Stellaris | Inwards Perfection build FULL playthrough!!

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greetings sir answer at and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs Rex and of course welcome to a very special video which is going to be an entire run of stellaris in one video hopefully two hours or less cutting out a lot of the stuff I normally keep in during my Let's Plays just to make this an interesting video so why I'm doing this is because right now I have no internet at the house I've explained this in the channel update and so I can't really be uploading too many videos as I do need to go out of the house to actually get them uploaded and that causes all sorts of problems so instead of doing my usual series I'm gonna try and do an entire run now this is from my own free time because I thought it would be a good idea but I still need to record all the other stuff in the background so expect this to be a very weird play so straight away we already have our faction built up and it's a faction I empire rather which I wouldn't use in a normal let's play because honestly it might be really boring though it might be really interesting depending how it goes so we are using the inward perfection and the agrarian Civics over here forgot what they were called as well apparently all words just out of my head at the moments this means that farms are giving us unity and we are getting a bonus 20% unity on top of the fact we are fanatic pacifists which give us an additional 10 percent population resource production the idea of this play is that we are going to act a little bit like a full an empire we are going to do very little we are going to expand rapidly until we meet neighbors and then sort of just stay where we are improving ourselves over and over again but not really interacting with the galaxy at large then eventually I'm going to try and go for the robotic ascension which means we will become synthetic then once we become synthetic normally almost all of your population will become materialist meaning that you quickly get factions to do with materialism and then you can force that and go all the way to being fanatic materialist and you can get rid of this inward perfection now in a perfection is amazing your citizens are 5% happier they grow 25% faster they have 20% increased unity and your edicts increased by 10% in terms of their duration it's really powerful in fact it's one of the most powerful civics you can get outside of things like the fanatic purifier the problem is you can't have rivals defensive packs migration treaties guarantee independence Federation's you cannot infiltrate primitives and you cannot have four subjects you can't really do any diplomacy until you become fanatic materialist robots nails and then suddenly expand and destroy the entire universe now we are the slime farms and we are unity snails because I just thought that was adorable I'm also going with Democratic this means we're going to have constant new leaders which will all require different mandates if you do the mandates you get bonus unity now I will say this will not be a good example of a intro to stellaris because I will be skipping so much so if you do want to watch that I would suggest other series anyway here at rights we are traditional we are communal and we are intelligent so we have bonus unity bonus happiness bonus science and then we are deviants and slow breeders because well we are snails although I have kept snails in the past in terms of giant land snails and when they do breed well this snails absolutely everywhere but that's a weird aside we're also deviants to help with us changing ethos later on even if we don't go down the route of becoming robots I still need to change from this and from this later on and we are pacifists the only way to make peace with others is to make peace with yourself so if all that and me we've quite a bad throat at the moment as you may be able to tell let's go into the galaxy this is how I spend my free time laugh ryx as a life in terms of difficulty we're going to level it up by two so we are on Commodore which is fairly decently difficult but not insanely difficult we're on a medium star system everything else is default okay let's get going now one more thing which makes us incredibly powerful is this we have adaptability and purity rather than domination and diplomacy this means we get this here adopting all adaptability traditions will make our farms produce one mineral it sounds like not much but it does mean if we build a farm on a mineral tile we still get those minerals in addition to the one mineral which is utterly insane and means our unity generators the farms will also become our mining stations which is just really really powerful buy stations I meant say tiles anyway but first we are going to go with expansion because we do need as much space as possible as early as possible we can't go to war to claim space so we need it as soon as we can even if we go aggressive we probably won't get that much anyway because we don't have too many bonuses for that but here are the three main ones were going for expansion adaptability and purity maybe discovery purely for faith in science we want as much unity as possible so in the light game we can use the ambitions constantly which are really really powerful things found in here once you get the ascension theory which will increase research or naval capacity all sorts of stuff which normally you can't have on constantly but we we might be able to and I will go with engineering facility because we do need engineering research if we're going to be robots so I'll be right back wouldn't something happens it'll be weird editing this footage a very very lucky with our first world a 23 tropical right there well that's lovely and it will give us an a few mate'll it's definitely worth grabbing our first new ruler and our first ascension perk which I am going to go with interstellar Dominion this is gonna be so useless lighter but right now having that minus influence cast will be insane like I said before once the enemies are found once they close their borders to us which they most likely will we can't spread anymore there's no way so we need to grab every little bit we can so I'm thinking what we will grab is interstellar Dominion technological ascendancy on one vision these three are guarantees after that we just need to make sure we have enough space for synthetic evolution and the flesh is weak and then we could pick and choose whatever else we want which will be fun the galaxy is ours things are going incredibly well and now I'm going down the discovery tree so originally I was going to go with adaptability or purity first and then get the other then go with discovery then harmony but instead I think discovery will be better just because of how insane faith in science is going to be we are going to be decent at science and very good at unity so getting three months of unity every time we get a new science I think it's important to get this first on top of the bonus 25% leader experience game and the bonus temp cent research feed combine all of that together and I think we are going to go very quickly through all the different techs and we definitely need to get synthetics before we can use them at least before we can turn into them just to make sure everything goes as fast as possible now that's a stroke of good luck we're going to be producing so much food being able to sell that food is incredibly important now what are the deals like here I want minerals 400 food 450 450 minerals we all definitely have a hundred plus food income by the end of this we found the traders and we found the curators already that is so so good for this Empire so far honestly this has been a really good start and I am having to resist colonizing every single world I see after playing the infestation for so long it's a bizarre thing to see a planet and go you know what we don't need that the very first Empire we find of course they're xenophobic militarists that's gonna make us safe now there increased difficulty they do have some bonuses and the clock a hand reaching to grab us so that's always good as well they are superior in terms of their fleet power that's to be expected I'm only just now starting to build my fleet so ya need start moving down and to the right as much as possible because this area is gonna be a fighting zone very soon well we definitely need some more energy to start trading then we now have the traders the curators and the artists so I'm thinking trade food for energy then trade energy for science and unity the old gods event has has been finished which is really a really well time because now I can go ahead and get myself some bonus science yes please Oh only a thousand because it's so early game normally I don't find these guys until way later on are you also a thousand wonderful there we go bonus unity a bonus science and the science will feed into the unit be useful now over here soon as you have the money I wish to build a gene clinic every science style will become science everything else will become a farm construction can begin the peace festivals oh yeah now here's something I've never done before I really want to make this the curator think-tank five physics five society five engineering there it requires us to be a little bit more friendly with the curators let's have a look-see okay sweet fifty opinions so that'll be soon enough since they are liking us more and more since we are purchasing their services but hold the power of fear fear campaign plus temp sent us a although it does make us even more xenophobic but I really want that bonus human see only now is that unity finally sort of climbing to the peaks I was after that sounded weird admittedly we have found the homeworld and our predecessors and because of that we just got loads of unity and robotic a lovely system with lots and lots of science and there we go speak of science our science is now done and let's go with technological ascendancy and then let's grab ourselves probably adaptability finally as much so I would like some of the other things this year symbol of purity is amazing for instance we have over here above the fray just 10% unity bonus I just really need these bonus minerals and everything else makes our worlds a lot easier to deal with though I am really tempted by purity higher level governor's higher level leaders our people are happier and star bases are even cheaper and we get the symbol of purity then plus 10% unity at the end of it fine purity than and then adaptability fighting drones quite the light show there we are we destroy that lovely you guys go home we get scientists to research that and then we have a nice 22 continental world now we do need as many types of worlds as possible because once we do get adaptability there's this here unity output increased by 5% per different planet class you have colonized so right now that would put us at 10% once we get that continental and we're about to get this tropical as well excellent okay so you start making a move towards there and where's our nearest scientists they well you can go over and survey that and research please thank you thank you thank you and the top of all that I'm now building the art college it's similar to the curator think-tank except for it's for unity rather than science and you need to be bestest birds with the artists the symbol of purity is now able to be created for unity and governing F extraction this is why I made them