I Become EMPEROR in Nemesis DLC - FULL Playthrough | Max Crisis Difficulty 100 YEARS EARLY!

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome to our first full playthrough in a very long time now with the nemesis dlc but today we are not being the nemesis we are not being the world well galaxy ending threat instead i want to become the emperor of the galaxy the other way to win the game now is through diplomacy and becoming the most diplomatically powerful empire there is and basically installing yourself as the emperor of the new galactic empire and that's exactly the goal of this video now the empire we're going to be playing today isn't exactly what i would call the best at getting to the emperor position since it isn't the most diplomatically powerful it won't give you um the same amount of diplomatic white as some of the other empires will especially if you go fanatic xenophile and something like the megacorp because then you can build the buildings on other people's worlds which increase your diplomatic white which is incredibly good when that's the main goal of your empire but instead since i've played way too many megacorps recently we're going to be a little bit more brutal in our way going through complete greed lots of resources perhaps um a bit evil at the start we're going to be conquering other empires at the end of the day i do want to vassalize the entire galaxy so of course that certainly fits and we are going to be fanatic authoritarian and xenophiles so we have extra tried value and an extra envoy which will give us more white later on but most importantly the fnatic authoritarian will give us extra influence which will allow us to expand faster and extra worker pop output which combined with minor girls and the less ivory guilds we are going to be getting a lot of base resources which can be translated to a lot of alloys and a lot of consumer goods but mostly alloys we're gonna be very greedy in that respect so the law of this empire is pretty straightforward they are the order keepers from the world fell this world is very scarce in resources it has almost no water on the surface except for a few scarce reservoirs and the wildlife is vicious to survive here is an absolutely monumentous task and for a very long time for thousands of years there was war constant famine and the life expectancy was again very very short until one empire rose above the others timing the other species on the planet one of their previous predators and finally uniting all of the empires together into one collective with the simple philosophy of order brings prosperity if they can control every individual citizen if they can control every last thought of the people everyone will prosper in the long run at least the majority because that's what they go with the greater good for their people at the cost of everything else they're not necessarily malicious to other empires but they're not going to be particularly caring either they will befriend some if it benefits them and they will crush others just as easily so because of this fanatic authoritarian everyone should do as they say otherwise things will go very very bad so the traits for the main empire is they are thrifty and intelligent however they are weak and most importantly they are fleeting living here has very few benefits for the elderly let's just say that so a short quick lifespan which they have to do everything possible is exactly what they needed with the very minimal nutrition they were never particularly the strongest but they were one of the craftiest empires and every little thing they get their hands on they would want to keep at the end of the day they are all about trying to survive and that will continue to be their main goal even now as a galactic empire the secondary species is going to be a lithoid which they will send to other planets to colonize in order to get as many resources as possible these were previously the predators of the main species that's why i've gone with the rock spider over there their traits are they are industrious and ingenious because they are the workers and have been kind of bred at this point to do that however they are unruly and they are sedentary being you know rocks but they're going to get us a lot of resources i was actually very tempted to not be xenophobic or perhaps be xenophobe that way we could completely own that population but i do want to play a xenophile run because i just want to and i do like the tried value a little bit more than that so some of them will be free but the majority well 40 so the minority i guess will be owned pops giving us extra resources the main species is the breaker and the secondary species is the broken i was kind of going for a mind flyer kind of idea with these as well to begin with hence the naming schemes and that is pretty much it we are going with of course syncretic evolution that's why we have the secondary species we are going with the imperial ships and that is pretty much it and we're going with the weak govern the strong rule my favorite voice there editing lathrix here after the first recording session i found out that owned populations no longer get the bonus from worker bonuses if they are in a specialist job which to me makes complete sense which has weakened the owned pops a little bit and everything i'm talking about but i do find that out eventually so don't worry i know that now overall i do think this will be a very powerful empire and being a fanatic authoritarian gives you extra worker output because we have the guilds here 40 of the main species will also be owned and worker output does translate to that even if they're in specialist jobs it's i do think this is a pretty meta or near meta empire honestly and it's just something i really wanted to play so we're done with that we're going to have maximum crisis strength uh we'll set it to uh yeah that's early enough i think 2325 i'll have a random crisis sorry don't mind which one we'll spawn in high aggressiveness we are going to have scaling difficulty because i've learned to absolutely love this it does make it a bit easier in the early game but i really enjoy it i like all the other empires scaling with me it also allows early aggression from me a little bit easier uh whereas normally you have to wait around for so long and it can get a little bit dull we are of course though on maximum difficulties that will rank up pretty quickly actually you know what i will set the start game a little bit earlier this way they'll get their bonuses a bit faster as well so that's fine so yep still 25 crisis strength we are on a huge empire and we'll have a ring galaxy that makes that galaxy there obviously and that's it begin hey everyone future lathrix here again but far more future than the last future athletics this is future future laphroaig so i've just now finished recording all of the footage for this playthrough and uh it's been an utterly insane ride which took me far longer than expected it took me a full eight days to get all the footage for this and why over 50 hours worth of footage i'm now editing down i had a lot of fun with it it took a lot longer than expected because of all the stuff going on in real life so as usual i hate to do it but if you would like to leave a like and a comment it helps out the channel immensely these videos are a lot of work but i absolutely adore making them and it's always great when people seem to enjoy them so if you like it give it a thumbs up it helps out a lot and makes the channel a little bit more viable for all my time so hope you do enjoy the video it is weird and so we begin near the top of the galaxy so what is our goal then to begin with well it's going to be just very very aggressive expansion trying to grab as much as possible as fast as possible find all of our initial worlds and send as many lithoids to as many worlds as possible now sadly they can't colonize things on their own but we can always move them to the new worlds once they're there i'm gonna be focusing almost entirely on as much economy as possible probably not going into research for a while just focusing on how much stuff can i possibly get so it's gonna be a little bit dull so let's skip ahead a little bit first contact protocols i think being cautious might be what i'm after here well i wasn't going to be aggressive anyway um but saturday night getting more influence would be nice and we are meant to be manipulative and nice to people at least their face um we'll greet them with open arms sure also i just noticed something are we on the wrong economic policy yes we are gonna be on mixed please for now i'll probably stop over to militarized later since i want loads of foundry worlds hmm our very first uh leader isn't one i'm particularly happy oh god i've just saw its name i always forget to rename them okay peacekeeper caffeine i was building this empire last night and very tired that's that's my excuse i think fnatic egalitarian might be the better way to try and rush alloys and everything but i do kind of have a soft spot for the fanatic authoritarian playthroughs because i love the extra influence i love all that raw resource to begin with and it's just so easy to have this lovely economic boon from day one is this the best way of going about this no i don't think this is the best empire at all for what i'm currently trying to do but i enjoy it all the same i mean look how many science vessels we have already and two construction ships going just constantly gonna grab as much as we possibly can rushing this way as fast as possible there's another empire over here and if i'm lucky i can completely block them in and start taking over all of this territory which is exactly what i want hello alpha aliens you are peaceful traders you are pacifists and spiritualists um well i actually have very little against you i'm tempted to spy on you but now i'm going to be nice and spy on you that is pretty much what we are star system we'll shake your hand and our other hand will be holding a knife two to improve relations one to build a spine network i don't particularly want to have a non-aggression pact though there's a chance i'm going to want to kill you so no receiving communications i mean you're protective over us and probably a lot stronger right now because i've not actually built any fleets but um yeah you're pacifists we could work towards controlling you very tempted oh sadly i did get that system but we can still block them in if we're fast enough what sounds better order keepers or keepers of order attempted to change the empire's name which thankfully you can do okay i think i've decided now that we have more information on them um i might keep them as allies because they are a corp and having their buildings on our worlds would actually be pretty nice we could try and get them into our federation at some point perhaps that would be a way of doing things it's gonna be difficult though since i doubt they um i really doubt they're gonna be happy of us going to war being that they are pacifists expansion is finished we are grabbing interstellar dominion and next we'll go into domination which only makes sense building up a fleet for uh no reason you just normally you just don't wait fantastic oh that is so tempting okay so this is the endless expanse i forgot what this was but essentially if we go with this we get 10 minor artifacts and then we get another one of these sites and if we do that we end up getting a permanent bonus for our homeworld i think it gives extra resources and a few other things or we can grab 500 influence that will grab us so many systems early on but i really think we're gonna go with this because it is getting us more tangible stuff i think it's not only fitting for the empire it might also be better for the game itself i am try harding a little bit even if i didn't go full on meta with a lot of stuff i've chosen certainly didn't choose many weak things either now how i see it at the moment in terms of going to war with those fellows is that right now there's no point it costs us influence and it slows down our expansion the second our expansion has halted i'm probably going to become a lot more aggressive with them or if we can vassalize them so if we get strong enough that i can demand them become our vassal we're probably going to just go to war instantly that's going to be the second i can do that that's not going to be for a while so i'm spending most of my alloys and everything else i'm expanding so they're there for now we have a little tried deal we're getting money out of it they're getting money out of it you know it's all good a size 24 gaia world oh that is glorious okay yep definitely want that okay let's send on over our colony ship over here to grab the ocean world which is terrible for us but fine for our lithoids and then i'll send over lithoid so they can start breeding oh actually i think they'll just migrate there naturally so never mind that's gonna be one of our first lithoid worlds and with that we now have the gaia world with the species already there ready to go so they have gaia world preference they are extremely adaptive slow breed they have not a particularly good species but it's fine over time the others will arrive hopefully a lot of the main species um until then you can be full citizens that's absolutely fine i will give you migration control so i don't really want you to leave this world very low chance it'll happen because of the lack of habitability but i have seen it happen before so and that's it um set up the robot assembly and i don't really know what type of world you're gonna be nope you're a terrible governor so i'll swap you out for pretty much anyone else there we go i mean that could be a food world guess we'll find out soon enough also there are at least two more empires now one over here and one over here very very soon we will figure that out also it kind of looks like our empire's eating the other empire which i am very much a fan of that is completely fine by me okay there we go we have the beautiful site finished which means we have some beautiful rewards one of which is plus 20 resources and plus 10 stability permanently on our home world that's insanely good first of all plus 20 resources but then with the stability increase it further increases resources making our capital a true hub of power especially since i do plan on going with the arcology project in this run that would be insane however this is 500 influence that is so much but i do think in the long and across 3500 alloys but i think in the long run yeah we're just gonna turn our homeworld into a glorious hub of power fantastic a lovely event to get so early the hierarchy your kind will not threaten our peacekeeper suspicious and trying to hurt our relations well i'm gonna send a friendly friend friend ah that is incredibly annoying wow you are about looks i think it's quite a big empire i still want this world but i'm not really going to be able to get a good choke point for grab that i might send a spy instead i'd actually prefer to know what's going on there okay yeah we're going to close borders and i'm gonna swap you over as soon as i can to being a spy instead whoa never had this one before a language from metaphor very interesting if you don't want to pause to read feel free to but since this is meant to be a full platform i don't have the time for this um yeah give me the influence another mega corp interesting also uh since the last clip it's now been well it's now a new day of recording this is a new recording session it turns out i was wrong about own population so hopefully i uh talked about that at some point editor