Stellaris | The Prikkiki-Ti Challenge! | Full Fanatic Purifier Playthrough! Max Difficulty!

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hey everyone so just before this challenge video starts properly with the greetings and everything else I do need to say a few things firstly I make a major mistake very early on which thankfully doesn't affect the gameplay too much but it would be very weird if I didn't mention it here essentially what I have done is accidentally set the end game crisis round two times one when I was meant to set it two times five this happened because I wasn't paying attention when I restarted all of the different difficulty settings just to showcase how I was setting up the game and that I simply didn't move the slider back two times five I don't notice this until the very end and of course that means the end game threats is essentially nullified although I do make it 100 years earlier it was still an absolute disappointment at the very end now thankfully this game this challenge is more about the early game and the mid game and less about the endgame crisis so that wasn't affected in any way the difficulty of everything else is still on absolute maximum and it was a really really weird run so weird in fact have so many bizarre things happening I will be redoing this challenge in the future with a few more things to make it even more difficult so with that I do apologize for the end game simply not existing but this has been a really weird run which was super fun to record over the last few days so thank you for listening and now onto the greetings itself ok one last thing also because I wasn't overly clear with the rules and everything else is this challenge they will be in the description and in a pinned comment since I want to add to them with other ideas in the future so any challenge ideas and stellaris please feel free to tell me in the comments below I feel like you can be extra cruel with these greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to stellaris with me or a3x and of course welcome after a very long time to a brand new full playthrough episode today we are going to be trying our very best to fly as the most aggressive yet the most adorable Empire in stellaris history these are the geckos you can unleash upon the galaxy during an event in pretty much every playthrough I think they always spawn somewhere in the galaxy well it could be wrong there they are certainly often seem they're just adorable look when you release them they are fanatic purifiers you can also have the event where you just keep them in their little shell and they are also a reference to one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy species which literally artists in a bubble trapped in time now to ply this Empire correctly I am imposing one major rule on myself which is going to make this game incredibly difficult I must always be at war if it's possible I must be warring with another Empire notice sitting around gaining power and slowly building up a fleets if we can attack an empire even if it's much much in their favor we are going to be going to war we are going to try and purify this galaxy for the glory of Gekko kind and then probably turning on ourselves and start destroying ourselves but let's ignore that at the moment we're just purging the galaxy so looking at the species itself it's not the best they do get some bonus minerals but here's the thing they are also decadent so the workers which get the minerals are unhappy about it they also don't like living together and they are solitary so yeah not the strongest species in fact one of the worst ones I've seen for a while because they don't even use all of their trite points so this is all we have to begin with as soon as we have some gene technology we really need to improve the geckos now when it comes to governments and ethics I'm going with Imperial because blood cause we are militarist and we are fanatic xenophobe so loads of population growth and we can expand incredibly easily and as ships have a little bit of a bonus fire right which is further increased by the fact we are fanatic purifiers this means we can't really engage in any form of diplomacy but we do have the purification war type which means when we go to war we can simply take every single system we attack rather than having to go through climbs or anything like that and then we also have cutthroat politics which makes sense considering apparently they hate themselves as well which means our edict cost is minus 20% it's not the most pleasant species but it is adorable and that's the important thing with everything else I've tried my best to replicate the empire within the game itself so we have reptilian for ship prefix is nothing our home planet is over there there we go and everything else I think I've got correct I may have missed one or two minor things but for the most part I've got everything important sorted out so with that and making sure it's correctly saved let's go so what I would like is the endgame crisis to be 100 years earlier we are going to have a medium Galaxie otherwise would be way too dragged out difficulty is of course at maximum we have the AI aggressiveness on maximum as well and that's pretty much that white van starts one I thought I was too okay let's just quickly reset the default okay at some point I've messed around with that so let me just redo all that and I'll keep it as the defaults okay so there we go now we have everything by default and then made difficult after that so we do have more advanced starts which is absolutely horrendous it's all going to be incredibly difficult and that's going to make it even worse in games 2300 rather than 2400 yet everything is as it is and victory er I want off because I've never really liked that much anyway so let's just begin the start is going to determine the entire run and so we begin on the left side of the map so straight away how are we going to play this because we have to be at war as soon as we find another Empire we want to find the other empires quite slowly finding them early could potentially just end the run right there so what we're going to do is make sure our science ships stay quite close to our borders although we need to expand incredibly quickly to get the resources we need I don't want to find the enemies so sticking close to the borders and expanding in a more natural source of light just a balanced way in every direction seems to be the best idea although looking at our systems we have a really good choke point right there so that's nice at least our home system is really really easy to fortify straight away which is lovely better shield straight away some more unity and coilgun sadly not for now though more minerals might be more worth it I needed to cough that entire time okay so now I can talk again I've changed my mind let's go with the better Armour so we have better armor and better shield to our Corvette straightaway which is really really helpful so just make sure to survey everything around us and try to get some more planets as soon as possible and any high-density systems so systems with loads of minerals or like good stuff the question is how much should I rush into alloys because we need to be at war very early on we are going to need a very good a low production amount but if we don't have any research our Corvettes are going to be so weak he doesn't really matter if we have loads of alloys to spam them because they're going to be destroyed it's such a high right it'll be too expensive to really keep up so I'm thinking is one research labs and then straightens alloys any new worlds might then go into research with only the homeworld focusing completely on alloys after that but saying that more alloys and means we can expand incredibly quickly and discover a huge space ok first world only alloys after that we move on and train at some research and be a bit more balanced at so I'm thinking at least also my mouse seems to be breaking at the moment which is always good so with our traditions it's kind of difficult to decide between supremacy and expansion the reason is supremacy gives us a flat temps and extra fire rate on our ships which is amazing and ultimately makes the whole waging war thing a lot easier but it doesn't do us any favors for our economy expansion makes everything a lot smoother it means we're going to expand a lot quicker and we're going to get the resources we need faster I think expansion into supremacy into domination ignoring things like harmony because that's a bit