Maximum Breeding! 1000+ Geckos, Machine Empire full playthrough! | MAX AI & 5xCrisis Strength!

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have you ever wondered where all of those fanatic purifying geckos come from almost every single stellaris game well today we have the answer the Gecko breeder Co today we're going to be doing a full playthrough of stellaris and we are going to be focusing completely on breeding as many geckos into this galaxy as possible in fact our main goal is to get at least 2,000 an hour bio trophy the adorable little fanatically purifying geckos into existence well at least 2,000 populations of course each of those represent many many more we are starting the infestation of all other galaxies by using this galaxy as a breeding ground we are going to be a somewhat aggressive rogue servitor species and we are going to be focusing a lot on getting as much unity as possible and to get unity as the rogue servitor all you need is to have as many bio trophies as possible so with that honestly lets us get straight into it well I say get straight into it let's talk about the Empire a little bit first so we have the caretakers the main machine Empire these have learning algorithms and enhanced memory this way their leader level cap is increased by two and they get plus 25% leader experience game this is always really good with the machine empires because the machine leaders are immortal although they can break down this is reduced by some of the tradition trees which is pretty darn nice they are high maintenance and they are luxurious these are expensive caretakers only the best flower gecko children and then they have emotion emulators because extra amenities it's always good and I always find it a little bit difficult to get amenities with the machine empires I don't know why I always struggle with this because technically speaking it's not that difficult but I always end up messing it up so we're going with this it also makes sense because we're being lovely and kind by little gecko children need stuff cool gecko children it's getting really really weird really really fast just to show how prone to change I am I've changed the robots completely now they are using mass produced and power drills because I feel like I'm going to want a really aggressive start and all those minerals are going to mean we can get all of the mining stations all of the research stations and even more alloys a lot faster since those minerals will speak absolutely pouring in now that we have the bonus 15% well pouring in but we'll have a few more for the bio trophies we have rapid breeders since you want them absolutely everywhere traditional since I believe it counts as a job in terms of getting unity from them so here's even more unity and since this is the only way we can get unity that's pretty darn important and then we have conservationists because the geckos will be incredibly expensive as all bio trophies are and that should make it at least a little bit more bearable again I hope these two actually work with a bio trophy since their rules are a little bit weird anyway ah then rogue servitor we're also going with cohesion which will give us even more unity essentially we should get all of the traditions incredibly quickly if we play the way I'm going to try and play and we're going with just the regular robots for appearance because I never use these normally so let's go with that and that is pretty much that the ruler is gecko supervisor purity since we are breeding fanatic purifiers I think that certainly works so with that let's move on okay a medium galaxy maximum crisis strength we're having the end game start 75 years earlier than usual our difficulty is maxed out aggressiveness everywhere yet that's pretty much of that let's begin and here we begin on the left side of the galaxy so ultimately what we're after to begin with is as many alloys and as many minerals as possible I want every single system nearby as fast as I can possibly grab them we're going to need so much space so many planets so much everything by the endgame we have to be very aggressive with how much space we get and honestly we should also be going for the choke points quite quickly but I want to be quite efficient with the systems I get in terms of number of systems so I really should go for the choke points but I'm going to be very greedy and very hopeful that we don't end up in a bad position and honestly with the alloy production I'm aiming for we are going to be really aggressive to any other empires we find as well so don't really care about choke points since you want to destroy everything so here we are then we have our lovely little geckos and it turns out that yes indeed traditional does increase their unity so we are getting loads of unity from them and the basic rule I'm going to go with to begin with even though it will stunt our growth is any world which is tropical Oshin or continental as long as they have no negatives to habitability we're going to be growing geckos on them every other world will be just for the machines to get all the basic resources since they are still affected by habitability now habits with these so much more important causing them to grow slower and give less resources everything else yeah let's just stick to worlds where they're somewhat happy later on we'll give them all the worlds if we can get their habitability up enough discovery of alien life wonderful prepare the gift baskets that's interesting we can't buy food I'm fairly certain we normally can is this because we don't have any food production so we haven't actually produced any of our own food yet okay yet now we can buy food well that's something I didn't know good news bad news time good news we have a precursor I've never seen before bad news this is a full playthrough episode in which I condense sometimes over 20 hours of gameplay into a less than to our video so most likely I won't be covering this extensively so I do apologize for that though we will try and round up what's happening here and there some up I'll try and say the basics gossipers minor artifact so it turns out they are really good for this Empire type this one over here will increase our menial drone output and our stability per coordinator we have and this one will increase our bio trophies output by 10% sadly this doesn't increase their bonus they give to a complex drones but it will mean extra unity so very happy with ask receipt the rubric ITER which means we are going to get ourselves a very very lovely relic world quite soon question is where is this okay so by quite soon I mean in a while but still relic world that's kind of awesome I'll be our main science world I very rarely use this but we're going to be using interstellar Dominion decreasing the influence cost of our star bases and our climbs and since we're going to be using climb so much that is pretty darn nice so even faster expanding we finished the first dig site finding out it was the ruins of a very military heavy Empire which apparently encountered a plot like Empire and then proceeded to try to attack them the very first plant like apparently is within our home system over here well this is whirring there are aliens here here and here and they are all empires since they are all science vessels that's concerning first empire we've found and i think they're going to hate us if I'm correct egalitarians do not like rogue services oh I am wrong I could have sworn that was a problem but probably not yeah they're gonna be fine with us sure for now we'll just be the bestest friends of you Wow look how little territory you've crabs so far compared with us I'm okay with that hopefully the Second Empire is just as friendly second Empire is a hive mind that will be pretty neutral yep as soon as new contact goes away we are completely neutral with them that's good as well then hopefully we can