lathrix did you put that in because i hope you did i did we have quite a few friends instantly receptive not bad well we got very lucky we must get this system before they did must be expanding elsewhere i mean again huge empire there because that's gonna be our choke point and i'm gonna put down some hangar bays which will give us the advantage if slash when we go to war i mean we're definitely going to war situation look updated okay quickly doing that where did that go there it is can you please go back because as soon as i grab that i can finally get a precursor to them well say finally it's actually been very quick but still there we are we found the homeworld of our precursor oh almost finishing off domination there and giving us this uh less amenity usage and its active effect will give you temporary combat advantages so we use this at the very start of war and most likely we can crush some enemies right now we are actually just about in the lead with the with the conglomerate our friends and i am so very tempted to take their homeworld it'd be such a bonus for us very tempted i so rarely go with this nihilistic acquisition this allows us to steal populations from other empires the reason why i want this right now is because i'm not gonna have enough influence to have all these claims so at the moment we're still okay we're still not becoming hyper aggressive because we still have places to expand there are still systems for us to spend our influence on so my empire and my people are content that's going to change really soon and you fellows have been ever so mean to us and you're currently at war well then let's get a move on shall we it's time to steal some populace and make you ever so sad until the moment we actually get some proper defenses we need to break through then i'm going to unleash our artifact as well a relic we may be equal to them but they are currently a war with someone else and once again we have the relic on our side which could be potentially just game ending for them oh i like to do these things as well completely forgot all of you exist situation log updated there we are more armor and more kinetic damage technology secure oh now i get the upgrade for the coil gun and down you go and if both of you could bombard their home world that would be rather glorious oh it was already a little bit devastated i think from the previous war otherwise you just got really lucky that's so rare to see such a low devastation nothing quite really lucky hello oh fantastic tundra preference you can start moving some of the ice worlds great now here's a question supremacy or diplomacy we're already doing quite well in the war front and we are getting stronger every day especially now that we're stealing a whole home world worth of populations to add to our own so i don't know if supremacy is necessary right now diplomacy on the other hand if we get lucky we could make one of the other empires our federation member which is a big deal that's a lot of bonuses later on it'll give us some extra envoys there's a lot of good that comes from the federation especially early on for just leveling it so i think yeah diplomacy also will get some extra tried value and less market fee i love using the market constantly so yeah let's go with that also why are so many of you going to this world come on go to one of the frozen worlds instead seriously we have several so go there oh yeah this costs influence now doesn't it that's annoying but fine sphere of influence expanding i'll just realize i'm a dum-dum uh populations when i moved by themselves so i didn't need to do what i did except for owned populations they're the only ones who don't move by themselves so i should have just focused on those because moving them doesn't cost influence only energy so this fellow once we were out of jobs should move by himself and he should move to a habitable world as long as they have jobs available so we just need to make sure there are jobs available in those worlds toll some tech and we now have gas being produced in one of our worlds wonderful sadly i didn't get to completely wipe out the planet but we did get most of them which are now all over my planet and it's a kind of a nightmare uh lots of the planets are currently an open rebellion i've had to sell almost all the relics i had to bolster my economy so i can start getting the jobs ready really should have done that before grabbing all the populations i realize that now also this world really should become a tech world whoa you're growing way too many of the break sorry wait a minute the broken well soon enough we'll get the droid tech and then they can handle the tech which is good since droids now can actually be um researchers i have been bribing this empire pretty much everything i've got because i want it to join a federation with me now i already can get you on a federation but not quite not quite the one i want because with that type first of all they can't leave without asking me if i say no they have to go to war with me but also i'm in full control from day one which is exactly what i want wow how are we losing so many minerals because i've gone way too far into making consumer goods and that noise okay whoops a daisy um let's start making some minerals in new worlds shall we uh gonna swap you over to a industrial district no more it's building a industrial district instead whoops i meant to say mining district obviously [Music] lovely finally come on accept already wonderful let's get this leveling up as fast as possible also we are really strong right now our economy is actually doing fantastically except for minerals uh my empire sprawl's a bit bad but i'm fixing that right now and we're getting loads of rare resources which are worth quite a bit and soon we're going to be getting gases from one world as well i'm about to get gas from here as well so yeah we're doing great let's have a look at the rules and as for a level one so straight away we do have a federation fleet that's great the strongest will lead that's exactly wanted to see vote white is equal which is kind of annoying war declaration is majority see that's the problem i might have to wait until we can be diplomatic since i do want to go to war quite frequently and our lovely fellows here are pacifists oh you're actually bloodthirsty at least against empires you don't like okay i'm fairly certain these also have equal to us in terms of their fleet power i'm going there to steal their populations once again oh wait uh which one have used the slowest still probably this one i imagine nope you've got quick recently so you're now the slowest all of you follow that one um to who the conglomerate who are they i don't actually know oh never mind that's allies yeah sure i don't mind if you want to join us of course they can this is a federation which is only one step away from basically acting like um well me having them as vassals we now have access to cruisers and what an odd time for this empire to be trying to provoke me the previous wars tell so many of your people you now pathetic fleet parks you couldn't afford the fleet you had your economy is now inferior admittedly your tech is there but i've only just now started to shift over towards tech then your idea your grand thought is to try and annoy me i love empires like that because they give me reasons to do things which i do that makes me feel better inside now uh you can steal that uh you can go there you're about to steal there yeah that's fine and i need a way to spend all this influence i think i start climbing soon and let's start producing some cruisers um am i even going to need this relic uh these were just at war now they are pretty strong but our allies are also fighting with us who are almost equal to us they're just oh no they are equivalent to us we picked some good allies the bloodthirsty pacifist oh no i just realized they're gonna cause too much war exhaustion they're gonna make us win faster normally that would be a good thing but now it's terrible i really want to go for their home world though yeah sure just go straight for their homeworld bombard it that's something i could spend influence on i could just take their homeworld you know what yeah let's do that wow you really don't want to go this way do you i would like that it also means they aren't going to surrender until they are way more hurt this time i'm being a little bit smarter and actually preparing for our new willing arrivals uh they are desert dwellers right yeah okay so we'll make sure all of our desert worlds except for our main world which is never gonna be able to sustain more people have jobs sold available lot of stuff okay so this one as well let's just throw down uh well that's going to destroy our mining isn't it um too bad i don't care about minerals and alloys are worth so much that you can just buy the minerals back that's fine okay about to start fighting so now activate the relic this time giving us plus forty percent armor uh i wish that was hull or damage honestly that's probably the worst one i could have got but i will accept it because i'm just that kind of nice person okay all of you bombard this world once that world is completely used up oh actually let's kill you then bombard the world once that world's completely used up then we'll make our way to their home world and we will take it as our own how did our allies get so strong you are scaring me how fast you evolved into bloodthirsty tyrants no wonder we're friends why am i this federation was a brilliant idea i'm so glad i went with diplomacy rather than supremacy just look at that it's casually sitting there the 3k fleet down here they have over a cane total they're building some new fleets yep i am very pleased with this it's just a shame i can't have their uh their mega structure now since they're friends wait isn't this the event from shoulders of giants why have i got this i mean i'm friends with someone who's doing the shoulders of giants but why would i am i going to steal their project no because i'm sure they get an archaeological site from this right well that's odd why am i saying this should i stop complaining about it probably but i'm just very confused i mean normally i'm very confused but i'm confused with a reason why our allies are stopping us from stealing ah that's very annoying [Music] move out also uh we really should send a science ship over here so we can grab all that tech just kind of floating there you yes you the new scientist can you please just grab all of this because that would be lovely oh we destroyed the world i thought this always left one i will not abduct or kill the last pop well that clearly it did so i don't know if i believe you oh let's make sure these all go together that's actually a pretty scary vice not so scary that we're gonna lose but scary enough that i'll lose some ships otherwise so yeah where's your allies oh those are oh there's the reinforcement that was a 5k fleet almost i can now claim victory anytime um i've got a little while until i'm forced into status quo now status quo will instantly give us this world their home world so that's absolutely fine but right now we are still stealing pops until their fleet gets to us i just saw it where did it go what i don't know what they're doing with that 4k fleet that's basically 5k really if they combined it with any other fleet he would totally be able to throw me out of this spice but i don't know where it's gone your allies are just dreadful mine's great you're a crud oh yeah you've got federation association status with us oh receiving communication their world is ours i mean i'd rather you be a vassal to be completely honest but you are pretty weak is the thing oh yeah i'd have to end association status and that would be a while um no you're just so weak in fact you're too weak to care about wait favor no kind not revoke it is that really what's gonna happen now well that is very annoying i mean i changed my mind admittedly but still that is very annoying what about you oh you are now inferior second ago you were balanced with me oh cause you're at war okay once you two stop warning of each other i'm going to start climbing some vassals really trying to shift now into tech we are horribly behind there are several empires which are superior to us tech wise although we are very strong now in terms of our fleet power yeah we need to catch up desperately grabbing every system i can over here finally we're going to stop this border which will be very very nice indeed and then we go to war with whoever we can go to war with at the moment i am just spamming loads of claims over here and i go to war very soon just going to grab everything like to get my hands on so now the galactic community is the thing i can see that i am indeed already in the lead uh i do have two envoys already over here once i get to maximum with my federation i'll also take ten percent of the diplomatic weight of all of the other members which at the moment is just one though likely we are going to add more since i can vassalize the very weak and then i can use join or die to other empires so they will join or asm is hinted they may not be living past that point technology secured could have made that weirder also i have this now finally getting droid workers that took a very long time to get but once i have droids it means all of these robots can take all of these specialist jobs which i'm currently just floating so that's nice also i do not need this relic activation do i like at all gases for fuel sure let's just turn on all of these which have any semblance of helping me just so i lose less of our ships also that should increase our diplomatic quite a little bit but yet it did it buy up like 100 because my fleets are now stronger that's cool in the background i'm gonna spam cruisers because that makes me happy this empire really just did not recover i mean to be fair it did also have to have another war after we drained all of its people uh but still they are not putting up a fight at all and my cruiser spam is helping a lot oh and look our allies are here now and they will help by claiming all the systems ignoring the planet there we are well done ground forces just keep on doing that and that would be lovely yeah i do not need that oh and now i can do this reform government so i can have one more of these now probably just yeah i mean some of the others are like more powerful which would indirectly increase our white but that's plus 10 and two envoys uh yeah those percentage bonuses are just way too much to ignore so the second there we are two more envoys now at 3.5 k we are now yes and i actually managed to get the galactic market i only put in one just one of the um well one of the edicts uh one of the decisions to try and become the market leader and apparently that managed to make it that so rarely works but very happy since now we have a very low market fee of only 10 and so even the markets bend to our order i just noticed that world is called bears fruit just found it funny oh yeah something i really should have done is swap this so i can't do that one cooperative would give us plus 25 diplomatic white and it would hurt our operations and it hurt us trying to harm relations i'm not going to do that anyway so yeah that seems pretty good or i could be belligerent which would increase our navy capacity by ten percent which is lovely our savage a lot of money um makes us gain war exhaustion slower and most importantly where our claim cost is reduced but really i want to start vassalizing empires as fast as possible um so i think realistically cooperative is the way to go here it's a very weird empire