Stellaris | END OF THE CYCLE - Ultimate Crisis? | Part 1 of 3 | FULL PLAYTHROUGH!

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hi everyone before we get into the video itself this is future laughter Ixia and well as you can probably tell by the title this video is all about the end of the cycle the psionic event which ends the galaxy or at least ends your entire empire turning it into one powerful entity which will then roam the galaxy devouring all it comes across but originally this playthrough was not meant to be about that and I had every intention of making this a single video a single full playthrough all to do with the void habitat origin trying to see how many habitats is too many habitats and spamming them everywhere so expect the first half of the video or so to be me just playing a normal full playthrough before things go with very very wrong in all the right ways if you would like to go straight to when I find out the end of the cycle events there will be a link in the description with the timestamp so you can go straight there since I can't put it on the screen anymore with annotations because they don't exist so if you wanna watch the full thing it's a full playthrough splittin to do with weird things happening if you'll see at the end of the cycle the next episode should be out by the end of next week since this is so difficult to edit all this together and I'm still recording that bit but yeah this event I have never seen happen in my years of playing stellaris and I've gone after it specifically multiple times so naturally it happens the time I'm not even playing spiritualists so hope you enjoy it has been an insane Rob locos that are really fun and a lot of time is going to this so if you like these kind of videos and likes and all that are very very much appreciated I hate saying this to start the video but these videos do take about a week to produce each and they do harm the channel because of that likes help thank you so much for watching and enjoy and now back to past life works with the regular greeting sir and syrettes greetings sir answer EDS and welcome back to stellaris with me or half 3x and of course welcome to the racks our state our newest full playthrough so today we are going to be doing something a little bit silly and we are going to be going with void Weller's and taking it to the extremely gold this full playthrough is to see if spamming habitats as early as possible and just continuing to put down habitats on every single planet is worth it and honestly i actually think it is because habitats now are different they've been updated recently there now several Liars to them there's the first stage which is only four districts big and then there's the second stage which is six districts and then the final stage which they haven't really looked into yet this is a specialist stage in which you can have specialist buildings on of course if you starve avoid dwellers you instantly starts off in habitats and your species get plus 15% resource as long as they are in a habitat which is a seriously big deal considering populations are power these days in stellaris I'm thinking of having thousands upon thousands of population over hundreds of habitats we should get an insane amount of resource this is also going to be a nightmare of micromanagement but hopefully a fairly fun one so what exactly is the racks are stay - the racks are stays is not something you would want to be in if you had a choice we are fanatic authoritarian and we are pacifist although we do keep on judging pacifist for other things I do think is worth it for this particular type of run so the racks our state came to be when our planet was doomed over time the planet was becoming increasingly unstable until it would no longer be able to harbor life in this brief time we had we created the first habitats and everyone rallied around these strongest members of the society thus we became fanatic authoritarian a single voice a single throne a single state it is the solemn duty of the masses to obey the enlightened few who have been the charged with the great responsibility of leadership because well when we first went to the habitat there wasn't enough food there wasn't enough space that wasn't the resources and freedom was just something we couldn't allow over time though this became a lot worse and now one of our civics is the Guild's much of the true political power in the society rests with a great number of powerful and ruthless guilds they know how to get the most out of owned populations this means own populations give plus 10% resource and 40% of our population will naturally be owned not exactly a nice place to live now this is actually a lot more powerful than it used to be because now we have indentured servitude which means our own populations can also be specialists so our specialists will give us plus 10% resource without costing consumer goods least from their own upkeep jobs will still cost consumer goods but that makes them far far cheaper now of course the issue of having a population like that straight away is that they are going to be very unhappy causing the stability of the habitats to drop but they're not all that influential and in fact eventually you get the processing facility which makes them even less influential as long as the leaders are happy overall the habitats will still be stable we only really care about the leaders and the free populations again we are not a very nice empire now this is the reason why I kind of want to go pacifist we don't really care about spikes all that much I was tempted by xenophobe originally but again don't really care about expanding all that much but pacifist will give us more stability which means although our habitats will be producing more resource and all of our resources are going to come from our populations I'm most attempted by Xena file because tried value is amazing of habitats and that means we can actually make other people like us don't know how that works but apparently we are very very good at talking to them which is something I'm not particularly good with but still that is some temp truth we're also going with merchant guilds to begin with now this is a weird one but because we're going to have so many habitats I honestly think this is going to be for once a good choice now maybe this is a good choice normally but if time I've used it I've always been slightly underwhelmed a number of powerful and very influential merchant guilds have risen to prominent positions in the society they hold significant sway with the government and again that makes sense when resources are scarce those which have them well they have a good bargaining chip so capital buildings provide merchants jobs merchants also produce unity so essentially you're trading the the administrators I believe they're called which only give unity and some amenities for merchants which give a load of trade value in addition to unity and to mean it is and because we're going to get those quite quickly every time we build a new habitat we're going to have lots of free merchants from this and I think that's going to help keep the economy rolling especially in the early game and again I think this really makes sense with the law of the Empire so that is what we're going with now a few other options we could have gone where the which I think could have been more powerful but I just don't like it as much in terms of the theme of the Empire and the idea we're going with is things like inwards perfection which is just insanely powerful and all we'd have to do is that and then we can unlock that and in with affection again it's just so so powerful plus 20% unity plus 20% pop growth one extra edict which is now a big deal because edicts have been completely revamped in the new updates and extra happiness that's just really good this isn't all round really powerful Civic now of course we can't fight anyone or join Federation's but other Federation's don't really care all that much about those things another option really which I think would have been really powerful is this meritocracy essentially it gives us an extra point in our leader level cap which is nice but then specialist populations have plus 10% resource output combine that with the guilds and then owned population to a specialists become utter powerhouses but then I would have to be at least oligarchic which I don't particularly like the idea of I like the idea of being a dictatorship for this again just cuz I think the Empire fits like that and I would have to sacrifice merchant guilds I feel like later on the run I may actually make a complete government swap and go from what we currently are and then move over to an oligarchy which means we'll have to embrace one of the other one of the other ethics which could be any of them really as long as there's enough support and then we also have to move over to an oligarchy from a dictatorship perhaps over time the society becomes more free as resource becomes more abundant for even the lowliest in our society freedom may become an option later maybe eventually we won't be completely and utterly evil so that's a summary then of the state originally the control was a necessity in tough times but eventually that transformed into something a lot more exploitative and thus we became a fair bit more dark now in apt rights we have void weller of course to give us plus 15% resource output for specialists and workers at a cost of - temps and growth rights we are going to be sedentary because we well where are we going to go we are stuck on habitats we are weak because of our time in low gravity especially with the early Abbott ATS before they upgraded for this current state we are communal because well brutal next which of the all the time natural engineers because we rushed habitats and we are conformists because the state knows all there's a lot of other options I wants to go with things are thrifty and well honestly rapid breeders but I do think this fits a lot more once again with the Empire and that is pretty much that so we are of course plants which means you have the plant ships and the plants everything else and so we get going okay so after looking everything one more time I've made two changes first of all I'm not gonna go past first I'm going to go with Xena file now pacifist I think is very powerful but it boxes in a little bit too much since we're going to expand so slowly at the beginning like really really slowly we need ways to get out if we get trapped and if we're pacifist we simply can't do that so Xena file actually allows us to be a lot more aggressive it also increased sat right value which is very powerful with merchant guilds and the fact that the habitats that is really really good for tried value I was even tempted to go down the corporate option if we go with corporate as a second we can see we do have indentured assets essentially it's the exact same as the guild but we can't be fanatic authoritarian which is kinda the whole point of the lore of this Empire so we are going to stick with being a dictatorship that we could very easily swap over to corporates and it would probably be better honestly you'd be a lot of tried value we could go with regular authoritarian and then fanatic Xena file so essentially we're trying 0.5 influence per month and 5% of our work or output for another 10% tried value and another envoy which is really good but for now we'll stick with that the other change I've made is I've removed week and I've changed it with slow learners because I've been thinking we're gonna probably suffer for food and minerals quite quickly week is although it's not a particularly bad one I don't want it to slow us down so slow learners instead