deviance hopefully all fight off all of this force love between them what I need to change them into something else I'm afraid you there I'm going to turn into this what as much unity as possible now I am really pushing for unity with sort of now reaching the end of where we can expand after this likely we it's gonna be stuck here so now we just need as much unity as possible and that's so annoying I would like to make that right now but I don't have anywhere near enough energy thank you very much there we are purities finished we get 10% bonus unity and then oh we could already get the flesh is weak that's interesting though I do want one vision but that is so early to get that um one vision or the flesh is weak both of them are amazing I think for now one vision let's just keep on focusing on unity generation I'm finally building farms everywhere soon that unity amount is going to spike heavily I'm also now saving up for the monuments which you can purchase from the artists so next adaptability or harmony with harmony we get you the utopian dream which gives us bonus happiness a little bit of unity in the building itself and food and of course you also get the bulwark of harmony making ourselves more protected and our leaders live longer lives our people also happier adaptability we get minerals / farm we get unity bonuses we get habitability bonuses and gene modification points both are really good for what we're currently trying to do I feel like we're doing well so far so right now we are essentially dead last in terms of our Empires despite the fact I feel like I'm doing so well yep we are the weakest Empire currently available in the game but the reason is this we just have really really low naval capacity I only have one Anchorage which isn't even finished yet and that's it we don't really have a true fleet well we have a somewhat okayish defensive fleet we have a bastion and that's it it's making our score look really really bad but in almost always we are better than everyone else in terms of tech which is very very nice and we should be getting better now as our worlds finally get populated the whole slow breeding thing is actually really bad didn't realize just how bad that was but still eventually farms everywhere I've went ahead and I've jumped all the way around here so that we can grab all of this space as well it is going to affect how fast we can get tech and unity but I really do think we need the minerals and we need the energy at the moments we're kind of starving for both it looks like we're doing okay but we're not going to get any more our planets are just not going to give us much energy and only a little bit of minerals when we eventually get the adaptability traits finished so yeah we do need this plus I really want the Gateway the natural wormhole and I would like to see if these guys are worth invading having a second species amongst our Empire well here's something psionic theory which I believe is what we need to go down the psycho route where are you there we are mind over matter psionic theory well then also if you can hear in the background that's currently engineering work being done just outside my apartment yeah fun isn't it so here's something I haven't seen before this fellow here claims that he is a caretaker and because of a problem with drop pods totally not his fault all of the people in his care eventually lost oxygen and died do we want him to help us yes sure govenor caretaker IX 7b excellent okay then let's see how good you are at governing then in comparison to our no governor Oh yet could because our recent govern just got elected to office so yeah whoa your old level four of nine you are analytical and shipyard build speed increased and build cost decreased mmm that's pretty nice okay sure you're our new permanent governor and you are a mortal so you should get to max level fairly quickly now this is interesting and not to spoil too much from the infestation run in case you I'm watched that already but this here currently this planet is having some serious rift problems there are rifts sporting everywhere spewing out sulfuric gasses and we can hear something like a heartbeat in the center now I've never had this event actually happened to me so honestly I don't fully understand what is going to go on but apparently something mental happens so that's gonna be very interesting to say the least and let's grab ourselves plasma throwers nice Jeep giving us some more unity and there we are we now have adaptability finished which should mean we're getting quite a few more minerals and we can now choose between becoming robots and becoming psychic now I've already done the psychic one recently so I'm not massively tempted to go with this but I can't remember what this actually gives you in terms of the psionic populations and the leaders I know they get a bonus of some kind I can't remember for the life of me what it is with the cyborgs I know we get increased lifespan which is really good for our leaders and we also get a habitability bonus once again really good considering we want as many planets as possible for that 30% unity bonus so what I'm thinking is yeah I'm going to go with the flesh is weak I think it's the best for this run and I honestly want to go down these synthetic routes because synthetics are amazingly powerful the flesh is weak soon a snails will be Robo snails how lovely and I want that a cybernetic revolution ultra unity snails hell the naming is pretty awesome anyway so what bonuses do you get habitability plus 20% army damage plus 10% leader lifespan plus 40 years that is really good especially since now I am trying to get as many different types of world as possible I'm actually going to inhabit this one the arid world with the rifts to see if anything else happens although I do have a horrible feeling that this is actually the end of this particular tree since I know other things can happen but I think this is one of the outcomes I don't know that for certain but we will see as time goes on and I'm about to grab this one over here the alpine world as well so that extra habitability really really helpful now when it comes to leaders our main leader gets nothing for being a cyborg which is a shame our scientists get +5 some research speed which is pretty darn awesome other leaders Admirals get +5 set fire right and the governor would get +5 cent minerals if we had a biological governor but we don't because we have our governor Tron which is doing a great job building once again something I've not seen before so this is the loop temple and it's about the worm in Whiting and events I did earlier but I just couldn't remember this I must have seen this before but simply forgot about it so on slime world we get the loop temple visitor center which increases happiness and we get the tech research doctrine strange loop which sounds weird soft sumptuous net1 so where is the visitor center which just opened up Sloan Ward right oh it's just a modify it's not actually a tile okay that's even better so everyone's at max happiness I think on most worlds we are at max happiness except for the desert worlds and the Tundra's and stuff like that well it's a little bit too inhospitable still yeah still close though but not quite all the way there so then with research it was under this the loop Institute whoa governing ethic attraction planet unique you can get one on every planet ain't society well bonus happiness is good governing ethics attraction is going to be very annoying but yeah research them new things always cool so many things I've just not seen before okay well this one is so we have seen before these are subterranean aliens and we are going to be peaceful with them huzzah now that is on which planet was that this one which increases tile Society output yep this is definitely going to be our science world bonus engineering bonus Society thank you very much now this is this study the messenger perhaps we can establish a connection to certain other events perhaps even find an explanation so loads of things been going on I've been skipping way too much I apologize for that but because I'm rushing to get this playthrough sort of going and getting to a decent pace I am sort of skipping through things I think I've seen before and then I missed something new which is really annoying requests for technology yeah we'll give them some tech they're our friends and then instruction compete so from that previous event it basically said we might have cousins out there which we didn't know about or perhaps we were genetically modified from them perhaps some kind of precursor species so we're now studying it special project to complete execute them please that's a good nice that one is la fere has reconstructed the messenger ah it's a quite impressive worryingly so it seems to be considerably more robust and aggressive now current edition there is some confusion about whether we were the saw species and the messenger the modified version or whether the messenger was our ancestor yes let's do that well then the messenger nightfalls la fere has now recreated the genetic heritage of the messenger species without stopping to ask anyone's opinion they have also created a highly contagious retroviral agents it stalks our worlds under its influence our primary species falls into a chrysalis coma and emerges a day later as the messenger species this is causing it is fair to say some excitement let's do it a new faction was also founded so I'm assuming the you guys are militaristic hundred percent support our entire species just became militaristic and now we are squids all same traits before though yeah all that really happened as we changed our portrait and we became militaristic that was a terrible idea Oh what everyone's really unhappy aren't they because we have nothing to do with supremacy oh dear failing to allow for offensive warfare will displease the crimson warrior Lodge so yeah we need to just embrace them then right now don'twe we need to lose that pacifism and become militaristic because there's no way we can possibly please these people this is a really bad idea it's completely changed howling and to play this but still okay so if I become militaristic right now let's say I just straight away pay into that what's going to happen is that I'm going to lose both this and this both of these require at least once this wise double pacifism this requires one pacifism pacifism I can't speak right now pacifism I've got a bad throat and apparently that's preventing me from saying certain words anyway because we become militaries we will lose pacifist completely so these turn off straightaway we're not anywhere near the point where I want to be so I think I need to do is just fear campaign just try to ride it out we have a lot of stuff giving us bonus towards our governing ethics attraction they should slowly become pacifists again hopefully we'll find out soon enough so a few months lighter still 100% support even when I'm suppressing them it's a little bit insane honestly so I've got to say if we cannot get at least some support back to our governing ethic soon I will embrace the military stick traits which really de sums up this so what's happened here is that we found an old part which was used for colonization but it was weirdly ancient with our own species and then we figured out oh perhaps this is our precursor species so we modified ourselves to be more like them because we're dumb and then well this has happened the last thing I can do is what I'm