we're playing isn't it i kind of feel like a vulture honestly very charismatic vulture shake hands with those who can help you get more powerful and devour the weak corpse empires okay there's the empire destroyed i mean that's gonna strengthen us as well isn't it yet now 4.9 power oh these worlds are going to require a lot of attention at night yeah this empire was so broke and everything was just kind of ruined wait you had a they had a gaia world well that i did not expect okay our empire sprawl didn't completely collapse this time which is great do need more food though okay it's gonna start building robots in every world we can so like my robots actually these worlds aren't too bad no i take it back they're not that bad at all our energy is just falling for some reason but other than that yeah it's not dreadful our tech has increased quite drastically because we've got some um tech worlds there at least one proper tech world why are you a refinery world what a silly thing to be when you've got all this set up um is there any reason for you to be refinery well do you have any no you do some extraction wells that is not enough for just one extraction well okay so you're clearly an industrial world so i might just keep you like that honestly just going to build the shrine on every world i can because these shrines are awesome i've got these from one of the merchants these give you a well so i give you two merchants used to be one and two priesthood wait did you do usb one was always been two minus waffling yeah i'm getting pretty tired at this point as you may be able to tell yeah so instead of refinery world i'm probably gonna turn you into just another forge world really yeah let's build another forge world more of those we have the better more alloys more everything especially now we have the galactic market because that means we can have a lot of money oh god that is lovely yeah i am very pleased with that okay i need to send our science vessels over here because we have a lot to deal with oh that's why our energy's ruined all the new starbases i'm a dum-dum our economy is unstoppable system charted and we are just dominant already about to get rank three which is great because rank three we can get medium which means then we can have vote white as diplomatic which means the majority vote will always be me i'm always going to be the one in charge pretty much every single choice ever which as you can imagine is pretty good for an empire which loves to be in control uh do we have enough yeah you're all indentured right well you're not finishing off there we go weird i guess i just wanted to balance the world a bit now showing you using ministry of production instead yeah i would like some tech but fine actually no more shrines it's a lot of trade value going to ice at the moment i'm hoping soon we'll get gateway tech and then that way i can have some very easy to use tried routes at the moment i'm just having to rely on these stations and it's not that good because pirates keep on attacking i have to keep on dealing with them so i can't put down the bastions to defend all these trade routes oh my ship's always news i can't patrol either very irritating and i've done this world wrong i'll sort you out a minute vassalization of our first empire is about to begin hurry up and vote it doesn't matter if you say yes or no because i've now passed the diplomatic might be difficult actually since they're in a federation but i have now passed the fact we have a diplomatic white system which means i'm always gonna be able to do whatever i want although once this becomes a vassal it will automatically join our federation as well but then i also have the choice to absorb them later if i see fit which i most likely will 40 ship damage this time from the relic i'm gonna be able to just melt through this probably should have upgraded this a bit more before i started now think about it oops technology secured how do i not have star fortress tech yet i'm so weird with my tech this one star system charted held a retreat ah that's annoying um so i did oh that's awesome to find i've only just discovered this area here i didn't think there was a connection so i didn't think i'd be under attack now thankfully these fellows are currently moving there instead i'm gonna just redirect them down here oh and this means we can attack their allies as well and their lovely home world of 75 populations you for revealing yourself and once again where's the fleet gone they had an 8k fleet over here and i don't know where it's gone i swear they keep on just vanishing i don't get it where'd it go planetary that's where it has done technology secure i don't i just don't know that's the going this oh maybe they're going this way because yeah these two are friends going this way then round here they're gonna attack me right here i don't know what to do about that to be perfectly honest because i don't want to redirect all of my fleets there we go really need to level up our armor as well again i've gone down very specific routes for some reason my tech i don't have enough power yeah even that is really low um well in that case let's just yeah sure i'll do yes i just called it three because i'm in a rush i am about to go to sleep very soon i want this done yeah that must have gone that way i don't know what to do here do i recall my fleets i mean i could just send the the 11k over here start building a station to buff it yeah let's just do that well i was right about them going this way but apparently they turned around about me noticing oh this is so bad for them look how slowly they're moving because this storm and it's a pulsar oh my god sublight speed reduction is at 50 percent they can't move and they're just being slowly butchered by these strikecraft oh that is the best thing you have some point defense but nowhere near enough [Laughter] also we have artillery weapons we can fire normal weapons as well at this range that was purely accidental and it was it was beautiful absolutely beautiful okay let's get you out that way and i'll get the other two out the other way thank you galactic storm you made my day you really did oh that's a nasty fleet there but you can yeah you can hold it off thank you ally uh in that case though i don't need this starbase that was just great ready for eliza show which point defense they have also once again we are in the storm this storm has proved to be just the best i did have another fleet once again i'm unaware of where it went tactical retreat the flesh is weak so i was having a think about which one of these three would be the best for this empire both in terms of law in terms of gameplay and i think both the flesh is weak not only does this turn to cyborg so we can be a little bit more habitable along with our rocky brethren i mean that's what we've been seeing for this entire time our main species simply can't go on so many planets but these lesser species which we love of course our serviles they go anywhere because they're made of stone and metal rather than being made of flesh but also the end of this is to turn everyone into one unified species into one machine which are all going to be plugged in to our government not that we would spy on every thought that every citizen would ever have but we could just to make sure you don't give up on me while i'm stealing your people i've made a climb on both of your home worlds to surrender now is to surrender everything i love how similar to me pretty much everyone is a vulture the second one of these empires has been weakened by me or someone else everyone else just jumps them everyone hates everyone except for us too we're like the best friends it's us against the galaxy mostly because we're the ones declaring war but you know same thing super early since well it's not you can get sims far real in this it's super early for me because i only just got the other tick pretty much as fast as i could possibly got that and that is great the first world has been completely siphoned to people now we've moved on to the second and we're gonna do this to every world they have except for their home world which we're gonna actually try and capture also the galactic council looks like that's gonna pass yep definitely so i'm gonna be on the galactic council i've just hit 10k white and that's increasing very quickly since we're stealing lots and lots and lots and lots of people which just counts as points straight away but then also that means more economy that means more power just everything's increasing constantly which is making me very very happy [Music] galactic reforms nominate custodian when decisive action is needed a member of the council can be selected to the position of galactic custodian the custodian is granted special powers and can propose new and powerful resolutions our end goal is in sight you know i keep on feeling like i'm really strong when i realize my allies oh that was literally just equivalent that's only just now gone to inferior but also these fellows over here the alliance which take up this area and a bit of this area have a stronger fleet than me somehow so yeah the uh i guess now it has officially hit the end game that means that now they all have their maximum amount of bonuses so that's also going to con contribute a lot towards that contribute oh my god i am so tired win i said win thank you welcome oh you you are disloyal now but you'll love us later oh actually maybe you won't i forgot i do have your capital now as my own so that is certainly something okay sure you'll do uh what type of planet is this you're kind of all over the place um don't really know what i want with this i guess i'll leave it for now do it to keep that cause i want the trade value going there thank you same with you this will be so much easier well actually possible with this one it'll be so much easier once i have um gateways so for now it's not really that much purpose but just changing to that whoa that's a lot of admin i mean i could just use you as a admin please we do need it so sure i'm gonna leave you as you are then those two new worlds wrong one i wanted the faster level this time not sure waffling on a bit here this will be the last thing i'll do though before the end of this recording session this is recording section number three yeah sure let's leave that and then if we look over here we are now at 13k yet we are just skyrocketing hopefully we'll get the mega structure tech soon so we can have the interstellar assembly thus giving us even more envoys but you you're pretty weak you're currently at war with oh wow this empire was huge i'm so glad you went to war with them everyone around us is so much weaker because they've been stealing their pops and constantly attacking them and they're wary amongst themselves but over here there's loads the traders and the alliance over here are both i think traders are as strong as me the alliance is stronger than me still so i'm thankful they're quite far away well guess technically speaking they're not oh yeah just to their fleets that doesn't mean if we can get wormhole travel we could attack them soon now with you we could go with that just force you to join we are like right next to you and you are very weak at the moment so yeah why not vessels upgraded well that's annoying the good guy fallen empire is awoken not what i particularly want honestly is there anything we can do about that there do people get scared of that i mean it's awakened empire right oh bad you can declare someone a crisis [Music] did not know you could do that that's very cool okay but uh yeah also be able to do something to maybe oh strong support now oh that is phenomenal okay um we can actually uplift one of our species situation that'll give us enough influence we're gonna become the custodians right now okay everyone uh back off i'm just hoping this doesn't make us a prime target as soon as we do this it might do honestly but yeah just keep on building battleships as fast as you can battleships are great versus the fallen empire oh it's not so much the battleships themselves it's the fact that they don't do well against um swarms uh strike a striker craft there's not enough of their ships so they don't have enough point defense and they get mowed down by them strike craft also ignore shields which most of the fallen empires or awakened empires really focus on so yeah to spam the battleships now um yeah that's it everyone just get back species thank you and hopefully this is good yeah okay just wait for that hopefully this is a good idea i really don't know why well soon anyway okay the second i can i will i declared it an emergency construction complete and i am resisting so many star wars references right now so right now i'm desperately trying to increase our navy capacity which is actually going pretty decently i'm building ships for our federation fleet um my allies actually sent loader ships over as well which is great things are looking good if it wasn't for how powerful the mediators seem to be and they are just destroying everything i don't have ever seen an awakened empire this aggressive before just my luck galactic custodian appointed at last the galactic senate has voted to bestow emergency custodianship powers upon the order keepers in an official ceremony broadcast across the galaxy we were appointed custodians of the galactic community as the first among equals we have been charged of safeguarding the galactic community from all potential threats be they internal or external who would seek it harm we have been granted vast powers in all community matters and can now propose special resolutions okay yeah look at me they're all powerful like okay so where are my special ones then oh special ones so i can extend my custodian ship uh how long does it last normally then i don't know oh there's the term okay so ten thousand days at the moment that's still got a long time to deal with that custodian reforms galactic mobilization the future of our galaxy is at stake massive fleets of war must be rapidly mobilized even if it means the oh okay so i'll take away some trade value this one everyone gets more influence the cost of energy is it just me or is it everyone being affected by this an anti-piracy initiative damage to pirates and marauders increased tribe protection increased but less energy and none of those really cool to me except for maybe the galactic mobilization getting a just buy section 150 would be nice remove the term limit i can instantly do that and become okay well that might be what i go with so galactic institutions galactic defense force the galactic defense force will be created interesting clearly i am very new to all of this galactic trade organization for navigation agency i like this one though the galactic defense force will be created under the united command of the galactic custodian yes this will block it wow we can do quite a few things we can freeze things and veto them and the council what i think we all can do i've never seen freeze before though but it could mean it could be just me not paying enough attention although i'm hoping this one gets up there as fast as possible communications gonna uh abstain for now to knock that down a little bit so we're also getting plus five monthly influence which is like really plus five wow that is insane and we're also getting plus 30 diplomatic white i wonder if people have a stronger opinion of me as well because i'm the custodian anything um doesn't seem like it no okay hopefully this will go a little bit higher up because i do want more control oh it's almost there we can freeze one of them so if there's only one ahead of us we can't freeze