Stellaris | Commonwealth Of Man FULL playthrough!!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me a laugh Rex and of course welcome to yet another video in which I try to do an entire stellaris run normally thirteen plus hours and condense it down to a two hour video hopefully this will go as well as the last run in which we did the unity snails the inward perfection run which was just honestly a load of fun with lots of weird events happening and hopefully this will be something similar but today we're doing something a little bit different for the very first time I'm going to play as one of the default empires the reason is the common wealth of man not only is apply style I'm not completely used to but also apparently they have events which are unique to this particular Empire and I really want to find out just what these events are and normally this would be a bit of a weird let's play so I think it's a perfect time to once again do what one of these videos and before we start I would just like to say thank you so much for all of the likes and the comments on that last video it really made all their effort worth it and just thank you so so much for that your support was greatly greatly appreciated so what are the Commonwealth of man well essentially they were an ark ship which was sent out into a wormhole and then never heard from again and apparently the events are all about the ark ship you land on but also the ark ships of your friends and family apparently millions upon millions of people who have just sort of vanished getting a bit of a Mass Effect vibe there but honestly it is apparently something really interesting so that's what we're going to go with now the Common Wealth of man our fanatic militarists and xenophobes on top of this they have a bonus to their Admirals level cap and their empire leader capacity and they are also nationalistic meaning they get war exhaustion rights lowered and they also have claims for a little bit cheaper essentially meaning during war they get exhausted slower and they can claim things very very cheaply they are adaptive and nomadic though sadly they are wasteful I am going to keep them exactly as they are with no changes so with that let's get going over first the reason why they are a different playstyle to amuse is that normally when I'm being very aggressive like this I either make vassals or I'm playing a fanatic purifier kind of species which means I don't have to make claims or anything like that so climbing systems and taking over the entire galaxy until it's just one banner is not really something I've done before so then with that let's get started now we are going to keep everything default except for we are going to go to levels above the standard into commodore difficulty however i am going to do this so full disclosure i am turning off advanced AI starts i really really dislike this mode it's just something i dont enjoy in the slightest everything else though default and with that let's get going so here we are in the galaxy kind of in the middle here which isn't the best but we will certainly make do so then what is our battle plan I believe our battle plan is to go into expansion until we have got all of the traits there and then we are going to grab interstellar Dominion star base influence caster minus 20% claim influence cast also minus 20% essentially we are going to grab for every last thing we can what's more human than being just that greedy on top of this what I think is a thing is that our system is indeed a unique system okay we have Hyperion we have Haley owes we have inferno tumbleweed Olympus and then we have unity which actually is a moon which is interesting new lunar ah new lunar that's adorable marble and Jackson's planet and then a few asteroids awesome I'm really looking forward to seeing these special events so ultimately what we are going with is as much energy and mineral generation as possible grabbing every single world we can and just climbing area after area from any aliens we find we are really playing up the fact we are fanatic militarist that means we get a lovely 20% bonus to our fire right which is lovely in addition to that a minus 20% modifier to our wor exhaustion and then we are xenophobes meaning that our star bases are cheaper and so are claims we are all about claiming space we are not making vassals we are not making protectorates or tributaries we are grabbing everything we can let the greed begin ooh special event the hunt for the hyacinth we have found no traces of the four ark ships that pass through the wormhole before the El okay so we're doing flowers okay we're all flowery names arrived at unity one ship the hyacinth was scheduled to make the passage after us and the icon pronounced that long-range sensors reported a brief energy spike from the wormhole shortly before it destabilizes and vanished assuming the hyacinths survive the passage and made it to our galactic neighborhood the arc ship has so far failed to establish contact with us it might be a good idea to search nearby systems for signs of its presence of course lovely okay one thing I do want to change I'm not a big fan of the militarist advisor voice so we are going to go to Xena folk instead now that makes me think of the Imperium of man excellent as in the Imperium of man from what I'm the 40k I don't know why I just does oh hello there that doesn't actually make sense with the lore of this thing we haven't been here for centuries so normally this would make sense because your world is causing problems but we simply haven't been on unity for centuries this I don't think we have law wise feel free to correct me there either way though so that's our big overarching event then we need to find all the destroyed worlds and the galaxy and try to avoid our own extinction on unity okay we have found the desolate planet right here so could you please go ahead and do that first that'll be lovely Can I grab any of these yet nope still writing for surveys to happen we keep on finding too many anomalies systems there we go let's grab something finally I've just realized that current leader is very good for expansion as well lots of minerals but also constructor build cost reduced and mining station build cost reduced that's really nice I don't think I'll be grabbing this world as much I don't grab every single world eventually a sixteen no a thirteen world a twelve world Wow look at me in my ability to read just not something I'm tickly interested in updated so we have three major event chains currently going on that's honest life dated our ruler even now has frontier spirit thank you very much Grand Marshall with that our colony ships are cheaper and our colonies developed faster now I'm really tempted just to grab this just cuz I got grabbing it I'm not going to but I'm tempted I we don't have to energy to keep on trying for better scientists did you just not grab that and I'm lettin groups we have now found the broken planet finally a decent world lovely and I'm going to make yet another sign ship finding lots of anomalies at the moments oh I already have map the stars on that might explain why I can't believe forgot even turned that on grab both of you you jump ahead and grab that as soon as you can currently waiting for influence sadly oh I found something cool I've seen this before so these two these two planets essentially have annihilated each other both of them in our tomb worlds irradiated tomb worlds and we are just here observing I could observe both of them can get loads of society or I could invade both the problem is we are very very xenophobic and that won't make people happy if we make them citizens we could make them residents yep there we go there's the old foes if you'd like to read it feel free to essentially it's just maybe fighting each other I believe one it's a colony one's a home plot yet there we go with colony and home planet well I would like both them though there's two very nice worlds in d4 not huge but two of them in the same system considering we're going almost purely for minerals and energy very very tempted we have found the Chile planet which sounds so less deadly than it is Arts a bit cold isn't it any second now that'll be finished afterwards you can grab at the first satellite so there we are it is an ice age because of unchecked emission of gaseous industrial byproducts into the atmosphere so essentially they wipe themselves out because of global warming and each of them had a similar time one of them beside was hit by asteroid so it might have made a mistake it turns out that the burned world is all about runaway greenhouse gases that seems to be talking a lot about stuff like the industrial era just interesting now eventually one of our scientists really needs to get over here so we can do that line as well two major quest lines almost finished that's good so I've decided we are going with prosperity rather than discovery or supremacy to begin with this should be quite interesting we are going to have so much income and hopefully very very little cost this means our fleets are going to be utterly insane in size and we are going to have very very upgraded worlds we are a progressive people just ignore the two planets we just them we just enlightened enlightened we enlightened them enlightenment now that is something beautiful as my throat about lis closes up the paradise planet now this is really really wonderful because what this is we track it on the map is all the way up here yes it is this is going to give us a 25 tile Gaea world complete nothing can keep us out of paradise there's the system right there that's going to be glorious ha we have found the hyacinth also went a little bit papyrus there a star ha ha humans we have found the hyacinth has managed to isolate a residual ion trail in the system is identical to the one produced by our own Ark it must have originated from the hyacinth ok then over a century old but apparently we still think it's there so go ahead survive that system and find it so both happen at the same time first of all we have indeed found the gaya world it is inhabited by a few people that isn't all as the crew deactivated the shield they discovered a peaceful Stone Age civilization consisting of a symbiotic union between mammals and fungi who live in crude huts oblivious to the outside world the nightmarish vessels live on only as mythical beings in their legends they live so of course survey that I want that ok now with the hyacinth our boarding parties returned from the hyacinth for the gruesome report human remains in large amounts consistent with the ark ship entire complement of a million colonists who were found on board who most seemed to have died from starvation but there were also signs of small arms fire and cannibalism bring up the log ok so we have four logs let's begin so these logs are pretty long so I'll give the short version log one a two months out from Earth and they ever arrived at the wormhole the captain is nervous and all of the colonists are sound asleep in their beds the doctor says all of the colonists are healthy and well to go number two they managed to get through the wormhole but sadly the hyacinth suffered a major bit of damage and the engineering is kinda bad in fact so much so that the reactor is completely down resulting in a loss of power only the batteries are running the doctor is suggesting that some of the colonists should be woken up but sadly the engineering bag doesn't seem to be getting any luck with the reactor number three they're trying to use the hyacinths reserve power to get them to the system they're after but sadly it doesn't seem to be working they can't find they happen to a place to live and because of that life support can still go on for a few years but with all of the colonists awake at least quarter a million of them the food is only going to last a month and finally cannibalism everything going wrong and the coal miss break into the bridge where the captain was hiding some food for the crew to make sure the ship was even functional and well you can imagine that by the aah to end this it didn't enter so well the hyacinth