THAT'S CRINGE: Girl Defined Edition

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These guys are great snarkers!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/k2dadub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite response to being asked if I'm religious is "I say god sometimes." That part absolutely SENDS me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Enigmaticbibliophile πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pretend-Resolution πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
  1. Always hilarious! 2. Kristen is always doing a Sure, Jan face whenever Bethany is talking.
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shankadelic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you’re ever having a bad day, this will cheer you up every time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mkhorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"That's just called being horny".

Yep, that sums up everything girl defined has ever done!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thegirlinread πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI’m a fucking ace with C# and low level programming languages”

I like that humor v v much. V much indeed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weaponizedperiods πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I laughed so hard I might have peed myself a little 😱

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Janecitta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this is so iconic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vanpireweekemd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to that's cringe ladies and gentlemen today we are tackling religion huge disclaimer we're not we're not today we're gonna look at a YouTube channel called girl defined and the way that girl defined defines themselves are just two sisters striving to be God to find girls in a culture defined world culture defined the world what else would it be the other thing that defines groups of people right when they yeah right I don't know I'm not a [ __ ] scientist I'm not a really just guy personally are you I know you could you're me I say God sometimes okay yeah like in vain or just I'd be like god I still don't know what that is that negative or positive neither okay that's enough to do this yeah yeah it's kind of cool feels cool yeah probably the best way to introduce these girls and what their channel is all about is probably just by going through the thumbnails on this on the sidebar here in the related videos so the ones we're gonna watch five powerful truths for overcoming sins how to recover from being a desperate flirt we should watch them three ways Christian girls can promote godly manhood I don't even know what the [ __ ] that means oh that's like when you get like 10 kills and quake3 that's ball boy like that's what that is I guess the way I could maybe describe their channel as they there it's like Christian rooted videos where they tackle issues that women have to deal with but it's all come all comes off very brainwashed and sexist this one is called is it okay to be obsessed with guys hey rules expect that he and Kristen with girl to find and today we're gonna answer the question is it okay to be obsessed with guys we can't watch this video why we're not girls oh is it hey girl yeah sorry guys videos I know the next month we want to tackle this topic because back in the day back in high school we were totally obsessed with guys at one point or another it looks like a [ __ ] Sears catalog it does doesn't it I remember one time a specific story where I was totally obsessed with this one guy in fact I remember seeing him for the first time and then from that point on he is all I thought about day and night yeah that's called being horny I mean that's the whole that's my whole problem with these videos yeah they're just talking about normal [ __ ] people do they're growing up yeah oh my god I was interested in a person of the opposite sex yeah that's pretty then they're like but that's a sin and we're gonna show you how to [ __ ] not do that how many girls are gonna watch this these are for no one and I remember one time we were at we were out with some friend and and we were driving and then suddenly we saw his car parked at a restaurant and somehow it was a very distant car so we knew it was Hayes and we were like there he is and I was like I wouldn't go be near him and so we literally did a massive u-turn in the middle of the street zoomed in the parking lot spied in the windows and saw that he was in there I got one thing to say about the u-turn thing don't act like you did some Bourne Identity do like some fast and furious [ __ ] third gear ebrake with the car around like they probably just slowed down you turn the car [ __ ] no so they said they literally did a youths are literally do they literally did one we literally did a massive u-turn it Wow is that a [ __ ] saying they did a literal u-turn because of a guy because of a man talk about guy obsessed yeah Wow my obsession for this guy took me to places where I did some pretty silly things what did you do you just look you just looked at him through a window that's not that weird what she just came in with something like just real offbeat you know I would follow him to class I would you know look at what kind of car I drove I gave him a personal dildo mold that he didn't want to feel for me I found