it slowly the fleet is taking shape we're close to being able to at least deal with one of the enemy fleets at a time i know that doesn't sound like much it really doesn't but it is a huge moment as soon as we can deal with their larger fleets we can start to attack them and try to play smart and just whittle them down every time we see one exposed destroyer fleet move on try and stay in our own territory then strike then run back so at least we can defend ourselves also trying to build citadels but i just i just don't have the alloys i just don't i'm not that rich technology secured it's also the actual end crisis which is uh slowly barreling its way towards us which is worrying with discovery finished i've now gone with galactic contender this will allow us to do plus 33 damage against the awaken empire and increases our diplomatic weight by 20 so that is a lovely combo of things continuing to have a stranglehold over the senate we're getting close to the point in which i can overrule everyone and thus i can just push everything by the way very cool so it turns out i as the galactic custodian have the ability to end the session early it cost me influence but i have far too much anyway and now we have the galactic defense force the senators rallied around the creation of a standing multinational military force intended for the defense of the galactic community this galactic defense force will recruit its personnel from all community members who are also required to contribute resources towards the construction of its fleets with the gdf being placed under the direct command of the order keepers the current galactic custodians some fear that this potentially massive armada could be used as a tool of oppression oh what me oppressive no others however applaud its creation the wise people referring to it as the galaxy's first line of defense that is pretty awesome so how does it work oh there we are the gtf it's so cheap compared with the others uh so where can i alter the designs because i want well i like strike craft i don't know how to control this fleet oh wow and we can further increase it as well the size of the galactic defense force must be greatly increased if it's to meet the ever increasing scope of its mission yeah i still don't know how to um how to directly control it though and does it count towards my fleet size okay i'm actually upgrading a lot of ships right now so this will this will give us back loads of alloys i had to spend like thousands of gas and everything to get all these alloys but uh yeah if we do that then and just spam the new ones that might be for the better but yeah i don't know how to edit them if you can is the issue [Music] unless of course um i can't edit them and no one else can build them it's just a matter of it's minus 50 cost for me which is still very very worth it so i'm making a few now and seeing exactly how it works so this is the gdf fleet these are the current auto battleships actually that's not the worst thing ever yeah actually i'm completely fine with this except for i wouldn't choose line for the ai but other than that yeah sure who's our most veteran leader that'd be you let's pop you in there okay sorry for being so blind i did just find out where you can design these things oh am i is anyone else getting some very heavy star wars vibes from this titan wonderful okay yes please let's redesign these things going to go live either artillery or carrier for now i think i'll just stick with artillery and this is just what i'm going to make currently oh what i love is some of these things i haven't actually unlocked yet so i am getting tech from the other empires lovely and let's telephoto design save that override the old one and there is our ship um talking afterburners you know what i kind of do so yeah sure let's stick with that wait give me one last look at that does it wrong that's a medium so i can't have the artillery that is absolutely fine let's just remove all those and start remaking them they are so much cheaper than our normal ships and this fleet can be up to 400 communications i'm trying to just ignore the awakened empire until i have this fleet completely up and running also did that a terrible order then as soon as i start talking and i look at the market my mind goes absolutely blank what i should have done is sell it all get credits then buy them all in bulk because after we buy them increase the price i need to spam and clicking like that basically made me spend more for less so whoopsie doodles wait i don't think these have an upkeep construction complete am i correct with this yep they don't have an upgrade secured because they're all being paid for by everyone else oh that is beautiful yep uh yeah this is this is so much better than i thought it was my federation fleet is being bulked up i have the gdf now communications the galactic defense force that is wonderful and how long until people will willingly become my my own protector as well also now you just use the colossus okay there's one there flicks okay they've split up their fleets massively i don't quite understand why since i can't really see where they are maybe they're defending their territory while being aggressive they're currently they're just sitting there doing nothing the warrior clans gave up the union wishes to join us okay the problem is the union is going to be attacked really soon it's this empire here it's probably like the next target for the mediators so if i if i allow them to to join the federation this doesn't make us more powerful because they can start making ships for us and everything but at the same time it will make it so we have to fight sooner i don't know if that's a good idea right now i am definitely getting into the position where i can fight off the fallen empire but not right now oh maybe right now fine you can join construction complete make me more powerful uh they just kind of didn't join it was very weird um i said yes i accepted and then they just stayed as association [Music] don't know why don't have a clue what happened but i've lost the ability to ask them to join i okay is that bug is is that bug me bug construction maybe they then asked me again i said yes again and once again nothing happened um is it a bug or is it me being a dum-dum here vote white is diplomatic invite members as president decide so action yeah i don't know why that wouldn't have worked the game is telling me you shouldn't join i'm afraid remove custodianship term limit has now been passed people are terrified accepting anything i ask of them so now i am the permanent custodian i'm sure there's a way to probably try to vote me out but i don't see how they can possibly do that at this point to be perfectly honest so yeah don't care about any of this proclaim the galactic imperium the galactic community changes into the galactic imperium all members leave any existing federations the order keepers become the imperial corps shifting towards authoritarianism and adopting an imperial government all inc incompatible civics are removed despite the tremendous efforts of the custodian the galactic community is still undermined by internal division think of all that could be accomplished if the galaxy were united under strong leadership an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity is within our reach with intermediate support this will actually pass they are just so scared the el gates by the way just um someone got the tech to open those as well everyone is just so scared of the awakened empire and we've just been here in the corner most of the galaxy doesn't understand how cruel we have been we are amassing this army for their greater good putting aside i mean look i've stopped expanding i've stopped attacking other empires clearly i'm the good guy here they're going to regret every decision that they make that's annoying um any federation ships nearby no fine i'll send over a small fleet to deal with it all of my economy is going to filling out our fleet we're about to proclaim the imperium since i managed to push it through using one of my veto powers of the opposite veso powers but you get the idea and now we're about to become machines good it's got that tech as well everything is just steamrolling so insanely quickly immortality is within our grasp the first galactic imperial oh well we just went blood red didn't we it is the dawn of a new order the old galactic community has been dismantled and in its place the first galactic imperium has risen after claiming our rightful place on the throne of this new pan-galactic state we are now known as the imperial corps in a lavish coronation ceremony broadcasting across the entire galaxy a new imperial dynasty was established when camp ramara that's the current leader name apparently was crowned galactic emperor on thel long live the galactic emperor long live the imperium the rise of the imperium is upon us the galactic community is now known as the galactic imperium we are now known as the the imperial corps we now have the galactic sovereign civic our ethics have radically shifted towards authoritarianism which is audience which is already all the way could be anyway so that hasn't really changed imperial member states can no longer wage offensive wars against us oh look at the new background as well monthly influence plus six diplomatic white plus forty percent available m voice plus one civic slots plus one i think i still keep the x i'm still um yeah i was already fanatic authoritarian well then is there anything else we can do imperial council we can oh by appointment so i can choose who's in the council no i'll let them elect that's fine imperial crusade all members of the imperium declare war on the target empire to force it to accept imperial membership imperial reforms members of the imperium including its ruler may not declare war on each other aside from trials of advancement that's interesting and then imperial institutions imperial legions imperial armada imperial navigation agency imperial charter wow this mega corporation will no longer need commercial packs to establish branch offices on planets in the imperium oh we actually got nice to some of them so how do we get those points then the authority represents how tight the rules grasp is on the imperium each assigned envoy rises it by 0.10 or lowers it by -10 on a monthly basis this also has the effect on rulers opinion oh rebellions entire period ahem if below 50 members can trigger a rebellion against the ruler through an espionage operation um if above 100 the entire imperium joins the ruler in any defensive wars against outsiders if above 140 the imperium can be proposed to force target empires into the imperium if above 180 you can ban wars altogether so obviously i'm going to throw all of my invoice here oh yeah my federation i didn't realize i would lose the federation so it's happened till federation member they've all became vassals is that what's happened to all of them they all now except for you know you were our friendly friend friend oh you're now the ruler of my no you're now in the federation i just left i don't okay no it just went okay so the federation now has been left i guess i get to keep the the old federation felice i imagine just doesn't have the federation status i'm assuming it's hard to tell i may have actually lost the fleet so is that actually a good thing i mean my federation was pretty awesome gotta be honest though i guess once i can do some of these as well and increase the fleet i'm currently building up whoa why do i have so many resources where are those all coming from yeah why am i so rich suddenly i don't know going to start to integrate one of my subjects the empire will soon be ours receiving communications it's actually really close to you just accepting that um sure let's be your very best friend yeah you almost accept it and once again threatened that's affecting everyone's opinion right now which is great for us one after another empires are giving in to my will completely because well they are already part of the empire they may as well make it more official still terrified of the fallen empire sorry the awakened empire though although our armada is currently a max size but is about to be increased by essentially doubling it it's a nasty fleet but uh well actually with the enemy so scattered i think the biggest i've seen is only a 74k fleet if they don't attack as one we could just weather them down i am very tempted to go to war with them very soon i think the next five or ten years at lightest because remember the end game crisis is still on the way and i am just not ready at all though at least there will be a synth fairly soon oh like really soon there we go we now have our main species evolved so with that let's increase our assembly speed let's give ourselves more tech because wow do i need it and let's make everyone happy sure and that's all the points i have left could have gone with super conductive instead instead of the extra happiness so super conductive is extra energy that would be lovely or perhaps even efficient processes oh sorry that's the three that's only two i do quite like that one and it doesn't take all that much either extra housing or just a little bit extra upkeep so a little bit of energy and then we get plus five percent from everything they do so that's five percent more alloys five percent more consumer goods more food minerals energy research potatoes yeah i think that's what we're gonna go with oh that's interesting imperial crusade against the mediators all members of the galactic imperium declare war on the target empire to force it to accept imperial membership the borders of the galactic imperium do not yet encompass the entire galaxy this must be rectified an imperial crusade will if successful force the target of this resolution to join the imperium oh that's good to know similar to the federation fleets once you make the imperial fleets they will just start heading towards your your imperial fleet straight away as if you asked for a reinforcement that's lovely it's only been a short while but our economy is a booming once again now that all of our serviles have become our lovely drone selves well the synth selves it means that i can really really push for the specialist jobs so that's what i'm doing we're now at 5k tech not exactly good with this light in the game but obviously significantly better than it was it looks like we are going to go on a crusade so i'm just moving all my fleets try and sort that out i probably should just get some normal battleships as well to move them over here to support this so we have almost 200 okay let's do this let's be real somewhere like 1.5 1.6 k over there no i'm really paying too much attention we have 150 154k there if i can use my words and i'm also producing because more imperial fleets of all the alloys i'm getting which is everything i can do selling everything buying alloys just constantly trying to push out as much power as possible before this goes down i'm actually tempted to not um end this early what i'm hoping is this isn't going to be like the end containment one um where they can grab anything they touch as well i'm hoping it's going to be more like a normal wall just with normal points so that we can get them into the imperium having them on the side of the galaxy would be honestly fantastic um if it is just taking everything then i'll just take everything um there are other empires of course i do want to take over as well and we are currently getting a lot of protectorates it seems like people love us at the moment because of the threat um but also a lot of the other stuff we're doing at the