we can remove that as we continue so with that let's get going now I am sticking with the end game being 2300 which means it can't spawn at 2315 they say 400 years sooner than the default and crisis strength is set at times 25 the default so very very difficult there I was going to have the endgame earlier like I've been doing it all the other let's plays up until this point but I'm not sure about this Empire I think it's gonna be fun but it could be either really powerful or really really weak so I don't want to push it too much because if I rush I don't think I'm gonna have quite as much fun with it so we're sticking with this next time we will bring the endgame earlier though the net all the usual stuff grandad more difficulty iou aggressiveness on high random placement for the empires and of course we are allowing advance starts this time since I forgot last time yeah let's go and so here we begin somewhat in the middle of the galaxy so then honestly I am going to be very silly during this run and really focused on making more habitats that's the only thing which is gonna be my main goal so extra research that's fine more population growth and extra research again and as usual just going to downgrade the ships so they have absolutely the bare minimum then we upgrade them which will give us loads of alloys or currently a hundred and once this is done we'll have two hundred and forty five those will go bye-bye as all the consumer goods and then we have loads of minerals so straightaway we can rush into more our production you will turn into a foundry station and in a second I will be replacing these civilian industries with a second foundry the end goal is to have all of our consumer goods being created via trade since if we go into policies we can see here trade policy and we have consumer benefits essentially we are having how much energy we get from tried but then we're also producing consumer goods and this way we can keep the economic policy as militarized economy with no negatives since this reduces consumer goods from jobs by 25% but the tribe jobs aren't affected by this might not be the most efficient way but it's nice and simple keeps everything with basically trade and alloy production and they're the main two things we have to worry about found the only thing then really over the net which a concern is just making sure we have enough minerals okay that's going as well and so we can start doing some of the mining stations do still want some scientists though although we're not going to be expanding quickly we still want to find the precursor tech as soon as possible now normally this is where I'd activate map the Stars but we no longer have the edict because edicts have been massively changed because we are a dictatorship we get one extra once you activate these they will be active until you turn them off if you have more than your cap then you increase your Empire sprawl which can be kind of nasty information quarantine is kind of Awesome +5 stability +5 governing ethics attraction we really want that because we want everyone in the same faction if we can do that we can control them a lot easier and then we can get loads and loads of influence and since our species is already conformists that makes it even easier now I'm going down the route of domination which I normally don't because it gives us +1 influence when it's finished and then we also have this workplace motivators giving +5 resources to our own populations and anyone in the worker group which makes them even better so even more bonuses at producing alloys and research and everything else they are going to be very very powerful later on a little while later and a few things have happened so I've ended up rushing upgrading our main buildings on these two habitats so they're going from being the administration over to central control just like the main world here the reason is this is what will give us our initial merchants and merchants give a lot of stuff Ameena see is unity and a lot of trade value or at least a good amount which will make everything run smoother so two more of those would be great although one thing I really should do is just remove this enforcer we don't really need it I'll just produce some other job and then move them over we could also of course move over our bureaucrats because we're not really gonna need the Empire sprawl bonuses this early on though we could leave them I'll see as things continue now I have went with the crime lord deals a few people been asking me why do I seem to not really care about crime and it's because I don't really care about crime the negatives you get from crime are so minor at least in my experience that I would much rather have the additional stability plus I'm not sure if this is true but it seems like the crime Lord deal stops a lot of the negative events from crime a good example is in my last full playthrough I had several Ringwald sections in almost 100% crime with the crime lord elan and they had no criminal jobs active they had no events going on so no actual negatives were coming from crime being in existence and stability just gives extra resource for the entire planet which is pretty nice I clicked the wrong button there but at least we got some influence out of it anyway which we are going to need they would do still need a lot more alloys the question is do I bother expanding that's all or do I just wait until I have enough alloys to start building more habitats I could go really early into information quarantine plus five stability that wouldn't be bad although I could rush and try and get this so any archaeological site is going to be really good because we can sell the relics for energy and it's quite a bit of energy which n means we can rush alloys but then influence will be a problem later on so I'm not too sure and there's a free science vessel thank you really I get the worm in waiting I don't know how this will affect my populations though will it change their preference some habitat preference to world will that mean I lose void dweller because that's not good I don't know what to do with this for now I'll go with it but then I'll stop at the last thing well okay so what you need to do is just in case that does happen I don't know how this is gonna react is I need to build a habitat outside of my home system so when we finish this if it does really mess up the populations I still have some populations which were simply spared that and then I can genetically put them back to how they were but then we can have loads of worlds which we're not really going to want to use because we're you know spanx dwellers so what we need to do is get a migration treaty or find another Empire we just we need a secondary species situation that's a lot of physics research this early on that's gonna keep us absurd for a long time not bad we are continuing down the path of the worm in Whiting and I've just now got enough alloys to start producing our first habitats habitats now cost less than they used to is 150 influence and 1500 alloys but they start off with only four districts you then need to upgrade them using a special tech which is this one here and then after that you can access to a third version which I've never seen before so I'm not being spoiled for it I'm gonna find out exactly how powerful is afterwards since six districts is the standard what it used to be so I'm curious to see what happens after that and I need more energy because we keep on losing side tests to the worm oh yeah try again here's wishing ahead of species which like planets also random automated dreadnought the loop temple time and stone open the loop temple to the public plus 5% happiness on our home world home habitat home ITAT oh like no babies now adorable bit creepy but adorable stop we found an alien ship over here but also we found a civilization oh you're gonna love us that's great you will like us as well cool two empires it should in theory like us how are you a hegemony or hegemony well have that's pronounced are either way you're in a federation yep we could join you interesting okay you're gonna like us more on you ya fanatic authoritarian just like us and your is oenophile sir you'll like this anyway so I'll send both of my employees to get really really friendly of you really good stars still though we want to rush over there we can in theory take over these planets and take over the populations also the like tomb worlds you know like what we're about to have a lot of fun interesting start the worm in wising is void dwellers then an authoritarian Federation next to us okay our first Federation has been spawned the peace and order movement and they're pretty darn happy with us we just well they want us to subjugate a nation that isn't like this happen anytime soon but still using up a lot of influence to get over here but I do think it will be worth it overall and domination is finished and I'm gonna go with one vision I don't really go with this much anymore but I feel like it's gonna help out since I do feel like a menaces could be a problem later on and the extra governing ethics traction really nice I want to keep all of my populations the Xena file authoritarian mostly a fart Aryan lovely loads at last fax there we can easily make pretty much anything out of those loads and loads energy or we could get a bump of unity it should be nice I wonder I'm going in with next harmony is quite tempting because of the extra stability and less amenities and extra governing ethics traction and it's something I don't normally go with earlier on which makes it more interesting to me I've got to be honest expansion might be nice as well though even though I'm not expanding that much just less empire sprawl from colonies we can have loads of those and of course more population growth speed we're time to stammer there papa population because it pops at first habitats about system charted lovely construct earlier I said at first Federation obviously I'm in our first faction but I'm sure there's already been comments about it which is fair managed to rush and just about grab the system before they did just gonna grab this system as well so it's all connected then we'll slowly expand here and here but for now we are gonna start saving up influence for more habitats turns out this is a tomb world right here and I didn't even notice so we're gonna get 60% habitability from non tomb worlds for our new species but still better than and main species you'll get ruler eventually our economy is a bit in a bad why now though because of all the new populations and well they have stellar culture shock oh you will not like us where are you well here's hoping we can join the Federation soon because yeah you're probably gonna hate us your Democratic Crusaders you like to go to war and you don't like authoritarians hi We're authoritarians also if you're wondering where all this energy came from I have been selling every single relic we've been getting by relic I mean artifact we have very two left right now star system charted would like to grab all of these but I would also like to start making more habitats we need the influence system charted also need the alloys what is this run more primitives well this may be the most insane void well a static I could ever think of here's some other species to colonize the planets here is the Federation which will love you here is the worm in waiting here's eight more artifacts of four thousand oh gee the game is kind to me today I don't know why it's being so kind to me today but it is a fax we recently fairly sick with well a rather bad thing going around well here you go you're gonna get everything you want in game at least at the moment I just kind of want trade