doing right now without science though yeah which is to use the loop Institute's which also increase governing ethic attraction our governing ethics of course our pacifist so we'll see if that has any effect plus it's a lot of bonus science which is pretty darn nice I'm just putting it pretty anywhere I can right now being a bit bad for the tiles but it's fine the funny thing is this is essentially what's going to happen when we become synthetic except for instead of militarist it will be materialist all that's sweet sweet money oh no more risks so these fellows wish to give us an inoculation it may be really good it may cause us harm very well if it's for our own good I'm sure you're not crazy in any way now going through supremacy will make our people happy right now but I'm still trying to get them away from that let us go with prosperity what is this Oh mega theory Empire unique ten physics Oh once again it's the warm event wow that's some seriously weird events we've been doing this time around so the information I was just giving it turns out is wrong after a quick Google search and I would have still became fanatic xenophobe and militarist I believe so that's just how that works I've waited long enough now anyway that the xenophobe faction is coming back in fact it seems like most of our populace has all our populace is pacifist xenophobe and military still it's just they all joined this group they didn't change their minds so slowly they are trickling back to their original factions so all that really happened is we became squids we are Zoidberg cyborgs that was by accident but it's perfect I'm going to say Zoidberg but yep cybernetic site we are the cyborgs kuvira simply making an empire y not zoidberg so our current militarist faction which is rapidly losing power say as it wants us to kill at IP well there's this fellow the scrapped bot and it's right next to us so I'm doing is spending almost all of our minerals on our fleet which should give us enough power to maybe stand a chance against it and the good thing is I don't mind losing most of that fleece because it's going to cost an absolute fortune to maintain which I simply can't afford right now I'm sending them to their death is what I'm saying I don't feel like a particularly good person right now the end in the beginning there is a consciousness outside time and beneath space it is a labyrinth tangle of desire and desperation our remote ancestors knew it as the loop the worm in Whiting we have met it out there where the void is tormented by gravity it seems to take in a personal interest in us there are mathematic mathematical proofs that it loves us but love it to the worm is not like love to anything that subsists in ordinary space that sounded weird with all we have learned we think that we might be able to use the Omega alignments to open an access route an entry point for the worm to manifest in our home system the worm is fond of beginnings and this is ours what cultural consequences would that have we have yet to find anyone who is prepared to commit to an answer immortality to perhaps or apocalypse but we would certainly learn a great deal perhaps the worms loves us so I believe that was triggered by me building the Omega alignments what is with this worm stuff I wish I paid more attention generate the entry point may the great devourer join this universe in our glorious name first Zoidberg or so I just knocked over some table ignore that complete the heart of the Sun the project is complete so the accelerators are online the power network of a dozen cities is diverted to wake the pseudo singularity at the heart of the alignment space shudders like wind wracked cloth slime star for a heart-stopping moment dims and then brightens a shadow coil in its heart the worm is here it unfolds like origami across the system sensors shut down in abject disbelief as the incra comprehensible dyslexia is - data of its arrival sleeps through them on the homeworld our subjects scream and cower as they feel its attention turned upon them and upon us it presents a wordless question or rather we have become aware that this quest was always what it was asking us every time we encountered it yes whatever it requires we consent the worm loves us it will always love us and thus it always has it winds around the hot heart of our home sty winds around every loop of genetic information it provokes a shuddering series of cataclysms in the planetary crust of our home but when our star grows cold that Cataclysm will warm us we understand so much more we will always be what we were going to be wound tight in the love of the worm what was shall be what shall be was what just happened Oh it's my two worlds what it's made three two worlds in our home star in our home system oh my god it's turned one of the stars into a black hole I mean what we do the black hole in the system look that is insane and awesome look wow that is going to be a ridiculously powerful planet slime world is also a tomb world and now we have two world preference but only those who lived on the home world and we are now natural physicists but we are now Rapunzel repugnant rather what just happened that is oh I love stellaris sometimes what in the what everyone corner a note has to come from the homeworld otherwise we don't get the two mold preference for the glory of the worm well hello there from the Empire underneath our planet we have a refugee hello what happens if we assimilate you I've got a horrible feeling that this just turns you into one of us but it may make you a robot version of one of us so begin the assimilation can we please stop kicking him out of the planet that would be really helpful where is I know it's one of these that coral population all species it won't make our people happy doing this but I really want to see what happens here always change about lighter if it really annoys them so no it just turns them cybernetic construction complete and okay with that okay seems like our old faction is finally gathering some ground yep sixteen percent now of our population support is it's constantly siphoning from the military I have no want to become militarist in you and that's the problem if it was something else EGH a latarian authoritarian just not military that's so opposite of the goals I have this serious oh we had series of events though all of my money has gone into our fleet at the moment so we have three groups of ten thousand each heading towards the enemy Leviathan over here I don't know if they're going to win honestly I think they're going to lose but at the same time I am making more forces over here I can't send everything in because if I do we're really open to attack from these guys not you these guys next to us they really really hate us Construction complete and now we are taking a lead it seems like it took a while but that inwards perfection is finally really really granting us some serious bonuses and our unity is still increasing in fact can I please purchase another artists monument another art piece please yes thank you I just realized I completely forgot I saved the game checked what would happen if I change the faction because I wanted to see to make sure I wasn't telling lies turns out I was and then completely forgot to rename everything again there we go almost completely Corvettes because for the longest time I didn't have access to anything else and I've kissed them out with only anti shield armaments because that's just what we happen to research so we have disruptors and mass missiles essentially we 100% ignore shields so I'm really hoping this guy has loads of shields I don't think I'm actually allowed to check on the vessel the scavenger ladies and gentlemen I have no idea how this is going to go honestly I don't think we're going to win missiles away okay with chunk of its armadas vanished all our ships are vanishing - good good yep I know we're fighting a Leviathan thanks game wait you are kitted out with disruptors yeah okay good oh come on has no armor left just kill it we're down to under half so easy but we're getting weaker and he isn't oh this is gonna be so close oh I just said to be extra fleece but I need it to keep something in reserve no kill it that was so insanely close and I'm assuming it has the capability to heal look at it burning hopefully the enemies over here don't see this wounded oh good Oh two worlds are now up and running fantastic we want that we want the loop Institute Midas really did you give happiness oh yes it does didn't even realize that well may have realized it they forgot about it honestly so all of the stuff we need down here systems carry on complete I think I'm going to focus these worlds purely on science now we sort of need it once again here we go there we go nanites repair system well then okay okay what is this whoa that is powerful highly effective hull auto repair system that is actually insane it's like the living tissue hole whatever it's called but way stronger very nice okay go home I'm a scientist on the way anyway to analyze the debris and try and take this system as soon as possible there is a scientist there is yep could you please go ahead and survey finally messing around with the genes of our people there we are going to apply this to everyone so that now we are natural physicists but we are no longer slow breeders that's gonna take forever but I think it's going to really help especially since we have such huge planets to film with prosperity now finished we are the defenders of the galaxy next up we get supremacy then after that hopefully we will have the ambitions which we can use the rest of that unity on we're almost getting 1,000 per month now have some food well the birds like us more so because we are the defenders of the galaxy we gave plus 20 modifier to all of their empires which is nice here's a Leviathan I've never seen the Wraith which is in our territory what well that just became much much much more worrying so um kill it please call that spam where are you yeah all of you move now rally there don't leave you behind a mistake darn it well anyway rally there oh it's healing well that's good I'm glad I can heal don't let it gets one of our planets so it turns out the rife isn't that strong it actually died off-camera since I was looking at other things and then I just saw this pop up it was over in seconds just to the first two Corvette groups so what is this them to understand exactly how athletes completed this seemingly insurmountable task these scientists have meticulously documented the previously unseen properties of light and energy that the Wraith put on bright display today the lights have gone out spectral residue studies modifier added giving the following effects plus 5% research speed physics great plus fibers and energy weapon damage and plus temps and energy credits is that permanent it's got the time and x2 it but it seems to be permanent normally gives a date when it expires you did good guys now that is an amazing modifier oh but it we did lose two systems that thing I'm just thankful it's born near where all our fleets were I mean that could have just torn apart a huge area otherwise naturally you should stay there and help out that you should go over here and grab these back we continue to take steps to true perfection now we even have the Research Institute and one of our lovely two worlds which is about to get scientists to help it is coming along nicely I'm even now using physics labs because we are natural physicists sadly with our genetic