moment it's actually quite easy to get people to like us and i'm quite close with other empires to getting them to become protectorates in fact here we go here's another one right now and with that we're going to be able to take over a lot of the galaxy just through shia well i am the emperor basically the whole galaxy is giving up their freedoms for the promise of more security never heard that before okay so big update um annoyingly my recording software apparently crashed for the last like half an hour which is really great after recording for like 20 30 hours already um but what's happened is the great tempest are here yep the great tempers are here and they are causing all sorts of problems now thankfully they are kind of stuck on one of my worlds just bombarding it i am sending most my fleets there but obviously the imperial crusade is gonna have to put on hold for now in fact so much so i've moved me over here i'm actually tempted to allow the crusade to still begin my imperial fleet is still in position just my other fleets are moving so i don't really know i am tempted to allow it to continue i'll change my mind maybe at the end but right now obviously the tempest keep is so tempest keep the um grey tempest not the right and wow um are causing all sorts of problems for everyone and as the imperial overlord i should try and stop this but they are absolutely everywhere and i am not happy with that in the slightest so yeah um what i'm gonna do is get all my fleets to their point of their origin points and then keep on sending them to mop up all these and then just have them stay put i may need to send the imperial fleet i really don't want to i really want to get on with this war before the end game crisis but i can't allow the grey tempest to just rampage throughout the galaxy especially since a lot of these are now my protectorates and i'm absorbing them like this one this one just got absorbed and it's helping out massively they're hurting my future citizens now attacking the tempest in their home base well not their banks exactly their little invasion points but either way if we can take the system we can pretty much safeguard our territory forever okay we have gone to war because i forgot to say no to it honestly i couldn't want to do anyway oh my god the achieve war goal is just oh who's claimed things i hate all of you well we can crush the smallest leads anyway hopefully they're moving towards us otherwise it's gonna be really annoying okay let's do this okay over here we should have dominated it fantastic even though there are multiple fleets which i kind of forgot about to be perfectly honest uh can you research that i want to see the debris and then go over here and survey this i want to get that system under control as soon as possible now we could use the l gates to our advantage though since there are a lot of el gates and the enemy have a lot of territory the chance there's going to be an l gate somewhere which could lead to our advantage but of course that doesn't seem to be the case really well maybe i should have checked that first but i am a dum-dum well that's incredibly annoying still though why are so many claims i guess it is every single empire currently at war it is the entire galaxy i love the external part of that imperial core versus them but ah that is really irritating um on the upside our surrender is humiliate so we're not really gonna lose much uh most like what's gonna happen is we'll claim some of their territory we'll get it back to the original owners uh we'll take one or two of their worlds and we'll destroy some of their fleets it's actually a very safe war which is weird to say the least yeah okay you will just stay here just make sure no one else uses the hell guys attack in fact what i want you to do is move close to the elegate so you can attack any of the tempest keep are you attacking okay that was over very quickly okay they're probably gonna try and sneak past to my correctness assumption very hard to tell either way let's rush past we do have the bastion here uh yeah the which is now a citadel so that can hold up against quite a lot and i am still rebuilding a normal fleet which will move back to defend i'll also send back some of these fleets in a second so yeah it's gonna go fine i don't think we're gonna get victory because of all these stupid climbs though since every single empire is at war if they're not covering every last bit of their territory they're going to lose systems it's going to be a really annoying war for the anime well i wasn't paying attention but there goes their very first fleet and this is fantastic because they are a awakened empire which means they have the special tech which is now going to be ours i need to get to get to this world as soon as possible they're going to capture it that was pretty much guaranteed they're also going to break through here wish that was an l gate i am actually building gateways now um so i should be able to activate this at some point yeah that's good yeah i'm building gatway over here near the capital here and all the way down here because we have almost an unlimited influence which is great uh let's get the biggest fleet we have gonna back you off because apparently the tempest are very weak against our ships at the moment that's gonna take forever you get there oh boy i am slowly grabbing all these resources i kind of built all that and forgot do you like strike craft because we have a lot of striker after this place oh man they have such good tech is brutal fights we're gonna lose so many things for the imperium of lafayette oh i know that's the other empire i'm playing currently let's play for me why did you send one ship oh that's pretty awesome wait why do i have a normal station with defense okay this must have been a um i upgraded station at some point and then i took over the empire and um turned it to a normal one but it actually defended against it oh yeah i guess rockets similar to strike craft that was really good versus the enemy who really really really love shields all right good reforming that then i'll put down a bastion there because the el gates will be open from now on i need to deal with these where's the l get here where are they jumping to so is the l gate there and i'm assuming there's gonna be one over here yeah over here the enemy haven't been attacking much and i have been able to deal with them so far but yeah i don't really have the spare right now i guess there is this 52k but that's that's rounding up our defenses versus the awakened empire how they're doing all the other borders not they're doing fantastically never mind why must i do everything for this imperium okay here's the thing so this one empire is actually now fighting them back which is fantastic this one is just like the same empire never mind they're just splitting their forces they're actually doing an okay job now stalemating them and it occurred to me the mediators don't put down claims which means status quo is terrible for them because even if they take this world it doesn't matter they won't get it in the status quo everything we get we keep everything they get they don't well not everything but there's so many claims i've been looking and all the other empires have claimed so much maybe it's because it's been taken from them i'm not sure how the auto claiming system works there but either way yeah just take as much as possible and then status quo it's going to massively set them back it's going to put a true symbolise which is good for us it's actually impossible to lose this war the worst thing that can happen is we lose our imperial fleet that's just a setback it's merely a setback say goodbye to your colossus lads that's it my other empires are starting to make some headway near our territory over here they're still being knocked down but it is distracting them greatly there's one of their 100ks interesting and very annoying for us because i've only got a 60k but um we are doing plus 30 damage and honestly speaking we do soft counter them so i'm technology semi-confident that because of the oh lovely finally that because of the plus 30 bonus we should be able to take that out also i'm getting loads of extra engineering research and everything from these which is systems oh no i'm not it's only plus 40. how did i read that as 400. it's almost like i'm dyslexic or something okay supremacy is finished which means now we have a war doctrine which should be available now and i think we are going with rapid deployment increasing our ship speed and our weapon range low defense in depth is awesome but that's almost stick with right now i'm very tempted just to grab either xeno compatibility since we are now growing populations on all of our planets since we have loads of migration trees or going with something like defender of the galaxy because it makes sense i am the emperor it's the easy option but honestly as well i am really behind i mean my biggest fleet is only 200k the in-game crisis is going to be a lot scarier than this and this isn't even a a real serious win so i'm not too sure what to say it's boring but i don't really think i have time either to do the arcology project and my main goal for expansion now and become stronger is just to in is just to integrate as many of these empires as possible this one for instance is about to start i don't think i have the resources to convert our worlds maybe master you know actually i know exactly what i'm doing go with master builders because since this is more interesting this will increase our mega structure build speed and our megastructure capacity i'm already building the mega shipyard because the mega shipyard is amazing so on top of that i really want things like the coordination center and the science nexus but honestly right now i think might be a bit like to try and focus so much on science so instead the coordination center i have to say this empire has turned out a lot weaker than i originally thought um it could just be a lot of misplays because i am still new to this dlc to the new patch i know for instance i wasn't removing the blockers fast enough and that actually matters now because it increases the planet capacity which increases your population growth you can see there base growth has increased because there is a balance between population and the planet capacity so the more capacity you can get all the way to plus three growth which is really good considering populations are now so more difficult to get these our allies fighting against that 111 k fleet which somehow was whittled down to only 50k apparently our allies actually doing really really well uh seems like they're still gonna lose but they've whittled it down all the way down to only oh no another fleet is joined that's so unfair they managed to take it all the way down to 39k oh that's just mean so i think really the only way i can help achieve an actual victory here don't think it's gonna happen this war by the way but for the future is i should just be trying to hunt down their fleets especially their biggest ones because a lot of them are quite small and i like i say being stalemated quite a lot over here and even over here because i jumped from somewhere and i've been pushed back a few times so i need to do is this oh look there's a 74k fleet we should try and kill it technology i'll know all that striker after the silly thing is the wrong target there we go now they'll come back and instantly get obliterated but still that was a 74k fleet which they no longer have some 18ks over here in 30s okay let's get back to our original point then uh let's go the long way around a slightly long way around because that way we can also take back these systems for our ally if we can keep on taking out their big fleets eventually they're going to run out and they have a whole galaxy of recuperation to fight against and our allies here for instance are doing really well they're pushing back and i've seen them kill multiple fleets uh these allies here they're doing quite well sending fleets over we just need to keep on killing their big killer fleets with ours what are you called imperial call like me oh because you've taken all of my traits that's why okay yeah so we have a little mini empire now next to one of my places which is now part of the federation oh and as you can see some of that's been taken that's been taken some space has been taken back some more imperial core oh maybe you should have grabbed some more then no this is best because what i can do now is focus on these guys let's wipe out the tempest the actual threat to the galaxy at the moment it just makes sense in the lore as well and while that's going on let's see what empires will willingly join us okay all we need for you then is some favors hopefully you want alloys lovely i mean it's a few ships i've just lost but that's fine if you will join us receiving communications as much as i almost completely own you um being in the emperor now i completely own you this is just wonderful after that last war i think the empires have figured out that hey maybe that really scary empire is better to be on our side and they're all accepting protectorates as left and right are you going to accept it i think you just said yes right unless i didn't offer the favors which because i'm a dumb dumb yeah this empire seems a bit broken um when i tried to make it part of the federation it bugged out and now i'm trying to make the mic there we go i'm sure i did that credit you know what never mind that probably wasn't a bug that was me being dumb how about you oh i love a red galaxy one more empire has been integrated into the true empire naturally i'm going to want from these worlds is as much science as possible i would like some of the repeatables to be done which would be nice it looks like they're already going quite balanced with the industrial districts and such so they're already going to be giving at least some um alloys void superiority okay looks like we have our juggernaut ready to go now this thing just screams empire and i love it just look at this thing oop there we are stay still thank you construction complete pure brutalness okay now we can do this united front so now there'll be a plus 20 damage to uh end game crisis events the reason why i've waited to kill the tempest this long is because i'm fairly certain might be wrong here but you can't have this available unless it's an active crisis because this appeared once the tempest arrived i think either way there's not really any benefits of rushing to to destroying them so that was a just in case that's the case well there we are and now we activate this giving us plus 40 hold points spaceboot and now most likely i'll get very annoyed at the strike craft hopefully they don't derp up no since we're doing okay no no there you go they were all on this fleet and then they scattered it's they really need out yep and once again all the strike craft which could have finished off this fleet are now moving on uh they all focus on one particular ship and then when that ship's just uh destroyed and they seem to randomly select another one even if it's in a different fleet i wish they just stayed on the same fleet until destroyed and then moved on to the next over and over again because this is really irritating but now they're all nice and clumped up it should go a lot faster yeah lost a few ships here though how am i losing so many things what's destro oh the acquisition fleet is attacking some of our space that is really irritating ah well there are some other ships about to deal with it and there we go the tempest is gone which means all of you should return in