habitat somes gonna keep put them down like that this system looks great without there's so many planets one two three four five six seven cos moon's don't count eight nine ten eleven habitats can be built there but obviously we're going for that as soon as possible we could try and improve relations with this empire so doesn't instantly attack us it's only unwary right now it's bad but it's not necessarily aggressive but I'm trying to get these two on my side though as fast as possible because as long as these two all vote YES for me joining the Federation I can get in a similar to how I just got in as an associate also with Xena files why would we not allow these to be full citizenship I'm sure as long as migration controls are enabled that makes sense that this Empire we could be sickly for all we know we've been forced into the void of space for hundreds of if not maybe a thousand years who knows with our backstory we're not allowing them to set foot on our habitats the habitats will remain for the racks are and has happened we have joined the Federation so it turns out I didn't actually have to make too many of them like us only the leader because of course it's a hegemony basically the leader has all the power in that kind of Federation so I wasted a lot of alloys by trying to bribe these fellows I currently have 10 favours now with them the idea was that it was already going to accept me these were almost their sort get the favors asked them using the favors that would be two versus one and not two get in didn't need to do that welcome to the Federation Oh we've told you level 2 members get resources from jobs plus five percents and everything else for the president yeah the leader will rule this obviously but still rather be a member of it than not even just the really weak bonuses for members is better than nothing and later on when I'm stronger I can get control from them just don't tell them that well the old god stuff we just started I can suppress the findings giving us some influence which is good even though we couldn't don't have the out voice to do anything with it because I just again bribed someone when I didn't have to Construction complete wrong one there we go here's something interesting my diplomatic weight is already the greatest out of all of these groups I don't really know why is it because how many colonies I have in my population that does contribute so I've just voted in a status change for the new leadership of this Federation which means once I get 25% stronger than the current leader I will automatically become the new leader I am usurping power so quickly in communications I wonder why that is so where is all my diplomatic weight coming from oh well first of all I'm as oenophile give me plus 10% yeah it's populations I am probably in fact no I am certainly ahead on populations because they have their home world but then all of their outposts so these the outposts these colonies will only have like two I'm currently two they're three they're then their homeworld of 36 yeah they have much lower populations and I have in fact I check yeah their populations are only given eighty-five diplomatic ways well then back to building habitats now over here because there's just so many worlds go start population of habitats and I can actually expand pretty well over here this is more than enough space for us it'll give us everything we need we have another black hole although we already have another one over here which is fine we have another dig size and of the world a wormhole yeah I mean that's a pretty good area actually the world holds a bad thing but this will be our territory that's all we really need hurry up and get one more population so I can upgrade this already well that's an interesting one extended shifts we must ask our workers to twirl harder some blood sweat and tears may be necessary for the greater good +10 resource output from workers and our owned populations yep mother Simpson happiness but well with our new processing facilities well that's not really gonna make too much of a difference to our overall stability we will further increase how many alloys they produce so on the downside there's now crystals in our territory no idea why but they're attacking us that has happened on the upside we are now the federation leaders which means we have a federation fleet which means we can steal with them any way I want it oh come on stop rallying in a few moments you're gonna be fine and happy look at these worlds look they're stable now a little while later and I'm now in the middle of the most boring war of all time so this war is between the Alliance and the Republic versus our Federation we're going to war of course because they are egalitarians and we are or assents the problem is there's just not much at stake it's humiliating this is humiliate and we are going to win this and it's because combined our forces over here complete decimate this enemy and that's just what's been happening I've literally just put our well all of our forces our Federation forces on follow without allies forces and they've been dealing with thing here over here we are losing territory but our ally isn't exactly weak himself and there's just not many fights happening so war exhaustion is staying pretty stagnant that's about it really it's still with this suit I surely met my own fleet at some point and soon we can make yet another station under habitat already making two more that's all I really care about right now oh wow well we found the home system of the amoeba how about this there I really should have paused that actually read what that was well you can do so in the video and I'm about to do so in the footage so all it really said is this is their breeding grounds and we're not sure what they're defending here it'd be pretty mean to attack these wouldn't them that is fascinating so that's where the ameba have arisen from Queen status quo yet blaze receiving communications I've just run out of Ella we're about to be just one-off getting out precursors and the war is starting to come to an end now very high war exhaustion on both sides and we're about to go to their home system which oh they might be able to defend actually that's gonna be quite painful no we should win we should win with heavy losses oh and less half their force goes we either why of course but apparently so did their ally so you know I I being AI their expansion is finished I wasn't really sure about getting expansion honestly but the extra population growth the less empire sprawl does my things run a lot better so next avoid ball that could just grab this so you have it I'm fairly certain once I finish the first level I get the next level anyway even without that but this would ensure this and eventually I am gonna want void warned so sure so this means we can put down building straightaway if we so desire and I'm probably you just planet is an energy planet because well there can be generated districts it has her surprise those low stability that's just cuz the unemployment obviously we have owned pops but they shouldn't be affecting a approval rating too much I guess to us don't have too many for the regulars yes and once again on employment will see as it continues well a fleet we're following is no more please the status quo I really don't care about winning this I won't be over okay allies gonna lose that but then we're gonna swoop in and take out the fleet was damaged unless it runs away it's been a very annoying war again it the reason why I'm gonna be skipping it probably quite a lot in the editing is just because there's no real stakes to it if we lose we lose if we win we win I don't really care I've aligned now I'm in charge there's gonna be some changes around here I've just changed the Federation centralization to low and soon I'm going to be changing the fleet contribution to medium all must support the greater good at the Federation speaking of which we're about to get a brand new member let's not have that many let's just have a few shall we I'm assuming you'll like alloys right now I've got some more for the future as well communications as soon as I accept that though we can just use one for now and a welcome to the Federation it'll take a little while Vista level back up that's fine so one more members joined us receiving communications Cassie the Empire how about you conglomerate do you like us you don't hate us you don't join the federation though but if we have association state as you might start to like us a bit more in the future sure let's see if we can get the ruthless capitalists to join us as well well I did have three habitats on the go but now I only have two with wonders being made we are wrapping up having us fairly quickly I'm also sending in my Federation fleet to deal with this enemy here so we can start expanding out this way when we want to that territory is gonna be tiny so the thing we're struggling with the most right now is actually minerals a lot of the buildings are very expensive so the districts and it's time to stack up so all new habitats are gonna be over mineral deposits so they can become mineral habitats there's mining habitats and of course thankfully a lot of the world too just grabbed do have a decent amount of mining districts so that'll start picking up the slack as well so with the extra building space though I am now putting down the processing facilities what these do is increase output from our own populations by five percent and decrease their political power overall decreasing their effect on the pop approval writing which is pretty good considering they're very very unhappy again you can't blame them for that we're being very very evil they did not take long all to forgive all of our other Federation members look at that inviting Federation no long has any huge negatives association status is powerful how about you Confederacy fanatic spiritualist xenophobe yeah you're probably in have a problem at least one of our members a year you are okay you're definitely joining us and the sovereignty only has closed borders of us they're not super aggressive to us but yeah that I don't particularly of us that beery difficult the state over here fanatic materialists we do have some materialists in a membership okay we could potentially get you the problem is distance yes run grab you would be a serious issue also apparently we're war again with our neighbors this time for conquer at least but for like a system or two each once again a huge deal their problem is and I haven't elite a fleet to defend myself on the upside with one who declared war on them and the reason is well yeah guys are just far stronger and we actually have a new ally now as well so back to new allies so yeah that has got a chance unlocks station upgrade habitat world that's interesting now really sadly I ended up losing my amoeba so bubbles has fallen to the enemy naturally the second I regain control of this Federation I am going to crush the Republic I'm going to make them suffer onions do horrible things to their eyes but in a friendly good guy kind of way [Music] the public are kind of being crushed anyway we could make some claims I mean it's an aggressive war so it'll be expensive but we can make a claim or ten [Music] how about we grab their world from them we'll see if our allies manage to get this bit of territory I am starting to make some cool vets just to defend ourselves against their smaller groups but if our allies motion to go over here I will gladly provide the ground forces and don't worry we'll treat their people with respect and dignity apparently at some point this fellow over here the consensus managed to get Association status with us well it wasn't me so one of