THAT'S CRINGE: Hot Problems

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it was done let's take a [ __ ] the nerve the absolute nerve pinch it off welcome back to that's cringe everyone today I found the worst song that's ever been made and probably the worst music video - that's a bowl - because then you know the famous ones Rebecca Black yeah Friday yeah and then you have thrift shop macklemore also there's this one that I found I was walking through the forest of moccasin bread when I saw the troll boy wearing tights I don't even know what what the [ __ ] you think of this I mean I just see two people from Silver Lake anyways alright so we got those three songs this one beats all of those by far this one is called hot problems by double-take oh yeah first of all sounds like someone tuning like a like a shortwave radio yeah you know that's John you've been looking for [Laughter] Michael are you you doing something to them phoning whoa are they even old enough for us to be roasting them or are the Oh limo yeah oh my god heading to what junior prom yeah most definitely what do you do when people now what we go through all right that's the video thanks for tuning it out man we gotta go there we have two and a half more minutes of this shape that's a 1 that's what we in the biz like to call misdirection they see my blonde hair yeah blue eyes my fluctuates that thick heart oh damn she was gonna say ass you're no man who-who is filming this really I got a really I can't say the job god I'm going look do definitely guys I wanna be doing a big giveaway for guess what Noel said [Music] that like gap is so awkward we're just like you except we're hot yeah that's that honestly not even King that's on ironically one of those like Connie clear just like you but were [ __ ] hot that's so dope that's more rapper than rapper City yeah and then I'm just like you except I'm rich and beautiful yeah yeah I'm like you like we both put our pants on one leg at a time but I'm rich and I'm [ __ ] hot and I [ __ ] a lot of girls we're nice and they're like we get oh I got the butt things don't make me wait yeah we just say slow it down don't make me pretty have to be dumb I don't care about with I just wanna have fun this looks like a weird like an ugly girl in school made fun of them yeah and they called their rich parents um like we need to make a music video in a song right now yeah they put this out there going to schools I hope my god can you believe Bethany and Britney made up people some rumors say things about me funny thing is I didn't go to that party who are these people alright alright you good you keep saying people what are they talking [ __ ] about there's only 14 so they only know like 20 people so this is about some one this is a diss track yeah there's a diss track this is gonna be on the next like rap beef DVD tape back in 2012 Bethany Brittany recorded hot promises pink shots Nick Jordan Michelle Madison Madison Madison summer winter into think Silas season xylophones late [Music] [Music] thank you god damn that's so good do you think they would like like this is 2012 auto-tune fully exist hey zero excuse to have a this bad of a song six years ago why oh why oh no there's more to the bridge I'm like sick of this I just like to get in trouble now you know how people have beliefs problems how people that's just a thing hot people are [ __ ] corny like look at any hot persons Instagram male/female doesn't matter huh like they find any way to be naked and relate it to something but ass naked at a Funeral death and I like to do celebrate life and our purest forms without obstructing our bodies via cloth yo you're standing in the casket though you're in my dad's cast it but I'm making him look better [Music] I think I did an interview about this okay here ABC News did an interview with them hot problems is an overnight internet sensation hot girls under fire worst song ever but I'm glad he's talking about it like a senator too hot girls under fire is this the worst song ever more on this at 7 we knew that we couldn't actually sing yeah so we decided to go for more of talking saying yeah oh they don't they don't know there's no wow yeah critics call it the worst song ever what critics YouTube comments go to any YouTube video every YouTube video has this is the worst thing I've ever seen it's it's the people that are pissed off of this song exist the writers babies yeah yeah yeah critics say it's the worst song ever who who are the critics the writer just comes out of the roomies [ __ ] me all right so I'm Chuck's ass sucks my ass I went to Harvard [ __ ] Harvard I'm writing about huh take double take whatever Janica do you think you're hot we don't think we're not hot no no no no we're perfect hot because sex sells you wouldn't know you ugly [ __ ] no wonder you can't relate to this you're [ __ ] busted yeah we would have written saggy mom problems we wanted you to relate to this pimp hot girls we have problems too we're just like you except we're hot producers like I know yeah doing just kid we're perfect oh you like them don't you know yeah I didn't know that they were making they're having one much following that's great they have approaching 2 million views rebeccablack you know Friday Friday over 28 million come on there's no explaining that I know the Rebecca Black's the Friday Friday that's come on come on come on come on come on I want to ask you something what's up do you think we could make a worse song than this yeah hello okay now you know what Ezra by it all I got the money by it all yep okay all right thanks [Music] ding-ding-ding that's the S&P I'm collecting dividends check my 109 5c that's called money in the bank I put 91 premium in my BMW gas tank [ __ ] rich and you're [ __ ] poor did you hear me I'll say it again you're [ __ ] poor for you're [ __ ] poor before I pull up to the carwash I have a better car than you because I'm [ __ ] rich rich little [ __ ] yeah yup yeah yup uh-huh oh yeah that's right do you know how rich my ass is I have so many assets I spent half my time setting up shell companies shielding taxes I have so many Porsches do you even know what a Porsche is or multiple Porsches that's Porsches says [Music] my wife's tennis coach is having sex with her yup I'm [ __ ] rich you're [ __ ] or looking at just like you I'm rich it's [ __ ] and you're [ __ ] poor rich for this race rich poor yup lawns my accountant what's up dude okay still rich good I'll kill em thanks [ __ ] rich how I say this stuff my portfolio is senior yours is JD soft I have so much money it has to go offshore you see there's not enough room in the States for all my estates I fly your [ __ ] around on private planes eating off of Chinese place okay there mate ivory she idolizes me I have so much goddamn cash I'll buy her a new ass you see I own a plastic mining facility you fill in me just a reminder I'm [ __ ] rich rich rich you're [ __ ] before or you shop at my business is poor goodbye anyways guys thanks for watching this episode of vets cringe go check out our podcasts we do this every week every week linked in the description and we'll see you guys next time woo come on come on come on I mean you know you know you know the rebecca black's them oh yeah the Friday Friday Friday Friday yeah that's about 38 million views really yeah no explaining that Wow there is no explaining that [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 12,036,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satire, tmg, cringe, hot problems, double take, song, rap, hip hop, rich, im rich, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: OTs70baarEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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