fact no i've got a special mission we're heading over here because i'm going to do a imperial crusade against the chroniclers because i want their home world simply put i want their home world the font of knowledge and i want the archives so i'm going to do is go to here where are you imperial relations oh no i've got to wait because of um the bonus which is now gone well i've learned the lesson uh that extra damage against the end game well the crisis has vanished might have been no no no it's still there damaging crisis plus 20 so never mind it's worth it because now that's definitely there so even if the in-game crisis arrives right now that's there that's fine uh i'll just make claims and go to war normally then to assure that the empire continues to prosper under our rule we need to continue to expand but also remove threats who knows when this empire will awaken similar to the others we have declared war to safeguard our interests attacking enemy vessels construction complete beautiful that was their mind fleet they're simply gone oh there you are juggernaut you've just about made it okay please try and follow along if you can instruction complete in fact while doing this white for you because you are going to help out a lot so the other mindful is over here oh never mind i thought that was their main fleet no this is their main fleet remember though we are still a galactic contender so we do bonus damage versus the fallen empire good i think it's actually going to try and attack me which guys we should back off just a tad since we do on the range [Music] time to deploy our um strike craft well they ended up going to another system to attack one of my less fortified areas but then i managed to take this system so it came back to defend and here we are lots of disruptors which is very annoying but still yet we are just melting through them we do a bonus 33 damage and we ignore their shields which is the bulk of their health oh one of those titans has just arrived good timing there lad oh very good timing we actually lost a lot more health than i expected there um that is bad but that was their other fleet so now they are pretty much done for their fleets are gone uh we have reinforcements on the y i just need to make sure to keep on uh let's keep on making more battleships which will now have the arc emitters which i do definitely prefer okay it looks like we're definitely going to get the font of knowledge but it's going to be difficult to grab the archives as well our war exhaustion has reached 100 we are really weak for this light in the game ah this empire i don't think i applied it very well to be perfectly honest i'm still getting used to all the new systems and oh i have made some mistakes this run seriously the scourge what but i am okay what what are the uh okay can someone do the math on the odds who know the um the rules of the different crisis so this is the very first month they can arrive so the very first set of five years they can arrive they have so straight away unlikely but then the scourge of the default crisis which only have i think the rule of every five years where a crisis hasn't happened it increases the odds the scourge will appear whereas the unbidden are increased if you have the side jump drives or jump drives which at least one of the empires have and then synths increase the chance of the contingency and we are synths my entire empire of 1392 almost all of that is made up of synths so the other two empires are more likely this one is really rare very early on and yet oh i just thought my ships are gonna be terrible this is the scourge so the scourge are like half armor half hull they don't super focus one of the other i think i think it's like a six four ratio or something like or a one three ratio rather i can't quite remember honestly but all i know is we really want energy weapons versus these things um on the upside though our strikecraft are okay against it because obviously bonus armor damage but really what you're looking for is tada armor and hull bonus damage well at least i have the arc emitters on my main battleship so i have to make sure to um kick these out with them as well okay now thankfully it's good can take some time to actually arrive so hopefully they'll take a couple of years i have had them had delayed like five six years before after that event so hopefully that's the case today oh to make things worse they're also very good against shielded things and all of my ships are shield based because i was so sure it was gonna be the unbidden so um yeah need to swap them out as much as i can now for energy weapons which i've got no tech in at all and all of my stuff has been shields my tech is basically no repeatables now uh probably yeah the attacking lands will be better since these aren't ignoring armor as well your best to destroy the armor with the extra well yeah that bonus is just insane that's probably best yeah definitely stick them with artillery then so we have to really start uh getting from engineering i want bonus armor and from physics i want bonus actually would be better the crystallized plating or the armor i think they do basically the same damage against both so let's go with the armor it's a bit more alloy expensive very very expensive comparison uh we're not doing great with crystals are we well this would this would allow us to make lots of them quick let's make a blend then sure this is not great i've got to be honest this could be a huge problem and i want double flack since they have swarms oh wait no they also have missiles don't i know so yeah a mix of point defense yeah just weak and then there's no chance we're gonna be able to just mow them down before they reach us at the moment so yeah just stay like that really okay on the upside looks like i'm gonna be able to take the archives so you are going to have a lot of energy income uh consumer goods do they have the auto forges as well fantastic even more alloys i forgot that this is the arcology well that is lovely yeah i'm going to really swap this over to alloy production it's going to be our ultimate boundary communications really should have done this earlier going after the um the fallen empires rather than the awakened empire but i really wanted to weaken the awakened empire yay and now the holy guardians are unlikely to hate us even though we're cyborgs because we are the chosen that did not help that much oh extreme lag there it always scares me when i get all of this because the lag is so extreme when you uh when you integrate a subject it's just matt oh you had the great wound thank you actually um dark matter was one of our limiting factors so that is lovely where to get all the alloys for oh because i just integrated the subjects i got all their resources here okay so oh my god there's so much to deal with here some people wonder why it takes so long to do a full playthrough and there is just so much busy work not not really mind uh it's just it takes so long especially when you're playing wide if you're playing tall it gets a lot easier as time goes on i find but uh yeah playing wide can be horrendous so that lovely little um alloy package we just got them was glorious very well timed thank you okay i've got um all we can do oh and he's paid for all the upgrades before i was still waiting for on some alloys that's really you must have loads of alloy stored yes just dark matter we need we need so many fleets anyway yeah back to busy work there's a gateway there which is wonderful uh there's a wormhole there which i've never explored so can this tiny little okay let's remove their tiny little fleets because they're just not worth it they're just taking up navy capacity making everything else more expensive and i don't have the resources to upgrade them while still making our battleship spam loads of profits oh that's why oh fantastic yeah the um the holy world we can actually colonize because they love us wonderful okay upgrading all that stuff we've just grabbed these two worlds which are weirdly not very devastated how could that have possibly happened and none of you are particularly good come on give me a good leader for these worlds sure for now actually minus crime would be good because there's gonna be a lot of crime for a while upgrading the buildings lovely look at all that fantastic currently it's all just he had us tried value from this world which isn't what we want at all uh so let's build a foundry then i'll start swapping these over to foundries as well boundaries there we go here's a gaia world with not enough jobs at all because there's no jobs being produced here um change the sky domes for something anything really and i can't really get any more jobs here while still keeping oh i forgot none of mine um the people will move away by themselves anyway for free and we don't need people to have all these building slots anymore it's all based on the planet itself so that's that's fine whatever they'll move somewhere else the breach point has been located and actually it may seem good oh look they're nice and far away we're clearly safe it's terrible for us i need to get there and quell them as soon as possible if i can destroy their scouts they simply don't arrive do i have the gateway already if i have the gateway ready i might actually be able to make it in time use the gateway here go to the l gate i might just have to make it but still i'm only 402k at the moment well we're gonna try our best to quell them before they get too far but i am very nervous about this to say the least star system charted for the empire this isn't the time to have pirates there's a much worse thing how much do i have okay so i have a couple of 90ks ready the problem is i don't have a defender of the galaxy yet well we'll try our best but i don't think i'm going to be able to stop the scourge from pouring on through all we can do is try and make a choke point with the el gate this empire is going to be sacrificed i mean i wanted to make you my protectorate but you're a little bit angry at me about something so that's a shame isn't it oh goody our best friends are here oh i also have a tiny little fleet here as well you're you're very dead the first wife okay so how strong is the first wife i didn't expect them to be in the millions well that's poop oh we are doomed well they're spreading a lot faster than i'd expect but on the upside they do seem to be splitting up a lot as well i was actually hoping he would stay there because i could attack him you're gonna go this way on your own yes good please can you get to the right place all of you get ready to jump on this side we at least take out one that'll be great and so we jump and just in time thank you plus 40 damage it's not gonna be honestly still gonna be really tough oh our lasers are doing so little come on strike craft oh strikecraft why are you so annoying look at that just look at how stupid that is you know that was actually a really good victory for us we would have lost so much less if the strike craft would just focus whoa that is beautiful though it's like jellyfish of death okay we might take out one fleece how much do we lose nowhere near as much as expected why do the swarmlings are the swarmlings um more reliant on missiles than i originally thought i know they have the acid blast and the then the scourge missiles if they are super super reliant on missiles what it means is that our battleships which all have point defense are going to be really really good versus them and of course strikecraft themselves will act as point defense against strike craft i think they also hit missiles but i'm not sure about that so i don't want to actually make that climb we have a lot of we have a lot of half finished armadas that didn't yet um get an admiral which is a bit silly of me because that was a lot of experience that it didn't get [Music] okay to stick together but we need to make a move while we do while we are doing the extra damage thanks to that not that great oh i've never met you i didn't even know there was a uh fanatic xenophobe anywhere where oh the fanatic oh there you are hello remnant you know don't have time for you right now i'll add you to the collection later the coordination center has been restored this is the ruined one so it's on max already which is pretty darn lovely extra starbucks is defense platform sublight speed and navy capacity i'll be saving us a lot of energy and a lot of alloys per month oh come on they just stopped moving like that that is really annoying i'm about to be ambushed as far away as you can they turned around a second ago that's why i was chasing them i was outplayed by the beasts yes we do have a lot of missiles wait those themselves yeah look they're getting shot down so we are countering a lot of their damage which is obviously really good uh not this close though that's really bad for us melt through their armor already okay lost some battleships here still okay that's two fleets down now are you about to head to us the singularity yep that's us again move out second wave over here this is gonna be fast area oh my god 3.6 and four mil now funnily enough these fleets are potentially less scary per fleet points purely because they rely so much on missiles and strike craft things that we can counter very well with what we've currently got star system charted that being said three and four mil fleets ah they've changed your mind they keep on changing their mind it's very irritating also they're getting these automatically now the starbucks i thought to build them yes i know the imperium is under siege normally it's me doing the besieging you're close enough together right yeah good it's such a small system they tend to be stuck together automatically so much better when we have the range advantage to begin with well yeah they just knock out shields instantly oh she knows are these all upgraded now yes good no why do you have fire you know that doesn't really matter all that much the small weapons are not going to be contributing much damage regardless and it's not worth me refitting them again just to alter that okay i need to defend this point more than anything i'm afraid i'd love to go after you but let's go back to here just try and keep this little section here safe as much as we can um i might convert this into a full shipyard you know what these defensive ones are way too expensive much rather be able to just keep on fitting the armada yeah how they're getting their star bases instantly it's like as soon as they destroy starbase now they instantly make one oh just so irritating once again with the strike craft looking gold for them every time look at the strike craft doing absolutely nothing just can't decide where to go i know i complain about it so much but that is costing me so many ships that finished off in a second okay uh here's the problem then it doesn't count as our territory without the station but the station is right next to that so [Music] i guess we just have to keep on rebuilding it but then as soon as they hit it they'll destroy it so no we'll have to use these two as choke points instead make sure to build citadels so we have enough health with some defense structures and make sure our ships are close enough they can take out the enemy before we knock them out and this world will have to be sacrificed not the best solution i can't see what else i can do then a mute is too strong i keep on taking out the 1k fleets but i can't deal with their larger fleets i think this uh swarm mother fleet just appeared took out this station and apparently is going away somewhere else okay though in the meantime now we we have got bull look of harmony and