our allies must have been there this is the most peacefully expanding hegemony I've ever seen normally it's join or die and then just conquer the galaxy this time no we're just being really nice to everyone who doesn't attack us first earlier but don't kill their pet me but look who does that okay the Allies are taking the station and I'm building up some more ground forces and I've made a claim over here which cost a small fortune in return of course we get one of their colonies it's not particularly good coal now someone population but it means we have their species in their grasp we're doing that their species no the other species who are they don't you well I still can't you just as copa ball i suppose i quite fun but you know we have won this war I didn't even have to land on the planet oh isn't the planning here as well cool so let's have a look see you then what are you you have ocean preference Jack you're pretty nice well to be fair well the usual for you migration controls enabled max you have to do it default rights full citizenship and migration controls enabled you don't want them to end up growing on our habitats which currently are still completely us is it worth putting down a calling on this planet it's low habitability 60% but that will increase light earth a little bit of tech so men's will get it working so either these fellows or one of the tomb world groups I like this one with the inter with the intelligence and charismatic / combo you can just continue to grow here new weird fungus e things [Music] oh wow the Empire generalizes but the Empire's took all of that yeah the Empire was very aggressive with that the Republic is all but crushed oh I like my allies they're mean but in a fun way now researching Omega alignment this is the final stage before we summon in the worm to devour our son I wonder what happens to habitats orbiting worlds which get affected oh no I shouldn't do this but I need to know what happens science must be done selling so many alloys right now I've hardly had any habitats being built main look at my influence is sitting there waiting but we needed the minerals the minerals now are finally start to stabilize and I'll always have increased and how many we're making Oh an admin capped is suffering a little bit as well with an ocean world good somewhere to send our new species so it wasn't a complete waste it's a tomb wall over there that was quite a few worlds we expand quickly but that's not gonna happen whose nomination beard we are now on exceptional I really really want the marketplace considering we making so many alloys we could float our economy quite strongly on them that's only going to get more severe as we continue to build more and more habitats so yeah would like part of that who we need will happen in capital we need it now really should specialize some of these habitats a bit more and I will do that soon we are generating the entry points in just one month so the reason why I'm concerned about this because this is the final worm in Whiting event is that I don't know what's going to happen to our populations in the habitats and I also don't know what's going to happen to the habitats themselves when the world's get changed now in theory they should be fine since I think you can put a habitat above a normal planet which I'll check on lighter I think you can he had no errors coming up there and if I try and do it over there though yet doesn't even let me have the option but it's just because they're being changed I don't know what happened what caused any issues I don't know here's hoping it doesn't because I'll be a serious problem special project complete but why shall be what shall be was our system charted oh thank god okay so still have our habitats that didn't change and nope our populations weren't changed all that is exactly what I wanted to say lovely and now we just throw in our to mold people into every single one of these and we get loads and loads of habitats out of it and by habitats I meant to say colonies I've been saying habitats a lot it's kind of got stuck in the head I would like one of these everywhere please that's a lot of colonies excellent we control the market star system charted well that's quick yeah remember we can buy population something I've forgotten so why too late in previous runs certainly something to consider which is good because I really need to sell a lot of stuff right now cuz I'm really really far behind there we go still so many colony ships we need to make for all these things the auto names are certainly interesting as a size 25 not bad receiving communications can everyone please stop offering me things like migration treaties and searches it's not gonna happen and it's not gonna happen mostly because I need the influence for other things well our allies have declared war on the state sorry the sovereignty I have never seen the AI just steamroll itself so hard back to building habitats which makes me very happy so two more habitats are now going down and one of our habitats is being converted into a habitat world once again I've not actually looked up what this is or what it does so very very curious we are once again in the lead with diplomatic weight not quite enough yet to take control but soon also we've had our very first negative event based on crime on one of our three habitats which are currently undergoing if the crime Lord deal and it's just created one criminal job now I have had to implement its who enforces to deal with that otherwise we'd have up to three criminals actually saving true know all they really needed was water so essentially we've lost two jobs although one is still producing unity there but it has increased a stability by loads using events and this is one of three habitats 50 years in and now we're at 0% crime but this will eventually be destroyed anyway like I was saying crime is a bad thing it will cause a negative event but the extra stability in the long run especially considering how many habitats we have currently undergoing that bonus crime is just worth it bigger stability is very very good so we have loads of a how long has been floated now that's weird to see okay let's make another construction vessel let's get some more habitats sorted once again I need to specialize these habitats I will do that and why is so many of them saying that their factory stations I have only like two buildings currently making consumer goods finally found the precursor homeworld that took so long there we are we've got the homeworld then we've gots how pretty useless relic in my opinion we have the pox sample it allows us to have pox orbital bombardment stance on it's active which actively destroys a lot of populations on the planet we're bombarding without destroying the actual world itself too much and the lifespan is increased slightly it's just not something too interesting railing on the upside the homeworld gives a fair bit of research some alloys and some gases it's giving the girls think you might give some other rare resources yeah it's not the best but it was a nice unity bonus and everything so it it's better than nothing we've just been so unlucky in this run alpha hub is our first habitat world and now it has eight districts I can't see too much unique about it we can help put down the luxury residences and pretty much everything else which the first day just can't have as you can see here but nothing too unique in terms of special things we can make we do have the arcane replicator Blatz just from our origin and that's just for our homeworld itself or home habitat anyway at least I'm almost certain about that it's still really good because what it means is you're not going to be completely stopped by influence later on with every habitat being able to be continuously upgraded all the way to eight districts they're all the size of a small planet just with better districts I do like the change ultimately continually upgrading it rather than stopping the habitats and it's done but I was hoping something a bit more I don't know unique at the end maybe I'm missing something if I do of course see something I've missed I will mention it later oh me oh my we are the leaders once again our nice Federation fleet return home please let's let's not go through the scary territory eh in fact I'm gonna lock off these systems otherwise we're gonna end up losing things once they restricted it means even our reinforcements shouldn't go through these territories how we doing to be losing them so the reason why we just took control is finally I've swapped over expansionist for the merchant version in our diplomatic stance we needed expansionist up until now because we just needed to say the influence more than anything but at this point I'm just making habitats are not really expanding anymore so the extra diplomatic way from economy and the extra trade value is much more valuable to us it's good to be back in charge and now we can go to war if we wish to force enemies into the Federation going to stop building this habitat because now we are researching this galactic administration which gives us one more civics lot so we can upgrade our government once all our forces here we are going to go to war with the clans to change our names why I thought you the review were the Republic what happened to you how did you change oh you get split at some point you are split on the other empires not quite sure how the half of it apparently it did oh you don't like us all that much do ya well so why don't I have rivals at the moment there's a silly Mis play by me well I guess up until this point I was too weak to mate rivals everyone else was overwhelming to me so that's why it's as much a misplaced I didn't realize I'm just now got stronger star system for now we're just gonna be adding police state yet we are over continuing to be the good guys here this will increase our stability by five on all of our planets forever more resources more power more habitats so soon from earlier I'm now grabbing the tech so that I can hopefully lead pacify the amoebas cuz I want to see what's in this system I want to survey their home system their breeding grounds is there something of value here for us send over a vessel as well okay you can grab that oh it's about time to make more construction vessels more habitats we've just finished off the prosperity next we'll go into discovery but right now I'm waiting until I finish off this psionic theory we're gonna go down the psycho route of things mind over matter so now our people are psychics 5% - or science is a five-cent tool energy credits that's pretty good considering all of our science it's coming from our habitats because well this speech is just so good at specialist stuff I mean look this one owned pup here is producing 11 physics all by itself it's only meant to be producing four I mean even the non owned ones are still producing loads it's because they get extra specialist output using void dweller again eventually I may try and drop our fanatic authoritarians so that we can become an oligarchy and then we can get meritocracy to increase specialist output even further but for now I'm fine with this things are really exploding right now just loads and loads of resources so I'm currently saving up influence though just because now I pacified them I can survive the system and I might want to try my cast are based there if I can again I don't know what happens with this it's brand-new and really bloody cool thanks the galaxy is so much more alive and your things like that and you so annoyingly our allies went to war with these empires anyway so I can't just wait until I can go to war and make them part of the Federation I will of course do this later but