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what's up guys welcome to that's crusty this video is going to be really crusty that's why I didn't shave for it okay so the video in question today it's a video called you just you that's it just you you that's it just you that's it it's just called you just you you and that's it cuz it's just called you what do you think it's about oh I think it's about you me yeah no not me no that's about you yeah but you know that's why you know it's about you know it's about you let's take a look I'm sorry perfect can this be monetized oh can this be monetize oh no wait based on that fingernail I can already smell this video I could smell this video already life is so crazy like the Lil Wayne lighter flicks their life is so crazy I met you a month ago whole-food mm-hmm yeah oh man as I would expect I met you at erawan in the kombucha oh and I knew we were bound to be life partners half the people go to Whole Foods just went there because they think it's healthy yeah other half are just so far gone why I have to be with Whole Foods to me always look kind of spaced out I'm just kind of sitting there like holding vegetables and just kind of there like sunburned is [ __ ] they're having an acid flashback yeah they're just like oh maybe I want to what a horrible introduction so how do you not how do you not say that and automatically recognize that is the most cliche thing you could possibly say yeah it's like you're like a lot of 22 year old white girls living in LA and even your soul mate at Whole Foods come on now we're living together we just in the same day wait I love that flavor of organic yogurt I think we should live together that's how this works everything is supposed to be easy he's taking a piss hey man this [ __ ] hyung bro now I get it oh no no we're buying celery you're buying your thing this gotta be the least romantic nomination dude I'm like I'm kind of in disbelief like I feel he's like some meta like daddy same though we got got yeah celery you're mine I was buying celery you're buying you're buying Rosie shout out wolf food usually society said you love celery good good that's all he knows about her personality they just moved in together love tell you aren't much on the celery sticks all right did does all shout out wolf foods always love that place always loved Whole Foods certain time I was like a kid this still sounds like a mixtape damn life is crazy just shout out Whole Foods I'm in in the back sucking on some celery right now I'm saying [ __ ] around it always gave me such a warm feeling inside I knew that I would meet my soulmate Atwoods I always knew I'd meet my it's a grocery store why is your thats so random is so funny about that you always think you're gonna meet your soulmate at a place that like represents like a common character trait or like I said I'm in like like yeah yeah two of you right what's wholefoods there you have a little bit too much money to spend on overpriced food no did you have Amazon Prime I'm not gonna get with anybody who doesn't have Amazon Prime wait three days for ship and looking at weight bring people together all right who's getting fingered Oh God what are they doing what are they doing yeah heavy breathing creeped me out because I don't know if they're just like in a sauna or third actually having sex doing this voiceover I love you did he just slip it in 17th chakra he actually has more chakras because his dick is so long yeah yeah his eight sharp he's like you have the seven chakras and then he's got another seven right right the dick chop yes yeah yeah the Dockers he's also edging that's what they're doing they're edging mm-hmm they're on the brink of war yes yeah they're not letting themselves get there cuz they're just staring at each other but ass naked and that's when the best content happens yeah no yeah these people are inside of each other yeah spiritually and physically I know that it's true cuz the one one golden light fills my chest when you say that what is what is warm golden light will that mean mmm it's that good Kush yeah that's what it is yeah that's never happened with anymore are you kidding me come on what you guys are just painting painting Saturday morning painting with my baked Saturday morning just painted my girl there but with my butt crack out hey what you guys up to all we're just me and Michael are painting what are you painting our emotions okay it's just her roommate all right cool my boss is coming over see it does not [ __ ] each other whatever it is you guys do put some clothes on it goddamn clothes on I'm good press things are going good for us so happy our parents are funding our house everybody you're teaching me how to be myself right yeah I love who you are you jeez you mean that it's safe to shine yeah more fun when is it dangerous to do any of this when when is it dangerous to be naked painting each other and dancing on the beach you taught me it's okay to buy non-gmo sweet potatoes it's safe only when you're protected by a guardian oh yeah I got you I don't want my guardian angel assay yeah I got you someone please if you're looking over me give me a sign yo I got I got you beat don't worry about it I was pretending to protect myself for so long it's pretending to be less bright because people would try to suck life out of me oh wait this is why they can't breathe hey this is got a man in chokehold right there no I'm here but I know how we just buy and we just play well ladies imagine that your man looking back at you and he closes the door and he goes now we just play fun no we literally wake up in the Garden of Eden you literally wake up in the Garden of Eden you literally wake up in the Garden of Eden I don't think the Bible said the Garden of Eden was in [ __ ] Venice behind Whole Foods we're having so much fun and I just water the plants for 10 minutes as you make me smoothi-- bowls and then you and then I make smoothie bowls and your 3d colors yeah I can't I don't believe that this is really your County dude exam this is gonna be some film Jimmy Kim will come out yeah yeah yeah where are you are you all right [ __ ] we know you put this one together how can a smoothie balls come on if she said we're teaching each other like this [ __ ] isn't on the Internet it takes five seconds yeah it's on eHow on how to make it some eat a bowl put a smoothie in a bowl of granola pour it in a bowl that's literally the steps see how step one buzzer sitting a blender step to pour it in a bowl teaching each other God this is fun life is good thanks they're talking to me thanks for being here thank you for your talking I love when you talk I love the sound of your voice what are they on this is so many drugs he's crazy so many I love when you talk I love it I love it keep