we do have defender of the galaxy so we're doing an extra 50 damage as a baseline and if we're in our own territory we also get a plus 15 to our fire right we're just stalling right now we're just trying to get our fleets back together this wormhole will be the next problem but one step at a time thankfully this whole layer is quite close our actual borders at least our main borders aren't too close to the enemies of here we have time and they are continuing to split i can't see i haven't seen a single 4k a 4 mil fleet since the start since they've just split up don't like these fleets because i still have a lot of the small ones it releases the matter of the smaller enemies are actually more dangerous to me than the larger enemies so the actual um fleet count the force count is a little bit misleading sometimes like this one isn't because it has lots of the smaller ones still but some of them some of the three mills are almost purely the larger the brood mothers and the swarmers that i can actually deal with sorry no the broom wasn't the queens rather it's the first time with defender of the galaxy active and bull walk of harmony oh there goes my titans stars i saw a lot more die on the way yes that was so much better we lost one titan that's it we lost one titan in that whole fight okay yeah we're starting to look scary to them now well at least we can defend ourselves slightly that's more accurate really they have now spread out so much i'm actually tempted to start attacking them our fleets are when in friendly territory at least uh about 100k for a fully armed battleship battalion and our main fleet is about it 500k once he gets all the reinforcements technology secured of course we are getting stronger with every passing year this is a 2.8 million fleet they go out strike craft take out theirs then reach the target the acid blasts of course still get through annoyingly but ultimately this should be an overwhelming victory up for our side 12 battleships so 12 14. so 15 battleships for a 2.9 mil fleet is not a bad trade especially since i'm making them very very quickly right now my economy has bounced back especially since i've lost um so many ships in the process and that has led me to be able to make ships very very very quickly every large fleet destroyed is a big deal so that doesn't say i'm not going mad yeah i'm going mad for a second there i thought it said 24 million not 2.4 that would have been a bit worse would have been a little bit worse i think we should start attacking them i really do yeah let's uh let's get ready by the elegate i just thought the easiest way to defend um our territory from the lgate would have actually been to have the fleet here in the lgate because the uh ship station over here the ship station the shipyard is so far away i could just put my fleet here it would have been a great range we could heal up there yeah that would have been a lot easier but oh well you live and learn it's not like it really cost me anything except for i have to get this system back enemy let's purify some systems shall we the name of the emperor which is me okay a small fleet hanging our way let's uh back off so we have max range then what do we do there's almost no fleets here there's a couple there but we could start trying to go for their worlds which is bombardment yeah i think that's what we need to do just keep on bouncing around taking out as many little fleets as possible to slow down their expansion whilst keeping an eye out for the l gate remember we are getting stronger with every passing yeah we'll just have to keep on stalling them we are bombarding what is classified as their home world which is pretty much the only ones which are fully infested so about to die you're about to be attacked i think nope never mind good good that it's ignoring us for some reason i think they're focusing on other areas that's a shame that gateway's useful to us but it's fine if we lose it yeah that are so split up now we can start really hunting them annoyingly though these fellows decided oi you have our home world let's go to war with you when the entire galaxy is threatened thankfully they didn't particularly have a strong fleet so my 100k fleet just got diverted over here for a while it's gonna have fun just dealing with them and then we'll just status quo as soon as we can till then just keeping on plodding along the empire's will shall not be stifled receiving communications yeah sure whatever also there's a wounded queen and my scientist is on its way because i'm about to have my own little scourge long live the queen okay queen you get back to our home world wow so many other science vessels must have been rushing for this thankfully my science vessel has a trick i uh i said it's a passive rather than evasive so i think it would just stood stood by whilst all that fighting was going on oh they uh they're lovely oh look it already had a little baby little baby langley baby i remember at one point i was gonna go to war with you to control you but now you're offering yourself a poorly lovely thankfully all new battleships are no longer using the carrier ai but yeah some of the old ones are as well i thought they were just the cruisers that isn't helping by the way that really isn't helping though to be fair i think they only have strike craft so there's the other thing as we replace them as we lose and replace them the new ones are going to be better because they are coming equipped with the lasers you bombarding there great the fellow empire members are doing really well actually bombarding the world one of these leaders is not quite like the other [Music] you lithia like your name bit weird though we have a lot more fleets now which means a lot more blue and a lot less of you well that went exceedingly well we lost seven battleships that was not bad at all that was a three mil fleet now annoyingly ever got there again really want to stop the uh stuff those construction vessels so go there post up until that one is he going and no in that case we can just wait until they move out take out the construction vessel stop them from reclaiming this area which took so long to clear well we are killing a lot of their fleets though they've got a lot but we are slowly clearing them out there's two more four mills over there there's yeah but the rest are mostly split so should be okay at this point it is just a matter of tediously destroying every last one of them thankfully our allies are dealing with the worlds pretty well not really much more to say at this point just continuously trying to reinforce this armada and doing a pretty good job of it the scourge really are being quite heavily countered now and yeah it's going very dangerous for them and as you can see the ratio of these with the wrong ai and the correct ai are now slowly shifting over in fact i'm even upgrading these slowly there is one more fleet currently on the y should have just gone through this gateway about to go to the l gate there it is they'll reinforce our numbers and we have now cleared this section with uh one of the allies trying to get some of it back okay there's two fleets there they're gonna split or they oh no they are not splitting because the ground forces maybe i'll go this way then though i could probably take both at the same time especially if i wait here for the other battle ship group yeah let's do that and then i'll try and push into this territory there's so many worlds which i desperately need my allies start bombarding well i mean that's one way to deal with the enemy the mediators apparently have rebuilt their colossus and that was an infested world well we're permanently going to have a little scourge bubble in our pristine galaxy that's actually pretty dangerous here's hoping that shield lasts literally until the end of time because if that ever gets released the scourge are you know released that wouldn't be a good thing i'd imagine oh god you're so slow i should have moved forward okay once they attack i think i'm actually changing my mind and going left there's one more single fleet um there's a couple of ones which have merged but that was only temporary i expect since yeah they were going different ways so hopefully i'll be able to pick them off and take this chunk to the left maybe well on the upside i've definitely reached the point now where we can take up the hives without taking any real damage so i am able to clear a lot of territory very quickly the problem is they've got such a stranglehold over here they are respawning so quickly i don't even know if i am actually killing them faster than they're breathing so that's definitely a problem none of you really need to heal too much do you a little bit you have taken some damage from the hives so let's just heal you all up here then we'll make a move so i decided to go this way in the end almost purely because there's a wormhole over there that wormhole actually goes to my territory so i need to clear this area first so clear all this move back down clear this clear this is just ignore what's going on over here if some reason they're ignoring yellowgate i'm i'm happy with that because clearly they're focusing on other end game destinations i don't quite know how their ai works but it does seem like they have an area in mind and kind of push towards it then there's like random patrols as well so yeah clear all this territory which now i realize it looks really weird smiley face then try and push back here allowing our allies to deal with the world oh yeah they actually knocked out another world as well which i think was over here so yeah they are doing their job a huge amount of lag there as the imperial core spreads further so this territory is now ours which is a lot scarier now it's actually our territory i'm very glad we're currently defending it so we have two three fleets to deal with i didn't see any there and i went past second ago so the clear up here is going well over here we're just gonna ignore that for now what i'm hoping is and what actually seems to be happening is i keep on sending forces back trying to reclaim some of this area and it's not going that well for them because it just takes so long not so much i'm actually doing anything to stop them just to take so very long and what i'm gonna have to do now is try and give a lot of these worlds into tech worlds because that's really what we need at this point we just need one more tech i am building a science nexus finally uh that'll be done next 15 or so years maybe um and that will help out a lot i'm actually also tempted to save up some more influence only a little bit more and go materialist so fanatic authoritarian materialist rather than fanatic authoritarian xenophile since we do have enough um support for that because you know we are synths probably skipping quite a lot of time between um clips being used at this point so this is how it looks right now things have been cleared i actually have a second battleship just going around well i bout to trip armada we're just taking out the construction vessels because they were starting to rebuild thankfully that hasn't really been an issue they seem to be pulling back to defend which is good for us as i'm mostly going to ignore them i'm now focusing almost solely on getting the systems back just clearing out this area just purging as much as i can i've got a small group from the last integration which i'm using to help bombard the planets yeah it's looking good i'm also about to test out if a single battleship group can take out a station i'm assuming it will but with heavy losses that's my assumption yeah i was right a lot of battleships lost but we did take out the station at least gonna just keep it on uh construction ship duty at the moment then just make sure it's constantly dodging the enemy fleets you on the other hand go there since i want to attack that fleet if it's heading this way technology secured the relic is currently active giving us plus four tips and damage and yeah that is a lot of damage by the way the new ships are actually using the correct large weapon for some reason they're using plasma throws at the moment rather than the neutron launchers that has been solved the purging is continuing uh there are two fleets currently around here trying to clean house constantly but there's so many different empires trying to bombard these worlds it's just it goes there it kills some fleets it goes over it kills some fleets but the world's been cleaned anyway now pushing up here this is their last bastion this blob and actually i can finally start to see the end in sight especially since my fleets are now way stronger than at the start of the crisis they do also appear to be simply running out of fleets although they are constantly making new ones you're definitely killing them faster than they're appearing now and their expansion has massively slowed down originally almost every single one of these points had at least one fleet pushing away now they're kind of just stagnating which is fantastic for us i've destroyed both of these stations my allies will come in and stop bombarding those worlds so let's continue forwards let's see if i can do that oh actually uh change of plan there because these worlds aren't yet fully infested it's a lot easier to stop them before they're finished oh or is it uh just need to land any ground forces there in which case i'll just move some ground forces from the home base over to here let's see if we can save them before the people are eating this time there we are the two worlds have been saved i'm going to take up this guy then that's this whole section disrupted there are still fleets everywhere but far less than before and we do have two battleship fleets now holding down over here which are trying to take out any construction vessels and everything else technology that wormhole actually turned out to be really good because now i can get access to this section really quickly which is where they're constantly trying to expand yeah things going well i'm sure it's sounding really boring in the video but it's been like an hour since i last spoke probably seconds for you well it's official against the small fleets now the one mil fleets which they keep on spamming everywhere i take little to no damage wow actually no damage i just obliterated them oh well it was a queen and brood mothers they're the weakest against the but still it means i'm actually doing some stuff without having to repair every two seconds so that's nice bringing the ground forces has saved me a lot of time saved another world there just saved this world a second ago yep those fleets now moving out sadly they did bump us off one of these worlds but the damage has been done 50 to 25 will come back as soon as they move since i don't like to stay put yep already moving out so we can already start moving back just be careful just in case we're too fast yeah those walls will be cleared up nice and quickly any more construction vessels are ever meant to get them again okay so some some construction vessels have just spawned oh and are instantly under attack no they're not because these fellows just ran into a station and they are going to die so this is really showing just how good strikecraft are versus the stations and such since they rely so much on missiles and swarmers they're not really getting through look how long this tank can just take out a 5k worth of fleet power well this is incredibly annoying the remnants here so i'm fairly certain of lost all of their armies to the scourge will not let me through i want your homeworld i'm going to warn over it now we have declared war yeah i think i've lost some of their