it's gonna take a while an upside my Science Vessel is now over here and we are surveying the home system of the amoebas so far just a really high resource system Communications I'm fairly certain there's actually a thing about these now comfort the fallen that's interesting unemployed workers have their unhappiness penalty reduced diplomatic way from techies reduce spirit wrists oh no done like the whole opposed yeah there are new things ban organic know-how own populations are something we want to keep you I support pest control any Empire with the own dough that's the spice well so I am NOT gonna be destroying the spice wheels spice wheels space Wiles either yes to that yeah it's quite a few new things there's definitely something about the space amoebas as well it's not sure where our conservation act you can't kill them oh there we are the space amoeba Protection Act it will probably allow that if it tries to go through anteye since no so it starts off with comfort the fall and then it goes really heavily into aunty occasions tech stuff that's now building ourselves some battleships I'm moving the Federation fleet over here so we start dealing with the other enemy not hundred cities sure what we're even after right now in terms of claims and stuff I'm just attacks whatever I did okay we have fully explored the ameba home system seems like is a load of rare resources no events or anything still really cool I do adore this I think I've mentioned way too many times already okay I wasn't paying attention and apparently we just killed a Leviathan yeah we just killed the dimensional horror I was actually looking at my own buildings and there happened ow thankfully the dimensional horror is by far one of the weakest leviathans I think the automated dreadnought is one of the others I've led sending a Science Vessel there to research the unusual finding Zakaat remember what this even gives us a very radical after them whereas I'm after there is a look finally map the Stars bit line for that okay that's what we get so you get the jump drive tech as a research option and we get 50% of it completed along with a lot of physics and sight of research into our stored research not that much of a big deal honestly it's something at least so go ahead and grab now you can return back now finally our forces here so let's start dealing with whoops that's it let's start dealing with their territory I just stopped building one my habitat and I've been saving them for a while because I've decided I really want the system I just need to have it I will protect the amoebas from all outside forces to see all of my influence go either at least two it loads a rare resource out of this not really worth it overall but yeah that cost over 600 influence so over three in fact exactly four habitats since half that's 150 influence each day our vote white is now diplomatic we are on a medium centralization a medium fleet contribution so this stage I am pretty much overruling everyone else and I am really close to getting the consensus over here to join us they like us already quite a lot and they're only on - 60 - we can buy some fibers to get up to 50 as in we can take away 50 of that so we only need a little bit more salads distance which is the main problem so we could always form commercial factors everything else one of the good things is once we get level 4 in our Federation we get this political overseers which means migration pacts and research pacts no longer cost influence to upkeep so I will be getting out of every one as well because then well make sure everyone likes us that is to say it's free for only people in the Federation don't if I mention that but yet still really nicely taken well that's pretty nice actually we've just used reverse-engineer arcane technology and we've got access to a nourishment sensor which is one of the Fallen Empire buildings it's an optically strong one compared of some of the others but it is still pretty nice just a load of food as you can well imagine can no not yet put it up there it is it just has the exact same image as one of the others oh that's not as good as I imagined 20 energy 400 food I mean it's better than just buying it but yeah I'm not gonna rush to get that I'll put it down at some point at some point I'll be desperate for food and that'll be fantastic I'm glad I've got it but it's not exactly amazing well this is new a celebration of unity and leadership the Federation is prospered under the wise leadership of our nation many racks are now filled is time for our services to the Alliance we paint back lay celebration of its unity and more specifically if the great rocks are and leaders that have done so much for it they propose that member states contribute towards the erection of a grand monument in the skies above alpha hub while in the meantime we send delegations of two member states capital so to two member states capitals to aid them in their efforts to bring greater unity to the sphere yes let's do that now how do we actually do any of that joint operation approved our initiative to hold a joint celebration of the strengthen unity of okay witness change the Federation's name has met with approval among the majority of members we will begin work on implementing our plans to spread harmony within the Alliance immediately so all participating members gain a special project to build a monument yeah and we gain special projects to spread authoritarianism into other member states okay it seems to be saying we have to send them both to the same place though interesting well the war was victorious and well they took a lot of territory well done now back to you so close okay let's become the very best of friends for short while surely okay space storm silver arrives scientists are confident that this galactic space storm will despite by itself within a period of flux ten years until it happens the storm will play havoc with sublight engines shield generators and sensor systems in those star systems affected by that's 50% of systems okay and apparently this is a byproduct of thousands of years of heavy hype space travel by civilizations both past and present oh that is very interesting indeed oh yeah Oh yep there's the system oh there's the storm affecting the system I should say and get your bit tired now this is still the first recording session Wow I've been recording for way too long that it's really cool and then the system affected by the storm and this is the system with loads and loads of planets all four habitats and there's only one planet left I'm about to build on it so slowly oh we got plan colony ooh that's interesting you fellows have this rare crystals for each pump we own a view not a huge fan of lizards at the moment I do love the idea of laphroaig's but have time apply them I've always been not that happy with them I think I need to do another lift I'd runs try and get around that but I would love that extra crystal stuff there we go and can we get transcendence yes we can the Great Awakening Construction complete so we're about to become ultra psychics we should have the event soon to awake and it'll just take a while or is a tech I can never remember nope we'll have the event soon what I'm just grabbing this there we go the shroud tech issues the special project breaching and the shroud now we are we are now psionic queueing there's a full plus 10% all research and plus fives and happy dozen plus 10% energy I believe as well we can now yet we can now assimilate our other populations and turn them into psychics as well this is gonna make them really unhappy and this is going to destroy our economy for a while but it is worth it so set default rights and assimilation yeah oh yeah I said our economy's gonna be destroyed for a while but this doesn't take too long thankfully just have to grin and bear it for a year or two thankfully I had loads and loads of rare resources ready to go to sell so yeah we can easily just manage this for a couple of years now I believe one other way we could have done that is by applying a new template to one of these applying it to only a single planet and then converting that species so it's then psionic and then we could apply a template like this it's all the rest but that was taken a long long time even in comparison to this and as you can see half of these have already been converted it does not take long at all for them to turn it into psychics and so we reach into the shroud and instantly get psionic shields not bad at all there's a lovely first thing to get we don't have any of the psychic resource though do we no yeah might need to find some because I can't buy it unless I can find them first I can't see any anywhere hmm that's annoying so I'm fairly certain the shields do take a little bit of that resource once we actually get the tech that is interesting is in society ah that's why okay yeah they do in that case no no rush to grab more the monument is complete giving us 500 experience into the Federation which I really am happy with and it also gives us the Federation monument on our main planet with the following results monthly influence plus 0.25 and I mean it's something yeah actually that's really nice yeah just a passive plus 0.25 is a very very nice thing indeed that's a wise that influence so bad it's because of course we're trying to be friends of these fellows so close and naturally audit war again I really need to make it so only I can declare war because this is going silly so far away you can deal with them by itself I'm sure well I want to do is destroy the automated dreadnought behind us we've now unlocked the Ministry of production which means we also have some additional edicts we can use in the future industrial subsidies and forge subsidies so these will increase our output of our metallurgists or our artisans by 10 percents that will also increase the upkeep by one still attempt simple alloys later on will be lovely our Federation is now level 4 which unlocks +1 influence per month for me our research agreements and migration packets no longer cost influence for anyone in the Federation and everyone gets +5 cent resources to all jobs so we are approaching now 2,300 I'm a little bit behind on tech but in every other regard I think we're doing pretty well and all these different habitats we are gonna get stronger quite quickly honestly just look at all these colonies if you think of these all those worlds we've essentially got a large empires worth kind of shoved into this small area and now we can start building the science Nexus which is a lovely lovely thing indeed we're also now starting to build the Galactic Stock Exchange on our worlds which will increase our trade value drastically and give us a more unity because we still have merchant guilds now the original plan was to move away from fanatic authoritarian at a lighter and then also move away from merchant guilds but I'm finding them both kind of good overall probably not the best thing but still now thankfully as well since we've become psychic we're also getting an extra plus 0.5 influenced my leader a glorious leader and in science anyone whose psychic gives plus temps and research speed so I do need to replace this scientist pretty quickly before they get even higher level there we go actually you should turn psychic when your species completely assimilate all right what they choose you you're a terrible leader oh well eventually you should become cyclist I think you should let have a quick look say you have eight left of your species still being assimilated apparently that's also you as much as it hurts of me we need to start building habitats for a short while just so we can save up for the science Nexus and that is this system done I