too good guy ish as saying that gang supremacy early on would be fantastic just to make sure we have it when we find enemies nope expansion is just too useful for what I'm planning to do economic policy militarized and food policy nutritional plenitude at least for now happier geckos that breed faster and more allows for war even with that though they're probably still not the happiest no 52% they do not like being workers well it's not the precursor I would have chosen but there we go that will eventually give us the ability to make Gaia Worlds which is good just not really that relevant to us now looking our first leader and honestly it's not the best but it's not the worst extra tried value some mining station outputs and some citizen happiness which means that 52% happiness is with this bonus and with the extra food being consumed yeah the geckos are just not going to be happy creatures hopefully the factions are really aggressive because that means that we can make them happy very very easily it's probably safer to try and expand towards the edge of the galaxy is most likely enemies around here and here actually no for some reason I thought we were closer to the edge of the galaxy than we are it's still going to be a good chance there's someone here or here but still with these two curving around I still feel like that's a bit safer I proclaim superiority given the influence and xenophobe attraction these geckos are getting more and more aggressive by the moment and less friendly okay so there's enemies here so at least if there is something here it won't be able to get through at least for a while so realistically then this should be at choke points and hopefully this is a dead end so if there's not an empire here we're actually in a pretty good position to fortify which is surprising considering I can't really scout ahead from fear of finding other empires too early you are kidding me we are completely trapped if this doesn't go out now we are actually trapped on the upside 905 is not too strong so we can break through that as soon as you start building Corvettes but it also means we have a kind of safe haven to begin with but that's really boring that goes against the whole challenge of this Empire so don't worry once I expand through here I will be breaking through not a sitting here safely whilst the most I I will just thinking nor this system because it has an enemy in it as usual we've managed to find the rubric ATAR I think this has been in every single playthrough applied since the relics DLC it is a truly fantastic bit of content but it would be nice if some runs didn't have this world not that I'm going to complain right now though considering the relic world will give us loads of research well I've been lucky so far we still haven't found another Empire though honestly I'm getting little bit worried now it's gonna be too long I still want to be incredibly aggressive early on but we don't really have the chance right now well another enemy so now we need to break through so I think I'm going to break through over there and let's expand in this area as well we've already gone to the left quite a bit now let's go to the right that wasn't the cleanest fight since we're using mostly coil guns and the enemy had no shields that was pretty bad honestly but still all worked out in the end and I have loads of science now ready to hopefully find ourselves some new worlds some decent worlds we have had an insanely lucky start here which honestly is a little bit boring but hopefully it'll get more interesting as time goes by we have the ruined interstellar assembly here probably the worst of the ruined mega structures for us to find because this makes other empires like us more after we have a minus 1000 modifier because you know we are fanatic purifiers will kill them but will kill them with a smile so many Tomb worlds including a really good one over here tomb world tomb world and tomb world we now have the relic the last of the hive mind and with this we can turn one of our worlds into a Gaea world for 150 influence so let's do that our home world is now beautiful oh and we also get a couple of that species which we are instantly coping to destroy giving us food minerals immunity so we bring them back from the dead and then devour them wow that's a nice little bonus isn't it there a nice salad here's a question can you turn worlds which aren't already inhabited into Gaia worlds that's interesting and in fact what we could do is the next time that's almost off cooldown we could grab one of these tomb worlds because it has such good planetary features and then convert it into a Gaia at least I'm hoping you can converse a tomb straight into Gaia because normally you need to turn a tomb into something else then a Gaia I guess I'll find out just as I run out of influence lovely can still no other empires though oh hello nope sadly just you so you fellows are defending a floating tree which will allow our leaders to live longer but you're not moving towards us oh now you are because of you ah bugger you run away fleet deal with these fellows well if you weren't running fast that would have gone just fine Construction complete at least I've survived a 20 Gaea world being protected by multiple crystal fleets that's interesting at this point is gang a little bit ridiculous we still haven't found another empire I may need to do this challenge again in the future because finally an empire a little bit earlier than this is what's going to be the main challenge but still we do have the endgame crisis incredibly early and we are the fanatic purifiers with a not-so-great starting Empire still fun just freely surprising okay that's the largest fleet dealt with and not running into the others fantastic and once again the relic can be activated so let's say can I convert worlds before we get there no so I've got to grab the world first is it worth the risk running over here grabbing this world and then hoping we can convert it into a Gaea world just because is such good world in terms of its bonuses to metal graveyards which basically give us plus 20% Society research loads of mining spanx irradiated valleys impact craters loads of good stuff they're just making this all round good world and as this world over here completely filled with rare resources I think it's worth it let's find out let's go this one first as soon as we have the stuff for it there's for now it's clear out this we now have a new high executioner who has an eye for talent who is an industrialist and a reformer so unity and minerals and leader experience extra influence and extra xenophobe attraction once again well here we go yep you can indeed turn a tomb world into a guy a world that once again it comes with free snacks who all simply wished to be fanatic pacifists Wow venerable agrarian delicious which is quite for us slow breeders and communal but most importantly delicious which essentially means they give us extra food oh no only plus two if they are livestock does that mean if we're processing them or they're undergoing forced labor I don't think that bonus applies right since that's a type of citizenship well I take a type of ownership I should say oh well at least I know they're delicious I must have never played a fanatic purifier when I've had this event before normally you could get a new leader return them something else in this case kill them yep we found one of their leaders in escape pod now we've simply removed them more influence for us okay so I was honestly about to consider restarting this map the reason is look at this start it's just ridiculous but now I think I have to post this video because it is just so ridiculous I have never ever had such a safe start in any game I've ever attempted in stellaris before look at this we haven't found a single other enemy empire the closest to a dangerous thing we found is the Marauders over here which may become the mid-game crisis that's it and the problem is we'll even being blocked off here from a semi-aggressive fallen Empire in the Spiritualist empire so enemies aren't coming this way at all and by the looks of things there's nothing here because it gets blocked off which means the only way I can find another empire now is either going down here which by the way is still blocked off or go this way so I'm now forcing all of my forces this way in hopes I will find another Empire I've got to put something about this in the title or at least a start of the video because this is just insane an empire we have found and mushrooms hello