a piece of his used gum in the trash and I use his DNA to recreation that I've personally coated after watching an episode of black hair no one actually knows that I am a [ __ ] ace with C sharp and low level programming languages I actually caught myself machine code to build a man just like the guy from school like what okay maybe you didn't like myself don't really become totally obsessed like going out of your way to drive into the restaurant as soon as you see a car totally your face you're telling me they are into it but did it was kind of like a process like you saw him you lot he was cute you started thinking about him more and more until eventually he just became them the thing overtaking your mind good what this is just all this is his sexual attraction that's yeah this is like she's describing like she's the first person ever to talk about this she I was obsessed I thought about guy all the time wait all the time Wow get help yeah what are you doing you're just going around all day thinking about guys ooh dude help a sick person my guy obsession didn't happen all the once it was a slow gradual process to where it was the first thought then the second thought then making an effort to be near him then doing this until eventually it became the most important thing in my life how do you think people get married like you see a man and you're like no other girl can have him that one is mine and you do [ __ ] like that yeah the same for guys do it yeah I don't want her talking to anything else there's a penis besides me I'm gonna do I'm gonna do crazy things I'm gonna [ __ ] I'm gonna take all the money in my bank account and spend it on food in one night yeah and then pray to God she calls me back so we still have a question is it okay to be obsessed with guys and honestly girls it's not okay it's not okay it's not okay no I think I think it's just you yeah it's it's just you and I think it's fine to be obsessed with guys yeah also they say guys plural and they've only mentioned that they both were individually obsessed with one single guy never going back I went off the rails like how I was literally pulling u-turns literal u-turns in the middle of the road like he's in Statham out-out I'm sorry get the [ __ ] out Anika I'm sorry here let's watch this let's watch this next one here six guys you shouldn't date court or Mary oh boy okay what is this number one youtubers yeah hey girls it's Kristen and Bethany here with girl defined ministries how do they smile like there's someone behind the camera with a gun I remember being a young girl and kind of thinking that every guy was probably pretty much amazing and thinking that oh when I grow up it'll be you know kind of easy to find like an awesome God a guy would you describe yourself as a godly man yeah I'm constantly the top of the leaderboard any videogame always an a at 18 19 20 and realized you know what there are a lot of really awesome godly guys out there but there are also a lot that are just not quite so awesome just in there it's actually pretty funny how these two right here are exactly polar opposites of us right now yeah I have learned we both have learned you know from back in your the old days back okay so guy number one that you shouldn't date quarter marry is this mister talking well you'd be [ __ ] then mister talk is also known as mr. smooth he's the guy that can say he can talk the talk now all they're talking about our real estate agents date I feel real estate agents you know you know yeah who talked about their wife like a sales trophy on Instagram yeah nice khaki suit hahaha I get you guys a table wherever you go ready and goes all the waitresses yeah hold on bethany talking about a 2-bedroom condo over there up on the hill yeah let's say let's go ahead and list i'm feeling good about this one let's go at 267 died number three that you definitely shouldn't date quarter mary is mister struggle now we all have our struggles in life right but we're talking about here with mister struggle is a guy who's struggling with big things and he always says I'm trying I'll do better next time I promise I'm gonna overcome this and I promise I'm gonna get better in this area but as his track record continues he never actually actually overcomes their struggles I love how condescending that title is what mister struggles I know you know he's he's dealing with it a tough childhood and he says that he's gonna overcome it but he just can't yeah yeah ditch ditches and ditch his ass leave him like his mother did because he's never going to become a whole man he's weak he's always gonna have a little [ __ ] I've been mister strong before guys so for example maybe pornography may be irresponsible spending maybe just not getting places on time ever mr. struggles a guy who looks at porn is late a way I'm not late he is that's what it is rubbed off on you another not like that dude oh dude not like that mister struggle over here can't keep the nasty off your mind rubbing off on your fellow men sugar gay so we highly caution you with a guy that's really struggling that's so [ __ ] up man sensor so [ __ ] oh we highly caution you for a guy who's going through some badges and [ __ ] yeah you don't want that [ __ ] baggage you don't want that [ __ ] alright you look like the type of girls who would bully me in high school yeah right you look at me childhood you guys must be so fun and bad oh god I'm gonna [ __ ] oh great mr. structure if you serious