believe I believe every world in the system which is kind of a habitat now as a habitat I tried values be increased by 10% and it was noticed we can once again go back into the shroud okay this might be a covenant oh my god the end of the cycle okay so oh boy the end of the cycle so this is something I have never seen before and it is insane beyond insane a level of insane which will break the game and usher in a new end crisis so how the end cycle works end of the cycle rather is you get plus 100% resources plus 100 set resources from orbital stations plus 100% Navy capacity plus 10 that Starbase capacity and plus five monthly influence for 600 months at the end of this you die your entire empire is devoured into an entity an entity which will start to destroy this the galaxy I believe you are thrown to a new system where you are basically starting again just of your current tech which you've already unlocked oh that would be so stupid to do it really would it's fifty years it gives us 50 years so the end game crisis will definitely not even spawn in that time I have been looking for this in other runs so many times and essentially the strong where I empire the stronger the entity at least I believe it's how that works oh that's not fair not now I can't say no okay this videos gonna have to be retitled because now we are playing the end of the cycle we are bringing about the end of the galaxy in our hubris our greed and our love of shiny things the Covenant has been formed and in some way we are breaching galactic law how so well yeah it is done we have formed the Covenant with the end of the cycle as we took its bargain two words and only two words were spoken fifty years then silence as we were left to contemplate the future consequences of what we have just brought onto ourselves may the spirits have mercy on us all well then we're about to get some insane levels of resource I assume it's also going to affect our tech yet we are now at six K and that's good Oh yep everything between that is inside we could just go super heavy tech now super heavy tech super heavy alloys and new goal then is to make the end of the cycle as powerful as we can possibly make it yeah what are we in breach with oh because we haven't got enough ships well he will soon we will soon what next okay so it's all about our personal power so yeah I just need to feel more powerful now just oh my god twelve influence we can have so many habitats just keep on stacking everything I suppose but yeah we need to really start stacking alloys and research because now remember we're getting double the stuff to pay into research and research is giving us double research we even have must our base it's it's a cheap mode you've activated what are you diary oh this is going to be glorious I've always wanted to be the end of the galaxy okay lots of like are managing to do now just focusing on ourselves I don't care about our earth Federation anymore I wonder if we'll still be in it at the end do we just outright die what outright die but least that we can observe the galaxy oh this is gonna be lovely the state has just joined the Federation as we'll all things in the end most of the galaxy is now under our influence you on the other hand I'm very against us what we need to do is build a colossus so we can start going to war just with everyone properly probably as I just spent one of my own points on something else I'm currently building three habitats animals are building the science Nexus so oh mighty Shroud what else do you have to offer me increased happiness perhaps no less happy well we are working towards the end of all things I don't know why we're not more ecstatic now a 10k research and that is increasing very very quickly I'm also now focusing a lot more on alloys and improving our buildings because getting rare resources a lot easier when you get double of it from every single worker so that is pretty lovely now one thing I do want to build soon is the mega construction site so I will be working on that as soon as we can ok there any of the laws here on to change actually yes change that grab that so now our flick contribution so yeah yeah the fleet contribution entire empire avatar Federation is increased so we should get a larger fleet and then let's go with free migration for everyone saving us a bit of influence lovely that's why everyone send me your ships let them serve a greater purpose well there we go I can now start building the Colossus I've chose Neutron sweep which means we can destroy all life on a planet leaving the planet ready for habitation oh mighty shroud what else do we get thank you pretty cognition interface I believe that is a ghost on a ship with Josh you use it oh if there's one of these old we're not actually have it yet that could be the case there it is okay let's get that first the second that we were out space for habitat is the second we'll start declaring war on absolutely everyone nearby even if they were Federation members I say were because we will leave the Federation to do this saying now I'm about to get the Colossus it's currently oh yeah the yards have just been finished so what we need to do we save it for the Colossus so am i building any other ships right now nope oldest white honestly not that long we can start constructing the Colossus once the Colossus is ours we can go to all with this Empire and take over the entire Confederacy we have the fleet power and we'll have the war doctrine to do so just grab we approach everything right now without thirteen kinda research which is just insane of considering where it was a second ago Oh sanity truly is for the weak something I didn't even notice before Shroud marked this world is marked by the shroud something fairly bad is going to happen here so I'm not going to ensure what exactly increases the power of the end of the cycle is it how many populations we have is it how many psyche because we have is our overall victory score I don't really know at the moment we are close to being first only with one of the fallen empires being better than us and we are increasing pretty much everything so we're getting more fleet power we're getting more habitat more population more more economy more research they just absolutely everything is being increased so regardless what it is we'll get it in fact you know what more of technical ease hello there once again Shroud let's see what you have for us not anything I care about too much avatar please excellent we got up the ground force version well I could have been better finally attacking the automated dreadnought yeah of course we will be repairing this did you return home you get in there and research about to make a new tech ship there we go and you can survive the system so we can get that world I kind of forgot those a world over here and I've allowed for my allies to end up capturing it really matter too much just something that happened now one thing to know too that current fleet power and without current join or die way of warfare we could probably take over the galaxy and get the wind condition there's only three empires yeah I believes any three Empire which currently aren't under a control if you include the Fallen Empire Oh so in that case for it - it's pretty for empires we could take over from which everything most likely in the time allotted we're only still at the start of our 50 years until the end of days and we're already becoming just insanely powerful but I don't really care about the wind condition I'm just saying it's possible we're just not going for it at all the Dreadnought has been restored every 6.9 K it's an interesting number I'll say that much we're not exactly all that powerful yeah well I'm glad I have you kind of so many habitats being completed too many asteroids here enough places to put down natural habitats and so we move out the ancient tomb has been completely excavated which means now we have this we can summon in a small fleet of empire ships free ones though I probably will never do that on the episode Oh gave us loads and loads of minor artifacts habitats are being built very quickly and finally beating our influence gang which is really weird to see and as science Nexus is now going up to level 2 which is again rushing along since we have the ascension perk giving us plus 50 percents we have if we find it they edict the living metal edicts giving us plus 50% and even the ambition giving us an additional 50% megastructures are very easy for us to build oh and I empire sprawls in our problem again we are building so so much that is just rocketing ahead and if you don't pay attention it quickly gets out of hand yeah leaving these on auto is a terrible idea factory station no buildings being affected by it research station plus 10% research output much better the Colossus is now already so with that we're moving athletes out start taking out Empire after Empire until everyone is destroyed who isn't already with us we could of course just make them with us but you know it's more fun with the food more destruction where is the cost there you are weren't you moving Colossus go over here thank you it looks so much more terrifying with a black hole in the background angry bland one of our fleets is already close enough so total war is active we have declared war let's get to work our Federation fleet is here so they should very easily just carve through everything and then trailing behind we have the Colossus who will simply arrive and eradicate every last colony well eradicate all life on the colony I mean we're not brutal we don't destroy the buildings and stuff that would be weird every new world we get our power increases and without power everything is a bit better and I'm going to put down a star port somewhere here once we grab a system and that will be to create all of the new partnerships that will be used to create over the colony ships I can't talk again as a habitats continue to be added now I really should save up so that I can make the mega shipyard but keep on forgetting plus it is fun to have this many habitats oh I can't help it more habitat some more habitats everywhere I'll just build some more shipyards elsewhere they'll be fine and bombardment is about to begin on the very first planet there we go you have been cleansed so that you may benefits the end of course I could just invade the world they'll take a little bit longer how you know it would be a lot better just to invade these worlds wouldn't it just send in some ground forces then we also get their populations instantly we don't have much time I'll buy like do it okay we're gonna do this to at least a few symptoms systems so the Colossus will essentially allow us to grab systems a bit faster but if we send in the ground forces yeah we could just crush them and we do have the psionic army so it's not like we have particularly weak ground forces either start mass producing them fine but essentially we needed the Colossus in the first place just so we can have this war type otherwise we couldn't go to total war so it's not like I've wasted time making the Colossus the classes has to exist for this war time to exist purified inst our first successful invasions and there we are we now have one of their world's already welcomed to the racks our state you will be assimilated and you will become psychic I mean that's pretty cool right hmm comic psychos yet in that case let's go with clothes the rest of our ground forces already on the way it's gonna take a while to get here that's all construction what is this there's a ring world with the primitive civilization excuse me it's a sanctuary I I don't understand I am so confused what is this game pal systems just called sanctuary well this is definitely