traits we still can't remove positives so I can't add natural engineers which I really want but because of that we may as well try and get as many physics as possible this planet will be insane when it's finished all of these modifiers are now really running away our science is constantly updating and because of that our unity is going insane right now we also have an extra temperature phone of unity because we have supremacy all the way down to here we're about to get extra fire right it's just madness and I absolutely love it very very soon we're going to be near unstoppable basking in the radiance of the black hole we are making some serious headway with our fleets as well and look finally we have things which aren't Corvettes we have battleships we have cruisers we have loads of stuff now being built and the cruisers construction I'll just spam missiles and somehow I managed to miss one of their weapons how do I even do that why well as soon as it's built I'll react the disruptors I don't know why but I really love how disruptors look when they're firing they're not the best option here but apparently we just hate shields that much well that's not good it turns out that the fanatic purifiers have destroyed both of the trading stations at least two of them there's apparently a third which I'm dealing with yeah that's not really the best on the upside we don't have maximum growth for the three planets we're still growing populations on but still that's kind of insane how far we've let those go but sadly we simply can't go to war with them whilst we're fanatic pacifist and whilst we are also inwards perfection eventually we shall awaken and destroy them all so the robot is now leading our people because why wouldn't it which means we no longer have a governor well that was a mistake that's kind of useless that's okay really don't need any more food thank you let's go a few bonus shipyard or let's go for life spam a long-lived governor which I noticed that earlier though since the governor does give bonus a resource population resource production plus 2% next time we'll have to make sure to get the robot out of office the governor is now an intellectual well that was pretty darn perfect wasn't it don't you care about any of these let's go with the cheaper one a let's go with bonus fleet the drums of war for the first time in recorded history the warring factions of this group have united hello there so apparently there is now a threat in the universe you so where are you you're all the way over here which is incredibly difficult for me to get to well then have fun you're going to devour everyone next Yuke's I can't help out in the slightest is there any way we can make these people like us more so he could aid them sound ciliary doesn't it we're gonna pay them to help them bribery is the kick wow you don't even want mineral so that's just weird energy food do you truly want for nothing well then yeah we're just gonna have to accept this have fun they just randomly opened their borders is that by any chance because you know how doomed you are well I'm still gonna help you out some just that nice that's gonna cost us a lot of energy why do I not have capacity overload that'll be helpful it must be weird for the other empires to see our fleets moving away from our star systems since it just never really happens on top of this we are now researching synthetics very very soon we can do synthetic evolution which is going to be literally mad honestly is that the last of our regular snails I think it is how did you survive not turning into a squid do we have any other no we have no more snails you are the last of your kind the originals ooh seems like that's their major fleet ok well then we're going this way instead lads let's get them whilst they're nowhere near their stations do not want to fight that and their stations at once go go go though I don't think is their major fleex I think that's called like the cons chosen or something anyway get em whoa they have a title well a galleon I think it's that version of a Titan anyway um doesn't have the Titan weaponry it's like a really big battleship on its lane yet utterly dominated lovely your shields mean nothing versus us well those cruisers in artillery mode just destroy things beautiful okay let's start grabbing some areas then start pushing them back now honestly I don't mind them doing damage to people over here but as they take people and make them submit they become stronger I don't want this to become a problem for us so nipping this in the bud straight away is what we need to do Zeno station engaged yeah I love those cruisers okay this is gonna be a serious fight we can take out this one their main hubs Wow I'm tempted to make this world our home world just so I can get the maximum level labs since they require homeworld status capital world home world main world okay good you will stay together and are now attacking the fleet I love how their shield bar doesn't even move nothing we have heard shields except for point defense which I think can fire at things if it's not firing at missiles I believe not literally see anyway this is really satisfying to watch they attack they destroy I move on no believe that's this dealt with yep there we go one of their world's gone they do have a gateway over there so I guess really who we should get that first but at the same time do you want to kill their fleets okay kill that fleet first actually why is that 49,000 fleet whoa oh it's loads of those you see now I have a feeling like they'll really gonna struggle versus our Corvettes yeah lots of large weaponry with very little tracking I don't seem to do well at all so despite its strengths I'm not I'm not happy with this existence I'm not terrified if it either I found the great card he's over here not defending your space I'm okay with that at the same time I do kind of want to kill you I don't think our fleets are gonna survive all of this spurts they're doing well so far we have mastered a new technology but on the upside we have mastered a new technology just grabbing all the cheap things for now as soon as we turn it into synthetics and we leave behind in word perfection we're not going to be getting it as much unity so I want to get as much bone as soon as he as possible did not know they had planets to begin with interesting so just carry on just keep on going taking out everything you can the neighbors are actually fighting back okay not winning for the most part they are halting them a lot there it is unity ambitions using unity for some seriously really powerful upgrades and let's go with the first repeatable the carne is over here just go for him everything you have well at least we have to fight his bodyguards on their own good but oh okay here he comes I'm assuming he's in here the Armas gun so many little missile heads and yes so sadly he did survive but still still really good consuming that's their main force now go back on ourselves and just keep on keeping them there so apparently he's definitely alive I wonder if that means he's respawned he as good let's kill him again or at least kill his fleet again we're taking so few losses it's because so many of their fleet points are just those galleons which just can't deal with our Corvettes and we really have gone heavy cheese with the Corvettes pow it wasn't really that intentional to begin with I just wanted fast responders but okay you had a really weird y know didn't you went the correct way we should be faster than you we really should we even have the hit-and-run doctrine which is increasing our speed no sorry the Rapid Deployment which is increasing a speed whoa okay that's that really weirdly powerful group I was hoping we get past you but certainly not we may lose a lot here honestly depends how fast we can deal with all the other things then swarm them Wow they are super focusing on our cruisers when it makes sense the cruisers that really move covet swarm kill the swarm spreading way too much D'Arnot thinking it's such a head start on us now this was just really a huge nuisance you know well one more of systems is ours at least we'll take out this one as well may as well any second now Oh apparently they're going to hit us no we definitely hit them first hello again ooh I didn't even know what that was apparently something died you two on the same side now there's no Federation where you both the same color scheme then I don't know what I've done to make that thing weird oh you like us anywhere unless that's a rarity oh is it that oh no that's a different group who knows anyway the important thing here I'll look into that afterwards there we go the death of the Great Khan now he might still come back so I will go ahead and just destroy it well he won't come back but his predecessor may still take over this area so I want them to be as weak as possible if that happens so they splintered into two groups both of which have the exact same traits they are both xenophobic at militarist and I think we did a very good job of just defusing them that's all they are now just that right at the bottom of the scoreboard we did good we are truly the defenders of the galaxy though for some reason they kind of like us so that's nice so now I have to decide something world shaper void borne or galactic wonders as my other ascension perk we're definitely getting synthetic evolution once I can research it and I kind of on all three of those all of our worlds being Gaia worlds is insanely effective void board means we have an alternate wind condition galactic wonders is amazing I like all of them but either way what I can definitely do right now is this ambitions which means scientific revolution 20% research speed bonus there's loads of other things as well extra minerals we can have an increased fleet more influence we can force our people to go with a specific ethics loads of things we can do but right now all everyone is extra science just speed it all up now researching synthetic personality matrix once that's researched we can turn our people into synthetics wonderful and I would like more leaders please and and we now I can finally have capacity overload lovely chance right away synthetic evolution activated which means now in thirty eight months yet one last thing we're going to have since all of our people will become synthetic the consciousness transferred into synthetic avatars the synthetic age meta ultra unity snail yes that seems right whoa minerals are now way lower why is that oh of course because all of the farms have turned into power plants all of them all that is a problem isn't it because pal that is a lot of minerals we've just lost oh dear well it's not so many it's going to cause a massive issue we just need to go through the planets check out the new power plants and on tiles like this where there really should be a mineral processor just put that a mining Network simple as that or food actually that'll become an energy grid for now but yeah just need to quickly go out and checker and change some of these okay so we are now synthetic which means we get plus 20% all sciences plus 20% unity plus 20% energy plus 20% minerals that's a little bit insane now unlike regular robots we are also affected by happiness meaning we also get the happiness bonus which is also mad so we get all of the bonuses as if we are organics but then we get the synthetic ultimate right and then we can improve them further sort do you once well I want them to be cheaper so where are you durable consumer goods