Stellaris | Contingency x25 Difficulty 100 years EARLY!! - FULL Playthrough - TECH RUSH!

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greetings sir answer s and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course welcome to yet another full playthrough where the end game crisis is set to maximum difficulty of times 25 strengths but today we're going one step further and having in game also spawn in 100 years early so rather than spawning in at 2,450 it's going to be two thousand three hundred and fifty which means we are going to be very much behind of all of our other runs and so we really need to either rush economy or tech and so we have the chimp coalition named purely because chim was a randomized name and it kind of made me laugh this Empire is all about as much research as possible there are the fanatic materialists and they are egalitarian which means even more specialists population output and then loads of bonus research speed we are most likely going to be rushing down the routes of becoming synths because I've not really done that in a while and it really does fit the whole concept of a tech rushing Empire we have meritocracy which means even more specialist population output so even more research more alloys more everything to do with that and then I've decided quite weirdly to go with this so rather than going with technocracy which means we have science directors rather than some administrators and then our researchers also provide unity we're going with pure diplomatic rights and extra invoice this means we can very easily make people absolutely adore us so much so it breaks my speech now the reason for this is that I want to rush going down the route of getting a federation as soon as possible ideally going with the Research Federation but going with the Galactic Union will also work out really well since that gives us more benefits against the endgame crisis the research union meetings of once everyone's doing the repeatable x' we get some serious bonuses there because we're all sharing research do with that if we're somehow behind one of our allies then the free research agreements also help out in the early game but it's more for the end game and then we also get bonus research speed when the end game crisis arrives which I believe is insanely powerful if we get a maximum level research Federation we get a bonus 40 percent research speed if the game crisis is active so we can rush those repeatable x' in case we're behind I think that'll be a lot of fun and now maybe the Galactic Union is better since that actually gives you just an outright damage buff versus the other name crisis but this just seems a bit more fun now the law behind this empire is incredibly simple we are currently on a ruin during world well a partially ruined during world which has taken substantial damage the idea is the original inhabitants the dominant species on the ring world were completely wiped out by the cataclysmic events only the hardiest species survived all of which were either prescience or lower but eventually after many thousands of years they evolved into the new dominant life-form and now finally after researching the ruins of the ring world the ruins of the prior civilization they are now able to re-enter the Galactic stage and so we have the chim which once again I just find absolutely adorable so as it's very obvious we are starting with the shattered ring origin a lot of people are saying this is the strongest origin and honestly I can certainly see where they're coming from though personally I do believe that Sion might be a little bit stronger since you get so many bonuses from your guardian fallen Empire although maybe my mind will be changed after I've played around with the ring world origin I haven't really done much with this I had a quick five minute game just to test a few things out and that's literally it so yeah we very well may end up changing our mind now if traits we have adaptive we have rapid breeders we are sedentary because if only lives on this ring world for our entire life and yeah I can't imagine I'm really wanting to leave that and we are fleeting because I don't really know honestly I think this was kind of fits the whole insectoid thing I can't imagine living that long their rapid breeders an adaptive as well so it's lots of them shorter lifespan rapid breeders I just think it all fits anyway other than that there's not really much else to say though to be completely honest the reason why I've chosen these is because I think this is a good balance and a decent build for the species we do need the population to grow as fast as possible and I do want as many worlds as possible to get up and running so we have loads and loads of population we simply need the workers to research all of that search for the research so with that let's get going then the endgame starter is 2,300 meaning that it can spawn at two thousand three hundred fifty and onwards the difficulty is granddad Moore's usual aggressiveness is on high scaling difficulty is off and with that let's get started we're also going with the Ringworld this time just because it's something a little bit different our early game is going to be key here especially since we would likely won't be defending ourselves very well in the early game I'm going to be quite risky and very greedy early on for greed hi everyone future laughter Ixia as is becoming a bit of a tradition with these videos once again this full playthrough has became a bit of a record breaker on the channel Lisa's took over a week to recording it all the footage for and I have over 60 hours of raw footage which I've just finished editing down and it is likely going to be one of the longest videos on the channel which is actually edited this is likely to be a three plus hour video I'm just finishing editing everything together now and this was a monumental effort but also a load of fun so I just want to stop everything for just one second just to say if you do like these videos then please show your support by liking the video commenting down below it really does help out and these videos are actually bad for the channel overall they are bad for the analytics and ultimately hurt the channel but I really really love recording them and the likes and the comments help to offset that massively in fact it can actually make them positive for the channel but it is a fair bit of effort so sorry to get in the way of the footage and everything else I really do hate recording these little segments but it is something that has to be said if these are to continue to be on the channel they do need some support so thank you so much I really do hope you enjoyed the video so thanks for watching and now into the universe at large and so here we begin at the very edge of the galaxy that keeps on happening to me at the moment so here we are the edge of the galaxy in our ring world the interloper here has completely obliterated the ring world itself destroying one section stripping two of them of all life and pretty much ruining them leaving us as the last little living section of the but of course that's still very very powerful so my goal right now is to as fast as possible get the commercial district this will allow us to have merchants rather than just clerks at least quite a few of them we do have clerk jobs from this and we can even create consumer goods through this so we don't really need the building we can use that for alloys or something else perhaps even just a mean it is there's lots of options there eventually of course we are also going to want the research segments which means we can balance our jobs based on research and economy and that will make our starter world incredibly powerful so we need two thousand minerals to do that we get five hundred now get four hundred farmer removing one of these tunnels and we also get the crystals we need it to make it the archein generator will upgrade as we add more segments I believe one of each I could be wrong there and it will supply the power and the rare resource needed to power the segments so in terms of tech more research more research and more research now I'm really going to want to do is send out a scout quite soon so I'm probably only going to have two science vessels surveying to begin with then a third it's going to go out and Scout the reason is we need to find our allies as soon as possible so that we can send the envoy's and get everything running I'm probably going to go down expansion and then diplomacy so we can get the Federation tech quite early unless we find an ally almost straightaway in which case I'm going straight down diplomacy because I truly believe that Federation is going to be so important for this run and we don't have all that much time to level it up so getting it earlier is generally a lot better one last thing I want to do ship designer Corvette I've done listen for much every run recently I'm going to upgrade the Corvette so that it has probably nothing on it right now we have zero alloys in a second we'll have more as soon as it actually starts up great oh he's actually upgrading oh no wait first it must do the science missile ok did that in the wrong order that's gonna be a lot slower there we go now back up 269 alloys just great all two worlds well one of them's good for us getting the other scientists going and then we just save up for a while that segment is our prime goal not even expanding until we have that segment up and running now removing the tunnels and one last thing we need to do and then we just save up this science vessel is going to be our scout so we have two ways to go down and to the left the first one I'll send down here the second one towards were left if we do have a second scouting vessel we just need to figure out who's near us normally I want to expand and just keep on expanding and that's what I normally do it actually bother with scouting not what I recommend by the way just how I play the game but this time we do need allies as soon as possible and if there are enemies we need to avoid them so I doubt anyone will be this close but if we can get down here figure out exactly where all the hyper lines are that would be fantastic okay now that's actually exactly what I wanted to see well that'll may be the precursor which gives you the relic world either way this is great the cyber X will give us a R in world which we need to repair ourselves but also a relic which is incredibly powerful for us it makes our robot cheaper I believe is its passive effect but then its active effect will allow us to make robots significantly faster we are going to be rushing robot tech even if we don't become synths ourselves or I probably will become since and this will help out a lot again we just need loads of population we're going to be repairing the Ringworld as soon as we can the single ring world segment can support so many jobs population growth is very important to us there we go lovely let's activate then the commercial segment it's gonna take a while but I'm glad I found that so earlier I really do want to go with diplomacy straight leaders for Federation but yeah this is just so much better look growth writing everything else unless well that was insanely well-timed as long as you're friendly though you could be anything so how long does it take to investigate that you know I should probably still go into expansion here's the thing we probably can't make anyone that friendly with us that quickly it's still best to get expansion or discovery up and running as soon as possible or maybe even prosperity the reason is this with this our building upkeep and district's upkeep is reduced but the generator still gives us the same amount of resource per segment which means essentially it's giving us ten energy let's say but we're only going to be paying on at nine so we get an excess but it also applies to the rare resources which is the important bit there would prosperity be better more specialist pop output that's fantastic Wow that'd be a weird one prosperity in the discovery rather than expand no we do need to expand still we do need to expect a sight oh we are so bloody lucky okay so the combine the first all combined I thought oh well great there can be purify it snow of course or not so they are fanatic materialists that is really really good for us because it means going to like us they are a mega cooperation which is good honestly since they can put down their buildings on our worlds annoyingly though they are completely blocking us off in this direction so I am really happy they're friendly here's the thing though we could have made friends with pretty much anything except for fnatic purifiers or at least fnatic xenophobes so we were likely to find friends since only those two would actively be a serious problem little lower there this is an end point this is an end point this is Bob over time you'll become much more friendly of us now every month essentially we're getting plus three to improve relations so yeah won't take long at all for us to become friendly maybe it would have been better going into a federation well I may have made a mistake just because you do like a straightway because you are material it's the fact yeah you have nothing against us at all no natural negatives there we are the commercial segment is done so we have five merchants they're producing forty trailer value just if five of them and plus twenty-five of mean it is so it almost a maximum with that which is really nice to say the farmers will stay there we have loads of these so loads of consumer goods as well which we can sell that is great to see that enough food therefore Empire let's just find out what something updates yep we're just losing minerals now to making so many consumer goods what I might do then is put down either the holo theater at the monument just go do it some more unity yeah let's go with that for now then soon enough will activate the research segment then we can just micromanage of the jobs so it's all nice and balanced but look at that our economy's in such a good position this early arm it's been three years you're probably more likely now to agree with a commercial packets now we're making trade value so let's do that and that's gonna be a lot of influence actually if we accept this as well no we'll just stick with the commercial pact for now system survey concluded okay you Scout a little whiter there and continue scouting let us see if we find anyone else ideally we have as many members in the research Federation as possible the more members we have the more commercial sorry the more research packets we have and just ultimately the better we're going to do later on like one is okay what is good more than that is far more important wait Alpine do I set you two Alpine rose on tropical I thought I said it's tropical oh well that makes me up oh what a shame this world's amazing fine it's just Rush federation's is so inefficient by the way because as soon as you've opened up two of them if you look over here two adopted tradition categories plus ten percent so that's very inefficient but if we can get a federation in the first twenty years or less that will be insane we're gonna be really high level with the Federation growth encouraged and luxuries distributed more population growth and more amenities so now we're on the four plus twenty percent happiness I won't accept that for now oh you've already put down a branch office sounds quick no we need the influence we're gonna be friendly anyway and you're obviously not gonna fight me so I don't really care about any of these so right now if I try to make a federation you'd say no right yeah but we can always bribe you and get favors so I think as soon as I get this in fourteen months we probably canvas instantly formal Federation this is insanely good by the way I can't stress how much this is perfect haven't found any other empires like I said getting the Federation going is obviously the main thing but really if we do go down the route of the research Federation we need more members the more we have the more bonuses we're going to get and essentially when we start doing the repeatable as long as the other Federation's have done one of the repeatable x' it counts as tech they've done for the research bonus from the research agreements and then you get bonuses to those research agreements through the Federation at least that's how I understand it I could be wrong about some of these things by the way so bear they mind but either way we want more members you like desert world's don't you it looks like it would be nice to have the option no for now and then decline that as well maybe later on let's have a look at the branch office you put down the way you're building a commercial forum which i think is pretty rubbish for us it's if it's one thing of WoW you'll gain 29 energy essentially 30 energy from this well we're definitely powering up them which is good then being as powerful as possible it's great especially since they are also militarists as they can access our shield no offense but you are a shield okay Vincent found a gateway which means we can get our gateway tech up and running quite quickly as well okay Tom's former Federation so you we are already very close and we definitely have enough stuff probably to make you like us John some food you do good got lots of food about consumer goods don't worry knees go too overboard here and probably the fastest I've ever ever made a federation the would the research cooperative I'm talking about six years into the game we have a federation that is insanely good that's fine boys over here get this up and running as fast as possible let's take a look at the bonuses we can get so level one is we all get research agreements for free which is great so if one of us is got a tech the other one will get it for cheaper and examples of this right now no that's not exactly a surprise at level two federal research agreements have their research speed increased by five percent that's good we get plus five cent research speed as a passive which is actually really nice and the president gets one additional research alternative which is really really nice the federal research is increased again rare technology is already unlocked by another Federation member now appear at two times the normal right that's really good diplomatic wait from tech is increased by twenty percent for the president's more federal research agreements there we are research mobilization during an ongoing endgame crisis gained plus twenty ten research speed and that has two levels of that more invoice for the president's as usual and then what's this ooh mega-structure build capacity increased by one I didn't actually know about that yet we are definitely gonna have to rush that as fast as possible then so that's really