still continue to expand here and here this makes our third world now growing geckos the next galaxy won't know what hit it we found a probe in our space which then spawned in an enemy right where I was about to colonize okay we're building our fleas a little bit earlier than expected because I want that world and I want that big sight so I just did a little test sadly losing a Corvettes in the process just to see how aggressive this thing is and its really really non aggressive so I'm just sending my colony ship through just ignoring it completely so right now we're actually being quite peaceful I managed to bribe our neighbor so now we're actually friends with the hive mind even though do some border friction and over time we should be pretty darn friendly so yeah that's pretty much it so the only thing is as soon as we've run out of space to expand then we are going to shift and be very very aggressive we are all about expansion if there's something stopping our expansion even if it's a previous friend we are removing the previous friend we've prosperity now finished we are either going to grab transcendent learning or technological ascendancy ascendancy is really good this early on getting those rare Tech's is fantastic but also my he shot all of our leaders a max level as soon as possible is great plus the plus two to their leader level cap is awesome as well sure we are going to have awesome robots regardless you are welcome for your rubbish back and of course thank you for the hundred influence so it turns out with the plant species their young are not instantly fully connected to the hive mind but slowly connected them over time so it's a more slow and methodical growth for the younglings who then eventually become part of a hive mind sadly this was also destroyed by the militant group and they were absolutely unimpressed by the defenses of the plants on the upside we found the next colony which is over here making that number three I'm assuming it's going to be six like all the others but we'll find out soon enough I definitely prefer this just randomly finding all the different colonies throughout the galaxy seems more methodical more interesting actually so I was building a Starbase here but nope gonna cancel that for now because I completely forgot about the relic world so we're going to do is rush over here now no I could do is save up and then just go straight there that requires 119 more influence or we could just keep on jumping that would basically be the same cast it'll just take longer but since you have to wait for the influence anyway yeah actually I need to do the math at some point if it is worth it to grab all systems on the Y in terms of pure influence nothing else in terms of being there faster in terms of all the time you have to take doing all this then yeah of course jumping there is best but I don't know if it's cheaper or more expensive influence wise okay so it was kind of weird but with this world what happened is we'd found some of the plant species and they've essentially lost the ability to be a true hive mind that can no longer communicate over great distances so that is kind of weird and once again the militants are to blame or at least a certainly active here we are now getting a distress signal from the militants that's curious now where is that going to be exactly ah ha that didn't really help but try again nope you're not really showing me where it is are you seriously I just saved up enough influence to get there okay it's here so it's in a brand new system well good to know that we're going to be fighting for that relic world fairly soon unless they spawn the dragon from the site oh god that's going out terribly yeah should have rushed there a bit faster as kind of going everywhere and that's completely my fault and a very big miss Blaine we ended up going to the distress signal it turns out it was a long abandoned research station which was owned by the military empire and within the research station we have found the last surviving member of the hive mind which is really weird seeing one of the precursors actually alive so if you want to read any of these feel free to pause I'm not going to be reading them in the video because way too long and finally would you like to join us pull the plug no we're obviously going to allow them to join us if they wish to Oh No so either why the last surviving member does indeed pass away farewell and I gives us a relic great we've got the body preserved in stasis the body of the last known specimen serves as a silent memorial to the fate of the species who afflicted with the tragedy of genocide ultimately retreated from sentience ok so the passive effect is population growth increased by 10% that's amazing and monthly society research also 10% also absolutely amazing a Locksley decision life seeding granting the ability to turn one non-specialists world into a Gayo world ok no wonder that costs though so we activate it and then we get the decision maybe just give us one of those decisions if that's only 150 influence that's going to be really cheap so I can't imagine that also we can do this for 50 minor artifacts sure we'll do at least once I have no idea that is did good that was 50 points for nothing instruction I should have learned to read apparently we now need to do this afterwards well in a few months we'll see exactly what's going on so from the secrets we have gained some experience one of our leaders we now have a special research we can do and terraforming cost is now decreased lovely all those things are absolutely fantastic oh is that the research so now I can uplift other species well still nice of us to just have it now and sadly it's not repeatable I've just activated the relic itself so that should give us a decision which means that's on a planet no is actually free turns the planet into a Gaia world ok that's ridiculous I guess really we should make the most populated well the gaya world first since kya walls do also give you increased resources then each time I have there available just slowly convert all of our worlds in square waltz 150 influence age that's still pretty cheap or I could convert one of the other large worlds into a guy well that won't stop growing geckos there as well but for now I think first of all the capital should be gaya and it's also instant didn't expect that of course they're welcome that's pretty cool and you are apparently delicious well your bio trophies now since we are mostly making geckos in fact we're only making geckos yeah population controls I'm afraid only geckos may grow there but still that is really cool this is a really powerful relic but seriously that is one of these special genes you can only get by going into the genetic modification ascension route and we have that now so if I was a regular Empire they can actually make use of that well yeah apparently these make the best salad in many ways machine empires are overpowered because of how they're balanced they are incredibly powerful but here's the thing this is a little bit broken for robots hundred crystals one thousand minerals twenty minor artifacts but your leader becomes mined by the explosion terrible truly terrible minus 40 year life span immortal robot doesn't really do anything to us but okay it's lost a leg it will replace it when it's finished doing the job okay so only certain types of egalitarian hate us we are apparently oppressors yeah we kind of are but we're probably the nicest oppressors will ever say domination is now finished and we are going to grab synthetic age making sure our caretakers are the best caretakers they can possibly be which honestly just means I would like them to be cheaper for now ooh but saying that extra research is great extra energy or like all of these things but that would be lovely we could upgrade them later when we have more of them we just need this design to