lessened then we can also get where is the one I am after it's minus energy essentially there's an efficiency on there we go minus 10% robot upkeep which is the energy cost of a synthetic since they act like a robot they have at the consumer goods but they also have upkeep and then bonus science I will say bonus you would see but not much rather have bonus science so let's go ahead with that I think I want you to turn into these at least these kind of look like they have a shell save I eagerly vaguely looked like they've came from our original species situation let's go ahead and do that and I'll just go ahead and convert some of these into some mineral producers a new faction was founded and instantly took up most of the people which is the materialist faction I'm going to go ahead and instantly embrace that so you can see what problems that causes have all the problems at once so now we are xenophobic pacifist regular materialist which is good the robot upkeep has gone down we do indeed countless robots for all bonuses like that however now which one of these is deactivated so this one here is no longer active I think I'm going to have is only to make our kingdom now a dictatorship remove that remove inwards perfection since that will be changing soon so do want to go fanatic materialist and what do I want instead then later wait a while and get the others ah first of all efficient bureaucracy since once we lose pacifism we also lose more of those actually no don't even need that we don't need that plus two we are eight out of ten what do we need - eat it cost that's pretty nice and - consumer goods is pretty nice as well I suppose and then we can always check on that lighter oh we can't do that right now we have to wait a while okay well that's what I will convert us into anyway I hopefully by then I'll have saved up enough to completely convert us as people right now hate us this can only be done once every 10 years so in 10 years we become fanatic materialists that's when we truly awaken we were a full an empire now we are so much wow this planet was like peer farms wasn't it yes it was okay so minerals and research and a bit of energy so all of the worlds are now sorted any tile which had minerals on are now being converted into mineral tiles properly as in they are now using mining networks on top of this our leaders are looking pretty darn good okay so we need to wait a Laden for 10 more years then we can become fanatic materialists I was wondering where all that food was coming from and it's because we still have to paradise domes I guess I do sort of want to leave those though they're generating happiness for everyone there do I need them I don't think we do so I guess I could remove the paradise dome and just make it into something else on every planet that is a lot of tiles converting all the paradise domes into food for instance into food into research or minerals of course now that we're synthetic as well it means we have technically immortal leaders now I say technically because eventually they will break down well there's a random chance they break down every year so generally they don't last forever but they will last a very very long time and technically they could last forever so because of that I am focusing massively on leaders we can now have up to 17 leaders and I've decided every single planet should have a scientist assisting research because we are focusing now so much on research on the planets this is going to give us a massive bonus even at level one the scientists give plus 10% on the planet and that's it we're now out of leaders let's look see what leaders we do have don't need this Admiral we technically don't need this governor either it's just not as good anymore as our governors maybe it is just because of the level though eventually this one will get to that level so and then once it gets that it will be better I don't want get rid of him though as a sad well looks like this actually one planet without any assistance research grants lovely and let's go with this well hearts and minds I am promoting the xenophobic faction along with the materialist hopefully this will work out ok seven more years we have so it's a brand new day and I've just went ahead and embraced the materialists once again and now we are fanatic materialism and xenophobe which is really good it also means that the percentage here doesn't actually matter because we were slightly more favoring the pacifists but we still became xenophobic which is absolutely fantastic and clearly my understanding about this is very very limited now one thing which has happened is if we go into unity although it still says purity over here as soon as we go ahead and convert where are you there we are as soon as we get rid of inwards perfection that will go back to domination and diplomacy oh well diplomacy is now back as diplomacy sadly all the images are still the same though as if it was still what was it called before it was cooled I should have checked as I've just woken up and started playing again it was it was adaptability that's why I was trying to say there and now we need to make some rivals to get some more unity so who are our neighbors well we have these fellows who hated us forever there we are we're now rivals of you we have you who've been hating us more and more as time went on there we are and honestly do we need to be friends with oh I just realized the fellows we were friends with have sort of vanished and been devoured well we're definitely rivals to you then aren't we or are we why can't we be know how our allies are still there well they were allies but honestly we're now going to be turning on them since you want to devour them as well well not so much devour make everyone have vassals so we can spread our perfection we're doing it for their own good really there we are lots and lots of rivals which also gives us lots and lots of influence which is good because we need to save up very quickly ok energy attack speed there so we can't go to war though until we get rid of inwards perfection which is going to be four years or so four months as soon as that's done we can convert into something else John thinking a police state not sure what are we going to go with we are fanatic militarists first of all I do want to be a dictatorship so let's see philosopher King would that be good yes it would get into max level would that would be kind of Awesome so let's go with philosopher King and I'm thinking cutthroat politics making out edicts nice and cheap so they can be a constant light or maybe a technocracy yeah let's go with that so we have more options and that is what we were going to be in a three months well as soon as we have enough influence anyway oh it seems although this is still purity it's actually converted so it does Sipe your tea but no this is domination because as you can see I no longer have at these symbols of purity or whatever they were called yet all of our planets now have one free tile which is originally that and we do now have the Visitor Center um I think I'm going to just convert all of them into science I know it's silly since some of the tiles are already being used ok maybe not that first on that first one just had a tile why too powerful but as many tiles as possible I will convert into science so slime world nope that's why too much energy and minerals let's get some more energy so let's put down a power plant how about you okay you can be science you can be minerals you can be science you can be science and you finally can be science we are an awakened Empire and that is the last drawer these two our enemies have just formed a federation and now we're going to turn them into our vassals oh actually we return them into our protectorates that's how lowly they are to us we really are acting like a forward empire we've reached this point now where our ambitions have finally been rekindled we have sick leave just been meditating seeking inner enlightenment and perfection and now we think we've reached it it's time to spread it to the entire galaxy we are soy de Bourg the most serious of fallen empires are you ready yet nope need four more for that I really should have went into fleet manager but I forgot just had four more Corvettes to finish that off and I think one fleet should be enough to handle both sides now I do need is why more than soldiers Construction complete sums going to mass-produce Android Army's absolutely everywhere glorious and now we should be able to finally finish off this give it a birth view dictatorship technocracy and cutthroat politics although environmentalists would be interesting as well but I think thorough politics is probably the best way to go here okay the landing parties are ready let's begin this at long last we begin our reign as the dominant Empire hello there I would like to offer you Protectorate status wait for it wait for it is that a no well that's too bad look we can still do impose ideology anyway vassal eyes the heinous as eNOS okay toast right over there instantly also can the to transport ships please merge over here do the same we are already on aggressive which is exactly what I want just go for the first planet you can find Zeno station engaged well have some pretty good stations see no station engaged not good enough us oops yep that was intentional I meant to do that sir probably be skipping a lot of this because they are pathetic to us in their fleet power so this probably will be a very one-sided war honestly we just landed that straightaway there's no need to wait just go for the planets right away give the planets and for the stations Olo okay change of Sealand detective agency like this if they go this way oh wait they can't reach us that way good go there destroy the station Federation fleet after Federation fleet is being destroyed and honestly they're doing a good job of fighting back although I am fighting two of them at the same time and winning minus 18 that's all it's left until we achieve war goals or we get our very first vassal well a very first Protectorate then we'll be at a truce with both of them so I'll go after our former allies once we've defeated them we can then go after this huge Empire here and then everywhere oh look our form allies are over here as well that's a problem actually it may make going to war with these guys a little bit more difficult since we can't grab everything maybe we'll go to war with these instead yeah this huge Empire here and there we have it already achieve war goals lovely the best possible outcome so we have our very first vassal well we have our very first Protectorate ah we're gonna care for you lads don't worry honestly it's for your own good now the next Empire I want to kill these guys don't believe I should now be able to demand become our vassal right because they're neighbouring these fellows although they do have a defensive for oh they're our allies yeah they have a defensive pact with us so I simply can't demand it because her friends okay least I believe that's how that's going so who do we go with next who do we fight next well I could just wait until the truce goes and then take over these that means then we could do this what just means we're not really doing much for a while which is a bit boring do we have enough strength to take out a fallen Empire you know we might if we're you if we start leveling up our fleet a little bit more leveling up if we make our fleet a little bit stronger I think we are probably strong enough to take out a fallen Empire which