This Ship Is A SOLAR SYSTEM! | Full Modded Playthrough | Stellaris Gigastructures

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough which today is going to be all about the endgame crisis and hopefully building our very first system craft using gigastructural engineering now the system craft itself is essentially an entire solar system which has been made into one big ship with all of that lovely destructive capabilities as usual i am going in blind with this which means i don't quite know how difficult it is going to be to simply produce that and also i don't quite know how strong the new endgame crisis is which has been added in this mod i have been told countless times that even the galactic super weapon which you can make out of the galactic core isn't strong enough to deal with them it's not a guarantee you'll even win with that so i am looking forward to seeing just how powerful it is perhaps we'll be utterly crushed but at least we'll understand what we're facing next time i might end up having to put this into two parts one focusing on the system craft itself one on the i think they're called blockers or block cats i'm not quite sure the endgame crisis but i think this is gonna be a lot of fun and hopefully i'll do better than last time being a bit more efficient and having some serious power level now as per usual the mods i'm using in this video will be in the description below that is the gigastructural engineering mod and the overhaul for the ui because it just makes everything a lot neater so today's empire is the bug face despoilers and we are using the alderson disc origin now the spoilers are an empire type i tend not to value too highly but do find very very fun so i think it's a good empire to do this and distract myself while i'm trying to get everything else up and running actually be somewhat efficient and i think it's really good with this origin because the alderson disc which is an immense version of a ring world essentially is immense and actually has primitives living on some of the other slices so my thought process is if we have barbaric spoilers we can steal those populations super early to try and fill up all those extra jobs and that should make us have a lovely start because they do have a really weirdly high defensive army count these primitives i think two thousand or three thousand so that would take a long time to build up but i really want to build up a navy because i'm the spoilers we go to war to steal stuff and steal people it's just what we do and the alderson disc itself has loads and loads of jobs so there's just countless amounts of people we need since you can remove blockers and as you do you get more of the jobs back and i think there's something like 400 500 jobs to begin with once all the blockers are removed yeah there's a lot of stuff we need to do so hopefully this is a good choice if not it's a fun choice we are then fanatic authoritarian since i may end up with own populations the ones we steal i'm probably going to use like that and then we are regular militarist because that was needed for the spoilers i really hate not going materialist or egalitarian for this kind of tech rushy thing we need to do to get all the mega structures but again fun and a little bit evil so with our civics we have barbaric despoilers and we have memorialists so obviously with the barbaric spoilers this means we can steal populations instantly we don't need to grab nihilistic acquisition which is great since ascension perks are at a premium while using gigastructural engineering but also this just allows us to be a little bit more aggressive early on with those extra populations and i think it fits the whole scheme i'm trying to go with with memorialists this is i think a good choice first of all it fits the theme we are on a rotting alderson what's even called an alderson disk non-aldson ring which i keep on wanting to call it and there's probably preserved corpses there's preserved ruins there's loads of stuff all over that so a fixation with death i'm sure is a big part of this society especially with them becoming the spoilers just grabbing everything they can hoarding it on the alderson slice so lore wise i think if it's the empire but then also these sanctuaries of repose that you can build will actually increase the stability of the world they're built on giving you extra resources giving extra tried value etc and because we're going to have hundreds upon hundreds of jobs there getting 100 stability i think is going to be a very big deal it also means we can rush a bit of unity early on which is good because of all the ascension perks we're rapid breeders traditional and thrifty because of the merchants and everything else you get loads of merchants by the looks of things again semi-blind i've just done a 10-minute quick um test run just to make sure all of this works and yeah merchants are a big deal i really think that a xenophile uh megacorp could have the best time early on just an insane early game bit of economy but yeah i wanted to try something different i don't play too often so we are going with the spoilers the name of the home world is automated and honestly i just thought that it fit quite well and then we are using the arthropoid ships because i haven't used those in ages and that is pretty much it so we are going to be quite an aggressive empire i don't know if we're going to play tall or wide as we collect other populations because although we are going to be aggressive i want that influence for megastructure so i might not make claims and i might even not take vassals because eventually i'll need influence to integrate them i'm just going to take their populations at least that's the idea uh we're going with the standard stuff i think i've fixed the most of the lag problems i was facing before the mid game and end game don't matter too much i don't know if the end game can spawn if you're forcing the blocks to spawn in but we'll find out soon enough maximum difficulty no scale and difficulty high aggressiveness all the usual stuff we play with and that is it well let's see how it goes hey everyone future laphrax here so as the title or description may suggest i did end up having to split this into two separate videos because of just how much stuff went on so a big focus here on the mega structures themselves and especially on the system craft which is honestly the most fun i've had in stellaris in a while utterly love it just an insanely fun bit of tech and hopefully it will help us versus the blocks in the next video which should be out in the next week or two as i am super busy in real life this video itself has took five days just to get the footage for so hopefully you enjoy and as usual as is tradition i'm here to shill for the video if you do enjoy these videos it helps out massively if you leave a like and a comment interaction it's everything on youtube and these longer videos can be poison for the channel but i love making them this is the reason why i like recording videos i like making stuff that i personally enjoy watching and creating so if you enjoy them too a like and a comment helps out massively and with that let's get back into gigastructural engineering and hopefully you'll enjoy the insanity as much as i enjoy the insanity because sometimes a bit of chaos just makes life worth it you know and so we begin in the very right hand side of the galaxy on our albus and slice so the very first thing though is to set up all the well different settings and we're going to have the megastructure build cap on maximum so we can build as many as we want we are going to not really touch the event horizon offset facility apparently this is really interesting has a lot of stuff to it but i've also been told by a few people to avoid it at the moment because some of it is currently being worked on although i will be asking people for more details about that soon and i'll be doing a video specifically on it either way so it doesn't really matter too much we're just not going to be touching it in this particular video the cats i'll just leave at their standard 40 in all their default settings and then we're going to go with the new end game crisis we're going to guarantee it so definitely arrive and we can either have it at the standard the default which is a hundred years after the end