new it's basically the same system as okay looking at it it's basically the same system as the ring world origin except for it hasn't been quite as destroyed and they haven't yet reached the Space Age is that what's going on here is this the ring well origin before the civilization once again become space fairy I mean it makes sense right but yeah there's some damage here next to their system as you can see it's all broken up but not quite as devastating as usual I mean in the Ringworld origin it's a whole section is just obliterated this startled four sister also all four sections still functional I am just confused hopefully I'll find out soon enough with my air scientist I might send a ground force that Ground Force a construction vessel there just because I do want that saying that though it's gonna be insanely expensive isn't it yeah primitive civilizations yep each one has its own civilization and they're all different the real question is why is no one climbed this they all see something going on here a fallen Empire is awoken it's too late for you now al is at a machine uprising well that's very annoying okay send in one of our fleets please and as you can see athletes have become very powerful recently and this is because of course that's heck is just going insane lots and lots of repeatable and we have enough alloys to make whatever we want also seems like our allies have some claims over here so I'm gonna kind of rush through all this okay probably bout to do some quite stupid I'm claiming sanctuary started I mean that name alone indicates something pretty scary free climate so we'll we anger wonderful empires there is the Machine Empire of here there are the broken ones and some reason neither of these have claimed it's I'm assuming if they do grab it's like bad happens but I need to find out what yeah so this is all gonna be given to our ally is still pretty good we can just eradicate one of the other empires which is pretty nice suppose we should send in that ground forces to help out and we should deal with the enemy fleets over there if I deal with their fleets thank our allies can actually do a lot of the work themselves we can move on to something else there's very little which isn't under our control right now splitting our Federation fleet even just half our fleet is more than strong enough to deal with the enemy there so I'm going to jump there deal with these two which is their main fleet sections the other half will continue to do what it was already doing which is destroying their systems okay so it isn't just climb so that's what happened over here it is also just because they're so close only one jump away and that's how the Total War works when it comes to splitting up systems when one enemy is destroyed okay you can deal with that very least we can still destroy the Empire our ground forces have just reached the sanctuary so naturally it's time to take over everything that makes two there we go now for the third oh we are actually out of energy okay then thankfully we've got insane amount of rare resources which we can sell this one's home this one's home up is called bruv okay bruv we're inviting you now brother yep we're inviting brother brother I love that oh you are not very kind to those around you brothers sadly I won't be under our control but still amuses me nonetheless this uprising is being very annoying so it turns out but actually why strong um I thought they were and I ended up losing my first fleet just completely lost them because I had in excess of 200,000 fleet power I said about 110,000 obviously the number totally add up in my in my favor now I've sent a few other fleets and we're dealing with it's just constant stragglers in there crap so many world's already you're just guys sitting there I'm tempted to go after the Machine fallen Empire we definitely have enough fleet power even just the Federation ships are very be able to defeat it minced would be a good next target and over here we're just dealing with all of the additional worlds soon enough Wow the conglomerates got a lot more power out of this well than you I wonder what happens at when the end of the cycle triggers well I still stay in the Federation I think I will I'll just be so weak that someone else to take control the Confederacy is fallen and its power has been distributed between the states of the conglomerate and the racks our state which is kind of glorious here's the thing when I lose to the end game crisis to the end of the cycle I do want these fellows to be as strong as possible so I'm actually kind of happy and I got all this territory I think I'll stay in their Federation so yeah the more power they have the better so next we're going to be attacking these fellows the problem is it is all attached to the state not us the other states so don't know what to do there - attack it like normal using Total War I think I'll end up giving it all to these unless I jump maps and just go straight to alpha refuge the problem is I won't be strong enough after I jump oh well once again it doesn't matter if we make the state stronger it's just important that everything is on the Federation side at least as much as possible is on the Federation side before the cycle is ended we have declared war to safeguard our interests now that's a proper Federation fleet yeah when she straight to my allies side oh well that is actually the best outcome I don't really have time anymore to fully upgrade these so it is actually better there are ways around that but then I think I know or them but either way it is better that it goes to my ally than myself as much as it hurts to allow that to happen and it really really does why did they just Dodge me that was their one chance to have a good fight so they just ended up dodging my fleet which is now 420 so we can take out that sister not only losing a couple of ships we lost something there's their fleets that combined into one fleet but yeah that's not gonna be we're near enough okay you two combined you split think you attack production unit you go after processing you invade alpha construction complete all will fall to the state and then all will fall to the warp and it is done we have completely taken over this area so that is the Alpha refuge dealt with the Fallen Empire has forward again and a fleet is ready to go so what's stopping us from not finishing off this you seem to have pretty much every single system just completely controlled here what are you missing yeah I don't see what you could possibly be missing seems like you've invited every single planet no way to hear how I could help you out sighs I don't know what systems we're after right now and planets so if it has these little spikes around it it means it's already been it's already been completely controlled aha nope well I'll have a closer look in a second and I'll send in some of my ground forces the only claims I can see are the ones over here and it's already fully claimed so just because they control these two stations is that what's going on here again I'll take in to the proper look in a second and we'll figure it all out Construction complete there's something I've only just started to consider when we try and beat the end of the cycle boss we spawn I have no idea what that bus is like what's its strengths its weaknesses all I can really imagine without looking up spoilers is that it's gonna be like the psionic entities the avatars you can spawn from the wharf which is loads of shield a moderate to low amount of hole no armor so yeah those are what type of weapons I mean again if it's like that it's gonna ignore shields and armor so I should just go with well neither perhaps I should start stacking up Oh energy weapons that way we can use the arc emitters and cloud lightning perhaps or missiles missiles can go straight through shields and then hit the hole with bonus down but yes shields would say missiles would be the best so I should stop grabbing that I should start grabbing missile damage oh we are really light with that how long do you have left - probably not long oh not long Oh almost mm just over 2,000 days and we are done oh that's that's gonna be a thing okay yes it was just these two what's the stations of course is the station's for some reason because they had the world's for some reason I imagined it otherwise there we go the warrior clans have been defeated which means now the only non special Empire I care wakened empire is these fellows the Alliance they're the only ones who are not currently with us of course I'll never join us because I hate everyone when God declared war on you next oh dear oh there's a problem actually no no I should be able to right wait how many days I have left I've just completed for everyday something I'm very tired Oh before the end of the cycle happens I've just put it on to Union mode which means all the colors are now being shown by what Union you have so here's our Federation it controls like almost 90 percent of the galaxy perhaps peace was almost an option I mean we could get the wind condition well he could have got the wind condition if my allies didn't go to war over here I should have done it's changed the war change the war changed the law so war declaration president decides that would have stuffings going to war but I didn't think about it and they messed up to overrule me because they all want to go to work cept for me and I wasn't quite powerful enough at the time to say no so now I am prioritizing any research which will help us out immediately once we get started with one single new world so extra energy extra minerals and extra food basically all the basic necessities are we are going to try and prove them which is possible that way we can start expanding and start doing whatever we need to do as fast as we can the main issue is just well the Federation controls everything so he might not be able to even wage war to get more space that could be a potential problem here we might end up doing the One World Challenge by accident but we could perhaps try and reclaim areas the end of the cycle destroy again I don't know what happens do they leave stations behind defending it I really don't know just anything I think of any way to improve ourselves here something I wish I recognized way earlier is you no longer need to destroy the station on looks like this star before building the mega structure you can just go ahead and start building the Meccan structure now I believe it's automatically removed since it starts over has removed once the mega structure is finished that must have been in the recent change I do not realize that until just now and look at how many habitats I have I have 82 just in the first sector well I like to colonies many of which I have it's at the end of the cycle is about to finish in less than 10 days just looking upon a galaxy in a taste of mostly peace right now thanks to us we could have been way more aggressive I think though our allies going to war with the Alliance of a really did slow us down I didn't really want to go to all the zealots I think we've done quite a lot we could done a bit more but I think I have focused quite a lot on making the shroud making the end of the cycle as powerful as possible with my limited knowledge of how that works I have tried to increase our population in case that is what makes them stronger which I think it might be I've increased that fleet in case it's that I've increased our tech I've increased everything which would count as power for our Empire how long do we have oh three days Wow I pause that just in time okay I thought we had like at least ten three to one immense amount of lag and well there we go so uh okay we have exile and we have a world currently Bing