is gone or at least extinct final conclusion a silent tomb but we are going to use it now as a museum to remember our history I will get some society research so society research and now this pirates really they're about today this much to kill the site construction complete those pirates must have spawned right on top of the scientists I want my guy a world well we've finally found our neighbors hello there hive mind and hello there Democratic Crusaders who probably won't like me very much anyway so relative Pow Wow you guys hate me and wow you guys don't like me overwhelming when it comes to fleet power well that's hardly a surprise I haven't even built my fleet up yes look conquests the system is ours and soon we're going to have our lovely lovely Gaia world so many resources we can get there now we are struggling a bit for energy and by a bit I mean a lot so I really do need to focus on that on our worlds at the moments eventually these people will help us eventually we have found the home system glorious now that is the end of our precursor missions let's grab ourselves some bonus energy so the home world is normally just about here but apparently not this one time so I'm actually looking at him he's instead yeah a little bit out of the way that's one go back hurt right no you're closer you go ahead and grab that you I would like to walk over here as well because the home world gives loads of stats it also gives a burst of unity which is really nice construction complete now it turns out I was wrong it was the other world which was pollution this one is apparently cosmic whims some gravitational disturbance after eyeing the system's son with some suspicion a scientist named a transient spacetime anomaly as a likely culprit forced the planet from its natural orbit to one much too close to the Sun oh dear still need to find the toxic planet no surprise haven't found it yet honest life we found the homeworld giving us 2000 unity in a load of science so then going to grab this one because I want fleet logistics and I want this one as well as soon as possible buildings and ships being cheaper will be glorious this systems gonna be so helpful and now actually finally building our fleets up currently building to maximum size fleets only 20 at the moment that should be enough to scare our enemies and honestly but looks of things it might be strong enough to kill these people nearby we're already equivalents and I've got double what I already have coming our way I feel like we were given such a great starting location this time around no neighbors plenty of space to spread some really good systems we now have a guy'll world lots of very good stuff oh and now our fleets are apparently stronger than anyone else is already and we still have the economy to support it for a long time I've also found a new plan if I once everything is going well for us we're about to reach the border of our neighbors oh I'm so sorry oh hello the United Nations of Earth you're the ones who sent us here alien scum even though you are us look at them in SOL oh that's a stupidly named planet but we're bigger than you now and you look like a country we look like a writhing mass glory to the writhing mass and there we are a new planet for us to conquer which is completely filled with tile blockers but we all get rid of those eventually even though they saw to tile it might be worth it no here's definitely better now take a well that's reserved for a brand new colony hello neighbors now neighbors I would like to just say we are your rivals like instantly oh why can't I be your rivals indefinitely okay I think this might be a bug I've seen this before thank you for the bribe because I should be able to make them our rivals we have everything we really need to become their rivals but it's not allowing me to do so I'm gonna restart the game and see if that works so all it took was a quick restart and now we are indeed rivals with them which is giving us a point five extra influence every month which is actually going to add up really quickly so yay for that Construction complete as soon as we have enough influence we will take over the hive mind but the high of mine populations will die oh I'll take those minerals cause I'm a bit of a scumbag how strong is the hive mind inferior with flea power excellent let's see how expensive these claims are then well the ones closest to us are very cheap but they of course will increase very quickly thing is I want to claim everything we could just have a very mini war and just quickly take this and then white oh it doesn't mean we can grab some of these lovely resources sure for now mini war oh yeah actually have to declare war after to aim at I mean I might claims you know what I'm gonna do it's not like it's a shock suddenly incoming very angry please it's the right of humanity to expand unfettered you are in our way Oh even look evil look at those red wow it's a broken world cool I was gonna say look our red beams distracting as their fleets okay that's packaged let's get all nice and together for this I mean you are stronger to take them but rather cuz you know we just defeat them completely all of you get ready right on the border currently we are only Corvette so we want to be as close to them as possible our first proper space battle complete oh that was just brutal okay weaker one you go back here stronger ones move on forwards start forcing them to accept defeat lovely Zeno's solution engaged scene meanwhile it's more Anchorage's well that's quick for status quo and there we are we now own all of these systems and all of my forces can return home I'm sure I won't go to war as soon as the truce fades well I'll probably get to war soon as the truce fades behold the true face of evil fanatical purifiers and heed his terrifying words I can feel your alien scum Oh truly truly dark times are upon us Oh lovely more honor yeah we can finally get missiles that would be very nice so are these them energy weapon damage which is really nice since we are currently using lasers and explosive weapon which will be the missiles lighter this one over here is armor hitpoints nice we are very rapidly researching one missile to the next lovely so my next plan currently is just to ignore these two because sadly they have just made a defensive pact so instead we're going for these poor loners we're going to expand into this territory completely control all of it and then start taking their land as well okay let's make our claims versus these fellows then let's see what I can afford now you can make claims whilst you're at war but you do have a negative modifier to them in that they cost more if you're already in an aggressive war okay there we are also aggressive war sounds weird but when you are the aggressor you are the one who declares war okay my claims to all of those declare war for conquest and let's go really we just want to go straight for their home planet so go all the way to here and then wait over there our boarding party should be here somewhat soon I didn't send them around didn't I oh good they're actually here waiting good good good and prosperity is now finished so what do we want next I'm tempted to get Imperial perogative it's really not the best we could just make this into a sector but it's having the cool world is this more fun yeah let's go with that the fun option Construction complete finally we have found the artists okay you guys I want lots of art bases from youth fellows because we have lots of worlds and lots of systems which is really hurting our unity this will go a long way to help that that's three four and five art pieces finally those I invited so so long ago are no longer under stellar shock that is fantastic certainly took the time certainly took their time okay I've actually put down an aim monument everywhere else so I suppose one of you two should get a monument of your own you're good at science you guys are pretty neutral honestly so doesn't really matter which of you gets the monument in that case I was clear up your worlds and then which everyone has some space okay that is everything done sell status go in fact achieve war goals once the best possible outcome now we often have loads of new worlds and our ships could you please return back home you really need to be repaired and reinforced so a few turn of events first of all one of the planets we've just taken over is trying to fight back and take control of itself sadly for it all of our forces were already there and well they're being destroyed and probably horribly horribly killed over here the nomads wish to make one of their planets their home I'm going to allow that because I'm just kind of interested in the Hanten system which is here I mean yeah I have no real use for it sure the system and orb is yours I remember for a brief time there was a bug where you didn't give them the system only the planet which essentially meant as soon as you did that you took control of their planet because you still own the system they are nomadic as you might imagine by nomads they have a long lifespan and the good of engineering sure they will not defy us again probably the only Empire who will like us and probably not for too long honestly you know what non-aggressive back to yeah other than the nomads of friends who I can make them a protectorate and they'll accept would you be our protection what there we go they are ours 5% minerals II yes please that's from the drone research from one of the many many investigate ex aliens I really need to learn to do those a lot earlier and I would very much like the zero-point reactor thank you very much so for the last few years we've just been relaxing slowly sharpening our blades and upgrading our planets and things are starting to look pretty good honestly our Empire's economy is glorious our science isn't as bad as I first expected somehow we are just about holding our own versus everyone now we have the strongest empire within the entire galaxy people around here seem very angry with each other which I am very happy with because if I go over here I don't want them to be one unified front I want them to be easy to destroy now sadly for us the fanatic purifiers were basically defeated but still pipes innovation for our ships thank you as well since--since for the time being until we have some more research we are focusing almost solely on Corvette's which are definitely dodged heavy anyway very very happy with that also slowly that people we've been conquering are getting happier they no longer have the recently conquered thing about them and also they are somewhat converting to our ways for instance look this one xenophobic isn't that right just like us okay you go over there what that unity and all in the energy thank you very much athletes are very powerful a moment I am tempted to go to war again our bastion over here though isn't quite finished but it is looking very very formidable this should hold off these from really interfering with our efforts the only thing they can do is go all the way around here I guess I could put a second bastion here then that would completely protect the main body of our empire from attack from the West allowing us to happily devour everything down here and just ignore them honestly and then even when we're attacking them it'll act as a nice anchor point for us to attack from for the time being though I'm just grabbing some more systems and happily expanding although I do really need to start killing some things around here which are just sort of blocking our path like this for instance okay ships let's get ready to kill random xenos the grand crystal ball okay have fun first I'm actually fighting the crystals here what do I use bonus hull damage and they can heal and they have loads of bonus hole themselves suddenly wishing they had more ante hole weaponry here but okay you will not suffer to live in the same galaxy as these vials eNOS we are truly a horrible Empire art left the glory of humanity thank you exploding lovely okay well while you're here can you do the same for these two please now scientists my scientists are kind of spread far and wide