Aquatics DLC - DROWN EVERYTHING!! | Stellaris 3.2 Full Playthrough | Ocean Paradise Origin

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greetings sir answerets and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathryx and of course uh welcome to a brand new full play through it today we're going to be testing out the new dlc the aquatic species pack along with the brand new patch of the 3.2 patch where lots has changed and i'll be covering that as we go with the game itself but first let's take a looksie at our empire and the dlc itself the aquatics dlc of course is not really a surprise all about the ocean worlds and the denizens within hey everyone future lafayette's here very briefly just because pas laughter has completely ignored two separate things with the dlc which he really should have mentioned now there is two new origins with the the dlc the ocean paradise and the hereby dragons we are going with the ocean paradise in this run but there is also this because i am definitely going to be checking this out in a future playthrough because you start off with a space dragon roaming your home system the dragon may protect you from harm but beware its wrath should you displease it so we do have that and of course we have all the new appearances which i hardly even looked at we're going with these lovely dis just interesting looking fellows here the slimy boys but then we also have a whole plethora of others and honestly i'm not too sure which one i prefer i've purposely gone with this one because i've not seen anyone go with this one just yet look how creepy that is i do like this fella but yeah all of these are the new ones with the new dlc tell me which one you prefer for the future runs anyway back to past lathrix still future laphroaig's here even more future laughs than both of the other future latrixes who are going to be in this clip but it turns out i also forgot to mention one of the main goals of this run is to turn every world into an ocean world it was the goal going in and for some reason i just didn't mention it for like the first 20 minutes of recording so that's another goal turn every single world into an ocean world using the new colossus which can turn worlds into ocean worlds by flooding them and drowning the people on the worlds okay back to past lathrix before future latricks use more future than the previous mutual ethics but not as future as me and such the empire i've gone with is ocean's reach this is an empire all about trying to eke out as much joy from life as possible before their very very quick demise a very short lifespan this species have a very limited amount of sense they have only just barely sight they have only just barely the sense of touch they originally come from the very depths of this massive size 30 ocean planet and only recently with the recent technological boom have they been able to go more towards the surface where now they see all the shiny and the bright and the beautiful trying to get as much as that as possible they are fanatic xenophile almost completely because of the tried value they want to find as many shiny things and hoard them as possible they are also authoritarian since they are an empire they are a despotic empire with an empress because down in the depths although this was a fantastic food rich world it wasn't exactly great for other materials and as such they've had to scrape everything together and make sure everything was distributed according to the empress everything has to be in order but now now they're here they want everything for themselves so first of all they are pleasure seekers this is an older civic one that i've simply never used before at least on a full playthrough this means that entertainers give you pop growth and servants give you amenities and this is an empire which probably really really wants servants also gives the decadent lifestyle which this species will be craving since they need so much to get so little stimulus and now for the new civic the anglers adapter utilizing nature's bounty this society provides itself a stable influx of subsidence and economic value on ocean worlds agricultural districts are uncapped on wet worlds farmers are replaced by anglers and pearl divers anglers provide eight food and two tried value which is loads for one job and pearl divers provide three consumer goods and two tried value yeah the tried value is going to be really really important here and as you can probably tell what we want to do by the end of this run is convert every single world into an ocean world which can be done a little bit more efficiently with a special colossus and one of the ascensions now uh one of the other new civics i was tempted by which required xenophobic so i didn't go with it is if i can find it pompous purists extra trust growth and extra invoice but you can only have any diplomacy with those who you talk to first so you have to have everything manually done by you which actually is pretty good for two extra invoicing that extra extra trust growth i'll probably be going with that in the future but this is the basic setup for ocean's reach now with origins we have ocean paradise as i mentioned before this gives us a 30 size food world which increases happiness pop growth speed and output but the guaranteed um habitable worlds nearby are now frozen which obviously isn't particularly useful for us since its birth this civilization has enjoyed peace in a generous environment with no natural enemies enabling unhindered growth and opulence simply a lack of resources in the very deep before now of course we have resurfaced and have very quickly gone to spice itself expansion is key as for the species itself they are first of all aquatic this species is perfectly adapted to living in the depths of the ocean however on dry land it is like a fish out of water ocean habitability plus 20 housing usage minus 10 on ocean worlds and food energy and mineral output on ocean worlds is increased by 10 which is pretty lovely and actually kind of makes me wish i wasn't going down i purely tried value kind of empire but still going to be useful even without housing usage on non-white worlds has increased and habitability is decreased we need to stay on wet worlds and once we get the hydrocentric ascension perk it makes this more powerful and also amplifies the negatives so that's what we're going with we are repugnant because of course we are we are thrifty we are intelligent and we are fleeting it's our intelligence that has finally allowed us to even breach the ocean and only years after that just a few years maybe less than a hundred after breaching the ocean we are in space we are very rapidly becoming a contender on the galactic stage now the name of the ocean itself was just one of the auto ones and i just kind of liked it that's happened a lot to me recently so that's what we're going with before i forget aquatic city appearance i always forget that one and we are of course going with the aquatic ships it's weird being able to actually cycle through all of them and i've got to be honest the aquatic one may be my new favorite we'll have to take a closer look once we get into the mode itself but yeah look at these these are fantastic i love that it's a little ocean that's so cool every ship has to have water and of course which makes it so weird and squid-like so the jelly brains are ready let's get into the game itself so of course we're going to maximum difficulty of the crisis we'll have it a hundred years early as we tend to do a medium galaxy to stop any lag and our intention is to make as many worlds ocean as possible so we begin hey everyone futurelathrix here even more future than the previous future latrix and certainly more future than the past lothric so i'm here as tradition with these four play-throughs just to say that i really enjoyed this with the dlc and everything else it was a serious undertaking getting this full play through together hopefully it will be out before the weekend already because i have just been recording the solid all week it's taken basically a week worth of recording so i really do hope you enjoy it and as usual i am here to say if you do like the videos then i like and a comment interaction massively helps since these long-form videos can be poisoned for the channel but they can be amazing if interaction is okay i hate shielding this content but i love recording it so i'm always here to say that so i really do hope you enjoy but before we do get in um one last thing past laphroaig did accidentally leave scaling difficulty on for this run i was originally turning off i actually prefer scaling difficulty but it does make the early game a little bit easier essentially all those maximum difficulty buffs aren't instantly given to the other empires they're slowly added until the end game which is 2 300 so they still get very strong very quickly but pass lathrix completely forgot to turn that off so it's not really gonna affect the run too much but do bear that in mind because i'm honest like that so into the run and so we begin in the very top of the galaxy joy to those who possess the wisdom of acceptance so goes a common proverb in ocean society the bounty of life is all around once one learns to appreciate us in such waters long have we prospered but our elders do not sense the stagnation they confuse our survival instincts with impatience if we do not seek change change will find us and we will be unprepared we cannot be alone in this vast universe to keep our home as some of us must resolve to leave it our descents into the abyss have proven worthwhile unworldly wreckage paris lee paris perilously you know what i'm leaving retrieved precipitated a torrent of technological breakthroughs at last we are ready to journey beyond our oceans to explore to see to learn and to protect and to get words wrong wherever we can so we begin now beautiful size 30 ocean world which is lovely so ocean paradise extra happiness extra pop growth and resources from jobs increased by five percent few worlds both conditions so fortunate at the top of the planet of this planet's food chain there is bliss it's rich flourishing resources could potentially last an eternity if properly managed especially now we're at the top of the ocean in depths it was a different story and we have extra crystal mines we can have and let's have a look see our jobs then let's let the month update so we have yeah the anglers here which provide 2.5 trade each after everything has been applied and then do also get the pearl divers there okay so they are like this that's so much trade value that is beautiful really is so each of these then is giving yeah loads absolutely loads of resources from the agricultural districts that's probably going to be our main economy honestly just the pearl divers and the fishermen but we'll see maybe i'm overestimating how powerful that right is but it looks really good honestly uh let's go tech let's go i actually don't know which ascension we're going with i might go psychic um i haven't gone psychic in a while outside of the catson one which should be uploaded before this um so we shall see with that yeah actually actually