good we can definitely get some of these higher levels as long as we it's level four before the endgame crisis all is well you can tell them tires I start slurring the words Oh arid world okay so might be time to allow that migration treaty though I might stop you from migrating though can I do this nope because I am an egalitarian oh I can't nevermind it's got the population controls great so migration controls but allowing colonization essentially will send a colony ship as soon as possible to the arid world and you can live there you'll get a whole world to yourself let's be fair if we're rushing since it doesn't really matter what populations we have because we're all going to become one glorious whole eventually Oh actually the commercial forum is pretty good too give us one more merchant okay then lots of trade value so much so and because we're making so much everything else I'm tempted to change our trade value from wealth creation to marketplace of ideas giving us some additional unity to make up for the fact we've been so inefficient yeah let's do that so I'm halfway house energy I guess but now I get a little bit of unity for the trade value as well so we can now rush expansion then we'll go back and finish off diplomacy then we'll move to discovery or something else like that now I could save up a minor artifact so that we can get the reverse-engineer ability eventually and spam that effects for research and perhaps even some of the specialist buildings but I do really want some unity right now so celebrate diversity so that we can grab this so we get an additional population per new colony and then increasing our growth speed by 10% no you want to be exploring found that there Empire I'm currently being blocked off over here which is really annoying okay found the REM pyre bit far away but once again let's hope these are friendly I completely forgot about these so I just completed the last of these and this is because we are a democratic nation every time we get a new leader we get a new mandate if we finish the man day so we get a little bit of unity we just got 400 just then so need to city districts well that wouldn't be too difficult since we are currently colonizing two worlds and about start of third well it's not the worst empire problematic is xenophobe another trade link which is weird to see so close to each other that's fine II got Aryans so they're going to kind of be neutral towards us I imagine and they've already closed borders to our ally thing is how much do they dislike our ally will not associate with them yeah you'll never becoming part of the Federation so I'm just gonna ignore you then wow you've expanded quickly so it looks like we're kind of forced to go like this we might be a bit short on space finally we have our factions and they both really like us so our influence has drastically increased now all the way to +4 in fact it's a 4.3 we could try and rush this arid world is its size 25 world which is really good at the same time I do kind of want to expand this way so I don't know what's over here also getting here is gonna be a nightmare cuz that's probably where they're going to naturally expand to next well that's lucky we got the feral behavior event over here that is really fantastic no Lee is it increasing our population growth at the moment with some negative side effects eventually we can have an event where we can use it to our advantage as it turns out it's all being caused by mushrooms so we cultivate the mushrooms and the planet continues to have really high population growth and it also has specialists gas production jobs and every gas production job we get increases how much gas every one of the jobs produces and we get a new job every 20 population that eventually leads to hundreds of resource being produced by a single planet so obviously that's a really nice thing for an empire which one to love science which can cost a lot of gas soon enough we can change that right now it's just getting worse but eventually we can have the event expansion is finished and we're going to instantly grab I am so tempted by interstellar Dominion but no technological ascendancy straightaway whilst they're still some crime on the planet I've activated crime lord deal increasingly stability at the cost of more crime and soon all the problems will go away and we're going to have a really really fantastic early world there we are so we now have the spore vents we still get the plus 207 growth and it means we get these jobs the gas plant engineers what's the influence on that thank you construction project conclusion special project concluded now we start building the research segment as well getting loads and loads of anomalies at the moment which is really good lots of little bonuses here and there lots of stored research and we're getting quite close already to finishing off the cyber X this would be number five so I need one more yeah we're not releasing you that's where the fanatical geckos live repair that shield special project included and there we go so that is gonna be the cyber X they'll give us loads and loads of unity there's a twenty five Arctic world down here so of course we do want that as soon as possible oh and now yep off a migration treaty fantastic there we are it's accepted and let's get this up and running then and Diplomacy is finished so what next then interstellar Dominion is still looking really attractive being able to grab all of this before oh no look we're gonna block us off in both directions the coalition's gonna be a real problem but this is all early-game stuff we could also go to war with them lights and there's the thing we're not necessarily peaceful all about the acquisition of knowledge if you're gonna get in now in the way of that we're gonna use that knowledge to destroy you from orbit I do like one vision it's still more of an early game thing but still I even kind of like Imperial prerogative now hear me out this is purely because it means you need less jobs being taken up by the admin cap increases but at the same time it's not that difficult to maintain that and you do get the repeatable lighter which will increase your admin cap anyway so that's just more for ease of use transcendent learning is nice especially when we increase our populations lifespan and of course eventually we'll be since which means they're gonna live forever so getting their level cap increased is really nice you know I think I'm going with that plus if it's the Empire so next we go with discovery or prosperity probably discovery at this point now level two with our Federation so I've just changed it so now we have a lower Federation centralization rather than minimal then as soon as we recover our cohesion I'm going to go for succession type challenge and then we've challenged what we can do is go with the tech option or so as long as we're ahead of our ally on tech most likely we're gonna stay in charge forever that's not a guarantee you can still lose that even if you are ahead on tech that has happened to me before but it's not that likely ooh implements thank you got to rush this a bit just so I can get to that world before they block us our food don't we need to grab a cyber excel for just now doesn't reproduce much until we can actually repair it so I would like that archaeological site sorted out as soon as possible as well relics means unity and energy so yet thus Iraq war Forge Oh monthly Alois plus five percent that has not always been the case I'm sure of it oh that's been massively changed I am unhappy I am really unhappy and is nowhere near as good as the old version what's your version too powerful or maybe because it's so specific though we can build cyber x war form armies whoa they do how much damage now okay so we have the ultimate ground force but on particular care about that well I'm sure a lot of you already knew about this change but I certainly didn't I mean plus five cent alloys is nice but yeah I'm definitely gonna miss the ability to make more machines faster I am legitimately a little bit upset now gotta be honest okay I'm gonna start doing something a little bit weird right now I'm gonna start sending colony ships over to this tropical world the reason is although we can't use it right now because these negatives are a bit too harsh for us as soon as the colony ship it creates a colony it will produce two populations we can then move these populations back to the capital which will then destroy the colony and then we can send a new colony ship which will produce two more populations it's not the fastest way of getting extra populations it's very expensive but yeah we just need more people the more people we have the better because we have all these free jobs now systems survey concluded yeah it's time to make the other species I mean they're not that bad the upkeep is a bit annoying but yeah they are they are intelligent so it's a more tech from them a nice look all these worlds over here well at least our allies gonna be very powerful a new leader and our mandate was fulfilled we have an effective government apparently I'll resist making jokes after that hello bunker bots hello 200 influence seems like we're not finding the rubric I to this run since normally you find it quite early at least I always tend to it so if I find it early or don't find it all but that was a very nice familiar event indeed our research now finally increasing since people are taking up the research jobs ok there we are one more world for us although we are losing a lot of consumer goods right now it's not really too much of an issue since our economy is still in a very good way well it's slowly getting worse because we are starting to take jobs which produce other things like research and unity but it's ok if things get really bad we can always change our trade policy either to produce some consumer goods or to go purely into energy again so right now we can't actually have challenged succession just because our allies don't want it which is a problem but it's not a problem forever eventually once we have medium centralization which I want we can set boat weight to diplomatic which they want and then if we're more powerful which they probably don't want we can overrule them with challenge since we'll have more economic power eventually right now of course we are playing hard it's difficulty which means the Allies getting our bonus and well they are just more powerful than us for the time being but not forever okay so we are gonna get the rubric a sir apparently chief it hasn't only been 25 years but I've been trying to micromanage things a bit better than usual it has felt like it a little bit longer I'll come on it's miles away so no never mind ignored I said we're not getting well we're off to a good start anyway so I can't really complain about some more worlds over here I didn't realize this actually curls into this section so we're gonna grab some of that and most of this before we get completely blocked off so it's not terrible I would have liked to expand a bit more but this is okay really and we are running out of adamant cap again well that's kind of out of nowhere so apparently these two are starting to become friends now somehow and now they have association status with us though they still have closed borders so you know one Stepford time and all that there we go there now protective over us which is interesting what changed I mean I know I've got my own voice over there but how did you become friends with these I'm not even the one who asked them to become association it was the combine those of his two coalition's so I have to call you tried in coalition well can't complain more alloys we have the better and if and if we can eventually get them into the Federation I'll be amazing because they have association status they should be building up trust now with the combine so over time they might get to like each other enough just about perhaps 100 influence for us and a very good timing as well considering we just start to run out okay go over there as long as we can get at least one black hole in that territory that's fine obviously what this world looks like about to be blocked off though so this is all we're going to have 60 months of extra unity and happiness or a chunk of USA that's good to happiness option our Federation is now level three already which is fantastic so our research agreement is even more powerful rare tech is more likely if one of the other members have it and the president gets more diplomatic weight from tech so next up then we can now make our Federation centralization into medium we can change vote weight into diplomatic and then well we just need to become more powerful eventually we will be able to change this into challenge and then hopefully stay leader forever but most likely it will pass over to them and then pass back and then will stay there forever which is fine the president modifiers are nice but the extra research is really what we're after so that's fine by me for now did I already send it's a bit excellent oh good got them all sorta ready excellent still doing the whole concept of sending out colony ships to the bad planets just to get more populations there's good as well because the corporate building is getting more powerful now Ringworld as well free migration is now enabled within our Federation so I'll save us a little bit of influence vote white is now diplomatic and so all we need to do is become more powerful than our ally the problem is apparently it's based on our economy which isn't the best for us we're not gonna be that economically powerful for a while slowly now transitioning into research so it turns out was wrong about something it's not the economy it is the diplomatic wife that's a showing economy just to showcase the different members and my Ally is a tiny little bit behind us which means right now I am more powerful which means I can overrule them and because of that I can do this welcoming the coalition the trading coalition into the Federation we are now three members strong what about you them xenophobic fanatic militarist all that is not gonna like us that much on the upside you're not rivaling us you've got close borders blast not the worst thing I'm assuming that you wouldn't possibly accept no actually one of them would say yes so if you've started liking us then we could get you into Association status but that's unlikely by the way though I'll throw you over there and another one oh maybe not I might bring them back right now our cohesion is really local to descale you remember still though that's really good and because we have free migration treaty and free research agreements all three of us are now in one giant treaty the Union grows discovery is finished and with that the flesh is weak we now finally have a federation fleet still unable to change it to a challenge though which is problematic though it's already swapped over it's gonna be a while until I'm there again so I'm gonna do is swap this to a shorter succession term so it's swapping over more constantly then as soon as we have the power to do so and we in control we'll change it over to challenge now thankfully unlike some of the different Federation's being the president isn't that much of a big deal so what do we get if we're president we get an extra research alternative which is nice but not necessary we get extra diplomatic weight from tech which is nice but not necessary outside of making sure you're the leader one extra envoi would like that and finally the mega structure builds big capacity so really until we're max level I don't particularly care about being in charge we just have to start moving towards that that's all a cybernetic a revolution all of our species are now cyborgs in fact if we get any of the others now migrate into our Empire we are going to assimilate them straight away telling them to cyborgs as well cyborgs have more habitability more army damage and more of a life span which makes them really really good on top of that any leader suicide bugs will also get a bonus for instance our leader currently over here he's the one type of job which doesn't get a bonus and I always forget okay so a governor here for instance will give us plus five set minerals get more research and research and more damage from our Admirals and such though one of our worlds is currently unhappy why none of them mean it is okay well well be fixed when you get new populations oh no chiral being assimilated that what you're already cyborgs how can you be assimilated if you're already cyborgs you can't that should fix itself right okay there we go it fixed itself that was weird all the way over here I'm making a brand new friend thankfully most empires really like the rare resources so you'll accept that in a second thank you up some migration treaty going and research agreement currently my allies are saying no to both of these but not a hard no they're not going throwing stop it in terms of they will never associate so once I'm a bit more powerful we'll be able to bring in the Union into the Federation as well but that's more later on once I've started to scale a bit better at the moment I'm kind of trailing behind because our expansion was a bit slow we're doing okay we're not a terrible position on this line so a couple of things first of all secrets of the cyber X let's so that gives us eventually and that we can now add well once you have influence we can add one more civic to our Empire more unity probably not not huge fan of this one honestly cutthroat politics no tempted by efficient bureaucracy I'm getting sick of building the buildings that we can have more admin gap police state is actually quite good just +5 stability for everyone but let's face it technocracy is a very good contender we start getting you Missouri from our researchers and some of our administrative administrators and administrators are replaced with science directors yeah probably go for that someone save up influence now I was starting to expand again quite aggressively over here but instead we're just gonna wait I do really want that soon we're gonna have the lovely 25 size relic world as well thank you fallen Empire so what the dancing fever events occurred and for one sort of let it happen normally I stopped it and this time I got party fever plus 15% population growth okay and so we are now a technocracy all of our research is now giving us one unity and we now have a science directors speaking of which I completely forgot I needed to add this the research institutes increasing our research output by fifteen percent on any planet is built secrets of the cyber x gives us o plus temp sent mega structure builds we which is nice but more importantly it's unlocked mega engineering as a research option so as soon as we want it we can almost instantly