hello I think if I'm another empire then as well wow you are both broken up horribly that's beautiful why well closest one to us would be you we're now at war with three empires lovely we probably will lose our main fleet but they're so far away we can start rebuilding now with earnest Oh Don there's an empire between us as well fight the horizon signal really isn't that the one which ends with the worm I mean I'm okay for this to be honest all glory to the worm oh but look I grabbed the sister but I can't get through I don't to be war with everyone wow you're fanatical purifiers Wow we're doomed glory to the worm okay I'm going to build a starbase here and start building up fleets to send the cross that's fantastic an enemy which can destroy us exactly what I wanted for Christmas Construction complete we're just being nuisances more than anything right now but isn't it beautiful hello that's your home world no that's that's the home well bear that's just occupied okay I was a bit confused there there's your home world Oh fleet goody hello we're geckos another Empire okay for now I'll avoid going to war with you as well although you're a perfect target okay we need some ground forces I mean we can actually just bombard planets since we have the Armageddon bombardment stance which literally destroys all life on the planet over time but it would be nice to have some these planets as our own oh and they are desert worlds where's that closest planet that would be you well you begin making this alarmism maybe we will go to war with these fellows I wish I found them first that perfect target the grand executioner has perished it is sad that they will not see our glorious conquest of the galaxy long live their heir who's a champion of the people and has a home in the sky and like science that very few war mongering leaders considering their title is high executioner a secondary fleet is almost ready the first fleet is currently causing some havoc because everyone else will be fighting everyone else we've come at just the wrong time for them so even though we're not all that strong I just can't deal with us right now we're like an opportunistic infection this poor fellow has a weakened immune system and we are gonna cause some havoc because of it glory to Nergal gotta fly again this is gonna hurt us quite a bit but if we take out this we can grab this oh and there's a wormhole there lovely okay they're getting ready to fight us back lovely just in time as well because my second fleet is about to arrive to help out so even if we lose this fight it's okay and we should have these active still all the bonuses and the ethics oh yeah our autocannons right now are just devastating so much damage as soon as the armors gone the hole in the shield that is so vulnerable to athletes and they seem to be losing to our station okay I mean no complaints here you did a little bit of damage at least and you are pretty badly damaged okay you go back and repair and then you can try to continue to take this area you go over here cuz clearly they're forcing us back in this section so sending that strongest fleet we're gonna gain a lot from this even if we stalemate now we've already gained all of this foothold on we're even gaining a world gala construction vessels over here soon so we can make a bit of a bridge the decimator x' were asking for piece and we are almost at 100% war exhaustion ourself because honestly most of the fights have been pretty balanced and they're now sending in a 7k fleece over here which could easily gut this entire section before I can respond okay sure so piece of you for now we continue to be at war with the combine because honestly as long as I'm grab this system which are about to which isn't the decimator z-- we have easy access here then we can grab this and this and whilst we are going to be at peace with the decimator z-- we'll still be able to go through their borders for a short period of time yeah this is fine want to grab those worlds so you now are actually to stay there because I keep on seeing force from over here coming over here as well they're not at the moment you know what never mind helped bombard go the second I move away from here as I was saying occasionally a force is come from this direction and in this case it's a mercenary group and we are not strong enough to deal with that well we are potentially because of the bonuses we have as fanatical purifiers don't always translate perfectly to fleet count sorry to fleet power so there is a potential we could just win this but I'm not going to risk that so you return to here at least you go here and reinforce them you aren't afraid are going to have to continue on your own we have a new world begin bombardment actually no need our ground forces are strong enough to deal with that all on their own begin just taking over I guess hmm that's a really weird shape for your empire to be is their empire here we just can't see we might meet another empire in a second defeat anyway you go over there take that station construction we are going to happily take over the rest of their empire see make sure to follow them not go ahead please thank you very much ah that's why isolationists if you were to grab one of these systems they would declare war on you with the fleet go okay that fleet has moved away for reasons unknown to me sure so this world here star Grove that's a lot of unity and food and minerals we're devouring I am happy with that just leave us for now I suppose get some governor's in a second once I'm done with this bliss once again no need to bombard we can just take it over so enter orbit no take over straight away XO I'd like to do is grab all these systems before they turn into neutral systems to make things a bit cheaper on us those saying that looks like the decimator x' may get there first anyway harvesting titanic life in the background whilst hopefully we can reach them in time yes stragglers are destroyed and we have some science vessels nearby Oh Chaz grex there are loads of de breeze we really really need to research from this is going exceedingly well we have grabbed the world apparently they have one more world left though over here well so I guess but a system with worlds in is what I was talking about do they bother going over there or should I just focus now on the larger enemy here I suppose really the larger enemy should be what we go after next and as soon as you can go back to war with the fanatic Bureau flyers how long 7 years we could just wait around now we are technically at war with two large empires but one large Empire and a few of its allies we could just wait around for seven years build a powerful eats and then destroy of the decimated in this time we can sort out our consumer goods issues we can start pushing some more research and I think that would ultimately be the best thing to do especially since how early the endgame crisis is going to occur so for now then just defend our borders and build up our next attack on a side boat for destroying the Titans we get this delicious Titans max agricultural districts plus eight food from jobs plus 30% only a couple years have passed and already we are now equivalent with the other fanatical purifiers in terms of our fleet power this may be the highest difficulty but apparently we have now caught up and soon we're going to be going straight after their homeworld this is gonna be a really messy war but if you win this we've essentially won accept the endgame crisis this has been a weird challenge video considering this is meant to be a challenge but it's turned out into a more traditional fanatical purifier run it begins and annoyingly we may end up losing some of these worlds over here purely because of these fellows we can't get there at least we couldn't get there because of the borders closing and well they're gonna get there first but if we're lucky we're about to take over loads of worlds from the fanatical purifiers so it doesn't really matter in the end sure we'll lose some of our civilians but I doubt we care we don't seem the type to care construction Construction complete that's you keep on splitting up your fleet so that's always the best idea just you have to lose stuff over here honest least all for the best we are building a new fleet but slowly oops hello haven't seen actual combat after it's all over I'm a good Cameron oh dear look all those fleets what yet we really are losing these clients over here there's nothing we can really do about it right now they can lose some of our ground force as well