a little bit more than that with um those jobs but that's fine so yeah clerk would give us five trade value these are gonna give us 2.5 but giving us 11 food each i mean that's a lot right there's a lot probably don't want any technicians everyone wants it more like that and then start building another of these you know i think i am overvaluing the uh the pearl divers and the anglers looking at the stats of them especially when compared to the technicians energy i think they are extremely good especially since how many you can have but i think i was instantly valuing them a little bit i'm still going to focus on them because i want to also are we currently set to decadent i don't think we are our way full season i know we are already decadent so the decadent lifestyle everyone wow it's a huge amount of up cape okay it's not as expensive as utopian abundance unless you're a ruler in which case it's more expensive it gives the sign plus 20 happiness but um yeah you don't get the unemployment thing oh wait a sec pop effect plus 20 and there's 20 already on everything so it's not plus 40 then is it that's clearly not how it works no just plus 20. okay that means you have a lot of happiness and if we get some more amenities which we can get through the oh don't get them through the pearl diver some more clerks remember we are repugnant that's why i didn't want technicians i wanted more clerks because it's gonna be quite difficult to get all those amenities sorted so i think expansion as per usual and then straight into a merchant tile and then probably prosperity yeah go down all the greed routes so expansion merchantile prosperity then probably either harmony or domination you know i haven't done this right so i'm just going to stop doing afro oh i do love these yeah the corvettes i love how these look love the infectors you know what like those two i didn't think i did for a second but no i like those but yeah we're gonna strip down the ships i normally don't do that anymore because i just haven't found the bonus it gives worth a little bit of time but i really want a very quick expansionistic start this time especially since we're gonna have to try and get all of these started as soon as possible it's weird me building more holo theater straight away because well we are decadent and not only are entertainers entertaining they'd increase pop growth so they're um that they're useful they they do things they certainly apparently do things now oh we haven't had this event for ages broken a union so with this we get to become a symbiote in the situation we're gonna attach slugs to our brains essentially and those lovely slugs and give us all sorts of lovely bonuses even to slow down our pop growth now the entertainers really don't give us that much extra popcorn on the side notes it's one percent each but i do really want to rush unity anyway so i thought i may as well probably should just go the monument but yeah i do really want some of these traditions already sorted because they are really good for our empire i also need tech i don't know what to do i don't know what to rush i rarely do a full unity rush so you know what i'm gonna build well you know what i'm gonna put down in the whole theater let's get plus 20 happiness let's try and get stronger oh never mind we're already at hundreds of happiness we are a really happy decadent species also got quite lucky of worlds here we've got two tropical worlds because our guaranteed are these two arctic worlds because of our origin so very lucky there the game is so happy with us being back i love it back to the vanilla games so we have alien logs which will unlock the rubricator world we have an ocean world over here which will give us all the bonuses from our aquatic uh sadly these tropical worlds don't give us everything uh since if we take a look see at aquatic it's plus habitability from ocean and then housing usage is also reduced yeah this is all just ocean but we're still decent on the typical worlds as well because the habitability and everything else but that is lovely to see so that's fantastic so we have a great uh a great precursor we have the rubricator soon we have a few worlds straight away there's little else i could really ask for to be perfectly honest no longer shall we settle for good enough replacements for our oceanic abodes no planet shall be deemed fit for colonization until it has been thoroughly inundated ocean terraforming cost minus 25 allows for the construction of ice mining stations on starbases which enable the expand planetary sea decision on ocean worlds species with aquatic traits like us gain 50 greater benefits for living on ocean worlds but penalties for living on non-wet worlds are likewise amplified unlocks the deluge colossus weapon which of course means we need the colossus project so that is definitely what we're going with now i'm tempted right now with interstellar dominion i would love to grab more spice right now and you know what i always go for technological ascendancy first so let's go with the fun i know that a lot of people write that quite lowly and honestly i don't blame them but i really really really love that try it because i like the really greedy start just grabbing everything not thinking about these silly things like choke points and just taking everything for ourselves because that's the kind of weird person i am gotta say i do think that the aquatic science ships may be my favorite honestly oh but i do also really like the necroid ones and honestly i do like some of the stan oh i like all of them i like all science missiles is what i'm trying to say there i'm honestly not a huge fan of the construction vessels they kind of look like basking sharks to me if i'm thinking the right thing which i do like but i'm not a big fan of them i love the stations and i love the corvettes for a early little bit of opinion there and we're about to get robots which is great and it turns out i could have asked for more because we're about to get this world turned into our gas world we have the whole mushroom event starting which is lovely people are very upset right now there we are this is getting out of hand and soon we can do something about it which means we can start getting gas from that world i am also a fan of our wild looking colonization vehicles i love new ship sets those might be very happy inside [Music] we have neighbors and because of just how many envoys we have we rapidly became friends with them so because of that we now have lipoids also we're really struggling for consumer goods and i know i've already said this at least once i did massively overestimate the power level of the civic in fact i'm starting to think it's not actually that powerful i really like it though i do think it's really fun but the anglers are great the pearl divers i didn't realize the upkeep was three food as well so three food and two and two minerals for 2.7 consumer goods and a little bit of fried value 2.5 there's a half of a clerk if you compare that though with masterful crafters which really powers up your normal consume good production with tri value and engineering research without increasing the mineral it's not what i yeah i wouldn't really consider this too powerful just yet very early opinions they could certainly change now though i do have these oh they even like arctic worlds that is just ridiculous the game loves me apparently research oh yeah we also now have these fellas so this is the new portrait for the aquatic machines they are creepy in my opinion yeah i just get creeped out by that i kind of like them weird we found an ocean world the ocean world is now ours pretty lithoids again that is insane absolutely crazy welcome to sort out that world now i would like that and i'd like that i'm still trying to decide just how aggressive i want to be here's the thing these lovely lithoids who really like us and have um gladly gave them their population so we can take over these worlds are kind of really in the way and getting past them is super expensive do we become hostile soon i mean we're still expanding stuff some worlds to grab and everything else like the one over here but yeah i am super tempted to become aggressive towards them now they are fanatic militarists so it will take quite some time i don't really know what this empire would be in terms of aggression they like shiny things and to grab every shiny thing they can their leader is warlike and the fnatic xenophile isn't so much for us actually caring it's more for the tried value look at that the current empress doesn't have the brain slug but these the smaller empress did i really why do i always call things something to forget so the heir is a smaller empress her name is voidborn mary the uh the aquatic names are fantastic i have to say yeah just look at them crazy morgan there the brian slug host oh soon enough i'll be able to convert everyone into brian slugs since that's really what i want i can't um assimilate people into brains look at this can i no it has to be actually given to them through genetics because obviously i want everyone with this plus 10 research and plus 10 unity is just so good well this is a weird bug um i can't get rid of this transmission that's it that's the entire bug we are running out of places to expand expanding past them is now too expensive they are officially in our way and so we are going to start construction of our navy a little bit light but uh we're kind of rich actually our economy is really booming now and it's going to continue to get a lot faster from here and i kind of underestimated the power of the brain slug hosts in terms of their leadership roles plus 15 research from jobs which of course will then stack with any brain slug hosts on the planet which also get an additional 10 they get a lot of research to the point where i'm starting to think that maybe i should put these as residents rather than full citizenship because i want to make sure that the jelly brains are always leading us and i want more brain slugs everywhere oh wow i didn't even realize that our well yeah the air to the throne uh also gives us 10 yeah brain slugs i did not know they were so strong i really didn't i always knew they're powerful but wow that is really powerful also we're building lots of machines actually how many do i have now how many robots do i have i have 25 already no and three of the old school ones that population should expand quickly i want so much stuff from you i hate the fact that you're fanatic militarists and masterful crafters as well so you're pretty much you're holding your own it's gonna take a while but i am starting to build some fleets also these are the destroyers which also rather like i think i prefer the back section like that looks better oh i like that one probably shouldn't go just how they look but i might do we now have our precursor done which means we have this over here which means we can turn one of our worlds into a gaia world now the question is do i want to do that or do i just want to stick with turning every single world into an ocean world well i can only do this every 10 years anyway so i can't do that many worlds into gaia worlds regardless