about overcoming us in he's gonna make the steps and take the steps to go find an older godly or man in his church who can hold him accountable so she's saying she's saying you're not gonna be able to help him he needs a man to help him like that's just [ __ ] sexist right up true and number four is mr. obsessed and now I've been around guys who are like pretty much obsessed obsessed with me sure it's not wrong to be loved and cherished but we're talking about a guy who is a literally obsessed with you like you are even more important than God I bet you anything if she was like honey like we have to go grocery shopping and he's like sorry I can I'm behind in the Bible she be pissed yeah sube [ __ ] pissed yeah even though that's what she wants yeah right yeah I want to do to put God before her yeah yeah sorry babe I got a god [ __ ] I got to do honey no I have to do more Bible study I'm just really struggling with Corinthians here yeah yeah I she's like what you're struggling like mr. struggle guy number five is mr. pressure mr. pressure is the guy who is always putting pressure on you to do things that maybe you know you shouldn't do areas of compromise or you're like I'm not really sure if that's the right thing and he's like come on just do it it's not a big deal who the [ __ ] do you want to date who are you it's like a like a rock who are you trying to date with Mark Zuckerberg yeah and that's what that a good guy you're describing yesterday is perfectly silent yes babe oh yes yes some do whatever you want you can't be obsessed with me all right you can't you can't put me out of my comfort zone at all don't even think about struggling with anything so what do you showing me that is soft just guy sits on the couch and just [ __ ] like whoa it's like it's a it is [ __ ] a robot just [ __ ] my interest levels are capping out at 70% I've reserved 30% data for god she's like that - that's not enough God secret decreasing interest in you raising god guy number six is mr. unsaved that's actually that's my rap name mr. unsaved sale with cuss words IV I'll be sinning left and right I mean now this is the type of guy he's cute he's gentlemanly humor me she just came when she said that other person thank God sorry I'm sorry know what happened to me right there relax adversity alright and finally we have how to be single and satisfied at the same time which summed up in one word I would say masturbate yeah right that's how to be single and happy at the same time yep hey it's Bethany with curl to fine ministries what the [ __ ] where she filming this in heaven bro this looks like a snapchat filter and today I am going to be talking about how to be single and satisfied at the same time so we're just gonna have some really you just [ __ ] your self that's something fleshlight this video should be 30 seconds this is what this video should be here what's up guys it's Cody you know while you're back with boy to find ministries today we're gonna teach you how to be single and satisfied now it starts with say yeah you know really basic then we we like to call master masterbate yeah you know you know I mean like back we're a little young a little younger so we're just gonna have some really fun single girl talk and I actually kicked Kristyn out today that's on the fire come out of her mouth actually today outside I'm sorry I'm single and there are a lot of thoughts and things that go through our minds like okay can I ever be totally satisfied as a single well this always be really difficult as single girls we have a lot of questions and a lot of thoughts running through our minds on this topic she's just dancing around what she watched it wants to talk about yeah what thoughts are you talking about here yeah looks really hard yeah you want to [ __ ] yeah the thoughts get crazier and deeper and it's so much coffee today and a lot of times I'll look at that and in my heart all kind of things like you know I remember there being a time in my own life where I was where you girls were I remember there being a time in my these videos are all like 7 to 10 minutes uh-huh they could be 15 seconds yes yeah they just talk forever about nothing yep it's just always like I get a lot of things in understanding there yeah finally jerk all these girls are just confused man they think they know everything but it's like everything they say is a contradiction it's dangerous yeah for girls on YouTube they come across this [ __ ] they're like oh wait I don't need to I guess I can't be guy obsessed most deep down my hairstyles clothes yes no keep them shits up I think a 12 year old girls be watching stuff like this yeah I think your feelings are wrong yeah that's it for this episode that's cringe you know we got a podcast wherever we do this weekly so yeah it's called tiny meet gang podcasts on YouTube patreon whatever you want to look that [ __ ] up so thank you so much for joining us yes Cody Noelle from the finest from boy to fine boy defined ministries very difficult if you know that I'm saying nothing and this is [ __ ] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 26,908,264
Rating: 4.9434605 out of 5
Keywords: cringe, girl defined, reaction, satire, noel miller, comedian, comedy, standup, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, sketch, dms, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: -DN5r0jTA2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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