game or we can have it at 50 years after the end game when we normally have the end game arrive though apparently this is incredibly difficult and i would like some more time in order to make our mega structures i think for this first experience we'll have it 50 years maybe that'll be a terrible idea perhaps this will be the start of our own demise but still confirm the settings and let's take a look-see at the alderson slice with our lovely albus and disc so first and foremost the main thing about this is well first of all there's plus 50 resources from all jobs but then we have all of these features which we can remove as we remove them we get jobs because all these districts give a lot of jobs i think 120 each yep so 60 foundry workers 60 of the artisans then we get 40 merchants and 80 clerks there's a lot of stuff here but we need to unlock them and once we completely unlock one since you have to do over and over again it makes this land clearance a little bit cheaper which then means we can get some more districts which are very very expensive so for a while it is going to be trying to get as many jobs as possible and stealing other populations so that we can well have them be worked now one thing i have noticed and probably mentioned earlier is that there's not much tech stuff here now you can customize these later on if you get the tech but at the moment these are just going to be our economic powerhouses so we need other worlds so that we can have enough research to make everything worth it but looks of things we started somewhere pretty darn well since we have trappist over here which has three worlds so not something completely broken but a lovely thing to see straight away so that's great now our ships i'm going to set to riding and we're going to go straight after one of the um worlds nearby because there are some primitives there which we can start stealing and this is also a good way of showing the sheer scale of the alderson disk compare that to a normal world in stellaris and this is just one slice it is awesome and that's kind of why i love it so much it's just such an intense mega structure so with that i'll be back soon when things happen probably going to be skipping a lot more than usual because we need to get to the end game now i might go down the route of synths but i'm definitely going to go down the route of cyborgs because our people have terrible habitability and it'll be easier just to make them cyborgs also means our leaders will get a bonus early on that only cost one ascension perk will i go down the route of synthetics maybe remember this is about the end game crisis i know i've done this hundred times before but i am kind of scared so going with things i'm used to not a bad idea so the first planetary feature i'm going to unlock is this one which will give us more merchants because the merchants are most of our economy that's why i've made the bug faces thrifty because we get loads and loads of merchants each of which give us 15 trade value each and of course that's not being affected by the resources from jobs but it's still an insanely powerful job and it also gives us a lot of extra happiness so more stability the second of the features i'm going to be unlocking is this find lost communities this is very similar to the one on the birch world it will give you a population but then also increase the rate of your population growth now i believe similar to the birch world this is more effective for machines since it gives you about a base amount of construction but this just gives us a percentage bonus to our construction so our growth rather plus 10 and of course we've got one for free as well so that's pretty good next i need the sprawling slums because currently we're growing very slowly because of not enough habitability i meant to say housing there's a lot to think about right now am i brain not good at the best of times okay probably the last thing for a while now but the arcane generator gives us energy and also gives us rare resources in order to afford our initial districts and apparently this acts exactly like a ring world i was really hoping it would because it's a bit of a risk but building up keep and district upkeep is reduced by 10 here in the prosperity tray the arcane generator doesn't quite realize what you've done and then what you end up getting is some excess rare resource now this isn't a breaking amount of stuff and maybe merchantal would be better anyway but i really wanted to check this out so there we go are just a few rare resources to tell to sell every month in addition to the energy cost being reduced and that also going into our reserves so now we have plus 300 energy per month and that's going to enable us to grab almost all of these which obviously is what we want they keep finding things to talk about so we stole the very first of the populations let's take a quick look at them ah they're mantis trump okay so yeah we're gonna leave you's own populations and for now we'll just have you as the standard fracture resource eventually probably going to move you to indentured servitude since we are going to want a lot of specialist jobs as well the idea i have in my head is that entropy is promise and if i can clear these two other slices which i'm hoping i can do just through abduction if not obviously we'll have to make a ground force will be all of our economy all of our economy comes from this and mega structures then every other world is a tech world a tech annuity world and that is it might be mining because honestly the mining jobs on entrance promise isn't great uh like give minerals at the cost of energy it's not free and even with the plus 50 it's really not a particularly good job so yeah not super happy about getting minerals from this but everything else so maybe one or two mining worlds but i'm hoping obviously through megastructures we can get loads of that anyway let's get going the endgame crisis awaits us okay yep so we can indeed steal every last one of those populations [Music] so let's go ahead and grab that and then you lot can move over here it smells like you're a strong uh navy but it's certainly getting the job done with this so the next lot of these fellas the dominion oh and they're thrifty that's really good since you have so many clock jobs you are all gonna be making me some lovely money [Music] well we managed to find cats and land again so that's fantastic since that gives loads of bonus resources and more importantly actually we've managed to find a primitive civilization a normal one now the reason why this is so good is because it'll give us these fellas these sellers are arid preference so they can actually go on normal worlds normally so we'll give them rather than them being owned pops or give them either residents or full citizenship we'll just make sure that they have migration control so they just stay on the worlds we give them but they will have preferential treatment normally i'll be really happy we have no neighbours because of free expansion but actually this is horrendous for us because we need to steal pops that's the whole goal we have an absurd amount of jobs to fill so we need to steal things we don't have an absurd population growth naturally we're about to steal the final few of the dominion there's only 20 left and then that's it that's all we can steal so if we could find some neighbors that would be cool so if i knew i'd have this much free space i i wish i was xenophobic uh moving one of the authoritarian points to that so everything's a bit cheaper second of all i wish i would have grabbed where are you interstellar dominion as our first ascension perk which i think is an underrated ascension perk personally but i'm a terrible player so perhaps this is me being terrible but i always find that this makes things so much easier but yeah we're just kind of slowly expanding just everywhere now thankfully there's been a lot to keep me preoccupied there's another primitive civilization over here not a particularly good one but still yeah free workers and there's been loads of worlds all of which i'm trying to set up for the future that's why our tech and everything isn't great yet because i'm building robot assembly plants on everything we are going to be making a lot of machines so hopefully soon i'll get the droid tech before i forget some