once we have the colossus we're going to turn everything into ocean so this will only make up a small amount but even then the main goal of this play through every world into ocean so i think we do have to be a bit aggressive soon anyway because the only way i can do that is by destroying them now what i would like to see though is would our angler effect which only works on wet worlds like tropical and ocean also affect a gaia world so we have a gaia world now nope no anglers the agricultural district still just produces the usual and now we have some of these fellows phototrophic they're agrarian they're delicious i mean they're meant to be food really i'm gonna well actually yourself guy world preference anyway don't move anywhere uh yeah free workers i guess not anything really too useful for us honestly but it will do it will do and of course now it's a guy well giving us plus 10 from everything actually what's better gaia world or the ultimate ocean plus 15 happiness plus 10 growth plus 5 resources versus plus 10 resources plus 10 happiness so this gives more happiness but less resources this also gives an extra pop growth factor and we have unlimited agricultural districts because of um which one is it yeah on ocean worlds agricultural districts are uncapped which means we can have unlimited anglers and everything which is a ludicrous amount of food these are a truly amazing job the pearl divers i don't really write that highly but the anglers are amazing these can just feed the entire empire so easily overall i think would actually rather have more of the ocean paradise worlds but sadly i can't really do that and hopefully though once we upgrade our species so upgrade our ascension perks and everything our aquatic thing will make it even more effective to have the ocean worlds so the moment what they give us it's plus 10 to all the buy stuff and then it's gonna be improved once we get that ascension perk and i don't know if it's just what we have currently is increased or extra stuff so we'll see as we go but my plan of turning everything into an ocean is still the main goal but now we need some fleets so we can get some more worlds so they can see the beauty of oceans rather than these ice worlds normally i don't like going with the secrets of the different precursors but this diamond is really useful for us it gives us a research speed bonus to biology it gives us this lovely tech oh wait a second i'll showcase taking a second and it also gives us minus 15 percent terraforming cost so there it is so we already have uplift now sorted but i don't think actually i wanna grab that one i don't think i have anything to uplift just yet but that's gonna be more useful later plus of course just gonna check out otherwise nice but the main reason is terraforming we wanna grab all the terraforming stuff as fast as we can time to start creating some cruisers which is normally when i start attacking anyway so yeah i need to focus on getting some more alloys but honestly having so many species on decadence only this species isn't is really expensive i am not a massive fan of the pleasure city pacific gotta be honest so far it's fun and it's very much in the theme of things oh lovely but yeah i don't remember this one we didn't detect life forms below the surface we detected them in the entire world the frozen planet is interspersed with micro thin tubes linked to a rudimentary computer while the structure is primitive its gigantic scale means it can probably rival some of our planets supercomputers in output even now the computer seems to be active our scientists can interface with it but since it's so slow we'd only be able to ask a single question can you solve these equations giving us loads of physics research who made you giving us some relics and some society research what are we giving us unity i want unity honestly will it give me an answer or we'll just get the extra units well i'm gonna wait until my next uh empire sprawl stuff is built so it's all nice and cheaper lovely already getting that oh fantastic getting that as well that is lovely lovely lovely that's going to help out majorly he's talking some minerals yeah we need to start taking over some of our neighbor space very soon oh that's interesting so if you're the pleasure seeker empire you can't have the guilds that's actually what i wanted to do originally because i wanted to have servants well i didn't know that so i've messed that up so that is a huge mistake on my part that's fine that's one of the things i wanted but there is actually quite a few others uh the merchant guilds for instance it really just fit the empire merchants are fantastic for us i'm gonna have at least a few full-on trade worlds by the end so that is amazing uh masterful crafters is just awesome it's honestly one of my go-to at the moment i just really like it i'm not gonna say it's necessarily the best choice ever it's just one i really enjoy now this is interesting to me catalytic processing this turns food into alloys it means the ocean worlds with their extreme levels of food suddenly become more worth it and it's something i don't normally play around with i certainly have avoided the more scammy builds with it though honestly there's no problem with doing that it's not something which i particularly enjoy myself so really for me then it's between merchant guilds masterful crafters because that would fix the consumer goods problem at the moment because my god our people consume so many and then catalytic processing which would just be fun it makes sense right then all the mineral issues become a moot point and remember we're going to turn every world into an ocean world so the anglers are going to affect everything so we're really doubling down oh it fits the theme better fine there we go all the food and everything we collect will be used that way intellectual booty well we're actually on minus food now so yeah that really showcased how much how many minerals we're using uh okay let's start building some more agricultural districts on our ocean worlds and let's try and collect all that we don't need many more mineral worlds now then and actually so the pearl divers two minerals three food for 3.5 consumer goods the artisans are six minerals for seven so actually it's not much of an improvement mineral wise either with the pearl drivers so we still need some minerals but for now let's build up a few more agricultural districts the galactic community is now imply and it turns out we are very much alone in this section of the galaxy all of these worlds to convert and now that we have basic terraforming we can actually terraform these things within our territory into ocean worlds before we get to them it's not quite as good as terraforming once we have them but it'll work so yeah very soon we need to start attacking because i am now super glad i grabbed interstellar dominion making all this cheaper since we didn't go with with um xenophobe or anything else to help us along oh the old empress must have passed away so we have the new empress glory to voidborn mary also we're about to get the genetic modification so finally everyone can have their little slug in their head um how is that leader a slug host it's one of our lithoids okay then ship fire right extra vision and minus upkeep is pretty amazing honestly so really we want to try and get some slug leaders sure [Music] soon very very soon uh say something annoying it's a bug i think apply template listen to that i don't know what's going on there the current template cannot be applied to any available species but it can though in what why would that not be able to work so say i'm making another template would that be able to be applied yeah for some reason okay now i can't apply that one now to the slughost one i am really confused about this what's going on there i can't do that yeah it's a dominant species you used to be able to do that and that noise obviously is wrong uh that's actually incredibly annoying that is very very annoying i wanted that on everyone that also implies that i really shouldn't go down the genetic route because if there's a problem with this currently which it looks like there is yeah because look this isn't even through the but i can change you they can't change the brain slugs can i apply this like a template the following unmodifiable track oh okay so the brain slug is now unmodifiable that didn't used to be the case last time i played the brainstorming that's quite a long time ago but obviously this noise is that noise is wrong at least that's what made it seem so much worse okay uh the flesh i want to go down the psychic route oh i can only get hydro scent oh i didn't think i could get that that early well obviously we're gonna grab that ocean terraforming cost is reduced and now we can make ice mining stations on starbases we came from the ocean our species evolving to be ideally suited to living in the depths of the seas even as we take to the stars we have not abandoned our roots the water is and shall always be our home now our evolution is complete no longer shall we adapt ourselves to living elsewhere rather than shaping worlds to suit our needs as we greet the warmth of a new day we know that nothing need part us from the ocean ever again lovely okay so first of all i want to check out what the ice mining thing is some really good there we go the ice making station this system is is a plentiful source of unexplained unexploited ice by setting up a harvesting station here we could see it put to better use creating a habitable oceans for our kind my dyslexia hit me so hard then system modifier mining station output increased unlocks the expanded planetary sea decision on ocean worlds requires an ice asteroid or frozen world in the system can i put it on any of these then i would like to build at least once i'm hoping it unlocks it on every system yeah that's only a system modifier for the mining station we're hoping the expanded c1 can be used anywhere though we shall see okay now let's have a look at our species uh the aquatic should have been changed i thought it was species with the aquatic trade game 50 greater benefits okay so it's now 15 minerals 15 food 15 percent energy and then plus 15 is inhabited well an extra plus temps inhabitability that don't matter too much wireless housing though so that's pretty good okay that doesn't mean our basic um output is going to be increased quite drastically once once the month rolls around unless it already has one oh yep there we go our food is down the positive okay that's pretty awesome i'd have liked actually seen it change on here because i'm a dum-dum and i like to have the basic stuff i'm showing to me but that's all right we really want more of our main species then especially since terraforming oh yeah can we terraform you are going to become an ocean world once we can oh it's expensive okay for now let's just focus on what's updated soon so soon pulled some mercenaries we're about to go to war am i still gaining gas yes i am okay let's sell more of those per month uh it's all expensive because i'm moving my fleet out and as you can see i am way over my navy cap at the