going I love the sound of your voice an amazing that we can speak as human beings and that guy no talking is unnecessary but also words are my love language should please just like [ __ ] speak your truth thanks fair enough I am getting that tatted on me 100% are my love language no no that's going right here bro the chess piece that you got to get the whole thing what you say again I think I know talking is unnecessary but also words are my love language should please just like [ __ ] speak your truth Thanks fair enough yeah scripture rice going right here Richard thanks fair enough such a dude just like playing along yeah yeah fair enough oh it's so crazy only makes smoothy ways I feel like I think in feelings and see this world through birds see this world to birds or see the Raven for Game of Thrones just sitting in the Whole Foods parking lot the army of [ __ ] birds around her that's why I need to like have you talked to me huh I don't know moss he's like I'm a long I have no clue what you're talking I don't know where we are oh [ __ ] all right I think we did too much Claire how many did you take yeah what was the dosage meet you fair enough like I think I'm feeling like I don't think thoughts I just feel I just feel things you feel things so hard I don't think anything ever my brain is just like maybe that's why you can manifest things so fast you just feel like he's trying so hard to play her game yeah fair enough yeah me fair enough I'm a little lost but fair enough you know like I have no [ __ ] clue you just said but hell yeah man I'm gonna speak my truth but fair enough that's the TAT fair enough fair enough fair fair in oh there we go fair enough brain is a challenge of childhood imagination that's what my brain literally is that's literally what the brain that I have I play you're so good at painting you're not supposed to smoke the incense dog no dar that's not incense what is that it's all good that's just just pack ayahuasca because that's that golden cush right there it's just crack yeah oh that makes a lot more sense [Music] oh oh oh okay this is like a meth house oh I see start paying closer attention there's like pizza boxes all over the floor and eggs oh oh we're just making fun of dude walks in with a car muffler you ate 20 bucks on this fair enough if I was still gonna everything good or good at everything I never believed that I couldn't do something might be the best artists on this planet I know straight up I'm sorry I'm sorry could we just take it back for some few seconds back to this blue [ __ ] what even is this a man shut up Kanye Picasso and Steve Jobs oh okay come on you guys make smoothie bowls and paint circles yeah yeah Steve Jobs yeah you're not one of the most savage businessmen on earth god [ __ ] you yeah why because you made [ __ ] a sign that says love out of coasters or something yeah because coconut water on the side of this screen can this get any more cliche this is this has to be faked it's unbelievable has to be unbelievable you're my favorite place they're so strong and safe Oh but under but yeah no okay cool all right sorry Ronald this video is gonna be so beautiful we sent it out it's gonna show people that soulmates are real no this just confirms that there are people have no clue what privilege means yeah that's that's what this video is convincing me oh yeah those people are real most of us cannot afford to be this delusional like we have to be like stable and in the world it must be very nice to like wake up every morning and have a trust fund and be like who needs like things [ __ ] we do we got to eat we gotta pay bills that's 90% of the world people who do things they don't want to do gave gave you that [ __ ] coconut water and these stupid things you buy from Home Depot to make your dumb art projects go off sis wait wait this isn't even best part the best part cuz cuz I was like what the [ __ ] do these people do do they like that's always my who's paying for this [ __ ] who is paying for this [ __ ] I look up their website and you'd be surprised it's not for surviving snapchat this is what they do it's a website where they help people heal their skin intuitive eating and editing photos and so and so you might think well how much does this cost is it a one-time thing or maybe it's free cuz you know this info elsewhere online is available very much for free yeah well that's the thing here if we go to the join page here you see it's $22 a month and 22 cents fair enough la is the only place where you can sell nothing then people will buy them and just look at our podcast yeah so let's send it what are we doing I'm so excited to buy in I'm just so seeking every single person that views this video is going to raise the vibration high enough for them to track there's so much that can that that only sounds like he's on Craig how fast like he spit that out and like his tongue that tied watch this is good to embrace their vibrations on and another love like holy [ __ ] man yeah so we'll get ready for that and then you can come hang out with us we'll take over this planet I just want to heal this wrong with you baby cool it's so easy just make the video here send it okay drama asked me out of it cool let's do it he's like woah oh yeah and the description is I found a human with hidden wings hmm thank you for everything baby let's heal this entire earth together through our love cuz that's all it takes really yeah it's all it takes hmm you know to soul mates I met at Whole Foods just loving each other in the whole world you know I for a night that or else the whole world goes blind you know that I was saying talking isn't necessary yeah but words are my love language so speak your [ __ ] truth yeah oh man alright guys thanks for watching by the way don't go to this girl's page and bully her yeah never on her page and every don't do any of that [ __ ] alright yeah this video it's funny in itself yeah between us is friends but you know don't don't go let her let her lover [ __ ] let her do her thing I know we're talking about mixtapes if you wanna hear an actual mixtape yeah you can listen on her shitty mixtape that comes out today today just drop today boom so go check that out this is full of absolute dingers humdingers in bangle angers yeah you're gonna really enjoy it yeah so yeah I would give it a 5 out of 5 smoothie balls yeah fair enough fair enough Darrin often alright guys fair enough let's send it you want to what do you wanna watch me out of this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 19,783,510
Rating: 4.9695301 out of 5
Keywords: you, love, romance, whole foods, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: eoCam-Us_pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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