be here so we can start making them like this and I'll go ahead and convert everyone else anyway once more we turn one of our worlds into perfection now once again we get a few free bio trophies sure arcane deciphering breakdown minor artifacts random technology bonuses cool why no I think I've already had this in the light supply but for some reason I saw that and thought it was something completely new I mean look how shiny it is slowly all of our worlds will become infested with these lovely lovely bio trophies actually what I can do is move you off this planet onto a planet which is actually accepting bio trophies though now you're a Gaea world we could start breeding geckos here as well maybe lighter right now I do just need some more basic worlds speaking of which lovely and that's a lot of bio trophies okay so I've caved all Gaia world's will now have the organic sanctuaries and verse we'll also have the geckos now honestly this doesn't even really become a major issue in terms of the planet's output until we're suddenly having to choose between either the organic sanctuary or a regular building for instance on the main planet yet three of our slots are already taken up by organic sanctuaries and soon I'm going to have to swap another one for yet another organic sanctuary it eventually does become a problem so here we are finally running out of space to expand and actually expanded a little bit slower than I expected because of spending influence pretty much everywhere else but now we are finally completely almost out of space so what we're going to do is either go to war with the trading consortium here or our long-standing allies going to war with the trade consortium is good because they have no allies of their own so we're only fighting them and it also means we have access to all of this space behind them which is really really lovely fighting our long-standing allies on the other hand is good because we want the relic world even though now it's being used up there's gonna be a dragon there defending it but still we want this section I don't know which to go for I think realistically this is the best option because allow us access to this entire section of the map at least this section appears to be completely devoid of other empires we only need to be aggressive when we need to expand our economy is absolutely devouring itself it turns out having so many planets of geckos on although we are almost there thousand unity already isn't really worth it because of all the upkeep required so our energies just gone absolutely mad in terms of its downward spiral minerals are going down our food's going down consumer goods are okay and our alloys are actually doing fairly decently so yeah currently alloys are the only thing keeping us afloat so my fleet is growing really really slowly so I'm sending out my fleets because I want to do something with them and I'm going to take over this section here that way we can grab these two lovely lovely worlds we just need more energy more generator districts everywhere and thankfully neither of those are tropical so even with my current rule set which I've imposed on myself we don't need to put geckos there unlike one two three four at least four five six seven at least seven world's currently have geckos on probably more honestly yeah and I didn't even count this one since I didn't realize it was continental yeah just to highlight the problem although it seems like having all these geckos and these weird elf things I've got over here where are you look at their weird non scaled bodies the problem with these it looks like there's no true problem having so many other planets but it's the upkeep of consumer goods which is really hurting us because right now we are producing almost 250 consumer goods a month just to keep stock of all of our geckos and a new elf like creatures and that's really really horrible it's driving all of our minerals and because of that we need loads of people working on minerals and that means less and less of our robots are working on energy or anything else and that's what's really sapping our economy and then of course the food itself once again the machines have to work on food rather than working on energy or something more useful it's all the secondary problems they caused based on scores I'm currently so so average doing a little bit better in tech than most of their empires but then there's the hive mind which is just we're not going to talk about the hive mind so I'm tempted to grab mastery of nature I'm also tempted to grab galactic force projection because I just think it's fun I never use it and actually tempted by pretty much everything here but I think it's now time to save up and trying to avoid born as soon as possible because I want to see just how effective a habitat will be for housing the geckos rather than housing them on the planets all the time and taking up really really needed resources so let's wait for that now thankfully as well attack is now increasing we're finally almost at 1k so we should be seeing the void born tech soon okay upgrades are finally finishing off which is lovely to see let's grab supremacy next I think although versatility is pretty nice on a slight less housing which is fantastic at the moment up heap is reduced but yeah we need the firepower now finally ships are almost ready as soon as they are we go to war finally technological although I really should do this yeah even if I am using the influence Everly I should be using this problem on cooldown which is that effective all of the Gaia world's destruction complete Oh who's doing that the trading oh ok so the ones I'm currently about to attack oh no they might attack us you know the whole reason why we're here ok honestly this should be a pretty easy war we have better ships than them we have more of them only by a little bit mind you but also we're going to attack as a group the aye-aye tends to send fleets one at a time as long as they do that once with pretty much guaranteed the victory then this whole section here is ours so declare war I wish to conquer you go forth my fleet and make sure to stick together no matter what thankfully they are the same speed oh that's nice so one of our worlds just became guy out of nowhere in fact it wasn't even a well before oh hello that is pretty lovely Samson is size 10 but still that is a really good moon obviously one that soon as possible so thank you to the atomic clock event don't climb on that no I really should yeah that's really annoying they've just grabbed that and we really want that that's one of the reasons why we're attacking so before the war is ended we're going to need to spend an additional 70 to influence and then the 55 we already have that's annoying also cue to go back first to grab that first destroy the construction vessel then continue forwards a little while lighter and as expected the enemy have been splitting up their forces quite a lot and now I can afford that beautiful so you go back there attack that fleet you just dealt with another fleet over there you've lost a little bit but not too much fantastic and there's some bonus fire right go crazy stop running away from me and suddenly we have faster ships now please catch up with them Thank You lovely our lasers are better than your lasers now go and take back everything we can almost status quo ready this was probably one the easiest water than a wage once we have this system we're pretty much done we could build some ground forces but I think I'll do that next time when I grab loads of climbs because remember claims are more expensive if you are in an aggressive war then we are an offensive war so plus 100% that's why grabbing this was so painful well didn't really see that fleet but probably that was one of its members by hostile fleet the geckos need more space okay that should be us done lovely [Music] well they