people were asking this before why do i have specific ascension perks for specific um sections of the perk tree and the reason is some of them have requirements for instance oh it doesn't say it now because i've already met them but things like engineered evolution the flesh is weak etcetera require at least one other ascension perk to already be unlocked that means i can't just wait around and always have the flesh to tweak first thus saving me a spot later on i need to have one of the lesser ones first uh become the crisis here requires at least two others i think galactic wonders requires no it doesn't it just takes way too long master builders does though yet two others so that's why i'm not growing interstellar dominion now i wish i had that one first but i'm not gonna have it as the second slot because now i can unlock some of the other stuff that's just gonna be locked in so i want now the flesh is weak then synthetic evolution after that i can pretty much grab whatever i want which is going to be all the mega structure stuff so i want master builders i want galactic wonders i want gigastructural engineering sorry gigastructural constructs i probably want the slice of life for the aldous and stuff though i could also be convinced to go down um where are you the esoteric celestial weaponization which is a whole solar system weaponized there's a lot we need and gigastructures likes a lot of ascension perks so being careful not to grab stuff i'm gonna regret later this is lovely though plus ten percent and it's a higher chance of getting the rare techs actually what i should do now and i think about it is start looking for better scientists i found a few maniacal but not a single spark of genius which is what i really want i'll do that soon there's a wrecked planet craft well then that is amazing so i can't repair it until i actually have the planet craft tech but this will be remarkably cheaper than making one from scratch and it won't cost influence obviously we need to make sure to grab this system which shouldn't really be a problem okay managed to get ourselves droids which is fantastic so avoid anything else let us grab the flesh is weak nice robots more efficient and faster being built and of course we can also now turn ourselves into cyborgs which is going to be really expensive oh my god really expensive we're going to be going to war soon we now have cyborgs everywhere which means if we take a look-see our leaders are giving us a plus five percent research boost and the lead the main leader doesn't give anything i think governors give minerals so that's nice and our admirals are also a little bit stronger some extra fire right now our first neighbor we found is actually an advanced start so and of course on max difficulty so although we have the most broken origin i've seen it outside the birch world we can't really go straight to war with them now thankfully they hate everyone and we are building up at defenses we have two very clear choke points so it's not like they're gonna get through anytime soon and i am building up my fleet i can only imagine my tech is surpassing theirs at the moment in terms of scaling so although we are equivalent that won't last that long we're also making a load of alloys so we should be able to outscale them soon and probably the next 10 years go to war and start stealing populations to make sure all of our worlds are fully operational which of course will be lovely and now that we have cyborgs it means our habitability is much better at plus twenty percent then eventually we'll become synths and have a hundred percent everywhere okay we're about to go to war finally now they have managed to keep up they are still equivalent but we are now beating them in terms of tech oh my god you've got one of these well i didn't really want to uh look at that but okay anyway we're going to war because i want to pillage some of their worlds and grab their people because i need more workers at the moment um our alderson slice is pretty much keeping the entire economy running by itself which is way better than i expected only food is now an issue so i am slowly converting worlds into agrarian but i have 2k tech which is pretty good this early on but honestly i haven't focused as much as i would like to on that so really happy with that we just need more people that's really it and as soon as we have more people everything's going to be running a lot smoother i so want to scrap that as well once we have mega engineering 80 000 alloys there for the planet craft but i really want the planet craft so we'll see we'll see how we are at that point right now though we really need to go to war to grab some people and i could go towards one of the other empires which are a bit weaker than that but if we can beat this then we're pretty much unstoppable and as soon as we become synths then we're really unstoppable you know what i'm going to strap their home world i think i can make it as well i kind of forgot i could activate these yes so now we have extra damage and everything else i'll try and save up for oh okay i can now get the shield boost as well this should mean we can actually just go through them and destroy everything in theory if we can take their home world's population then they're basically done oh i didn't even realize they're at war with someone else i was wondering where their fleets were well that's a crying shame for them because i'm gonna have a nice time destroying glugrug glugrug ah nice and docile perfect i love the oracle but 500 influences 500 influence uh the problem is i don't i kind of wish i was spending how man i was capped i want the influence but also the oracle the oracle increases stability is just a really good thing to have around can i just not if i close this can i go back to it later okay cool so for the time being then let's start grabbing everything we can i can make one mega structure at the moment but don't have the alloys for it of all things so yeah for now just have all three of my construction ships grabbing something let's see if i can spend all that influence and then get the 500. oh actually no it's an easy one to do i would love that please perfect i've almost consumed their first world that is their home world of all things and it turns out i actually completely messed up with that chokepoint here thankfully i had a second fleet coming through that's not really a big issue and yeah the economy is booming and so we can start making the stellar particle accelerators these give a little bit of physics research but also increase our shielding if i haven't already said it already because my mind is melting as it is now very early in the morning so there's nothing much else to say i'm just consuming our neighbor making ourselves a lot stronger because of it and soon we can also go to galactic core i'm hoping it's not the i want to call it a pulsar but i know it's not called that the thing we had before which allowed us to build the super weapon i'm hoping it's something else apparently it can be an empire which is kind of terrifying so we have our very first of the megastructures now being built properly now the site's down that cost another 5 000 so that's being sped up by the fact i do have macro engineering which gives us plus 20 to our mega structure build speed although of course i do want other stuff lighter to speed up even more now we are scaling incredibly quickly and that's about to increase even more because we now have since released since on the way after this there's one of the tech and then we can finally turn our people into synths i'll say finally it's only been 56 years and to start game so we're doing really well this early on and we were just getting better and better we have so many people now stolen so i just had the hieroglyphics archaeology site which seems to always happen if you have them the mud installed but this time when i got the black hole i've got one of these around it please stop giving me these i don't want to build them this time though it is gorgeous oh that's horrifying so we're gonna have two of these ruined oh if that's what happened to them as well then interesting lovely there's more people than i thought i'm going to steal so many and i'm actually making more corvettes just to run over and start grabbing stuff i'm not focusing on anything but