moment so let's sort that out let's start grabbing some more star bases and some anchorages that should be pretty easy to fix overall yet we still need more food always more food needed more anglers more dried value more everything they're probably a little bit more angry at us right now i just made lots of claims hence why i now have almost no influence i'm grabbing this entire section and if and if if i can afford it before we get there i'll also grab that world come on or even give me the tech to terraform worlds what worlds i already have a base on uh just grab all the basic stuff i guess technology secured hostile station engaged oh come on cruisers fire you little strike craft i to see what they actually look like i'll stick together still though [Music] got a decent bastion there which should keep us safe it's actually a lot better than i thought it was they wish to speak with us their common ground forces we should be able to win this pretty substantially honestly where are their forces this this uh storm is gonna stop us from actually seeing them they were equal to us until just a second ago so i sent their forces somewhere but where so far the mercenaries are all actually needed technology secured okay uh one of the other fleets can you please go over there so i can see the strike craft that'll be great it's their home world their armies are weak our forces will be more than enough all on their own will i be able to have a slug yes i will oh just army keep okay never mind butcher is sleep engaged okay you go back then marauders you push forwards shouldn't this before but i forgot if we take all that it's gonna be four worlds at least oh they're adorable oh yeah i like those i like the little strike craft the enemy probably doesn't know so difficult to get a good shot of them there they are yeah they're pretty okay cool there's the forces i'm about to lose these no go back wait wait until the mercenaries get there to help okay go back uh let's just sit there shall we we have taken their planet seize their credits are they really gonna be able to take up that i guess fair point defense that yet their point defense they're definitely going to take out that but they're going to take loads of damage in process and then we can corner them so that's fine you take the rest of these ground forces just bounce around grabbing everything this wall is pretty much over they wish to speak with us at some point i may have thought that this section of the back and that section was the front i'm fairly certain but oh well i can't afford to make any more claims now at war can i know that's fine but i can do this let's convert one of the frozen worlds into a gaia world so this is the expand planetary sea and ice will be harvested from a system with an ice mining station on the starbase and this will give us plus one planet size okay cool so if you start running out of space i'll definitely want that here's hoping i get the galactic marketplace because i do like my trade intellectuals well it's costing absolute fortune but now i'm finally able to start converting all of our worlds and ocean worlds things like the tropical world and the continental it's very very cheap but things like this tundra world for instance it's very very expensive so i it is gonna take a while to grab all this and once we have the colossus with the deluge weapon it means we can flood planets completely so that's what we're after i want to expand all the way down here and hopefully by the time we reach here we'll have the tech for the colossus interesting [Music] whoa lots of stuff here after completing the terraforming product uh project a terraforming specialists have spotted a golden opportunity the remaining terraform equipment can potentially be repurposed as infrastructure for the planet oh well i guess for all of them really i kind of just want agricultural since i'm turning them into ocean world so yeah i'll do that for all them so that's something new but then this we have not only succeeded in terraforming this planet but we have also we have done something even better during the final stretch of the process our terraforming specialist managed to make it a perfect home for our local fauna creating a moon eerily similar to the home world sure second home extra habits will see extra immigration poll huh that's neat yeah those were the worlds which are already um some of the wet worlds they've just now been changed into full-on ocean worlds [Music] and what i've done as well is i've now set up migration um controls on every species except for the jelly brains so any new worlds we get will only be for i'm hoping a lot more of the slug brain host one the song will only send these to those planets and hopefully that means we'll get a lot more of them as time progresses so we're going to try and turn them into our vassal but also we have got claims all the way along here to here so we can start finally expanding again and i'm also trying to claim this world over here once there are protectorates we can eventually absorb them we grow ever stronger because this way we can stop constantly going to war with them start expanding again then eventually just allow them to naturally become part of our glorious empire we're kind that way i mean to be fair the happiness on our planet is insanely high it's not a hundred percent it's not a hundred percent but it shall be more dancers i just realized adding max agricultural districts to these systems is completely pointless oh i completely forgot yes so we have um on our ocean worlds we can have essentially as many agricultural sites as the world can offer um normally it's capped with the different features like for instance this will currently support five of the generator districts and seven of the mining districts but we've already maxed out so what i'm doing is pointless so the next time it gives me that option the excess one i will not be choosing that i'm just so sure about having as many anglers as possible i completely forgot we already kind of are capping out so yeah so um first of all engineered abusing extra happiness or extra mean it is uh i honestly like the bonus happiness raw bonus happiness because getting to full of means is quite easy with that current build then there's this terraforming complications still an ocean world our long project on the planet has frustratingly ended in a partial success as the final valleys were undergoing terror morphing a malfunction occurred in the biomass regulator leading to the creation of a lot of large swathes of terraforming residue well not dangerous to our colonists it means that the planet is a bit more cramped for the time being [Music] yeah as long as this ocean that's all that really matters i can't terraform you just yet since i need the climate restoration tech which is really annoying but we are getting there we're certainly getting there oh that's good so learning from the mistakes that's when you remove the debris which is added by the partial failure there and now i have a little bit of tech towards climate restoration so that is great now if you can get our science vessels back over here that would be wonderful where are our scientists or some of them stuck here should we done this before honestly uh okay the rest of you over here let's get to work grabbing all that and i'll grab these as well a little bit a special project is finished then we start expanding naturally again intellectual booty i really do love these ancient caretakers thank you for the extra research for 10 years okay so we're now at 6k research this is because i've got all the extra building slots from all the different techs our food and minerals are suffering a little bit but our alloys have gone through the roof at the moment so we can sell those for loads of resources even if we didn't end up getting the market which is super irritating we have all of these construction vessels all nice and busy over here so we can grab as much as we can until the influence runs out and then we will attack this empire here which is quite weak because it keeps being attacked by these two so that should be a very easy conquest and very soon we can also in fact know we can do it now we are going to integrate this so we also have all of this territory as our own so this is all ours now everything is looking fantastic on top of that i finally got the psychic tech so we are in fact now mind over mata which is lovely for these fellows blatant sonic and brain slug host plus percent research plus ten percent and soon we're going to get the full psychic as well now i am cute oh 7k now i'm curious if you can get a brain slug host which is also psychic i'll wait until we have the next stage which is really soon and then we can find out okay we have transcendence and we have the colossus project so now all of our leaders of the species will be naturally psionics all we need to do is keep on cycling until we get a leader with brain slug host and psionic if that's possible so just there we go and nope psionic seems to overrule brain slughost which is a real shame and actually i'm gonna start leveling up that leader the psychic spark of genius so that's a full plus 20 research speed from that leader and the second as well we're gonna get plus another ten percent resources on all of our larger worlds which is fantastic we are really really just snowballing now and i'll breach the shroud in just a moment very first time entering the shroud and uh increased lifespans okay there we go all our leaders now have increased lifespans oh okay so our main leader our glorious empress does get the bonus of both psychic and brain slug so do the governors so that's extra stability and unity and then also extra research it's just the researchers it seems don't get both though i will be on the lookout just in case i'm just not seeing them at the moment also how long until i can claim myself as the custodian oh lovelies just need more power i do have a lot of envoys have i not built the diplomatic thing i don't have have i cause i'm a dumb dumb okay we're gonna try and rush as fast as possible to become the emperor well the empress i suppose of the galaxy going down the colossus route also has another bonus as you can see i'm now pretty much out of influence which means i can't really do all that much i'm expanding now very slowly half these construction vessels are just sitting around and i can't make any claims but once i have a colossus i can go on an all-out war and just take everything i attack so i am building up my forces now quite a lot i really should move them down here but we've got some time because i've only just finished off the colossus project and i'm still building the colossus assembly yards and once that's done this lovely crack anything is gonna go out and drown everything it's gonna be fun uh top one wow um once that crafter upgraded they can jump we could try and make the free traders over here a vassal whilst we wait try to leave oh sonic shields well that is a lovely one to get fantastic well that was a definite improvement over the first try lovely species is ready to join us in the sea of the stars we've uplifted a new species these little