it's fine we can just obliterate these planets okay so make sure you're all on Armageddon great say hello to the surface of that planet would you have revenge later once the fleet's ready oh I've got to land you as well well I am just playing terribly right now on time our smaller Guardian fleet is now in position and already helping us out quite a bit but sadly some fleets of what got passed over here I've eliminated one but the second is going through now thankfully they are really close to us we can catch up with them and destroy them but I need to do is put one of our fleets on a defensive sort of area just here or maybe even patrolling between these two areas otherwise this is going to be taken then retake and over and over again what I really need to do is some more permanent damage I almost completely destroyed the world bringing it down to only 11 pop so 50% of it was destroyed but then I had to move backwards so yeah what we need to do is split up our fleets a bit just making sure we have just about enough to guarantee victory against any single of their fleets at the moment though we're in a really good position so yeah just a bit of micromanaging on the up side with the enemy fracturing their fleet so much it means we're constantly fighting them with us having the fleet advantage on the downside they're attacking from absolutely everywhere and because we currently don't have the tech to stop enemies going past our stations well defence fleets are really fantastic right now as I was mentioning before you stay there you go around there we need to take this to stop them from respawning here plus it is their home so that is a good target hello enemy homeworld you no longer have any soldiers here and a lot of your people are dead but now you're mine and you're going to be a Gaea world just because we don't like your continental worlds all that much that's fine just a speed up growth here there we go no got two of you oh I forgot just how many we end up putting there okay that's a mistake on my part I completely forgot you get a lot of new citizens when you take over planets for some reason I thought we only got one as in a normal colony before any upgrades yet we take that as well there we go swim grab those two and we will convert that world when we have the relic up and running again I've had to reinforce this fleet many times now we keep on losing ships just about as fast as I can make them and actually you're getting worn down now as well but still we're doing ok we've got their capital we've lost these two worlds over here we can grab them back later when we go back to war with these fellows that is a nice station ooh what mega-structure is there a ruined science Nexus now that it would like that's a problem they're rebuilding athletes way too slowly actually no not never mind okay yet you go there right now take back little bit of that space we've already taken their homeworld two of the worlds are about to take another world go and take the station which is a big investment of theirs hopefully take that world as well if we can take all of this then this has been a major blow to them how are you are continuing to expand into this area as well soon half the map will be ours well we're about to be forced out of war right now which is really annoying because obviously we don't have anyone else we can go to war with whose clothes on the fly to make any difference we currently have a peace treaty with these fellows which means also at peace with these we can't declare war on either of those and there's one other group a kind bewitch which I also can't declare war because of that same group so for the next three or four years after this war I just can't really declare war on anyone meaningful I'm still declare war on someone to cite the needs of always being a war but still peace was forced upon us though we've done incredibly well we've took out so many of their worlds that now they only have one two three four worlds left no just three I think just three worlds and that's it and then the fanatical purifiers are destroyed the problem is some of these empires are actually incredibly scary yeah superior overwhelming equivalent but then loads of better Tech's as well so we have a couple of years until they go to war then of course as soon as we can we will in that time just keep on building up the fleet and trying to figure out how I'm going to even attack them I was hoping to claim this area before the end of the war but sadly status quo is to ask well finally we have the tech to improve the geckos which is so so useful let's improve their happiness to begin with then I would love actually anything here in comparison to how they were almost everything here would be great our extra tech an extra unity right now finally getting some tech behind us would be fantastic annuities always good lifespans good specific research is a good though extra growth speed adaptability extra amenities there's so many things that I really really want but for now I think I'll go with that the geckos are evolving oh that's painful but worth it we have found the new relic oh it's this one so I've had this one before essentially what it is there we are is that we can get a small full and empire fleet they're not particularly that powerful and I might just keep on going with this to get more guy Oh world's but it is a nice option it's a shame we are the fanatic purifiers because otherwise these people would have actually liked us which would be nice okay so even though we are fanatical purifiers they now like us which means we can now go around here if they ever opened their borders will you ever open your borders to us would be nice we are the chosen apparently maybe one day we are still under our truce with the decimetres but we can indeed now go to war with the hierarchy so whilst you're warring of other people let's attack you because why not okay all of you go over there and get ready how are they going to attack us back honestly that's really the only direction they can attack us from which is great they have some forces here which are about to come hostile I think yet there we go so I guess we should do instead is get ready here they win crush that flee to take over this planet which is a pretty good planet with lots of people to purge then we can move on to this planet if we can just grab these two systems this war will be a huge success at the moment though one we trying to focus on is finally sorting out our own systems I've messed up the trade lines I've messed up some of the planets and now I'm really trying to fix those lots of micromanaging which one end up in the video finally there we go more clerks everywhere so hopefully we'll have less yet there we go unemployment is no longer an issue everyone gets to work in office poor geckos the butcher oh yeah I'll help out we'll eventually land the moment there let's just do some damage so don't lose all of our ground forces but saying that just sitting here is gonna waste that time you know what sure I believe in you ground forces then that way our army can move on out our fleet could move on out hopefully some of our ground forces survive because honestly all of the worlds here are quite weak so as long as I have two hundred-plus lively which we do move over there now we can take all of their worlds automatically sadly the butcher apparently died quite week and all habitat well lobby as soon let's see if we can take this area over here and then once we focus on the purifiers again we can try and grab at least this section and so our weird border continues to expand it is pretty weird although it's expensive wife's tired to do now is moving every single xeno over to get the reason is if we have them all in one place it'll be a much slower process in terms of purging them and a stability is still fairly high which does I believe effect purging resources it might not but either way it's still a better idea because only one is killed at a time and we have loads of them all in line to be destroyed which means we'll have more minerals and food for a longer time in fact that's one of the reasons that nihilistic acquisition is so powerful especially in the early game where you can stack up loads and loads of xenos in one place and then slowly deplete them was getting the resources from all of them really should have been doing that earlier but I didn't really think about it all that much but I am now so it turns out that yep stability does indeed affect the resources you get from purging which means I really should have been