go ahead and start researching it that's gonna take a long time so I'll get into that soon well the very first time going through or are you reverse engineer arcane technology and we have got the dimensional fabricator I can not remember what that specific thing does oh it produces 100 minerals to vote all moats to gas and to rare crystals at the cost of 20 energy that's a pretty good deal to be fair so yeah don't wanna come this world just the next time I see a world an opening I'll put it there out think I think they have to have at least four level two main building but that's the only thing required I think an upside though my economy's doing great now I can see I have eleven thousand energy just banked up my alloys are growing which is great and soon we can start building up the ring will because I decided to go ahead with that tech we're about to hit 2k tech as well I am actually a fair bit behind where I wanted to be to be perfectly honest but we are still in a good position we also have a lot more world than I expected that's why it's taken so long since I've allowed migration the worlds are all still growing as soon as they reach colony state as well they're no longer a colony sorry a proper colony then everything should be okay should Association status is now being given to the Union the problem is they are enemies with these two which are actually their own Federation on the up side between us we are much more powerful so they probably won't continue to attack them if they choose to join us join us friends together we can do great things problem is distance really hoping that one of the wormholes around here might be useful so actually you stop what you do in for two SEC's I'd be fantastic and could you go and explore the wormhole no couldn't have a tech how I missed that tech okay fine continue what you do in then ignore I just said the Galactic market about deformed as well so I have put down one level of the nomination I probably won't be able to afford a second but I could potentially save it before it would be fantastic if we were the hub of economy but it's unlikely the Dominion over here has only recently joined the galactic community it's quite interesting it's very rare to see that since you can simply deny joining when it first forms so they must have paid influence later on all it just completely ignored them oh the way they are fanatic fast and I would like to offer them association status as soon as possible the problem is they don't like the combine but over time they will once we have associations they are similar to what happened with the trading coalition right no use randomly started liking us before you was associate I do I still don't know what happened there you two just became the best of her is it because you have the same flag did you just become best friends because you have the same taste in flags because honestly it's starting to look like that's what happened I've gotta be honest with you well well well look at that species we have now we have cyborg psychics thank you cool you know I'd only make a perfect version to you that's all transform all of you into it wow you have so many negatives you can stay fleeting the side wall kinda counters it anyway make you intellectuals make your deviance but you like your engineering we have got the Omnicon x gene modification points plus one which is nice until we all become the robots and it's active effect as we can spawn populations from an extinct species onto one of my planets which is nice honestly but probably use it all that much oh yes we are now twice the power of our allies which means even if they combine to try and stop me laws will be passed and look I'm currently the leader from now on if you want to lead us has to be a challenge and it's a challenge based on our research which means I'm gonna win every bloody time well at least I'm very very likely that's a true form of of democracy a democracy where I'm always the leader who did pleasure doing business with you lads ok I've been going ahead and buying more alloys and we have just finished off prosperity and so I went ahead and grabbed the master-builders we are now researching since but it was a little bit too light so oh yeah also somehow I managed to get the Galactic market so that is under our control as well the galaxy is clearly listening to us as the voice of reason things now a problem with the Dominion we are not getting them as Association because out of nowhere they started hating the coalition like the opposite of what happened earlier yeah having a xenophobe was part of a federal agent turns out to be somewhat problematic on the up side then now that we do control the Federation we are getting a decently sized the Federation fleet and out my allies are fine excited to build it so soon our power level will spike also I'm now focused on tech we've just hit 2k we're actually in close to 3k already so it should be at 3 to 4 K before 2300 and then well from there just hopefully we can start stacking tech more and more and more now our worlds are finally being finished synthetics so this is one of the reasons why becoming since is so powerful it doesn't look that good on paper and you just say oh you turn to robots great well done everything is won but it's all the little hidden bonuses like this so just plus 10% robot output right there and then it's a plus 10% I believe when we go of synthetic evolution so straightaway just there it's plus 20% resource output all of our populations is it the strongest of the essential perks I don't know at one point it was incredibly powerful I'm not so sure anymore they just haven't gone down this route and so long I feel like it's right now what we need to do though before we forget is make sure our since our living good lives no I can't do okay let's allow one month to pass interest Oh am i not currently allowing there we are citizen rights for some reason I thought that would be a default considering we're both fanatic materialists and we hug a latarian both of these kind of hint yeah we want our robots to live good lives not much to do right now other than just white around so thankfully all that rare resources are worth our floor tunes occasionally when I say a thousand we get enough to buy 2500 alloys at the moment it's alloys are nowhere near as expensive as they used to be in the game which is really good for us soon as you have enough resources we can start constructing cyber x alpha right now though over in prime we're about to grab this planet already have a plan colony we're sending the psychic cyborgs over and we are repairing the secondary ruined ring section a ring world is almost fully operational once again well except for the bit with a planet stuck in it but you know any a planet stuck in something instead of to stay stuck research concluded yeah I just bought this I can't was getting it straight away actually yes I can excellent ok listen to new with that now I'm currently saving up influence code you want to build the science Nexus which I do have the research for so as soon as we have that that's gonna be wonderful well that's a very influence so almost there already so yeah kind of wish I didn't start building that now I think the first stage of the science Nexus though only costs 5,000 alloys am I wrong here with this or what good good good ok you have over there we'll try and say what five thousand alloys and then we can start building the science Nexus at the same time we declare war with our neighbors they will not share their technology and so we will take it by force I've sent in the Federation fleet though honestly doesn't seem like our neighbor really needs it yeah I think a federation member who's clearly claiming everything can tank it all by themselves now here's something interesting though a ruined science Nexus I really want that the problem is it's also very very expensive yeah 900 influence that's horrific and that's because we're currently in an offensive war to double the cost but climbing that would be a massive deal for us because that would allow us taps to science Nexus Nexus is an X I multiples do I have any species here which are currently primitives I don't I do do I because up lifting a primitive gives you a huge chunk of influence but I don't think I have it that's a shame construction so I held off on the habitat sector for a while and look at that we get plus 40 percent from our Federation so it's at 125 percent research speed this is before the science Nexus and we are actually still missing a couple of science bonuses that is lovely so that is to do yeah that's the research sharing so that's just the well these the federal research agreements I believe unless there's something else which is given the bonus there as well not that I can see that it could be wrong there the real-time peer review is the bonus from the Federation everyone gets regardless if anyone else has done the other text but you see that's the bonus we're going to get that 40% when everyone's doing repeatable as long as as long as they do one repeatable it counts towards all of the repeatable as I think so even if you're at love 100 they're only level one the person who has level hundred should still be getting the plus forty percent I believe we'll find out later on once we get to there at the moment though we are 4k research so definitely higher than I expected which is really really nice we have just researched ascension theory not only does this give access yes sure not only does this give access to the ambitions which are really powerful lights wrong without excess unity but also it gave us an ascension perk synthetic evolution it's time in 36 months well actually a bit less because I'm still upping my research we are going to be since okay so how much it's gonna cost me 80 two more yeah okay so I'm actually disable influence now for this I'm already starting construction of our science Nexus so that's my unity my influence spends here and then we have all of these to build as well so I don't need to use my influence or anything else just make that climb then we'll go to war as soon as the war is off cooldown excellent for now just leave them with their default names so superstitious fools know will not be bullied though maybe we sure does allow that because if they hurt us it will really it really hurt but they already far away for now I'll just leave them and hope for the best but there we are our robot selves of course assimilation is what we want so going to assimilate every single species actually do is quick about help okay only your left and that's because you're only robots fantastic so then what do you want our robots to be obviously science wanting to be produced faster create loads of them and then what else extra using extra science is a really good combo higher up keeping a little more energy oh that's elastic I have so um just perhaps extra experience game yeah that's all be for now you know what just to go down for the time being now of course we need to replace all of our food districts with generator and mining districts this right now we're floating 500 food really should started doing this before but I honestly completely forgot okay good this still work so as you can see we're still growing populations every time they grow they will then be assimilated so essentially right now we have on here 15.5 growth rate which is pretty nice like horse this is the really fast world but all of our worlds will be doing this so we're looking at actually on this world as well is ten plus that so what I need to do is start making sure that every single world has a robot assembly plant as well a growth rate is now going through the roof okay so that's what happens to this so for a while we're gonna have an increased robot upkeep and then afterwards we might get a positive or negative effect from doing this okay so think it's positive lovely to see so energy weapon attack speed the repeatable we're on rank two we just finished rank one and we still get the plus 40% from our two allies and that should increase once we get to the low five of the Federation that's gonna take quite some time all glories these synthetics now it may almost seem like we're doing something evil here since you know different species arrive here then we convert them into robots but here's the thing it is completely to their will this is free migration from the other worlds that don't need to come here at all and we're not actually assimilating them into a collective consciousness or something like that that's what makes the big difference now between a synthetic Empire and a machine Empire the Machine Empire is one consciousness the synthetic Empire is still just made up of individuals which happened to put their entire identity into a machine they still have all the usual stuff they have their own if you look here they have their own ethics attractions their parts of different factions everyone is still individual come to our Empire and become immortal no longer will the shackles of mortality and your frail bodies hold you back no more illness no more aging no more needing to pee in the middle of the night we are now expanding it down here which is good because you will pretty much accept Federation status when you're not Warfel ones except for we're too far away well fing grab all of this we're gonna be much much closer and you are a powerful Empire so one more Empire joining us would be lovely oh yeah your code things doesn't come through by accept somebody stronger still cute that's a fallen Empire ships and Navy right now is dreadful for how far we are in the game but we're not focusing on that at all right now I really wish you could have fallen Empire ships this is a normal ship type as in you can choose this design style somebody like them the science Nexus is in its first stage giving us plus 5% of research speed so let's continue and with you let's go back to war shall we no your friends have hit the people high like that might actually be a serious problem you'll still join our Federation after you've been at war and we have more than enough diplomatic power now that we can just overrule our allies so I suppose we'll just wait please end your war quickly excellent +5 what was that permanent yeah thank you plus 5% all resources in it lovely I want favors you evidently want rare resources I think we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement can't really give you any alloys I just used up like all of them so yeah lovely that was surprisingly easy with the Association stats have a federation not far off mostly distance again so select you to a friends so we can probably well very soon will have the union then they will likely themselves invite the hierarchy so we're gonna have two more empires joining us well I'm more than happy with that it's lovely having so many bits of research which only need one month now we continue and continue and continue oh no two months are wow it ruined everything and they still have putting down the gene clinics here just because it will still affect the organics which we deeply care about now one thing I can't tell is if we're getting the bonus here just because we've got rank one all because someone else has because so far I haven't had any rank one where I instantly get the bonus for the sins I could go to rank two I'm getting the bonus so I think I'm still waiting for everyone else to catch up I mean I have really rush tech so it's not surprising but still on the upside everyone else is getting the bonus from me having all the tech so I am speeding along everyone else truly we are as parents to these squabbling children it's like a quick break here from unlocking supremacy because I really want to activate Scientific Revolution increasing our research bead by 20% further the univille okay the science Nexus hope you still like that's why and we are still repairing the next ring world any of these superb apps somewhat unique generation all is well and good there now you are really close to being able to join just from us especially since I am closing in the distance now now be pretty good more research more tech more ways to make things shiny and painful well that is beautiful we have the ancient tomb once we complete this we'll get the head of a long-dead profitably protectors which means they will no longer care if we take over their holy worlds also there'll be a lot less annoy to us we are about to become your chosen how does that feel and it stings a little bit oh I am so dumb okay I'm sure people been yelling at me about this for a long time but I was wondering why only I was creating the Federation fleet earlier I said oh they're finally making the Federation fleet it turns out no I just got the ships from the old leader there we go well that was dumb can you please stop being at war for five of the ladee seconds you make it so hard to be your friend matter how my team mates voted there because I can overrule them isn't that lovely a good really leveling back up nice and quickly and as soon as you stop fighting I can make you join as well I believe unless you hate via Don's no actually you're really happy just because we have them that was so close so yeah you too can join nice and easily oh no I'm gonna dash realize materialist spiritualist I'll don't wake up I'm surprising that this happened yet please have the Great Khan wake up instead just maybe not that one there this one here that would be a good mid game crisis which doesn't happened yes yes yes all those against me I don't care if you want to stay here and continue to get all the research I offer then you have to blindly simply follow me I know that may seem unfair to you but shame really it's just taking too long them to know long a bit war okay let's go let's go straight for that I'm in control so I get to WoW a chief of all girls but also I also get to settle status quo and all I really want is that because soon our science Nexus is gonna be finished and then I have nothing else to build I'm on my last section of the Ring world and then we're done so we have to build something new anyway so I may as well start with the next science Nexus giving us an additional 15% research which I really really do want supremacy is done and of course we're going to get defender of the galaxy so for the final one I'm actually not too sure what I'm going to go for and the archaeology project is really tempting the reason is that can produce an insane amount of alloys but it is also long-term we're already doing long term things we don't have that long it's the problem we could go internal vigilance just to be silly we could go galactic contender and then very quickly build up our forces to attack for an empire still kind of waiting if one of them to wake up and that's gonna be a nightmare like I said before we have the materialists and