honestly and a lot of them just been dismissed because we can't really get anywhere were blocked everywhere Nicki please go and research that and then a survival system thank you you were actually scientist who's here good you can go and research that that would be glorious last scientist is over here doing nothing do that so this is where I will build our second bastion so that's where all of our minerals are being sunk into now for the next few years a new world we are now about to inhabit which gives bonus energy lovely oh great tropical world you will power our war efforts for many many years to come upgrading all of the capitals takes a long time and is incredibly expensive thankfully for our citizens even the xeno ones we will give them this luxury we are a kind and benevolent people it's weird that we're just sort of ignoring the enemy right now but honestly we're getting very close to a 2300 on the OL Year clock over there so because of that what I really really want to do is make sure I am completely able to fight any event which happens after that so just taking every system thereby allowing our fleet to become horribly horribly huge and just relaxing honestly incoming ride cowardly cowardly people sending riders to do their work where are those riders so the ones over there is it the ones right here well that's worrying isn't it okay where are the riding fleet 9,000 I think we can probably take them yeah definitely okay they own to go to the closest world so they're going there so so away sadly half of my fleet is currently out and about doing some of the missions bad timing there hello there let that be a lesson to their kind we lost nine Corvettes they lost pretty much everything we have the great game and with that supremacy is finished now what do I want next void born to be interesting Wow now that'll be some serious serious mineral production if we use them all for mineral spurts grasp the void galactic force projection hmm so much stuff actually wants where is defender of the galaxy okay so that's a fourth on I'm definitely having that I'm tempted just to grab technological ascendancy all one vision actually yeah governing ethics traction plus fifty percent and more unity yeah let's go with that more unity and it will force those who we take over to more happily accept our wise because I don't want to displace everyone if it's up to me I would like them to just live on our planets happily well except living on our planets at least hmm their fleet power is about strong enough to break through that since that citadel by itself Bastion the world isn't for that was Bastion after finding a tree floating through space as you regularly do we defeated its Guardians as you would expect and now we have researched the tree after rigorous research we now understand why the tree saps some of those creatures which I assume with the Guardians sadly as well the tree didn't have a model it was just nasty eyed but still the tree is able to produce a highly nutritious substance which has machine-like abilities to repair organic tissue the tree is a tree of life if we have the data we could use it to expand the lifespan of our people but there is one problem the tree's healing power is limited in amounts we could only use it to improve a small group of people's life substantially or increase everyone's situation by a small amount Wow plus 15 years to our leaders lifespan that's pretty good that means they would get to max level almost guaranteed and stay there for longer that is tempting or we get shared elixir of life plus vibes and happiness for all I'm sorry but I've got to take that it may sound weird but the thing is I'm even going into harmony soon because I want that happiness we are not getting enough from our planets I mean we are we are kind of rich honestly but we could be getting a lot more if a people were happier and the way to do that would I get more people into our main two factions hmm actually any of these three factions I might even that's interesting what are you pacifists wow they're actually really happy with us probably because you haven't been to war for a while and yeah we have got love money that's kind of their thing that's interesting but either way we need more people in our factions these two are still very dominant but we could get a few more actually tempted to promote them for a while it's expensive but I really really want more people in these two that one will be happy when we go to war this one is kind of happy at the moment which is very nice but also we're going to increase happiness by getting all the Harmony it means we can get the utopian dream which is plus fives and happiness per planet we build it on and also harmony gives a passive plus temps and happiness when you get everything so that's the next thing we're getting we are now officially grabbing harmony which increases our growth rate the next thing we're going to grab is this kinship increasing our governing ethics attraction and then the greater good and then utopian dream our people will be happier under a control what what no one likes us why would you [Music] who are you ah you hate the people we hate as does your ally huh don't particularly want to be in a federation but I wouldn't mind this for now until we know what events are going to happen plus honestly I have three other enemies I'm after none of which are in this Federation that's a four enemies I'm currently hunting so sure why not we'll gain some trust with these over time we'll be peaceful with them even if we go to war with others and then in the end once we outgrow them we can simply dispose of them since finishing supremacy we now also have war doctrines defense-in-depth giving us bonus home territory fire right hit-and-run which is what I'm actually going to use I've slowly like this one more and more rapid deployment increasing sublight speed and weapons range and then no retreats essentially meaning we can't counter fight if a ship dies in the fight it is destroyed but we get 1/3 extra fire rate which is very powerful with hit-and-run we essentially the opposite of no retreat it means when we die in a fight most likely we're just going to emergency FTL out of there as soon as the fight is over they go back into the fleet if the fleet is completely dismantled they will respawn at a local station though honestly we are so much more powerful than our neighbors I think maybe rapid deployments against even odds hit-and-run is really good yeah for now rapid deployment once again upping our fleet at the moment I'm just kind of well I don't really have to spend money on my planets anymore they're all completely upgraded instruction complete so war is sort of inevitable now there's nothing else for us to do we're starting to slowly stagnate we're grabbing everything down here but there's not that much more to grab now that is nice to see we are now getting neutronium ore which we found recently which will increase our whole points by 20% and then we're also getting a ship upgrade cost - and ship upkeep - which essentially means our fleet will be much much cheaper so we can simply have a larger fleet now I'm sure a lot of people asking again why am I just creating Corvettes here rather than just going to the fleet manager and the reason is since we're only making Corvettes I'm not really sorting out anything to do with our fleet there's no composition at the moment we're just focusing on pure speed because we have such a large Empire I don't want cruisers or destroyers until we get battleships I'm just sticking with Corvettes that's sort of the style I now play with as much as Corvettes are incredibly cheesy they are really broken in my opinion in the game Corvettes early game just for their speed and then like game swapping over to battleships for long range support and then having a more mixed fleet is sort of the path I tank we are preparing for war once again I'm getting a bit bored honestly was waiting around our economy is doing fantastically so is everything else but we need more space and well my neighbors have it I've sent one fleet over here to defend the bastion and map send out a few attacks just to force their hands and get a very quick status quo over here two of my fleets are getting ready so we can invade all of this territory as fast as possible so I'm going to want is all of this go up here grab that essentially I want this chunk here this would split their empire into two making it hard of them to do pretty much anything and on top of that it means we have access to well either half afterwards definitely think that's the right call okay we're currently the second strongest in the galaxy sadly there is one a little bit stronger mostly because of their naval capacity Wow really yes Oh for a second I thought they were second after us that would be really surprising my claims well is our far cheaper than they were earlier since we now modify us from a tech which is very very nice it must be said I could go for the capital let me do this instead yet we'll do that for now fantastic timing my allies are at war with all three of them right now because of the defensive pact so these guys are at leat I'd up by our allied empire well doesn't hurt have allies sometimes I suppose and to be really annoying hey Marauders we know a great rate in target I'll come on other Marauders the weaker ones we know good right and target really both of you already in use that's just annoying find them we honorably go alone we've declared war on the wretches eNOS okay you go there you go there ground forces white this should be over well to go attack the wall honestly we have a lots of climbs but it should be a fairly one-sided victory you jump there grab that and jump back grab that excellence it turns out both of these were bastions so now I have two of their bastions and I'm just going to sit on ours until we're needed we also just knocked out their fleet so that's a great way of setting those back now sadly over here this thing has such an annoying defensive force we could go in now but don't to lose all of my ground forces whilst all this war is going on we now have the utopian dream ah how sweet so we will be replacing at least one of each of these hydroponic bays with the paradise dome which gives food but also gives us a and happiness to the planet slowly slowly the alien populations are coming around to following our factions it's just taking a long long time the bastion is under almost consistent attacks but it's holding very very well the one appears so far hasn't been tested so glad I built that that makes my life so much easier these worlds though are so well defended it's taking forever to invade them if finally I think you're strong enough so you're gonna go over here so grab grab grab grab and incoming fleet hello an escape pod from the ravages okay so how powerful is our new leader is the question that is nice mercenary warrior plus temps and evasion plus temps and fire right but I already have a really really good leader ready for now I'm afraid he'll though you are a special leader you're just not strong enough I am climbing pretty much everything there's a chance probably not purely because of influence cast but there's a chance I could take everything and finally I found the noxious planet it's because it was in their territory the whole time we have had that from the very start [Music] there we are plus temp sent happiness to all and with that I think I'm going to grab engineer devolution first then after that I will grab defender of the galaxy so we are going down a genetic roots I will prove our humans very similar construction complete was that not everything demanding unoccupied systems what system with that day it looks like everything except for this one but this one's owned by someone else in the war I can't possibly get that from them well I guess end of status quo let's take everything else just let me take this back first then I'll stay task whoa and take everything settle status quo this is gonna hurt me so much oh yeah look at that - 1200 mg they have one planet left purely because someone else grabbed it darn you guys so oh this is