corvettes just because they're so quick and that's kind of what we need at the moment also i need to start grabbing the tried value from my worlds i've got loads i'm just not collecting our very first mega structure is complete the particle accelerator now we could set this to low which would stop it from ever filing the only reason i'm thinking this is because i've already got like five of them being built right now and i don't want to have the constant failure happening every month but this would give us less output 40 less in fact no i'll sleep as it is and deal with the problems as they arrive the year is 2264 and we now have 9k tech per month a fair few of the particle accelerators now online one of them broke instantly so it's currently offline that will turn back to normal soon i'm building loads of these as well the macro engineering sites although our alloys are now slowing down a bit so i need to slow down with it i'm about to be forced into into status quo but at least we'll get this i'm tempted to fixed all in our territory because it will be giving us the rare resource in addition to a bit of physics but again i do want to cover these on their own at some point and there are so many other things to focus on probably gonna leave it for now it's something to consider for later also being synths is awesome because i forgot how powerful this is plus 15 sorry plus five since the research speed and a huge anomaly research speed so now i'm trying to once again send out our science vessels okay we don't want to accept a status quo though until i am completely forced out still plenty of people to steal oh unless that portrait is not always showing exactly what it is it seems like the center of the galaxy is the exact same as it was before which is a shame since i've already seen it but still the quasar pulsar whatever it's called it's there inbound community well i might as well go back to war again so we are now at war with both of these empires and i've already pretty much stopped them from being able to attack me back so now it's time to claim more population again now i know all this so far has been very easy but remember this is all because the endgame crisis has been balanced with all this overpoweredness in mind i'm honestly very nervous yep so once again is the quasar eternal horizon the hyper quasar so this can turn into the ultimate weapon but obviously that's not really what we're going for this time since that's what we did last time so the central galaxy actually has very little interest to me there we go we have our first containment silo doesn't look like much but this is producing a small amount of energy and also increasing our maximum storage capacity by a lot which is definitely going to be needed as we continue forwards our population is kind of exploding at the moment since we are now stealing from two separate empires at once in fact i can now move a bit closer let's reclaim the home world again and we are building a science nexus which will allow us to get i'm hoping the cougar bits counted nope we didn't count the galactic wonders so as soon as that's finished i get galactic wonders then i can build something from that list which then will allow me to then have gigastructural constructs and then i can decide how i'm going to specialize the time being though to make sure all my unity is going towards all of these so i am getting enough minerals i am getting more science more uh more influence and in a second i'm also going to increase the speed for mega structures again by an additional 50 in addition to everything else i've already got well the name's hilarious but this is actually really effective so there we go we get 22 gas 20 moats and 250 energy this will eventually run out but for now it's powering our alderson slices because i am now finally building some districts on these things they cost a lot of money ah their crime building up that's fine for now we are harvesting the galaxy itself we have so many little megastructures everywhere at the moment still waiting on the science nexus though going to the final stage though so that's good just got to a new world or it's about to yep stealing populations the usual okay grabbing a lot of stuff now because we've just finished off our i'm not quite sure which of the megastructures actually allowed me to have galactic wonders but one of them did so now we have that and we even have a habitable gas giant oh it was probably this yeah now i think about it it was most likely this loads of tech and loads more jobs as i get more population which of course is very needed it's actually a struggle just to keep up with um jobs now i'm also about to get tech which will allow me to build a mega structure here which will devour the star to give us minerals do not have it yet nope okay one month left thank you our research is doing incredibly well so where is it then there is the star lifter and begin so i did go with the colossus project because even if i don't go with the celestial weapon i do want the colossus just to just to enable us to have total war without going down the route of becoming the crisis because i've done that so much i'm kind of bored of it at this point so yeah we definitely are able to build colossi really want that next then we can choose our specialization it's very likely i am going to go with the idea of just having you know a whole solar system because that's just fun lots of stuff happening all at once right now so first of all we have our orchid complex up and running which looks absolutely gorgeous this produces 650 food 300 physics research and 500 societal research at the cost of 135 energy and a little bit of unity which is interesting then we have our first attack moon construction site up and running so let's get that started because i want that up and running properly as fast as possible the attack moons of course are beautifully deadly so let's have a look as here's just the default which i think i'll just leave it as we have the omega annihilation lands we have loads of tachyon lenses we have the neutron launchers of fan strike craft it's a very beautiful thing indeed it's an angry moon so as a random aside it seems like yeah there's the obliterators here and the reavers and they have pretty much beat all the other empires in this section there's not many left in the galactic community which is a pretty big problem we do want the galactic community to survive i'll have to deal with that it also means that i can go to total war before we have the colossi because we can just end the threat of these fellows though we need to get there first oh and there is a fallen empire right here ripe for the taking i am now building battleships okay maybe the fallen empire first the attack moon is online and currently at 358k fleet palace let's get you into the fight as well i'm currently at war with the devouring swarm and likely this war is gonna last a long long time so probably very few updates we are definitely stronger than them but they have forces everywhere so it's going to be a matter of micromanaging all my fleets to make sure they don't constantly take back every last thing i grab i'm also attacking the state because they're in the way they were in the way of almost every move on to mike so i'm gonna have to quite literally go through them to get to the actual enemy and that's pretty much that it's kind of weird talking so infrequently on this full play-throughs but there is a lot to do with the end game and that's the main reason why we're here okay so you can go over there i'm just gonna take over the world rather than trying to steal the populations let's just swap over to that instead so more damage to the armies if i need to though honestly doesn't look like i'm going to around here since i've only just captured these worlds maybe this one a little bit but when it goes to their capital i'm definitely going to need to because i've seen some of their worlds with more population and it seems like they do like their defensive forces oh yeah i was talking about stealing populations a moment ago i kind of forgot the whole hive mind thing so i literally can't steal them can i turn them into synths at least no it is completely you can't do anything with that yeah you need evolutionary mastery to get them to stop being high-minded at least when i go to war with