the spiritualists that will likely trigger a war in heaven unless we destroy one of them first so I am very tempted by that that means we do 33 percent additional damage to them so we can start attacking them yes earlier but again our ecology project is just alloys just so many alloys not too sure either way we didn't start building up the fleet well that's pretty bad so it turns out the Federation ships they had were actually up crated yeah they're still using very old tech despite the fact I have maxed out all of the weapons and armor we could possibly use yeah well me up side we do have a fleet building up over here so we should be able to still claim that as long as I don't grab it back which would be nice good there war exhaustion all hitting soon plus our friends clearly doing loads of damage so we'll still get what we want and before we second move back status quo I will get what I want Thank You O Federation committees formed ok give me a sec though how much does this cost only 15k I expected a lot more okay I'll have that soon enough winter gave them away energy we can buy some alloys and then we'll get to work with that that'll give us another plus 15% research speed we finally got the new relic so with that the Spiritualist Empire actually well they don't like us still they don't hate us as much and more importantly we're allowed now to go into their holy worlds and they won't attack us for it so we have one two three four really good Gaia wells down here which all likely all be turning into just smog-filled alloy foundries such a shame you would have been such a good Ally maybe one day your make amends before we attack you yeah that long all the way from reversing the arcane technology once again we have a specialist building it once again it's the dimensional fabricator minerals and rare resources hard to say not really there we are the mega shipyard construction site is now being right into the frameworks as soon we can have a lot more ships a lot faster will do have the alloys that support it and our new science nexus is currently on about a third somewhere between a quarter and a third anyway so it's getting there slowly to be fair though once it is finished it is fully upgraded all the way to the 15 percent version it doesn't start off on the weak then continue to braid which is nice to say the least I've just now noticed something as well the relic world which holds the rubric ATAR well turns out our allies have completed the archaeological site and so well say hello to shard which has completely destroyed everything I do want that world though so what would we have enough to just grab that we would in that case that's gay athletes together let's take out shard and claim the rubric otter for ourselves then we can deal with the Devourer over here and what else is there I know it's definitely a few more we've seen ourselves yeah there's the matriarch over here defending a few Gaea worlds but that's really far away so I doubt we'll grab those planets and we don't get that much of a reward for killing that so whatever with that it's just a deal with that eventually but yeah so chard and the devourer what will probably destroy before we go for the Fallen Empire just to get a few bonuses here and there whilst we're doing not much else other than just continually upgrading our space really should have been doing this a while longer but we can of course go to the less savory element of the markets and start purchasing populations especially now that we're since I was really waiting but we could have been doing this earlier so just buy absolutely all of them and these will all be converted into our since and the robots I can just alter later so from two population 247 not bad all things considered and of course because it is a ring world it doesn't take much effort to get them all jobs as well there we are the scavenger has been destroyed just gave us the nanite or repair system with no actual ability to make nanites alone but still it's a very powerful system if we end up going to the elf cluster on top of the scavenger BOTS we also destroyed at least stellar devourer which gave us this research well we lost the science of us a lot kind of forgot we did that birth there we go you've got tundra world and a continental world out of it not really the best ever but that's fine I completely forgot you lose your scientist on doing that but there we are got some more worlds got a little bit tech there everything is on track our second science nexus has been restored hey it is on the side absolutely lovely almost hitting 200% extra research speed now and all of our text which is just fantastic so all we need to do now like I said before is just really focus on alloys I know I keep on saying that means if we don't do anything about it but now it's time to really start moving towards alloys building up a fleet now on the borders of the spiritualists purely because they're the easiest for us to get to and I would very much like their main world the celestial throne now of course the main reason why I want this is because of all the specialists buildings and I'm now realizing it that is nowhere near as good as I remember lots of sky domes hmm well that really isn't as good as I remember let's see the materialist what's your homeworld like the font of knowledge oh you're a city people oh you have much better stuff still though you are a bit out of our why an you only give us one world truly fantastic world that could be all of our alloys your fleet also seems a bit weaker you've got to a 239 K fleet versus hmm yeah that's over three hundred thousand perhaps I should attack you instead of course your the problem is have to make claims that's gonna be really expensive whereas you're gonna be really cheap yeah I think I'll still go for the Spiritualist empire first most likely all my fleets are currently moving over here we're making new fleets and I'm actually not producing two mega structures at once for once I'm only building up I knew what a ring well then that's it I was gonna go with the Dyson Sphere but we just don't need it at the moment we are now getting the boneless capacity so quickly from our society I can now start to convert some of the buildings which are currently giving us the extra admin capacity into something else so more alloys more research more trade value honestly more potatoes would be better since they don't cost us consumer goods to make not bad so it really does seem like that plus 40% is coming just from us or perhaps it just doesn't stack with how many members of the Union have the tech I honestly don't know but yeah it's a stayed like that for a very long time now still all the bonuses were getting anyway that plus 40% is still amazing so it still makes the whole Federation worth it the year is 2322 we now have finished off harmony which means we have galactic contender I was tempted to go with the arcology project but honestly we're going to need all that influence for all of our mega structures so I decided against it maybe that was the wrong idea but yeah I would also have to convert all the worlds and make sure they all have city districts it's right now we don't really have I think this is the best option we could go with so we can declare war earlier with the Fallen Empire so that we're ready when the endgame crisis arrives or at very least a ship's have the Fallen Empire Tech installed on them we're almost there our fleets are almost strong enough especially since we get that third bonus but I noticed before that the fall Empire fleets tend to do better than their fleet power would suggest so I'm gonna go over a little bit then I'll make my claims and I'll take over their worlds hopefully very least their homeworld this is sky temple and the celestial throne I've only just realized there moon is called the mistake and yep I don't never noticed that before welcome our first gateway has been created which will be able to lead all the way over here to the wall I'm currently producing it there at some point I do mean to deal with shard for our allies but that's in the future now all of you who are doing nothing could you please go to our worlds and help out research oh I'm already doing that fall of the ring world's just lead the other worlds as well naturally there's been a machine uprising in our allies territory the combine are now fighting against their oppressed machine underlings the thing is I'm a machine empire now well I'm a synthetic empire which is essentially what they are they are made out of synths which they have abused I think has to be a synth anyway I met me stroyed I don't really know it's now a machine empire and honestly I think I was gonna leave them you're suspicious of us as you might imagine but yeah I'm gonna leave you to what you're currently doing our ally should win anyway but if they don't they don't well if they do win it's actually pretty good because it turns all of their populations into cyborgs so free which is nice because they are the driven assimilators unless they already were cyborgs nope so if you win you get a bonus see look you've got all the negative events happening you could have stopped that I've never had that happen to me clearly I like robots too much here we are really close now we're actually equal to them but remember we are getting a bonus because we're in our own territory once we leave our fleet power will decline but then we are doing an extra third damage to them so yeah really soon and go attack even if we do lose which is possible we'll get the tech so that is pretty important as well well here's hoping purchasing alloys every single time I can has been worth it here's hoping they move towards us rather than us going towards them otherwise I'll have to deal with the Citadel as well thank you what are you doing okay well at least you're leaving so I can still move out take up the Citadel benders Campea using the Citadel for ourselves eventually the enemy will return to defend it and then that's where we can take out their fleets striking hostile station lovely I do have to wake since I am still using alloys to build up our ships okay so you to bombard that you to bombard this hem there we go make sure you all on the correct stance that would be really useful thank you very much and we've been building up some xenomorphs and thereby which could warp in once they're damaged enough in fact I was walking and now they won't be able to deal with it just yet but soon enough I was also building some of these specialist stuff the cyber x ones but they take really really long to build and they cost alloys so yeah good luck xenomorphs know can you please do what I want you to do thank you good that one first annoyingly we are taking out this world so reinforcements aren't actually gonna be arriving okay stuff uterus and that's gonna be interesting need to start building some more commercial segments in our Ring worlds because we are really struggling now for consumer goods as soon as the population pops up on AIC instantly vanishes it's so difficult I wish there was an auto buy function just like the regular market well this was a massacre glory to the Xenomorphs and yes occasionally I am increasing the damage of my armies I did make some of the Cyprus war forms these things are brutal essentially they're double at the Xenomorphs which is really impressive considering the Xenomorphs themselves are very very powerful I could only afford to make this many though although I how laws are now back up and running which is great and one of our backup fleets here is almost ready in fact it is ok I'm going to send that to deal with the uprising as much as it's their own bloody fault I do want my allies to be strong so it's getting you moving shall we trying to save up alloys again now so I can start correcting ring worlds I love ring worlds almost stronger to deal with that in fact we will be once you jump over so amazing I'll start the attack then even if we fail we can always attack in later this is a quick way of taking out a lot of their army well whilst the enemy kind of just a tackle these air oh no there is a gateway oh wait you can't use it anyway it's fine even if you control the area you can't go to a non control gateway that's fine but yeah that is bouncing around climbing these worlds but considering what type of war we have they won't get anything that is trying to humiliate us so that's absolutely fine and you're now researching there so you can get especially stuff and I now have alloys that I can get to the next stage of the Ring world at least one of them just keep on increasing our shields keep on increasing our admin cap okay you can go here in fact go over there then almost finished off the throne so we're pretty much guaranteed now to have at least their homeworld well their home system both of their worlds one of which is a size 30 which is pretty impressive this will give us 2 class 4 singularities 3 Auto 4 Jews a dimensional fabricator and these which we're gonna swap out something else and honestly the sky domes also swap out for something more useful for us because we do need to give them all jobs currently they're fine just being hedonists but you know we would like them to work and of course they will all become synths I'm really tempted just to stop now and just start telling them to since as soon as possible but I'd be silly really if we can we should wipe them out that way if the other fallen Empire awakens they can't cause the war in heaven well here it goes we do have their sisters are helping which is quite nice Oh instantly in close range though you know this might not be our finest hour actually no we're doing fine lots of actually there the fallen Empire shall remain fallen your time is over the time of Steel is now okay back up fleet you're finally here so let's deal with the enemies over here so that our allies can get more glorious world oK you've dealt with that so get your butt over there deal with that one then all we need is this and that and take those worlds and we are done actually we need to do then is climbs and you Inc expensive since we are in an aggressive war but still can I go back to buying alloys now please I had to stop since I was running so low on pre much everything just about that we do need to sort out our rare resources as well quite soon here we are once this is over we all have completely wiped out the Fallen Empire though currently we are fighting what fighting oh yeah I'm helping these fellows deal with all these things it's their own fault but once again we need them to be strong bla bla bla bla research concluded we're done let's just double check to make sure I've got everything and they have yes in dealing the end of the projectors yeah they'd like to somewhere we are their chose I think the relic still works if you choose to use it but ultimately the important thing is all of their stuff is now ours and they are gonna be very unhappy because I am mass assimilating them oh they're little weeds I mean obviously they'll avoid I know they're portraits are lizards it's just because they're using minerals are often food I didn't really think about it since I didn't have any of them in my empire also how is my governor a cyborg why are you not synth I have one species which currently isn't being assimilated and that's my original species because I messed up you are definitely being assimilated I'll double-check that in a little while so housings gonna be fine considering we have devastation moment lowering everything so what we need to do is decide what these are gonna be and honestly it's fairly obvious they're going to be giant alloy foundries that's exactly what they're gonna be and I need more minerals thank you and maybe one of them will become a bit of a refinery thing as well so do I bother attacking this fallen Empire it it's unlikely to attack us if it awakens or attack the Union more likely I don't think it's worth the effort it's gonna be quite expensive claims always as well I'm saying that we could afford at least their homeworld that would give us the city planet which we could convert into the ultimate alloy making machine Wow 118 388 population as well that's a lot of robots and a lot of things attorneys or robots I'll consider it my fleets are already here aren't they we so strong enough maybe just about especially the bonuses you know what everyone move there for a second please I want to see if we're missing any of their fleets if they are truly only 200,000 I will attack them otherwise I'll hang back Wow timing they've just awoken yeah there's no chance of fighting them right now then fools everyone does return home well yeah what good timing for us then we've stopped the other Empire from making so for those who don't know how the war in heaven occurs it's when one fallen Empire wakes up then another one will wake up to rival them because they are long-standing rivals and then eventually they declare war on each other and drag the entire galaxy into a huge war which causes all sorts of problems especially if you're trying to settle everything before the endgame crisis in 20 years thankfully I don't believe they can rival this Empire though the ancient caretakers are a special Empire because they're completely bloody broken and bloody broken things don't want to fight so that's gonna sit here being adorable in my opinion well who's your widdle robot he WA Wow still they might they might try to force us into being their satellite so we do need to worry about that so we do need to keep them building up athletes but if we're lucky they'll attack the Union first anyway but they are right next to the hierarchy which is us so if we stay at war can they declare war like that honest honest I can't remember because we could attack the co-operative over here or the Dominion these empires would in particular care about the Dominion has a lot of space as well going to play war with you why can't we declare war with you or am I just blind oh no no we can excellent oh no your allies if everyone well you might end up going to war Vaughn these empires just to grab a few planets just to stay at war then we'll see we'll see how things go I'm so glad alloys are so much cheaper now not every single Empire does comes that he buys them out it does mean that floating your economy on alloys is now way more difficult but it also means for empires like mine which has a lot of energy and a lot everything else you can purchase outlaws and get things sorted out so there we are we have three sections of wing world all going up at once which is maxing out how many we can create I think about four doing yes three of course it is back up fleet is quite quickly dealing all this so soon the combine will have full control once again of its territories I am really hoping we get more than 20 years until the endgame