surrendered so there we go victory we've now climbed all this lovely territory although they apparently also claim this system because they're just being really annoying at this point I mean to be fair it is claimed loads of their space so probably I'm being more annoying arguably but you know still irritating construction complete okay you go back here to the shipyard we'll probably go back to war with these fellows before we go to war no else once again I want to break through so at least I've access to this area look there's no Empire we can just expand freely again my economy was looking ok so now naturally I'm shifting even further into research from a boy who needs raw resources to make all the things I'm making me so that's go broke the upside we'll have more shiny lasers we are now at war with our neighbors towards the East because annoyingly they declared war on us now thankfully I was already building a secondary fleet down here which is now making its way over here but yeah they are really nasty in comparison to that last group I'm hoping I can still fight back I've made some claims on their territory so if we win we get some space if we lose we lose some space glorious victory for the machines and our secondary fleet is now here and it should be strong enough to take out that fleet there so yeah we are in a great position now supremacy is finished so now we have two points to spend yeah we might spend one then so what do I actually want I'm tempted by mastery of nature to increase the size of our planet there is a thing as soon as I get the void bore and ability so as soon as I get the habitats I'll get a void bore and as soon as I avoid born I want master builders so I'm leaving those two until I get them oh hello fight if they stuck together they could have been terrifying and completely they didn't so they're not lasers not one of the best weapons but definitely one my favorite just purely on the looks just lost quite a few of our ships they affect loads of them yep they had a 10,000 strong fleet before that we've also fought a seven guy and an ant came in other words if they all stuck together they would have just crushed me completely they definitely had more ships they had a stronger Navy but because they attacked separately well I didn't particularly go all that well one more relic activation one more guy our world we've kind of exploded over the last few years suddenly we are making fleets a lot faster that's heck is really ramping up and I think it's because purely all of our worlds are now online us at long last we were certainly not the most aggressive Empire but we are getting there now so I still don't really know what I want to do i do kind want to keep on attacking these they are the only real threat but I still want to expand out to here but yeah removing this threat is a pretty big deal there it is habitat fantastic you know we probably even need to expand as much as I have been considering we are going to be using habitats so much but you know bloodthirsty want to destroy a thing around us for the geckos I just realized I have no idea how good habitats are for the machine empires I doubt we can have the leisure districts and we definitely can't have the Train value districts so what do we get by defaults I'm currently building my first one over a non resource world it's definitely better to build them over resource worlds I just want to see what the default is also I completely forgot what we need is mega engineering before we can grab Master Builders so sadly we aren't getting that bonus build speed a time soon in fact saying that I'm tempted to grab Colossus projects rather than machine worlds as our final ascension perk actually I may grab a colossus project machine world Master Builders rather than galactic wonders being built in there I love galactic wonders but remember we are bringing the endgame Crysis 75 years early and I just don't think I'll have enough time to really build the galactic wonders although saying that even a single one of these will just make my empire so much better but yeah the Colossus is amazing the master builders and machine worlds are all really good as well so I was incorrect we still have the leisure districts but then we have reactor districts rather than try districts and then just the regular housing okay did not expect that maybe though that's because we have the organics maybe that's just because we are the rogue services I'd obviously don't know this the first time playing a machine empire since the habitat changes but Phil that's pretty cool and really good for energy wow these things are just batteries well reactors generators they also store energy I'm sure I'm not wrong oh wow okay so the leisure district is definitely for us specifically the rogue servitors because it gives us bio trophy jobs that is really really good now the question is though does it also decrease yep it also provides them their regular housing as well that is amazing also provides housing for the lovely robots who will eventually care for them so yet build on those please then we'll have a few generator districts extra because we are going to have more housing than jobs otherwise for the robots so yep overall that is really really good for this Empire especially with our own side goal ganked mm geckos at the moment I think run like yep 250 so still a long way to go but this will really help we now have will to power on which means we're getting a loads more influence which means loads of more habitats I've decided we are definitely getting the Colossus project so this way we can wage war without spending influence which means we can focus on building more habitats and sorting our population after that I'm almost certain now we're going to get machine world so some of the worlds we have left which are not being used for the geckos we could get maximum resources from this is essentially going with machine worlds rather than galactic wonders I'm currently doing galactic wonders in my current let's play as well so this is something a bit more different a bit more fun also it's a lot easier our main shipyard is now building the titan assembly yards and we also have the Colossus project now being researched once that's complete we can also build the Colossus assembly arts and then an neighbors are gonna be very very sad I mean really neither of them are great for us but Neutron sweep then the planets are fresh for the geckos there are no other types of bio trophy probably a bit of a jump since the last clip but now we are building our machine worlds and we are also building our Colossus soon we are going to be fully online and we are going to go to war with our neighbors taking over all of this lovely lovely space then all of this space then this but you get the idea we're going to try and take as much as we can instruction going into unity so early really crippled our economy but at least it gave us the ascension perks really early so ultimately I have to remind myself at least the Colossus is a big plus instruction well apparently it's poor empires already very much at war so that's actually annoying for us because grabbing all the space now is gonna be really difficult but I could attack the hive mind yeah they have defensive pacts but not anything scary to us where these fellows the tribes yeah that's with the hive mind I guess I could go back up here and actually take the area which I originally was going to take that is actually a much better idea everyone move also we really need to get gateways as soon as I can I'm getting some gateway tech also can you please finally explore this wormhole it's been here the entire time just haven't bothered to actually click it because that's the kind of person I am bask in the glory of the first machine world of the Empire not only increasing our output by our robots by 10 percent and decreasing their housing usage by 10 percent