okay so we have exile over here and we have the tomb world over there now I will be honest I did look up a little bit how this works and what I found out was that a lot of people were getting problems with their empire starting well their exile starting in other empires systems if there aren't any worlds available so I got nervous about that so what I had done over here in a last-ditch effort just in case apparently was correct is I'd set up a habitat not colonized it so it doesn't count as being shrouded and then I destroyed a starbase therefore there was a starbase waiting for us because we have the Starbase preference to Starbase the habitat preference which means it was likely to throw us into a habitat this on the other hand I'm not an adventurer about apparently you get to keep world you're still colonizing that I didn't know I wish I did know that because if I did I could have started colonizing this world over here I could set up loads of habitats attempt to colonize those and simply gave ourself a bonus but at least we do have a secondary world the problem is of course with this is it's right next to oh look at how many things there are oh is every single habitat we had oh we had lots of habitats oh we had lots of habitats hello there oh I'm guessing you're the big bad okay let's actually read this shall we the end of the cycle reckoning our time is up for 50 years we have benefited from the immense power given to us by the end of the cycle we knew there would be a price to pay but we thought it might be one that we could bear all that we could find some way to avoid paying it was not and we could not the price we have paid is everything in an instant so fast there is no time to react let alone respond the racks are Steiff is gone where once there was thriving colonies there is now only a death where once mighty fleets crossed the void there is only ghosts and debris all devoured by the end all taken by the shroud all the remains of our empire as a group of exiles led by petals of brown a powerful psionic who saw the end coming and led a small part of our population into hiding on a world not marked by the end ok exile how many do we have okay so we've got given an alloy foundry civilian destroys and hydroponics farms all the basic stuff to keep our Empire functioning well we're not given five people oh no didn't hello you three down there didn't notice you there okay good so we have eight people that makes a huge difference could was right there as well yeah as if having our Empire destroyed overnight wasn't bad enough a massive shroud MC has manifested itself in space above alpha hub might immensely powerful by the devoured consciousnesses of our Sonics it now roams the galaxy the galaxy seeking further price that's you there isn't it lad I do them all that much roaming but I guess that might start the end of the month when things update in fact I'm keen to see what resources we have left it's kind of removed some but left minerals I'm guessing that needs to update we just finished a tech yeah five months remaining research at forty five K that ain't true is it lads though that ain't true let's see what happens oh it's okay just ten thousand months around next tech okay so you have our now updated stats you ever gonna move I'm assuming you'll move eventually either way it's done the job it's eradicated our Empire from existence so in just over six years the endgame crisis can spawn in and we don't have an empire well we have a very small Empire now it's good to see that we are still part of the Federation we are no longer be dominant force obviously but we are still part of the Federation oh that's why I'm getting energy I was really really weird out by that okay so that is because of all the trades we have and apparently they are leaving the tribes open they're not our research agreements why not our research agreements I still have loads of tech researched ooh brought on the end oh no I didn't even think about lads the other empires hate me now they're still protective though plus five yearly okay thankfully we're still on neutral relations yeah they're all protective over me that's good so they're unlikely to kick me from the federation they might do though they very well might just kick me from the federation yeah we currently have neutral for oh man so glad if so many other positives just about keeping us in neutral Wow when that's not neutral its we could have tense relations okay attendance with you but a lot of the members who's the current dominant member that would be you how about you you're neutral okay good long as long as you're neutral you won't kick me yeah opinion is affecting research agreements I'm surprised as neutral so many negatives though that might change there's a good chance I'm gonna be kicked from the Federation I think this is gonna just be the end of the Oh end of the cycle you magnificent Beast yeah Clavin check out how strong this thing is it's just the Warped consciousness wonderful ever move it's meant to move maybe it has a d'lai all those things happening at least they're keeping the trade agreements so we have a world over here which by the way of course isn't our original species then we have a very small world over here a single habitat let's give it a governor why not I do now well I think first things first we need to build star bases we need model on star base because there's a chance we show star base here why not hello for never star base okay don't start my cellar here yes okay well will the star walk there them hopefully eventually we can build one there oh it's moving it's moving why is it gonna go oh please don't go directly towards I don't I don't know the mechanics maybe is directly towards us maybe it's just towards the closest Empire which might be are still yeah might be us one two three four five four my habitat there one two three four four oh no it is equal to over there but it isn't going that way is it no it's going this way no two into the center of the galaxy first nobody's definitely going this way one two three four oh no we are doomed we can grab this world as well we do still of jump drives and we can pile of alloys so we have the potential of jumping over here and trying to make some habitats nope because my influence has gone away yeah you know if I knew I was gonna have the end of the cycle at the start of the fly-through I would have done things very differently oh good we can talk to the shroud can we get another another covenant now maybe increased happiness yes he get increased happiness good we're so glad about what's happened sir a slow moving thing at least I wonder if it just destroys worlds I mean I assume or have to otherwise I'm about to win yeah look every single habitat has became one of these like of the smaller version well now strong there don't go up don't go up dont yes yes yes it's not going towards us we have a chance then we have a very miniscule chance are you going yeah I guess it's going down here I wonder who's gonna destroy this world there's a habitat over here as well which was left and I wasn't yet colonizing it had the system but hadn't yet colonized it is there any point of having scientists right now no well we have 10 research into everything it's not really worth it when we need a we need that much Oh Oh No this is so weird starting like this if we're lucky the end game crisis might be light I have been told the end game crisis will still occur so still here yeah these really slow at least you brought about the end well then so it's a new leader then Don which actually oh this all new saved everyone it's the old leader who doomed everyone this is the current generation that was the old generation of evil but I'm leaving it in trade value where is my home system okay we need to make this planet over here our capital then because some reason I'm not getting the station back over here it's good you guys surely it can't be oh oh good got our outpost back so the one good thing is of course we are still a void born Empire which means we don't need that much space for instance even here we can have one two three four habitats and I believe I'm still built here so perhaps five habitats here so think of those five worlds we can have one two three four here again I think you can put them on a planets even if it's a moon as you know a habitable planet even if it's a moon - they're quite a few here and last one only two here but still that's a lot of habitats and remember we have all this area over here not every single one of our systems had a habitat and we do have jump drives which means we can jump to other systems and start colonizing over here this could be a new space am i saying I've got a chance versity and then crisis not really I think I need to focus purely on alloys Tech is just so far in the future right now it's not even something to consider how well did you do a tech let's have a look see stuff 40 got didn't really get all about five missiles did way no we didn't okay with kinetic we actually got decently far not stupidly far but it got quite a bit with missiles we got a little bit that's about it a tiny bit in Armour no physics we got quite a few shield upgrades for a call and a fair bit of the basic economy stuff so shields and kinetic we're actually not that far behind in for this light in the game so if we become an alloy churning Empire now just completely focused on alloys we're still probably doomed oh my god twelve thousand months we could potentially get a force together which is strong enough to deal with the very very minimum of the enemy depending on the crisis I'm really hoping for the scourge even though that's quite bad for us to use kinetic on or the unbidden essentially just not the contingency because the continuously will get everywhere the unbidden and the scourge we also have a chance of it spawning let's say somewhere over here then we have tens of years to recover which still might not be enough but with all these trade agreements producing the extra resources we're not that starved no no camera that anymore I'm gonna make it sound better than he is but I'm gonna struggle with we're probably gonna lose gotta be honest it's probably gonna be a losing run but still slow death okay so because this is such a weird point in the game I'm actually gonna be calling the video here which is surprising and I've probably explained this now at the start of the video because this is gonna take a very long time and still might end up in ad complete not a failure but I feel like I want to focus a lot on what I'm going to do now and the choices I'm going to make and if I rush that in a full playthrough style a lot of its gonna be missed so very weird is gonna be a full playthrough split over to videos rather than just one but I think this is just so unique and so interesting I've never had the end oh did you just know physically no three divided their habitats well I've never had the end of the cycle and it's on times 25 crisis difficulty so hopefully this will be entertaining will be thing and I've had a lot of fun could've done better to make the end of the cycle more powerful but I think it's more than strong enough and honestly the real problem now is just saying or so far back before the endgame crisis so if you've enjoyed today's video and want to see the next part then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future what a weird run isn't it fantastic thank you so much for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 212,714
Rating: 4.9790387 out of 5
Id: SKkoIfpSppk
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Length: 117min 4sec (7024 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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