gonna take some serious management so on every planet very quickly very very quickly we need to set up where are you strongholds because we need to get there unrest under control as soon as possible before any revolts happen then well at the same time we need to make a sector to encompass all the new planets so I'm not on 17 out of 10 planets then we need to sort out all the star bases this is gonna take well for you viewers mere moments for me I'll be here a while so then over the last 15 minutes what have I done well every single planet I have removed the hollow temple I've added the regular monuments I've added new strongholds to make sure that rebellion won't occur as soon as these strongholds are built each one will add minus 30 on rest of the planets huzzah for that on top of that I've made one super sector which is encompassing all of this area over here and I've also tried to rebuild the planets as best I can but now the sector AI will continue from there because there's too many planets for me to be manually doing this all the time oh you're being migrated why are you migrated migrating I should say low planet oh yeah Wow low planet habitability okay then I thought that's a bit weird considering I definitely am NOT forcing migration for anyone especially not the residences well with that I'm just going to monitor the situation constantly upgrade the planets to the best of my ability although these sector AI will be building I've set it so it won't override buildings I place so I can also go into the different planets and do stuff really it's not even that much unrest here even the worst of the planets are now finally under control with loads of fortresses and thankfully a very powerful leader no more rebellions everything is now quieting down of course it's going to take a very long time before this sector is profitable not only are loads of the buildings destroyed oddly enough but also the populations are so upset about everything that they're not really giving us anything still though look at that we have a large chunk of the galaxy now under our control and honestly I'm tempted just go straight back into war again take over some of this area and toxic and that's a really weird one so essentially the plants after being tinkered with most likely or a freak mutation choked the life out of all animal life through pollination excessive pollination ultimate hay fever and there we go that's all of them so what else can we learn or ten thousand units a ten thousand you see thank you very much we are now going through the discovery tree so that we can get databank up links and faith in science and of course the temps and research speed at the end oh yes speaking of which I still haven't changed my humans there are my Hugh well it's two types humans I was a humanoid for a second there I was very confused okay so no longer wasteful that's gonna save us so much money and that industrious versus thrifty we could leave that get both of these is that better than removing wasteful probably not so it's getting destroy us remove wasteful and then also give a strong that would be nice increasing the strength for our armies we could go with conservationists we're just really efficiently getting minerals then you know what sure that's a mineral generation no that's not really as good maybe just happiness you know what yeah plus 5% happiness that'll help out everyone and that's going to take a long time the second the truce ended war was already upon us okay let's take out everything we can this should honestly be fairly easy we no longer have to mind our backs because well we've pretty much nullified these fellows and we are definitely overwhelming in terms of force power than both of these so if all goes according to plan this would be a nice easy fight this most likely is the very last invasion we're going to need to do and well this war has been massively successful we've even found a ruined sentry array which is about to be ours we are going to destroy two three empires all at once the final holdout of the first Empire we were attacking and all of the systems and planets of these two empires this is going to take some serious serious work to sort out afterwards but I think it's going to be worth it and with that achieve war goals wait for its good take a second to accept Oh zero frames don't crash please there we go look at that behold the Commonwealth of man that is glorious now we've got to sort out lots and lots and lots of stuff apparently my fleet is now as strong as a fallen Empire and I have already chosen my next enemy the only Empire which is still stronger than us according to the relative power but thankfully is already at war with the Federation which likes us and is inferior when it comes to their fleet power I've already made claims on all of this area over here so very minimum what I want to do is rush in take all of this and stop either here or here since these are really really good choke points we can easily defend after that I don't think I will be able to defeat these in one single war I think it's going to be several like the first Wars but just look at that we are just dominating a whole section of the galaxy we have now unlocked the Empire Capitol Complex and with that we have a brand new civics lot so first of all let's just grab I'm going to say bonus habitability to make everyone happier who were on non-native worlds in fact look at that the happiness now is getting really really good Nakul worlds even the aliens who are serving us perhaps not fully with their will well they're actually not too sad about anymore so reform government what else can we add resettlement castes not so much philosopher King would be interesting increasing the level cap but that didn't seem to be a major issue right now I'm just thinking mining guilds or maybe environmentalist environmentalist would be pretty good considering just how many planets we have efficient bureaucracy would be interesting having two more cool worlds hmm that might be a fun option no I think right now just mining guilds although I don't have the influence so I'm going to wait here until I do indeed have that the first sector has now fully matured and is now giving us 75% of its minerals and its energy which is really really nice the new sector I'm going to allow to keep pretty much everything in fact no I'm not it looks like it's doing just fine in that case give me everything you have please Wow this is how much we're earning whilst our ships aren't docked on a side note the very next fleet we make will finally be a mixed fleet not just pure Corvettes once again I do feel horribly cheesy for doing this but it's just so much easier to have Corvettes with their speed I wish they were weaker I really do because I'd still use them I'm sorry butterflies but your time is here we all give you liberty or give you death your choice you see there's your problem you're giving us a choice we on the other hand are giving you death and that's the end of the sentence also it turns out a wormhole over here this one right here is located over here which is great release it's connected I should say over here so if we ever go to war with these fellows we can essentially attack from two sides at once so that's unlucky for them and I say if I ever do I will eventually but currently there are besties they really like us oh look a bastion how cute the butterfly bastions are well surrounded by red red lasers with red 4G coolers trials ion trails as trail trails trails I was gonna call them beams for a second there which is gonna be really really weird anyway begin bombardment the first planet to fall just look at that swarm that is just horrendous construction complete that's annoying it seems like our allies are at war with them as well the problem is as long as they're at war we can't climb these systems well we've claimed them but we can't take them so at very least we can take a couple of planets it's nothing major ablution takes something I may as always white take the planets and then just settle status quo ooh or we could just allow the enemy to take their stuff back and then take it off them that seems much better discovery is finished giving me plus temp sent to my research speed and now we also have defender of the galaxy the endgame crisis is now a little bit less scary still terrifying but a little bit less scary oh these are humans from the United Nations of Earth huh you weird alien humans I believe Earth will be our next target it's small weak and honestly its entire Federation is also very weak on top of that they are defending the scavenger BOTS which I would really really like to kill construction well that's interesting a fallen Empire has just declared war on these fellows oh they are oh you're gonna get squished oh you are being squished it's a squishy army look at it squish with esque wish bombs our first battleships are being rolled out lovely ships almost in position we are about to try and kill this thing and just look at it the stellar eye to devour devouring Suns I have no idea what this actually gives us so I'm very very curious here is that pretty much everyone I think you are trying to mix with one of the other groups yes you are here we are the devourer and encounter something monstrous a giant being radiating light like a miniature star our instruments first thought this to be a binary star system and chance I can know by can't zoom in on this thing so I have no idea what it's good with and weights weak against look at that for the Commonwealth of mankind Oh first few hits and a call that is down two Corvettes are down wow that's just one showing Corvettes that's terrifying okay we do have some point defense in the form of our destroyers apparently nowhere near enough good sit up well has no shield so I'm glad I'm not really focusing on anti shield stuff today lots of very generic weapons we have missiles on the cruisers everything else using a mix of anti shield nante hull but mostly Andy hull to be perfectly honest hence the amount of lasers even battleship lasers not my standing now why even beings like you brilliant so we can over study the corpse or make a trophy which is a special one for being xenophobe or militarist who were unique building 500 influence oh I do need influence oh that's so tempting there's so much influence I don't know what studying the corpse gives us it could be something amazing I've got to take the trophy so let's see then what is this trophy 50 okay yep I think I was definitely the right call essentially loads of unity' loads of influence to things I desperately need at the moment okay everyone move over here it's about time we go to war versus the humans you know the other humans then not us humans they're bad humans because we're the good guy okay we're clean are good guys here we're clearly playing the villains in this galaxy and apparently I forgot to replenish our ground forces well let's quickly do that as well there we are thanks to that influence kick we managed to claim everything Oh apparently there's already a claim somewhere that's annoying oh other war bearers why are you fighting around here you know I want this more ok are we ready to go yep pretty much so humans face the wrath of humans I mean they're not really Zeno so let's be real they're just kind of not oh yeah I have one force elsewhere currently oh well most of our room is here Wow this event is so light normally you get this at the start of the game well there you go plus 5 cent credits essentially we've just found a bacterium which is able to give us a bonus energy strength from small places is I think is bacteria I didn't read it just then and I ready for a long time after reading it I just go new troe new Troy was a new toy you say you treat your planets are the humans this is a classic good versus evil real isn't it look at those lovely light blue trials and lights are looking ships and then we have these evil red ships coming in to attack whoa that want your fingers bombarded and now it's dead that was my cruiser that's one of the problems of fleets they always go for the larger ships first I would love to use battleship