it also changes how the districts work since it no longer has any planetary features the district's simply go off the size of the planet and not any set amount which means you can have unlimited mining districts within the size of the planet so with this planet for instance we can have 20 mining districts essentially this allows us to really heavily go for one resource type and as we are converting a lot of our planets into this it means suddenly our mineral and energy problems are simply fading away honestly at the moment we're doing okay for them anyway but since I still need way more tech and way more alloys yeah we want loads more mining worlds and this is how they're gonna look kind of scary really well it's time to declare war total war and straight away we're fighting one of their fleets lovely they were already attacking our friends so this made it a lot easier for us okay so what do we really want to do honestly just take out all of the stations and wait until the Colossus gets there which is gonna be a while the Colossus can't yet jump and it moves incredibly slowly but at least we don't need ground forces although we do have some so we could use ground forces until arrives but yeah we'll be fine logical acquisition success what are our two fleets could let me take out the entire empire we have two of them this empires ours did I mention that I'm building a science Nexus because I'm building a science Nexus which naturally I don't have enough alloys for because well the whole war effort all that I do love times I wish they didn't get focused down as much because I would love to use them load more okay I've got love questions here so we found the first fallen Empire and it's the blog for those who don't know the blog are actually one of the regular empires you can play it's one of the non-custom empires one of the standard default ones and one of the ones which is mentioned a lot in other context in fact if you go to the spiritualist know the Xena file a voice actress she will occasionally say the blog are friendly creatures I was unaware you can find them in this form as a Fulham Empire truly the ascendancy of the blog I was thinking to myself the first time I find the Fallen Empire great I can finally have their shields and everything else but I am not attacking something so pure and this is the blog they come from the planet blog and here is their backstory in the bottom right and scrolling down if you'd like to read so the blogger bizarre and at one point made me think I was going mad as it turns out I'm not sure if the only happens if it's the blog Empire itself but at least with this port race I once clicked on one of them made a trade deal and rather than hearing the normal noise that the fungus species actually make instead I heard the word friend and it turns out as confirmed by stellaris themselves that that can occasionally happen incredibly rarely and they're lovely and apparently can be a full an empire just kind of terrifying or maybe I just made up the whole thing about them saying friend in order for people to try over and over and over again to see for happen but you'll never know and maybe I'll be driving people insane or maybe it's a glorious Easter Egg well okay so it turns out the Machine world also have a specialized world types so right now I guess for us this would be best for this now yeah mining districts and generator districts are built quicker and our menial drones output more since we have getting loads of minerals that's pretty damn good and that's pretty much how it all goes yeah okay so we all have the bonus build speed and then different bonuses so definitely good then for either alloy production or consumer goods not so much for tech though and then Tech's just the standard tech yeah well for Allen just basic machine will give me more minerals please as our friends bombard the planet in order to simply conquer it normally we're doing something a little bit more interesting ninety percent now and engaged almost there and so the world was made pure again no life whatsoever for them certainly a lot easier than taking over the planets and no random bio trophies which sadly we can't get rid of since we are the rogue services there's no way to simply remove them I am tempted to make a planet and then throw the planet for that seems weird we are getting unity which is good because we are still using up all these ambitions but we are very quickly getting lots of unity as we increase how many geckos we have so we really really don't need these populations just simply taking all life from the world is a lot easier for us oh I forgot some empires have a problem when I do that not the hive mind that hive minds pretty chill with that I guess there's a high of mine they don't appreciate individual life all that much everyone's gonna haze us well more excuses to take this lovely patch of land here Oh lovely a relic world let's clean it at the xenos and then we can repopulate it with geckos observe neighbors how you truly cleanse an empire and then you completely vanish interesting only a little while longer and the enemy hold three small sections of spice left once that's gone or they are completely deleted from the map and then we'll just do some regular expanding until we once again could not expand then we go to war with a pretty scary Federation or these fellows like the hive mind and the tribes who both like each other either way after this most enemy groups are friendly oh right no there is just the nation are you still friendly yes or no that's the question with anyone you done okay so this whole groups one group this whole groups the other group and they all hate me now laughter expelled engage a weird yet correct thing to do even if I normally forget to do them and it's done we have destroyed the entire Empire and now it is ours lovely okay everyone get back I'm now building a gateway here one in the middle and one over here which means I'm no longer building any habitats which is really annoying but we definitely need more fleet power so now we just need to focus on expanding into all these areas here just for fun and making sure all that planets are up and working it yeah we weren't really as expansionist Accor as aggressive as I thought we were going to be because I didn't realize just how much focusing on the geckos would slow us down it really slowed down everything and honestly it's a lot earlier in the game but I usually have to worry about this stuff normally I'd be thinking about attacking one of the Fallen empires in fact I'm still tempted to just because if you attack a fallen Empire so let's say these fellows ah oh yeah Oh total war never mind what I'd need to do is climb or something else not total war that way when they put in what they want from the war it's almost always just humiliate so all you do is get into one fight with one of their fleets you lose at the moment and then they'll drop some of their tech you can then research tech you get the better shields but right now though I don't want to lose my fleets I don't think I have enough time or resource to really rebuild them so yeah do you want some missiles though and finally researching the jump drive so now we have 25 years to increase the number of geckos to hopefully get the winged condition soon after the endgame crisis along with finally getting our fleets up and running completely on the upside our fleets are actually looking pretty good right now now that we're upgrading them their fleet powers okay they're not extremely good fleets but if we can get another 3 or 4 full fleets in the next 25 years we should just about be able to fight often again crisis when it spawns and of course if it spawns quite far away I'm a bit more time as well ok what on earth is this Oh No who opened the L gate do not open the L gate this is basically the warning ok does that mean we have yep they're gray