would be good before the crisis events occur sure let's focus on that then unrestricted Wars yes please now you guys I probably need to make some claims well I want this this this this this this this this ooh that and this sort of a major just everything you own on your marks lads the Zoidberg will not be bullied punishment well they don't like us good declare war we have declared war on the revolting xenos okay scientist and buildi boy can you please stay back here we go you've gone kill the swarm of perfection lovely now hopefully they'll be dumb and tries to take back this area whilst we control their station meaning their station works for us begin bombardment honestly we don't need bombardment you guys just merge into one behold the super cluster land armies their first world is already ours sadly nothing special about this world mile probably is purged where are you guys going hmm is there a warp gate nearby you're traveling so because I have no idea what your current plan is got to be honest either way then let's get some research done and survey and that planet is rapidly falling to us which is great let's go for their capital whilst there weirdly going this way I don't get their Plateau there's a walk get over here a wormholes that go somewhere near us it still seems silly though now they're coming back wow that is a serious station oh there is teleported into our area over here that's bad okay run evasive maneuvers in this 'edit that's fine leave them there whilst we take over this ship is being destroyed darn it they killed this Iron Chef that's fine station is now ours they must have warped to get there so quickly in which case we should go now they should be weakened and even if they're not they're on their own so half their fleet is gone half their force I should say okay sign up number two Europe [Music] I still love the fact that shield doesn't even move just their health goes bye-bye toodles now you're back there and psych up their other fleet lovely okay scientist you're good to go should be safe now their first fleet just respawn but still damaged of course this will be giving us some seriously powerful research darn they dodged that's problematic they might go into our science vessel on the upside they once again split up so destroying these ships as possible is nice and easy take it back to their ground forces and begin bombardment and their planets the core and in the background I'm gonna start building a new fleet our ground forces finally have a leader should make us a lot easier now you guys I'm afraid they did does respawn again we need to take out their stations a ground force is also powerful enough to take out everything here on their own even though they're very powerful it's a six thousand invasion force of a strong leader they will win okay they have everything over here but it's damaged again and we are very quickly making a brand new fleet in the background the final attack and it looks like it's going to be a massive success and so we can grab one more planet before the end and of course that's also taken out one more of their stations so they have one more fleet left of 4,000 which means they can't take back any of their main stations and I've just taken their last station you two can merge thank you continued bombardment there we are currently taking over the planet here this their last planet as soon as we take it we have won the war so you can you go out and try and get back some of these otherwise we'll have to grab them ourselves manually which is just annoying Wow look at research we just got oh Beautiful Dark Matter fantastic yep our ships are now going to be really powerful we now have the best regular shields hi war exhaustion whoa good job I'm taking this planet now them too bad too late for you land I done what happened that more leaders and more core sectors good most of these worlds I'm probably just going to purge anyway but optically good worlds and I don't particularly write these bet that I Lee just take these to wait unoccupied planets they have a planet oh no they're our planet left quickly teleport over there I didn't notice hey good it's a very weak planet go go go go go victory for me hostiles II no fleet detected another how are you getting your fleet back invading your last planets about to be ours anyway so too bad for you okay all planets now achieve war goals yes and they're gone [Music] fantastic yeah all you having purged anyway aren't you a few species hmm how to kill you how to kill you now I could assimilate you which I believe turns you into us but we could just build ourselves you won't take long when that like a purge all of you automatically which is nice and simple Oh am I not allowed to do the extermination one I have to just displace you that's boring and very long-winded now am I allowed them to shut down our synthetics wouldn't stay our created synthetic ok so I can disassemble them so that's similar to what we're doing before because sadly I can't just assimilate a set amount of you fine begin the assimilation [Music] and we have a new faction which I'm assuming is coming from you guys right no it's a new xenophobe right happens the old xenophobe xenophobe xenophobe we have two versions interesting very interesting anyway these planets needs some repair but they're going to be amazing and let's start building our synthetics everywhere where there's space and same on boundary we have almost one faction of every single group now we have militarists xenophobe pacifist the materialist another xenophobe and then Xena file all we're missing is egalitarian authoritarian and spiritualist as weird also I've decided we're going to go with deaded at a void born because we just have so many minerals floating at the moment and that's going to improve with that and we're also going to grab a will to power which means we're getting loads upon loads of influence so then let's teleport you over to here and let's get some stuff underway well here comes our first habitat then very quickly our second currently just building in all the areas we already have planets and in our core sector this is definitely a wind condition since this will be under domination victory domination win the game by only 40% of all habitable planets which I think will be pretty easy now does that also count as those you have subjugated I'm not sure I guess we'll find out as we continue I mean do I have 29 planets right now I don't think so no there's no way we have 29 planets which means it has to also include those which we've conquered so originally my next target was going to be these fellows the bloodborne because we can just go to war very easily with them if we go over to them we can do this declare war and threat which means we can just take them over but I think there's a better target the other fallen Empire the ancient caretakers they have a really nice ring world synthetics are so powerful in comparison to regular robots look at that 41 energy from this one tile one tile and it's because they get all of the bonuses of a regular machine plus this synthetic thing is insane and then they're affected by happiness and a regular leader and regular governor it's kind of mad how powerful synthetics really seem to be remove the fortresses let's make this world as efficient as possible which I guess will just be a paradise dome as much as the food is worthless well it's increasing happiness which is the whole point why it's good I still build that one energy generator that makes it one unhappy this one here the presence of any energy grid or energy Nexus on the planet will disturb okay so I can't have an energy Nexus this gives bonus 25% this gives a bonus 10 to energy but it also decreases happiness at least the spiral version does -5 happiness for an extra 15 - energy I don't know that's worth it because I still want in research I still want minerals that's going to hurt both so I don't know I'm going to do there I could just go with the Paradise no maximize happiness but that's a lot of energy we can always change it later there's a thing if energy really becomes an issue we can always change the energy grids for the spirals our very first habitat is now complete wonderful okay so it's colonize that from the core still not sure what I'm going to do these habitats they're either going to be research bags or just mineral and energy producers so let's make a brand new one over there in fact over here straight away as well fantastic or more core sector allowed which will be for that giant Ringworld or about to gravity yeah let's grab more navel capacity thank you one more is then as well over here next to Susur Prime that's how I choose to pronounce that at least so it turns out you really can't trust the sector AI if you're synthetics on two of the planets they had started building regular farms we don't need food they are building farms so what I've had to do is I've turned off at the sector's ability to redevelop anything I place so if I place for instance the loop Institute it will never replace that with something else that means I can still manually control how the planet works it's just once they're finished developing I just need to quickly checkup to make sure they're not being stupid I don't mind the paradise dome because that brings happiness but again they've built a farm there is no reason for this they simply can't use it so there we go everything else is fine minerals the visitor center is okay though really just a power plant would be better so I'm going to go ahead and do that and let's check on the final planet how W being here once again you are building farms and once again I don't want them so for this one we'll build a power plant over here we'll build the lube Institute our very first habitat has been colonized and so let's build ourselves some synthetics and let's see what we can have then so in terms of science all we have is this the laboratory complex which you can't upgrade which is a shame in fact you can't upgrade any of this so it is a bit of a question what I'm going to do here I'm definitely going to have the loop institute because that brings 5% happiness and it also brings a lot of science with it we could bring the paradise dome wouldn't seem for happiness we could bring the spiral feed power hub and make them energy hubs that's kind of amazing plus 25 percent II and the energy producers we have are plus 6 but I think for now we're just going to make them pure research then if we start lacking a particular resource minerals energy what-have-you the new habitats will then support that I want them to be focused on one thing individually the human republic was just founded well that's weird the claims have been made and now we go to water conquer the robots now here's the thing this should be significantly easier than all the other fights mostly because they only have one technical planet Zeno station in technical planet technically they only have one planet that's weird to say only one system colonized so we need to do is just go ahead and make sure you're actually following not leading there we go and take this then we win and I've climbed everything I believe in my super cheesy Corvette spam god I know it's so cheesy okay lads go there for some reason once again they're running away I don't know why they keep doing this the last fall Empire did it this one did it perhaps as some ancient tactic I'm just not smart enough to understand lovely so let's see you weak enough to attack yes you certainly are let's go straight for the