fellows which are irradiated no not you who did i just uplift you guys who are natural intellectuals okay as long as you have the no migration enabled that's fine now i can actually terraform this world since i was stopping that and we just got a nice chunk of influence we try again oh okay pre-cognition interface that's good as well and i was hoping for a uh a covenant but at least now our ships are gonna be nice and psychic we grow ever stronger mostly going ahead and trying to get them shard to spawn essentially doing all that soon we'll have the rubricator and we certainly have enough forces to deal with it in fact we're now amassing in a force to perhaps just go straight after the fallen empire as soon as we have the colossus i want habitats and a lot of other stuff at the moment so i'm not going to war i'm just expanding into every system i can that's really all i've been doing at the moment i've even made some more uh workers here's one grab all this there we go i was waiting for the influence and now i had all that happen we can now just go ahead and do this oh there's some zero okay i was actually looking for that being guarded by a very weak force like i'll send us more fully over and deal with that where's the weakest fleet i've got you cruisers go deal with that we also have what's that the devourer i'll grab that as well there is so much for us to do still that lovely chunk of space it's about to expand so rapidly as soon as that colossus is done the kraken is here and so is a fleet probably strong enough to deal with our neighbors oh look a very first admiral with both psychic and slughost fire right fire sadly eager which isn't particularly powerful but um good enough i suppose i mean you're very weak and at war your allies are too far away to really matter it's off to war with us and i really really oh you're down here never mind i am very dumb i thought that was oh yeah you're you i thought you were you that doesn't really matter too much we'll send one of the fleets to a safeguard down there it won't take long to get there probably a lot faster than they're going to get there plus we have a small fleet all day on his way it's fine so what i want to do is jump over here because i really want to test out that colossus and look a vile desert world hostile station engaged we will cleanse the unworthy not with fire but with purifying water not right now no here we go here we go we grow ever stronger research complete research complete already firing out so quick planet drenched as the column of water descending from the lady void so my lady void dissipates the surface of the planet is wholly transformed where once there were sprawling continents bereft of water now there is only the welcoming shimmer of pristine blue ocean ready to be inhabited [Laughter] i can't fight you right now it's someone fine now happiness is ridiculous anyway guess you don't like me doing that well too bad this is all likely have a shipyard since i take over that start colonizing all these yeah so you two go and take on that empire the rest of these fleets are going down here ah they're already there that's so annoying that's so inconsiderate oh yeah i already have a pretty strong fleet here um but fleet are meant to say star not strong enough but strong if i jump you there pop you there then i can quickly do is swap these over to hanger bags honestly anything um point defense has been a big problem this run so i'm going to go like this okie dokes lovely the rest of our fleets are currently waiting around here because of uh shards gonna spawn in but you know what i trust in these fleets 100k should be more than enough to deal with shard right i think so so i'll send another fleet over in that direction then i can at home please move there thank you just grab everything the enemy is in our sights fire when ready i love how fast this thing fires it is glorious we've killed so many populations uh i'm sure it was quick i mean no one's ever said drowning is painful or anything right a new colony is underway please give me a covenant i will happily settle for 20 research speed but would have preferred a covenant still like any of them at this point except for um the devourer since i can't possibly sacrifice our world since that's the whole point in this room also this colossus is just so good oh that's annoying how strong are you now okay you have some of those up so you should be better yeah better taking invasive action uh then it's another fleet down don't i oh now his fleet's there as well that's really exciting uh can you please deal with him and can you as fast as you can head down here i don't have gateways yet annoyingly because i need gateways we're playing very wide and that's getting bigger and bigger every every single year now so really would like that i also need more energy yeah our economy isn't as good as it used to be well it is but it's all going to alloys that's why right now i'm being able to build the mega shipyard i'm also being able to build a science network so it's all good and by network i mean nexus so this is a problem i can't destroy this world because it's already an ocean and yes i know i'm losing out on so many potential populations here but you know we've released the kraken it's gotta just do its job so i'm having to make some normal units which i'll be shipping over soon okay took my control of all that we're now jumping over using the wormholes which they were using to attack us to now defend ourselves as well as extend our reach i did try to become custodian i miscounted how many votes they had so i've just wise thought 300 influence as well so that's not very good unless i were to destroy you before it finishes but that's not really gonna happen yay too far away but at least we can destroy the other empires oh actually that's a good point the second empire is the one of the ones of fighting but i'm currently destroying you right now you won't last much longer like at all very interesting indeed i mean you can't vote if you're dead okay it's all this cleaned up thanks to my xenomorph armies so now we have some worlds which i need to convert into oceans manually annoyingly so you you i think oh my mouse is going really weird there nope you are already ocean you're the ocean okay all is good then i don't think i'm going to be able to become custodian this time around i should have waited a bit longer again i kind of miscounted i think it was if we missed one of the empires and i was doing that but well in the meantime i am causing horrible pain for those who are voting against me so you know revenge please this time give me a covenant okay we have a chosen one right castaway hendrick not you but i just saw the extra bonus um [Music] which leader just became the chosen one exactly is the question oh yeah the first stats huh that's probably the worst one to be a chosen one honestly uh much rather be a scientist or one of our leaders like our main leaders but sure chosen as a chosen one i suppose well it didn't quite catch the colossus doing its work but there we go that was the final world of one of the fellows who dead votes against us oh lovely i'm gonna be in jump distance straight away of this area so i'll start attacking all these worlds now i have been just grabbing these worlds with normal ground forces which again is the smart thing to do i know it means we have to pay for the um terraforming but we're getting loads of populations each time but i don't care i want to use the colossus as much as possible i'll use both that's what i'll do i will use both so over here we're collecting all of this then that does attach us to there we're making some forces over here to take out the fallen empire next after this war is over so i want to completely remove the commerce guild then we'll go after the shard and the continuum taking out both of the fallen empires then we shall see who we want to attack next probably the empire doesn't make it all nice and neat up here something like that anyway i'm also building gateways everywhere that's where all of my influence is going i'm building one there i'm building one down here i'm about to start building one over here in fact i think i just did and then we need one over here as well just so we collect all the dried value and just make just like getting around our ridiculous territory a little bit easier because we have a lot of territory i'll just wait a second we'll get loads of alloys per month yeah things are looking really good frozen for oceans reach so many worlds we are capturing and so so much of our resources currently going towards simply converting them as fast as i can i'm converting everyone to the ocean world but of course our colossus is here now as well so we are sharing these worlds half of them are just being drowned the other are being taken over just by standard old force so all of this is going to very quickly fall to us the guild will fall the rest of the guild over here is about to fall and i'm sending some ships to take out the devourer over here and then all these little enemies here so we can actually i've already got a force here to begin with yep okay we'll just take this all right now once all that's gone we can take those systems and then probably i mean you can't awaken so we really should go after the xenophobes they're stronger but it'll be easier for us to fight them so we go after the xenophobes after this war we'll take up that long before the endgame crisis arrives then we can take out the consortium the continuum and then we'll just go after empire after empire until everything is purified with beautiful water well here's something i haven't seen in a very long time the wraith [Music] it's an incredibly weak um little creature here but it does spawn in quite early in its attack systems but yeah i haven't seen it in ages so this will give us a permanent research bonus energy weapons damage bonus and energy credits from jobs bonus lots of bonuses from the deadly jellyfish our landing parties seize their credits this will be the final world i believe of the empire if not there must be one just hiding somewhere yet there we go the guild is gone also my colossus is quite badly hurt so i'm gonna take that home now yeah definitely because what i want to do is drown these worlds because here's the thing i want to make as many worlds as possible into gaia worlds gaia worlds you are not allowed to terraform once you have them which is kind of annoying actually so we are stuck with a few of the perfect worlds so i am going to simply drown the core and boundary [Music] okay it begins now one way to do is a lot safer is to not go to war with the colossus um with the colossus type just by climbing and going toward that way because then all they want to do is humiliate you as i've done it now they're perfectly capable of climbing some of my territory so i'm hoping is that our fleets clash very early on so he can't go around taking everything now thankfully i am very strong so it really shouldn't be too much of an issue yep that one there is trying to make a break for it can we please get to them before nope that's annoying our starbase is lost as starbase is lost what starbase they