tempers there did not realize that I had an L gate right there on my own territory and there's one over here as well as an owl for the love of okay one fleet please go over here right now are the fleet do the opposite and by the opposite I mean go up here not really the opposite is it but still you get the point defend the L gates okay I won't be mad just own up which one of you just did this so glad I have jump drives okay we almost lost oh no did we lose our station thankfully we have the planet okay that's good because that's one of our major stations have just went out okay you go there and then you're going to go oh wait no first wanting to sign just over here don't I am scientists closed one my wife's making a new one anyway on the other side though yet we are losing stations quite quickly you jump there stop it from happening oh this is unfortunate this empire here has just has its military app to be devastated by the fallen Empire and now it has the great tempest attacking it well since we don't need a scientist at least go into the first system whoa did not expect with me three fleets here just fight me one at a time and it'll be fine Construction complete that is such a lots of strike craft thankfully our strike craft will attack the air strike craft since we're currently only using the Scouts and not all what many of them Construction complete two out of three now the last Oh nope there's another one as well okay other fleet good good good you get here as well please ood to back off nope it's too late we're probably going to lose one of our fleets here but that should be the main attack out of the way at least construction complete wanna help there we go thank you so much incomplete okay no that wasn't too bad still lost quite a bit but nowhere near as much as we could have scientist can you please go through construction vessel when you can you go through as well let's make sure we claim at least this system that way we have control of the l gates well I just found out something a very happy arouse I thought I destroyed all the void clouds earlier on or at least someone else had destroyed them and I had not got the research from it as he and I had not managed to get science vessel over there in time in order to get the debris which will give us the cloud lightning weapon but look it's a tiny little group of void clouds here so at some point after I'm done here I need to jump back over jump into the sector destroy the void clouds and make sure there's a scientist nearby construction the blog have awoken of course they have oh that is terrifying hey blog no thank you should have destroyed you and I had the chance and now we face off against the main factory of the nanites if you'll just focus on the factory all these turn off but nope damn I'll attack the factory there we go complete and now all these nanite worlds can be converted into irregular worlds which I'll be using for minerals and food-wise ancient rivals I was not under the impression that the Xena files and the materialists could do this oh no they are now both awoken on the upside they aren't right next to each other so hopefully what happen is I'll just ignore both of them one of them will destroy the other one then the one which is weakened I'll simply swoop in and destroy we are now researching cloud lightning which is fantastic since it's the counter weapon to things like the awakened Empire which use loads of shields and loads of armor but not all that much whole in comparison yeah really really happy you have the weapon now and on the upside the cloud lightning is also very good against some of the endgame crisis so very happy with that as well the war in heaven seems like instantly one of them of woe seems like a lot of people have - oh dear the blog of friendly creatures will not take sides in this conflict have fun you two so it looks like you yet now serve the Lord if that's a lot of you do how are the blog so strong we're still liking bleats constantly we've got over a thousand alloys being produced every month and yet the blog just well that it's kind of there on the upside they will be going to war family sewer nope they already are fantastic destroy each other we will not lead this league all empires are on their own we're here for the geckos and nothing else will do nothing to endanger them just ask this weird world over here well would you look at this so the League of non-aligned powers are now attacking both of the awakened empires as they attack each other there are going to be lots of destroyed ships around soon and I really really want that lovely tech so what we need to do is find somewhere where they're fighting here's the question then do we attack them ourselves if we attack only one of the two we will swai the war in favor of one side and that tech would be glorious but there's less than 10 years until the endgame crisis can occur and we will lose a lot of ships and they are no longer fallen empires if we go to war with them they will demand either we surrender to them completely or they take some of our space for once I don't think we're getting the full in tech we're just going to sit here we've got loads of places to expand and honestly my influence is being used on habitats more than anything I did not need all that expanse from space expansion space well it looks like the regulator team is definitely winning here although the non-aligned forces are also doing pretty well they are starting to claim areas over here they're attacking the blog directly but they're not getting into the regulator's I really wish something like this happened during the time lapse I did because this is amazing to watch I witnessed sort of here building habitats I mean look at how many habitats we have already yeah and we're going to be building more in fact we are building more geckos we like geckos it turns out an endgame crisis being able to spawn a 75 years early is actually kind of scary although athletes are not exactly weak and we are continuously adding more and more to them right now we are in a position where I think I could probably kill one enemy fleet especially if I heavily focus on countering that fleet type but more than one fleet and we're going to get overwhelmed at the same time the galaxy is a war with itself which means if I show weakness if I lose to my ships they will most likely declare war on me we're not in the best position and I'm really wishing we had grabbed a defender of the galaxy giving us bonus damage to the endgame crisis but we didn't because I thought that instead of Dominion would be great with this Empire it isn't at some point I'm goes to a full playthrough or a pliant Empire which is specifically designed for aggressive expansion this weird silly challenge run was not designed for that I thought it was I was wrong I made the mistake laughs tricks is wrong I know what a huge surprise I'm a little bit nervous what can I say you know spreading out your ships so they can move is just overrated meet the deaf blob planetary settlement procedure I call her fluffy in the war in heaven apparently the blog are the most fierce warriors of all so yep this how it looks currently and I am so tempted to get some forces here and jump into their spikes if we can just take out one of these stations we will get the tech we need and it's certainly in range it's a bit light but what I'm going to do is jump in and take out a station or run away and they really are not in a position to fight back so the blog and the League of non-aligned powers are pushing them back constantly and we would lose practically nothing okay then let's send in two or three fleets grab some tech and run back then we can start upgrading rather than building more ships I'm already massively over my navy capacity I'm trying to fix this now but yeah I can't really build that many more ships without expanding greatly but I'm using all my