Alpha complex and just wait around until I try and defend and then kill them done their main fleet was just destroyed again now we've almost won if we can grab this before they grab that we win straight off so hello and the chief war goals they are gone now right yes they are ok so then what happens these planets with these robots they are being disassembled yet we can't convert them can we I really really doubt we can convert them no since they're not organic to begin with so we just need to make sure that we have some of our synthetics on the go before they are fully disassembled otherwise we'll have to recolonize the planets which will just be really really annoying another easy war to end containment the misbegotten xenos ok so hostile I'll go and just as soon as we allowed thank you you can go this way and the other one can go this way so you just skip I'm not really going to take any of their planets I'm just gonna take all their systems I was a little bit worried we wouldn't have enough energy then I saw this and suddenly I'm not so worried so is put down the spiral feed hub and if I had space I would also put down a loop Institute but honestly we don't have space that's going to be so much energy this is gonna be so many minerals yeah it's a bit mad real isn't it so you can be the reassemble hub you can be destroyed and replaced with a loop Institute if thing else gets fixed and then we place downloads upon loads of our synthetics and apparently we can make the synthetics of the people we're now conquering because they had already made synthetics azar for synthetics Wow I have missed something major this academic privilege I completely forgot that was a thing because I was thinking of the synthetics so much like robots plus 10% science I can't believe I didn't notice that Construction complete the ruined ring sections are being fixed up and I am very peacefully well mostly none violently forcing the inhabitants of all the planets so just grabbed which is a lot of them to migrate elsewhere and accidentally built one of these very briefly so I'm also disassembling them it's mostly peaceful only a few of the might perhaps maybe be killed perhaps maybe perhaps maybe on a side note we have appeased the infinity machine we now get +5 cent permanent research bead it is all coming together as planned we've tried to passively remove people from our planets and honestly it's just taking way too long we still have the very first planet we've conquered and it still has a population so I'm afraid I no longer care what people think about us we're going to do something rather horrible to you extermination so now on every planet with these fellows you are now killing them and it will take just over a year and then all of these planets will vanish away and these negative modifiers will simply go down now of course we are still building habitats and the habitats are increasing these negative modifiers but at least with these I can fight back the modifiers by adding so much science per habitat this one isn't even finished it looks like it's going to be almost 50 well in fact over 50 society and probably about 40 of physics and engineering which is good enough it doesn't quite make it so negative and of course it all counts towards our Dominion victory now the problem is people are gonna hate us for this but I don't care we are above them we are perfection at least that's the lore of the Empire one of the Ring worlds have been finished fantastic and this is in the Gamma refuge let's go ahead and send one over from the others where are you ringed worlds there we are now do I fix up one of you next no what I really should have done to begin with is fix this one so this one next then we'll move on back over there the Ring worlds are going to be so so powerful the new ring world is ours and of course we're going to be turning it into pure lovely science war has begun now one thing I could have been doing is converting these lovely fellows into tributaries instead but honestly we just don't need the money so I don't really have any issues there okay three of you go that way one of yous in to grab this small section over here and our ground forces just wait until we find a planet once again this should be a fairly straightforward war it's at moments like this I'm very happy we have the jump drives because it turns out there's a small outpost of the other enemy down here and they're randomly grabbing our systems a bit slowly but it is making the war last way way too long so I am now jumping some my ships with three jumps to get here and then take all that back which I think will be the end of the war at the moment we're slowly getting their system serve a wormhole stabilization in three two one we have man that let's get ready to go so it turns out our lovely enemies we're currently fighting are hiding behind this wormhole so naturally what we're going to do is we're going to send in our scientist Explorer the worm off on me please just make sure everything else is ready then lovely okay so let's go through there let's attack their final little Bastion over here good actually list of stronger shields whoops-a-daisy and now for your two final worlds I think I've grabbed all your allies worlds already yep yep the best possible outcome and so we have one more vasalgel aureus and we are very very very close to victory okay could everyone please return home that would be fantastic having so much unity and having things like will to power which is +5 influence per month is so so good we are really just unstoppable at this point except maybe for the end game crisis which was still waiting for a little while later and our leads just continues to extend our fleets are now very very powerful and to sort of ready for the endgame crisis and that's pretty much it we're just waiting slowly expanding into more and more habitats honestly we could win the game right now just by making a sector down here and grabbing all these worlds but I like the idea of filling all of these systems we already have completely full of these lovely lovely habitats and we are victorious domination victory Zoidberg Farms has won the game by only 40% of all habitable planets yeah that's pretty much that so now we're just waiting around for the endgame crisis to occur which I'm sure will happen at some point and also one of the other groups is actually getting quite powerful I guess I could simply fight them while I'm waiting but I want to reserve my fleet power there they aren't particularly strong so we could just utterly devastate them although we wouldn't need at least one fleet down here because they are sadly in a defensive pact we found a psionic entity and instantly silenced it well as easy okay can a scientist please get over here and research this area that would be lovely Anu get back over there ready to go to war at the moment we can't make them into our vassals because we're just waiting around until they themselves are at peace can you hurry up and just kill these guys then suddenly the Colossus so it turns out when I was taking over the full-width Empire somehow I got my hands on the ability to create colossi I did not know that was a thing unless she went into the ascension perks and got that but apparently no I am completely capable of now creating my own colossi with the world cracker ability complete in other words I'm going to start destroying entire planets oh I bet you're looking forward to this war continuing imagine looking into the night sky and you see something perhaps as big as your planet just hovering there motionless glowing it's gonna take a little while to charge up but I believe this will be the end of the war we've already conquered this world but you know it was the closest and it's not like it's going to be the last if they don't instantly surrender ninety percent ninety five and begin I have signed the death warrant of an entire world exterminators only the perfect may remain in this galaxy and they better well learn it soon good I'm glad they can all see our way it was definitely for the best and can everyone please rally over here because well there's these fellows who need to be taught a lesson as well I think I misquoted a second ago as well I've never really said that since I'm normally chaos not exactly loyalist oh I just thought we're gonna have a peace treaty with those silly people yeah well in that case I guess we're gonna go against these fellows the tiny little Empire over here well it's more bullying than anything but okay needs must you just jump to there in fact no just wait until the war starts I'll jump you in honestly this so little threat from these fellows so we do have the option now to go to war in the way we normally have been but we also have the option I don't know how this works for this total war Colossus I'm assuming that this means I get to take anything I capture so I think I'm going to just eradicate them so you jump there you move there and get ready to jump and we're just going to destroy all three of their planets do they have anywhere else don't think so we have became fanatic purifiers it's been a weird old journey 80% 90% and goodbye just move on over to their last planet don't care about the space honestly just another Empire it shouldn't be here one more unknown variable that needs to be destroyed that we may advance nothing personal like and so they are ended okay good job let's move huh I guess I could just get ready to fight these yeah that'll be nice that we contain a good half of the galaxy the majority of their planets are down there so you two should get over here four more years in till I can wipe these from the face of the galaxy and whilst I'm doing so I am now reinforcing a proper fleet with battleships and cruisers and everything else which honestly will be more powerful than the Corvette fleets because I feel why - cheesy only using Corvettes I know it's too late to be saying that considering that's how we can play in the game so far but they've been so good there's just fast responders and I did go with a theme just anti shields as in nothing even affects shields so missiles and disruptors we could definitely have made stronger Corvettes but that seemed fun let us feel a bit cheaty and go okay and finally the truce is over let's go go go we have declared war on the vials eNOS okay it's go straight for that planet lovely now over here are you - go go go once again and soon enough everything here will be ours well here is the endgame crisis and it's a really bad one for our empire it is the ghost signal which will eventually be the giant robot enemy whose name I can't remember right now but I'm sure I will very soon see and well it's messing with our synths which is really bad because if you weren't aware my entire population is since this isn't good it really isn't so I need to end this war as soon as possible which honestly look we have pretty much ended them we're just going from planet to planet now or destroying them which is very satisfying I have to say next step synthetic disappearances yeah I'm hoping it doesn't take too much more of a toll on our populations because that's going to be really annoying I'm also hoping that the enemy are very good at their shields but bad of everything else otherwise I will have to change our theme which is kind of sad really hmm Colossus I will just go over here make this your new home the summons now synthetics are simply vanishing and going towards a destination yep we are definitely losing our populations stop it guys [Music] we