grossest because I don't think we're gonna be ready now my alloy production is increasing finally we're almost at 1k here's the thing it's only two thousand three hundred thirty for the year we are doing really bloody well but with the ending in crisis arriving soon on max difficulty it is and the story oh yeah attack me over there okay you need to hurry up and get there well at least now finally our admin cap is back under control our ships are now using the Dark Matter thrusters the Dark Matter reactors and the dark deflectors courtesy of the Fallen Empire starting to think that the archaeology project may have been worth it especially since we're focusing on Ring worlds which don't take that much influence I kinda didn't factor in the fact we'd have will to power definitely a mistake in the long run that is definitely a mistake but on the upside we can still use the influence it's not like the influence is just gonna sit there we can make habitats habitats will very quickly very effectively become our rare resource producers so that's a new goal just make loads of habitats nothing wrong with that of course we don't have void borne so our habitats won't be the best ever but again they are very good for air resource since they're refinery bonus I think it's better than a normal planet I'll take a look see later also gone if you finally go over there and deal with this one of the Ringworld sections is done which means now we can go ahead and put down the next or in world or its beginnings oh we couldn't with the dices fit we do not need the energy we just toned you just need more places to work I really should have set everyone's they can't colonize it make this so much easier also I need to upgrade the other machines as well it's fine having other robots being built as long as they're all the same in terms of stats because that's pretty annoying the high bandwidth one that's not really affecting us too much is still fairly irritating now there's my main one there it is all the way I'm now changing it so rather than getting extra unity we're going to reduce housing usage just because we don't need the unity anymore hello shard why we get the replicator oh I thought it's big nice to my allies I'm actually stealing their relic okay I mean to be fair we have cleared out an entire uprising for them so they should be grateful we apparently gained a ooh a pretty nice colony don't know why that just didn't go to my how i considering everything but okay now a 30k research believer that i have actually had more research at this point in the past but it's still a really good our festivals are getting finished very very quickly right now and we are building up a fleet things are looking good but it's fifteen years until the very earliest the end game crisis can arrive so i'm still very very nervous we could attack this fallen empire over here that's a lot of singularities more energy which is good obviously some Ringworld so we can use that for all the usual ring worldly stuff just changing the generator districts for other things very censored we just have the auto forges and fabricators and then it has loads of ancient cryo chambers which over well they've broke it's kind of sad really they truly believe that they're still doing their jobs but all the organics they were trying to keep safe have long expired okay so something interesting has happened I've just now came back to the game I just finished recording for the day in the previous clip and well an update is hit it's now stellaris 2.7 this shouldn't affect too much for us since we're right at the end game anyway but a few notable things is that if you look at EDX we now have a maximum amount of edicts we can have and they are all very much different one of them though just fantastic is this last stencil cancelled increases the upkeep of researchers by one energy but then researchers output is increased by 10% yeah that's gonna be pretty darn fantastic so not hundreds it show how all of these work I have literally just now logged on and apparently the update has been live for only a few minutes I must have hit just as the update went live and yeah a few interesting things like this advanced habitat we can now upgrade our habitats here's wishing I went down the route of void board really want to see what this is so or even finish that please my research is slowed slightly well that's alright a few things have been canceled the last lots and lots of Intel cancelled yeah this is gonna be something I look into in the future Wow extended shifts workers and own populations increased by 10 percent with their resource outputs but their attempts at less happy increases at it oh yeah just realized I actually had research grants active with higher when I stopped recording so that's kind of annoying I've lost the that's what the research speeds decrease ok advanced habitat is now grabbed and then this habitat world so we do have two habitats already ready so let's take a look see exactly what this is them of great habitat it casts 1000 alloys change to size six why can I not activate that then oh ok so what we need is all of our districts already filled so ok I'll just quickly pop down some tried districts now there are lots of other things which have changed including certain new laws we can put down in the Galactic community but these are things I'll definitely get into in a future video since we are so late in the game unemployed workers have the unhappiness penalty reduced by 10% diplomatic wait from tech minus 20% spiritually subtraction plus 10% you receive from jobs +5 yeah there are so many new things than this one here simply doesn't allow us to have synthetic citizen rights which would be pretty horrendous considering oh the habitat starts only for a look at tiny ears I say this one's already six so there's a chance these are kind of bugged out then okay I see I say well this one is completely in darkness apparently so is that one yeah those may have been a little bit bugged out the new one though seems okay oh dear edik capacity and then empire sprawled impact each ethics over the edict capacity will increase empire sprawl i have no idea how to increase the capacity though again something i learn as we go as I was planning yesterday we are now going to war with the other fallen Empire who are not moving that could be a problem I was hoping there to move to attack us I only have a climb on their homeworld since that's all I could afford before everything happened also we now have research subsidies so I'm really happy that I made this claim yesterday for all the changes happened because I probably would have spent all the influence on habitats damage okay thankfully they moved though annoyingly they did ambushed us a little bit we're going to take some damage from this the game is struggling a little bit some reasons got quite a slow down he's wishing I had some more point defense that's a lot of runs but drones were something strike craft still the Victory's ass Wow yeah the game is really chugging along that is not good our ground forces are slowly getting here and they enforce over here so it'll give us plenty of time to bombard the ring sections which is their only proper world isn't it yeah they don't have any of the world all the rest is completely ruined central processing is just destroyed the gamma refuge is horribly damaged which we can of course repair later same with beta so we can grab that as our own territory later on which is what I want to do Sergei you jump here then go around so you're in range one of our scientists can you please get here as well just so we can survive the systems and grab them as fast as possible so we can start building up those ring worlds rather than making our own which will cost influence of course that's interesting so if you go to reform government of course does make a new empire if you are Imperial or a dictatorship you'll get +1 to your edict capacity if you are an oligarchy or a democratic nation you get minus 20% to its cost well much rather have just an extra one honestly but that's still pretty darn good that's interesting Empire modify extra pops when establishing a colony mining station output I didn't know about that is that new is that all that could be old honestly I'm just looking at this probably the first time in a long time actually paying attention to these interesting but ya can't see any other way to increase it I'm sure there is a way I just can't see it personally it could be of course in the ascension perk as well I'll to stop talking about them again in a future video I'll properly have a look at all the changes activating the rubric answer so that we can start doing this and a fantastic start plus stem cent research fee for a while well annoyingly I have had to reverse my save because I've also had to revert the update so this self are back with garnets now once again 2,336 so if you see some things which I've already done that explains why so although the new update is really interesting it it turns out on my previous save the game just got worse and worse in terms of just everything slowing down the lag was becoming unbearable the footage looking terrible and I've asked a few people add most people aren't getting this problem except for two people who both had previous saves so it seems like it could just be oldest age from the older version something isn't quite mixing well which is always a potential issue when the game updates and your save is from a prior update so hopefully and once I finished this and I do another full playthrough or in a let's play with the new update we can check out the habitats and everything else until then though I've got to attack alpha refuge all over again and lots of my planets so now a little bit further behind an episode though Oh research grants is still gone so apparently that was off anyway so that needs to be fixed and now we continue and I already have the claim so just saving up to and influence I'll just skip ahead until everything's back as it was so once again we go to war with the forward empire and I can now activate a research grants giving me plus 10% research until it goes away any new branch offices great I think was every single one of my worlds if not every one of my worlds now as a branch office yep the combine is doing well for itself yeah the game is still a little bit laggy but nowhere near as bad as it was when I changed over to you the update okay could you all please nope don't go away there go there stay put in a second they should be arriving no the change their mind okay in that case go straight there reminded was skipping the enemy which will be interesting ground forces all the rest of them here's the thing the fool this fallen Empire the Machine Empire actually has very weak world's in terms of defense only 874 so we don't really need to bombard them that much you will anyway the reason is we can't keep their populations the caretakers are as sadly part of a proper machine empire a single mind so once we take over the planets that will be purged so destroying them really isn't too much of a big deal so during this run the enemy used the wormhole to go over here and they're likely going to lose all of their worlds before they get back so we don't even lose a ship to this time well maybe we lost a few Corvettes to the Citadel's but that's about it no it's better for us glory to the Xenomorphs research concluded and here's some more ground forces to speed things along and that is that say goodbye to the Fallen Empire so all I need to do is make a couple of science vessels so we can get all that sorted and there we go our mega shipyard is now completely finished everyone else please return home are we building gateway there soon actually that's a little great thing of having this bit of territory I didn't even think about it if we can have a gateway here it means it can act as a teleportation point for the coalition which of course is us so in jump from there to here we've already put a gateway down there so that way we have three gateway points well as good as when you control the entire empire so I make for my allies which will hopefully sort things out these hoping they'll eventually get enough tech to help us out with our research still like I said before even if they don't that plus forty percent from having the sharing which could be including them again I'm not under picture how it works I don't make claims how it works the point is I'm here plus 40 percent would normally I would be getting that which is insane when the endgame crisis arrives currently I'll be getting an additional 20 percent which again is insane and then once this doubles to level five all the getting plus 40 percent since we'll get another 20 over there and we can even build an mega structure isn't faster so if we're lucky what's gonna happen is the endgame crisis will spawn Oh either over here or over here this will give this will give us maybe 30 years before they become a major threat for our Federation during that 30 years we're gonna get plus 40 plant research speed and we're gonna be able to build one extra mega structure at a time so we can have four mega structures being built the same time that means out an entire ring world we can have the Dyson Sphere and the matter decompressor and to Ringworld sections all at once it's kind of crazy as long as we have the influence okay so making some science vessels we've got a construction vessel already teleporting in so this way we can grab all of these as fast as we can which is great because these won't require any influence so we can Bank up influence for a while this area is gonna be a serious power hub eventually speaking of which so right now we're purging these sort we're gonna do is send over a couple of a machines from our homeworld to each of these since finally our homeworld is now filled up make sure that we have building robots as a priority how we can get making more of ourselves so it turns out we don't actually need to there we are we don't actually need to survive these I thought we would for some reason don't we know why I thought that but either way we're all pretty much done there Science Vessel you might sort of stay here and just help out one of these so on the Alpha complex we have all of these cryo chambers drops you don't need all they're doing is giving us a twenty upkeep and actually producing anything that we have the nourishment Center twenty energy 400 food we could since you sell the food later on but food really isn't worth all that much even its peak it's only seven thousand so it is worth it but maybe it's worth it well leave there for a while and worst comes to worst since we are a machine Empire I won't know because we're synth on fire we don't have it oh no we do have it the bioreactor but that does require building slots but they could be there and so we have more population not sure but for now we'll just have food and tried it away the problem with that is as we purge these fellows over time we're not going to keep all these building slots open anyway and the processing unit we have the class for single era teas and the commercial set oh great the evidence of commercial seconds now that's really good another reason why we need the Gateway so I tried can go we currently have a gateway in our home system so no piracy which is good and then in the production units we have dimensional fabricators which are fantastic and auto forges which are good yeah what we need is more population as soon as possible I'm a Dutch well a few of our worlds do have excess population now someone start moving more over to here still talking at the moment is so difficult that alway is I'm still recovering at the moment that's probably why I'm still quite fatigued II I'm struggling to stay awake very easily it's it's a real thing and my speech is bad at the best of time so currently it's not the best of times and my speech is somewhere else so where I cannot now building the gateway construction site we've just finished off one of the Ring worlds over there this one is about to come online which means now we have loads of them to work on so that's where all of our alloys are gonna be sunk for a while constantly having three ring world sections being created at a time and any excess will go to building our fleece athletes looking okay if the rest of fleets still arriving we've got about 600 k total fleet power not the most but we are now still upgrading our alloys were almost at 2,000 per month or at 36,000 research per month and that's still increasing quickly especially with the new ring worlds would becoming very powerful we're just not quite as far ahead as I would have liked as we gain enough influence I will continue to build habitats the Gateway is already under construction and we're not only gonna spend influence for a while which is lovely now the robots down here are almost at peace with their former overlords and after that they're going to be part of that Federation because I like us but we could make the map protector isn't one of the two you still hate everyone don't you I'm assuming you still hate everyone yeah even me now well I just notice something interesting the awakened Empire is building a science Nexus if we take that we have another science Nexus that would be three science Nexus at this point which would just be so so very powerful problem is a claim is very expensive will be 200 influence well I might end up doing that rather than building the next habitat I'm already strong enough to take out the Fallen Empire so sorry the awakened Empire so I'm not totally worried about that but here's wishing I they Colossus so I just go for total war I'm really thinking that Galactic intend there was a terrible idea I thought the Fallen Empire would be more of a worry and this would give us more at advancements but we'd end up crushing them even without the extra third damage I think we would have just utterly crushed them with these we didn't even end up fighting them because I went off somewhere else when we attacked them so going with the Colossus or going way of the arcology project there's so many other things that could have had so glad - contender might be transcendent learning saying that though we're still leveling up our scientists so don't fully disagree with that one extra 50% experience game is very nice fairly soon I'm going to be changing over our policies as well no longer are we going to be expansionist we're going to be supremacist now the only reason why I haven't changed this already is just because we do have diplomatic envoys here and there oh you're not doing well now hurry up and end the war please you've been at war for so long [Music] we could attack the cooperative and weaken them not sure finally breakingly 200% barrier 216 percent extra research making our claim athletes