influence to build more habitats so you can get the gecko goal so more tech to simply upgrade what we already have is definitely the best option here we don't need too many now once we jump there we will be weakened significantly so let's send in four of athletes that way they definitely won't be destroyed and I think the station itself will drop tech if not I'll just keep on jumping around until I shoot one of them in the face yeah we are one very basic station god and suddenly we have to breeze the breeze containing the most beautiful of things excuse me I would love those shields but as I think they'll have the shields wait yes you have everything I need fantastic my question is where do we stop because we could take this and this and this and this and this section and all of this all actually no we can't lessee Mike wow they are being completely beaten back bleating back they're being beaten back in fact oh no you've lost your mind capital o that is dead yeah they're doomed if they've lost their main capital which is oh I know they do the archives Oh is it just being yeah okay so maybe just the station is currently taken no yes perhaps either way important things are gone that's all that really matters and at some point some of the Marauders died yeah we interrupt this war for a very important announcement the reptile strike craft look awesome they're so simple looking and they're kind of cute well done swarm this must be rather weird to watch for the enemy well I say weird completely horrific we are currently researching their corpses because although we are researching the remains of the ships I'm sure there are corpses in there at the same time we are bathing a planet as the weapon calls it which means doing this a spring clean of the souls and so the world is now devoid of life well I say live severely degrading most materials and directly destroying biological tissue so I assume some life must remain otherwise we'll be barren but still I imagine even non sapient life is probably not exactly having a fun time right now we've only just now hit the point of having a half of the goal of 2,000 of these lovely adorable genocide absolutely insane geckos which in every single one of my let's plays but here's the thing although we've only just hit that point only 15 in fact maybe less than 15 years ago I had less than 700 of these geckos we are now almost hitting 1100 and so I'm actually worried that we've overdone it with how many habitats we have because the right of their breeding is now going to insane levels after doing some basic math and realizing that actually the leisure districts aren't very good in comparison to the regular buildings these stations can have in excess quite easily of a hundred geckos each and look how many we have and we're currently making two more and we have several worlds which I've just now added the geckos to just before doing the math we're going to really overshoot on the upside it means we're going to get there faster but then we're gonna have a problem we do not need anymore unity my god that is hampering us so much and so the geckos are very very useless now I say useless one good thing which I found out it's because the geckos are giving us the lovely bonus complex output it means we can very cheaply produce the rare resources having these habitats as refinery stations is actually really good because the geckos are increasing the right we get resources from minerals that's fantastic still not worth it to have so many but at least we're putting them to some good use but yeah the Gecko thing is gonna be a problem really soon is why I'm saying also still waiting for the endgame crisis also yeah this Federation is just dominating why didn't I lead them again beautiful we have the reactors the thrusters and the shields thank you Oh enemies of the blog what little of you there actually are left I have seen about five or six wars in heaven events occurring and this is the one time I have seen one side so clearly lose normally it's quite even one might lose a bit of ground but ultimately by the end even after the end game crisis normally one side hasn't completely lost these got crushed by the blog you I like you the cost of these upgrades is horrendous but yeah the difference in fleet power already of the fleet's which are getting some of these upgrades is definitely worth it in our doom blob the precursors have been defeated again the only time I've seen this before is when I myself intervened and destroyed one of the empires I've never seen it happen naturally before all we've done is taking these little spikes here because we wanted some tech construction come out well done blog but yet probably too weak to attack me so don't even try it but we will leave you alone because you're the blog and you are friendly creatures instruction so now we're just waiting around for the end game crisis honestly I don't see the point of really conquering anything else we're definitely going to get to that 2000 Gekko limit very soon in fact since the last time we've looked we're now at 1310 yeah that is increasing incredibly quickly by the end of the endgame crisis we will have all of the adorable little genocide of geckos and loads of you and a few of you the coming storm once again it's the scourge so what we really need to do then is avoid all shields yes a really great thing we've done here changing all of our craft to using the dark matter deflectors because now all we own to use is armor the reason is the sky are very good e'en shields either dealing double damage or completely ignoring it but they don't get those bonuses versus armor well some bonus damage versus armor but you get the points it's better than shields so everything will now be using armor I still don't know even though it's like the third time I've said this if it's better to completely ignore armor and go straight for the hole or is it better to go for bonus armor damage and bonus hall damage something like not the autocannon where are you something like the neutron launcher because this is dealing four times damage essentially and it's doing bonus damage to of armor and Hull this does no bonus damage to the whole but completely ignores the armor honestly speaking it's probably better to go for pure ante armor though normally I go with this anyway because this the safer option you know what for once I don't really care if it is more effective or not I just think this would be more fun to watch so I'm going to swap out everything to anti-armor and anti hull which I have none of the maximum sized weapon for really did I not research that at all didn't research of these Wow okay good job we have a little bit of time here to research the tech which shouldn't take too long thankfully so here we are then with the rank 3 plasma weapon doing an okay amount of damage lower than the laser cannon an autocannon but here's the thing it does double damage versus armor and plus 50% damage versus Hull and then you need to compare it with the phase disruptor the disruptor completely ignores armor armor is just completely ignored here and so it's based damage although is only half of that of the plasma cannon and then no bonuses is instantly applied to what actually kills the enemy so it all depends on how much armor the enemy actually has if it has loads of armor then suddenly the disruptor becomes the more worthwhile weapon whereas if it's got a medium amount of armor a medium amount of Hull because of the sheer amount of damage the plasma cannon becomes more worthwhile and I don't know if that's the case here either way though that's what we're going with because it's gonna be fun and we have loads of Scout craft as well which do bonus damage versus armor so we might as well stick with that if that's what we could do just a bit of fun is change the battleship to start using strike craft by research of those but I don't think I've got