if she knows that sex exists like straight up no she does I am probably not dude what she's probably gonna be like her husband is gonna be like alright now that we've kisses no take you to the next step which is like what what do you mean wasn't the night off you don't know this is my dick get off get off oh honey great now we can go back to kissing I think it's really cool that you were devar doing that and you get a lot of questions about that and I know I got a lot of questions about it cuz Zack and I did the same thing and now we've been married for seven years they both did it they both [ __ ] did it so like if the world had like a big algorithm they're like balance everything out this is the balance for the suicide boys yeah suicide boys are on this and girl define is on this no no I'll show you what it's the opposite of okay my girlfriend of four years never sucks my dick or makes me calm wish I do cheat on her no your fingers should be at one point a finger should be in his ass I'm done and bye goodnight struggling to wonder like does he actually value me as a woman as a person does he want more than just sex and having a guy in a relationship before marriage was Zach who was so honoring who wanted to pursue purity who wanted to preserve intimacy for marriage but what do you do then what do you do with that person now I'll show you ready yeah [Music] if God hath marriage for us one day we're gonna get an inch away all of this just like you and Dave are actually enjoying now odds that I love that [ __ ] that's our version of a joke is if someone says something that there's someone laughs over pizza and the other person laughs and repeats it again yeah there's no actual punch line yeah and then on that wedding day and beyond like just to have at it and have so much fun and you know looking back now seven years into what people will ask like was it worth it do you rewrite it and I'm like you know something I didn't know that would happen is I don't know how to throw it back he keeps asking me you know give me that gooseneck yeah and I just don't know what he means the other day he's like throw it back for a real one and I'm like I don't underst we're just listening to new music and just now that we're married we're exploring life and having so much fun kissing so my kiss oh so much fun kids oh my god it's so much fun we put on uh sure let it burn and just kiss it all night oh yeah and is it fun it's so much fun so much fun kissing yeah yeah it's like it's like you can't stop kissing exactly also leave a comment below if you know what back shots are I have no idea what those are having a guy and building a relationship with him and seeing how much he desired to honor me physically you know a lot of girls will email us and say my boyfriend's pressuring me all he wants is sex all he wants to do is make out that [ __ ] Savage [ __ ] a horndog holy hell all he wants to do is make out what a horny piece of [ __ ] leave him mr. struck mr. struggled actually at it yeah yester horndog yeah it's a new one yeah there's a new type of guy to avoid mr. horndog yeah directly Satan's spawn wants to put his lips all over you oh he wants to kiss all the time kissing yeah baby come here yeah I want to honor your mouth yeah absolute sabda [ __ ] disgusting we're getting emails all the time Bethenny my boyfriend wants me to give him that good top I just I can't bring myself to do it just so many emails so many emails like Bethenny my book my boyfriend pulled me aside the other day and he said babe I want you to give me that Samsung spin cycle sloppy toppy and I just don't know what to do tell him wait firm hands you gotta wait two or three years I mean how full I mean heck four that's what I did before you give him that sloppy top yeah that good never in my entire life right there hey since I really wanted to get to know me and my personality on who I am on your body not just my body why did you keep Christ at the center it was amazing it developed such a noble respect for him and now that we've been married that foundation of respect to that foundation of mutual like love for one another have only deepened and strengthened so I encourage all girls like you know what once you get married you can have at it but beforehand like be cautious be careful think three times what should I not want to regret once I'm married you know maybe I'm not gonna marry this guy do I want to have all these regrets like think through it was a very simple way to say this ladies uh don't give up the goodies on the first day that's it mm-hmm that's it yep then take nine years yeah yeah finally on our wedding day yeah after nine years of relationship and how it becomes clear that you've had respect for me this whole time so now you may plant one on me it's foaming at the mouth both of us did not kiss until we got married and we found guys that we're willing to wait that were actually excited do not scare them away they were don't worry as well dude I want to meet these dudes yeah yeah that's a little creepy yeah oh yeah cuz men should be horny out of their [ __ ] mind actually just sitting with a smile I'll wait that's what I'm saying what are you thinking about I think about boobs all the time non-stop it's like boobs boobs boobs sometimes ass boobs back to boobs that's your brain okay what do we got today a lot of boobs no yeah a c4s is boobs that's that's the schedule for my yeah brains yeah you know it's funny what is he thinking about what is this guy thinking about all day printers I'm not dragging Dave along like we have to do that he was 100% on the same hate on board with you enough [Music] and when you set up good boundaries and don't put yourself in the way of temptation to be honest it's not as hard as it seems it's very good ring I've heard you say yes it's a very free because you're not like always like oh did we go too far did we do this let's go all the way [ __ ] problem after that just throw it back let him [ __ ] unload and do it one time and then you can do all this [ __ ] I don't get this I know now I know it I can't see wearing gun in their coffee thinking about it you're always thinking about like ghetto game just getting that good [ __ ] it's classy thinking about it haven't you think about prints all time and your cost you have anything they haven't put it away do not let me near that thing because I'm a [ __ ] printer is that it like does everyone kiss nope golly sorry buddy we're not married all right that's that's probably it for that I think they just said the same thing yeah over and over and over again for seven minutes straight kind of like the first video yeah exactly I think I think the way we end this is on this video called using social media in a god-honoring way I think we end with like a really good tip for us at least yeah because I'm costly thinking like how can we how can we involve God in our careers yeah I'm saying well I think my Twitter is pretty gone on yeah you're right actually - - yeah so the first one you need to ask is this ro basic will this post be honoring to God okay that's a good tip yeah okay maybe we should and this maybe by by going through maybe one of your tweet yeah drafted yeah and just run this exercise and see if it's honoring to God honoring God absolutely okay here's one mutton verb dragon my big old hog threw your ass yeah I think it's yeah I think you look a good good God like look I know there are Christian people who are committed to their faith all that they don't say [ __ ] like this yeah no they don't if there's nothing wrong with having a moral code I don't think absolutely not this to me is [ __ ] insane this is just faith unlike hardmode yeah yeah yeah well guys if you enjoy watching to Mister struggles banter about we got some good news for you we're going on tour going on tour it's alright though we're gonna say it's 800 three two one zero we're going on a tour that's right baby we're going to 25 cities that is so cool that you bring that up I think it's so awesome that we're going on tour we're going to 25 cities together so we hope to see you all there thank you for watching as usual time to go home and kiss my beautiful girl baby I wanna have a three-way the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 19,045,293
Rating: 4.9611087 out of 5
Keywords: girl defined, tmg, marriage, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: 4i6U8INdHu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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