doing this why earlier on look at that that is lovely and that's just getting started the other empires are finally sending some help to their allies but I don't really care I'm just gonna go straight for the homeworld at this point we've all but destroyed this Empire so it's not really going to be a threat to us and I need to start replenishing our forces because next we go after the purifiers again hopefully connect all this up hundred and twenty-six Zeno populations here wellis might be on the first fights we lose no just about winning okay but either way is heavily hinting we need to get out of here I've also been obliterating a lot of the colonies all I need to do is start removing districts which we're not currently using remember we have moved away pretty much all of the purging populace which are now all the way over here in our homeworld meaning that these actually have very low populations but we're still keeping up the upkeep of all of these districts which is killing our energy loads of food loads and minerals just our energy is really suffering okay now we have status quo it's time to attack the purifiers and here some I've just noticed the purifiers only have the world's over here so if we take this this this and this they gone and that's a good thing so we can easily remove them from the game very easily so we have the main fleets over here ready which includes some of the full and empire ships we got from the relic got a new fleet over here being created they're about to position themselves over here so they can just rush straight over and then attack of these two and our ground forces are with them so you to just deal damage you actually start taking over the worlds and then we get more things to purify we get more unity everyone in the galaxy rejoices once again the I I doing a terrible job here they have a fleece here which would easily be strong enough and combined of all of these to take out this fleet and only now are they moving against us after I've done substantial damage I already removed one fleet these fleets are running away and now I'm going to back off and that was a mistake on my part they could have easily took me out but because it was so slow to respond we're just gonna destroy that run away and then regroup [Music] okay you take out that then you can go around here and you can start destroying them from the left the other great thing with removing all the populations so that's we're simply purifying all of the zeros in one place is that it also automatically destroys the colony so we're just leaving these barren worlds behind with ruins all over them it's kind of fantastic honestly the only other world they have is the one over here and I'm currently just bombard and getting slowly killing its populace the Great Purge is under way we will be the only purge as air purifiers is the word I was looking for their words are difficult mixer makers have been removed and our borders now look even worse seriously looking at this is quite atrocious on top of that the fanatics over here the spiritual Fallen Empire have now fully awakened and are attacking their neighbors thankfully ignoring me at the moment but eventually they will attack us and I can't see how I could possibly defend against them so for now just gonna ignore that that's a problem for future larix however we must always be at war this is the rule and going to war of someone really far away is kind of cheesy so that's not going to happen we are going to be attacking the Trade Commission which I believe is actually the most powerful regular Empire at the moment well this can only end well everyone please get over here as soon as you can you on the other hand we need to heal up and get reinforced so go over there to our main station and let's start taking some of these systems because otherwise it's going to annoy me wait a second I forgot I'm the chosen one they might not attack me yeah you're just arrogance you're not hostile a beside its glorious what weapons are there using I swear I'm just losing ships but my shields aren't going down yeah these and disruptors I assume that so like just disruptors and lies that is a weird combo well explains well they're not going through our shields like at all then occasionally one of our ships dies because they're their disruptors all focus on them hostile xeno fleet detected well that had gonna hurt and now we are equivalent fantastic so move out let's start taking their worlds Oh their capital I really should start calling a capital on that homeworld because your capital isn't necessarily what your homeworld was it just is by default but if you lose that world or move it wow that is a really good world let's take it I was laughing at the eye eye being silly and I've just done the exact same thing this fleet is way too far ahead of these two this one really should have been following along because of that we've lost loads of ships too right away before the other two could reinforce still a landslide victory but once again losses which did not have to happen Construction complete and that is their ally and all of its force we should win that but it's gonna be close we do have a backup fleet on its way but that's gonna take way too long I might need to retreat for now though I'm going to lose these here there's no way they're escaping this system without them catching up but I will try there's no point in us just accepting it Construction complete okay one look off so you to help out one of our stations is under attack okay we are going to just about win this but once again nowhere near enough to stay here so you just go there and I'll keep on building the flutes I currently have one shipyard building oh yeah I actually ran out of alloys I did have to building one point well a forced us back we can do stateless cover at any given time but our rules are very clear we must always be at war I guess I couldn't go to war with these fellows and finish them off there'll be any easy thing to do also recover that's exactly I'm going to do so you and our new much smaller ground force go ahead and follow along we'll take out the rest of the hierarchy no olds are they excellent sadly though we currently have a truce of these fellows and the only other people we can go to war with is this empire over here which currently have open borders with the Spiritualist empire because they just lost a war which means if we go to war with these they're going to attack us and do damage over here where i have no protection and currently have no gateways because of my lack of tech so what I'm going to do is run away this fleet merge with this fleet which will give us just about enough strength to deal with this Federation nope that's not even a Federation fleet it's just bloody terrifying we just need to hold out for two more years then the truce is over then we can go to war with the hierarchy again that's the current plan they cool off with a fleet but thankfully their battleships are pretty terrible in fact in most of them are so we have better quality ships so even though we're losing we are taking out loads of theirs ok you're strong enough to deal with this now because honestly lastly almost did but let's not bother let's just defend our borders hopefully they'll return home now to heal yes they were all fantastic ok the truce is almost over thankfully it seems like the enemy are trying to attack us by going around here since I have no defence here honestly not a terrible move but because that took so long we can set up status quo and go straight back to war so I'm moving my fleets now into position and as soon as they are status quo will be active and the problem is going to or with them now would mean going to war with the second strongest regular Empire so it's still going to be a pretty big fight they have one world here then three over here noticed two okay so two there one there and then we can remove them from the game so far it's been really clean I've only had one very small attack from the main enemy over here and we've taken over all of this land already we've taken over this section completely removed one of the empires and now we're moving to the last world at least that's what I thought until I saw that yet they'd finally got a world over here as well so I'm building up small fleet because of some reason this is currently offline don't know why it is one of the other empires must have started the event so whilst it is offline since I think eventually it will come back online I'm building up a small fleet here it's gonna run all the