the time right now since I to retrofit all of these so for now which going with the Neutron launchers which are essentially the same thing as the plasma and do loads of bonus damage versus the armor and whole although more damage to the Holden Armour this time we've less of a negative with the shields and then the tachyon Lance once again armor and hull okay everything is also using Armour because we don't want them attacking shields oh well I'm good oh well and good okay let's retrofit our legions which is gonna cost a fortune actually stopped building ships as well so thankfully we did have enough alloys for most of it Wow no we didn't even have enough little of 50 K alloys I was a Singh they're saving up and nope okay then the breach point is here so if I need to go toward the high of mine to gain access how difficult will it be actually can I just bribe them look I don't want to be bestest friends ever with you but can we at least get to the point where we're friendly normally at this point the rare resources yet are worth way more things like alloys so yeah that's maximum for that okay got open borders as open to you this is for your own good it really is come on we used to be friends there we go excellent well here they are are we strong enough to defeat them I must say yes if they don't all attack us at once if we can get a couple of these fleets on their own so they're not stacked like this I think we have a very good chance of winning if not I could overwhelm us they do have double the armor than they do our of a whole so that's for the math from earlier shield damage and then shield penetration armor damage hole damage yeah definitely better to have peer armor okay let's move that athletes now we could jump would that be fast it would be faster then we'd have to wait for a year so no it's not faster since after you jump you are much weaker for short while they're saying that one of our groups is way faster than the others at because we're leader okay incomplete making some ships over here making some ships over here now that we're no longer upgrading suddenly loads of alloys have been freed which is lovely all those tachyon lances firing instantly I saw at least one died in fact several there we go more the Tachyon Lance's and our Titans firing once again Lots being destroyed look at that all the DS Scout craft acting as point defense taking out the missiles the main damaging thing from the scourge now that's done they attack that did not as much damage as I thought it did but okay sadly not all of our craft upgraded yet some of them are still obviously using the cloud lightning but that's fine it's not like a bad thing well I'd rather than all be one thing of the other but still come on you can win this thankfully the enemy don't have massive evasion in fact what is it their evasion is 65% better than I thought it was but it's not like their Corvettes they're like very agile destroyers so even at point-blank range and against battleships you are hitting them quite a lot here and again look at all that point defense going off Wow we lost so little there that was beautiful okay let's go very quickly then towards that second group how much did we lose 16 Corvettes one cruiser one battleship six Corvettes one cruiser for Wow we've got so little well done lads okay get ready to go together once again and as soon as you're ready at sack of that which is currently attacking oh this one little Cruiser what oh my god it bugged out oh my god it bugged out this Cruiser would technically eventually win oh please there's a weekly chat as well why did it surrender it was taking damage that was one brave little Cruiser oh look at Corvettes just melting then they actually outpaced the point defense that that's what the problem was even the strike craft on got there yet so they all got hit by missiles Wow lots of point defense is really good versus these fellows okay lots of armor melting that's everyone from there let's teleport over very quickly again this is a real race of time it's not long at all before the second wave approaches and the second wave is well over double the strength at first that was the best we have ever done versus an endgame crisis that was over in seconds next time I'll put the ingame crisis 25 Erlich earlier again yeah 25 years earlier swing back years always makes me stammer I say years weirdly anyways I'm British but still we win overcome by excitement laugh works began to stammer again like a dolt go forth my lovely dull tea legion we just obliterated yeah I'm sticking with aunty Armour from now on okay so how far are we along with the geckos then okay only 400 well just under 470 to go construction all of our planets which can grow the geckos are now growing the geckos construction complete or at least I'm change again so that's now the case okay lovely with the main threats out of the way this is all we're focused on now and honestly we are now definitely strong enough if we wanted to we could easily take out the blog here's something of us thought about though how amazing would it be for this to be the end because if I agree to this I can no longer declare war I can no longer own populations which I don't do anyway since bio trophies don't count as own populations in return the blog will forever defend us the blog will then play a part in spreading the geckos to every galaxy the bloggers to blame partially for the fanatical purifiers that are the geckos I can't do it right now because they are indeed at war but as soon as that's over I think that's the perfect end complete yep that is growing incredibly quickly and I've also turned on nutritional plenitude we should hit 2000 and only a few more years I now realize I've massively underestimated just how long it's going to take for those geckos to reach that lovely 2,000 number so right now I'm going to say we are absolutely victorious there is nothing which could possibly stand in our way right now the blog are weaker than us all the empires are pathetic in comparison and we even have two subjects we own this galaxy right now we could easily claim utter and complete victory or we could do what I said I was going to do earlier and just do this we submit we can easily become their signatory and so because of that wait for it wait for it eventually you'll say yes there we go the blog and we are now one now we are technically at war now with the rest of the galaxy but just look at their forces oh no a 22,000 feet however am I going to deal with this we could easily defend our borders forever it's just utterly won we even have a fleece in fact two fleets over here the game is won it's just inevitability right now so I do apologize the fact we didn't quite get to 2,000 the one thing I really wish we had done is go into gecko manufacturing more heavily earlier on that would have also posed more of a challenge but honestly it really did it slowed us down so much as it was I'm so glad we got to be peaceful at the start otherwise this would have been way way more difficult and to get this many bio trophies is still horrendous look at that unity income almost 10,000 purely from the geckos and that's increasing almost all of my economy goes into focusing on the geckos so I will say everyone now I really want this video out by Saturday it's currently Friday night so I'm sure you understand why we are calling you here so with that really long outro done thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future the blog and the Gecko breeder Co have now brought geckos to all galaxies long live the purifiers thank you so so much for watching and goodbye you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 84,938
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Id: nnVdRaoY4j8
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Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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