these guys if i do end up going toward these guys before then again crisis i'm not gonna have the same problem so these worlds are pretty much barren so i might as well delete essentially everything on them because it's just upkeep and nothing else i mean i could just disable and that would actually make a lot more sense but you can't desirable districts but they are costing me energy every month it doesn't seem like much but but we are going to get a lot of worlds out of this and that would be just a waste the first of the forges is complete oh yeah forgot this gives me loads of armor and the second one is just beginning so those were the two of the neutron stars in our territory really doing to grab more though because that's going to be the bulk of our alloys moving forwards i doubt that counts towards oh it does count fantastic well i was gonna go anyway so there we are so with that we can now move on to getting the larger version of this forge which goes literally around the original and that's gonna be loads of alloys which we're gonna need because well if a planet craft is a hundred thousand to repair how much is going to be a solar system to make we've unlocked it finally so now we can turn our solar system into one of our ships the problem is it is very very expensive like an absurd amount it's a hundred thousand alloys just to start with and it's very expensive each time essentially similar to when we turn the center of the galaxy into a weapon this is gonna take a long time and have a huge investment so for the time being i am focusing on this building more around our neutron stars so that we can have enough alloys to just get everything done the problem is this is also going to cost a lot of minerals so hopefully very soon the star lifter will be finished in the meantime though we're just at war still it's all just the same old same old as taking over everyone nearby actually it looks like the hive mind is slowly being just completely defeated after this i don't think they're anywhere else so we destroy this make sure all this is ours then we'll go after the fallen empire since we have two attack moons we should deal them quite easily before they have a chance to wake up though they could have woke up by now and apparently no cats this one either nation force has seized a planet the moons are really good versus starbases with their main weapon but i found any time they get mobbed by small ships they really do struggle despite their immense fleet power they're definitely something which should be assisted at all times so naturally that's not what i'm doing at the moment cause i'm a dum-dum but you know it's making its own way look at all these lovely worlds we have now they're all gonna be mine all beautiful and everything else though i am now realizing some of these may have been inhabited and i just let the population completely die off since i was you know purging them so by let them die if i mean horribly brutally uh reduce their number well it isn't exactly a whole solar system but it'll certainly do for now we have our planet craft now online of course is a skull level of power and what i love is you can't even actually check it out on ship details because it makes no sense to you despite you being the one who just repaired it or made it last time i made one this time i repaired one and can at least see in here yeah i need to get a mod for next time but that's kind of ridiculous look at how many tachyon lances it has okay that's a shame you can't really customize it anyway it doesn't matter too much apparently we're like energy weapons today and that's fine yep that's a lot of health that's a lot of armor that's a lot of shields that's a lot of firepower and that's a lot of ship please move towards the fallen empire we're going to have the attack moon and it's far scary big brother ready oh i could actually in a second as soon as i have a little bit more influence start building the solar system yeah i don't really need the influence for these just alloys and i'm getting a lot of those in fact they're going to be increasing uh yeah i think i will start it i wonder if it matters which solar system you build on or is it just a matter of once you've built you built it because i think the worlds and the moons it doesn't actually matter the size of them there's a minimum size they require but after that doesn't really matter so i assume that's the same [Music] for the solar system lovely okay so that's the hive defeated let's grab all these worlds that's a lot of world so our future is pretty much already secured just by how many new planets i've got it's gonna take a long time for them to start giving me anything but well it's pretty nice and i'll sort them out in a second wow 100 undesirables well as you get exterminated let's move our fleets over to here now annoyingly my planet craft was going through this bit of territory then they closed the border on me so now i'm having to wait for it to reappear at one of my um stations so i'm probably gonna have to go to that fight just using the attack moons but to be fair it's two attack moons and like 400 plus k of normal fleet it's still going to be fine so there's the first age of the system craft aka the solar system of death and oh it's devoured everything here since i didn't know if it would affect it i purposely chose a system with loads of worlds and asteroids and everything else and apparently it looks like it doesn't matter so the first stage only cost um 10 thousand alloys the next will be a hundred thousand i currently have three gigaforges all being built at once at the moment uh well at least two of them are currently going on to some of their last stages the hyper forges and this one over here i'm curious building the base so we are going to get loads of alloys so hopefully i should at least have the system craft before the endgame crisis though i've been told about leave and that's not enough so i don't know i just want the system i just want a solar system that hates everything as much as i tend to no i hate everything i'm lovely and love everything i just also love explosions okay so that's interesting so apparently to continue with this we need this system craft upgrade requires one behemoth planet craft and two attack moons to be present in the system i'm really hoping we don't need more than that really hoping can we actually see um when you go to place one down you can see how many alloys it costs but it didn't mention that okay well i'm going to attack the full emperor a little bit earlier and i wanted to just to make sure we can definitely defeat them nice and easily with both moons once we have all the fallen empire under control they'll go over here and sacrifice themselves for the greater good come on fly the big lizard force has seized the planet would you please i must have fired it just before i started to fight well the attack moon survived that's important thing there and that was their main fleet here's the other attack moon let's take out all their systems and then they should be pretty oh ruined ring whoa hello well that's a pretty thing isn't it uh science vessel you were here originally just for research but oh boy i want that i want that very very much also just in case we do need more of the um the planet craft and everything you may know some of my alloys have gone down a lot that's because i'm building two attack moons and another behemoth world so that's gonna be a lot on the upside though i'm just gonna go four four drop here on the upside though uh yeah our alloys are getting more and more i'm still building both of these we have the gigaforge then underneath i'm building the hyperforge the hyperforges are going to their last stage now i think the last stage or one of their last stages that's gonna basically double their output so we should go up to like seven eight thousand per month very soon i'm really hoping we have this ready before the end game crisis arrives if we don't they'll be very very sad a bit of a classic thing here a lovely colossus about to bathe one of the worlds spaceport under attack because it's taking too long and i've got a lot of other stuff i want to sort out okay the planet crap's in position the moons are almost built so at least i might lose all my moons straight away and we're about to get back to 100k alloys already fantastic