are basically in position now all we care about is at home world and the science Nexus all which they're so kindly building them for us how nice of them so right now total we have over 1.3 a million fleet power that might be enough if we hard counter a end game crisis to deal with some of their smaller fleets one at a time it's still not good enough them but every year we are getting multiple repeatable in every single category so we are becoming more and more powerful and a fairly decent pace on its life again I'm just hoping that's born over here if it's a scourge I want them to spawn here if it's the unbidden just anywhere in this section in this section and if it's the contingency I think we are doomed okay I clearly need to get some sleep because the amount of mistakes I'm making now is really stacking up this is an awakened Empire what makes an awakened Empire special is that you can go to war to end a threat this means you do not need to make claims I'm gonna be able to get everything they have now at the same time I can take everything we have so what I'm hoping is we actually fight their fleets early on we don't want them to run away like they're doing right there we need to go ahead and take them out but as we attack all their different worlds and stuff they should try to return to defend it anyway so hopefully that's what we're gonna say okay get there and wait on the border ground forces you're gonna be strong enough to take that straightaway so go ahead let's start selling them into machines hello font of knowledge I've turned off the autosave and yet still to start of every year the amount of lag is horrendous in a second it should solve itself so at the font of knowledge here and we're gonna have to bombard it is the question probably yes we do have the 3k there then we also have a secondary fleet moving in which is 1,000 verts they're stronger than they seem so I think we're gonna do is leave at one of our weaker fleets can I get that thank you gonna leave you to bombard it than the rest we'll move out to try and defend against them when they come back so let's take out that next or to grab the first world so of course they're all now being converted which isn't great and more worlds means more room to everything yeah we are just obliterating them do you lose anything then no lost a few not many of them did you have another fleet yeah there is you're still gonna warp here no you're not we should probably okay so hunting them down is good obviously but also just taking it all there station so can't reinforce and can't walk back properly is probably for the best start making some reinforcements in the background well it may seem a little bit odd but I'm going to be changing our civics this late in the game I'm going to be removing our diplomatic bonus because we just don't need it anymore and instead we're going to go we're the police state increasing a stability on all planets by five I'm also attempted to remove technocracy just don't need this much human sea anymore but the problem is almost all of our unity is coming from this and we do need some so if I remove that I'd have to swap out some of the buildings I was also tempted to grab efficient bureaucracy rather than police state which means would have less need of the admins which would be good since they could do other jobs but right now I think just increasing the stability is probably for the best likely won't see any major changes but it's something increasing stability just increases how much we resource will get from each planet and that'll be calculated at the end of the month I believe will change the endolymph anyway yeah from so very little difference there but I still think is for the best the world is mine and so is the science Nexus hub the font of knowledge now unlike the Machine Empire you are all going to be assimilated and you're gonna be ever so useful Wow all you have is residential arcologies well I need more industrial archaeologists so let's build on those now a Mina Tizen housing will solve itself it just was currently the planet is utterly devastated when we have all of you as well which are domestic protocols and luxurious yeah you'll be changed there's enough of you that is definitely worth altering you though I'll wait floor I've got the other world as well the archives so believe there's loads of them over here as well you I was 26 either way they're doing them all once rather than one time over here we have the Gaia world I started noticing the gold okay if our allies claim this I really don't care too much I blame fleets get over there you should be strong enough already to just take it out definitely the archives will be ours I'll change the fortresses thing a bit more useful for us like the Galactic Stock Exchange and I guess the Ministry of production building and gateway over here as well so now we have four gateways admittedly these two are basically connected so it's a bit of a white but at the same time I do like having all this area being accessible since we might end up going to war with the Union over here the Federation or something at some point the game is starting to run a little bit slower now upgrading our relic worlds into the archaeology project really I was saving people and some other things before doing this because a normal planets into the archaeology project is a huge upgrade a relic world into one it's still an upgrade since you get bonuses from it being a former relic world and of course it's just a really powerful world type as you can see by the font of knowledge but I wanted influence for other things but now with this kind of cyber cup influence we had the upkeep which gave us loads and I'm already building a Coordination Center and I'm already maxed out for other thing that I've still got loads of ring world sections to finish off we are also now at fifty thousand or research and we are slowly solving our empires Perl problem that'll be fixed eventually for once I'm actually bothering to get all of our worlds their own scientist all of our prime worlds already do have this but I'm giving it too much every single planet because almost every single planet is generating at least a bit of science or most of them generating a lot it takes a while but it starts off as a 10% bonus then as the scientist levels up it'll increase all the way to I actually can't remember but I like the way it increases every time they level up I believe by two percent or so so 30 percent then will be the final bonus if they get all the way to level 10 which I probably won't this light in the game but still even just a temp that bonus is still pretty nice and I need more scientists science away so in just over 10 years we are going to finally have a level 5 of our Federation so here's hoping the end game crisis just hold up for another 10 years essentially how it works is every 5 years as a chance the end game crises can spawn at least based on the knowledge from long ago and I actually looked all this up so we just have to escape that two more times and then we'll get level 5 and then the endgame crisis I'll be more than happy to see with the extra research speed the extra mega structures and everything else that will be fantastic well apparently we didn't guild those extra years in fact that I've been 5 the ghost signal we are detected a very faint tachyon signal being continuously transmitted across the entire galaxy so for those who don't know the ghost signal is the scariest of the endgame crisis at least in my opinion because it is the counter synth crisis and it's actually activated more likely the more synths rhyme the galaxies you you may notice that my have a a few just a few synths in my empire the ghost signal will cause problems in my synths some of them running away some of them having reduced resources and all sorts of the problems after that for machine worlds will spawn and a randomly throughout the galaxy and spawning fleets comparable to a normal crisis each we're looking at probably 10 plus million to begin with this is going to kill us depending on our look so if we get really lucky we'll probably have them down here or something like that we'll have them sort of scattered around but as it is currently I don't know what's gonna happen if we get really lucky we can have several in our main bits of territory I'm thinking things like the Ringwald's over here things like the home system honestly even if they spawn here we're okay we just can't lose a main ring world straight away also I can't for the life of me remember what these things are weak against I think they have high shield and high armor and high hole yeah I think they're really balanced so I'm not sure what weapons we should really use or we'll find out when we seen them and then adapt accordingly well it begins I'm in danger okay next year synthetic disappearances alarming reports of mass disappearances among the galaxies synthetic population are becoming more and more frequent millions of units are now unaccounted for while instances of violent or erratic behavior by those since who still remain have increased by a factor of 10 so what I think is going to happen is that our main species which is currently simply called prime will not be affected by some of the negative because eventually I think they lose research and energy credits there's loads of problems with normal synths but I don't think the main species is affected so what we need to do is change all of our world so that they're only producing the main species which doesn't count as a synthetic towards this effect I think you know the way we really should have done this anyway the only reason why I have so many different robots to create is because I keep on purchasing them from the market so we're constantly flooded with new ones so a few things it's been less than a year our tech is just spiraling out of control now our worlds are doing so well and finally starting to balance our rare resources we only have a deficit and one of them looks like a minus one so we now have the summons the next stage of the contingency millions of synthetics from all over the galaxy are currently on their way towards the signal source in whatever space or the craft they could acquire the first ones are bound to reach their destination at soon now on top of that though we do have a brand new ally look they finally joined us because they begged to be our subjects we didn't even ask them they are weak they finally ended their war are they asked to be a protectorate so we allowed it because we care although strangely it has actually put them into our Federation as well is there a law to do with this yeah can subjects join okay that makes sense we are the ultimate research cooperative the arrival at least one synthetic must have completed the long journey to the source of the ghost signal because we are registering a sudden and massive increase in the signal strength the surge was accompanied by a transmission fragments that has been intercepted and decoded by our communication specialists oh yeah and now the ghost signal is in full effect minus 70 percent minerals energy research and UNICEF our synthetic populations - 70 % governings ethic structure now thankfully I was correct it does not affect the main species only the side species which we have a thousand of it's a bit of a problem to say the least so here they are the contingency so really soon now we are going to start seeing the Machine walls pop up I mean thankfully the Dominion here is huge there's at least a chance of one of them will spawn there but we do have a lot of allies the question is how much do we care about our allies well enough to try to defend them but only once our fleets are ready we do have several million worth of fleet power but the enemy are gonna have like 8 plus mil per world I'm assuming we're gonna have to see how strongly upper fleets cuz we could trying to snipe off their fleets I can't remember the behavior patterns of the contingency I haven't seen them in so long how many play throughs like so many full playthroughs okay our first machine world is now active where is it and let's see it strength oh that that is not say 10 million oh oh that's 10 million and that's a zero no no okay well that makes the unbidden look like absolute I think this is one of four worlds oh oh we are in danger okay so okay so you have essentially battleships and destroyers your battleships all full versus shields well you are really bad versus shield's that's good for us since I've been stacking at shield tech okay so you are essentially doing less than 50% damage versus shielded opponents your armor and shields are insane your hole is a little bit on the lower side plus three thousand seven hundred fifty percent yep welcome stun 25 difficulty ah cloud lightning no we should we try and get into tech which ignore shields the problem is right now I've played a lot of tech into kinetic which means their shield and their hull are both being quite significantly weakened but their armor is gonna be a huge problem things like strike craft and missiles which can do bonus armor damage and then ignore the shields as part of what we're going for cloud lightning has the problem that being the so short-range it's short range if damage is so low that normally you're looking for something with well below one-third whole points compared of armor and shield which it kind of has actually I'm not gonna go try out like no we're just too far behind on tech but I think it could have been a potentially viable option though I haven't really done the numbers sir okay so where is this well that's good and bad at the same time it's good because no territory straight away it's bad because it's not that far out either if they go like this and a straight line towards us we don't have all that much time okay research concluded then we wait for the next ones yep gonna stop researching arm and how because varies and no point in it one more machine Empire has spawned in once again we have the ten mill fleet and the two for mill fleets sterilizer and would longer say that word because of how YouTube can be so weird of stuff for that so yeah on the upside for us again they seem to really hate the Dominion yeah you've gotten a little bit insane haven't you fellas feel free to read this by the way I should have done this earlier so feel free to pause and read I'm just gonna go through them all and there we are you are such a problem a third world has been created this time in a bit more Oh worrying position this is actually quite close to our territory enclose to an area I need to preserve I feel like this is gonna be our primary target at least to begin with thankfully we do have a gateway here which links directly to our mega shipyard so essentially we are right next to it can you just split that ninth fleet a bit please that's head mill fleet if you could just you know separate it a little bit because I feel like I could take out one of these four million fleets but you would obliterate us you're terrifying little cluster II boys so one thing I'm considering is having a ship speak very heavily altered so that it looks something like this go that battle ships for instance the spinal mound to swap over to the Ark emitter this is an anti hole weapon which ignore shields and armor completely then we could go with the hangar so that we have the advance strike craft since that ignores shields and there's loads of bonus damage drama and they are not too sure with the final weapon you get the idea I'm tempted by that but we are so far behind currently our kinetic tech is giving it like a plus of three hundred plus four hundred percent bonus it's insane how far had we are on this so I'm gonna stick with this double damage to shields plus 25% damage to hull minus 50% armor overall they still very good verse think of how much shield they have even if they do have equal armor it's double damage to shields with only minus 50% WOM and that's still pretty good I've also of course had to swap out from our sapiens can computers because of the ghost signal it actually makes the ships weaker if we have them installed the final world has just now spawned in as well and they are here and they are going to destroy the nucleus and they are really really close to us again so we've got mostly lucky here on a sleigh we could have got better we could have got far far worse I still think this one over here is going to be a hawker as fleets oh what they've separated wouldn't that happen where's the 10 mil okay so if we're lucky as they start to spread out we can start to snipe off one fleet at a time a tech should do quite well as well just because of this we have now plus two hundred and thirty six percent research because currently research mobilisation is in effect giving us plus twenty percent research because of the endgame crisis wouldn't we get to the next level which is gonna take a while we'll get an additional plus twenty our research stacking should be insane now even if we have lost like five K research because of all since suddenly going mad more habitats and I'm now grading all my ships to being pretty much appear shields once they're all done we are ready to go now I massively overestimated the bonuses I'm actually getting its closest two hundred and fifty to three hundred percent and now earlier on I think I said a 400 or 500 something silly yeah by the way or winter shields all into kinetic now realistically I understand kinetic probably isn't the best option here oh hello yeah I am thinking that though the strike craft missiles are committers the flares pretty a better idea not doing the numbers but we are so far ahead with kinetic it's essentially swapping out something for half of the dam to actually less than half of the down to about a third of the damage if we do swap even with the bonuses it's not really good enough we could start taking into the other stuff but I feel like just plowing ahead with kinetic and shields is the way to go forwards so where on earth is that wormhole attaching oh my god they are just being so relentlessly aggressive I did not expect that I really didn't and things like the unbidden like to grab and climb new systems before spreading too quickly these seem to not really care ah there's one more okay so that's adjusted oh I've never been able to explore that world hole since it wasn't at enemy's territory I believe unless it was in the coalition territory ops never really paid any attention either way that's a problem on the upside though that fleet is smaller if we could take out I would say anything under four mil right now we could probably safely take out just because we are close to that and we have defender of the galaxy given as plus 50% damage we just need to continue like normal though just keep on pumping out more research at our alloys are doing