and stuff ma look at that and so we were victorious that was their main fleet whoops so ignoring the fact I'm invading in the background there this is an event I've never had before which is awesome so the enigmatic cache normally just arrives it helps with research giving a modifier and then floats away if you kill it I've been told it's respawns lighter I've never had it talked to us before greetings failing to read species name do not be alarmed I am baldor a sentient AI operating on behalf of the livonian endangered Zeno preserve preservation grant you of all your galactic peers have been selected for that uplifting so far we have lifted lesser species with a success death of what exactly would our so-called uplifting entail long-range data transfer and cognitive stimulation through is his highly efficient well tried largely fine for a coup process that allows me to exercise your populations intellectual faculties in their sleep side effects include but not limited to disillusionment acid reflux and bottomless despair we are ready to ascend you will not regret it failing to read species now do I do anything apparently I do I should need a scientist nearby um it'd be faster for just an icon I imagine yeah definitely okay ice make a new scientist well I'll make a new science vessel then I'll give the scientists that its role it's not time does it know oh it's in my home world now I'm slightly more nervous about it I didn't mind if he's one of our like side worlds we have so many which I don't care about hmm beginning research good luck scientist I believe in you I don't really believe in them but we need to tell them that to make them happier now that's the invasion good enough we are now using gene warriors which are so so much better than the standard yeah if we're going down the route of biological ascent although I think you can use them even if you don't go down the route of biological Ascension either way we're pretty strong now when it comes to the standard ground warfare and you were meant to be with the other group what happened yeah weird I must have sent you the wrong way by mistake well until then you can scrap those two and just blockade there they'll be great then I need one set of ships to blockade here as well Oh dreams it sounds as if it could break any minute meanwhile our people stir restlessly in their slumber heads resonating with the caches rhythmical drone their night sleep interrupted by visions of technological wonders and complex calculations mmm you're working look at it go slowly it's only in the first hundred days e alert Baldor appears to have entered a frenzied state wheel spinning at a furious right Rimes projecting rapid strings of absurdist nightmares to those who dare rest their eyes while many are reluctant to go to sleep at all and unfortunate for you appear to have become trapped in a vegetative state from which they are unable to wake up our engineer suggests the entity which was badly damaged from the start may be deteriorating if left unattended our ascension may not go as planned vegetable added - for pops why leave it be sending a team I guess uh sending the same vegetable pop resource production - 80% all no don't do anything with the engineers there's stupid things going on right now I can't focus on this my people's minds are being turned into mush who knew the universe was such a drab and dreary place devoid of all meaning and purpose though it may be a while before the population adjusts to the many tribulations of having an above-average intelligence overall the project can be considered a success our initial readings indicate that we have developed an enhanced capability for learning and scientific research populations are you different now so ignorant is bliss makes you upset whoa are all humans like that now oh my god that's amazing plus 10% to all Sciences plus 25% leader experience game leaders with this species have additional traits well I need to find and then donut leaders leaders leaders you've said your different traits I can't see any different traits hmm it's size that but I can't see anything to unique with that I'll have to keep a lookout for that well they're upset for a while because ignorance is bliss they're a bit upset by all the things I've learned but eventually they'll settle into that and then they'll be incredibly intelligent for it all so this war is going really annoying late turns out the enemies have wormholes everywhere they keep on jumping into the areas over here so now I've had to add a defense force here yeah it turns out fighting three empires at once when you only have one access point is really annoying a federation fleets on its way from behind the lines of war that's really annoying so I need to be very careful in this area right now their federation fleet annoyingly is hit this area quite hard so right now I'm having to sending some of my forces all the way from here over to here which is really irritating on the upside I've saved up enough influence to make some claims over here so we're going to grab all of the United Nations of Earth and then a little bit of the pious foundation ooh that's a dangerous tech I like it hello earth long time no see you abandoned us but look at how we have thrived turned completely insanely evil of course with some really horrible world views of galaxy views but look at how we've thrived are you proud of us meet our advanced humans now in gene warrior flavor invading seola I believe this should be it and then I can achieve war goals c'mon just surrender Xenoblade secured and with that achieve war goals and oh there we go end of the United Nations of Earth and the Commonwealth of man expands ever more well that's horrible a human militia group recently staged an attack against a major city on far shore the inhabitants were massacred by the thousands and their homes razed to the ground a message left by the attackers on the planetary data net simply states far short belongs to humans where is far sure that's one of these there say father it's faster one of my main worlds or is it one of the ones I've gave up I'm gonna go find it this is far shore the unrest is good is it just because human superiority block darkness you know that's the first time I've ever seen that that's I don't know that that's a special kind of horrible that's a special kind of horrible in this game and you can commit some serious atrocities but some reason that's the one that kind of just got made do you have any open planets not really I so be maybe just move the humans away I'll keep an eye on that I've just realized something the humans even if they are alien humans instantly get full citizenship I'm not actually allowed to give aliens full citizenship I'm glad the game realizes they are indeed humans I can't apply that new buff can I - the humans know so I'll leave them as they are I am now going to allow all of our sectors to colonize and new worlds we're very close to domination victory although that's not the victory I want what I want is this conquest victory but it would be nice to have both the amount of money coming in from the sectors as they are now fully repaired is just amazing our fleets are getting seriously seriously upgraded and very soon we're taking on the fallen empires because I want their tech and so scientists keep it nice and close please thank you very much making some more jean warriors ready to take over their worlds and then we can get all that lovely specialist tech in there specialist world's nothing will stop the commonwealth of man one of the seelye planets with the silly inhabitants tried to revolt but of course they didn't realize I had put strongholds pretty much everywhere that didn't go too well did it no and on a lighter side note well more fun side now anyway I'm now building my first Titans at our home star in fact four of them but sadly we don't really have time the end game events end after - that was start after 2400 we're now rapidly approaching that I really want the tech of the Fallen Empires before that happens so all of our fleets are currently on their way to say hello to our neighborhood fallen Empire claims have been made on every single one of their systems and now we declare war they do have jump drives but we're going to completely ignore that if they get into our territory then so be it if we manage to capture everything we can simply declare victory in which case it doesn't matter if they do hold some control over certain things is their first station it then it's very very powerful but thankfully so is athlete the crushing swarm of humanity actually why would I do that are they definitely coming towards us they're going towards this one which is indeed us okay stay back troops stave and further back hopefully the station will turn on ever so briefly before they arrive even a slight bonus here would be very very nice because otherwise we're going to lose so many troops hey they come station nope station offline we should have just risked it when she straight ahead now instead we're going to be battered at long range for a while before we get into close range we're still mostly Corvettes even if we have been swapping out oh you so glad I have some point defense oh I pulled battle tripping focus so heavily starboard focus on the little things devouring you well this'll be 41 you get the shots are now going to there transports I look at how we spread out look at that that is be useful well done fellas now begin bombardment of the plan X I want to take over this as soon as possible in fact you don't even need to it's so weak we can happily take this all by ourselves the ground crews thank you for your effort but say it's not particularly needed stick together and go for the next group as you can see some of them have just gotten past us and are taking some of our areas we don't mind we're going for complete victory here not status quo so that really doesn't matter the only problem is it will hurt our war exhaustion but thankfully we have lots of modifiers to try and keep that low especially since we are fanatic militarists the hold power of gene warriors okay their fleets coming back in that case stand your ground for a second stay as close to that gate as possible and kill them when it happens there we are okay you can safely arrive there okay yet they just teleported straight into us at point-blank range they get no bonuses there whatsoever they always going to be devoured by our fleets bee-utiful secondary fleet is going that way interesting either way I want you to move over there and prepare to jump to the next sector in fact just go ahead and do it now wow that system though that system that Citadel look at that 75k Citadel maybe should have allowed them all to move in together there but no well so many of our ships are being annihilated by the station I'm so glad their fleet wasn't ready with this wow yeah we are losing so much this station those defense platforms are brutal thankfully they are going down though and soon enough we should be victorious yep now it's only the Citadel itself and beautiful it is gone okay so we have the celestial throne and the sky temple both of which are fairly powerful you should be able to take out the sky temple by yourself though so do that you guys over and over to this on the upside now of course we do have that station as a defense as soon as it's back on line all of our ships are now also equipped with the ability to heal themselves they all have at least one level of regenerative halt decision oh okay here's some gas oh wow that's going to take Italy forever it must have one of those planetary shield things I might just send in our ground forces before weakening it because otherwise this is going to take so so long and the enemy are reinforcing themselves we are no longer using rapid deployment instead we are using hit-and-run this increases our combat disengagement chance Wow look at the planet there that is a bloodbath on both sides but it looks like we are eventually going to win it well done Jean warriors it seems like they survived really easily so many of them come back after a fight it's not really fair but I don't