so much happening all at once but first of all we have that in the background [Music] oh yep the world is biased there we go it's now pure again and let's finish off these the blog have been beaten so all my forces please return home the two moons are almost done ooh so is the starlift are fantastic yeah this is the final stage so yeah back to 100k alloys now i'm just gonna wait for this to finish there's so much to sort out with the world now a lot of them i'm allowing to basically have the unemployment because they're automatically moving to other worlds but it is so much micromanaging or macro i don't know by the way it's a lot technologies still not done that is insane yeah these give so many minerals devouring a moon ah son all celestial bodies are just merging into one in my head now oh there's the other form empire which have just awoken they're very very angry they're very angry i don't care i have way too much to fight them with even if they do have a single attack moon it's not going to be anywhere near enough to deal with me also i have 12k alloys now i kind of forgot that once the forges are completely finished which some of them are now they give you a lot of extra bonuses as well so the forge gives plus 15 monthly alloys plus 200 army damage plus 25 ship weapon damage with 20 armor hit points and plus 20 ship hole points which are obviously great for the attack moves and everything considering they're mostly armor and hull in fact they even have shields no they do have shields but they're mostly armor and hull okay the moon's moving over once that's done we'll start converting it uh do we do we need to make another one of these they do cost a lot interesting amount of power now in our regular stations so that means all the vast actions are currently 666. you probably don't want to fight me lad i'm showing some weird signs at the moment technology secured so we have a second planet craft ready i'm building a third i have three more moons currently being constructed we just have so much um alloys now it's just we might as well spend it somewhere i'm also going to start building the tesla beam soon as well because once again we have the resources and i'd like to see what i super work on that is like and in just a few more days we're going to see what else it needs i'm assuming we are going to need more planets for this just looking at it that's nowhere near complete it's going to have something on the front on the side isn't it clearly okay thrust is a bit what does it need now it needs to attack moon to be present okay good so we already have two attack moons just need to get them into position if i can move them uh where are the attack moons oh god they're slow okay if i can just get them here i can give them a jump and then i can move there so that's going to be the lunar supports oh actually i can see what they're all called yeah i can see what all the different stages are called and then from that we can have a quick guess about what it actually needs i could look it up but i don't want to honestly okay so we're on the lunar supports then it's the celestial erasers then the system craft i can only assume then we're gonna need at least one more planet craft so we already have one let's get it close to being in position the second one is being built we have three moons being built we have two on the y okay i think i wouldn't need more moons looks like the moons are going to be used a lot so i think i should probably put down a couple more moons and here's the thing if they aren't used they're attack moons they're incredibly powerful ships they're still gonna serve us good timing the star lifter is now complete so our minerals are nominal yeah i'm actually building three planet craft apparently my thought was only building two but nope it's three i just have so many alloys it's kind of bizarre also the attack moons are now a really high strength now let's oh that one has overflowed is now one so it's basically over a mil at this point secured it's partially because of the forge is giving them so much extra armor and hull it's bizarre being spammed by stuff like this but it is this kind of how is the moment just uh yep lots of moons lots of very very angry moons [Music] another hyper forge is now finished so we're now getting 17 000 alloys per month i cannot keep up my influence is not able to keep up even with the more expensive stuff right now i need to build is more of the um kugelblit stuff but uh that's really expensive influence-wise building several of those that will increase my maximum [Music] storage which is good because the planet craft get expensive after they're like second stage and it's kind of appearing in a burst so i need to white every time which is slowing me down where's the behemoths i'm basically just spamming them everywhere oh actually i know what i can do what am i thinking i know exactly where i can spend the allies here there we go look at those ring worlds that's going to be a lot of stuff when it's finished there we are out of alloys for a short time so was correct i did require more of the planet craft i only have one at the moment available it needs two it needs two planet craft planet craft cost a hundred thousand each in their final stage just needs two of them casually this thing better be strong technology security two more oh no okay we need to start remaking those because that was keeping all the uh rings just going but still uh yeah one more stage done i think there's one or two more left i'm just trying to imagine how it's going to look at the end that's definitely not done at the front i would imagine it's going to have one or two more planet craft and then a couple of moons that's kind of how i'm seeing it there could have one planet crafting a couple of i don't know i really don't know either way i'm still making a few more planet craft and i do have loads of moons ready probably way too many at this stage in comparison to the last full playthrough we are in a much stronger position just imagine just imagine when we're finally building this normal fleet okay i'm not going to fix up that final behemoth just yet just because this one is almost ready oh wait a second is this one finishing no yeah it's planetary weaponry then the finished state so yeah i'm gonna white it's gonna take a long time i'm hoping oh yeah there we go i knew there's one other one i was building somewhere else i'm building so many right now it's actually bugged out the ui in the um situation log so i don't really know what i'm doing oh no that was the final one never mind then so we have two more planetary behemoths and we have a couple more in their first stages kind of wish i started building more of them earlier on but for some reason i didn't expect these to be so important which in hindsight duh and of course they're going to be important if the moons are going to be important of course the worlds are but they're just so expensive yes i don't have a food okay final stage requires we must acquire 40 pops via a decision to serve as crew the system requires one behemoth planet craft and one moon is that it then is this it okay fantastic let's get a moon in position as well almost done so where is the decision then to move the crew over uh also we can have one more edicts that we currently have but influence was important where is it i am blind clearly i am blind oh decisions i'm guessing a planetary decision am i right i'm right okay sure whoa game you okay thank you just need the moon to move over thank you i expected a bit more on the front honestly almost there [Music] okay i'll go back to that in just one second at last it is done okay that does look really bloody cool at last it is done with the last of the vessels billions of inhabitants finally moved in and the last few structural trusses installed the stellar system craft has been completed this gargantuan vessel of untold proportions dwarfs everything built before it and packs such an immense amount of firepower that its foes will not be able to realize what just hit them its sheer size allowed us to incorporate no less than 20 shipyards into its hull oh nice as well its thrusters have been powered on and the gigantic vessel is now ready for combat nothing can oppose our might wow well that is a thing isn't it we need to use it against the awakened empire don't