are perfection not them also seems like all the other groups are banding together yeah there's a federation and protectorates that's all I was trying to say there so yeah lots of stuff going on right now here they are soon then they will actually sport into the galaxy Oh No d'arnot okay that's actually a massive negative so we have this on pretty much all of our ships so now I need to retrofit them so they don't have that anymore wow this is really affecting our group isn't it yep so it's automatically changed good because goodness to save it to make sure I can instantly change them over just hoping we get no more punishments so you you you and you okay when you get home everyone upgrade Oh actually does change automatically no why not what happened there why can I not have grade them anymore what just happened it's still saying you have the sapiens we don't want anymore so why is that the case is it because of the auto upgrade it could be it could be because the auto upgrade because technically the sapiens is stronger so maybe it's saying oh why will you ever use the other one this one is clearly superior and then automatically swapping back over a machine world has spawned in so this is the first of their groups so what are you good at then you are pretty balanced weak hole so yeah I think disruptors were the correct call them so just keep what we already have I suppose so this is it these lovely fellows the contingency of course that's what they're called your programming is obviously being corrupted ha ha ha very clever that's a shame who created you all the usual stuff we've seen before we've seen this in the previous playthrough so I won't go over all that much if you want to read it it was there for a second feel free to pause I still want this to be less than two hours or at least close to two hours there they are ok thankfully that's next to a wormhole which is very very easy for us to get to so can everyone please get home upgrade and then we're going to run back in fact just upgrade wherever its closest may they know I'd much rather you we'll be together so all go to slime star as originally intended then once you upgrade it I'll send you off to war upgraded ok second machine world over here a little bit more difficult to get to that'll be probably the last one I try to help so it's being upgraded hmm there and there's a good chance then what'll be here one will be here if there's for conquering but how many there are third machine world ok never fright next to each other and all next to the wormhole that's great for us we can go after both of these at the same time the fourth is over here in our enemy's lair so that one we can't help out at all until the end on a lighter note I have now fixed all of the Ring worlds and the last one is now being inhabited which is pretty darn amazing honestly so avoid these synthetics from simply infiltrating us we now have this this project may be critical to our survival the synth detection method updated which is pretty funny considering we're all sins but the game doesn't seem to realize that that's fine okay now you'll up as soon as you can jump you're going to jump there and get ready to fight so jump and then wait for the cooldown and there we go jump drives off cooldown which means we are back to full power let's go everyone on hostile aggressive rather yes you are excellent go play now to fully counter these the contingency what we should do is get heavy shielding because these guys are terrible versus shields man they really pepper us on the way in more long-range weapons would promptly also be very good armors gone holes gone yet their hole is so low the disruptors are fantastic here just go straight for the capital so straight for that homeworld well our forces split quite bad - they're after my own fault this is gonna really hurt I've been far better for all together but hey her so much lag there we are the fleet was destroyed at some nasty casualties for us now bombard the planet cuz that's how you kill it you just keep on shelling it sadly I don't believe the Colossus works here this is gonna take a while we are the swarm that's a nice amount of unity after much experimentation our scientists have managed to devise an effective detection method for identifying synthetic infiltrators disguised as meta ultra hewlett labels i love our name scanners are being distributed to our security forces and several synth cells have already been exposed and destroyed this will hopefully put an end to their infiltration campaign once again we're all since so we're basically being synths who are also the Brotherhood of Steel I can't see that going wrong in any way it's going to be fine how goes the bombardment so lowly you know what probably don't need all of these guys in case they do get stronger over time because I cannot remember you guys can start moving off and going towards the next world wasn't it too like one here one there okay yep here's one of the hubs lovely so you go towards that you just stay back and bombard come on get out of there already move it oh it's poor planets custodian BOTS of course okay go go go hopefully we can draw this away from that oh no no no wait no do some sporting I don't know what happened yes no maybe mayhap lasers but the glory of green Oh lasers come from the side what's that oh just the hub that's fine well scientists and down you go okay things are going well lost a lot of everything which isn't a Corvette God to be honest how goes the bombardment really close good so we'll leave one behind again and we'll start heading towards this one we're doing very well so once that's going on I'll just keep on converting our flats as you do the first machine world has been destroyed fantastic and is left behind some living metal so you go ahead and catch up with the first group which is going over here I believe yes and there goes number four okay you attack there the rest of you over here okay so most of you go over here perhaps a bit closer no over there's a good place nice and safe far away oh that's a really weird wife years ago okay so slight change of plan the week he stays behind as previously expected now all of you go ahead and jump since you should be well on your way to have cooled down but when you get there and then go over to here well that's bad apparently there's been an uprising in our neighbors well our vassals area and now is this fellow hello so it turns out that you on the side of the evil eye.i and you have really really high flea power that's one of their fleets they have many so I think currently just continue to do what our main goal is and knock out the contingency but this is going to be a nightmare to deal with because they are everywhere what are you very similar to your friends you are not tickly good verses shields but uh yeah I'm actually quite a few points into shields rather than armor so just continue as we are I am already making two new fleets one over here and one over here so we should have enough to fight both sides that's interesting you don't have enough money to support your firepower do you lad so you 5.6 K force for a hundred and thirty nine of these Corvettes over here it's a strength twenty-three construction you did well you took over your old oppressors quite well but that's as far as you really gonna get now isn't it lads you got given this huge amount of firepower but you had no economy it's back at home that's not too strong that is not too strong at all once the second fleet is complete they should be able to turn them into meat now you two move over to there just do it jump and then start getting back to base as well their end approaches complete you guys just have status quo I actually quite liked the idea of you uprising and you apparently really like us because even at war only minus 20 we are both synthetics I understand we can be bestest you had an uprising because these dum-dums are they mean to you we like you so glad I've got defender of the galaxy also this like this happen last time I fought these guys now admittedly lots of Corvettes it does cause lag but even so it's these battles which are causing it the worst oh you appear to be throwing out where are you yep you definitely have seeker drones cool that's a lot of weapons thankfully we do a flak in our groups we have flak on our destroyers so that should hopefully be enough to deal with those also flak on our battleships whoa doom laser thankfully you are made mostly of hull missiles do bonus Talyn dresses home have fun yep already the hole is melting down the arm has been removed was instantly building submit also submit the little station over there as well there we are all defenses are down you can go over there and at the same time I'm sending one fleet over here to deal with these they can't really expand anymore so you just need to give them a little bit of war exhaustion then settle status quo maybe I'll make them my next tributary I don't know maybe they'll be our only true ally they seem to like us except for the whole war thing we'll be besties building and sudah the end of the contingency this is a great day for the galaxy so the war is over and the contingency simply vanished they did do a little bit of damage sadly to one of our Ring worlds but they didn't take it over or anything like that it just means I need to repair some of the buildings now you can just teleport straining how strong are their stations are they being affected as well no this curricular station to me still quite low down though in terms of yeah they're so much weaker than they were looks like they just sold most of their stuff makes sense and now everyone closes their border to me now I've saved them honestly I still don't really blame them but still it's a little bit offensive I think once I've dealt with this group this uprising I will call this a successful playthrough not really much else to say how else should we end this war other than this the glory that is the Colossus so with all this going on in the background thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video and it's going to be a very long video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future this was a really really weird video for me to make it's been recorded over the glass five no six days without internet and most likely it's going to take absolutely ages to edit down to anything which is even remotely looking like a normal video so I really hope you've enjoyed and really hope you've enjoyed the change of pace live stellaris there we are and with that settle status quo and good now they hate us cracked our world well in that case we're just going to have to absolutely destroy them yeah it's their own fault for caring about stuff like that but yeah clearly we have been successful we have taken over everything it's a different playstyle familiar with this particular empire and I found it a lot of fun with some really weird turns thank you so much for watching and really likes and comments would be great on such a long video because the view time is going to be terrible because people won't watch all the way through and it's gonna kill the channel but I just really wanted to do this thank you for watching and good bye and just remember y not zoidberg [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 323,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IpsRNwa-a5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 7sec (7687 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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