mind that because we're not being fair either we've conquered almost all of the galaxy and now we're crushing them so can't really apply too much can we still mastic static there they are back again yeah this is gonna be such a bloodbath I may need to do status quo but if I do it looks like we are going to take the main worlds though that's the thing of these are the worlds we've been after because look at that they have all the special buildings which just give an insane amount of energy and mineral production I will be keeping this as one of our core sectors let's go with axis nice and cheap okay good the enemy fleet was caught off guard and we didn't end up fighting the fleet and the station at the same time this time we definitely will though sadly hopefully now we've hit and-run our losses will be minimized as well you'd certainly see a lot more of them teleporting away rather than dying fat you can hear it it's when those white flashes occur there they're there yet they're definitely going down I wonder what this planets like good nice undefended stick together don't let up we're going for the next station I made just about be able to get victory here even with our war exhaustion going so high we made just about being able to get a full victory but it's going to be close we have lost so so many ships to these stations here's wishing I was using missiles right now anything which hurt home because they definitely have way more hole points and they have shields and armor honestly normally I do use missiles thought I'd make it a bit of a change and just use the more regular weaponry this time we are humans so we're going to be bland just one station left by station I mean planets and by planets I mean both station and planets [Music] we have mastered that last station is really holding its own come on burn it down already all no the fleet's back where's the fleet oh that's really weak it of mine that is absolutely fine not terrifying in the slightest we have mastered a new technology almost sounded sarcastic but no that's truthfully the thing it's not really scary oh also curating vault thank you give me that lovely bonus you Missy now land and here we go Construction complete construction complete but most importantly inviting is you know Larry also we have load stuff to upgrade also we've lost so many ships look at my income now yeah we need to make some brand new fleets as soon as this is over hurry up let's not victory that's so wrong yes achieve war goals [Music] the best possible outcome the fallen Empire has been defeated and now our scientist is free to research all of this lovely lovely stuff which will give us loads of special research including special armor and special shields and special thrusters and special everything yay so what to do about you fellows then hmm one of our first sectors is close to here isn't it we could just merge the two yet right there in that case we'll grab everything which isn't the homeworld yeah well and the homeworld well that's good to be ours because these things are inside now you guys you guys you guys you guys I think I want these planets to be permanently for humans I'm afraid honestly I really should have done let's begin with core world's human only where are you purged allowed yes oh it can only purge enslaved species well let's see them so we could put them as enslaved for now and change it later because I don't want all of my resident species to be knocked out of our planets which is the way to do it normally so I guess you guys is lives well we could have put you as undesirables I mean yeah undesirables and displacement so don't get that negative modifier on for every single other Empire and I'll just put some humans here we now also have Dark Matter thrusters why are you building a robot well it's fine anyway this is all part of the sector so I guess the sector's building robots on this planet here we are we now have four of these ever glorious Titans and a fifth one already being made now the Titans currently are all the exact same they're just giving bonus health regen to the fleet therewith because sadly they only work with the fleet layer with it's not a true area of effect that's something I didn't realize until somewhat recently and it was really sad and I realized that now we are the titan and we have this here the nano bot cloud defensive aura effect on own fleet ah daily hull regen daily Armour region it's actually really really good especially over long fights especially when you're conquering huge areas of space but for now am either going to just rest help out my new sectors get to their full potential or we're just going to kill off some of the aliens around here so killing off the Marauders killing off the scavenger BOTS over here stuff like that so don't want to be caught out when the final event starts although to be honest that could still be many years in the future but for now all of you fellows since this one's still upgrading please go over here and we're about to say hello to the Marauders and there we are the Titans beam look at that just glorious shot did it actually hit I'll please don't say that missed I think it missed well it was glorious anyway you miss regularizes look cool I'm just kind of ignoring this please guys you're leaving your Titan pretty exposed there now thankfully is healing constantly which is nice but still focus on one thing at once guys you are totally gonna lose your Titan my voice just broke saying that do you know how expensive these things are huh the sleeper awakes the recent destruction of one of their large void dwellings at the hands of Commonwealth that man has prompted okay so we just created a new great card thankfully for us we're already kind of here and we're definitely not strong enough to fight them off why did I only send in one fleet realize okay if what else go there well it shows how strong we are in comparison to the Marauders whoops-a-daisy cubes white I would like you all to go at once now you can go back here look at them all healing yay so what's next with this oh yes please I mean we can't really be psychic now we are already going down the biological route but still oh no it's already coming into our systems you annoying things okay one of you go there please block them off the rest of you already here so you can just happily why don't I just accidentally killed the car well Legos pretty much everything they had okay yes so you go there you go with them then you can go over here you're still being upgraded okay it was really light lo for the Great Khan event it's almost 2400 I was wondering where the mid-game event was normally happens why earlier stop sending your fleets in to die I want to kill your homes and off you go as their corpse is slowly disintegrate I'll come on you took one of our systems you annoying things yeah when you've got time put it this way instead thankfully they will get stuck here for a while because of the station so you can catch up in the meantime if the game will stop lagging for two seconds yeah this would be easy enough taking out all of this I might be wrong about something I don't know if they do heal during combat I thought they did so this one here it's hard to tell no looks like they are yeah I can see the healing effect yeah just thanks well never mind they do heal in combat this it seems like to do my still be wrong there no definitely combat definitely healing good a home of their own the robotic workers on far shore have resisted an influx of human laborers claiming recent geothermic instability in the region has made the area unsafe for organic habitation oddly enough our planetary surveys have not been able to confirm these claims oh this is going to be bad isn't there I'm going to be nice to them that I feel like this might start an event I don't know what this is I really don't so why would robots lie what are you doing am i nice to robots make sure we're nice to robot shall we robotic workers allowed artificial intelligence citizen rights there we go just in case they're um well planning being a little bit naughty let's say the sleepers awake okay too many events at this point lads oh no they're right next to us okay guys hurry up and finish off the Marauders please we have other things we need to deal with the death of the Great Khan there we are okay everyone return home that I'm going to reinforce you oh one of our new fleets is ready anyway excellent but yeah we need to strike against the awakened Empire before it gets too strong oh my god I think it already is Wow we need to kill these fleets hopefully when they're not all bundled up either way though we need to get over here as soon as possible so get home reinforce go we are going with the Colossus project I'm fairly certain when I finish this people are gonna be really upset with me my remember if it's either when I finish this or when I make my first Colossus either way we're making them and most likely we will be using the planet killers spending a lot of money right now upgrading our Anchorage's thankfully we keep on getting trade deals for our strategic resources which gives us lots and lots of minerals as well right now though we are massively above our naval limit but I am just terrified of that awakened Empire we don't have the strongest ships because that tech is still not exactly fantastic but we do have lots of them lots and lots and lots really need to go to war with these guys soon it looks like they keep on putting most their forces into one death ball which means we're going to really struggle what are they like strong shields there and they just like to ignore shields quite a lot but at the same time yeah ignoring shields lots of strike craft lots of disruptors perhaps if we go heavy missiles do the escorts have point immense lots of point defense hmm maybe we should stay as we are we're currently very very balanced we're ok versus shields ok versus armor ok versus all points we don't really stand out but having overwhelming numbers of missiles might be the way to defeat these but we all that point defense it would be nice for all that point depends to be utterly useless I've changed all of my destroyers into complete anti shields hopefully that should make the fights a bit more in our favor so an upside and a downside with declaring war against the awakened Empire we are doing the end threat goal which means every time I take an area it instantly belongs to me we don't have to wait until the end of the war it's not a claim the problem is the opposite is also true if they take a system from me or a world they instantly gain control I still think though what we need to do is take out their worlds as a troop priority even if they start taking our worlds back it doesn't matter we need to keep pressing forwards it's the only way we're going to win this so with that we charge in and hopefully this all turns out for the best they have split their forces into two which means we have a much better chance right now of just charging them ooh you get to keep that a sapiens AI assistants huh haven't seen that version anyway come on destroyers do your job you are made for this one particular type of fight boneless things you're doing incredibly well yet the shields were just peeling off them and without their shields I should quite vulnerable okay one of their fleets is currently down for a limited time gets charged over here next our soldiers are currently hiding on the planets over here I'm not risking them being in space until I've got a direct route sure guess we kind of have now so you make your way over as well oh they had a fleet there that was the fleet REE materializing and thankfully oh no it's because they had a gateway nope that gateway still being constructed can I be corrected anymore I love those shots from the Titans so cool building kinda stack this yeah I can definitely just attack this world I don't need to bombard it which means our fleet is still more than capable of moving I'm gonna leave these guys bombarding over there that's fine as long as they don't get in my way over here I don't really care if they do take a planet construction we can always take it