we little planet craft there in the background uh we could make another one uh funnily enough oh look the star's gone now hasn't it if we move oh my that is slow yeah it's a station i guess we could make a new one can make it i mean we have two planet craft already we have a few ready to go i'm capped out on alloys again i mean outside of influence this is pretty much the biggest drain i can have of alloy so yeah let's start making a second now can we actually look at this since again i don't have a mod to open this properly that's that's damage that is oh my god the whole once again energy weapons all right so this is just so okay overlap so it's really hard to tell but if we just look at this it ends here so all of these rise of doom where it ends neutron it has a colossus thing installed then the second one is more doom beams then it has loads of tachyon lances and point defense point defense again loads of strike craft a cl google blitz protectors yeah i think this thing can just solo the enemy at this point um even with its moon and everything so it'll take a while to get there you know what let's just build a gateway here and i'll move it that way because moving otherwise is going to take way too long and will drive me mad i don't have enough influence do i oh yeah well i underestimate how big this was because of the last system yep you're just going to take up most of the solar system doesn't it how did you fit in that gateway that's a very good question okay so then we have declared war i'm ending the threat of you because you know you're the biggest threat in this galaxy not me um can you please click the right thing thank you just go straight towards their home system please oh a nebula that's so irritating oh well i'll get there eventually we need more energy because we're making more uh planet craft and everything and they have such an insane upkeep oh could have so many worlds to deal with i'll deal with after this enemy presence exposed attacking enemy assets in some smaller systems the size is a bit ridiculous i'm never going to catch up with mmr i don't really know where they're going so risking it now i'm going to teleport which will weaken us for a while it's exposed come on hope and get there enemy presence exposed you're so jumping right yep enemy presence exposed oh hello enemy presence exposed enemies that is that is happiness right there that is just pure unbridled happiness remember this is 50 strength because of the jump where's the strike crap you might have loads of strike craft enemy presence well now i'm just getting hurt remember i'm someone's just assuming similar to the moons and stuff they're not great at swarms because they're like they're large weapons get out of there enemy presence it's just doing it down it definitely killed enemy moon though yeah look enemies which which are appearing are getting mowed down enemy presence six and we have two more of the uh planets now rather once they get super close and have a high dodge chance then it's a problem really needs to be escorted by some corvettes or something either way though i think that's pretty much them done you see a science vessel so i can actually go forwards after that shall we oh enemy presence exposed yeah but they all just died didn't they so yep that was that okay can the new planet craft please make your way there that'd be wonderful so we have two planet craft already we have two on the wires also four planet craft ready we have loads of moons great love those lasers now i saw that you have the ability to do terrible things to planets i'm assuming oh that might be a bit faster than a uh normal colossus all right enemy presence you can see the bad thing oh it's coming from the star in the core that's horrible oh my god the size difference okay i'm screenshotting that people on twitter we'll see this in just a second because that is so freaking cool oh it's using a star to buy the planet with deadly radiation it's so clean everything will be so clean [Music] it lost my composure [Laughter] oh i'm sure it isn't painful at least technology secured is there another world here oh yeah ah might be a bit overkill going to this tiny little yep you're not going to have to see that yeah i mean that should just be instantly killed right oh zero g disrupted who who do attack me who would attack poor little me i don't know i can't see it enemies uh sighs there's an enemy there ah if only i had countless attack moons and such to help me or i could just status quo in a second honestly it doesn't really matter all that much meanwhile the second one of these things is being built uh yeah i really need a normal fleet at this point don't i so i'll start building battleships soon yeah can you just um can you go over there and i'll make a second fleet to go somewhere else in fact to spam corvettes i certainly have the alloys for it and i do have a mega shipyard to help out all of these ring worlds are going to be dedicated purely to making as much trade value as possible that's simply it because honestly everything is very expensive right now it's like i'm maintaining entire solar systems or something but yeah it is very very expensive have i not sent a callership to every one of these oh yeah something hadn't quite had been finished there we go and that should be a lot of resources it's also just another planet now people can move so on most of the worlds i have only a few owned pops so it's not really a concern yet they can't move over but once i need to move them i can always just go ahead and put down the where are you the facility and once that's down he'll auto move them unemployed owned pups on this planet are subject to automatic resettlement to other colonies it's just less often yeah so as you can see there's only one or two unemployed at any given time because they are moving around it just it looks like there's a huge unemployment problem but there really isn't it's just they're slowly being absorbed by the alders and slices and now the ring worlds as well i mean look how many jobs are available which honestly i need give me more clerks need money technology secured imagine being on this station it's a citadel it's on the awakened empire you feel nice and safe and then you look up and you see this well you wouldn't see things very long would you yeah there is a one shot against so many things look at all the little lasers oh is that just the trials from the big ones i don't know and also don't really care continue bombardment of everything i kind of adore the little corvettes following you can't even see them oh look they are hiding they haven't had to fight at all yet that's kind of the point i'm keeping them on passive and close to the um to the system craft if any enemies get close enough they're going to be attacked by the corvette swarm station under attack this is something about this which is just deeply satisfying and incredibly terrifying i mean what would the gravity be doing here i mean this is a lot bigger than the star in the system uh station under attack here by you about to start building a gateway over here so i just built this um this fella really should have been building gateways earlier but everything's been going towards so much other stuff now i really want to make the tesla beam as well but that requires a lot of influence i think 500 just to begin so yeah that's not gonna happen i think just another thing i want to look at some other point you really do you just need to do so many runs of this to really get the full feel for this mod there's a lot of stuff it's nice already having all the freddies are going to instantly take from all these moons i've got to be honest the stellar particle accelerators have been fantastic although they occasionally break down costing influence they constantly have little events like this i've got so many bits of stored research here and there just from that and also my sentence is grammar no here but good good science science me smart yes brain [Music] okay who's next you you're next and probably last uh my other forces are did i just lose the small fl oh i didn't expect you to have a proper citadel um corvettes wow i've made a lot of you recently can you please go over here and save that that'd be great you just retreat you go and deal with that maybe we'll have to do multiple systems with this i'm actually