incredibly well so it's fine for that need more gases hence why I'm still making more habitats which are doing really well balancing everything by the way if you could turn left here that would be great okay we are gonna put a fleets over here they could wait for them to arrive in our territory that way would get the extra bonuses but the same time I feel like we might have to chase them down especially when there's like a single fleet like that they'll increase our sublight speed for a while how we're doing more damage with armor which is currently our weak spot so the best idea all should just continue to stack extra shield I don't really know either why it's a bonus and we want it trying to convert some of our worlds now into refinery worlds because I can't actually afford any of the bonuses right now which is a bit of a problem this is like plus 25% of shield plus 25% kinetic damage I just can't use any of them yeah you're not splitting up but all are you just gonna straight-line cam I want to get this turn away please somewhat worried here completely worried here okay so it horrible is we're gonna have to run away if these end up going this way even if suddenly two of their fleets we're gonna lose so one thing I've noticed which could be a serious weak point for these fellows is this the extra damage is increased by three thousand seven hundred fifty percent so if done they fire an attack it does ridiculous damage but their fire right has only increased by 39 percent they're not firing very quickly this means they're gonna be really good versus battleships Titans anything which all of our fleet power is condensed into just a few very strong units but if we send in that swarms of Corvettes and destroyers their attacks are gonna over kill them and then they're wasting damage ever sharp sure they're going to killing them by the hundreds but there's gonna be thousands of them they're gonna swarm and destroy so I think Corvette fleets might be the way to go it sounds cheesy but remember we are run times twenty five difficulty 100 years early we're allowed to be a bit cheesy and that seems to be the way they go yeah but they're definitely going this way I am going to flee the territory we're gonna lose against that it's just the fact that those two are sticking together if it's one of them I think we could win but against two I'm gonna just jump away see over here they've split a bit more no saying there's a 6k okay well for now let's jump here I don't want to be here when they arrive it will take them a while to land their ground forces but ultimately I am sacrificing these were in world which is horrible I admit image yet they arrived with both of their fleets oh they're gonna go light well crap we are gonna be effective oh oh that's a lot of tried value just lost we should get the star base back eventually but that's gonna take a while yeah there we go just when you took grade it into a star base again oh no no we're getting straight value oh is it bleeding through okay that could be because we have things out here okay that's good split up a bit please so you're going this way so I'm gonna do the same to there I am so confused how we're gonna win this honestly this is gonna be so brutal the more I look at it the more I think the Corvette's are going to be our Savior they don't have many small weapons or anything like that yeah they're small this is a medium so they're tracking isn't fantastic I think Corvettes could potentially overwhelm them our first Corvette fleets almost finished because well we have a fully upgraded mega shipyard so a huge increase to how fast we can build ships and the fact that's 20 shipyards attached to it it's pretty good if I can get four or five of these out there these swarms I think we can start being a bit more aggressive also yeah the games like inks it's the first day of the year like every time it reaches this point oK we've caught one fleet off-guard over here it's a four mil fleets on its own there's actually quite a few weak in fleets over here we could potentially start hunting them down but they're also devastating their territory now the reason why I need to focus on here I didn't think about this is this wormhole yep it goes right to our capital don't litter doing a lot of damage and they have reached close quarters though which we're not good at okay that was surprisingly good actually we lost quite a bit but we survived that we are pretty strong to be fair we are pretty strong do we attack the contingent well we could rush thought we could rush the world Katie I think if I rush like this what will happen is that ultimately they will recall their forces if they don't we obliterate their planet if they do we're holding them back also a losing energy because tried value is plummeting right now which is really annoying how a swarms doing I'll swarm them one's basically ready which is lovely to see swarm number two is on its way that's pretty much what I'm going for here the aggressive ones extra sublight speed and more fire rates just keep on making the swarms they're attacking over here which is horrible but remember even if they get to the Gateway they can't use gateways in two systems they don't control or aren't neutral over here is lost okay yeah this area over here is getting just completely overwhelmed we're just going Noor this for now over here though we're about to jump back because they're about to jump over here it's the wormhole we can ambush them a pulsar okay up for a second those big here that's why you had no shields so we can just take out one of these four it's gonna be such a big deal c'mon jump on over it will definitely defeat you since we defeated a larger fleet goodbye although that Sun was way closer so it's worse for us excellent ok we can no longer be infiltrated by the synths which is good because a second ago we had - stability because of it ok we lost a few there but once again it could have been Y or Y worse is there any point in upgrading our shields here's the thing the Corvettes are probably gonna be obliterated by a single shot even if they don't have any shield so even if they have full shields that's not necessarily true the enemy do have point defense weapons and that's the main problem they are going to do plus three thousand percent damage so although the point defense and you'd think they'd be useless with that which bonus damage we still need to make sure they can be protected against the very very light hits the boys the whole swarm concept is completely worthless I'll be just destroyed okay you're going away so back to our original plot we could jump there's a new fleet layer but it could jump then just white it depends where the fat fleets going it's going this way to follow everything else they all seem to follow each other which is really annoying look at that oh that is horrendous yeah I'm gonna jump cuz it'll be the fastest way to get there and then we wait 200 days then we attack the station and start bombardment the planets will likely have to run away before we completely destroy it but a very least it's gonna be a bit of damage towards them which is nice well we're still suffering from the bonus well the - damage all I hate list don't focus on the transport ships oh as soon as I saw that happening that's so annoying this is one of the quirks of the ìiî the combat AI which drives me insane it's one of the few things which actually get to be legitimately angry so we're currently in a fight there's an enemy station attacking us there's another station over here attacking us and the AI I thinks you know what would be good going for the transport ships which I can't even hit very well because I'm battleships I don't track well also our sounds we're losing a planet in the background so that's good as well thankfully it's not too much of a big deal here since the station's aren't all that strong but still I have lost fights because of that in the past and I hate it to bits there should be a priority system they go after them afterwards now it could just be I could be wrong here after all that rant I will put my hands up say I could be wrong maybe they're going after those because they were the only things in range at the time but it doesn't look like it so I'm hoping that's the case so we don't trust that everyone just bombard the planet please so which wall do we lose no yeah we're losing the refuge aren't we darn it yeah we're about to lose our ring worlds over here well at least there's no way for them to jump to our home territory particularly easily from there so will ya likely gonna lose all of this that's a lot inside that just hopefully that'll be it okay you're weak enough that when you get here we can destroy you you should be weak enough yeah even if you can buy it because by then we should have our ad jump drives off cooldown so the - damage and stuff will be gone ok over here I am now turning all of the other ring worlds into essentially fortress worlds under spamming all of the strongholds and the planetary shields they should hold them off for a while there's a thing if we can just keep them here for a bit that would be a big deal for us as well and remember we don't need to destroy all their forces we just need to take out the worlds which annoyingly takes a very very long time lots of our Ringwald sites have been lost now yeah we're gonna lose this whole area just as simple as that and I've accepted that now the enemy fleets don't seem to be caring about attacking us which is nice is it because of these are you guys distracting them floor Federation reinforcements W Adorno I think it is okay a Corvettes with our Corvette fleets here as well they're gonna be heading on to help out our main fleet I'm hoping the combination or two will be good well there's an accident but okay swarm versus the contingency here that is not doing we're near as well as expected well at least I'm finding out now back to battleships back to battleships might be a mix of the two would likely be better since we keep them here all the battleships fire at long-range yeah I expected that to be a bit more cheesy now admittedly we should have lost that based on numbers anyway if I expect it to be a bit more of a counter yeah we're just winging it too much how good is their tracking you're having the sapien computers with limes and help yeah oh plus they yeah nevermind Corvette swarms not good idea okay well we lost that Corvette fleet and everything else but there we go one machine world has been destroyed Oh crud do not go to the world halt please please please please please lovely is that because of the machine will being destroyed no seems like the others are asked online just that one seemed too turned off what do we do here what do we do here in past it's gonna be annoying but I think that's the only why it's just slowly get through get back to our home system so with the Corvette thing to be fair we didn't add enough of them also there's a terrible choice oh I didn't go with one of these is there but yeah they don't hard counter as much they really thought I really should have checked out their tracking and they think of it better oh do I look about okay well should one world at least the enemies around here are really split if I could hardly see them yeah looks like they're not really making many more though so unlike the unbidden and such it seems like this is more front-loaded so it has loads to begin with oh no or they could all be over here yeah there's all over here oh god it's gonna go into our territory soon so what we could we could rush one of these worlds how difficult that be for these two just jump on over there's almost nothing defending fact you have it's like nothing depending all we could do the same again we got lucky there as well I didn't really attack Earth's only one of the smallest Willie's attacked us while we were bombarding it that's all we have so few fleets left go to there ish then jump jump okay for now do that yes avoid the enemy let's see if we can snipe another one of their world's struggling a bit for alloys but we are still producing basically 2k a month the month again is now 1.8 K that's why we've been able to get such a decent fleet size it's also been selling everything to make our laws still and we do have our city planet over here which has been converted into a foundry now so that's gonna be loads more alloys ok well finally we've reached max level and our Federation so right now we have an additional 20% research speed which is really good as you can imagine ok currently we look weak because we're in a system with a pulsar correct correct and we finally merge all the federation stuff that would be great oh actually now think about it now that we are maxed out what we can do is go to maximum centralization and then max out our fleet contribution so now people will be giving us more ships which is good ok where's the enemy so how I think I'm gonna win this if I can win this oh is that I need to just ignore their fleets they're just way too powerful they're just insanely strong especially over here that are stacking up and stacking up they have tens of millions in this one small area for instance but if we can just take out the world whilst they're busy they don't seem to defend the world's very well so just need to wait around the world as soon as we can jump in destroy it and move on do that three times that opens up their homeworld we take out the homeworld we win I don't think I need to destroy the rest then or even if I do they they definitely then don't have any ability to regenerate or repair or create more themselves so we can then just focus on taking out the stragglers okay get your butts down there good you're moving away in that case get your butts all the way there let's see if we take out another one of those that's it move out why research station well still best cuz I can do this straight away to knock it out my sons observed rushing it but still can we perhaps take it out that'd be great thank you research concluded still in a fleet powered that wasn't too bad okay now just need to keep an eye out now we can take out another world that makes two of them gone I got this whole area every time I look you just like to be more and more depressed I've lost so much I can't believe haven't complete well they almost have completely taken out everything they're just slowly throwing our population just take them a while yeah we can't focus on their fleets we just need to keep on trying to take out be sneaky take out world after world then focus on the home world in the meantime we're getting ridiculous amounts of tech we are getting a full plus 40% now because the own game crisis there are enemies all around us right now but for some reason none of them are trying to defend their world you're going this way your station right now are you know you are stationary okay either way there none of you hang towards us and I think the damage dealt to a planet will remain even if you leave and come back so as long as we pay attention and can jump out just before we get hit there'll be no problem we do have a new fleet as well which is just about to be created over here currently our economy is a serious mess right now as you probably see over loads of worlds or unemployment and it's because I just don't have the resources to move them out I don't have the resources or the rare resources to upgrade buildings right now so a lot of them becoming stagnant that being said we asked improving slowly and our research is now 165 K it was on 64 for a very long time so of course you are losing worlds so it's slightly ahead of the curve there also a new ring worlds here you can proceed by the huge trade values where I've just dumped loads of people all at once when I could save up for it but I forgot I don't like to have a station there so soon there'll be a load more tried value which will go into loads more consumer goods so sadly I did have to jump my fleets away and it turns out the hub will slowly heal so there is something to bear in mind however one really good thing for me is that over here the enemy seemed to have just abandoned this area there currently mostly over here was it to defend the world I don't really know but they're all kind of concentrated here at the moment which means what we can do is send our fleets through and take back our world oh no I can't use that ok it's gonna be a problem though I thought I could still use this gateway but apparently I can't can I get here safely ok good there the station so I can do that so there then I can just jump that way I'm gonna take back the worlds and it'll slow them down and I'll give us some resource again which would be lovely one more Empire has became a protectorate much a surprise this an empire hated us originally still more members of the better I just jumped in to more fleets here so in a second we can take out this 400k it's like it's lunch ok this four mill I'm pulling your 400 K because I'm used to seeing you two going away loads you hopefully to just jump so he can start attacking the world again a tech is getting there as well we just are continually upgrading so as long as we have a bit more time we are getting to the point where we are becoming actually scary just need to give them sniping their planets after this one will move off and try and suck up this one then this one last it sounds weird but they're being really inefficient with this area they keep on bouncing around oddly and I don't want to stop that so I'm letting them stay here even though I really should focus on this because it is it closer to my territory but I'm going after that last savage strain while having to run yet again whose bits of debris from earlier cuz all the transport vessels sadly you don't really give us anything of interest otherwise you would go after that you're gonna continue to hunt me or you just going to reinforce Einstein that's the question no we have to jump well I'll just sit here for a while until I can jump again if wow there's no there's no guards over here okay yeah I'm definitely swapping targets then let's go here yeah we're going after view of the world they seem to have absolutely nothing defending them over here it's just why so difficult with the wormhole I might actually after this world next instead purely because it's nowhere near any wormholes or anything they're just so easily defending this little blob so maybe this one should be the last once I've got some more upgrades and then the fleet is on its way it was almost complete so I'm moving out a little bit early it's gonna move here jump over there then get ready to attack the world with the main group just keep reinforcing yeah we probably couldn't take out a 4k flea yeah we might be able to just about say go for a 4k fleet what's left although we are dealing with them quite well we end up losing