back near the end hopefully we can get these before they reinforce yes we can oh the tightness one shot one of their escorts once again they have a really really defended Citadel lovely so now we can research colossi or do we already have it maybe you read it no mind we'll look at our Colossus after this a little while lighter and we are now going to settle for status quo I would have loved a complete victory but we did do very well we have a lot of their side planets and of course we have their homeworld which is the font of knowledge which once again is a truly amazing world with loads of minerals and loads upon loads of energy we have this little side world here which is nothing really interesting to be perfectly honest and then we have the archives which have the precursor archive buildings which give eight of each science so in that cell status quo except thank you it's now all of you go and heal up near one of these we're going to go to war again fairly soon against these fellows thankfully in the background I did create a brand new fleet so I can reinforce straightaway now what to do with these planets them honestly I would like both of them to be cool worlds both the archives and the regular I am going to put these fellows as undesirables second let's go away they will slowly be displaced but then we also have these synthetics ha they were enslaved weirdly enough not anymore though I will keep visit these synthetics these synthetics will stay since they are good at pretty much everything I can't build anymore no I can well normally I can't but apparently now I can so I'm going to replace this planet completely with synthetics the main planet I am going to replace with humans and I'll keep these synthetics which are already here I'll sort out the planet a bit more as it continues so just sort out all of this and then we'll see if anything else interesting happens these synthetics are about to be somewhat edited although we have gave them citizen rights and honestly they're not particularly unhappy I am now also giving them loyalty circuits making them 5% happier but also giving them 50% extra governing ethics attraction if they're going to be on human controlled worlds they have to learn to act like humans we are now studying two very very important Sciences genetic resequencing and mega engineering we currently have genetic sequencing because I have gone down the route of evolutionary mastery this will allow us to have some special tribes and also remove beneficial traits to give them even better ones basically the humans are about to be very very much improved on top of this I have now also unlocked ambitions so I've instantly went in and grabbed ambition a scientific revolution so we are also studying it significantly thankfully the awakened Empire seems to be quite docile now this is their last fleece they don't seem to be reinforcing I might just leave them for the time being they're just not a threat and I'm still waiting for the endgame crisis so maybe that's what I'm going to do just send everything back to the home star in the middle of our empire and just wait behold the Colossus and this time I've went with that the neutron sweep this means it kills all life on the planets while still keeping the planet perfectly intact I think it's time we do a little bit of testing all of you get your butts down here we're going to war with these fellows and now that we have a colossus we don't need to do climbs anymore because we have a very very special type of warfare we can use declare war total war Colossus ambition hearts and minds governing ethics attraction plus 100% ethic shift chance plus 100% also this time our Empire finally just face the truth they're ours now we now have the better traits and because of that we are making one final type of human then I'm going to get rid of all of these templates which are kind of cluttering everything up right now so we have the uplifted traits which apparently I can give to everyone perhaps I was wrong earlier the Fertile trait which gives bonus unity bonus growth speed and also happiness we have the robust trait loads of habitability extra resource production and 50 years on top of their regular lifespan they are natural engineers and they are even happier our people are going to be ecstatic to be alive essentially and we are ready for the war which is against you fellows you are adorable but I'm afraid you have no place in this universe five four three two one and it begins lovely so this is going to kill off all life on the planet leaving a lovely sterile planet behind we would call it efficient Wow yet no more life there I'm guessing even hates us for that yeah good good but this is very efficient though especially since I'm no longer having to wait until after the war to grab systems we're just taking them constantly then every time we reach a planet we just use the Colossus and move on it makes taking over the galaxy so much easier just look into the cleansing light it all will be over soon and the galaxy will be better for it so whilst I've been cleansing the galaxy and do a good job with it apparently they will also war with this group and well they've made a brand new Empire so now also war with that Empire it's just gonna split the old one into two really that's all that's really happened functionally now you can go over here and start destroying these as well thank you very very much I do not believe I am any longer a member of this Federation in terms of it being an associative nope definitely not because we swept the world you know that doesn't sound as bad as actually is oh hello glitch we will always see the perfect glowing worlds they leave behind well that'll be this entire section now under our control so I've decided is we're going to allow the Federation to survive for a little bit longer because going to war with those is going to be super annoying they have a wormhole which goes over here a wormhole which goes over to here they then have sections which attached to us pretty much everywhere it's going to be a really annoying really long-winded fight we will win we have more fleet than all of those combined but it's going to take forever so they're definitely the last thing we kill thankfully these fellows have very few access points one here and one here technically one here and so it's this Federation we're taking out next but for now just this I would like to believe the law of these particular humans is after destroying so many planets taking over so many empires and forcing them into residence or simply kicking them out they became so callous to the loss of alien life which they already didn't like but I just accepted this Colossus the Colossus was just a means to an end that's it and with it empires are going to fall as we purge the final two planets I've decided to give all of this to one sector the reason is there are so many planets here to colonize and so many things to fix up and I'm trying to do other things and honestly running out of time to the day this is now the fourth day of recording I just want the sex III to deal with it the sector AI may be a little bit off at times but it can at least handle just colonization and build things kinda maybe few mistakes few lives lost yeah it turns out I was wrong I didn't see this one hyper line right here we already have access and slowly we are turning into a very evil Pac Man we've had the settle status quo for now although I did miss these four systems here the main reason I've done this is just because I can't get into here at all so I can't grab any of these systems unless I go to all their neighbors which means going to war with the entire Federation which as I said earlier is going to be a nightmare in terms of coordinating everyone I'm going to have to have ships over here here here here and here only then can we possibly pin them down the problem is then they have the wormholes going all the way to here and somewhere over here so I'll also need some ships there at least maybe a bastion on each so for now we simply withdraw we've taken absolutely loads from them and we can now give some time for our sectors to recover and take over all of these planets which are now barren although they do already have tech on them so at least when they are taken over it's not too bad now we are I'm also now changing our Corvettes over to missiles Marauder missiles and let's go to phase disruptors that way we can completely ignore shields and armor with our Corvettes although our other craft are still going to hit the armor and shield so I might need to swap all of my fleets over not sure just yet galactic power surge is this the unbidden or is this no it's not the ghost signal I'm not sure what eventless is but finally the end game crisis is upon us been waiting around honestly just expecting it to happen anytime now do we have any energy tiles yes we do well I'm placing that with the Galactic Stock Exchange and you are going to be the Ministry of benevolence and you are going to be the Research Institute because I completely forgot about those last two because I research them yesterday started lying today then well I forgot they existed the unbidden okay this is the final event then so point of interest the dimensional portal feeding ground reached pray bountiful long last we shall feast because you know that's the voice these would have right so then where are you unbidden please please just generate right in the middle of these guys that would be hilarious doesn't seem like I've got any luck there though yeah where are they then situation log don't got so much stuff the unbidden net dimensional anchors dimensional portal track on map where a hare it is over here so this is good and bad it's bad because I can't really kick very easily it's good because they're going to be devouring my enemies have fun unbidden and also the enemies will eventually open their borders to us most likely because well it's a bit silly to erm keep them close that when they're being eaten there we are the borders are open so the question is do we help out or not we really should but more of these will spawn in soon I believe I can't remember I know that if we let them get too strong more stages occur but I don't know what the stages are because last time this happened to me I was actually pretty quick it just quelling them also what type of ships are there anyway what's their strengths what's their weaknesses I don't remember so they are no armor shields and home so missiles are then essentially missiles the counter yes I was just retrofitting to that so I will allow all of my ships to retrofit then I will decide what to do I'm really not sure at the moment well I was wrong I definitely can't handle it there are more now and they are definitely out numbering them in that case all forces together except for those who still need to upgrade you upgrade first then I'll send you all together thankfully we have a wormhole very close I'm so tempted to just let them devour more of the enemy but right now we need to deal with this the more spanks they have the more anchors they have the more units they can bring through the portal and I believe the portal is either immune or more difficult to kill until they have no anchors so we just need to deal with them as much as it would make dealing with all of these easier later one thing I didn't look at is the weapons they're terrible versus shields that's good we are already naturally heavily shielded every are their health is just going straight down perfect yet we are definitely a counter to them whoa they are expanding quickly okay make sure everyone is on hostile let's try it some more Admirals as well if we can take off some scientists who needs science when you have missiles except for the scientists who made the missiles but let's ignore that a little bit all of you over here we need to destroy that constructor they have several okay if some reason I thought there had one well there we are behold the power of mankind faul Energy's eNOS Oh several Corvettes going down there none of them warped away not one that's worried oh no there you go okay nevermind just bad luck I suppose