systems as well i can only see two citadels yeah so we'll take out this uh we can instantly land on this world if we want to well actually we're gonna save them and take them over at the same time then uh a short diversion from the scourge to take over the homeworld of these fellows i mean it's a lot of extra resources so sure just make sure to keep up with the um battleship so that we continue to uh clear our areas in fact i just lost one battleship fleet because i wasn't paying attention because of all the weirdness i blame the militarists well the xenophobes it occurs to me that since these planets don't actually need people now to have these um building slots open rather than just destroying these armies why not steal them hence went down about 200 or 300 because we're stealing everyone who's doing the uh the protected jobs and i think that is actually yep there we go down to 1 100. very quickly there's gonna be no one left to defend destruction and complete and they're being put to work on my other world which actually have jobs available for them no longer are they hedonists now they are productive members of society technology secured that's probably as low as that's gonna go so now i'll stop over to that finish off rest of the armies since i don't have a particularly large army over here and getting them there is a nightmare i'm just gonna keep stealing people free your mind you know normally i'm not a huge fan of this relic it has been a savior in this run just fought extra because this is a nasty fleet it was a four mil fleet so we are gonna have some losses but that extra damage is just tearing through them so much faster yeah still got quite a few losses but imagine that without the 40 because two of my fleets are currently still sitting here sorry three of my fleets are still sitting with the fallen empire just sorting out all that wow my allies are so fast to jump on the worlds i am so happy i am the emperor it is good to be king i do kind of feel sorry for the queens they get targeted just right away and always the first one to just melt wait that wasn't [Music] how did you two just win that that was not the fight i expected it to be there's a fight about to happen over here i thought it was that yeah my ships are just getting nasty now okay so it finally happened i've lost most of my fleet especially the imperial fleet so now i need to back off for a little while but i've done a lot of damage i do have two fleets there i have one fleet currently on the way to reinforce another one being built as we speak there's the reinforcements just to slow down a bit and of course once again three fleets just kind of sitting here just slowly bombarding the core so glad they never defend their workers that work is about to exit there i'll send one fleet and i'll deal with that that's why they're not getting much territory back they're getting some because there was a worker here which i can't see currently it must be somewhere there and i just couldn't get to it and this is on the fallen empire workers so less caring about that the remnant have been defeated ah in fact he's still angry at the very end shame though i've got your worlds and with that it means i've now got all these lovely specialist buildings which is exactly what i wanted only a few people left on these worlds but that's fine i just wanted the buildings loads more energy once the month updates loads more alloys consumer goods food i think boundaries the exact same yep pretty much everything being generated that's a back off all the way over here at least for now thankfully it's very easy it's very easy to rebuild the imperial fleet since the ships only cost half because you know the whole theme is that the imperium is paying for it technology so two fleets together yep they can take out the hives pretty well all by themselves that's great so these two can start clearing up also now any new battleships i make are going to go on their own rather than following this group so we have multiple attacks now that fleet was already heavily damaged because it's been attacking everything around here but i still class that as a 1v1 and a win it wasn't it was cheesy gangstery damage but you know keeping morale members of the imperium including its ruler may not declare war on each other aside from trials of advancement for the imperium to prosper it must not tear itself apart with pointless infighting wars between members cannot be permitted so there we go we have in essence just got a little bit closer to galactic peace now the next two things i want to do is actually um the opposite that is i want to take over this home world the celestial throne and sky temple because they're powerful and i would like to have a true victory either everyone is in in the empire or under my control and then i simply win so my next two battleship fleets being built are actually gonna head over to the fallen empire rather than the scourge am i using the crisis to leverage people to allow me to do this and well i don't need to allow me to i'm the emperor but to think well of me as i do this maybe i'm afraid fellows you're mine we have declared war to safeguard our interests they simply don't stand a chance so this will be over quickly and this time i actually have a decent amount of ground forces you know just a casual twelve thousand oh extreme lag i think i just finished integrating into the subject whoa that this is not happy am i right oh the frame rate yep it's over here it just seems so painful when something turns into us this must be a rather vile size some machine generals leading a literal army of xenomorphs just rampaging throughout the countryside devouring everything they can see heading towards the major cities lovely for us though wasn't paying attention now it's a 150k at least it was a 150k versus a what was a 1.5 mil fleet on the upside they are just the warriors and the queens which are the worst against their battleships but yeah well got one more kill so that's good i want another wow this is gonna be insane yay for hard countering yeah you deserve like a medal once again our mind is being freed because there is a largest fleet here we have to deal with and then another large one straight afterwards come on hurry up for the next one appears please thank you get back you'll get a few seconds of healing before the next one arrives yeah you'll definitely be able to deal with it just a few losses and the game is completely froze up so i assume i just won yep there we are by the way the game is running significantly smoother than used to ever since the uh the dlc in the new patches it's definitely to do with having far less um less population in the galaxy as well i mean we're on a large like huge galaxy we're in a pretty big galaxy regardless exactly what it is i'm not really running into any problems except for when i integrate a subject or when i conquer an empire and that's like the only time it has any real issues if that's the only time it's gonna have issues then that's completely fine now just to convert these well these worlds to be a bit more useful for me i really need some more gas so i'll do for now and then we have the celestial throne we'll do the exact same swap the food for industrial districts and then we'll turn it into another alloy foundry when we can still once again loads of extra energy loads extra alloys already more energy yeah fantastic two new battle trip fleets are not going towards the scourge they are going towards the mediators as i've decided it's about time we deal with those because they are holding us back against the scourge they're not truly part of the imperium they're not contributing i'm the one here sacrificing the lives of my people to safeguard the entire galaxy and they're just they're just in the way losing a lot of ships now once again we're in the fans we have to reinforce but we've done incredibly well maybe i shouldn't be sending all these ships over here but i am going to anyway yeah we're going to have um one major fleet there one major fleet there one major fleet there and then we're just going to surround and destroy all the other empires of course will also join in the fight so it shouldn't be that bad ooh meanwhile though might need to try and get out of here a little bit just before anyone else attacks us there's not that many fleets left though there isn't any fleet so dodging them wouldn't be too bad okay you're gonna hold them up so much okay of your sacrifice with all their fleets helping out the scourge and doing a load of other things this was so much easier than the last time uh you know what i'm gonna let that get through because it doesn't matter like i've said in the previous time we had this type of war if we do status quo we don't actually lose anything if we surrender it's just humiliate so it's not about what we lose it's about what we gain gains are all that's important here meanwhile whilst everything is going on the other fallen empire has declared war on us for like the hundredth time i've actually been allowing this to happen purely because of bulwark of harmony uh while in a defense of war with another empire shipper build speed has increased by 33 percent this is a defensive war thus i get the plus 33 percent but i feel like this will be the last time i can do that because in 15 years i think we're probably going to have just wiped everything else out sorry 15 years or 10 years for peace treaty either why the point is i'm gonna just destroy them now they've served their purpose and now they're simply going to serve another purpose by serving me more directly not sending any reinforcements for so long and still having those three to four mil fleets is really starting to hurt the juggernaut still alive they're going that way you're going that way i'll know i've actually allowed some construction vessels through for once um i do have a lot of fleets there and a lot of them are all um coalescing well after this war we're all going to be attacking this together anyway so it's not too bad if they get a couple of systems back right now i'm just focusing on this one world the imperial fleet has almost fell let's get out of here right now on the episode we do have a lot of power over here it's just i separated too early our allies have pretty much taken over all of the mediators territory so as soon as they land some ground forces that'll be over and speaking of which this is the final fight with our xenomorphs and then this fallen empire has completely fallen as well i think we took its home world a long time ago 54 months our original allies will be truly part of the empire there we go one more fallen empire completely fallen i complained about the el gates but they have been so useful ground invasion force has they have a 7 million strength fleet that's fantastic oh however i think we're about to just run headline into it no we're not we're not that dumb excellent please move towards us come on yes i have the relic wedding this is gonna be an amazing fight and this is pretty much going to be the deciding factor now since i think i saw one other attack fleet and that's it so we've managed to whittle them down to just this they will be respawning more but once this is done yeah they just don't stand a chance at all then for the empire he's opening have the bonus attacking okay yep they are in roots so we get yes we get the extra damage again got very lucky with that that can give extra shields which would be just completely worthless right now so very happy that hasn't happened if everyone's attacking why did the juggernaut go so far ahead i hope the juggernaut doesn't die in this final fight and that was it losing only a handful of units we've simply done it so i'm going to send you all together still actually i'll have you all follow the slowest which is that one there so we'll follow the slowest please i would have them all follow the juggernaut but that doesn't always work properly it's a bit weird at least it used to be i haven't retested it since i want you to just grab absolutely everything you can and then i'll get one in fact i'll get the imperial fleet and i'll start sending them against um the working vehicles everywhere oh no no there is one of the philly left but we can just dodge that that's fine that's no bother let's dodge that one take out the workers and then the bulk will just take out the main section there now sitting at one million fleet power juggernaut versus colony ships that's different the end of the scourge so as the endgame crisis dealt with now it's just a matter of finishing off the mediators we yield to the imperium you have left us little choice so there we go that is utter and complete victory i now also have control of their old home world because of course that's exactly what i've done if you look over here yep there's our homework their home world cradle brother and mother so i have control over all of the fallen empire worlds and the galaxy is now completely ours only two empires are not direct protectorates everyone else is either us or part of the imperium so with that and after a full week of recording i'm afraid i am all out of time for today's video hey so this is actually being recorded in the distant future so it turns out when i looked back at the footage although i'm about to get the victory against this enemy it doesn't actually put the mediators as a proper part of the galactic imperium i thought it did but it didn't so instead i'm going to do this first which will be just settle status quo i would have expected this to have worked since it literally says the vran mediators joined the galactic imperium that didn't work so instead we're going to stay a squirm just so i have a more complete victory here and this should leave us everything except for one world which is this world for every reason so now there's the imperial core which is the second imperial core hello there which is now actually fully part of the empire i believe yet there they are whereas before for some reason it didn't add them so yeah just something to note with the white empires what is thy bidding your imperial highness sorry i've only just started actually clicking the empires and yeah they all seem to really like me so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris and full playthroughs are something you wish to see continued in the future i really really enjoyed recording this it was all over the place i definitely have a lot of stuff i desperately need to learn because of the new patch and everything but i love the new systems with the imperium a new way to win and a new way to play is always something i absolutely adore i will be continuing the let's play with the menace system very soon as well for those who aren't aware a lot of things have been happening in real life i've lost a loved one in my immediate family over well recently and i'm still just dealing with that dealing with other stuff all the fallout for that so this did take a full week to record whereas normally i can probably record on these in three four days if i really go at it but everything's a little bit slower but i will be getting back to normal fairly soon i have already got some more recording days scheduled so but then the week hopefully things will be a bit more normal had loads of fun hope you did too that was a bit of a downer of an ending i'm the galactic emperor everything is great do take care goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 286,921
Rating: 4.9664259 out of 5
Id: X8QS3ejN1iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 53sec (9113 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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