so many ships each time we need to reinforce I'm actually getting a bit hopeful now since we are taking out the odd fleet here and there we are out maneuvering them and the worlds are still improving we're almost on 70k research now and we're getting basically plus 10% shields plus 10% damage every single year minimum with a little bit of overflow I kind of forgot about this tiny fleet here so being a bit silly whilst they don't have their station up and running which well away so I messed up earlier with the ground for some reason I thought because I didn't have all of the worlds completely they couldn't have a station turns out they could so yeah the ground forces have just been chilling on the font of knowledge well really only four months and that's without any annex toward research I'm just waiting around that is keenly insane okay these fleets now going through here these stations are really weak they just can't do damage back is the problem they have lots of health but yeah three Corvettes and a battleship and that's with me accidentally letting one fleet ahead first they can't do much I doubt you can do much damage but hopefully this off well actually will eventually for someone back to defend otherwise you will eventually destroy it well 0.02 devastation per day that's gonna take many years I think it has to reach 50 percent before the world is destroyed at least with these material worlds definitely looks like we take out this one though another new fleet is being made I've gone back to battleship spam now I'm sure love you asked me why am I using battleship spam clearly it's not the most effective way I just think it's more fun first of all I love the idea of just that first alpha strike of so many hits hitting enemy all at once but then also if you do eventually out scale the enemy enough because of the extra range you have you can literally destroy them before they can hit you whereas we've Corvettes and such you need to be in range of their weapons well of course I am using the worse combat computer right now since we can't use the eye the eye eye one so our range is a bit meh I can't talk today like the last few weeks actually just talking ok how strong they need to be to have maximum damage to one of these worlds that's the question because I want to leave the minimum here cuz I think I have enough to move out and do something else especially with you enemy so far away so you can go back down here destroyed these two worlds and then trying to talk of this again how am i doing ok seems like they're not really expanding much all what are they doing oh that's not good they're sucking down here that's what they're doing that is really bad actually I thought things going well nevermind we're about to lose some seriously important worlds ok so most we can do 0.1 so let's say I move away everything except for you close close enough you know what 0.9 I mean as long as we can defend it yeah okay everyone else you want our group one can you please go back down here and take out these two and then a white orders there okay one more station down we'll be able to grab this one as well nice and easily what are you doing you're four mill so it could take you out potentially say nervous lost a fleet haven't I might need another fleet to reinforce you yeah yeah pray for the best get there so you can jump wherever part of our Federation fleet is chillin over here what did that happen I say part of is that my entire Federation fleet ah that could have been one of the fleets we lost there even after jumping we still take our station pretty easily you're about to go through that wormhole that's fine even if you chase us down now we should be able to avoid you long enough our jump to once again reinitiate okay planet occupied by hostile ground forces now we just lost another planet background lovely okay again close about halfway to destroy one more planet Oh our allies here had to be utterly crushed yep at least they tried you know research concluded meanwhile back in the war zone okay you're going away you're just staying there for a bit that's good we can rack up some damage definitely gonna take out this one if we file again over here I'm gonna start moving all the fleets over here and try and deal with this instead problem is I don't have a gateway anymore over here so getting there's gonna be a real nuisance probably for the best it'd be move for allies territory get to here then jump it's still weird having you as a a loyal or member now you hated me for so long just continue to upgrade everything and just hope for the best when the large fleets are now here to help reinforce this so I think now we can take out one of the four mill fleets again even if you are on cooldown we're also bringing in a Titan so the Titan is bringing inspiring presence increasing the ship fire right of its own fleet and of course it has the super pew pew laser which makes everyone happy no I wasn't paying attention apparently we lost the fleet over here how did they get there 41% nays oh that's such a mistake I've got so much to balance those wasn't paying attention just for a few moments and I've lost everything of course oh you must have spawned in because you're fighting at point-blank range wow I got devoured okay you can if we deal with that still no heed it real good deal with that afterwards darn it yeah I'm dealing with so much stuff right now it's like every year at the moment in-game he's taking almost an hour of real life time that's how much micromanaging is going on the more I think about it the more likely it is exactly what happened over here is what happened over here so the forces must have spawned here because I have no idea how else I would have got there it also explains why now they have a construction vehicle very annoying very very annoying indeed that was just bad luck oh really one more machine world has been shattered we are the machines of the future not you okay that's once again get back into positions take up this world again one more fleet is ready almost 1 million of Philippe power which is pretty beautiful get over there same with you mr. Federation fleet you both jump and then stay together there's no way there they can possibly defend against that once that hubs gone then we can go after the final one after that they all spawn in their homeworld which is essentially just the final hub we take out that we win bombardments are started again thankfully some of the planetary devastation was kept over from the last attack a fleet here is looking very powerful so I'm not scared at all now for mill fleets which is really really nice in terms our movement tempted to try and take out this but I think I'm gonna just rush all the way over here I take out the other world once we're done over there I have just lost a very important world you just lost the archives which is a very big deal since this provides a lot of stuff for us but thankfully there's a lot of ground forces over on the forms of knowledge and this is improving we even have the planetary shield so we should be able to hold off at least for a while I don't think there's a fortress version of the city world is there actually does that still exist they're still fortress worlds here yes there is sadly though not for this one more world Falls ok so how do I get back what's the easiest way to get over here then Oh Thank You Ally for building a gateway that is fantastic in that case move our forces there then we can get to the Gateway and it means we can easily reinforce with our first 1 million fleet yeah you can get over there as well everyone just wait around there then we'll ambush them yeah they have no chance of surviving that that's fantastic for us we've lost two more worlds in the meantime though so we are losing quite a lot over here really struggling for minerals the reason why the energy is so low now is that I have a monthly tried just about stabilize my minerals and yeah we're kind of hitting the peak of where we can be I could start construction of the matter decompress and honestly that is what we're going to do get your butt over there please I haven't been able to really build any mega structures at the moment since I have been spending everything on ships would be nice to see something else being built once now moving in towards the final world they have no reinforcements anywhere nearby that all spread out attacking the other empires oh there's two fleets well that I did not see that just born in or did they completely not notice it I'm sure I checked a moment ago well that's gonna be a problem in it well I think we're still gonna win but it's gonna take way more stop focusing on the station it's just a bundle of health there we go glorious it does seem like more so they focus on the ground forces when there's nothing else to fire at the problem is the cooldown on the weapons to talk more about what I was talking about earlier okay here it's a bombard the final planet hello allies here to help thanks got one more max size fleet on the way as well we're very very interesting quirk cuz I accidentally made it with five Titans yeah that happened I'm gonna split up the Titans obviously and put them in the other fleets you just keep on destroying the other empires oh that's a problem well it's good take a while for to get to the main section just this sections in danger not gonna focus on it I think is focusing on the world's Kim or focusing on the world's focusing on the end goal if I keep on attacking the fleet slender being it'll just all die going from one system to another trying to ambush them okay a few of them a returning home thankfully of course this fleets gonna help every few months it takes them to get there now stuff get stronger the heart of the contingency with the destruction of all four machine world scientists have managed to juice the origin point of the ghost signal it is coming from CX nine eight eight one approves the Uncharted star system of course it must be neutralized do not approach haha oh is it this one here yes it is the master core oh boy so our whole points not that much shield mama no just good for us because we do bonus shield and bonus hold damage so yeah all that hole is great okay everyone get a move on it's time to say hello to the contingency itself this went so much better than I expected I'm probably gonna call the game if the continuously doesn't wipe out all of its force once we kill out the core because dealing of all this now will take hours and they can't possibly win since they can't reinforce or anything else and athletes now strong enough to easily take them like three or four fleets versus one we have loads more than that look at beautiful sides just lost one of our fleets to this thing just a random five mill fleet don't know where it came from I think it may have spawned from the Nexus 0-1 I had one fleet just sitting here and just got obliterated by it so I'm waiting for it to move out and then we're gonna make our move please that attack missed what are you doing single single Corvette please that alter its movement now good good we probably could take it but rather nasty for if all possible I don't know why they're attacking that honestly it's apparently because this thing has almost no damage but still I've just realized yet those strike crafts gonna be absolutely deadly aren't they do all the front crafts the problem is I've got the increased damage three thousand seven hundred and fifty percent damage on strike craft it doesn't increase their health but we need point defense well we're about to lose a lot ships you know I thought that just before I saw it happen well is lost everything okay all new ships will be equipped with flat cannons I'll be back once I've rebuilt everything on the upside whilst on rebuilding I think of really cheap one pull aside is that our flak artillery counts as a kinetic weapon which means it has been improved with all the other tech as well so we should be able to just utterly move down those strike craft they're essentially one-shotting airships a battleship being one shot by a strike craft is kind of terrifying really thankfully as well since I've been using the hit and run doctrine I a lot of a ship survived they didn't actually had destroyed they simply warped out so now that they're all back they can just be upgraded rather than us build entirely new ships we almost have in fact we have over three million fleet power already so a year or two and then we can attack it again if it's little guardians on there well whilst we have the enemy fleets just kind of chillin over at the base what we're doing is our new fleets over here are going to be purely kinetic just up the old ones and we're simply just going to mix in that some of the point defense with the other fleets so the fleet's over here are almost completely point defense on your few kinetic if these gonna be almost purely kinetic so loads loads of shells also someone opened the l gate I don't know who it was but they've released the great tempest which really or does not a threat competive what else in the galaxy right now the guardians are simply going away from the main core which is great we do actually have a fleet power to deal with them that it's not here currently naturally it's also now start of the year so here's the like spikes so about four million of our fleets all of them have a point defense so we should be able to deal with the enemy strike craft this time that's a Yuki but note some of you coming back that's annoying we could jump you in the way I would slow them down enough that we could deal with the anime included we'll see how it's going then maybe we will do that maybe you won't we'll see how we feel come on thank you two mil and a 4 mil well that's certainly a thing no Akash jump in that case good luck guys yet their stroke craft is being obliterated fantastic stripped all the armor from the smaller cause already the enemy gonna take a little while to get there can any of you jump yet I doubt it but any of you-all yes okay jump now jump right in the head and jump right in the light just so silly okay to a small cause I've got the master core is very low held down it goes degustation now these can jump out afterwards there's a thing although we'll have to return to Aki bombard the planet we can't jump out I didn't even need to do that okay all of you just get there but now these fellows don't have somewhere to defend themselves and you jump out well done very well done indeed the guardians are once again going somewhere else so I'm moving in my fleets I've also got a new fleets ready and heading there as well to defend let's destroy the AI world change the plan just leaving one fleet there to do the damage since that's all it takes and if the enemy returned which it seems like they are going to we can just jump these out then jump in a new group once they once again leave as soon as that other large fleet arrives though we can start just attacking their fleets and although the world will recover it does take a while for it to recover so the enemy kind of glitched out in the corner so after waiting for it for a while I decided yeah we may as well just go in an attacking and I already have that online so that was a waste could have had bonus shields but really the extra damage is the important stuff there oh yeah the strike craft is going to be useless since they avoid defense though it's forstman's combat bit earlier which I like okay the shields have been completely removed from one fleet and goodbye again that went a lot better than I expected wolf although you lost quite luck okay let's finally obliterate this main world the end of the contingency we're just gonna sit here and bombarded things we have made one more fleet as well another 1.3 mil fleet so we could quite easily now destroy from which any size of fleet of the enemy as we showcased earlier since that was a about 7 mil over here since the combined forces either way the contingency has failed the Galactic sorry the galaxy no longer faces the threat of systematic mass distinction all surviving continuously war forms have either powered down or self-destructive and the ghost signal is no longer being transmitted a great day for the galaxy well we lost our worlds over here sadly but that is pretty much that then we have defeated the contingency has a synth based Empire that was honestly a nightmare that was yeah this video now has taken about a week to record because I'm still not completely healthy at the moment so my sleep schedules all over the place I can't really record for maybe seven hours day at most at the moment and yeah it took a full week that was insane wowed the continuously is a nightmare huh max difficulty we got lucky we did if it spawned a territory I here's the thing if it spawned right here we lost the homeworld we still of the Ring worlds over here I don't know if I would say we definitely would lose but it would have been so much more difficult we'd have to retreat so much more but I'm glad we had the hope the three areas I mean this area we partially lost as you can see though most of it's okay we completely lost this which is a shame because I was a powerhouse though did keep them at Bank for a long time we lost a fair bit of this here we kept all of this which is good from one of the Fallen empires the Dominion has been split into Islands and I've learned that yeah you need to hard counter the contingency and I just wasn't and that made us take way too long but it's actually quite a few mistakes I think I made but there we are also near the end I did allow the micromanagement to slip a bit because it was just taking so long it had to power on through although this wouldn't be out by next week so with that though thank you so much for watching I really do hope you've enjoyed I've really enjoyed him this is probably a three hour plus video looking at the footage I'll take hours to edit down there so if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and they helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future and now if you excuse me I'm gonna take a nap I'm gonna have maybe a bit of caffeine when I wake up and then I'm gonna start editing this thing down really do hope you've enjoyed it I have really loved recording this video even if my stammer is coming back at the moment hence the doo doo there but maybe that's just cuz of lack of sleep thank you so much for watching goodbye take care of yourselves and be careful about the contingency Oh since I didn't mention before we go though yep I got the matter decompressor to level two
Channel: Lathland
Views: 1,050,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Igp3K3WkkrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 29sec (11009 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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