way over straight past and just bombard this world until it no longer exists oh I've just grabbed that well fantastic there we are a notice accidentally moves one of those geckos didn't like oh well geckos get moved everywhere on other news since I have been trying to micromanage my worlds this entire time but I'm probably only showing some of the warfare elements because there is so much going on with all of the worlds and trying to manage I have finally got the tech to upgrade our building so now almost all of our buildings are being upgraded our alloys are going through the roof and even our research is increasing at long last the problem is we have just over 20 years and then the endgame crisis can potentially spawn what I'm hoping will happen is it spawns over here then we have this and this is a bit of a shield and that's just about it wait you three aren't owned by them are you let's have a look-see so you yes the fanatics taking over everyone that's a problem so if I go to war view now okay good even though you have pledged your loyalty I can still attack you on your own fantastic well done fanatics so glad you like me this has been a weird run get away from my planet I stole that fair and square okay take out you though you're about to grab that station so you might run away then go back here it seems like they're going this way but what looks like the long way but actually it's about the same distance so that's fair do we need anything over here anyway so yet yours now on protection duty that fleet is almost ready and strong enough so I'll start moving it anyway just one get through and just keep surviving Wow you are gonna take over all of this aren't you okay in that case let's grab a couple of construction vessels and start building here before they can beginning a bombardment of their planets they have only three populations anyway that will be removed very quickly over here we're defending against multiple attacks we lost some space but we're now regaining it then I need to decide how I'm going to deal all this right now the one I still must focus on the planets more than anything Wow three K research in this year that is really bad but at least it's going up quickly the hierarchy has been removed from existence wonderful so what do we do now we could send some of our fleets into their territory because honestly they've kind of lost a lot against us it's been bizarre this White House yeah it's like there was split into twenty or thirty really really small fleets they're just kept attacking me all over the place but because I had all of this already in place they just sort of destroyed themselves well may as well then we can't go this way because the fanatic zone a little bit of space there they still don't seem to really hate us which is great because we are the chosen ones so sure move into their territory once this war's over we can go back to war once again with the Commission and then we've sort of wiped out this entire area just to prove my point seven hundred fleet power seven hundred fleet power they keep on doing this well works for me just to really prove my points it's like they're trying to reinforce something which doesn't exist this is the most bizarre behavior I have seen from any IIM pyre I have never seen them split everything up it's as if they're creating the ships and then sending them forward like I said before as if they're reinforcing something which isn't there and because of that I've just lost everything we have now finished off discovery which means we are grabbing evolutionary and mastering bee-utiful so with that we want to researched right away is this genetically sequencing which will unlock the advanced straights Sunao echoes will be very very powerful well been forced back by a 34k fleas all healed up wonderful let's go again hostile xeno fleet detected well we lost a fair bit but we ultimately won okay I'm just gonna leave you since you're not really strong enough to deal with in of our main stations do that and then reinforce so after a while the fighting them it turns out they do actually have the ability to defend themselves quite well my two fleets are now massively weathered down and honestly I can't get all that many reinforcements oh and we're about to lose another system my reinforcements over here though are over four times as strong as the fleets which are left over there so it's going to happen is we're going to status quo since you are now superior in terms of fleet power so they are more than happy for that to happen then we're going to once again go to war with the Commission just attack them straight away over here hopefully taking out two of their worlds quickly now at war with our original enemies and I'm going straight for their homeworld if at all possible it's indecent fleets over here which should apply a lot of pressure though so it's very minimum we are going to do some extreme damage also it turns out these are not our friends they may like us but they still want to take us over lovely now you need to go over here because there are lots of places to invade here I can see why they're doing so well in terms of their economy they are really focusing on habitats and the app that's actually quite far along at least based on all that lovely trade value okay you're trying to tack there you back off so you can be reinforced by that still making a more of a fleet there so we're dominating over here but we're in danger over here okay also the fanatics took this area okay the fanatics did a great job of grabbing absolutely everything so now this little bit over here is also under the fanatics control in fact I don't quite know how they've done it I haven't seen a single one of their construction vessels yet they now have that space but I know they definitely use construction vessels so I'm just confused more than anything to be perfectly honest oh now I'm actually paying attention it's because the fanatics are also at war with the Commission they also explains why I haven't been running into all that much in terms of fleet power at this right the fanatics might end up taking over the entire galaxy yet another world is now under our control which means let's move all of these lovely undesirables over to our homeworld which means now we have a grand total of 590 undesirables that is so weird so they have been vast alized by the fanatics but we did not enter a truce because of this so I can just go right back to war that's fine so as I were our invasion has slowed down quite a bit at the moment the enemy do have some decent fleets going around and occasionally I actually have lost a fleet but also their ground forces are quite good as well so everything is just slowing down to a halt on the upside though once I grab this planet that's 116 more populations for us athletes are now looking way better in terms of strength and that's because now we have the spinal mount weapons which are the large weapons for battleships but also we have the repeatable --zz now finally underway if you have a quick look yep extra energy attack weapon speed we're about to get the larger of the cannons everything is looking up our geckos have now also been fully upgraded so we are getting more research we are now at 7k which isn't particularly fantastic for Empire sprawl but at least we're getting all the necessary stuff soon we may have to fight the fanatics and that means we need at least one group of ships with over 200k fleet power that way we can hopefully just grab one fleet at a time and destroy them it also means we really need anti shield stuff because they really really love their shields the end game crisis source are going to occur soon which I'm really hoping spawns here because that would be perfectly fanatics to fight them the fanatics with lose but it would weaken the endgame crisis but yeah we need all of our stuff upgraded fully before that happens and that's going to be in three years well the minimum is in three years I don't know if we're going to win this honestly so I just messed up and almost got my fleet killed the reason why I didn't get killed is because of this I don't quite understand what they're trying to do they must be getting one order than the next instantly because what happened was I accidentally moved my fleets into here miss reading how much fleet power they had I then started to run away and they just started dancing at me angrily okay I've been watching this way too long look we're never 8k research two years until the end of the galaxy and we have Empire sprawl which is just terrifying