already somewhere don't jump that way yeah i don't know how they could have got anywhere yet establishing a new colonial outpost okay on the upside they split pretty poorly there so stronger that was a nice and quick fight you are going to try and make a break for it to that gateway i think so we could jump to the gateway and go back round or at least one of the fleets could jump to the gateway just to guard it then the others could press on yeah i think that's the way to go put a fleet there then the rest of you continue there our colossus is on its way yep just got to the wormhole there so i'm just going to make a jump to make it a bit quicker thankfully now i have gateways almost everywhere a gateway is being built there a gateway's also being built here so we can jump around our territory nice and quickly once again we're going to the shroud please give me something good nope well it's the fun one i mean we got so lucky everything else not finding a covenant is fine it's just sad i need more energy and a lot more of the stuff uh we finished with the mega shipyard yep the mega shipyard's finished so is the science nexus we're gonna go after these fellows after the shards so i am gonna be building up a lot of mega structures anyway in the form of the ring worlds since they have loads of ruined ones so i'll just save up for now i need more science vessels there's a lot of stuff i haven't survived yet so lots of all this random systems and some of which will have worlds and i need to make everything into ocean i know a lot of people are going to be very upset here considering this is such an amazing world with so many amazing bonuses and everything else and i'm just about to wipe it out the special buildings will be there available i'll just have to repair them all later on i'm also on gaia welding it making it significantly weaker but you know sometimes you're just gonna stick to your conventions convictions it's also my convention i don't know i am very tired right now but i'm having way too much fun drowning everything and then goodbye to your other main world is this all they have lovely but nope must have another world somewhere oh yeah they're fueled over there that's fine i have a seriously nasty fleet over here and they'll just take those normally i have worlds everywhere i did not think that so many worlds and it's a small fleet there okay we can deal with that quickly and take a moment [Music] this will be a lot faster than the one with the shard sure just because i only have one actual active system and everything else isn't really guarded engaged be annoying if they all split that much though on the upside once i take over the system they are going to instantly lose and we do have enough that we could probably just jump in their way and stop them who didn't expect that um tell you what you as well our star base is lost starbase is lost sleep engaged give them a broadside sleep oh i didn't really accidentally brought the shrouded avatar here well he got the job done anyway and that's really it our ground forces are going to land now and they'll make sure this very short work of everything i accidentally sent the ground forces there whoops a daisy oh well that was a nice easy fight then back to taking out all the regular empires okay we have a presence yes that is exactly the one i wanted the covenant with the instrument of desire it fits our empire perfectly it's all about acquiring chinese glory to slaanesh so that is what we have the covenant is formed with the instrument of desire eventually we'll have some negatives from that but we get a plus 10 to all resources obviously that is a very very big deal we grow oh xenomorphs are slowly finishing off the last of the robots [Music] so now we have these ring worlds with so many jobs i've set every single species now to no longer have migration controls so from all of these worlds they will slowly start moving over once that takes effect after the end of the month so now it should say yep five percent chance and i can speed that along but it should be fine because i'm also gonna have loads of other ring worlds as well although i can't do two at a time so that's where all of our alloys are gonna go now i don't the influence of that which is great and could you please go and capture this world which is already an ocean world lovely [Music] and you grab that finish off that i'm sending some fleets over here i'm gonna deal with the marauders first because they're annoying me so both of those marauder groups are gonna be taken out i don't know if there's another one somewhere but they're the ones i can see okay the next war is now on we are fighting the commonality and also the empire since well they're apparently bestest friends of course sadly for them i'm bestest friends with various forms of weaponry so we're going to go over there attack that new attack over here so we can have a bit of a pincer movement there is a few stations so i'll probably lose some systems over here but i'm getting them back pretty quickly if you two merge you can actually rush over there and try and stop that we have fleets moving down here because i do want to go after the alliance after that so on all my forces ready to jump over and we have the colossus which is going to head over to this one so i'm going to completely drown the empire and normally take over the commonality void superiority let's have a quick look-see then at our aquatic juggernaut victory drink that is very pretty look at you okay go to another system which is a bit less intense though do you want to take a quick look see that attack right now is starting to skyrocket i'm really pushing tech on pretty much every world i can um so loads of consumer goods are being made i'm making sure to get loads of gas so i can upgrade all of the uh tech world's buildings and yeah we're gonna probably hit my goal is to hit 40k before the in-game crisis per month i have done a lot better than that before which is weird considering how much space we now own but i guess i am also drowning every possible worker because i am a good person something something purification something something water something something come on something i could watch that all day and for many it's the last thing people are gonna sing okay you get over there uh how did that fleet get there had to get past me oh there's a station over there that's annoying okay you do split please go and deal with all this i did in the wrong order i'll swap that in a second smaller fleet sorry larger oh no that's the same because i split them it's equal stronger i'm a dumb person sometimes i need a science ship as well sometimes wars can be so irritating okay i don't think it's my favorite of the juggernauts but it's definitely up there very close seized yeah i really do like that the l cluster opened and thankfully it was just the adorable eldrites up my loyal crew technology secured so that's cute but also it means that there's no actual worlds in the l cluster because uh the nanite stuff didn't spawn so that's fine it's both good and bad it's bad because well less worlds for me to conquer it's good because it means less worlds i'm gonna have to terraform and sort out to achieve my goal of oceanic perfection meanwhile drowning how do you still have oh stop one more world this empire just refuses to be erased it's very annoying it is rude honestly okay over here drowned almost everything now the glass is moving into the next world then we're gonna oh yeah that gaia world will be drenched as well can we no it has to be target is neither when that board is not owned by primitive or hostel can you drown your own worlds you see i've been thinking which is a rare and truly horrible thing for me i've been thinking what we could do is requires a loud policy as pops lacking the aquatic trait will be killed and that was what allowed you i was gonna say is i'm thinking what i could do is move all the people off the gaia world onto the ring worlds stop it being a colony then drench it that way all of the guy will be converted now i can't do the same to the relic world i think because it's classed as artificial now why i don't know ah to be so expensive to find out though look at how much influence it is to move one pop it's 25. uh we'll see you later we will see you later right now focus on this but yeah i'm probably gonna drown all the gaia worlds i have turned them all into ocean worlds huh there great khan we are already in your system hmm we may lose this fleet which would be very annoying to say the least need more of everything please thank you let's just uh tip it more in our favorite shop it's so expensive there we go fine all the alloys wow we need more rest rare resources we are making so much gas which is fun to say but um apparently you need more there we go now strike crafts are brutal so here's hoping they have very few um bits of point defense come on single flip i believe you nope stop focusing on others there's folks currently attacking you the things in your face make them not be landing there has crushed finally we've killed the empire yeah there we go the great card is gone intellectual booty sigh okay we'll deal with you a little bit we have to look one of these guys aren't we okay so i'll take out that on the way this will be the next empire probably to go down since uh takes a long time for our colossus to really get anywhere at the moment [Music] we've drowned so many worlds i have plus 21 influence i have never had that much influence before um obviously we have will to power god obviously things aren't on yet there we go we have wilter power and then i believe i got the plus 30 from the psionic one yeah boon of the shroud and then of course i am now the glorious custodian of this galaxy soon to be emperor but right now just custodian will i have become wait if i'm an emperor i can still go to war with other empires right i can't remember for a can of cards uh maybe i'll just stay custodian forever then as long as i get the super fleet i don't really care too much and the influence is a nice bonus obviously can you please get there there's a guy a world who needs to drown oh did i make in time good okay and the old cluster's gonna be mine as well yeah well it was good there's only four more empires left after this one they're all in a well these ones are oh there's another one there actually so it's five in total these four almond federation and annoyingly they are at war with the nations i was hoping to take out the nations next then it's just this little pocket of resistance left and they have to go toward everything again which is kind of irritating just because of the micro management aspect of so many ships everywhere but that'll be fine actually while you're there let's deal with this as well since there are worlds here there's a tundra world that's it and of course it's the enigmatic fortress which i believe we need construction i can't remember what we need actually do we need ground forces well we have a science vessel we'll have ground forces i'll get everything there hopefully i remember how to do that i've done that so many times it's kind of muscle memory now so i'm hoping i still get