The Dobre Brothers Solve Bullying

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the dobre brothers the Dober the Dober Dober the dope dope dope dope ray Dubreuil the david dobrik brothers one of the many sets of twins that entertain the youth on this website there's been a few great videos about them recently that i've watched and enjoyed and after watching them i've come to the conclusion that nothing i've come to no conclusions their videos are so [ __ ] weird that I can't even I don't I don't know I like I'm a dolt like a loss for words I don't know what to say about them they're so weird this is their most recent one where they pretend to buy a plane for one of their girlfriends check this out a plane for sale are you sure you actually wanna get a plane bro let's go ask the owner how much it is you know if we get this plane well we're gonna be yeah I don't know either so um we saw that this plane was on sale online mm-hmm so it's like a plane that doesn't have any wings or an engine and like the inside is all [ __ ] up how much is it going for well premiere Gulfstream so we're talking 300,000 and its prime it doesn't have wings and not operational right now but give it to you for maybe 125 and they're gonna buy it from this dude who clearly doesn't want to be in the video and who is clearly annoyed that these kids aren't taking this purchase seriously I think that's pretty good right I would ask them how we can get it to our house dude 125 Jesus pretty good right pretty good I mean yet from all the other planes I've seen on Craigslist that don't have wings or engines they're all a little bit more expensive so I think we're getting a pretty good deal here and then they then they bring the girlfriend and surprise her ready three mm-hm maybe a little crazy 2 1 boom an airplane and she's super [ __ ] stoked on the plane and then they do more due diligence as you do when you're purchasing a plane this is it is there Wi-Fi here and then they don't buy it obviously because it's half a plane doesn't have [ __ ] wings or an engine I don't think we're gonna take you but I mean as the audience we pretty much got our dicks pranked off so another W for the dopa bros in the tube filter article about them they were asked who channel has grown rather quickly why do you think that is and lucas answered we think it is because we are unique and family-friendly we do things in our vlogs that people imagine and our positive vibes are priceless priceless positive vibes okay anyways what I really want to talk about today is their music because they make music of course now I don't know why them has been in when I pass I do my dance all on the floor but their most recent song was the one I was most intrigued or hell inspired by it's called stop that let's bang this [ __ ] the song goes out to anyone who thinks they don't matter this one lets you know that you do hell yeah oh yeah yes thank you positive vibes this is what they were talking about I don't think I'm worth it guess what you are can't put a price on those vibes baby think you ain't good enough stop that think you ain't beautiful stop that think you ain't worth it stop that think you ain't low-floor stop that Willie we want better stop that making people excited you stop that give me people love don't stop that techne people's lies you can stop that [Music] god damn bro 27 seconds in we haven't even gotten to the beat drop yet and the Dober brothers have already solved bullying sadness and murder the end there he said taking people's lives you can stop that that's the last thing in the chorus that is that is rich imagine them in the studio recording this alright what else should stop oh yo what murder right that shit's whack yo that is some real [ __ ] you just said dog let's end the course with that first sure taking people's lives you can stop that boom mass shootings over I myself you as you don't let nobody I'm myself you is you don't let nobody get through are you a sailor should i because it if you your D or D you know what final just say bars bars bars yes they can talk they can hey but you stay bulletproof they make stories don't listen they realize they missin do beautiful you strong they won't be there for long oh man so many questions so many questions who are these kids did they do a casting call for this video and just the age was like 5 to 15 why are you talking like a caveman do beautiful you strong why do they look like anime Backstreet Boys because it's [ __ ] awesome and I love this [ __ ] is my favorite song in the entire world just think shoot yourself don't get my song cried - you don't gotta keep it inside plus they pauses you're worth it get back up if you won't quit keep the smile keep dreaming you can do it you deserve it you ain't good enough stop that did you stop that you think you ain't beautiful stop that [ __ ] you think you're not beautiful stop it all right [ __ ] then you ain't was it stop that think you ain't low floor stop that come on come on Armen arm what is this video is this dude wearing is that a cut off muscle t over top of an apron for all those times you get home from the gym and you need to immediately cook flank steak on the grill as videos rules do what you love don't let anybody tell you different now we strong not broken ain't got time oh [ __ ] muscle chefs going in we got a fire be very focused rolling live in moments backs are swollen lost our way but now we're home what the [ __ ] was that my dude just won Super Saiyan in the middle of his verse stop thinking beautiful stop that figure-eight was that stop that yeah yeah don't throw paper airplanes what are you thinking I wish I could live in a world with no paper airplanes stop that stop that whoever you want but it's not bad making people excited you stop that give me people love don't stop that thing even want you to stop that Wow damn I had no idea lyrics could be so powerful you know honestly I was feeling kind of down I got a party ticket this morning and I was feeling a little bit sad but then the Dober Bros told me to stop that and now I feel better and may and maybe you feel the urge to you know bully someone or help murder someone or even worse throw a paper airplane but I mean all it takes is listening to a song like this and I mean that could change your mind about things you know that's an amazing thing there needs to be more music like this and I feel like I'm in the position right now to pay forward I need to make my own song hey what up it's Cody just wanted to make this song cuz just so much Pat should have it in the world right now you know and if you're thinking about doing something bad well mrs. Freeman was not bullying knock it off racism knock it off bigotry knock it off crime knock it off robbing banks knock it off not saying thanks block it off driving tanks don't do that war is bad leader in the past don't do bad [ __ ] but you imagine the world without bad [ __ ] that'd be magic don't do bad [ __ ] but you imagine the world without bad [ __ ] that'd be savage that'd be savage that be savage magic don't you bad [ __ ] tax evasion knock it off corrupt politicians knock it off abandoning dogs knock it off bad park jobs knock it off littering knock it off oil spills knock it off there's penguins on earth that cave and walk was covered in oil that's [ __ ] up STDs knock it off cutting down trees knock it off hidden bank fees knock it off when's the blue cheese knock it off set my drugs we off that violence you gotta stop that if we stop being bad as a human race we can make this world a better place don't do bad [ __ ] could you imagine the world without bad [ __ ] that'd be magic don't do bad [ __ ] but you imagine the world without bad [ __ ] that'd be savage let me savage than a savage magic don't you guys should knock it off knock it off you better [ __ ] knock it off Isis oh oh knock it off knock it off you little [ __ ] tear Oh you knock it off [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,834,369
Rating: 4.9226985 out of 5
Keywords: dobre, brothers, lucas and marcus, inspire, inspiration, stop that, satire, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: GYb-g3g9zLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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