Wow zero frames there we go okay we stopped that from being obstructed perfect don't really care about the armadas we just need to keep on destroying the shape as the voyage shapers oh they did defend themselves okay they're not really doing anything but apparently that was enough to face them off well done combined forces oh I just thought if I declare war on them right now I could use this as a distraction I'm already right here in the middle we could take so many systems the Colossus is right there waiting as well no no the last thing we need is something which could end up causing more problems down the line destroy the constructor goodbye constructor oh good one of our animals are now aggressive that's a bonus to fire right well I think I found the dimensional portal by mistake hello yep cannot be attacked so right now then we need to deal with all the anchors first just stick together minimal losses please as soon as we're done with this most likely I'm going to instantly enter war with these guys because well we're in their space we're right in the center we can go every single direction we're going to take some losses on the outskirts but I think overall we'll be able to take more from them than they do to us and then once we do status quo will have gained ground it's going to be several Wars to finish off the Federation the Federation will fall for the Klinger I mean for the humans the portal is finally vulnerable here we go whoa down to like five FPS that's always good really I knew no two titans of survived so far we did have four yeah as soon as the Corvette's get there it's over okay immune okay so we need to destroy this first now I can destroy this so turn around Oh lovely look at that Wow 220,000 whole points the galaxy is a safer place is it over Wow that unity love like okay then now here's something we've almost one with domination victory soon that's going to be a natural victory condition let me have a quick look-see at the condition of our fleets then I'll decide if we are going to go to war straight away or not I have been creating fleets in the background and they're going to go over here and over to the wormhole it shouldn't be too bad here because the Colossus is basically ready so we should be able to initiate attacks here first of all now should defend this as well as only one weak point there are so many ways they can attack us back this is going to be a nightmare I'm probably going to skip over a lot of it I imagine in the editing oh now I can make the arc emitter the one which ignores shields and armor well too late and the so begins the War of the galaxy right now we have our fleets pretty much in position a few of them are still just about getting there but we have some Corvettes down here we have Corvettes circling here we have Corvettes about to get to the wormhole we should be okay to attack them on all sides they should not be able to have enough leet power to defend everything they will push us back in certain locations but ultimately we should win this in fact I'm going to do is take up this fleet straight away so a slight change there so I need my Colossus to move back a little bit just to be safe still haven't got warp drives which are really so jump drives like you'd call them them warp drives which is really annoying but still so as soon as I declare war I jump into here I take out their Federation fleet which I still can't see oh there it is yeah that's their Federation fleet it's as powerful as it's going to get which apparently is a bit confused about what it wants to do total war and Colossus we go q I'm going to taxed right there let's get one of their stations from here down as soon as possible please the ones about to enter the wormhole or wait until we actually get there for now that a stack does a bit of a Defence Force you jump in here let's start taking out stations hinder their ability to defend a little bit oh hello how this is a mess Titans firing from the inside of the cluster that's just weird their shields are hardly even budging only from the point defense fire they even being damaged her health is rapidly decreasing and then only the red Legion remains well now we've quickly damaged the fleet they will return soon enough but honestly maybe we should make a path for the Colossus yeah we should Emily focus understand not understand aya lighting their planets so go there there there that way we don't have to hit the planet gets stuck then eventually you can move to here Colossus change of plan no II to run away two titans two shots instantly two of these fellows dead and there goes another one excellent the Colossus will be here shortly to claim its first world your Zeno filth will be purged from this universe one galaxy at a time but more realistically one planet earth island galaxy not the universe one down onwards to the next we attack from all sides some fights are going better than others this one is actually a real real struggle but you should be able to land there and take that out and then I'm going to simply exterminate every last one of you policies and edicts purged oh just allowed anyway good you're not going to enjoy this domination victory but we are continuing here's a problem we can't selectively purge anything unless we put the entire species into slave mode so new default rights slaves in fact I could have got undesirables there but that's fine and then we swap these two the same in fact just undesirables Desirables purge type extermination it's the fastest let's be xenophobic it's really in this year this is going better than I expected my god it's like a hand reaching through there so I've done is I have at least five full squads of Corvettes purely because of their speed going through two separate areas doing exactly this and this breaking through even if there's a slight barrier eventually bombarding a planet for instance and then just grabbing every single vulnerable system they can these systems will eventually be retaken and these Corvettes will sadly eventually be lost but I have no idea how the enemy are going to defend against so many areas at once at least a few of them are going to make ridiculous progress and if not well the main fleets over here just happily devouring planet after planet it's like we're just bleeding into them finally beginning to run out of minerals here so oh I can't afford it never mind well thankfully we do have a grand fleet when that slope it's gonna cost us an absolute fortune but for now we just need to keep on removing these stations we're conquering we're just leaving behind this barren row of nothingness like locusts I'm having a lot of fun right now can you tell it's still a very annoying fight and I have to keep on being very vigilant just to make sure nothing's massively last births it is really fun okay you're taking back the stuff we've just grabbed so you can grab those first for some reason they don't want to move out this group if they combine they could easily take up this small Corvette flip of some reason they really wants to bend that planet are they're probably just to defend the planet there's the reason in the south we are experiencing great victories but in the north two of our fleets have both now been destroyed to maximum sized fleets we are really struggling in this sector but thankfully the Colossus is down here just relaxing slowly gobbling up planets everything else is being taken out very very slowly we definitely need reinforcements though and I need to start selling all of these stations they're really draining managing I've got to give them credit they keep on coming back for more and honestly they are dealing some serious damage however we are wearing them down and as you can see it's more like islands in an ocean of death at this point even the north is now slowly being taken over all that really remains is to take out the planets and sadly the Colossus is very slow at doing this and since I can only afford one Colossus at a time at the moment I'm tempted just to make a really really powerful landing party and go from planet to planet just a random horror nothing else oh look painful also look painful Oh such horrors seems like the glosses just finished off another planet as well and goodbye I'm fairly certain that would give us the jump oh one second I thought I saw something which apparently I didn't I thought this was another one of the random enemies but no it's just the infinity machine so that should give us the jump drives but honestly we don't really need them right now still nice to know we could have them if we so desired or at least something similar this particular species is actually a residence on most of my planets however it is also everywhere on these planets at this point I'm going to do something truly truly hideous I am going to exterminate all Zeno species currently on our planets it will be quick mostly painless but it's going to cause a whole host of problems well we found a psychic entity and a really interesting world well system honestly just sending in some really basic erm ships and now wishing I sent in a little bit more but apparently is okay anyway I want to make sure I have every single system and that is it at the end of the Commonwealth well have Commonwealth that was and with that we are victorious it just said that was destroyed so I think it's still updating for the victory yeah there are no other empires left other than humanity and if we look at species these fellows are undesirable and very quickly being killed out only humans truly remain right now every single system is colonized complete and utter victory I'm going to wait until the last of the aliens are completely removed and then I'll give a overview of how I felt about this playthrough about the Commonwealth of man as a faction as an empire choice and everything else it's been in excess of 17 hours as playthrough and it was a lot of fun so it turns out I missed two systems one over here and one over here I had indeed survived them but I forgot to send the construction ship afterwards everything else is covered yes yes it is so as they build that let's talk about the Commonwealth of man I honestly think this was a little bit too easy to be perfectly honest now I did cheese there fair amount using only Corvettes at the start because I expected it to be a bit more difficult this difficulty setting can be really brutal at the start and of course harder difficulties even worse but this one can sort of hit you in the face early on so I went completely Corvette and I kind of wish I didn't because it really helped I think the Commonwealth of man as I was saying is a very easy Empire to fly it really lends itself to the wipe lifestyle being a xenophobe and the fanatic militarist and then going with distinguished Admiralty is just so so powerful you quickly get loads of space your ships are much stronger than usual and well your admirals are stronger as well you are just a true powerhouse and then your economy can just go through the roof if I played this again I I would have upped the difficulty to be perfectly honest I wouldn't have cheesed as much and I would have tried to stick more to the law I would have had sectors with aliens in and then have the cool worlds as human only that's definitely more fitting of the law but instead I've went with complete and utter fanatic purifier and well here we are all on our own and there is the last system so the next time I fly through this I'm almost certain I will be doing the one planet challenge that's it if you would like to see this again as you can probably tell I am now incredibly tired and my speech is going bye-bye so tell me would you like to see it again how do you think this playthrough went I had a lot of fun hopefully I've edited this down probably more than two hours honestly thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and good bye you glorious glorious humans you bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 300,767
Rating: 4.9257374 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 6sec (7926 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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