to choose correctly [Music] okay we are now approach everyone except for this machine empire because apparently there was an uprising yeah you still don't like us though since you don't like us flooding every single world we can see i imagine which is understandable which is understandable grug guzzler's yards the star nation formerly known as the empire has been destroyed by its enemies and we also removed the empire from over here you guys are getting really irritating you know that maybe i should have just got some corvette flights use them instead because yeah the battleship plates aren't exactly quick but that's it uh just slowly crushing this group over here i'll say that empires fell and i think i've done all the steps correct over the fortress we're now doing home system research which i think gives us the three options on middle end yep it's finished it's the middle there we go engineering research the encoder and the decoder i forget what these do i know they're good what they actually do extra evasion there's a chance to hit yeah that's what i want and now survive the system the enemy is in our sight oh my system will be ours now over here i want some more gateways got this one which is disabled and i'm gonna put one and i'm gonna say here and then the other fellow will jump and i'll put one down here as well i'm gonna start getting rid of all these stations the reason why we have minus energy at the moment is because we are massively over our station cap and the gateways will be grabbing all that lovely lovely tried value anyway so i don't actually need them above all these planets i'll sort the rest out soon yep you're sitting there so i can't use the algae to jump around we have pretty much won this be nice to see if we can actually win the game before the in-game crisis arrives 15 years if they spawn in straight away i don't think i will have grabbed everything but um if they're a little bit lied then i think i will get the victory screen thought enforcement telepaths monitoring the citizenry for incorrect thoughts will make corrections as they find them i mean i'm probably not gonna use that must grab that anyway so i've just spent something like a hundred thousand minerals trying to sort out all the different worlds because you have so many you can see so many now being built on things have been terraformed there is just so much to manage as i take over the last of the remaining empires also trying to get my science ships in to finally survive all these systems so i can grab them with my construction vessels i have four different gateways currently all going up at once there is a lot happening and soon i'm gonna try and remove my custodian term limit i don't even know if we can be the emperor if i'm the last empire i don't know if that works what i might have to do is vassalize if i've got like a world on its own like this over here i could remove these systems and turn this world into its own vassal that why there's another empire within the galactic community because i want to stay as the emperor now the custodian oh yeah if i become the emperor i'll lose my fanatic xenophile and i'll become fanatic authoritarian so i'm not too sure there wow this is a serious leader i may be focusing a little bit more at the moment on my normal ground forces but don't worry the colossus is still getting a lot of work see this lovely moon here is absolutely fine it's a beautiful ocean world but this vile alpine world well grow ever stronger we're gonna make it ever so pretty the end of the mandate all of my fleets are now being recalled back to the home system so i can have a quick look see all of them together honestly i am not particularly nervous about any of the in-game crises we still have 10 years and this is just what's already here we have over half of it just scattered around over here and of course we do have the mega shipyard so if i do need to change up the ships i can do so very quickly and i'm i'm actually going to build one other star base as well so we'll have three star bases here all for shipyards and then the mega shipyard itself i have gateways almost everywhere i'll put one more down over here once this is done you're building one you've just finished building one so we need to do now is convert every single world into a glorious glorious ocean world which shouldn't be too difficult except of course i'm have to figure out a way of converting some of the gaia worlds so from my red just then when i was looking at um trying to destroy them we couldn't do it because we didn't have the purge policy enabled we can't do that because of xenophiles but already aquatic species won't be killed by the process of the colossus so what i'm thinking is we can probably simply remove every species on the planet which is aquatic and just throw them down on these ring worlds without having to abandon the colony which is the huge influence sink at the end it's still going to be very expensive per planet but i only have like i think four or five gaia worlds to do that with and of course the uh the relic world as well which i've stopped converting into the arcology project since i don't know if you can flood an arcology world so yeah i just need to do that and also grab all the remaining systems there's not all that many left okay you're about to build a starbase gateway rather my mind is melting it's currently like 3am but we're so very close i've had so much fun with this run it's been steamrolly than usual but i do love all the aquatic stuff so yeah been having so much fun so the influence needed to remove all the people from these worlds is utterly absurd and i have too many of them so what we're gonna do is what i didn't really want to do but well it's the only way really of doing this until finishing at some point this week is i'm going to change our pleasure seeker civic for this one here which i never pick but now you don't have an influence cost for pop resettlement except for colony abandonment now the other thing you can do is you use a transit hub above the world which increases the chance um the unemployed move off the world and then just disable everything so no districts no buildings and i'll move off but i've done that in the one world and it's still taking absolutely forever so we're gonna do this and then in is it 15 years however long it is i'll then swap back this shouldn't really affect us too much honestly our happiness is really good on our planet anyway because of our leaders and yeah i don't think the extra happiness is gonna be too too bad i'll just swap everyone over to um to not chemical bliss to social welfare instead so that's plus 10 rather than the plus 20. so that should yeah that should keep the stability up and running i think so yeah that does indeed work all that people have been moved off this world at least all the ones without the aquatic trades and now it's going to be purified with water ah i should have left a building on to see what happens well i'm gonna find out next time because remember i removed all the buildings and everything just to see what happened uh for our people since they all moved so next up then will be this factory world over here just right next to it so i'll keep the buildings on and see what happens with that the guy world has been converted and to my surprise the buildings are intact okay good to know them we don't need to do anything so if i move the people off they'll slowly come back as um as the jobs will be available okay well i'm getting more energy than i've currently got for that really should just start auto selling this stuff because we have loads of stuff to spare there we are and i'll move over all these to one of the ring worlds one more now perfected gee i wonder if we're going to win this there we are so that was the expansion of the galactic defense force so now we can make up to 800 and athlete which is great so we're going to go way over a mill there fleet power it's almost 2350 and amazingly the undidn't have spawned which is actually kind of annoying because i did finally go ahead and convert all of our ships to using the archimisses which isn't too bad i guess wait am i using the the deflectors why am i not using the sonic shield oh i added that to the other ships but not to those because i'm a dum-dum okay i'll redo that in a second but yeah we all have the archimedes right now which means we hard counter the unbidden we are okay versus the scourge and i can't fly from me ever remember the contingency i know they have good shields but do they have good armor and good hull i don't remember so that's what we're gonna stick with we're just focusing on energy weapon damage as much as possible and um strike craft damage so we should just be glass cannons but the damage is gonna be immense as glass cannons kind of hint technology secured okay this will be a bit easier since this isn't actually inhabited yet so that's the ocean world there i've double checked that all of the worlds aren't currently gaia or ocean are currently terraforming do we have any more gaia worlds left before i start upgrading all the different worlds again okay so this one over here i'm going to put on my favorites i remember it oh you i forgot about since i was checking on that you're changing you know what i know i always like to do these first full play throughs out without any mods but any kind of ui mod right now would be fantastic there's so many worlds so much scrolling i'm gonna break my mouse at this uh this right okay you're converting so it's just those two gaia walls that one guy in the world left i'll double check afterwards obviously but we're really close now there is new information from the situation log okay um as early as they could this is so weird okay so this run the unbidden didn't spawn early at all and they had many years of chance to do so because i got jump drives really early in this game but the the scourge which oh i guess no because they've changed all the different rules haven't they the scourge used to be before the endgame crisis true randomization they used to be the back-up crisis essentially the longer it took for the crisis to spawn the higher chance it would be the unbid sorry be the scourge so the scourge would generally be the ones which show up a lot later but now it's more random i guess it can be early so oh they don't have a chance we have gateway coverage all around the rim of the galaxy and we have honestly a fleet strong enough to deal with the main fleet which is fine i mean again this run wasn't really about the in-game crisis we got a super strong start and we just dominated and we got to see all the aquatic stuff so i'm more than happy this time just kill the scouts normally i let them spawn in because it's more fun but no we're gonna just crush the scouts because for once i have gateways everywhere except for this one little area here wow i found like the one spot why do i have no gateways here you would think i would oh no we have one there never mind we do we do let's put in another one though just for fun i'm now refitting the ships just to begin with i've just changed back to the tachyon lancers uh i will be swapping to full armor after that so with