converting some worlds just a regular energy we could make a dyson sphere but i do kind of want to make the whole uh what's actually called the full title of it the smaller super weapon that's still a super weapon where are you i probably just went past it um there it is the nickel dece oh nickel dyson i was calling a tesla well whoopsies have been calling the wrong thing the whole time shows how much experience i've got with it but yeah i want to build it it costs 500 influence though the brain is slowly being built as well wow the brine tanks so long uh i didn't build this that must be odd for that guy world yeah i didn't build that so i'm assuming that was from yeah the awakened empire costs a lot of energy thankfully we have a lot of stuff we can sell you know what sure let's ignite the star uh i was just saying how good you were what happened what what happened to you oh this is the original one that had the black hole growing inside of it but then it started to expand instead and yeah kind of exploded pretty dramatically says this system here right yeah fortunately we however have been able to salvage parts for its untimely demise did scientists estimate that this black hole star or quasi star has now reached yet another equilibrium between the singularity and the outer layers will now continue to grow although extremely slowly wow so we get the alloys back at plus 10 research speed for five years and it's made all of these systems worth a little bit of um research okay i mean that's pretty neat honestly i love how fast we build stuff now and we are still doing repeatables to increase megastructure build speed over and over and over and over again technology security really should just wipe out the other empires at this stage shouldn't i yeah but then the lag is going to be even worse because i'm going to have so many planets growing uh populations on i think let's leave it as it is i might make a bid to become the galactic emperor though because that will give us loads of free influence but we're getting so close to the end game crisis now i don't know if it's worth the investment maybe she had done that earlier the awakened empire is no more now the state being in the middle here is super annoying so i could force them to be a protectorate or something i mean that's another thing we could do well to some of them some of them we can't because well they won't allow that we already have a lot of our force right next to these fellow systems and there's not all that many choke points to deal with this will be annoying but we can always move some fleets over we do have we do have a lot of attack moons for instance you're just itching to fight i don't think i need all of them for this let's see what we need for the next stage of this then the rest i'll move over but i think i will go after one of the other purifiers just take them out of the game i don't think i should use the worlds because yeah the lag will be horrendous but be nice to do some fighting while we wait to have 25 years now before the end game crisis arrives the blockades or whatever they're actually called is it means people block cats am i just being silly am i only just now realizing that progress come on already i want to see what you need next i should really memorize it for next time so i'm definitely going to be using these again especially when i'm just playing around because they're fun oh yep final stage so once again we'll just steal it from here because we have a lot of pops always lags out okay so you three can get your butts over here well i just thought yeah that's a really good leader for i ibraheem of planet it gives daily hull regen as a percentage think about how much hull and armor this thing has that is how that works right because if so yeah that type of leader very powerful there and some extra range for what happens there we go doesn't matter too much let's just get moving and the final stage of the brightwell -2 influence this is pretty much the end then is it worth the extra 3k tech i don't even think it gives us any percentage bonuses i mean that is such an insanely high amount of influence already i'm consuming um 2.88 because of these things do i need tech that much i need influence more right maybe potentially so i've gone to war with these fellows we have at least an attack moon worth of power on every single choke point so you've just boxed them in they have yeah they do have an l gate but they don't seem to be at war with the corporations they can't actually use it to escape at the moment so i'm just going to allow my system craft to systematically destroy every single world they have it's always nice when the colossus can fight for itself ah that was too quick to actually see the shinier things i mean i could move these forward as well i kind of like the idea of just boxing them in and just allowing this thing to rampage why would you enter the system oh good still firing its weapon even though it's a little bit off right now it really is just the sun just irradiating the world and i just adore that so much enemy presence exposed oh want me to signal to start [Music] technology secured oh the compressor stays around the star afterwards that's interesting so that just produces i mean that's not that expensive and the upkeep's very low huh turning red dwarfs into tiny little power plants i like that one more stellar craft is now ready we could start building a we could probably have a third before the endgame crisis that's the truly bizarre thing could go to all of these fellows would you have a world they're ready to guard it meanwhile yeah i'm just gonna bombard every single one of these um ooh are you actually heading towards me now you've got a frozen place i don't blame you the corvette swarm still guarding it the problem is gonna be point blank when it arrives so it's actually not gonna kill these very efficiently but it is going to oh imagine that i'm actually being these poor things you just inevitable destruction at this point okay now i really do hate doing this but i've been recording this now for i think five days and i need to get the video out i also need to do other things as i want to record a terror tech video of all things and i've been having so much fun with this but there's a good chance it's still a day's worth of recording left so i am going to be splitting this into two now unlike the last time i did this where i didn't end up doing part two because the mod changed to such a degree my old sound file wasn't working and when i tried to do the patch it still didn't work anyway i will be recording the rest of this straight afterwards so i'm going to be taking a short break of less than a day then i'm going to be back recording i'll be editing this tonight so hopefully it should be out before friday and expect the next part out probably in about a week or a week in a bit since i am also helping out planning a wedding right now with one of my in-laws it's a very chaotic time in real life with that and actual proper issues as well currently being dealt with but i have had so much fun today so i'm just going to liable this to do with the actual system craft itself the next video will be labeled with the blockets or block cats or whatever they're actually called because that's what we're going to do they're only 25 years away so that is what we're going to do next time which will be having both of the system craft active at the same time building a proper fleet and also building up the dyson beam just to see how powerful this thing actually is nickel dyson beam you see i can't say that probably without my stamina triggering as i'm trying to avoid it wow i'm tired at the moment but this was absurdly fun i really do hope you've enjoyed so with that if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us de la race is a series you wish to see continue in the future i'll see you next week for part two of this when we also get to test out against the block cats the blockades the block fellas thank you for watching have a lovely day and do take care goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 340,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zkfBPfENLuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 30sec (4530 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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