science is going just fine I wonder how many we now have on the homeworld hello homeworld almost 1,000 Lil Bit insane finally our ships are starting to look like proper endgame ships still not there yet but loose are moving in the right direction I've also completely ignored tax which would unlock some of the next levels of the computer because I'm just that silly I am really confused by the combination of weapons the enemy use still nice to kill quite a few of our ships though these two fleets couldn't refuse before they certainly will be able to now there we go okay grab adaptability it now we are definitely going to need defender of the galaxy this is our galaxy we're not giving it up that's the only chance we have right now against the endgame crisis if it's borns very very soon probably not going to use Titans so I now think I understand why we have not been at war yet with the awakened Empire is not because we're the chosen ones as much as I choose to believe that's the case it's because I can't request to become one of their dominions whilst I'm at war and I believe they can't demand it of me if I'm at war as well and because that's all they want they literally can't declare war with us because of that and that is weird because well I guess they could declare war but they don't hate us so they won't declare war to attack us or destroy us but they want to declare war to try and control us but they can't get the ability to do that without first demanding it similar to if I demanded another Empire to become my vassal that is bizarre but I think that may be what's happening because they were overwhelming for a very long time only now are we equivalent because I've got decent tech and I have three star bases working constantly making battleships yeah not having access to the Galactic market is horrible and makes things very cheap very fast as you can see but it also means you can occasionally buy alloys because they're not constantly being inflated by other empires so once in a while I've been able to get several thousand alloys and make and an additional few battleships and doing that over and over again plus our very good alloy production we've actually got some decent fleets coming together now admittedly 62k isn't a particularly powerful fleet over 65 K and that's weird all the bonuses so we are still very week per ship but we have the ability to produce lots of them and very soon we can make wormhole so wormholes gateways which we need drastically thankfully now I can explore wormholes so at least have access to that for instance I can now move things from here to here which is actually really useful but gateways I mean gateways everywhere I mean Flickr my Empire and I'm slowly filling in all the gaps as well as you can see all my construction vessels are actually doing something just thought I'd have a bit of a recap right now since it's been almost five years in-game where I haven't talked once because it's just been micromanaging and keeping these fellows are back Oh their fleets are gone now okay so I've also been a little bit scared to overextend because of the whole end game crisis thing by things about time we crush this Empire then move on to the Union over here who also very strong actually interesting I love cannons in this game just the visuals of it with great vs shields and large targets and terrible versus anything with anything but shields and small targets and currently we're facing a very balanced enemies with lots of small targets essentially I'm building these up to be anti ur endgame crisis and anti awakened Empire so only small target somebody cannon shots going wildly off target you can really see why I've left harmony to last the greater good yep that's totally us all that's left is enemy Corvettes and we just can't hit them complete please stop firing at their transport vessels as well that doesn't help we have mastered a new technology I've changed my mind we go to Glory versus the other fallen Empire the militant isolationists they want war we want war let's have war this scans so badly so quickly hang on what are they doing they're not going to defend near their station if not then I'm okay with that ah too bad Rory at war well what are you fighting I should say this is where the cannons are gonna be fantastic large targets of lots of shields how fast was that one fleet blood for the blood garden all that note self pay more attention to speeds your fleets construction complete lovely the core and boundary so to stay there and use their own station against them begin bombardments these are the main planets or after anyway didn't even really catch that fighter it's gonna the Blitzer right at them well it certainly shows we can defeat one of the awakened empires fleets one on one fear us Canon's may not be the best in many many many many circumstances but I'll always be my favorite in this game that missile missed good with the missing missile I enemies and now we proceed to miss for eternity stop moving around or at least move away in a straight line so we can animate you easier thank you now heal up I'll be the third station these are taken down without losing a single ship since I just healed between them so laughter excuse been bombarding these planets with your Armageddon stance the entire time is there any problems of doing this oh yeah you've destroyed almost every single population oops three left which means all of these incredibly powerful buildings are now offline and you need to repopulate the entire planet I guess I'll just move some geckos over because these buildings really are that powerful we need these produces 250 energy just passively yeah I want that thanks at least of this one haven't gone so far we're about to start invading it so when you want to keep everything operational maybe that's not the best idea though I suppose I would be destroying the populations anyway but still that's a lot of resources wasted for a while of course the main reason we went to war with the Fallen Empire is because of this we now have all of that lovely full Empire tech which means we have the dark matter deflectors we have the Dark Matter reactor and the dark matter thrusters all incredibly powerful well so what's been going on I have been removing the populations from the other planets just made things be easier just one world left then after that we go after the Union in case you're wondering why the enemy wasn't fighting back they actually were may talk all of these systems the problem is when it comes to a fallen Empire all they want to do is humiliate you even if you're one of the purifier empires so normally a regular Empire or an awakened Empire would have end threat which means they can take systems just like we can but a fallen Empire doesn't follow that rule so we can just sort of hit them and they don't really hit back they pretend to but they don't really we should be facing off against the fanatics now they are the only real threat left and to be perfectly honest our ships do naturally counter theirs and their ships everywhere so then up in one centralized location we would quite easily take their homeworld right now but here's the thing I still don't know when the endgame crisis is going to occur so instead we're gonna keep on bullying the smaller empires but now I've said that my entire empire is now battleships which are made to face off against an endgame crisis or the awakened Empire they're gonna be hard countered by all of these Corvettes so to save us from that I am trying to build a more balanced fleet over here but it will take a little while but still we can just sit here and do a little bit of damage since I doubt Locke go headlong into all these battleships turns out I didn't need to be worried I was already paying attention but we just won two fights we lost a couple of things but not much so that guys let's move up Construction complete would have been smart to send in the ground forces as well bravest five Corvettes ever maybe also the stupidest but enough shots anything is possible I now realize that may sound like I'm condoning alcoholism under some of my guns much safer the first our ecology project is now underway on the homeworld I am really keen to see what it's like since they've been nerfed and some of you need to move out now this has been a surprisingly difficult fight though to be fair most of my ships are still being held back just to be upgraded and now they even have siphons combat computers about halfway through controlling their empire so whilst are they attacking all the