the tachyon lances the archimeters are good versus the scourge because they have more armor than they have hull so of course you're ignoring all the armor that's great but the problem is the other weapons you have don't ignore armor so you tend not to be able to kill all of that hull as fast as you finally melt through the armor and then there's been no point of going straight for the hull so the extra damage to melt through both tends to beat that at least that's what everyone's told me and looking at the the maths that is pretty much accurate plus i just prefer how these things look when they fire to be perfectly honest i'm a simple person that the shinier laser makes me happier psionic uplifted brine slug intelligence plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 to all research jobs glory to the jelly brains shroud decadence so the instrument of desire is finally doing something and it's just increasing consumer good upkeep on this world the population this planet has turned to decadent consumerism desperate for exclusive foods and exotic awares this is undoubtedly the doing of the instrument of desire compare that to things like the eater of worlds orders actually called the hungerer who will occasionally just eat one of your worlds you know just remove it from the game [Music] and that is it uh every single regular world has now been converted into an ocean world with no exceptions sadly we couldn't get to the l cluster and terraform these worlds though the ones which you normally can the purple ones here the nanite worlds because we didn't have the nanite events in the l cluster which means we still don't fully understand them so we just can't terraform them unless can our colossus who's finished over here now no come on okay well that makes sense yes so we are done we are actually done i guess there are some worlds which are classed as terraforming um candidates but they're hard to find and honestly that wasn't part of the challenge it was just all the regular worlds which we've gone far and beyond to do that so now it really is just a matter of waiting for the crisis to finally show up which it should do eventually hitting over a thousand tried value on some of these worlds now thanks to the glorious galactic stock exchanges i'm gonna say it yeah i'm just waiting around now not much else to do this friendly asteroid is reminding me there is one more world to purify this gaia world with the primitive civilization on it so let's get athlete on over here can i yes i can drench it's apparently despite being still normal xenophiles we just don't really care about the lives of primitives intellectual booty where's that going intellectual i guess the asteroid really didn't want to hit the world after all it's a nice asteroid apparently there we go though one more ocean world for us okay it's been like 10 years now since the uh event started but it isn't doing anything so i had to go to google and to the forums to get this shows how bad i am with commands i can't even remember the really bicycle ones but this should spawn in the scourge in the situation or never okay maybe not then ah maybe not then [Music] or maybe yes okay so they have spawned in now to the one place that has very little uh gateway coverage because of course it said never okay sure uh but this happened straight after and normally it says approaching the rim and then eventually it'll tell you where they're gonna spawn in this time they just appeared the next month so i assume despite saying never it was actually saying soon it's one of them weird things in it okay so if all of you can please and over here it would be absolutely lovely um how do i get here fastest probably you no i don't actually know how do i get it quickly i guess there's a gateway there uh [Music] oh they're stuck look they're all completely stuck to here oh okay yep they're doomed then i'll get all my fleets there and just write it out i mean they're doomed anyway i i have one fleet here which is two mil which is higher than their first few wives and i do hard counter them and we also have a defender of the galaxy and we have an economy so i can respawn my ships very quickly rebuild is the word there complete but they're just doom doomed and i have an adorable little um juggernaut just following along yay oh we still have the shrouded avatar oh who's your strong boy yes you are will i kill them all before i can spawn in the next wive i think we'll i think we will but we'll see intellectual booty so although we are getting way too close to them because the scourge love their missiles and strike craft which is a huge bulk of their damage our strikecraft are able to take those down and so they're not doing full damage in fact oh we can't check that's mean maybe we need to do some research on that but i'm fairly certain the swarmlings do have the missile at least then they have just like the acid blast which is a normal attack which can actually get through the strike craft okay okay and the final little swarm over here technology secured is that it we're done intellectual booty i think we're done i did spawn them in weirdly so maybe it's broken but that was the initial wave and normally when you kill the wife it's all over so we're done unless we're still waiting for the other event because normally that give you the victory screen intellectual booty yeah i'm gonna say we're done there there's no enemies left none of them got through the wormhole which is kind of weird if you ask me but i just didn't do that and none of the worlds were lost just a few systems strike craft stop going after the transport vessels and take out these things take out the swarm yeah the strike grafts are preventing the bulk of the damage so even though that was very stupid of us we still destroyed them so the rest are basically the same aren't they so i could just wait for them to split now or i could just zerg rush into the next group as well because i'm stupid i'm tempted to glory to being dumb oh strike craft stop going after the ground forces in the construction vessels they aren't hitting you back these things are all wow so many strike grafts i do love strike craft but to this day their ai is one of the very few things is dollars which actually annoys me just outright annoys me last one the smaller fleets this time my knives capacity isn't updating is it i was going off that to see them had just to see how many things would last but apparently that was a terrible idea the new ships will also be made out of complete armor and no shields because these fellows tend to be very good versus shields how did you get there first uh we should still win against three of these and they don't have any of the ground forces to distract the strike craft um sure let's try um maybe not i'll have a quicker look glad i waited for a second now let's split up a little bit we probably won't engage all of them at once oh no we still did never mind oops there's their strike craft which gets taken out by a strike craft on the way are these fighting no these are still fighting as well oh those actually might do some no we've got loads of regular point defense as well and there's our striker going past this time we have the juggernaut so strike after doing more damage because of its aura and this is the last of their fleets i think and there we go the end of the scourge so once again i'm just going to rebuild these because that way it means we have every system except for the the caravanas system which i wanted to keep because you know trade is good and every world is converted into an ocean world already and with that we are done we are the galactic emperor we have beaten the endgame crisis which we ended up having to spawn in a little bit earlier than it wanted to be because it was just getting annoying to white and we have tested out all of the ocean stuff all of the new dlc things along with turning every single world into an ocean world everything is beautiful everything has been cleansed everything is in order as it always should have been and always will be from now on so with that thank you so much for watching this was really really fun i love the new aquatic stuff and i'm thinking about doing an rp run with it soon because this one was definitely more about the mechanics and just seeing how good it was next time i want to go more in depth with that and just go more um perhaps with the dragon and everything since that's the other origin which i'm hoping i mentioned earlier or future laughs i'll mention anyway because that looks really cool but i wanted to go with the more standard one for this run maybe the dragon will be more fun for a story driven run of the game so my opinion is of the angler especially because i wanted to give my opinion this um lighter on i think this is a good civic i really do i don't think it's the most overpowered civic in the game maybe there's a ways to break it which i didn't do but i don't think it's the most overpowered i did underestimate the power of the tried value coming from both the anglers and the pearl divers because that does add up quite significantly which is really good i also kept on thinking that the uh the pearl divers weren't that powerful but of course the whole point is rather than getting two food jobs which give you almost the same amount of food as the angular it's very close you instead have the angler job which is consolidating those two together along with having the pearl diver which then is just an extra job if you would like it which of course you normally do with the tried value and everything it's not much more efficient than a normal consumer goods producer but you get the tried value out of it which again can be really good especially in a trade i tried value-centric empire i really like this i always find it fun when the bias jobs get swapped up so i love that to bits it's really good with the catalytic processors i found that a really good combo overall it's just a really really fun empire to play however i'm not the biggest fan of the um of the decadent where are you the decadent lifestyle one i just didn't find that particularly great in my opinion compared to some of the others definitely more of a themed kind of civic and perhaps i'm not using it correctly but i mean i didn't really have servants as well because fanatic xenophiles maybe that was the problem you know i think about it the servants would have made a lot better well overall absolutely love that at the dlc i think that this chipset might be my new favorite it's close to being my new favorite if not and i absolutely adore all the new stuff it's been loads of fun so thank you for watching i'm stop rambling now cause i i'm gonna get some sleep and if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and goodbye we're back soon with more solaris contents maybe an episodic one maybe another full playthrough we'll see what people want goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 139,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZsopR3eqvIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 55sec (6595 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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