other empires I completely forgot that we were still at war with this empire down here and they've managed to regain a little bit of space not much there's still pretty much suppressed down here but yeah that's kind of annoying and I've gone back to slowly climbing systems as well so that borders will look a little bit less insane as you could probably tell by how I'm talking honestly I am incredibly tired this entire week has been really weird for me in terms of I'm basically no time to record and this is the one chance I had and we're just about falling asleep now so soon it'll be the next recording session which makes it the third recording session so far well the next one be the fourth this is the third and this one as well I think oh no this is a guy old we are keeping that it's also the one from earlier so yeah we're definitely keeping that now we have a grand total of one thousand four hundred and ninety eight undesirables this is interesting time to do some science once we take over the system all I automatically get this upgrading I'm hoping so except why I don't need to learn about mega structures and I get it for free well we thank you for this contribution to our Empire Oh glorious Union when did you build this before I forget again you do indeed get to keep the mega structure in its building State if you grab it whilst it's still being built which means it will continue to be built all by itself for free which is pretty darn amazing on top of this I have now went ahead with the sentient perks and I have now grabbed a galactic contender meaning we do an extra third damage to awakened Empires just to make sure that you I can Empire really isn't a threat anymore it's just gonna be annoying when it comes to the fight now yep the awakened Empire is now inferior to us in terms of its fleet power its fleet is spread out it doesn't seem to be wanting to upgrade its fleet in any way and we do bonus damage to it really now we are just waiting for the endgame crisis which is surprisingly light it occurs to me at this point if the endgame crisis is the scourge which it very well might be considering how light the endgame crisis is right now then we're kind of doomed the reason is these weapons are terrible versus the scourge since the scourge of such high armor values and the scourge either ignore or are very effective versus shields depending on the size of the scourge enemy that's horrendous for us as well because we are mostly shields so these battleships will just be crushed so what I think I need to start doing is making some of these now these are purely anti armor and they only use armor themselves terrible versus things like the unbidden but much better this is the scourge now what I really should do is go for just anti-everything things like the arc emitter which goes through armor and shields and only hits hull the problem is I don't have access to the cloud lightning which means only half of the damage of the ship will go through it all and that can be a bit weird and honestly I just don't like it that's the main thing I just don't like how that all looks and how it all works together so I should make at least a couple of fleets of these just to make sure you have at least some super effective weaponry for every other endgame crisis though this will do the job just fine it will blast through shields and it will blast through hull which is the main component of most of the endgame crisis I think maybe the contingency might be okay versus this but still not horrendous yep I knew it was going to be them okay so the enemy which are approaching rapidly are the scourge the scourge are going to absolutely devour our ships now thankfully we have a lot of ships like a stupid amount of ships so losing some not really big deal all future ships will be outfitted with an T armor properties I still don't know if that'll be enough though if we can catch them straight away if they spawn somewhere near here or somewhere we can get easy access to them then fine I didn't manage to get the tech for gateways which is really annoying so I have messed up the science so badly throughout this gameplay I think this may be one of the worst gameplays I've ever done but we've won anyway cuz the amazing stars weird video had a lot of fun though but yeah it's the Scourge because i believe there is a increased chance of the scourge being your enemy if a lot of time has passed from the potential of the endgame crisis spawning it's not my brains in slow motion at the moment I keep on thinking of a sentence really slowly anyway now we wait and then gang process will occur we're just about to finish off this next Empire we devoured one then we're sort of devouring the second we almost look like the paradox logo you know the ones who make stellaris almost just like on its side so the heads here while flips of the heads here then there's the tail yeah looking at the image almost we have a hundred and ninety one of our geckos on our lovely upgraded world which is now a giant city over here and we have a grand total of you know 1997 undesirables basically one trying to say is the buildings are made out of living undesirables their cars are undesirables everything in this society is built with those mushrooms and the more you actually think about that the more horrific that is with most of this Empire cleaned off except for some sections I can't get to without war in with the fanatics which opposite I don't want to do right now considering the whole endgame crisis is on the horizon I've decided to go back to war with these fellows so we can start cleaning up down here instead including one of my ships teleporting right into their territory because why not the breach point has been located all of my fleets are now moving in hopefully it'll give us a little bit of time before they arrive so athletes actually in position there's one useful wormhole in the way and it's not that long distance but it's still gonna be a couple years before all my fleets are in position this is why gateways are good and actually researching them and making sure you have all the prerequisites which it turns out I didn't they are now already hang on one of our space ports is under attack 34,000 that's not right I just spent the last half an hour trying to figure our way to increase the crisis strength because I was looking at the original footage because I haven't stayed editing this yet and it's about 19 hours of raw footage of just gameplay and yeah I completely mess up straight away at the start I accidentally leave the crisis strength at times one essentially nullifying the crisis I still make it far earlier which technically makes it more difficult but I've essentially removed the end threat from the game now there's been many times I played this game and I've ended up just quitting the game before the end game crisis spawns because we've ended up steamrolling so much and honestly this was one of those times we were at the point where we would have utterly devastated the Scourge even though we had the wrong ship type we were just far too powerful at that point I don't really think the Scourge would have stood a chance but it might have and I've removed that and that is beyond annoying especially to me so I can only apologize I will be redoing this challenge again I've had a load of fun despite the fact it seemed like I'm quite low energy throughout the entire gameplay and that's because life at the moment is being a little bit brutal over the last few weeks and this was a good just relaxing game and I honestly just wanted to do a bit of a challenge so I really do hope you've enjoyed the video I do apologize so much for what's happened there at the end I will be doing again and I will be sure to check the crisis strength so I'm ending it here there are no real threats left in the galaxy the geckos have reign supreme and I will return with much higher difficulty thank you so so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows it stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future even when it's played by a dearth like me thank you so much for watching and good bye [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 108,510
Rating: 4.9657736 out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, gameplay, full run, full playthrough, playthrough, game, lets play, challenge video, challenge, geckos, gecko
Id: G9Ob6RfLN74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 24sec (5244 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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